Big Weekly Blend Magazine - Vol 1 - Issue 3 - June 2023

Page 1

Celebrate Summer

Travel & Recreation

Art Museums

Louisiana Folk Festival

Authors & Filmmakers

Summer Recipes

Business & Career

Leadership & Economy

Vol. 1 / Issue 3 / June 2023


5. Editors Block

7. Celebrate This Week!


8. The Ge�y Center in Los Angeles

14. Southwest Regional Museum of Art

16. Two Summer Middle Grade Reads

18. 43rd Natchitoches-NSU Folk Fes�val


20. Cool Summer Party Pleasers
TRAVEL & RECREATION 24. IFWTWA Travel Writers Conference 26. Visit Kitsap Peninsula in Washington 30. Vancouver BC to Pensacola FL
BUSINESS, LEADERSHIP & ECONOMY 34. Lessons My Brother Taught Me 36. Organiza�onal Trainer Rita Sever 40. Americonned Documentary Film CONTENTS


“Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air.”

Welcome to the fourth issue of the new BIG WEEKLY BLEND Variety Magazine! Covering Big Blend’s most recent ar�cles and podcasts, it’s also a companion publica�on to our Big Weekly Blend Podcast, with this week’s episode featuring author Gayla Turner and singer-songwriters Johnny Schaefer and Jill Knight.

This issue kicks off the summer season with cool party recipes from Ruth Milstein, and travel and cultural des�na�ons that span Vancouver in Bri�sh Columbia and Kitsap Peninsula in Washington State, to the famous Ge�y Center in Los Angeles, the art community of Silver City in southwest New Mexico, the lively Natchitoches-NSU Folk Fes�val in Louisiana, and the sugar-white sand beaches of Pensacola, Florida. And if you are part of the travel wri�ng and tourism industry, check out the feature on the upcoming IFWTWA Travel Writers Conference aboard the Discovery Princess.

When it comes to business and leadership, we shine the spotlight on organiza�onal trainer Rita Sever and serial entrepreneur Charles McCarrick and also take a look at the documentary film “Americonned” which delves into America’s economic issues.

We hope you enjoy the featured podcast interviews with authors, ar�sts, filmmakers, travel writers, business leaders, and educators, and keep up with our upcoming and past shows on or

Happy Summer!

Nancy J. Reid and Lisa D. Smith Big Blend’s mother-daughter publishing, podcas�ng, and travel team.

BIG BLENDMISSION STATEMENT: Big Blend is a company based on the belief that education is the most formidable weapon that can be waged against fear, ignorance and prejudice. It is our belief that education starts at home and branches outward. Education leads to travel, and travel leads to understanding, acceptance, and appreciation of cultures and customs different to our own, and ultimately to world peace. Our company is further based on the principle that networking, communication, and helping others to promote and market themselves leads to financial stability; thus paving the way to better education, travel, and the spirit of giving back to the community. This magazine is developed by Big Blend Magazine™, copyrighted since 1997. No part of it may be reproduced for any reason, without written permission from Big Blend Magazine. Although every effort is made to be accurate, we cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies or plagiarized copy submitted to us by advertisers or contributors.


FRONT COVER IMAGE: Cambie Bridge Views, Kathryn Anderson, story on page 30.

From Summer Sols�ce & Pride Month to Fathers & Flamingos and more, this week's Big Blend Radio BIG WEEKLY BLEND podcast covers June 18-24, 2023. Airing every Sunday, this show is a companion produc�on of the new "Big Weekly Blend" digital magazine. Listen to the podcast here in the YouTube player or download it on Acast, and check out to see links to the music playlist, ar�cles, recipes, and puzzles that connect with, celebrate, and honor this week’s holidays & observances, birthdays & birth anniversaries, and more.

This episode’s guests include singersongwriters Johnny Schaefer and Jill Knight, and author Gayla Turner. Gayla found a box of photos and le�ers in her mother’s closet that revealed a bohemian LGBTQ community in rural Wisconsin a century ago, and an unexpected love story between her grandmother and another woman. Gayla wrote a beau�ful book, “Don’t You Dare,” telling both her story of discovery and a fic�onalized account of her grandmother’s story. Johnny was so moved by the story that he wrote the theme song for the audio version of the book, and Jill Knight recorded the vocals and guitar. The book is out now, and the song will be released on June 23, 2023.

MUSIC PLAYLIST: This eclec�c playlist features over 50 songs that complement the podcast conversa�on, and celebrate this week’s holidays, observances, and birth anniversaries as listed:

* Listen on YouTube
* Listen on Spo�fy
by Debbie Stone Welcome to the Ge�y Villa

The Ge�y Center is one of the top a�rac�ons in Southern California and belongs on your short list of things to do when you’re in Los Angeles. More than a museum with an excep�onal art collec�on, the Center is a beau�ful public park with views of the city’s skyline, as well as the surrounding mountains.

We have oil magnate J. Paul Ge�y, one of the wealthiest Americans in history, to thank for this special place and for the fact that it operates free of charge thanks to the J. Paul Ge�y Trust. Ge�y, a life�me art collector, viewed art as a civilizing influence in society. He took steps to make art available for the public’s educa�on and enjoyment and the Center is his legacy.

