Business Class April 2023

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Introvertti toimitusjohtaja Janne Kuusinen luotsaa Professiota Suomen suurimmaksi koulutus- ja tapahtumayhtiöksi:

Professio ui pirstaloituneessa tapahtuma- ja koulutusbisneksessä vastavirtaan. Yrityksen liikevaihto kasvoi koronan jälkimainingeissa 82% vuodessa ja liikevaihto on viisinkertaistumassa vuodesta 2020 vuoteen 2025 mennessä. Kasvu tehdään tulevina vuosina orgaanisesti ja yritysostoin ja satsaamalla jatkuvan oppimisen malliin, jota yritykset kovasti kaipaavat.

Profession toimitusjohtaja Janne Kuusinen on nähnyt 20 vuoden urallaan koulutus- ja tapahtumabisneksessä monenlaista ylä- ja alamäkeä. Nyt koronan ja etätyöbuumin jälkimainingeissa tämän päivän trendi on selvä: uuden oppimisen tarve vain kiihtyy.

”Oppiminen ja osaamisen kehittäminen ovat tällä hetkellä rikki Suomessa. Emme ole niissä maailman kärjessä,” Janne Kuusinen kertoo.

”On selvää, että teknologinen murros muuttaa ja poistaa työnkuvia. Eri tutkimukset ja tilastot osoittavat, että jopa miljoonan suomalaisen työnkuvat muuttuvat vuoteen 2030 mennessä. Murros ei koske pelkkää tietotyötä, vaan puhumme myös muun muassa hoitoalasta. Kouluttautumisen ja täydennyskoulutuksen määrä kasvaa vuosi vuodelta.”

Jo pelkästään teknologinen murros itsestään olisi iso muutoksen ajuri. Tämän lisäksi yrityksille ja organisaatioille tulee aiempaa enemmän painetta panostaa vastuullisuuteen liiketoiminnan kaikissa vaiheissa.

Yrityksiltä odotetaan ympäristövastuun lisäksi muun muassa eettisesti kestäviä ratkaisuja, hyvää hallintotapaa ja ihmisoikeuksien toteutumista koko tuotantoketjussa.

”Tällä hetkellä meillä on suuri tarve kehittyä sekä yksilöinä, yrityksinä ja yhteiskunta-

na. Miten voimme onnistua vastuullisessa kasvussa, jos osaamisemme ei kehity rinta rinnan,” Kuusinen kysyy.

Profession yksi tärkeistä tehtävistä on herätellä yrityksiä pohtimaan vastuullisuutta yhtenä strategian peruspilareista. Kysyntää tälle selvästi on: Sustainable Business 2022 oli Profession yksi viime vuoden suurimmista tapahtumista.

”Haluamme herätellä vielä niitä nukkuvia yrityksiä, jotka eivät ole vielä ymmärtäneet vastuullisuuden merkityksen kasvua. Vastuullisuus on myös meidän ydinarvomme, joka näkyy esimerkiksi tämän vuoden tapahtumassa, joka tuotetaan vastuullisin toimenpitein.”


• Perustettu vuonna 2006.

• Professio Groupiin kuuluu Professio, BIG Business Insight Group vasta tehdyllä yritysostolla, Upload IT-brändi, Business Class -lehti ja Studio yritysten räätälöityjä tapahtumia varten.

• Järjestää vuosittain noin 600 pienryhmäkoulutusta ja 60 suurempaa tapahtumaa toimialojen päättäjille ja ykkösvaikuttajille.

Lue lisää: | |

Tulevaisuuden oppiminen ei ole enää lukuisten tutkintojen haalimista

Janne Kuusinen on itse malliesimerkki henkilökohtaisen kehityksen merkityksestä. Perusluonteeltaan introverttina hän on joutunut kehittämään vuorovaikutustaitojaan ja olemaan epämukavuusalueellaan työuransa aikana.

”Minulla on ollut aina vahva halu johtaa ja mennä eteenpäin. Urakehityksessä on paljon samaa kuin tapahtumissa ja koulutuksissa, eli osaamisen kehittämisestä ja verkostoitumisesta päättäjien ja osaajien kanssa.”

Kuusinen ei halua antaa ekstro- tai introverttiydelle liian suurta painoarvoa.

”Meissä kaikissahan on molempia puolia. Mutta voin sanoa, että omasta introverttiydestä johtuen minulle on tärkeää rakentaa Professiosta sellaista yritystä ja yrityskulttuuria, jossa kaikki voivat olla omia itsejään. Minulle johtajuudessa on tärkeää oma ja muiden jatkuva kehitys ja kasvu. Hyvä johtamien ruokkii ihmisen omaa kunnianhimon liekkiä.”

