Annual Report 2013 - 2014

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2013-2014 Annual Report

A Tradition of Faith, Scholarship and Service

Bishop Blanchet School Leadership

Bishop Blanchet Mission

Antonio DeSapio President Sheila Kries Principal Chuck Bocian Vice Principal for Student Activities

Dear Friends and Family of Bishop Blanchet,

Vladimir Firsov Director of Facilities Christen Lambert Asst. Director of Marketing and Communications

We are pleased to offer you the Bishop Blanchet High School Annual Report, which covers school activities and achievements from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. It is important that we reflect on our successes this past year and how your investment and dedication as donors made an impact on the lives of the young people we serve every day. This report is evidence that amazing transformations occur when we combine our time, talents, and financial gifts in support of one common goal — the faith-filled education of the students at Bishop Blanchet High School.

Nicole McCoy Head Counselor Lou Ella McGaughey Dean of Students Laura Meaux ’01 Director of Educational Technology Rick O’Leary Director of Athletics Michael Pierce ’86 Director of Admissions Thomas Ramsey Director of Finance Kinga Sanders Vice Principal for Academics Craig Schaefer Director of Development Tara Suchland Director of Campus Ministry

2013-2014 Bishop Blanchet Advisory Board Pam (Mitchell) Cory ’79 (Chair) Antonio DeSapio Sheila Kries Charlene Aguilar Ann Alokolaro ’95 Rommel Buenafe Brad Fulton Valerie Krueger ’83 Kerry Loveland ’87 Vince McGovern Jim Murphy Micaela Murray Joe Petschl ’85 Craig Schaefer Steve Schiro Bart Steiner John Traynor Sheryl Welch Joe Womac

Bishop Blanchet is a Catholic, college preparatory high school established by the Archbishop of Seattle. Rooted in Gospel Values, we educate students within a challenging, positive and diverse learning environment. We inspire students to transform the world around them through a lifelong commitment to faith, scholarship and service.

Table of Contents Message from the President & Board Chair


Brave Leaders Award


Brave Volunteers Award


The Development Team

Impact of Giving


Craig Schaefer Director of Development

Endowments 8-9

Alison Scott Asst. Director of Development Nicole (Cheshier) Howard ’81 Alumni Program Manager Shirley Epton Development Assistant

We thank all our parents, alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, friends, businesses, faculty, and staff for their monetary donations and also for their countless volunteer hours. It is this continued tradition of altruism that keeps Bishop Blanchet strong, leading the way by example, for future generations. We are committed to our community to remain vigilant and continue to be the standard for academic excellence; yet we never waiver from the one thing that always remains constant and will always sustain us, our Catholic faith. We thank you for your continued support and dedication to our students and this school.


Beyond the Classroom Awards

Mary (Williams) Beard ’81 Major Gifts Officer

The fiscal year ended with modest surplus thanks to a successful year of fundraising. Over the past year, our Annual Fund raised 11% more than the previous year. We had our most successful auction, grossing more than half a million dollars for the first time in school history! We saw big increases in alumni support through the Alumni Give 5 Campaign. And even our youngest alumni in the Class of 2014 made pledges to support their new alma mater. Bishop Blanchet operates debt-free so all resources can support faculty and programs that deliver the best possible education.

None of our accomplishments could have been successful without your help. Your support of our school through the Annual Fund and the many other forms of giving allows us to achieve our goal of educating and forming the future leaders of our Church and world. Because of your commitment to our community, we were able to grow key programs and provide more than $2.3 million in tuition assistance to provide a Catholic education that transcends economic barriers and is accessible to all.

Financial Overview


Donor Recognition


Alumni Giving


Ways to Give


Save the Date


Antonio DeSapio President

Pam Cory Advisory Board Chair



Brave Volunteers of the Year


Adam and Christa (Leigh) Caballero ’81

Brave Leaders Award

Steve and Diana Schiro Steve and Diana Schiro immediately

connected to the community at Bishop Blanchet after their son Matteo ’14 began as a freshman in 2010. “Bishop Blanchet is a unique, spiritual community that offers students many options to explore their varied interests in an inviting and balanced way,” says Steve. As newcomers to the BBHS community, Steve and Diana jumped in as volunteers serving the BBHS community in a variety of leadership roles. Specifically, Steve was instrumental in founding the Brave Booster Club which he served as President from 2012 to 2014. In 2013, Steve also joined the Bishop Blanchet Advisory Board and more recently guided Bishop Blanchet through its year-long strategic planning process as the Steering Committee Chair. You will never find Diana sitting back either. Over the past four years, Diana always made herself available to volunteer and help facilitate athletic team dinners and banquets, working with and supporting the Parent Association and Booster Club. Both Steve and Diana say, “We enjoy the people and the inclusive culture of the community at Bishop Blanchet. We have a lot of fun


doing great things that will shape the school for the future.”
 The Schiros will always feel grateful for the education that their son Matteo received at BBHS. “Bishop Blanchet fostered a sense of personal balance, self-awareness and community spirit in our son. The school developed his abilities to advocate for himself while developing strong organization and study skills within a well-rounded curriculum.” Steve and Diana have not only been generous with their time but also with their financial support of BBHS over the years. They believe that it is important to support all areas of the school that shape the spiritual and educational formation of each student. When asked to name one or two things that most excite the Schiros about the future of Bishop Blanchet, it was simple: “The opportunity to be the premier Catholic diocesan co-ed high school in Seattle and building a strong athletic department supported by a strong BBHS community spirit.” It is with great privilege that Bishop Blanchet recognizes Steve and Diana Schiro with the 2014 Brave Leaders Award for their incredible leadership and generosity.

Brave Leaders

Even though the last of Adam and Christa’s four children graduated from Bishop Blanchet in 2013, neither Adam nor Christa has been any less involved in the community. For Christa, the Bishop Blanchet community will always be a special part of her life and a school that she will continue to support and embrace. Christa’s parents, Bob and Roberta (Bourgette) Leigh, were part of Bishop Blanchet’s first graduating class of 1958, and for more than half a century they’ve instilled a deep commitment to faith and family values. Six of their children, including Christa, are Braves. Although Adam did not attend Bishop Blanchet, he did attend a Jesuit college prep high school in Arizona, where a similar emphasis on scholastic achievement, community involvement and spiritual values provided the framework for an excellent education. Together the Caballeros sent their four Blanchet graduates (Anna ’08, Maria ’09, Teressa ’10 and Tony ’13) through Catholic grade school, Catholic high school and Catholic college. Since 2004, Adam and Christa have been involved as parent volunteers in nearly all facets of Bishop Blanchet. Christa has served multiple terms as a

Class Representative on the Parent Association, as the Procurement Chair for four different Brave Venture Auctions, a parent lead on the Senior Last Blast graduation party, and has served on the Alumni Committee since 2009. Christa is currently the Chair of the Alumni Committee and volunteers at nearly every event. From 2007 to 2011, Adam served as a member of the Advisory Board and Development Committees, and he has remained very active with the Booster Club in helping to support event initiatives – specifically the Annual Surf and Turf Dinner. Both Adam and Christa helped promote community spirit by leading the Football Unity Dinner among other banquets for their children’s sports teams. “Blanchet is a community where there is a club, sport, performance, service opportunity and activity for everyone. This is a community that has not changed in 60 yearsthere is something for every student, parent or alum to be involved in,” says Christa. It is an honor to recognize Adam and Christa (Leigh) Caballero ’81 with the 2014 Brave Volunteers of the Year Award.

Brave Volunteers


2013-2014 Beyond the Classroom Award Bishop Blanchet administrators,

Jim Pinsoneault Beyond the Classroom Award Recipients

faculty and staff members have been known for their hard work and dedication since the day the school doors opened in 1954. They are committed to bringing the mission of Bishop Blanchet to life every day. They model faith, leadership and compassion, providing countless hours of service that go beyond the classroom and normal work responsibilities. The Jim Pinsoneault Beyond the Classroom Award recognizes employees that go the extra mile to make Bishop Blanchet the excellent institution it is today.

Mrs. Mary K. Ryan ‘68 A Welcoming Presence at Bishop Blanchet

Admissions Associate Mrs. Mary K. Ryan is one of the most dedicated employees of the school. She often serves as the first face or voice that a prospective family encounters during their high school search process. For the more than 500 families that apply for admission each year, a Bishop Blanchet education is about more than choosing a good school. It’s about the promise that their child will be instilled with the gifts of faith, compassion, sacrifice, hard work and self-worth. With a keen understanding of the emotional commitment that accompanies an application, Mrs. Ryan serves as a guide and a resource for families. She fields many phone calls and meets with parents and prospective students who are trying to navigate their way through a complicated high school application process. She has a patient ear and a calming presence. She handles questions with grace and hospitality. Mrs. Ryan takes pride in her work because she herself is a proud graduate of the Bishop Blanchet Class of 1968. Her four children, Patrick ’95, Timothy ’97, Allison ’99 and Gregory ’03, are also BBHS graduates and the school has become a special place for her family, so much so that they have held family weddings and baptisms in the school chapel. Mrs. Ryan is a blessing to the school community, and truly embodies the school motto of “Be True. Be Kind. Be Brave!”


L-R: Mary K. Ryan ’68 and Rachel McGovern, Beyond the Classroom Award Recipients

Ms. Rachel McGovern

A Mentor of Compassion and Service

English teacher Ms. McGovern approaches each day with creativity, care, passion and incredible thoughtfulness. In the classroom, as part of the Michael Ufer Program for Academic Success Program, English Department, Campus Ministry team and a member of our community, she gives her time and talent to our students, faculty and staff. On any given day, you can find a steady stream of students seeking her out for help on classroom work, college essays, job references, Kairos talks, Morning Prayer and simply to talk. No matter the request, Ms. McGovern is there for her students and her colleagues. Ms. McGovern takes time to truly get to know her students, has been asked to serve as Confirmation sponsor for several students and keeps in touch with alumni. As a yoga instructor, friend, and simply someone to listen, Ms. McGovern exudes warmth and understanding. She has a pulse on everything happening around campus, and truly dedicates herself to this community.

Beyond the Classroom


Impact of Giving Adree SongcoAguas ’14

“I am excited to take part in the honors program at the University of Washington because of the focus on integrated learning. I will still be able to do research or travel abroad while in school, and these experiences are not only allowed, but encouraged and funded.” - Adree Songco-Aguas ’14


Adree Songco-Aguas ’14 is a freshman in the honors program at the University of Washington majoring in cellular, molecular, and developmental biology. At Bishop Blanchet she participated in Robotics Club, Marching Band, and Junior Varsity Improv, and was a member of the National Honor Society and International Thespian Society. At graduation, she was awarded the St. Thomas Aquinas Award in recognition of her academic excellence. Adree’s passion is science. Prior to her senior year at BBHS, Adree was selected to participate in an internship at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. She worked in a lab focusing on regenerative therapy and transplant biology. She was able to return to the lab through a University of Washington summer research program, and can continue her work there through guaranteed funding from the National Institutes of Health. “I can see myself as a scientist in the future, as I already see myself as one now,” Adree says. “My short-term goal is to get published as an undergraduate and then go on to graduate school. My long-term goal is to eventually become a PI (principal

Edwin CordovaBarriga ’16 Edwin Cordova-Barriga ’16 fondly recalls the Freshmen Retreat

investigator). A PI is the head of a lab and director of research. I’m just excited to see where life takes me.”

he attended two years ago as he was navigating his way through the halls of Bishop Blanchet that first year. The retreat is the most important spiritual experience of freshman year as students grow in faith and friendship. It is a great opportunity to reflect on God’s love in their lives and how they can allow God to work through them in all that they do at school, at home, in social settings and in service to others.

