Insight Northampton Spring 2019

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Spring 2019 | Issue 69

Step inside radiology Take a different view with the team who’s diagnostic superpowers help save people’s lives

Supported by Northamptonshire Health Charitable Fund

Meet o ur Everyd first a Heroes y


Recently we were visited by Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health. During his visit Matt noted the dedication, commitment and enthusiasm shown by members of TeamNGH towards providing the best possible care and how keen our patients were to tell him about their experience. We know that caring and compassion are some of the qualities that define the people who work here. Our first three Everyday Heroes were worthy recipients of the award, each clearly demonstrating a willingness to go above and beyond what would be expected of them in their day-to-day role to support their colleagues and our patients. At the same time we are often touched by the kindness and compassion shown to us by our patients and their family and friends. Many raise much-need funds to help support our services and others are keen to share their experience in the hope that it will help others. In this issue of Insight Mike Blake tells us about his experience of stoma surgery. Mike uses positivity to raise awareness of irritable bowel disease (IBD) and ostomy awareness. And then there is Catherine Bruce who was brave enough to jump out of a plane at 13,000ft to help raise money for Bowel Cancer UK following her experience of cancer treatment and having a temporary stoma. We want to thank Mike and Catherine for being so open about their experience and hope that it will help others. Both are continuing to do all they can to raise awareness and offer support. Being given the opportunity to go behind the scenes in our radiology department was an eye-opener for Zoë Catlin from our communications team. It’s certainly provided her with a new insight into the varied roles in one our key diagnostic teams. As much as every member of TeamNGH has a vital role to play in providing safe, high quality, compassionate care, we are indebted to our patients for their willingness to talk about their experience, using that to help others and ultimately to help us improve our services further.

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A word from our charity team


he people of Northampton and NGH staff members came together with vigour again this year to help the charity make sure every patient in NGH over Christmas received a gift. Thank you to everyone who gave others a thought at Christmas, you helped us bring Christmas cheer and a smile to the faces of so many people. The generous gifts were enthusiastically received by all wards with some patients becoming quite emotional about receiving presents from people they didn’t know but who had thought about them being in hospital over Christmas. The Christmas gifts really do make a difference and without the help of the local community and


NGH staff it just wouldn’t happen, thank you! Each year the charity, Northamptonshire Health, grants over £650,000 to NGH and without the support of the local community this just wouldn’t happen. We really appreciate that in 2018 you have helped the charity to make significant enhancements to the care in NGH, from funding a new Emergency Assessment Bay on Talbot Butler ward to cutlery for stroke patients. Help us today to improve lives tomorrow – help us make a difference at NGH in 2019. The £650,000 granted to NGH is used by departments and services in various ways:

Spring 2019 Issue 69

Insight is a free magazine. Please feel free to take a copy home with our compliments and pass it on to a friend or relative when you have read it. Insight is produced thanks to the sponsorship of Northamptonshire Health Charitable Fund. Edited by Sally-Anne Watts Contributors: Zoë Catlin and Kieran Jones Cover photo: Zoë Catlin. Designed and printed by Octagon Design & Marketing Ltd, Hawks Nest Cottage, Great North Road, Bawtry, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN10 6AB.

Keep in touch Follow us on Twitter @NGHNHSTrust Follow us on Instagram northamptongeneralhospital Like our Northampton General Hospital Facebook page

EVERYDAY HEROES CELEBRATED AT NGH Last year we launched our new everyday hero awards, supported by NGH health and wellbeing to recognise our non-nursing and midwifery staff members who make a difference to patients or colleagues. Our first winners received their awards in January. Astrid Kershaw

James Cranston

Astrid Kershaw, our very first NGH Everyday Hero said “I don’t do it for praise, I just treat people how I would wish to be treated” Her nomination said: “Astrid is always there to listen and offer help where she can, and goes beyond what is expected of her within her role. Astrid is approachable and takes time to get to know the people working within her department on a more personal level. “It doesn’t matter how busy she is, she will always make time to listen if you have a problem. It would be great for her to receive some recognition for being the lovely person that she is.”

Our amazing domestic on Becket ward received two nominations, both of which show the care and dedication he provides to colleagues, patients and relatives “James goes way beyond in supporting patient care in ways he may not even realise. Never without a smile on his face, he chats to and jokes with patients - a face of normality in a very pressured environment. “He is a great support to all the staff - as happy to chide the consultants (always with a cheeky smile) as to support an HCA having a bad day. We all say it - every ward should have a James! A relative of a patient who received care on Becket ward also said: “In the madness of visiting my very poorly fiancé, I misplaced my wallet. I looked everywhere to find it and couldn’t. “James was cleaning the ward my fiancée was on and got chatting with him. The next day he woke up my fiancé with my wallet that he found while cleaning a corridor and told her he remembered talking to me!”

Amber Green Amber was finishing her night shift on our intensive care unit when our hero team paid her a visit. Amber was nominated by a patient who said: “Tender loving care would not even begin to describe the attention given to me by Amber during my 10 day stay in the high dependency unit/ intensive care unit last July, following a coronary event. “The other day I found one of the little notes which she had left by my bed, saying that she had ‘popped in’ to see me but I was asleep. This moved me to tears. When I saw this award, I knew it was a way I could thank her.”

Insight ❘ 3


changes I was facing. I’m a lot more n 2018, stomas hit the headlines after confident with it now, but it takes a 26-year old, sex and relationships lot of getting used to. I have had to YouTuber and author, Hannah work out scheduled meal times and Whitton, featured in the Little Mix also change my diet slightly. Certain music video ‘Strip’ with a visible foods, like pizza, popcorn, nuts and ileostomy bag. With an estimated 13,500 baked beans are a big no and can have people in the UK having stoma surgery particularly unpleasant side effects. each year, we ask, what is a stoma and Sticking to these routines helps what do these bags do? to prevent issues, such as my To find out more we spoke bag leaking.” with Mike Blake, who A colostomy is an has received care at operation to divert one Northampton General “Having a stoma end of the colon (part of Hospital, and he gave us the bowel) through an an insight into his life doesn’t hurt, it’s not opening in the stomach. after stoma surgery. uncomfortable and This opening is called Mike, known as it’s not painful.” a Stoma. It normally smiley_stoma_17 on looks like a small button, Instagram, was diagnosed deep pink in colour, and with Crohn’s disease in is typically needed when 2013 and receives care at you can’t pass stools through NGH. He was treated with your anus. The procedure is typically various medicines which helped him carried out to treat conditions such as into remission, but, in January 2017, bowel cancer, diverticulitis, anal cancer, Crohn’s had returned, resulting in part vaginal cancer, cervical cancer, bowel of Mike’s sigmoid colon being removed, incontinence, Hirschsprung’s disease which led to a colostomy bag being fitted. and Crohn’s disease. Mike said “When I first had my Living with a stoma can be difficult, colostomy bag fitted, it was really especially during the weeks after difficult to get my head around the

surgery. One common fear is the impact it will have on relationships, especially when dealing with Crohn’s disease at the same time. Mike said “I’ve been single for the past three years. Personally, I do feel that a relationship with someone will be hard, as it can be difficult to accept someone with a stoma. My family, however, have been massively supportive of everything that I’ve gone through with my colostomy. “I have my own IBD support group on Facebook called Mike Blakes’ Treacle’s Geezers and Legends, where there is a community of people who currently

Mike, known as ‘smiley_stoma_17’, uses body positivity to raise IBD and Ostomy awareness on his Instagram page.