Profession liiketoimintamalli perustuu yritysten osaamisen kehittämiseen. Yrityksen missiona on tehdä Suomesta maailman osaavin kansa. Se onnistuu satsaamalla jatkuvaan kehittämiseen.

”Miten voimme onnistua vastuullisessa kasvussa, jos osaamisemme ei kehity samaa tahtia?”

”Tutkintoon tähtäävä kouluttautuminen ei ole enää työelämässä se juttu. Nyt tarvitaan enemmän ykköstason kouluttautumista koko ajan. Eli nyt pitää olla ajan pulssilla koko ajan.”

Professiossa tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että yrityksille tarjotaan jatkuvan kouluttautumisen mallia: asiakkaille rakennetaan koulutusport folio, mihin kootaan yrityksen tarpeisiin sopivia koulutuksia sekä lyhyellä että pitkällä aikavälillä.

Kuusisen mukaan vastuullisen yrityksen kannattaa kouluttaa henkilöstöään vähintään kerran kvartaalissa. Tämä on osaamisen kehittämisen lisäksi myös kilpailuetu työmarkkinoilla, jossa pula työntekijöistä monilla aloilla on huutava.

”Asiakkaamme ovat sanoneet, että kouluttautumismahdollisuuksien merkitys on jopa kolmasosa työnantajamielikuvasta.”

Tapahtumia, joihin alansa maailman huiput tulevat mielellään

Profession tapahtumat ja koulutukset rakennetaan kattavan taustatutkimuksen ja kohderyhmäkyselyiden perusteella. Taustatöiden jälkeen tapahtumien rakentamiseen kerätään oma advisory board, joka auttaa tapahtumien konseptoinnissa. Advisory boardeihin kuuluu yleensä toimialan ykkösvaikuttajia – muun muassa vuoden rekrytoijaksi valittu ja Vincitissä työskennellyt Saana Rossi on ollut mukana usean tapahtuman suunnittelussa.

Tapahtumiin järjestetään myös vaikuttajien välisiä tapaamisia, joten niissä on mahdollisuus verkostoitua ja luoda suhteita.

Tapahtumien ykköspuhujien lista on huikea. Tänä vuonna tapahtumien pääpuhujina ovat muun muassa presidentti Tarja Halonen, IT-alan 10 vaikutusvaltaisimman naisen joukkoon kuuluva muutosvalmentaja Joanne Thurlow, kyberturvallisuuden huippuasiantuntijat, Cyolabin toimitusjohtaja ja best seller -kirjailija Terry Cutler ja hall of fame – hakkeri ja kyberturvallisuustutkija Ahmad Halabi ja puhujia muun muassa Netflixilta, Heinekenilta ja Unileverilta

Tämän lisäksi tapahtumissa on puhumassa useita suomalaisia ykkösketjun vaikuttajia Pekka Haavistosta Petteri


Miten tapahtumiin saadaan näin kovan luokan puhujia?

”Meillä on hyvät referenssit ja suhteet kunnossa. Ja kun tilaisuudet rakennetaan viimeisen päälle, ihmiset myös viihtyvät ja kokevat saavansa vastinetta. Siksi tapahtumissamme on aina kulloisenkin toimialan kärki-ihmiset paikalla.” |


In Finnish

2 Introvertti toimitusjohtaja Janne Kuusinen luotsaa Professiota Suomen suurimmaksi koulutus- ja tapahtumayhtiöksi: ”Miten voimme onnistua vastuullisessa kasvussa, jos osaamisemme ei kehity samaa tahtia?”


4 Anora and farmers partner on agriculture regenerative

6 Töölön Kesäkatu, Finland’s Finest Residential Building

8 Eye surgery is a far-sighted solution to age-related seeing impairment

9 Future-proofing your security operations

10 The Future of Education

11 Turning CSRD reporting into efficient brand-building

12 2023 e-commerce trends

13 Digital commerce diversifies – how to keep customer experience consistent?

14 When talent becomes scarce, HR can’t afford to be a support function

15 Employer brand – an underrated key to finding the best talent

EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Roope Malmström +358 (0)40 630 0012 roope.malmstrom(a)


Pirja Suotamo

In English GROUP


David J. Cord, Timo Mansikka-Aho

PRINTED BY PunaMusta / Tampere 2023

Professio Group on tapahtuma- ja koulutusyhtiö, joka tähtää eri alojen ammattilaisten ja yritysten kilpailukyvyn kasvattamiseen. Toiminnan ydin on jo vuodesta 2006 lähtien ollut tapahtumien ja koulutustemme huipputason sisältö, joka täytyy itse kokea.

Group Keilaranta 1 A 02150


Anora has built a long and close relationship with barley farmers in Finland, which has enabled the company to work with them with continuous improvement.


