Big Voice Stubbington July 2015

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July 2015 | Issue 7 | ÂŁ1.50 where sold

YOLO! Annual flour fun with Crofton School

REMARKABLE relationships Differences of Opinion


By Nig el M a

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GIG GUIDE All gigs should start at 9pm unless stated


Saturday 20th Sunday 21st Friday 26th Saturday 27th Sunday 28th

July July Friday 3rd

Saturday 4th Sunday 5th Friday 10th Saturday 11th Sunday 12th Friday 17th

Saturday 18th Sunday 19th Friday 24th Saturday 25th Sunday 26th Friday 31st

Boss Hog State 6 Stone Rig Rembrant Lou Taylor Frank & Dean Show Rock of the Pops Scarlet Ghosts

The Carisbrooke The Hoeford The Bird The Bird Red Lion The Carisbrooke The Carisbrooke The Bird

Gosport Fareham Fareham Fareham Stubbington Gosport Gosport Fareham 6pm

Force Four Stereotypes Karaoke Move on Up MOD Town Mafia Lewis Creaven Higher Ground Somethin Else Rock of the Pops Paloma Faith Tribute Worried Men Monkey Butlars Fine Southern Gents Sorted Hazzard County Knee Slider Midnight Sun Bone Idle Small Town Rock of the Pops Hazzard County D’ska Assasins Groove Monster

The Bird Red Lion The Carisbrooke Pier St Café The Carisbrooke The Hoeford The Bird The Bird The Carisbrooke Pier St Café The Carisbrooke The Bird The Bird Red Lion The Carisbrooke Pier St Café The Carisbrooke The Bird The Bird Red Lion The Hoeford The Bird The Bird Red Lion

Fareham Stubbington Gosport Lee on Solent Gosport Fareham Fareham 6pm Fareham Gosport Lee on Solent Gosport Fareham 6pm Fareham Stubbington Gosport Lee on Solent Gosport Fareham Fareham Stubbington Fareham Fareham 6pm Fareham Stubbington

© Tim Stephens



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It’s all child’s play

Get involved in some messy play under the guidance of Sue Gascoyne. Enjoy!


Planning Matters

Check out this months round up of planning applications in and around Stubbington.


Over the Hedge

Differences of Opinion

We are never all going to see the world in the same way and Jessica McGregor Johnson shows us how to manage disagreements with your partner.


The Wealth Chef

The secret is out! Read on for some pearls of wisdom from Wealth Chef, Ann Wilson.

Continuing on from last month we’re delighted to feature another local garden from Stubbington.


Mercedes Benz CLA

With a maximum speed of 149 miles per hour this striking Mercedes is fully loaded with a raft of safety features. See what Tim Barnes-Clay has to say about this new model.

If you’ve got a local Good News story we’d love to hear about it! Whether it’s kindly friends or neighbours going out of their way to help each other, children doing fab activities that make them smile, winning awards or just doing a good turn we’d love to know! Email your stories to us at

july issue 2015

Pearl Publishing 01329 630630

Joint Editors Coralie Todd & Sean Middleton

Advertising Sales

Distribution This Big Voice Bigazine is delivered to residents and businesses in Stubbington & Hill Head. For distribution enquiries please give us a call and speak to Sean. Six other editions are also published in Alverstoke, Gosport, Lee on Solent, Locks Heath, Warsash & Sarisbury Green, Whiteley, Titchfield Park & Burridge. Whilst Big Voice Directories aim to provide a quality publication for local reference, it cannot be held responsible for the services, reputation or cost of any of the advertisers, and content of adverts or editorial herein. Readers must make their own enquiries to establish the credentials of each entry. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from the Publishers. The magazines are produced on paper sourced from FSC approved paper mills and printed using vegetable based inks. They love being recycled but please pass to a friend first! Magazine, adverts, design, layout and content © Copyright Pearl Publishing.

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Smalalltalk Sm ltalk

on’t underestimate the value of doing nothing….