With all her hard work as a BBHS student, Adree was awarded four scholarships along with federal grants to completely cover the cost of her tuition and housing, as well as a study abroad experience, through the University of Washington. This funding is a real blessing to Adree and her family because without it, the cost of college would be out of reach.

Edwin was inspired by the Freshmen Retreat to fully immerse himself in the community of Bishop Blanchet. He joined the sophomore grounds crew for the Freshmen Retreat last year and is applying to be a mentor this year. He is an honor student with a rigorous course load that includes AP Language and Composition, Honors Chemistry, Spanish Bilingual Heritage 3 and Vocal Ensemble which meets during zero period at 7:00 AM. He participates in athletics on the Cross Country and Varsity Soccer teams. Last summer he participated in the ND Vision program, travelling to the University of Notre Dame for a week-long conference designed to help high school students deepen their faith and tackle real-life issues.

This was also the case when Adree was a Bishop Blanchet student. The price of tuition was a hurdle for the family financially, but with the help of Bishop Blanchet donors and the Fulcrum Foundation, Adree was awarded the necessary financial aid, and they are forever grateful. “My time at Bishop Blanchet shaped me to be the kind of person that I am today,” Adree says. “Through my teachers, classes, extracurricular activities, and the lifelong friends that I have made during my time there, I have learned so much and have become a well-rounded student and a welladjusted person.”

Financial Aid at a Glance 2013-2014 Tuition:

(Parishioner discounted tuition)


(Regular tuition)


Edwin is thriving at BBHS, and his contributions to academics, athletics, arts, activities and faith make Bishop Blanchet a richer place. His experiences and contributions to the school would not be possible, however, without the help of the larger Bishop Blanchet community. Edwin, along with 41 percent of the student body, receives financial aid in order to pay tuition. The assistance comes as a relief to his family. His older sister, Karen, class of 2014, received aid as a BBHS student and begins her college career at the University of Washington this fall, in hopes of becoming a doctor. Many sacrifices are made in order to pay for the education of Edwin and Karen, so when the financial aid letter came, the family was immensely grateful. The financial generosity of others has enabled Bishop Blanchet to provide unparalleled academic and co-curricular programs, has allowed students like Edwin to receive a Catholic education through support from financial aid, and has permitted the enhancement of the Bishop Blanchet experience for our students through facilities improvements.

Number of Financial Aid and Scholarship Recipients:


“I like that Bishop Blanchet is very

Student Body Receiving Tuition Assistance & Scholarships:


welcoming and diverse, and has great

Bishop Blanchet Awarded Tuition Assistance:


teachers and academics.”

Bishop Blanchet Awarded Merit Scholarships:


Fulcrum Foundation Awarded Tuition Assistance:


Endowed Named Scholarships Funds Awarded:


Total 2013-14 Financial Aid and Scholarships:


– Edwin Cordova ’16



An endowment is a gift that provides a stable source of economic support in perpetuity. When an endowment is established, the money becomes a permanent investment for the school, with the annual interest from that investment providing financial resources to support an area of need. An endowment offers the opportunity to leave a legacy for future students. Contributions to endowments can be made with cash, securities, property or other assets.

The Bishop Blanchet High School Endowment was formed in 1980 for the purpose of building permanent assistance in funding the ongoing operations of the school. Since its inception, the endowment has continued to grow from a combination of donations, bequests and investment growth, with the principal value of the fund just over $6.2 million as of June 30, 2014. The school receives annual income from endowment earnings and growth which is used to cover operating costs, financial aid, academic programs and capital improvements. The fund’s commitment of income to the school budget for the 2013-2014 school year is $279,634. GROWTH IN ENDOWMENT BALANCES 2013-2014 $7,000,000 $6,000,000


Transportation Reserve $594,481 5% Maintenance Reserve Capital Campaign $21,459 <1% $480,331 4%

General Savings $1,978,556 17%

Endowed Scholarships $1,770,347 15%

Currently our endowments, which are often named for individual donors, their families or specific programs, are established with a $25,000 minimum gift amount.

Brabant Scholarship Endowment Brinck-Sauvage Scholarship Endowment Fr. Gordon Douglas Scholarship Endowment Forbush Scholarship Endowment Gill Scholarship Endowment Haggerty Scholarship Endowment

Fr. James Healy Scholarship Endowment Little Scholarship Endowment Martin Scholarship Endowment Michael Ufer Program for Academic Success Endowment Jim Pinsoneault Beyond the Classroom Endowment

General Endowment - Invested by Mercer


General Endowment - Savings account

1,298,925 1,526805 654,371 670,884

General Endowment Invested by Mercer

General Endowment Savings Account

July 1, 2013

239,971 243,542

Endowed Named Scholarships Invested by Mercer July 1, 2014

Endowed Named Scholarships Savings Account

Beginning Balance 7/1/2013

Additions/ Withdrawals and Fees


Ending Balance 7/1/2014
















Endowment Named Scholarships - Invested by Mercer 1,298,925





Endowment Named Scholarship - Savings Account



















Transportation Reserve




Maintenance Reserve




Total General Endowment


Popovich Scholarship Endowment Rose Scholarship Sheehan Scholarship Sherman Scholarship Kevin, Linda and Henry ’09 Wold Scholarship

Endowment Returns



BBHS General Endowment $6,941,762 59%

Bishop Blanchet Named Endowments and Annual Scholarships

Cash & Investment Balances



Total Endowed Named Scholarships General Savings Capital Campaign











Financial Overview


$100,000 and above

T HANK Y O U Athletics & Student Activities  3%

2013-2014 Revenues Tuition and Fees Development and Alumni Relations

11,901,565 1,225,592

Cafeteria 353,331 Athletics and Student Activities


Endowment Revenue


Other (Instructional Revenue, Receipts and Real Estate)


Total Operating Revenue

Cafeteria 2% Development & Alumni Relations  8%

Other (Instructional Revenue,  3% Receipts & Real Estate)

Endowment & Revenue  2%

14,557,395 Tuition & Fees  82%

2013-2014 Expenses Technology 3%

Salaries, Taxes and Benefits


Scholarships and Financial Aid


Student Activities


Administration 3% Plant Operations  4%

Other (Instructional Expenses,  3% Admissions, Capital Purchases, Real Estate, Transportation)

Development & Alumni Relations 2%

Cafeteria 368,686 Cafeteria  3% Development and Alumni Relations


Student Activities  4%

Administration 457,125 Plant Operations


Other (Instructional Expenses, Admissions, Capital Purchases, Real Estate, Transportation)




Total Operating Expenses



to our generous donors for your thoughtful support of Bishop Blanchet High School. We strive to produce an accurate listing of our donors. We apologize for any discrepancies or omissions. Please report any errors to Craig Schaefer: 206.527.7733. This report reflects all gifts made between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. The following list represents combined and tax-deductible giving to the following activities and funds: Annual Fund, Brave Venture Auction Gala and Family Night, Booster Club, Spring Musical Patrons, named endowments, memorials/ honorariums, restricted gifts, performing arts and special projects.

Fulcrum Foundation The Stephen J. Meaney and Irene L. Meaney Family Trust



Anonymous Diagnos-Techs, Inc. The Duda Family Foundation Garneau-Nicon Family Foundation Beau and Julie Gould Dr. Peg Haggerty Martin ’77 and Alyson ’77 Holberg Microsoft Corporation Roderick and Rebecca Nelson Joe ’85 and Lisa ’85 Petschl The Frost and Margaret Snyder Foundation Kevin and Linda Wold



Michael and Debbie Halpin Jeffrey and Perri Roe Jim and Margie Rose Steve and Diana Schiro The Seattle Foundation–Give Big The Trammell Foundation John and Angela Traynor Mary ’65 and Pat Welch

GREEN & GOLD CIRCLE $5,000-$9,999

Archdiocese of Seattle BOEING Gift Matching Program Robert and Ellen Bollard Keith and Valerie Conti Steve and Marie DiPietro William Enkeboll and Ann Cockrill Eric and Jayne Freeman Brad and Danielle Fulton Scott and Laura Kosinski Robert and Marta McCullough Scott and Tiffany Merriman Dr. Peter and Julia Odland Kevin and Cheryl Overbey Adam and Lynn Rauch Mark and Kathryn Strecker William and Diane Whitfield Eric and Amy Zimbelman

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE $1,000-$4,999

Scholarships & Financial Aid  16%

Salaries, Taxes & Benefits  62%

Brian ’85 and Chrissy Acarregui Alison ’78 and Steve Aleinikoff John and Mary Alinger Richard and Nancy Alvord Bill and Suzanne Anderson Randall and Julie Back Jon Baker and Mary Ivancie Richard Baker ’58 Robert and Gaye Barrett Joseph ’82 and Susan Bennett Kelly Benson Colleen ’79 and Tom Blaikie Greg ’81 and Paula Blume Employee Community Fund of Boeing Company Bruce Bradburn and Meg Holgate Colleen ’77 and Paul Brajcich Robert A. Branson and Judith C. Raab

Kevin and Bridget Brewer Daniel Brewer and Marne SannesBrewer Jeff and Erin Breyman Randall and Maureen Broom Ian and Anne Brown Eric E. Brown and Michelle MurrayBrown Frank and Shelley Buhler Lynn Burns ’64* Paul and Michele Capeloto Laura and James Capestany Cartledge Foundation Inc. Nicole and Robert Chicoine Mooney Class of 1963 Class of 1973 Class of 1983 Pauline Cline ’65 Comcast Bill and Lori Conroy Colleen Cook ’80 and Rob Bartlett Pam ’79 and Steve Cory Costco Wholesale Mathias and Kristine Dangla Michael ’80 and Ann Derr Antonio* and Martha DeSapio Greg and Bev DiMartino Alan and Kristen Dittmaier David ’84 and Erica Dorland Fr. Gordon Douglas Esther Volpe-Drouin ’77 and Thomas Drouin ECG Management Consultants Dr. Maroun and Sophie Marie ElKhoury Ashley and Linda Emery Kelly Erickson and Scott Sterton Andrew and Cecilia Erickson Jon Evans and Katherine DeForest Expedia Inc Matching Gifts Program Peter Feichtmeir and Sarah Patton Peter Flanagan and Anne McBroomFlanagan Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gift Program Michael and Patti Gats Thomas and Anne Gehrig Joseph and Gwen Geivett Patrick Gemperline and Janet Dwight Patrick and Kellene Gilbrough Gregory Giordano Goodman Foundation Jeffrey and Mary Green Brian and Sandra Griffin Craig and Jennifer Gryniewicz Raymond and Jeanne Guethe Wayne ’83 and Joni Hampson Julie ’85 and Greg Hanon Michael and Kimberly Harmon Matthew and Anne Haskins Molly and Bill Hastings Tom and Margaret Havens Paul and Alison Herber Randy and Tina Hodgins Harold and Karen Hogan Kelly and Lisa Hoonan Katherine Huber George ’62 and Nancy Hughes Clinton and Diane Ilenstine In Store Services, Inc.