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O WITH MIKE BLAKE have a bag, have had bags in the past, as well as those who are considering having one fitted. I think the group is really beneficial for people to pick up knowledge and gain confidence, it’s also full of beautiful people who share their amazing stories.” Another support network for ostomates is Stomawise, an ostomy support charity providing help and support for people who have undergone ileostomy, colostomy or urostomy surgery. Their website provides advice on lifestyle, health and diets along with a forum for discussion. Mike said: “I saw a post on Facebook asking for submissions for a calendar that Stomawise were producing, to raise stoma awareness. At the time, I thought there would be no chance of being chosen, but gave it a go anyway. Fast forward to November and I find out that I’m Mr August. I’m really happy that this will “If you have a stoma, everyone will know”: Without directly letting someone help raise awareness, and I guess I’m know you have a stoma, it’s near impossible to tell you are wearing a stoma bag. It also quite pleased with myself for holding is likely you have met someone with a stoma without even knowing. the Mr August title.” “You can’t be have a physically active life with a stoma”: While it’s advised to Mike is still receiving care at NGH rest during the weeks after surgery, having a stoma does not prevent you from living and his story is a real eye-opener. a full or active life, and that includes still being able to swim! He has battled and survived sepsis, a condition that “If you have a colostomy bag, it will smell bad”: Ostomy bags can be triggered by are now made of lightweight and odour-proof materials, meaning an infection and has the smell should not leave the bag. It might smell while you are “I really cannot fault also dealt with an changing the bag, but it’s no different from using the toilet as you anyone who has helped uncomfortable hernia. regularly would. me at NGH, I want to Mike explains “If you have a stoma, you will need to change your diet “Having a stoma say thank you to every completely”: A colostomy changes where your poo comes out, doesn’t hurt, it’s not single person that but it doesn’t mean you have to change your diet long-term. uncomfortable and works there, as they do Food which can cause you indigestion, constipation or diarrhoea it’s not painful. I have, a tremendous job.” will continue to do so, but doctors will still recommend a healthy however, had a hernia and balanced diet. form and this can be “Only old people have stomas”: Untrue. Conditions that may uncomfortable, but I require you to undergo stoma surgery can affect people of all ages, have some support belts which help. from babies to the elderly. “I really cannot fault anyone who “You cannot have a sex life with a stoma”: It’s understandable that people can has helped me at NGH, I really just be nervous about having a stoma and continuing with their sex life, but there is want to say thank you to every single typically no physical barrier to having a normal and active sex life. person that works there, as they do a tremendous job. I’m still under the care of my surgeon, Mr Evans, and the stoma nurses, Lorraine, Sam, Melissa and Further information: Joanne who are always on hand to offer NHS Colostomy information – me support, which is amazing.” If you would like to know more about NHS Crohn’s disease information – stomas or colostomy, search “stomas” or Stomawise Charity – “colostomy” at Also, check Colostomy UK – out Stomawise and Colostomy UK who can provide support for people living with Crohn’s & Colitis UK – these conditions.

Myth Box

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ecretary of State for Health, Matt Hancock, visited NGH on 7 February. He was joined by Andrew Lewer, MP for Northampton South, and Michael Ellis, MP for Northampton North, for a tour of the Nye Bevan building followed by an information Q&A

session with members of TeamNGH. Welcomed by acting chief executive Deborah Needham, and chairman Alan Burns, our visitors took the opportunity to speak with patients to find out more about their experience of care at NGH. Staff told the Minister

about the challenges we face, how we are using technology to improve the way we work, and the ways we are working with colleagues across the health and care partnership to improve services, such as our highlyregarded stroke service.

Insight â?˜ 7

Mum’s the word Top marks for

Our maternity care is rated highly by the Care Quality Commission

The results of the latest CQC survey of UK maternity services show that maternity care offered by the midwifery team at NGH continues to be highly rated. In response to two of the questions, ‘Did you feel that the midwives you saw always listened to you?’ and ‘Postnatally, when you were at home did you have a number to contact your midwife/midwifery team? The results for NGH were better than most other UK trusts, and, in response to the question ‘Were you offered choices about where to have your baby’, NGH scored significantly higher than last year’s results. The survey questions are split into three overall categories and scored out of maximum score of 10. For the majority of questions NGH scored the same as other trusts. NGH scored 9/10 for care during pregnancy and during labour and birth; 8.9/10 for staff and 7.4 /10 for care after the birth. Heather Gallagher, Associate Director of Midwifery at NGH, said ‘It’s pleasing that so many of our mums took the time to take part in this important survey, and that our results rate us consistently higher than most other UK trusts. The results reflect the dedication, commitment and effort from our highly skilled maternity teams who work in the hospital and within the community, and how much that is appreciated.

Northamptonsh stroke service

Stroke patients in Northamptonshire receive some of the best “We care in the UK, according to a recent independent study. that we The stroke service provided at NGH achieved the highest ranking possible rating in a national audit of stroke services. This is the eighth time in the past nine audits that NGH has stroke ser achieved this superb score, placing the stroke service Our pat at NGH in the top 25% of stroke services in England. assess the For patients these top scores show they receive It’s a fan vital treatment much faster than the national average. - a true Patients suspected of having a stroke are assessed the best and receive a vital CT head scan on average 30mins after for arrival, significantly quicker than the 50min national average. Alongside this, thrombolysis treatments, administering medicine to break down blood clots, are delivered to patients within 35


Midwife Maria with baby Hugo

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hildren at NGH will now be travelling to theatre or treatment in style thanks to the hospital volunteers and generosity of our local community. A new train will be used to transport children and give them a calming experience on their way to treatment or surgery. The green and yellow train, which features a working bell and child friendly provides a fun alternative to walking between areas of the hospital. Thanks to local business Mawsley machinery, who donated the buggy, the volunteer team will be helping to ease the stress and worry of the hospital environment. Following the unveiling by Dr Sonia Swart, CEO at NGH and Ian Wright from Mawsley Machinery volunteer Trevor took the first passengers for a ride. Volunteer Services Manager, Emma Wimpress described how the train will benefit patients. “We’re hoping the train will help to make the experience of being in hospital less intimidating for youngsters. The support from our volunteer team means the train


e’re really proud e’ve sustained our Members of NGH’s stroke service team with patient, Michael Sheasby as among the best minutes, with increased rehabilitation support at NGH and Partnership lead for bringing care together rvices in the country. every patient Isebrook Hospital in Wellingborough. Much across NGH and KGH said: “I would like tients rely on us to who requires of this care is provided by the community to thank all the teams who worked to em quickly and safely. this treatment stroke team at NGH, which has been help make the stroke transfer work whilst receiving it within recognised as being outstanding. ntastic achievement maintaining a consistently high standard the hour target. In addition to the overall A grade rating, NGH e team effort to get of patient care. Stroke services at NGH During the achieved its first B grade for admissions to t possible outcome summer were already highly regarded and the of 2018 the Eleanor Stroke Unit in under four hours. centralisation of the service will lead to r every patient inpatient care for No trust in the country achieved a higher further development of specialist expertise, we see.” all Northamptonshire grade in this category. stroke patients was centralised at NGH with

Dr Sonia Swart, NGH chief executive and joint Northamptonshire Health and Care

with additional investment identified for therapy and specialist psychology.”

