Anthology magazine issue 1

Page 73



Not referring to the cute little gizmos used for hanging out your clothes, but to PEG as in polyethylene glycol which is a polyether compound. WHERE FOUND: The PEG family of synthetic chemicals function in cosmetic formulations as cleansers, emulsifiers and skin conditioners. WHY TO AVOID: Carcinogenic contaminants are the primary concern, but there is also evidence of genotoxicity and if used on broken skin can cause irritation and systemic toxicity. Also, PEG functions as a “penetration enhancer,” increasing the permeability of the skin to allow greater absorption of the product but this unfortunately includes the absorption of harmful ingredients.


LEAD / HEAvy METALS Some metals play important roles in normal functions of the body. For instance, iron is necessary to enrich the blood with oxygen. However, heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and nickel do not have normal physical functions in the body and they may have serious negative effects. WHERE FOUND: The main culprits are lipstick, lip gloss and mascara. It is also found in other colour make-up products

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including foundation, blush, eye pencil and eye shadow and sunscreens and whitening toothpaste. WHY TO AVOID: Lead is a proven neurotoxin, linked to learning, language and behavioural problems. It has also been linked to miscarriage, reduced fertility in men and women, and delays in puberty onset in girls.

animal and human placenta is about as wacky as it gets. Apparently, it contains especially high levels of proteins and enzymes including alkaline phosphatase and collagen - a substance widely used to stimulate skin growth and in some cosmetics to combat wrinkles. WHERE FOUND: In rejuvenating creams to restore and maintain the strength and thickness of ageing skin which presumably keeps it soft as that of a baby’s. It is also used in shampoos and conditioners to strengthen hair. WHY TO AVOID: Studies show that these hormone-altered products are linked to endocrine disruption such as precocious puberty and early sexual maturation, and a risk of breast cancer. Even though, most manufacturers that add this very odd ingredient to their cosmetics only use minimal amounts I, for one, will not be putting it on my wish list anytime soon.

9 10 HoMoSALATE:

An organic compound that belongs to a class of chemicals called salicylates, which prevent direct skin exposure to the sun’s harmful rays by absorbing ultraviolet light. WHERE FOUND: Sunscreen and skin care products with sun protection WHY TO AVOID: Can impact the body’s hormones in particular estrogens. It may also irritate and worsen certain skin conditions and skin diseases such as folliculitis, eczema, acne, and psoriasis.


Every now and then, beautifiers start bizarre new trends that promise to cure all your skin care dilemmas. The use of

anthology summer 2016 71

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