Sixth Form Coursebook 2012-13

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St. Katherine’s Sixth Form Course Book


In this booklet you will find up to date and detailed information on all courses available at St. Katherine’s Sixth Form. If you have any further questions regarding curriculum provision, please contact the Head of Sixth Form directly.

“The quality of teaching is good. Business links are used well to help students relate their studies to the world of work.” (OFSTED 2011)

Interested in a subject you don’t see here?

St. Katherine’s School is in the fortunate position or being part of the North Somerset Cluster which means we can offer students the chance to study a specific subject beyond those offered in the St. Katherine’s Sixth Form Prospectus. This unique opportunity allows students to travel to either Clevedon or Gordano Sixth Form for an afternoon and twilight session every week to pursue their chosen subject. If you are particularly keen to study a subject which is not offered within our prospectus please ask the Head of Sixth Form for up to date information on the available subjects on offer next year.

GCE A-levels These consist of 2 equally-weighted halves: AS and A2. The majority of assessment in most A-levels is by written or practical examination, though some courses also include a coursework element. Art Chemistry English Literature French and Spanish History Mathematics Music Product Design: 3D Design Psychology

p3 p5 p7 p9 p 11 p 13 p 15 p 17 p 19

Biology p 4 p6 Drama and Theatre Studies Further Maths p 8 Geography p 10 ICT p 12 Media Studies p 14 Physics p 16 p 18 Product Design: Textiles

NB: Students with 7 or more grade C passes at GCSE are encouraged to study four level three courses in year twelve; there is a minimum expectation that all students will study three.

BTEC National Courses All of the BTEC National courses here are awarded at level three and can be achieved to a standard of pass, merit or distinction. The courses are all equivalent to one ‘traditional’ A-level. They can be studied in combination with any other level three course. Business Studies Health and Social Care Hospitality

p 20 p 22 p 24

Forensic Science Performing Arts Sports Development

p 21 p 23 p 25

Apprenticeship An Apprenticeship is a qualification studied alone and not in combination with other courses. Students study one day a fortnight at St. Katherine’s School and spend the rest of their time employed in a professional environment, learning on the job. Professional Cookery Apprenticeship

p 26


Course Outline


In one form or another drawing underpins this course. This is a creative and exciting course and from the outset you shall develop your artistic ability using a good range of media and materials to create both 2D and 3D outcomes in very good facilities. We encourage all students to try out a variety of media such as, painting, clay work, printmaking and digital photography. Art lessons are based in Art Studios, one of which is designated for sixth form use and may be accessed between timetabled lessons for private study related to the AS and A2 course. A department art computer suite is also available for our sixth form students to use at anytime. For the most part the department operates a policy of open access to Art students to encourage further development of portfolios. It must be realised good research techniques are crucial at this level of study. A genuine commitment to coursework is the only way to succeed in this practical subject. You shall be encouraged to develop your own kit of artist materials, primarily for use at home in support of independent study and lively sketchbooks that provide visual evidence of skills development. There is a yearly Art trip, where students can gain ideas and techniques to further strengthen their coursework. You shall be expected to make regular visits to libraries, galleries and museums to update your knowledge and understanding of art, craft and design. Teaching involves illustrated lectures, practical workshops and demonstrations of technique.

Where Will it Lead? There is a very broad range of a career options for those interested in Art and Design. This course can help you to achieve your ambitions. It provides an ideal stepping-stone to Further and Higher Education courses.

Assessment AS Submission of 1 complete coursework projects. One 5 hour terminal exam. A2 Submission of 1 complete coursework projects. One 15 hour terminal exam.

Art AS/A2

Throughout, Art staff use a tutorial systemthat provides instant feedback to help youget the most from your course.

Will it Suit Me? GCSE Grade ‘C’ is a desirable entry level for this course but it is always worth seeking advice from Art staff about your prospects. ‘A’ Level study is challenging and Art is no exception. If you have a genuine interest in this subject you will have the motivation to commit yourself to further study. To help you make an informed decision about you future please consult a subject specialist.

Biology AS/A2

Course Outline For AS: Year 12 • Cells, Exchange and Transport • Molecules, Biodiversity, food and health • Practical Skills

January Exam June Exam Tasks in January/February

For A2: Year 13 • Communication, Homeostatis and Energy • Control, Genomes and Environment • Practical Skills

January Exam June Exam Tasks in January/February

Where Will it Lead? Biology is a rapidly expanding Science, which offers an ever-widening range of career options. Quite apart from the traditional areas of medicine, agriculture and ecology, we now see that genetics offers an increasingly important range of career options. Biologists are also employed in industries associated with pharmaceuticals, fuels and pollution control. In addition, environmental degradation, habitat loss and accelerating species extinction provide positive challenges and career opportunities for ecologists because of the negative effect on national economies. Genetic engineering and genetic analyses are becoming commonplace in industries associated with food production, curative and preventative medicine, and forensic science. Many of the issues associated with these topics have a moral dimension, which needs public debate. It is not surprising, therefore, to see that the Media also needs good biologists. Even if you don’t want to be a Biologist, studying this subject can be intrinsically interesting in its own right.

Will it Suit Me?

Biology AS/A2

To be successful at A Level in Science we would normally expect a B grade in Biology or Additional science at GCSE. Students with grades lower than this may find the course difficult. Good motivation and a willingness to study are crucial.

