Turgalium Bilingual Section No 6

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JUNIO 2014


REDACCIÓN Alumnos de 1º, 2º, 3º Y 4º ESO Bilingüe COLABORADORES: Raquel Anes (profesora de Matemáticas) Asunción Cepeda Casares (profesora de Inglés) Estrella Guisado Ramos (profesora CCSS) Mª Jesús García Fernández (profesora de Educación Física) Zac Mehlhoff (auxiliar de conversación) MAQUETACIÓN: Mª Dolores Vicente Pizarro (coordinadora TIC) COORDINADORA SECCIÓN BILINGÜE: Eva M. Gómez Salas (profesora de Inglés)



JUNIO 2014


Our students speak up

4 5 6-7

Europe Day


Editorial Zac’s article: Nothing in the world worth having comes easy.

Comenius Project


Exchange with Germany


What’s up at Turgalium Bilingual Section?: 

Let’ go to the Theatre


Experience in Italy– Tolerance day






Class library


Projects : 




27 28-29

Famous explorers





Conclusions in Udine




English for Social Sciences


English for PE






Si tuviera que definir el curso que está a punto de finalizar, diría que ha sido sumamente “intenso”. Comenzábamos, allá por el mes de octubre, con todos los preparativos para recibir a nuestros socios de Comenius. Visita que, por esas casualidades de la vida, vino a coincidir, al menos parcialmente, con la primera fase del intercambio que desde hace un tiempo viene realizando el departamento de inglés con el Gymnasium Parsberg de Alemania y también con la solicitud de beca que a tal efecto solemos cursar para atenuar en la medida de lo posible el esfuerzo económico de los padres y que implica la realización de un proyecto y la preparación de una serie de documentos que hay que enviar sin dilación. Para un centro pequeño como el este y, sobre todo para nuestro departamento, esto supone un gran esfuerzo y una sacudida completa a la rutina académica que, desde nuestro nuestro punto de vista es enormemente positivo pero que compromete incluso la vida personal de las personas involucradas. Es decir, que para el mes de noviembre nos parecía haber vivido ya medio curso cuando éste en realidad no había hecho más que comenzar. Entonces llegaron Hallowe'en y el teatro en inglés,el Tolerance Day y algo con lo que no contábamos: la realización de una prueba “externa” de Evaluación Integral de Secciones Bilingües por parte del Servicio de Evaluación y Calidad Educativa. Por primera vez la Consejería de educación, a través de los coordinadores de las distintas secciones, sometía a los alumnos de 4º de ESO a una serie de pruebas para evaluar el nivel de competencia lingüística adquirido tras su paso por la sección. Sin perder un segundo nos metimos de lleno en la elaboración de Christmas cards y a la vuelta de vacaciones de Navidad comenzamos los preparativos de nuestro viaje a Alemania en el mes de febrero que, como siempre, fue una experiencia inolvidable para los alumnos y para nosotras, en buena medida, a la hospitalidad y buen hacer de nuestros compañeros alemanes, en especial de la organizadora Claudia Kolbeck y del director del Gymnasium Parsberg, Herr Fruhmann, quien en esta ocasión nos había honrado con su presencia en octubre.

JUNIO 2014

El mes de marzo estuvo marcado por el viaje de un grupo de cinco alumnos y tres profesores a Udine (Italia) a comienzos del mes de abril como parte del proyecto Comenius mencionado anteriormente. Los alumnos debieron preparar sus presentaciones en las que sintetizaban los trabajos llevados a cabo por sus compañeros y por ellos mismos, La presentación fue, en opinión de nuestros socios de Comenius, un éxito por su calidad y originalidad. Simultáneamente se celebraba en el IES Turgalium la segunda fase de las pruebas de Evaluación Integral de las Secciones Bilingües. Y cuando ya pensábamos que podíamos encarar la recta final del curso con sus exámenes orales, listenings, writings, grammar tests...y pruebas de diagnóstico de alumnos de 2º de ESO, nos proponen desde el departamento de Geografía e Historia la participación de nuestros grupos (y en especial de los grupos bilingües por ser ésta una de las asignaturas impartidas en inglés) en una ambiciosa Feria de Turismo. ¿Cómo íbamos a decir que no? ¡Sonaba tan bien! A la postre, ha rsultado ser una de las actividades más enriquecedoras por cuanto ha permitido el trabajo conjunto de varios departamentos, un alto grado de participación de los alumnos y un éxito de público. Finalmente, comenzamos a dar las últimas pinceladas a esta revista que, como ya he mencionado en números anteriores, se hace hace a sí misma pues es una muestra de las actividades que acabo de enumerar, realizada por y para los alumnos esencialmente y con intención de entretener e informar. Como decía al comienzo de este editorial, ha sido un año duro e intenso pero al mismo tiempo sumamente satisfactorio para los que directa o indirectamente hemos trabajado con la intención de que nuestros alumnos pudieran ser los beneficiarios primeros de nuestro esfuerzo. Nuestro agradecimiento a todos aquellos que nos han ayudado en la ejecución de todos estos proyectos y nuestra invitación a participar en ellos en el futuro. Eva Gómez Coordinadora Sección Bilingüe



JUNIO 2014

Nothing in the world worth having comes easy. Well it’s that time of year again; its amazing how fast time flies and boy oh boy did this year pass us by. To be honest I’ve been struggling for quite some time trying to think of what to write for this article. Last year this article practically wrote itself because everything was so new and different. I saw Spain like Oz; a far away land that teetered between familiar and alien. But this year it’s been much different, I now see it as more normal, more everyday, more “Kansas.” This year all of those traits that make Spain, Spain, no longer had any shock value. I suppose I have now grown accustomed to getting woken up at 4:30 AM by a group of “young adults” hooting and hollering, to having to shout to get a caña in any bar, to getting served coagulated blood as a tapa and telling me it “está buenísima” even though I know otherwise or to being called “hijo” or “mi niño” even though I have no relatives in Spain. I guess you could say that Spain lost its exoticism, but in the process gained something even better. The truth is it’s petty hard for me to talk about this year without mentioning the most importantthing that has happened to me. To leave this part out would be to make patatera without potatoes, pallea without rice, or perhaps a more fitting analogy would be jamón iberico without acorns because, after all, it is the acorns that make your beloved jamón iberico even better, more rich and slightly worth eating (disclaimer- I am only using jamón for exemplary purposes, I still don’t like it; some things never change). Meeting that “oh so special someone” has forced me to view Spain in a different way. After all, it would be nearly impossible to fall in love with someone without falling in love with their country as well; there is no room for cherry picking, and my relationship with my Spaniard has forced me to do just that. I now see Spain through rose-colored glasses. All of the perceived ugliness of the country has been washed away and replaced with stains of charm and personality.

