December newsletter 2014

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Newsletter December 2014

December 2014 Number 2

Academic success that matters ‘Growing together to be the best we can be’

Headteacher’s Commendations

College Vision

Snow Line

Arts’ News

Deep peace of the shining stars to you,

Year News

Deep peace of the gentle earth to you,


Moon and starts pour their healing light on you,

Deep peace of the running wave to you, Deep peace of the flowing air to you, Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,

Deep peace of Christ the light of the world to you, Content


Message from the Head




College Vision


Worship News


Arts News


Community News


Open Tuesday


Sports News


College News


Bus timetable


English News Maths News


Deep peace of Christ to you.

Jack Llewelyn—Year 9

Message from the Headteacher Looking back over the past half term there have been many defining moments which are part of the traditions of Bishop Perowne. Our annual service of remembrance was especially poignant this year as we commemorated the centenary of the start of the First World War, reflected on the Second World War and more recent conflicts. Staff and students were profoundly moved by the personal account of the war in Afghanistan by Tom Neathway, a former Bishop’s student. Our own poppy tree has just been replaced by an Advent tree on which a different student hangs a star for reflection every day. This is an innovation this year, alongside the lighting of our advent spiral of light and furnishing of the JesseTree. We were pleased to welcome Rev Julieann, the new rector of St Barnabas’ to lead our teaching Eucharist for Year 7. We look forward to working closely with her during the coming months. The last two weeks have been defined by mock exams for Year 11 and tests for the rest of the College. Year 11 will receive their outcomes in a results day on 9th January which will follow the pattern of the ‘real thing’ in August. We have been really impressed by their attitude to the exams and their diligence. Once again this term, students across the College will be rewarded for their excellent attitude to learning. Our partnerships continue to play an important part in the life of our College. The new Headmaster of the King’s School visited us and is keen for our students to apply for bursaries for entry into the King’s Sixth Form. Once again Yamazaki Mazak selected a photograph taken by a Bishops’ student this year Rosie Lilwall, to appear on their Christmas card which will be sent out worldwide; our GCSE Engineering Partnership with them goes from strength to strength. Our Christmas card competition was won by Jack Llewelyn.

Plus much more ………..

At the end of term we will say ‘goodbye’ to Mrs Wood, teacher of Sciences, who is moving to a new post, Mr Bethel, Head of Year 9 and Community Leader for Duckworth who is relocating to

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Message from the Headteacher continued …. Devon and Mrs Carter is retiring after serving our College for 15 years. We thank them for all they have done and wish them well for the future. Also we await news of the birth of Mrs Reeves-McKew’s baby, due on Christmas Eve. Next term Mr Laidler will lead Year 9, while Mr Manship will lead Duckworth Community. Most of the defining moments of our term may seem very small, the good mark for a homework, the helpful feedback or praise, the opportunity to become involved College life but might well have had a profound impact on individuals. Our Christmas card, designed by Jack Llewelyn ‘Light in the Darkness’ sums up how much we each have given to enrich the lives of others. I thank everyone for their support this term and wish everyone a peaceful and joyful Christmas. Ms Farr – Headteacher

Rosie Lilwall

Jack Llewelyn

Headteacher’s Commendations The following students have received Headteacher’s Commendations and five Community Credits Their achievements and contribution to the life of our College are highly valued. Those students marked with a * have more than one Commendation.

Georgia Fortune Bethany Kieran Adam William Olivia Aaron Ben Hannah Jesse Mason Paisley Robert Alice Nathan Anoushka

Antoniou Austin-Ricketts Banks Bell Biddle Bishop* Bradley Brett Bridge Bridge Bunn Carr* Carr Challis Chevalier Clarke Clarke-Newell*

Aaron Jade Leah Panella Megan Joseph Hannah Charlotte Emma Imogen George Kaitlin Evelyn Christopher Molly- May Isabel Ellie

Cook* Cox Dimmock Dominic Done* Dyson* Finn Fletcher* Fletcher Fraser-Clarke Fuller Gaffney Gill* Green Greenway Hall Hand

College Community

Headteacher’s Commendations Harriet Jordan-Lee Charlotte Samuel Jamie William Millicent Tyler Jemimah Piers Cleo-Eve Geraint Madeleine Cerys Joshua Jesika Emma Lara Sophie Jessica Hannah Charlie Katie Katie Alexandra Rosie Jack Katie Jordan Joseph Leah Hannah Sabrina Katie Charlie Sachin Bryn Daniel Elishah Eden

Hardwick* Harris Hasnip Hasnip Hathaway Haughtey Haywood Henderson Hiett Hilton-Turvey Homer Howells John John John Jordan Keeley Kenyon Key Key* King* Lancaster Lawlor* Leary Lee Lilwall Llewellyn Lockett Long* Long Maiden Matthews* Mohammed* Moore Moore Muir* Myers Norcott Olatunde Openshaw

William Lauren Megan Shannon Hal Ben Lucy David Danielle Josetta Glyn Jasmine Chloe Flynn Joseph Jessica Jessica Samuel Lewis Georgia Ben Jakob Helena Amelia Joseph Thomas Rachel Chanelle Lilly Alex Bethany Charlotte Jamie Kerry Lauren Faith Danielle George Florence Ben

Palmer Palmer-chance Papazoglou Patrick Pearson Preece Preece Prince Reeves Reid Reilly-Harrison Robinson Rust Sadler-Bury Savage* Sheridan* Snape* Sowden Styles Surridge* Tansell Terry Tombes Turberfield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield* Walsh Watkins Whaley* Whitworth Whitworth Williams Williams* Williams Williams* Witcomb Withington Wood Young

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College Vision

BISHOP PEROWNE CHURCH OF ENGLAND COLLEGE A performing arts, engineering and technology academy Our Vision We seek to develop a caring Christian community in which we nurture individuals; encourage learning, creativity and endeavour; inspire all to excel and reach their potential and to help all young learners grow into active and responsible citizens who are able to make a difference in the World.

To make our vision a reality we aim to:

Develop a faith- centred community based on a love of God, neighbour and self.

Create a culture of learning and achievement in which study, enquiry, innovation and aspiration are highly valued

Grow together to be the best that we can be.

Establish an orderly, happy, safe and caring environment in which all members of the College community can

Grow in confidence and self-esteem.

Provide access to a wide and varied curriculum that is appropriate to students’ needs and learning styles.

Support physical, social and emotional growth.

Develop a sense of responsibility and citizenship, and thereby shape the future.

In order to bring about the best we shall:

Provide excellent teaching, in rich and varied learning environments.

Create positive challenges.

Assess students learning and progress and report on this regularly to parents.

Strive to develop an enriching programme of visits and extra curricular activity.

Respond effectively to students pastoral needs.

Develop positive relationships between staff and students.

Promote good attendance.

Build a strong and robust College/parent partnership.

Develop effective links with the Church and wider communities.

Meet and support the needs of ethnic and minority groups.

Celebrate diversities and differences in our community.

Work as a team towards our shared vision.

College Community

BISHOP PEROWNE CHURCH OF ENGLAND COLLEGE A performing arts, engineering and technology academy

Year 7 A Teaching Eucharist Advent – Light out of Darkness

Monday, 8th December 2014

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Welcome to our Year 7 Teaching Eucharist (Gathering) Music on entry and as people take their seats Welcome – Ms Farr (Greeting) Introduction - Reverend Julieann Candle lighting including the Advent Spiral - Ms Farr and Year 7 Opening hymn/song – worship group / singer (Confession / penitential rite using Kyries) An Invitation to listen and respond to 3 reflective sentences/prayers – Capt. Rick Tett and Year 7 Often we get things wrong, we are unkind to someone in words and actions and we need to say sorry. In the Eucharist service we have a time called Confession, this is our opportunity to say sorry to God about what we have done wrong: We have failed to share with those who have nothing: Lord, have mercy All: Lord, have mercy We have lied about our brothers and sisters: Christ, have mercy All: Christ, have mercy Help us to say sorry when we are wrong Lord, have mercy All: Lord, have mercy (Absolution) Assurance of God’s forgiveness – Revd Julieann Holy and Loving God: Have compassion on us, forgive us, and bring us to all the good for which are made. Amen (Collect) Theme prayer – Reverand Julieann Holy and loving God, God with us: we watch, wait and look for you in our lives. Send away the clouds and darkness which stop us from meeting you, and wake us up to see your light and walk in it. in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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(The first Bible reading from New Century Version - Isaiah chapter 35) As we listen to the reading, we may close our eyes and use our imagination to what is read. The 1st Bible reading is from one of the Prophets of The Hebrew Scriptures - Year 7 God will comfort the People The desert and dry land will become happy. The desert will be glad and will produce flowers Like a flower, it will have many blooms It will show its happiness, as if it is shouting with joy. It will be beautiful like a forest, like a hill, like a plain. All people will see the glory of the Lord They will see the splendour of the Lord. Make the weak hands strong Make the quaking knees strong Say to the people who are afraid and confused ‘Be strong, don’t be afraid, Look, God will come’ Thanks be to God for this reading Song Gospel reading (from New Century version: Luke 5: 17-20a, 24 – 25) Gospel means ‘Good news’ – we listen carefully to hear the good news - sometimes we have to think carefully what the good news of a story is. Sometimes, the good news we hear, may be different good news to someone else! As you listen, what do you think is the good news of the story being told? Hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke– Year 7 One day Jesus was teaching the people. The Pharisees and teachers of the law were there too. They had come from every town in Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. The Lord was giving Jesus the power to heal people. There was a man who was sick. Some men were carrying him on a mat. They tried to bring him in and bring him before Jesus, but because there were so many people around, they could not find a way. So the men went up on the roof and made a hole in the ceiling. They lowered the mat so that the sick man was right before Jesus. When Jesus saw the efforts of the men and the hope they had for their sick friend, he challenged the man: ‘I tell you, be well. Stand up! Take your mat and go home.’ Then the man stood up and all the people were amazed. Thanks be to God for the Gospel Reflection – Capt. Rick Tett

