In 2023, we joyously celebrated 25 years of meaningful impact. Reflecting on our journey, we’ve awarded $70 million to over 2,500 nonprofits and granted scholarships to more than 1,500 students. To mark this significant milestone, we awarded an additional $100,000 in grants to 20 nonprofits across the region, enabling them to allocate funds where theyareneededmost.
As we take a moment today to look back, we're filled with gratitude for the incredible support from our donors, community partners, dedicated staff, committed board members, and passionate volunteers It's through their unwavering dedication and collaboration that we've achieved every significant milestone over the past 25 years Here's to the collective impact we've made and the promising futureahead
At the Community Foundation, we are committed to inspiring philanthropy and serving as a catalyst and connector for community impact. This year, we embarked on a new journey with the creation of a strategic plan outlining our ambitious roadmap for 2024-2028. We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our priorities and join us in this endeavor.
We are privileged to witness the remarkable impact that your community support enables every day. Within the pages of this report, you'll catch a glimpse of the incredible changes your collaboration has sparked in our community. As cherished friends and neighbors, your partnership brings our shared visions to life. With your enduring support, we march forward with optimism and determination, ready to shape a brightertomorrow
With gratitude,
Suzanne Fritz
Heidi H McPherson Chief Executive Officer Board President
anniversary and the programs that accompany it are a celebration of all of those who’ve given their time, talent, and financial resources to make our community a better place. We look forward to the prospects that lay ahead and know that we will continue building a better San Luis Obispo County by giving and growing — together.
– Heidi McPherson, CEO of The Foundation
1998 - 2023 | 25 YEARS OF IMPACT
Grants from The Community Foundation help us to provide new clothing to K-12 students in need across all school districts in the County. Thanks to this funding, over 300 at-risk students have been able to attend school confidently, focus on their studies, and even participate in extracurricular activities. Our partnership with The Community Foundation contributes to making our community a better place to live, work, and learn.
-Bonnie Long, Nonprofit Partner
The Community Foundation makes a difference through philanthropic leadership.
We envision San Luis Obispo County to be an enduring, thriving & engaged community.
The biggest impact I saw was from the Disaster Relief Fund, particularly after the fires and mudslides, and then during COVID. The ability to funnel funding to whatever the needs are, made a significant difference in our community’s resilience and recovery.
-Mary Verdin, Past Board President Since 1998 $70,000,000
1,500 Awarded
In SLO County 25 Stories of Impact Celebrating Philanthropy
Our “#25for25Showcase” highlighted 25 stories throughout the year in honor of our twenty-fifth year of philanthropy in SLO County. This list represents just a fraction of the countless individuals and organizations that have impacted our Foundation and community through their time, talent, and resources.
NOOR Foundation
Since2011,we'veproudlypartneredwithSLONoorFoundation,providingfreemedical,dental,and visioncaretouninsuredadultsinSLOCounty Their WholeCommunityCareprojectbringsvital servicesdirectlytounderservedcommunities,includinghealthscreeningsandamobileclinic Throughoursupport,we'veensuredhealthcareaccessforthoseinneed SLONoorFoundation servesasacrucialsafety-netprovider,bridginggapsinhealthcareaccessandquality,andwe're honoredtostandwiththemintheirmission
Jane Sinton | CFSLOCO Donor
JaneSinton,theFoundation’sfirstBoardPresident,reflectedonthe25-yearjourneyoffoundingand leadingtheFoundation,”helpingtostartTheFoundationandbeingthefoundingBoardPresidentwas oneofthemostrewardingandhardestthingsIhavedoneinmylife.”Oneparticularlymemorable momentforJanewastheFoundation'sfirstgrantsawardsceremony,whereamodestgranttothe TurtleandTortoiseClubmadeasignificantimpact.ThishumblebeginningfueledJaneSinton's determination,leadingtotheestablishmentofapermanentendowmentandtheabilitytoprovide substantialgrantstocommunityorganizations
Hospice SLO County
Since2008,we'vepartneredwithHospiceSLOCounty,anon-medicalvolunteerhospiceandgrief center.Fromgrantsupportforanewbuildingtothousandsbenefitingfromfreecounseling,their impactisprofound.In2021-2022alone,their215volunteersprovidedservicesvaluedat$302,854, includingover2,900hoursofcounselingsessionsand395hoursinfacilitatedsupportgroups.