When Ge�y died in 1976, most of his personal estate passed to the Trust in subsequent years and the Trustees sought to expand the museum he had started in his home in Malibu back in the 1950s. The Ge�y Villa opened in 1974 (more on this later) and when it became too small to house the vastly growing collec�on, the Ge�y Center was built. Opening in 1997 to cri�cal acclaim, the museum is the world’s largest cultural and philanthropic ins�tu�on dedicated to the visual arts.

Designed by renowned architect Richard Meier, the Center is one of the most impressive architectural achievements in the U.S. Si�ng on a hilltop in the Santa Monica Mountains, this majes�c circular structure is covered in Italian traver�ne – 16,000 tons and 1.2 million square feet to be exact! The so� honey tones of the stone catch the light and emit warmth, offering a welcoming beacon to visitors.

Curved design elements and several gardens break up the grid-like squares of stone. Walls of glass bring the natural light in, illumina�ng the interiors.

Ge�ng to the museum is part of the fun, as you’ll take a monorail from the parking lot to the Tram Arrival Plaza House. The approach is a la Disney, where arriving is an experience in itself.

Inside, you’ll find everything from Renaissance and European pain�ngs to 20th-century American photographs, historic manuscripts, sculptures, and decora�ve arts from around the world.

Con�nued on Next Page…

Everywhere you look there's art at the Ge�y Center

There are four main pavilions that mark the galleries. In the North Pavilion, you’ll find Medieval and Renaissance sculpture and decora�ve arts. In the East Pavilion, sculpture, and Italian decora�ve arts from 1600 to 1800 are the focus.

The South Pavilion has French decora�ve arts, including ornately furnished paneled rooms. And the West features sculpture and decora�ve arts of the 1700s and 1800s, along with 19th-century pain�ngs and changing exhibi�ons of drawings and photographs.

The highlights of the collec�on are mostly in the West Pavilion. Here you’ll find iconic pain�ngs by masters Van Gogh, Manet, Monet, Degas, Renoir, Turner, Rubens, and Rembrandt.

Located at the foot of the hill is The Fran and Ray Stark Sculpture Garden where Joan Miró’s “Figure,” Henry Moore’s “Bronze Form” and “Draped Reclining Mother and Baby,” and Elisabeth Frink’s “Horse” and “Running Man” are on display.

Most people know about the Ge�y Center, but they are less familiar with the Ge�y Villa. Though smaller than its famous sibling, the Villa is a unique museum, offering a complementary experience to the Center.

Van Gogh's famous Irises at the Ge�y Center

The drive from the Ge�y Center in Brentwood to the Ge�y Villa in Pacific Palisades will take you about thirty minutes depending on L.A. traffic. Whereas the Center is up in the hills, the Villa is near the ocean. When you pay for parking at the Center, you can get a voucher for free parking at the Villa. Admission to the Villa is also free.

As with the Ge�y Center, you’ll discover that architecture and outdoor areas play an important role at the Villa. J. Paul Ge�y wanted the museum to be a building that would suit his vast collec�on of Classical and Renaissance-era artworks.

Ge�y Museum Con�nued…
Galleries full of wonderful art at the Ge�y Center

To accommodate this request, the architects modeled the Villa a�er Herculaneum’s Villa de Papiri, a first-century Roman country house, which was later buried by the erup�on of Mt. Vesuvius. Due to the fact much of the original villa remains unexcavated, the architects looked at elements from other ancient Roman houses for design details.

Don’t forget to spend some �me in the gardens. There are four of them, one at street level and the rest at the top of the hill. The Central Garden, which is at the heart of the Center has sculptures that change with the seasons. And it boasts more than 500 varie�es of plant material plus charming enhancements including a stream, stone waterfall, and bougainvillea trellises for a sensory treat.

The Cactus Garden is full of cac�, succulents, and other desert plants, and is an ideal place to take in the panoramic vistas of Los Angeles; whereas, the Lower Terrace Sculpture Garden showcases sculptures by modern ar�sts. Check out The Fran and Ray Stark Sculpture Terrace for such notable pieces as Barbara Hepworth’s “Figure for Landscape” and Henry Moore’s “Seated Woman,” among others.

Sculptures from ancient to contemporary are showcased at the Ge�y Center
Cactus Garden at the Ge�y Center

The result is a grand, two-story mega mansion with Doric and Corinthian columns, complete with an eye-catching landscaped courtyard, four gardens, a reflec�ng pool, frescoes, and bronze statues. And of course, there’s an expansive view of the ocean. The structures blend though�ully into the terrain and the Mediterranean design fits in well with the coastal loca�on.

The four Roman-inspired gardens are bedecked with plants known to have grown in the ancient Mediterranean. In the Herb Garden, for example, you’ll find familiar herbs used in cooking, including mint, basil, thyme, and sage, as the Romans valued their kitchen gardens. Plants were grown not only for food and seasonings for cooking but also for their color, fragrance, and medicinal proper�es.An inner courtyard garden is lined with columns and features decora�ve marble floors, walls, and ceilings. Statues of young women surround a small pool in the center. Take the �me to soak up the atmosphere at one of the nearby benches.