… of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear and not bothering” said (my favourite) Winnie the Pooh. I have got to the tender age of 40(ish) and I’m only just starting to appreciate the benefits of just stopping. That might sound completely ridiculous but when you’re an incredibly busy person there just isn’t the time to stop. With endless lists, children to sort and businesses to run where do you schedule a ‘stop’? After all, if I stop then that pushes things out of sync and then I’m even busier when I come to start again. That’s right isn’t it? Or not. We recently found ourselves child free for a day and with the weather being fairly miserable decided, uncharacteristically, to pack up some sandwiches and a few books and drive down to Titchfield Haven. We set up camp in the back of our Bongo (lovingly known as the fun bus to the kids) and sat for an afternoon doing very, very little. It seemed decadent, luxurious and amazing. And the best bit? It rejuvenated me and gave me more energy to do all the things I needed to the following week. OK so this seems a bit obvious but until you step out of your comfort zone and realise the world doesn’t fall apart if you take a little time out then you’ll never know how therapeutic it can be. Go on, try it.

Much love until next month Coralie and Sean x

Advertise with us! Reliably delivered by our local teams, reaching over 35000 homes each issue, SEVEN editions of Big Voice provide exceptional monthly coverage of our area every single month. Call our friendly team now on 01329 630630, jump on our website and have a chat or link up with us on Facebook. Visit our Facebook page Big Voice Directories

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Wealth Chef The secret is out: How to beat the market The epicenter of financial activity for investors is the Stock Exchange. Be it in London (FTSE), New York (NYSE), Paris (DAC), Johannesburg (JSE), Sydney (ASX) or just about any country in the world - the stock exchange is where it all happens.

need to ring up your broker anymore to buy a "lot" (100 shares) of a stock.

So when it comes to helping That's because we have access to my family put their money to low-cost investing like never work, I do what I always do – I before. We also have access from turn to Expand Your Dough where ever we happen to be. Recipe in The Wealth Chef book. Sitting on the beach in On the corner of Wall and Broad Mozambique - a quick buy or sell I stick to the tried-and-true streets, the site of George via my online broker and back to wealthy approach to regular and Washington's inauguration, the living life. consistent investing, thinking of New York Stock Exchange is my stocks as businesses with true perhaps the most iconic of them That's pretty awesome – to be assets, competitive advantages, all. The famed Wall Street bull able to buy hundreds or and earnings power. I invest with statue standing proudly on the thousands of a stock, to become the intention of owning for years corner is snapped by thousands a part-owner (even just a - decades, even. of tourists sensing the energy and fraction) of great businesses for importance of this place. less than a six-pack of something And that's the huge difference Ironically, fewer than 24% of nicely chilled. between Wealth Chef investing these people actually own any and the kind of activity stock or invest in the stock One way (the best, in my mind) conducted by so many traders, market. to take advantage of it is to set whether they are on the floor of up an investing plan via an online the NYSE, FTSE, ASX or DAC; What pops out when you visit the broker in an index tracking fund sitting in a hedge fund office floor of the NYSE or the London or Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) suite; trying to catch the spread Stock Exchange is how few and commit to it for the long on the forex market; or people seem to be working at the term. Through the highs and the excessively trading a client's trading posts. This is always a bit lows. Get a plan and stick with it. account in Any Town, WORLD. of a letdown for me. I keep That's what I've been doing for Wealth Chefs are businesshoping to see crazy traders well over twelve years now and oriented, long-term investors. running around with tickets in what I’ve got my nieces and We know the value of being their hands like we see in the nephews doing. Each month they owners of great companies and movies Wall Street or Trading are setting aside some money to sharing in the value. Places. invest into businesses (as I prefer to think of it) that they plan to It has worked well for me and it But those days are long gone, hold for a long time. can work for you, too. replaced with electronic trading Ann Wilson is a multi-millionaire with a difference. from all over the world, and Not tickers. Not charts. Not Today Ann is a woman with a mission and a big that's a good thing for individual trading. Not “great tips” from the message for the World as ‘The Wealth Chef’. The Wealth Chef International works with people all over the world, investors like you and me. hairdresser bringing much needed wealth education and hope to Investing is more available, more Great Businesses + Investing + thousands from every walk of life. Ann is a sought after money expert and speaker by large corporations. Get in accessible, more transparent, and Long term. cheaper than ever before. No That's the Wealth Chef Recipe. touch with her @thewealthchef