Interbay Food Co. Jordan and Jana Jansen James and Holly Johnson Michael and Gayle Kaplan Albert C. and Mary R. Karges Michael Kavanagh Kevin and Sandy Kennedy Stephen and Sheryl Kennedy James ’78 and Linda Kinerk Christopher and Iwona Krol Darcy LaBelle and Tim Burkart Charlie Laboda and Margaret Day Peter Lam and Ann Wright John ’79 and Deonne Lamb Stephen and Mary Lane Shannon ’90 and Chris Langer Bruce and Barbara Leon Jeffrey Leppo and Robin McManamin Chaozi Liu and Daiyun Fang Kerry ’87 and Catherine Loveland Mark and Stacie Ludden Peter ’71 and Linda Lukevich Michael and Shannon Manley Tadeusz and Joy Markow Patricia McBride Laurie McCoy Thomas and Jeanne McDonagh Daniel and Nancy McGinnis James and Virginia McIntyre Daniel and Sydne Mead-Smith Jerry and Debbie Medved Joseph ’87 and Carmela ’90 Mele Meredith Corporation Foundation Matching Gifts Program Christopher and Jodi Merrywell Maureen Mershon* and Frank Siderius David Messner and Susan Alleman Patricia and Richard Miailovich Milliman Match Gift Program David and Heather Miller Ross and Erin Monroe John and Kanjamat Mullally Michael and Patty Murphy James and Theresa Murphy Joyce ’58 and Dan Murphy Micaela and Robert Murray Michael ’66 and Helen Naylor Margaret ’82 and Eric Newman Kurt and Sandy Nielsen Dermot and Kelly Noonan Nicholas O’Connell and Lisa Sowder Mary (LaFond) Odermat ’60 and Victor Odermat Dennis ’85 and Carla O’Leary Rhonda* and Joe Osborne Sam Pailca Steven and Julie Palmer Tony Perucca Thomas and Elizabeth Peterson Eric and Amalia Peterson Christian ’83 and Patricia ’83 Peterson Keith Petrak and Patricia Gorham Pedro and Kristen Piedra Bruce and Katherine Pieper William and Sherry Portuese Christopher and Karen Prohaska Raikes Foundation Thomas ’80 and Annette ’80 Ramsay

*denotes BBHS employee 11

Donor Recognition Steven and Tiffanie Ranta Linda Reeder ’73 Presciliano Reyes-Suarez and Jessica Munoz Mark and Rosemary Rising Michael and Jenny Roben Joseph Robertson and Deborah Harris Allan and Karla Romano Scott and Marguerite Roza Richard and Graciela Rutkowski Paul and Shawn Saline Geoffrey and Karen Saunders Blair and Janice Savidge David and Margie Schmutz The Seattle Foundation Marc and Marci Servizi Michael ’82 and Gjeryl ’82 Sharp James Sheldrup and Luisa Alvarez de Sheldrup William and Shannon Shugart Joseph ’87 and Michele Sievers Paul A. Smith and Karen Cerosaletti Michael and Diann Smith Edward Snyders and Julie Renick Marcio and Rosario Sotero de Menezes Margaret ’84 and Thomas Spencer Starbucks Matching Gifts Program William Starks and Pamela Hinrichs Lawrence ’80 and Stasia ’83 Steele Bart and Grace Steiner Carlos ’83 and Sara Strazzara Michelle ’88 and Scott Summers Victoria ’66 and Allen Symington Edward ’80 and Lynn Thenell Lisa ’83 and Robert Thompson Norman and Carin Tonina UBS Financial Services, Inc. John ’73 and Diane Ulacia Thomas and Lendy Vail Gregory Van Liew and Jennifer Kerns John Vanderzanden and Sandra Harui Christine Vaughan Jerry and Ruth Verhoff Nick ’82 and Silvia Waltner Edie ’62 and Ed Wartelle Marianne ’83 and Matt Wells Wells Fargo Bank Susan Whitfield Joseph and Ligia Wiegand Family Foundation Kenneth and Hope Wiljanen Steven ’76 and Monica ’80 Williams Kenneth ’86 and Esmee Williams Brian and Diane Wilson Robert and Veronica Wood



Paul and Regina Ahern Alaska Airlines Matching Gift Program

Of the 12


Christina ’82 and Graham Albert Ann Alokolaro ’95* and Patrick Fennessy Ally Financial Eduardo Alvarez Marquard Mary Frances Anchondo Kathleen Anderson Christopher and Annette Anderson David Arganian and Elizabeth Benson James and Virginia Axtman Peter and Connelia Aylett Michael and Joni Ballantyne Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Richard and Joanne Barber Ariel and Maria-Teresa Bautista Gregory Beach and Kirsten Beck Benjamin and Soheila Beberness Theresa Bigler ’74* Mike and Cheri Blackbourn Jim Blakley and Cindy TaylorBlakley Dena Blevins Edward Boyle ’86 Geoff Briggs and Clare Moroney Stephen and Mildred Broadwell Richard Brown and Susan PiersonBrown Barron Brown and Paula Becker Roberta ’58 and Robert Brown Eric and Angie Browne Craig and Janet Bruckshen Chris and Leslie Burrows John Byrum and Karen Tanzy Matt and Jodi Cagnina Matthew ’85 and Amy Campbell William and Sharon Carver Barry ’75 and Joan Celli Kristine Charboneau and Joel Wilbur Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Anthony and Andrea Chiodo Anastasios and Anne-Marie Chrisafis Kenn and Ann Christianson Class of 1993 Tom and Jane Clemente Michael Coleman ’73 and Susan Coupe John and Mary Ann Coles William and Angela Collins Rafael Cornejo and Ofelia Ahumada-Cornejo Patty ’68 and Gary Corum William ’81 and Shannon Crowley Carlos Cuevas and Tita Subercaseaux Sean and Lori Mason Curran Brad and Colleen Danforth Peter and Monica Dapper Howard ’58 and Dolores Davis Andrew and Marie Day Tamera Dean Josie and Jeffrey Decker

Theresa Deisher Michelle Diskin Steven Donaldson ’75 William Dooris ’79 John and Eva Dougherty John ’72 and Allison Durkin Rick ’84 and Dayna Eberhardt Keihan Ebrahimi and Shirin Sarikhani Michael ’65 and Becky Egan Jack Eng and Patty Buckingham Michael and Karla Essig William and Darci Evidon Benjamin and Hilary Facer Barbara Ferguson Eligio and Paula Fernando Mike and Katie Fleming Edward and Carolyn Foster Margaret ’66 and Hank Franklin Mary (Contenta) ’81 and Dale Fugier Edson and Julie Gallaudet Gregory Garcia and Erica Pascarelli Robert B. Gardner and Janet Curran Jeffrey and Wanda Garfield Paul and Susan Gleeson Joseph and Maureen Gockowski Karen Goldsen and Jayn Goldsen Margaret ’81 and Guy Golliver Matthew and Barbara Gomez Donald Graham and Gayle Gray Chris* and Julie ’79 Grasseschi Mike and Gaylynn Green Christopher ’83 and Kirsti Griffin Meaghan ’85 and Ronald Gross Greg ’83 and Susan ’85 Guise Keith ’78 and Mary (Rowland) ’79 Hagstrom Ryan and Kimberly Hamilton James and Bernadette Hanay Kristian and Karine Harjo Victor and Pamela Harned Brian and Geri Henling Bill Herber Linda Higgins Kathleen Hill Blythe and Carrie Hirst Monty Holmes and Katie Nolan William D. Hood Steve Horsman and Pat Chaney Martino and Maura Hoss Stephen Houghton ’65 Kenneth Howard and Mary C. O’Connor Nicole ’81* and Greg Howard Collin P. Hurlocker and Katherine A. Foster Troy A. Hussing and Liliana J. Lengua Chris and Carol Hutyler Susan Ireland ’77 Mark and Megan Jarman Bruce Johnson


students in the Class of 2014,

Kevin and Carol Ann Joyce John and Marisol Joynt John Kane and Michele Love Ross and Cora King Molly Kledzik ’71 John Korhumel and Holland Stephens Sheila* and Doug Kries Valerie Krueger ’83 William and Gloria Kruzner Joseph and Kala Kunthara Mark and Deirdre Lacambra Jeneil Lagasse and Shelley Engelhardt Mary Lambert and Margaret Gaines Christen* and Ryan Lambert Kathleen ’79 and Robert Larson Geoffrey Lebon and Yvonne DeShazo Mitch and Sue Legel Steve and Margaret Lorentzen Kathleen MacPherson and Thomas Halverson James and Janelle Maiocco Joseph ’85 and Erin ’85 Manca Seamas and Trish Markey William and Sheila Marty J David and Laura Matter Martin and Maureen McDonald Steven McGee and Rosalie O’Leary Larry and Gail McNutt Heather ’88 and Carlo Mears Antonio and Mary-Ann Micale Jeanne Mikesell* Patricia Mills Jason Mills ’94 Michael ’70 and Roxanne Milne J. Stanley Miner and Frances O’Brien Susanne Mitchell ’88* and Michael Hanshew

Maria Molina Thomas and Sarah Moloney Portia Moore Tina Morales Michael Morgan Steven ’78 and Julie Morris Jesper and Karlene Mortensen Michael and Kristen Mulick Alan Mulkey and Patricia McBrien Steve and Beth Mullin Kevin and Jean Nelson Nintendo of America Inc. Doug and Lorrie North John and Janie Norton Chad O’Connor Lynn O’Connor ’88 Michael ’82 and Hong O’Donnell Rick* and Dina O’Leary Ed ’83 and Gina O’Neill Phillip and Kristen O’Reilly Eric and Margaret Orse Paul and Lucy Osborn Matthew Overhus PACCAR Inc Dean Paglialunga ’83 Jay Paulus and Michelle Madigan Ed and Lucinda Pearson Reagan and Christine Perry Kristopher and Clara Peterson David and Ellen Petre Tom and Katie Phillips Michael Pierce ’86* James ’80 and Janelle Pinsoneault Justin ’72 and Karen Pirak Walter and Deborah Pisano Teresa Posakony Christian and Anna Ramos Christopher ’78 and Shelli Read Real Networks Foundation Matching Gifts Program Scott Redman ’83 Paul and Nerie Roa

Rex and Cristy Roa Nicholas and Lisa Roach Bernard and Christine Robel Leon Robert and Leslie Ora Robert Roe William Ronan and Trish MurrayRonan Darren Rose ’94 Mary K. (Lancaster) Ryan ’68* John and Julie Salle Richard and Carol Sargent Craig* and Carly Schaefer David and Rebecca Schirle Sandy Schmidt Barbara (Peterson) Schwabe ’80 James Schwartz ’79 and Renee M. Willette ’79 Alison* and Doug Scott Michael and Kristine Sendelbach Stephen and Emer Sexton Michael Shea and Lynne Startup Thomas and Virgie Sheldon Catherine Shoaf and Chad Otis Deana Shoffitt and Shannon D. Galassi Angela ’79 and John Siderius Martin and Laura Siemion Craig and Barbara Sievers Mike and Dianna Simmonds Mark and Kelly Smith James and Laura Smith Gary Smith and Karen Smith Ekblad Steve ’87 and Erin Snorsky Briget ’83 and Michael Spear SPEEA--IFPTE Local 2001 John and Lynn Spotts Larry Stecher and Deborah Jones Dan and Diane Steinke David Stinebaugh Steven and Susan Stolle Aaron and Diane Stoltz Lee Storgaard and Cintra Rene Dixie Strunk* Susan Sullivan Mary (Egan) ’66 and Thomas Surbridge

