Black Fox Literary Magazine Issue #9

Page 52

of a hypochondriac, online looking up exotic diseases, but never had he come across anything like this. It began at the community college where he taught Psychology 101 and Abnormal Psych. This particular day, he finished his two o’clock class and was heading to his office for a short bout of Z’s before grading a pile of papers. Up half the night due to a neighbor’s barking terrier, he felt a bit fuzzy in the head. While inserting his key into the office door, the door knob disappeared. It was quick, partly gone, then back. The neurologist asked, “Was it instant or did it slowly melt away?” “Pixels,” David told him. “It fell apart into pixels. You know, like on TV when there’s a problem with the network. I was so shocked; I didn’t immediately let it register and tried to go about my business as if everything was normal. Then what I’d seen hit me like punch in the gut.” The doctor nodded as if he knew this story well.


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