Rutgers Foundation Annual Report

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the [creatingfuture today


Rutgers University Foundation Annual Report


to see beyond the realm of what is . . .

I AM PLEASED TO THANK EACH RUTGERS DONOR. Your support is appreciated and makes a difference in the quality of education that Rutgers offers. You have helped to achieve another yearly giving record at Rutgers. Altogether, you contributed $123 million to Rutgers’ myriad activities in 2000–2001— a great way to begin a new century filled with promise and with unexpected challenges. You have been wonderfully generous during the three years that I was privileged to serve as chair of the Board of Overseers. Private giving rose 129 percent during this period. I thank you for

THE EVENTS OF SEPTEMBER 11 have shaken this

supporting Rutgers and for making

country and, at the same time, elicited a generosity of spirit

my chairmanship so fulfilling. I believe

unprecedented in this generation. We have seen thousands of Americans eagerly and unselfishly rise to meet challenges.

that your donations to Rutgers are wisely spent and are an important

We have witnessed firsthand that institutions, whether business,

investment in the future of

volunteer, or government agencies, are strong and resilient

this state and nation.

and reinvent themselves to respond to new needs. In these unusual times, American citizens, and New Jerseyans

But Rutgers continues to

most certainly, can be assured that Rutgers and the rest

need your support to

of our higher education community possess enormous expert-

advance its work. I hope

ise, vigor, and creativity in shaping solutions to

you will remain committed

ever-changing problems.

to helping Rutgers in the

The fundamentals of a great public university — teaching

years ahead and consider

and learning, research and discovery, community engagement

a special gift to The

and economic development — are more important than ever

Rutgers Campaign. You

to the future of our state, our community, and our nation.

will be helping to create

Rutgers continues to flourish as a crucible for scholarship and

a better tomorrow.

innovation, where the questions of the ages and the issues of the moment converge to create new insights, new knowledge, and new solutions. Each year, tens of thousands of donors support Rutgers in

I extend my best wishes for success to the new chair of the board, Kevin J. Collins,

carrying out this indispensable role in our society. I thank those

and to the chair of The Rutgers

who have contributed to Rutgers in the 2000–2001 academic

Campaign, James G. Cullen.

year and to our $500 million multiyear campaign to advance

May they find their work with

the university in the ranks of our nation’s very best public

Rutgers’ donors as enjoyable

research and teaching universities. You are helping Rutgers

and rewarding as I have!

reach new heights, with all the educational power, capability, and public service that stature promises.

Alvin J. Rockoff, RC’49 Francis L. Lawrence President Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Chair, Board of Overseers Rutgers University Foundation

] the realm of what is possible...

EVERY SOCIETY ADVANCES through the ideas and actions of those we call visionaries. They see beyond the realm of what is, to the realm of what is possible. We know them as artists and researchers, scientists and scholars. Those who share these imaginings, who help breathe life into ideas, we know as philanthropists. In these pages, we see the results of this remarkable synthesis and meet some modern-day visionaries. What one or two cannot accomplish alone, we achieve in a community molded through a blending of imagination and knowledge, educator and supporter. Donors to Rutgers -— corporations, foundations, organizations, and individuals — contributed a total of $123,302,686 from July 2000 to June 2001 to advance the university’s activities in education, research, and public service. This one-year tally is part of a major campaign to raise $500 million by June 2004. Donors have demonstrated that they understand the campaign’s needs and purposes, giving $358 million to the effort between July 1998 and November 2001. As the months progress, still more supporters are stepping forward who believe that Rutgers is a vital force for a better society. Thanks to a community of visionary scholars, researchers, and donors, Rutgers is creating the future today through knowledge, imagination, and deed.

Rutgers Campaign Priorities:

A superior academic program • A retaining top faculty • Enriching t outstanding facilities and equipm

Throughout my thirty years in telecommunications, I have seen sweeping changes bring new economic opportunity and improvement to our quality of life. As chair of The Rutgers Campaign, I am now watching equally dramatic forces bring a similar revolution in higher education. “The Rutgers Campaign: Creating the Future Today” has a goal of no less than $500 million. Your contributions will expand the university’s growing influence in national policy study. They will help attract leading research professors and sustain the state’s top students. The generosity of new benefactors and long-standing ones also will strengthen Rutgers’ ongoing commitment to community service, particularly in Camden, Newark, and New Brunswick. Our confidence in the campaign’s success comes from commitments already totaling more than $358 million through November 2001. Last year we achieved record-breaking donations of more than $123 million, a 43 percent increase over the previous year. Just as technology has altered the way we live and do business in the twenty-first century, so will the higher level of academic, research, and civic achievements at Rutgers change our future. Beginning today, join us to make this happen.

James G. Cullen, RC’64 Chair, The Rutgers Campaign

Attracting and supporting the best students • Ensuring

Advancing the quest for knowledge • Recruiting and he campus and community environment • Providing

ent • Making the most of opportunities “The Honeywell gift will help advance our research efforts in ceramic and materials engineering and will, in turn, strengthen our ability to recruit highly qualified faculty and students,” says Dr. Joseph J. Seneca, university vice president for academic affairs. “Rutgers also plans to pursue the commercial potential of the newly acquired patents and process technologies through a new start-up business,” he continues. “A mission of the university is to promote economic development in the state, and Honeywell’s gift is a great example of how Rutgers can ensure that innovations developed in New Jersey will be commercially brought to fruition in New Jersey.” Student support — another important goal of The Rutgers Campaign — will be advanced through academic and athletic scholarships funded through trusts and bequests totaling almost $7 million from the late Margaret B. Sahloff Beldon, DC’32, and her first husband, Willard H. Sahloff, RC’30. The Sahloffs created football scholarships in the 1950s and added basketball scholarships in the 1960s; Mrs. Beldon established athletic scholarships for Douglass College students in the 1990s. Their estate gifts now substantially add to those

HEATING UP Sparked by leadership gifts from corporations, foundations, and individuals across the country, The Rutgers Campaign is two-thirds of the way to its $500 million goal.

scholarships and create new academic scholarships university-wide. Rutgers’ research and public service efforts will be enhanced

These gifts include a $28.5 million portfolio of patents,

by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York to fund

licenses, and equipment from Honeywell International, Inc.,

a study on the administration, financing, and potential impact

which is the largest gift in the university’s 235-year history;

of universal preschool education. “Key decisions will be made

nearly $7 million in scholarship aid from a Rutgers–Douglass

over the next five years that will shape the design of early

couple; and a $600,000 commitment from the Carnegie

education and child care for decades and determine the extent

Corporation of New York to fund a study of universal

to which such programs fulfill their promise,” says Dr. W. Steven

preschool education.

Barnett, director of the Center for Early Education Research and

The three gifts, plus hundreds of others generated by the campaign, make a positive impact on the university’s mission

a professor at the Graduate School of Education. “Thanks to the Carnegie Corporation, we will be conduct-

of education, research, public service, and economic devel-

ing research over the next three years to inform those decisions

opment. The $28.5 million gift from Honeywell International

and provide the nation with a new vision of high-quality early

to Rutgers’ School of Engineering touches several areas

childhood education and care that integrates public education,

important to the campaign.

Head Start, and the private sector,” declares Barnett.

GOOD NEIGHBORS Be it innovative product development, fostering cutting-edge research, or supporting the continuing education of doctors and pharmacists, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) knows that thinking ahead is a winning strategy. Creating the future is ingrained in its corporate culture. New Brunswick neighbors for more than a century, J&J

[ painting

and Rutgers frequently collaborate on projects that serve the public interest. According to Alfred T. Mays, vice president of corporate contributions and community relations at J&J, “Supporting philanthropic programs is consistent with our value system and our belief that socially responsible investments in our communities are integral to our business." The company and its employees offer Rutgers time, expertise, and funding for a broad array of forwardthinking programs. A sampling of current funding illustrates how J&J supports Rutgers’ mission of research, education, and community service. ■ The New Brunswick Scholars’ Saturday Academy seeks to redress the underrepresentation of minorities in the fields of science, mathematics, and engineering by introducing high school students to research careers and providing the academic tools they need to succeed. ■ College of Pharmacy researchers have identified a compound that protects and repairs damaged nerves and holds promise for the treatment of spinal cord injuries; with funding from J&J, Rutgers scientists can expand their studies. ■ The College of Pharmacy and Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital’s joint outreach project will help asthmatic patients breathe easier as trained pharmacy students counsel and educate patients on asthma treatment after hospital discharge. ■ The Center for Children and Childhood Studies works to improve children’s health and well-being, including, this year, an evaluation of the impact of enrollment in New Jersey KidCare. ■ The Minority Nurse Leadership Institute will change the face of nursing by encouraging cultural and ethnic diversity and also will help relieve the current shortage of nurses. ■ Rutgers’ John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development endeavors to forge a stronger national economy. J&J stands behind the center’s approach, which uses education, policy development, and technological advancements to anticipate and meet business needs. Alfred T. Mays

a healthy outlook today. . . HEALTHY COMMITMENT According to the U.S. secretary of health and human services, the nation faces a shortage of half a million nurses by 2020. “That’s just not acceptable,” says Tommy G. Thompson. “The nursing shortage in our country is increasing, and it places our system of medical care at risk.” New Jersey faces the same problem, with some 14,000 nursing positions expected to be unfilled by 2006. Dr. Hurdis Griffith, dean of the Rutgers College of Nursing, calls the sit-

...through creative and imaginative partnerships...


uation critical and is determined that the college be part of the solution. Plans include a new facility in New Brunswick to

$11 million, five-year grant. The center informs, supports,

attract a greater number of baccalaureate students into the

and stimulates sound and creative health policy in New Jersey

nursing profession.

and around the nation. In its first two years of operation,

The plans took a major step forward this year when the

the center has conducted more than a dozen studies in

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the nation’s largest

collaboration with state agencies and community health

philanthropy devoted to health and health care, pledged

organizations, reports Dr. Joel Cantor, director.

more than $2 million to the new building. The proposed

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation also awarded a

13,000-square-foot building would serve the campus’s

$753,000 five-year grant that helped create the Family Support

200 undergraduate nursing students in one up-to-date

Center at the LEAP Academy in Camden, a 750-student charter

facility and allow room for growth.

school. “The foundation’s investment has made it possible for

The building project marks the latest major commitment to

us to transform the lives of many families who would not

the university by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in

otherwise have an opportunity to improve their quality of life,”

recent years. The foundation made possible the establish-

says Dr. Gloria Bonilla-Santiago, professor of urban studies at

ment of the Rutgers Center for State Health Policy with an

Rutgers–Camden and founder of the Rutgers/LEAP Initiative.

THE RUTGERS UNIVERSITY MEDAL FOR PHILANTHROPIC EXCELLENCE honors extraordinary donors. It is a tangible symbol of the profound gratitude the university feels toward them. During the 2000–2001 academic year, the medal was awarded to four generous couples, including Dr. Norton T. and

a solid [ forging foundation...

Nancy Ruyle Dodge, who were featured prominently in last year’s Annual Report.

ROBERT AND HARRIETT DRUSKIN like to see results — and the results of their generous gift to Rutgers are already visible. The creation of the Druskin Scholarships, which are awards of $5,000 each, is helping thirteen bright but financially needy students in the 2001–2002 academic year, and will eventually benefit twenty students each year. “We welcomed the idea of helping students who needed the money to get through school. This kind of financial support can make a difference,” says Mr. Druskin, RC’69. He speaks from experience. As an undergraduate at Rutgers College, Bob supplemented his state scholarship by cleaning swimming pools, trundling film cans, and working in a metal press factory. Graduation was his first step toward a highly successful career on Wall Street, where he is now chief operations and technology officer for Citigroup, Inc. Motivation is an important trait to the Druskins. Scholarship recipients must maintain a 3.5 or better grade point average at Rutgers, but need not have been top high school achievers. “I think sometimes when it doesn’t come that easy and you have to work, you end up doing better in life because you’ve acquired the work ethic,” Harriett Druskin explains. The Druskins have met some of the eight students who received grants last year. “It was very positive,” Bob says. “They’re nice kids, and the scholarships are doing what we intended." The Druskins’ children, Ben E. Druskin, RC’90, and Melissa Druskin Travers, DC’96, “are really pleased that we give the scholarships,” their father observes. Mrs. Druskin adds, “The diverse backgrounds of Melissa’s and Ben’s fellow students enabled our children to learn as much out of class as in.” The donors modestly say they were “stunned” to receive the Rutgers University Medal for Philanthropic Excellence. Says Rutgers President Francis L. Lawrence: “The Druskins have given much, not only with generosity, but with thoughtfulness and heart.” Robert and Harriett Druskin

PAUL S. MONROE was both a


Rutgers engineering student and entre-

love to plant trees. Their generosity has

preneur in the late 1930s. He earned a

guaranteed that others will, too.

profit of $2,000 in just two weeks through

Recently retired from Cook College,

the sale of drawing instruments to night

where he taught forestry for two decades,

school students. “That went a long way

Dr. Kuser has made trees his life’s work.

in Depression days,” he reflects today. Although his parents were college graduates, Paul says,

Whether strolling around campus or through a large woodland he owns near Pennington, Professor Kuser, GSNB’76,

“There wasn’t much talk about education at home because

reads a tree as others read a book. He knows a species’

there wasn’t money to even get there.” But with scholarship

potential and problems. He divines each tree’s particular

help, Paul did get to Rutgers.

history from the scars on its limbs. Eleanor shares his

In high school, Paul had discovered that engineering was his destiny. The motor in his dad’s car sounded “terrible,” so

enthusiasm. She has been an active gardener and environmentalist.

he promptly tore it down and rebuilt it. This was a formula for

Their passion led to the creation of a trust fund that will

success Paul was to repeat throughout his life: serving as the

eventually endow a chair in urban forestry at Cook College.

consummate fixer and builder.

It is a substantial investment in New Jersey’s future environ-

From those lean days to today, many projects have

ment and economy. Adding up sales of trees and equip-

blossomed under his guidance. Mr. Monroe, Eng’40, was

ment, salaries for tree planting and maintenance, increased

project manager of the plant in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, where

property values, and other expenditures, urban forestry

material for the first atom bomb was manufactured. He went

adds $2 billion annually to the state economy, Dr. Kuser

on to serve for thirty years as vice president of the Scientific

notes. Trees can increase property values by 6 percent and

Design Company (later the Halcon International Company),

cut fuel costs by providing shade and blocking wind. At the

with construction sites worldwide.

same time, he says, they make our air healthier to breathe.

Paul and his wife, Mary W., gave the School of Engineering

Rutgers is a national leader in urban forestry. The John

more than a million dollars last year to be used for research

and Eleanor Kuser Chair in Urban Forestry firmly plants

and teaching in the growing field of product design, manu-

that leadership so it will grow in future generations.

facturing, and packaging engineering, which has a very high

Commenting on the Rutgers Medals for Philanthropic

demand for graduates. Mary died in May 2001 after a long

Excellence that he presented to the couple, President

illness but not before receiving, along with Paul, the Rutgers

Lawrence declares: “John and Eleanor have very

University Medal for Philanthropic Excellence. This was a

generously demonstrated their devotion to the people

warm acknowledgment of the Monroes’ beneficence and

of New Jersey, the students of Rutgers, and the

strong commitment to Rutgers.

environment we all share.”

. . . for the challenges of tomorrow


IT KEEPS GOING AND GOING . . . Legendary advertising genius Jay Chiat has blazed trails for his industry and for minorities within it. During his recent induction into Rutgers’ Hall of Distinguished Alumni, Mr. Chiat’s surprise pledge of $1 million in minority scholarships had the typical flair that won him and the Chiat/Day Advertising Agency, which he founded

a [ using new palette . . .

in 1968, numerous awards. He is creating the future today for the twenty undergraduates a year, primarily African-American and Latino students, whom his scholarships will assist. “Education is the key to success,” says the 1953 graduate of the School of Education. “Rutgers always has exemplified to me a very large commitment to minority students. This gift will allow the university to increase that commitment. It helps people who would not have access to higher education to earn a college degree and improve the community.” Chiat’s visionary approaches have marked his distinguished career at Chiat/Day and more recently at ScreamingMedia, the Internet content distributor. “I guess I don’t have the same resistance to change most people have,” he says. The Energizer Bunny campaign is just one example of his creativity. A futuristic thinker and an innovator throughout his career, he has advocated ideas over technique, added research-based account planning, and utilized satellites and interactive video. Equally adept as a pioneer in recruiting global talent and opening the advertising field to minorities, Chiat created and contributed generously to an agency internship program in Southern California, where he was based. Within two years, seventy-nine interns completed training, and thirteen had full-time jobs. “I saw that more help was needed in bringing minorities into the field,” he says. “Advertising is multicultural, as it tries to address a broad mass audience. Therefore, you must have people within the business who understand these many interests. It’s the right thing to do.”

Jay Chiat

View, California, is worth $1.2 million. According to Professor Michael Bushnell, graduate director of electrical and computer engineering, the two sets of software are used in computer design and complement each other. “Both Cadence and Synopsys have revolutionized hardware design and significantly brought down the cost of personal computers,” Dr. Bushnell says. “The next stage in hardware design will be to get large systems on one chip. These gifts help us in that direction.” Dr. Bushnell points out that computer companies are eager to hire computer engineering graduates who know how to use both the Cadence and Synopsys software. “These gifts also will make our students far more marketable after graduation,” he notes. The third gift, from AT&T, transferred total ownership of a patent and software worth an estimated $2.8 million to Rutgers. Computer Science Associate Professor Haym Hirsh says that

CHIPPING AWAY One can hardly imagine computers

the innovative software, combining ideas from the fields of

getting any more sophisticated than the minuscule hand-held

databases and information retrieval, was developed by Dr.

devices and slender laptops to which we have become accus-

William W. Cohen, GSNB’88, ’90, while he was employed

tomed. But with the help of generous gifts from three major

at AT&T. He is now a research scientist at WhizBang! Labs

computer companies, future Rutgers graduates likely will be

in Pittsburgh.

part of the next wave of innovators to come up with “the next big thing” in computer technology. Two of the gifts will benefit directly both undergraduate

“By owning the patent, Rutgers can make this software available free to the scholarly community,” Hirsh says. The software has been in use at more than 400 institutions world-

and graduate students in the Department of Electrical and

wide, including prominent use by Rutgers computer science

Computer Engineering. The software gift from Cadence

students, “making Rutgers a natural recipient of the donation,”

Design Systems of San Jose, California, is worth an estimated

he says. The university hopes to eventually license it to industry

$3.9 million, while the software from Synopsys of Mountain

and reap an economic benefit from ownership of the patent.

. . . finding a new rhythm

Haym Hirsh


Rutgers Foundation by the... numbers


Contributions to Academic, Research, and Other Units


Total Private Giving, July 1, 2000–June 30, 2001: $123,302,686 Who Contributed Corporations: $58,352,150

Foundations: $22,605,400 Alumni: $24,465,160

Faculty and Staff: $234,290

Friends: $13,339,722

Parents: $359,801

Organizations: $3,946,163

What They Supported Capital Purposes: $43,474,721

Current Operations: $47,643,917

Endowment: $32,184,048

Growth in Private Giving

(dollars in millions)

FY01 FY00 FY99 FY98 FY97 FY96 FY95 FY94 FY93 FY92 FY91 $20









$100 $110 $120 $130

School of Engineering ..................................................................$38,826,663 Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum .......................................... 18,128,629 Faculty of Arts and Sciences–New Brunswick .............................. 10,434,797 Cook College....................................................................................7,835,829 Intercollegiate Athletics (Scarlet R) ..................................................5,989,841 Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy ..............3,824,142 College of Pharmacy ........................................................................3,684,936 Douglass College ............................................................................3,473,693 School of Law–Newark ....................................................................3,034,848 Graduate School of Management ....................................................2,615,129 University Research ..........................................................................1,787,367 Office of Financial Aid ......................................................................1,657,970 Rutgers College ................................................................................1,587,469 University Libraries............................................................................1,568,211 Faculty of Arts and Sciences–Newark ..............................................1,523,227 School of Social Work ......................................................................1,014,799 Faculty of Arts and Sciences–Camden ................................................969,088 Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research ............957,213 Graduate School of Education ............................................................848,682 Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience ..........................747,710 Office of the Provost–Camden ............................................................625,896 Alumni Association Class Funds ..........................................................533,288 Allen and Joan Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life ..............526,835 Eagleton Institute of Politics................................................................517,355 School of Communication, Information and Library Studies ..............466,634 School of Law–Camden ......................................................................460,304 Waksman Institute................................................................................446,414 Mason Gross School of the Arts..........................................................445,555 School of Business–Camden ..............................................................380,875 Center for Advanced Information Processing ....................................360,021 Center for Advanced Food Technology ..............................................330,380 Center of Alcohol Studies ..................................................................328,850 University College–New Brunswick ....................................................327,144 Institute for Women’s Leadership ........................................................269,010 College of Nursing ..............................................................................240,993 Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science ........................................................215,040 Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine............................160,500 School of Criminal Justice ..................................................................156,505 Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences ............................................145,322 Livingston College ..............................................................................120,391 University Relations..............................................................................117,243 Graduate School–New Brunswick........................................................112,027 Office of the Provost–Newark..............................................................104,383 School of Management and Labor Relations ......................................103,948 Office of the Vice President for Undergraduate Education ..................88,283 Center for Urban Policy Research..........................................................85,911 Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology ..................83,520 Teaching Excellence Centers ................................................................60,000 Office of Career Services ......................................................................58,338 Biotechnology Center for Agriculture and the Environment ................56,275 Rutgers University Press ........................................................................46,545 Center for Latino Arts and Culture ........................................................30,100 Computing and Information Technology ..............................................17,177 Center for Mathematics, Science, and Computer Education..........................................................................16,600 Educational Opportunity Fund ..............................................................12,752 Graduate School–Newark......................................................................10,493 University College–Camden ....................................................................2,400 Paul Robeson Cultural Center ................................................................1,035 Graduate School–Camden ........................................................................800 Other Designations ..........................................................................4,727,301 —————————————————————————————————— Total, Fiscal Year 2001..............................................................$123,302,686



Governors’ Cabinet

THE GOVERNORS’ CABINET honors lifetime giving to the university. Rutgers thanks each of these extraordinary donors for the role they have played in building a great university. Through their cumulative giving over the years, these donors have expanded and enhanced the Rutgers mission of teaching and learning, research and discovery, and public service and community engagement. $1,000,000 or more Shirley Aidekman-Kaye, the late Alex Aidekman, and the Aidekman Family Foundation Lorraine and Jerome Aresty, RC’51 Margaret Baldwin ‡ Margaret Sahloff Beldon, DC’32, and Willard H. Sahloff, RC’30 ‡ Frank Bergen ‡ Allen and Joan Bildner and the Bildner Family Foundation Ken Boxley and the late Tess Magsaysay Louis Brown, RC’36 ‡ Charles L. Busch ‡ Jack, RC’54, and Dorothy Byrne Joseph F. Cullman III, Dorothy C. Treisman, Joel Treisman, and Jeffrey Treisman Martin G., PHAR’55, and Marlene Daffner Dr. Norton T. Dodge and Nancy Ruyle Dodge Robert A., RC’69, and Harriett Druskin Elfrida and Albert Fellows, RC’23, GSNB’24 ‡ Dr. Dennis M., GSNB’77, and Linda Fenton Samuel Geltman Rena M. Hamelfarb, DC’38 ‡ John J., UCNB’50, and Regina B. Heldrich, DC’42, and the John J. and Regina B. Heldrich Foundation Lois Holt, DC’30 ‡ Frances R. Hutt and the late George A. Hutt, RC’26 Carl Krauss ‡ Carmen Kreeger and the late David Lloyd Kreeger, RC’29 Dr. John E., GSNB’76, and Eleanor W. Kuser Blanche and Irving Laurie ‡ Laurance M. Leeds, ENG’34 ‡ Janice H. Levin ‡ Alan V. Lowenstein Nancy S. and Duncan L. MacMillan, RC’66 Franklin J., RC’25, NLAW’28, and Stephanie Morris Marryott, DC’26 ‡ Anonymous Robert E. Martini Ernest McDonnell ‡ Paul S., ENG’40, and the late Mary W. Monroe Ann Pihlman Neupauer, DC’31 ‡ Donald E. and Samuel I. Newhouse, Jr., and the Newhouse Foundation W. Cary Nicholas ‡ Dr. Lois V. and Samuel Pratt ‡ Nathaniel Ratner, AG’30 ‡ Dr. Philip S., RC’61, and Dorothy Schein Herbert D. and Ruth Schimmel Sidney I. Simon ‡ R. Brinkley Smithers ‡ Melda Snyder ‡ Dr. J. Edward Stricker, PHAR’31 Col. William G. Van Allen, ENG’36

Jack and Bonnie Van Cleef and the John and Alma Van Cleef Trust Alan M. and the late Nathalie Voorhees Ralph W., ED’48, and Barbara Voorhees Anonymous Dr. H. Boyd, AG’39, GSNB’42, and Jeanette Whitner Woodruff, DC’41 Anonymous

$500,000 to $999,999 Dr. William H., ENG’42, GSNB’47, GSNB’50, and Barbara M. Bauer, DC’46 Doris and Felix M. Beck, SB’49, GSM’53 Sieglinde Behrens ‡ Margaret Brogley ‡ John Calasibetta, PHAR’28 Cape Branch Foundation Raymond G. Chambers, SB’64 Robert A. Cooke ‡ Hazel V. Dean ‡ Frances Dunbar, DC’49 ‡ Lillian Storms Dunlop, DC’22 ‡ Dr. David and Ruth Eisenberg Paul Ekman Myrle W. Garbe ‡ Ralph Geiger Anonymous Frank A. Golbey, AG’39 ‡ H. Spencer Green, ENG’35 ‡ Ruth and Dick Hale, AG’44, GSNB’48 Michael Harasimik, RC’35 ‡ Charon and Mark P. Hershhorn, RC’71 Col. William Carl Heyer, RC’25 ‡ Carleton A. Holstrom, GSNB’62, Mary Beth Kineke, and the Holstrom Family Foundation Inez H. Howell ‡ Eleanor Pugh Jacobs ‡ Helen Levine and the late William Levine, PHAR’26 Frances Bradley L’Hommedieu, DC’26 ‡ Gordon A. MacNaul, RC’54 ‡ Leona G. and Harold I. Meyerson, NLAW’28 ‡ Mildred H. Morse and the late David A. Morse, RC’29 Doris C. Murphy ‡ Josephine Q. Nicholson, ED’32 ‡ Harold K. Raisler, RC’26 ‡ George Riabov, RC’51, GSNB’52 Margaret Saenz Roberts, DC’43 ‡ Judith Fay Ross ‡ Amelia Landenberger Ruggles, DC’23 ‡ Madeleine Schetty, DC’27 ‡ Hon. Baruch S. Seidman, RC’31, GSNB’32 Milton R. Stalker, ENG’30 ‡ Paul W. Stillman ‡ Maurice M., RC’43, and Adrienne R. Weill Geraldine Lord Weller, DC’47 ‡ Keith C. and Elaine Johnson Wold

$250,000 to $499,999 Adrienne Adams Alton A. Adler, RC’31 ‡ Ellis B. Anderson and the late Adrienne Anderson, DC’45 Nathaniel A. Back, RC’27, and Family Gerald Baker Robert C. Baker Henry E., RC’45, and Nancy H. Bartels Norma B. Bartman David T. Bender, RC’25 ‡ Kenneth W. Bergen, RC’34 ‡ Anonymous Antoinette C. Bigel ‡ Mildred V. Blum ‡ Marie Boutillier and the late Robert J. Boutillier, SB’48 Charles W. Bower, GSM’57, UCN’50 Helen and Floyd H. Bragg, RC’36 Elizabeth Robinson Briggs, DC’29 ‡ Eugene H. Brussel, ENG’49 ‡ Walter R. Bruyere III, RC’39 Robert E. Campbell, GSM’62 David A., RC’50, and Elizabeth Cayer Jay Chiat, ED’53 Katherine Young Cochran, DC’39 ‡ Dr. Charlotte M. Craig, GSNB’64 John S. Dennis, GSNB’74 Katherine B. Doak and the late Lowell C. Doak John V.N. Dorr ‡ Dean and Edythe Dowling ‡ Elmer C. Easton Clifford L. Elling, RC’48 Hilda S. Foster ‡ Elizabeth Frey-Hopper ‡ Charlotte D. Fultz ‡ Dr. C. Reed Funk, GSNB’62 Thomas C. Galligan, Sr., RC’29 ‡ Ronald W., RC’58, and Antoinette Giaconia and the Giaconia Family Foundation Mildred Davis Gladwell ‡ Alan, ED’58, and Marjorie Goldberg Eva Z. Gottscho Ruth Janette Habas ‡ Helen Hachnasarian ‡ Eleanor Hall, DC’29 ‡ Bertha L. Harris ‡ Jeanne O. Hart ‡ Dr. Caroline P. Huber, GSNB’86, GSNB’92 Betty Wold Johnson Herbert C., RC’51, and Jacqueline K. Klein Ruth Morgan Kurtz, DC’45, GSED’53 Nanette Laitman Maurice D. Lee Joseph G. Lerner, AG’42 Herbert J., RC’52, and Leonard Littman Beatrice B. MacCarter ‡ Elisabeth Zillmann Mitchell, DC’45 ‡ Edward K. and Joanne H. Mullen Thomas C. Murray, Jr., AG’36 ‡ Bruce S. Nicholas, ENG’49 Gene, UCNB’62, and Lorna O’Hara Dorothy B. O’Leary, DC’31 ‡

Betty B. Perl and the late Harold S. Perl, RC’48 Jules L. Plangere, Jr., RC’44 Sylvia B. Pressler, NLAW’59 Edward W. Price, RC’50 Arthur Reich, NLAW’28 ‡ Dr. Norman Reitman, RC’32, and the late Syril Reitman, DC’34 Dr. Stephen Repta, RC’35 ‡ Carolyn Rochestie ‡ William G. Rohrer Charitable Foundation Stanley Roth, Jr. Nicholas G. Rutgers IV, RC’50, and Nancy Rutgers Alexander Seaman, RC’33, NLAW’36 David K. Sengstack, RC’44 Dr. Jacob Smit, Guy Smit, and Marijke Smit Elizabeth H. Solomon Margaret Blake Storer, DC’44, and Alfred C. Storer, RC’43 Babetta E. Streitwolf, DC’36 ‡ Susan W. Thompson ‡ Kenneth A. Tjaden, UCN’52 ‡ Audrey Brown Walton, DC’38 Susan N. and Donald M. Wilson Marilyn Chin and the late Ronald N. Yurcak, AG’65

$100,0000 to $249,999 E. Dumont Ackerman, RC’35 Richard A. Alaimo, ENG’56 Joyce Albers-Schonberg, DC’65 Stephen L. Albertalli,ENG’50 Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Saul S. Artis William H. Axelby, RC’34 ‡ Dr. Jean Lahn Balinky, DC’53, GSED’64 ‡ Jeffrey A. Barist, RC’63 Lawrence E. Bathgate, NLAW’64 Ethel Beck ‡ Morris Beck ‡ Herbert Allen Belkin, NLAW’65 Alvin Benedict, RC’49 Blaine C. Benedict, AG’70 Marc E. Berson, RC’66, NLAW’68 James W., RC’46, and Barbara S. Betts Karl Bielenberg, RC’67 Thomas J. Blanchet, AG’38 Helen F. Boehm Michael Bongiovanni, PHAR’41 ‡ Howard L., RC’31, and Mabel Bradford Eunice W. Brasefield, DC’27 ‡ William N. Britton, RC’67 Judith K. Brodsky and the late David J. Brodsky Richard H. Bruskin, RC’48 James E. and Diane Burke Luella Buros ‡ A. Paul, AG’32, and Agnes D. Burton ‡ Barbara Ann Busch, DC’62 Barbara M. Busch ‡ Robert L. Caleo, RC’52 Vito A. Cardace, SB’60 ‡ Linda Jo Carter Peter Cartmell, RC’43 Ruth Smith Case, DC’27 Dennis Cate, RC’67, and Lynn Gumpert Florence Voorhees Cejka, DC’40 ‡ Jay B. Chamberlain, RC’25 ‡ Maureen Chelius Kevin J., NLAW’64, and Helen D. Collins, NLAW’65 Anonymous Robert N. Cooper Leon and Toby Cooperman G. Paul, CLAW’68, and Margot Crawshaw James R. Croucher, PHAR’52 Dr. Suresh B., GSNB’64, and Sheela S. Damle Jane B. Davey ‡ Robert W. Davis, ENG’34 Spencer H. Davis, Jr. Agnes Christophersen Dempster, DC’33 ‡ Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Devlin, Jr. Mary Dickson and the late Arthur L. Dickson, RC’23, NLAW’26 Susan DiMarzo ‡ Janet M. Duncan ‡ Edward Dunlop, RC’62, GSNB’64 Alice R. Edgar ‡ Steven G., RC’70, and Shelley Einhorn

Maxine S. Ellend Harriet C. Estelle Robert E. Falcone Anonymous William A. Feirer ‡ Wanda Fesnak Jean Flaherty ‡ Norbert L. Foglietta, RC’53, GSNB’54 Anonymous David Freedman Sigmund Freedman Sam Freeman, NLAW’41 ‡ Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fromer Irene Fuhlbruegge ‡ Alma Fuhrman Gainfort, DC’29 ‡ Richard C. Gies, ED’44 Bernard M. Goldsmith III, RC’66 Michael N. Goodkind, ENG’65 Leslie E., RC’65, GSM’70, CLAW’80, and Joyce Fischler Goodman, DC’79 Julia Weber Gordon, DC’33 ‡ Frank Greenwall ‡ Mr. and Mrs. Boris Gribanov Michael J. Grimaldi, RC’66, CLAW’75 Ann Gross A. Peter Haire, RC’38 ‡ Dr. Louis Hallgring, RC’43 ‡ Anna Henderson Edward L. and Ruth Schilling Hennessy, DC’50 Norma Hess and the late Leon Hess Juliette Mittendorf Hill, DC’42 Laura E. Hollar ‡ Louis J. Horvath William J. Hughes, RC’55, CLAW’58 Todd T. and Karli Jo Hunt Herbert A. Ireland, RC’41 ‡ Henry R. Irons, ENG’43, ENG’47 Alden F. Jacobs, RC’40 Sima K. Jelin Marnie Jeney Dr. Paul B., RC’45, and Elyce Jennings Beverly J. Johnson, SB’51 Diane Johnson, UCNB’80 Joyce and J. Seward Johnson, Jr. Richard C. Kaempfer Ethel Kalmar Frances R. Kaplan and the late Robert Kaplan, SB’41 H. Gilbert Kelley, RC’36 ‡ Boris Kerdimun F. Elizabeth Kirsch ‡ Joan Margison Kissling, DC’54 Mary S., DC’37, and Rudolf Klein, ED’39 Mike and Sharon Koehler and Family Dorothy B. Kraft ‡ E. Marjorie Kramer, DC’40, NLAW’43 Alexander S. Kroll, RC’62 Sidney Kuchin, SB’49 ‡ George E., RC’58, UCN’62, and Barbara Lapnow Thomas Larremor ‡ Gertrude Lauber, DC’30 ‡ Drs. Kenneth D., GSNB’74, GSED’79, and Sheila M. Lawrence, GSED’75, GSNB’78, GSED’81, GSNB’92 Ruth Sutton Leary, DC’36 ‡ Dr. James Leathem ‡ Dr. Joel L. Lebowitz Walter L. Leib, RC’51, NLAW’53 Irwin M. Lerner, SB’51, GSM’58 Morton Levine, SB’49 ‡ Paige and Elizabeth L’Hommedieu David Lilien, RC’37, GSNB’39 Doris A. Lindwall, DC’33 ‡ Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Loeb Jasper Lombardy, GSM’56, UCN’53 ‡ Screvan Lorillard ‡ Dr. Grace V. Macaluso, NCAS’60 Zoe Macaulay Mr. and Mrs. Teo Macero Marion and Allan Maitlin, RC’58 Jacqueline Malesky ‡ Ira Manck, RC’25 ‡ Maesie Rowland Mangelsdorff, DC’35 Andrea Manley, DC’33, GSNB’36 ‡ Philip E. Marucci, AG’36 ‡ Lester S., RC’37, and Diana Max Herbert F. Mazarin ‡ Michael McCafferty John W. McGeehan, Jr. ‡ Howard McKinney, RC’13 ‡ Francis G. Mendrey, RC’44 ‡

William B. Merrell, ENG’32 ‡ Dr. Michael M. Merzenich John W. Mettler, RC 1899 ‡ Irma M., DC’53, and Maurice Meyer III, RC’56 Edith Mindel ‡ Luna R. Morgan ‡ Helen Arrowsmith Morris ‡ M. Louise Morris, DC’43 Robert E. Mortensen, ED’63 Elinor Mulligan Daniel Murnick Agnes McDede Murray, DC’30 Edith D. Neimark Phyllis L. O’Connell Janet Ramsay Patterson, DC’36 Cheryl Pelavin Julius L., SB’49, GSM’56, and Dorothy Pericola Thomas A. Peterson, Jr., ENG’45 ‡ Eugenia Filbert Phelps, DC’39 Anonymous John M. Pietruski, RC’54 George S. Plaganes, RC’51 David Poskanzer, RC’60 Ruben and Elisabeth Rausing ‡ Harold, SB’49, GSM’55, and Alice Redding Loretta S. Reisch, DC’40 ‡ Thomas A. Renyi, RC’67, GSM’68 Irvin E. Richter, CLAW’80 Janice L. Richter, CLAW’81 Jesse Ridley ‡ Philip W. Riskin, NLAW’31 ‡ Ruth and Alvin J. Rockoff, RC’49 Dr. and Mrs. David B. Rogers Dr. Norman Rosenberg Jeanne Weiss Rothstein, DC’42 Charles W. Ryan, RC’50 Joseph B. Saldarini, AG’46 Herman M. Schneider The Maurice Schooler Family William L. Schoonmaker, RC’21 ‡ Florence and Henry J. Schreiber Ward Schumaker Ellen V. Seaman, DC’39 Richard B. Sellars Sarah Seltzer ‡ Anonymous Helen D. Shaw, GSED’40 Patricia Ann Shenker Robert C. Sheppard ‡ Salem D. Shuchman James E. Sierk, RC’60 Dr. Jack M. Singer, RC’66 Dr. James R. Slater, RC’13 ‡ Nelle K. Smither Otto R. Stach, ENG’40 ‡ Charles N. Steczak ‡ A. Weir Stedman Robert M. Steinberg, RC’67 David J. Stern, RC’63 F. Rodger Strandskov, RC’73 Walter S. Talan, RC’49 Dr. Paula Tallal Ronald H. and Ethel B. Taub, SB’50, and the Taub Family Foundation Nina B. Tegethoff, DC’31 Grover Terpenning, UCN’59 ‡ John P. Thompson ‡ Dr. Mark B. Toman John A. Toth, AG’63, GSNB’65 Louis A. Trapp, RC’51 George W. Triblehorn, Jr., RC’54 Allan R. Trimmer, RC’50 Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Tublitz Frank M. Updike, RC’39, GSED’52 ‡ William Van Dyck ‡ John R. Vander Veer, ENG’54 Anne C. Webster ‡ Doris Larson Wechsler, DC’37 Mary Vivian Fu Wells David A., RC’31, and Leah Ray Werblin and the Werblin Foundation ‡ Dr. Lillian White-Stevens Charles T. Wiebusch ‡ Oliver Wilcox Christine M. Wilson Benjamin S. Wolfe, SB’59, GSM’64 James R. Woodhill John E. Woodland, RC’32 ‡ ‡ Deceased This list includes contributions received by June 30, 2001.