TheCommunityFoundationwashonoredtobe recognizedbycity,countyandstateofficialsin celebrationofour25thAnniversaryacknowledgi ourroleasalocalphilanthropiccatalystandour impactof$70millioningrantsandscholarships since1998.
TheSanLuisObispoCountyBoardofSupervisorspresentedthe Foundationwithanofficialproclamationrecognizingthe25year impact.CongressmanJimmyPanettapaidusaspecialvisitto shareastatementofsupportthatwasreadintheCongressional Record.TheLeagueofWomenVoters,onbehalfof AssemblymemberDawnAddis,awardedtheFoundationa proclamationcelebratingyearsofdynamicandsuccessful philanthropicworkinsupportofnonprofitsandresidentsof SanLuisObispoCounty
TheCommunityFoundationcommemoratedour25thanniversary withaseriesofcelebratoryeventsacrosstheregion Wecame togetherwithhundredsofourfriends,nonprofitpartners,committee members,andboardmemberstocelebrateanddistributeadditionalgrants. Wewerethankfultoholdnumerouseventsshowcasingourworkand partnershipsacrossthecounty.GwenErskine,aboardmember,hostedthe NorthCountyevent,whileJohnineandBrianTalleyhostedtheSouthCounty eventattheirhome TheSLOeventatCuestaCanyonParkmarkedthe culminationofour25thanniversarycelebrations.
In commemoration of our 25th anniversar out to mark this significant milestone with conscious decision to give back in a meanin way dedicating:
Tobolsterlocalnonp committedtotheca thataredeeplypers theresidentsofSLO
A few of the grantees include:
Promotores is dedicated to developing a sustainable, diverse, and comprehensive culture that promotes equal access to community resources and services among all members of the Hispanic community in San Luis Obispo County.
Shower the People offers essential hygiene services, such as access to showers, clean clothing, and personal care items, this compassionate initiative not only addresses the immediate needs of individuals experiencing homelessness but also fosters a sense of dignity and hope.
The South County Youth Coalition is dedicated to fostering the potential of our youth by offering a comprehensive array of programs and resources tailored to their diverse needs, ensuring they have the tools and support necessary to thrive and contribute positively to our community's future.
2023 GRANTS & SCHOLARSHIPS Disaster Support Fund
The Community Foundation created the Disaster Support Fund to aid our local communities impacted by disasters. Over $800,000 has been distributed to the community in times of desperate need Contributions to this fund serve a dual purpose: providing immediate relief and supporting the rebuilding and recovery following devastations like floods, fires, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 2023, this fund was essential to support recovery from the disastrous storms that struck our community. A recent grantee, City Farm SLO, whose crop fields and equipment were submerged underwater for over 48 hours, suffered significant setbacks. The destruction of crops and soil pollution disrupted their operations and sales for several months A grant award assisted in their operational recovery and future flood preparedness and assisted farmers.
Thanks to the generosity of our partners and community members, we are able to offer crucial support to a diverse range of programs and projects influencing the arts, education, environment, health and wellness, and community development sectors. In the following few pages, we spotlight some of the grants and scholarships we’ve awarded in action.
Another grantee, Restorative Partners, suffered a detrimental impact during the storms on Anna's Home, a transitional home for women and children The structural damage to the roof compromised the safety and functionality of the entire facility. A grant to this organization assisted in the repair and restoration necessary to provide a secure and supportive environment for those in need. The Foundation also waives all administrative fees, ensuring 100% of donations are invested back into the community
To learn more about how you can make a difference or get involved, please visit our website:
Wearesothankfulforthe150volunteerswhodedicatedtheirtimeand energytohelpreadapplications,interviewstudents,andforourdonors thatmaketheseawardspossible.
Since2000,ourscholarshipprogramhasfostereddreamsforbrighter futures.TheFoundationScholarshipprogramexpandsandinnovates eachyear,nowstandingasthemostdiversescholarshipproviderinSan LuisObispoCounty!Thisyear,we'reproudtointroducethePasoRobles RotaryClub’sCollinBlackScholarship,whichawardedover$83,000to16 deservingstudents.
Many might recognize Darius from The Foundation’s 25th Anniversary video or heard his tremendous speeches at several donor events. We are excitedly following his progress and congratulate him as a new transfer student at Cal Poly and recipient of the Stollmeyer Black Transfer Scholarship. Currently serving as Secretary of Student Engagement/President’s Designee on the University Union Advisory Board. Darius, a Political Science major, is passionate about the role of government and politics in shaping education policies, emphasizing students' opportunities for inquiry and learning.
