Chennai Toastmasters club monthly newsletter

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April 1, 2013

Effectiveness of Communication

The effectiveness of our COMMUNICATION depends on how crisp, clear and concise our message is - whether we are writing, speaking or gesturing. Authors can worry about their written communication skills, artists can worry about their graphic communication skills, but all of need to be very aware of our verbal communication skills - Don't we? Welcome to the COMMUNICATION edition of the Chennai Toastmasters Club's magazine - Speak Out! Telling Toastmasters about the importance and value of good COMMUNICATION is akin to preaching to the Pope; however, value and importance of communication is an intangible. And like all other intangibles, good COMMUNICATION tends to get taken for granted most of the time. We tend to move through our daily life with whatever abilities we were born with and whatever skills we chanced to pick up along the way. We learn communication as a by=product of everything else we study or work on - very seldom do we go through a focused exercise to improve our communication skills. Joining Toastmasters then, is a huge leap forward! In this edition, you can look forward to veteran and budding Toastmasters sharing their tips, views and experiences about COMMUNICATION. Enjoy! Other news..... The Tri-Divisional conference for Divisions G, M and N is coming up! Scheduled for April 21st 2013 at the RMZ Millennia IT Park's Ford Campus, dubbed "Tamil Nadu Toastmasters Conference" and nicknamed TNTC, it promises to be a scintillating conference with spectacular contest speeches, informative training sessions and camaraderie. Our star speaker TM Sudha Rajesh is representing our club and Area G1 in the International Speech Contest, and is polishing her script as I pen this article. Let's show up in large number and see her through to the finals at District level! Speaking of District level..... District 82's semi-annual conference, Ovations 2013, shall be held on May 24th and 25th at the Hyatt in Chennai. This is an opportunity to rub shoulders with stalwarts in our District, witness world-class speeches as the Titans of all Divisions clash in the International Speech and Table Topics Contests and also have some serious fun! A lot to look forward to, Toastmasters! Happy COMMUNICATING!

Deepa Bharatkumar President Chennai Toastmasters Club

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