I have to admit that it’s been a real shame having a split placement this year. Granted, I’ve been fortunate to meet tons and tons of wonderful people, but at the end of the day, quality was sacrificed for quantity and where I felt it most strongly was in Turgalium. I wish I had had the opportunity to have more time to create and share memories with the students and staff of Turgalium, just like I did last year, but I suppose it wasn’t in the stars. I want you all to know that I fell truly blessed to have been placed in such an incredible school with such amazingly kind and generous people. I will always look back fondly at my time at Turgalium and think of how lucky I was. I would like to thank you all for all of the wonderful memories and for helping me so much, I will always be in your debt. I would like to end with a piece of advice for my students: please don’t give up on English (or any other language for that matter). I know that it’s frustrating, confusing, annoying, difficult and everything else under the sun, but I promise you all that the fight and the struggle are worth it, remember: Nothing in the world worth having comes easy. At times you’ll feel like giving up (don’t) and at times you will feel like you don’t know anything (which isn’t true). Language learning is deceiving in that you really aren’t conscious of the knowledge that you acquire. I like to think of it like putting pennies in the bank – maybe it’s true that one penny isn’t worth very much, but once you gather enough pennies you’ll finally make a dollar, then two, then five, then twenty. So don’t give up, you all can do it. I believe in you all. I wish you all the best and I hope that one day we will meet again. After all, the world really is quite small, and who knows, you may just run into me drinking a relaxing cup of café con leche in the plaza mayor. Thank you all again. I’ll miss you all. Lots of love, By Zac Mehlhoff



I like bilingual section because I learn more English.It is a bit complicated but I can pass this section. Now the listening is easier than the last year because I understand the exercises. I read in English better than the last year and now I write very fast in English; also I can speak in English with my friends. This section is good for the future. I’ll go to the English spoken countries to speak in English with the English people. I want to go abroad. By: Alejandro González Rodríguez 1st ESO Bilingual Section

JUNIO 2014

My first year in the Bilingual Section is very well because , I learned many things. Besides,we played lot of games to learn in a funny and entertaining way . I also learn other languages. In the future we’ll travel abroad to know better these languages. By Anaïs Rodríguez Moralejo

I think that the bilingual section is very important for me because I can speak English with other people. I can get a good job. The bilingual section is a great opportunity for the children of my age because we can learn English easily. I like the bilingual section because it is fun and I learn much. English today is very important because in this time it isn’t easy to get a job with a good salary and good conditions of work, and with English is easier. For me it is very important to belong to the bilingual section. I THINK THAT TO LEARN ENGLISH IS FANTASTIC, FUN AND AMAZING. By Laura Ciudad Gutiérrez 1st ESO Bilingual

My opinion about bilingual section is very good. I like to stay in this section because I learn a lot of things about English or other subjects such as Technology, Geography and History. We have an American native teacher who teaches us and we speak games according to the lesson that we are studying in that moment. Other positive thing of this section is that we have a high level of English and we can speak English very well. Also, I would like to go to the exchange to Germany with a partner because I think that it is a wonderful experience. Finally, I would like to recommend the bilingual section to other students.

Bilingual section is an amazing experience. When I started the high school, my level of English wasn't very good and I tought that I couldn't enter the bilingual section but now I know that I was wrong. I finish my second year on the bilingual section and I have a great experience. We do funny activities with our American teacher, Zac, who Is a very good teacher and is very nice with us, we’ll never forget him. I recommend everybody to enter here and try it.

By: Beatriz Bonilla Torrico 2º bilingual

By: Leila Pérez Sánchez. 2nd E.S.O.



I like bilingual section because there aren't so many students and we learn a lot of things about England and USA because we have a native teacher, his name is Zac but this is the last year with him. This year we did things like stands of countries in the Europe Day or go to a theatre about London in Trujillo. We learnt a lot of things with Zac like costumes of Halloween's Day or Thanksgiving Day. Our teachers are: -Maria Asunción Cepeda Casares (English) -Maria Teresa Gozalo Delgado (Geography and History) -Carmen Sanchez Seco-Peña (Technology) -María José Gómez Rojo (French) By Ángel García Collado

JUNIO 2014

My experience in Bilingual Section of Turgalium School is very satisfactory. This is my second year here and although it is not vey much, I think that if I work hard, I’ ll get good results. Last year, when I entered this school, I did not know a lot of English and when we finished the lessons I knew much more of this language. For me all the activities are fun but my favorite one this year is when the Comenius teachers visited us, because we had the possibility to talk with people from other countries. I hope I will finish all the courses and I invite everybody to take part in this section because it is a very good way to learn English. By Lidia Díez Pérez.2ndBilingual S.

Last year I was studying in Sagrado Corazon

School, and my English level was quite low. This year I moved to The IES Turgalium and I’m at the bilingual section. First, I thought that it was going to be very difficult for me, but now I’m very happy. Now I don’t think English is so difficult. I have improved a lot and I enjoy learning English very much. I loved Zac classes. We use to learn playing games. It is very fun! I also read English books and I learn a lot of new vocabulary. This summer I want to go to a Summer English Camp, so I will learn a lot of English and Next year I will be the best. By José Toribio Álvarez 1ºst ESO Bilingual

My experience in the bilingual section is OK. I like English lessons, Science, History and Geography. In the bilingual section you learn more things, more words. In the bilingual section we learn how to speak and understand English. The American native teacher teaches us American words and helps us with language quite a lot.. I would like to finish the four years in the bilingual section. I recommend the bilingual section and join these lessons I like bilingual section!! By Marta Izquierdo Fernández. gual

2nd Bilin-




JUNIO 2014


This year we held a Tourism Fair. Students in the 3rd and 4th ESO presented their projects to other students and teachers. Everybody thinks that it has been a complete success. The porch was full of flags from the different European countries. Everybody did it very well, some people even had food to offer the teachers and students (to get their vote). The winners were Greece and France, but, in my opinion, it should have been the Netherlands (not only because I was in that team). I'm showing you the leaflets of both countries. Alberto Navareño (3º ESO)




