E54 2014 december bsa edition

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The Bigger Picture Many years ago in a little town called Bethlehem a child was born. The birth was announced by angels, celebrated by shepherds, and received the attention of a dangerously insecure king. These strange events make little sense without knowing the big picture of the whole Bible story. Two thousand years later at a little church in Chicago, eager families discussed how to best teach their children the Christian faith. The ideas of respected Australian theologian Graeme Goldsworthy became a “springboard” inspiring those parents to teach the “big picture” of the Bible story to their kids. There was a buzz as parents began writing devotional materials and both children and adults began memorising a set of Bible verses in which the promises and plans of God could be seen to unfold. During this time their pastor David Helm also wrote the The Big Picture Story Bible which has become a treasured book for many Australian Christian families. This Christmas, for the first time, the collected devotional material is now available. The Big Picture Family Devotional is written by parents who understand the time pressures faced by modern families, where “getting everyone together in the same place at the same time is nearly impossible.” Everything you need is contained within the book; a key memory verse, a short devotional thought to draw out the significance of the bible text, and a question for family discussion or personal reflection. David Helm says “The entire process can take as little as five to ten minutes – or longer, at those unexpected but enjoyable leisurely times when your kids are particularly interested.” Even just reading the key memory verses will begin to help your child understand the bigger picture of the Christmas story. This Christmas many children will be hearing about the child born in Bethlehem. The Big Picture Family Devotional makes it easy to continue teaching your kids the rest of the Bible’s story throughout the year.

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The Big Picture Family Devotional Paperback 9781433542251 The Big Picture Story Bible Hardcover 9781433523915 The Big Picture Bible Verses Booklet 9781433542213

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KARL GRICE ON “WHAT IF?” Fervr have released a new book for teens wrestling with doubt, so we asked author of What If?, Kristen Young about her own struggles with faith and doubt: What have been your personal struggles with doubt? Kristen: I think we all have struggles at one time or another. When we believe things that we can’t see – like Jesus coming to earth, his miracles and so on - there are always times when we can be made to doubt the truth of what we’ve heard. Like when someone loudly and angrily says, “Everything you believe about God is wrong!”, then you have that moment of doubt, like “Oh, are they right? Am I deluded about this?” It can be quite confronting when worldviews clash. One of the big struggles for me was when I first went to university. I was constantly bombarded with different ideas about people, the world and our place in it. It was a bit like having a rug pulled out from under your feet! That first time you hear someone say, “Well, of course everyone knows that all religions are the same,” and you think, “are they?” Or a science professor says, “Only imbeciles believe that God is real.” When these worldviews collide, you can really be knocked about. Why did you write this book? I was seeing Christians struggling with their own faith in the face of opposition. In our ministry, we were hearing a lot of questions, but also a lot of unhelpful slogans, like “God is dead,” or “Jesus is like the tooth fairy.” Doubt caused a whole lot of stress for people. It was almost as if they felt that they had to know everything with 110 per

Dealing with doubts cent certainty, or they were wrong. I wanted to help them to try and work through all the emotions they were feeling, and see that there was another way of dealing with it all. Do you think teens have different anxieties about the Christian faith to adults? No, not at all. I think the difference comes in the way the challenges and anxieties present to us. For example, a teenager’s first challenge to their faith might come from a non-believing teacher, or a hostile peer group. An adult might face the same challenges from work colleagues. The language might be different, but I think the challenges are the same: Is God real? Is Jesus who he said he is? Can I trust my life to God? What if I fail? Am I missing

out on something? They’re the same anxieties, but they turn up in different clothes, if you like. Have any of your friends turned away from God because of doubt? Doubts are often a sign that something else is going on – whether it be the worry of looking stupid, or the pain of suffering, or having unrealistic expectations of God, or even the temptation to replace God with some other passion. I haven’t had any friends give up on God just because of doubt. There’s always been a complex relationship between doubt and other things going on at the time. Who has helped you work through your doubts? It might sound a bit strange, but

I think God is the one who really helped me through it all. At those dark moments when I was struggling so hard, God would just help me to see something in his Word, or he would send along a faithful Christian at just the right time to help me understand and talk about what I was hearing. There were also intelligent people who’d been through the struggles before me, who helped me to see the truth or otherwise of what I was doubting. But all along, as I look back, I can see God’s hand helping me through the storm. In what ways has the Bible itself increased your faith in God? The Bible has helped me enormously. It is so different from any other book (or library in a book).