Bruce and Kathleen Szymanski Patricia Thenell Elise ’82 and Joseph Thompson Mike Tibbles ’87 Lance Tichenor and Carol Cummings Courtney Touw Mark and Kathleen Trumbauer Tuan Tse and Phuong Nguyen Michael and Elizabeth Tyler United Way of King County Edwin and Excel Valdez Nelson and Julie Vargas James and Eloisa Villanueva Jason and Carol Viydo Devin ’88 and Jennifer Wade William and Kimberly Waechter Robert and Jamie Walker Janet Walsh Greg ’82 and Renee Wass Dick and Sheryl Welch Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Brad and Tricia Westin Derek Whipple and Annette Quayle Dorie White Miriam ’78 and Joseph Williams Mary Williams ’79 and Joe Prall Jeff ’92 and Stacey Williams Frank and Joanie Williamson Jeff and Teresa Williamson Solomon Woldeyes and Emebet Seifu Megan Wood ’87 and Jack Tawney Nikolaus and Virginia Wuehrer Marianthi Xenos Kevin and Angela Young

BENEFACTOR $100-$499

Meth and Ismael Abila Daniel Abrahamson Dan and Maggie Acker Christopher and Lynn Adkisson Robert and Maryann Aguas Michael and Michelle Allen Clinton and Nicole Allen Jafar and Agnes Al-Shibibi

Felix and Maria Alvarez Eric Amador Nancy ’82 and Lawrence Amato Alan and Gilda Amort Thomas ’70 and Marilee ’70 Anderson Christopher ’81 and Nancy Anderson Gina Andolfi Lisa Andre Dawna Andres Frank and Evelyn Anduvate Romel and Marilyn Antolin Adisu Aramde Nelson and Solita Argana Susan and Mathew Arksey Richard and Maureen Astley AT&T United Way/Employee Giving Campaign Edward Augustavo ’75 Robert ’60 and Barbara Baehr Josefa Báez-Ramos* and Tim Hipp Marilyn ’65 and Bill Bailey Philip and Diane Baldwin George and Joanne Banschbach Denell and Robert Barbour Averrall Barreto and Ybana Portal Katie L. Barrett John and Karen Barrett Kevin ’73 and Susan Barrett Andrew and Leslie Bartlett Anne ’88 and John Bartol Marilyn ’80 and William Bates Judy Baumgartner* Michael and Carol Beard Khynna Beaton and Donald Ausink Steve Beck ’58 Melinda Beck ’63 Thomas and Dolores Bedner Tsegai Bekele and Mebrat Tetemke Chris and Nancy Belcher Charles and Debra Bellia Kathleen Berry ’59 Don ’63 and Susanne Betz Steve and Tarra Bisett Jane* and George Bissonnette Robert and Machelle Bjolstad

tiPad Program Begins g


are continuing on to college.

tWelcome New Students (245 freshmen and 10 transfers)

Renovations to the Library Kickoff of Strategic Planning Committee to create a 10-Year Vision for the School

Susan and David Black Scott and Nancy Black William ’79 and Julie Blume Christopher ’87 and Alana Blunt Charles ’73* and Rebecca ’73 Bocian Boeing Political Action Committee BOEING Retirees Matching Gifts Program James ’62 and Caroline Boitano Thomas and Diana Borrud James ’82 and Andrea Bowers Michael Boyle Carolyn ’61 and Robert Boyle Lorin Boynton Glen and Christine Bradburn Dan ’82 and Michelle Branley Louis and Rhonda Bremond Ralph and Susan Brems Thomas ’81 and Carolyn ’82 Breysse Michael ’68 and Judy Briney Schuyler Briscoe Wiley L. Brooks and Marianne Bichsel Randolph and Patricia Brown Michael Bruce and Mary Eileen Hood Thomas ’86 and Angela Budinich Margaret Buechel Rommel Buenafe* Patrick Burns ’74 John ’87 and Lou Burns Steven ’88 and Sheri Burns Kerry Burrows ’65* Kathleen ’77 and Phillip Butcher Patrick and Holly Butler Mary Byington ’83 Geri Byrne Christina ’81 and Adam Caballero Benito Calderon and Ethel Soto Bob and Kathleen Caldwell Paul Carew and Margaret Shaw Robert ’67 and Sheryl Casey Carla Cassinelli Carlos Castrence and Grace Arevalo-Castrence

Joshua Chaitin and Erin Galvin Richard and Arlene Chen Kathleen Chereck Daniel and Elena Chiu Min H. Cho and Veronica K. Cho Kiet and Anh Chung Steve ’64 and Yuri Clancy Class of 1978 Class of 1988 Mylene ’82 and Benjamin Claveria Frank Coccaro Anna Comfort* Sheila* and Kevin Connolly Sheila Cooper ’83 Kristin Cordova ’00 Katy Corum ’06 Kaleen Covington and Paul Sebik Thomas and Catherine Cunningham Phil and Barb Cutler Bogdan Dabrowski Eugenio and Marissa Dacayanan Bobby Dampier and Jocelyn Angsioco Dave and Ann Danford Diosdado and Veronica Dato Michelle Marshall and Lloyd David Richard and Ruth David Anne-Marie Davids-Puzzo and Nick Puzzo Kathleen Davis-Hayfield ’78 and Brett Hayfield Trinity Dawson David and Jana de Varona Richard and Claudia DeGagne Thelma Del Mundo Moira Delaney and Marvin Theimer Norman ’67 and Janice Des Rosiers Denise ’80 and Mark DesHarnais Lynn and Carol Dicus Brian and Mary Dimak Cathy Dinehart Bob Dinehart Joseph DiPietro

tHouston Kraft visits tHomecoming Game g Phone-a-thon Brings in $50k g

58th Annual Chocolate and Coffee Sale

3President’s Dinner 13

Donor Recognition John and Joyce Ditore Maria ’84 and John Dixon Derrill Dizard and Patty ShanksDizard Erin E. Donohue-Zink ’82 and Rodger Zink James and Joanna Dooley Mary ’82 and Jose Doquilo Frederick ’76 and Pamela-Marie Dore Timothy ’79 and Mary ’80 Dowling Darcy Doyle-Hupf Stephen and Pamela Drugge Dawn Dwyer ’69 Carolyn ’63 and Chris Eagan Edmonds Sports Academy Maura ’64 and Ray Egan Esete Endeshaw Shirley P. Epton* Corey*and Joni Eriksen Elaine Ervin Karen ’59 and Donald Even Gerald Eysaman and Pamela McClusky Janet ’74 and Jim Falkenreck Muhammad Farooq and Sumbla Farhat Mark and Denise Farthing Maria Faustorilla Tina ’76 and David Ferguson Ferrous Metals Company, Inc. Richard and Leslie Fernandes Hector and Jennifer Fernandes Joseph and Lucinda Fesalbon Jennifer ’90 and Andrew Feucht Michael Feyes ’59 Laura ’74* and Gerard ’74 Fieser

David and Teresa Fiorini Thomas and Maura FitzMacken Peter Fitzpatrick ’08 Michael ’79 and Peggy Flanigan Michael ’84 and Eva Fletcher Jennifer ’91 and Dan Fonti Pamela ’82 and Harold James Foos Stewart and Laura Ford Michael J. Fox* and Cate Fairhead Andres and Aida Franco Tran Frank and Ann Richardson Raymond and Karen Frank Joel and Michelle Frauenheim Sandra Fredriksen Joseph and Kathleen French Bryan and Carol Friend Gregory and Marie Fritzberg Michael and Sara Furman Lester and Lyndenne Gadian Luis* and Jamie Gamez Karl and Pam Garand William Garcia Kenneth ’77 and Julie Gardner Charles and Sally Garneski Sean Gaskill ’02* Jefty and Eileen Geller Mario and Chrissy Gelmini John and Robin Gemza Leo* and Karen Genest Arnaldo Gerona and Dr. Donah Bajet-Gerona John and Kimberly Gillespie Sharon Gill-Riley ’79 and Michael Riley Joan Goldblatt Donald and Kara Golgert

Hector and Josephine Golla Nelson and Vivian Gomez Cheryl ’64* and John ’64 Goodspeed Patricia Melton Grady Karen* and Jim Griffin Ken Gross ’74 Michael and Lisa Grueter Paul and Diana Guppy Derek Haag and Delana BeltranHaag Erin (Myrin) ’87 and Jason Hagens ’88 Temesgen Haile and Haregu Amaha Colleen ’67 and John Hallett John ’85 and Annmarie ’86 Hamel Joann ’76 and Robert Hamilton Bea Hanzeli Jeff Hardan Michael Harding and Ute HerzelHarding Kent and Deborah Hargrave James Harmon ’78 Jim Hartz Erik and Nancy Haugaard Matthew and Stephanie Hawk Greg ’81 and Annie Hawksford Steve and Fatima Hayatsu Winslow and Rita Hayes Brett* and Kerrie Hecko Dr. Jacob Heller and Elissa Skerbinc-Heller Stephen and Margie Hennessey Shannon Henry Julie Herber Kenneth and Diana Herring Sean and Christine Hilt

Bernard Joseph Hinnebusch ’69 Michael Hinshaw and Meg Wellnitz-Hinshaw Hien Hoang and Nhan Phan Bill and Mary Hobson Mary Lou Hodgins Terry and Karen Hofman Tom and Renee Holland Barbara Holleran Maureen Holstad Jeff Homchick and Marla Tuor Douglas and Diane Honeyman David J. Hovind ’58 and Shelley Hovind Patricia Howard Robert Howard Charles ’82 and Brenda Huber Ivy ’94 and Kenneth Huie Stephanie Hulse-Fareira Maxwell and Lisa Hunter Scott and Sheryl Huston Dongjin Hwang and Jihyun Shin Curt Jacobson Russell and Tracy Janney Dawn Jansen Todd and Tonya Jenne Derek and Kristin Jensen Michael Jerrett and Roberta Ruppin Jeff Johnson Donald ’65 and Mary Lee Johnson Ross Johnston ’85 Craig Jones and Zelda C. Norman-Jones Anthony ’71 and Ann Jones Catherine ’83 and Jeffrey Juel Dr. Barry ’81 and Shellee Kaimakis

5 Brave Plunge 5 Raise the Curtain

5 Fall Play

t Cross Country – 6th in State. The team averaged 16:20 for the 5K (3.1 mile) t Women’s Soccer – Metro Champs! course which is the best performance by a Blanchet cross country team since 2004, the last time the Braves won the State Title. Volleyball Competes at State 3

Peter Joseph Kain Karen Kaizuka and Peter Boctor Mekonnen Kassa Tsehaye Kassaye Kimberly Kellogg ’00 John Kelly and Kelly WinklerKelly Daniel Kerlee and Carol Wollenberg Sylvia and Joe Kessler Bill ’96 and Holly Kessler KeyBank Foundation James ’79 and Wende Keyes Tsion Kidane Duane King Alasdair and Stacia Kirby Raymond and Remedios Kirwan John and Carol Pearl Kivimaki Kristi Klee Brian Klein ’92 William and Mary Knapp Fred and Lorie Knoblich Bradley and Shannon Knowles Erik Knutson Kathy ’07* and Yuri Kondratyuk Todd and Nicole Korman Gladys Kreiling ’63 Cara L. Kroenke and Abby E. Larson Therese ’81 and Bruce Kroon Steve and Denise Laevastu Kurt and Katherine Laird Lake & Company Real Estate, Inc Matteo Lambert Adam Landry Julie Landry Dan and Jodie Lavallee Thuan and Hang Le John and Paula Leal Sean Leary Kyee and Theresa Lee Benjamin and Mayumi Lee Kay ’67 and Arthur Lee Patricia Leen ’77 Sandra Lewis Laura Lewis ’74 Gregory Lindberg Clark and Lori Lindsay Louise Little Tai-Yun and Debbie Lo Bob Lockhart Elijah Long Jose and Christine Lopez Jessica M. Lorant Mary Pat ’58 and Tom Lord Theresa Lourde and Laura Sylvia Jonathan Lowe Mark and M. Patricia Lunde Paul and Patrisha Lussier Kine and Reatsamay Ly Michael and Jennifer Macaulay Ann Macfarlane Charlene Madden Thomas and Melissa Maider Maggie Mallett ’78 and Dean Swanson William and Cynthia Malone Salvador and Asuncion Manzano Patrick ’69 and Barbara Marker