Tourism FRANCE

JUNIO 2014




JUNIO 2014

COMENIUS Hello, I am Iñaki Guillén Elizari, I've represented Spain in the Comenius Project which has taken place in Udine (Italy). With this project I've understood there are more cultures and lifestyles apart from mine, and to be more open-minded in order to get adapted to other cultures. Our experience has been unique and so funny, I think we could have mixed up with others a bit more, but even this way I have

made a lot of friends, and I improved my English by talking with them. In this project we have also travelled to different cities like Venice or Trieste. In conclusion, it has been helpful for our En-glish, we have enjoyed it, and we all are now more open-minded. By Iñaki Guillén (4º ESO)

My experience in Italy was good. I have learnt many things about the Italian culture and I have made many friends. The day after our arrival all the groups of Comenius (Germany, Finland, Norway and Spain) went to visit the historic centre of Udine with our Italian hosts. A few days later we visited Trieste and a little later Venice. Still now it is difficult for me to decide which one of three cities is my favourite, but I believe that the one that I prefer is Trieste because there weren’t so many people visiting it, like in Venice because Venice is more popular and is visited more often. The monuments of the three cities are very interesting and their respective squares are beautiful. The Italian family that received me was very nice and hospitable with me. Melany, my hostess, is very interested in the Spanish language and we spoke very much in Spanish. By Gonzalo Ortega (4º ESO)



JUNIO 2014


Last 11th October 2013, seven teachers from different European countries visited us. Two teachers were from Italy, two from Germany, two from Finland, and one from Norway. These teachers were participating in the Comenius meeting in our school and came around to share their knowledge and experiences with us. So , we had the opportunity of attending a master English lesson. Later, the students, asked the teachers about their typical things, like food, their dances, or the main monuments of their countries. The questions were different and the answers given varied from one country to another. The German teachers gave a tasty delicious heart sweet to the best question, but obviously we shared it. Our experience was very satisfactory; we felt comfortable because the teachers were very nice and treated us very well. We think that the experience was interesting and helped us to learn English and culture from other countries. We would like the teachers to come back again the next year and have other great experience.

By: Lidia Díez Pérez and Leila Pérez Sánchez. 2nd Bilingual S.



COMENIUS El programa Comenius ha concluido en nuestro instituto. Han sido dos años de intenso trabajo y estrecha colaboración entre el alumnado y profesorado de nuestro centro, y nuestros queridos socios de Finlandia, Noruega, Italia, y Alemania. Otro proyecto educativo europeo que una vez más nos ha dado la oportunidad de crear un espacio de aprendizaje multicultural, incrementar la compentencia de las lenguas extranjeras, y promover la cooperación de sistemas educativos diferentes desde prácticas educativas innovadoras. Durante estos dos cursos escolares, hemos desarrollado numerosas actividades en torno al tema de la migración. Los alumnos han trabajado la migración desde distintos puntos de vista y empleando diferentes métodos con el objetivo de comprender la complejidad del fenómeno migratorio: Análisis de datos estadísticos, investigación bibliográfica y el uso del trabajo de campo que les ha proporcionado analizar el fenómeno desde el rigor y la crítica por un lado, y el rostro más humano de la migración por otro. Durante el primer año del proyecto, participaron alumnos de 4ª ESO y 1ª de BACHILLERATO. Sus trabajos se centraron en el conocimiento de la historia migratoria de cada uno de los países socios, y el análisis del tema en los medios de comunicación. Una comitiva de 3 profesores y 5 alumnas viajó a la ciudad Noruega de Berger para exponer las actividades realizadas, y participar en el taller sobre el tema de nuestro proyecto.

JUNIO 2014

PROJECT: blación inmigrante. Alumnos de 4ºESO, 1º de Bachillerato y 2º de Bachillerato han realizado las siguientes actividades: Concurso de fotografía “Migration and Youth, for and open-minded unprejudiced and receptive school/ society . De acuerdo con las bases del concurso, los alumnos participantes debían realizar una fotografía original acompañada de un título y comentario explicando su significado en lengua inglesa.

Snapshot Family. Realización vídeos en el que se entrevista a inmigrantes que nos hablan de su cultura y experiencias al llegar a España.

Este curso escolar comenzó con la visita de nuestros compañeros europeos para hacer un seguimiento al proyecto, por eso en esta ocasión el encuentro se produjo entre el profesorado y no con alumnos. No obstante, aprovechando la representación de cuatro países diferentes en nuestro centro, se realizaron actividades con algunos grupos de nuestros alumnos en las clases de inglés. Gracias a la hospitalidad e implicación de todos los compañeros del instituto, nuestros socios se sintieron como en casa, y tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer la riqueza natural, cultural, histórica y gastronómica de Extremadura. En todo momento tuvieron guías de lujo, sobre todo cuando los acompañaron las profesoras de turismo. Este segundo año, el proyecto ha puesto su punto de mira en el aspecto humano de las migraciones desde la creatividad y la interacción con po-

 La migración en la literatura. Los alumnos participaron en un concurso de redacción sobre obra literaria Little Bee relacionada con el tema del proyecto.



JUNIO 2014

Migration and Youth  Perfil de habilidades interculturales del instituto. Los alumnos han utilizado herramientas digitales europeas para conocer el perfil en habilidades interculturalesdel alumnado de nuestro instituto.

largo viaje en manos de traficantes de personas, y también cuáles son sus ilusiones y proyectos de futuro.

 Entrevistas al personal profesional sobre las experiencias con alumnado inmigrante en el IES “Turgalium” y el Centro de Menores de Trujillo. Los 5 alumnos que realizaron los mejores trabajos junto con tres profesores , formarían la comitiva que en representación de nuestro instituto viajaría a Udine (Italia), donde nos reuniríamos con nuestros socios europeos para mostrar las actividades desarrolladas, y participar en el taller que los socios italianos habían preparado. La experiencia en Udine fue fantástica. Veintinueve alumnos de cinco países diferentes alojados con familias anfitrionas italianas, que sin duda alguna enriquece mucho más la experiencia intercultural. Entre las actividades del taller sobre el tema del proyecto, he de destacar la elaboración por parte de los alumnos del Decálogo para la integración de los jóvenes europeos, la visita al Centro Balducci, centro de acogida de familias inmigrantes desde hace varias décadas, donde tuvimos la oportunidad de escuchar la dureza de la realidad con los testimonios de jóvenes adolescentes procedentes de Afganistán, Siria y Nigeria. Ellos nos contaron cómo llegaron a Italia de forma ilegal tras un

También visitamos el Collegio del Mondo Unito , uno de los institutos ubicados en diferentes países del todo el mundo, con alumnos procedentes de más de 90 países diferentes.