2000 [ 2001

Donor Honor Rolls

EVERY YEAR thousands of individuals, corporations, foundations, and organizations choose to make a difference in society and help to


shape the future by giving to Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Their generosity supports scholarships, fellowships, research projects, public service activities, and other programs that advance the intellectual, economic, and cultural life of New Jersey and the nation. Rutgers is proud to salute those who made a gift between July 1, 2000, and June 30, 2001. Each donor is important to the university’s continuing excellence, and Rutgers applauds every contributor in every category.

President’s Council $10,000 + 2001: 351 members 2000: 371 members 1999: 334 members The highest level of yearly giving to Rutgers is recognized by membership in the President’s Council, which honors all couples and individuals who gave $10,000 or more within the 2000–2001 fiscal year. Members are invited to a special meeting with University President Francis L. Lawrence during the fall and other events during the year. Rutgers is grateful to each President’s Council donor for making possible the university’s growing stature and ability to serve and educate. This list reflects gifts received between July 1, 2000, and June 30, 2001. Roger G. Ackerman, ENG’60, GSNB’62 Robert M. Agans, RC’68 * Kathy Agh † Shirley Aidekman-Kaye and the Aidekman Family Foundation † Beverly Walker Aisenbrey, DC’75, GSM’82 * Richard A. Alaimo, ENG’56 Joyce Albers-Schonberg, DC’65 * David F. Anderson Michael J. Angelides, RC’82 Randolph J. Angermann, SBC’98 Lorraine and Jerome Aresty, RC’51 Frank Argano, LC’80 Dr. and Mrs. Saul S. Artis † Nathaniel A. Back, RC’27, and Family † Col. Ronald W. Bainton, RC’62 Gerald Baker Robert C. Baker Jeffrey A. Barist, RC’63 Steven M. Barna, RC’65, NLAW’68 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Baron Joseph A. Bartonek Lawrence E. Bathgate, NLAW’64 † Dr. William H., ENG’42, GSNB’47, GSNB’50, and Barbara M. Bauer, DC’46 * Jane Bayard Doris and Felix M. Beck, SB’49, GSM’53 Marc E. Berson, RC’66, NLAW’68 James W., RC’46, and Barbara S. Betts † Karl Bielenberg, RC’67 Francine P. Bion, LC’74 Oscar A. and Jeanne Bloustein † Raymond D. Bodnar, RC’51, GSNB’55 Helen F. Boehm † Richard Bogen Dr. Gloria Bonilla-Santiago, SSW’78 Amelia H. Boss, CLAW’75


Marie Boutillier Charles W. Bower, UCN’50, GSM’57 Ken Boxley and Tess Magsaysay † Howard L., RC’31, and Mabel Bradford † Helen and Floyd H. Bragg, RC’36 * Anonymous William N. Britton, RC’67 * Judith K. Brodsky Avery F. Brooks, LC’73, GMGA’76 Richard H. Bruskin, RC’48 Walter R. Bruyere III, RC’39 Dr. Jaroslav M., RC’49, and Grayce Susan Burian James E. and Diane Burke Barbara Ann Busch, DC’62 Jack, RC’54, and Dorothy Byrne David A. Cairns, RC’68 † Robert L. Caleo, RC’52 Robert E. Campbell, GSM’62 * Peter Cartmell, RC’43 Ruth Smith Case, DC’27 † Dennis Cate, RC’67, and Lynn Gumpert Dr. Dana E. Chavkin, GSAPP’86 Maureen Chelius * Ruth W. Chelius Jay Chiat, ED’53 † Judith Childs Marilyn Chin Kewal K. Chopra, GSNB’73 † Young-In Chung Gerald M. Cianfrocca, RC’63 * Fred R. Collier Kevin J., NLAW’64, and Helen D. Collins, NLAW’65 † Eugenia Colman Anonymous Robert N. Cooper † Joseph D. Coughlan, SB’47 * Dr. Charlotte M. Craig, GSNB’64 G. Paul, CLAW’68, and Margot Crawshaw Joseph F. Cullman III Thomas J. Curry, RC’44 † Martin G., PHAR’55, and Marlene Daffner Hugh A. D’Andrade, RC’61 Jack David, RC’63 John S. Dennis, GSNB’74 Mary Dickson † Katherine and Lowell C. Doak Dr. Norton T. Dodge and Nancy Ruyle Dodge Dr. Ana O. Dumois Dexter D. Earle, RC’64 Elmer C. Easton Stephen Roger Ehrlich Dr. and Mrs. David Eisenberg Maxine S. Ellend Clifford L. Elling, RC’48 † Jane Engelhard † Dorothy D. Eweson Rachel Fairbanks Robert E., RC’61, and Barbara Fazekas, UCNB’65 Dr. Dennis M., GSNB’77, and Linda Fenton Norbert L. Foglietta, RC’53, GSNB’54 Amy A. Fox Anonymous Dorothy P. Frank, DC’69 David Freedman † Sigmund Freedman † Bruce G., RC’52, and Marjorie Kler Freeman Dr. Herbert Freeman W. Nicholas F. Freygang Daniel and Lynn Friedman Eugene H., RC’60, and Gloria Friedman, DC’60 Dr. C. Reed Funk, GSNB’62 Sanford Gallanter, SB’51, NLAW’55 † Albert R. Gamper, Jr., UCN’66 * Ralph Geiger Samuel Geltman † Ronald W., RC’58, and Antoinette Giaconia and the Giaconia Family Foundation

James G. Gibson Richard C. Gies, ED’44 Patricia L. Glaser, CLAW’73, and Samuel H. Mudie, ENG’62 Dr. and Mrs. Alvin I. Glasgold Anonymous Dr. Sidney, AG’42, GSNB’49, and Lucille Goff, DC’42 * Alan, ED’58, and Marjorie Goldberg † Dr. Albert, RC’51, and Barbara Straus Goldstein, DC’51, GSED’83 Michael N. Goodkind, ENG’65 Leslie E., RC’65, GSM’70, CLAW’80, and Joyce Fischler Goodman, DC’79 Gregg N., GSM’81, and Kim M. Gorelick Eva Z. Gottscho † Marvin W., NCAS’51, and Debra Greenberg, NCAS’50 William H. Greenberg, RC’44 Lewis Greenwald Michael J. Grimaldi, RC’66, CLAW’75 Harold D. Hafs * Ruth and Dick Hale, AG’44, GSNB’48 Dr. Bruce A. Hamilton, COOK’60 Franklin Hannoch, Jr., RC’51 Gerald C., RC’72, and Keiko Takeuchi Harvey, DC’72, ENG’72 John J., UCNB’50, and Regina B. Heldrich, DC’42, and the John J. and Regina B. Heldrich Foundation * Anna Henderson † Peter J., LC’77, and Joyce P. Hendricks, UCNB’98, SCILS’98 * Edward L. and Ruth Schilling Hennessy, DC’50 * John F. Herma, RC’70 Charon and Mark P. Hershhorn, RC’71 Norma Hess † Peter F. Hibbard, RC’67 † Juliette Mittendorf Hill, DC’42 Anonymous Richard W., RC’57, and Patricia Hill * Walter W. Hoehler, RC’62 * Sidney Hofing Patricia G. Holland Carleton A. Holstrom, GSNB’62, and Mary Beth Kineke and the Holstrom Family Foundation † Diana Blabon Holt Robert H. Hotz, RC’66 Dr. Caroline P. Huber, GSNB’86, GSNB’92 * Drs. James W., ENG’65, GSNB’69, GSNB’71, and Connie O. Hughes, GSNB’76 Todd T. and Karli Jo Hunt John C. Huss, RC’57 * Henry R. Irons, ENG’43, ENG’47 Lisa Jablow Alden F. Jacobs, RC’40 Dr. Paul B., RC’45, and Elyce Jennings Betty Wold Johnson Beverly J. Johnson, SB’51 † Catherine H. Johnson Diane Johnson, UCNB’80 Marilyn Johnson Richard C. Kaempfer * George B. Kaiser Murray Kaplan Seth A. Kaplan, NLAW’82 Sharon E. Karmazin, DC’67, SCILS’69 Cynthia Kastner, NCAS’70 * Gary Katcher Mr. and Mrs. John Kessler Herbert C., RC’51, and Jacqueline K. Klein Rudolph, ED’39, and Mary S. Klein, DC’37 * Beatrice Kleinman Dr. Rudolph Kluiber Franklin J. Kneller, RC’49, GSM’54 *

Dr. William P. Koster, ENG’50 Carmen Kreeger † Alexander S. Kroll, RC’62 † Solomon D. Kugler, RC’49 Richard A. Kulesza, ED’50 Ruth Morgan Kurtz, DC’45, GSED’53 * Barbara and George E. Lapnow, UCN’62 * Ronald S. Lauder Drs. Kenneth D., GSNB’74, GSED’79, and Sheila M. Lawrence, GSED’75, GSNB’78, GSED’81, GSNB’92 * Judit Bretan Le Bovit † Patricia A. Lee, GSNB’95 * Marion Lefebre Walter L., RC’51, NLAW’53, and Dolores Leib Joseph G. Lerner, AG’42 Ann Berger Lesk, NLAW’77 Burton R. Lester, ENG’41 Janice H. Levin † Benjamin Levine, NLAW’63 Paige and Elizabeth L’Hommedieu † David Lilien, RC’37, GSNB’39 † Herbert J. Littman, RC’52 Leonard Littman Dr. and Mrs. T.L. Loewenthal Ira H. Lomench, SBNB’88 Dr. Kathryn F. Luttgens, DC’48 Dr. Grace V. Macaluso, NCAS’60 Nancy S. and Duncan L. MacMillan, RC’66 Steven R., RC’70, and Cynthia S. Magidson, DC’72 Marion and Allan Maitlin, RC’58 Anonymous † Petra Mathers Lester S., RC’37, and Diana Max † Lillian Rodig Maxwell, DC’53 * Andrew J. Melnick, RC’63, GSM’70 * Maurice Meyer III, RC’56 Joel E., RC’63, GSM’64, and Irene A. Miller, UCNB’84 Herbert Monheit, RC’51, NLAW’56 Paul S., ENG’40, and Mary W. Monroe M. Louise Morris, DC’43 * Patrick Morris, LC’82 William Morris, RC’63 † Mildred H. Morse † Robert E. Mortensen, ED’63 Edward K. and Joanne H. Mullen Kenneth David Muller, ED’60 † Elinor Mulligan Neil Marc Mullin, NLAW’79 Daniel and Janet G. Murnick Bernadette Murphy, LC’87, SBNB’87 * Christine Nelson Erna Neuse † Donald E. Newhouse † Glenn L. Noland, RC’70 * Phyllis L. O’Connell Gene, UCN’62, and Lorna O’Hara * David O’Leary Anonymous Henry Orenstein † Walter H., RC’66, and Roberta Letts Orth, DC’67 Gregory M. Ostroff, RC’83 Lillian Nassau Palitz † Carlino Panzera, ENG’68 Peter Parent Janet Ramsay Patterson, DC’36 * Cecilia F. Pavlovsky Betty and Harold Perl Dr. Earle N. Peterson † Daniel J. Phelan, RC’71, CLAW’80 * Neal Pike, ENG’54 † Jules L. Plangere, Jr., RC’44 Steven D. Plofker, LC’78, NLAW’93 Madeline Plonsker Dr. Ronald D. and Norma J. Poretz

Sylvia B. Pressler, NLAW’59 Paul V. Profeta Rudolph Stephen Rasin, RC’53 Richard J. Rawson, NLAW’77 Dr. Norman, RC’32, and Syril Reitman, DC’34 † Thomas A. Renyi, RC’67, GSM’68 George Riabov, RC’51, GSNB’52 Irvin E. Richter, CLAW’80 Janice L. Richter, CLAW’81 Philip W. Riskin, NLAW’31 Herald L. and Linda S. Ritch George H. Roberts III, RC’51 Harold E. Roberts, Jr., RC’50 * Ruth and Alvin J. Rockoff, RC’49 † Linda Rohrer Richard A. Romano * Dr. Norman Rosenberg * Gila Rosenhaus-Wiener † Allen J. Ross, RC’55 John G. Rosta, ENG’36 Stanley Roth, Jr. Jeanne Weiss Rothstein, DC’42 Louise M. Rovner, DC’34 Nicholas G. Rutgers IV, RC’50, and Nancy Rutgers † Joseph B. Saldarini, AG’46 Michael J. Santarpio, COOK’78 Dr. Joseph Schenkel, RC’63 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Schimmel † Kenneth M. Schmidt, RC’67 Florence and Henry J. Schreiber Leonard Schwartz * Arline Schwartzman Paul Schweitzer Jeffrey J. Scott, RC’88 Hon. Baruch S. Seidman, RC’31, GSNB’32 Richard B. Sellars † Corinne Abramson Semon, DC’42 David K. Sengstack, RC’44 † Jeffrey D. Serkes, GSM’82 * Gary Shangold Anonymous Alexander M. Shedrinsky William J. Shepherd, RC’48 * Salem D. Shuchman James E. Sierk, RC’60 Dr. Jack M. Singer, RC’66 Edward J. Slotkin, RC’37 † Nancy E. Smith, NLAW’80 Clifford Sobel Elizabeth H. Solomon Barbara Eck Sorini, DC’56, GSED’60 Robert M., RC’67, and Suzanne Steinberg David J. Stern, RC’63 Catherine Stock F. Rodger Strandskov, RC’73 Dr. J. Edward Stricker, PHAR’31 † Susanne Suba Louis Joseph Sutera, GSED’68 Abram J. Suydam, Jr., RC’51 Walter S. Talan, RC’49 Dolores and Stephen Lee Taller Ronald H. and Ethel Betty Taub, SB’50, and the Taub Family Foundation † Sylvia Temmer Anne Moreau Thomas Dr. Donald C. Tilton, CCAS’65 Carolyn Tobias George J. Trapp, RC’70 * Louis A. Trapp, RC’51 Dorothy C. Treisman Jeffrey Treisman Joel Treisman Paul Trilling, RC’35 † Allan R. Trimmer, RC’50 * Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Tublitz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Valesio Col. William G. Van Allen, ENG’36 † Jack and Bonnie Van Cleef and the John and Alma Van Cleef Trust † John van Rens John R. Vander Veer, ENG’54 Alan M. and Nathalie Voorhees † Ralph W., ED’48, and Barbara Voorhees † Doris Larson Wechsler, DC’37

Maurice M., RC’43, and Adrienne R. Weill Mary Vivian Fu Wells Josh S. Weston Daniel H. Wheeler, RC’89, CLAW’92 Oliver Wilcox * Leonard Wilf Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilke † Audry T. Wilkens † Susan N. and Donald M. Wilson Philip Wilson Ronald D. Wilson, RC’71 Louis A. Winters, AG’46 * Dr. Robert Rudolf Wolf, RC’61 Benjamin S. Wolfe, SB’59, GSM’64 Dr. H. Boyd, AG’39, GSNB’42, and Jeanette Whitner Woodruff, DC’41 † Catherine D. Wright, DC’40 Doreen Wright Mr. and Mrs. Arshad Zakaria Anonymous Mary Ann Zlatnik George R. and Judith A. Zoffinger, NCAS’88, SSW’96, and the Zoffinger Family Fund * Corporate matching gift included † Life member

President’s Council Associate Members 2001: 17 members 2000: 11 members 1999: 17 members Younger alumni and friends may become Associate Members of the President’s Council by making a gift of $5,000 or more during the fiscal year. To be eligible, alumni must have earned their first Rutgers degree within the past twenty years. Friends born within the past forty-two years may also qualify. Rutgers thanks each Associate Member for this special support. Gregory Q. Brown, LC’82 Roy T. Chen, ENG’88 * Lori D., PHAR’81, and Gary M. Cohen, RC’80, GSM’83 John N. Culbertson, Jr., SBC’86 Marilee A. James, RC’84 * Howard J. Kahn, RC’84 * Dr. Subhash B. Karkare, GSNB’80, GSNB’82, GSNB’83 Brian R. Lenker, RC’82, CLAW’85 Lois N., RC’81, and Charles J. Lewandowski, ENG’80, GSM’86 Vincent Scott Lima, RC’88 Erika Gritman Long, DC’91 David P. Lonski, ENG’83, CLAW’86 Colleen Mehegan, DC’81, and Robert A. Hering, COOK’79 Dr. Raymond F. Roncin, Jr., COOK’82 Peter M. Suzuki, NLAW’89 George M. Tsacnaris, RC’82 * Timothy L. Whiteside, RC’83, GSM’85 * * Corporate matching gift included

Trustees Club $5,000 to $9,999 2001: 240 members 2000: 165 members 1999: 154 members The 240 individuals listed below made a contribution of $5,000 to $9,999 during the 2000–2001 fiscal year. Richard H. Addy, AG’57 Thomas E. Addy, Jr., RC’51 Helen Angiuoli Carol, DC’85, and Michael Asman * Mary L. Baglivo, RC’79 * Norma B. Bartman Alfred and Teresa Battaglia * Dr. Lillian Hinckley, DC’61, and Donald J. Bauder * Peter Beckenbach * William G. Becker, RC’52 John Beiser Helen Beling Dorothy Benjamin George N. Berlet III, RC’69 Anonymous Harold Borkan, ENG’50, GSNB’54 Alicia Brelsford M. Carol Brennan Dr. Edgar C. Bristow III, RC’51 Nancy E. Brookhart-Fellows * Jean L. Burton Richard and Martha Lemer Byrne Hon. Jane B., DC’73, CLAW’80, and Philip S. Cantor, RC’68, GSM’82 Ann E. Carmel David Carmel Judith T., CNUR’65, CNUR’67, GSN’78, and Robert Caruso Joseph Cekada, Jr. Eleanora L. Cheney, CCAS’66 Anonymous Dr. Ronald V. Clarke Miriam Cohen * Tamar Cohen Myles J. Connor, Jr., ENG’43 * Theodore L. Cross James R. Croucher, PHAR’52 * Scott and Lisa Prete Crum Henryk Daun Barbara J. Deam, UCNB’80 Vincent P. DeAndrea Benjamin Del Vento, ED’61, NLAW’64 Roger J. Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Martin Diamond Dr. Louis T., PHAR’59, and Monica M. DiFazio, PHAR’61 Matthias D. Dileo, RC’50, NLAW’52 Rita M. Dockray Domitilia M. Dos Santos, NLAW’79 Drs. Judith A., GSNB’68, GSED’79, and James J. Elliott Dudley A. Eppel, RC’54 Eva Fedash * Dr. Peter M. Fernandes, GSNB’72, GSNB’75 Herman Flynn, RC’51 * Jeffrey W. Foster Susan R. Friedman Mark E., RC’67, and Laura Arens Fuerstein, SSW’77 * Joseph M. Fuoco, RC’71 Maria Cristina Gabrilli Dr. Ronald J. Garutti, RC’67 John W. Gatlin, Jr., ENG’78 * Eugene F. Gaughan, GSM’68 * Thomas K. Gibson, ENG’45 * Martin Glenn, NLAW’71 Hazel S. Gluck Mark M. Goldman, SB’64 Bernard M. Goldsmith III, RC’66 Dr. Ruth B. Goldston, GSNB’88, GSNB’91 Mark N. Gordon, RC’76 * Sydney S. Greenfield Ann Gross Kenneth C. Gsell, RC’51 Robert L. Guyett, GSM’59 David L. Harris, NLAW’79 Dr. Sandra Lee Harris Joseph P. Hart Robert E. Haynes, RC’49 Walter M. Hazard, UCNB’71 Louis Hering, NCAS’51 * Nancy L. Herman Robert and Lynn Hodgson Rosemary Hoehler William L. Holland Michael W. Huber Fred R. Huettig, ENG’50 David M. Hyman, RC’70, NLAW’73 Marnie Jeney Peter W. Jewell, RC’70 * Charles A., ENG’31, and Ann C. Jurgensen Harold J. Kaplan, RC’57 David Kapulsky * Lewis Katz Dr. Munr Kazmir Theodore W. Kheel Dr. Robert Kirkwood, RC’47

Dr. Richard S. Kleiman, RC’72 Robert K. Koehler, NCAS’51 * Barbara Paulsen Kraushaar, DC’55 Claire A. Krucher, DC’55 Eleanor S. Kuebler Gerald A. Lacey, RC’56 Rauno A. Lampi Mary R. Lasser Robert G. Latimer Drs. Eleanor V., GSNB’65, GSNB’74, and Robert A. Laudicina, RC’63, GSNB’65 Dr. Francis L. and Mary Kay Lawrence Dr. Naomi Lawrence and Gerard M. Franz Maurice DuPont Lee, Jr. Irwin M. Lerner, SB’51, GSM’58 * Gerald H. Lipkin, NCAS’63 John S., LC’77, and Evelyn Lipori * J. Ross Macdonald Adrienne E. Machaver Dr. Frank J. Malinoski, GSNB’81 * Saul Mandel Michael L. Mason, GSM’78 Josette A. Mastra, LC’73 * Anonymous Craig G. Matthews, ENG’65 Robert A. Maxwell William J. McNichol, Jr. Thomas Medwick, PHAR’52, GSNB’54 Lester Miller, NLAW’37 Dr. Paul S. Nadler Walter A. Nalbandian, RC’67 Edith D. Neimark Dr. and Mrs. Harold Newmark * Bruce S. Nicholas, ENG’49 * Thomas H. Nied, RC’64, NLAW’67 * John P. Noon, Jr., RC’48 Harold F. Oberkfell, Jr., GSM’84 Joan and William O’Grady Alfred R. Pagan, ENG’51 Dean J., RC’73, NLAW’76, and Helen M. Paranicas, DC’73 * Linda and Louis Pashman David Paszamant, RC’55 Harriet J. Peacemen Robert S. Peckar, RC’68 Julius L., SB’49, GSM’56, and Dorothy Pericola Thomas F. Perrine, Jr., ENG’36 George F. Pickett, Jr. John M. Pietruski, RC’54 Louise S. and Richard J. Plano Mark Podwal Edna R. Ranck Eugene A. Renna, RC’66 * Lillian Ringel, SSW’77 Leandro P. Rizzuto Robert D., RC’70, NLAW’75, and Marian Linder Rosenwasser, GSM’84 Bertha Rudd Raymond Russo, RC’78, GSM’79 Drs. Carole A., GSAPP’82, and Richard A. Salvador Ruth Cronheim Sampson, DC’38 Marvin and Elaine Samson Christine Sarnoski-Davis, CCAS’78 Leo B., RC’74, and Patti Z. Schoffer, RC’76 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Seiden Dr. Barbara A. Shailor Steven L. Shapiro * Judith Shaw, GSC’86 Desmond L. Sherry Stan Shuman Dr. Allen J. Simonson, RC’50, NLAW’53 Albert E. Smith, UCC’72, SBC’72 * Barbara M. Smith, DC’46 Martin V. and Jean Smock Helen Sostazko Edward G. Sponzilli, RC’71, NLAW’75 Donald B. Stott Alberta Stout Stanley and Ruby Strauss Neal Strohmeyer Alan S. Stull, ED’51 Stephen G. Sweet, RC’69, NLAW’72 James J. Taigia, ED’50, GSED’54 Shanti S. Tangri Edward C. Thiele, RC’66 Jeffrey A., ED’63, and Susan Barber Torborg, DC’63 George W. Triblehorn, Jr., RC’54 * Raymond R. Trombadore, RC’51 Martha W. Upton Thomas E. and Roberta Boulgarides Van Note, DC’55 Dr. Kay E. Vandergrift Thomas J. Varga * Dr. Bernice P. Venable, DC’62, GSNB’67, GSED’83 Nancy Voorhees Robert S. Warner, RC’28 Hedley M. Weeks, RC’51 Hilda D. Weinberg, DC’38 Jan Weisblat Philip Weissman * Joseph P. Whiteside Robert L. Wilson Alfred M. Wolin, NLAW’59 Martin L. Yarmush Rita and Ronald N. Zebeck * Abraham and Mina Zuckerman * Corporate matching gift included

Founders Club $2,500 to $4,999 2001: 278 members 2000: 280 members 1999: 235 members The 278 individuals listed below made a contribution of $2,500 to $4,999 during the 2000–2001 fiscal year. Richard L. Aregood, CCAS’65 Pauline Aridas, RC’77 * Richard D. and Linda Arnold Dr. Kenneth C. Bachman, RC’44, GSNB’50 * Numa D. Balliet, ENG’47 * Dr. Bernard I. Barrish, RC’68 Dr. Veronica A., PHAR’92, GPHR’94, and David R. Benedetto, COOK’83 T. Clarke Benton, AG’52 Dr. George B. Berke, RC’51 Zareh H. Beylerian, GSM’84, NLAW’87 Dr. Harry W. Blair Gilbert and Jane V. Blitz Steven B. Boehm, RC’75, NLAW’78 George Boggs III, ENG’42 * John A. Bradley, RC’65 Stephen M. and Anna Brenner Terrill M. Brenner, NLAW’48 Theodore P. Brunelli, Jr., UCNB’76 Gene M. Buckno, RC’61 Dr. Clarence M. Burgher Frank R. Burns, ED’49, GSED’64 Douglas F. Bushnell, RC’41 James P. Butler, Jr., RC’42 Sarl Cadamon Steven D. Cahn, RC’83 Richard Capelouto, RC’83 Michael J. Carey, RC’67 Michael W. Carroll Kevin K. Carton, RC’65, GSM’66 * Michael Cerceo, ENG’81, GSNB’84 * Mary Z. Chyb, DC’71, GSED’73 * Norman W. Clausen, RC’66 * Norman Cogliati, SB’37 * Anne Conley-Pitchell, CLAW’86 * David W. Cooney, RC’75 Dr. Russell J. Cornell, RC’71 Ronald E. Costanzo * Thomas Crawford Dale J. Crome, RC’71 * Whitney Crowell, RC’51, NLAW’53 Thomas J. Curtin Roy H. DeBoer, GSNB’59 Saul J. Diaz, RC’73 Nicholas DiGirolamo, Jr., RC’74, GSM’78 * Douglas V., RC’78, GSM’90, and Nancy P. Dolan * Jeanet Steckler Dreskin Robert N. Duelks, GSM’81 * Thomas M. Duff, RC’70 Claude Mead Duffield Patrick J. Duncan, RC’60 Margaret Einhorn Peter Eisenman Richard W. Ellis, RC’74 * Lawrence K. Ennis Abby Erdmann Luise Erdmann John R. Everitt, RC’38 Patricia Falk Donald F. Farley William J. Federici, LC’81, GSM’82 Nancy Fellows Mary Lou Fenili, DC’67 Frank P. Filipps, RC’69 Charles E. Foerster, Jr. * Robert L. Fornaro, RC’75 Jeanne M. Fox, DC’75, CLAW’79 Steven F. Friedell * Dr. Gustav W. Friedrich John C. Frisch, Jr., RC’50 * Robert and Nancy Gallo William N. Garbarini, RC’63, GSM’71 Leo Gasienica, RC’73 Kenneth L. Gentner, GSM’83 * Richard D. Gilpin, GSM’68 Muriel K. Glaser, DC’38, GSNB’68 * Allen L. Goldman, ENG’67 * Arthur S. Goldstein, NLAW’73 Alfred M., RC’37, and Beatrice Goodman Richard N. Goodstadt, RC’65 Steven M., RC’73, PHAR’75, GSM’79, and Linda Gooen, PHAR’74 * Dr. Elliot Gordon, COOK’48 Dr. Thomas M. Gorrie, RC’67 * Herman W. Graf, SB’41 * Surita Gran, NCAS’50 Gary C. Gray, RC’71 Joseph M. Grecky, RC’61 * Kenneth J. Grispin, RC’70, NLAW’73 Frederick E. Gruninger, ED’53, GSED’61 Leopold M. Hanis, ENG’49 John F. Hanley, RC’69, GSM’76 Margaret L. Hanson, SCILS’67 David Walter Hardy

David J. Harris, Jr., UCNB’86 J. Michael Hartstein, ENG’63 O. Peder Haslestad, UCN’59 * George F. Hendricks, RC’65, NLAW’68 G. Chuck Hennings, Jr., RC’65 * John H. Hill, RC’78, ENG’78 * Richard L. Hines, RC’61 * Martin Hirsch John M. Hoffman, PHAR’94 * Ginnie Hofmann Dr. Timothy M. Hosea Steven B. Hoskins Dr. W. Robert Howarth, RC’70, GSNB’75 Bruce A. Hubbard, RC’69 James D. Humsey Betty Jane Hurlbert, UCNB’70, SCILS’74 John A. Hurlbert, RC’47, GSM’53 Francisco Infante-Arana Dr. Arthur W. Jacoby, RC’49 Doreen R. Jakubcak, ENG’82 Raymond J. Kaden, RC’66, GSM’67 Dr. Peter C. Kahn John R. Kamin, RC’79 * Bernard A. Kannen, RC’50 Donald A. Kaplan, RC’67 Bonnie T. and Paul J. Karvois John Kazanjian, RC’35 * David Kelso George J. Kenny, NLAW’59 Frank E. Kinsey, Jr., RC’50, SCILS’60 Dr. Charles Timothy Koeller, RC’71, GSNB’77, GSNB’79 Donald H. Kohnken, ENG’56 Dr. Stephen H. Korzeniowski, RC’72 Ronald J. Kozich, SB’60 * Robert H. Kraus, RC’61, NLAW’64 John F. Kraushaar, RC’54 Gary and Eddie Jean Kriedeman David, RC’50, and Paula W. Landau Sally A. Lapelosa, UCNB’70, GSED’73 * Michael C. Lasky, RC’75, NLAW’78 Frank J. Laudino, Sr. H.F. Lenfest Raymond J. Lesniak, RC’71 Norma U. Levitt Donna Lewis Peggy and Bill Liddy * Herbert L. Lipman, GSM’60 Marilyn Loftus, NLAW’61 Glenn L. Long, RC’72 Kevin M. Long, RC’91 Nancy K. Lotstein, CLAW’80 Lisa Mackie Frank and Joan Maggio Gayle E. Maloney Carl A. Maltese, NLAW’88 * Rory P. Maradonna, CCAS’74, GSBC’79 Bruce E. Marich, RC’63, GSNB’65 Richard G. Marshall, RC’82 Michael T. Martin Geza J. Marx, RC’77 Douglas L. McCabe, RC’44 * Polly McCaffrey Daniel J. McIntyre, GSN’89 * Richard L. McKee, RC’65 Barbara S. McLaren, DC’50, GSED’64 Malcolm G. McLaren V, GSNB’75 Brian J. McLoughlin, RC’86 Harmon S. Meeker, Jr., RC’52 * Ethelyn Meyer * Robert J. Michna, ENG’63 Frederic R. Miller, RC’75 * William J. Miller, RC’72 * Yvonne C. Miner, LC’86, GSM’94 Dr. Patricia Morton Sybil R. Moses, NLAW’74 Dr. Leonard M. Moss Robert F. Moss, RC’42, NLAW’49, NLAW’54 Peter Downey Mullen, NCAS’82 Lester E. Murschell, CCAS’66 * Jo and Leslie C. Nelson, Jr., RC’49 William E. Newell, Jr., RC’65 * Ralph W. Newkirk * George E. Nixon III, RC’62 Dr. A. Michael Noll Joseph E. Orlick, ENG’50 Barry H. Ostrowsky, RC’72 William J. Pappas, RC’56 Richard S. Parr, ENG’81, NLAW’85 * Janet L. Pegg, DC’78 Brian D. Perkins, RC’76 Eric H. Peterson, Jr., AG’37 Stanley L. Petty, ENG’56 J. Richard Pierce, RC’61 Alexander M. Pontus, ENG’50 Alberta Poskanzer Hank Pryor, RC’50 Frederick D. Quick, AG’53, GSNB’63 Anonymous Thomas D. Rafter, RC’68 * Daniel O. Ramos, ENG’50 * Joanna Ratych Adam S. Ravens, LC’86 * Susan Reale, DC’96, SCILS’96 Joseph W. Rebovich, RC’56, GSM’60 Harold T., SB’49, GSM’55, and Alice Redding James E. Renshaw, RC’70 Rebecca Richardson Dr. Anthony S. Ridolfo, PHAR’40 Daniel Rockoff, AG’40 James W. Rogers, RC’72 Stephen J. Roma, RC’86 * Salvatore Romano Drs. Allan S., RC’71, and Elizabeth Rosen Eugene W. Rosen, RC’66 Glenn Rosko Brian S. Rothman, CLAW’82