The leading Nordic spirits and wine company Anora is on a long march towards circularity and sustainability. Now they are working with farmers on the next big thing: regenerative farming techniques.

Regenerative farming is a set of methods that aims to turn fields into carbon sinks, sequestering CO₂ from the atmosphere. With regenerative methods farming can be more resilient towards the changing climate and at the same time act as one solution to fight climate change and support biodiversity.

Anora is a spirits and wine company, formed through the merger of Norwegian Arcus and Finnish Altia in 2021. Some of their various brands and distilleries have roots dating back to the 1800s. A few of their brands are Blossa glögg, Chill Out wine, Linie aquavit, Skagerrak gin and Koskenkorva vodka.

“Let’s Drink Better”

“Sustainability has long been important to us,” says Petra Gräsbeck, Anora’s Director of Communications and Sustainability. “Our company purpose is ‘Let’s Drink Better,’ meaning we want to do something more than provide a beverage. We want to have a positive impact and offer something extra to consumers and the community.”

Many of their drinks depend upon Nordic crops like barley. Anora has built a long and close relationship with barley farmers in Finland, which has enabled the company to work with them with continuous improvement.

“We buy about 200 million kilos of barley every year,” Gräsbeck continues. “Two years ago, we wanted to work with the farmers for a pilot batch – 50,000 kilos – grown with regenerative farming techniques. This year that amount will already be 2,500 tons.”

New era of regenerative farming

Conventional farming can be hard on the land. Soil can be eroded and degraded, requiring more fertilisers to maintain yields. Regenerative farming does not just offer conservation, but even rehabilitation. It regenerates topsoil, increasing biodiversity, water

retention and – most importantly – carbon sequestration.

Many regenerative farming techniques are not difficult to implement. No-till and low-till planting doesn’t disturb the topsoil like traditional ploughing. Year-round vegetation cover and crop rotation are common practices, as well as using organic material such as farming by-products as fertiliser.

Anora and their contract farmers worked with experts and NGOs such as the Baltic Sea Action Group on how best to begin regenerative farming. A training programme was implemented, and practical considerations managed. This is not a short-term project, either. A long-term commitment is needed to see the impact on the soil, but you can already taste the results.

“From the pilot batch we created Koskenkorva Vodka Climate Action, the first vodka in the world made entirely from regeneratively

farmed barley,” says Gräsbeck. “We know people globally are interested in sustainable products, and Koskenkorva Vodka Climate Action has been well received in our export markets.”

Ultraefficient distillery

Anora’s approach to sustainability isn’t limited to pilot projects in regenerative farming. In Ostrobothnia, western Finland, home of Anora’s Koskenkorva Distillery, the company has been working hard to make their operations more environmentally friendly for years.

“Our distillery in the village of Koskenkorva is a forerunner in the circular economy,” Gräsbeck says. “Every bit of the grain is used and nothing goes to waste. Distilling produces by-products which are used in animal feed and starch. The husks are used as bioenergy to power the plant and the resulting ashes fertilise the local fields. CO2 produced is gathered and used in greenhouse farming.”

The distillery has a full 100% recycling and recovery rate, as well as about a 50% decrease in CO2 emissions since 2014.

Carbon neutral by 2030

“We’ve also been working to use more sustainable packaging for our drinks,” says Gräsbeck. “We are using less and better materials. Our climate-smart packaging – such as PET, rPET, bag-in-boxes, pouches, and tetras – has a 60–90% lower carbon footprint than traditional glass bottles.”

Anora has ambitious plans for the future. By 2030 they plan to be using 30% regeneratively farmed barley in their own spirits products, and to have carbon neutral production throughout their own operations without compensations. The Koskenkorva Distillery, which is already in the vanguard, is likely to be completely carbon neutral even earlier, by 2026. |

”From the pilot batch we created Koskenkorva Vodka Climate Action, the first vodka in the world made entirely from regeneratively farmed barley.”
– Petra Gräsbeck, Anora’s Director of Communications and Sustainability.

Töölön Kesäkatu, Finland’s Finest Residential Building

A pioneering Finnish real estate developer, Auratum Asunnot, has recently completed the renovation of Töölön Kesäkatu, a residential building in Helsinki that was formerly the headquarters of YleThe Finnish Public Service Media Company. The 5-year project, which attracted over 800 potential buyers even before pre-marketing, is one of the most challenging residential construction projects ever completed in Finland.

The building’s unique location, history, and size make it exceptional. Located at the seafront in Merikannontie 5, it is within walking distance to the city center, the Opera, and the Olympic Stadium.

Töölön Kesäkatu offers its residents an impressive range of shared amenities, including a spa, a workshop, a gym, a garage, a car wash, and a communal car which can be booked for short term use through a mobile app. Outside, there is also a pétanque court and a playground.