(Creed) Statement of corporate belief using actions – Capt. Rick Tett (Intercessions) Corporate Prayers - 4 themes using Jesse Tree: Year 7 World Community / School / parish Those who are sick Those who have died, who we remember Concluding words written by Revd Julieann – read by Year7

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(Peace - Revd Julieann and Capt. Rick Tett We say ‘Peace’ to each other. This is not just to say peace to our friends, but to those who are strangers amongst us. Jesus Christ is our peace He comes as light to those who find themselves in darkness and as a guide to our feet to walk in peace. The peace of the Lord be always with you All:

And also with you

By a shake of the hand to the person on our left and right offer one another a sign and a word of peace. (Offertory) Music Preparation of altar table - Capt. Rick Tett, Year 7, Eucharistic Assistant We bring forward to the altar table the ordinary things of bread and wine and ask God to help us see them as special and as symbols to remember Jesus Offering prayer – Julieann With the bread we bring, which is grain of the fields and work of human hands It will become our spiritual food and with it we shall remember Jesus. With the wine we bring, which is fruit of the vine and work of human hands It will become our spiritual drink and with it we shall remember Jesus. The Great Thanksgiving Prayer The opening words of conversation have been said at Eucharist services since the 2nd Century. First: the priest and people acknowledge each other Second: the priest asks the people, by listening and from the heart, to join in and the people agree to do so. Third: together priest and people agree that it is right to thank and praise God for all His wonderful acts. The Lord be with you And also with you Lift up your hearts We lift them to the Lord Let us give thanks to the Lord our God It is right to give thanks and praise

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There are many things we can thank God for – during the Eucharist it is often to do with what God has made, how he loves us, and by sending Jesus to teach us and bring us fullness of life. And we remember the last supper Jesus shared with his friends and the words he used to help them and us remember him by. It is always right to give you thanks, God our Maker, Loving and faithful, Holy and strong. You made us and the whole universe, and filled your world with life. You sent your Son to live among us, Jesus, our Saviour, Mary’s child. He suffered on the cross. He died to save us from our sins. He rose in glory from the dead. You send your spirit to bring new life to the world, and to give us power to live the way of truth. And so we join the angels in all the heavenly realm By saying: Holy, holy, holy Lord God of power and might Heaven and earth are full of your glory Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna We remember Jesus by his words, symbols and actions: – he gives his body to remind us that he was a real human being and therefore knows what we go though...and he gives his blood to remind us that he offers us his life, sees us as his brothers and sisters and as sign of Gods unfailing love. God our Maker, On the night before he died, Jesus shared a meal with his friends. He took the bread and he thanked you. He broke it and gave it to them, saying, Take and eat; this is my body given for you. Do this to remember me. After the meal, Jesus took the cup of wine. He thanked you, and gave it to them, saying, Drink this all of you, This is my blood, my life, given for you and for many others, And as a sign of God’s unfailing love. Do this to remember me. We admit that it is a mystery and hard to understand with our minds alone Great is the mystery of faith That Christ lived, died, rose again and will come again

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We ask God to send the Holy Spirit: to help us receive the bread and wine as special and as a way to remember Jesus to help us love one another to bring wholeness and peace to our planet earth and all people. God our Maker, as we bring this bread and wine, and remember his death and rising again, send your Holy Spirit, that we who share these gifts may be fed with spiritual food and drink Pour your spirit on us, that we may love one another, work for the healing of the earth, and share the good news of Jesus, as we wait for his coming in light. For honour and praise belong to you, Holy God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We say together, loudly, The Great Amen – which means we all agree! Amen The Lord’s Prayer As Jesus teaches us all, so we pray Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen. Invitation to come to the Table This is the Lord’s Table All of you....come to know and receive blessing. which can, if desired, include the bread and wine

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Communion During which: Music Images illustrating all the various ways we understand Eucharist. Silent Night in German (During music at the end of having received a blessing or bread and wine - lavabo – ‘washing up’ Rick and Eucharistic assistant) Prayer after Communion – Revd Julieann Lord our God, We thank you for your holy gifts of blessings, bread and wine. As we have so received them, help us to shine as lights in the darkness we find around us. Amen A Final Going out Blessing – Capt. Rick Tett Dismissal Prayer – Ms J Farr Go forth into the world in peace Be of good courage Hold fast that which is good Render to no one evil for evil Strengthen the fainthearted Support the weak Help the afflicted Honour everyone Love and serve the Lord Rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. All: Amen Music to leave by

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Worship News On Monday 8th December Year Seven experienced their first Eucharist in a special training-service led by our new College Chaplain, the Reverend Julie-Ann Watson. Year Seven prepared for this very special service in their RE lessons by learning about the importance of the Eucharist to Christians and the symbolism of the sharing of the bread and wine. The service took place in the College Theatre and students from Year Seven delivered Bible readings and recited music. A group of studentsled the intercession prayers with their own prayers that they wrote in their RE lesson. This prepared our new students for their first full college Eucharist on Friday 19th December. This has been a busy term for the Worship team, leading a number of important spiritual events. The Service of Remembrance was once again very moving and a testimony to the hard work put in by a number of students. The team have also busy preparing elements of the Advent service and the Christmas Eucharist. These important Acts of Collective Worship punctuate the year and really help to develop the community spirit and Christian ethos that is so important at Bishop Perowne. I am very proud of what has been achieved by the Worship Team over the last few years and will be sad to leave them. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all for their hard work and commitment and wish them every future success. I would also like to thank Captain Rick Tett for his unwavering support and friendship over the last few years. Lastly, I would like to remember Rev Peter Haddleton, without his love and direction, the Worship Team would not be able to function as they do today. He will never be forgotten. Mr S Bethel

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Advent Spiral Molly













































Skye KaiJoshua

































































Mia Alexsandra











The following students have been chosen to light our advent spiral during December.

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Friday Prayers Friday prayers take place on a weekly basis from 12.45 - 1.20. Each week, 10-25 of our Muslim students attend prayers in the long room. During each prayer, we begin by preparing the room and preparing ourselves for prayer. This begins with the completion of wudu (ablution) where students perform the obligatory wash to cleanse prior to prayer. Musadaq Shazad continues to be our reliable 'muezzin', performing the call to prayer known as the 'athan'. Each prayer begins with a sermon performed by myself. Topical issues are discussed, with students being informed of their moral and social responsibilities and the need to consider the impact they have on others and what they can do individually for the greater good. Students leave prayers having reflected on their efforts in the week, current affairs and what they can do to improve themselves. All Muslim students are welcome to attend the prayers. I hope that the prayers can continue to have a positive impact on our Muslim students within the College and the way in which we all have respect for each other’s faith. Mr. Elmougy

EAL Department News The EAL department has had a busy term, welcoming new students for whom English is an additional language. We aim to help students settle into school life, access the curriculum by giving support in class and improve their fluency in English with extra language lessons. We also organise trips and social events to encourage friendships and cultural awareness. This term, for example, we have had trips to the cinema and the Swan theatre. Every Friday lunchtime, the Cake Club gives an opportunity for EAL students to spend time together, talk and share any concerns in a more relaxed setting. When former student and triple amputee, Corporal Tom Neathway came to the Remembrance Day Service, some of the EAL students had the privilege of meeting him later in the day and asking questions about his time as a soldier and his experiences serving in Afghanistan. We were all extremely moved by his courage and bravery. We have also contributed to the School Advent Service by sharing Advent and Christmas traditions from Portugal, Brazil, Poland, France and Zimbabwe, speaking both in our home languages and then translating into English.

English Department News We would like to launch our book cover competition. Over the next few weeks students from all year groups are invited to enter our exciting competition to create a book cover, either for a story they have read or for a new story they have written themselves. It should include blurb, pictures, title etc. Entries will be judged by a special panel and prizes will be on offer! More information available from your English Teacher! Closing date is January 7th.

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Mathematics Department News ‘The Maths Departments Termly Problem’.

– ‘Get your answers to Mr Varey and he might give you a small prize. There are 4 possible solutions and you need them all - good luck.’

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics Specialism Society for General Microbiology - Microbiology in Schools Fund 2014 The Science department have been awarded a £1000 grant from the Society for General Microbiology specifically for use in Arts week 2015. The grant will allow us to buy a set of new light microscopes which can then be used to enrich the curriculum, especially at KS4. During Arts week 2015, the Science department will be running a series of activities around the theme of microbiology. These will be hands on activities where students will be responsible for setting up their samples and viewing them using the new microscopes. There will also be a look back in time at microbiology in the past with a few case studies of famous scientists involved in this field. Science topical quiz questions 1. What was the comet called that the European Space Agency has recently landed on? 2. What was the probe called that actually landed on the comet? 3. What was the spacecraft called that went to the comet? 4. What is the most common mineral on earth? 5. What was the first swimming dinosaur?