FOR THE CHILDREN’S WARDS! is already up and running however we are still looking to recruit more volunteers.” As well as the train the team also provide a weekday buggy service to transport patients and visitors of all ages around the hospital site. This service provides 80 journeys per week and has a team of volunteers dedicated to driving the vehicles. The service is always looking for new volunteers in a wide range of roles around the hospital. So if you have some time to spare and are helpful and enthusiastic then contact the volunteer services team by visiting Thank you to local businesses for their support Mawsley machinery, Precision Signs, BHIB Insurance ,Raybell Surfacing , MacIntyre Hudson, Eddicient Portfolio and Swan Print.

“We’re hoping the train will help to make the experience of being in hospital less intimidating for youngsters.”

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Catherine takes on 13,000 ft jump to help cancer patients across the UK Jumping out of a plane at 13,000 feet isn’t something that most of us would fancy doing. However Catherine Bruce, a patient at Northampton General Hospital, wanted to do something daring to raise money for Bowel Cancer UK.

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ollowing a diagnosis of bowel cancer in May 2015, Catherine spent time in hospital receiving treatment to help remove the cancer and relieve her symptoms. Following her experience she wanted to do something to raise money for Bowel Cancer UK to help fund research and provide support and “The skydive information for people across was an amazing the UK.

experience, it was a beautifully clear day, I was nervous but I was determined to enjoy it.”

Catherine’s story “I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in May 2015. In June I underwent an operation with Mr Hunter to remove a cancerous polyp and have a temporary stoma put in. “Following this, the team decided to give me a six month course of chemotherapy to make sure the cancer hadn’t spread into any nooks and crannies in my body. You spend a lot of time getting to know people quite well as you’re going every two weeks. You get carried along with all of the appointments. “Once the chemo had finished the stoma was reversed and my recovery began. The support and advice I had from everyone in the hospital and NHS was brilliant. “I saw the skydive opportunity on Facebook and I just thought I could do it. I’m not afraid of heights and I thought if I can do chemo for 6 months I can do something that won’t last for more than 20 minutes, so I signed up. “I set my fundraising target at £750 but people started wanting to sponsor me and slowly the total grew. My husband asked his colleagues at Morrison’s for sponsorship and they helped us to add to the total. The company also gave us £1,000 helping us get to the final total of £4,104. “The skydive was an amazing experience, it was a beautifully clear day, I was nervous but I was determined to enjoy it. It feels magical. You’re in the middle of the sky and the earth and you’re just floating. I felt so peaceful. “Had I not been through the bowel cancer experience I wouldn’t have experienced the sky dive. The support from friends, family, acquaintances was overwhelming and that’s shown by the amount of money we’ve raised.”

Following her experience Catherine has been involved in setting up a support group for anyone affected by a diagnosis of bowel cancer and their family and friends. The group meets bi-monthly at the Kingsthorpe Baptist church. Full details and dates are available on the groups Facebook page Northampton Bowel Cancer Support. Bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK and almost 42,000 people diagnosed every year in the UK. The symptoms of bowel cancer can include:  Bleeding from your bottom and/or blood in your poo  A persistent and unexplained change in bowel habit  Unexplained weight loss  Extreme tiredness for no obvious reason  A pain or lump in your tummy Many people with the above symptoms don’t have bowel cancer. However if things don’t feel right please go and see your GP. Information from Bowel Cancer UK.

Insight ❘ 11

THE FULL PACKAGE How the Macmillan cancer recovery package team will help improve the lives of people living with cancer. A new team has been set up at Northampton General Hospital, to improve the lives of those living with cancer in the county. The Macmillan cancer recovery package team was set up in April 2018 to provide support in four key areas: Holistic needs assessment and care planning, treatment summaries, cancer care reviews and health and wellbeing events. First introduced by the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative in 2013, the Macmillan cancer recovery package aims to assist people living with a diagnosis of cancer to prepare for the future, identifying their individual concerns and support needs. The aim is to provide the support people need so they can return to as near a normal lifestyle as possible, including returning to work. NHS England has set an objective that each patient who receives NHS treatment for cancer are offered the elements of the cancer recovery package by 2020. The team at NGH, led by Bethan Read, is made up of two facilitators, two support workers, and an administrator. It is thought to be one of the few teams in the country that is working across the county, serving both Northampton General, Kettering General and working with primary care colleagues in GP practices. Bethan Read said “We are working with our clinical teams to embed holistic needs assessments and treatment summaries at NGH and at KGH. Soon we will be working with our colleagues in primary care to assist in the roll-out of cancer care reviews. It’s quite different for us as a team, because we aren’t just working at NGH, we’re working across the county. “The national cancer patient experience survey showed us that people still have unmet needs when they have finished their cancer treatment. We believe our team will be able to work with clinical teams to identify and address these using the cancer recovery package. Hopefully through doing this, our patients will feel far more supported.” Some elements of the cancer recovery package are already in use and being used regularly by clinical teams. One example is the stable prostate nurse-led service, which is hosted by both NGH and KGH and began in 2016. Established following a national rise in the incidence of diagnosed prostate cancers, the

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From left to right, front row: Adele Williams, Bethan Read and Vivien Kelly. Back row: Hollie Watts, Laura Sheehan and Debbie Abbott.

service offers a high standard of specialist, patient-centred holistic care, encouraging selfmanagement whilst at the same time providing a follow-up service across the county. Two Macmillan clinical nurse specialists, Pam Ferrar and Janine Cullen, have worked closely together to ensure a county-wide seamless service. Holistic needs assessments are embedded and audited data shows that patients needs are being met, as the assessment forms regularly show that patients have ‘no concerns’. The service is now looking to move to electronic holistic needs assessments and will be supported by the recovery package team to achieve a smooth transition. A well-reviewed and attended dedicated health and well-being programme is held at Moulton Community Centre. Health and wellbeing is a key and mandatory step in the care pathway. This dedicated service has improved patient experience, prevented unnecessary hospital appointments and admissions, created capacity within secondary and primary care and streamlined the follow-up of stable prostate

patients across the county. Rachel Atkinson, Macmillan partnership quality lead, said “We’re really pleased to be working with Northampton General Hospital and Kettering General Hospital to invest in the development of the Macmillan Recovery Package team who will work across both hospitals to support those living with cancer in Northamptonshire. “The Macmillan recovery package can greatly improve outcomes for people living with cancer and help to identify and address changing needs from diagnosis onwards to enable people to live life as fully as they can.” If you are living with cancer, or have a friend or relative who is, and require support, you can visit the Macmillan cancer information support centre at Northampton General Hospital. Located on the ground floor of the oncology centre in area N. Alternatively, you can dial 01604 544211.

What is the Macmillan cancer recovery package? The concept of the recovery package was developed and tested by the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative – a partnership of Macmillan Cancer Support, the Department of Health and NHS England.

Holistic Needs Assessment A holistic needs assessment ensures that a patients’ physical, practical, emotional, spiritual and social needs are met in a timely and appropriate way, and that resources are targeted to those who need them most. The assessment is in the form of a basic questionnaire that is completed by a patient affected by cancer. It allows them to highlight the most important issues to them at the time, and this can inform the development of a care and support plan with their nurse or keyworker. This can be completed on paper or online.

Treatment Summaries A treatment summary is a document or record which is completed by the Macmillan cancer

recovery package team after a significant phase of a patients’ cancer treatment. It describes the treatment, potential side effects, and signs and symptoms of recurrence. It is designed to be shared with the patient living with cancer and their GP. This helps to inform the GP and other primary care professionals of actions that need to be taken, and who to contact with any questions or concerns. The patient living with cancer also receives a copy, to gain a better understanding of their condition and to know if there is anything to look out for during their recovery.

understand what information and support is available to them in their local area, open up about their cancer experience and enable supported self-management.