Ann and Steve Marsh David and Rachel Martin Steven Martin Charlie and Lynda Mason Jane ’87 and Shane Mason Katy ’75* and Brian Mathews Elaine Mattson ’80 Kurtis and Luisa Mays Barbara McCulloch-Gillis ’59 Brian ’77 and Mary Kay McDevitt David ’62 and Janella McDonald Lisa A. McDonald ’82 Patrick E. McDowall and Nancie B. White Toby ’96* and Linda McGill Jeanne ’72 and Tim McGinnis Thomas and Janet McGuigan Mary McIntyre Owen and Sheila McKannay Charles and Tricia McLean Patrick and Wendy McNerthney Thomas ’81 and Jane ’85 McNulty Laura (Milne) ’01* and Nicholas Meaux Michele Mecum Almaz Meles and Guanche Ferede James ’62 and Sheryl Melia Mark and Andrea Menghi Edward and Alice Merklin Caitlin Meyer ’02 Italo Michelassi Linda Mikkelsen ’67 Steve and Ann Catherine Miller Dr. Kathleen Mirante ’58 Andreas and Irene Mitalas Mehrdad and Dawna Moini Anne (Sullivan) ’73* and Denis Monica George ’67* and Leah ’86 Monica Tim C. Montero and May V. R. Alipao Lazaro and Karen Montes Rebecca Montgomery Richard and Laurie Montminy April Moody Chris Moore ’80 and Susanne Quistgaard Morgan Stanley Matching Gifts Program Lori ’87 and Daniel Moriarty Patricia Moroney Daniel and Caroline Morris Paul and Ana Moseley Denise ’91 and Kevin Mullins Robyn* and Chad Murphy Robert ’78 and Jeana Murphy Kevin and Karen Murray Steven and Jennifer Murray Bob ’58 and Madelyn ’60 Murray Fernando Mutiloa Susan Nagel ’72 John M. Nagle and Carol M. D’Ambrosio Mike Nall Jose and Elia Naranjo Edgardo and Anelushi Nazario


Daniel and Joan Nelson Gregory ’93 and Serina Ness Margaret* and Theodore Newcomb Samuel and Karen Newland Lawrence and Lori Newman Sam Nguyen and Alexandra Lay Hung and Cecilia Nguyen Mary Nichols ’73 Jeanne Niese ’74 and Greg Beckley Steven and Sheila Noebel Dennis Nollette ’69 Deirdre Noonan ’86 Juan and Kathy Noriega Catherine Null George Nunziata and Martha Reyes Erin O’Connell Thomas O’Connor Elizabeth O’Donnell Stanley and Marcia Ogden Yoshiaki and Melanie Oishi John O’Leary ’92 Maureen ’65 and Don Olsen John and Kathryn O’Meara Marek and Marzanna Omilian Steven Osmek and Darlene DeGhetto David and Pamela Otto Henry and Esvethlynna Pangelinan Tony ’78 and Carmen ’79 Papasedero Jeannine Pappin James Pappin and Sidney Scarboro Antone L. Parente, Sr. Yuri Parreno and Ivonne Jurado David and Leona Partridge John and Denise Pavelcik Alexandra Pease and Jimmy Boyles Ken and Donna Pedersen Steve Peerce and Wendy Garrison James Penney and LauraLeigh Young Paula Perkins ’63 Robert and Jennifer Peters Annah Petersen-Benitez and Rudy Benitez Scott Peterson and Deborah Lee Dennis ’63 Phillips Marvin Piche and Cecilia FiedlerPiche Keith Pickholz and Barbara Hagmayer Christopher and Teresa Piddington Michael ’63 and Kay Pierce Erica and Mark Pierson Fiore ’87 and Lisa Pignataro Jim and Madeline Pinsoneault Plum Creek Timber Teresa ’76 and Doug Polonis Douglas Porter Tom and Lynda Powell Gordon and Margaret Powers

David Prater and Kay Williams Carol ’78 and William Preuninger Gloria Prinz James and Karen Pritchard Thaddeus Pritchett ProQuest Matching Gift Program William L. Pryor Catherine Purpur ’85 Paul and Rise Pyscher Nicolas and Cheryl Quesnell Leobardo Ramirez and Petra Banda David and Patricia Ramquist Thomas ’76 and Tracy ’78 Read Amy Recuenco Michelle ’87 and Mike Reilly Colleen* and Michael Reinhardt Annette Rembold* and Edgar Haimerl Sean Richarz* Maureen Ridgway James and Patricia Rimar Melvin and Maria Luisa Robertson Loraine Robinson Kathryn Robinson Edmer and Amy Robles Mark and Mary Roddy Graciela* and Juan RodriguezSero Thomas ’62 and Barbara Rogers David and Rosa Romero James and Joan Rosenberger Christopher and Mary Grace Roske Susan ’72 and Clive Ross Julie ’78 and Jeffrey Ross Julie Ross-Radan and Neil Radan Jim and Marcia Rowe Matthew Rowley and Elizabeth Gauer John and Eileen Rumpf Robert and Antonette Ruppin Raymond and Sandra Russell Stephen* and Jennifer Russell Laura Salle* Mark and Ursula Saltvig Abraham Santiago-Hernandes and Martha Benitez-Bautista Ana Santos Estrellita Sapida Ace Saturay Wende Sauvage William Sauvage Albert and Angela Savelio Lawrence Schell Monty and Lori Schmidt Randy ’62 and Shirley Schroers Glenn Schubert Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. Anne Lurton Scott and Roger W. Ahroon Cass ’65 and Paul Seely John and Dorothy Seigal Gregory Sena Trevor ’90 and Bridget Sevigny

Raymond ’85 and Cheri Shanahan Erika Sheehan ’91 Marilyn Rey Sherman and James Sherman Joseph ’76 and Pam Sherman Frederick Shriver and Tracy Woodman Brian and Renee Shurm Stephen and Alexandrea Skidmore Mark and Luisa Sliger Bryan and Mary Smith Newell and Marie Smith Sandra Barton Smith ’78 and Shaun Smith Aileen ’82 and Brian Smith Denise Smith ’82 and Tracy Brown Curt and Kim Snyder Margaret Soike Charles Spiekerman and Mary Emond The Standard Employee Giving Campaign Craig Stauffer Barbara Steinhauser Jennifer and Sudrajat Stevanus Kay and John Stimson Mark Stoeck ’83 and Michelle Nielsen Ronan Stokes and Elizabeth M. Keenan Celeste Stokes Stokes Lawrence Charitable Foundation Joseph Stone and Rahel Fekade Howard and Anne Stott Allen ’66 and Janet Stover Michael and Kimberly Strand Dan and Julie Stutz Phillip and Kris Suarez Tara and Jonathan Suchland Peg Sullivan P. James Sullivan Mark Sullivan ’64 Liliosa Sundy Arby Sunga and Liezel Tolentino Neal ’59 and Janice Supplee Tracey ’90 and Jason Svendsen Stephen Swisher Anne Tacazon Steve Tanaka and Alisa Artis Target Take Charge of Education Wade and Paige Taylor Alma Tejeda and Pavel Gonzalez Habte Tesema and Selamawit Tedla Molly ’87 and Tim Thole Rory Thomas and William Henson Thor and Caroline Thompson Gregg and Frances Thompson Joan ’76 and David ’77 Thompson Thomas ’85 and Jennifer Tiesi Mary ’79 and Craig Timberlake Mihret Tirfu Steve and Barbara Todd Bill and Norma Jean Trabold Halina Trevino and James Callaway

Thomas ’60 and Judith ’60 Troy Scott Tucker and Wendy Lance Daymon Tullis Catherine ’83 and Douglas Tveter Ernie and Lesley Ufer UPS Foundation Patrick and Debbie Van Der Hyde Paul and Paula Van Hollebeke Christopher and Charlotte Van Hollebeke Robert and Michelle Van Tassell John ’76 and Elizabeth Vandenberg Mary ’82 and Brett VandePutte Gina Vangelos ’73 and James Schneidmiller Jeanette Vaughn and Jeff Aylsworth Todd Vecchio Megan Vecchio Eduardo and Marcela Velasquez Linda Venczel Steve and Lisa Visintainer Andrea Vodegel John Vranesh and Linda Brummett Derek ’90 and Stephanie Wade Michael and Sandra Walls Robert and Kyle Walsh Ned and Joan Walton John and Jonna Ward Midori Watanabe-Eimen* and John Eimen Robert and Arianne Weber George and Maria Webster Joan ’71 and Robert Weis James ’81 and Delayne ’83 Welch Brian Welch ’96 Charles and Julie Wesche Sally Wesley Sharon ’78 and John Westphalen Cristina ’80 and Gary Wheatley Thomas Wilkes and Kathleen Greer-Wilkes Terry* and Marilyn Wilkinson Kari Williams ’82 Gordy Williams ’93 Bret and Patricia Wirta Stacey ’84 and Keith Witt Ann and Matthew Wood Douglas and Sherri Woods Thomas Workman ’63 John and Sally Wright Kris and Katherine Yandl Philip and Jennifer Yerkes ChongBoon Yi Amelework Yoseph Eden Zeray Chad Zottoli


Gifts to $99

Marquis Alindogan ’14 Larry ’58 and Charon Alvar Andres Alvarez ’14 Miasmin André ’14 Mark ’58 and Bonnie Antoncich


of 2014 graduates were offered college scholarships totaling more than

million 15

Donor Recognition Monica Armstrong* and Mike Finnegan* Victor and Judith Armstrong Marilyn Ashwell ’58 Jack Auter ’14 Marilyn ’58 and Albert Ayres Abigail Beach ’13 Stacey ’80 and Steven Bean Mary ’81 and Joseph Beard Patrick Beck ’00 Christine ’84 and Ben Bennett John Berti and Susan Hockberger Eskedar K. Beyene Dr. Joseph ’61 and Lourdes Bigas William Bigas ’63 Chris* and Katie Bilanko Matthew Biondi ’78 Barbara ’58 and John Bird Sandra and James Borland Kendyl Bourland ’14 Mark and Kathleen Brown Conne and Brian Bruce David ’90 and Shelley Buckholtz Greg Bye (DBA Streetzeria) Madison Caley ’14 Lucas Capestany ’14 Jo Ann Carbonetti ’68 Deanna Carr ’58 Anthony Casson ’07 Joseph Christianson ’14 Peter and Rita Chudecke Becky Clark* Class of 1968 Reunion Thomas and Rosaria Cofield Maureen Condit ’68 John R. Conley, Jr. James Connor ’95 Rosemarie Cook ’73 Conor Corum ’08 Pedro Costa and Frieda Hoops Jordan Crawford ’10 Marilyn ’69 and Raymond Cummings Samuel Dankers ’13 Emma Day ’10 Thomas Day ’14 Neil ’74 and Mary Dermody