Claro que entre actividad y actividad, tuvimos tiempo para visitar la preciosa región de Friulia y Venecia, de esta última no hago ningún comentario porque es sobradamente conocida. Hasta la vista Comenius, el Turgalium parece tener vocación europea : Un Sócrates, dos Comenius, y espero que volvamos a encontrarnos con la cooperación europea pronto con Erasmus +. Estrella Guisado Ramos Coordinadora interina del Proyecto Comenius



EXCHANGE On the 11 of October a group of German pupils went to Spain by plane. We all were really excited because everybody wanted to get to know his exchange family. After arriving at the IES Turgalium we went home with our exchange partners. The families received us very friendly and everybody felt like a member of his Spanish family. At the weekend we made excursions with our families. Some visited for example the city Guadalupe or the National Parc Monfragüe. And a few of us saw a bull fight for the first time. On Monday and Tuesday we had school. For us it was a new experience, because in Germany the school system is quite different. The other days we visited the city of Trujillo, Cáceres and Mérida. All of them are very beautiful cities and we had a lot of fun there. In the afternoons we spent time with our Spanish friends. On Friday evening was the farewell party. The food, that the parents made, was very delicious. We had a lot of fun this evening with our new friends. Everybody was sad because of lea-ving our families the next day. On Saturday, when we met with our teachers for the journey home, we were really sad. Nobody wanted to go. But we had to. On our way back to the airport our bus driver gave us a guided tour through Madrid. We all miss this great time in Spain! On the 8 of February our Spanish exchange partners came. We all were happy to meet again and to spend a wonderful week together. At the weekend we made excursions with our families. On Monday they had school with us and the other days they visited Munich, Regensburg and Nuremberg. They were happy to see some snow, because a few of them had never seen snow before. We made the most of every free minute to do something together, because one week isn't much time. On Friday evening we had our farewell party. We talked and laughed a lot, and we planned to see each other again in summer. On Saturday morning they had to leave us. We cried because these wonderful two weeks together were over: The one in Spain and the other in Germany. And we all promised to meet again once! On behalf of the whole German exchange group and the German families, I want to thank the Spanish families for such a warm hospitality. I want to thank the Spanish and the German teachers who made this exchange possible. It was a time we will never forget and a great experience for all of us. Thanks a lot. Brigitte Birner, 10E

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GERMANY The exchange with the German partners has been an unforgettable experience. It was one of the best weeks of my life. Here in Spain there were very good moments. During the week we visited some places and we did a lot of things. The first day was strange, but the rest it was as if we had known one another for a long time. In the afternoons we went out with the rest of the German and Spanish partners. At the weekend my family and I went with her to Cáceres and we visited some monuments and we went shopping and the rest of the week we were in the school. When the week ended we were very sad and the last day we cried so much, we were very happy with them. By Noelia Jiménez (4º ESO)

Last February students of 4th year ESO and 1st year Bachillerato from IES Turgalium went to Germany on an exchange. We stayed there for a week and we visited some of the most interesting cities such as Munich, Nürenberg and Regensburg. We stayed in our exchange partners' houses and we did the activities they usually do in their everyday lives. We also went to Parsberg where the high school is. We attended some lessons and learned how their education system is. Within the activities we did at the weekend we can mention going to an ice skating rink, bowling, visiting some cities...We had a great time there and we would repeat it without thinking. In fact, some of us have invited our exchange partners to come in summer. Marina González (1º BT) Montse Rentero (1º BHB)

This exchange has been a wonderful experience for me and my exchange partners. At the beginning, my parents and I were very nervous because we did not know anything about them. We were in class in the library of the high school when they arrived and I was restless. When the class finished, we met them and we went to my house to meet my family, I think that this has been an unforgettable experience for us, I have made a lot of friends in the exchange and for me, if I could, I would participate in the exchange next year. During the week, we played with the computer, we went to parties in my town and in Trujillo, we went out with my friends and we went to the countryside with the exchange partners. These are the most important things that we did in the exchange. I recommend the people to participate in an exchange, because it will be unforgettable, funny and you will make friends. By Jonathan Mateos (4º ESO)



EXCHANGE “Spain will always be inside our hearts from now”. That is a sentence I heard from an exchange partner of us when we were saying goodbye. As one of the advantages of studying at the bilingual section, I have been able to take part in this fantastic exchange which I keep great memories of. It lasted for two weeks but in my opinion it did not. We both Germans and Spanish knew that we were going to travel to a different country from ours for many months. Those months are lived with such enthusiasm and hope that I consider them to be also part of the exchange. The week they spent here in Spain was weird for me but it was also easy-going. It was the first time we met them and we had to manage ourselves to communicate with them and to know how they were. The last day of their Spanish week was a mixture of sadness and happiness because our chance to go to Germany was, little by little, nearer. It is not easy to express what I and all my Spanish partners lived when we landed in Germany. We knew that whatever happened afterwards, it would always be unforgettable for us. Of course it was. It is that type of experience that anyone would repeat undoubtedly. To sum up, I want to say that I am really grateful to those people who carried out this exchange. I recommend everybody to participate because the fact of making friends from other countries, living with their families and learning other cultures at the same time you enjoy yourself is comparable to very few things. By Fabio Pérez (4º E.S.O)

Sometimes when you travel to another country and you go by plane you feel afraid of it. But for me it wasn't. When we got to Parsberg all the families where there waiting for us. We all had been waiting for that for 5 months. Then, the families took us to their houses, which were in other villages. My family had prepared some typical meals for me to try when I arrived, and I liked it a lot. Everyday we went out with some exchange friends or we went to the shopping centre. We went to a bowling one night and we really had a good time together. The last night in the farewell party we all were sad but finally we had a great time that night. When we had to get on the bus to Munich to take the plane we were too sad and some of us and the family cried, because it was one of the best experiences of our lives. By Ana Recio (4º ESO)