Residents have free access to all the communal spaces, including the lounges and cabinet spaces in the lobby, which has been carefully restored to its historical glory. The spa facilities include saunas for men and women, a steam room, an experiential shower, a swimming pool, a cold pool, and an outdoor terrace. The sensory experiential shower features various functions that produce sounds and scents, offering a truly unique and luxurious experience.

According to Minna Fontell, the director of housing services at Auratum Asunnot, the goal from the beginning was to make the finest residential building in Finland. ”So, the path was clear; we aimed for the best. That’s why Kesäkatu is now a unique Finnish combination of luxury and communal elements. The ease of living has been the aim in everything,” she says.

The renovation project involved demanding reinforcement work due to the building’s age. Janne Hietala, regional director of Auratum Asunnot, noted that the renovation work was meticulous, as a large part of the façade is protected. “Adapting modern technology to a mature structure was also challenging. As a renovation project, Kesäkatu is one of the most challenging residential construction projects ever completed in Finland”.

KESÄKATU WAS COMPLETED as Yleisradio’s headquarters in 1968. The building was

designed by Kurt Simberg’s architectural office, known for designing the Hanken School of Economics main building, among others. Simberg’s implementation followed the socalled five-point program of the pioneer of modern architecture, Le Corbusier. It manifests itself, for example, in the airy and nearly four-meter-high column motifs of the ground floor and the building’s horizontal ribbon windows.

The original interior architect was Leena Kolinen, who had designed, among other things, interiors for Alvar Aalto’s buildings while working at Artek. For Kesäkatu, Kolinen’s designs included the sofas and the striking lamps of the main lobby, which are now protected and have been restored to their original glory. President Urho Kekkonen, along with many great people of their time, has walked along the limestone floor of the Kesäkatu lobby.

Before commencing the project, Auratum

Smart City
President Urho Kekkonen, along with many great people of their time, has walked along the limestone floor of the Kesäkatu lobby.

Töölön Kesäkatu offers its residents an impressive range of shared amenities, including a spa, a workshop, a gym, a garage, a car wash, and a communal car which can be booked for short term use through a mobile app.

Auratum Asunnot has announced their latest project in Töölö, Helsinki, set to be built between 2024-2026

The Valo Quarter will offer high-quality apartments situated within a charming, historic environment. The development will include a leafy green courtyard, a gym and sauna for residents, as well as a range of restaurants, cafes, and other services.

Auratum Asunnot places a strong emphasis on the design of the buildings and on carefully choosing the contractors. Huttunen-Lipasti Architects, as the lead designers, focus on sustainable and impressive architecture.

Asunnot conducted a survey to determine what buyers wanted. The wishes were fulfilled in the form of a gym, a private mail parcel machine, and security doors to each apartment. The housing society has also banned short-term renting to ensure a peaceful living environment for its residents.

Overall, Auratum Asunnot’s renovation of Töölön Kesäkatu represents a unique combination of luxury and communal living, showcasing the company’s commitment to creating high-quality living spaces that meet the needs and desires of modern homeowners. |

Töölön Kesäkatu in numbers:

Year of completion: 1968 / 2022

Property size: 23,000 m2

Apartments: 146 (38m2-220m2)

Garage spaces: 114

Electric car charging points: 106

Find out more at

Soile Goodall, +358 40 533 5533,

The Valo Quarter will feature high-quality materials and thoughtful details throughout, with three curated interior design concepts by Interior Design Office KOKO3, known for designing the new Finnair Non-Schengen lounge at Helsinki-Vantaa airport. The Valo Quarter promises modern luxury in a relaxed and fresh atmosphere, with a commitment to sustainability and responsibility.

Pre-marketing is set to begin at the end of 2023, with construction scheduled to start in 2024. The first building is expected to be completed in 2026. |

To stay informed about this new development, sign up to the mailing list at

Auratum Asunnot offers premium living opportunities by constructing new and restoring historic properties for contemporary living. Their projects are situated in prestigious locations, promising residents the highest quality of life. Visit  for more information on their latest developments.

Eye surgery is a far-sighted solution to age-related seeing impairment

For many, the life at work is about focusing on things that are close by. The best examples of this are computer screens and mobile phones, with the time spent on staring at both increasing at an almost alarming speed.

At the age of 45 or so, you may notice a need to extend your hand when looking at the phone, or to push back the computer screen a bit to get a better look at the small print. These might be the first indicators of presbyopia –a natural decline in your near vision, caused simply by the unavoidable fact that we are all getting older.

