BigDog Newsletter August 2020

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August 2020 Newsletter

Professional Boundaries New Big Bus

COVID-19 Media Mayhem 1

Newsletter Editor Notes Whoa! Please mind my boundaries. All formal working relationships need rapport and trust to function well. This is particularly relevant to the relationship between a participant and their support worker. It is certainly important that the support worker makes sure participants feel at ease with approaching and relating to them – but it is equally important that the lines don’t become blurred. The relationship between an individual and their support worker should never come at the expense of maintaining clear professional boundaries. Successful and ethical working relationships are based on a clear understanding of what the workers’ role is – and just as importantly – what their role isn’t. Professional boundaries are limits which protect the space between a support worker’s professional power and the participant’s vulnerability. Problems for support workers can arise if these boundaries aren’t maintained. Professional boundaries are complex and often contentious subject because they relate to our personal values. They are experientially, culturally and historically influenced – and they change over time. Although we may talk about what’s ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and that we should use ‘common sense’, it’s not always clear cut. To ensure that everyone is protected, all support staff utilising social media must have written consent to do so. If you don’t have permission - you can’t.


took such good care of me, I decided to sell my house and move into one of your rooms. Which one is available?” In This Issue 1 Editor Notes 2 Professional Boundaries 4 NDIS Updates 5 Support Worker Survey 6 Accessibility and Inclusion 8 Community News 9 Community Partnerships 10 Toowoomba Community Centre

11 Rockhampton Community Centre 12 Safety Matters 15 Admin Updates 16 August Events 16 What’s Happening at BigDog

BigDog Newsletter Privacy Notice: Please note that as a subscriber to our BigDog Newsletter which supplies news and events relevant to this organisation, your email address or any other personal information collected will only be used for the purpose for which you gave it to us and will not be disclosed to any other person, body or agency except where you have provided your consent or it is required or authorised by law. 2

BigDog Support Services Magazine

Boundaries BigDog recognises the fundamental rights of individuals to develop and maintain relationships. Relationships take many forms and the appropriateness of these relationships will often determine successful outcomes for participants and harmonious working environments for others. BigDog team members will undertake roles that will forge relationships at a variety of levels. It must always be considered that in the above relationships that participants and their families are the most likely to be vulnerable in any exchange. Therefore, the responsibility is for BigDog to ensure that we retain the participant and their family as the focal point. BigDog Code of Practice Each new employee is provided with our Code of Practice and on page 7 the following undertaking is stated and agreed to: I will acknowledge the recognition of the relationship type being either: • Paid relationship in regard to paid workers • Friendships between any individuals that are based upon an equality of input I will:

discuss these dilemmas • Ensure that openness and honesty are the foundation to constructive relationships. It is therefore important that this is expressed as a fundamental part of the infrastructure and internal relationships of BigDog • Ensure that any gift or item for sale offered by any participant is approved through BigDog • Ensure that all electronic or social media contact is approved in writing by BigDog • Ensure that all approved social media respects the privacy principles • Ensure that all phone or text contact with any participant, family or carer is directed through BigDog and that I will not contact a participant directly without permission • Seek permission to attend participant birthdays or other events outside of direct support times • Report immediately any breeches of this principle to my immediate coordinator Risks for Support Workers

• Maintain a standard of Do No Harm

An inappropriate relationship with a participant or family member has risks that include:

• Be conscious of my obligatory or contractual responsibilities

• Increasing/or unreasonable demands and expectations from the participant or family

• Maintain relationships with the people I support directly or indirectly and all other team members that is respectful, based on trust, acknowledges cultural differences and maintains professional boundaries

• High worker stress and burnout

• Recognise that my roles and relationships, at times will be complex and dilemmas will be encountered. That it will be necessary for all to be empowered to come forth and

• Inability to provide professional and objective support • Difficulty setting limits and dealing with behaviour • Distress when a relationship breaks down • Grief and loss for participants when a support worker leaves