Over $530,000 in Scholarships Awarded to 83 Students
What makes me so grateful for my story is the tremendous amount of agency I had to create my path And I really owe it to The Community Foundation The Foundation provided me with the opportunity to engage in extracurriculars, gave me time to reflect on my goals and refine them, and made me feel like I’m on the right track and supported
Being a first-generation college student, I was so nervous and feared I would be alone trying to navigate college and careers However, it’s truly been a blessing having these scholarships because it’s made me feel cared for and supported as I not only create a path for myself, but for my younger brothers who are right behind me As I look at the future, I hope more students like me receive the support to develop in their college and career endeavors. I am so grateful to have The Community Foundation be a key part of my story.
~Darius Rogness
Kay Miller
Kay Miller is a dedicated multi-committee member whose unwavering commitment shines through her 17 years of service at The Community Foundation Kay's journey began in 2006 when she joined the Scholarship Committee as an evaluator, bringing her passion as a former high school English teacher to support students across the county Over the years, Kay witnessed the evolution of the scholarship process, from paper applications to a streamlined online system established in 2010 Through her leadership as committee chair and ongoing involvement, Kay has played a major role in shaping the future of countless students Her dedication reflects the heart of our mission at The Community Foundation, where we are committed to nurturing the aspirations of our youth and building a brighter tomorrow.
My work with The Foundation has been one of my most rewarding experiences. It’s been wonderful to meet so many dedicated people, not only the staff who work to improve the process, but the many many volunteers who continually donate time, energy and money to improve our community.
Yeagar Science Scholarship
Since its inception in 2008, the Yeagar Science Scholarship has awarded nearly $300,000 to empower students in pursuing their academic aspirations. This scholarship honors the enduring legacy of Paul Yeager, a beloved educator, adventurer, and animal enthusiast who dedicated his life to teaching and community service. Paul's passion for education and compassion for others continue to inspire and uplift students across San Luis Obispo County.
Cabinsforchange: Aplaceforhope
In the heart of South San Luis Obispo County, the 5Cities Homeless Coalition shines brightly as a beacon of hope for families and individuals grappling with the daunting challenges of homelessness. As both a recent and longstanding grantee, they passionately address the needs, requirements, and essentials of their community, offering vital support and resources to those in need. Their tireless work has been buoyed by The Community Foundation, whose generosity has been integral since the coalition's inception.
Through close collaboration with community leaders, the coalition has forged a seamless network of support, streamlining services and orchestrating coordinated efforts to confront homelessness head-on.
As winter's harsh grip tightened and the shadow of COVID-19 loomed large, the need for shelter became more urgent than ever In response, a makeshift dropin center emerged as a lifeline for those in desperate need. Recognizing the importance of stability, the coalition launched the Cabins for Change program, offering a 90-day refuge for individuals to rebuild their lives.
success rate, the program facilitated the transition of 45 individuals into permanent housing.
-Janna Nichols, 5Cities Homeless Coalition
Amidst the stories of triumph, one resident's experience captured the essence of their mission. Welcomed with warmth and compassion, they found solace in the kindness of the cabin staff, who offered not just physical comforts, but genuine companionship and understanding The resident rediscovered a sense of hope and belonging, forging a path towards unity and resilience. Bolstered by the support of The Community Foundation, plans for additional shelters are underway to support additional residents.
In the ongoing battle against homelessness, the 5Cities Homeless Coalition remains steadfast in their mission, guided by the belief that every individual deserves a chance to thrive. Through collaboration, compassion, and unwavering determination, they continue to pave the way towards a brighter tomorrow for all.
Withvision, determination,anda heartforgiving,one
personcan trulymakea profoundimpact onthelivesofmany.
We extend our deepest gratitude to our devoted donors, whose unwavering support over the past 25 years has been instrumental to our success. Without their dedication, we simply wouldn't be where we are today. Their tireless efforts continuously enrich and uplift our community.
Wendy Brown's leadership and commitment have been instrumental in shaping the success story of The Community Foundation San Luis Obispo County. With a background in finance and a heart for philanthropy, Wendy's vision guided The Foundation through crucial periods of growth and development over her remarkable decade-long tenure on the Board.