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GERMANY Having a German girl in my house learning about my lifestyle was a great experience. She always tells me that she had a very good time and that she wants to come to Spain again. We learnt a lot about each other, and I taught her a bit of Spanish language and culture; we saw bullfightings and we went to the countryside, she liked the landscape. I hope she enjoyed the weather too. In my opinion everyone should live an experience like this, I enjoyed it so much. Travelling to Germany was fantastic, the landscape, the people, the monuments, the food, etc; but the best part of the exchange was talking, going out and having fun with our exchange partners, they had a lot of things to teach us about their country and their lifestyle. It was weird when I met my ''German family'' but I started to feel more and more comfortable eventually. I learnt a lot about them and their habits, it felt like home. Now I miss them so much. I rarely talk to my exchange partner but when we talk we remember all the experiences and we prepare plans, because maybe someday we can meet again. By Belén Cortés (4º E.S.O)

Hello everybody, I 'm Alberto Bonilla Torrico and I have participated in the Germany-Spain exchange, with the Turgalium and Parsberg help. I 'm going to talk about the personal experience in Spain with my exchange partner called Theresa Rielp, and also with the rest of the German students. Firstly, we received the German people in IES Turgalium, where we met one another in person; all the people were embarrassed when we began tal-king to the German partners, but then it disappeared. Secondly, we accompanied them to visit many places, for example, Trujillo, Cáceres, Mérida, etc. They knew a lot about our culture in these types of trips. Thirdly, the relationship with the Spanish families was very good. In general, German partners adapted to life with our family at home, getting to know our culture and letting us discover theirs. Finally, the exchange experience in Spain was very comforting, there weren't any conflicts or problems, everything was OK. This experience was unforgettable and it happens only once in your life. Alberto Bonilla (4º ESO)




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JUNIO 2014

LET´S GO TO THE THEATRE Last November we went to watch the play Destination London to the theatre in Trujillo. We left school at half past eleven, the theatre began at twelve o'clock and we came back at one to thirty-five for the last class. The play tells about a journey to London. In that journey a man and a woman met in the airport. It was their first journey to London and to England. They lost in London's underground and in the avenues of London but at the end they found the hotel and they were in the same hotel. The principal characters are Agatha and Arthur. It's a different way to learn more English. The actors were native English and at the end they were answering some questions from the audience. The actors also invited the students to performance with them on the stage. It was an interactive and stimulating play so we enjoyed it very much. By Ángel García Collado and Ismael Recio Fuentes. 2nd Bilingual S.

This year, the bilingual section went to the theatre "Gran Teatro" to saw "Jack the ripper" in Trujillo. The story was about a beautiful girl who started her new job, the job consisted in clean the house of a mystery doctor, at these moment, the story became complicate. The girl discovered that her boss was jack the ripper, the assassin of London. How? She discovers the victim`s hair and the torture instruments in a box on a cupboard. Jack the ripper found the girl with his tools, because of that he killed his new housekeeper, in the way he got keep the horrible plan. The story happened in London, around the year 1888, in the "Victoriana`s age", when the industrial revolution and the British Empire were the news of Europe. After the theatre, the students did shopping in the shops of Cáceres, around the bus stop, always with the teacher supervision. The students returned to the Turgalium, in order to spoke about the experience with the bilingual activity.

In the first term of the school year we went to the theatre to see ''Jack the ripper'' which was about a serial killer of the 19th century. He killed prostitutes without any scruple.




In the act we could see the view from a maid which starts to work with Jack w i t h o u t knowing who he really is. In the end she discovers that he is Jack the ripper but she g e t s murdered by .

In my opinion the play was very well and I enjoyed so much because it was very interesting, and the best part is that it was real. It was better that the other tmes because the topic was more adult. By Belén Cortés



JUNIO 2014

EXPERIENCE IN ITALY In March some students in the 2nd year bachillerato and the 4th year ESO visited Rome. When we were in Rome where we visited the Vatican, the Colosseum and all the interesting places in that city. The experience was really good because we visited one of the most beautiful places in the world but in my opinion the most important thing was not the city but the coexistence with people who didn't know one another and now we are a group of friends because we spent the best days of our lives together. By Juan Luis Sánchez (4º ESO)

The journey made this year by the 4th year ESO and 2nd Bachillerato students from Turgalium high school has undoubtedly been the best experience of my life. We saw incredible, ancient, amazing monuments. During our stay we visited the Colosseum, Plaza Navona, Plaza Venice, Fontana di Trevi and of course The Vatican. We tested the exquisite pasta, the famous pizza and learned to live with each other. I have learned many things about Italy and I've met people who I didn't think I would ever talk to. I am delighted to have made this trip with my friends and although we were very tired during the day, because we spent a long time walking, it was worth travelling to Rome and getting to know this beautiful city, and enjoying it altogether. I have memories and photos that will remain in my memory forever and I feel fortunate to be able to have lived this experience, from Rome with love. By Ana Isabel Gómez (4º ESO)

TOLERANCE DAY This year all the groups in the Bilingual Section done some projects about Tolerance Day. We prepared some posters and stuck them on the walls. Then, our results were shown our Comenius colleagues. Here you are some of our posters.



JUNIO 2014

HALLOWEEN Last Thursday was 31st October, so it was Halloween. Here, at Turgalium high school we celebrated it because the English teachers and the pupils of 4th year made some games. They made eight groups of six people. I was in group 8. First, we went to the game number 4. It consisted of pulling a rope, each group at one end and the loser group had to imitate a Halloween character. Then, we went to the game 3. It consisted of taking a card whare a halloween character was written and one member of the group had to be dressed as this chacter. Later, we went to the game 2. There, some pupils of 4th year drew a halloween word on our front and with three questions we had to guess it. Finally, we went to the game 1. There, we had to read quickly a tongue twister and then, imitate a ahalloween character. And here the games ended. They were very funny. Greetings, Diana Vaquero Mateos “La

palabra «Halloween» [/ ˌhæl.əʊˈiːn/] es usada como tal por primera vez en el s. XVI y proviene de una variación escocesa de la expresión inglesa "All Hallows' Even" (también usada "All Hallows' Eve") que significa «víspera de todos los Santos». Es una fiesta de origen celta que se celebra internacionalmente en la noche del 31 de octubre, sobre todo en países anglosajones como Canadá ,Estados Unidos, Irlanda o Reino Unido, y, en menor medida, en Latinoamérica y España. Sus raíces están vinculadas con la conmemoración celta del Samhain y la festividad cristiana del Día de Todos los Santos.” Así pues y para celebrar esta tradición tan arraigada en los países de cultura anglosajona, los alumnos de 4º ESO de la sección Bilingüe del IES Turgalium han organizado una Halloween Gymkhana para jugar y divertirse en inglés con el resto de los compañeros de la Sección. Se han organizado grupos mezclando alumnos de diferentes niveles que han tenido que superar distintas pruebas diseñadas y explicadas en inglés por los propios

alumnos de 4º y supervisadas por la Coordinadora Eva Gómez y profesoras de la sección. La finalidad no era otra que insistir en la idea que jugar en inglés es divertido: English is fun!!! Previamente en clase, se había trabajado el vocabulario y las tradiciones típicas de esta noche como Truco o Trato, la calabaza, las bromas, disfraces, las historias y canciones de terror, así como los símbolos y colores de esta fiesta. Además el instituto amaneció adornado con la decoración típica de Halloween. A su vez, nuestras compañeras Josefina y Pilar Casillas organizaron la fiesta de las castañas con sus alumnos, fusionando así las dos culturas.

