Biozone Australian Catalogue 2023

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Modular eBooks

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Modular eBooks (LITE only) Cell Biology & Biochemistry Challenging concepts are presented clearly and in a way that is accessible even to those with a limited background in chemistry. Cell Biology & Biochemistry covers the structure, function, and study of cells and their components and is an ideal support volume for a wide range of courses in life sciences.

Human Evolution A comprehensive treatment of human origins; one of biology’s most controversial and rapidly changing topics. With an engaging treatment of primate biology, and full up-to-date coverage of both human physical and cultural evolution, Human Evolution is the perfect supplement for both biology and anthropology students.

Microbiology & Biotechnology This compact but thorough supplement provides objectives and activities through which students can explore aspects of microbial diversity and modern biotechnology, including genetic engineering, cloning, and genome research.

Evolution A fresh approach to teaching evolutionary principles at this level. Students are invited to explore and critically evaluate the wealth of evidence for our current understanding of evolution through a variety of engaging and thought-provoking activities.


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