It’s all Childs P lay Messy Play

If there was such a thing as a Messometer - a tool for measuring views on mess, I wonder where you'd put yourself? At the pristine end of the scale where everything has its rightful place and food is most definitely to be eaten rather than played with? Somewhere in the middle, where a good amount of carefree messy play is healthy, but only when balanced with a sense of order and boundaries? Or perhaps at the far extreme? The kind of house that when you walk in you’re not sure if it’s been burgled, in which case Cheerios and hamster food on the floor offer daily opportunities for messy play! With washing products now offering triple action cleaning the removal of stains is child’s play, yet an aversion to getting messy is sadly commonplace among parents and children. People watch in the rain and you will probably see children discouraged from exploring puddles with their whole bodies, feet or hands as, sidetracked by practicalities, us adults fail to see the age-old learning value, not to mention sheer fun.

to think I’m somewhere in the middle, much more tolerant than my husband and generally able to see the positives of mess! In fact I have always found myself drawn to messy and sensorial play, as well as making a business of it this has formed a key part of my own children’s childhood, be it offering sand, shredded paper, water, cooked couscous, dried lentils and rice, sandy paint or shaving foam. With adequate planning and preparation, messy play can provide a calm and enriching experience for all involved, but I’ve learnt the hard way that preparation and boundaries are key to ensuring that this is a stress free experience.

slowly. So dipping your toe in the world of messy play means leaving cooked couscous to the last! Most materials have the potential to be used for messy or sensory play but that is not to suggest that they are uniform in the way they perform, respond to touch or appeal to children. For a child with sensory processing issues, who can’t happily touch sticky wet substances, an awareness of the wealth of messy play possibilities may be key to including them. Far from being an issue just for special needs, growing numbers of children find touching wet sticky things particularly challenging.

I can still remember an episode of particularly messy play with cooked couscous. Heavily pregnant, my husband arrived home from work to find me under the kitchen table on all fours, scraping sticky gunge, sprayed by my creative 3 year old all over the kitchen! Taking a work call in the middle of the play taught me a hard lesson. Allowing my daughter to experiment Jackson Pollack style with couscous it left me close to tears with exhaustion reaping the consequences of messy play!

A good (and low cost) starting point could be a paddling pool or washingup bowl filled with shredded paper, sand or dried lentils. Simply add a few containers and spoons for pouring and filling, (recycled pots and funnels are great) and get stuck in. Best of all June is the perfect time for taking messy play outdoors, so what’s not to like? For more fun sensory play activities, Sue’s latest research, resources and training go to

If you’re not a natural lover of getting messy then it’s good to know that 01206 796722 there’s a wealth of research on the huge benefits of giving children a sensory education. Persuaded of its importance, the next step is making sure that we don’t inadvertently project our anxieties about mess and clearing up as children picking up adult vibes and this can affect their ability to explore and become truly immersed.

When trying something new or personally challenging, the best Returning to that messy scale, I’d like approach can often be taking it


Remarkable Relationships Jessica offers Life Guidance, connecting back to your spirit, the true heart of you. If you want to know more you can visit her website