Christmas gift ideas for Parents Answering Your Kids’ Toughest Questions by Elyse Fitzpatrick (right) has a timely chapter on talking with your kids about war and terrorism. And if Elyse’s book doesn’t answer every question your kids ask, R C Sproul’s classic book Now that’s a Good Question will cover most of the others. Perfect for teens with a genuine desire to understand our world from a Biblical viewpoint. For those wrestling with doubts Kristen Young’s new book is worth a look.

When I’ve struggled, it’s reminded me that God is still in control. Sometimes I think we make decisions based on “majority rule” – that is, we’ll believe it’s true if everyone else does. But books like Daniel help you to see that throughout history, there have been other times when the majority got it hopelessly wrong. It’s encouraging to see that God is real and working and powerful even in these situations. It’s also been helpful to see other people’s failures in the Bible – I know that sounds crazy! But take Peter. He was such a passionate bloke, but there was still that time when he faced questions and he totally caved on Jesus: “I don’t know the man!” The imperfect people that God uses to build his kingdom give me hope. The disciples saw Jesus calm a storm with his words, and their response wasn’t a cheesy hymn, it was, “Who is this man?” To be able to come through that uncertainty and then say as Thomas said, “My Lord and My God,” is such an encouragement. Ultimately, though, the Bible has given me Jesus. Of all the possible belief systems in the world, Jesus is solid and real and absolutely astounding. His life on earth, doing things that only God could do. But then his death – humiliating, broken and horrible death – and to say that he did that for his enemies? And he didn’t stay dead, but rose back to life? That’s completely mind-blowing! Nobody would make that stuff up. When everything seems haywire, I keep coming back to Jesus, and to what the Bible says about him. I know God is real because of Jesus. I know I can trust God because of Jesus. I know that God is with us because of Jesus. It all comes back to him.

Give Them Grace by Elyse Fitzpatrick & Jessica Thompson 9781433520099 Paperback





Sex, gender, puberty, and self-image. How do you discuss these topics with a 10-14 year old? Dr Patricia Weerakoon shares her wisdom on this angst-ridden aspect of parenting in Growing Up by the Book. There are no guarantees this book will prevent awkward conversations with your kids, but they might be the conversations you need to start having now.

Teen Sex by the Book Softcover



Now, That’s a Good Question! by R C Sproul 9780842347112 Softcover


Growing Up by the Book $14.95 Paperback

from acclaimed author Dr Patrica Weerakoon


The Best Sex for Life Paperback



What If?

by Kristen Young 9781925041460 Softcover

Dr James Dobson, author, founder of Focus on the Family, psychologist and leading voice on the family brings you two new books, just in time for Christmas.

Dads & Daughters Paperback

Dads & Sons Paperback

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See the interview with the author above and our review on the next page!



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What If? Dealing with Doubts by Kristen Young 9781925041460 See interview pg 10

Evangelism by Mack Stiles 9781433544651 Hardcover

Awaken the Spirit by Jay Jeffries 9781433544651 Flexibound

Hope Beyond Cure by David McDonald 971892220644 Paperback

$14.95 Reviewed by David Bell

$17.95 Reviewed by Guan Un

$29.95 Reviewed by Karl Grice

$12.95 Reviewed by Sandy Grant

Who of us has not had nagging doubts about God, Jesus, the truth of the Bible, the resurrection and the problem of ongoing sin in the Christian’s life, and that great perennial topic of suffering? If these are issues for you then this is a good book for you. It does not claim to be comprehensive but it deals with these big questions in a sympathetic and intellectually rigorous way. Although it is aimed at the youth market, mid-teens to young adults, it is a book that any Christian could read for useful information and encouragement. I found it an extremely helpful book, and I am pleased to recommend it to a wider readership. It deals with big questions in a way to make us think. And it does not avoid some disagreements between Christians on issues that are not foundational for our faith. It is a wonderful introduction to that area called Apologetics. Yet at all times it encourages the individual Christian to confront their own doubts. It is a book that can, and should, be read a few times. It can be read cover-to-cover but its structure allows the reader to select an area of concern and interest, such as “Can I trust the Bible?” I highly recommend this primer for the doubting Christian. It is a much-needed book. Its publication now is timely.

