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the Earth’s teen Leone Wright The dressmaker of the future L.A.G.S. (Lagstropediosis Chronic) Not dangerous now MEDICINE * SPORT * TECNOLOGY * SOCIETY*NEWS



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1 News:


1.1 PSEJ37825-22, the new Planet 1.2 The horrible jump

2 Interview:


2.1 Interview with Leone Wright

3 Technology:


3.1 Now Talk is easy 3.2 The Google’s Car

4 Medicine:


4.1 L.A.G.S

5 Society: 5.1 The virtual teacher 5.2 A world under the water






n international equipment of 60 people has been formed for the project.

Today, after 15 years travelling, they have spent their first week in the planet PSEJ37825-22. There, they have investigated, and they have found that life's conditions are better than what they had expected and very favourable for the humans.

The group who had travelled to that planet is formed by astronauts, doctors, archaeologists, geologists and biologists. They have investigated the planet's crust by polls and they have discovered that the internal and external core is liquid, it contains Fe which makes possible the existence of a magnetic field. In addition, thanks to the ozone layer the ultraviolet rays can't pass through it.

In conclusion it is possible humanity life in the planet. Million years ago the researchers thought that it could exist marine organisms thanks of these planet conditions. But those organisms were extinguished because of a total freezing of the planet. However a hundred of years after there were many heavy rains that allow the thawing of the planet creating an only ocean.

This is the reason why many plants were originated, and, also, O2 and CO2. At present, they haven’t found any land or marine animal yet, but they found flying animals. The only thing that the researchers have clear is that in that Planet hasn't existed the human being. The objective of the project is the creation of a human colony for the coexistence of the humans in the future. This colony is going to have all the basic needs to make sure that people will live as comfortable as they lived in the Earth. Over time, after a deeper investigation of planet and the creation of factories people could produce more products, such as cars or materials to build houses, so it would exist a more advanced society.




Last Monday, it was the Tenis Grand Slam final. The final match was in the new aerial field, accommodated with a giant sport zone. In the tennis court, Felix Sala and Roger Madison were debuting in the Final match. At the middle of the final set, Madison jumped to return the ball, when he bumped into the court’s crystals; he broke them and he fell down into the sky. Amazingly, the player stood static in the air until a police helicopter rescued him and took him to the hospital.

It was invented by John Smith and that idea came to him because there wasn’t any space in the ground caused by the high birth It seemed like a miracle and rate and the low mortality everyone wonders how this rate thank of the creation of strange thing happened. new medicines and new ways to have children. That This morning the court designers have revealed us idea has cost $1,000,000 and it has been spreading the reason why Madison all over the world. Thanks continues alive. to a metal prosthesis which This new court gets to be Madison has in one leg, the stable in the air thanks to a famous tennis player is still alive. magnetic field caused by two huge magnets, one Everyone has been placed under it and the impressed with this and other one placed on the Madison’s family are still in surface, with crystal panels shocked by the accident. to avoid the balls went outside of the floor.

Right now, the player only has minor injuries and doctors said that the next week, he is able to continue playing tennis and getting goals.

Hospital Mohamed Ali, one of the best and advanced hospital in the world. Here Madison is recovering from his injuries


Leone Wright Digital ClothesbyNerea

In 2015, the famous scientific Leone was working in a factory sewing clothes for the most important shops in that moment. He worked for 14 hours with no rest so she was very tired of that type of life and thanks to it a new idea came to his mind. The company let him to

carry through his project so he started to work every afternoon during a long and hard time, based only to create his project. Also they paid him the cost of the investigations. He experimented many ways to make that invention but finally, after 15 years, she got it

Our magazine has decided to interview him:

Interviewer: How did the process develop from the first to nowadays?

Interviewer: What is the name of this revolutionary product and how does it work?

Leone: At the beginning it didn’t work as efficiently as today, for example the wires were always broken and they weren’t able to know the likes about people clothing. Also they cost too much money so I had to pay the additional costs by my own, and when I couldn’t pay them any longer, I had to stop the investigations of the project. For this reason, the process of making the invention was longer.

Leone: The name is Diclo, and it's about a kind of transparent suit which you wear and by wires, it can be connected to your brain. The suit knows what type of clothes you like or what style is more properly for you. So you press a button and in 5 seconds you are dressed from the bottom to the top, except the hair. I know it’s a little bit complicated to hide the wires but we are working that problem. Interviewer: What type of materials have you used? Leone: The most important material I have used is latex, because it’s very resistant and transparent too, and it can adhere to skin perfectly. But also I used fabric clothes.

Interviewer: Why did you decide to wait so many years to show the invention? Leone: I think the main reason was that I wasn’t prepare to launch that important invention. The wires wasn’t reliable and anybody could be electrocuted by them and it might cause you several injuries in the brain. So we decided to wait more time to avoid this situation.


Now Talk, the future of the communication byJavier

Yesterday, the prestigious company, Google, launched an application for its operative system, Android. ''NOW TALK'' (the name of the application) can instantly translate the language of the sender to the receiver and viceversa. Nowadays, the application has 20 different languages, but in a matter of months, we may have eighty percent of the most

spoken language in the Earth. ''Now Talk'',works in the background, synthesized voice emitter and translates to the chosen language. You can choose to listen through the speakers or see the information on the screen. The amazing part is that all of this is done in a few seconds, it uses very little RAM memory and you only need Internet. ''Now Talk'' can be downloaded from

Play Store, that comes standard on all the Android terminals. It has a testing service one year, after which it will cost 2.99 dollars. Adam Smith, the project manager, ensures that they will try to make the application totally free in a near future. Also he said that he is very proud of this project and he believes that this application is a big step for communication.