STEM STEM Club continues to flourish on a weekly basis (Thursdays 3-4pm). It has been pleasing to see so many new faces attending and getting involved with the range of practical activities on offer. Some of our regular attenders are now taking up the challenge of achieving a CREST award in science to gain further recognition for their endeavours. All students are welcome to attend and immerse themselves in the wonder of science. Mr Elmougy 2 i/c Science

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Design and Technology Department News—Lizzie Laser’s Blog One’s final Blog of the year; the past few months have been a mixture of producing students’ work and manufacturing commissioned goods for a range of customers. Year 8 graphic’s students have been working on designing and producing clocks in 2D design either for a gift or for their own room. Having previously produced a simple coaster, the clock designs have stretched students’ abilities and helped them develop their own competences.

Shakespeare Duck’ featured prominently on the design of an accolade for students of English; they thought said named duck would be an iconic inspirational ‘Effort award’. The shape of the key encompasses the letter ‘E’ both for English and Effort.

The Finance Office received new signage for above the window to replace the old laminated version.

Remembrance featured in one’s sphere of activity, resulting in an innovative candle holder designed to resemble a poppy, with inscriptions taken from famous war poems. Remembrance poppies also featured, along with ‘prayer cards’, and stands for the memorial crosses, these featured on a ‘Remembrance Tree’ sited within the reception area.

The festive season also featured in one’s assignments; prayer cards and ‘Nativity’ tree decorations which will decorate the foyer, along with the previous years ‘Jesse Tree’.

Having trialled an innovative new 3D ‘pop-up’ design for Christmas from Gordonstoun School, we are anticipating a commission to produce new ‘pop-up postcards’ for them.

The most recent commission comes from a Martial Arts Academy, to manufacture 15 bespoke awards to be presented prior to Christmas. It is hoped that these and future commissions will facilitate in acquiring sufficient funds to abet in one’s upgrade early in 2015.

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Arts Department The Arts – Newsletter December 2014 The Bishop Perowne Calendar: The calendar competition is held each year with all the students who take Photography. This year it was highly competitive with a huge number of entries making the judging extremely difficult. The judges were Ms Farr, Mr Manship, and Mr Hewson. All the images were presented, and then gradually sorted into possible months, then finally selecting the best for each. Well done to all the winning entries who were Kiera Lewis, Hannah Finn, Sam Lewington, Josetta Ried and Jack Llewellyn The Bishop Perowne Christmas Card A Year 9 student’s atmospheric snowy evening photo has been chosen for the College’s Christmas card. Jack Llewellyn snapped the picture on his camera when he was out walking, capturing the snow-covered bushes, trees and snow falling in the evening light. He said: “I saw the bushes, trees and the snow and I had my camera with me so I took the picture and did a bit of editing in Photoshop. I guess I just got lucky.” “When I learned of the competition for the College Christmas card I entered the picture and was very pleased when I won,” said the student who studies photography at Bishop Perowne C of E College. Jack received a Headteacher’s commendation, an Amazon voucher and the privilege of having his photo used for this year’s Christmas card. Glass Workshops: Every half term a glass workshop takes place in the Arts rooms at the College. They are attended by around 20 adults from the local community who attend the sessions for three hours on a Saturday morning. During the workshops, which are run by Steve Hewson (Subject Leader for Art) and Malcolm Box (Data Manager) participants melt and fuse glass to form a variety of designs which include plates, bowls, tiles and coasters. The workshops cost £6 to attend with a small charge made for the glass used. Yamazaki Mazak Christmas Card Competition: Students from the College have, for the past three years, entered a competition to have their Christmas Card designs adopted by Yamazaki Mazak, a company with whom Bishop Perowne College have a long standing and successful partnership. Many of the students designs have been used in the past and this year Rosie Lilwall of Year 10 was successful in getting hers accepted. Other designs were submitted by Jack Llewelyn, Alex Lambourne, Peter Collins and Gastao Gama De Sousa of Year 9. The Yamazaki Mazak judges of the design entries were Maja Foster (European Marketing Manager), Ruth Butler (Assistant To The Directors) and Marcus Burton (European Group Managing Director). Quench Arts - Specialist Intake Song Writing and Production Workshop All students in the Specialist Intake Group, from years 7 to 11, took part in the first of three full day workshops this year which focused on song writing and production. Jonny Amos and James Stanley, two professional song writers and producers, came into College for the day to work with our students. During the six hours of the workshop students both wrote and produced their own songs and backing tracks resulting, at the end of the day, in the recording and production of no less than eight completed songs. The Specialist Intake Group are students who gain entry to the College through an audition process, in which they demonstrate a long standing commitment to the Arts, through their activities in clubs or through instrumental and vocal skills. Along with many other activities the group have three all day workshops during the year in which they work with professional artists and develop skills that are above and beyond those of the normal arts curriculum.

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Arts’ Department News Jonny and James brought with them a whole array of professional equipment which enabled the students to take the song writing and production process right through to the point of being able to make a CD of the tracks produced. It was a dynamic, creative, engaging and highly successful day and we thank Jonny and James, along with Quench Arts, for giving our students such an amazing experience. All the students have received CD copies of their songs and backing tracks and many of the groups will perform them in Acts of Collective Workshop and other events between now and the end of the year. Artistic Tribute To The Fallen: A MOVING and atmospheric tribute to the fallen was installed at Bishop Perowne C of E College on Thursday, November 6th. It marked the start of the college's commemoration of the First World War, become a central point for acts of Remembrance in November and help people to focus on those who have fought in conflicts such as the Great War and ponder on how the world has changed because of that deadly conflict. The interactive art installation, entitled Light in the Darkness has been designed by stained glass artist Catherine Pinnock and has previously stood in Birmingham Cathedral. The canvas, in deep shades of blue, purple and black, has the inscription ‘All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle’ (the words of Saint Francis of Assisi). In the front stands a single candle surrounded by movable blocks bearing poignant inscriptions. "The installation is in the art gallery until Christmas and parents, carers and members of the local community are more than welcome to come and use it as a focal point for their thoughts and Remembrance.. Musical Production of 'Grease' Our full production of the musical 'Grease' is now well under way and rehearsals are going well. The final performance will be in the week beginning February 9th and alongside four evening performances we will also be doing three matinee performances to our partner primary schools. With a cast of more than 80 students the production promises to be a lively and dynamic occasion including of course all the iconic songs that we have come to know so well. Being directed by Ms Davis, who gave us the excellent production last year of 'Bugsy Malone' , the show is bound to be a hit for all involved. Tickets for the show will go on sale after Christmas and we do hope you'll be able to join us in February. E-pic Arts and Cultural Project Bishop Perowne C of E College students went on a 'road trip' on Thursday 16th October in order to visit various sites of artistic and cultural interest along a mapped out route between two schools. This was part of the E-pic project which is a collaboration between year 7 and 8 students from Bishop Perowne, the Hippodrome Theatre, Moorlands Primary School in Birmingham and Meadow Community Arts. In September students from Bishop Perowne spent a day at the Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre getting together ideas for the project and recording a song. Following this the 'road trip' gave them an opportunity to take video and photographs of different sites of cultural and artistic interest. During the day the students visited Gheluvelt Park in Worcester, taking photographs of the War Memorial and learning about its historic significance. They then went on to the Sandwell Valley Farm Museum where they were able to get lost in the maze, admire the collection of animals and hear about the history of the local community. The final stop was the Dudley Canal Tunnel where they met up with students from Moorlands Primary school for some lunch and trip on the canal boats. Some of the students had a go at 'legging' the boat through the tunnel and discovered that this had once been a common way of moving the boats along.

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Arts’ Department News After the road trip all of the students from Moorlands Primary School then spent a day at Bishop Perowne where they were delighted to take part in workshops in the Green Screen Studio, drama in the Theatre and song and music in the Performing Arts Dance Studio. The final day will be at Moorlands Primary School in Birmingham where all of the work completed during the project will be shared and performed. The aim of the project is to produce a DVD of the students experiences and to disseminate this to other schools as a sharing of good practice. The Shakespeare Schools Festival Bishop Perowne Church of England College students performed an abridged version of Shakespeare's tragic play King Lear at the annual Shakespeare Schools Festival at the Courtyard Theatre, Hereford. Students began rehearsing the play at the start of September and in a very short period of time were ready to perform. The production was a minimalist interpretation of the text needing only one chair for staging while the expression, tension and drama of the life of King Lear were expertly communicated through the performance skills of the students. On the evening two other schools performed The Tempest and Henry V. Students from Bishop Perowne College have taken part in the festival many times in recent years and have performed A Midsummer Night's Dream, Richard III and Macbeth. This year was their first performance at the Courtyard as previously they have always appeared at the Artrix Theatre, Bromsgrove. John Plant, Assistant Head Teacher, said: "It was a tremendously successful evening during which the students gave a powerful performance full of tension, tragedy and high drama. It was also an invaluable experience for them to work in a professional theatre environment and to experience the technical and administrative aspects of the industry.” The Student Arts Technical Team A group of students currently work alongside our Theatre Manager, Mr Steelefox, in organising and delivering the technical aspects of a wide range of activities and events in College. They ensure that the sound, projection and seating arrangements are all in place for Acts of Collective Worship, they support in drama, dance and music events and design and deliver lighting and sound for our College productions. It is an enormously important role which contributes to some of themost important events on the College calendar. The students are also currently studying for the Silver Arts Award qualification in order to recognise and reward there contribution. The team visited the John Moore Theatre at the Kings School on Friday, December the 5 th, accompanied by Mr Steelefox. During the visit they investigated the in-house staging, lighting and sound equipment and discussed the life of the school’s theatre with the experienced Theatre Manager, Chris Crosswell. Building on our links with the King’s school, the trip was the first of several to local arts venues with the aim of gathering evidence towards the Silver Arts Award training as well as expanding their technical knowledge and good practice within the field.

