Kidney Function Testing - A Short Guide

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Kidney Function Testing - A Short Guide

The kidneys play an important part in the urinary system by filtering toxins from the blood and excreting them through the urinary tract. Not only that, but these bean-shaped organs are essential in the production of red blood cells, hormones that maintain blood pressure, and an active form of Vitamin D that keeps bones strong and healthy. Any malfunction in their operation can result in serious health problems.

A Kidney Function Test (KFT) determines whether or not the kidneys are working efficiently. Also known as Kidney Panel or Renal Function Test, which is urine or blood test that measures the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) that accesses how efficiently the kidneys are filtering waste based on your age and protein levels. A doctor may order this test if the patient displays any of the following symptoms:

 Frequent urge to urinate

 Discomfort during urination

 Haematuria - blood in the urine

 High blood pressure

Preparation Required

The test does not require any special preparation. However, before undergoing it, the best is to consult with a doctor about any precautions and pre-requisitions.

You can visit your local healthcare facility nearby or book a test online. Many healthcare service providers offer easy ordering of kidney function tests price very reasonable through their websites.

Early-stage kidney diseases don’t always display any symptoms. Testing can help analyse its function level. For a sound prognosis, test results should be discussed with an experienced physician.

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