Howard L. Rubenstein, PHAR’72 Philip Scalo, RC’75, NLAW’78 Lloyd M. Schaefer, NCAS’68, GSM’72 * Richard F. Schaub, RC’58 Charles G. Schlichter, RC’53 Anonymous Edward Schoifet, RC’53 Philip Seidman, PHAR’58 Andrew M. Senchak Dr. Joseph J. Seneca Donald A. Serpico, UCNB’72, UCNB’75 Robert A.P. Sesee, RC’48 * William N. Sharp, RC’51, GSM’55 * Frederick D. Sibley, RC’61 Rhonda Grossman Silver, RC’76 Rayman Solomon Gerald Span, NLAW’64 Catherine St. John Otto R. Stach, ENG’40 * Michael J. Stang, RC’67 Dr. Edward O., RC’50, GSNB’54, GSNB’59, and Helen Strang Stapley, DC’50 Dr. Bernard G. Steinetz, GSNB’54 Robert C. Stites, RC’53 * Donald C. Stone, RC’61 Ronald P. Stott, ENG’82, GSM’84 * Dr. Molly L. Stranahan, GSAPP’96 Arthur, UCN’71, and Reana Sudfield Florence Glover Swink, DC’39 Joseph Tabak * Dr. Omar A. Tamimi, RC’83 Richard G. and Sheila M. Tappen Arthur L. Taub, PHAR’51 Aivar Taziev Dr. Willard Chandler Thompson, Jr., RC’44 John H. Timken, Jr., RC’50 John A., AG’63, GSNB’65, and Elizabeth Bieber Toth, DC’63 Margery J. Turner Dr. Betty J., SCILS’70, GSNB’82, and Frank M. Turock Frank L. Uhlman, RC’56 * Milton Viorst, RC’51 Katherine Volk * John P. and Marilyn Watkins * Teresa D. Weaver Dr. Joseph Weber, RC’44, GSNB’56 * Thomas E. Weinstock, RC’50, NLAW’52 Clifton R. Wharton * Lois Q. Whitman, NLAW’76 Arthur J. Wichman, RC’63 Allen W. Willenbrock, ENG’51 Jerry Yadlowsky, COOK’94 * Dr. Kit Keith L. Yam Tara C. Young, ENG’95 Dr. J. Henry Zanzalari, ED’47, GSED’49, GSED’60 Ann Zar, PHAR’51 Allan Zelnick, RC’52 John G. Zinn, RC’68, GSM’70 * Corporate matching gift included

Society of 1766 $1,000 to $2,499 2001: 1,287 members 2000: 1,138 members 1999: 972 members The 1,287 individuals listed below made a contribution of $1,000 to $2,499 during the 2000–2001 fiscal year. Gail Aaron, DC’81 Merryll K. Abrahams, LC’79, GSNB’84 * Dr. Bruce M. Abramowitz, RC’69 E. Dumont Ackerman, RC’35 John W. Adams, RC’65 Mary Anne Harris Adams, LC’81, SCILS’83, UCNB’91, GSNB’98 * Laurence G. Agron, RC’71 Dr. Eleanor M. Ahsler, DC’63, GSED’67, GSED’77 Stephen L. Albertalli, ENG’50 Paul W. Albright, RC’56 Steven A. Alexander, RC’71 * Bryan Alley B. Matt Allison, LC’78 Jeffrey W. Alpaugh, COOK’90 Dr. Glenn G. Amatucci, ENG’92, GSNB’94, GSNB’95 * Michael Ambrosio, ENG’80 * Sidney Edward Amster, RC’69 David L. Anderson, ENG’57 John H.C. Anderson, GSM’59 Ralph J. Anderson, Jr. Dr. Arthur T. Andrews, GSNB’90 * Wilson J. Andrews, Jr., RC’54 * Judith and Otto Appenzeller Peter Stanhope Arakawa, MGSA’82, MGSA’84 Dr. Georgia A. Arbuckle-Keil, CCAS’83

William W. Archer, RC’76 * Robert V., RC’48, and Wilma Vander May Archibald, DC’46 Tara A. Arcomano, PHAR’83 Leslie J. Armour, Jr., RC’59 * Jeffrey M. Armus, LC’77, GSM’82 Alec G. Arons, GSM’83 * Florence Asch Rie Ashizawa William W. Austin, Jr., RC’59 Mark A. Auwaerter, RC’80 * Lyman C. Avery, RC’42 Michael W. Azzara, RC’69 William S. and Dianne Babics Kenneth W. Badore, Jr., RC’59 * Angelo V. Baglivo, RC’49 Howard, SB’51, and Phyllis Baker Dr. Richard D. Baldwin, RC’53 Steven A. Ball, RC’81, ENG’81, GSM’86 * Gloria L. Balogh Ellis M. Balsam, RC’70, GSM’71 Dr. Kyle R. Barbehenn, AG’50 Stephen E. Barcan, NLAW’66 Carroll W. Barclay Douglas T. Barlow, RC’78 Edward P. Barrett, COOK’85 * Elliot Bartner, RC’43 Herbert H. Bartron, ENG’51 David Bashover, RC’70 Ray W. Bauer, NLAW’42 Michael Baumgartner, Jr. Fredric S. Bayles, Jr., AG’56 Sharon Schrack Beales, CCAS’96 * Fred F., GSM’63, and Ruth Littman Beatty, CNUR’66 James M. Beatty, PHAR’65 Anonymous Frederic K. Becker George L. Becker III James P. Begin Peter L. Bender, RC’51 Roger L. Benedetti, PHAR’93 Robert P. Benevento, NCAS’72 Lawrence Benjamin, RC’66 * Doris J. Bennett Robert T. Bennett, RC’61 Dr. Alan D. Benstock, RC’60 Dr. Murray J. Berenson, RC’57 Karl G. Bergman, RC’57 Ann Clarke Berkery, CNUR’76, GSNB’78 Judith M. Berkman Dr. Jorge H. Berkowitz, AG’68, GSNB’74, GSNB’78 Dr. Richard Berkowitz, RC’56 Shalvo S., SSW’64, and Monroe Berkowitz John Victor Bermudez, ENG’79, GSNB’82, GSM’85 Dorothy Berney, UCNB’99 Charles W. Bertalan, ENG’75, GSNB’78 Aaron Jay Beyer, RC’68 Jeffrey Scott Beyer, AG’69 Dr. Ernest S. Biczak, NCAS’73 Maureen Binetti, DC’77, NLAW’82 Bruce B. Bingham, RC’68 Carol O. and Frank J. Biondi Dr. Arthur and Karen Birnkrant Nancy Bisaha, RC’90 Dr. George O. Bizzigotti, RC’79, GSNB’82 * Raymond and Edna J. Bizzigotti Margaret F. Black, DC’73, NLAW’76 Andrew J. Blair Dr. Mary W. Blanchard, GSNB’89, GSNB’94 Dr. Ronald R. Blandon, NCAS’72, GSED’77 Lowell A. Blankfort, RC’46 Dr. Michael J. Blecker, RC’67 Charles and Gari Bloom Muriel Singer Bloom, NCAS’39 Dr. Myra Bluebond-Langner Dr. Robert M. Blum, RC’60 Edward J. Boccher, RC’77 Betty Bochert Steven J. Boda, RC’76 * R. Irene Bode Dr. Suzanne Henry Boies, GSNB’71, GSNB’74 * Jeffrey P. Bolson, RC’71 Joseph M. Bonanno, NCAS’71 * Robert M. Bonomo, RC’65, NLAW’68 Stephen R. Bonsall, COOK’76 * John A. Boonstra, PHAR’63 * Paul S. Boorujy * Dr. Edward Borow, RC’48 Jill and Eric Bourdais deCharbonniere Robert A. Boutillier Alex Bouzakis, RC’79 Ruth Bowman Stephen J. Boyle, RC’51, CLAW’68 Henry A. Brackman * James A. Bradstreet, UCNB’63 * Alfred V. Brady, ENG’45, GSM’76 Nicholas F. Brady * Patrick G. Brady, GSNB’69, GSNB’75, NLAW’80 Murray Brauman, ED’51 David T. Breault Frank J. Brennan, Jr., RC’51, GSNB’54 Peggy Brick Michael A. Brill, RC’77 * Peter J. Brill, RC’51 Wallace C. Brixner, ENG’51 * Dr. Adele Meyer Brodkin, GSNB’77 Liam P. Brohan, UCNB’90, GSM’95 Graham R. Brough, GSM’70 * Thomas H. Brown Dr. Kevin F. Browne, ENG’74 Rosemary J. Bruno, NLAW’76 * John E. Brush Harold M. Bruskin, RC’38 John R. Bryan, GSM’85 Karen N. Bryan


Elena S. Buchanan, UCNB’70 John F. Buckmelter, ENG’46 * James A. Bulvanoski, GSM’72 Marjorie K. Bunch Dr. Audrey C. Burkart John B. Burke, ENG’69 * Diane Burko Edward R. Burkowski, RC’57 * Robert J., RC’81, NLAW’89, and Claudia Dowling Burzichelli, DC’80 Mark N. Busch, RC’64 Robert F. Bush, SB’49, GSM’52 Robert E. Butler, GSM’64 * John J. Byrnes, UCN’61 James F. Callahan, Jr., GSM’66 * Peter D. Campbell, RC’50, NLAW’52 Wayne J. Canastra Suzy Mandel Canter Mary Ellen Capek Jose M. Carballal, RC’58 * Edwin G., RC’74, and Pamela Carman, RC’78 Leon A. Carpenter III, RC’57 * Hamilton C. Carson, RC’50 Carlton F. Cassaday, RC’66 * Anna C. Cassidy, CCAS’54 Kevin J. Cavanagh, NCAS’80 * David A., RC’50, and Elizabeth Cayer Aileen R. Chadwick, SCILS’90 James P. Chalupa Dr. William V. Chalupa, AG’58, GSNB’59, GSNB’62 Bruce T. Chandlee, GSED’67 Walt D. Charles, LC’99 Wallace and Esta Chavkin Xiao Hong Chen, GSED’89, GSED’97 Richard E. Cherin, RC’51 Michael C. Chester, PHAR’77 * Patricia G. Chick, NLAW’76 Robert M. Chilson, RC’69 Victor B. Chin, ENG’51 Leo and Maria Chirovsky * Dr. Chia-Kun Chu Kenneth K. Chu, PHAR’75 Charles F. Church, Jr., RC’52 Edward C. Cialella, CCAS’68 Robert V. Ciarrocki, RC’74 Stanley and Lorraine Ciemniecki Judith Nicosia Civitano George L. Claflen, ENG’42 Esther F. Clark, CLAW’55 Dr. Bruce B. Clarke, COOK’77, GSNB’82 John Michael Clarke, ENG’63 William J. Coan III * Dr. Larry J. Coben, PHAR’68, GSNB’73, GSNB’78 Michael G. Cohan, RC’74 Arthur S. Cohen, RC’47 Deborah R. Cohen, COOK’92 * Fred L. Cohen, RC’70 * Roger Cohen, RC’65 Ronald I. Cohen, PHAR’56 Roy A. Cohen, SB’57 Dr. Sidney Cohen, RC’60 Gary C. Cohn, CLAW’81 Richard M. Cohn Michael A. Colacello, ENG’46 * Dr. John L. Colaizzi Lorraine M., RC’80, GSM’88, and Vincent E. Colarusso, ENG’80 * Raymond H. Colclough, ENG’62 Charles J. Coleman and Nancy V. Gulick, DC’72, GSC’82, SBC’82 Kevin D. Collins Dr. Tom H. Collins, RC’66 Robert Colton, ENG’72, GSNB’74 * Kathleen A. Condon Dr. Mark I. Congress, RC’59 Kathleen M. Conkey, NLAW’91 * R. Jay and Dorothy A. Conlan John Joseph, ENG’81, and Jeri Armstead Connelly, ENG’81 Anonymous Gloria Copleman Deborah S. Corbishley, CCAS’81, CLAW’84 Drs. Diane C., PHAR’85, GSNB’89, and Michael Corbo, PHAR’85, GSNB’89 * Amy Cohen Corwin Michael A. Costello, RC’32, GSED’49 Steven Covey Flora Buchbinder Cowen, DC’59 Robert E. Cowen, NLAW’58 Stephen J. Cox, AG’73 * Jay G. Cranmer, ENG’62 Jane E. Cranston Charles D. Crawford, RC’73 Kevin P. Crawley * Thomas G. Crosby, ENG’70 * Dr. Alan M. Crosta, Jr., RC’86 James G. Cullen, RC’64 John W. Cullen, UCN’76 Clive S. Cummis Dr. James L. Cunjak Paul F. Daisy, AG’65 * Frederick D. D’Alessio, GSM’85 Robert J. D’Amato, ED’52, ED’53 Dr. Suresh B., GSNB’64, and Sheela S. Damle * William J. Dane Dr. James A. D’Antonio, ENG’64 Susan Kinsley Darien, DC’64, SSW’66 * George A., ENG’41, and Junella Daum Charles Davenport Robert B. Davidson, GSM’83 James J. Dawson Elizabeth Day Elizabeth R. DeBeer, GSN’91 Elsa G. DeBeer John P. Degrazio, RC’92


Dr. Matthew J. Dejneka, ENG’91, GSNB’93, GSNB’95 * Pamela Callahan Dejneka, DC’90, SBNB’90 * Dr. Robert J. DeKenipp, ENG’64, GSNB’71 * Peter Del Col, RC’56 Lisa S. Delventhal Stephan DeMicco, RC’78 Thomas J. Demski, NLAW’69 Lyle B. Dennis, RC’75, GSNB’76 Anthony J. DePetris, CCAS’84 Margaret T. Derrick, NCAS’71 Dr. Robert A. DeSimone, ENG’86 Dr. Richard T. Dewling, GSNB’77 Dr. Walter J. Dex, RC’52 Kathleen O’Loughlin Dias, DC’91 Carleton C. Dilatush, AG’40 Dr. Richard A. DiMeo, RC’57 Anthony J. Dimun Dr. Steven Diner Scott H. Dinn, COOK’85 John A. DiNome, CLAW’91 John Joseph Dios, NLAW’49 Dr. Pasquale J. DiPillo, ENG’56, GSNB’61 Anthony R. DiStefano, RC’87, CLAW’90 Edward DiYanni, GSM’82 Diana M. Dloughy, RC’78, GSNB’84 * Bonnie G. Dodd, CCAS’69 Dr. Tracey E. Doering, RC’81 Liz Schweber Doles William S. Donio, RC’91 Christine Evangelides Donovan * Paul A. Dorko, AG’73 Rosalind S. Dorlen, GSAPP’77 Jeffrey S., LC’86, and Pamela Kievit Dorman, LC’86 Sheila and Jack Doyle James P. Drago, RC’58 Barbara and Daniel Drench Richard J. Drill Arline DuBrow Robert S. Dunbar, RC’72 Thomas A. Earing, Sr., RC’48 William Baker Eaton, ENG’67 Eric P. Edelstein, RC’71, GSM’72 * David Egger Dr. Barlane R. Eichbaum, ENG’51, GSNB’56 Dr. Thomas A. Einhorn, RC’72 Steven M. Eisner, RC’74, CLAW’77 George Haddow Elwood, RC’49 Lynn A. English, DC’80 Barry D. Epstein, NLAW’65 Edward Jay Epstein Alan H. Erickson, ENG’78 Peter G. Ernster, NLAW’67 * Michael A. Esposito, Jr. Dr. James L. Essig, RC’48 * Stephen G. Evangelides Shirley A. Everett John D. Fagan, RC’89, GSNB’95 Dr. Robert R. Fales, AG’67, GSNB’77 * Norman Farber, RC’62 * Zulima V. Farber, NLAW’74 David and Jill Farris Thomas Fortune Fay, NLAW’65 Joseph G. Feinberg Julius A. Feinberg, NLAW’37 Stuart M. Feinblatt, RC’76 Dr. Donald M. Felber, RC’57 Dr. Steven M. Feld, RC’72 Edgar J. Feldman, RC’43 Shirley Zarin Feldman, DC’40 Claire Ferrari-Boas Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Ferraro Robert R. Fick, ENG’50 Margaret Laird Ficken, DC’41 Jean W. and Robert M. Figlio Marian Shapiro Filan, DC’80 Jeanie Finer Vincent R. Fischer, NCAS’79, GSM’81 Dr. Milton L. Fischgrund, RC’54 Dr. Robert G. Fisher, RC’38 John P. Fitzgerald, Jr., RC’44 * James L. Flanagan * Robert O. Fleckenstein, RC’55 Luella Fletcher * Hildreth M. Flitcraft, AG’50 John J. Flood Mark C. Floyd, RC’79, GSM’81 * Raymond E. Fogarty, UCN’76 Christiana R. Foglio, DC’84, GSNB’86 Dr. Mary Ann Foote, GSNB’83 * Angelo L. Fortuna, RC’49 George D. Fosdick, RC’63 Dennis N. Fox, ED’62 Samuel R. Frankel, ENG’49 Robert W. Frantz, AG’73, NLAW’77 * Warren L. Frazer, RC’60 Keith A. Freehauf, PHAR’83 * William M. Freeman, GSM’83 Dr. Samuel R. Freiberg, AG’48, GSNB’51 Alden W. French, PHAR’53 Timothy French, RC’99, SBNB’99 Walter C. Frey, GSNB’51 Joseph C. Frezza, RC’70, GSED’75 Charles H. Frick, RC’61 * Jennifer D. Friend-Huizer, COOK’92, SCILS’92 * Cary J. Frieze, RC’69 Robert M. Frisch, RC’50 Nat W. Fritsche, ENG’57 * Robert E. Froetscher, RC’51 * Dr. Bettina M. Frost, GSNB’58 * Richard V. Frost, RC’50 Richard P. Fuller, GSED’66 Robert A. Fullerton, UCNB’67 * Eugene S. Gaffney, RC’65

Rochelle B. Galiber, NLAW’86 * Chip Gallagher, ENG’70 * Louis J. Gambaccini Gary Gambuti, RC’59 Steven Y. Gao Joseph M., RC’83, and Ingrid Pedersen Garefino, DC’86 Stephen A., AG’60, GSNB’63, and Janet Susan Garrison, UCNB’81 John W. Gaston, Jr., ENG’68, GSNB’70 Carl H. Gaum, ENG’49 Marianne I. Gaunt Stanley L. Geftic, ENG’67, GSM’72, NLAW’74 William H. Geib, RC’48 Gregory and Coleen Gelmann Michael N. Gentile Claudia A. Gentner, SCILS’79 * Louis T. German, SB’48 Kenneth J. Giacin, AG’68, GSNB’73 * John R. Giaquinto Lucia DiNapoli Gibbons, NCAS’86 James G. and Kathleen W. Gilbert Joseph M. Gilbert, RC’53 Howard Gillette John R. Gillis Richard A., RC’61, and Elizabeth Ginman Sam Glucksberg Maryella M. Gockel, GSM’80 * Sidney and Shirley Godis Carolyn E. Goff, GSNB’74 Dr. Michael I. Goldberg Russell J. Goldberger, RC’63 Eileen and Joseph F. Golden, Jr. Lawrence Goldfarb, UCN’63 Dr. Jerome D. Goldfischer, RC’51 Lisa M. Goldman, RC’81 David L. Goldsmith, RC’49 Leon Golub Pauline Lewis Goodkind, DC’41 Livy T. Goodman, RC’44 Richard C. Goodwin George Gordon, ENG’42 Lawrence Gordon, RC’54, GSNB’56 * Helen Gorenstein Audrey Gould Dr. Douglas Grahn, RC’48 Gary A. Gramiccioni, UCNB’93 * Dale A. Grant, LC’80 Wallace R. Grant, ENG’51 John H. Gray, NCAS’64 Ronald B. Grayzel, RC’73, NLAW’77 Dr. Michael J. Graziano, COOK’79 * Michael J. Greaney, RC’84 * Claire Grecco Janet Grecco John P. Greeley, ENG’80 * David C. Green, RC’85 * Kirsten A. and Michael R. Green Ronald H. Green Sandra and Stephen M. Greenberg William S. Greenberg, NLAW’67 John J. Greene III, ENG’66 * Harald Gerhard Greve, GSNB’76 Chris E. Grieshaber, NCAS’88 Dr. Drew S. Griffith, RC’83 Anthony Grillo, RC’76 Pat and Rosalind Grillo G. Christopher Griner, CLAW’73 Joseph A. Griscti, SB’63 Dr. David R. Grossman, RC’78 Dr. Frederick H., RC’48, GSNB’51, and Barbara A. Grutter, CNUR’59, CNUR’63 * Anthony J. Guacci, RC’83, GSM’89 * Joseph Guadagnino, LC’75 Dr. Joseph L. Gugliotta, RC’71 John M. Gumersell, UCNB’80 * Allan S. Gutfleish, RC’52 James E. Gutzwiller, ENG’41 Michael J. Guyader Brian R. Haas, COOK’84 * Marc J. Haas, RC’94, SBNB’94 Dr. Richard A. Haber, ENG’81, GSNB’83, GSNB’84 Eve Marie Haligowski, PHAR’77 * William Halliday, AG’49 Robert W. Halsey, SB’51 James D., NCAS’71, CLAW’74, and Linda C. Hamilton, CLAW’84, GSC’94 James G. Handford, RC’49 Stuart C. Hanebuth, COOK’96 George Haranis, RC’51 Theo F., RC’66, and Diane Seeley Hardies, DC’68 Mark Harms Roslyn S. Harrison, NLAW’77 Harold H. Haskin, RC’36 William F. Hatchett, ED’50 * Charles C. Haus, RC’52 Charles S. Hausheer, RC’74 * Stephen B. Havran, RC’75 * Randi L. Hawkins, RC’83, GSN’93 * Edwin R. Hawthorne, RC’60, GSED’65, GSED’68 * John J. Hayden, CLAW’79 * Kathryn Griggs Heacock, DC’41 Cynthia Hellerman * Angela M. Hellwig Dr. David Hendlin, GSNB’49 * John A. Hendricks, RC’62 * Raymond D. Henry Dr. William T. Hensler, Jr., ENG’80 * Peter and Hildburg Herbst * Claire Hernandez, LC’91 John G. Hernandez, RC’86 * Consuelo Herrera Luis E. Herrera Terry Stamler Herst Aline J. Heuer, UCN’49 * Nancy A. Hewitt Kevin R. Hill, COOK’85 Clarke Caton Hintz

Leslie D. Hirsch Kenneth W. Hitchner, GSED’64, GSED’76 * Kent Charles Hiteshew, COOK’76 * Kurt Hochheimer, PHAR’44 Fred H. Hoffman, RC’86 * John A. Hoffman William A. Hoffman, RC’74 Jack C. Hohnstine, RC’67 Leslie P. Holland, ENG’43 * Barry Holt, RC’67 * Dr. Robert S. Hopkins, Jr., GSNB’67, GSNB’68, GSNB’70 William R. Horbatt * Gary J. Horowitz, RC’82, NLAW’85 * Peter L. Horowitz, RC’78, GSM’80 Richard G. Horvath, GSM’60 Toshimasa Hosoda, RC’57 Michael F. Hover, RC’78 * Dr. Jeffrey M. Howell, ENG’68, GSNB’76, GSNB’81 * James M. Howie, AG’50, GSED’51 Arthur S. Hozore William J. Hrin * Robert D. Hubbard, ENG’50 George S. Huber, ENG’50 Curt Hubert Henry A. Hubschman, RC’69 David J. Hughes, COOK’85 Raymond L. Hughes Lisa A. Huguenin Robert W. Hull John W. Humphrey Miles M. Hunter, RC’90 Daniel W. Hurley, UCNB’69 James F. Hurley, RC’47 John J. Hurley, RC’72, SCILS’75 Anthony J. Iannarone, RC’52 * Thomas A. Ierubino, RC’83 Joseph E. Irenas Adam Irgon, COOK’82 Delmont S. Irving, RC’66 Andrew Jackson * Neal A. Jacobs, COOK’80, CLAW’84 Dr. Murray B. Jacobson, RC’27 Paul and Cynthia Jacobson Michael Jaharis Dr. Norman M. James, RC’71 Alexander F. Jaszek, ENG’64 * Sima K. Jelin Dean W. Robert and Mary E. Jenkins, SCILS’81 Joseph P. Jennings, RC’77 Patricia Jenny * Praveen R. Jeyarajah, RC’90 Joan Donna Johnson, MGSA’93 William M. Johnson, RC’55 * Lawrence C. Jones, RC’64 Dr. Spencer A. Joyner, AG’71 * Dr. J. Craig Jurgensen, RC’62 W. Wallace Kaenzig, AG’42 Sol P. Kafel, ENG’69 Edward S. Kahn, GSED’74, GSED’80, NLAW’80 Stephen H. Kahn, RC’72, NLAW’77 Stephen A. Kalapos, ED’50, NLAW’58 Joseph C. Kalinowski, CCAS’81, SBC’81 Arnold M. Kaplan, RC’58 Ernest L. Kastenbein, ENG’53 Gerald Katz, RC’61 Leon I. Katz, RC’49 Frederick C. Kauffman Rajaram Kaushik, GSM’78 * George M. Kaye, SB’52, GSM’58 * E. Lee Kaywork, NCAS’67 Phyllis C. Keating, CCAS’91 * William H. Keers, Jr. George J. Keller, ENG’50 Jean M. Kelly * Kevin M., RC’76, and Karen Schimpf Kelly, RC’76 William F. Kelly, UCNB’75 * Robert P. Kenney, RC’56 * John C. Kenny, GSNB’70, SCJ’83 Nancy Lee Kern Irma Leopa Kerrison, UCNB’58, GSED’61 Barbara A. Kervi, UCNB’71 Jon R. and Patricia F. Kettenring Alexander P. and Carol Kiczek * Edward P. Kiessling, CCAS’77 Susan D. Kille, LC’74 * Dr. David H. Kim, RC’87 Stephen C., NCAS’66, and Linda LaGreca Kimler, NCAS’66 Thomas A. Kindre, RC’42 Robert H. King, UCC’77 Ellyn Ruzicka Kingman, GSNB’77 Richard C. Kirchner, AG’64 Melinda Raso Kirstein, DC’77 * George F. Kirsten, RC’38 Daniel and Sharon Kleitman Dan Klepacki, ENG’71 * Franklin G. Kleyn, RC’88 Barton H. Klion, RC’48 I. and M. Klipper Dorothy A. Kmetz, DC’75 * Malcolm H., RC’61, and Meredith H. Knapp, COOK’95 James C. Knicos, RC’59 Truman L. Koehler, Jr., GSNB’57 Alfred C. Koeppe, NCAS’69 * Michael J. Kohut, AG’70 Ruth Goldfarb Koizim, DC’73 Joel B. Korin, CLAW’71 John N. and Virginia Korzun * Iris B. Koshar, DC’71, SCILS’73 David R. Kott, CLAW’77 Alexander J. Kovacs, RC’70, NLAW’87 * Stephen J. Kovary, PHAR’80 * Victoria Kozo John E. Krainock, UCNB’74, GSNB’77 Barry S. Kramer, RC’62 * Jane A. Kramer, COOK’78, CLAW’81

Harry A. Krausse, RC’51 * Josephine Carver Kreutzer, DC’43 * Dr. John P. Kripsak Dr. Gregory B. Krohel, RC’70 Myron W. Kronisch, NLAW’52 Judith Kruger Russell Krupinski, UCNB’73 William L. Kufta, GSM’70 * Ellen B. Kulka, NLAW’70 Anne D. and Kenneth Kunzman Dr. Paul T. Kurtulik, PHAR’75, GSNB’82 * Drs. Michael, ED’49, and Joyce Kushinka, GSED’79 Frank N. Kuszen, RC’40 Eugene J. Kutcher, Jr., RC’73 Nicholas J. Laccetti, RC’66 Dr. David B. Lambert, NCAS’72 Charles R. Landback, Jr., ENG’40 * Alan and Linda Landis Samuel I. Landis, UCNB’53 Stephen V. Lane, PHAR’47 Dr. Robert Lang, RC’65 William E. Lauritsen, NCAS’75, GSM’77 Russell O. LaValla, SB’58, GSM’66 Jaynee LaVecchia, DC’76, NLAW’79 Thomas E. Lavery, RC’71 John A. Lawrence, ENG’44 Peter O. Lawson-Johnston Julia W. Lea Solomon Leader, RC’49 Dr. Paul L. Leath Dr. Joel L. Lebowitz Lawrence A. LeBrocq Dr. Shu-Chi Lee, GSNB’70, GSNB’73 * Anonymous Dr. David E. Lees, RC’67 Dr. John G. Leese, NCAS’66, GSNB’80 * Steven L. Lefelt, RC’62, NLAW’65 David Leff, NCAS’55, NLAW’58 Patricia A. Legge, RC’90, CLAW’95 Dr. Donald R. Lehman, RC’62 Robert A. Leiter, NCAS’67 * Christopher E. Leming, COOK’78 Samuel Leon Miles Lerman Dr. Steven E. Lerman, RC’80 * Raymond F. and Barbara-Lu Leroy Robert L. Levenstein, RC’54 Lewis E. and Juana Levi * Jessica E. Levin Martin Levin Daniel S. Levine, PHAR’81, GSM’83 * Harriet Katzman Levine, DC’54 Judith A. Lewis, CLAW’92 Marjorie and Peter Li Jane Massey Licata, CLAW’84 Dr. Sheldon A. Lichtblau, RC’48 Jack C. Liddie, SB’51 * James T. Liddle, Jr., RC’56 Aaron Lieberman Dr. Vincent L. Lin, GSNB’72, GSNB’73 Craig B. Lindsay, GSM’79 Robert W. Lingeman, NCAS’74 * Christopher Link, RC’80, ENG’80 * J. Bruce Llewellyn, RC’44 * Ellen Aspinall Lloyd Richard R. Lloyd, GSED’68 * Richard W. Lock, RC’53 Lois A. Lockfeld Lillian Loewenthal Madonna Lomench Daniel T. London, RC’86 * Charles B. Longo, RC’73, ENG’73 * John M. Longo, RC’91, GSM’95, GSN’95 Dr. Anthony Y.H. Lu * Jeremy J. and Amy Lubcher Max A. Luber, RC’54 Henry A. Lubinski, PHAR’77 Sanford, PHAR’60, and Ellen Samuel Luger, SSW’80 Americo and Judith Lugo Randall W. Lumia Dr. Daryl B. and Dawn K. Lund Kathleen Norris Lyons * Dr. Robert E. Lyons, RC’76 Ann Lytwyn, UCNB’75 Michael C. MacDonald, RC’75 Charles E. Mackenzie, RC’65 * Patrick and Elizabeth Madden * Matthew W. Madlinger, RC’81 Vincent P. Maggio, UCNB’58, GSNB’62 Frank A. Magno, ENG’73 Paul J. Magno, RC’83 George T. Magyar, UCNB’79 John L. Mahoney, RC’54 John L. Mahoney III, RC’79 Janet G. Mahony, DC’70, GSNB’73 * Dr. Marc I. Malberg, RC’67 Bert R. Manhoff, ED’48, GSED’49 Patrick B. Manning Robert D. Marceluk, RC’68 * Dr. Alice F. Marcy, RC’79 * Set Mardirosian, ED’48 Robert G. Marguccio, RC’56, GSED’62 Mary K. Mark William D. Markey, NCAS’87, GSM’90, GSM’91 * Klara Markovitz Dr. Margaret S. Marsh, CCAS’67, GSNB’69, GSNB’74 William F. Marsh, ENG’70 * Dr. Gary A. Martin, GSNB’85 Dr. Horace D. Marucci, RC’40 Ruth Ann Marucci Andrew Masini, GSM’90 * Roger C. Matthews, ENG’63 * Hugh M. Maxwell, AG’45 * Rocco J. Mazza, UCNB’82 Mark Carney Mazzatta, RC’86, ENG’86 *

Kathleen A. McAdam, DC’57 * Dr. Francis W. McCarthy, Jr., GSNB’82 Frank M. McClellan, RC’67 Richard P. McCormick, RC’38, GSNB’40 Wayne C. McCreedy, RC’72 Howard A. McGinn, RC’65, NLAW’68 Frances A. McGrogan, NLAW’92 Dr. Kevin, RC’82, and Jayne C. McGuigan, DC’80 Michael J. McIntosh, RC’44 * Dianne Mills, DC’69, and Thomas McKay III, RC’69 George S. McLaren, RC’75, GSNB’78 * Richard S. Meadows, PHAR’70 * Dr. Bharat M. Mehta, GSNB’71, GSNB’72, GSNB’75 * Joseph S. Melick, ED’58 * Richard J. Mercer, RC’49 Elizabeth J. Meriwether, COOK’87 * Robert W. Metcalfe, ENG’62, GSM’67 * Frank J. Michael David Miller, NCAS’54 * Dr. David L. Miller, GSNB’69 Harold F. Miller, Jr., ENG’68 * Lynn F. Miller, SCILS’71, GSNB’77, NLAW’90 Thomas C. Miller, RC’74 Thomas D. Miller, AG’66, GSNB’68 Dorothy Allen Mills, DC’43 James G. Milne, LC’79 Michael L. Minaides, RC’89, CLAW’92 * Alan D. Mintz, RC’64 Martin L. Mintz, RC’67 Dr. Paul J. Miranti, Jr. David Mischel John P. Misko, Jr. Clyde Mitchell, RC’53 Irene Mitchell Dr. Barbara J. Mitnick, GSNB’77, GSNB’83 Thomas M. Monahan, CCAS’83 Clyde and Liana Moonie Gilda M. Morales, DC’96 Dr. James R. Morano, AG’70, GSNB’75, GSM’81 James Alexander Morgan, GSM’72 Jenny F. and Rowland T. Moriarty, Jr., RC’68 Roger and Paulette Morin Chris E. Morris, GSM’90 George L. Morrow, ENG’43 Frederick A. Morton, RC’89, NLAW’93 Malka Moscona Stephen J. Moses, RC’59 Leonard Moshinsky, PHAR’49 Michael A. Moskal, RC’73 * GeorgeAnn Moss Dr. Muriel Vogel Moss Caroline Elliot Mossip, GSAPP’83 Julian L. Moynahan Ernest C. Mueller, UCN’73 Robert E. Mulcahy III James E. Mulligan, UCNB’72 * Richard D. Mumma III, RC’78 * Charles C. Murphy, RC’69 Patricia Nachtigal, NLAW’76 * Nancy Searle Nadaskay, NCAS’60 James W. Nall, GSM’72 * Andrew P. Napolitano Andrew J. Naporano, Jr., RC’71 Anna P. Navatta, NCAS’78, GSN’79 Diane and Irvin Naylor Isabel and Julio Nazario, GMGA’98 Donald E. Neal, Jr., LC’73 H. James Neary, RC’60, GSNB’64 Jan Neighbor Gabriela S. Nemeth, DC’92 Kathleen E., UCNB’72, and Laszlo L. Nemeth, UCNB’72 * Leonard, RC’48, and Rose Nemhauser Linda J. Nessel Alan H. Nielsen, ENG’51 * Deborah A. Nielson, COOK’79 * Dale E. Niesz Gary S. Noll, GSNB’97 Paul A. Nolle, RC’50 * Dr. Gregory Noto, RC’75 Lawrence C. Nussdorf, NLAW’71 * Donald E. Oakley, RC’51 William H. Oberlin, UCNB’74 Robert F. Ochs, ED’49, GSED’51 Peter Offermann, RC’66 John B. O’Hearn, ED’55 * Ayano Ohmi Dr. Lawrence S. Olanoff, GSNB’75 Leonard R. Olsen, RC’66, NLAW’68 William T. Olsen, RC’66 Donald E. Olson, ENG’51 Mark D. Olson, LC’89, SBNB’89 Wayne E. Olson, RC’74, CLAW’77 * Dr. John A. O’Malley, RC’59 Michael J. O’Mara, RC’78 Robert A. Orben, GSM’60 * John Orlovsky Lawrence H. Ornstein, GSM’86 E. Eugene Oross, Sr., RC’53, GSNB’60 Milton R. Oschwald * Harriet Osinski Sidney S. Ostrovsky, RC’49 Paul J. Overberg, RC’78 * Robert I. Owen, ENG’41 John J. Palmieri * Dr. David N., GSAPP’84, and Marsha Panzer John E. Pappas, ENG’64 William James Parente, ENG’71 Franklin E. Parker III Dr. John J. Pascucci, UCP’50, GSM’55 Scott J. Pashman, RC’97