Health and Wellbeing events

Cancer care review

Health and Wellbeing Events are designed to help people affected by cancer and their family and friends get the support they need during and after cancer treatment. These events could provide support on various topics, such as: financial support, returning to work, diet and lifestyle, side effects of treatment, specific cancers and the signposting of local services that can provide further support.

This is a discussion between a patient and their GP or practice nurse about their cancer journey. It helps the patient affected by cancer

This information is based on content originally produced by Macmillan Cancer Support and is adapted with its permission.

Insight ❘ 13

From the Archive

The New Operating Theatres


t a board meeting in April 1926, the hospital week committee announced it had set a target to raise £10,000 to make the hospital as up to date as was possible as part of its 50th year Jubilee celebrations. The hospital board was delighted and declared a new operating theatre was the pressing need of the moment. The operating theatre had been built in 1894 and the number of operations


performed had increased considerably. For example, during 1900 only four operations for appendicitis were performed, but by 1928 this had risen to twenty three a month. Colonel John Brown was the appointed architect. He made sure Northampton was provided with an operating block designed to the very best and most modern practices and method. The building contract valued at around £8,000 was placed with Henry Martin Ltd. Final costs hit the £10,000 mark. The new building was sited on the lawn between the main wings of the hospital. The Foundation Stone was laid by HRH Princess Mary in December 1928 and can still be seen on the wall in corridor leading to the Head and Neck unit. Two theatres were built, each 20ft x 21ft, with direct access to a central sterilising room and separate anaesthetic rooms. There were surgeons and nurses rooms bathrooms, equipment and storage rooms, ‘Scialytic’ shadowless operating lights, and emergency lighting. Each theatre had a fan chamber to supply filtered, warmed air and exhaust fans to extract foul air. An expert from the firm

installing the sterilising equipment said he had never seen an operating block superior to this one in the world. The official opening took place on 26th October, 1929 with Mrs Harry Manfield unlocking the door with an ornate key. The two theatres were named Percival and Milligan after two well respected surgeons. When the new part of the hospital was opened the main theatres moved there and the old theatre block is now used by Head and Neck and Gynaecology departments. Julia Corps, Historical Archive Volunteer

Buy two, get one free. Speaking at a Hospital Week Committee lunch, the Senior Honorary Surgeon, Mr Charles Holman mentioned there were often signs seen in tailor’s windows saying ‘Buy one of our suits and we will give you a pair of boots.’ Jokingly he commented that they now said, ‘Build us two new operating theatres and we will convert the old one into a much needed massage department.’ He went on to say that they used to have soldiers’ hut for massage purposes until the roof was blown off in a recent gale.

Northamptonshire Health Charity

Charity donations Thank you for thinking of making a donation or fundraising to support the hospital. There are various ways to keep in touch or contact us: Tel: 01604 6262927 Email: Website: NorthamptonshireHealthCharitableFund @NHCFGreenHeart

To make a donation you can: P ost us a cheque - made payable to Northamptonshire Health Charitable Fund or abbreviate it to NHCF - to: NHCF, Springfield, Cliftonville, Northampton, NN1 5BE. Please include a note letting us know where you would like your donation to

benefit and with your address so that we can send you a receipt.  Bank transfer: please contact us for more information. O nline: please visit our website and click on the “make a donation” button. M astercard, Visa, Visa Delta and Switch: payment by credit and debit card can be accepted over the phone. R egular giving: you can donate to us on a regular basis by setting up a standing order, please give the team a call for details of how to do this. P ayroll giving: you can arrange with your employer to deduct a set amount each payday to give to a ward or department of your choice. This deduction is made before calculating your taxable pay, which reduces the amount on which you pay tax.

 Gift in your will: please give us a call to find out how you can make a gift in your Will to the ward or department of your choice.  Gift Aid: if you are a UK taxpayer we can claim an extra 25p for every pound you donate from the Inland Revenue under the Gift Aid scheme. This won’t cost you a penny! Please just let us know if you would like to claim Gift Aid when you make your donation. We really appreciate your donations. Please let us know which area in the hospital your donation is for and please include your contact details so we can let you know when your donation has been received. Or if you would like help with fundraising ideas, donation cans or charity t-shirts please give us a call.

Your donation will make a real difference. Thank you for helping us today to improve lives tomorrow. 14 ❘ Insight

GLAMIS HALL LUNCH CLUB - Monday to Friday, 11:30am-1:30pm 3-course lunch – pre-booking essential VIP CLUB - Monday to Friday 9:30am-3:00pm Affordable daily rates Enjoy a freshly-cooked 3 course lunch, plus activities, entertainment and time to relax with friends • Hairdresser, Beautician & Podiatrist • Café and Shop • Personal care and Assisted bathing • Transport available or use the WELLIBUS – it’s FREE if you have a bus pass Call 01933 677326 Email or visit our website Goldsmith Road, Wellingborough, NN8 3RU Registered Charity Number 1160317

Insight ❘ 15

“Despi metal have to patien too sma airpor

The interventional radiology team

A guide to interventional radiology I

nterventional Radiology is a range of radiology techniques and imaging which guide radiologists to diagnose or treat diseases without needing open surgery. The

A CT scan shows the heart

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procedures carried out in interventional radiology are minimally invasive, meaning there’s less risk to patients and most patients can go home on the same day. The Interventional Radiology team is made up of consultants, radiologists, nurses, radiographers and an administration team. They cover a wide range of procedures and treat a variety of conditions inside of the body. They also do further tests such as biopsies and drainages of abscess and fluid collections. Dr Davis Thomas, Consultant Interventional Radiologist, explains what these techniques involve and how some of the procedures work “Radiology’s role in general has been to aid diagnosis. Interventional radiology goes one step further by also treating various conditions in a minimally invasive way. “Using minimally invasive techniques we

can carry out procedures such as restoring the blood flow in the body where it is lacking; stopping bleeding where necessary or conducting biopsies to test for further testing. Most of our patients do not need to

An angiography shows the blood vessels in detail

The small balloon which is used to stretch open the artery allowing it to recover or making room for a stent to be fitted.

be admitted and they can often go home on the same day. “To open up an artery we make a very small incision in the skin and put a small tube into the artery. Then we put a special dye into the artery and take images of the blood flow. “These images help us to identify the narrowing or blockage and then we can begin to open it up using a guidewire and a small balloon. The balloon opens the artery and helps the blood to flow normally. “Sometimes we need to put a small device called a stent into the artery to keep it open. A stent is a very small spring ite it being which goes into the artery to keep it open. we often “Despite it being metal o reassure we often have to reassure nts that it’s patients that it’s too small all to set off to set off airport alarms!” rt alarms!” As well as opening arteries the team occasionally work to stop internal bleeding from things such as stomach ulcers or other sites such as the kidneys. To do this the radiologists use special embolisation coils or particles which are put into the arteries to stop any bleeding. These coils attract blood cells which will clog the artery and stop the bleeding. Interventional radiology is at the forefront of modern medicine and is expanding all the time to provide an alternative to open surgery and minimise risks from traditional surgery.

A CT angiography shows the blood vessels in the legs

A stent is a short, wire-mesh tube that acts like a scaffold to help keep your artery open.