The East Garden is a tranquil spot that offers muchneeded shade in the o�en warm and sunny L.A. climate. Sit and enjoy the sounds of splashing water from the fountains, which are adorned by mosaics and framed by theatrical masks. Inside, the galleries echo the exterior opulence with beau�ful stone walls, painted ceilings, and gleaming terrazzo floors. There are over 1,000 an�qui�es on display, including coins, jewelry, household wares, statues, and more.

The first floor is dedicated to Greek art from the Neolithic and Bronze Age to the Hellenis�c period. Some of the museum’s oldest and rarest objects are located here. On the second floor, works of art from the Roman Empire take center stage with a range of sculpture, jewelry, glassware, mummy portraits, and more.

Death seems to be a prominent theme at the Villa, as you can imagine, with all the Greek and Roman mythology. “Statues of Two Sirens,” for example, deals with the song of the Sirens, which lured sailors in Homer’s “Odyssey” to crash and die on rocks. “Kylix with the Suicide of Ajax” is a winedrinking cup, depicting Greek warrior Ajax, who has fallen on his own sword after losing out on a prize he deserved. “Sarcophagus with the Moon Coming to Her Lover” focuses on the moon goddess, Selene, who keeps her youthful lover Endymion asleep forever so that he won’t age and die. A young Roman is mummified with another smaller mummy in “Mummy of Herakleides,” while nearby is “Mummy Portrait of Isidora.”

When I visited, the current exhibit was “Nubia: Jewels of Ancient Sudan” from the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. This exhibit focused on the superbly crafted jewelry, metalwork, and sculpture from the region of ancient Sudan, a region rich in resources such as gold and ivory. It was a dazzling showcase of the wealth and splendor of Nubian society over 3,000 years of kingdoms.


Debbie Stone is an established travel writer and columnist, and regular contributor for Big Blend Radio and Big Blend Magazines, who crosses the globe in search of unique destinations and experiences to share with her readers and listeners. She’s an avid explorer who welcomes new opportunities to increase awareness and enthusiasm for places, culture, food, history, nature, outdoor adventure, wellness, and more. Her travels have taken her to nearly 100 countries and all seven continents.

An�qui�es at the Ge�y Center Ge�y Museum Con�nued…
Superbly cra�ed jewelry from ancient Sudan at the Ge�y Villa


The Southwest Regional Museum of Art and Art Center is des�ned to be a cultural jewel for communi�es within Southwest New Mexico and a magnet for art lovers traveling in the state. To be located in Silver City, a flourishing art community, SWRMA & Art Center will offer exci�ng educa�onal opportuni�es and enjoyment in looking at art, studying art, and making art.

The Museum’s emphasis in its permanent collec�on is American Art from 1850 to contemporary �mes. Invita�onal exhibi�ons may include art represen�ng other cultures and �mes. Types of art already in the permanent collec�on include bronze sculpture, pain�ngs, original prints and drawings, photographs, and contemporary ceramics.

Having several galleries within the Museum will allow for a newly curated exhibi�on to appear each month, making a visit to SWRMA and Art Center always exci�ng, along with a chance to again view artworks that have become old friends. A unique Department among museums, the Southwest Regional Museum of Art and Art Center offers the

MAKE THE MUSEUM is a Capital Campaign to raise funds for a 7,000 to 10,000 sq. foot building. To learn how to donate or otherwise build or par�cipate in Southwest Regional Museum of Art and Art Center’s vision of art exhibi�ons and programs for young and old, see the website: h�p://

Ar�st Victoria Chick on Big Blend Radio: Listen here in the YouTube player or download the podcast on Acast. Historic Downtown Silver City, New Mexico C.W. Flanders Art Research Library, open to use within the Museum by the public. The Library catalog will be available worldwide online.

Two Summer Middle Grade Reads


Author Jake Wheeler discusses the new and adventurous middle grade graphic novel series “The Gullfather: Birdsy Seagull." Listen here in the YouTube player or download the podcast on Acast.

Birds of a feather do flock together, and in Emmy-winning creators Jeff Sikai�s’ and Jake Wheeler’s debut graphic novel, a misfit mafia of seagulls looks to stay the top birds in Shoretown despite their many blunders and bonehead decisions in “The Gullfather: Birdsy Seagull: Vol 1. A Seahawk Situa�on.”

The Gullfather himself, Birdsy Seagull, rules the roost with a fis�ul of feathers. And with a li�le help, but not much, from his ragtag crew: saltymouthed Joey “One-Wing” Grella, handsome slacker Sammy “Vinny” Gullian, glamorous and dangerous Birdabella, and Birdsy’s well-fed

enforcer, “Quack Quack.” They say they’ll stop at nothing to be the top crime birds on the boardwalk, but they pre�y much stop at everything — snack �me, nap �me or any other reason — much to Birdsy’s ire.

More: h�ps://


Author Linda B. Davis discusses her engaging and empowering new middle grade novel, “Food Fight.” Watch here in the YouTube player or download the podcast on Acast.