Chemistry AS/A2

Course Outline AS : Atom, Bonds and Groups: • Atoms and Reactions • Electronics, Bonding and Structure • Periodic Table Chains, Energy and Resources: • Hydrocarbons • Alcohols, Halogenoalkanes and Analysis • Energy and Resources Practical Skills: • Practical assessment during year A2 : Rings, Polymers and Resources: • Rings, Acids and Amines • Polymers and Synthesis Equilibria, Energetics and Elements: • Rates, Equilibrium and pH • Energy • Translation Elements Practical Skills : • Practical assessment during year

Assessment Year 12 Atoms, Bonds and Groups Chains, Energy and Resources Practical

January June

Year 13 Rings, Polymers and Analysis Equilibria, Energetics and Elements Practical Skills

January June

Chemistry AS/A2

Where Will it Lead? Chemistry is an enjoyable and interesting subject and it can open up many different options. Successful study proves that you possess such qualities as creativity, numeracy, the ability to think logically and solve problems. These qualities are important in careers from accountancy to zoology. It could complement other sciences, or be a part of a broader range of subjects. It is an excellent qualification for employment or Higher Education

Will it Suit Me? To be successful at A Level in Science we would normally expect a B in Chemistry or Additional science at GCSE. Students with grades lower than this may find the course difficult. Good motivation and a willingness to study are crucial.

Drama and Theatre Studies AS/A2

Course Outline The AS course studies two play texts in detail along with practical workshops, practitioner studies, theatre reviews and practical performance. The A2 course extends the practitioner studies, and adds devising and textual analysis on a additional play texts. The set text is: Assessment texts are currently; Practitoners are: - Stanislavski - Artaud - Woyzeck by Buchner - Mamet - Brecht - Wertenbaker


Unit One – Coursework and practical workshops based on two set texts. Currently these are ‘Mrs Warren’s Profession’ by GB Shaw, and ‘Fear and Misery in the Third Reich’ by Brecht.

Unit Two – Performance of a monologue or duologue, and a group performance before an external examiner in Year 12. Unit Three – Devising based on a theme or issue, fuelled by the work of practitioners such as Artaud, Brecht and Berkoff. Unit Four – Written examination based on a set text such as ‘Woyzeck’ by Buchner or ‘Dr Faustus’ by Marlowe. (AS level – Units one and two, A2 – Units three and four)

Where Will it Lead?

‘A’ Level Drama and Theatre Studies develops students in what is termed ‘straight acting’, giving them confidence in performance and an academic foundation to study great drama texts. This could lead to: • Acting • Theatre work • Directing • Management/Leadership • Law, teachers or any career with a public profile.

Will it Suit Me?

Is ‘A’ Level Drama and Theatre Studies for me? • Do you enjoy performing and studying play texts? • Are you interested in studying a variety of styles of acting? • Are you confident, motivated and hard working? • Are you interested in developing different views on drama? If the answers are yes – then this is the course for you!

Entry Requirements • English and Drama GCSEs • Merit or above at BTEC Level 2 • Or by interview

Drama and Theatre Studies AS/A2

There will also be a written review of a performance of live theatre based on a theatre trip during Year 12.

English Literature AS/A2

Course Outline Throughout the course we will be studying a range of literature that will engage and interest the students including Milton’s Paradise Lost, Shakespeare and the Ancient Greek Classics.


English Literature AS/A2

• LT1 Poetry and drama: Study of Plath, Hughes and Miller alongside other contemporary poets and dramatists. • LT2 Prose study of Frankenstein and The Time Machine • Extended creative writing in certain styles inspired by own reading • Further qualifications (chances to increase UCAS points) • Advanced Certificate in Spoken English (ESB) which enhances students’ presentation, debating and discussion skills • Enrichment of students’ English writing skills and knowledge We also have a strong partnership with Njeyeza High in South Africa which all students can get involved in if they wish through the internet and Skype; this could eventually lead to a trip to Njeyeza, a great opportunity to learn how schools in different countries operate. Other trips we offer include visits to theatres to see Shakespearean plays such as Twelfth Night, King Lear and more. There is the opportunity to go to London to the British Museum for a cultural trip that develops students’ knowledge of Ancient Greece. We also have chances to see performance poets such as Ash Dickinson and even Poet Laureates like Carol Ann Duffy.

Where will it lead?

English Literature is a highly respected and commended qualification, valued by higher education and employment. It teaches analytical skills as well as Socratic questioning. The Advanced Certificate in Spoken English is appreciated by employers for its presentational skills. However you must have at least a C grade in English Language and Literature. Furthermore it’s interesting! The texts we analyse are engaging and intriguing; not only do you learn about classical poems, novels and plays, but also you know you are getting the best qualification that will increase your chances in higher education and employment. For more information come and have a chat with the English teachers about what the course entails.

Further Maths AS/A2

Course Outline The course is designed to complement the Mathematics course and is structured in the same way. It is an opportunity to study extra topics that are not covered in the Maths A Level. Students can take either the full A2 course or just the three AS modules


• Further Maths is particularly relevant for someone considering a higher education course with a significant mathematical content. This may include Science, Mechanics and Engineering.

For the full A2, a further three units are taken: Pure Maths; and usually Decision Maths 2 and Statistics or Mechanics 2

Will it suit me?

The course is suitable for students who are likely to get an A or A* at GCSE. It is taken together with A level Mathematics. If you are considering Maths related study at University, Further Maths will give you a head start!

Further Maths AS/A2

Where Will it Lead?

There are three modules at AS covering: Decision Maths 1, Further Pure Maths and Mechanics or Statistics 2. The assessment pattern is two units in Year 12 (January and June) and four in Year 13 (January and June, two each). The AS course is completed in January of Year 13.

French and Spanish AS/A2

Course Outline With engaging themes and opportunities to gain greater understanding of other cultures, a GCE in a foreign language will prepare students to become well-informed and effective communicators • The course is an exploration of the language and contemporary culture of the foreign country which builds on knowledge gained at GCSE developing a wide range of themes such as environmental issues, literature and film study, youth culture and politics. • It aims to develop the students’ abilities to express themselves articulately and with confidence, orally and in writing as well as to understand the spoken and written language.