Her dedication to financial integrity, coupled with a passion for community impact, led to the establishment of innovative programs like the Real Estate Foundation Through her efforts, The Foundation became a beacon of trust for donors, ensuring that their contributions made a tangible difference in the local community.
Wendy's tireless advocacy and attention to detail, even in the smallest of tasks, exemplify her commitment to excellence. Her collaborative spirit and unwavering belief in the transformative power of philanthropy have left an indelible mark, resulting in millions of dollars directed towards local agencies and students.
Wendy's story reminds us that with vision, determination, and a heart for giving, one person can truly make a profound impact on the lives of many We extend our deepest gratitude to Wendy for her extraordinary leadership and dedication to building a brighter future for our community
Mike and DD Patrick have made an extraordinary impac our community through their philanthropy. Over four decades, Mike and DD supported numerous nonprofits, inspiring their children to follow suit. Mike's tenure on T Community Foundation Board deepened his understand of philanthropy. Their example has resonated with their children and family, who are also engaged in giving back They represent an inspiring challenge, emphasizing that every individual possesses the power to make a meaningful difference.
The SLO Children’s Museum is amon
The SLO Children’s Museum is one of the nonprofits
DONATE Ways to Make a Meaningful Impact:
nd (DAF): Address community needs within San Luis Obispo County and beyond by supporting a Donor Advised Fund. Benefit from instant tax deductions and the freedom to distribute grants to your preferred nonprofit organizations at your convenience.
IRA Contributions: Reduce tax burden and support causes that matter to you by donating directly from your IRA to The Community Foundation. Contact your financial advisor to explore this option further.
Cash Donations: Support causes effortlessly through cash donations, whether by check, online, or using other convenient methods. Rest assured that your contribution will be directed to impactful initiatives in SLO County and beyond.
Stock Donations: Maximize your contribution's impact by donating appreciated stock, potentially enjoying tax benefits based on current market value. This allows you to support causes you care about while bypassing taxes on potential gains.
Property or Land Gifts: Fulfill your charitable aspirations and maximize tax benefits by donating real estate through our Real Estate Foundation. Explore various options for gifting property to make a lasting difference in our community.
Your generosity shapes the future of our community. Partner with us to create meaningful impact. Contact Donor Services at for personalized assistance and further information on how you can contribute.
The Foundation's early focus centered on establishing endowed funds to provide lasting support to local causes and organizations. This commitment remains steadfast today, with the majority of our funds now permanently endowed. By creating a permanent fund with The Community Foundation, you can make a difference during your lifetime and, at the same time, provide for the community you care about for generations to come. As needs, opportunities, and the nonprofits that address them change, your wishes are preserved, and grants continue to make life better in the name of the fund you establish. The true strength of the endowment lies in its remaining assets and investment returns, which are reinvested to nurture its growth over time.
Ron and Helen Dunin moved to the United States, settling in San Luis Obispo in 1965 from Great Britain. In 1977, Ron was elected to the San Luis Obispo City Council and later was elected as a three-term mayor of San Luis Obispo. Ron also became a member and chairperson of many city and civic boards and committees. Both Helen and Ron cared deeply about their community and left a portion of their estate to establish an endowed fund to support organizations assisting individuals and families working toward selfsufficiency. Their fund demonstrates the power of an endowed fund's significant impact on our community, having awarded over $1.2M in grants to benefit our local community.
The Dunin fund demonstrates the power of an endowed fund's impact on our community, having awarded over $1.2M in Grants
The chart above offers a glimpse into the growth and impact of a single endowment fund over time.
Awarded to swiftly address pressing community needs. $115,000
AccessforAll: AdministeredbyTheCommunityFoundationSan AFAsupportsinitiativespromotinginclusivityandaccessibilityfori disabilities.In2023,itawardedgrantstotwolocalprograms:Natu RideprovidesFreedomTraxdevicesforoutdoormobility,whileAs AmputeeSurfers(AmpSurf)offersadaptivesurftherapy.
GrowingTogether:AnLGBTQ+Fund:ManagedbyTheCommunityFoundation SanLuisObispoCounty,thisfundsupportslocalLGBTQ+initiatives.In2023, $10,000ingrantsaidedorganizationslikePlannedParenthoodCaliforniaCentral CoastandTheGalaPride&DiversityCenter Thesefundsenablevitalservices suchasGenderAffirmingHormoneTherapyandbolstersupportprogramsfor marginalizedLGBTQ+youth.