Kenneth W. Paul, RC’76 * Karen Pavlin Edith K., NLAW’76, and John M. Payne Dr. Mari Ann Pearlman, GSNB’76, GSNB’80 Joanna F., SCILS’74, and John D. Pearson Julia F. Averett Peet, SCILS’70 * Richard T. Pekmezian, RC’84 Vincent Pelligra Ronald L. Perl, RC’73, CLAW’76 Dr. Emil E. Perona, AG’52 Thomas J. Peters * Dorothy and Raymond A. Peterson Timothy E. Peterson, RC’82, NLAW’85 John Petronko, AG’64 Theodore R. Peyrek III, ENG’75 William C. Pezzano, GSM’80 William E. Pfeiffer, PHAR’50 * Arthur L. Phillips, RC’49, NLAW’52 James G. Picarillo, RC’74 Martin Picker Jerome Piernot, ENG’79 Hubert L. Pierson, Jr., AG’45 Anthony M. Pilipie, GSM’75 * Anthony S. Piszel, RC’77 Douglas H., ENG’80, GSNB’82, and Jeannette C. Place, ENG’83 * Dr. Hermann K. Platt, GSNB’60, GSNB’63 Richard F. Plechner, RC’54, NLAW’59 Alex J. Plinio, NCAS’60 * Richard A. Poli, ENG’67 Richard F. Policastro, Sr., AG’70 Herbert C. Pollock Julia Polonko Joseph E. Pompeo, SB’62 * Carl D. Poplar, CLAW’67 Valerie Popren Barry Portnoy Sidney Lee Posel David A. Pressler, RC’52 Robert G. Priest, COOK’78 Peter A. Primavera, Jr., LC’80 Dr. Roger C. Prince * Thomas J. Prisk, Jr., RC’55 * Donald J. Pryor, LC’82 * Terry Pugh Dr. Barry V. Qualls Fred H. Quantmeyer, Jr., RC’51 Sharon Rabbitt * Erena Rae Theodore F. Raffetto Dr. Robert A., RC’46, GSNB’50, and Elizabeth P. Ragotzkie, DC’50 Dr. Jeanne Raisler Rosemary E. Ramsay, RC’82, NLAW’89 Deborah Randall Alicia R. Ravens, DC’89 * Susanne Raynor Dr. Rita A. Read, SCILS’94 * John E., UCNB’77, and Maryann Rech, DC’77 Robert Recine, RC’94 Virginia O. Record, GSED’76 Robert K. Redfield, ENG’72 Charles R., RC’50, and Elizabeth Fabula Redmond, DC’51 * Alan John Reece, RC’62 Dr. Fredric G. Regenstein, RC’74 Charles A. Reid Gregory B. Reilly, NLAW’73 Daniel C. Reinhardt, RC’91, SBNB’91 * Dr. Donald R. Reisfield, RC’46, GSNB’49 Dr. David P. Remeta, COOK’80, GSNB’82, GSNB’90 Allan E. Reznick, NLAW’81 Darren C. Rice, ENG’91, GSM’92 Rory M. Rickwood, RC’73 Francis X. Rieger Dr. Peter Charles Riesz, RC’55 Matilda White and John W. Riley, Jr. Stephen J. Ripa, CCAS’83, SBC’83, GSBC’93 Harry J. Riskin, RC’61 Alberto Rivas, NLAW’85 Eileen Havens Roan * Edwin and Lillian Robbins Douglas N. Rodgers, ENG’67 * Dennis L. Rodkin, ENG’58 * Joseph H. Rodriguez, CLAW’58 Lydia Rodriguez Lisa Rodriguez-Jacobs Jeffrey J. Rokos, COOK’81 * Dr. Antonio H. Romano, RC’49, GSNB’52 Thomas J. Romeo, RC’57 Hugh G. Rone Dan S. Ronnen, RC’92 Paul W. Rork, ED’42 Jerome G. Rose M. Zev Rose, CLAW’63 Dr. Barbara A. Rosen, GSAPP’94 Edward J. Rosen, ENG’79 * Karen K., CCAS’72, GSED’76, and Joel Barnet Rosen, CLAW’73 Dr. Eric R. Rosenberg, RC’71 Ruth Feller Rosenberg, DC’37 Dr. Daniel Rosenfield, GSNB’55, GSNB’59 Herbert M. Rosenthal, RC’75 Kenneth Rosenthal Frank A. Roser Barry Rosner Martin W. Ross, RC’68 * Gary E. Roth, RC’78, NLAW’81 Gary Rothacker, UCNB’77 Ronald L. Roudebush Peter A. Royek, RC’82 * Dr. Michael D. Rozycki, RC’81 * John F. Ruffle, GSM’63 Glenn J. Rufrano, RC’71

Louis S. Rulli, CCAS’71, CLAW’74 Alfred G. Russell, ENG’50 Gail Russell Sandra Russell Charles W. Ryan, RC’50 Richard L. Ryan Alfred Sa, RC’85 Alan Sagner Robert Salvin, ENG’49 Samuel J. Samaro, RC’84, CLAW’88 Norman and Sandra Samuels Richard D. Sands, Jr., RC’83 * Anthony J. Santangelo * Frank Santangelo Phyllis A. Santry, NLAW’87 * Robin S. Sathan Brian A., RC’95, and Juleann B. Sattinger, RC’95 * Donald E. Saunders, CCAS’71 James C. Savage, AG’71 Al Schachter, RC’51 David Schaenen, AG’50 Craig B. Schaff Dr. Henry J. and Irene Scharf Richard J. Schattin, RC’69 Richard Schatzman, RC’65, NLAW’67 Phyllis Schechter Edmund M. Scheer, COOK’88 Dr. Philip S. Schein, RC’61 Jacob M. Scheiner, RC’44 * Barbara Tama Schenkel, DC’64 Lois J. Schermerhorn, DC’49 Frank C. Scheuer, UCNB’95 Clarence Scheurman III, UCNB’72 Stephen T. Schibell, RC’75, GSNB’78, GSNB’83 Mildred R. Schildkamp Paul J. Schmitt, GSM’79 Eugene Schneider George Schott * Robert W. Schroeder, AG’67 * Kevin S. Schuerman, ENG’83 * Michael Schuler, ENG’71, GSM’73, GSNB’74 Dr. Ira Cliff Schulman, RC’70 David A. Schultz, GSNB’82 Dr. Peter C. Schultz, ENG’64, GSNB’67 Walter J. Schultz, UCN’53, GSM’55 * Dr. Joseph Schulz, RC’66 Walter P. Schulz, COOK’48 Dr. Helmut Schwab, RC’51, GSNB’57 Peter J. Schwalje, ENG’67 Carol Argentati Schwar, COOK’81, EJBG’99 Ellen Schwartz Jeffrey and Elisa Schwartz Neal A. Schwarzfeld, RC’68 John Schweighardt, RC’77 Susan Schwirck, DC’71 David R. Scott Robert R. Scott, RC’47 * William G. Scott, RC’41 Howard A. Scribner, Jr., GSM’82 Richard S. Seclow, RC’51 Dean H. Secord, GSM’61 * Kathy Segall Dr. Wilbur R. Selander, GSED’69 Leonard H. Selesner, RC’65 Wilburn A. Sells, RC’64 Dr. Leslie N. Seplaki Joseph P. Serylo, NCAS’77 Robert G. Shalayda, ENG’73 * Cathleen F. Shamy, CNUR’81 Judith Shapiro, DC’67, GSNB’72 Hassan Sharafi, ENG’96 * Sanford M. Share, NCAS’70 Samuel M. Sharkey, Jr., RC’37 Dr. Bhavender P. Sharma, GSNB’72, GSNB’74, GSNB’77 Dr. William R. Sharp, GSNB’67 Patricia A. and Hon. Thomas F. Shebell, Jr., RC’58, NLAW’60 Edward R. Sheppard, RC’58, GSM’62 * Joseph Sheridan Fredrick E. Sherman Jerry I. Sherman, NCAS’55 Robin P. Sheth, RC’92 * Erwin J. Shustak, RC’73 John W. Shuster, Jr., RC’51 Ralph Percis Sickels, ENG’51 Luke Sickle Dr. Jean Wilson Sidar, DC’43, GSNB’59, GSNB’79 George H. and Genevieve Sigel * Jacob L. Silady, RC’70 * Bernard and Shirley Silber Alan and Carol Silberstein Peter W. Silowka, LC’80 * Mae K. Silver, SSW’58 Sharon J. Simandl, RC’80, GSM’92 * Patrick A. Simmons, GSNB’89 * Peter, NLAW’75, and Ruth J. Simmons Stephen G. Simms, RC’62 Bernard M. Simon, SB’61, GSM’67 Franklin S. Simon, ENG’49 * Richard E. Simon, RC’82, GSM’84 * Dr. Alexander J. Simone, RC’75, GSNB’83 * Stephen M. Sinker, UCNB’72, GSNB’78 * Judith R., DC’86, and Michael Sinkus A. Dix Skillman, RC’37 Carolyn J. Slaski, RC’84 * Edward Slaughter, RC’65, NLAW’68 Thomas P. Slaughter Ward Chamberlin Sloane, RC’79 Dr. Howard D. Slobodien, RC’43 Alice K. Small, CLAW’89 Dr. Paul and Turbi Smilow Dennis T. Smith

Eric and Sandra B. Smith Irving Smith, RC’52 Samuel G. Smith, Jr., UCNB’60 William B. Smith, Jr., UCNB’50 * Dr. Shirley A. Smoyak, CNUR’57, GSNB’69, GSNB’70 Brenda A. Snyder, DC’73 * Carole B. Snyder * Dr. Marilyn F. Somville Dr. Joseph J. Soporowski, RC’51, GSM’56, GSED’78 * Michael Soriano, Jr., RC’67 * Harvey R., NLAW’53, and Pearl U. Sorkow, NCAS’52 John Southwick, Jr., SB’58 * Miriam N. Span, NCAS’64, NLAW’66 Richard E. Sparrow, RC’51 Lonabelle A. Spencer George and Dorothy Spiecker Alexander Spiezio, COOK’90 Charles F. Springler Walter E. Staab, RC’55 Bernice Stacey Eleanor Staib * Harry R. Stainrook, UCC’70 Cathy Stanzione Richard D. Stanzione, RC’67 Ray Stark, RC’35 Herman R. Staudt, GSNB’53 * Hugh J. Stedman, CLAW’81 Jean E. and Robert E. Steele Arnold M. Stein, NCAS’54, NLAW’57 Arthur Stein Arthur L. Stein, GSNB’80 J. Dieter Stein Michael S. Stein, NLAW’89 Rosemay, GSED’97, and Robert Steinbaum Henry Steiner, ENG’52 Robert L. Stevenson, ENG’65 Carl F. Stillwell, RC’62 * William J. Stohler, Jr., RC’68 * Linda H. Stone, RC’85 Dr. Raymond W. Stone, GSNB’78, GSNB’81 Beverly Liddicote Stott, DC’82 * John M. Strampfer, RC’72 * Richard Strauss Maureen Strazdon, DC’70, SCILS’71 * Mabel C. Street, SCILS’68 Richard L. Strickler, SCILS’66 Dr. Jacob Struck, Jr., RC’51 William O. Suarez, LC’74 Dr. Michael Sukhdeo Charles J. Sullivan, RC’40 Dennis Sullivan, RC’56 John D. Sullivan, RC’69, GSM’70 Dr. William W. Suriano, Sr., GSED’84 Linda S. Swanson Harry V. Swayne III, LC’90 Kathleen P. Sweeney, COOK’79 Thomas D. Sweeney, RC’74 Joel N. Swerdel, RC’82 * Dr. Aron H.R. Swerdlin, RC’68 William P. Sylvester, Jr., RC’51 Robert J. Symon, SB’53 Michael J. Szesko, ENG’81 * Anthony V. Szumski, UCNB’82 * Mary Ellen Taggart Elizabeth and Sakae Takahashi, NLAW’48 Michael A. Tanenbaum Roy H. Tanzman, RC’73, CLAW’76 Thomas E. Tappen, ED’63 Dr. Daniel N. Tapper, AG’51 Barbara J. Tarbell Albert S. Tatka, Jr., ENG’87 Nadine H. Taub Dr. Marion R. Taylor, GSNB’73 Dr. Edward Teeple, Jr., AG’73 Dr. Hilda B. Templeton, NCAS’62, GSNB’65 Janet Sugden Thomas, DC’71 Burton H. Thompson, UCP’62 Lawrence J. Tighe, Jr. William Tomar, CLAW’39 Lawrence J. Tomlinson, UCN’69 * Gloria E. Tompson Alison M. Torres, RC’76 * Vanessa Q. Tremarco, RC’98, SCILS’98 * Alex E. Treves, RC’50 Anh Tuan Truong Louis P. Trygar, RC’82 William J. Tully, ED’61 Michael R. Tuosto, SB’62, GSM’65 * Marcella A. Uhlman * Rita T. Ullrich, UCN’69 * Jane and Bill Umstadter Leslie H. Unger, RC’52 Joseph Uniman Dr. Mardi Valgemae, RC’57 Dr. Glenn A. Van Buskirk, PHAR’69, GSNB’73, GSNB’79 Lois M. Van Deusen, NLAW’77 Paul R. Van Duren, Sr., RC’49 David C. Van Hart, ENG’55, GSED’74 Kwame C. and Olga Van Leeuwen Daniel S. Van Riper, SB’62, GSM’64 Edgar W. Van Winkle, ENG’36 Leonard N. Vanderwende, RC’80 * Mark A. Vidaic, ENG’99 * William J. Vigh, RC’48, GSED’63 Geraldine I. Vitale, NCAS’79, GSN’81 * Walter E. Volkomer, RC’55, GSNB’63 A. Leonard Vreeland, RC’36 John Wachtman, Jr. Elena Wajda * Edward C. Walch, SB’64 * Laurice C. Walker, SSW’64

Dr. Monroe E. Wall, AG’36, GSNB’38, GSNB’39 Susan S. Wallach Edward A. Walsh, RC’39 Dr. Stanley F. Wanat, NCAS’63 * Leilei H. Wang, GSNB’80 * Dr. Robert F. Ward, RC’55 Edward L. Warner, RC’61 Matthew A. Waters, COOK’94, COOK’95, GSM’96 * Elnardo J. Webster, RC’92, GSM’96, NLAW’96 * Mark I. Weinbaum Dr. Thomas J., COOK’74, and Beverly Ann Weiner, COOK’74 Christopher Weinrich, RC’74 * Dr. Joseph Weinstock, RC’49 * Robert and Susan M. Weisberg Dr. Charles M. Weiss, RC’39 Lawrence Weiss, ED’54, NLAW’60 Sidney D. Weiss, NCAS’54, NLAW’59 Solomon M. Weiss, GSM’57 Dr. Leonard Weissburg, RC’43 Helaine Weissman Daniel K. Welch, ENG’86 Roger H. Welt, RC’50, GSM’60 * Mark Wertlieb, RC’77 * Dennis Whalen, RC’81 * Dolores D. Wharton * John and Maureen Whelan * David A. Whinfrey, RC’50 * Albert L. White, AG’51 Dr. James F. White, Jr. Barbara Whitefleet Hamilton J. Whitlock, RC’67 Dr. Sidney A. Whitman, RC’64 Leslie D. Wilding, ED’35, GSED’43 Warren W. Wilentz, NLAW’49 Corbin McCue Wilkes, GSM’72 * Edward L. Williams, SB’52, GSED’61 Robert F. Williams Theodore B. Williams Melanie L. Willoughby, RC’76 Katherine L. Wilson Stanley B. Winkler, RC’64 Keith R. Woetzel, COOK’95 Donald J. Wolff, GSM’77 Richard C. Wolff, COOK’89, GSM’90 * Douglas K., RC’74, NLAW’77, and Freda L. Wolfson, DC’76, NLAW’79 Florence K. Wolohojian Dr. Gabrielle R. Wolohojian, RC’82 Daniel E. Wood Erika L. Wood W. Edward and Linda Wood Carl R., RC’65, NLAW’68, and M. Kathleen Woodward, SSW’70 Dr. Patricia K. Woolf * Dr. John, RC’73, and Harriet S. Worobey Dr. John D. Worrall, CCAS’69, GSNB’72, GSNB’76 Dr. Deborah M. Wozniak, PHAR’70 Edward S. Wright, AG’51 Richard A. Wright, RC’54 * Wuu-Yong and Margaret May-som Wu * Anthony J. Yorlano, RC’79 * Loretta C. Young, NCAS’68 * Marcelyn A. Young, GSED’65, SCILS’77 Lesley Yulkowski * Marvin Zagoria Joan Zaleski, PHAR’62 Dr. Edward J. Zampella, RC’77 Carlie A. Zaroff, GSNB’90 * Michael J. Zarra, RC’76 * Guy N. Zazzara, RC’56 Allen B. Zdroik, GSM’95 * Joseph L. Zechman George R. Zeevalk, PHAR’42 * Dr. Joseph L. Zito, RC’70 John E. Zoog, ENG’71 * Barry H. Zucker, RC’71 Lisa and Daniel Baron Zucker Herbert L. Zuckerman, NLAW’53 * Corporate matching gift included

University Circle $500 to $999 2001: 1,536 members 2000: 1,459 members 1999: 1,261 members The 1,536 individuals listed below made a contribution of $500 to $999 during the 2000–2001 fiscal year. Jeffrey Aaron, RC’67 Gregory Adams Lee S. Adams, RC’71 Jerome William Adler, RC’56 Martin H. Adler, RC’49 Dr. Charles Adrian, RC’51 Dr. Arthur L. and Stacey Africano Richard C. Agins, RC’64 Dr. and Mrs. William H. Ainslie, Sr. Richard Alampi Ronald and Leticia Albenice *

Barry T. Albin, RC’73 Martin Allen, CLAW’82 Daniel Altman, GSM’65 * Dr. Judith Amorosa Bruce B. Amshel, RC’75 Howard G. Anders, CCAS’65 Dr. James E. Anderson, RC’80 Judith Anderson Richard T. Anderson, RC’62 Dr. Gregory S. Andriate, RC’74, SCILS’76 * Nancy, RC’81, GSM’87, and Thomas J. Angell, RC’81, GSM’87 Julian Antebi, ENG’82 Dr. Jose R. and Linda H. Antillon Anthony L. Antin, RC’47 * A. Peter Ardito, UCN’74 Rose Ardity Kevin J. Armstrong, UCN’89, NLAW’93 Rudolph O. Arndt, ED’51, GSED’56, GSED’60 Esther Arouh Richard C. Arthur, RC’55 William S. Arway, ED’52 Yale Ian Asbell, CLAW’81 Rita Z. Asch Joseph S. Asin, ENG’56 Dr. Ursula S., GSNB’94, GSNB’98, and Bunce D. Atkinson, RC’71, CLAW’75 R.J. Attanasio Paul L. Audet, NCAS’78 Charles B. Austermuhl, CCAS’76, GSNB’86, CLAW’89 Todd Azar James Babcock Maclean J. Babcock Ellen Baber Joseph S. Babinsky, UCNB’50 Cary J. Babrowsky, NCAS’79 Dr. Gloria A. Bachmann, NCAS’70 Ernst and Nathlie A. Badian Jerald Bagley, NLAW’81 Dr. James C. Baker, RC’69, GSED’76, GSED’86 Raymond S. Balkonis, RC’77 Donald Ballerini Vicky Banach, DC’69 * Christine E. Bancheri, CLAW’78 Keith T. Banks, NCAS’77 Jerald D. Baranoff, NCAS’69 Carole Ann Barham, SCILS’75 Ann M. Barlow, GSBC’93 Jean P. Barnes, SSW’79 Robert H. Barney, CLAW’88 Dr. Robert L. Barricella, PHAR’79 Fred Bartenstein, Jr. Paul W. Baskowsky, CLAW’79 James J. Bates, RC’48 * Jennifer E. Bates, NCAS’80, GSM’82 William L. Bauer, RC’60, GSED’64 E. Kenneth Baumann, UCNB’65 Dr. Billy R. Baumgardt, GSNB’59 Edwin S. Baumgartner, RC’54 Dr. John C. Bausher, RC’68 Dr. Gregory P. Bayan, RC’77 Richard P. Bayan, RC’71 Dr. Michael Beals Robert W. Beardsley, ENG’68 Birgit Beaudette Michael Gary Beck, NCAS’69 James C. Belding, COOK’80 * Allan D. Bell, PHAR’75 Elaine C., DC’76, and Timothy J. Bell, COOK’76 Laura Bell, GMGA’97 Wayne L. Bell, RC’68 Catherine C. Bellafiore, RC’87 Richard C. Belthoff, RC’54, GSM’61 * Dr. Charles J. Belunis, COOK’83, GSNB’89 Joseph B. Bena, PHAR’55 Craig A. Bencivengo, RC’97 Dr. Adrianne Bendich, GSN’81 * Rosalyn Bendit, NCAS’52 Dr. Cynthia M. Bennett, GSNB’80 William P. Bennett, RC’64, GSED’66 Bradley J. Benwell, RC’95 Dr. Alan E. Berger, RC’68 John R. Berger, GSM’87 Walter H. Berger, RC’38 Dr. Robert B. Bergmann, RC’45 Paul H. Berkowitz, ENG’68 Dr. Robert G. Berkowitz, RC’76 Andrew T. Berry David F. Berry, RC’79 Kevin M. Berry M. Jennene Bertucci, GSED’73 Cory T. Berwanger, NCAS’88 * Robert A. and Angela R. Betances John W. Bettenhausen, GSM’61 * Gerard G. Betz, ENG’88 * Mahesh C. Bhagat, ENG’83, GSNB’86 Arie Bierman John H. Bigge, UCN’59 * Mitchell Andrew Billek, LC’87, SBNB’87, GSM’93 * Dr. Philip Birnbaum, RC’50 W. David Bisceglia, RC’81, GSNB’86 G. Reginald Bishop, Jr. Thomas J. Bitar, NLAW’60 Dr. James A. Bivins, COOK’42 David S. Blanch, AG’59 Phyllis M. Blaustein Carol Ann, NCAS’73, and George H. Blauvelt, Jr., NCAS’72, GSM’73 Richard J. Blount * Philip Blum Dr. Samuel E. Blum, RC’42, GSNB’50 * Mark P. Blumenkrantz, PHAR’85

Bill Bocchino Edward J. Bodner, ENG’44 * Walter Bolkheimer Lucille Bongiovanni Bruce S. Bonier, RC’74 Dr. Rosanne Bonjouklian, GSNB’76 * Frank C. Bonner, Jr., COOK’75 Glen E. Books, UCNB’93 Joan S. Borden, SCILS’74 Maureen E., DC’89, and Matthew C. Borghard, ENG’87 * Robert D. Bosch, RC’61 Warren J. Bowers, ENG’49 Donald S. Bowie, Jr., RC’43 Rosalind Bowman, ENG’90 Hugh G. Brady, ENG’60 Patricia Brady-Danzig George H. Brandenburg, AG’52, UCNB’61 * Dr. Alan R. Branfman, NCAS’68 Boniface J. Brazaitis, RC’37 * Kwi Nam P. Brennan Jeffrey C. Brenner Jacqueline E. Brevard, NLAW’77 * Gerard G. Brew, RC’84, NLAW’88 Alan R. Brodie Dr. Michael L. Brodman, ENG’75 Raymond J. Broek, RC’71, GSM’73 Todd R. Brolin, RC’91 Donald A. Brown Victoria A. Brown, NCAS’63 Dr. Raymond S. Buch, RC’74 Harold R. Bucholtz, RC’73 James R. Buckmelter, ENG’64, GSNB’68 * Robert D. Budesa, RC’68 Frederick W. Bunker III, NCAS’72 Margaret Bunnell Robert M. Bunnell, ENG’42 Ralph Buratti, ENG’44 Christopher Burdett, NLAW’68 Victor J. Burger, RC’44 Peter J. Burkhardt, UCNB’77 Timothy M. Burklow, COOK’91 Ruth Ann, DC’67, GSNB’75, and Carl W. Burns, RC’64, GSM’73 Douglas A. Burton, RC’73 * Herman Burwasser, RC’50 Dominick J. Burzichelli, COOK’84 Malcolm R. Busch, RC’55 Dr. Phillip Bushinger, RC’76 Jeffrey I. Butvinik, GSNB’80, CLAW’85 * August Buzas, AG’40 * Robert W. Byrne, NCAS’81 Francis J. Cahill Thomas A. Calamia, RC’61 Wesley S. Caldwell, CLAW’75 Robert G. Calise, NCAS’75, GSM’00 Geraldine Callahan, RC’80 Michael J. Callahan, RC’85 Patrick K. Calvo, UCNB’86 Jean Ray Campbell, NLAW’81 Dennis M. Capewell, ENG’72 John Caporaso James Capraro, GSM’88 * John Newman Carey, GSM’61 Mark Carey, Jr., ENG’77, GSM’99 * Dr. David E. Carlson, GSNB’68 * Charles Carmalt Ronald J. Carney, UCNB’78 * Ronald H. Carr, Jr., COOK’80 * Charles J. Carroll, RC’53 Lorrie J. and Raymond B. Cartee Dr. Margaret A. Cascieri, GSN’82 Charles W. and Anne F. Cassidy * James G. Cassino, LC’85 * Betty and Paul B. Castaline Armando M. Castellini, NCAS’54, NLAW’57 Dr. William S. Castle, COOK’66 Francis J. Cavanaugh, AG’71 * Leo Cekada James Cermak Joseph R. Cermak III, COOK’92, GSNB’00 Peter J. Cerwin, RC’87 * Dr. John W. Chambers Peter D. Chen, RC’98, SBNB’98 * Norman F. Childers Michael N. Chimes, RC’73, GSED’76 Han P. Ching, RC’70 * Dr. Santosh Chokhani, GSNB’71, GSNB’75 Dr. Gopal K. Chotani, GSNB’81, GSNB’82, GSNB’84 Pamela and Albert Chow Peter H. Christian, ENG’75 Henry H. Chu, GSNB’86 * R. Kevin Chumney, COOK’74 * Robert J. Cirafesi, RC’64, NLAW’67 Patrick B. Claffey, ENG’90, and Deirdra Kelly Gerald M. Claffie, GSBC’97 J. Anthony Clancy, RC’79 * Roger S. Clark Robert J. Clerico, ENG’71 Cynthia Tomlinson Coan, DC’50 * Robert B. Coan, AG’55 * Karen J. and C. Craig Coane Glenn R. Cochran, CLAW’80 Irving and Dorothy Cohen Jennifer Cohen Remo J. Colarusso, Jr., ENG’83, GSM’88 * Richard D. Colavita, RC’76 Lois Olson Collett, DC’34 Alice A. Collins, NLAW’74 David K. Colona, RC’58 Robert R. Comstock, RC’52 * Ernest and Georgiana Cona David C. Condliffe, NLAW’80


Donald R. Conklin, GSM’62 Terrence J. Connell, RC’85 Nancy E. Connett, UCNB’72 Geoffrey M. and Maud H.P. Connor David J. Conrad, GSED’62 William E. Conroy, RC’98 Richard M. Constantine, RC’79 Laurence J. Convery III, ENG’81, GSM’92 * Dr. Donal P. Conway, AG’54, GSNB’58 * Gerald W. Conway, NLAW’62 John W. Conway, ENG’56 John H. Cook, ED’38 * John R. Cook, RC’63 * George W. Coombe, RC’47 Debra L. Copeland, DC’84 Kerry Nitka Cordero, RC’90 * Edwin E. Cornell, SB’53 Dr. Norman D. Corwin, PHAR’53 Putnam Lee Crafts, Jr. Dr. Henry G. Cram, GSED’83 Thomas E. Crawford, UCC’77 Edwin F. Creager, UCNB’50 Jean D. Crescenzi, SCILS’65 Barry I. Croland, NLAW’61 Patricia A. Cromwell Robert P. Cron, Jr., UCNB’82 David G. Crooks, RC’51 R. Bern Crowl, RC’55 William E. Cruikshank, RC’60 * Dr. Laszlo J. Csernak, RC’81 Mary C. Cuff, NLAW’73 Christine Dyer Cullin, DC’99 Michael Cullinan Stanley Frank Cwalinski, Jr., ENG’79 Daniel W. Cwynar, GSNB’71 * Livio C. Dalto, RC’40 Anthony J. D’Ambrosio, GSNB’77 * Doris Damm Stephen C. Danforth Dr. Richard F. Daniels, AG’73 Brian J. Davenport, RC’83 * Dr. Leon W. Davis, AG’59 Shirley M. Davis, GSNB’59 Stuart R. Davis, RC’75 * Hugo and Margaret De Neufville Mary Ann and M. Anthony De Santis Ronald Arthur and Bernadette DeAngelis Emma J. DeAsis Raymond J. DeCarlo, ENG’69 Robert J. Del Tufo Dr. Dorothy J. DeMaio, GSED’79 James E. DeMartino Charles J. Dempwolf, Jr., RC’54, GSNB’56 * Sheldon M. Denburg, RC’49 Emmet A. Dennis Alicia R. Dermer Jack DeRochi, RC’58 * John C. Deschu, AG’36 Frederick O. DeSieghardt, AG’49 Dr. James J. Diamond, RC’62 C. Ronald Dickerson, RC’55 Deirdre Dickinson, PHAR’86 William A. Dickinson IV, RC’66 Sophia T. Dickson, ED’53 Dr. Erik A. Dienemann, ENG’84, GSNB’87, GSNB’89 * Gregory J. DiLalo, COOK’77, GSNB’79 Elizabeth C. Dilworth David A. DiPiero, ENG’73 Mr. and Robert J. DiQuollo Charles J. Divine, RC’67 George E. Dixon, NCAS’50 John P. Dizzia, UCN’70, CLAW’73 Carol J. Dobos, NCAS’73, SSW’92 Joseph Dobrenski, Jr., PHAR’53 * Philip J. Dodge, RC’34 Dr. Robert C. Dolan, GSNB’78, GSNB’82 Elizabeth C. Donham, RC’86 * Ann M. Donio, DC’82, CLAW’88 Stephen D’Onofrio * Jennifer Dore-Terhaar, RC’93 Dr. Leslie Dornfeld, RC’59 James K. Doty, ENG’72 * James D. Dougherty Peter Douvres, ENG’65, GSNB’72 David P. Downs, RC’72 Dr. George A. Downsbrough, RC’31, GSNB’33, GSNB’36 Dennis J. Drasco, NLAW’73 Michael R. Dressler Mehru Darius Dubash * Paul J. Dubow, RC’55, NLAW’58 David N. Dubrow, NLAW’69 Dr. Nicholas J. Dudas, COOK’82 Thomas M. Duffy Philip W. Dumont, RC’62 * Joan Dunlop Ellen Wood Duvoisin Lee A. Duxbury, RC’64, GSNB’72 Dr. Steven M. Dworetz, GSNB’83, GSNB’85 Dr. Jane Claire Eager Mary Lou and David E. Earl, COOK’76 Leon E. Eastmond, ENG’36 Dr. Joseph N. Eckert, RC’36, GSNB’48, GSNB’61 Gary A. Edinger, ENG’72 * William J. Edmunds, GSM’83 * Clark Edwards Mitchell D. Eichen, RC’79 Max I. Eichner, RC’72 Stanford E. Eisenberg, RC’40 Dr. Otto Eisert Richard Eittreim Gary J. Elefante, RC’84 * Susan E. Ellison, GSM’83 Leonida E., GSM’80, and Don Zim Eng, RC’64, GSM’66 Dr. Kenneth Y. Eng, RC’72 Dr. Morris A. Enyeart, GSED’80


Jonathan I. Epstein, CLAW’73 Kenneth A. Epstein, RC’75 * Dr. Clair G. Erickson Donald S. Ershow, RC’80 Ellen L., COOK’82, and Seth Esterkin * Walter Cope Evans, GSNB’74 * Philip I. Evertz, RC’65 William J. Faccone, PHAR’53 Bruce Fadem, ENG’67 * Julie E. Fajardo, ENG’92 * Edward M. Farrelly, RC’77 John S. Faul, ENG’70, GSM’75 Dr. Timothy G. Fawcett, GSNB’79 * James J. Feehan, RC’74, GSNB’80 Catherine B. and Stuart Feenstra Gregory C. and Leslie A. Fehrenbach Dr. David A. Feigley III, RC’66, GSNB’70, GSNB’71 Dr. Renee G. Feinblatt, DC’76 Lisa Feiner, NLAW’79 Marcia M. Ringel Feldheim, DC’56 * George P. Felleman, RC’64 Charles B. Felts Michael Ross Feniger, COOK’83 Elizabeth M. Fenlason William D. Fennelly, UCNB’79 * Andrew J. Ferenchak III, RC’58 Leon M. Fern, RC’90 Maria C. Fernandez, CLAW’77 Faustino J. Fernandez-Vina, CLAW’81 Dr. Paul M. Fernhoff, RC’67 Pasquale Ferrante * Daniel Fertonani, RC’61 Marianne R. Ficarra, DC’88, GSNB’94 Joseph F. Fidler, RC’71 Vanessa Jagenburg Fiene, LC’79 Marianne W. Filo, SCILS’68 Dr. Matthew N. Fine, RC’68 Dr. Rebecca Fine, GSAPP’89 Michael Finnerty, GSNB’74 Dante R. Finocchi, ENG’71 Hyman F. Firkser, PHAR’50 Rachel Tamar Firschein, RC’87 * H. Kenneth Fish, RC’47 James F. Fisher, ENG’66 Louis Anthony Fisher * Russell J. Fitzgerald, RC’77 * Kathleen A. Fitzpatrick, NCAS’86 Bernard L. Flashberg, RC’69 Kathryn Flicker, CLAW’70 Lester Fliegel, GSNB’70 * Richard K. Flitcraft, RC’42 * Margaret Foglietta Andrew J. Forgash, RC’49, GSNB’50, GSNB’52 Diane G., RC’79, and Jerome S. Forman, RC’79 Janet E. Fornalik, RC’76, GSNB’78 * Dr. Robert G. Fortin, RC’85 Stephen R. Fox, RC’93 * Dr. Jennifer Francis Leonard A. Frank, ED’35 Dr. William C. Franke, AG’68, GSNB’71, GSNB’73 Dr. Henry Frankel * William J. Freeman, CCAS’69, GSM’70 * Joseph R. Fritsche, Sr. Karl A. Fritton, CLAW’80 Charles J. Fruchter, RC’65 Janice C. Fulton, CNUR’78 Thomas K. Fulton, RC’51 Frederick Futchko, ENG’55 Fred C. Gabriel, ENG’51 David H. Gaither, UCNB’85 Vito A. Gallo, RC’67, GSNB’71 Andrew J. Galloway, AG’49 Andrew J. Gandolfo, RC’97 Richard S. Garabedian, CLAW’79 Gilbert E. Garcia, RC’71, GSED’83 Louis Garlatti, ENG’51 Darrin T. Garrison Samuel Garrison, AG’54 Bryan D. Garruto, RC’63, NLAW’66 Walter J. Gasior, ED’51, GSED’59 Frank R. Gatti, GSM’84 John S. Gatti, RC’83 William J. Gatyas, ED’56, GSED’62 John J. Gawel, ENG’85 * Brian J. Geiger, RC’65 * Dr. Marc D. Geller, NCAS’67, GSAPP’80 * Jane E. Gennaro, NCAS’68, NLAW’82 * Charles S. Georgio, LC’77 Robert Evan Gerber, ENG’67 Jeffrey M. German, RC’70, GSM’71 Amos Gern, RC’67 Samuel Gerstein, CLAW’63 Ira Gerstel, RC’50 Charles R. Getty, RC’42 Mary Barry, ENG’80, and John P. Ghazi, ENG’80 Elaine Orlick Gibbon, SCILS’78 Fredrick W. Gibbs, CLAW’89 Warren D. Gieseking, ENG’66 H. Craig Gilbert, ED’50, GSED’56 James L. and Yvonne M. Gillen Judith Lalley Gillespie, NCAS’66 Rochelle Gizinski, RC’80 Alfred F. Glatz, UCN’69 John S. Glennon, RC’58 * Gerald H. Gline, RC’73, GSNB’76, NLAW’77 Robert C. Glinski, RC’70, NLAW’73 Glenn T. Gnirrep, RC’82, GSNB’89 * William R. Godfrey, ENG’45 Abby Goell Dr. Barbara Munson Goff, GSNB’76 Lillian A. Gola, GSM’88 * Alan H. Gold, RC’73 Charles H. Goldberg, RC’80 * Jeffrey M. Goldberg, ENG’83 Dr. William Goldfarb Stuart O. Goldsmith, RC’51