“Presbyopia is a gradual process, which is typically first dealt with by simply pushing the screen or piece of paper farther,” says Terhi Jurvanen, Lead Optician at Silmäsairaala Private Eye Hospital Services. “When the arm length runs out, off-the-shelf reading glasses are purchased. When that option does not work anymore, the time has come to consult an optician.

While prescription glasses and contact lenses often provide an adequate solution to age-related seeing impairment, the most comprehensive one is eye surgery. It takes away the need to remember and renew glasses that often cause inconvenience for those wanting to enjoy an active lifestyle. Contact lenses tend to have challenges of their own as well.

“In presbyopia, the functioning of the eye’s own lens weakens,” Terhi Jurvanen explains. “In the operation, the lens is changed into an artificial, multiple-focus one. This enables sharp vision at all distances.”

Jurvanen, who has experienced a successful eye surgery herself, adds that the surgery is a painless operation, performed under local anaesthesia. It only lasts about 20 minutes per eye, so including preparations the visit to the hospital lasts is only about two hours. No post-surgery pain should be experienced, and eye drops are the only required medication.

“In a few days after the surgery, the eyesight has improved to the level that allows taking care of basic chores,” Terhi Jurvanen says. “Obviously, a new way to look requires a few weeks to adjust perfectly, and the course of eye drops lasts four weeks. Then, it is time for a control visit.”

After that, presbyopia has been permanently treated and normal life can resume – without need to extend arms while reading or sore eyes after a long day at the computer.

It all begins with preliminary study, where

Silmäsairaala performs eye surgeries at 18 hospitals all over Finland, says Lead Optician Terhi Jurvanen.

the optician and the performing surgeon determine the possibilities for the operation. The health of the eyes is checked, as is their structure. All questions will be thoroughly addressed, so that when the time for the surgery comes, everything is clear. |

More information about presbyopia, a.k.a. lens surgery, is available at



Some 10–15 years back we, the security community, were preaching about the importance of riskbased security management as a critical organizational practice. We needed security management systems, based on ISO 27k or some other framework. Many decided to invest and eventually even certified.

10 years back, we again preached another topic. This time saying that the protective cybersecurity controls simply don’t cut it anymore. The firewalls, the main antivirus tools of that age, were no longer an obstacle for cybercriminals. As a solution, security operations, creating detective and responsive capabilities, were introduced in the large and at scale.

So now, 10 to 15 years later, you would expect to see some significant improvement in the security landscape. But no, the same advice is very much relevant today. At the same time, the Information Security Management System (ISMS) has largely become a dead letter managed and maintained by the CISO.

So what went wrong?

In one word, integration – or rather, the lack thereof. Sounds simple enough, but let’s elaborate a bit by starting with the ISMS. The practices envisioned and painstakingly documented, reviewed, and audited time and time again are very much relevant and important. Still, the effectiveness of the controls outlined in these is

missing. This is largely due to the fact that it was created as a separate practice, taped on top or to the side of the actual business.

What is happening next?

In one word – Fusion. In the scope of security operations, we further expand the concept to cover the integration of the cybersecurity capabilities of protecting, detecting, and responding to security incidents into one holistically managed and integrated process or discipline to continuously enhance the security posture based on that situational awareness.

This is not about technology but rather a strategy. It requires integration between services, but also, for instance, managing configurations across the organization and the services that produce the IT capabilities. This is what we at Nixu call Security Fusion

Future-proof security operations

For your security operations to be able to first close the gap and then stay “on par” with emerging cyber threats, we need to jointly establish a security program to build and continuously enhance the fusion of all security aspects and across organizational boundaries. At Nixu, we are determined to take this journey and invite you to join us in boldly going where nobody has gone before: a fusion of security operations that keeps your business protected. |

As a CISO or business director, you do not want to hear that a data breach has occurred. Instead, you want to hear that an attempted breach was detected, but no damage has materialized due to active countermeasures. Further, protective measures have been applied to prevent the same attack vector in the future.
“The effectiveness was missing due to the fact that ISMS was created as a separate practice, taped on top of the actual business.”
– Jan Mickos, Senior Vice President, Managed Services, Nixu

The Future of Education

When Covid-19 closed schools overnight, The City of Pori could quickly adapt to the need for remote teaching and learning, given a long history of investment in teacher training coupled with a 1:1 ratio of devices per student. Google for Education is working with municipalities across Finland to help them make the most of Chromebooks and Workspace for Education and meet their teaching and learning goals.

This cooperation has included supporting municipal professional development and assisting the schools in integrating technology into their day-to-day operations. Chromebooks are now one of the top-selling devices in Education in Finland.