In “Food Fight,” a three-day class trip becomes a survival mission for a picky-ea�ng student with ARFID (Avoidant/Restric�ve Food Intake Disorder). Inspired by one of Linda’s rela�ves, the novel showcases the challenges of living with a lesser known and misunderstood ea�ng disorder, while emphasizing the importance of fi�ng in by being yourself.

Ben Snyder is ready to start middle school. He’s smart, athle�c, and has two best friends. But his super picky ea�ng, which has never been a problem before, is about to get in his way. Suddenly everybody’s on his case about what he’s ea�ng and what he’s not—his old friends, new friends, weird lab partner, a girl he’s crushing on, and a bully—and he finds himself in a social free fall, sliding toward the bo�om of the middle school food chain.

Even worse, an upcoming three-day field trip

sounds too awesome to miss but has a horrifying menu. As he prepares for the trip, Ben learns there might be more to his picky ea�ng than he ever realized. Armed with new informa�on, he plans to avoid the bully along with every single meal. But when everything starts to go wrong and epic hunger threatens to push him over the edge, Ben must decide how far he will go to fit in—and if he has what it takes to stand out.

More: h�ps://


43rd Annual Natchitoches-NSU

Folk Festival in Louisiana's Oldest City

This episode of Big Blend Radio's 3rd Tuesday "Go to Natchitoches" show focuses on the 43rd Annual Natchitoches-NSU Folk Fes�val. With the theme "Celebra�ng Louisiana's Cultural Gumbo," the Fes�val will be held on Saturday, July 22, 2023, in the air-condi�oned Prather Coliseum on the NSU campus. Featured guests are Arlene Gould, Execu�ve Director of Natchitoches Conven�on & Visitors Bureau, and organizer Dr. Shane Rasmussen, NSU Professor of English and Director, Louisiana Folklife Center. Listen here in the YouTube player or download the podcast on Acast.

Fes�val a�endees will enjoy 3 stages of music with Cajun, zydeco, blues, Cel�c, and country music, free Cajun and zydeco dance lessons, and many tradi�onal food vendors. There will also be a gumbo cook-off, blacksmithing, KidFest, over 70 cra�s persons, a harmonica workshop taught by Ed Huey, and the Louisiana State Fiddle Championship from 1-4 PM. Music headliners feature Rusty Metoyer and the Zydeco Krush, the Jambalaya Cajun Band and the Cajun Stompers, Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue, Hugh Harris and the Dri�ing Cowboys, The Russell Welch Hot Quartet with special guest Aurora Nealand, tradi�onal Na�ve American songs and dances with the Rising Sun Youth Choctaw-Apache of Ebarb Dance Group, and blues by Jimmy “Duck” Holmes. More: h�ps://�val-2/

Founded in 1714, Natchitoches is the original French Colony and oldest city in Louisiana. Celebra�ng a vibrant blend of French, Spanish, African, Na�ve American, and Creole cultures, this charming city is part of the Cane River Na�onal Heritage Area and Louisiana’s No Man’s Land. More about Natchitoches at h�ps://

Broussard Family Juré Jimmy Duck Holmes Fes�val Cra�s


See more of her recipes at h�ps://

Makes 8 servings. A really super tas�ng yogurt dessert that is low in fat and healthy.

1 medium size fresh pineapple or a 16-ounce package of frozen unsweetened pineapple chunks

2 tablespoons honey

1-17.6 ounces container Greek yogurt; 2% fat

1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

2 tablespoons chocolate sprinkles

Start the night before if you choose to use fresh pineapple.

Wash and peel the pineapple then wash it again. Cut into 1-inch chunks, transfer to a container; cover, and freeze overnight.

Combine the pineapple chunks and the honey in a blender or food processor. Pulse un�l coarsely chopped.

Add the yogurt and the lemon juice and con�nue to process un�l smooth and creamy.

Transfer to an air�ght container and blend in the chocolate sprinkles. (You may also dip your popsicles in chocolate a�er freezing).

Fill out the mixture into a Popsicle mold; freeze the rest of the mixture and Popsicle molds overnight.

Take out of the freezer 10 minutes before serving.

You may use banana, peach, strawberry, or any berry; fresh or frozen.

Will keep for up to a week frozen in an air�ght container.

You can make a healthy milkshake by crushing the ice cubes or add 3% milk to make a smoothie.

Con�nued on Next Page…
Ruth Milstein on Big Blend Radio: Listen here in the YouTube player or download the podcast on Acast.


An ever more popular, change of pace from wine in the summer months is Sangria. More popular in the sense that 20 or more years ago, most people would order a glass or pitcher when dining out. Now there are a plethora of wonderful pre-made Sangrias to choose from, or you can just make your own.

The 'basic' ingredients of Sangria are light to medium-bodied dry red wine, orange-flavored triple sec, and a bit of brandy. Some people prefer the white Sangria; in that case, start off with a nice dry white wine. No need to spend money on expensive French Cointreau or Cognac; you will never no�ce the difference.

The beauty of the basic Sangria recipe is that it is as delicious as it is easy, and it only gets be�er as you spice it up with your own tasty addi�ons! Good pre-made Sangria is usually on the slightly sweeter side although there are a few producers who make their Sangria semi-dry; which is how I think it should ideally be served.