Differences of Opinion Anger shows its face up in many different scenarios particularly in relationships. We get triggered into anger by many different things but arguments can often flare up when in fact all it is, is a difference of opinion. We are never all going to see the world in the same way – and thank goodness because it would be very boring if we did. We all see the world through different glasses. For example a Greenpeace activist will look at what is done in the Amazon through their environmentalist mindset of it being a tragedy whereas a multi-national corporation will have other

priorities. Both would argue their point of view till the cows come home and neither will ever concede to the other’s opinion. This is just an example of the diversity of the world and they will always exist. We might not like them but each is entitled to their opinion. Trouble is that when you take those differing of opinions into relationships it often ends up being turned into a personal argument rather than seeing that it is just a conversation about two different viewpoints. It is all too easy to get into the place where you fight your ground and try to make the other person wrong,

feeling the need to be the one who is right. Without forethought it is virtually impossible in that adversarial moment to step back and agree to differ. Once we are in the feeling of wanting to prove our point, to be right how can we step back? One simple technique is to agree a phrase that brings both of you out of the illusion of needing to be right. It can wake you up and help you see that this topic is not worth creating a huge personal argument about it – that your relationship is actually worth more than this topic. The trick is to agree it beforehand. So in what I call a sober moment – when you are feeling very happy with each other and have no axe to grind – have a chat about wanting to preempt the arguments you have over a differing of


opinion. The reason you talk about it away from the argument is that you can both set an intention to use this method. You agree a wake up phrase, something either of you can say in the moment that wakes you up from the compulsion to win your case and helps you see that it is only a differing of opinion. It can be any phrase – either related to the situation or not. For example, you could say – “Hey this is one of those moment where we can agree to disagree”. Or if you feel that would not stop the flow of thoughts so easily you can use a silly phrase – mine is “the peas are green this summer” feel free to borrow it if it helps. The key is that this is an agreement between you, set an intention that when one of you uses the phrase it is time to agree to disagree and then – and this is so important - change the subject!


Over the Hedge

This beautiful garden belongs to Jane and Paul Barrett from Tamarisk Close in Stubbington. It has clearly had lots of love poured into it and this little sunny corner looks perfect for a glass or two of something cold! 12

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P lanning Matters A monthly round up of planning applications submitted since 1 May 2015





P/15/050 8 Leviathan Close 5/FP Fareham Hampshire PO14 2SF

Front porch with wc


P/15/049 24 Ennerdale Road 5/FP Stubbington Fareham PO14 2DS

Single storey side extension


P/15/049 2 Fay Close Stubbington 1/FP Hampshire PO14 2RS

First floor rear extension following removal of existing dormer window.


P/15/044 Cambewarra 71 Newgate Single storey side and rear extension 2/FP Lane Fareham PO14 1BG P/15/042 Land At - Rowner Road 6/FP



Replacement of the existing 15m monopole with a new Undecided 17.5m monopole; installation of 1 no. New equipment cabinet; installation of 2 no. New 300mm dish antennas; plus ancillary works.


Plant of the month Geranium The leaves, covered in their unmistakable Geranium ‘fuzz’, may have a slightly odd smell about them but the burst of colour emitted from the flowers that shoot forth from these little plants more than make up for its shortcomings. These are pretty tough plants and usually grow through any off the odd problems they may get such as late summer mildew or vine weevil larvae. Make sure they are planted in good sunlight and protect from cold. Geraniums are happy both as indoor or outdoor plants and as they root easily from cuttings you can keep a good supply of plants on the go!


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Lucy’s recipe corner

Healthy Vegg Veggie ie Bake Bake INGREDIENTS

1 medium/large aubergine 2 courgettes Cupful cheddar cheese Handful of fresh basil 1 clove of garlic Tin of chopped tomatoes Enough pasta for those around the table!

Carefully slice the aubergine and courgettes and layer them into a baking dish. Pour the tomatoes into a jug and add the basil and garlic clove (you can pop this in whole). Use a hand blender and whizz up until smooth. Pour the sauce over the veggies and add the grated cheese to the top.


Bake until golden in the oven (fan 190° c/ 215°c) and serve on a little bed of pasta.


