Exploring Modest Fashion Zine

Page 1

Explorimg Modest Fashiom

By Bijal Chauhan



Contents Page 3..... Introduction Page 4..... Definitions Page 5..... Headscarves Page 7..... Abayas Page 11... NabiilaBee Page 21... Everyday Modest Page 25....Problems with the High Street Page 28....‘Disobedient Bodies’

Introduction This zine is to explore the rise of modest fashion as many designers like glamorous Dolce and Gabbanna and sporty Nike have developed specific clothing for the modest market. However, there is a presumption that dressing modestly is a sign of oppression and is usually depicted as something to be scared of in the media due to terrorist activity. Therefore, this zine will provide an insight into why people dress modestly and that it is nothing new as this is something we all do, whether it’s throught wearing a cosy knitted jumper or a scarf wrapped on our head. For example, in arecent survey it was found that 80 percent of all beliefs agreed to wearing modest clothing.



Definitions The next pages will show you some of the traditional garments that exist, which can be found worn in Saudi Arabia and Dubai. Hijab: Niqab: Turban: Abaya: Modest:

A headscarf worn by some Muslim women. A veil worn by some Muslim women that covers the whole face except for the eyes. Another head covering that is wound around the head, usually worn by Muslims and Sikhs. A full length, long sleeve garment worn by some Muslim women. Unassuming garment.



Burqa 5









NabiilaBee NabiilaBee is an influential modest fashion blogger with 433,000 followers on Instagram, she creates stylish and unique modest looks, that express her bubbly personality. I was lucky enough to recieve a transcript on NabiilaBee’s thoughts on modest fashion such as the role of religion and her personal preferences.



What does the hijab mean to you?

“The hijab is about not just wearing a scarf on your head. It is about how you carry yourself in punlic. It is also a reminder for me. Like wehn you look in the mirror, or whever you are take any actions, it just reminds you who you are and who how you are supposed to be. And also I believe it is a command from God.�



Is the hijab a way for you to express your identity?

“Well first thing is people look at me and see that I am a Muslim. I also feel comfortable expressing my identity through a hijb and modest dressing. Hijab is a tool of empowerment because women choose to wear it in a democratic society. And also we’re taking the power back from the normal Western way od dressing that can invite the gaze of the opposite sex.”



What are your thoughts on the hijab been seen as a sign of oprression?

“Western perception is mainly affected by media representation of the hijab, we are so used to associating anything to do with war, terrorism, jihad with hijab and that is not correct in terms of representation. So why is it that when we see a woman in hijab within out day to day environment we assume that she is oppressed. We are too used to swallowing mainstram media perccepiions of what the hijab is and not asking ourselves what it actually stands for to ordinary Musllims.�



Religious ideas of modesty mention not just the covering of the head, but also women not to draw attention to themselves. How do you reconcile with this idea of not drawing attention to yourself when fashion is very much a visual statement?

“Well first of all, I slam is a journey and not a destionation. It is about your intentions and your relationship with God. And it is about what you do, so it’s not really just about how you dress. And also it’s not about being perfect, it is about working to become a better person. Just becoming better in your religion, and following it. Like there’ll be a woman who just started wearing long sleeves that is still modest.”



What do you think?

As you can see from NabiilaBee’s outfits, modest fashion is just as fashionable like the highstreet and to prove it this is what the public said in a recent survey!

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“ I would definitely feel comforta ble to wee ar them ”

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Everyday modest looks

From the images, you can see that being modest isn’t just religious garments, shown at the beginning, it can be everyday clothing that we’re used to seeing. The next images will show you self styled looks that are fashiomable yet modest. Also, I was able to interview members of the public for their opnions on modest fashion.



“Whatever you’re comfortable in”

“Fun!” “Not revealing”

“It means a way to show you can be fashionable but respect your body and religion at the same time”

“A way to show you can be fashionable but respoect your body and religion at the same time.”



“Clothing that is humble and unassuming”

“Something that I am comfortable wearing and it still looks good on me and trendy and not make me look odd one out”

Problems with the High Street

Although the High Street has developed modest clothing styles, respondents from a survey felt that more could be done. Have a look at the following opinions and see if you agree!

“Most clothing in the UK is not suitable for modest wear. You have to wear layers, or go to a modest wear shop which can be more expensive”

“Often stuck with jumpers, Can be unfashionable.” “Everything is so Revealing. It's impossible to find a maxi skirt or dress without slits up the side or long sleeve high neck line told all year around.”



“It's difficult to find a complete outfit (top with modest neckline, full sleeves, long length to cover crotch and bum, and bottoms, full length and not too tight) in one place. More often than not I end up shopping multiple stores to find pieces to layer to make one outfit wearable. Often find tops with low neckline or short length so have to have a Camisole which would cover my neckline from underneath the shirt and also cover the front and back of my torso from underneath the shirt”

“Current garments in retail stores tend to feature cut-outs as well as lingerie aesthetics like lace, so less sexualised garments tend to be basic.”

“I find it difficult to find modest clothing that is fashionable, I am not fully modest but finding things without cutouts, short sleeves etc can be very difficult.�



Disobedient Bodies By JW Anderson

To further show that modest fashion is whatever you define it as, J.W Anderson’s most recent exhibition showcases that you can have a modest look yet have a bold and unique look, through colours and different styles.





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