It is refreshing and really tasty with all summer or all-year-round foods. The cool touch of sweetness of Sangria plays off of the spiciness of Spanish, Tex-Mex, and Thai dishes.

Serve red sangria with a chorizo-based dish, roasted chipotle salsa, stuffed jalapeno peppers, or a spicy yellow curry.

Pair white sangria with guacamole, seafood paella, or chicken empanadas.

Below is your everyday Sangria recipe. For larger amounts, just double the ingredients accordingly although the best way to make it is by pure tas�ng as you go along. Make it just as you want with just the amount of brandy, wine, and orange flavor liquor that suits your taste!

1 750 ml bo�le of red wine (Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Rioja reds, Zinfandel, Shiraz)

1 Lemon cut into wedges

1 Orange cut into wedges

2 Tbsp. sugar

1 Shot brandy

2 Cups ginger ale or club soda

Pour wine into the pitcher and squeeze the juice wedges from the lemon and orange into the wine.

Toss in the fruit wedges (leaving out seeds if possible) and add sugar and brandy.

Chill overnight. Add ginger ale or club soda just before serving.

If you'd like to serve right away, use chilled red wine and serve over lots of ice.

Sangria Con�nued…


The Interna�onal Food Wine & Travel Writers Assoc (IFWTWA) is hos�ng its annual writers development conference October 1-7, 2023, aboard Princess Cruise Lines' The Discovery. It is open to all food wine and travel writers.

The ship departs October 1, 2023, from Vancouver, Bri�sh Columbia, Canada and arrives in Los Angeles, CA., on October 7 for a total of six cruise nights. The conference will be held on the newest ship in the Princess fleet, the stunning Discovery Princess. Reserva�ons must be made on or before August 31, 2023.

This year's agenda has a promising line up including Key Note Speaker Meena Thiruvenadam. Her subject is Posi�oning Yourself For The Work You Want. In this keynote, Meena Thiruvengadam will help writers think strategically about their personal brands. She'll explain why every writer should maintain an online por�olio, what should be included in that por�olio, which social pla�orms offer the best ROI and how to generate assignments from social media—even without a huge following. A�endees will leave with a stronger elevator pitch, a blueprint for marke�ng themselves for the projects they want and a list of tools and resources.

A�endees will choose from a series of professional development sessions.

1. Workshop A led by Kat Anderson: Building a

Social Media Strategy beyond Instagram - What Pla�orms Benefit Travel Writers the Most and Why.

2. Workshop B led by Julie Diebolt Price Photography for Travel Writers – How To Get More Than Just A Shot In The Dark! Key takeaways include shoo�ng and processing RAW images, Op�cal vs. digital zoom and post-processing techniques on smartphones and computers.

3. Workshop C led by Dannelle Gay: Collabora�on is the New Compe��on: Thriving Together in the 21st Century. If you want to know how you and your brand can work with others to elevate all involved to success that also has financial rewards, this session is for you. PAGE 8

Amy Piper on Big Blend Radio: Watch here in the YouTube player or download the podcast on Acast. Princess Cruise Lines' The Discovery

4. Workshop D led by Sco� Kendall: Specific Skills Travel Writers Need for Videos That Will Delight Des�na�ons. Key Takeaways include organizing and edi�ng photos and clips to upload to video so�ware, movement of focus on sta�onary photos (zoom in and out) and pos�ng to YouTube (or your choice of pla�orm).

5. Workshop E led by Robin O'Neal Smith: SEO: Simple is Sexy. People think SEO is a big, difficult thing to learn and undertake. Wrong! The basics are very simple, and anyone can do them. It doesn't take a lot of �me, and it also makes your ar�cles and posts easier for your readers.

IFWTWA organizes this event to keep its member writers and tourism partners up to date on new trends effec�ng successful wri�ng. The public is also invited.

Note: There are two charges: one for the conference and one for the cruise.

To register or obtain addi�onal informa�on and cruise rates, go here h�ps://

Diners delight on the Princess 360 Princess 360 takes You on a truly immersive culinary adventure
Torrance Beach is one of the FAM Trips
KITSAP PENINSULA IN WASHINGTON STATE Christine Whitney on Big Blend Radio: Listen here in the YouTube player or download the podcast on Acast. Seabeck PAGE 8

The Kitsap Peninsula is surrounded by 371 miles of shoreline and is officially part of the Na�onal Water Trails system, Washington State’s only such designa�on. Here one can experience an abundance of natural beauty with plenty of opportuni�es to enjoy safe and healthy outdoor recrea�onal ac�vi�es all year round. Experience the regional towns and ci�es, gardens, museums, art, naval heritage, waterfront strolls, and more.

Bainbridge Island is notable for its close proximity to Sea�le. Downtown Winslow is filled with hip shops, restaurants, and galleries. Visit the world-famous Bloedel Reserve and the Japanese Exclusion Memorial.

Poulsbo, aka “Li�le Norway” is a favorite des�na�on for visitors. Explore galleries, museums, and shops in Poulsbo’s growing Arts District, and eat & drink at one of the many restaurants and pubs.