Olivia Derouin ’14 Raymond ’65 and Becky Dion Jerry ’58 and Patti ’58 Dwyer Don and Marlene Eager Robin ’78 and Bob Fenton Matt and Laura Finlon Jens Fischer and Susanne WagnerFischer Shannon Greene and William Fisher, Jr. Julia Fleming ’14 Suzette Fowler ’67 Adrienne ’77 and Dominador Fraley-Monillas Daniel Frank ’14 John Freyman* and Melinda Early Jim Fulton ’70 and Jean Wilkinson Amanda Gadian ’09 Marie Gallup Daniel Gamash ’84 Jim and Susan Gaskill John Gats ’08 Bisrat Gebre ’11 Alison Gee ’14 Amanuel Getaneh ’12 Clara Gilbrough ’14 Stacey Gill Eva Gillespie ’00 Global Impact Coral Golub and Robert Borish Stephen Gomez ’14 Gabriella Gomez ’14 Kalkidan Gossaye ’14 Joyce ’58 and Donald Greve Sean Griffin ’14 Ryan Gross ’14 Andrew Gryniewicz ’14 Fr. Armando Guzman* Anita J. Haigh and Dorothy J. Haigh Uli and Patty Haller Gregory Hammrich ’78 Earl and Catherine Hanley Margaret ’79 and Mark Harder N. Jane Healy Sister Lorene Heck, O.P.* Elizabeth ’86 and Rob Hendry Douglas and Barbara Herrington

Paul Herstein and Bernadette Laquer Brandon Hoang ’14 Bradley and Wendy Hoff Todd and Kelly Holton Jeanne Bocian Horan ’74 and Mike Horan Gina Howell ’78 William ’59 and Linda Hoyer Nick Huff ’58 Alfred ’84 and Shaunta Hyde Mary Kay* and David Jebousek Robert and Maryelen Johnson Arnie Johnson Donald Johnson ’04 Ashley Kane Andrew Kennedy ’14 John and Cynthia Kent Kyle King ’14 Maureen ’65 and Larry Kirk Frances Kirkendall ’58 Mary Kovatch Rayna and Kordell Kubo Scott and Neva Kulp George Kunthara ’14 Tom Lamb ’84 Debbie LaZerte* Joy Lee ’08 Andrea Lewellen Sharon Lowenborg April ’58 and Terry Lundell Elizabeth Lundquist ’97 Micah Lussier ’14 Marco and Sheila Magnano Kellen Manley ’14 Ann* and Tom Martin Stuart Martin ’99 Diane Maurer ’72 Jesse ’96* and Caitlin McFeron LouElla* and Dennis McGaughey Rachel* and Padraic McGovern Molly ’63 and Robert McGowan Chloe ’58 and James McKinney Joseph and Lolita McNabb Donald Meehan Hector and Amelia Mendoza Thomas ’77 and Catherine ’77 Mentele

Serena ’83 and Paul Messner Patrick Miranda ’62 Tighisty Misghina Joshua Morales ’14 Steve and Becky Mounce Laura Murray ’14 Nicolas Mutiloa ’14 Nghia and Huong Nguyen Lina Nguyen ’13 Susan Nies Elizabeth Noble Amanda Norwine Lisa Olsen* Tim Orr Joseph Osborne ’14 Jennifer Ourada and Rick Worthington Pam Palasz* Mike and Janet Parks Brian ’65 and Cheryl Partridge Bryce Partridge ’14 Dan Patterson and Deborah Walters Neil Pearson ’14 Sy Pendergast ’13 Kelly and Laura Pendergraft Leo Perucca ’14 Elena Peters ’14 Barbara Petersen Gregory Petschl ’14 Andree and Dominique Place Andrew L. and Bonita Polich Jodie* and Bill Purcell Kathleen Quinn* Jessica Raman ’02 DeLyle and Therese Reule Shannon Riley ’13 Melissa Roa ’14 Morgan Roe ’14 Belynda Ruiz ’97 Alicen Rushevics ’14 Shannon Sakshaug ’70 Christopher Salud ’14 Kinga Sanders* and John Dutze Bryan Santiago-Benitez ’14 Mary* and Edward Schau Wilbur ’58 and Susan Schimpf Donald and Jody Schindler

Matteo Schiro ’14 Kathy and Richard Schober Kenneth and Elizabeth Schoenleber Andrea* and Lane Seeley Joyce Semanskee Christopher Shea ’14 Caleb Sheldrup ’14 Andrew ’01 and Courtney Shultz Raymond Siderius ’14 Sonia Scott Sine Elaine Smith ’64 Britta Smith ’14 Karolyn Stasny ’14 Andrew ’81 and Johanna Steele Mike Swayne ’58 Symetra Financial Rachel ’04 and Johan Tavast Kevin Taylor ’78 Rachel Taylor-Blakley ’14 Tesfaldet Tekle and Gebremedhin Emebet R D Terry Tanita Terry-Tullis Trent Thomas ’14 Robert ’75 and Christine Throckmorton Matthew Throckmorton ’06 Vicky Tiberio* Mark and Megan Tormey Isaac Traynor ’14 John Walker ’14 Kurt Wambaugh ’06 Elizabeth Webster ’14 Carolyn Weimar R. Ray ’61 and Mary Jo Westfall Caroline Whetham ’07 Richard ’58 and Lynda Whitcomb Teresa ’76 and James White Monica ’66 and Richard Whitty Mary Anne ’65 and Robert Wilkie Jean and Kenneth Williams Christine Williams ’73 Linda Williford ’79 Jenny ’99* and Kyle Willoughby Neal ’65 and Joanie Woods Debesai Yemane

2013-14 ALUMNI DONORS BY CLASS YEAR 1958 Larry Alvar Mark Antoncich Marilyn Ashwell Marilyn and Albert Ayres Dick Baker Steve Beck Barbara (Ruthford) Bird Roberta (McMillin) Brown Deanna Carr Howard Davis Jerry Dwyer Patty (Hatten) Dwyer Joyce (Norton) Greve David J. Hovind Nick Huff Frances Kirkendall Bob Leigh Roberta (Bourgette) Leigh Mary Pat (Dowd) Lord April (Swimelar) Lundell Ken Mattson Chloe (Lanz) McKinney Dr. Kathleen Mirante Joyce (Divine) Murphy Bob Murray Wilbur Schimpf Kathy (Schifsky) Schober Mike Swayne Steve Todd Richard Whitcomb


Kathleen Berry Karen (Schlax) Even Michael Feyes William Hoyer Barbara (Bowden) McCullochGillis Neal Supplee



4Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Thank you to the following Bishop Blanchet Alumni for their generous gifts in 2013-14. The following list primarily represents gifts to the Bishop Blanchet Annual Fund and Alumni Give 5 Appeal. Other gifts included in this list of donors include donations to the Brave Venture Auction, Capital Improvement Projects, Booster Club, Performing Arts and other restricted gifts.

Robert Baehr Madelyn (Pickett) Murray Mary (LaFond) Odermat Thomas Troy Judith (Arnold) Troy


Dr. Joseph Bigas Carolyn (Cline) Boyle R. Ray Westfall

6Christmas Concert


James Boitano George Hughes David McDonald James Melia

tSurf and Turf Dinner

tThe Dance Team took home 1st place in the Hip Hop category at the Bellevue High School Dance Competition and earned a trip to State for the first time in school history.

tFestival of High School Choirs at Benaroya Hall

Patrick Miranda Thomas Rogers Randy Schroers Edie (Kehoe) Wartelle


Melinda Beck Don Betz William Bigas Carolyn (Basom) Eagan Gladys Kreiling Molly McGowan Susan (Coyne) Nies Paula Perkins Dennis Phillips Michael Pierce Thomas Workman


Lynn (Broadgate) Burns* Steve Clancy Dr. Maura (Goggin) Egan Cheryl (Graham) Goodspeed* John Goodspeed Mark Sullivan


Marilyn (Mihm) Bailey Kerry Burrows* Pauline Cline Raymond Dion Michael Egan Stephen Houghton Donald Johnson Maureen (Murphy) Kirk Maureen (Ganz) Olsen Brian Partridge Kathleen (Donahue) Seely Mary (Hermann) Welch Mary Anne (Miller) Wilkie Neal Woods


Margaret (Donahue) Franklin Michael Naylor Allen Stover Mary (Egan) Surbridge Victoria (Fiorito) Symington Monica (Pavish) Whitty


Robert Casey Norman Des Rosiers Suzette Fowler Colleen (Armstrong) Hallett Kay (Thomas) Lee George Monica* Linda (Antoncich) Mikkelsen


Michael Briney Jo Ann Carbonetti Maureen (Murphy) Condit Patty (Donahue) Corum Mary K. (Lancaster) Ryan*


Marilyn (Pike) Cummings Dawn Dwyer Bernard Joseph Hinnebusch Patrick Marker Dennis Nollette


Thomas Anderson Marilee (Niese) Anderson Jim Fulton Michael Milne Shannon (Donahue) Sakshaug


Anthony Jones Molly Kledzik Peter Lukevich Joan Weis


John Durkin Diane (Hurlburt) Maurer Jeanne (Donaldson) McGinnis Susan Nagel Justin Pirak Susan Ross


Kevin Barrett Charles Bocian* Rebecca (Ourada) Bocian Michael Coleman Rosemarie (Dickson) Cook Anne (Sullivan) Monica Mary (Oaksmith) Nichols Linda Reeder John Ulacia Gina Vangelos Christine Williams


Theresa Bigler* Patrick Burns Neil Dermody Janet (Taylor) Falkenreck Gerard Fieser Laura (Pizzano) Fieser* Ken Gross Laura (Mitchell) Lewis Jeanne Niese

Joann (Ahnstrom) Hamilton Kathleen MacPherson Teresa (Kenny) Polonis Thomas Read Shannon (Kenney) Salud Joseph Sherman Joan (Wenzl) Thompson John Vandenberg Teresa (Glockling) White Steven Williams


Colleen (O'Meara) Brajcich Kathleen (Hopkins) Butcher Esther Volpe-Drouin Adrienne Fraley-Monillas Kenneth Gardner Martin Holberg Alyson (Stewart) Holberg Susan (Wilson) Ireland Patricia (Sigvartsen) Leen Brian McDevitt Thomas Mentele Catherine (Melanson) Mentele David Thompson


Alison (Jones) Aleinikoff Matthew Biondi Kathleen Davis-Hayfield Robin (Moran) Fenton Keith Hagstrom Gregory Hammrich James Harmon Gina Howell James Kinerk Maggie Mallett Steven Morris Robert Murphy Tony Papasedero Carol (Harrington) Preuninger Christopher Read Traci (Conway) Read Julie (Augustavo) Ross Sandra Barton Smith Kevin Taylor Robert Ware Sharon (Moran) Westphalen Miriam (O'Leary) Williams


Colleen (Stewart) Blaikie William Blume Pam (Mitchell) Cory William Dooris Timothy Dowling Michael Flanigan Sharon Gill-Riley Mary (Rowland) Hagstrom Margaret (Carlson) Harder James Keyes John Lamb Kathleen (Horgan) Larson Carmen (Popovich) Papsadero James Schwartz