Assessment AS Unit 1. Spoken expression and response in the foreign language; 30% of AS (15% of GCE) Unit 2. Understanding and written response in the foreign language; 70% of AS (35% of GCE) A2 Unit 3. Understanding and spoken response in the foreign language; 35% of A2 (17.5% of GCE) Unit 4. Research, understanding and written response in the foreign language; 65% of A2 (32.5% of GCE

French and Spanish AS/A2

Where will it lead? Join a specialist linguistic occupation such as interpreting or use your language skills in a non-specialist occupation like marketing where they may be highly valued.Whether in a specialist or a non-specialist occupation, languages are especially useful in combination with expertise in other work-related fileds such as legal training or sales experience. Many degree courses offer combinations of a language with subjects from architecture to zoology.

Will it suit me? You will enjoy this course if you want to study a subject that offers: • Potential for linking work with ICT using multi-media facilities as well as using and researching areas of interest in a range of media including television, the internet, film and magazines • The possibility of travel, work experience abroad and contact with other cultures • The chance to express your opinions in debates and discussions A minimum of a grade B at GCSE in the relevant language is required.

Geography AS/A2

Course Outline Geography at AS and A2 follows the AQA Geography Specification. The course examines the interaction between the human and the physical world. The AS course covers: Rivers, Floods & Flood Management; Coastal Environments; Population Change and Food Supply Issues. Students also have the opportunity to partake in a residential fieldtrip at AS Level. At A2 there is the opportunity to delve deeper into the subject. The A2 units we cover are: Plate Tectonics & Associated Hazards; World Cities; Globalisation & Development and Ecosystems: Change and Challenge.

Assessment AS Unit 1 Physical and Human Geography (2 hour written examination) AS Unit 2 Geographical Skills (1 hour written examination) A2 Unit 3 Contemporary Geographical Issues (2 hour 30 minutes written examination) A2 Unit 4a Geography Fieldwork Investigation (1 hour 30 minutes written examination)

Where will it lead?

Will it suit me? The A Level course is linked closely with the GCSE course studied at St Katherine’s. Students are advised to have obtained at least a C grade at GCSE Geography and Maths.

Geography AS/A2

Geography is a broad based academic degree which is well respected by employers. Geography graduates have one of the highest rates of graduate employment. Geographers enter a very wide range of career areas and put simply there is no such thing as a geography job, there are jobs that geographers do. Studying geography provides you with valuable skills and a firm base for life-long learning.

History AS/A2

Course Outline The AS Level History course comprises of two elements; British and German History. The British element focuses on the years 1918-51 considering the issues of the General Strike, the Hungry 30’s and the effect of World War Two on society. The German History covers many fascinating areas such as the origins of the final solution and the secret of Hitler’s success. The course includes the opportunity to visit the Holocaust Exhibition, the Houses of Parliament and Auschwitz Concentration camp in Poland. At A2 the course covers aspects of American history including the struggle of different groups to gain their freedom and equal rights within American society. Students are also able to investigate a historical problem of their choice with topics ranging from the reasons behind the Salem with trials to the more modern day problem of terrorism.

Where will it lead? Apart from being interesting, History can be extremely useful. Employers recognise the variety of skills that the study of History can encourage such as the ability to analyse information and the ability to construct an argument effectively. History thus relates to a number of career paths such as Tourism, Town Planning or Law and is recognised by Universities as being a thoroughly worthwhile subject.

Will it suit me?

History AS/A2

In terms of grades it is important to have gained at least a C at GCSE in History, or if History was not studied, a good grade in English would be considered. More important than grades, however, is attitude. You must have a love of History and show enthusiasm for the subject. History helps us to understand the world that we live in through an appreciation of how we got here. Although the entry requirement for this subject is a C, students with a B or above have proved more likely to achieve success on the course.

Assessment AS A2

• Nazi Germany, 1933-64 • Britain 1918-1951 • Civil Rights in America • Individual investigation


AS/A2 Course Outline The ICT A level course aims to encourage students to develop: • Problem-solving skills through practical application. • The ability to analyse, appraise and make critical judgements about ICT systems. • An understanding of the nature of ‘information’. • An awareness of the role of ICT in the manipulation and management of information. • An awareness of economic, social and ethical implications of ICT systems. • A broad and balanced view of a range of applications.

Assessment AS

Assessment A2

Unit 1 Practical Problem Solving in the Digital World Written Exam: 1 hour 30 minutes Weighting: 50% of total AS 25% of total A Level marks Question paper/answer booklet examination. Externally marked by AQA. Section A: short answer questions; Section B: 3 or more structured questions requiring discursive answers..

Unit 3 The Use of ICT in the Digital World Written Exam: 2 hours Weighting: 60% of total A2 30% of the total A Level marks Candidates will be provided with pre-release material for the January examination, and 1 in April for the June examination.

Unit 2 Living in the Digital World 50% of total AS 25% of total A Level marks Question paper/answer booklet examination. Externally marked by AQA. Section A: short answer questions; Section B: 3 or more structured questions requiring discursive answers.

Unit 4 Coursework: Practical Issues Involved in the Use of ICT in the Digital World Coursework Weighting: 40% of total A2 20% of total A Level marks Candidates must produce a report based upon their practical work/investigation. The report will be internally marked and externally moderated

Where will it lead?

Will it suit me? This course is an academic course which looks at the use of ICT in the business world. To gain access to this course it is preferable that achieve minimum merit grade at OCR National . Consideration may be given, in exceptional circumstances, to students who achieve a Pass grade.


