The artists guide to illustration the ultimate tutorial collection

Page 118

VECTOR ART TECHNIQUES INFO ...THERE WILL BE UNICORNS > Having cut his creative teeth at McFaul Studio, Thomas Burden has now ventured out on his own. While working for McFaul, he had the opportunity to work for major-league clients including Saatchi & Saatchi, Disney, and Bob Dylan. Since going freelance his commissions have included work for Don’t Panic and Samsung. CONTACT • SOFTWARE • Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop



Set the blending mode of the new layer to Soft Light and reduce the opacity to 70%.

TIME TO COMPLETE • 3 hours PROJECT FILES • Files for this tutorial are downloadable from downloads Left A logo that Burden designed as part of a full rebrand for a ‘green’ events company. Below A poster for a scheme at Belkin offering a holiday as a prize for making sales.



Select both layers by holding down Cmd/Ctrl and clicking on one then the other. Hit Cmd/Ctrl + E to merge the two together. Doubleclick the new layer to bring up the Layer Styles box. Select Bevel and Emboss’ from the styles list on the left. Uncheck the Use global light box and set the depth to 100%. Set the size to 100 pixels and the soften to 16 pixels. In the Shading option set the angle to 101º and the altitude to 64º. Then set the highlight opacity to 24 and the shadow opacity to 100.



Now duplicate this layer by holding Alt/Opt while clicking and dragging, place it in front of the smaller splash and rainbow to the right and resize (Cmd/Ctrl + T) to fit.


As a final adjustment, select the top layer, ‘Foreground elements’, in the layers palette. Then in the menu bar, select Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Brightness/ Contrast. Set the brightness to +6 and the contrast to +18 and the image is complete. STEP


Duplicate this new layer again by dragging onto the Create new layer button at the bottom of the Layers palette. Set the blending mode to Multiply and the opacity to 20%. Select both layers and merge again using Cmd/Ctrl + E.



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