Bremerton, the largest city in the region, is famous for its historic Naval and Mari�me Heritage including the USS Turner Joy.

Port Orchard features Bay Street, lined with shops and restaurants, the Mosquito Fleet foot ferry Carlisle II which runs between Port Orchard and Bremerton’s historic waterfront.

Con�nued on Next Page…
Christine Whitney on Big Blend Radio: Listen here in the YouTube player or download the podcast on Acast
Chief Sealth Gravesite

Port Gamble, a historic 1850’s mill town is listed on the Na�onal Register of Historic Places. Today this popular tourist des�na�on is filled with gi� shops, restaurants, a general store, museums, and a historic theater. It is also home to Olympic Outdoor Center which offers rentals for both kayakers and bikers to explore the miles of wooded trails and the picturesque waters of Gamble Bay.

Hansville, located on the northern �p of the Kitsap Peninsula, affords sweeping views of Admiralty Inlet, Whidbey Island, and Puget Sound. Built in 1879, Point no Point Lighthouse is one of the most photographed lighthouses and is notable for its wildlife viewing.

Kingston, a cozy waterfront community has a charming main street lined with shops, pubs with local brews, assorted restaurants, and waterfront park. Kingston is served by the Edmonds-Kingston WA ferry route and Kitsap Transit Passenger Fast Ferry.

Gig Harbor, “The Mari�me City” historic waterfront district, is lined with art galleries, shops, and dozens of great dining choices. A�rac�ons include the Harbor History Museum, boat building classes, and the Heritage Dis�llery.

The Kitsap Peninsula is rich in Na�ve American tradi�on, mari�me history, numerous events, and friendly port towns.

It includes unincorporated communi�es of nearly 200,000 such as Kingston, Keyport, and Olalla, the

independent communi�es of Suquamish and the Suquamish Tribe featuring the Suquamish Museum with its rota�ng exhibits, Old Man House, and grave of Chief Sealth. Li�le Boston is home to the S’Klallam Tribe. One of its most popular visitor a�rac�ons is Heronswood Nursery.

In 2014, the Kitsap Peninsula Water Trails was designated as part of the Na�onal Water Trails Alliance and the only trail in Washington. It is a major des�na�on for kayaking, SUP, boa�ng, scuba, sailing, rowing, windsurfing, wind sailing, fishing and events.

The Kitsap Peninsula is the literal embodiment of the Mari�me Washington Na�onal Heritage Area with federally recognized tribes, 2 coun�es, 5 incorporated ci�es, and several port districts, as well as innumerable harbors, inlets, peninsulas, island coasts, and parks.

Plan your visit:

Kitsap Con�nued…
Visit Kitsap Peninsula

OCTOBER 1-7, 2023

Date of Departure from Vancouver, British Columbia: October 1, 2023

Date of Arrival in Los Angeles, California: October 7, 2023

Total Cruise Nights: 6

Registration is open to member and non-members


Welcome Cocktail Party with the Princess Culinary Team & Senior Officers

Two Specialty Dining Experiences & The 360 Experience

Industry Workshops & Networking Opportunities

And much more…

The International Food Wine and Travel Writers Association (IFWTWA) is the organization of choice for food, wine, and travel writers.

IFWTWA creates programs and services to enhance professional development and facilitate networking while creating a marketplace for destinations, brands, and media professionals to collaborate.

2023 IFWTWA All Aboard! Calling All Food, Wine & Travel Writers… You
Stanley Park by Kathryn Anderson


Vancouver, B.C. to Pensacola, FL

A Big Blend Radio Conversation with Travel Writers Kathryn Anderson & Julie Dee Suman

It's all about Outdoor Travel and Des�na�ons on Big Blend Radio's 3rd Friday "Travel Writers Panel Discussion" Show with the Interna�onal Food Wine & Travel Writers Associa�on (IFWTWA).

From Vancouver B.C. to Pensacola FL, get a spark for adventure with this fun discussion about exploring the outdoors and the benefits of connec�ng with nature.

Featured Guests:

- KATHRYN ANDERSON focuses on Stanley Park and coastal Vancouver in Bri�sh Columbia that offers everything from hiking, biking, and canoeing in Stanley Park, to strolling a 28 km long seawall, which is the world's longest uninterrupted waterfront path.

Story Spotlight: h�ps://�le-known-facts-about-stanley-park

- JULIE DEE SUMAN talks about Gulf Islands Na�onal Seashore in Pensacola, Florida, the longest stretch of federally protected seashore in the United States. This coastal park des�na�on is a haven for bird lovers and outdoor recrea�onists, and history enthusiasts.

Story Spotlight: h�ps:// pensacola-florida-travelers-guide/

Learn more about the Interna�onal Food, Wine & Travel Writers Associa�on at h�ps://

Watch the podcast here in the YouTube player or download the podcast on Acast. Summer Tanager by Julie Dee Suman
Pensacola Beach Dunes - Photo courtesy Visit Pensacola


How to Transform Your Personal Qualities Into a Successful Business

As a case study, “Lessons My Brothers Taught Me,” chronicles Charles McCarrick’s evolu�on from qui�ng his job and then founding and succeeding at building an extremely valuable high-tech business. The story is interspersed with personal life lessons, presented as humorous flashbacks and illustrated with comical cartoons to help emphasize the point. The intertwine of valuable lessons with humorous experiences make this a fun and easy read while s�ll providing guidance toward char�ng a path to personal success.