What I love about this book is that it’s realistic, biblical and practical. Evangelism begins with Stiles defining evangelism – “teaching the gospel with the aim to persuade” – and then goes on to show why he believes a culture of evangelism in a church is important. He’s careful to distance this from the idea of evangelism through programmes and evangelistic speakers, but instead churches which are “loving communities committed to sharing the gospel as part of an ongoing way of life, not by the occasional evangelistic raid event”. The picture that Stiles paints of the church with a culture of evangelism is attractive without being gimmicky, motivated by a true love of Christ and a true love of others, with an eye not only for the immediacy of conversion, but the reality of a long-term journey with Christ. When Stiles tells personal anecdotes about successes in evangelism, you find yourself nodding and thinking “I could do that,” rather than the many books where anecdotes had me fairly certain that I’d never be able to do the same. If that sounds like something you want to happen too, pick up this book.

Do you have friends who are on a spiritual quest but avoid the church? Friends who are searching for truth at Mind, Body, Spirit Festivals but haven’t considered Jesus yet? Awaken the Spirit: The Sacred Texts of Jesus is the fruit of a ten year project to present the Bible in a form which speaks to New Age people. It was a bold project, but Melbourne-based editor Jay Jeffries sought wisdom from friends and has successfully produced a stunning new format Bible. The Sacred Texts include Bible portions from Genesis, Luke, Acts and Revelation, interspersed with Psalms – all in the trusted New Living Translation. Hand-picked images and illustrations invite deep reflection on the text. The style of imagery may seem a little odd at first, but in a New Age context these images give reverence to the text. Specially commissioned articles and personal stories encourage people to take the risk of meeting Jesus, knowing that others have travelled that same journey with fear, excitement and joy. The New Age sub-culture can easily appreciate Jesus for his compassion, his integrity and his sacrificial love. In reflecting and meditating on the Bible texts, it is hoped people may also respond to Jesus’ invitation to be reconciled and reunited with the living God.

Cancer has become the leading cause of death in Australia. Everyone knows someone who is impacted. And – to state the obvious – not everyone gets better from a cancer diagnosis. Dave McDonald, a Canberra-based church planter, pastor and sports chaplain to the ACT Brumbies Super Rugby Team, was diagnosed with incurable lung cancer in late 2011. I read my copy of this book in just an hour on the train, between Central and Helensburgh. And that was with several pauses while I tried not to cry in front of everyone else in the packed carriage. Perhaps it won’t surprise you to discover Dave points clearly, winsomely, compassionately, but uncompromisingly towards the gospel of Jesus Christ, crucified and risen as the only source of hope for life beyond death. And he explains the reasons why he found that hope to remain a true hope, both objectively and subjectively, when cancer threw everything he knew up in the air. It’s brutally honest. It’s short and realistic. It doesn’t pretend to have all the answers. But it delivers what it promises: hope beyond cure. As Dave says: “There’s nothing remarkable about my faith. Sometimes it’s weak and sometimes it wavers. But Jesus is not weak and Jesus never wavers. He can be trusted.”

The Great Bible Swindle

Explore the religious beliefs of Australia’s Prime Ministers

In God They Trust? Hardcover 9780647518557

$19.95 Billy Graham on a subject very dear to his heart - Salvation.

The Reason for My Hope Softcover 9780849922046


SOMEWHAT LESS CONDENSED is Jonny Gibson’s recent tome From Heaven He Came and Sought Her, with various writers delving into the topic of sovereignty, election and the atonement. Weighing in at just over a kilo and with a solid 704 pages of content, this volume is destined to be read only by those with a strong interest in the topic. Jonny will be speaking at the AFES National Training Event in Canberra this month. Mack Stiles will be at the
same event. His latest book Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus has been receiving positive reviews, including from our very own reviewer Guan Un (see left). THE Awaken the Spirit Bible was launched in Melbourne in November. It is the exciting culmination of a 10 year project by Jay Jeffries to present the “sacred texts of Jesus” in a form that will connect with people immersed in New Age spiritualities.

Hardcover 9780310439363

Hardcover 9780647518656


FANS OF THE Big Picture Story Bible will be keen to read David Helm’s new Big Picture Family Devotional and his collection of Big Picture Bible Verses. The Bible verse booklet offers a modern children’s catechism, with the “Big Picture” of the Bible condensed into 45 kid-friendly questions and memory verses. That makes it more condensed than the Reader’s Digest Bible, and sweeter than a can of Carnation’s evaporated milk. Try it after dinner with the kids.

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