Enhorabuena chicos por vuestro trabajo y gracias a todos por vuestra colaboración. Eva Gómez y M. A. Cepeda.




KIPROLLADE Is a typical food from Holland. INGREDIENTS for two : -Chicken -0nion -Pepper -Two carrots -three spoonful honeyl -Cabbage Preparation:

-Orange juice -Glass of water -Olive oil -Leek -Seed

First, fry the chicken in olive oil, next chop the onion, pepper, carrots and garlic. Mix the honey, salt and orange juice. Add the mixture with the chicken. Cook the meat into the oven for 50 minutes. And serve the plate with some sauce.

JUNIO 2014

INGREDIENTS: ( for 30 crepes) · 6 eggs · 200g sugar · A little salt · 1l milk · 500g of flour · some butter PREPARATION: Put flour, salt, egg and milk in big bowl. Mix the ingredients in the bowl. COOK: Put the butter in the saucepan. When the butter is hot add some mix in a saucepan. Then we let the mix cook until the mix is spongy. Later, pour the mix in the saucepan. Wait for a few minutes and we have the paste of the crepes and repeat the process until you haven't any mix. By: Mario Monterroso Rentero



The space rabbit is a very rare animal. He lives in the space and he has two hands, He can fly and It is a big animal, It's forty metres long. By:Angel Urbina Bello

Casnakails are small, green and orange oviparous. They live near the lakes, because sometimes they need to hydrate their skin. Only two have been in the world, in Asia. They eat vegetables and insects, because they haven't got any teeth. Casnakails are very strange animals. By Carlos Caballero Bravo- 1st Bilingual



JUNIO 2014

CLASS SURVIVE by Helen Brooke. THE PLOT: Chris goes in a small plane, across the Rocky Mountains. Suddenly the engine makes strange noises. She´s going down very fast the mountain. She turns on the left, it´s evening. Chris takes bananas, a cigarette lighter and a coat. Then Chris lights a fire, in the morning Chris goes down the mountain and the valley. It´s nearly night again. Chris walks down the mountain after the tracks of a big animal. Suddenly comes to an icy lake, and Chris is fishing. Then builds a big fire during two days. A helicopter sees Chris and she is safe. PERSONAL OPINION: I like this book because is an interactive book, and can choose what part of the story to read next. By Alejandro Muñoz López 1st B

OLYMPIC KATE (Sue Kendall) The book talks about the life of a girl who wanted to be a gymnast when she was a child and when she became a gymnast she went in representation of his country to the Olympic games but she didn't pass the medical test: she had drugs in her blood. Her trainer trusted her, he thought she was innocent and looked for the truth with Kate’s boyfriend and they finally found it. Monique was the person to blame for Kate's problem; she had put drugs in Kate’s water when Kate was speaking with Becky, her best friend. Then Kate won the Olympics and everything was resolved. By Juan Luis Sánchez (4º ESO) DRACULA (Bram Stoker) Jonathan is a lawyer who visits count Dracula in his castle for business, but he discovers that Dracula is a vampire, as the people had told him. He has an accident during the night and ends in a hospital in Transylvania. Meanwhile, Mina and Lucy are very goods friends, but one day Lucy dies in unusual circunstances. Then, the doctor John Seward and Van Helsing, with Mina and before, Jonathan, fight with Dracula in a running against the clock. Many days pass, and a lot of adventures happen, like the murder of the three ladies, the running to find Dracula`s earth box, the night in the holy circle and the chuchyard dead, but Jonathan wins and kills Dracula in his castle and finishes with his horrible plan. By Daniel Caravaca (4º ESO) STRANGE TALES (Martin Sinclair) There are six different strange tales which happen in different places in Britain (England, Scottland and Wales). They all talk about strange things happening to several people, and how those people are able to stop these Strangethings happening. The first story is about Albert and Len, who go to the tower of London and strange things happen there. The second story is about Glamis, which is a big castle with lots of ghosts in it. The third one talks about Borley, a village which is apparently haunted. The fourth story is very short and it talks about a phantom in the form of a soldier. The fifth story is about a witch who scares the people, Mary Gibson. The last is about the monster of Loch Ness (“Nessie”), and how he is used in a touristic form By Claudia Serrano (3º ESO)



JUNIO 2014

LIBRARY THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER: This story is about a boy called tom sawyer. He lived near the Mississippi River in the US. He was bad and he didn't like to work. One day, he got up and he had breakfast. Then, he asked her aunt that if he could go out with his friends and she answered that he had to work in the fence. He had to paint it. After, his friends arrived and they helped him to paint. While their friends painted he went to meet his new neighbors and he was fallen in love of the new neighbor’s daughter. That night, he and a friend called Huck went to the cemetery to bury a cat that before they killed with the car. They found a criminal. He was killing a person and he disappeared. Other day, they wanted to go to an island and they stayed in it for a few days. When the people thought that they were dead, they appeared. In the judge, Tom Sawyer said who the criminal was. The criminal went to the island and Tom and her girlfriend found him in a cave and they shut all cave's doors with big stones. After three days, they opened the door and he was dead. My opinion about the book: I like this book because it is very easy to understand. The pictures are nice. I like the part when Tom Sawyer and Becky fall in love with each other because I think that this part is fun and interesting. I don't like the part when Tom and Huck go to the cemetery and they find a criminal killing a person because this part is very sad and boring. The characters are funny and nice. My favorite character is Becky because she is brave and adventurous. By: Beatriz Bonilla Torrico 2nd Bilingual. THE MAGIC PEN by Julie Hart The story si about a boy called David Barnes. He's very late for school and other boy sits in his desk. His name is Phillip. One day, he finds a pen in an old desk but the pen is a magic pen. When David uses the pen, it writes alone a story called Jimmy Reed. It tells about a very poor family, his dad is ill because he works in a mine. When Jimmy Reed's birthday is, his brother and father are working in the mine and there's an accident but they are well. In his birhtday his family gives him a present. One day, David is in the school and Jimmy Reed's grandson appears and he tells him that the story of the pen is true By Ángel García Collado. 2nd Bilingual S.