Edward Augustavo Barry Celli Steven Donaldson Katy (Kinney) Mathews* Robert Throckmorton


Frederick Dore Tina (Keller) Ferguson

Angela (Ditore) Siderius Mary (Guisness) Timberlake Renee Willette Mary Williams Linda (Reinke) Williford


Marilyn (Axley) Bates Stacey (Guise) Bean Colleen Cook Michael Derr Denise (Anderson) DesHarnais Mary (Loucks) Dowling Elaine Mattson Chris Moore James Pinsoneault Thomas Ramsay Annette (Fortier) Ramsay Barbara (Peterson) Schwabe Lawrence Steele Edward Thenell Cristina (Evezich) Wheatley Monica (Beattie) Williams


Christopher Anderson Mary (Williams) Beard Greg Blume Thomas Breysse Christina (Leigh) Caballero William Crowley Mary (Contenta) Fugier Margaret (Jacobson) Golliver Greg Hawksford Nicole (Cheshier) Howard* Barry Kaimakis Therese (Wood) Kroon Thomas McNulty Jane (Kelly) McNulty Andrew Steele James Welch


Christina (Entrop) Albert Nancy Amato Joseph Bennett James Bowers Dan Branley Carolyn (Heide) Breysse Mylene (Nable) Claveria Erin E. Donohue-Zink Mary (Ogle) Doquilo Pamela (Lee) Foos Charles Huber Lisa A. McDonald Margaret (Pratt) Newman Michael O'Donnell Michael Sharp Geryl (Bendzak) Sharp Denise Smith Aileen (O'Meara) Smith Elise (Eberhardt) Thompson Mary (Mcauliffe) VandePutte Nick Waltner Greg Wass Kari (Lasky) Williams


Ten graduates were awarded

or more in college scholarships. 17

Donor Recognition 1983

Mary Byington Sheila (Cameron) Cooper Christopher Griffin Greg Guise Wayne Hampson Catherine (Rivoire) Juel Valerie Krueger Serena (Murai) Messner Ed O'Neill Dean Paglialunga Chris Peterson Patty (Gill) Peterson Scott Redman Briget (Griffin)Spear Stasia (Fouch) Steele Mark Stoeck Carlos Strazzara Stephen Swisher Lisa (Semanskee) Thompson Catherine (Vasey) Tveter Christopher Van Hollebeke Marianne (Herb) Wells Delayne (Sapkos) Welch


Christine (Shannon) Bennett Maria (Hodgins) Dixon David Dorland Rick Eberhardt Michael Fletcher Daniel Gamash Alfred Hyde Tom Lamb Margaret (Waterman) Spencer


Brian Acarregui Matthew Campbell Meaghan (Myrin) Gross Susan (Stach) Guise John Hamel Julie (Schober) Hanon Ross Johnston Joseph Manca Erin (Sheridan) Manca Dennis O'Leary

Joe Petschl Lisa (Hopper) Petschl Catherine Purpur Raymond Shanahan Thomas Tiesi


Edward Boyle Glen Bradburn Annmarie (Complita) Hamel Elizabeth (Hooker) Hendry Leah (Anderson) Monica Deirdre Noonan Michael Pierce* Kenneth Williams


Christopher Blunt Erin (Myrin) Hagens Julie Herber Kerry Loveland Jane (Grady) Mason Joseph Mele Lori (Mitchell) Moriarty Fiore Pignataro Michelle (Parks) Reilly Steve Snorsky Molly (Kelly) Thole Mike Tibbles Megan Wood Ann (Tiesi) Wood


Anne (Davis) Bartol Jason Hagens Heather (Bradburn) Mears Susanne Mitchell* Lynn (Wartelle) O'Connor Michelle (Rose) Summers Devin Wade


Jeanine (Shoemaker) Marek


David Buckholtz Jennifer (Fahey) Feucht Shannon (Rose) Langer Carmela (Pignataro) Mele

Trevor Sevigny Tracey (Eager) Svendsen Derek Wade


Jennifer (Meyers) Fonti Denise (dePinna) Mullins Erika Sheehan


Brian Klein Jeff Williams

Caitlin Meyer Jessica Raman


Donald Johnson Rachel (Stone) Tavast


Katy Corum Matthew Throckmorton Kurt Wambaugh


Gregory Ness Gordy Williams

Anthony Casson Kathy (Firsova) Kondratyuk Caroline Whetham




Conor Corum Peter Fitzpatrick John Gats Joy Lee

Ivy Huie Jason Mills Darren Rose


Ann Alokolaro* James Connor




Amanda Gadian Jordan Crawford Emma Day

Bill Kessler Jesse McFeron* Toby McGill* Brian Welch


Bisrat Gebre



Elizabeth Lundquist Belynda Ruiz

Amanuel Getaneh



Stuart Martin Jenny (Condit) Willoughby*


Patrick Beck Kristin Cordova Eva Gillespie Kimberly (Fahey) Kellogg


Laura (Milne) Meaux* Andrew Shultz


Sean Gaskill*

Abigail Beach Samuel Dankers


Senior Class Gift Marquis Alindogan Andres Alvarez Miasmin André Jack Auter Nash Baker Kendyl Bourland Madison Caley Lucas Capestany Joseph Christianson Daniel Dato

Thomas Day Olivia Derouin Julia Fleming Daniel Frank Alison Gee Clara Gilbrough Gabriella Gomez Stephen Gomez Kalkidan Gossaye Sean Griffin Ryan Gross Andrew Gryniewicz Brandon Hoang Andrew Kennedy Kyle King George Kunthara Micah Lussier Kellen Manley Joshua Morales Laura Murray Nicolas Mutiloa Joseph Osborne Bryce Partridge Neil Pearson Leo Perucca Elena Peters Gregory Petschl Melissa Roa Morgan Roe Alicen Rushevics Christopher Salud Bryan Santiago-Benitez Matteo Schiro Christopher Shea Caleb Sheldrup Raymond Siderius Britta Smith Karolyn Stasny Rachel Taylor-Blakley Trent Thomas Isaac Traynor Franklin Vargas John Walker Zachary Weber Elizabeth Webster

New Brave Night for the Class of 2018 g

tWomen’s Basketball – 2nd place in state! Head Coach Bryan Willison was named 3A Coach of the Year by the Washington State Girls Basketball Coaches Association and was invited to coach the 2014 WSGBCA Senior AllState Girls Basketball 3A team. 18

tFaculty/Staff Retreat g Freshmen Retreat g Alumni Wine Tasting g Hunger Retreat g Brave Venture Auction tRobotics Receives Gracious Professionalism Award

tUltimate Frisbee – Inaugural Season g French Exchange Students 4Alumni Easter Egg Hunt


GIFT TRIBUTES IN MEMORY OF Molly Conley Mairéad Corrigan David Haigh Michael J. Parks Fr. Michael Ryan Meryle Schwitter Clay Williams


Brad and Danielle Fulton Kelly Erickson and Scott Sterton Beau and Julie Gould Martin ’77 and Alyson ’77 Holberg Robert and Marta McCullough John and Angela Traynor


Eric and Jayne Freeman Michael and Patti Gats Brian and Sandra Griffin George ’62 and Nancy Hughes Jordan and Jana Jansen Stephen and Sheryl Kennedy Kevin and Sandy Kennedy Jeffrey Leppo and Robin McManamin Joe ’85 and Lisa ’85 Petschl Steve and Diana Schiro Norman and Carin Tonina Steven ’76 and Monica ’80 Williams


Christina ’82 and Graham Albert Alison ’78 and Steve Aleinikoff Randall and Julie Back Joseph ’82 and Susan Bennett Michael Boyle Colleen Cook ’80 and Rob Bartlett Pam ’79 and Steve Cory Peter and Monica Dapper Michael ’80 and Ann Derr Peter Flanagan and Anne McBroom-Flanagan Mike and Katie Fleming Jeffrey and Mary Green Bill Herber Kelly and Lisa Hoonan Kenneth Howard and Mary C. O’Connor William and Gloria Kruzner John ’79 and Deonne Lamb Mark and Stacie Ludden Daniel and Sydne Mead-Smith Scott and Tiffany Merriman Christopher and Jodi Merrywell Michael and Kristen Mulick Mike Nall Margaret and Eric Newman Dermot and Kelly Noonan Dennis ’85 and Carla O’Leary Steven and Julie Palmer Reagan and Christine Perry

Christopher and Karen Prohaska Thomas ’80 and Annette ’80 Ramsay Steven and Tiffanie Ranta Adam and Lynn Rauch Blair and Janice Savidge James Sheldrup and Luisa Alvarez de Sheldrup Paul A. Smith and Karen Cerosaletti Briget ’83 and Michael Spear Dick and Sheryl Welch Kenneth ’86 and Esmee Williams Eric and Amy Zimbelman


Mike and Cheri Blackbourn Andrew and Marie Day Antonio* and Martha DeSapio Bob Dinehart John and Joyce Ditore Alan and Kristen Dittmaier Andrew and Cecilia Erickson Sandra Fredriksen Patrick Gemperline and Janet Dwight Craig and Jennifer Gryniewicz Greg ’83 and Susan ’85 Guise Keith ’78 and Mary (Rowland) ’79 Hagstrom Wayne and Joni Hampson Sheila* and Doug Kries Kerry ’87 and Catherine Loveland Daniel and Nancy McGinnis Michael and Jenny Roben Jeffrey and Perri Roe Angela ’79 and John Siderius Bart and Grace Steiner Karri Thorkildsen

John Byrum and Karen Tanzy James and Laura Capestany Bill and Lori Conroy Keith and Valerie Conti Antonio* and Martha DeSapio Steve and Marie DiPietro Mike and Laura Donahue Eric and Jayne Freeman Brad and Danielle Fulton Joe and Gwen Geivett Patrick and Kellene Gilbrough Kenneth Howard and Mary O’Connor Scott and Laura Kosinski Patricia Gorham and Keith Petrak Beau and Julie Gould Jeff and Mary Green Wayne and Joni Hampson George and Nancy Hughes Susan Ireland Anthony Kennedy John Korhumel and Holland Stephens Cara Kroenke and Abby Larson Darcy LaBelle and Tim Burkart Mark and Deidre Lacambra Michael and Shannon Manley Nathan and Laurie McCoy Jeffrey Leppo and Robin McManamin Dennis and Carla O’Leary Kristen and Phillip O’Reilly Joe and Rhonda Osborne Patty and Chris Peterson Christopher and Karen Prohaska Rebecca Schultz

Thomas and Margaret Spencer John and Angela Traynor Mark and Kathleen Trumbauer Steve and Lisa Visintainer Janet Walsh Gerry and Miriam Waterman Roger and Sarah Waterman Richard and Paula Wesley Bill and Diane Whitfield

Auction Sponsors

AA Rentals Andra Freet Creative Biondi Media Blends, Inc. Tim Burkart Kutscher Hereford Bertram Burkart, PLLC William & Shannon Crowley Crowley Law Offices, P.S. Chateau Ste. Michelle Elite Collective Mary & Jeff Green, DDS In Store Services Darcy LaBelle – Windermere Go! Custom Travel Dr. Chris and Patty Peterson The Sports Medicine Clinic Keith Petrak & Patricia Gorham Inside/Out Style Sail Sand Point Thomas and Margaret Spencer Peak Sports Precision Press Anonymous Paul and Paula Van Hollebeke

Lake & Company Real Estate, Inc. Matt and Marianne Wells Tupper Mack Wells, PLLC

In-Kind Sponsors

AA Rentals Andra Freet Creative Biondi Media Blends, Inc. Chateau Ste. Michelle Elite Collective Go! Custom Travel Sail Sand Point Precision Press


Thank you to the following Patrons of our Performing Arts for helping to underwrite our Spring Musical in 2014!