Insight ❘ 17

Meet the team behind the images “My role in interventional radiology helps patients avoid major surgery by using minimally invasive methods in radiology. By avoiding major surgery we can help to minimise the impact on patients and their recovery. Most of our cases are done as day-cases.

D r Davis T ho m as

tional Consultant Interven al Director nic Cli d Radiologist an

“To be a radiologist, you need to be a qualified doctor and undertake further specialist training in radiology. You also need to be a bit of a computer geek, because a lot of what we do is computer based. We look at pictures, measure them and change colours to help us to see varying abnormalities and we do all of our reports on a computer. There’s a lot of voice recognition and computer related work.”

“I am the lead nurse for the PICC placement service in radiology which is a unique role at NGH. A PICC line is a long, thin, flexible tube that is inserted into a large vein in the upper arm and can be used to deliver chemotherapy, parental nutrition and IV. As a department, radiology is a supportive and friendly team. “My main role is managing the PICC service which includes placing PICCs in both the treatment room and also at patients’ bedsides if they are unwell and unable to come to the treatment area. I fully inform patients of the procedure and the care of the PICC line during their treatment trajectory; I deliver teaching sessions to nurses on the care and maintenance of the catheter, complete clinical audit and I am currently developing the service which will incorporate midlines. I am also part of the nursing team for interventional radiology and support the 24/7 on call service. “I’ve recently been supported in developing a new project which is due 18 ❘ Insight

L ou is e Burbidg e

Admin and Clerical

“I’ve worked in the radiology department for nearly 41 years. In that time I have seen some rather massive changes. To start with, in 1978 the department was situated partly in area T and partly in area K. The number of staff in the department was roughly one third of what it is now. “X-rays were developed in the dark room and processed in the old-fashioned way, and after being examined were stored in envelopes. The store rooms grew more extensive as the years went on. Moving the films round and disposing of the oldest ones for silver recovery was an annual ritual. As for the x-ray reports, they were all on paper and stored in files or boxes. “CT, MRI and DEXA scans were all in the future. And wait for this – there were NO COMPUTERS in the department until 1993. When I mention this, my younger colleagues think I grew up in the Stone Age! “There were no inductions, no appraisals and little mandatory training. I vaguely remember a course in customer care. I remember taking down notes in shorthand. How quaint is that?”

“As a depa

My depa and in pu so th they radio to pu Dane

Joa nn a Brown

Radiology Peripheral ly Inserted Central Catheter (PI CC) Nurse

to be introduced to the hospital in the near future; this is the introduction of a Midline device which is aimed at in patients who require long term IV antibiotics. Also, there is a new securement device being introduced for the PICC with the aim of preventing line movement.”

M ary Buist

t Assistant Radiology Departmen

“It ward patie spea know

Sa m Frate r

grapher Superintendent Radio Ultrasound

“The ultrasound service is split into two main areas, obstetric and nonobstetric examinations. “In the obstetric service we offer patients screening for chromosomal and structural abnormalities during ultrasound scans at 12-14 weeks and 18-20+6 weeks. Part of my role is to monitor the availability of appointments and the bookings for these scans and also the quality of the images being produced during the scans. “The non-obstetric service offers scans for the majority of body parts from abdominal and pelvic scans, to musculoskeletal, biopsies and one-stop clinics with urology, head and neck and the emergency gynaecology clinic. I work closely with the booking team to try and ensure that we have the capacity to meet the demand for each examination type, liaising with sonographers, radiologists. “We’ve opened a scan room in the Nye Bevan unit and scan their inpatients but will ultimately also be scanning urgent outpatients from A&E and Ambulatory Care Centre. We are also setting up an ultrasound service at Danetre hospital for routine nonobstetric examinations. “I enjoy the variety within the role and liaising with the various people involved in all of the different areas. I am particular interested in quality and enjoy monitoring, improving and publicising the quality of the service we offer at NGH.”

Dua ne Wyatt Porter

M a ndy N orth

CT and MRI Superin tendent for Radiology

“My role involves the management of the 25 people in the CT and MRI team. I’ve worked at NGH for 37 years and have always been part of radiology having worked my way up from a radiographer. “My job entails dealing with staffing and rotas for the 2 MRI scanners and the 3 CT scanners, ensuring the on call and long day shifts are covered. I also spend some of my time scanning, cannulating and helping out on a day to day basis. I cover weekends and on call if required. “Radiology has always been a great place to work and we socialise together. There is always someone who will help with problems and we all try to support one another. Everyone is willing to go the extra mile to get the job done.”

x-ray department at NGH. At Danetre hospital I am part of the team that provide the GP walk-in service for the neighbouring areas. I’m also on call to cover urgent x-rays and CT scans for stroke coming from A&E. “We work in outpatients and also have a lot of contact with patients that are acutely unwell. I am responsible for the justification of x-ray requests and flagging up unexpected appearances and acting in the best interests of the patient.

an RDA I work in several areas in the radiology artment to support patients.

y role includes booking people into the artment and helping patients to get changed ready for the x-ray or scan. I’m also involved utting together a worklist for the radiographers hey know who they are seeing and what scan need. On other days I can be assisting the ographer in doing tests, helping the PICC nurses ut the tubes in and I also support the team at the netre hospital in Daventry.

t’s nice role to get to meet staff from different ds who are accompanying patients. I enjoy the ent interaction as sometimes they don’t get to ak to many people. It’s interesting as you don’t w what’s coming through the door next.”

“Working as a radiology porter involves ensuring patients get where they need to be for their scan or procedure. I pick patients up from wards and take them to radiology and back again. We are given our job on colour coded cards which helps us to know who we are going to see and where they need to be taken. White is x-ray, blue is ultrasound, red is MRI, pink is PICC and yellow is CT. “When we get to the ward we meet the patient and the staff to make sure the patient is ready and they have any equipment or people ready to accompany them to radiology. “The best part about the job is talking to people. I enjoy being with people in general. It’s different every time. Each job is different which means it’s not boring, it’s interactive and interesting. “We walk a lot as well; on average we walk 10-16 miles per day just around the hospital site. It’s a very physical job so you’ve got to be fit to do the job!”

Jonath a n Tra nt er Senior Radiographer

“In my role I rotate around interventional radiology and X-ray and work in the orthopaedic, urology and vascular theatres. I work in the main

“I have a technical role trying to create diagnostic images, helping patients through the radiology department and ensuring results are fed back to the medical team. “I enjoy working in the interventional radiology team as you have more time to spend with the patients compared with other areas of radiology. We can give patient centred care and it is rewarding to see patients that receive immediate benefits after interventional treatment.”

Insight ❘ 19

SEEING INSIDE RADIOLOGY Northampton General Hospital’s radiology team provide scans and procedures to help diagnose patients and in some cases treat them. Find out what the machinery does, who’s who in radiology and how the interventional radiology team are helping to minimise the need for major surgery.

X-Ray X-rays are a type of radiation which passes through the body. The energy it produces is absorbed by different parts of the body in different ways. The resulting X-rays then converted into an image. Bones can be seen clearly on x-rays as they are thicker meaning the x-rays find it harder to pass through them. Softer parts of the body, such as lungs, show as darker areas as x-rays are able to pass through these easily. Mammograms are x-rays which are used to scan breasts to detect abnormalities such as cancer.

• CT or CAT scans Computed Tomography (CT) scanners are used to diagnose and monitor conditions and to guide tests or treatments. These scanners emit more x-ray beams than regular x-ray machines and so these tests shows the body in more detail. The images show various tissues such as internal organs, bones and blood vessels.

