3 minute read

Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master: A Yogi’s Autobiography


Sri M, born as Mumtaz Ali in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is a spiritual master, social reformer, author and educationist. He was born on November 6, 1949. He has written several books on yoga, mysticism, and Upanishads. He is also the founder of The Satsang


Foundation, the organization which initiated several noble deeds in the field of education, health and environment. He is regularly visiting as a key-note speaker to institutions like the World Health Organization, World Bank, the Indian Institute of Management and the Indian Institute of Science. He has also imparted his knowledge and experience to employees of Google and Yahoo in the US. He has received many awards and honors for his dedication to social service. He was honored with the Padma Bhushan in 2020, one of the highest civilian awards in India. Among many books written by Sri M, ‘Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master’ is his autobiography. This book explains the transformation of Mumtaz Ali into Sri M. He has also revealed many profound incidents of his life in ‘The Journey Continues’, which is the sequel to this book. Other remarkable books by the author are The Upanishads, Shunya and Wisdom of the Rishis. There are fifty chapters in this book where he explains his early days, his attraction towards yoga, his unusual first encounter with his Guru in his backyard, and his learning with various masters. This book is full of stories which a normal mind cannot comprehend. The occurrences in the life of a spiritual person are so surreal that they are beyond the capacity of ordinary minds to grasp and believe. The author knows that the normal mind might dismiss the book based on its mundane logic, but he still took the risk for the sincere seekers. In the first chapter of this book he has explained about the city where he was born, his family and the compassion of his Guru Sri Maheshwaranath Babaji. He mentions that his Guru was his father, mother, teacher and dear friend to him. He states the important lessons given to him by his Guru. Like his Guru told him, keep things simple and direct. Never advertise your greatness and those who will come close to you will discover themselves. After reading the first chapter, one can know that the interest in spirituality cannot come all of sudden; rather, it is the result of searching for many past lives. The author explains his obsession with cross-legged posture. He states that the tendency to cross one leg over the other started from the time when he was just two months old and it can be seen in his childhood pictures. That tendency continued and he still loves and feels comfortable in this posture of yogi. It is said by the spiritual masters that gurus are very compassionate and they are always concerned about the true seekers. Capable gurus intervene and find the right womb for the soul of their disciple who is about to take birth. They plan everything so that their disciple who has to evolve and create an impact in this world should not face even the slightest difficulties. In the second chapter of this book the author has explained how the Guru came in a strange way to his backyard to re-establish the link when he was just nine years old. But he could not narrate this incident to anyone. In the twenty-ninth chapter he explains about the Sarpa Loka. According to him, there is a planet which is entirely inhabited by highly evolved, hooded snakes. The serpents or the Naga Devatas were in regular contact with humans thousands of years ago when humanity was in its early stage of mental evolution. The worship of snakes is a tribute to the advanced Nagas, as they possess profound wisdom. These secrets that he has revealed with the permission of his Guru are only the tip of the iceberg. A lot of things are yet to be said but it cannot be revealed to the mass. That is why this knowledge is hidden and known only to few. Seekers who are highly evolved will get to know all which is untold with the grace of the Guru.

Whatever is stated in the book by the author is easy to understand as the language is simple. The purpose of the book is to give strength to the seekers who are hesitant to plunge. There will be many obstacles in the search for the ultimate truth, but books like this can be of great help. Moreover, the scope of the book cannot be limited only to spiritual seekers and it can help anyone who wants to introspect and find the true purpose of this precious life.