At Google, we believe that, no matter your background, everyone deserves access to great learning experiences. As the world evolves, driven in part by pressing global issues and the accelerated rate of technological innovation, what we learn and how we learn will evolve too. This will mean developing new mindsets and skill sets to become global problem solvers and lifelong learners; evolving how we teach and learn by making learning more personal and accessible to all; and finding more meaningful ways to evaluate learning tools and learner progress, to best support the goals of educators, students, and families.

AS WE MARCH TOWARDS a radically different future, what should the role of education be and how might it look?

To begin to answer this question, we collaborated with research partner Canvas8 to conduct a global study in 24 countries that synthe-

AI alone could free up 13 hours of teacher time a week by automating certain tasks.

sizes insights from 94 educational experts, two years of peer-reviewed academic literature, and a media narrative analysis across the education sector.

One key trend  from our research is an accelerated shift towards  making learning personal. While efforts to make education more personal have long been underway, advances in AI now make it possible to move at a speed and scale we’ve only imagined, providing learners with 1:1 support and real-time feedback

For example, let’s say you’re a student stuck on a math problem. With 20+ other students in your class, you may not be able to get immediate support. This may leave you feeling frustrated or diminish your confidence. Now imagine a different scenario: you’re a student stuck on a math problem and are able to get in-the-moment support via a hint or video that gives you exactly what you need to unblock you. You understand how to change your approach, complete the problem correctly and feel more confident in your ability to learn.

This is the concept behind practice sets in Google Classroom (in beta at the time of writing). With practice sets, students working on an assignment receive instant feedback on their answers, and real-time support through visual explainers and videos. When students get an answer correct, practice sets will celebrate their success with fun animations and confetti. One fifth grader called it “magic.” At Google, we call it the power of AI.

WHEN WE APPLY AI TO EDUCATION, we are able to personalize content to a student’s learning path, meeting them where they are in their studies and their schedules. Education institutions are able to incorporate a cloudbased interactive tutor, which assists with generating learning content to help learners master core concepts. For example, the interactive tutor can generate targeted questions based on reading materials to help students understand and practice concepts in a way that meets their individual learning needs.

AI can also have significant benefits for educators - one area where this technology can play a role is helping to free up teachers’ time. Research suggests that between 20-40% of the tasks teachers spend time currently — in areas such as grading, lesson planning, and administration — could be outsourced to technology.1 AI alone could free up 13 hours of teacher time a week by automating certain tasks. 2 This reduction in workload could help teachers spend more time focused on their students’ needs, or reinvest time into professional development.

By applying AI to student learning experiences and reducing teachers’ workloads, and ensuring that our tools are accessible, we can help support students and teachers where they are and help them get to where they want to go faster. And we’re just scratching the surface of what is possible.  |

We look forward to meeting with you and learning more about how Google for Education tools might be able to help meet your goals.  Read more at:

1 ,2 McKinsey, “How artificial intelligence will impact K-12 teachers,” 2020

Turning CSRD reporting into efficient brand-building

In the beginning of 2024, the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive will take effect, setting new requirements for annual reporting for companies across the European Union.

To make the information easier for users to find and machines to read, companies are required to prepare their report in a single XHTML format and mark up sustainability information, tagged in accordance with a digital taxonomy. Adding this to the usual pain spots of any reporting process (data collection and processing, scheduling, task alignment, data uniformity and such), it is fairly safe to predict that many companies will find themselves in the midst of a downright chaos when the era of CSRD begins.

Luckily, there is still time. Even better, there is a convenient, reliable way to turn this challenge into an opportunity to make an impact in more ways than one.

“The complex nature of CSRD has all the elements that might result in a report that is difficult to read and understand”, Sanna Laakso, Business Developer at CtrlPrint Finland, agrees. “Besides including all the required facts, a good report is visually clear and comfortable to read, both by machines and with human eyes.”

All it takes to make that transformation is CtrlPrint’s sophisticated collaboration platform. Based on the idea of working on data that can be refined with visual software such as InDesign, the platform gathers everyone involved – various departments and external partners such as communication agencies –in the same document. Everyone can work on their own core areas while others can comment. The work progresses smoothly, everything looks good, and the key points are easy to find. The data is correct and identical in every reporting format.

While fulfilling their reporting duties accurately, companies have an efficient tool to easily tell their story to essential target groups at their disposal.

“As CSRD reaches throughout the chains of procurement, it also affects companies who are not accustomed to any kind of reporting besides statutory financial statements”, adds Kaisa Heikka, Business Developer at CtrlPrint Finland. “This should be viewed as an opportunity to tell customers, investors, and potential employees that they

are dealing with a company who takes care of sustainability issues exceptionally well.” With a convenient way to get a hold of CSRD, the time for companies to act is now. While 2024 may seem far away, sooner is also in this case better than later. |


Companies subject to NFRD.


Companies with at least two out of these: 250 employees, 40 MEUR turnover, and 20 MEUR balance sheet.