Updates NDIS Welcomes 400,000 Participants Martin Hoffman, NDIA CEO reflects on this milestone, and how the scheme continues to grow, improve and support Australians living with disability during the Covid-19 pandemic. On the 7th August NDIA welcomed the 400,000th participant into the scheme. And even more remarkably, 150,000 of those people are receiving disability-related supports for the very first time. I’m really proud to work at the NDIA. Myself and the whole team are making a real difference, we’re making the scheme better and it’s helping people with disability live better lives, more independently and as part of a more inclusive Australia. Scams Awareness Week The NDIA is encouraging participants, families and carers, providers and the wider sector to ‘Protect yourself from scammers’. Scams Awareness Week starts on 17th August and aims to highlight to all Australians the importance of keeping personal information secure. A scam is an illegal trick, a type of fraud usually designed to get money from people by way of deception. The NDIA is committed to educating you about scams, so you can protect yourself and those closest to you, and so you know how to report issues if you believe you have been scammed. The emergence of COVID-19 has seen scammers take advantage of the uncertainty,


changes in circumstances and the growing use of technology. An example of a scam might be someone sending false bills. These may look genuine but ask you to pay an invoice into an account that is different to the usual account you pay money into, for that provider or supplier. To protect yourself from scammers, the NDIA is urging you to keep your online identity safe. Measures you can take to guard against scammers include: • if you’ve been asked to pay money into an account you haven’t paid into before, always check over the phone with your provider, or service supplier, to confirm the account details and be sure of who you’re dealing with • not opening suspicious texts, pop-up windows or clicking on links or attachments in emails • keeping your online personal details secure by keeping your password a secret, and; • choose passwords that are difficult to guess and update them regularly. Visit our Scam awareness page to learn how to protect yourself from scammers or to report a scam. If you need information in different languages, visit the Services Australia webpage on scams and identity theft . If you think you have been scammed, you can also call the NDIS fraud reporting and scams helpline on 1800 650 717 or email to report a scam.

BigDog Support Services Magazine

Disability Support Workers to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), testing, who they worked with and where they provided support and, the financial and psychological impacts of working during COVID-19. Like health and aged-care workers, DSWs can’t physically distance given the close personal contact required in their job, and when they work with an average of six different clients a week. The survey also found these workers face financial hardship. Of those who took time off due to illness, only 47% were paid, reflecting the workforce’s casual nature. Thirty-four per cent faced financial difficulties like not being able to pay an electricity, gas or phone bill on time or being unable to pay their rent.

The findings from a national survey of 357 disability support workers (DSWs) conducted online between May and June 2020. Respondents ranged from 18-75, 83% were women, and 31% were over 50. Support workers were asked about specific work issues such as; how they managed physical distancing, COVID-19 infection control training, access

The researchers have made recommendations, including updating PPE guidelines, proactively reaching out to DSWs so they can receive the required training, ensuring they have access to pandemic leave and making sure expert health staff can provide back-up if needed. The survey reflects the situation for workers when PPE was just being made available to workers after a marked shortage in March and April. With cases now rising in Victoria PPE became compulsory for DSWs in hot spot areas.


And Inclusion Transport and Main Roads Accessibility and Inclusion Strategy

disabilities or impairments).

Thank you BigDog Support Services for your valuable contribution

We are already delivering on a number of initiatives to support the AIS, but the strategy provides a roadmap and opportunity to consolidate and focus on the future.

The Department of Transport and Main Roads is committed to becoming a world leader in the provision of accessible and inclusive transport and an accessible and inclusive employer of choice.

An Accessibility and Inclusion Action Plan will be developed to support the progress of the AIS. We will adapt and create a culture of planning, designing and delivering with accessibility and inclusion.

Our Accessibility and Inclusion Strategy (AIS) will support us in creating a single integrated transport network accessible to everyone. The strategy has been developed in consultation with our customers, employees and delivery partners to provide a roadmap for embedding inclusion and accessibility into transport services, products, information, infrastructure, workplaces and work practices. This is an important initiative when you consider the statistics (as at July 2020): • almost 20% of Queenslanders have a disability • we have a geographically diverse state, with many living in remote parts of the state • people are living longer—at 65 years of age Australians can expect to live half of their remaining years with some level of disability • Queensland is home to people from more than 220 countries, 220 languages spoken, 100 religious beliefs in 2018-19 international visitors to Queensland increased to 2.8 million and domestic visitors reached 25.3 million (a large percentage of domestic travel is undertaken by people with