THE MUMMY'S SECRET. -THE PLOT. Its summer holidays. Katie goes to visit her Uncle Merton. Uncle Merton takes Katie to his special room. In the room there are lots of things from ancient Egypt. Katie sees a cupboard in the room. She tries to open the cupboards, but it's. In her bedroom, Katie finds a book about ancient Egypt. She has a dream about ancient Egypt, she opens Uncle Merton's cupboards; in the cupboards there are three mummies. She goes into Uncle Merton's special room, the cupboards door is open, she hears a stronger voice inside the cupboards, she goes into the cupboards and sees mummy's box. Katie opens the mummy's box, them she sees her Uncle Merton and discovers his life. - PERSONAL OPINION I don't like because I don't like the story about ancient Egypt. Raul Berrocoso 1st E.S.O Bilingual.




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JUNIO 2014


CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS By Anaïs Rodíguez Moralejo 1st Bilingual S. He is one of the most famous explorers in the world and he is known as the man who discovered America. He was born in Genoa, Italy in 1541. His parents were Domenico Colombo and Susana Fontanosa. Columbus had three brothers. His father had a cheese stand and Columbus helped him. In 1470, his family moved to Savona and he became a seaman that same year. In 1473, when he was 22 years old, he began to travel. His first journey was to the Atlantic Ocean in 1476 and he nearly dies. Then, in 1479 Columbus married Filipa Moniz Perestelo. They had a son, Diego Columbus about 1479 or 1480. In 1492, Columbus sailed from Palos, de la Frontera with three ships, The Niña, Pinta and Santa María. His second journey was in 1493. Then, he made his third journey. On his trip, he explored Margarita Island and Tobago and Grenuda of South America. On his fourth journey, he explored the coast of Honduras. At the age of 55, Columbus died in Valladolid, Spain, of a heart attack.

FRANCISCO PIZARRO By Laura Ciudad 1st Bilingual S. Francisco Pizarro grew up in Trujillo, Spain. Francisco´s father was a coronel and Francisco´s mother was a poor woman. Francisco never learned how to read or write. He was an ambitious man, and he wanted to get a lot fortune. He lived on the island of Hispaniola for several years as a colonist. Pizarro had heard that a land in South America was full of gold, and wanted to explore the land. He made two initial expeditions into this land. The first expedition was in 1524. When they got the land they discovered nothing valuable. The second expedition was in 1526, but he had to turn back before reaching the Inca. In 1532 Francisco Pizarro landed on the coast of South America. He established the first Spanish settlement in Peru called San Miguel de Piura. Pizarro and his men met Atahualpa. Pizarro set a tramp for Atahualpa and they took him prisoner. He executed Atahualpa. Pizarro went to Cuzko and took over the city in 1533. ( Ducksters ) He was a Spanish conquistador, he travelled all around the Pacific coast of America along Peru. He “discovered” the Incan Empire and conquered it brutally and quickly stealing immense hoards of gold. After Pizarro's death, his family built a palace commemorating the conquistador on the Plaza Major in Trujillo, but modern Peruvians disapproved of Pizarro, considering him the force behind the destruction of their indigenous culture, language, and religion.



JUNIO 2014

EXPLORERS MARCO POLO By Victoria Fernández Arias 1st ESO Bilingual S. Occupation: explorer and traveler. Born: Venice, Italy in 1254. Death: January 8, 1324 Venice, Italy. Best known as European traveler to China and the Far East. BIOGRAPHY Marco Polo was a merchant and explorer who traveled through the Far East and China for most of his life. Marco Polo’s father and uncle wanted to try something different. They wanted to travel all the way to China and bring the goods directly back to Venice. Marco Polo lived in China for many years and learned how to speak the language. After twenty years of traveling with his father and uncle, decided to head home to Venice. They left home in 1271 and finally returned in 1295. A few years after returning home, Venice fought a war with the city of Genoa. The travels of Marco Polo became a very popular book. It was translated into multiple languages and read throughout Europe. This made Marco’s book even more popular. Marco had to travel across the great Gobi Desert to get to China. Search: www.ducksters.com/biographi/explorers/

VASCO DE GAMA By Virginia Azores Cancho 1st ESO bilingual - AVasco da Gama was born in Sines(Portugal) in 1469 and he died in Cochin(India) in 1524. His father was Esteban and his mother was Isabel Sodre. He had two sons, Esteban and Cristóbal. He studied Math and Sailing in Évora. Later he was a Portuguese explorer. He gave the complete return to Ecuador. He travelled from Lisboa on July 8 1497 at Cape of Good Hope on November 22. It was his first trip. He travelled with 170 men. The second one was a military expedition to India on 12 February 1502. In this trip he discovered Brazil. Later, he travelled to India again in 1524 and he died.




JUNIO 2014



JUNIO 2014

PROJECTS: VILLAGES Dear Paula, has to be incredible. I´m Thanks for writing. London going to visit it soon. your city, but it has My village is very different from beautiful. It is located in nice things. Zorita, is small but Cáceres. Extremadura, in the province of Pablo”, three parks, eight It has one church called ”San ps, although there are less bars, five food shops and two sho mp too. However, my fathan in London; we have one swa it is a park with a hermivourite place is “Fuente Santa”,

tage and I like it because we celebrate mother's day and some special days here. I like living in Zorita becau-

ily and friends too. But, I se my house is here, my fam is a small village with few don´t like living here because it people. I wait for your answer. Lots of love, Isabel.Caballero

By Isabel Caballero (4º ESO)

the left. Over the bus stop you will get to the main square, also full of bars. Go straight on and you will see the church,