Women’sLegacyFund:In2023,theWomen’sLegacyFundcollectively allocated$65,000towardsinitiativesaimedatpromotingfinancialstability,childcare, andmentalhealthservicesforwomenandgirls.AmongtheseinitiativesistheTeen SupportGroupbyTransitions-MentalHealthAssociation,fosteringasupportive environmentforyoungwomentoenhancementalwellnessandsocialconnections. Additionally,TheLuminaAllianceofferschildcareservicesforsurvivorsofsexual assaultandintimatepartner violence,providingcrucialsupportduringappointments whileensuringchildrenarenotexposedtosensitivedetails.
UndocuSupportFund:TheFundconnectsandempowersundocumentedand immigrantfamiliesinSLOCounty,facilitatingmeaningfulimpactandsystems change.Establishedin2020inresponsetothispopulation'sexclusionfromfederal pandemicreliefprograms,itsupportslocalnonprofitsofferingcrucialresources andaid.Sincethen,UndocuSupporthasassistedover600familieswithessential needslikerentalassistance,utilities,transportation,groceries,andhealthcare.
Nowisthetimetostandtogetherandmakeadifferenceinourcommunity! Bysupportingthesevitalinitiatives,you'renotjustgiving,you'reansweringthe calltoaddresspressingcommunityneedshead-on. EverycontributiontoourFieldofInterestFundsplaysacrucialroleinfostering inclusivity,empowerment,andsupportforthosewhoneeditmost. Don'twaituntiltheyearendstolendyoursupport–actnowandbepartofthe changeyouwanttoseeinourcommunity.
In 2023, the financial markets experienced marked ebbs and flows. During the Fall of 2023, the Community Foundation also made a change in Advisors, marking a significant step towards optimizing our asset allocation and reducing fees. This move was driven by our commitment to enhancing efficiency and maximizing returns for our endowment.
The results of our efforts were evident as we closed the year with an impressive performance, with the endowment posting a gain of approximately 15% last year This achievement underscores the effectiveness of our revised investment approach and the dedication of our Advisors and our Investment Committee to deliver strong financial outcomes.
$Million Years
Overour25-yearhistory,ourcharitableassets grewfrom$500,000toover$75Million.
Moreover, our objectives continue to aim beyond solely financial gain. We reaffirmed our commitment to balancing the return on investment with the social and environmental impact of our endowment. As part of this commitment, we allocated half of our endowed assets through a sustainability lens, reflecting our dedication to responsible investing practices. This approach not only aligns with our values but also positions us to contribute positively to society and the environment while pursuing financial growth.
Looking ahead, we remain focused on sustaining this momentum, continuously refining our investment strategies, and maximizing both financial returns and impact in the years to come
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Investments Held for Split Interest Agreements
Investments, Carried at Market Value
Notes Receivable & Other Assets
Property & Equipment (Net of Accumulated Depreciation)
Payables & Other Liabilities
Liabilities Under Split Interest Agreements
Funds Held for Agencies
a Center is as an information hub ource center, created to offer o reports about pressing nity issues. With over 60 reports e on the site and updated regularly, we are focused on addressing the unique challenges faced by underserved groups and minorities, providing a platform for their voices to be heard and their needs addressed. Our goal is to foster a deeper understanding of topics impacting the overall well-being of our community. We invite you to explore our platform,
where you'll discover data, research, and analysis to inform decision-making process. Whether you seek information on social equity, economic disparities, environmental concerns, or health considerations, our aim is to provide you with the tools and resources needed to navigate these issues effectively.
and discover the knowledge and insights available at The Data Center. Together, let's work towards creating a more equitable and thriving community for all.
Thank you to the visionaries who established our Community Foundation and paved the way for our ongoing mission to create positive change in our community.