For further study, an Alevel in ICT is compatible with many other subject areas; Business Studies, Modern Languages, Law and Humanities being just a few of the examples. It is also an excellent choice in terms of preparing students for a life in industry, be that in the short or long term. The skills acquired will enhance career opportunities as employers recognise the importance of, and seek candidates with sound, ICT experience.

Mathematics AS/A2

Course Outline The course focuses on the disciplines of Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Statistics. If you have a mathematical talent, enjoy the challenge of problem solving and love to ask the question ‘Why?’ then this is the course for you.


Where will it lead?

AS Core 1 Algebra, Series, Calculus and Sequences.

• Maths is vital for careers in Science and Engineering. It is also very useful for Psychology and a wide range of other disciplines.

Statistics1 Core 2

Summary data, Probability & Correlation, the Normal distribution. Algebra, Trigonometry, Logarithms, Calculus.

A2 Core 3 Geometry, trigonometry, exponentials, Numerical methods. Further Calculus.

Mathematics AS/A2

Core 4 Further algebra and calculus. Vectors. Mechanics1 Vectors, Kinematics, Dynamics, Statics.

• Maths gives a wide range of career options and research shows that, on average, people with A Level Maths can earn more than people with most other qualifications. • It is required for many Higher Education courses.

Will it suit me? The entry requirement for Maths AS Level is grade B or above at GCSE Higher Level. Consideration may be given, in exceptional circumstances, to students who achieve a C grade at GCSE Higher Level. For more information talk to Mrs Conway

Media Studies AS/A2

Course Outline Media Studies involves a critical study of the mass media. Over the two years you will be researching the relations between media institutions, media texts and media audiences. Time will be dedicated to coursework where you have the opportunity to create you own media production and study independently.

Where will it lead? • Foundation for further study in Film, Media, Cultural Studies, Philosophy, Psychology, English • Media related industries • Presentation skills are a good basis for management • Communication awareness and skills are a good foundation for any type of employment

Enrichment • Industry specialist speakers • Cinema trips • A level Film Studies • FILMCLUB

Will it suit me?

Assessment AS • Media Production Processes (coursework) • Media Representations and Responses A2 • Media Investigation and Production (coursework) • Text, Industry and Audience

Media Studies AS/A2

Do you have an interest in practical media production? (Creating your own film synopsis, screen play, storyboard and magazine production) Do you enjoy researching new ways of expressing your own thoughts, views and opinions? Do you enjoy reading, discussion and debate? Achieving a grade C in GCSE English is preferred.

Music Course Outline In this course you will discover more about: • Aural analysis and dictation • Composition techniques and free composition • Performing, both as a soloist and as part of an ensemble • Historical studies and textual analysis of set works and topics AS consists of 3 units • Influences on Music Listening exam based on recorded excerpts and essay questions on 2 Areas of Study • Composing: Creating Musical Ideas Techniques of composition/free composition based on brief set by the exam board. • Performing: Interpreting Musical Ideas 2 recitals, each lasting 5 – 8 minutes A2 also consists of 3 units: • Music in Context This unit develops knowledge and skills acquired in Unit 1 by examining one Area of Study in greater depth and introducing a new Area of Study • Composing: Developing Musical Ideas This unit builds on the skills developed in Unit 2 • Performing: A musical performance Candidates prepare a 15 minute recital programme of music of their choice

Music AS/A2

Assessment AS LEVEL ASSESSMENT % OF AS Written exam 30% Unit 1: Unit 2: Coursework, ext. assessed 30% Unit 3: Performance, int. assessed 40% ASSESSMENT % OF A2 A2 LEVEL Unit 4: Written exam 20% Unit 5: Coursework, ext. assessed 15% Unit 6: Performance, int. assessed 15%


Where will it lead? Music A-level can lead to a variety of career and higher education routes, including courses in Performance, Composition, general Music degrees, Music Technology or Music Therapy.

Requirements • B at GCSE Music OR Grade 5 instrumental/ vocal qualification (grade 5 theory is useful but not essential) • An involvement in at least 2 extra curricular activities each week • Public performance on main instrument and attendance at school concerts

Physics AS/A2

Course Outline Physics A level considers how and why things work. The course covers: • The theory of light as both a wave and particle (wave-particle duality) • Calculation of the wavelength of a human. • The physics behind Einstein’s Nobel Prize • Special relativity • Use radioactive sources • Half –life • Our place in the universe • Antimatter • How a TV works • The coldest temperature ever • How air balloons work • Car Crashes.

Assessment AS/ A2 AS Mechanics (Jan) Electrons, Waves and Photons (June) Practical Skills A2 The Newtonian World ( Jan) Fields, Particles and the Frontiers of Physics (June) Practical Skills

Where will it lead?

Physics A level is very different from GCSE science. There is much less remembering facts and much more about asking WHY? Entry requirements are B in physics or additional science with a ideally a B in Maths.

Almost anywhere! Physics A level is one of the most respected A levels by employers (The Independent) . It is an excellent route into employment or University. Suitable for careers such as: Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Computer science, Engineering (Aeronautical,. Mechanical, Electrical, Civil). Philosophy, Mathematics, Airline pilots, MOD, The list goes on!

Physics AS/A2

Will it suit me?

Product Design: 3D Design AS/A2

Course Outline This course has been designed to encourage students to take a broad view of technology and design, to develop their capacity to design and make products and to appreciate the complex relations between design, materials, manufacture and marketing.

Product Design: 3D Design AS/A2

The course will be delivered primarily through project based assignments.


Will it suit me?

AS Materials & Components- Exam (25%) Design & Make- Project (25%)

The course will suit students who enjoy the practical application and intellectual challenge of the design process. It requires a high degree of self motivation and commitment. Students need to have an imaginative and inquiring approach to ideas.