The phase one radiology team

• N uclear medicine

An image from a CT scan

• MRI scans Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a type of scan which uses strong magnetic fields produce detailed images of almost every body part. The scanner uses strong magnetic fields to move tiny particles inside of your body called protons and line them up. Radio waves are then sent to knock the protons out of alignment. When the radio waves are turned off, the protons return to their original position and send out signals. The signals from millions protons are then combined creating a detailed image of the inside of your body.

• Ultrasound

A computed tomography scanner

20 ❘ Insight

Ultrasound scans are used to look at unborn babies, diagnose several conditions or guide surgeons. Ultrasound machines use a small probe which gives off high frequency sound waves. When these sound waves pass through your body they create echoes. These are then turned into suitable images.

Nuclear medicine uses radioactive materials to investigate how parts of the body work and identify any problems in how they are functioning. This is done using various scanners. One of them is a Positron Emission Tomography scanner (PET) which is used in cancer imaging. You would usually be given a radiotracer medicine containing a small amount of radioactive chemical. These chemicals are picked up by a camera which detects parts of the body where the radiotracer is moving normally and where there are abnormalities.

• DEXA scanner A Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) scanner uses a type of x-ray to measure bone density to find out whether someone is at risk of their bones weakening (osteoporosis)

Interventional Radiology Interventional radiology uses various techniques of radiology to carry out minimally invasive (keyhole) procedures which may normally require open surgery. The team use x-rays, ultrasounds, MRI and CT scans to help guide their work.

Radiat is a typ ion e energy of .


orthamptonshire’s first cohort of nursing associates have celebrated reaching the end of their two year training at Northampton General Hospital. The thirteen nursing associates are among the first in the country to qualify. Their role is to bridge the skills gap between healthcare assistants and registered nurses. They will provide more support on wards, helping to administer medications and care for patients, having undergone formal training from the University of Northampton and being registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Rachel Richards, nursing associate, described her journey into the role “I’ve been working at NGH for 11 years. This programme has enabled me to receive training to further my career, with the possibility of becoming a registered nurse. “I felt coming from theatres that my knowledge of the whole patient journey was limited. The training I’ve received to become a nursing associate has given me an insight and appreciation for different areas of the hospital. I’ve really enjoyed the ongoing patient interaction side of the role, as working in theatres we would only ever be with patients on a part of their journey. As a nursing associate, I’m now able to care for patients and see them progressing to become well enough to return home.” Director of nursing and midwifery, Sheran Oke, described her pride in the graduates: “First and foremost this new role is a way to push boundaries and ensure our teams are offered

training opportunities and progression opportunities. Our nursing associates are real pioneers and should be proud of their achievements, drive and resilience as our first ever group of nursing associates.” To mark the end their studies and qualification, NGH hosted a celebration event with presentations from colleagues, mentors and representatives from the University of Northampton, Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and Health Education England. Dr Steve O’Brien, Dean of the Faculty of Health and Society at the university, said: “The University of Northampton was one of only 11 pilot sites in the UK training the first wave. The efforts and endeavours of these brilliant students have set the foundation for future nursing associates and I wish them all the best with their future careers.”

Emma’s story Two years ago I decided to step out of my comfort zone and become one of the first nursing associates in the country. I had been working as a theatre support worker in gynecology for four years and felt that I wanted to develop my knowledge and skill set to support my fellow colleagues in delivering excellent patient care. I was unable to afford university and wanted to continue to work while I trained. Like many of my fellow nursing associates, I was unsure what this role would entail or if I would succeed, however after long discussions and encouragement, I decided to go for it and take the opportunity with an open mind. I understood that with a new role came uncertainty among registered nurses, healthcare assistants and patients, and that many had been skeptical of this role. However, I found all the staff I worked with to be supportive, encouraging and open to passing on their knowledge and answering my endless amount of questions. As the first cohort of Northamptonshire, I feel we have shown resilience, determination and courage, while supporting each other along the way. For me and many others, this role has taught me to be confident in myself and my ability to deliver the best possible care to all my patients and their relatives. I am excited about starting my career as a nursing associate, and look forward to proving the importance of this role within the NHS.

Insight ❘ 21



r o it a w u o y Puzzle while k a e r b r u o y n o Wordsearch






3 4 5 7 8





A prize or other mark of recognition given in honour of an achievement. A surgically created opening in the large intestine. The science dealing with X-rays and other high-energy radiation. A vehicle equipped for taking sick or injured people to and from hospital. A new mode of transport for children at NGH.






1 2 4 6



Something you would do at the end of your career. A charity that supports people living with cancer. An airborne extreme activity or sport. The official name given to a piece of uniform worn by a nurse.

Can you spot the seven differences on our brand new train? Find the answers to all of our puzzles on page 30

22 ❘ Insight

Independence when you want it, help when you need it. The Age UK Personal Alarm service gives you independence and your family peace of mind. To arrange a no-obligation demonstration* visit: Age UK Northamptonshire Trading Ltd Head Office, 31 Billing Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN1 5DQ (Monday - Friday 9am-5pm)

01604 631030

or call or visit

Save money if you order online and self install.

Age UK Personal Alarms are provided by PPP Taking Care Limited. Brought to you by Age UK Trading CIC PPP Taking Care Limited is a company registered in England and Wales (Number 01488490), it is a subsidiary of AXA PPP healthcare Group Limited. Registered address: 5 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AD. VAT number 243674160. PPP Taking Care is the trading name and brand of PPP Taking Care Limited. PPP Taking Care Limited works in association with Age UK Trading CIC, a commercial arm of Age UK (a charity registered in England and Wales number. 1128267). Age UK Trading CIC is a community interest company registered in England and Wales number 01102972. Registered office address: Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. Age UK Trading CIC donates its net profits to Age UK.

*Demonstration is not available if you order online and Self-Connect A2650VV7JUN17_ SB007765_19

Karyn represents NGH at national event Karyn Noy, cardiology nurse specialist, received a special invitation to join the first celebration event for nurses who have successfully achieved their advanced level of nursing practice qualification, awarded by the Royal College of Nursing. The event was held at the Royal College of Nursing headquarters in London and was attended by senior nurses from around the country. It was a great opportunity to celebrate the development of the advanced nursing role, as well as to discuss current issues with the nursing team including the acting Royal College of Nursing chief executive and general secretary, Dame Professor Donna Kinnair.

Insight â?˜ 23


Infection prevention and control nurse, Kelly Baptiste, received the Small Steps award from One Together, for work she performed to help towards reducing the incidence of surgical site infections.

2 W

Congratulations to our nurses who have undertaken and passed their urgent care assessment training in preparation for the opening of the Nye Bevan building. The course provided all the assessment skills needed to allow nurses to work with acute admissions straight from the community. The course was designed and run by senior nurses from the emergency department and practice development, with special thanks to the simulation suite staff and all our amazing guest speakers from specialities across the hospital.



3 W

We would like to wish Helen Brownless, senior radiographer a happy retirement! Helen has worked at NGH for 42 years in our radiology department and will be missed by all of her colleagues.

4 W

We also say farewell to Debbie Honey, matron for maternity services who retired in December after 38 years at NGH. Her colleagues hosted a tea party to celebrate her career at NGH with family and friends to celebrate her retirement.

