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who taught me how to live

Mother as described by the book is supposed to be basically a memoir for the writer’s mother but reading this book put me through so many ups and downs of emotions that this book came out as a valuable life lesson. I was never a good reader meaning I never really read anything knowledgeable , I am a fantasy reader . I’m far away from reality , my expectations from people are impossible to reach so I just don’t really expect anything . After our principle gave me this book. I read a few pages immediately intrigued by this gift. Books are the best gift undeniably. Well after I read a few pages I realized how this genre of book is so not my thing to read so I neglected the book after reading 5 or 6 pages. One day however ( 2 days after I got this book) I had nothing on my plate to do so I read the book and what I read was actually living so close to me that I could not think of ways I could stop my feet and live the book as I read it. I’ve read dozens of books before but this was the first book I lived. I went down to Patan to read the book and feel it close to me and it did give me a feel of home away from home. During the first 100 pages I was annoyed by the cowardness the character showed how he would find reasons to hide behind his mother but gradually I started seeing myself in him. I would always find ways to crawl inside my mother’s arms too but what hurts is He was merely a child but so much better than me, I never treated my mother as I should’ve . My anger issues and little to no patience always brought the worst in me even though I love every part of you mom I’ve made mistakes I can’t reverse no matter how much I wish for so to happen but Ghana Shyam wasn’t like me he would appreciate her , talk to her softly , he was honest, he was kind to her, he learnt goods and made the wrongs right for her, he understood her pain even as a child in a way most of us fail to even as adults.


This book isn’t about being nice and kind and an adult. This book is about acceptance. Acceptance of the world. How everything happening around the universe is gradually forcing you to be who you are . How every bad deed is returned , how doing good things without selfish expectations always returns as a gift. How goodness is always served. Ghana Shyam’s mother wasn’t perfect none of us are but it’s the beauty that lies behind every imperfect person . It was her good heart and intentions which made her so great in front of me and hopefully in front of everyone who reads this book . It was her beauty ( mother’s beauty) that has kept her still so fresh even after 51 years of demise.

This book didn’t just tell me about the sacrifices of his mother , it showed me the reality of my life too .

This novel, it was made out of love . She wasn’t a super woman , she didn’t know magic , she couldn’t fly it was his love that made his mother’s life sound so tragically epic

- LACM Student