A2 Design and Manufacture - Exam (25%) Design & Make- Project (25%)

Where will it lead? Design Technology Product Design is an excellent spring board towards many design based courses offered at University, for example: Product Design, Industrial Design, Engineering, Graphic Design and Architecture.

Entry Requirements? This course is best suited for students with previous study of Design and Technology and a GCSE grade of C or above. Where this is not the case, students will be offered an interview to assess course suitability.

Product Design: Textiles AS/A2

Course Outline This course has been designed to encourage students to take a broad view of technology and design, to develop their capacity to design and make products and to appreciate the complex relations between design, and market influences, materials and components and manufacture. The course will be delivered primarily through project based assignments.

Assessment AS Materials & Components- Exam (25%) Design & Make- Project (25%)

Will it suit me? The course will suit students who enjoy the practical application and intellectual challenge of the design process. It requires a high degree of self motivation and commitment. Students need to have an imaginative, creative, and inquiring approach to ideas.

Assessment This course is best suited for students with previous study of Design and Technology and a GCSE grade of C or above. Where this is not the case, students will be offered an interview to assess course suitability.

Where will it lead? Design Technology Textile Design is an excellent spring board towards many design based courses offered at College and University, for example: Foundation courses, Textile Design, Fashion design, Theatre Design, Interior Design, Creative Arts and many more.

Product Design: Textiles AS/A2

A2 Design and Manufacture - Exam (25%) Design & Make- Project (25%)

Psychology AS/A2

Course Outline The first year covers the topics of human memory, social psychology, stress, research methods, developmental psychology and abnormality. You will find the answers to questions such as what we can do to improve our own memory and what is classed as ‘abnormal’. In the second year we will look at topics of relationships, understanding how and why relationships develop and what happens when they break down. Other topics studied include eating disorders and aggression.

Assessment AS/ A2 There are two exams in AS each covering 3 topics. In A2 there are also two exams.

Will it suit me? Psychology is an exciting and interesting course but is also challenging. It requires students to adopt a whole new approach to learning where definitive right and wrong no longer exist. Psychology is a science and so requires a good understanding of research methods and maths. Alongside this it requires the individual to read widely and think deeply in order to weigh up evidence before forming opinions. To study Psychology, students require a C at science GCSE and/or a C in English and Maths plus a dedication to perseverance.

Psychology AS/A2

Where will it lead? Studying Psychology opens lots of doors to future careers. It is a good basis for many of the caring professions such as social work, nursing and psychology or counselling. It is also useful if you wish to pursue a teaching career or to work in business areas such as personnel management or advertising. Psychology is after all about understanding people and what makes them tick. It would prepare you well for any job dealing with people.


BTEC (Level 3) Subsidiary Diploma

Course Outline

Assessment NO EXAMS–Complete a number of assignments for each of the units. 2 year course BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Business Certificate Equivalent of 1 A Level All assignments will be marked and given a 3 point grading scale of: • PASS • MERIT • DISTINCTION After completion of all units points will be added up to give an overall BTEC National Pass, Merit or Distinction. Entry Requirement: Merit at Level 2 Business or Min 5 A – C GCSE Inc English and Maths Additional opportunities included in the course; • Young Enterprise- run your own business and make money! • Pro Share National Competition

Will it suit me? • Do you hate the pressure of exams? • Ever wondered how business work? Want to work for yourself? • Are you organised and motivated to complete assignments to the best of your ability? • Are you hard working? • Interested in the world around you – business is EVERYWHERE! If the answers are yes – than this is the course for you!

Business BTEC (Level 3) Subsidiary Diploma

You will follow a series of business related units - 3 Units in year 12 and a further 3 units in year 13. When you take a BTEC National you learn by ‘doing’. So expect a mixture of conventional classroom theory and ‘real world’ practical projects, and be prepared to work as a team – just as you would in the workplace. You will complete 4 core units and 2 option units – some examples are: Unit 1 Business Environment • Understand the different types of business activity and ownership • Understand how the type of business influences the setting of strategic aims and objectives Unit 2 Business Resources • Understand functional activities and organisational structure • Managing all resources required to run a successful business Unit 3 Business Finance • Understand the purpose of accounting and the categorisation of business income and expenditure • Be able to review business performance using simple ratio analysis Unit 9 Creative Promotion • Understand the role of, and skills needed, by an event organiser • Be able to plan and promote an event

Forensic Science BTEC (Level 3) Subsidiary Diploma

Forensic Science

BTEC (Level 3) Subsidiary Diploma Course Outline Students will follow a series of 6 forensic science related units. 1. 2.

Fundamentals of Science Scientific Practical Techniques

Four more modules will be chosen from: 3. Chemical Laboratory Techniques Forensic Evidence Collection and Analysis 4. Using Science in the Workplace 5. Medical Physics Techniques 6. Application of Number for Science Technicians 7. 8. Criminology Forensic Photography 9.

Assessment NO EXAM – All written assignments for each of the above units. BTEC Subsidiary Diploma (6 units) Equivalent of 1 A Level All assignments will be marked and given a 3 point grading scale of: • PASS • MERIT • DISTINCTION After completion of all units points will be added up to give an overall BTEC National Pass, Merit or Distinction.

Will it suit me?

Where will it lead?

• Do you hate the pressure of exams? • Do you have an interest in science and may wish to have a career in it? • Are you organised and motivated to complete assignments to the best of your ability? • Are you hard working? If the answers are yes – then this is the course for you!

BTEC Nationals have been developed to meet the employment opportunities within science. BTEC are fully recognised by universities and employers.