5 3

5 W

Congratulations to Allebone ward who have been awarded with their Best Possible Care ward accreditation. The Best Possible Care ward assessment and accreditation scheme aims to celebrate examples of great practice and identify how we can continually improve the care we provide. Each department is visited and assessed against 15 Care Quality Commission standards and are rated as red, amber or green. If a ward achieves three consecutive greens ratings, which will take a minimum of twelve months, they can then apply for blue ward status.

6 W

Welcome to Alan Burns, our new Chairman, who joined us in December 2018.

24 â?˜ Insight



Saying thank you to our longest serving employees In December we were proud to honour members of Team NGH who have dedicated 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of continuous service to the hospital. All of those recognised were invited for an afternoon tea with Dr Sonia Swart, CEO to thank them for their service and the hard work they do to care for patients. The 56 people invited have a combined amount of service of 1,725 years at Northampton General Hospital. Chris Gammage described the event “It was lovely to be recognised and to sit with the chief executive during the afternoon tea. It gave us all a chance to see others who have been in the hospital for a long time as well. “It was a lovely afternoon and I felt really well looked after. Everyone was interested in what we were saying and our roles in the hospital and we all had a nice time. “In a hospital of this size and being here for so long it can be easy to be forgotten, however to be recognised made it all worthwhile . I’d really recommend anyone who is celebrating their long service at NGH to go as it was a very special experience. “The afternoon tea and gift were more than I expected and I wear my badge with pride everyday.”

Insight ❘ 25

YOU WEAR IT WELL A new-look uniform for critical care outreach nurses


care outreach team and how satisfied they NGH. The quality of care we offer can were with the service they provide. substantially be improved once a patients’ One of the main issues identified from family members, along with doctors and the survey was that, despite the critical nurses on the ward, can quickly identify care outreach team regularly receiving a who we are and why we are involved with high level of positive feedback, staff in many the care of a particular patient. areas of the hospital remained unaware of We don’t expect everyone to know who the support and training the team offer. we are, but it is important that our In some instances staff said they medical and nursing colleagues were unable to distinguish can quickly identify us so we members of the critical care can respond to any concerns “It has been a outreach team if they regarding a patients’ care needed support with without delay.’ pleasure to work high risk patients. Assistant project with such a positive In a direct response manager, Pamela team and help to the feedback received Leaper said “We’ve them to improve the nurses in the been able to enhance and streamline their critical care outreach the skills of our team now wear a new services for our frontline staff as well spotted tunic, designed as improving their patients’ benefit.” to make it easier for other confidence when treating members of staff to identify high risk patients. Alongside them. Along with the addition of this, team members will be new uniforms, a training programme linked to wards to offer named support, delivered with the practice development ensuring that knowledge, skills and nurses at NGH will also be offered to all confidence levels are adequate and applied hospital staff. to all practice on the wards. Critical care outreach lead, Louise The introduction of a new IT system Clements said: “This change will have will also allow for earlier identification a benefit to both patients and staff at of outreach patients who may need additional services, as well as speeding up the process of completing documentation of care during outreach visits. What this means for our patients, is that the team will be able to respond faster and provide the support our frontline staff need to provide the best possible care and improve patient outcomes.” Assistant director of patient safety and quality improvement, Sarah Cross, said: “It has been a pleasure to work with such a positive team and help them to improve and streamline their services for our patients’ benefit. Using the model for improvement to make small changes has had a huge impact on the critical care outreach team which has led to a more effective and efficient service, allowing the team to support a greater number of patients and staff. “The support the team provides ensures the safety of our patients is enhanced, with care given by competent and confident practitioners. The quality improvement team is now looking forward to further work with the critical care outreach team through the deteriorating patient work stream, working alongside other clinical Members of the NGH critical care outreach team in their new uniforms and medical teams.”

e know that sometimes the different uniforms worn by our doctors, nurses, therapists and other health care professionals can be confusing for our patients. Now, thanks to our in-house quality improvement team, a project looking at raising the profile of our critical care outreach team’s service has led to a new uniform being developed for the team, which makes them easier to identify. At a time when the demand for NHS services is rapidly increasing, the reliance on vital support services, such as the critical care outreach team in supporting our frontline staff has also grown. The team provides a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week service, and is made up of a team of experienced specialist nurses who support other nurses and medical professionals across the hospital. The team has a responsibility to identify and appropriately manage our patients whose observations are outside the expected range and it is particularly common for them to provide clinical advice and guidance for high risk patients. Assistant project manager, Pamela Leaper, said “Our first action was to undertake a survey of staff to get a clear idea of what they knew about the critical

26 ❘ Insight

Northamptonshire Health Charity

Roy’s ‘65 is just another number’ walking challenge raises £1,600 Wondering what to do to mark his 65th birthday, Roy Mackenzie decided to test himself with a walking challenge to raise money in aid of the Talbot Butler emergency assessment bay. Over the course of 6.5 days Roy, accompanied by his son, Tom, walked 65 miles of the glorious Nene Way, from Badby to Wansford. Not content with that, Roy extended his personal ‘65 is just another number’ challenge by expecting to burn 6,500 calories, drink 6.5 litres of water and probably wear out 6.5mm of footwear tread. Roy asked people support him by donating 65p, £6.50, or £65 or anything in between as all donations are much appreciated. By the end of this mighty walking challenge, an incredible £1,600 had been raised. Roy’s wife Jan provided crucial back-up support, driving to drop off and pick up Roy Roy with son Tom on day 6 of the 65-mile trek

Roy Mackenzie armed with an OS map ready for his 65 at 65 fundraising challenge

and Tom every day. Her route was not as day meant Roy and Tom ended up walking direct as the walkers, so she clocked up a 69.4 miles in total, so they well deserved a fair few more driving miles. rest afterwards. The weather throughout the week Visiting hospitals was not was kind, with a few crisp cold something Roy was able to days with a frosty start on do for many years and this, the sixth day, leading to A slight error in map together with the care some fast-paced walking reading on the final his wife received when to keep warm. she was a patient, were day meant Roy and The walkers were reasons he decided Tom ended up walking challenged when to raise money for the 69.4 miles in total, so completing the Sixfields assessment bay at NGH. to Barns Meadow section they well deserved a Having now conquered of the trail as someone rest afterwards. his fear of visiting, Roy had decided to have a bit kindly came in with Tom of fun by turning all the signs to present their £1,600 around. Luckily, friend Ben had donation to Chelsea Jackson mapped out the entire walk for and Rebecca Turton in the facility on Roy and Tom so they were able to keep Talbot Butler ward. on track. Ben also joined them to walk three Our thanks to all of you – Roy, Tom, Jan and of the stages, as well as being tasked with Ben for completing this challenge and to keeping the Justgiving page updated with everyone who kindly donated to support the daily progress reports. A slight error in map reading on the final emergency assessment bay.

Insight ❘ 27

Northamptonshire Health Charity

We need your help to fundraise for a NEW buggy for patient & visitor transport Our NGH volunteers offer a buggy service to patients and visitors. As the hospital site is spread across 40.20 acres and the walk from the Billing Road entrance along the main hospital street to Collingtree ward at the far end is more than 800m long, the buggy service is one that is really appreciated. The buggy makes an average of 260 journeys each week to transport patients and visitors around the site, Monday-Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm. As well as helping our less able patients and visitors get to their appointment or be with loved ones, the buggy also helps people feel less anxious about attending hospital. Our volunteer drivers help Volunteers at Peterborough Hospital on replica buggy, although ours will be white

passengers feel at ease and take them

Emma Wimpress, straight to where they need to be. Head of Patient This helps our patients get to their appointments on time. Experience, Engagement The buggy is also part of our and Volunteer Services ‘meet and greet’ service, when “Having a buggy service here we arrange for a member of at NGH means we can provide our volunteer team to meet valuable assistance and support to patients with additional needs and accompany them to their our patients and visitors who are appointments. Having reliable less able to walk the distance to buggies in the hospital means appointments or to be with loved they can depend on the buggy ones are assisted, as well they have booked in advance as helping people feel less being in service. The buggies are custom-built to anxious about attending ensure they can be manoeuvred their appointments.”