2026 Listed SMEs, small credit institutions, insurance companies and non-EU companies with a subsidiary in EU and 150 MEUR turnover.

Sanna Laakso and Kaisa Heikka point out that as one of the most experienced platform providers for corporate reporting, CtrlPrint wants to encourage companies to prepare in good time for CSRD.
SUSTAINABILITY The schedule of CSRD taking effect:

2023 e-commerce trends

There are many things happening in the world which adds to business uncertainty: inflation, the war in Ukraine and the energy market,” says Markus Laurio. “But people tend to overestimate both the positives and negatives. I believe our economy is more positive than many people think.”

Laurio is the CEO of Paytrail, a company which helps over 20,000 businesses with their online payments. They have released their E-commerce trends for 2023 report, a much-watched annual look at online sales activity.

Dealing with uncertainty

“People have been worrying about an economic recession and major energy crisis, but it turned out not as bad as we thought,” Laurio says. “Paytrail stats show e-commerce growing close to normal, at pre-covid rates.”

He stresses that uncertainty has not gone away, but we can deal with it. “Be prepared to act fast: five-year plans have become threemonth plans,” he says.

Data remains the key to know your customers. Use your data to understand what your customers are doing and what they want. Also, double down on data security. Laurio reminds that security is more important than ever.

“Security is part of a trend where we see opposing forces in online payments,” he says. “On one hand we need safety and security. On the other hand consumers want payments to be easy. Governments are pushing merchants to adopt more safety measures, and extra identification efforts can impact the ease of payments.”

Focus on the foundation

A major trend is the consumer adoption of mobile payment solutions. MobilePay is the largest operator in Finland, but others such as Apple Pay are also popular. About 30 per cent of online transactions are now through such services, although the transactions tend to be small so the total value is much less. In Sweden invoice services remain a big business.

“Another change is how consumers perceive sustainability,” says Laurio. “It used to be an advantage, but today people expect sustainability and local products.”

If sustainability isn’t an important part of your business, Laurio stresses, consumers will notice and make that a mark against you.

“The most important thing for a merchant to do is to focus on the essentials,” says Laurio. “Talk to the pros, understand your consumer behaviour – check daily if possible – and use your data to make decisions. Now is the time to go back to basics.” |

Businesses are willing to take risks, as long as they can be properly managed. The problem is properly judging those risks in an era of uncertainty.
“Paytrail stats show e-commerce growing close to normal, at pre-covid rates.”
– Markus Laurio CEO of Paytrail

Digital commerce diversifies – how to keep customer experience consistent?

Your customers already use a wide variety of devices and touchpoints to buy goods and services from your company. The times when digital commerce was regarded simply as a website for online shopping are permanently gone. The time has come to rethink the way digital commerce infrastructure should be set up to maintain its relevance regardless of where, when and how it is encountered.

At best, digital commerce creates lasting experiences – the kind that resonate with the brand in a way that makes a difference”, says Marko Rytkönen, Business Development Director for Vaimo Nordics. “As the number of touch points increase, so does the risk of losing consistency in delivering that experience.”

Vaimo is one of the world’s most respected experts in digital commerce and experience, having specialised in digital commerce for fifteen years. They have three local offices in Finland and work in fifteen markets around the globe. One of their specialties is helping Finnish companies expand internationally.

Composable commerce offers flexibility

Different solutions require different components, and changing these components as new customer touchpoints are developed puts the entire infrastructure under tremendous pressure to change accordingly.

Unlike the most common monolithic platform-based architecture, composable com-

merce is a concept built modularly using only the applications a company needs.

“Decoupled architecture is often the best solution for companies who look for high flexibility and scalability,” says Rytkönen. “It enables individualised digital commerce and easy integrations with best-of-breed solutions.”

Customers see your brand the same way through all channels. This helps to build

attachment and loyalty so you can strengthen your relationship. Consistency across channels also helps for practical reasons, such as communications on one channel about a sale through another.

More than technology

To further support consistent customer experience, composable commerce can be enhanced with features that support field sales in their traditional work, enable effective re-orders using NFC, and use product configurators to offer customisable complex products, for example.

Rytkönen stresses that to succeed with composable commerce a company needs proper organisational and cost management skills. Managing several technology stacks requires a different way of thinking as well. The digital world continues to evolve, and it is up to the leaders to ensure their business is future-proof – especially when it comes to their digital commerce infrastructure. |

Marko Rytkönen, Business Development Director at Vaimo Nordics.

When talent becomes scarce, HR can’t afford to be a support function

While returning to the offices, quiet quitting and such trends have significantly affected the life at HR departments during the past couple of years, the prevailing labour shortage and hunt for talent have driven it into a sheer state of disruption. To survive, let alone flourish in the world that has changed and keeps doing so, organizations must take a yet completely new approach on making the most of their human resources.