BTEC (level 3) Subsidiary Diploma Course Outline

What Will I Learn?

Where will it lead?

As well as learning about the size and structure of a large and diverse industry, you will learn that hospitality is a ‘people industry’. You will learn customer service skills, teamwork and management skills as well as some practical cookery and food service techniques.

A BTEC in hospitality will give you the skills you need to find work in the industry, whether this be a full-time job or part-time job, or an apprenticeship while you continue you studies at c ollege or university. After achieving a BTEC in hospitality, you can develop specialist hospitality skills by taking further courses, for example, catering for would be chefs or hospitality management for would be hotel managers.

Will it suit me? Are you a ‘people person’? Can you work well in a team? Do you have a genuine interest in cooking, customer service or the hotel and restaurant industry? If yes, then this could be the course for you.

Entry Requirements Minimum of 5 A-C GCSEs including English and Maths and a Interview with Mr Mingo-West.

Hospitality BTEC (Level 3) Subsidiary Diploma

The hospitality industry is made up of many sectors, including hotels, restaurants, pubs, visitor attractions, events management and contract catering. The BTEC in hospitality will give you a taste of the huge range of job opportunities which exist in this young and dynamic service industry. Your learning will take you out of the classroom and in to our state of the art kitchens and training restaurant, The Leaf at Ham Green. Here you will gain valuable practical experience and learn from serving real paying customers. There are no external exams in this course, instead you will complete 3 compulsory units and 4 option units (see below for examples) • Unit 1 - Introduction to the hospitality industry • Unit 2 - Principles of supervising customer service performance • Unit 3 - Providing customer service in hospitality • Unit 10 - European food • Unit 12 - Contemporary world food • Unit 14 - Environment and sustainability in hospitality • Unit 22 - Planning and managing a hospitality event.

Health and Social Care BTEC (Level 3) Subsidiary Diploma

Health and Social Care

BTEC (Level 3) Subsidiary Diploma Course Outline This course is designed to enable students to: • Gain a broad understanding of health, social care and early years provision • An awareness of how the health and social care sector meets the needs of its clients • Gain an understanding of the current developments taking place in the health and social care sector You will follow a series of health and social care related units: 1. Developing effective communication in health and social care 2. Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care 3. Health, safety and security in health and social care 4. Caring for children and young people 5. Sociological perspectives of health and social care 6. Psychological perspectives of health and social care

Assessment This is not an examined course, but is assessed on the completion of a number of assignments for each of the units. All assignments are applied within real professional practice in these areas and allow for developed understanding and skills acquisition. After completion of all units, points will be added up to give an overall grade of either a pass, merit or distinction.

Where will it lead? The course prepares students for subjects in higher education related to health and social care. It is also an excellent springboard for a career in areas including healthcare, public services, childcare and nursing.

Will it suit me? As a vocational course all of the subject content has a practical and work-related basis. This means that you must have a keen interest in health and social care and be looking to pursue a career in this sector. You will need to demonstrate excellent organisational skills to make sure you complete all of the assignments and enjoy applying your understanding in a practical setting. Entry requirements for this course are 5 GCSEs (A* - C).

Performing Arts BTEC (Level 3) Subsidiary Diploma

Where will it lead?

Students will follow a series of Performing Arts related units, 6 Units for the National Award.

BTEC Nationals have been developed to meet the employment opportunities within the performing arts industry: • Musical Theatre • Technical support for musical performances • Acting • Dance performance

6 Units covered are: • Musical Theatre • Dance • Improvisation • Children's Theatre • Storytelling • Performance


BTEC are fully recognised by universities and employers.

NO EXAM – All assignments for each of the above units.

Entry Requirements?

Year 12/13 = BTEC National Award (6 units) Equivalent of 1 A Level

• Merit or above at BTEC Level 2 • Equivalent GCSEs • Or by audition

All assignments will be marked and given a 3 point grading scale of • PASS • MERIT • DISTINCTION After completion of all units points will be added up.

Will it suit me? • Do you enjoy performing, singing, acting and dancing? • Are you organised and motivated to complete assignments to the best of your ability? • Are you confident, motivated and hard working? • Are you interested in leading in extra-curricular productions? If the answers are yes – then this is the course for you!

Performing Arts BTEC (Level 3) Subsidiary Diploma

Course Outline

Sport (Development, Coaching and Fitness) BTEC Diploma

Sport (Development, Coaching and Fitness)

BTEC (Level 3) Subsidary Diploma

Course Outline


Students will follow a series of sport related units, 7 Units in year 12 and a further 6 units in year 13. Year 12 1: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology in Sport 2: Physiology of Fitness 3: Assessing Risk in Sport 5: Sports Coaching 6: Sports Development 7: Fitness Testing for Sport and Exercise 9: Practical Individual Sports

NO EXAM – All written assignments for each of the above units. Year 12 = BTEC Level 3 Certificate (30 credits). Equivalent of 1 AS Level.

Year 13 4: Fitness training and Programming 11: Planning and leading with Sports Development 12: Current Issues in Sport 13: Leadership in Sport 14: Exercise, Health and Lifestyle 17: Psychology for Sports Performance

Where will it lead? BTEC Nationals have been developed to meet the employment opportunities within the sport and leisure industry. • Health and Fitness Facilities • Coaching , Teaching, personal training • Health Promotion • Community and sport development officers BTEC are fully recognised by universities and employers.

Year 13 BTEC Subsidiary Diploma (60 Credits) Equivalent of 2 A Levels. All assignments will be marked and given grading scale of • PASS • MERIT • DISTINCTION

Will it suit me? • Will you achieve at least a Double Merit grade in BTEC First Sport and a C Grade in GCSE Science? • Do you hate the pressure of exams? • Do you play sport and have an interest in the sports world? • Are you organised and motivated to complete assignments to the best of your ability? • Are you hard working? If the answers are yes – than this is the course for you!