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Year 7 The first term settling in to a new school can be daunting, however the year 7’s have transitioned to secondary school and settled in to being Bishops boys and girls very well. It is fantastic to see so many year 7 students involving themselves in the College production of Grease, being knowledgeable ambassadors of our College during open day events and making a wonderful start in College sports teams. I am really proud of how well year 7 have settled in and I am sure that they will continue to grow and thrive as members of the College community. Congratulations to all of Perrins for their sterling efforts for Children in Need. The school cake sale showed that Perrins contains some wonderful bakers (budding future contestants for the Great British Bake Off!). Students around college reported eating the delightful blue muffins and chunks of tiffin. Unfortunately we were just pipped to the post by Fearnley who raised the most money from the Bake Sale. It was also great to see Perrin’s Community Spirit by embracing the theme of the day and dressing as superheroes. This ranged from home made capes to bespoke costumes! A special thank you goes to the members of Perrins Community Parliament and Community Leadership who helped to organise this fundraising event. I am sure that Perrins students will continue to embrace the community spirit along with their festive jumpers on 12th December. Well Done to all of Perrins Community and Merry Christmas. Ms Nabi—Year 7 Leader

Year 8 It has been a very productive and successful first term for Year 8 students . It is very pleasing to see a large number of Year 8 students involving themselves in the College production of Grease, and for the sporting success we have achieved so far. It is hard to believe that just last year they were new members of our community. It is wonderful that so many year 8 students are acting as buddies for our new Year 7’s. I am very proud of them and they are acting as excellent role models.

Miss G. Olseen—Year 8 Leader

Year 9 This term has been a busy one for Year 9, settling into their options and developing the skills to enable them to achieve their full potential in their GCSE's. The year group also acquitted themselves in an admirable way during Children in Need, showing real spirit and dedication to an important cause. I am also proud to report that many Year 9 students have represented the School in sporting fixtures, demonstrating the true Bishop Perowne spirit. I am sure that they will continue to do so as the year progresses. On a personal note, I am sad to announce that I am leaving at Christmas, relocating to Devon. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in Year 9 for their hard work this year and wish them every success. I will miss them! Mr Bethel—Year 9 Leader

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Year 10 It has been a privilege to acknowledge so many achievements this year by sending out congratulations postcards, and Year 10 have worked hard to achieve their very best in their GCSE and option subjects. They have been preparing for their end of term assessments and I feel sure they will achieve the very best grades to show how hard they have worked. Well done to all of them. Many of them are starting to look to the future and are making decisions about life after Bishop Perowne, but also how to make the most of their time here and how they can support the wider College community. Supporting fund raising events and community activities shows that they are good role models for the younger students and that they are taking seriously the need to be more involved in wider issues. I hope that many of them will consider applying for leadership roles towards the end of Year 10 which will enhance their experiences in College. These opportunities will also be useful for references when they apply for College courses, apprenticeships and career choices in the future. I look forward to working with them again in the New Year and wish them a Merry Christmas! Mrs Stevens—Year 10 Leader

Year 11 The Year 11 students have now completed their practice examination fortnight. They are to be congratulated on their exemplary behaviour and conduct throughout. The students will receive their results during our practice examination results morning on Friday, January 9th. We hope this will be a positive experience and provide an insight for the students into how they will feel on the actual GCSE results day in August 2015. Mrs J Price—Year 11 Leader

Peer Mentor PEER MENTORS We all know that it can be hard to settle into a new school. At Bishop Perowne we have a team of peer mentors to make this change as smooth as possible. On a Wednesday at lunch-time students can come and talk to us about any issues or problems they are experiencing during their time at Bishop Perowne. As a peer mentor you are required to talk to many children who are suffering at both, home and/or school. This means you have to have good listening skills and also a sense of confidentiality. Do you think that you are up for it? If so come and see Miss Spurgin in p14 and ask.

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Careers Year 11 is a very busy time for our students as they prepare for both their examinations and also complete controlled assessments. However, they also need to begin to think about what they will do once their GCSE examinations are taken and have completed their time at Bishop Perowne. In order to aid our students with their post 16 options a number of different events have taken place over the last few weeks. Year 11 have attended two assemblies about the local College option choices which they currently face. The Worcester Sixth Form College came and spoke to Year 11 about the various A Level and extracurricular options which are open to them. This week Heart of Worcester College have also spoken to Year 11 about the range of vocational qualifications which they offer. Both presentations were very interesting and have given Year 11 plenty to think about. In addition one to one careers interviews have begun with earnest and a number of Year 11 students have already spoken to Julie Dutfield about securing, college places, employment plans or an apprenticeship.

Fearnley Community Newsletter Community Parliament tutor group representatives have met together over the term to encourage fund raising activities again this term. Our Year 11 Community Parliament Team has also encouraged student participation in the Community Challenge Sporting activities that have been held this term. A range of activities were held and Fearnley came second overall which is a great achievement and well done to everyone that participated. It really is the taking part that counts towards the final points! The fund raising ideas for Children in Need in November raised nearly a £1000! As part of this we held a cake sale and Fearnley again raised the most money – we really are fabulous bakers obviously! Students also dressed as Super Heroes for the day and the range of costumes was amazing! On Friday 12th December Save the Children ‘Wear a Sweater’ day is a National Charity that we support and students were invited to wear a festive sweater and donate to this worthy cause. In the last week of the term there will be another activity day which will engage students in competing for more points towards the Community Challenge. A range of fun activities have been arranged to end the term on a high! The scores and photographs are displayed by the College canteen for students to monitor the progress of their community. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Lorraine Stevens Fearnley Community Leader

Duckworth Community Newsletter This has been a very busy term for Duckworth Community and they have achieved so much. I would like to Congratulate all of Duckworth for their hard work and support of the Children in Need fundraising day. The College cake sale was brilliant and enabled the students to demonstrate true community spirit A special thank you to Duckworth Community Parliament and Community Leadership who helped to organise this fundraising event and worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Their work often goes unnoticed, but they are constantly developing their leadership skills under the expert guidance of Mrs Stevens. I have not doubt that Duckworth Community will continue to demonstrate the same dedication and community spirit as the year progresses. On a personal note, I am sad to announce that I am leaving at Christmas, relocating to Devon. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in Duckworth Community for their hard work and wish them every success for the future. I will miss them! Mr Bethel Duckworth Community Leader

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Perrins Community Newsletter Congratulations to all of Perrins for their sterling efforts for Children in Need. The College cake sale showed that Perrins contains some wonderful bakers (budding future contestants for the Great British Bake Off!). Students around College reported eating the delightful blue muffins and chunks of tiffin. Unfortunately we were just pipped to the post by Fearnley who raised the most money from the Bake Sale. It was also great to see Perrin’s Community Spirit by embracing the theme of the day and dressing as superheroes. This ranged from home made capes to bespoke costumes! A special thank you goes to the members of Perrins Community Parliament and Community Leadership who helped to organise this fundraising event. I am sure that Perrins students will continue to embrace the community spirit along with their festive jumpers on December 12th. Well Done to all of Perrins Community and Merry Christmas.

Tilley Community Newsletter We, as Tilley Community, have continued to excel in sports and managed to win the Community challenge at the Olympic Legacy Day. This bodes extremely well for Sports Day this year, well done to all participants. Last week was our main fundraising event of the term – Children in Need. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to make the day so enjoyable and helped to raise money for such a worthwhile cause. We had a Community Bake off in school. In previous years, Tilley have always done extremely well in this competition. I was a little disappointed that we came fourth place. I would like to thank those students who contributed cakes to the sale. We clearly need to improve our baking skills this year in Tilley! Well done to Fearnley who raised the most money from the Bake Sale. A number of students came dressed as their favourite superhero and many of the costumes were most impressive. I would like to congratulate the members of Tilley Community Parliament and Community Leadership who helped to organise this fundraising event. I would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Gemma Olseen.

