Political Poetry Set to the Music of Academia

Page 55

Popularity is in the eye of its cliques beholder. Cliques are but naturally forming cults - culture defining itself through an efficiency motivated categorization, and as with any faith-formed group a hierarchical model becomes difficult to resist. The leader is created as a necessary reaction to directionless followers - the courted has no aim until a courtship has begun - a cliff has no purpose until lemmings find their way off it. This organic occurrence demands of its hero a responsible caring for it’s minions, and of its followers a patriotic evangelism of their leader’s exploits. The fewer aware, the more fervent the propagation must be because the cult’s growth becomes dire extinction: a fear always worthy of contemplation. Reciting the praises of another has a brainwashing effect convincing the reciter of the words themselves as the repetition imbues the statements with a subjective truth. This is not to say that the enthusiasm is false, but rather the result of a search for enthusiasm the words behind the feeling meaningless for the feeling is the meaning. The main

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