Apprenticeship Professional Cookery Course Outline

Will it suit me? This apprenticeship is suited for someone who has a clear interest in a career in the Hospitality and Catering industry and in particular becoming a Professional Chef. There are no specific entry requirements for the course beyond a passion for food, cooking and learning. The personal qualities required to succeed in this industry include: • Being a good team worker • Having good practical and organisational skills • Being punctual and reliable • Being able to follow instructins • Being able to work safely and hygienically

Apprenticeship Professional Cookery

What is a Professional Cookery Apprenticeship? As with all apprenticeships you will be employed, learning on the job working in a professional kitchen, building your knowledge and skills whilst working towards nationally recognised qualifications. What will I study? You will attend the Hospitality Facility at St Katherine’s once a fortnight to study the Technical Certificate. With your employer you will work towards the Level 2 NVQ in Professional Cookery, where you will be assessed in the workplace. If required, we will support you in achieving a Level 2 qualification in English and Maths. What skills are taught? Depending on your job role you will cover a range of the following topics: • Making basic stocks and sauces • Preparing, cooking and finishing meat, fish and vegetables • Preparing canapés and presenting hors d’oeuvres • Preparing cakes, pastries and desserts • Health and safety & food hygiene

Apprenticeship Professional Cookery

Apprenticeship Professional Cookery

Where will it lead? You can progress to Level 3 Professional Cookery Advanced Apprenticeship and/or continue your career in this profession working in one of the following roles • Chef in a hotel/restaurant • Cook within cost sector catering, contract catering • Food service in a hotel/restaurant • Events caterer • Or in a variety of supervisory positions in hospitality and catering

Duration The Level 2 Professional Cookery Apprenticeship, usually lasts for 12 months, students normally start in September, though it is possible to start at other times of the year.

How do we support our apprentices? • We will work with you to help to secure employment as an apprentice in an establishment that is best suited to you. • We will meet with you at regular intervals to discuss how your apprenticeship is going and offer support when you need it • We will support you attaining a Level 2 qualification in English and/or Maths if you have not yet achieved them. • You will be a member of the St Katherine’s Sixth Form and will have the same access to pastoral support and resources as other Sixth Form students. • We will support you with C.V. writing and interview skills.

Want to find out more? Contact Paul Mingo-West , Hospitality and Chef Manager at St. Katherine’s School on Tel 01275 376888 or email or visit our website

The One Year Course As well as an extensive range of level three courses, St. Katherine’s also offers students who have not achieved the minimum entry standard of five GCSE passes at grade C the opportunity to pursue a level two route which will act as a stepping stone into level three study or employment. Students following this route will have the chance to re-sit their Maths and English GCSE courses whilst pursuing a Level 2 BTEC course in Enterprise. They will then study a further BTEC course in either Travel and Tourism or Sport. In order to ensure that students gain the maximum possible from this one year programme, it also includes a weekly vocational work placement as well as volunteering opportunities and an EdExcel Workplace Safety qualification. GCSE re-takes are also available to students following a level three route.

Maths and English GCSE

Maths GCSE Course Outline This course if for students who achieved a D or high E at GCSE and have the potential to further improve their grade. The course covers the aspects of GCSE to allow you to improve your grade.


Maths and Engligh GCSE

We follow the EDEXCEL Linear course with exams in November and June. There is no coursework or controlled assessment for Mathematics. Through regular assessment using past exam questions you will be set targets for improvement.

English GCSE Course outline The course runs for 1 year and you have the opportunity to build on your GCSE coursework to improve your grade. The course is delivered in a very student centred manner to allow you to develop at your pace with an emphasis on developing good teamwork and communication skills.

Assessment The course is assessed through a terminal exam and portfolio work.

Where will they lead? Good Maths and English qualifications are seen as vital for almost every job. We will ask you to complete English and Maths GCSE in support of your AS levels.

Travel and Tourism BTEC Extended Certificate Course Outline


Will it suit me?

6 units Unit 1: The UK Travel and Tourism Sector Unit 2: Understanding Customer Service Unit 3: Understanding the nature and effects of world travel Unit 4: Development of the UK Travel and Tourism Sector Unit 7: European Holiday Destinations Unit 9: Holiday Planning

No prior attainment is required to study this course. The grades available through this course are the equivalent of 2 GCSEs awarded at Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction*.

Where will BTEC First in Travel and Tourism lead?

This course prepares students for either further specialised courses in Travel and Tourism. It also prepares students for employment in this fast growing sector. Career specialisms that can be derived from this course include sports coaching, sports officiating, outdoor pursuits, playgroups, fitness instructors and industry administration, selling and marketing. The South West is a major tourism area and there are, therefore a huge number of employment opportunities.

“Tourism is the fastest growing industry in the world. With the development of better transport links, more places to visit and more leisure time this trend is set to continue.” (Richard Branson)

Travel adn Tourism BTEC Extended Certificate

The BTEC in Travel and Tourism is designed to allow students to gain a sound understanding of the key features of travel and tourism industries and how they operate and interact to meet the growing needs of today’s customers. Students will explore concepts such as marketing and customer service. There is also a strong focus on the functions of travel and tourism industries. Students are assessed in a variety of ways from individual assignments and presentations to group role plays and scenarios.