Student Council In the previous half term student council was given the responsibility to find a solution for student protocol during a wet break. We suggested more places to eat for students as well as the idea of introducing more benches and covered areas outdoors. We have met with members of the senior leadership team about this matter and we derived two solutions that could be implemented. The first of these solutions is for students to return to either their tutor base or a tutor base that belongs to the same community as them. Our other solution was to allocate certain rooms in the school to certain years, so students can spend wet breaks and lunches in their friendship groups. After discussion with the senior leadership team as well as feedback from form reps and community parliament members we are firmly in favour of having year groups allocated to rooms as many students feel that this would be more enjoyable for everybody. Another topic that arose was fundraising. Through the term we have thought up many new and fun ways to raise money for different charities. Our most popular idea was a Christmas disco. However due to the fact that Year 11’s are currently undergoing mock exams, we were not able to organise the disco in time. Another idea that the Form Representatives were very interested in was a movie night. This would be held after school, and would include an age appropriate movie. To raise money from this event we have decided to charge a small amount for tickets and also sell refreshments such as popcorn and soft drinks. This year it has been the Leadership Team’s job to organise the refurbishment of the common room. So far we have been able to send out a questionnaire and find out what the current Year 11’s thought about the common room and what they wanted to change. We have collated the results and found that the most popular colour was blue. We also found, from the results, that many Year 11’s want sofa and bean bags. Currently we are researching where we can find the most cost effective furniture and paint. We would like to thank the form reps for their continued support and contributions with regards to attending meetings, feeding back to forms and relaying their form’s feedback back to the council. Thanks to these contributions we have had a very successful term and hope to improve on this after Christmas. In the New Year we are hoping to hold a team building day for the student council in order to build the Council into a stronger team.

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Boris’ Blog: The School’s Golden Retriever Here we are again, Christmas “how exciting”. I get to spend this with my family but I will miss all my friends at school.

This term been fantastic, I have been on lots of walks, met all new children and had my photo taken for a calendar by some students in year 7. I have been helping the children to talk about how they are feeling and making sure they are happy. I like making them laugh by chasing my tail and I know if I woof now people will open the door and let me out. I look forward to coming back after my Christmas break ready for a new term and new challenges. Although I will miss some of my friends who have made such good progress they are now attending all of their lessons, I’m sure I will still get to see them at break times to see how they are getting on.

Happy Christmas and Happy New year to everyone from Boris and Nurture Base staff.

Open Tuesday All parents/carers are reminded

‘Open Tuesday’ Every Tuesday between 3.00 pm-4.00 pm A chance to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team without a prior appointment. Parents/carers are seen on a first come/first seen basis. The length of the meeting will depend on the number of people waiting to be seen

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‘Snow Line’ In the event of inclement weather if school is forced to close we shall notify the following organisations: 

Radio Wyvern

BBC Hereford and Worcester


Heart FM

The Bear

A notice will also appear on the College website ( and a text will be sent to all parents/carers. Please ensure that we have your up to date contact telephone numbers.


The College will be holding 'Attendance week' when we return after the Christmas break, commencing on January 12th. During this time, students will participate in a number of discussions and assemblies about the importance of good attendance whilst in form time each morning. The great majority of our students have attendance above our target of 95%, which is to be congratulated. I would take this opportunity to remind parents that attendance below 90% is considered a cause for concern, both by ourselves and the government. During the coming term we will also be running focus weeks on anti - bullying and safeguarding.

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Consultation Evenings Parents’ Survey Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

Don't Know

My child enjoys school The school provides a rich and interesting curriculum that helps my child to learn











My child is making enough progress at school The school deals effectively with unacceptable behaviour











The learning and teaching is good at this school Staff expect my child to work hard and do his or her best











Your child knows how to revise






Your child completes all given homework The homework that is given builds well on what my child learns in school Show my homework is a useful tool to help monitor homework
















Staff treat all children fairly and with respect






The school helps my child have a healthy lifestyle






The school keeps my child safe






The school informs me about my child's progress






The school helps me support my child's leaning I feel comfortable about approaching the school with questions, suggestions or a problem The school helps my child to become more mature and take on responsibility The school makes sure that my child is well prepared for the future





















The school provides a good range of extra activities (for example the range of clubs, afterschool activities, themed weeks, trips and visitors etc)






The school is led and managed effectively






The school meets my child's particular needs I am happy with the new booking system for Parents' Consultation evenings I have been able to gather all the information I required this evening Overall, I am happy with my child experience at this school





















As a result of this feedback we shall publish some advice on the website about revision, review the health aspects of the PSE programme and update you in the near future of changes we will make.

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Sports Department News BOYS from Worcester’s Bishop Perowne C of E College are looking forward to an exciting sports tour to Paris next year when they will be playing football and rugby against French teams. In May half term Year 9 boys football and rugby teams (33 students), accompanied by sports teachers, will be off to France. Their trip will include a rour of the Paris Saint Germain Football Club’s Stadium, a day at Disneyland, and a guided tour of the city including going up the Eiffel Tower, as well as football and rugby matches against local teams. Sam Hodgkins, one of the PE teachers accompanying the boys on the tour said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for the boys to experience sport and culture within mainland Europe. We are all extremely excited by the prospect of representing both Bishop Perowne College as well as England. We have some excellent students and young sportsmen at the college and we are all confident of enjoying a fantastic tour.” The sports tour is registered on<http://> should anyone be kind enough to sign up to the website and support fundraising for the Bishop Perowne Sports Tour 2015. The website gives a percentage of any online shopping to the cause, with no extra expense to the shopper.

Tournament Results Chantry:

Jakob Terry – Try X2

Christopher Whiteheads: Jakob Terry – Try Will Bishop – Try Blessed Edwards:

Will Bishop – Try

John Masefield:

Jakob Terry – Try X2 Match Report

Chantry Chantry was a tough game. All of the teams we played had improved since we last played them, but Chantry were by far the most improved. They were good at passing and they got the ball out to the wing a lot, which was arguably their strongest point. Our team, especially Sam Sowden, Sam Dodson and Gasto tackled very well, producing a great first match, and both teams did very well to play the way they did on such a boggy pitch. Final Score: Bishop Perowne 2-0 Chantry Christopher Whiteheads Christopher Whiteheads were a very good team, but they only showed up with ten players, so that was a downside. On the boggy pitch again, everyone did very well, with Adam Biddle putting in a very good run, unfortunately slipping over around the halfway line. Sam Dodson and Will Haughtey put in a very good effort in the rucking side of things, and a there was a well stolen lineout and try from Will Bishop. Final Score: Bishop Perowne 2-0 Christopher Whiteheads Blessed Edwards Blessed Edwards were arguably the best team we played, and they kept attacking all the way through, and we did well to keep them back. They kept trying to penetrate our defences by running through the middle and occasionally would pass it out to their wings who were very fast. Josh Bentley gave them a taste of their own medicine by nearly scoring a very nice try from our own half down the wing, and Will Bishop eventually managed to jump over their defences to secure the win. Final Score: Bishop Perowne 1-0 Blessed Edwards

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Sports Department News John Masefield John Masefield was probably the second, if not the best team we played. They were a very attacking team and if they needed to be, very defensive. Jakob Terry managed to get the first and only tries of the game, and if it wasn’t for Josh Bentley, it would have been a draw for the title. He ran half way across the pitch to tackle the player that would have broken our clean sheet. Harry Dickins also had a great support run after getting the ball from Brad Warr to get us an extra five feet of ground. Overall, we played very well, and everybody participated in their own way, (including Miles drawing a car in the mud) and contributed to our clean sheet and our second win of the Chantry Tournament. Final Score: Bishop Perowne 2-0 John Masefield Tournament Review by Will Bishop

Basketball results Year 8 v Droitwich lost 18-16 Year 9 v Droitwich won 32-26 Year 11 v Droitwich lost 32 -26

Year 6 Indoor Athletics 150 children from St Barnabas St Georges Claines, Perdiswell and Northwick joined us in the sports hall for a morning of competitive athletics. Field events included foam javelin, chest throw with a weighted ball, speed bounce, vertical jump, long jump and triple -jump. The track events were really exciting right up to the final event. The enthusiasm of the children was evident in their support for each other with plenty of cheering making a great atmosphere during the races. St Barnabas and Perdiswell were joint winners and will go forward to the City Competition to try to qualify for the School Games. St Georges finished 3rd Northwick 4th and Claines 5th. Our leaders were great role models for the children and were a credit to the college. Thanks to Rachel Wakefield Megan Done Hannah Mathews Kerry Williams Charlotte Fletcher Kaitlin Gaffney Gerraint Howells Jakob Terry Sam Sowden Josh Bently

Will Bishop Dan Norcott Ben Young Jordan Lee Harris Tyler Henderson Aaron Brett Elisha Olatundi Will Haughty Adam Biddle

Harriers Childrens Football - Xmas 2014 Kidderminster Harriers football courses for the Christmas holidays will be held Tuesay 23rd December at Bishop Perowne College sportshall, 10am-3pm. Open to boys and girls aged 5-14 years, all abilities welcome Cost £10 for 1 day. Young children can attend for half days if they feel a full day is too much @ £5 per day. The course will include Santas Penalty Shoot Out and an indoor 5-a-side tournament. To book a place contact the Community Office on 01562 863821 or email The programme is Kidderminster, Baxter College Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd Bromsgrove, Catshill Middle School, Monday 22nd Cleobury Mortimer Sports Centre, Monday 22nd Droitwich, Witton Middle School, Tuesday 23rd Worcester, Bishop Perowne College, Tuesday 23rd

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Sports Department News The following students attended a leadership training day at Worcester University. They were taught how to organise and set up activities including New Age Kurling, Wheelchair Basketball and Football. They also had to take on roles as referees and officials in preparation to work as leaders at the Winter School Games. Aaron Brett, Tyler Henderson, Charlotte Fletcher, Rachel Wakefield, Craig Strachen, Claudio Almeida

Athletics Well done to the following students who took part in the Sportshall Athletics event at St Johns Sport Centre. Year 7 Izzy Cale, Danielle Weston,Jess Henderson, Poppy Troth, Ava Stevens Poppy Lewis ,Mia Lenton Yr8 Ola Wolanski Kasey Cale Olivia Bradley Sachin Muir Sabrina Mohammed Georgia Antonoiu Miriam Taveres Year 7 girls finished 3rd and year 8 finished 4th. There were some great individual performances from Jess Henderson in the triple jump with the longest jump of the day and Olivia Bradley and Casey Cale 2 nd in the parlouf event.