BigDog Support Services Magazine

Nadia Brady and Josh Marshall

Approves Victoria Cross WWII hero Teddy Sheean ABC News Queen Elizabeth II has approved the posthumous awarding of the Victoria Cross to WWII hero Edward 'Teddy' Sheean, GovernorGeneral David Hurley says. It comes after PM Scott Morrison recommended the Ordinary Seaman be awarded Australia's highest military honour. The 18-year-old had less than two years at sea and was serving on the minesweeper HMAS Armidale when it came under heavy attack from Japanese aircraft off the coast of what is now Timor-Leste in 1942. Sheean is recorded as helping launch life rafts before returning to fire at enemy aircraft, despite the order having been given to abandon ship. The Governor-General said he had relayed the news to Sheean's nephews earlier today, describing it as a momentous occasion for the family. "In my conversations with them, their pride and emotion was very evident," he said.

"A young man serving his nation who chose certain death over the chance of survival to try to save his mates who were in the water," "Many of us have really been taken back by his courage, his commitment to his mates and his sacrifice. "The story is inspiring and should inspire us all." Mr Hurley said it was an "especially poignant

time" with the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II approaching. "In remembering Teddy, acknowledging his service and honouring his courage, we also preserve the legacy of a generation that has served and shaped our nation," he said. He said a ceremony would be held in the coming months. Australia's Chief of Navy Michael Noonan said it was "a great day for our Navy, our nation and for a young Australian sailor who paid the highest price to save his shipmates from certain death". Sheean's VC was "the first for a member of the Royal Australian Navy," he said. "Teddy Sheean's story of bravery is well known within our Navy and we have long recognised his heroic and gallant actions. "This account is the stuff of legend. Sheean's actions on that day, [1st December 1942], were absolutely among the most conspicuous and most gallant we've seen in our Navy." The announcement marks the end of a long and contentious campaign to recognise the Ordinary Seaman's efforts through a VC. 7

NEWS Queens Park Market Sunday 16th Twisted Potatoes and Dutch Poffertjes will be back at our market this month. There will also be a sausage sizzle provided by WhatsUp in Disability - raising funds for their community centre.

8am to 1pm 3rd Sunday every month Frog’s Hollow Hume Street Toowoomba Supporting WhatsUp in Disability


BigDog Support Services Magazine

Partnerships Thriving Communities Do you know someone who needs help to join the National Disability Insurance Scheme? The Assessment and Referral Team (ART) works directly with individuals to support them to access the NDIS. ART can help throughout the entire access process from start to finish. This includes preparing and collecting documentation and arranging a specialised assessment. ART can help with: • checking eligibility • preparing and collecting relevant documentation • filling out NDIS forms • navigating the application process • arranging specialist assessments

• discuss specific disability specialists and doctors




• sending forms to the NDIS • keeping track of an application until the process is finished

Jul/Aug Magazine

If you, or someone you support, needs help with talking to or connecting with ART, BigDog Support Services or Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) are available to help.

WhatsUp in Disability

ART (Assessment and Referral Team) is part of the Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors with the Commonwealth Government.

• Homeless for a night

To obtain a copy of WhatsUp in Disability magazine or to be a sponsor, please contact WhatsUp via: Office

11-15 Alexander Street, Toowoomba



Stories in this issue include: • Michael Burge Recognised

• Have your say • NDIS Updates • Peaceful Humans • Akadia is on the move

Steven Paull President 9

The New Big Bus With the increase in demand for our transport options we have purchased an additional bus. Our current Big Bus, the Mercedes, will be converted to a wheelchair bus next month to replace our other wheelchair bus which is now operating in Rockhampton.

Acknowledgement to Cory and the team at ALE who provide all of our local signwriting.

Thanks to Black Toyota in Oakey for the great price and assistance with an early delivery.