The wonderful team of volunteers at NGH provide the invaluable buggy service for patients

28 ❘ Insight

easily around the hospital site. Currently we have two buggies which are serviced weekly. A 30% rise in demand over the past year, coupled with the age of the vehicles, means that we are now looking to replace one of the older vehicles so that we don’t have to suspend the service when one breaks down and the other is being serviced. Your donations and fundraising will help us ensure this invaluable service will continue. Could you help us purchase a new buggy? You can donate by contacting the charity team, or why not try some fundraising? Please contact the charity team on 01604 626927,, Thank you!

Northamptonshire Health Charity

Thank you to every one of you, our supporters. You are all INCREDIBLE

u to Samish ial thank yo A very spec raise for all nd fu ose to Patel who ch ring his du tric wards three paedia lub Captain, C f ol G e re gt lin ol C as year 100.78. credible £13, rchased raising an in pu t en equipm Pictured with . ds for the war

A very special thank you to David and Sara Warwick, Vicki Bigley and everyone involved with the Andrew Bigley Charity Ball for donating a massive £5,721.50 in aid of the EAB to purchase a Nasendoscope.

Thanks to the Brigg’s Brood at Briggs & Forrester Group (special projects) who raised £2,145 in aid of the EAB by doing the 10K Winter Wolf Run.

n Moody you to Jacaly nating a A big thank di or co r fo rton t which & Vicki Ande edge projec pl ok bo ity oks Bo commun ne or orth of Usb which of saw £500 w 25 e charity, £1 donated to th ildren’s wards. ch went to NGH

Thanks to the Northampton branch of NHS Retirement Fellowship for the generous donations totalling £585 in aid of the EAB. Vice Chair Carol Mabbutt, Vice President Ruth Gould and longstanding member Mary Morgan came in to present their donations.

Gareth Bartley trekked 42 miles through the Brecon Beacons in December, raising £2,014.50 in aid of Gosset ward. Thank you so much Gareth.

A huge than k you to Win kwor Northampton for raising £1 th aid of the ch ildren’s wards ,025 in pub quiz an d fish and ch from their ip night, and for pled ging to fund raise for the wards throug hout 2019.

Thanks to Dan Perry & James Gregory who donated £450 to the haematology department. They fundraised for a few charities by doing a skydive, head shaves, a raffle and washing around 150 cars. Thanks to Brixworth village for their support too.

Thanks to W ill Malloy an d Solutions fo r donating £2 Print Data 50 of Gosset, ch oosing the w in aid benefit from ard to their month ly charitable donation in December.

Insight ❘ 29

Northamptonshire Health Charity

King of Hearts festival raises over £1,500 in aid of Dryden ward We would like to send a huge thank you to Matt King and everyone involved with the King of Hearts le support! ib d re c in r u festival for raising more than £1,500 in aid of ll for yo Dryden ward. Thank you a King of Hearts is an annual one-day music event inspired by and dedicated to Matt’s brother, Rob, who was diagnosed with cardio-myopathy when he was 16. Following a heart transplant Rob went on to inspire everyone around him until he was 29. The festival celebrates the enjoyment of life and living to its fullest with one of Rob’s greatest loves, music and live bands. The event provides amazing support to local bands and artists, bringing together some of the very best local talent to celebrate and raise money for great causes, and we are grateful that they chose to support Dryden ward at NGH. The reason for this was that friend, Pablo (Paul Tyson) spent a few weeks being cared for on the ward in 2017 while he was waiting The event provides to be transported for heart amazing support to local surgery. Pablo told Matt bands and artists, bringing how the care he received from the staff on Dryden together some of the was fantastic and that very best local talent to Dryden ward Sister Edrina Sutherland and Directorate Manager he felt the amazing work Chris Mallon were really grateful to receive the donation from King celebrate and raise money they do is overlooked of Hearts 2018, presented to them by Matt and Tara King. for great causes, and we and under-appreciated. attended and about the wonderful dedicated care huge commitment As well as raising are grateful that they chose to the fundraising Pablo received while he was a patient. £466.69 on the day of to support Dryden ward and helped him raise a the festival, Matt’s employer We’d also like to thank Matt Wetherill for his hard at NGH. good chunk online. Smurfit Kappa very kindly work in arranging the music and everything he We were delighted to meet donated £500 towards the does to make it happen and to all of the artists Matt when he came in with his cause. Matt also went above and who gave their time to help raise money for Dryden wife Tara to present a cheque to beyond and ‘braved the shave’ – having ward. Our thanks also go to everyone who kindly Ward Sister Edrina Sutherland and Directorate both is head and beard shaved a few weeks donated so generously at the festival and all those Manager Chris Mallon. They were able to have a before the festival. We know that a man’s chat about the festival, which one of the ward staff who helped reach the amazing total of £1,552.94. beard is a very sacred thing so this was a

Games page answers: Crossword: Across: 3) Award 4) Stoma 5) Radiology 7) Ambulance 8) Train Down: 1) Retire 2) Macmillan 4) Skydive 6) Tunic

Spot the difference:

1) A missing M on the plaque at the front on the train. 2) The coloured stripe has changed to pink 3) The button has changed to blue 4) The bell is missing it’s string 5) The front wheel is missing 6) The CCTV sign is gone 7) The light is gone

30 ❘ Insight


Northamptonshire Health Charity

Thank you to everyone for their kind donations of Christmas presents – you helped make our patients’ Christmas very special.

All donations to the hospital are manged separately from NHS finances, by the Trustees of the Northamptonshire Health Charitable Fund, a registered charity. If you would like to make a donation, or be involved in raising money for NGH please contact our fundraising team on 01604 626927.

Insight ❘ 31


GHOSTS A shattering story of the consequences of secrets and lies in a new adaptation by Mike Poulton (A Tale Of Two Cities, Wolf Hall, Imperium). Constrained for years by societal expectations, widow Helen Alving (Penny Downie) is determined to escape the ghosts of her past but when her son Osvald returns home it is clear that some legacies are impossible to avoid. With secrets kept and lies told, the ghosts of her husband’s actions demand bigger sacrifices now than ever before. Ibsen’s masterpiece is a damning comment on the morality and hypocrisy of 19th century life and this searing new version asks if much has changed since it was written over 100 years ago. Ibsen’s Ghosts takes to the stage from Friday 19 April to Saturday 11 May. Post show talk back Monday 29 April. For a chance to win a pair of tickets to see the production on Thursday 25th April, get in touch and let us know which article you enjoyed most in this edition of Insight. Send your entry to or by post to Insight Editor, Communications Department, Northampton General Hospital, Northampton, NN1 5BD. Please include a daytime telephone number with your entry so we can contact you if you’re the lucky winner. Send your entry to arrive by Friday 12th April 2019. The winner will be chosen by random lottery. Designed & Published by Octagon Design & Marketing Ltd, Hawks Nest Cottage, Great North Road, Bawtry, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN10 6AB. Tel: 01302 714528

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