Rugby Year 11 lost to Nunnery Wood 27-7

Sports Tour 2015 Coming Soon in 2015!! Bishop Perowne Sports Tour Paris May 2015

The Year 9 Football & Rugby Teams set sail to Paris in May Half Term 2015 to pit their wits against their French opponents. The trip will also include: Stadium tour of Paris Saint Germain’s Stadium A day at Disneyland Paris A guided tour of the city of Paris and the chance to climb the Eiffel Tower See Mr. Hodgkins for more details

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Sports Department News Gymnastic Festival 2014 We were very lucky again to have the opportunity to use Worcester City Gym and their fantastic facilities to hold our Year 2 Gymnastics festival. Children from St Barnabas, Claines, Northwick and St Georges all arrived keen and enthusiastic to experience top class facilities. Before the event 15 gymnasts from College all received training on the activity they were going to coach. There were 12 activities for the children to experience, including work on the beams, parallel bars, jumps into the pit, swings and circles on the high bars and vaulting. The leaders really worked hard to get the best out of the year2s and they all had a fantastic time. To finish off the event they were treated to a display from Kerry Williams in year9 and a member of the gym club. She performed on the floor, beam and the parallel bars to leave the children inspired for the future. A big thanks to Peter from Worcester City Gym Club and the Colleges leaders for making this a very special event. Beth Whitworth

Lauren Williams

Jess Key

Leah Dimmock

Kerry Williams

Charlotte Whitworth

Charlotte Fletcher

Georgia Antonio

Hannah Mathews

Harriet Hardwick

Amelia Turberfield

Sachin Muir

Megan Done

Jess Jordan

Rachel Wakefield The Year 7 and 8 Athletics teams competed in the Worcestershire Indoor Athletics Championships on Friday the 28th of November. Boys results The boys in Year 7 and 8 finished 3rd overall in both competitions which was a good achievement for our teams. Everyone gave of their best on the day and there were some notable performances from Nicholas Mathews and Tyler Wells who won a number of events. The teams were as follows: Year 7 Ben Hathaway Tyler Wells Charlie Ness Kai Lewis Josh barton Deepanshu Adhikar

Adrian Zukowski Ellis Monk Year 8 Nicholas Matthews Ben Preece aaron Cook Oliver Beesley

Dylan Van Wienan Kian Davis

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Sports Department News Results for year 7 and 8 girls’ netball and football so far: Year 7 Netball


Player of the match

Bishops v Blessed Edwards


Izzy Cale

Bishops v Christopher Whitehead


Jessica Henderson

Bishops v Tudor Grange


Izzy Cale

Bishops v Christopher Whitehead


Miriam Tavares

Bishops v Tutor Grange


Year 8 Netball

U13 football Bishops v Blessed Edwards


Bishops v Tudor Grange


Ava Stephens and Maria Conde Sousa

Congratulations to the following year 7 girls for outstanding commitment to the sports teams shown so far. These girls have consistently played netball and football this term, showing dedication and have improved with every match! Izzy Cale Danielle Weston Jess Henderson Poppy Troth Hannah Blake Basketball Year 8 basketball v Chantry won 32 -4 Year 9 basketball V Chantry won 24 - 20 Year 9 Basketball lost to Blessed's 38-18 Girls Football The new year 7 girls have made an impressive start this term showing commitment and enthusiasm for training as well as matches. The first match they played was a game at Droitwich against a mixed year 8/9 team which were very strong, but we played very well but lost as expected against older students. They then had a friendly indoor mini tournament against Blessed Edward winning 2 games and losing one. Some promising players were starting to emerge from a squad of 14 girls. It was good to see them all getting involved and enjoying the competition. The next game was against Tudor Grange. They went one goal down but this seemed to fire them on and some great teamwork led them onto a 3 -2 win. They are now looking forward to league games in the new year. Squad Captain Danielle Westbrook, Ava Stephens Jess Henderson Poppy Troth, Maria Conde Sousa Izzy Cale Mya Green Jariya Imran Jasmine Whaid The u16 girls played their first game against Droitwich. It was a close game, with a draw at half time it was anyones to win or lose! Unfortunately despite good team work Droitwich went ahead with 2 mins to go and won the game. Megan Gardner, Claudia Taylor, Katie Hawkins, Zoe Malin, Emily Malin. Ines Costa Matin. The girls took part in the u16 City Futsal Tournament finishing runners up in an exciting last match against CWH coming back from 2 goals at half time. Just losing in the added 2 minutes extra time. Well done to capt Megan Gardner, Zoe Malin Emily Malin Claudia Taylor and Steph Pugh for outstanding determination and great play.

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College News Macmillan Coffee Morning In September the staff held a Macmillan Coffee Morning and a massive £179.33 was raised in just half an hour. Thanks to all who organised and took part.

Uniform After a warm September and mild October students are now coping with cold morning starts. This seems an appropriate time to remind students that jumpers should now be worn underneath blazers as part of their uniform. The jumpers make our students look smart and warm. If students are still feeling the cold they are permitted to wear a plain coat. Hooded tops, tracksuit tops, denim and leather are not allowed in College neither are patterned or brightly coloured “fashion scarves”. I would like to thank the vast majority of our parents who send their children to our College each day looking so well dressed and looking eager to learn.

Show My Homework At Bishop Perowne College we strongly believe that the setting of high quality homework supports learning in the classroom and, from the feedback we have received from parents, we know that you share this viewpoint. In order to support our students in the completion of homework, and provide greater access to what homework has been set, we have introduced a system called Show My Homework. Show My Homework will not only be of great value of students, but parents will be able to access all homeworks that have been set for their Son or Daughter by visiting and filtering for the appropriate group or teacher. Homework Timetables for all 5 year groups are on the website. These timetables reflect when your Son or Daughter will have homework from the various subjects and also an approximate amount of time they should expect to spend on them. These timetables are a starting point and, through the gathering of feedback from a range of stakeholders, they will be amended and adjusted throughout the year. The latest versions will always be available through the College website. We hope that Show My Homework will be a very useful tool in supporting your Son or Daughters progress and attainment at Bishop Perowne. Any feedback on your experience with Show My Homework or the homework timetables would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to contact Mr Kling (Deputy Headteacher) via email,, or phone using 01905 746800.

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Trips and Visits Trips and visits update – December 2014 The Autumn Term has seen a wide range of opportunities for students in the form of trips and visits. A total of over 430 students have been out of College on off-site trips and visits during the course of the term, with more activities still scheduled to take place within the last two weeks. Remarkably, this does not include the numbers of students who have taken part in sports fixtures and activities, or the weekly visits which make up part of the ASDAN course. It also does not include the host of extra-curricular activities taking place in College on a weekly basis. Taking these into account, the numbers of students involved is well past 700. Trips and visits this term have included: Team building activities at Top Barn Farm. The Super Science Quiz at Birmingham University. STEM activities at Mazak and the Three Counties Showground. The Battlefields trip. Theatre trips to Birmingham and Malvern. Performances by the choir at Worcestershire Royal Hospital and the Victorian Christmas Fayre. Involvement in the Shakespeare Schools Festival. Involvement in the West Midlands Arts Connect Epic project. An open day at West Mercia Police HQ. A spiritual retreat at the House of the Open Door. Over 25 sports fixtures and activities. Weekly trips out to a variety of locations as part of the ASDAN course. This list indicates the breadth of experiences on offer to Bishop Perowne students and the dedication of so many different staff, who use their time and expertise to organise all of these additional learning activities. Congratulations to all students who have made the most of these opportunities and thank you to all those staff who have led them. Mr J Manship Educational Visits Co-ordinator

Able Students More able students update – December 2014 During the course of this term, the College has been reviewing its policy and provision for our more able students in the light of changes on a national level. For a number of years, ‘Gifted and Talented’ has been the accepted term for the more able students both in College and nationally. This term is no longer in use by Ofsted and will therefore also no longer be used by the College. Instead, we will refer to ‘More Able Students’. These are defined as being those students who secured level five or above in both English and mathematics on leaving primary school. The expectation is that more able students should achieve A and A* grades in all of their examination subjects at the end of Key Stage Four. The College is therefore committed to providing any necessary support and intervention for all more able students and especially for any who may be at risk of underachieving. This support will primarily be provided by classroom teachers, but will also include monitoring and intervention by tutors, subject leaders and the more able students co-ordinator. Parents and carers of any student who falls within this new definition will receive a letter early in the new term. The College recognises that there are many students who do not fall within the definition of more able students, but who are clearly talented within a specific subject area or extra-curricular activity. Consequently, alongside the provision for more able students, it is proposed that the College will continue to provide support, encouragement and enrichment opportunities to these students. This will be organised on a departmental level, with enrichment opportunities open to all students. The reality of course is that many of these opportunities already exist within the extended day. Further information on the development of this provision will be given to parents and carers next term. Mr J Manship More Able Students Co-ordinator

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College News MEMBERS of the Bishop Perowne Worship Team have recently been to the House of the Open Door Retreat Centre to reflect upon Advent. Simon Bethel, Duckworth community leader and head of Year 9, said: “As we began our thoughts and reflections leading up to advent, Captain Rick Tett, a Church Army Community Missioner and College Chaplain, and I took some of the worship team to the House of the Open Door, in the village of Childswickham in the Cotswolds, to reflect upon Advent. The theme was dark and light. “A good day was had by all with some wonderful food and creative art work being completed, using the aforementioned theme of dark into light as the starting point. “I really enjoyed the day and felt spiritually enlightened. It was a really positive experience in which we all gained a lot. The students deserved a day like this after all of their hard work over the last few years’ “We look forward to our next retreat and in the meantime, we are planning the important Christmas Eucharist which takes place on the last day of term.

