TLP profile 2 0

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Achiever: those are the people who attain high-quality results on challenging projects and they set realistic but challenging goals. They believe that the results are connected to one’s effort rather than chance. They think ahead and plan, explore alternatives before acting and learn from their mistakes. Behavior: - works towards self-set goals - accepts and shares responsibility with his team - takes on challenging tasks - believes that each one’s individual effort is important - thinks ahead and explores alternatives, generates solutions

Self-developer: based on their need of personal growth, selffulfillment and realization of one’s potential, they manifest a strong desire to learn and experience things, take opportunities, display creative but realistic thinking and have a balanced concerned for both people and tasks. Behavior: - creative and original thinker - receptive to change, open to feedback - high personal integrity - self-respecting - enjoys taking responsibility - good communication

People developer: Shows interest in the growth and development of his team and a high positive regard for them; also shows sensitivity to their needs. The TLP provides his team with support and encouragement through coaching and encouragement of achieving their potential. Behavior: - resolves conflicts constructively - encourages growth and development in others, - close to people, attentive to their needs - involves others in decision making

Affiliative: Shows interest in developing and maintaining pleasant relationships within their team and the organization. They can share their thoughts and feelings with his team, are friendly and cooperative and make the members of the OC feel as part of a team, of the bigger picture. Behavior: - cooperative and friendly - genuine concern for others - at ease with people, likes working with the team - thinks that people are more important than things - makes the others feel part of the team

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