Red Deer Advocate, October 31, 2014

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FRIDAY, OCT. 31, 2014

Husband keeping old fling ‘in reserve’ Dear Annie: I recently found out that my 62-year-old husband has been texting a woman with whom he had an intimate relationship in the past. He has admitted that these texts were flirtatious and filled with “dirty talk.” He swears that there was no physical contact, but I’m skeptical. It’s been going on for MITCHELL at least eight & SUGAR months, and I am not convinced it is over. He deleted her name from his contacts, but kept her cellphone number under a fake name. During this same period, my husband did not give me an anniversary card or a Valentine’s Day card, nor did we go out to lunch as often as we usually did. He also announced that he wants to get a new wedding ring, as he is “bored” with the one I gave him 12


years ago. He has allowed this woman to come between us. Whether or not there was anything physical, this was absolutely an emotional attachment. He insists that she means nothing to him, but I feel rejected and foolish. Am I wrong to consider this an affair? — Ohio Dear Ohio: You’re not wrong. Your husband doesn’t appear to be trustworthy, especially if he still has this woman’s number in his cellphone and is trying to hide it from you. Even if he no longer texts her, it means he is unwilling to cut off contact, perhaps keeping her “in reserve.” Please get some counselling — with or without him — and work on your next step. Dear Annie: I’ve been close friends with “Lisa” for many years. We’ve shared many important life events and social occasions over that time. She is warm, intelligent, educated and respected. Since she moves in well-educated circles, people are shocked by her mispronunciation of words that are normally corrected in elementary school. For instance, she says “pitchers” instead of “pictures,” which she puts in

HOROSCOPES Friday, Oct. 31 CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DATE: Rob Schneider, 51; Dermot Mulroney, 51; Deidre Hall, 67 THOUGHT OF THE DAY: Today will have a very pleasant and lovely atmosphere. You will be more social than usual, and this will allow more excitement to enter your life. You are deeply in touch with your feelings today and you will be more able to express just what you want to now. Everyone should enjoy this benevolent and amicable energy today. Channel that LARISA MAIRA slight restlessness OZOLINS into working out! H A P P Y BIRTHDAY: If today is your birthday, this year will prove to be one that has a keen focus on home life. It will be a wonderful year for you and this will instigate changes within your career as well. You are more able to express yourself just as you want this year, so use that to your advantage.


Your attention and focus will be amazing, and if guided correctly, you will succeed with flying colours. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Today will be a wonderful day. You will be able to understand others better, specifically your romantic interest, and pleasant interactions will happen today. However unique your dreams and aspirations are, today you will see how they fit in your current view. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Do expect a very pleasant and light-hearted day. Those you encounter on a professional level will instigate more camaraderie and you will be feeling quite blessed on a deep level. Travelling could be on the agenda, and this time, it will be that excitement you are looking for. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You will be very in touch with your feelings today, and will most likely educate others on these matters. It could be that something not so proper has occurred at work, and you will have to give them all a drill on how to get through the minor disaster. All in all a good day — enjoy. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Today is going to be wonderful. You will be excited about work, and this will be discussed with those within your home environment and with family.

her “liberry” instead of “library.” None of us would risk offending her by calling this to her attention, but we also know that her job puts her in a position to influence young adults who notice these things. Several of her friends (including me) have used these same terms correctly in front of her as a kind way of pointing out her errors, but she just doesn’t get it. How do we help Lisa without damaging her pride and our relationship? Or should we ignore it and let the chips fall? — Need Some Guidance Dear Guidance: It is difficult to correct a grownup’s pronunciation without causing offense. You are neither her teacher nor her parent. If Lisa is married, would her husband comment? Otherwise, we recommend you accept her as she is and keep using those words correctly so she can hear them and, hopefully, incorporate them into her daily speech. Dear Annie: I read the letter from “Wedding Jitters,” who asked about a prenup. Please also tell her that a prenup doesn’t cover everything. My husband and I have a prenup, but he is now in an assisted living fa-

cility. He will not be eligible for Medicaid while I am alive and have financial assets. Because we are married, the government considers my income to be his. Ours is a happy 25-year second marriage. We thought we had protected ourselves financially. If I had it to do over, I never would have married a second time, especially at my age. Make an agreement together and pledge your love, but don’t make it legal and risk getting the government involved in your future well-being. — Reader in Vermont Dear Vermont: Your situation has little to do with a prenup, but thanks for the warning. Dear Readers: Happy Halloween. Please dress your trick-or-treaters in flame-retardant costumes that don’t obstruct walking or vision, and be sure to accompany them. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to anniesmailbox@, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.

You will want to be more social and go out and celebrate some news. Do so, as it will be a great day to interact with others! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): There still will be a strong focus on your family and roots today, but, truly, it will be an amicable day. You will get along better with others. This energy will have you coming across as more lively and energetic. You will want something new to happen and you’ll get your wish. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Today is a wonderful day for you to communicate with others in your life, especially those found within your daily routine. There will be this undercurrent of restless energy going on, but this will only reflect the excitement and new adventures today has in store for you. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Friends will be extremely generous to you today. There is no doubt that today will be an excellent day for you, perhaps even a wonderful financial day for you too. You are more able to express your feelings in a very clear and harmonious way. Enjoy the pleasant energy now! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Today will offer you a very pleasant and amicable day with all those you communicate with. Although, for yourself personally, you will still feel this underlying restless energy, as you start to walk your talk in full. Relax a little more if necessary, just to settle the nerves a bit. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): To-

day will welcome in some excitement for you with romantic relationships, or perhaps simply flirting with others. All in all, it will be a pleasant day no matter what happens, so do express your dreams and aspirations with friends now. It will provide you motivation. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Interactions with friends will be amazing today. You will be quite excited to get out and socialize with others today, and this will promise some new and exciting romantic opportunities for you. Whomever you meet now will be a compassion soul. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You should be feeling amazing today, and all interactions with others will be compassionate and pleasant. That, coupled with the fact that you are more able to express just what you want, and to do so in such an elegant and sophisticated manner — you’ll win many hearts! PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Today, you will no doubt express your true internal thoughts and they will be well received by many. Those found in your daily routine will be compassionate towards you leaving you to feel great. You might not express that with them, but it will be felt on a deep level. Larisa Maira Ozolins is an internationally syndicated astrologer and columnist. Her column appears daily in the Advocate.




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