Dr. Bernard Goldstein, GSNB’57 Theresa Shirley Goldstein, CCAS’93 * Gordon J. Golum, NCAS’65, NLAW’69 Cindyanne Gomeed Oscar J. Gonzalez, RC’81, GSNB’83 Lisa Gorab Robert C. Gordan, GSM’77 * Alfred Gordon, RC’36 Allen I. Gordon, RC’50 Dr. Irwin Gordon, ENG’48, GSNB’51, GSNB’52 Lucy H. Gordon, NLAW’75 James A. Gormley, CCAS’69, GSNB’78 Eugene Gorrin, RC’78 * Alan H. Gotliffe, RC’73, GSM’81 * Ira L. Gottlieb, CLAW’80 Michael D. Gottsch Ilse E. Goubau Dr. Geoffrey D. Gould, RC’62, GSED’66, GSED’74 Candace L. Grace Jayne G., RC’78, GSN’80, and David W. Graepel, RC’77, GSN’83 * John Graf, Jr. Luke D. Graham, GSM’92 William A. Gran, RC’79, GSNB’84 * J. Frederick Grassle Dr. Letitia A. Graybill, GSED’73 Robert A. Greacen, Jr., RC’69 Horst G. Greczmiel, CLAW’77 Dr. Erika A. Green, GSNB’71 * Jeffrey C. Green, RC’63, NLAW’66 Dr. Jennifer L. Green, RC’91 Stephen J. Greenberg, RC’63 Brad Greene Dr. Michael F. Greene, RC’70 Dr. Alan J. Greenfield, RC’65 Dr. Waldo Greenspan, RC’44 Russell C. Greer, ENG’51 Suzanne, CCAS’70, and Everett Griggs Jane B. Grimshaw Arthur J. Grisi, LC’74 A. Jerome Grossman, RC’61 Arthur D. Grossman, NCAS’66, NLAW’68 Michael and Ilene Grossman Robert Grote, RC’56 Brian K. Groves, RC’89, SBNB’89 * John W. Gruner, GSM’72 Dr. Mark F. Gruninger, ENG’83, GSNB’85, GSNB’87 Michael A. Guariglia, RC’75, CLAW’78 John A. Guarino * Ruth S. Gubernick, GSNB’95 * Peter C. Gulla * William Gural, NLAW’50 Gary J. and Mary Haas * Dr. Joyce Hinrichs Haas, GSNB’71 Harold Haddock, Jr., SB’59 * Scott D. Hahner, RC’78 * Aaron Hairston * Thomas J. Hall, GSNB’66, GSNB’75, NLAW’83 Susan A. Hallgarth Carrie Hamilton, COOK’85 * Carol Hansmann Hamlin, DC’61, GSNB’65 Howard and Joanne Hammer Joan Handel * Steven C. Handleman, RC’83 Melanie Harada, RC’84 * Cary R. Hardy, RC’61 Eugene Haring Alan A. Harley * Carol A. Harnett, GSNB’83 * Donald L. Harper, RC’75 * Scott P. Harper, RC’85 Muriel B. Harris Robert Harris, SB’55 * Robie Harris C. Robert Hart, RC’54 * Terry J. Hart, GSNB’78 Neil A. Hartman, RC’78, GSNB’79, CLAW’84 Thomas H. Hartman Dr. John R. Harvey, RC’68 Jonathan P. Harwood, ENG’81 Mahmud Hassan Henry W. Haverstick III, RC’69 Robert E. Hayes, Jr., GSM’85 Kevin R. Haynes, ENG’81 * David P. Heacock, ENG’41 Colin Heafy Dr. Kathleen Heaney, COOK’79 * Edward R. Hearn, CCAS’67, CLAW’70 Paula A. Heichel, CCAS’71 Joseph R. Heinen, RC’56 Stuart J. Heiser, RC’90 * Kenneth H. Heitner, RC’69 Robert A. Helfgott, RC’82 Mr. and Mrs. James B. Heller Samuel E. Hellings, Jr., RC’62 Donald C. Hembling, RC’40 John G. Henn, RC’81 Peter W. Henner, LC’72, GSNB’79, NLAW’80 Frank W. Henrikson * John W., RC’81, and Donna Skopyak Herdje, RC’83 Elaine T. Herfurth-Kline, ENG’73 * Dr. Richard A. Herrett, AG’54 Ruth C. Herrick Robert G. Heseltine, UCNB’84 Kathleen P. Hickey Richard W. Highlander, RC’63 Patricia Hill * Robert P. Hill, RC’63 * George A. Himmel, Jr. Donald Louis Hirsch, UCNB’80 George W. Hirsch, UCNB’83

Harvey B. Hirschhorn, RC’71 Dr. Mark Hirsh, RC’57 Deborah M. Hluchan, CLAW’79 * Stuart Hoberman George S. Hochberg, NLAW’51 Carl M. Hochheiser, ENG’67 * Harold L. Hodes Raymond J. Hoerger, RC’79 * Peter C. Hoffer Richard G. Hoffer, NCAS’64 * Samuel R. Hoffer, UCNB’70 Barnett E. Hoffman, RC’62, NLAW’65 David A. Hoffman, RC’82 Jeffrey T. Hoffman, RC’84 * Jo Ann R. Hoffman, GSED’71 W. Paul Holbrook Gordon Holmes, GSM’65 James Nicholas Holmes, Jr., ENG’87 Thomas R. Holmes, ENG’76, GSNB’79 Dr. Norman Holzberg, PHAR’78 Karim A. Homsany, ENG’94, GSM’95 Barbara Ann Hopkins, SCILS’69 Dr. Leon Horlick, RC’53 Dr. Philip Horowitz, RC’61 Morgan C. Hou, RC’95, GSM’98 * Michael T. Hourihan, LC’77 Kevork S. Hovnanian Darrin Howard, RC’90 John T. Hoyt, Jr., RC’64 * Dr. Jih-Han Hsieh, GSNB’75, GSNB’77 * Judith A. Huenneke, SCILS’83 Michael J. Huey, LC’97 Donna E. Hughes, RC’81 * N.E.H. Hull John E. Hume * Jon H. Hundertmark, RC’69, ENG’69 Frank B. Hundley, RC’86 Frederick L. Hunter, UCNB’85 * Raymond L. Huntoon, UCNB’90 J. Philip Hurdle, ENG’41 * Frances B. Hutchison, RC’87 * Anben Hwang * Dr. Howard I. Hyman, RC’75 James E. Igo, RC’78 Alan K. Illig, RC’53 James Imbriaco, RC’74 Louis A. Imfeld, NLAW’55 Jacqueline Anne Imhoff, GSNB’87 Michael J. Indiveri, NCAS’74 Milan S. Indrisek, RC’83 Dr. Margaret Ingate, GSNB’76, GSNB’78 * Dr. Pasqualino Ioffreda, RC’55 Dr. Victor J. Irmiere, RC’51 Robert Isaacson Robert B. Jackson, GSM’64 Harold S. Jacobowitz, NLAW’77 * Robert P. Jacobs, CLAW’84 * Kenneth and Gail Jaffe Marion G. Jagodka, RC’69 * David W. Jakubowski, RC’77 Joseph J. Jankowski Barbara J. Janoski, RC’77 * John Jarka, RC’63 Charles R. Jeffrey Joseph R. Jenkins, CLAW’84 Dr. Theodore J. Jenkins, GSED’75 Allan Jenks, ENG’62 * Paul Jochnau Janet B. Johnson * Robert and Cynthia Johnson * Robert E. Johnson, RC’41 * Thomas S. and Joanne Johnstone George T. Jones, UCN’73 * Lawrence M. Joseph, RC’54 * Ron Joseph Edith L. Joyce, DC’54 George A. Juergens, AG’56 Armen Kachoogian Emel Kahya J. David Kall, RC’57 Joseph G. Kalosieh, CLAW’92 Lola F. Kamp, DC’56 * Harold V. Kane, Jr., UCNB’79 Jeanne F. Kane, GSED’79 Timothy P. Kane, RC’73 Carole K. Kantor, GSNB’63 Mary K. Kanyuck, RC’80 * Gerald Kaplan, RC’64 * Ira Kapp Fabian Karcic Robert J. Karwoski, RC’73, GSM’85 * Dr. Stephen S. Kasparian, RC’73, GSNB’75 Edward Z. Kassakian, RC’66 Dr. Allen H. Kassof, RC’52 Garry Katz, ENG’68 Daniel C., ENG’90, and Jacqueline Mele Kaufman, PHAR’90 Lawrence A. Kaufman, ED’60, GSNB’66 Michael A., CLAW’75, and Sherryl Widowsky Kaufman, DC’72, CLAW’75 * Dr. Krishna R. Kaushik, GSNB’77, GSNB’81 William P. Keane, RC’76, GSM’82 Dr. Wells H. Keddie G. Glen Kehler, COOK’80 Nancy L. Keigher, NCAS’69 * Christopher J. Kellar, RC’74 Richard L. Kelly, ENG’65 Drs. Kenneth E. and Julie Kendall William T. Kendall, NCAS’49 Thomas E. Kenney, RC’56 * Rossana Kenyon Larry E. Kern, ENG’60 Dr. Michael B. Kerner, RC’67 Dr. Thomas J. Kiddie, Jr., RC’77, GSNB’83, GSNB’87 *

Robert E. Kile, RC’51 Michael P. King, UCC’74, SBC’74 David N. Kinsey John A. Kirick, UCN’69 * Dr. Geza K. Kiss, RC’77 Harriet Farber Klein, DC’70, NLAW’73 Michael J. Knight, LC’83 Dr. Frank J. Kocun, GSNB’66, GSNB’68 * Frederick M. and Linda Koehler Steven H. Koehler * Andrew T. Koerner, UCNB’87 Vaclav and Maria Kohutic * Irene and Edwin A. Kolodziej, RC’48, NLAW’51 Janos Komlos Dr. Marc Konvisser, RC’63 * Pam Koob Lawrence Korn, RC’59 Daniel W. Korreis, RC’83 Alfred H. Koster * Dr. Donald P. Kotler, RC’69 Joseph H. Kott, CLAW’75 Dr. Mark J. Koury, RC’69 James A. Kovacs, PHAR’72 * Dr. Harry Kranz, RC’45 * Paul A. Krasnavage, COOK’75 Mitchell A. Krasny, RC’57 Steven G. Kraus, CLAW’79 William M. Kraus, GSNB’73 John Edward Kresge, RC’87 Frederick J. Kroesen, RC’44, COOK’80 Gary P. Krog, RC’78 Dr. Beth Krugman, GSNB’76, GSNB’85 George F. Kugler, Jr., CLAW’53 Laura Rachel Kuntz, DC’78, NLAW’82 William A. Kunz, ED’51, GSED’55 Jeffrey Kuper Rose Kurkjian Dr. Jack Kurlansik, COOK’75 Maria Lewis Kussmaul, RC’80 Peter Kusulas, ENG’63, GSNB’65 * Dr. Anthony J. Kyreakakis, RC’74 Frederick B. Lacey, RC’41 Anthony LaManna, NCAS’74 Kenneth J. Landoline, RC’70 Dr. David Landsbergen, Jr., RC’81 Kevin Patrick, ENG’81, and Victoria Nemeth Lane, PHAR’82 Richard Lanier * Daniel R. Lapinski, RC’90 * Demetrios D. Lappas, GSM’82 * Dr. Louis C. Lasagna, RC’43 Cristyne F. Lategano, LC’87 Alfred C. Latimer, RC’70, GSM’74 * Dr. Penelope Lattimer Peter N. Laub, RC’76 Gary J. Laughinghouse, RC’64 * G. Alan Laureyns, RC’56 Gaeton D. Lauri, RC’50 * John E. Lauzon Alfred J. LaValle, RC’90 William G. Lawson, Jr., UCNB’90, EJB’95 Dr. Robert H. Leaming, RC’42 Evelyn E. Leary, DC’36 * Adele S., NCAS’61, and Herman Lebersfeld Mary P., GSNB’51, and Hubert A. Lechevalier, GSNB’51 Barbara A. Lee Christine Hyun Lee, ENG’80 * Gilbert Lee, RC’82 John Legan, RC’73 Frederick B. Lehlbach Dorothy Leichter Christopher P. Leise, CLAW’78 Kurt A. Leithner, RC’90 Debra E. Lembeck, PHAR’78 * Alan D. Lemberger, ENG’66, GSNB’68 * Dr. Barry C. Lembersky, RC’77 Anonymous Anonymous Michael J. Lenart, RC’79 Edward T. Lencki Claire F. Lennox, NCAS’72, SCILS’74 Mariano Leo, NCAS’52, GSNB’57 Ralph D. Leporiere, RC’54 Carol Gould Lerner, DC’50 Dr. Michael B. Lerner, RC’79 David P. Levin, RC’80 Dr. Allen M. Levine, RC’69 Dr. Bernard G. Levine, AG’51 David Levine, SB’49 Donald R. Levine, RC’75 * Adam D. Levy, UCNB’96 Dr. H. Richard Levy, RC’50 Mark G. Lichtenstadter, RC’83, CLAW’86 * Norman B. Lichtenstein, RC’56 Dr. Carol S. Lidz, GSAPP’77 Emmanuel Liebman, CLAW’54 Samuel Q.S. Lin * Dr. Eugene J. Lind, RC’65 Eugene W. Lindacher, RC’57 Gladys G. Lippincott, DC’47 Abraham Littenberg John J. Little, COOK’80 Noelle A. Lohmeyer, GSM’00 * Michael F. Lombardi, RC’70, NLAW’73 Dr. Richard J. Lombardo, RC’64 Virginia A. Long, NLAW’66 Michael R. Longo, RC’66 Viola S. Lordi, DC’72, NLAW’84 Frank A. Louis Dr. Katherine T. Lovello, RC’80 Richard A. Lowenstein, RC’58 Dr. G. Gregory Lozier, RC’66 Patricia M. Lubbe Michael P. Luczkow, RC’75, GSM’82 * Jane R. Luehman, GSNB’81 William G. Luhman, RC’59 *

John J. Lynch, RC’60 Mary T. Lynch, RC’79 Arthur J. Lyons, RC’36 Dr. Bridget G. and Robert B. Lyons William T. Lyons, RC’62, GSNB’70 Dr. Thomas J. Macek, PHAR’38, GSNB’50 Robert W. Mack, NCAS’63, GSED’70 John R. MacKay, NLAW’65 Dr. Robert C. Mackow, RC’75 Peni MacMeekin, GSM’91 * Karen Sweeney Mactas, GSM’76 * Rhoda Madan-Shotkin Dr. V. Harold Maddox, Jr., GSNB’52, GSNB’53 * Theodore E. Madey Anthony Madjor Michael C. Magee, NLAW’89 Christopher S. Maggio, ENG’43 * Carol B. Magliochetti, UCNB’70 * Donald L. Mahan, RC’46 Shirley B. Maimone Andrew J. Mako, RC’78, GSM’84 * Alan Mallach Joyce Mulhall, COOK’80, and Dr. James Peter Malley, Jr., COOK’80 Richard W. Maloney, RC’74 Arthur V. Mann, ED’48 Thomas J. Mannion, RC’66, CLAW’69 Amy B. Mansue Francis S. Mansue, AG’43 Peter Manzetti, Jr., ENG’82 Joseph M. Manzo, LC’91 * Anthony V. and Theresa A. Marano Dr. Susan G. Marchand, DC’61, GSED’74, GSNB’83 * Robert J. Marchegiano, ENG’70 Anthony L. Marchetta, RC’71, GSNB’78, GSM’83 Scott H. Marcus, RC’73, CLAW’76 John P. Marin, PHAR’52 Joseph G. Marino, ED’36, GSED’42 Philip P. Marino, Jr., ENG’84 Dr. Andrew C. Marinucci, RC’72, GSNB’81 David and Joyce Mark Herman S. Marmon, GSM’72, GSM’74 * John D. and Lorraine Marran Roger D. Marran, ENG’88 Ann M. Martin, UCNB’82 Drs. Diana W. and Charles E. Martin Homer E. and Flora A. Martin, Jr. * Joshua W. Martin, CLAW’74 Mark Maselli, RC’83 * John A. Mason, AG’51 George P. Massey, RC’72 * Marvin D. Massey, UCNB’52 * Ronald J. Mastrolia, Sr., RC’55 Soichi Matsuno, GSM’81 James F. Matthews, GSM’63 Mark K. Maurer, ED’51 * Dr. Constantine Mavroudis, RC’68 Richard P. Mayer, SB’62, GSM’65 Raymond G. McCabe, AG’56 * Bryant M. McCarthy, GSM’62 * Mr. and Robert R. McCarthy Joseph B. McCartney, RC’42 Peter L. McCormick, COOK’76 James F. McCue, RC’78 Anthony M. McDonald, RC’83 Dr. Helen M. McDonnell, GSNB’70 Dr. Joseph M. McDonough, GSNB’79 Sheila McDonough, RC’82 * Kathy McEnerney Thomas W. McEnerney, RC’72 * Glenda A. McFeeters, RC’77 Terrence P. McGeever, CLAW’81 Michael McGinley Katherine Nellis, UCNB’79, and Peter M. McGinnis James H. McGordy, UCP’51, GSM’57 * Kevin D. McGrath, LC’88 Sharon L., ENG’85, and James P. McGuckin, RC’85 Michael G. McGuire, RC’67, ENG’67 John M. McGuirk, NCAS’76 * Jerome McHugh * Robert S. McIntyre, ED’51, GSED’58 Thomas McKay, RC’41 A. Donald McKenzie, RC’45 Geoffrey T. McKernan, COOK’83 James P. McLafferty, UCNB’96 * Robert E. McLaughlin James F. McMahon, UCN’76 Margaret Strebinger McMahon, DC’41 Martin J. McMahon, Jr., RC’71 Brian M. McNeill, ENG’82 Barry D. McNutt, ENG’69 Joseph T. McSorley, NCAS’68 Dr. Francis P. McSweeney, GSAPP’83 Andre C. Meade, RC’89 Brian T. Meade Alan Y. Medvin, NLAW’72 * Dr. Michael Mendelson, GSNB’67 Kathleen Shea, GSM’71, and Robert Mendes, GSM’73 * Gloria S. Merker Dr. David J. Merrell, RC’41 Shelley Ziemski Merrill, RC’81 David C. Meskers, RC’77 * John Edward Meskill III, ENG’86 Richard S. Messner, GSED’80 Richard C. Metzger, RC’50, GSM’57 * Dr. Harry P. Meyers, RC’69

John E. Meyler, RC’66 * Charles R. Miannay, GSM’53 * Horace Michelson, RC’40 Shaun P. Mickus, RC’91, SCILS’93 * Robert Millar, RC’79 Claire Griffin Miller, RC’80 Dr. John Charles Miller, CCAS’59 Kenneth W. Miller, ENG’53 Margaret Jean Miller, CNUR’68 * Michael W. Miller, RC’91 * Dr. Phillip Miller, NCAS’61 * George M. Mills, RC’44 Lori A. Mills, CLAW’88 Hector H. Mislavsky, RC’78 Dr. John V. Moffa, AG’71 Arthur A. Molitor, Jr., RC’62 * Morris Monesson, AG’51 Milo A. Moore, GSM’71 * John W. Moran, RC’76 * Irene B. Morbit Charles A. More, RC’53 * Valerie J. Morello, CLAW’94 Dr. Donald C. Morgan, RC’74, GSAPP’80 Michael J. Morgan, CNUR’79 James J. Morley, CLAW’76 Karl F. and Anne Blunt Morrison Roberta A. Moseley George P. Moser, NLAW’58 Dr. Harvey S. Moskowitz, RC’54, GSNB’83 Lawrence T. Mraz, RC’69 Anne W. Mullen and Cameron Way Thomas J. Mullen, Jr., ED’51 Richard A. Muller, Jr., ENG’95 * George R. Mulligan, RC’55 Valerie J. Munson, CLAW’82 John R. Muradyan Carol Gershaw Myers, DC’73, GSM’83 Scott Charles Mylroie, PHAR’87 * Gary Philip Naftalis, NCAS’63 Dr. Nancy E. Nagle, GSNB’74, GSNB’76 Dr. Richard E. Naipawer, NCAS’66, GSNB’68, GSNB’71 Joseph M. Nardi, CLAW’56 Carol C. Natarelli, LC’84, GSNB’90 * Stewart E. Nazzaro, RC’51 * Robert W. Neeb, RC’68 Charles H. Neff, PHAR’76 Dr. Janet M. Neigel, DC’76 Joseph and Marianne Neissany Gordon L. Nelson, ED’50 * Nancy S. Nelson-Goldsmith, COOK’86 * Allan Phillip Nemore, LC’82 Mary Pat Nespoli-Fralick, DC’85 Dr. Steven S. Nettles, GSED’87 Howard P. Neu, SB’51, GSM’54 * Dr. Richard M. Neuberger, RC’52 August F. Neumann, UCNB’60 * Dr. Sol Nevins, RC’70 Chris T. Nicholas, RC’62 * Dr. Mark J. Nicolich, GSNB’72, GSNB’74 * Dr. Michael J. and Marlene H. Nissenblatt Nicholas J. Norante, ENG’49, GSNB’54 Mark A. Norton, AG’70 * John Anthony Nuzzi, LC’82 Hugh J. O’Brien, Jr., UCNB’95 * James F. O’Brien, ENG’50 Leslie J. Obus, NLAW’77 * Ceceilia M. O’Callaghan, RC’86, GSED’88 Daniel F. O’Connell, NLAW’68 Amy O’Connor Dennis J. O’Grady, NLAW’73 Hideo Ohashi, GSNB’88 George H. Ohye, RC’57 * Erik R. Olbeter, LC’93 Margery Kerr Oleskie, DC’42, SCILS’66 Michael J. and Nanette O’Neal * Jayne E. O’Neal-Spector, COOK’82 Richard E. O’Reilly, RC’79, GSM’81 * Stephan Orichowskyj, ENG’80 Dr. Charles A. Orlick, RC’47, GSNB’50, GSNB’52 Wilbur D. Ortega, ED’51 * Richard A. Ossi, RC’58 Sara Oswald, GSNB’84 Elizabeth S. Otterbein, RC’78, GSNB’82, GSM’85 * Thomas A. Owens, Jr., UCN’57 Anthony Paduano, NLAW’84 Michael Palazzolo William J. Paliwoda, RC’83 Ben and Joan Palmerini Benjamin L. Palumbo, RC’59, GSNB’61 Dr. Ethel W. Pankove, GSED’67 William G. Paraskevas, ENG’74 Roger Pardee Jin Hwan Park Mia Christine Park, RC’87 Lorraine C. Parker, NLAW’80 Charles T., GSM’68, and Gertrude B. Parton Bernice Paschal Dr. Joseph E. Patchett, RC’52 Robert F. Patrick, ENG’43, GSNB’47, GSNB’49 * Richard J. Patterson, CLAW’75 Andrew S. Patti, ENG’61 Douglas A. Patton, ED’61, GSED’62 Anthony Pawlik III, RC’75 Howard C. Pearson, LC’88 * Richard W. Pendleton, Jr., RC’55 *

John Pennett, RC’85 * Robert E. Penny, Jr., RC’53 Brian Peoples, GSM’59 Dr. Lawrence J. Perfetti, RC’71, GSED’75, GSED’79 Florence R. Peskoe, NLAW’68 Michael P. Peskoe, RC’65 * Eric C. Peterson Jill Peterson, GSED’81 Thomas and Becky Petko Anthony J. Petrone, UCN’62 Christina, DC’70, and Stephen J. Petruska, NCAS’67 * Douglas J. Pettibone, RC’74 * Ronald F. Pfister, RC’66 Dr. William F. Pfohl, Jr., GSAPP’79 Theodore Phelan, RC’83 * Amy C. Phelps, PHAR’95 * Paul H. and Marie J. Phibbs * Stacy D. Phillips David J. Pickens, RC’82 Deborah H. Piggins, UCNB’76, GSNB’81 Raymond Pilch, ENG’78 John J. Piligno, CCAS’64 Dr. John A. Pino, AG’44, GSNB’51 Lawrence W. Pitt, RC’39 Steven J. Pittman, LC’75 Emil E. Plaveczky, AG’48 * David L. Ploshnick, RC’62, NLAW’64 Paul G. Pochtar, PHAR’77 Bertrand B. Pogrebin, RC’55 Richard M. Polhemus, RC’88 Dr. Irwin J. Polk, RC’49 * Leon and Marsha Pollack William Pollack, NLAW’63 Barbara A. Pollison, DC’82 Cindy Orlick Poole, UCNB’88 Ruth M. Porat Carroll A. Porter, RC’51 * John Brookes Porter, ENG’58 * E. Bruce Powell, ENG’71 F. Phillip Prasek, LC’73 Dr. Aaron W. Prestup, RC’69 Albert M. Previte, RC’60, UCNB’75 Kim L. Price, NCAS’84 Lori R. Price, RC’77 * Helen C. Pries, UCNB’75 Alfred R. Priest, UCNB’51 * Alan S. Prince William M. Proft, Jr., RC’50 Dr. Norbert P. and Sylvia H. Psuty Anthony M. Pugliese, CLAW’84 William G. Pulley, ENG’60 * John Sloane Pyne William Queale, Jr., RC’59 William A. Quinby Michael C. Quinlan, COOK’76, GSNB’78 Ronald H. Radden, CCAS’69 David K. Raffety, RC’74 * Latchman Raghunandan, PHAR’90 Douglas A. Rainey, CCAS’69 William H. Randall, RC’73 Luis Antonio Rangel, Jr., NCAS’88 Lois E. Rarick * Erik F. Rasmussen, AG’71 John C. Rath, RC’99 Lynne C. Rathgeber, NLAW’96 * Earl L. Read, Jr., ED’51 * Paul V. Reagan, RC’69 Gary S. Redish, GSNB’72, NLAW’75 Ralph P. Reece Dr. Thomas S. Reid, AG’36 Margaret A. Reier Michael P. Reilly, RC’75 Arthur Eli Reiner, RC’62 Peter M. Reiser, RC’68 Brian M. Reiss, RC’91 * Anthony J. Reitano, NLAW’86 Seymour Reitman, RC’51 Calvin R. Renaud, Jr., RC’73 * Andrew M. Repoza, UCNB’96 Neil and Gloria Resnick Michael F. Rettig, PHAR’85, CLAW’88 * James W. Reuter, RC’81 Lawrence K. Reynen, RC’51 Karen A. Reynolds, RC’92 David M. Richards Charles H. Richardson, UCP’52 * James F. Richardson, RC’62 * William A. Richardson, PHAR’43 Herbert C. Richman, Jr., RC’36 Helen M. Richmond Kenneth A. Richuso, NCAS’70 Clifford W. Rimpo, Jr., AG’68, GSM’77 * Michele and Robert Ring Walter E. Ringen, ENG’49 * Albert R. Robbins, RC’37 * Jean Robbins Cokie and Steven V. Roberts Homer W. Roberts-Horsfield, RC’41 William W. Robertson, RC’64, NLAW’67 Daniel H. Robinovitz, RC’69, GSED’78 Amy B. and Lewis J. Robinson, Jr., NLAW’73 Peter J. Roche, COOK’90 * Bethany Rocque-Romaine, COOK’83 Thomas M. Rodenhi, RC’56 Andrew John Rodnite, CLAW’67 Sharon L. Roma, NCAS’81 V. Seeley Romaine, NLAW’54 Jeanne Chalfant, UCC’79, and Lewis Stokes Romer, Jr., UCC’79 Richard W. Roper, NCAS’68 Dr. Peter E. Rork, RC’74 Harlan A. Rosenthal, GSNB’78 * Dr. R. Glenn Rosivack Nancy G. Rosoff Mark A. Ross, GSM’92 * Spencer Ross, ENG’45 David M. Rotem, RC’78

William A. Roth III, UCNB’89 William M. Roth Michael H. Rothkopf Evelyn Fried, GSNB’84, GSED’98, and Allen J. Rothman, GSNB’85 David and Linda Rothschild Brian D. Rowe Earl F. Rowe, Jr. Jay D. Rubenstein, RC’69, NLAW’73 Ronald W. Rubinow, RC’51 Paul E. Ruckel, RC’77 Brian Ruder Peter N. Rudy, NCAS’71, GSM’72 Carolyn J. Rulli, CCAS’73 Dr. Robert B. Runk, ENG’61 * John E. Runnells, Jr., UCNB’51 * John C. Runski, RC’66 * Mr. and Mrs. Conn Rusche Dr. Harry H. Russell III, ENG’69, GSNB’76, GSNB’78 * Judy G. Russell, NLAW’81 Arthur P. Ryan, GSNB’67 Robert G. Ryan, PHAR’85 Barbara Gershon, GSNB’82, and Jonathan L. Ryder * Dr. Ronald I. Ryzoff, RC’54 Curtis Walter Saal, Sr., CCAS’69 Steven L. Sabel, NCAS’79 * Michael Sackman, RC’82 * Joseph R. Sahid, ENG’65 Dr. Joseph Salkowitz, ENG’73 Robert Salvin, ENG’49 * Annette R. Samson-Eichen, RC’81 David H. Sanders George E. Sang, RC’70 Patricia B. Santelle, CLAW’85 Peter A. Santoriello, RC’69 Rosa M. Sapienza, UCNB’63 * Robert Satter, RC’41 Neil Savad, RC’65 John C. Savino * Diane M. Sawicki, RC’75 Charles L. Scarani, UCC’63 Joseph N. Scarbaci, GSNB’86 Adrienne A. Scerbak, RC’78, GSNB’85, NLAW’93 Dr. Franklin H. Schaefer, RC’42 Dr. Karen M. Schaich Paul Scheele John A. Scherzo, SB’59 Leo Schiff Peter J. Schild, GSM’70 * Ida Schmertz Mary McClafferty, DC’46, and Anthony F. Schmidt, RC’49 Wilbert Schmidt, UCNB’61 * Dr. Patricia A. Schneider, GSNB’74, GSNB’79 * Warren A. Schneider, RC’52 John J. Schob, RC’74 Charles Schoemaker, Jr., LC’73 Madeleine S. Schooley Jeffrey C. Schreck, NLAW’80 * Stephen D. Schrier, CLAW’79 Herman Schulman, PHAR’51 Dr. Mark A. Schulman, GSNB’80 Robert M. Schulman, ENG’80 Gregg A. Schulze, ENG’84 * Dr. Stanley G. Schutzbank, RC’66, GSNB’71 Dr. Jeffrey S. Schwartz, RC’64 Jules I. Schwartz, RC’51 Dr. Robert H. Schwartz, GSNB’80 * Sheryl M. Schwartz, NLAW’85 William L. Schwartz, ENG’65 Joseph F. Scognamiglio, RC’81 Edward Philip Scott, RC’59 Edward and Alice Scozzare * William Scully Janice R. Seager, SCILS’83 * Evans F. Sealand, Jr., RC’53 James M. Segal, ENG’80, GSM’87 * Dr. Michael K. Seidenstein Shelley G. Seidenstein Dr. Charles J. Seigel, NCAS’63 Pearl and Ralph B. Seligman Sidney Seligman, RC’71, SSW’75, NLAW’85 John Semmlow Steve Senko, ED’49, GSED’50 Margaret A. Serpico, SCILS’81 Stephen and Roberta Setrin Mark V. Shaffer, GSNB’85 Nieson N. Shak, ENG’46, GSM’57 Barry Shapiro, RC’63 Floyd Shapiro, SB’58, NLAW’59 Aaron J. Shatkin * Dr. Earl D. Shaw Dr. Henry Shaw, GSNB’67, GSM’76 * Beatrix W. Shear, NLAW’88 * Robert and Minda Shein Dr. Frank C. Sheldon, RC’58 Barbara Cohn Shepard, DC’77, GSM’83 * Lawrence A. Shepp Barry A. Sherman, LC’81 Karen K. Sherman, RC’76, GSED’80 * Michael P. Sherman, NLAW’77 Carol A. Sherrill Jennifer Sherrill Dr. Yei-Shong Shieh, GSNB’70, GSNB’71, GSNB’74 Irvin B. Shoemaker, CCAS’66, NLAW’69 Nancy S. Shuman, CCAS’68 Barry R. Sickles, GSNB’70 * Maria T. Sicola, SCILS’92 T. Joseph Sikora, NCAS’72, GSM’73 Dr. Joseph A. Silvano, RC’55 Earl R. Silvers, Jr., RC’39 Dr. Edward H. Simon, AG’56 Paul J. Simonson, RC’31 Robert G. Simpson, RC’48 Christopher M. Sinko, ENG’84 *