Dr. Peg Haggety Roderick and Rebecca Nelson Mark and Rosemary Rising Jim and Margie Rose Kenneth and Hope Wiljanen


Bret and Mary Alinger Jeff and Erin Breyman Lynn Burns* Tom and Esther Drouin Randy and Tina Hodgins Mary Lambert and Margaret Gaines


Daniel Brewer and Marne SannesBrewer Darcy LaBelle and Tim Burkart Patricia and Richard Miailovich Marc and Marci Servizi Mark and Luisa Sliger James and Laura Smith Wade and Paige Taylor Greg ’82 and Renee Wass

BRAVE VENTURE AUCTION Bishop Blanchet thanks the following donors for participating in our 3rd Annual Brave Leaders Preview Party. Thank you sponsors for their generous donations and in-kind services. The extra support provided by these families and companies helped to underwrite our 2014 Brave Venture Auction. Auction Leaders

Scott and Judy Armstrong Susan Black Robert and Ellen Bollard Robert Branson and Judith Raab Jeff and Erin Breyman

477 Students Inducted into the NHS g 290 Students Received Academic Letters 4Shrek the Musical

tReno Jazz Festival 4Notre Dame Bus Tour – 200+ Second Graders on Campus

uMiddle School Leadership Summit

Donor Recognition Larry and Gail McNutt Joseph and Carmela Mele Richard and Patricia Miailovich Shawn and Randy Moore Tony Perucca Justin and Karen Pirak Richard and Graciela Rutkowski Rob and Lisa Thompson John and Angela Traynor Christine Vaughan


Glen and Christine Bradburn James and Laura Capestany John and Mary Ann Coles Mathias and Kris Dangla Antonio and Martha DeSapio Laura* and Jerry Fieser Edward and Carolyn Foster Margaret and Hank Franklin Brad and Danielle Fulton Chris and Kristi Griffin Craig and Jennifer Gryniewicz Jeff Harden William and Mary Knapp Arthur and Kay Lee Jeanne and Tim McGinnis Maureen Mershon* and Frank Siderius Patricia Mills Suzanne Moreau Jesper and Karlene Mortenson Kurt and Sandy Nielsen Dermot and Kelly Noonan Rhonda* and Joe Osborne Keith Petrak and Patricia Gorham David and Ellen Petre Bruce and Katie Pieper Richard and Carol Sargent Alison* and Doug Scott Kathleen* and Paul Seely Gary Smith and Karen S. Ekblad Joan and David Thompson Gregory Van Liew and Jennifer Kerns Bret and Trisha Wirta


Theresa Bigler* Richard Brown and Susan Pierson Brown

Anastasio and Anne Marie Chrisafis Kenn and Ann Christianson James and Joanna Dooley Thomas and Maura FitzMacken Joan Goldblatt Louise Little Ann Macfarlane Katy* and Brian Matthews Craig* and Carly Schaefer Anne Lurton Scott and Roger Ahroon Michael and Kristine Sendelbach Allen and Janet Stover P. James Sullivan Jason and Carol Viydo Janet Walsh


Brave Specialty Sponsors

Maggie (Moge) Mallett ’78 & Windermere Real Estate Team Lukevich: Peter ’71, Thomas ’99 & Robert ’04

Hole Sponsors and In-Kind Sponsors

The Brave Booster Club Ballard Blossom, David Martin Bushnell, Bolle & Sally Schmitz ’82 Dick’s Drive-In & Ken Frasier ’83 Dixon Golf Don’s Group Attire Golf Events The Lunch Bunch of ’68 in honor of their friend Brian Wellnitz ’68 Precision Press & Jim Bowers ’82 Puetz Golf TC Span America & Pam (Venable) Reuhl ’73 Whiz Kids Academy, The Lumley Team – Windermere Associates & Brent Lumley ’82 Yuen Lui Studios

Thank you to the following donors for their support of two very important capital initiatives in 2013-14. Gifts from these donors allowed Bishop Blanchet to purchase new state-of-theart scoreboards and other important upgrades for the Ernie Rose – Main Gym as well as begin to enhance the Ernie Rose Activities Center Foyer with new trophy cases, displays and a true Hall of Fame.


Randall and Julie Back Joseph '82 and Susan Bennett Matt and Jodi Cagnina Nicole and Robert Chicoine Mooney Sheila Cooper '83 Steve and Marie DiPietro David '84 and Erica Dorland Kelly Erickson and Scott Sterton Mike and Katie Fleming Eric and Jayne Freeman Michael and Patti Gats Beau and Julie Gould Jeffrey and Mary Green Wayne '83 and Joni Hampson Michael and Kimberly Harmon Bill Herber Mary Lou Hodgins Monty Holmes and Katie Nolan Kelly and Lisa Hoonan Michael and Gayle Kaplan John '79 and Deonne Lamb Daniel and Nancy McGinnis Christopher and Jodi Merrywell Thomas and Sarah Moloney Dermot and Kelly Noonan Christian '83 and Patricia '83 Peterson Joe '85 and Lisa '85 Petschl William and Sherry Portuese David and Patricia Ramquist Michael and Jenny Roben Jeffrey and Perri Roe Steve and Diana Schiro

Michael '82 and Gjeryl '82 Sharp Steve '87 and Erin Snorsky Lawrence '80 and Stasia '83 Steele Carlos and Sara Strazzara Dan and Julie Stutz John and Angela Traynor Dick and Sheryl Welch Megan Wood '87 and Jack Tawney Eric and Amy Zimbelman


Edmonds Sports Academy Khynna Beaton and Donald Ausink Joseph '82 and Susan Bennett Matthew Biondi '78 Colleen '79 and Tom Blaikie Schuyler Briscoe Ian and Anne Brown Bill and Lori Conroy Michael '80 and Ann Derr Joseph DiPietro Steve and Marie DiPietro Andrew and Cecilia Erickson Stewart and Laura Ford Eric and Jayne Freeman Brad and Danielle Fulton Edson and Julie Gallaudet Beau and Julie Gould Jim Hartz Maxwell and Lisa Hunter Peter Joseph Kain Michael and Gayle Kaplan Michael Kavanagh James '78 and Linda Kinerk Duane King Bradley and Shannon Knowles Todd and Nicole Korman Shannon '90 and Chris Langer Sean Leary Bruce and Barbara Leon Clark and Lori Lindsay Kerry '87 and Catherine Loveland Jonathan Lowe Mark and Stacie Ludden Thomas and Melissa Maider J David and Laura Matter Daniel and Nancy McGinnis Scott and Tiffany Merriman Christopher and Jodi Merrywell Margaret '82 and Eric Newman

4ND Vision Conference g Baccalaureate 6Golf team – 2nd in Mass State! g String Orchestra and Symphonium


Peter and Julia Odland Kevin and Cheryl Overbey Christian '83 and Patricia '83 Peterson Christopher and Karen Prohaska Darren Rose '94 Jim and Margie Rose Craig and Carly Schaefer Michael and Kimberly Strand Michelle '88 and Scott Summers Courtney Touw Bill and Norma Jean Trabold Philip and Jennifer Yerkes

CORPORATE, MATCHING GIFTS AND FOUNDATIONS Thank you to the following Corporations and Foundations for their generous contributions to Bishop Blanchet. We are thankful to each one of them for their support. Companies with matching gift programs or community giving programs for their employees and retirees have donated $122,000 to our school this past year.

Alaska Airlines Employee Programs & Events Alaska Airlines Matching Gift Program Ally Financial AT&T United Way/Employee Giving Campaign B D O Advisory Services for G W Cadbury Charitable Trust Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gift Program BOEING Gift Matching Program Boeing Political Action Committee BOEING Retirees Matching Gifts Program Cartledge Foundation Inc. Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Comcast Costco Wholesale Diagnos-Techs, Inc.

ECG Management Consultants Edmonds Sports Academy Employee Community Fund of Boeing Company Expedia Inc Matching Gifts Program Ferrous Metals Company, Inc. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fulcrum Foundation Garneau-Nicon Family Foundation Global Impact Goodman Foundation In Store Services, Inc. Interbay Food Co. Joseph and Ligia Wiegand Family Foundation KeyBank Foundation Lake & Company Real Estate, Inc Microsoft Corporation Milliman Match Gift Program Nintendo of America Inc. PACCAR Inc Plum Creek Timber ProQuest Matching Gift Program Raikes Foundation Real Networks Foundation Matching Gifts Program Schwab Charitable Fund Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. Starbucks Matching Gifts Program Stokes Lawrence Charitable Foundation Symetra Financial Target Take Charge of Education The Duda Family Foundation The Frost and Margaret Snyder Foundation The Seattle Foundation The Standard Employee Giving Campaign The Trammell Foundation UBS Financial Services, Inc. United Way of King County UPS Foundation Vanguard Charitable Program Wells Fargo Advisors Fin Network. LLC Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign

Ways to Give CASH GIFTS

Cash gifts can be made through credit/ debit cards, cash or check, or electronic fund transfers. To donate online, visit MATCHING GIFTS

Matching gifts are an easy way to double or even triple your donation to Bishop Blanchet. Please check with your Human Resources department to see if your company matches charitable contributions. EMPLOYEE GIVING CAMPAIGN & UNITED WAY

Many companies have employee giving. Microsoft and Boeing are two examples of companies that offer giving campaigns that match your gifs. Please contact your human resources department to find out if your company offers a gift match. If your company hosts a United Way campaign, you can designate your gift to Bishop Blanchet High School #93037. Please contact the Development Office if you have any questions. GIFTS IN KIND

Some donors take the opportunity to give tangible items to the school or individual departments. The Development Office can help you determine the acceptability of gifts as well as potential tax benefits of gifts in-kind. PLANNED GIFTS

You can remember Bishop Blanchet High School by leaving a gift in your will or estate plan. Please contact Craig Schaefer Development Director 206.527.7733 or for more information regarding bequests and planned gifts.

Editor: Christen Lambert Contributing Writers: Pam Cory, Antonio DeSapio, Shirley Epton, Christen Lambert, Tom Ramsey and Craig Schaefer Contributing Photographers: Chris Grasseschi, BBHS Yearbook Staff, Rowland Studios and Stephen Brashear Proofreaders: Mary (Williams) Beard ‘81, Shirley Epton, Joni (Pirak) Eriksen ’99, Karen Griffin, Nicole (Cheshier) Howard ’81, Craig Schaefer and Alison Scott Designer: Annie Dlouhy Printer: Precision Press, Bellevue, WA

tBBHS Chamber Choir performs at Carnegie Hall


Save the Date

Upcoming Schoolhouse and Development Events

2014 Fall Play

October 31- November 2

Raise The Curtain November 22

Feast of the Immaculate Conception Mass December 8 Mass followed by the Grandparents reception in the Ernie Rose Activities Center

Christmas Concert December 8 1st Presbyterian Church, downtown Seattle


Boosters Surf and Turf Dinner January 10

Big Band Bash January 24

Alumni Wine Tasting February 21

Brave Venture Auction March 14

Alumni and Friends Easter Egg Hunt March 28

Spring Musical April 17-19

String Orchestra Symphonium May 9

Baccalaureate Mass June 5

Graduation June 5

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