Google’s Car Google and some car business are investigating a way to make this ‘’smartcar’’, a car which will get that we drive more comfortable and without a lot of worries. It’s about a new system which is instalated in this car and thanks to it the driver could interactive with it. It’ll know all of your necessities in your drive time and it’s able to solve the most of the problem that could happen. It is able to let you if there would be some possibilities to have a tragic accident in your route.

You can even have a conversation with him because he is able to keep you awake if it realizes you're ready to sleep. When you are sleeping conditions are extreme, the option is activated automatic driving. In this way, the driver can sleep and rest while driving in the car if it reaches mismountil your destination. All of this features are very new, but the most striking is that it’s has got a complex GPS incorporated that can calculate the shorter way to come to your destination. It’s surprising because it’s show you arrows like if they were drawer in the road or the motorway using a projector integrated in the windscreen. Thanks to


it, you will never have a mistake driving. When others car companies have discovered this idea, they have tried to make other one car like smartcar. They guess how Google created all of its characteristics except of its GPS. We are very interested to know how work the windscreen projector, but who not? Until now, only the richest people have been able to use the new revolutionary invention, but according to our expectation, in few months more than the 50% of the population will be able to buy and drive a car. Our newshounds will keep track of the evolution of this product.




Scientists at Harvard University have found a cure for the disease LAGS (lagstroped iosis chronic) sickness ca used by a parasite that degenerates the walls of the vital organs, destroying it, ending the sick’s life and generating high mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa. It has begun to extend over the entire world. The biggest and most developed countries of the world were very frightened and they were in alert too, because this deadly disease had reached their countries.

No citizen went out of their houses for fear of the causative parasite of lags enters into their bodies. Nowadays they can keep calm. The cure has came.In testing with artificial humans in the laboratory, scientists identified how this parasite acted and have to create tiny robots that are able to enter in the body of the people to improve their health from within. These nano robots carry loads and transmit orders to human cells so they can paralyze the action of the parasite thanks to these devices to the size of a billionth of a millimeter. They are being built using ADN that folds and bends like paper. These fragments contain encoded instructions, in order that they a resent through the bloodstream. The scientifics thought that it could be the most revolutionary discovery in the sanity science history. They said that they will improve nanorobots and program them to destroy wrong cells and get a faster regeneration of the tissue where the cells were so if they program them to do anything to heal any part of the body ot any disease, some people's life expectancy will grow and also they will live healthily until his death It's an idea which seem straight out of a fantastic novel, but nowadays it's possible.




In the Technology University in Alabama, a group of students have invented a complex mechanism installed in a microchip that at the same time it is in a computer. It works with a projector and a program also invented and designed by these students. It is able to reproduce a person´s figure who can be miles away or maybe dead, different type of objects, places, or any other thing, as a hologram. By this way the students who can’t assist to a presential class, (either because they are sick or because the lack of time), older students who want study but the can’t because they haven’t time to go to the high-school or university, and people who would like to attend to classes to learn more but they hasn’t got enough money to pay a

private tutor of a lot of subjective. They can stay at home and use this projector to simulate a real lesson. During many years, they have been testing with many robots and using microchips, and finally they have found the way of reproduce the exact figure of anything. Also, there is a special camera that allow reproduce the image instantaneously. One of the first students to use the projector was Achim Nurk, he`s 14 years old, from London. Achim couldn’t leave his hospital room for years due to a kidney cancer,

and he missed a lot of schoolworks; ‘’Puster’’ was a great solution. Achim said that when he first saw it, he thought it would be difficult to use, but in the end, it took heim about 15 minutes to learn how to use the controls. ‘’Puster’’ helped him to distract and he didn’t think about his ill every time. He said that it lend a hand to fight disease and thanks to it, 5 years later, when he left the hospital, he could find a work, because he had been studying for as long.


New athlantic city 27th of January, Dinamarca’s president inaugurated the new supper city under the water. It consists in a big space like a normal city but it’s cover by a dome which is made by a special material. That material is formed of crystal, Fe and a new element of the periodic chart which was discovered recently in Madrid by Felipe Rajoy. This mix of substances make the dome more resistant and they don’t allow that the water get in. Everyone knows that nobody couldn’t live without sun’s lights so they decided to instalate some solar cells in the dome to catch the sunbeams. Citizens who live in this town have electricity thanks to these solar cells and they can even change the temperature of the water.


The most amazing thing that occurs in this city is that it’s able to change with a complex method developed by scientifics. This method make possible to change from summer to winter instantaneously. The problem is that this town is isolated and is very difficult travel to other cities. Maybe people who live there couldn’t visit their relatives and close friends. But this problem will be solved some years later because nowadays there are more than fifty scientific who stay in that city working in the advance of the city. They are making a tube. It will communicate the new Athlantic city with the rest of the cities and they are able to go to visits their close people and travel to see other cities. In spite of this problem, this town has got 1000 citizens. They said that it’s life is fantastic and amazing. They can lie down and watch a lot of sea species. They encourage everybody to use the tube when it is built, and visit Athlantas city. It would be the most interesting experience of their life.


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