Auto biographies The exterior's progressive, sporty But, by the second day of my week with the Merc, I felt it was appearance is continued inside the Benz. All trim surfaces are galvanised made with my name on it. in silver shadow, resulting in a cool-to -the-touch metallic finish. The Some car seats just require a instrument panel incorporates five quick twiddle here and there and you’re all set up. I think the large round vents and there’s a CLA’s sports seats with integral prominent free-standing display screen that features a black pianoheadrests simply take some lacquer-look front panel with a flushgetting used to. They’re fitting silver frame. sculpted in a curve-forwards position, and make you feel like In the back, the seats, once again, your head needs to go back become a sticking point. They are more – although that could cramped for adults and not even the have been me being fussy on best fit for two child seats, but my the day the car was delivered. eight and five year old coped without too much squabbling. On the plus Anyway, enough of the seats side; boot space is good for this type and my hair-splitting; let me explain why, on the whole, the of car. CLA is an excellent piece of On the road, the CLA 250’s German machinery. FAST FACTS PROS ‘N’ CONS turbocharged four-cylinder engine Design √ Aesthetically, its proportions rocks for most situations. The car has  Max speed: 149mph excellent grip when pushed through Steering √ and dynamic design give the  0-62 mph: 6.6 secs compact four-door saloon-cum- corners and its seven-speed Grip √  Combined mpg: 42.8 automatic transmission climbs and coupé an unmistakable  Engine: 1991cc 4 cylinder 16 valve descends excellently under pressure. Safety Kit √ appearance. The vehicle's turbo petrol Especially noteworthy is the striking features include the Rear Seats X  Max. power (bhp): 208 bonnet embedded in the front Mercedes’ direct steer system, which  Max. torque (Ib/ft): 258 offers precise feedback in comparison end with power-domes and a to conventional power steering. diamond-look grille. The light  CO2: 154g/km modules and LEDs behind the  Price: £33,440 on the road headlamp cover glass have been Safety hasn’t been overlooked either, Sometimes a pair of new shoes feels arranged in such a way as to create a with numerous driving assistance systems offering support and just right. No blisters ever appear and characteristic "flare effect" for the they soon become your go-to choice daytime driving lights and indicators. reducing your workload behind the wheel. Standard-fit features include of footwear. Others cause you a little This light signet defines the car's drowsiness detection and radarenergetic form and shapes a new, discomfort at first – but, once worn based collision prevention assist with youthful Mercedes face. in, you feel as though you’d never adaptive brake assist, which helps to sauntered in anything else. protect you from collisions from a The width-emphasising rear end speed of only 4mph. exudes muscle and athleticism, The Mercedes-Benz CLA 250 AMG featuring an interplay between Sport I drove was very much the latter example. It took me a while fine convex and concave surfaces. The gently sloping roof contour and the -tuning the seat to give me the best pronounced, hallmark curvature of driving position. I then had to adjust the rear window, provide the CLA 250 the steering wheel several times – AMG Sport with a coupé-style and then get the lumbar support character from the rear, too. right. For the first day I just couldn’t nail it and, squirming uncomfortably, I was convinced this car wasn’t for me.


Mercedes-Benz CLA Class

By Tim Barnes-Clay


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23 - 26 October 2015


Book Review The Farm Beneath The Water, by Helen Peters This is a feel good story of young people who pull together and are able to influence the outcome of the local water project. This is the second book based at Clayhill Farm but it can be read alone (although I’ll probably read the first one now as I enjoyed this one so much). Hannah’s dad is behaving strangely – has he joined a dating agency? Is someone moving in with them? But it turns out that he is gathering evidence to show that the farm is in an important place historically and environmentally and it’s all to gather evidence as the farm is under threat as a water company wants to flood the valley to build a reservoir. Both sides of the argument are explored – one family losing their home versus the benefits to the whole community. All is not as it seems and Hannah and her friends pull together using the school play to present their arguments. This is a really good read which shows family and school life and the dilemmas that face us all.

P uzzle Answers Answers July 2015

Visit the Stubbington Country Market in Stubbington Library 9.00 - 12 noon Every Friday Home made cakes bread and savouries including products which are made to gluten & dairy free, vegan recipes. Free range eggs & preserves, plants, flowers (when in season) & vegetables. Various hand-made crafts available including:- bags scarves knitted items greeting cards jewellery .





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