Each of us is a business, conduc�ng transac�ons every day for the purpose of sustaining our well-being and toward scaling and growing as a person. The success of these transac�ons depends largely on our salability as individuals, and on our sensibility to dis�nguish between obstacles and opportuni�es. If you are willing to embrace the 'person as a business' concept, then it is easy to accept the proposi�on that the success of any business is linked to the basic human principles of the people within it. The four principles essen�al for all success may be expressed as follows:

Salability + Sensibility + Sustainability + Scalability = Success

A process dubbed, the 4S Transform. In this book, you will learn how to iden�fy and apply these "4S" principles toward your own defini�on of success, including establishing your own business. It is a fun and easy read, with humorous lessons and real-life examples which illustrate that the quality of one's character plays a dominant role in the success of any transac�on, personal or professional. If you are determined to run your own business, despite lacking any previous experience or formal training in that field this book is for you. You'll discover that you already possess the pieces to build your own success.

patents to his name, he pioneers and supplies unique equipment to the communica�ons industry. Charles' most defining characteris�c is enthusiasm—for new ideas, for the people who work with him, and for con�nuous improvement. By cul�va�ng people's confidence and crea�vity, Charles has forged a top-notch team that delivers new technologies into the hands of customers and value to investors. Now, he delivers this book of life lessons to you.


Charles D. McCarrick is an entrepreneur, inventor, and lead visionary of Micro-Ant. With more than 10
Charles McCarrick on Big Blend Radio: Listen here in the YouTube player or download the podcast on Acast.

Supervision is a cri�cal func�on of leadership that is o�en overlooked, and yet the quality of supervision is o�en what makes or breaks a leader—and an organiza�on. Along with being a cer�fied professional coach and speaker who works with social jus�ce organiza�ons, Rita Sever is the author of “SUPERVISION MATTERS: 100 Bite-sized Ideas to Transform You and Your Team,” and “LEADING FOR JUSTICE: Supervision, HR, and Culture.”

Rita has an MA in Organiza�onal Psychology and is a cer�fied professional coach. Rita approaches supervision as a primary leadership func�on. In addi�on, she sees the


Rita Sever on Big Blend Radio: Watch Here in the YouTube channel or download the podcast on Acast.
Rita Sever: Organization Trainer, Professional Coach & Author

func�on of human resources and the culture of an organiza�on as essen�al components of organiza�onal effec�veness. She works with individuals, teams, and en�re organiza�ons to help the organiza�on be in alignment internally as they work to achieve jus�ce externally. She is also a regular Big Blend Radio guest and expert contributor.

So, what does it take to be successful as an organiza�onal trainer? Listen to our Big Blend Radio discussion with Rita Sever and read her answers to our 10+ Success Insider Ques�ons about her career, including the challenges she faces, as well as her inspira�ons.

1. What led you to become an organiza�onal trainer?

I think it was sort of inevitable. I have 5 siblings and 4 of them were teachers before they re�red. My uncle used to tease my dad that he must have been reading when he made all of us!

I didn’t take the standard teacher track. I found my way into Human Resources, and I saw the need for some staff training. At first, I hired external trainers and when I experienced several trainings as basic and a li�le boring, I decided I could do be�er. I bring play and crea�vity to my work as a trainer, and I respond well to who is “in the room” so it turned out to be something that I am good at, and I love to do it.

2. What a�ributes do you have that make you a good fit to be a trainer?

First, I know my stuff. My work is all about supervision and I know how to help people be not only a good supervisor but a more user-friendly one. In addi�on, I am though�ul, crea�ve, playful, and responsive. That means I put a lot of �me and energy into not only the content of the training but to how I want to present it and how people can best learn the informa�on or skills I am teaching. I also can usually read the room and respond in real�me if I am losing people or if the energy is low or if someone is resistant.

All my trainings are interac�ve and build on the knowledge and experience of those in the room. As an example of how I keep my trainings interes�ng, in CA where I live, there has been a requirement for sexual harassment training for supervisors since 2007. So, I created that training and then updated it seven �mes to keep it interes�ng and relevant while s�ll covering the required informa�on.

I will also say that I am authen�c. I will tell you if I don’t know something and I will tell stories from my own life. I occasionally will stumble over my words or remember something I forgot to say and go “Oops”. I think my authen�city as a trainer helps people relate to me.

Con�nued on Next Page… PAGE 37

Success Insider Con�nued…

3. Who or what inspires you?

My clients constantly inspire me. I work primarily with social jus�ce organiza�ons and their commitment to making the work a be�er and more just place is incredible. Each person I work with wants to supervise in a manner that is respec�ul, connec�ve, and effec�ve. They want to do be�er and learn how to address problems in a way that is suppor�ve while also making work, work!