Oh what a feeling! BigDog Day Service Toowoomba

Paul Myatt Community Centre 11-15 Alexander Street North Toowoomba 4350 Coordinator Sharon Price Phone: 4512 6020 10

BigDog Support Services Magazine

Welcome to our new Rockhampton Respite and SIL Accommodation We are pleased to announce that we have purchased a block of 3 x 3 bedroom units. With the increase in demand and a growing waiting list for emergency accommodation, short-term accommodation and Supported Independent Living that we are receiving, this is the right building at the right time for us.

Disabled Parking Rockhampton Council have approved the change in parking spaces in front of our East Street Centre to include a disabled parking space to accommodate our wheelchair bus.

The Living Library Did you know in some countries there are libraries where you can “borrow′′ a person, instead of a book, in order to sit and listen to their story. Launched in Denmark this innovative and brilliant project is a bookstore of human beings. You can borrow a person for half an hour and hear their story. The initiative soon spread to other places, thanks to The Human Library. The living library gives readers the opportunity to connect with people they would not usually have the opportunity of meeting. The initiative promotes dialogue, reduces prejudices, breaks stereotypes and promotes understanding between people of different ages, sex, lifestyles and cultural background. The organization is currently active in fifty countries and some libraries. Some are permanent such as those in South Korea and Tasmania, are permanent - while others are only temporarily set up. Isn’t that a wonderful idea!

BigDog Day Service Rockhampton

Manderson’s Dance Centre 170 East Street Rockhampton 4700


206 Murray Street, Allenstown 4701 Manager Suzanne Smith Phone: 4573 4611 11

Management of Medication Toowoomba August Training Dates 10:00 am and 3:30 pm Wednesday 13th 3:30 pm Thursday 14th What is happening with PPE and masks?

BigDog has a commitment to the maintenance of safe and effective practices in assisting participants in the management of their individual medication regimes to the level of support they require. BigDog will only assist with medication where a participant is not able to take medication themselves unsupervised and a pharmacist has dispensed medication into a Webster-Pak.

The short answer – the NDIA are not budging. People can only use their NDIS funds to purchase Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) if it was something they regularly bought before the pandemic began. In the middle of a pandemic where people with disability are at increased risk – either of infection or getting sicker or both – this decision doesn’t seem fair or sensible. PPE Training Uniting Care QLD have developed a video around the correct use of PPE - Donning and Doffing instructions.


BigDog Support Services Magazine

Community Supports

Staff Birthdays

August 2020 5th 6th 7th 10th 11th 16th 26th

Kaylah C Rebecca M Macy C Louise A Phil Mc Linda Deeanne G

Have a great day!

Congratulations Hannah The position of Community Supports Coordinator has been for some time in limbo while we searched for the right person to fill the role. It has always been our preference to look first within our own ranks for a suitable person and to promote from within, but this has not always been possible and we have had to employ from outside of BigDog with mixed results. After lots of discussions with current staff who were interested in the role, we are so pleased that we were able to offer Hannah the role. Thanks to all the others who showed their interest but other opportunities will present themselves to you as we continue to grow. 13

COVID-19 Media Mayhem and Lies Queensland Police say they have no concerns about the authenticity of documents provided by a security contractor in his application to self-quarantine at home in Toowoomba.

Concerns were raised after the man in his 20’s who returned from Afghanistan, tested positive for COVID-19 after being given an exemption from hotel quarantine. State Disaster Coordinator Steve Gollschewski said police have now verified the documents provided by the man. “We have no concerns about that person at all,” he said. Shame on the QLD Premier and QLD Health.


BigDog Support Services Magazine

Pawgust Up for a challenge? Commit to walking 30 minutes a day throughout PAWgust and you can supPAWt Guide Dog pups in training. It’s free to sign up, and the perfect excuse to spend more quality time with your FURever friend. Find out more and register here: register/pawgust/join

Justice of the Peace This service is available at the Paul Myatt Community Centre 11-15 Alexander Street Toowoomba (please call first to make an appointment) The JPs in the Community Program is also available through major shopping centres, libraries, court houses and hospitals.

Contact Us BigDog Support Services 232 Ruthven Street Toowoomba QLD 4350 PO Box 234 Harlaxton QLD 4350

(07) 4632 9559 1800 22 44 32 0427 408 698 (On Call) 15


BigDog Support Services Magazine

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