A List Of Simple Inventions That Make Life Easier...

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A List Of Simple Inventions That Make Life Easier InventHelp is a company with very unique services. Apart from them, not many companies offer such services, if any at all. InventHelp helps to bridge the gap between inventors and investors. InventHelp is based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was established about 30 years ago. To have been in business for the three decades means they are doing a very good job. They support innovative inventions by creating professional materials and pitching the invention ideas to companies who are looking for new products. They also help to market these products. Although they are based in the United States, their services transcend the States. Apart from inventors in the United States, they have assisted inventors in Germany, Australia and Canada. In fact, some of the inventions are in their store right now. Some of them have been outlined below. 1.Tip ‘n Split Some people find it difficult to read the dinner bill either because the restaurant is dimly lit or because they have issues with their eyes so they often struggle to read what the bill says. This was what led to the invention of Tip ‘n Split, a handheld calculator that picks the figures on the bill and computes the total. It also has a magnifying lens at the top. This lens works with an in-built LED lighting to illuminate and InventHelp Products magnify the bill so that the user can see every character on the bill. To underscore the success of the product, about 800 units were sold in 5 minutes on QVC in 2015. The product also won gold in the 2014 INPEX Best New Gadget category.

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