1 minute read

"TheSweeper" by

Nick Temple


Beyond this world is a domain of mystic wonder. A cascade of endless possibilities and probabilities. A universewhere the luscious violet-tinted sky drifts aimlessly, yet purposefully. A land where the stars dance with its people and meteorites rain overhead like fireworks. A land of dreams…

The denizens strive in their stride, dutiful to their specialized tasks enclosed by this miniature milky way. Innovation, invention, flourishing and flowering. The scent of rose lingers within the air, refusing to cease captivity of their noses. The lovingly radiant green grass is grateful, too.

Despite the gorgeously frantic nature of this extraordinary realm, all is well.

Lo, for all the greatness of these valleys there lies an unbelievable girl of the utmost talent and honor. We call her “The Sweeper.”

Sweep,sweep,sweep. Shhk, ssshk, sshk.

Ch-kuh, ch-kuh, ch-kuh.

She sweeps the stardust away. Her dedication is unparalleled. With no sight towards the countless distractions of the stunning skies, she takes pride in her work, sweeping the market floor diligently.

Returning from an otherworldly expedition, her friends re-enter this dimension, speaking spontaneously of striking syndicate sycophants within the speckled spaces.

“So many mysteries to uncover, danger and delight at every jump!

The astral cosmos know no bounds…

Join us, won’t you?”

With a simple turn, she replies, “Not today, guys.

I gotta finish these floors.”

After a moment or so of pestering, her allies in purposeresumetheir pilgrimage. She was upset to deny them, but who were they to deny her work?...

Who was ANYONE to?

No marvel of the magenta atmosphere, no mere martian or peculiar parallel would halt HER from her duty!

Even the manager himself stops by out of concern.

“You deserve a break for your efforts. You’re still young, go have fun with your friends!”

Sighing softly, she politely declines.

Scratching his head with his three-fingered hand, he leaves her to her task.

Sweep, sweep, sweep…

That seems to be all she does. Sweep, sweep, sweep… Her perseveranceshines. Nothing can stop her from sweeping the floor of a mediocre shopplace in the middle of a galaxy.

Where unimaginable dreams are but a step away.

It’s closing time, and the market is spotless. Looking nearly as beautiful as the intergalactic environment itself. The Sweeper, smiling slowly, stows her broom away and walks to her apartment.

There's a meteor shower tonight.

She gazes up in wonder at the alluring downpour of space rock.

Whistling to herself, she continues homewards.

“All in a day’s work.”

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