Dear Sam, en't known anything Thank you for the letter, I hav York sounds great, I about you for two weeks! New the city! hope one day I can visit you to see ular in the village, 'La a few things. Well, very pop About my village I can tell you a Concepción'. Madro00 inhabitants. You Purísim Madroñera (where I live) has 3.5 and you can also find ñera is a friendly-people village the from rts sta t par old The can divide it in two parts: rever you go. village, and the new people whe the of end the till are squ in ma ut my village. Well, that's what I can tell you abo the till age vill the of g part starts from the beginin like it. of the town there's a Hope you main square. At the bigining e, Ana. a hotel 'La soterraña'. Take car library and in front of it there's stop and a famous Straight on you will see the bus By ana Recio 4º ESO on et stre the in s re bar bar in the village, there are mo

Dear Amanda, great to hear from you! I Thanks for tour letter. It was hope I’m visit it one day. re I live? Well. Torrecillas So what can I tell you about whe age. There is one thoude la Tiesa is an interesting vill approximately. There is a sand and fifty hundred people health and help for their church where people ask for good in my village, and she families. There is also a virgin two squares, the town hall has three hands. There are also s, and the “royo’s squasquare where there are a lot of café a monument. There is a re” where there is a “royo”, it is

gym and a cultural house where there is a library and a stage too. There is a swima padel court and a tenming pool and next to it there is I hope that you like it. nis court. I love playing padel and My town is very beautiful. te now. Keep in touch. Well, that’s all I have time to wri Best wishes, Pilar

By Pilar Vaquero 4º ESO



JUNIO 2014




JUNIO 2014

PROJECTS: NGOs This year in 3rd ESO we have done some presentations about the NGOs Now I'm going to show you a summary of them:

OXFAM:this organization intents to find a solution against poverty

UNICEF:this organization fights against children poverty

SOS Children's Villages:this organization gives houses to young people which have lost it


organization helps unemployees to find a job

AECC:This Spanish fights against cáncer


Clowns Without Borders:this Spanish NGO helps children which have suffered a war.

By Gabriel Recio (3º ESO)




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JUNIO 2014



JUNIO 2014

ENGLISH HEALTHY BREAKFAST IDEAS Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you should try to include as many healthy choices as possible. A healthy breakfast is a great way to start the day. It provides you with the nutrition and energy you need to carry out the tasks throughout the day. You must combine good carbohydrates and fibre with proteins, vitamins and minerals. So, a HEALTHY BREAKFAST must include: MILK or YOGURT. It contains calcium. CEREALS or TOASTS. They contain fibre. There are differents types. FRUIT. It Contains vitamins and minerals. “Skipping breakfast can lead to one or more risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, which in turn can cause a heart attack at the time”, said Leah E. Cahill, study director of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts . 1º ESO. Bilingual Class

RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Rhythmic Gymnastics was a sport in the early 30's in the socialist Soviet Union. At the beginning there were groups of girls dancing and in time they evolved and became the sport it is today. The objective of this sport is to make a precise and coordinated dance with or without equipment like rope, ribbon, maces, hoop and ball and so, to show the viewer a nice acting and a correct execution. This sport can be practised individually or in groups of five gymnasts. The groups were of six or eight gymnasts but with the passing of time it changed to five. The main rules are: - Make the dance inside the tapestry. -There must be a degree of difficulty. -Wear appropriate clothing, the leotard. -Speaking is not allowed when the dance is being done. The quialities of a good gymnast are: -flexibility. -accuracy, coordination and clearance to do the exercises. By Paula Rubio (3º ESO




JUNIO 2014

PE SUPERBOWL Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL) that is celebrated from 1967. It is disputed on the first Sunday of February. The game was created as part of a merger agreement between the NFL and its then-rival league, the American Football League.

This sport event is considered to be a social event and its broadcasting for TV is one of the programs most widely seen in the USA. The day of the match (known as “Super Bowl Sunday”), people get together with their family and friends at home to watch match on TV, normally with abundant food and drink (Super Bowl Sunday is after Thanksgiving day the moment of the year when more food and drink is consume). All around Super Bowl day is a big spectacle. At the beginning of the match there are musical performances, regards on the part of the authorities and the national anthem is interpreted with orchestra and famous singers directly. The break lasts 30 minutes and includes there are real performances that serve to raise the audience of the chain that emits the match. Besides it is the only match in which both teams can take cheerleaders. Curiosities: The team which has won more matches is Pittsburg, with six Super Bowls. The team which has lost more matches is Denver Broncos, five times. 4º ESO. Bilingual students

HANDBALL This year the students in the 3rd year bilingual section have been working on different sports. We had to look for all the possible information as possible. This is an example of what we have done: Handball originally came form Greeks and Romans. Each team consists of seven players (six players and a goalkeeper). The objective of the game is to move the ball across the field, using the hands, attempting to introduce it into the opponents' goal. The main rule is that players, excluding the goalkeeper, can not touch the ball with their feet during the game. Handball is similar to basketball, it is an exciting game to watch and play. By Claudia Serrano (3º ESO)



JUNIO 2014



JUNIO 2014

BRAIN TEASERS 1. There is a room with no doors, no windows, nothing and a man is hung from the celling and a puddle of water is on the floor. How did he die?


2. The day before yesterday, Chris was 7 years old, Next year, she'll turn 10. How is this possible?

4. A lift is on the ground floor. There are 4 people in the lift including me. When the lift reaches 1st floor, 1 person gets out 3 people get in. The lift goes up to the second floor, 2 people get out 6 people get in. It then goes up to the next floor up, no-one gets out but 12 people get in. Halfway up to the next floro up the lift cable snaps, it crashes to the floor. Everyone dies in the lift. How did I survive?

3. You are in a cabin and it is pitch black. You have one match on you. Which do you light first, the newspaper, the lamp, the candle or the fire?

5. A man gets an egg and a rocket kit. The man builds the rocket and puts the egg inside it. Then the man stands back and launches the rocket. The rocket suddenly blew up. The egg was not damaged. How could that happen?

SOURCE: Here you can find a lot of brain teasers with their answers. http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/fun.html By Diana Vaquero (3º ESO)

1- He was standing on a block of ice and it melted! 2- Today is January 1st. Yesterday, December 31, was Chris 8th birthday. On December 30, she was still seven.This year she will turn 9, and next year she will turn ten. 3- You light the match first! 4- I got out on the second floor! 5-.The man took the egg out of the rocket before he launched it!

Crta. Madrid –Lisboa, Km 252 10200 TRUJILLO (Cáceres) Teléfonos: 927027784-927027786 Fax: 927027785 E-mail: ies.turgaliumedu.juntaextremadura.net¨ Página web:iesturgalium.juntaextremadura.net

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