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Richa Ghimire

Aperson who can be a student, entrepreneur, and social activist at the same time. A perfect combination of triple threats. We on the BIZstyle team are fortunate enough to feature such personalities in this edition. We would like to introduce Ms. Richa Ghimire as the face of BIZstyle Vol. IV Issue I. She works full-time for her company, "Youth n Trend," while also attending her college.

● Can we have a brief about your business through your looking glass?


Youth and Trend is an online store where you can purchase customized orders as well as premade hoodies and sweatshirts. YNT commissions local artists to create artwork, which is then printed or embroidered on sweatshirts and hoodies in limited quantities. Ynt is a growing brand for youth. There is always a stereotype that young people should follow trends, which is absolutely not correct. I believe that youth should not follow trends; they should like what they want, wear what they want, and be open to other people's opinions and tastes. It's all about providing people with various options.

● You chose this journey at such a young age. What possibilities did you see in the market?

While going for a movie with my brother, I discovered the embroidery work, which I found really time-consuming and also the work did not get the validation it needed. I took it as a possibility in the market and then the first thing I designed was a doraemon print on a t-shirt and posted it on my social media (Instagram) and the rest is history. I was very young and naive due to which I made various mistakes at the beginning of my work and learned from them to get to where I am now. I had room to make mistakes because of my small circle. Initially, I began this journey to make my own money and be independent.

● Every individual has their own strengths and weaknesses. Are there any strengths of yours that helped you in this journey?Are there any weaknesses of yours that may have held you back in some ways?

I'm a very hard-working individual. I like to be very systematic at working, whether it's in business or daily life. One of my strengths is that I always schedule and complete my tasks on time. That's what keeps Y.N.T. going. Y.N.T. always has a sales goal in mind and understands what its customers want and demand, and won't stop until the goal is fulfilled. Consistency is the feature we must have because we don't get overnight success; I haven't reached that success yet, but being consistent with my work was my biggest strength which has helped my personal growth as well as Y.N.T. 's growth.

Life isn't always full of guts and glitz; we all face setbacks. There isn't always a profit; customer satisfaction may also fall short. My weakness that somehow held me back was my habit of pleasing people a lot and I am still working on it. My dad always says, "People who try to please people don't please people."

At the time, I couldn't take criticism about what it did, but now I'm open to it. If I get 100 critics, I keep giving 150 reasons why it happened that way, which I consider as my weakness.

● YNT comes in fast fashion, and there is high competition in fast fashion. What is the perspective of YNT that is helping it to stand alone in the market?

I'd like to say it's a sustainable brand because we always try to keep the wastage to a minimum level. I have my own ethics and ground, where I learn to see competition as an opportunity and prepare for it. Even if you think you're on top of the world, there will always be someone higher up. Initially, I was worried about my YNT Instagram followers because I was constantly stalking other brands. I also believed that it was less productive because YNT was more interested in gaining followers than in acquiring customers. Now I am stalking other brands to learn— not to feel insecure but to learn— and it's always important to be educated on what's happening in the market.

● What were and are the challenges for YNT? And how do you handle the fast growth and scale of your business?

The overwhelming volume of orders for the product, the traffic in Kathmandu, and the locations of delivery points would be the main difficulties. There aren't any organized landmarks. Above and beyond the challenges at hand, YNT has a crew that cherishes and cares for YnT's reputation in a way that resembles a family and will go to any lengths to preserve it.

● How does Ynt function logistically and manage to build a successful customer base in this digital era? We follow a rigid work schedule. We are open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. We respond to all customer messages at such times, which you wouldn't disregard. Additionally, we have standby delivery personnel that take care of all product deliveries and are well versed in customer service. The delivery time is 2 /3 days.

● Do you have further plans to expand your business in the main steam market in Nepal?

Ynt has already expanded to 75 districts, and I'm currently working on developing Nepal's e-commerce, which will feature Nepali goods and products and will have a circle of Nepali community members, but the best part of my app will be the segment where a women-owned business will receive more promotions, offers, or marketing. More money will be invested in YNT.

● The concept of digital marketing is underrated in the Nepali business world. Many people still fail to consider digital marketing as an investment. What is your perspective regarding digital marketing?

Digital marketing is actually a blessing. Who would have thought we could make money with computers by creating a website.

Digital marketing provides us with a platform from which we can select our target customers, whether based on demographics or spending capacity of the customer .The most common mistake people are making in digital marketing is choosing the customer.For me it is the subject of negotiation between the service provider and the customer. The service provider should understand what they are selling to their customer base. You cannot sell the product at a high price just because it's a Nepali brand. It's wrong and unethical. If it's luxury, then it should be Nepali luxury, and people should say it's worth it.In Nepal, especially in online shops, there is a culture where they get lots of bad reviews. The reviews I have been seeing on many online stores reflect expectations versus reality. People wonder, "Why are Nepalese products so expensive?"

● For a company to succeed, it requires the trust and satisfaction of the customer.So how is Ynt involved to gain the trust and provide customer care?

“Customers are always right and important—they are god” that's ethic Y.N.T follows

And we believe in the relationship between instant messaging and the intimacy of the customer. We always have a positive attitude toward customers. Sugarcoating is not ynt thing. We tried to be more affordable, and again, we like to have a connection where they can say, "Oh!" YNT has this product. I shouldn't look for others.

● What do you suggest to upcoming entrepreneurs before starting a journey similar to yours, from your experience?

My father always said, "If you put your heart into something, never question it again" - you do it, you fail it, it's okay to fail, but at least you tried. People do not attempt it. Because of the fear of opinions and criticism; just listen to them but never let them enter your mind.

Kris Jenner says “if somebody says NO , you are asking the wrong person-The answer is never NOyou have to go with those people that's going to give alternatives.”So go to the right place whether you need validation or any suggestion go to the right person .Do not go to somebody who doesn't try anything in life.and be organized.

"Consistency is everything; be consistent - be proud of what you are doing. If you're considering quitting, remember why you started. and just enjoy what you are doing.”

- Samikshya Shrestha Editiorial Team