Chess Youngster Makes All The Right Moves A 13 year old Bishop Perowne C of E College boy is busily making his mark in the world of chess. Year 9 student Jacob Payne-Lunn has already achieved several rosettes, and silver and gold medals, as well as an under-seven’s trophy. Now the student, who is a member of Worcester Junior Chess Academy has just achieved a third place in the Worcestershire Junior Chess Congress and a bronze medal with his team. Jacob said: “I really enjoy chess and competing and I will hopefully get better and do better in the next competition.” At the event, at the King’s School, Worcester, Jacob had five matches against other competitors over five and a half hours. Every game won scored a point for the individual and the team. He said: “There was also an individual game where everyone played to get points to win first, second or third. I won three out of five games, giving me three points and third place.” Headteacher, Julie Farr, said: “We very much encourage students to play chess and we have an outdoor chess set in our maths quadrangle. It is very good to hear of Jacob’s success.”

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Singling at the Victorian Christmas Fayre TALENTED young singers from Worcester’s Bishop Perowne C of E College will be performing outside the city’s Guildhall in the High Street for an hour from 12.30pm on Thursday, November 27, to provide musical entertainment at the Victorian Christmas Fayre. They will be singing traditional Christmas carols and songs with some instrumental 'carolling' thrown in for variety. If you are in town go along and support them.

Panto Fun Comes to College PANTO fun is coming to Bishop Perowne C of E College with comic capers from Camelot, King Arthur and Merlin the hopeless magician. Claines Amateur Theatre Society (CATS) are looking forward to presenting their festive fun at Bishop's for the first time. For 17 years the group has been offering its 'less-traditional', pantomime at Claines Village Hall but, as a way to offer a better theatre experience to its audiences, the society has decided to hold its 2015 pantomime at Worcester's Bishop Perowne C of E College . The theatre will enable the group to double its audience capacity and it is hoping


its supporters - along with many new people - will enjoy the medieval romp that is entitled King Arthur on from Thursday 19, to Saturday 21, February, 2015. Group chairman and panto dame Jeremy Field said: "This is a big step up for our little amateur group, but one we are very excited about, and a venue I am sure our supportive audience will appreciate. Everyone can expect the usual warm welcome from our friendly group." The production, which promises jam-packed fun, adventure and comedy tells the tale of Camelot, a peaceful and happy place under good King Arthur's rule - until one day when Morgana The Merciless returns to try and usurp the throne by stealing the magic sword Escalibur. She instructs her idiotic henchmen Num and Skull to kidnap Lady Guinevere and hold her to ransom. Throw in Merlin a hopeless magician and the overbearing Dame Dolly persuing the reluctant object of her desire - Roger the Jester - and you’re set for a rollicking fun-filled panto. Look out for the panto fun is coming to Bishop Perowne C of E College with comic capers from

Camelot, King Arthur and Merlin the hopeless magician. Claines Amateur Theatre Society (CATS) are looking forward to presenting their festive fun at Bishop's for the first time.

Santathon BISHOP Perowne C of E College teacher Katie Byrne joined an army of Santas who literally painted the roads red and raised a sack full of cash for St Richard’s Hospice, Worcester, in a Santathon.About 150 people joined the event at Top Barn Activity Centre, Holt Heath, and are expected to raise about £5,000 between them.Congratulations to Katie, Bishop’s subject leader for Citizenship and PHSE and teacher of RE, who has raised about £200 so far – she is hoping to collect the cash this week, so dig deep if you have sponsored her. Participants, all dressed in Santa suits, had a choice of a four or eight mile route and could run, walk or cycle.

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Matt has his sights set on the Tokyo Olympics SWIMMER Matt Richards, a student at Worcester’s Bishop Perowne C of E College has his sights set firmly on the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. He may be only 11 and 5ft 2ins tall but this boy from Droitwich is already ranked number 2 in the UK for his age and, at 31.31secs, has the 12th fastest time ever in the UK in the 50m butterfly by an 11 year-old. More impressively his time was the fastest ever for a Welsh boy – Matt’s dad is Welsh and he has chosen Wales as his country of representation. He achieved these results at Worcester Swimming Club’s 18th Open Meet. He said: “I just love swimming, especially butterfly. I used to do rugby and Tae Kwon Do but had to give it up to concentrate on swimming. I want to try and get to the 2020 Olympics and the 2018 Commonwealth Games in Australia’s Gold Coast.” Matt started swimming lessons at the age of five at Droitwich Leisure Centre and then joined the Droitwich Dolphins Swimming Club, before moving to Worcester Swimming Club in 2013 where he made 15 county times out of 18 for the 2014 Championships. This season he has already achieved all 18 events for the 2015 Championships in March. At half term Worcester Swimming Club held its 18th Open Meet, which saw 280 swimmers compete from clubs as far afield as Lincolnshire, Staffordshire and Somerset. Matt took part in nine events and won five silver and four bronze medals. He was just pipped into second place by his friend Will Gearey from Pershore Swimming Club in the 50m butterfly. And Bishop Perowne C of E College Headteacher Julie Farr awarded him a Headteacher's Commendation for Outstanding Sporting Achievement for his efforts. Ms Farr said: "Matt is an asset to our college, a true 'bishop's boy', who gives of his best in all he does and is exceptionally wellmannered." Matt has just been selected for the West Midlands Talent Camp in December and January and it is hoped this will lead him to the Welsh National Championships in 2015 and possible the British National Championships, which has the top 24 swimmers in the UK. He said: “Recently the ASA changed its system of the national championships for the whole of the UK and because my birthday is on December 17 this will mean I could be swimming butterfly against children 11 months older than me.” Is he worried? "No I'm not worried. Nobody has ever been picked for an Olympics at 11 years old! This change gives me a challenge to keep working against as I try to achieve my long term goal. If I'm going to make it in swimming I am going to have to race against the best around, this is part of that."

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Congratulations to Former Students THERE is no such thing as a job for life nowadays, Mike Ashton, Chief Executive of Herefordshire and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce, told former Year 11 students returning to Worcester's Bishop Perowne C of E College to collect their certificates. He told the youngsters they needed to be flexible, gain lots of experiences as well as being educated to compete in the world of business. Mr Ashton, who was the guest speaker at Worcester's Bishop Perowne C of E College's annual presentation of certificates, told the students, staff, parents and carers that academic qualifications were the first thing that business employers looked for. However, he warned the former Year 11 students that they would be competing with others who had similar qualifications and so it was also very important to be a team leader with leadership skills to take on responsibility and a team player who could fit in with others in the workforce. He said: "The key thing is to get those experiences which will help you later in life, and help with your fitness and mental strength." He stressed the importance of "looking the part" at an interview; that verbal communication was "absolutely vital" as well as good writing skills. Mr Ashton explained how he had started his career in an apprenticeship with Shell UK but, being quite good at sport, changed and took a sports science degree. Flexibility and getting experiences were important. His career had taken many twists and turns and he told the students to take as many opportunities as they could. A big supporter of enterprise and economic development, Mr Ashton values the input that education can make to the development of young people and their ability to develop their business acumen. He explained a little about how the UK is competing on the worldwide business stage and of recent successes in China for small companies that had workers from this area. He said the future lay in the hands of the students who were receiving their certificates and they had had a great start at Bishop Perowne C of E College which was a great school with a great reputation within the city and county. Headteacher Julie Farr congratulated the former Year 11s on their successes and thanked the parents and carers for the "immeasurable support" that they gave to the school and the students during their time at Bishop Perowne. More than 200 Bishop Perowne students achieved GCSE certificates. Musical entertainment was provided by Eden Openshaw.