James A. Skidmore, Jr. George S. Skinner Edward T. and Gertrude Skladany Dr. Stuart A. Slamowitz, RC’84 Charles J. Slane, RC’69 Dr. Allan H. Smith, GSNB’75 * Alsdorf C. Smith, ENG’60, GSM’68 Clifford I. Smith, RC’79 David T. Smith Dr. Karen G. Smith Martha C. Smith, SCILS’96 Martin Chauncey Smith, RC’72 Oscar T. Smith, UCNB’69 * Patricia A. Smith, CLAW’81 Roger G. Smith * Dr. J. Frederick Smithcors, AG’41 William P. Snedeker, RC’53 Allan G. Snider, UCN’64 * Bernadette M. Snyder, UCN’75 Donald H. Snyder, GSM’66 * Edward A. Snyder Dr. Paul Alan Snyder Charles A. Sofio, NCAS’89 Edward Solow, PHAR’51 Ethel W. Somberg, GSNB’61, GSNB’64 Dr. Chung H. Son, AG’56, GSNB’57, GSNB’59 Robert H. Sorbanelli, Jr., NCAS’83 * George F. Sorn, AG’50 Philip J. Spear, Jr., RC’66 Gabriel E. Spector, NLAW’66 William Spiegel, AG’57 Robert J. Spragg, NLAW’91 Dr. L. Radley Squier, ENG’55 Mildred Woodward Stackhouse, DC’41 William R. Stalker, ENG’45 Dorothy M. Stanaitis, UCC’82 Julie and Kenneth F. Standig Michael P. Stark, ENG’70 Louis P. Starkweather, SSW’61 Philip L. Statile Diane S. Stein, COOK’79 Shari L. Steinberg, NLAW’84 Larry A. Stempler, NCAS’71 Richard I. Stempler, NCAS’96 Herbert J. Stern Lana Sternberg, NCAS’67 William Stevens, AG’49 Jeffrey T. Stevenson, RC’82 Dr. E. Theodore Stier, ED’49, GSED’50 John R. Stockman Kurt W. Stoffel, GSM’83 Carl A. Stoffels, UCNB’72 Robert R. Stohrer, RC’66 William S. Stoken, Jr., RC’62 Cynthia B. Stone, GSM’83 Gordon Dean Stone, GSM’74 John F. Stoner, RC’56 George M. Strack, PHAR’82, GSNB’87 * Robert D. Strack, ENG’76 * Elaine Strampp, UCNB’68 Anita I. Sturm, DC’74 * Sharyn V. Suarez, DC’80 Raymond J. Suehnholz, PHAR’75, GSM’81 * Kenta Sugi, RC’96 Albert Sukoff, RC’64 Joanne A. Sullebarger, DC’53 Barry D. Sullivan, ENG’60 * Richard A. Sullivan * Mei-Li Amy Sung * Jay Suskind, RC’86, GSM’91 Ira D. Susswein, RC’49 Donald J. Sutherland, GSNB’60 Andrew J. Sventy, ED’52 Dr. Harry M. and Renee L. Swartz Mark A. Swartz, GSNB’84 * Jonathan Sweetwood, RC’78 W. Scott Symons, AG’66, GSM’69 * Laurence J. Szanto, UCN’71 * Dr. Adeline Tallau-Brady, SCILS’62, GSNB’88 Dr. Steven P. Tanis, RC’74 * Mr. and Mrs. William Tanis, Sr. Frank M. Tartanella, Jr., RC’80 John R. Tassini, CLAW’74 Thelma H. Tate James R. Teatom, RC’77 Jeffrey J. and Florence Teitelman Dr. Ute L. Tellini, GSNB’84, GSNB’91 Patrick H. Terry, GSM’62 * Dr. Thomas A. Tesoriero, RC’77 Robert L. Thaler, RC’53 * Dr. John A. Thich, GSNB’75 * Anne Bahr Thompson, RC’84 Kevin M. Thompson, COOK’91 * W. Bryce Thompson IV C. Russell Titus, RC’65 Richard W. Tkach, GSM’75 * Eugene M. Tobin, RC’68 Frederick G. Tomaszewicz, CCAS’68 Beth A. Tormey, ENG’89, GSM’96 Salvatore J. and Mariann Tralongo * William Tranavitch, ED’40 Norman H. Trepner, RC’80 Louis N. Triandafilou, ENG’74 Dr. Gail D. Triner Sandra Troy, GSN’80 Lee A. Trucker, RC’63, NLAW’66 Bert Tryon, ENG’30 Ronald and Ana Tuckman Elizabeth Stokes Tuleja, DC’43 Dr. Norman Tunkel, GSNB’59 * Joseph L. Turchi, CLAW’92 Ellen W. Turnbull, RC’80 George H. Turner, RC’65 Dr. Jerome F. Uchin, RC’39 Harold F. Udell, GSNB’52 James S. Ulsamer, RC’72 Joseph M. Vag, ENG’69, GSNB’95 *

Vincent J. Vaiana, PHAR’50 Andrew A. Valeriani, UCNB’59, GSNB’88 Nicholas Valeriani, ENG’78, GSM’84 * Donna M. Van Alst, SSW’97 Clara Van Der Hoef Dr. G. Lawrence Van Dillen, Jr., ENG’66, GSNB’71 Terence G. Van Dzura, RC’78 James C. Van Vliet, ENG’53 Robert McNeely Vance, RC’71 Joseph A. Vano, UCN’56 * Katherine M. VanWhy, PHAR’90 * John Vecchioli, RC’56, GSNB’57 Volkert Veeder, ED’49 Joseph A. Veehoff, RC’90, NLAW’95 Dr. Daniel Velez, COOK’81, GSNB’85, GSNB’87 William R. Venberg, RC’51 * Silvio R. Verdile, ENG’64 * Anthony B. Vignuolo Gene A. Vincenti, NCAS’71, GSM’73 Dr. Mark A. Vitale, RC’79 Paul R. Vitek Maude Vogel Thomas H. Vogt, PHAR’74 Ernest J. Volkmann, Jr., LC’00 Martha Von Rosenstiel, CLAW’88 Leon J. Vuoncino, RC’51, GSNB’52 Richard W. Wackar, ED’51, GSED’55 Amy J. and Douglas C. Wacker, RC’78 Nancy V. Waggoner, UCNB’71 * Robert A. Walb, RC’68 * Thomas L. Waldron, RC’59 Jeanette F. Walker, DC’77, SCILS’85 * Matthew J. Walker, RC’86 * Michael W. Walker, UCNB’75 * David G. Walley, RC’67 Barbara A. Walsh, EJBG’96 Patricia Landmann Walsh, DC’74 * Dr. Daniel F. Walton, COOK’78 Dr. Robert B. Walton, RC’48, GSNB’53 * Brian J. Wanca, RC’76 Tao Wang, RC’95 * Raymond K. Ward, AG’54 David B. Warren, RC’52 * Charles J. Wasilewski, RC’84, GSM’94 * Thomas Wasilewski * Charles A. Waters, AG’37 Donna Weber Guy J. Weber, RC’87 Steven J. Weber, RC’69 Carlota B. Webster Barbara Byrd Wecker, NLAW’74 Robert P. Wederich, GSNB’59 Jack R. Wehrly, GSM’58 * Monroe A. Weiant, RC’26 Miriam Weiker Dr. Arnold Weiner, PHAR’53 W. Joseph Weiner, RC’70, CLAW’73 Murray D. Weingartner, NLAW’60 Robert L. Weinstein, RC’74 Dr. Tracey M. Weis, GSNB’94 John C. Weisel, PHAR’78 Dr. Alan J. Weiss, NCAS’68 Stanley Weiss, ED’62, GSED’64 Christina Welch, CCAS’63 Walter and Joan Welkowitz Dr. Daniel Weller, RC’70 Barbara Y. Wellons, UCC’86 Dr. Phillip R. Wells, GSNB’63 * May Tak Weng, SSW’90 Dr. P. Richard Wexler, RC’30 Kathryn A. White, COOK’78 Richard M. White, RC’71 * Charles K. Whitecar III, CCAS’88 W.S. Peter Whitestone, RC’43 * Howard N. Wiener, RC’70 Eckart C. Wieske, GSM’70 * Dr. Carolyn Wightman, ENG’86, GSNB’90, GSNB’97 * Garry O. Wilbor, UCNB’68 Stephen and Rebecca Y. Wilder * Thomas W. Wilfong, LC’77, SSW’83 Dr. Ralph V. Wilhelm, Jr., GSNB’72 Dr. Norman P. Willett, AG’49 Hugh L. Williams, Jr., RC’84 Sidney L. Willis Abraham Wilson, RC’44, GSNB’51 Wayne R. Wilver, RC’55 James P. Winder, RC’71 Arthur Winkler, RC’66, NLAW’69 Morris Winograd, PHAR’30 Douglas E. Winterich, NCAS’81, GSC’91 Michele Wisniewski Mrs. Norman F. Wiss, Jr. Herman L. Wissman, CCAS’62 * Judith H., DC’71, CLAW’74, and Leonard R. Wizmur, CLAW’74 Andrea S. Wojtczuk, COOK’82 Carl T. Wolf, RC’65 Elmer Wolf, ENG’46, GSNB’51 Margaret S. Wong, GSN’79 * Dr. Gary L. Wood, GSAPP’78 Joan N. Woodhouse John W. Woodruff, RC’52, NLAW’58 Alan M. Woodward, ENG’59 Carl R. Woodward, Jr., RC’40 * Claire M., UCNB’86, and Marc E. Woolfolk, RC’86 Gail S. Woolley, ENG’89 Dana K. Worthington, COOK’93 * Dr. Ronald F. Wozniak, PHAR’69 Marshall H. Wright, RC’78, GSM’83

Carl A. Wyhopen, NCAS’69, NLAW’72, GSM’78 Kristine A. Yacovone, RC’78 * Jerome S. Yates, ENG’63 John Yates * Michael C. Yeager, GSM’91 Benjamin Yeung, ENG’99, RC’99 * Janet E. Yocum W. Robert York, RC’53 * Clifford N. Young, ENG’83 * Elizabeth J. Young, UCNB’80 Eugene P. Young, RC’54, GSED’62 Erica M., RC’86, and Kenneth Zarouni, ENG’88, GSM’93 * Albert J., RC’75, GSM’78, and Marguerite Laggini Zdenek, RC’76 Harvey Ronald Zeller, NLAW’67 Dr. Kenneth J. Zemanek, RC’82 Jack E. Zezula, RC’91, SBNB’91 Donald B. Zief, NLAW’78 Robert F. Zimmermann, RC’61 Joyce and Glenn Zomack Christopher P. Zraly, RC’86 * Corporate matching gift included

New Century Society $300 to $499 2001: 1,795 members 2000: 1,627 members 1999: 1,624 members The 1,795 individuals listed below made a contribution of $300 to $499 during the 2000–2001 fiscal year. Dr. Richard R. Abidin, Jr., RC’60, GSED’62, GSED’64 Milton M., RC’30, and Pearl Abramoff Arthur L. Abrams, RC’37 Alan M. Abramson, RC’81 John E. Acacia, GSN’96 * Dr. Paul Actor, GSNB’59 * Mary E. Adams, NCAS’57, NLAW’59 Herman A. Adler, RC’54 Dr. Martin E. Adler, RC’68 Robert E. Akerstrom, RC’55 Elizabeth M. Akian, NCAS’89 * Nasser Al Zurayer Carl F. Albrethsen, ENG’92 Patricia Allen Guadalupe Alvarez Jose M. Alvarez, GSED’67 Robert Alvine, NCAS’60 Dr. Vincent Paul Alvino, RC’62 Donald L. Anderson, GSNB’71 Edward M. Anderson, ED’63 Richard A. Anderson, AG’50 Richard L. Andrews, LC’91 Peter J. Angelakos, RC’51, NLAW’58 Robert C. Angelo, GSED’99 Lata Anil, RC’98 Charles A. Apel, LC’78 Yetta H. Appel William L. Aprea, RC’95, NLAW’99 * Kenneth E. Aragon, Jr., UCNB’89 John L. Archibald, ED’43 Charles Arentowicz Albert B. Ari, UCNB’72, GSN’91 Philip E. Arnold, GSM’72 Meryle Diane Asaro, DC’69, SSW’74 Dr. Gerald R. Ash, ENG’64 * Rebhi A. Attiyah, ENG’91 Richard A. Auerbach, GSNB’80 * Kathleen M. Augelli * David Stinson Ault, RC’69, GSED’72 Dawn M. Austin, LC’99 Gary and Glennda Austin Richard A. Avidon, COOK’87 * Dr. Fehmi N. Aydin, ENG’70, GSNB’73, GSNB’76 * Donald J. Babo, UCNB’61 Jeremy Bacon, RC’52 Robert L. Baechtold, RC’58 Barbara L., RC’83, SSW’98, and William L. Baker, ENG’82 * Irvin Baker, AG’44 Dr. Cathy Ann Ball, COOK’79, GSNB’82 Zolton Balogh * Charles I. Balut, ENG’68 Debra M. Bamberger Brian D. Baratz, CCAS’72 Clifford M. Barber, RC’40 E. Richard and Mary E. Barbier David M. Barclay, CLAW’86 Charles L. Barnard, Jr., CCAS’64 Elisa A. Barnes, NLAW’84 George F. Barnes * John D. Barnes, UCN’76 Carolyn H. Barnshaw, SCILS’95 * Louise and Rick Barr Alfred M. Barron, LC’83, GSNB’93 * David M. Barrueta, LC’91 Thelma Bartner Fred R. Baser, ENG’43 Louise Weidel Basralian, COOK’78


Michael Bass, CLAW’67 Theodore J. Bassman, Jr., GSM’71 John and Margaret Batkowski * Dr. Frances Bauer Jon R. Bauer, RC’77 Richard J. Bauer, ENG’62 Edward H. Bauman, ENG’66 Edward Bautz, Jr., RC’41 Ralph L. Beach, Jr., ENG’36 Dr. Michael T. Beachem, LC’73, GSED’78, GSED’84 Gustave J. Beck, NCAS’73, GSM’74 * Charles D. and Anna Becker Maribeth W. Becker, RC’89 * Gregory A. Bedard, RC’97 Dr. Robert A. Beddini, GSNB’81 David E. Bednarcik, NCAS’90 Edward W. Beiles, ENG’72 * H. Hampton Bell, AG’50 Margaret E. Bell * Dana and Roxanne Benbow Wendy W. Benchley S. Lawrence Bencze, AG’63 Rita L., NLAW’68, and William J. Bender, RC’63, NLAW’68 Blaine C. Benedict, AG’70 Hovey R. and Carol Ann Benedict Donald F. Benes, ENG’62 * Dennis F. Benson, RC’70, SCILS’90 Egon E. Berg, RC’59 Patrick Bergamo Adrian D. Berger-Ettenson, ENG’97 * William R. Berls, ENG’62 * Carmen and Wilfredo Bernier Dr. Kenneth L. Berry, GSNB’37 Grace C. Bertone, CLAW’84 Michael F. Betz, Jr., NCAS’68 * Bruce J. Bezpa, RC’77, GSM’83 Dr. John Bezpa, AG’48 Alfred Biec Kurt E. Biedermann, NLAW’73 Richard H. Bieser, PHAR’88, GSM’93 Allen and Joan Bildner and the Bildner Family Foundation Drs. Daniel L., GSAPP’86, and Susan Owens Billups, GSAPP’84 Joan M. Birchenall, GSED’69 Keith H. Bishop, GSNB’78 * Dr. I. Bjorling-Sachs, GSNB’93 Maurice Black Robert L. Blackwell, SCILS’64 Robert D. Blair, GSM’61 * Cecilia M. Blas, RC’94 Fred R. Blessman, PHAR’60 Robert H. Bliss, GSNB’71 Eli and Lisa Blitzer Dr. Corinne H. Bloomer, UCNB’66 Delores A. Boblick * Vincent J. Boccanfuso, RC’70 Dr. Judy P. Boehlert, GSN’79 * Daniel L. Boesz, AG’65, GSNB’67 Alexander J. Bojak, RC’58 Gloria Bolkheimer Albert E. Bolter, RC’56 Dr. Laura Lee Bolton, GSNB’74 * Joseph P. Bonder, CCAS’77,SBC’77 Diane Mary Bondy Francis V. Bonello Mildred D. Booker, UCN’70, GSN’83 Diane M. Booth, UCNB’72, SSW’75 John F. Borchers, RC’32 Dr. Thomas A. Borgese, GSNB’55, GSNB’59 Dr. Ruth I. Bournazian, GSNB’87 * Andrew D. Bowman, COOK’78 * Dr. Arthur D. Boxer, CCAS’57 Elisabeth E. Boyan, RC’93, SBNB’93 Kathleen M. Boyce, RC’91 Lillie Boyce Dr. Matthew M. Boylan, GSN’78 Dr. Robert G. Brackett, RC’53, GSNB’57, GSNB’60 * Michael C. Braine, COOK’93 Steven J. Brash, RC’71 * Jeanne M. Bratsafolis, NLAW’86 * Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Braun * Robert J. Braun, RC’67 Marvin Brauth Edmund M. and Veronica A. Brelsford III James R. Brennan, RC’62 Robert W. and Roseann Brennan James E. Brewer Frank W. Brice, Jr., GSNB’72 * Raymond J. Brienza, NCAS’57, GSED’60 Michal W. Bristol, GSM’61 John E. Brockett, Jr., AG’52, GSNB’54 Elizabeth R. Brody, NLAW’75 Dr. Theodore M., PHAR’45, and Ethel D. Brody, PHAR’45 Sylvia R. Brodzik, GSED’60 Howard R. Bromwich, RC’67 John B. Bronzan Thomas R. Brooks * John M. Brotherton, GSM’57 * John J. Brotschol, NCAS’72 Gary E. Brown James M. Brown, UCN’61 Leon A. Brown, AG’51 Lora A. Brown, CLAW’98 Omer Forrest Brown, RC’69 Wesley Brown Dr. Shaun L. Brownlee, NCAS’89 Robert P. Brownlie, SB’60 Robert Q. Brownlie Evan Jason Brownstein, UCNB’86 John F. Brugel James P. Bruno, GSN’80, NLAW’84 Karen Bruno-Polizzi, RC’92 *


Phillip D. Brussel, RC’78 Dennis C. Bubenheimer Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Bucca, Sr. * Arleen E. Buchanan, DC’74 Sean P. Buckley, CLAW’84 Robert M. Bucko, RC’68 * David M. Bujese, LC’88, SBNB’88 John M. Bukovinsky, RC’70 * Dr. Judith Szulecki Bunin, NCAS’65 Al Burkart, ENG’64, ENG’67 * Morton H. Burke, ENG’45, GSNB’48 Robert B. Burkheimer George M. and Mary F. Burns Ronald J. Busch, RC’60 Robert A. Butch, ENG’72 * Dr. Thomas F. Butler, GSED’75 Dr. Nancy Butnick, GSNB’79, GSNB’83 W. Scott Butterfield, AG’71, GSNB’73 J. Alex Butwinski Robert B. Byard, RC’56 Dr. Mary Ann M. Byrnes, GSED’77 Martin and Gail Caffrey David and Chello Calabro Dr. Frank C. Calandra, GSAPP’81 John S. Call, NLAW’58 Kevin L. Call, CLAW’87 * William J. Callahan Thomas W. Cameron, RC’51 Brian P. Campbell, RC’83 Bruce M. Campbell, COOK’88 Douglas B. Campbell, AG’72, GSNB’77 Gerard F. and Susan Campbell William F. Campbell, NLAW’70 * Dr. M. Leon Canick, RC’42 Roger and Carol Cantoni Gary E. Cantor, RC’74 Mary E. Cantwell George Capko, Jr., ENG’72 * Joseph J. Capo, LC’76 Dr. Vincent J. Capraro, GSED’80 George and Anne Carcagno Ruben Cardona Evelyn S. Carfagno, CCAS’76 Ruth H. Carley * J. Herbert Carman, Jr., RC’60 Robert J. Carroll, GSM’81 * Thomas E. Carroll, GSM’70 Robert F. Caruso, RC’66, GSED’73 Lance J. Caspersen, RC’80, ENG’80 Diane M. Cassidy Donald G. Cassidy, RC’74 * Dean J. and Virginia Cassiere Reva and Alan Castaline Christopher C. Castellani, LC’97, SCILS’97 * Dr. Bruce E. Caswell, GSNB’85 * Sharon Price Cates, DC’76, NLAW’92 Kathleen Cavanaugh, RC’82, NLAW’85 * Dr. Walter S. Ceglowski, GSNB’56, GSNB’62 Vincent P. Celli, RC’68 Grace Landthaler Cetlin, RC’81 John W. Chadwick, AG’63 Ching-Wa Chan Eugene and Tsung S. Chan Raymond and May Lee Chan Calvin B. Chance, RC’76 Caroline V. Chang, RC’81, CLAW’87 William C. Chapleau, PHAR’91 David H. Chapman, ENG’83 Gloria Ann Chappelle, COOK’90 Bankim Chauhan, ENG’95 Linda Chavanne * Dr. Richard M. Chavis, RC’65, GSNB’67 Steve Chen Dr. Daniel J. Chertoff, RC’57 Frank A. and Susanne Chiaverini * Gerald J. Chmielewski, RC’90 Brian M. Chmura, RC’93 Vincent D. Choe, ENG’94 * Dr. Carole Christian, GSAPP’92 Judith Christian Ibegbulem O. Chukwueke, GSN’85 * Dr. Myung Kyu Chung Dr. Lindy Lee W. Cibischino, RC’86 Michael and Mariann Cicchino Michael and Judith Ciencewicki Angelo J. Cifaldi, PHAR’81 Arthur Cifelli Ellen Boates Clark, SCILS’77 Robert W. Clark, RC’69 * Benjamin Clarke, RC’76 Paul G.E. Clemens Fred and Roslyn Clements Gerald Clendenny, RC’67 * David G. Clough, RC’70 Tanya M. Cochran Sharon L. Cocuzza Edward D. Coder, UCNB’94 * Kevin J. Coghlan, RC’71 * Dr. Edward M. Cohen, GSNB’60, GSNB’65 * Lori R. Cohen, GSM’96 Michael L. Cohen, RC’69 Dr. Stanley N. Cohen, RC’56 Dr. Michael A. Cohn, ENG’86, GSNB’89, GSNB’91 * Dominic A. Colannino, SB’61 * Ruth Cousins Cole, RC’82, GSM’88 James E. Colling, LC’94, SBNB’94, GSM’00 * George B. Collins, Jr., RC’51 Michael Davies Collins, ENG’79 Dr. Vilma Colon James L. Condren, NLAW’83 * Mark T. Conklin, RC’90 * Kevin J. Connelly, RC’76, GSM’83 Jeffrey J. Conners, RC’79 Andrew J. Connolly, Jr.

Maud H.P. Connor, GSNB’96 John Connors Aldrage B. Cooper * Dr. Martin Cordon, RC’50 * Dr. Marie E. Cornelia David P. Corrado, NCAS’77 * Jeanette M. Corris, DC’92, GSM’93, GSED’99 Laura Anne Corsell, CLAW’77 Anthony and Marie Cottone Michael J. Coughlin, RC’76 Sean J. Coughlin, LC’85, NLAW’88 Patricia Cox Ronald J. Craft, RC’74 * William C. Craft, ED’63 James P. Craig, RC’53 Richard E. Cramer, NCAS’90 John F. Crane, RC’42 Dr. John R. Crews, GSED’84 Michele J., NCAS’78, and Alfonso G.A. Crincoli, NCAS’78 Richard L. Cromley, COOK’78, GSNB’80 Carol C. Cronheim, GSNB’93 Arthur W. Crooke, ENG’53 Ryan D. Cruz, RC’96, SBNB’96 John K. Cunningham, UCNB’54 Robert H. Curtis, UCNB’64 * Ronald Cuttic James J. Cuviello, RC’69 Dr. Boaz J. Dalit, GSAPP’92 Malcolm P. Dalrymple, AG’49 Veronica and Peter Daly Joan M. Damora, CLAW’97 Nancy J. and Paul Dango Charles T. Daniel Vernette K. Daniel, ENG’99, RC’99 * John E. Danowski, COOK’76 Zak H. and Mervat El Awadi Darwish Diane Homyak Dau, UCNB’76 * J. Herbert Davidson, RC’28 Dr. Wayne J. Davis, GSNB’70 William E. Dawe, NCAS’59 Barbara S. Dawson, DC’68 Robert A. Day, ENG’77 Alfred B. Dayton, RC’53 Susan B. Dazzo, MGSA’86 Robert G. DeAnna, ENG’84 Joseph C. Decker, Jr., ENG’71 William T. Deitz, RC’53 Marie Del Mastro Rita Delaney Peter D’elia Napo and Maria Linda A. Delinia Dr. Adele Della Torre, COOK’77 Joseph C. Della-Rodolfa, RC’63 * Dr. Thomas J. DeLuca, RC’84 Antoinette DeMarco, NCAS’78 D’Maris A. Dempsey, GSNB’96 Dr. Herbert Dern, ENG’45 Mary Derogatis Esther and Joseph DeRosa Ramesh Desai * Casper W. Deschu, RC’44 John T. Desmond III, ENG’76 * Frederick M. Detrick, ED’43, GSED’62 Dr. John P. DeTullio, RC’75 F. John Devaney, ED’51 Dr. David Ira Devore, RC’68, GSNB’71, GSNB’73 * Lynn C. Dicton, UCN’85 * Erica J. Diehl, GSM’86 * William D. Dilks, CLAW’62 Daniel DiLonardo John M. DiPace, Jr., ENG’73 Dr. Sunday DiPalma, NCAS’73, SSW’77, GSNB’92 John A. Dixon, UCN’85 Warren Dixon III, RC’56 Thomas K. Dmytriw Nathaniel J. Dobin, LC’73 * Peter V. Dobrow, Jr., LC’92 Alan Domers, RC’69, CLAW’73 Maria C. Domingues * Susan D. Donnelly, RC’88 * Richard E. Donovan, NLAW’77 Carol E. Dooley, UCNB’72 Dr. James F. Dougherty, RC’74, GSNB’75 Ralph E. Dougherty, UCN’54 * Alison Kleyn Douglas, RC’85 Patricia Douglas Allan G. Dowiak, RC’81 * Philip E. Doyle, GSNB’75 Robert G. Drach, ENG’56 * Jacquelyn Y. Drayton, GSED’76 Frederick Drescher Paul A., RC’71, GSM’78, and Joanne Truncale Dreyer, UCNB’76 Dr. Steven M. Dribbon, RC’76 Dr. Dennis D. Drotar, RC’66 Richard E. Drozdowski, UCNB’74 Carl W. Dumont, Jr. Russell and Linda Dunlop Frederick L. Durand, ENG’56 * Anthony P. Dutka, ENG’94 * William C. Earle, Jr., CCAS’57 Stanley E. Earman * Craig F. Eaton, UCNB’73 * Gladys E. Eckardt, SCILS’58 Kevin Eckardt, ENG’79, GSM’86 Archibald B. Edgar, SB’49 Roslyn L. Edgerton, UCN’79, SSW’80 John S. Edmonds, UCC’82 Vivian Joy Edmondson, COOK’95 Sidney H., RC’57, and Bryna Lynn Edwards, NLAW’82 Erika L., RC’96, SBNB’96, and William E. Egan, RC’97 * Robert P., RC’78, and Sharon H. Eichert, RC’78 Paul G. Eilbacher, NLAW’72 Dr. Jon A. Eilenberg, ENG’68, GSNB’73, GSM’78 Bruce M. Elflein, NCAS’84

Robert H. Elkes, ENG’48 Robert M. Elko, RC’73, GSM’74 Jeff, CLAW’83, and Sharlene Hunt Ellentuck, CLAW’83 James M. Elliott, RC’90 * Edward S. Ellis, ENG’73 * Neil W. Elverson, RC’56 Michael L. Emanuel, UCNB’69 Robert L. Emery, AG’55 Denise E. Engelhart, PHAR’92 Anna and Andrew R. Eppinger Mark P. Epstein, AG’70 Lawrence F. Erickson, RC’80 Carolyn D. Ernest, CNUR’82 * Arthur T. Esterbrook, RC’60 * Samuel F. Etris, GSNB’51 John G. Evans, UCN’68 * George L. Everett, RC’50 William D. Everett, Jr., RC’58 * Sam Facini * E. Jonathan Falik, RC’93 Eric S. Falk, PHAR’90 Catherine A. Fanning, CCAS’77 * Hilliard Farber, RC’54 Henry Farer, SB’47, NLAW’48 Patricia and Robert Fargo Terrence P. Farley, NLAW’66 William M. Farmer, ENG’51, GSM’56 Dr. Mary F. Farren, CCAS’93 Dr. Benjamin V. Fasano, ENG’75, GSNB’79, GSNB’82 * Stephen E. Fauer, NCAS’75, GSNB’79 Gerard P. Faughnan, RC’78 Anne Faust Samantha A. Faust, RC’94 Scott V. Fedale, RC’70 Harvey H. Feder John B. Feely, UCN’74 * Lynda R. Fegley, DC’69, SCILS’70, GSNB’82, GSNB’98 Herbert K. Feist Susanne M. Felder, RC’77 Jean Shieh Feng, GSNB’65 Dr. Mitchell L. Ferges, RC’71 Teania and Juan A. Fernandez Irwin and Arlene Fields Frank J. Fierro, RC’66 * Anne M. Fifick, GSM’92 * Glenn Evan Fine, COOK’86 Kevin M., LC’97, and Rosemari M. Fine Steven M. Fink, CLAW’85 Ernest H. Finkenstadt, NCAS’54 * Karen Ann Finn * Josephine M. Finnegan, DC’78 * John S. Fiore, RC’80 Michael Fiore, UCNB’49 Barbara V. Fiorella, GSC’89 Jerome A. Fischer, ENG’68 * Joan Goldstein Fischer, DC’75, NLAW’83 Carol A. Fisher, CCAS’73 Harry T. Fisher, CCAS’52 Julia E. Fisher Ira Z. Fishman, RC’72 Richard G., RC’74, and Jean G. Fishman, DC’75 Michael J. Fitzpatrick, RC’77, GSM’81 Timothy E. Fizer, RC’78 William K. Flanagan, NLAW’52 Jeanette Eng Flannery, DC’71, GSNB’76 Maria D. Flick, LC’91 Roy Wayne Fliegauf, RC’65 James C. Flood, COOK’78 Michele E. Flurer, CLAW’86 * Sebastian and Mary Fodera James J. Folly Robert J. Ford, GSM’83 * Susan E. Ford, RC’78 Erica R. Forman, NLAW’79 Lawrence J. Forte, RC’79 * Frager F. Foster Sheila Foster Eugene G. Francis, RC’71 Douglas E. Frank, RC’63 Marilyn R. Franz Dr. Robert S. Franzblau, GSNB’61, GSNB’69, GSAPP’81 Dr. Arthur B. Freiman, GSAPP’80 Robert H. Friedman, RC’74, NLAW’83 Louis S. Fries, ENG’69 Matthew P. Fritz, RC’73 * Bruce Fromer, LC’79, CLAW’82 John A. Frost, RC’67 David A. Fucio, COOK’79 * Ken P. Fukushima, RC’84 Dr. Stephen S. Fuller, RC’62 Bruce Fung Barbara P. Funkhouser, CCAS’78 Garry J. Furnari, NCAS’76 Michael D. Fusella, Sr., UCNB’62 Charlotte K. Gaal, DC’69, CLAW’74 Karl Gabriel, Jr., SB’57 Theresa L. Galipeau, CCAS’76 * James J. Gallagher III, GSM’92 * Mark H. Gallant, RC’72 Judy Gallo Stephen J. Gallo, NCAS’83 James C. Galt, RC’67, GSED’69 Laurence J. Galvin, NCAS’82 Lynne M. Gandy, RC’82 * Alan G. Ganek, RC’70, GSNB’82 * Eliot J. Ganek, RC’63 Rolando R. and Marie E. Garcia Dr. Lloyd C. and Nancy Gardner Richard D. Garretson, ED’58, GSED’65 Dagon L. Garris, Jr., GSM’76 * Marie Garrison Dr. Leslie P., NCAS’65, GSNB’68, GSNB’70, and Roseann C. Gartner, NCAS’70 William and Barbara Gates

Margaret M. Gatti, CLAW’91 Andrea M. Gavurin, RC’83 Stuart D. Gavzy, NLAW’86 Mark S. Gawel, RC’88 John C. Gazlay III, GSM’66 * Dr. Nelson A. Gelfman, RC’50 Dr. Marjorie A. Geller, NCAS’68, GSNB’71, GSED’84 * John R. Gelsinger, Jr. Photios Gementgis Annette Juliano Geneve, NCAS’65 Dominick J. Genovese, RC’89, SBNB’89 James A. Gent, COOK’75 Jose E. Genuino, GSM’73 * Dr. Steven M. Gerzoff, RC’70 Robert R. Giaconia Anita R. Giannella, SCILS’69 Dr. Donald B. Gibson Mary Ann Gilligan, SCILS’80 Stephen P. Gillooly, RC’88 * David Edmund, GSNB’62, GSNB’66, and Judith Gilsinn, GSNB’65 Donald R. Ginty, Jr., GSM’82 Mary Irene Gladney, GSN’88 Charles Glaser, RC’37 * Thomas A. Glasgow, UCC’69, GSED’71, GSED’76 Leon H. and Bertille Glass Kathleen and Richard Glassburn Susan J. Gleckner, DC’80, SCILS’86 * James J. Glen, RC’90 * Donald and Loretta Glidden Sherwood and Deborah Gloth Linda Goble, NCAS’67 * Daniel P. Gockel, ENG’81 * Elizabeth Geldhof Gold, MGSA’94 Daniel L. Golden, NLAW’38 Gerald J. Goldenfarb, SB’64 Shepard Goldfein, RC’70, NLAW’75 Dr. Kenneth L. Goldman, RC’61 Carl M. Goldstein, RC’51 Jerome Goldstein, RC’52 Laurence B. Goldstein, RC’81 Nancy A. Golomb, ENG’92, GSNB’97 Richard V. Goltra, RC’56 Dianna Knapp Gomez, DC’80 * Robert H. Goodwin, RC’73 Dr. Lawrence N. Gorab, RC’60 Barbara M. Gordon, DC’53 Dr. Donald J. Gordon, NCAS’63 Kenneth Gordon, RC’64 Dr. Kenneth P. Gorelick, RC’62 Madeline Takash Grabowski, DC’67 Patrick Grace Jane G. Grad Louis J. Granato, CCAS’58 * Michael J. Granbois, RC’89 Dr. Jeffrey Granett, AG’66 Thomas and Georgene Granholm * Caroline Perone Granick, DC’59, SSW’76, GSNB’80 T’wana Grant Anthony V. Grausso, RC’81 * Thea A. Gray, DC’58 * Frank M. Graziadei, RC’75 Robert A. Greacen, RC’41 Joseph R. Greco, RC’69, GSNB’72 * Dr. Bruce A. Green, RC’76 * Dr. George G. Green, RC’40 Michael C. Greenbaum, CLAW’76 Carl Greenberg, NCAS’56, NLAW’59 Elizabeth Ann Greenblatt, NLAW’82 * Wayne D. Greenfeder, NLAW’80 Steven Gregov, LC’99 Elizabeth A. Grenier, GSNB’92 Vincent K. Grieco, NCAS’74, GSM’78 Dr. David W. Griffin, AG’72, GSNB’75 Veronica A. and John A. Gringeri Angela S. Grodanz, CCAS’70 Stuart B. Grodanz, CCAS’71 Martin S., GSNB’88, and Susan R. Grogan, GSNB’88 Mark W. Gross, RC’81, GSNB’84 Alan H. Grossman, LC’80 * Nina Pomerantz Grossman, RC’76 Edwin T. Grushinski, AG’51 Thomas A. Gruskiewicz, RC’83 John and Sheryl L. Gulish Ronald P. Gulka, COOK’77, GSNB’79 Robert A. Gunther, NLAW’77 * John A., NCAS’68, GSNB’73, and Irene T. Gyori, UCNB’76, SCILS’91 * Robert Gyori Jeffrey D. Haag, ENG’98 Ernest A. Haase, ED’53 Karen A. Hagewood, CLAW’82 Bobbie Hahn Sarah Gibson Haines, UCN’73, GSN’80 * William S. Haines, Jr., COOK’75 John M. Halas, ENG’85 * John A. Hale, AG’50 Richard P. Hale, RC’52 Bruce H. Hamilton, UCN’54 * Horace E. Hamilton Steven N. Handel * Sean P. Haney, PHAR’95, GPHR’95 * Stephen M. Hannon, UCNB’93 * Lynne H. Hansen, UCNB’86 Jane M. Hanson, NLAW’84 * Marjorie J., GSM’99, and Todd W. Hanus, ENG’85, GSM’90 * Frederick W. Hardt, CLAW’68 Robert Jessup Hardy, RC’55 James J. Hargadon Dr. Thomas Joseph Harlukowicz, ENG’71, GSNB’75, GSNB’77 * Kurt A. Harnack, ENG’95 * Mark H. Harrer, RC’71