4. Describe your ideal client.

I love doing trainings with a whole team who are ready to learn and want to make what I teach relevant to them and their work. I love when they are ready to ask ques�ons, try things out, and talk together about how they can do be�er – as individuals and as a team. When a team does a training together, they can adapt prac�ces and language that help reinforce the training. The same is true when I give talks to groups – I love when they are ready to try on new ideas or new ways of doing things and have fun while doing so.

5. What is your biggest pet peeve regarding leadership training?

When training is presented as “learn all you need to know” in x amount of �me. And it is all lecture and does not invite par�cipants to make it their own or relevant to them.

6. How do you approach a speaking gig as different than a training?

The truth is I approach them in a very similar fashion. The �me factor is usually shorter with a speaking gig, so I need to respond to that, but I s�ll want to get par�cipants involved and work with them where they are.

So, I guess the main difference is the �me factor which then also limits either the depth or breadth of a topic.

For instance, I can talk about some key factors of good supervision or barriers to good supervision in an hour, but I can’t tell you everything you need to know and give you �me to prac�ce.

Or I can dive into a specific area and cover it more in-depth, like how to give feedback in a way that people are more likely to hear it.

7. What do you consider a leadership trait that is o�en ignored?

Self-awareness. I think that is an essen�al skill for leaders and it is not o�en acknowledged or discussed. I encourage the leaders I work with to devote specific �me each week (even 5 or 10 minutes) to reflect on how they showed up that week. Is there anything they wish they had done differently? Is there anything they need to clear up with anyone? PAGE 8

Is there anything that confused or frustrated them? And if this is a challenge for someone, I encourage them to learn the value of self-reflec�on, selfawareness, and self-management. Self-awareness is one of the most important a�ributes of effec�ve leadership.

8. How do you prac�ce what you preach/teach? The truth is that my work is about interpersonal dynamics, which I apply to supervision. This includes how people learn, how people grow, how they respond, and how we can work well together. So, I am constantly reminding myself of things that I teach supervisors in my personal life, as well as my professional life. Just the other day I was having a li�le spat with my husband, and he said, “You’re not listening to me!” And I had to take a deep breath and tell myself, “Oh right. Listening is important. I know how to do that.”

9. If you could invite any three people (alive or passed on) to invite to a dinner party, who would they be and why?

Michelle Obama. Susan Cain. Susan Sco�.

Susan Cain is the author of “Quiet and Bi�ersweet.” She helped me learn to appreciate and celebrate that I am an introvert. I haven’t read “Bi�ersweet” yet, but I look forward to it. It is about “How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole.”

Susan Sco� is the author of “Fierce Conversa�ons”, “Fierce Leadership” and “Fierce Rela�onships.” I learned how to be brave from her.

And Michelle Obama! I think we could have deep and fun conversa�ons about life, rela�onships, leadership, jus�ce, and wri�ng.

10. If you won a huge lo�ery and wanted to set up a founda�on, what would you focus on? I would want to make sure that every nonprofit that has more than 10-15 staff people (or volunteers) has a dedicated HR staff member who is trained to do HR in a manner that puts the staff's well-being and equity as a priority – while s�ll centering the mission and the safety of the organiza�on.

BONUS QUESTION: What is the most important �p you would pass on to another person just ge�ng started in leadership?

Read my books! Pay a�en�on to self-awareness and pay a�en�on to your staff. Listen to them. Believe them. Work in a manner that shows that you respect and appreciate the people you work with – both internally and externally.

Learn more about Rita’s coaching prac�ce and books at h�ps://supervisionma�



ON BIG BLEND RADIO: Veteran filmmaker and director Sean Claffey discusses his award-winning documentary AMERICONNED - TIME TO RISE, released through Shine the Light Films. Watch here in the YouTube player or download the podcast on Acast.

Despite an increase in produc�vity in recent decades, compensa�on for the American worker has been stagnant. In addi�on, 47% of American jobs are at high risk of being lost to automa�on and A.I. by the mid-2030s.

In the United States, there has been an upward redistribu�on of over $50 trillion from the bo�om 90% to the top 1% over the last 40 years. Poli�cians on both sides of the aisle have created a protec�on racket for the rich, and corpora�ons are deliberately crushing unions.

In this David vs. Goliath story, Chris Smalls leads a movement to unionize Amazon workers for the first �me, a�er the corpora�on fired Smalls for speaking up for workers’ rights. They are inspiring legions of workers to, as the late, great Congressman John Lewis said, get into “good trouble.”

AMERICONNED is a film about income inequality in the US and the tragic destabilizing effects to Americans. Radical inequality has led to radicaliza�on at every level of society, and this powerful documentary depicts what happens when America hits its �pping point by looking back through our history at similar cri�cal moments of instability.

The labor movement of the past was born in �mes like these. We must restore the path to the once great middle class that now suffers in silence.

AMERICONNED is available to watch on major USA & Canadian VOD pla�orms. More: h�ps://

Director Sean Claffey has more than 25 years in the film industry spanning feature films, industry documentaries and commercials. Shine the Light Films was formed in 2020, and is commi�ed to producing quality documentaries that shine a light on injus�ces around the globe. More informa�on: h�ps://shinetheligh�

Chris Smalls and Derrick Palmer Press Conference in Sean Claffey's AMERICONNED (Credit - Shine The Light Films)

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