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Girls help to save woman’s life TWO students from Bishop Perowne C of E College are to be given school governors’ awards after helping to save the life of an elderly woman who slipped and fell into the River Severn. Jess Snape and Danielle Reeves, both aged 14, were among a group of young dragon boaters who rescued a 75-year-old woman who was in the fast-flowing water in Northwick. The teenagers were practising with the British national Dragon Boat Training Squad when the dramatic incident took place. Jess said: “We were going up river and we heard a noise, then we heard someone shout ‘help’ and our head coach told us to stop the boat and told us what to do. “We got over to her, got her alongside the middle of the boat where it was easier to get her into it. She sat behind me and I checked to see if she was all right. We took her back to our base at the Sea Scout hut where she had a warm shower to bring her temperature up and the ambulance and police arrived. “It seems she was walking and slipped and fell into the fast-flowing water about 200 metres up from us. When we saw that her head was going under water.” Danielle said: “It was very scary but fortunately the woman was all right and released from hospital.” For Jess it was not the first time she has been involved in a river rescue when out in a Dragon boat. Previously she helped pull someone out of the water when their boat overturned. Headteacher, Julie Farr said: “The governors and I are very proud of the girls’ actions, which we understand required team work and a very cool head. The governors are delighted to make an award to the girls.”

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Students Plant Trees in Park THE sun shone on students from Bishop Perowne C of E College as they took to Brickfields Park to help make the city greener. Youngsters from Year 9 joined members of the city council’s cleaner and greener services team to plant London plane trees in the park to enhance the environment. Besides helping to improve the area, it gave the children chance to work together, become more confident and capable and to help towards an exam qualification under the ASDAN programme. Captain Rick Tett, a church army community missioner and chaplain for Bishop Perowne College, in Merriman’s Hill Road, said: “For the past two years we have worked alongside the Worcester city council cleaner and greener team replanting young trees in Brickfields and Warndon parks. “I believe this enables those within the school and outsiders to see that we are passionate about the environment we live in. It enables the young people to put something back into their communities and alongside that they are enabled to grow together as a team, learn to work with outside agencies and sustain the planet by planting these trees for future generations. It also enhances the profile of the school in community engagement.” Worcester City Council has joined forces with national charity Trees for Cities in a mammoth tree planting programme for the city, helped by volunteers. Next week Bishop’s youngsters will be planting trees in Warndon Park as part of the same project. Capt Tett, who is also currently working on a “social responsibility” video about different community projects, said: “It’s great for the children to get out into the fresh air on a nice day like this. They really enjoy working outside and getting their hands dirty.”

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Children in Need This year staff and students again supported this national charity with enthusiasm and energy. The Year 11 Community Parliament Leadership Team organised Super Hero themed quizzes and a non-uniform day, as well as cake sales which resulted in nearly ÂŁ1000 being raised for this worthwhile cause. A number of the team went with Batgirl and Super Eric (Mrs Stevens and Mr Plant) to BBC Hereford and Worcester Radio to hand over the money raised and went on air to talk about our fund raising activities. The whole event was a huge success and the team would like to thank everyone for their support, including parents and carers for providing cakes and helping with Super Hero costumes! Mrs Stevens Community Leader

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College Canteen Menu

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College Uniform Why do we have uniform? The ethos of Bishop Perowne Church of England College is centred around equipping students for the future and learning in a caring, Christian environment. We believe that uniform and regulating items brought to College helps to prepare students for learning today; their future education and employment and also helps to bind the College together as a community. What do students need to wear? Blazer The black, two buttoned specified blazer with the Bishop Perowne Church of England College badge Jumper Specified black jumper with blue stripe or sleeveless jumper with blue stripe supplied by School Togs No other style will be permitted. Cardigans are not permitted. No hooded tops or tracksuit tops. Shirt/Blouse Years 7-10 Blue with collar button Year 11 Whote with collar button Tie Tie in Community colour available from School Togs Skirts and Trousers Black pleated skirts only. Straight or lycra skirts are not be permitted. Skirts should be 20 or 22 inches in length supplied by School Togs Plain black trousers (supplied by School Togs code:SK402) Trousers must have a waist band. Trousers must not be made of non-stretchy Material. Trousers must be of normal fit. No skin tight trousers. Socks Plain black or white socks; ankle or knee length. Black tights (not patterned). Shoes Black, leather low heeled shoes. Pumps, suede shoes, platform soles, trainers, boots and ankle boots are not acceptable). What other items are required for College? All students will require: two pens; two pencil;, a ruler; a rubber; a protractor; a pair of compasses and a scientific, electronic calculator. What do students need to bring for PE? P.E. Kit girls Navy shorts Navy/Amber football socks White ankle socks Football/rugby boots (shin pads) Navy blue sweatshirt (optional) Navy blue hooded top Blue polo shirt with College logo Clean, non-marking trainers

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College Uniform Sports under layer (optional) Generic navy blue track suit bottom Boys Black shorts with Bishop Perowne badge Black rugby shirt with reversible white hoop Black football socks with 3 narrow white hoops Football/rugby boots Shin pads. Gum shield (optional) White ankle socks White polo shirt with College logo Clean, non-marking trainers Optional Sports under layer; generic navy blue track suit bottom What are the rules concerning other items students might bring to College? Outdoor clothing A plain outdoor, waterproof coat or anorak. Denim jackets, tracksuit tops or hooded jumpers/zip-up tops are not acceptable. Plain, logo free black or navy scarves and hats are optional; a scarf in the College colours is available from ‘Schooltogs’. Bags All bags should be practical and sensible for school use and should have the capacity to hold text books, folders and P.E. kit. Fashion bags, for example those with chains/handbags are not permitted. Hair Hair should be worn in a style that does not pose a health or safety hazard. Hair should not be dyed unnatural colours. Headwear Head scarves worn for religious or cultural reasons should be plain and logo free. No other headwear is allowed in College. Jewellery Permitted jewellery: A watch; a signet ring; a single bracelet; a single pair of ear studs or a discreet chain with cross or other personal faith symbol Not allowed: Body jewellery Students will be required to remove any jewellery deemed inappropriate and where necessary to cover the pierced holes. Students considering having their ears pierced should do so at the start of the summer holidays so that ears have time to heal and sleepers can be removed. Make-up With the exception of year 11, facial makeup and nail varnish are not allowed. In Year 11 only subtle facial makeup may be worn. Valuables We do not recommend students to bring valuables into College and cannot take responsibility for replacing any such items that are lost, damaged, or stolen.

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Christmas ICT Games Students across all 5 year groups competed in 6 Christmas games for their Community. The games included: 1. Super Santa Shooter, a game of skill to launch Santa down the chimney. 2. A crazy Santa race testing reaction times 3. Pet Sledding - steering their chosen pet down the hill and collecting enough energy to ensure their survival and missing the rocks! 4. Santa's gifts - helping Santa to deliver his presents to the correct house 5. Christmas memory - to match pairs of cards correctly 6. Christmas present. Students were given a maximum of 9 minutes to play the game to achieve their highest level and maximum score. The results are as follows: Year 7 - Fearnley Year 8 - Tilley Year 9 - Duckworth Year 10 - Fearnley Year 11 - Tilley Overall Fearnley and Tilley were joint winners - well done to all who took part. Get practising for next year Perrins!

Gemma Olseen Community Leader for Tilley and Head of 8.

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First Call

First Call Parents/Carers have the opportunity without a prior appointment to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team each morning Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8.15am—8.40am and Friday—8.15am—9.00am

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Academic Year 2014—2015

SPRING TERM 2015 Term Starts

Tuesday, 6th January 2015

Half Term

Monday, 16th February 2015 Friday, 20th February 2015

Term Ends

Friday, 27th March 2015 SUMMER TERM 2015

Term Starts

Tuesday, 14th April 2015

Half Term

Monday, 25th May 2015 Friday, 29th May 2015

Term Ends

Friday, 17th July 2015

Other Dates:

Good Friday

Friday, 3rd April 2015

Easter Monday

Monday, 6th April 2015

May Day

Monday, 4th May 2015

Whitsun Bank Holiday

Monday, 25th May 2015

Teacher Education Days

Monday, 5th January 2015 Monday, 13th April 2015 Monday, 20th July 2015

We continue to rely on the support of our partner schools and colleges to make the Arts College a success. Many thanks for all they have done so far… Claines Church of England Primary School Northwick Manor Primary School Perdiswell Primary School Merriman’s Hill Road Worcester WR3 8LE Tel: 01905 746800 Fax: 01905 746846 Website: Email: Headteacher: Ms Julie Farr

St Barnabas Church of England Primary School St George’s Church of England Primary School The King’s School, Worcester University of Worcester Worcester College of Technology Worcester Sixth Form College Yamazaki Mazak UK Limited

Christmas 2014

Important dates for your diary at a glance 19th Dec

Christmas Eucharist—End of Autumn Term

22nd Dec—2nd Jan Christmas Holidays 5th Jan

TED day

6th Jan

Students return to College (Week B)

9th Jan

Year 11 Practice Examinations Results Day

12th Jan

Autumn Term Reports issued to parents

29th Jan

Year 8 Options Evening

5th Feb

B Band Parents Evening Years 9, 10 and 11 Maths Challenge

10-13th Feb

College Production Grease

12th Feb

Y Band Parents Evening

16-20th Feb

Half Term Holiday

We seek to develop a caring Christian Community in which we nurture individuals, encourage learning, creativity and endeavour, inspire all to excel and reach their potential and to help all young learners to grow into active and responsible citizens who are able to make a difference in the world.

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