Julie Asselin, Head of Marketing at 365Talents, points out that while there are ways to improve employee experience to the level that resonates with today’s workforce, it all starts with the way HR is perceived as a function.

“HR professionals should think and act more like marketers. Instead of flipping through CVs that they assume will keep pouring in, they should actively search for potential employees and attract attention. Just the way marketing department is carrying out plans to reel in more customers.”

365Talent recently conducted a survey that reveals employees still lack vision for long-term career development. Up to 60 per cent of respondents complained they do not see enough advancement opportunities with their current employer. According to Julie Asselin, several other surveys support this view.

“Talent shortage is a prevailing megatrend, and existing employees are not engaged. Organizations must develop their people in a more human-centric environment.”

This begins with understanding the big

365Talent’s Julie Asselin suggests organizations start thinking about their employees as customers - and develop ways to provide them with outstanding experiences.

picture, where, for example, employers are empowered by connecting skills with opportunities on their own terms.

“Career path does not have to be linear, as new opportunities can be discovered also by moving from one department to another.

When the employer is already familiar, skills and knowledge can be transferred efficiently and bridges between departments can be established. Everyone benefits.”

Communication must be aligned accordingly. Organizations must target their messages so that they are understood and relevant to the right people. Julie Asselin emphasizes that precisely the way marketing has clawed its way from a support function to an essential business driver, the time has come for HR to do the same.

“HR is controlling the organization’s most valuable asset. To give people opportunities to be the best they can be, HR must adopt a business-like mindset and gradually earn the status of a strategic function.”

The road starts with defining clear KPIs that will be closely monitored. A data-driven approach where development is continuously measured and evaluated is a key to lifting HR to the level it requires – and deserves. |


Duunitori’s Lauri Vaisto believes that to attract the best talent, every organization must pay more attention to the way they present themselves to potential candidates.

Employer brand – an underrated key to finding the best talent

Every organization, whether operating in the private or public sector, is increasingly dependent on its ability to attract and retain capable professionals. In the light of ever-tightening competition and sheer labor shortage, at least when it comes to certain lines of business, successful recruitment has recently become a downright rarity.

Lauri Vaisto, Principal Consultant –Strategy & Employer Brand at Duunitori Oy, believes that this is largely due to the fact that organizations have not understood the real strategic value of a strong employer brand. Capable workforce is out there, yet unable to connect with the right jobs.

“Especially when it comes to small and medium-sized companies, even the level of general recognition can be surprisingly low,” Lauri Vaisto points out. “The local area where the company operates simply can’t produce enough candidates, so the company must head farther from its home turf in its quest to find the right professionals.”

Even though this problem can often be solved by spreading the word on a larger scale, Vaisto reminds of the pitfalls of simply raising the volume. To make the message relevant and just right, it must be clear to everyone what kind of professionals are being targeted.

The organization may also be well-known, but for wrong reasons from the viewpoint of

recruitment. Fazer is known for chocolate and Nordea for banking services, but those organizations are full of other tasks as well. If Fazer is hiring an IT specialist, it certainly does not want applications from people who simply like its chocolate, even though just that connection might make many want to work for Fazer.

Perhaps the most challenging type of inadequate employer brand is seen in areas where a thoroughly wellknown organization fails to hire quality professionals – because they rather go elsewhere. Healthcare is a perfect example of this: both the employers and tasks are

well-known. Yet, some hospitals manage to get all the best talent.

“Especially in these situations, a skillfully and systematically built employer brand makes all the difference,” Lauri Vaisto says. “The organization must find a way to stand out and address the candidates in a way that resonates in a powerful way.”

Duunitori has just published its annual National Recruitment Study that, among other things, addresses employer brand development. The 2023 study shows that organizations still have difficulties in linking recruitments to strategy, committing top management to employer brand and understanding the business benefits of a strong employer brand. |

Download the 2023 National Recruitment Study here TEXT: TIMO MANSIKKA-AHO
Capable workforce is out there, yet unable to connect with the right jobs.”
16 BUSINESS CLASS | SPRING 2023 PÄÄTTÄJÄTAPAHTUMAT, JOISSA SISÄLTÖ RATKAISEE. 9.5.2023 | Helsinki Se, mitä numerot ei kerro. Make the (B)lasting impact as a CMO. Tiukkaa puhetta kiinteistökehityksestä. 10.5.2023 | Helsinki 31.5.2023 | Helsinki 5.9.2023 | Helsinki Menestystarinat ihmisten takaa. Liput ja kumppanuuspaketit nyt myynnissä. Varmista omasi.

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