Sport Sport BTEC First Extended Certificate and Diploma

BTEC First Extended Certificate and Diploma Did You Study BTEC Sport at KS4? Yes

After completing your course you will achieve a Diploma. Equivalent of 4 GCSEs Distinction * = 4 A+ grades Distinction = 4 A grades Merit = 4 B grades Pass = 4 C grades



After completing your course you will achieve Certificate. Equivalent of 2 GCSEs Distinction * = 2 A+ grades Distinction = 2 A grades Merit = 2 B grades Pass = 2 C grades

Course Content: Extended Certificate

This course is made up of three units: The Sports Industry The Body in Sport Preparation for Sport

This course is made up of four units: Fitness Testing and Training Practical Sport Anatomy and Physiology for Sport Planning and Leading Sports Activities

Assessment NO EXAM – All written assignments for each of the above units. Each unit is assessed through assignments set by the staff. After completion of all units points will be added up to give an overall BTEC First Pass, Merit or Distinction.

Where Will it Lead?

Is BTEC Sport for Me?

Further courses with Physical Education, including the BTEC National Sport

• Do you hate the pressure of exams? • Do you play sport and have an interest in the sports world? • Are you organised and motivated to complete assignments to the best of your ability? • Are you hard working? • Are you prepared to work within a team environment? If the answers are yes – then this is the course for you!

Employment with sport.

Enterprise Skills BTEC Certificate

Course Outline

You will follow a series of Business and Enterprise related units - 3 Units in year 12 .This is a one year course that allows you to build on qualifications already achieved. When you take a BTEC you learn by doing. So expect a mixture of conventional classroom theory and ‘real world’ practical projects, and be prepared to work as a team – just as you would in the workplace. Units Covered: Unit 1 – the Entrepreneurial Mind-set: What makes an entrepreneur tick? What skill or qualities do they possess? Unit 2 – Creating a Vision for your Business Plan – A step by step guide in planning your own business venture. Unit 4 – Researching your Market - Who are your customers? What do they want or need?

Where Will It Lead?

NO EXAM – All written assignments for each of the above units. Year 12 = BTEC Certificate in Enterprise

BTEC Enterprise has been developed to meet the employment opportunities within many aspects of industry. • Private Sector • Entrepreneurs • Travel, Sport, Music – any business you can think of! • You can specialise in Marketing, Finance, Management, Production, HR,– plus more…

All assignments will be marked and given a 3 point grading scale of: • PASS • MERIT • DISTINCTION After completion of all units points will be added up to give an overall BTEC level 2 Pass, Merit or Distinction. Additional opportunities included in the course; • Young Enterprise- run your own business and make money! • Pro Share National Competition

BTEC are fully recognised by employers. No need to wait for results day you will know your results before you leave!!

Is BTEC Enterprise for me? • Do you hate the pressure of exams? • Ever wondered how business work – want to work for yourself or thought of running your own business? • Are you organised and motivated to complete assignments to the best of your ability? • Are you hard working? Interested in the world around you? If the answers are yes – then this is the course for you!

Enterprsie Skills BTEC Certificate


St. Katherine’s Baccalaureates The St. Katherine’s Baccalaureates have been formed by collating subjects already offered within the St. Katherine’s Sixth Form curriculum offer into subject specialism areas. You are given the opportunity to opt in to the scheme if all, or all but one, of your level three course choices fall within a particular baccalaureate cluster. The idea with this is that you are able to specialise your course choices with a view to entering a particular area of industry and will get lots of extra advice and guidance. In addition, participating students will join a tutor group made up specifically of students from the same scheme with a subject specialist tutor. The three baccalaureate clusters are: STEM-Bacc

(Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths Baccalaureates)

Maths Further Maths Biology Chemistry Physics ICT Product Design Sport Forensic Science Psychology


(Communication, Research and Enterprise Baccalaureates)

History Geography Psychology Health & Social Care Business Studies ICT Languages English Literature Hospitality


(Creative, Performing and Literary Arts Baccalaureate)

Performing Arts Media Studies Art and Design Drama Music Textiles Product Design English Literature

Some subjects (English Literature, ICT and Product Design) fall into two different cluster areas as these subjects can lead to very different progression routes depending on subject combinations.

What Can We Offer? The key aims of this scheme are to offer a specific advice and guidance programme for our students and to enhance employability skills. At St. Katherine’s Sixth Form, our students matter. The baccalaureates are an opportunity to take that promise to a new level, offering a real and applied foundation of skills to you as you move towards your individual progression pathways. The advantages for a student to join a baccalaureate are: • Specialist tutor group (vertical to allow for mentoring in the long term) • Working with local employers to secure work shadowing, employer mentoring and industry speakers. • Additional qualifications e.g. EPQ. • Enrichment opportunities such as specific trips. • Involvement in, and leading of, lunchtime clubs with students lower down the school. • Specific additions to the ‘electives’ programme.

Extended Project Students considering applying to universities are encouraged to take up the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) during Term 6 of Year 12. The EPQ is an opportunity for students to develop their critical thinking and project management skills, whiles assessing their ability to plan, carry out, report on and evaluate a project on a subject area of their choice. This qualification carries up to 70 UCAS points, is widely accepted by universities and is ideal preparation for the demands of a degree course. Former students have completed projects on a range of subject areas such as, ‘Is graffiti really Art?’, ‘How has Newton contributed to scientific development?’ and ‘How is football influenced by the media?’

Workskills All students opting to study a package of three level three courses will pick up an additional employability qualification. The Edexcel Level 3 Award in WorkSkills has been designed to offer learners a flexible, relevant course to improve their understanding and application of work-based skills. We recognise how important it is for students to leave us equipped for the workplace. Through this course, students have the opportunity to learn in a simulated employment environment.

Other Qualifications Numerous additional qualifications are available to students including ESB, YASS (Open University), Community Sports Leadership, Vinspired, Duke of Edinburgh, Arts Award, Access to Bristol and many more.

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