M. Richard & Joyce J. Andrews Foundation in honor of Carroll R. Pruett, Lyn & Jim Baker, Barbara Bell, John & Barbie Butz and Family, Vicki & Howard Carroll, Paula & Chris Daman, Alison & John Delinger, John DeVincenzo, Linda & Terence Fibich, Morgan Flagg Foundation in memory of Lou & Lori Flagg, Vel & Abe Flory, Joan & Lawrence Foelker, Ann C. Freeman, Diane & Al Fritz, Patricia Gomez & Frank Seiple, Carol J. Hanna, MD & Pamela J. Lee, PhD, Walter Clay Hill, Clifford B. Holser, Perry & James Jamieson, Letha & Glenn Josephson, Dee Lacey, Lisa Kilburn Maino & James F. Maino, Ernst & Mattison, Linda & Greg McMillan, Lou & Dean Miller, Kimo Pankey, Barbara & John Patridge, Carolyn & Michael Pineau, Diane & Nick Pokrajac, Joan & Carroll Pruett, Laurie & Rob Rossi, Carol & Jerry Santens, Betty Schetzer, Carol & Warren Sinsheimer, Norma & Jim Sinton, Jane & Steve Sinton, Johnine & Brian Talley, Rosemary & Don Talley, Susan & Ke-Ping Tsao, Cindy & Karl Wittstrom
Remembering Julian Crocker
Dr.JulianCrockerwasafoundingboardmember,pastboardpresident,anddevoted committeememberoftheFoundation.Dr.Crockerwasalsoadistinguishededucatorand formerSanLuisObispoCountySchoolSuperintendentforover17years. Hisdedication andleadershiphaveleftanindeliblemarkonthecommunitymakingsignificant contributionstostudentachievementandclosingtheachievementgap.In2021,the Foundation’sBoardofDirectorscreatedtheJulianCrockerCommunityScholarshipFund tohonorJulian’spassionforeducation.Thescholarshipaimstobridgethefinancialgap, makingpost-secondaryeducationpossibleformoreindividualsregardlessoffinancial circumstances.Focusisgiventostudentstransitioningfromacommunitycollegetoa four-yearuniversityandseekingcareertechnicaleducation(CTE).Joinusinhonoring Dr.Crocker'sremarkablelegacyandsupportingthedreamsandaspirationsoffuture leadersinSanLuisObispoCounty,ensuringhisspiritofexcellenceineducationliveson.
Remembering Lyn Baker
InmemoryofLynMacIsaacBaker,acherishedmemberofourcommunity,wefondly rememberherprofoundimpactonphilanthropyandherdedicatedservicetoThe CommunityFoundation Lyn'sremarkablecareerinhealthcareandhercompassionate natureextendedbeyondherprofessionalendeavors,asshegenerouslyvolunteered hertimetonumerousorganizations.
Lyn'sunwaveringdedicationtophilanthropywasreflectedinherinvolvementwith variousorganizations,includingtheCambriaCommunityHealthCareDistrict,Cuesta CollegeFoundation,FoundationfortheSLOCountyLibrary,aswellasactingas PresidentofTheCommunityFoundation. InhonoringLyn'smemory,letuscarry forwardherlegacyofloveandgenerosity,ensuringthatherspiritlivesonthroughacts ofkindnessandcompassiontowardsothers.
Kath Tompkins | President, Arroyo Grande
Rick Williams | Vice President, Arroyo Grande
Heidi McPherson, Chief Executive Officer
Sharon Avitzur, Programs & Scholarships Assistant
Leila Dufurrena, Director of Philanthropy
Peter Hawkins, Finance Associate
Emily Jagger, Scholarship Manager
Michael Jones, Chief Financial Officer
Cassandra Kartashov, Director of Grants & Programs
Alysia Krupsky, Field of Interest Program Coordinator
Kristy Partlow, Finance Controller
Briana Rasmussen, Office Manager/Executive Assistant
Sheri Robesky, Philanthropy Coordinator
The Community Foundation thanks its donors, volunteers, nonprofit grantee partners and our many committee and board members Thank you to Nawal Kassir Photography for capturing the majority of the images featured in this report. Thanks also to Big Red Marketing for making this annual report possible.
Pat Hosegood Martin | Secretary, San Luis Obispo
Anita Robinson | Treasurer, Atascadero
Jeff Buckingham, San Luis Obispo
Grenda Ernst, Atascadero
Gwen Erskine, Templeton
Suzanne Fritz, Atascadero
Rob Garcia, Templeton
Shelly Higginbotham, Pismo Beach
Ben McAdams, San Luis Obispo
Anneka Scranton, Los Osos
Tom Sherman, Cayucos
Linda Somers Smith, Arroyo Grande
We extend our gratitude to our nonprofit partners throughout the county for their tireless dedication to serving those in our community who are most in need. It is a privilege to stand alongside you and support your organization.
Your unwavering dedication is instrumental and deeply appreciated. We look forward to your continued partnership.