Big Buffalo House Painting

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Interior Painter - The Right Person For The Job An interior painter is what you need if you have been watching the foreclosure housing market with a mind towards investment potential. In the best case scenario you might get away with doing little more than painting the interior and giving the house a fresh, clean look before you flip it for a profit. If you are considering a flip you should also consider the option of using a professional interior painter for the job. Even though painting the living room, bedrooms and kitchen may look easy to do on the surface, the truth of the matter is, an amateur job is really easy to spot. And any potential homeowners looking at your investment property for their future nest can afford to be nit picky in the current market.

The key to a good interior paint job is two fold. The first key is in the prep work which can be tedious and seem like a waste of time initially. This is usually the step that most amateurs skip completely in their haste to get the job done. It is in the prep work however that the painting job starts to look professional. This usually involves taping the windows and covering them with paper to avoid splatter. It also means removing the hardware from doors or even removing the door completely. And of course any light switch covers or plug in covers have to be removed or at a minimum taped over. It also means any holes in the walls will have to be patched and sanded down and the walls will have to be cleaned with TSP to help get rid of unseen dirt, dust and grim. There is also the matter of using tarps to cover the flooring and removing all the furniture from the room. It can become a lot of work to paint and this is just the prep work. The second part to a good interior paint job is the paint color you select. Your interior painter can show you paint samples but most painting contractors avoid making suggestions or trying to influence your decision. The reason for this is simple. Once the color is up, if you're unhappy with the results, you can shift the blame for the finished product to the painter if they suggested the now offending color. So on this step at least you are on your own. However if you don't trust your own sense of color taste you can always employ a decorator or rely on the judgment of someone whose taste you do admire.

Contact us:Big Buffalo House Painting Address:- 196 Seneca St, Buffalo, NY, 14204 Phone:- (716) 219-8220 Website:- External Disqus Diigo Digg

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