J.G. Harrington, COOK’82 Cassi J. Harris, GMGA’92 Catherine M. Harris, RC’91 John Harrison Dr. Kevin E. Harrison, RC’77 Dr. David E. Hart, RC’83 Deborah A. Hart, GSC’92 Victor W. Hart, RC’54 Robert R. Hartel, RC’76 Kathleen Lischko Hartford, COOK’80 * Joseph B. Hartmann, CCAS’58 Douglas J. Hatler, COOK’86 Gregory R. Haworth, NLAW’82 John Hayduk, GSM’63 Paul and Mary Hayes Melissa A. Heard, LC’87 * Paula Z. Heck, SCILS’80 * Dr. Robert H. Heflich, RC’68, GSNB’70, GSNB’76 Donald C. Heilman, COOK’76 Frederich E. Heilman, RC’71 Jeffrey P. Heller, RC’78, GSM’80 Dr. Lucille C. Heller, GSNB’62, GSED’82 Dr. Marjorie Heller, GSED’66, GSED’94 Richard S. Heller, RC’74 Elisabeth, COOK’77, and Victor J. Hellwege, COOK’78 Douglas R. Helmers, NCAS’72 Edward P. Helpert, ENG’61 Sara Siro Henderson, PHAR’53 Robert G. Hennessy, ENG’43 Jeffrey Heppard, CLAW’81 * Jennifer A. Hergert, COOK’89 Mimi Herington Kathleen, UCNB’66, and Peter S. Herrington, RC’61 Michael Herzog, UCNB’98 * Neil Dickson Hess, LC’86 * William T. Hiering, Jr. Kevin M. Higgins, UCNB’74 Howard R. and Joyce Hiles Otto H. Hill, ED’42 Robert J. Hillman, GSC’82 * John Himmelberger, Jr., RC’65 Roger S. Hinze, UCP’62 Thomas M. Hirst, ENG’72 Philip G. Hirtes, RC’76 Constance A. Hitchcock, SCILS’88 Douglas A. Hlavacek, RC’77 * Helen P. Hoagland, UCNB’87 * Jerald A. Hochsztein, CLAW’77 M. Patricia Hodge, UCNB’64, SCILS’66 * Paul F. Hogan, Jr., RC’74 James K. Holdsworth, LC’79 Dr. and Mrs. T. Edward Hollander Kirk E. Holliman, RC’68 Nancy C. Hollmann, RC’89 * Peter M. Holloway, GSM’75 * Carl B. Holm, Jr., AG’41 Charles Meirs Holmes, AG’51, GSNB’65 Jeffrey H. Holtzman, RC’76 Sanford A. Holzer, SB’53, GSM’57 Murray Honig, RC’71, CLAW’75 Timothy F. and Gail L. Horgan Theodore U. Horger * Max Horlick, RC’39 Roberta L. Horowitz, CNUR’82 * Richard P. Hotz, RC’80 John H. Houghton, RC’52 Michael T. Hritz Ihor Walter Hron, RC’65 Jeffrey D. Hsi, NLAW’97 * Jennifer Hsieh Joseph and Meili Hsiung Chaoyung Sharon Hsu, RC’95, SBNB’95 Dr. Hui Chen Hsu, GSNB’89, GSNB’90 Anne L. Hudock, LC’87 Michael A. and Linda L. Huffenberger Andrea Thiele Hulse, RC’77 Barbara Humphreys Margaret A. Hunter, COOK’89 Dr. Donlon O. Hurtubise, NCAS’77, GSN’79 * Anwar Hussain, RC’89 Edward V. Huszcza, ENG’76 Dr. Dorris J. Hutchison, GSNB’49 Earle W. Hutchison, RC’37 Garry J. Huysse, RC’64, ENG’64, GSM’71 * Patricia A. Hyland, GSED’72 Dr. Nicholas S. Ialongo, RC’80 Adolph C. Iannaccone, NLAW’75 Angelo J. Iannucci, Jr., RC’55 Edward B. Inderrieden, RC’78 Milan L. and Josephine Indrisek Dr. Yasutoshi Inoue, GSNB’76 Roger and Ama Ip Dr. Howard Isaacson, RC’43 Ronald L. Israel, RC’93 Samuel H. Israel, CLAW’89 Kenneth J. Iuso, RC’61, GSED’73 Henryk Iwaniec Clement D. Izzi, RC’62 Stella Jacobi, NLAW’38 Andrew R. Jacobs, RC’68 Mona Jacobs Drs. Michelle P., RC’88, and Dana B. Jacoby, RC’89 Marianne Jacullo-Brosnan, RC’79, GSED’84 Joanne M. Jaeger, ENG’79 Matthew R. Jameson, ENG’88 Ellen Holsten Jamison, DC’67 Kuo Wen Jao William E. Jennings, RC’49 Edward H. Jensen, RC’51 * Jill E. Jensen, GSNB’78 John F. Jerabeck, Jr., RC’37 * Dr. Richard M. Jobbins, ENG’67 David D. Jochen, GSED’66 * Jennifer A. Joern, RC’88 Carl H. Johnson, Jr., RC’50

Donald A. Johnson, GSM’69 Jeanie L. Johnson * Dr. Roxanne M. Johnson, GSAPP’84 Dr. Chester H. Jones, GSED’82 Donald F. Jones, GSM’77 * Cynthia Dale Jones-Hundley, GSM’92 Jeffrey M. Joslin, CCAS’77, GSC’87, SBC’97 Richard J. Jubanyik, CLAW’64 Marty M. Judge, RC’75, CLAW’78 Dr. Diana L. Judith, GSNB’72, GSNB’90 * Robert P. Jurasin, ENG’70 Andrea L. Kahn, CLAW’75 Richard E. Kameros, GSM’61 * Patrick E. Kaminski, GSM’74 * Edward Kanner, RC’73 Paul Kantor Arnol B. Kaplan, RC’78, GSM’79 Robert J. Karczewski, Jr., RC’89 Marshall W. Karp, RC’63 Joan L. Kartch, SCILS’84 Mark B. and Maxine Kasdin Dr. and Mrs. Basil Kasimis Alexander Kates Dr. Ellis Katz, CCAS’60 Thomas Kayser Eloise M. Keane, UCNB’91, SBNB’91 * Bernard H. Kear Dr. Paul P. Keat, RC’44, GSNB’51, GSNB’56 * Philip M. Keating, RC’81 Denise Keefe Kyle R. Keiderling Edward N. Keitelman, ENG’79, GSM’85 * John A. Keller, Jr., CCAS’57 * Anita M. Kelly Richard F. Kelly, PHAR’63 William J. Kelly, ENG’50 Mary E. Kelman, CNUR’64, DC’77, GSNB’88 Dr. Gordon A. Kemp, GSNB’61 * Steven P. Kemp, ENG’77 * Paulette Kendler, NLAW’81 Robert B. Kennedy, ENG’42 * Bernard A. Kenner, GSNB’62 * Ingrid Kenron Gordon L. Kent, RC’47, NLAW’48 James P. Kerr, GSNB’82, GSNB’84, GSNB’86 Seymour Kessel, NCAS’79 Joseph B. and Joyce Kettelle Michael S. Keyserling, RC’61 Dr. Avedis Khachadurian Louis J. Kilian, ENG’72, GSM’94 Mark S. Kilijanski, ENG’79 Kevin M. Killmurray, RC’82, NLAW’85 * Thersa and Edward J. Kim John G. Kimberlin, GSM’54 * Dorothy S. King, GSM’80 Jani King, CCAS’84 Robert H. Kingsbury, AG’51 Dr. Dwight R. Kirkpatrick, RC’57, GSNB’60, GSNB’63 George W. Kish, RC’64 Julius L. Kish, ED’63, GSNB’71 Maria-Elena Kitchell, RC’76 Dr. Mark D. Kiviat, RC’60 Lucena Klassmann Edwin M. Klein, NCAS’54, SSW’60 * Lawrence C. Klein, RC’66 Martin Klein, Jr., RC’51 * Paul M. Klein, NLAW’73 Steven E. Klein, NLAW’97 Dr. Walter E. Klodnicki, Jr., CCAS’78 Candace A. Knaus, DC’91 Dr. George N. Knecht, AG’62, GSNB’69 Clive Knowles, ENG’66, GSNB’77 Jeffrey S. Koblenz, LC’91, SBNB’91 * Edward D. Kobus, RC’87 Matthew S. Koc, Jr., RC’64 Richard L. Koch, ENG’50 * Robert E. Koch, ENG’48 * Larainne Koehler Joyce A. Kohler, UCNB’88 * John F. Kolibachuk, SB’47 Edward V. Kolling, COOK’74 Stephen L. Kollmar, ENG’71, GSNB’73 Jeanne Schmidt Kollmer, DC’72 Michael J. Kondrak, LC’87 Roland J. Kopp, ENG’84 Dr. Charles W. Korbonits, RC’43 Irene A., NCAS’61, GSED’66, and Chester R. Kosinski, Jr. Emlyn H. and Maryse Koster Ravi V. Kothare, CLAW’98 Leon G. Kozak, NCAS’72, NLAW’75 Dr. Harold A. Kozinn, RC’49 Herbert F. Kozlov, RC’74 Barry A. Kozyra, NLAW’78 Dr. Deborah T. Kraemer, RC’78 Dr. Isadore Krasno, ED’37 Gregory R. Krawczyk, GSNB’77 * Dr. Glen R. Kreitzberg, RC’78 Dr. Henry C. Kreutzer, Jr., RC’43 Judith F. Krieg, SCILS’66 Philip L. Kruczek, UCNB’88 Aivars E. Krumins, GSM’87 Scott J. Krupa, NLAW’96 David Krupnick, AG’44 James Kruse Roman and Vera M. Krycak Edward A. Kubarewicz, NCAS’77 John A. Kuderka, RC’68 Dr. Carol C. Kuhlthau, SCILS’74, GSED’83 Hsin-Kwang Kuo *

Kathleen A. Kurek, ENG’80 * Stuart M. Kuritsky, RC’79, NLAW’82 August Kursar, ED’39 Dr. Thomas A. Kursar, RC’71 Barry H. Kurtz, NCAS’65 Robin Z. Kushner, CCAS’75, GSC’88, SBC’88 Christopher J. Kyle, ENG’82 Dr. Victor A. Labbate, RC’67 Agerico O. Lacanlale Marie E. Laggini Arnold Carl Lakind, RC’69 Donald J. and Joan K. Lamastra Dr. Keith A. Lampel, RC’75 Miriam Walsh Lampen, DC’82 Donald P. Lan, CLAW’77 Edward M. Lande, RC’30 Catherine T. and Jason Landry Dr. Peter S. Landweber Dr. Val Russell Landwehr, AG’71 John T. Lane, Jr., RC’81 Dr. Philip A. Lane, GSNB’75 Rudolph Lang John C. Langenus, RC’70 * Maria A. Lao Sonia Lao Walter S. Lapicki, NCAS’81 Michael C. Laracy, LC’74, GSNB’79 Lee G. Larison, RC’61 Frederick W. Lark, GSM’68 * Nicholas and Joann LaRocca Paul J. Larrousse John Reed Latourette, CLAW’73 Robert G. Lauffer, AG’42 William D. Lavery, RC’63, CLAW’72 Alan S. Lavine, RC’51, NLAW’53 Stephen A. Law, RC’79 * Barbara J. Lawler, RC’82, ENG’82 * Jeffrey F. Lawrence, NLAW’77 Patricia R. Lawrence, RC’75 * Joseph J. Layton, RC’68 Harold R. Leary, ENG’49 * Diane Orlick Leasure, CLAW’82 Dr. Philip W. Lebowitz, RC’68 Anne P. Leckie, DC’74 Robert J. Lecky, NLAW’64 Maureen A. Lecuona, UCNB’97 Dr. Susan S. Lederman, GSNB’70, GSNB’78 Robert A. Lee, RC’81 Stephen V. Lee III, ENG’67 Wendel F. Leeman, UCN’52, GSM’55 * Dr. Andrew Lees Ruth M. Lees Walter C. Lehigh, RC’35 * Robert L. Leister, UCC’66, SBC’66 * Barbara D. Lenoble, LC’71, GSNB’72 Steven Leonard * Dr. Edward J. Leppert, RC’57, GSED’62, GSED’71 Arthur M. Lerner, ENG’50, GSNB’54 Richard F. Lert, SB’60 Neal E. Lesher, ENG’57 Dr. Adam and Grazyna Lesiczka John S. Letostak, UCNB’57 John P. Leusner, CCAS’62 Dr. Gilbert A. Leveille, GSN’58, GSNB’60 * David Neil Levenberg, LC’80 * Dr. Howard Leventhal Dr. Stephen H. Leventhal, RC’69 * Howard Levine, RC’71 * Michael Levine, GSM’75 * Dr. Lawrence S. Levit, RC’80 Beatrice Levy Scott J. Levy, RC’82 Dr. Tracey L. Lewis, DC’81, GSNB’87, GSNB’90 Dante Liberti John D. Libro, COOK’92 Paul I. Licht, RC’70 Dr. Alexander S. Liddie, GSNB’57, GSNB’67 William E. Liebeck, ENG’47 * David M. Lieberfarb, RC’69, GSED’72 Dr. William P. Liebesman, RC’51 Judith A. Lige Jeffrey D. Light, RC’69 Dr. Gerard Lillis Timothy Lilly, Jr., GSNB’56 Dr. Yi-Ping Lin, GSNB’91 * John A. Lind, RC’93, SBNB’93, GSM’99 * Anita Linden Thomas H. Linden, RC’86 Robert W. Lindner, ENG’59 Francis P. Linnus, RC’69, NLAW’72 Harry M. Linowes, SB’48 Martin B. Lipman, RC’56 Richard B. Lipman Robert M. Lippman, RC’48 David L. Lipton Dr. Peter J. Lisi, GSNB’76, GSNB’81 * W. Stanley Lisiewicz, ENG’56 Bernistine Little Charles J. Little, AG’60 Amy Liu Shai S. Livneh, ENG’91, GSNB’95 Ilene Lloyd, NCAS’76 * Robert V. Loeb Edward Logan, UCNB’99, SBNB’99 * Forrest W. and Judith A. Long William E. Long Robert A. Longhi Jason Lopes, ENG’92 * Anibal Lopez, NCAS’95 Dr. Charles E.M. Lorber, Jr., RC’51, GSED’60 Dr. Robert J. Loring Alan V. Lowenstein Douglas F. Lubenow Dorothy H. Lugannani, PHAR’57

Bernice J. Lukas, NCAS’78, GSM’80 Sanford Lunger Jessie G. Lutz Sharon K. Lydon, NCAS’70, GSM’75 Robert F. Lyman, RC’49 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lynch * James J. Lynch, UCNB’66 John A. and Deborah Lynch Marilyn Lynch, GSNB’80 Mark T. Lynch, COOK’87 Michael S. Lynch, RC’63 Dr. Robert I. Lynn, RC’69 Kevin M. Lyons, LC’88 * Stephen D. Lyons, Sr., RC’54 Terry MacConnell Laurence Mach Eric Mackey, RC’51, GSM’54 James F. MacNeil, ED’50 Dr. David H. Madoff, RC’76, GSNB’81 Saundra A. Madoff, RC’78 Leah K. Madsen, RC’85 Dr. Charles V. Magatti, GSN’89 * William Magerkurth, GSM’72 * Mark MaGrann, RC’72 Ann S. Mahoney, CCAS’73, CLAW’76 Wai Wah Mahr, NCAS’70 * Donald B. Maier, RC’55 * Gregory Makris, NCAS’74, CNUR’77 Dr. John L. Malcolm, AG’43, GSNB’45, GSNB’48 Robert C.M. Malinoski David J. Malinowski, LC’97, SBNB’97 * Mary F. Malley, NCAS’75 * Thomas J. Malman, RC’81, CLAW’84 Vincent P. Maltese Nick S. Manansala William Manevich, AG’54 Charles T. Mangee, AG’54 * Edward H. Mank, RC’56 Michael J. Manley, GSM’68 Ronald L. Mantley, GSED’64 Anthony R. Marchese, RC’55 Dr. Allen Marchisin, NCAS’72, GSNB’73, GSN’80 Craig J. Mardany, RC’82 * David M. Mariano, RC’74 Joanne M. Marino Rhonda J. Marker Michael Markovitch, UCN’73 Philip A. Markowitz, RC’93 Charles G. Marlowe, NCAS’71, GSM’74 Robert Marotta, ENG’88 Rocco Marotti, Jr., NCAS’95, NKSM’95 Carlos Marques Denise and Jason Marques Dr. Kevin D. Marshall, LC’76 Michael W. Marshall, RC’81 * Dr. Joan Marter Joanne S. Martin, NCAS’71 Paul I. Martin, SBC’95 * Shelby Anne Martin, SCILS’69 Sylvia M.H. Martin, RC’87 Warren J. Martin, Jr., RC’83 Frank Xavier Marton, RC’63, GSM’69 John B. Martorana, NCAS’61 Susan E. Massart, GSNB’84 Judith A. Massey, SCILS’81 William F. Masters, Jr., COOK’74 David Masur Louis Matino, ENG’87, GSM’91 Charles M. Matlock, RC’67 Virginia Class Matthews, DC’74, NLAW’77 Jerome K. Maultsby, COOK’81 Michael S. Maurer, RC’85 Gerardo Gabriel, RC’73, GSM’79, and Yolanda Rueda Mauriz, DC’75 * William S. Mauskopf, RC’57 Ralph P. Mavis, GSNB’83 Beatrice M. May, DC’49 George T. Mayer, Jr., RC’71, GSM’74 * Henry J. Mayer, GSNB’95, GSNB’99 Joseph G. Mayer, RC’52, GSED’60 Starzie Mayer Dr. William E. Mayo, GSNB’82 Kathy Drury Mazewski, SBNB’89, UCNB’89 Martin M. Mazick, ENG’72 Alice J. Mc Govern, UCNB’81 Robert H. McBride, RC’55 Molly J. McCauley, GSNB’89 * William F. McCord, RC’64, ENG’64 Robert M. McCoy, ENG’49 * Deborah E. McCracken, CLAW’92 * Dr. John Everett McCullough, GSNB’76 Dale S. McDonald, GSNB’92 Linda G. and William McDonald Jean Roberts, SCILS’57, and Roger H. McDonough, RC’34 Dr. Frank J. McEnroe, Jr., NCAS’69, GSN’75 * Dr. Barbara Y. McFarquhar, NCAS’70, GSN’74 * Patrick McGahren, RC’82 Colleen J. McGauran, COOK’87 Joseph F. McGinnis, PHAR’86 Thomas J. McGinnis, PHAR’77 Michael and Sharon McGowan John McGrath John G. McHale, UCNB’88 * Sylvia A. McInerney, RC’82 Frank J. McIntosh, RC’44 Suzanne S. McKenna, CCAS’72, GSC’82 Kevin M. McKeon, CLAW’86

George H. McKinnon, RC’73 Michael J., ENG’91, and Teresa C. McLaren, ENG’93 James F. McLean, RC’43 Vincent R. McLean Thomas P. McNabola, RC’68 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McNamara James P. McNicholas, GSNB’73 * Kristina Mary McQuilkin, RC’84 Dr. Arthur F. Medaugh, AG’51 Kathleen Medore Michael M. Meehan, RC’73 * Joseph P. Meier, CCAS’71 * Anthony P. Meli, GSM’75 * Dr. David G. Melillo, NCAS’69 * Jerome Mendel, ENG’49 Alan G. Meny, RC’67 Josephine Mercantini-Bocci, SSW’81 Richard A. Mercurio, RC’75 Robert J. Merryman, RC’87, GSNB’89, CLAW’91 Harold W. Meskers, RC’44, SB’47 Dr. Alfred A. Messer, RC’42 Elizabeth G., CCAS’82, SBC’82, and Richard N. Messersmith Dr. Gregory J. Metz, GSNB’87, GSNB’95 Caroline L. Meuly Dr. Margaret M. Miano, GSNB’94 Dr. Ralph R. Miano James R. Michael, GSNB’91, CLAW’91 * Herman D. Michels, NLAW’53 Nancy Mickulas Louis Miele, RC’81, GSM’92 * James R. Mielo, PHAR’94 Gerald F. Miksis, CLAW’78 Robert and Emma Mikulka Charles C. Miller, AG’49 Harriet Heuer Miller, GSNB’86, NLAW’86 John S. Miller, RC’51 Dr. Katharine Tyler Miller, EJBG’90, GSNB’98 Paul C. Miller, RC’82 Phyllis E. Miller, UCNB’71, GSNB’72 Richard W. Miller, ED’51, GSED’52 Theodore C. Miller, NLAW’72 Italo M. Minutello, UCN’59 * William P. Misko, GSM’78 * Hiroko and Yoshio Misumi William T. Mitchell, AG’70 Robert M. Mitrane, GSNB’83 * Russell R. Moffett, RC’51 Kristen M. Mogensen, DC’92 Herman K. Mohr, ENG’43 * Kenneth J. Molee, RC’65, GSM’71 Joseph R. Molinari, RC’71 * Harold S. Molotsky, CLAW’57 Wendy Moluf, UCC’83 * Lori L. Monaghan, ENG’91, GSM’99 * Lawrence Moncher, SB’59, NLAW’62 Louis A. Mondrone, ED’57, GSED’64 Kerin J. Montgomery, GSM’93 * L. Guy Moon, RC’37 Fay E. Moore, GSM’88 Susan E. Moore, DC’74 A. Ellen Moran, LC’81 Maggie M. Moran, DC’96 Nicholas and Jean Moretti Carol A. Morhart, UCN’75 Maureen A. Morlath, ENG’94 Robert H. Morlock, RC’82 * Dr. Anthony J. Morriello, RC’78 John and Cheryl Morris Richard D. Morse Thomas W. Moser, UCNB’75, GSM’80 Jason C. Mosse, LC’96 Joseph C. Mosso, GSM’86 * Donald C. Mozzochi, RC’59 Bruce R. Mulford, CCAS’72 Norman P. Muller, RC’63, GSM’64 Walter G. Muller, ED’50, GSNB’51 * Paul Brendon Mulvey, GSNB’59 Robert J. Munch, RC’41, GSNB’47 Frank H. Murphy III, RC’60, ENG’60 * Joel A. Murphy, RC’60 Ramona Murphy Dr. Vincent J. Murray, GSED’78 Wayne Murray Leslie C. Muse, NCAS’73 Mariann L. Musella, CNUR’65 Dr. Gary C. Myers, Jr., GSNB’77, GSNB’81 Barbara J. Naar, NLAW’80 Cynthia Jean Nadolski, CLAW’82 Leah Nagar Richard J. Najarian, RC’70, NLAW’77 Tool Nam John F. and Suzanne Nastro Michael J. Natale, RC’71 * Dr. Jayalakshmi Natarajan, GSNB’83 * Maureen M. Nayowith, CCAS’80 Javaid Nazir, ENG’81 Robert G. Nelson, GSM’90 Mary F. Nettleman, CCAS’69 Tim M. Newbrough, LC’78 * Herbert H. Newton, RC’41 John E. Newton, AG’73 * James Nickel Susan E. Nicolich, COOK’80 * Dr. Thomas S. Nicoll, RC’66 Chandler D. Nims, GSM’60 * Allen M. Nixon, ENG’62 * William B. Noble, LC’91 Thomas C. Noddings, GSM’58 J. Wilson Noden, RC’49, NLAW’51 Thomas P. Norman, NLAW’66

Dr. Jacqueline A. Norris, GSED’78, GSED’98 Robert B. Norris, NCAS’72 Jean C. Norton * Richard Norton Dennis J. Nugent, NCAS’83 * Raymond Nuzzo, ENG’63 Robert J. Oberlander, Jr., GSM’92 * Edward K. O’Brien, NCAS’66 Michael J. O’Brien, NCAS’83 Morgan and Lynn M. O’Brien * Dick O’Connell, ED’52, GSED’55 William J. O’Connor, Jr., RC’72 Maureen B. Ogden, GSNB’77 Mr. and Mrs. Ogledzka Thomas M. O’Gorman, GSM’95 * John C. O’Herron, GSNB’76 Geraldine E. O’Kane, NLAW’78 Nan S. Okarma, UCNB’92, SBNB’92 * Nola J. Olatubosun * Michael F. O’Leary, RC’81 Dr. Ferris R. Olin, DC’70, SCILS’72, GSNB’75, GSNB’98 Anthony D. Oliva, RC’62, GSED’65 Jean I. Olsen, COOK’74, GSNB’77 * Dr. Norman E. Olsen Robert F. Olsen, RC’80 Steven J. Olsen, COOK’75, GSNB’83 Arnold M. Olshan, PHAR’62 * Robert V. Olson Russell L. Olson, RC’54 Richard Keith Olsson, RC’53, GSNB’55 Dr. Mitchell Olszewski, ENG’70, GSNB’72 * Dr. Cem S. Omay, NCAS’78 William R. Ommundsen, Jr., RC’77, ENG’77 John E. Ondrejcek, UCN’62 * Dr. Maureen T. O’Neill, GSED’85 Ukpai A. Onyeani, NCAS’79 Dr. Rosa Oppenheim, GSN’85 Pamela A. Orel Richard and Joyce Orosz Eileen P. O’Rourke, RC’78 Kerry O’Rourke, SCILS’82 Richard G. O’Rourke, LC’85 Robert E. O’Rourke, Jr. * Carol Oswald, CLAW’81 Robert and Susan D. Otterbourg John J. Owens, COOK’84 Mary S. Page, DC’81, SCILS’83 David D. Paich, RC’92, SBNB’92 William J. Paknis, AG’57 William J. Palatucci, RC’80 Richard J. Palicka, ENG’62 Angelo Pallitta, LC’85 Carole D. Palmer, NCAS’87 John A. Palus, ENG’94, GSNB’99 Petros Panagakos Steven W. Panagakos, RC’78, ENG’81 Dr. Robert N. Pangborn, ENG’74, GSNB’77, GSNB’79 Joseph Pannucci, ENG’71 * Paul A. Papasavas, RC’95 Herbert E. Pappky, UCN’54, GSM’57 Susan E. Parent, GSM’96 * Shailesh and Nalini Parikh Robert S. Paris, GSM’83 Gregory C. Parliman, RC’69 Aubrey Pascall Rosemary Pasquino, CCAS’76 * Paul J. Passafiume, NCAS’72 Shirley S. Passow, NLAW’89 Ashutosh C. Patel, ENG’90, GSM’98 Mayank D. Patel, ENG’91, GSM’93 Mitesh H. Patel, NCAS’00, NKSM’00 * Smita and Jay M. Patel Walter J. Patrick, RC’79 * Ruth M. Patt, DC’40 Richard E. Patton, SB’57 Warren I. Paul, RC’54 Elizabeth Olah Pavleszek, PHAR’55 * Diane D., COOK’81, and Perry W. Pawlyk, COOK’80, GSNB’83 * Edward Pax Marion Pearce, UCNB’80 George J. Pedersen, Jr., RC’70 Louis E. and Peggy Pedrick David J. Pekola, RC’80 William P. Pelley, ENG’60 * Doris Schooler Penn, GSNB’84 * Robert L. Penn, RC’56 Dr. William B. Pennebaker, GSNB’62 * Rocco D. Pennella, RC’63 Lisa M. Penza, RC’94, SBNB’94 * Dr. Edward R. Perelka, LC’79 Edward R. Perkins, Jr., RC’49, GSED’59 Bernie Peters James Peters Dr. Carole J. Peterson, RC’76 Robert A. and Bebe C. Petito Andrew T. Petrella, CCAS’71, SBC’71 Michael H. Petrillo, RC’64 * Martin Petrusky, RC’64 * Dr. Francis R. Pfeiffer, RC’58 * Frederick A. Pfirrmann, RC’53 * Linda D. Phillips Ronald Piasecki Dr. David Pickar, RC’69 Frank E. Piech, RC’38 * Henry F. Pierce, GSNB’48 Leon A. Pierce, Jr., RC’52, GSM’56 * Dominic J. Pileggi, CCAS’73 Robert M. Piscetelli, COOK’93 Richard B. Platoff, SB’50 John W. Pocalyko, RC’78, GSNB’79

Dr. Eileen L. Poiani, DC’65, GSNB’67, GSNB’71 Louis Polce, Jr. * Ilene Dorn Pollack, RC’79 * Wesley F. Pollard, NCAS’73 Mary Ann Poole David W. Pooley, ED’58 Kenneth Warren Porch, CCAS’67 Stuart Portney, LC’76 Dr. Adam S. Potkay, GSNB’90 Dr. Mary K. Powderly, RC’78, GSNB’81 Donald George Powell, CCAS’73 Roberta Prada Dr. Andras Prekopa Dr. David W. Price, RC’81 Russell T. Pugh, Jr., NCAS’77 Paul D. Puskas, UCP’63 Carol S. Quagliato, NLAW’92 * Charlotte W. Quaintance, SCILS’74 Ann Quezada Edward A. Quinn, RC’80, GSM’82 Sidney Rabinowitz, PHAR’56 Joseph V. Raborn, ENG’83 Carol D. Radden, UCC’72 Theresa A. Ragozine, RC’80 * Dr. Owen C. Rahman, CCAS’77 Penelope E. Rahman Dr. Sarah L. Ralston Alfred E. Ramey, LC’73 Maureen A. Ramsey, UCNB’84, GSM’99 Thomas M. Randall, AG’72, GSNB’95 * John M. Rannells, ED’40 * Eleanor Murphy Raposo, GSNB’79 Donald G. Rapp, RC’59 * Dr. Carl L. Raso, LC’78 Richard J. Rau, Jr., RC’93 Elizabeth A. Raum, SCILS’89 Russell A. Rawling, RC’74 Sharon L. Rawlins, SCILS’91 Dr. G. Stewart Ray, RC’50 Dr. John R. Raykovitz, RC’74 John J. Reape, UCN’76 * John C. and Margaret B. Reardon, RC’84 Dr. Thomas E. Recchio, RC’76, GSNB’80, GSNB’82 Samuel H. Reck III, RC’53 William P. Regan, RC’67 David M. Reicher, RC’74 Dr. John Scott Reid, PHAR’77 William and Rita Reid Dennis James Reilly, CCAS’77 Thomas A. Reimer, ENG’71 Samuel Rein Robin C. Reinhardt, LC’76 Miriam Reisen Diane S. Reiss, CCAS’68 * Kenneth M. Reiss, GSM’65 * Dr. Edward O. Reiter, NCAS’64 Alan Reitman, RC’42 Sondra Reitman Remi H. Renard, UCNB’96 * Ernest C. Reock, Jr., RC’48, GSNB’50, GSNB’59 James G. Resetar, RC’72 * Clare Resnick Rizalyn Resuma, RC’98, SCILS’98 * Sanford E. Retsky, RC’70 Wesley L. Reynolds, ENG’41 Corazon Reynon Victoria Reynoso Patrick J., RC’82, GSM’92, and Susan L. Rhodes, RC’82 * Aaron A. Rich, SB’51, GSM’58 Robert John Richards, AG’66 William S. Richardson, RC’60 Frederick A. Richart, AG’61 Dr. Howard S. Richter, RC’53 Micki G. Riddick, SSW’63 Thomas A. Ridgik, ENG’70 Frank J. Riepl, RC’84 Dr. Erik Rifkin, RC’64 Bonita P. Riley, UCC’75 * Gertrude Rittmann George S. and Catherine Roadknight * Dr. Max L. and Helen Robbins * Ana M. Robertson, NCAS’78, GSM’82 * Warren S. Robins, NLAW’76 Dr. Charles F. Robinson, GSNB’73, GSNB’77 * Maria T. Robinson, NCAS’95 Richard G. Rocamora, ENG’71 * Thomas T. Rocca, COOK’79 * Claire J. Rocco, CLAW’78 Dr. Howard S. Rock, RC’63 Harry J. Rockafeller, RC’41 David L. Rockford, NCAS’63, GSNB’66 Alan M. Rodgers, CCAS’73 Robert J. Rodio, ENG’84 * Donald W. Rogers, RC’54 Carlos Rosas Dr. David Moore Roscher, RC’59 David Carl Rose, LC’86 Arthur A. Rosen, RC’66 Robin Lynn Rosen, COOK’88 Michael L. Rosenberg, NLAW’69 Joan Gavin Ross, RC’79 Alan D. Rossi, RC’70 William P. Rosso Elizabeth B. Roswell, SSW’77 Gary Roth Garry S. Rothstadt, RC’80, NLAW’83 * Dr. Gail P. Rottweiler, GSED’84 Robert R.T. Rowan III, ENG’67, GSNB’69 * George A. Rubine, RC’39 Carolyn and Frank Rubinetti Dr. Marian Ruch, GSNB’83, GSNB’88 * Lawrence A. Rudnick, RC’69, NLAW’72 Robert F. Ruger, RC’35


Rosino and Peter Louis Ruggiero, RC’70 * John Rupner Donald F. Russell, ED’54 Dr. Peter M. Russo, GSNB’74 Kim and Lawrence S. Rutherford John R. Ryan, RC’49 Robert Rynkiewicz, SBNB’89, UCNB’89 * Michael F. Sabarese, SB’63 Gary F. Sable, ENG’84 Elizabeth Sabol Shogo and Tae Sadahiro Alfred A. Sagarese, ENG’63 Leigh J. Salemo, RC’95 * Peter L. Salmon, NLAW’56 Kenneth R. Saloway, NCAS’72, GSM’75 Dr. Michael C. Saltzburg, CCAS’68 Kenneth B. Sandler, PHAR’67, GSM’70 Dr. Howard Sands, RC’64 Randall V. Sandt, ENG’83, GSNB’86 * Robert H. Sanislow, RC’58, GSED’69 Jaime Santamaria Louis A. Sapirman, NLAW’94 * Nadine K. Sapirman, GSN’94 * Martin Sarver, RC’61, NLAW’64 Ronald V. Sassi, GSN’94 Anthony P. Savarese, RC’38 Janet H. Savin, NCAS’61 Anita B. Sawczuk, SCILS’83 Joseph J. Scarpa, ENG’63 * David P. Schad, RC’81 Warren E. Schaefer, RC’65 * Laura M. Schaible, RC’85 Dr. Marc N. Scheinman, GSM’81 Charles E. Schelleng, ENG’50 Donna Cohen Scher, DC’62, GSED’67 George I. Scher, RC’61, GSED’67 Kirsten Scheurer, RC’92, NLAW’95 Edwin S. Schiffer, GSM’69 Joseph J. Schirripa, RC’71 Paul and Cheryl Schlenker Renae H. Schmidt, GSNB’83 * Peer H. Schmidtchen, RC’70 Dr. Norman J. Schnayer, GSNB’79 Sara E. Schneider, RC’96, SBNB’96 * Michael S. Schnittman, NCAS’66 Dr. Peter J. Schoenbach, GSNB’73 Paul G. Schoepf, RC’81, ENG’81 * Felice Bruckner Schrager, DC’70, GSNB’74 Charles S. Schreiner, ENG’85 Emil A. Schroth, Jr., RC’52 Matthew F. Schuette, RC’86 Charlotte W. Schulman, UCNB’85 Mark L. Schultz Maria and Stefan Schwabe Raymond E. Schwartz, PHAR’71 Mark Schwarzman, LC’92, SBNB’92 Mary E. Schwenkler, COOK’77 Dr. Richard P. Schwimmer, RC’67 Raymond E. Schwolow, ENG’64 Charles W. Scott, UCN’62 George O. Scott, RC’52 Dr. Rollen A. Secor, RC’56 Gerald Sellner Paula Seltzer, DC’96 Andrea C. Senchy, CNUR’74 Steven P. Sendelbach, ENG’81 Richard K. Shanley, NCAS’82 * Carol Erfer Shapiro, PHAR’80 Dr. Edward L. Shaw, RC’62 Arthur L. Shearer, GSNB’76 Mark R. Shedlock, ENG’77 * H. Katharine Sheeler Harva L. Sheeler Thomas H. Shelley * Catherine A., RC’83, and Peter S. Sherman, RC’83 Dr. Martin Sherman, AG’41, GSNB’43 Dr. Yehuda Sherman, RC’52 Dae Sik and Jung Im Shim Catherine and Thomas Shimko Dr. Stuart D. Shoengold, NCAS’72 Alexey D. Shoutov, RC’99 Susan A. Shubeck, COOK’84 Patricia Smith Shufeldt, SCILS’68 Neil H. Shuster, RC’67 Daniel Ari Sickels, UCNB’79 Joan E. Siederer, COOK’84, GSNB’86 Barbara, RC’79, and David J. Siegelman, RC’79 Hakan M. Silbahar, ENG’95 Andrew R. Silber, NCAS’72 * Dr. Seymour W., RC’42, and Annice Blumberg Silberberg, DC’42 Dr. Matthew A. Sills, PHAR’78 Stephen and Elizabeth Silverman Josepha and Michael Silverstein Janice, DC’48, SCILS’64, and Theodore T. Simkin Robert L. Simms, Jr., GSNB’72 * Fred C. Simonson, RC’67, GSED’70 Harvey B. and Mary R. Singer Jill Singer Karen L. Singer Ron S. Singh, LC’94 * Noreen M. Sinko, PHAR’86 * Jonah Sinowitz, RC’92 * Andrew J. Sivess Suzanne M. Skarzynski, PHAR’90, GPHR’99 * William C. Skiles, Jr., UCNB’48 * David E. Skinner, RC’51 Charles B. Slack, RC’52 Joseph D. Slade, LC’81 Judith L. Slater, RC’84 * Bernard M. Slotnick, SB’56 Dr. Charles L. Smart, AG’44 John T. Smith, ENG’40 * Lawrence Dale Smith, RC’64 Roger Clifford Smith, RC’64 * Bruce C. Snyder, RC’89 Evan L. Snyder, ENG’84 Dr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder


Dr. Tae-Won Sohn, GSN’85 Carole Czar Soldo, NCAS’71 David Solomon, ENG’80 Franklin P. Solomon, CLAW’94 Melvin R. Solomon, RC’68, NLAW’71 Steven I. Spain, ENG’80 * Stanley S. Spector, RC’61 William J. Speranza, ED’62, GSED’71 Dr. Leonard Spialter, RC’44 Dr. Allan Spielvogel, RC’64 Richard Sprague * E. Carl Sprengle, Sr., CCAS’55 Roderick H. Springer, UCNB’51 * Daniel A. Spuler, CCAS’70 * William J. Spych, Jr., UCC’96 Eugene B. Stadler, SB’49 * Joseph P. Standaert, RC’69 * John T. Stanton, PHAR’84 Robert H. Staples, SCILS’57 Elizabeth Ann Starr, ENG’74 * Robert P. Statile, GSM’75 * Patricia M. Steele, SCILS’74, GSM’89 Susan Neff Steele, SCILS’75 * Sherry S. Steger, DC’71 Raymond Steitz * Arline M. Stephan Bradford M. Stern, CLAW’89 Fredrick H. Stern, RC’75 Philip B. Stern, RC’77, GSNB’81, GSNB’82 William B. Stern, RC’52 Marjorie S. Stevens, GSED’75, GSED’85 Dr. Nancy R. Stevenson, GSNB’63, GSNB’69 Patricia S. Stevenson Dr. Tyler A. Stevenson, GSNB’90 * Edward J. Stillwell, Jr., RC’85 * Gerald Richard and Audrey Stockman Charles G. Stone Fred L. Stone, SB’48 H. Duane Storms, RC’57 * Donald J. Stout, RC’69, CLAW’72 Joseph V.M. Stout, ENG’48 Rodney W. Strang, RC’44 Andrea Paterson Suhaka, DC’70 Karen Fernicola Suhr, RC’86 Edward C. Sullivan, GSNB’85 Judith Southcomb Sullivan, DC’61 * Lael G. Summer, GSM’82 * Dr. John D. Summers, GSNB’62 Theodore H. Superak, AG’69, GSNB’71 Jadwiga Surman Annette M. Sussman, SSW’74 * Dr. John R.J. Sutherland, COOK’75 George D. Swanson, Sr. Birger M. Sween, UCN’51, NLAW’54 Thomas E. and Antoinette Sweeney * William J. Sweeney, NCAS’86 * Harry W. Swenson, GSM’58 Stephen G. Switzer, RC’79, SCJ’81 Robert J. Szente, RC’70 * Dr. Robert J. Szot, NCAS’60 * Dr. William G. Szymczak, RC’77 Mr. and Mrs. Noah Tai, GSM’00 * Raymond and Karen Talkowski David H. Tallman, Jr., ENG’57 Michael W. Talty, RC’87 * Tamas Tamas, UCNB’68 * Thomas Tamburri, ENG’30 * Dr. Elizabeth L. Tan, GSNB’86, GSNB’90 Marie G. Tango, NCAS’69 * Arden J. Taub, LC’81 * Dr. Donald J. Taylor, RC’58, GSED’65, GSED’73 George V. Taylor, RC’41 Loretta D. Taylor, CCAS’78 Patrick A. Taylor, NCAS’73 James R. Teague, NCAS’76 * Elise D. Teepe, COOK’84 * Dr. Joan G. Tell, COOK’87, GSNB’89, GSNB’92 Dr. Joseph S. Tempio, GSNB’74, GSNB’78 * Frederick L. Testa, NCAS’76 Anton and Kathleen Tevald * Charles L. Thatcher Richard M. Thein, RC’77 Dr. Muthuvelu Thirugnanam, GSNB’73 * Denise Thomas Lisa M. Thomas Jeffrey A. Thompson, COOK’90 Margaret Hunt Thompson, UCN’64, GSNB’67 Harvey A. Thorn, Jr., UCN’58 Alfred and Linda Threlfall Patricia A. Toatley, CCAS’95 Michael N. Tobin, RC’64 Charlotte C. Toke Marian H. Tomaszewski William J. Tomko, ENG’64, GSNB’66 * Janice Tordini Gregory S. Tornquist, RC’86 Nancy H. Torok, SCILS’98 * Michael A. Torre, UCN’72 * Ryoko Toyama Jerome L. Treister, RC’41 Dr. Robert L. and Barbara S. Trelstad Nick Trilone Nancy P. Tripod, DC’55, GSED’71 Joseph Tripodi, LC’93 Charles M. Tronolone, ENG’72 Kenneth G. Troxell, ENG’75 William J. Truex, RC’50 Dennis E. Tully, RC’68 Ernest B. Turchette, RC’51 Arthur W. Turnbull, RC’73 * Robert E. Turnquist, RC’50 Dr. Richard S. Turse, PHAR’56, GSNB’58, GSNB’60 *

Suzanne Underwald, RC’92 Richard A. Vader, NCAS’74, GSM’77 Stephen M. Vajtay, RC’80 Michael J. Valazza, PHAR’82 Dr. Frank M. Vallese, GSNB’76, GSNB’78 Dr. Franklyn B. Van Houten, RC’36 Dr. Andrew Varanelli, Jr., GSED’76 Yehuda Vardi Michael J. Vassalotti, RC’72, CLAW’75 George Verbel George M. Ververides, RC’58 Dr. Daniel P. Vicencio, RC’88 Mary G. Vidal, RC’92, SBNB’92 Antoinette W. Vielehr, CCAS’89 Catherine G. Vignale, NCAS’72 Dr. John J. Vill, NCAS’58, GSNB’62 Carol M. Vilsack, RC’85, GSM’91 * Dr. Elsa Vineberg Birute and Almis Vitenas * Sylvia Ray Vogelman, NCAS’69 Charles L., ED’51, GSED’56, and Joyce K. Vollherbst Dr. Kent J. Volosin, RC’76 Dante F. Volpe, Sr. Laurie S. Volpe, DC’82 Jean L. Volz, UCN’75 * Richard von Schwedler, ENG’68 David R. Voorhees, RC’73 Manning W. Voorhees, RC’51, GSNB’52 Dr. Betty R. Wachtel, GSED’75, GSAPP’77 Steven Waggoner Mitchel D. Wainer, RC’72 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wainman Dr. Lawrence Walker, RC’51 Mary Eleanor Wall Deborah L. Walsh, GSNB’80 Kun Wang, GSNB’95 * Stephen J. Wanko, PHAR’77 Daniel F. Wascoe, NCAS’47 * Wilbur T. Washington, RC’49 Walter W. Washko, AG’41, GSNB’47 Richard A. Wasiewicz, ENG’69 * Beverly Watson, CNUR’80 * Dr. Richard A. Waugh, ENG’64 Douglas P. Webster, CCAS’71, GSBC’79 William A. Weckstein, RC’68, GSNB’71 * Gilbert Weeden * Richard A. Weeden, RC’60 Richard N. Weeks, ENG’50 Joseph Weinberger, UCNB’65 * Ronald S. Weisinger, GSNB’93 * Jeffrey S. Weiss Charles C. Weitzel, UCC’77 Dorothy Salkin Welles, DC’41 Dr. Guang Y. Wen, GSNB’74 * Mei-li Wen, GSN’74 * Marcia K. Baer Werner, NLAW’77 William P. Wetzel, ENG’51 * Lester H. Weyant, ENG’69 Chris C. White, ENG’92 Ellen Tyson White, DC’57 * H. Katherine White, NLAW’75 * Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. White Michael J. White Robert K. White, Jr. Charles Preston Whitlock, RC’41 Brad L. Whitson, ENG’78, GSNB’80 Nancy A. Wiencek, DC’83 Dr. Sidney A. Wilchins, RC’61 Richard E. Wilde, GSED’66 John P. Wilkes, RC’75 Richard E. Williams Stephen D. Williams * Christine M. Wilson * David R. Wilson, GSM’84 Jeffrey A. Wilson, RC’70, GSED’78, GSM’85 Christopher G. Winans, CLAW’86 Samuel Winic, UCN’51 * Dr. Robert M. Winn, RC’70 George C. Witte, RC’54 Brit A. Wittman, LC’89 * Marjorie E. Wold, RC’84 Robert L. Wollmann, RC’63 Kenneth R. Wolski, RC’71, GSN’92 Donna R. Wood, DC’75 * Robert H. Wood, RC’68 Howard L. Woodward, RC’40 Cathy L. Worrall Thomas J. Worrall, PHAR’93 Michael Wristen Horace Wu, CLAW’75 Jack Wurgaft, RC’65 E. Bruce Yaches, RC’60, GSED’65 Jerome D. Yaguda, UCN’58 Yidan Yang, GSNB’90 James A. Yannello, NCAS’91, GSM’93 Dr. Wilbur Yellin, RC’54 Richard L. Yoken, RC’41 Julien D. Yoseloff, GSNB’94 Wendell W. Young, GSNB’92 Eric T. Yu, GSM’86 Dr. Ronald J. Zabransky, RC’56 Barbara I. Zaharioudakis, RC’80 Herbert G. Zarrow, UCP’50 Dr. Patrick F. Zazzaro, RC’71 Donna Zelano Ralph S. Zemel, ENG’69 J. Domer Zerbe, Jr., RC’43 David S. Zervas, COOK’81 Paula J. Zevin, GSNB’88 Peter F. Zimmerli Philippe A. Zimmerman, RC’88 Walter G. Zimmerman, Jr., RC’57 Edward M. Zingone, RC’64 * Dr. Matthew G. Zmurko, ENG’92 Greer A. Zuberbuhler, CNUR’75 * Corporate matching gift included

Century Club $100 to $299 2001: 9,761 members 2000: 9,633 members 1999: 8,951 members The 9,761 individuals listed below made a contribution of $100 to $299 during the 2000–2001 fiscal year. Ellen M. Aanonsen, DC’82 Dr. Bernard M. and Susan Aaron Debra M. Aaron, NLAW’76 Julian Aaron, RC’67, GSNB’70 Rande S. Aaronson, RC’77, GSNB’79 Saief Abbassi, NCAS’00, NKSM’00 Philip H. Abbott, RC’64 Dr. Hamed M., GSNB’77, and Fe Abdou Diane C. Abel, NCAS’95, SSW’97 Georges T. Abi-Yaghi Richard A. and Abbey J. Aborn, SSW’86 Susan Abradi, ENG’96 Neville V. Abraham, Jr., RC’53 Ponmelil Abraham * Kenneth A. Abrahamsen Kermit P. and Patricia Abrahamson Albert G. Abrams, PHAR’51 * Andrew D. Abrams, GSNB’96 Brian H. Abrams, ENG’80 Dr. David B. Abrams, GSNB’78, GSNB’81 Dr. Lloyd Abrams, GSNB’67 Robert Allen Abrams, RC’60, NLAW’63 Dr. Stephen J. Abrams, ENG’70 Stanley H. Abramson, CLAW’73 Dr. Max and Esther Achtau Richard J. Ackaway, NCAS’64 Nancy and Bernard Ackerman Ruthe H. Actor, GSED’59 * Edward J. Adamcik, PHAR’90 Kathryn R. Adamiak, SSW’96 Ann Beckhart Adams, GSNB’57 * Anthony and Marijke Adams Ciro E. Adams, CCAS’86 Claudric E. Adams David H. Adams, COOK’82 * Edwin and Jane Adams Elizabeth Koch Adams, GSM’85 Erving Adams Frank G. Adams, ENG’51 * Fred L. Adams, ENG’55 John M. Adams, CCAS’78, SBC’78 Kathleen M. Adams, RC’89 * Mary Lonergan Adams, CLAW’85 Matthew Mark Adams, LC’87 Ranney G. Adams, Jr., RC’39 Richard P. Adams, GSM’92 Thomas T. Adams, AG’42 William B. Adams, GSM’85 William E. Adams, Jr., COOK’74, GSNB’77 Dr. John W. Adamus, RC’69, GSED’81 Susan M. Addabbo, UCNB’92, SBNB’92 * Elizabeth H. Addison, SCILS’59 Mark Addison, RC’37 Mary L. Addy, SCILS’76 Brian R. Ade, RC’76 Joseph A. Adetayo, GSM’79 * Robert J. Adinolfi, CLAW’77 Dr. Barry M. Adler, AG’72 Mary Lee Adler Max Adox * Suzanne N. Adrion, GSN’90 Dr. Steve N. Adubato, GSNB’81, GSNB’97 Dr. William A. Africano, RC’53 Dennis D. and Georgia-Lee V. Agallianos Ines O. Agina Grace Agnello James V. Agnello, RC’76 Ernest Agresto Eugene R. Agrons, RC’49 Alexis Aguado, NCAS’97 * Mr. and Mrs. John S. Agulian, Sr. Odeh Said Ahmad, UCN’76 John H. Ahrens, GSM’84 * James Harry Aibel, NLAW’78 Sharon A. Ainsworth, EJBG’00 Michael I. Aissen Barbara Ajami M. Omar Akbar * Pervez Akhter Tyrone Akins, RC’87 Dr. Lori Aks-Rosenberg, GSAPP’86 James P. Alampi, AG’69 Dr. Jay S. Albanese, SCJ’76, GSN’81 Philip H. Alber, UCN’73 Bethann A. Albert, DC’98 Dr. Paul L. Alberti, GSAPP’78 Howard K. Alberts, RC’43 Sandra L. Albertson Daniel M. Albizati, PHAR’73 Dr. Mary Lewnes Albrecht, COOK’75 George M. Alcorn, UCNB’53 Clayton P. Alderfer Mary A. Alessi, NCAS’75 Beatrice L. Alexander, NCAS’77 Bruce Earl Alexander, RC’65 Charlotte A. Alexander David S. Alexander, RC’68 Janet Oechsle Alexander, DC’80 Jeannie L. Alexander, SCILS’96 Robert W. Alexander, RC’69 *

Peter J. Alexandro, AG’72, GSNB’78 * Jacqueline Algon, GSNB’99 * Mariann and Mariano Alicea, Jr. Ralph Alio Joseph L. Allam, RC’51, UCNB’57 Robert L. Allcroft, RC’53 Erik M. Allen, ENG’93 Dr. George R. Allen, RC’64 * Jennifer Lynn Allen, RC’85 M. Jean Allen, COOK’82 Steven J. Allen, COOK’76 Lizabeth A. Allewelt, GSNB’83 Catherine G. Allison, GSM’91 Elizabeth C. Allocco, COOK’91 Ed and Fe Almaria Perle Almeida James E.S. Almoney, RC’56 Viviane and Joseph Alperin Juan C. Altamirano Jean F. Altidor, NCAS’96, NKSM’96 Donald M. Altman, RC’49, NLAW’53 Dr. Jeff, RC’62, and Judith Applebaum Altman, DC’65 Joseph L. Altman, ENG’68 * Dr. Melvyn R. Altman, GSNB’64, GSNB’69 Pamela D. Altman, GSC’93 Mary Jo Altom, UCNB’89 Luis A. Alum, NCAS’76, NLAW’81 John P. Alvarado, RC’75 Michael J. Alvarado, COOK’77 Angel and Lizzette L. Alvarez Anthony R. Alvarez, CNUR’82 Jennie Alvarez, RC’86 Michael Alvarez William J. Alznauer, RC’55 Nando A. Amabile, ED’51 Dr. Robert B. Amato, RC’76 Paul H. Ambos, RC’72 Robert G. Ambos, ENG’51 Jean L. Ambrose, DC’54, NLAW’81 Lorraine A. Ambrosio, GSM’96 * Jayne D. Ameri, RC’80 Marilyn Amici Dr. Beverley Tanis Amick, GSED’71 Alkesh M. Amin, COOK’89, GSM’97 Mark S. Ammann, ENG’84 Frank H. Ammlung, CCAS’74 Deena M. Amont, COOK’87 John J. Amoroso, UCNB’72 * Harry Amsterdam, NLAW’29 Louise Anne Anagnoson, NCAS’64 Peter N. Anastas, NCAS’70, SSW’72 Maria K. Anastasia, ENG’90 Albert J. Andersen * Ruth E. Andersen, GSNB’93 Stephen C. Andersen, ENG’85 Dr. Steven Andersen, GSNB’72 C. Kenneth Anderson, ENG’53 Cheryl Ann Anderson, DC’91 * Dean S. Anderson, RC’66 Edward F. Anderson, RC’40 * Gregg R. Anderson, RC’70 Howard Anderson, ED’53, GSED’54 Jacqueline E. Anderson, UCNB’81 * James R. Anderson, RC’63 Jane Zink Anderson, DC’41 Mary T. Anderson Mikeisha T. Anderson, NLAW’00 Patrick B. Anderson, CLAW’75 Peter A. and Barbara A. Anderson Dr. Ralph Robert Anderson, AG’53, GSNB’58 Ronald D. Anderson, UCNB’87 Walter W. Anderson, Jr., RC’51 William F. Anderson, AG’67, GSNB’70 William J. Anderson, RC’92 Dr. John Andrako, PHAR’47, GSNB’49 Yanick C.P. Andre Mildred Andres Patricia A. Andres Judith C. Andres-Hederman, NCAS’91 Camille J., CLAW’86, and Robert E. Andrews James F. Andrews, RC’41 Robert Andrews, RC’56 Robin L. Andrews, PHAR’78 Kathleen M. Andrioli Michael M. Andrulis, RC’88 Joanne M. Anfuso, GSNB’91 Dr. Jacqueline L. Angel, GSNB’89 Robert E. Angelica, Sr., NCAS’71 * Louis F. Angelilli, ENG’44 Robert A. Angell, RC’59 Christi A. Angelucci, CCAS’97 Dean Anglin Hans I. Angping, ENG’97 Philip Anklowitz, ENG’51 Kenneth M. Annarelli, CCAS’84, SBC’84 Dr. Carlo Annese, COOK’72 Virgilio U. Ansay Ricardo A. Antaramian, RC’94 Dorothy Anthes Dr. Roberta J. Anthes, GSNB’79, GSNB’80, GSNB’82 Dr. Michael H. Anthony, RC’67 Alfred G. Antoniotti, UCN’50 Richard Antupit Joseph Anzalone, ENG’78 Andrew J. Apel, LC’96 Donald W. Apgar, UCNB’59 * Maryann N. Apostle, ENG’87 Matthew W. Appel, RC’76, GSM’77 Dr. Nathan Marc Appel, RC’74, GSNB’78 Gerald R. Appelbaum, PHAR’66 Stephen E. Appell, NLAW’68 Stephen M. Appell, RC’65 Mary A. Appollina, NLAW’93 Barbara S. Aprea, SCILS’79 Donald D. Aquila, UCNB’71 Servandina L. Araoz, GSNB’70 Ashfaq Arastu Fatima Arastu M. Stephen Arata, LC’75 Martin J. Arbus, CLAW’76 Veronica Archambault, UCNB’67

Patricia Ard, DC’77 Stephen V. Ardia, GSM’70 Edward J. Arguello, ENG’56, GSM’62 * George T. Argyris, RC’69 * Ryan W. Ark, ENG’00 Phyllis D. Arkett, NCAS’50 Linda Janel Arlien, UCN’79 George and Alice Armbruster * Jacqueline M. Armendinger, COOK’89, GSC’91 Dr. Ronald J. Armengol, GSED’84 Harold R. Armstrong, Jr., RC’39 Margaret S. Armstrong, DC’64 Ted W. Armstrong, AG’70 Lee Doncourt Arning, UCN’53 George Hugh Arnold, RC’67 Judith A. Arnold Marybeth Arnold, RC’86 Myrna D. Arnold, GSED’67 Robert C. Arnold Robert E. Arnold, RC’50 Dr. Robert W. Arnold, RC’83, GSNB’85, GSNB’88 Edwin Arnolt, RC’43 Gisella Arnstein Robert R. Arnts, GSNB’76 Paul Henry Aron, RC’64 Marcia Galman Aronow, CLAW’83 Dr. Gina Arons, GSAPP’85 Patricia R. Arpin, GSNB’71 * Manuel Arrevillaga Evan R. Arrindell Joseph R. Arsenault, CCAS’78, GSNB’81 Natalia Arskaya * Maria Artiaga Lori E. Arvonio, SBNB’87, UCNB’87 * Bensol Arzadon Dr. Matthew A. Asbornsen, RC’50 Julie D. Asch, RC’82 Grace A. Ascolese, RC’79, SCILS’83 Dr. John T. Ash III, GSNB’94 Aline E. Ashkin, GSED’72 Scott W. Ashley, NCAS’71 Dr. Richard D. Ashmore Barbara B., UCNB’69, SCILS’72, and Kenneth D. Asmann Diane Asser Ronald F. Astridge, Jr., RC’69 Joseph A. Atkachunas, RC’74 Dr. Melvis Evans Atkinson, GSED’79 Dr. Bruce N. Attavian, GSNB’75, GSNB’81 Ankamma Attoti Robert S. Aubry, Jr., RC’72 Katharine L. Auchincloss Dennis A. Auciello, RC’70, NLAW’73 Andrew B. Auerbach, GSM’80 * Harry Augenblick Sandra Augenblick Leon B. Auger, RC’56 Dr. Donald B. Aulenbach, GSNB’52, GSNB’54 Mary D. Aun, SSW’93 Santo Auriemma, Jr., RC’85 Mitchell J. Auslander, NLAW’80 Karen and Kjell Austad Jay Joseph Avelino, RC’77 Diana A. Avella, DC’67, SSW’96 Joseph P. Avella, RC’65 Alfred F. Avignone, NLAW’84 Judith A. Avrin, RC’76 Tania Awdziej, DC’61 * Dr. Jeffrey H. Axelbank, GSAPP’92 Francine I. Axelrad, CLAW’77 Dr. Joan G. Axelrod, SSW’81, GSNB’91 David Axmann, ENG’83 Albert Ayeni Sylvia A. Ayler, COOK’85 * Antoinette Ayres, NCAS’53 Eduardo Azagra Qazi Azam Alfredo Azevedo, UCN’00 Linda A. Azoia, PHAR’77 Steven W. Babcock Bruce Babiarz O. Bonni Babson, UCNB’70 J. Mark Babst, RC’69 Michele L. Baccare-Dailey, LC’87 June W. Bach, SCILS’90 Michael A. Bach, ENG’65 Thomas H. Bach, RC’50 William J. Bacha, Jr. Dr. Stephen Bachelder, AG’50, GSNB’52 Ira F. Back, CLAW’67 Janice Backman-Glasspool Thomas J. and Ellen H. Bacon Walter A. Bacsik, ENG’68 Vera Bacwyn-Holowinsky Dennis J. Badaracco, AG’68 George M. Badoyannis, ENG’51, GSNB’53 Melissa K. Baer, NCAS’71, SSW’78 Robert L. Baer, SCILS’77 William V. Baer, Jr., ENG’57 Donald and Basha Baerman Warren D. Bagatelle, GSM’61 Douglas and Nancy Bagin Carol A. Bagnell Debra Ann Bahr, DC’85 Peter M. Bahr, COOK’84 * Douglas S. Bail, RC’79 Dr. Kevin M. Bailey, GSNB’83, GSNB’87 Mordecai Baill, GSNB’49 Shaun E. Baines, COOK’99 David Baird IV, RC’60 Guy Baird Dr. Richard N. Baisden, RC’44 Stephen R. Bakanas, RC’85, ENG’85 Catherine L. Baker Gwendolyn Baker Dr. Paula M. Baker, GSNB’87 Sheldon S. Baker, RC’58 William E. Baker, RC’71 Dennis J. Baksa, NCAS’75, GSNB’78, GSNB’84 William G. Bakun, RC’91

Dr. Nicholas Balabkins, GSNB’53, GSNB’56 Arthur K. Balajthy, ENG’74, LGSM’81 * Suzanne Balandis, PHAR’85 Dennis and Eileen Baldassari Ralph J. Baldino, NLAW’00 Chris E. Baldwin * Barbara C. Balkin David L. and Jan Ball Michael W. Ball, ENG’71 Ruth Anne Ball, RC’79, GSM’85 * Jeff Ballanco Michael F. Ballanco, NCAS’81 * Paul J. Ballantine, GSM’75 Arthur E. Ballen, NLAW’59 Joel D. Ballezza Charles and Anne L. Balog * Dr. Joseph C. Bamford, Jr., RC’52 Edward J. Banas, Jr., RC’76, GSM’77 Joseph A. Banas, Jr., RC’41 Keith W. Bancroft, RC’89 Virginia A. Baner, DC’80 Dr. Gargi Banerjee Saurav Banerjee, ENG’98 Andrew T. Banff, ENG’98 Paul Bangiola, RC’49, NLAW’52 Bozana and Veljko Banic William J. Banka, COOK’76 Dr. Lawrence K. Banker, RC’76 Dr. William L. Banks, Jr., RC’58, GSNB’63 Robert F. Bann, GSNB’59 John P. and Joan M. Bannon Kevin Bannon Maria Banta, UCN’71 Ann M. Baran Janet Baran Irene E. Baranello, UCNB’81 Robert T. Baranowski, Jr., ENG’86 James L. Barbarito, GSM’82 Brian W. Barbee, GSNB’74 Jeffrey M. Barber, SB’63 John F. Barbetta, RC’76 Frederica P. Barbour Veronica W. Barbour, CLAW’46 Betty G. Barcan, SCILS’85 William L. Barcham Vanessa E. Barcikai, LC’96 David W. Barden, RC’57 Dr. Alexander C. Baret, RC’49 Barbara Chicvara Barham, GSNB’77 Frank F. Barile, ED’51 Peter F. Bariso, NCAS’76, NLAW’79 Karen R. Barke, DC’87 * A. Michael Barker, RC’70 Charles A. Barker, Jr., RC’51 Dr. Richard L. Barndt, GSNB’75, GSNB’79 * Dr. Donna R. Barnes, GSED’71 Dr. Robert F. Barnes, GSNB’59 Robert A. Barnet III, UCN’64 Ellen Barnett, CCAS’87 Julian L. Barnett Kenneth A. Barnett, RC’74, GSNB’80 Louise K. Barnett Robert H. Barnett, RC’71 Joanna Barnish, GSM’98 Joseph S. and Mary Anne Barnish Ivan M. Baron, CLAW’87 Robert S., SB’53, and Donna J. Baron Thomas A. Barone, NCAS’75 * Maureen M. Barr, DC’90 John S. Barresi, RC’94, SBNB’94 David H. Barrett, NCAS’65 Joseph J. Barrett * Kelly D. Barrett, RC’89, SBNB’89 Oswald D. Barrimond, GSM’96 * Margaret A. Barrington, GSNB’81 * Jose Barros-Neto John J. Barry, NLAW’47 Kenneth H. Bartelt, ENG’73 Herbert G. Barth, Jr., RC’51 Alexander Barthalis James M. Bartie, Jr., RC’86 * Edwin C. Bartine, AG’70, GSNB’74 John Bruen Bartlett, GSM’68 Maria C. Bartlett, LC’95, SSW’96 Joseph J. Bartlomiejusz George M. Bartman, ENG’64 Dr. Harold Barto, GSNB’51, GSNB’70 Martin P. Bartocci, UCNB’80 Henry E. Bartoli, ENG’68 Stanley E. Barton, ED’49 Ingrid Bartzke * Dr. Anthony L. Bascelli, RC’59, GSNB’60, GSNB’67 Geoffrey A. Bass, GSM’76 Jane L. Bass Ronne E. Bassman-Agins, SSW’72 Dr. Donna Bassolino-Klimas, RC’83, GSNB’86, GSNB’90 * Lileth A. Basteani-McPherson, UCN’98, NKSM’98 Dr. Raymond J. Bastkowski, RC’58 Abhimanyu and Anamitra Basu William J. Bate, GSNB’74 Ralph and Gwen Bates Robert M. Bates, NCAS’77 * Melissa Battino, NLAW’99 Donald C. Bauch, RC’52 * Alice C.E. Bauer, RC’83 David T. Bauer, RC’73 Elizabeth A. Bauer, GSNB’93 Henry L. Bauer Janine G. Bauer, CLAW’84 Matthew W. Bauer, CLAW’96 Shirley L. Bauer, SCILS’87 Dr. Stanley Bauer, PHAR’50 Dr. W. John Bauer, RC’59 Mary P. Baughman, GSNB’77 Charles E. Baum, Sr., RC’65 Dr. Steven M., NCAS’64, and Dorothy R. Baum, NCAS’65 Herman Baumann, Jr., UCP’60 Astrid R. Baumgardner, NLAW’76 Dr. Kevin Michael Baumlin, COOK’86 Dr. Thomas M. Bauso, RC’67, GSNB’69, GSNB’76

Edward A. Baxter, RC’65 Jennifer L. Baxter, ENG’98 * Linda G. Baxter, CLAW’74 Murat Baycora, RC’91 Maryann Baykal, NCAS’68 Francis P. Baylis, AG’68, GSN’75 * Dr. John E. Baylor, AG’44, GSNB’48 Rebekah D. Bayram, DC’91 * Angelina Bayruns, RC’86 Marshall M. Bazar, GSM’72 * Edwin W.B. Be, RC’54, SSW’63 Dr. Robert J. Beach, AG’71 Sean C. and Barbara Beach Judson D. Beacham Carol Whalley Beahm, CCAS’73, SSW’81 Clifford P. Beam, COOK’78 * Cynthia Baran Beam, UCNB’89 Alexander H. Beard, GSM’68 David D. Beard, GSM’87 * Bruce R. Beardsley, RC’75 Dr. James F. Beaton, GSNB’75 William C. Beaton, COOK’85 * Alan Beatty Annabel Beaty, PHAR’31 Lee T. Beaufort, GSN’87 Lisa James Beavers, RC’85 Peter G. Becan, RC’81 Michael R., RC’72, and Nancy K. Bechtold, RC’76 Ferdinand S. Beck, RC’57 Kazuko Beck, RC’90 Robert Beck Robert G. Beck Steven R. Beck, CCAS’89 Warren E. Beck, NCAS’77 Carl H. Becker Donna F. Becker, GSN’95 Dr. Gail T. Becker, GSNB’76, GSNB’88 * James D. Becker, ENG’72 John P. Becker, CCAS’89 * Joseph W. Becker * Raymond J. and Eleanor Becker Ronald L. Becker, GSNB’72, SCILS’73 Susan Staunch Becker, COOK’87, GSM’99 John F. Beckmann, GSM’66 Michael Thomas Bedard, CCAS’84, GSC’86 Gary J. Beddoe, COOK’85 John J. Bednarczyk, ENG’81 Andrew J., GSN’99, and Theresa M. Bednarek Leonard F. Bednarski, UCN’63 Dr. Stuart E. Beeber, RC’64 Laurence S. Beekman, Jr., RC’37 Douglas C. Beeler, RC’91 Gerald F. Beelitz, UCN’68 * Dr. A. James Begala, GSNB’71 * Peter R. Begg, RC’73 Robert M. Beggan, SSW’68 Henry J. Behnke III, ENG’81, GSM’94 Karl A. Behrend, GSM’87 Sandra Behrend, DC’53 Dr. Otto J. Behrens, Jr., GSED’83 Raymond W. Behrens, RC’55 John Nathan, CLAW’73, and Marsha Beidler, CLAW’72 John P. Beirne, COOK’82 * John J. Beisser, LC’86 Harry U. Belafsky, PHAR’41 James R. Belfiore, RC’00 Zoran M. Belic, GMGA’91 Emily Bell Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Bell Mary V. Bell Robert C. Bell, ENG’70 Stuart L. Bell Sylvia Bell William A. Bell William E. Bell III, CCAS’80 Leo Joseph Bellarmino, RC’70 Dorothy Greco Bellew James Bellis, Jr. Michael L. and Janet Bellish Carrie Lynn Bello, PHAR’99 Jerry M. Bello, UCN’79 Suzanne M. Belmont, GSN’00 Linda F. Belt, RC’80 Ann M. Belzner, GSNB’76 * Kenneth Bembenek Crystal M. Bembry Daniel L. Ben-Asher, RC’68 Jerome Ben-Asher, UCN’48 Frederick A. Bendana, AG’73 Gregory Bender, ENG’68 Timothy Bender Warren G. Bender, ENG’50 Joseph J. Benedict, CLAW’68 Alan R. Benenfeld, SCILS’65 Marc J. Benevento * Joseph J. Benigno, COOK’78 Jane S. Benjamin Ronald G. Benkert, RC’53 Dr. Vincent J. Benn, CCAS’71, GSNB’74, GSN’82 * Evangeline A. Benner, SCILS’69 Charles S. Bennett, AG’51 Cynthia Bennett John O. Bennett Ronald Bennett Cheryl Bennie Sara J. Benninghoff, UCC’77, GSC’97 Edward J. Benoit, ENG’81 Bruce T. Benson, NCAS’83 * Richard S. Benson Roger N. Benson, RC’51 Scott R. Benson, RC’82 William P. Benson, RC’75 Ceane M. Bentzley, SSW’92 Richard A. Beran Stanley J. Beran, ENG’48 Alexander T. Beranek, Jr., GSM’67 Thomas F., RC’80, and Beverly K. Berardinelli, PHAR’80 Frank Berdan, Jr., ENG’39 Stanley Berent, GSNB’72 Lynne G. Beresford, CCAS’75, SBC’75, CLAW’78

David B. Berg, RC’79 * James J. Berg Annette Block Berger, GSNB’74 Elliot M. Berger, RC’87, GSM’96 * Howard M. Berger, RC’63 Jeffrey L. Berger, NLAW’73 Linda Berger, CNUR’78 Morey R. Berger, SCILS’70 Dr. Robert B. Berger, RC’74 Dr. Seymour Berger, RC’53 Ellen Shong Bergman Jacqueline A. Bergman, GSM’85 Marcelle P. Bergman, GSED’77 Merrie Bergmann, DC’72 Lynn P. Bergner, NCAS’62 Lars I. and Theresa Bergrud * William M. Berical, ENG’77 * Judith Berk Theresa A. Berkheimer Dr. Lester H. Berkow Bradley A. Berkowitz, RC’90 Dr. Harry W. Berkowitz, GSNB’65, GSNB’68 * Joel S. and Jerie Berkowitz Miriam A. Berkowitz, RC’84 Ronald A. Berkowitz, ENG’62 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart P. Berkowitz Susan I. Berkowitz, RC’74 Morton Berlan, GSM’58 Albert J. Berlin, RC’57 Christopher and Marlo Berliner Janice L. Berliner, COOK’87 Alice F. Berman, GSNB’77 Douglas Berman Richard Berman, CLAW’85 Robin B. Berman, GSM’87 Ronald Berman, RC’54, NLAW’57 Caleb Bermudez, ENG’99 Maria Bermudez, UCN’91 Arthur Lloyd Bernard, GSNB’74 Jennifer D. Bernardini, PHAR’97, GPHR’97 Dr. Ernest Bernarducci, GSNB’83 John G. Bernat, RC’61 Dr. Fred R. Bernath, ENG’66, GSNB’67, GSNB’73 Garth and Mary E. Berner Scott J. Berns, RC’98, SBNB’98 Dr. Danielle R. Bernstein, GSNB’75, GSNB’90 * Dr. Eugene H. Bernstein, RC’51, GSNB’52, GSNB’55 Howard L. Bernstein, ENG’66 Marshall L. Bernstein, LC’82 Dr. Stanley F. Bernstein, PHAR’65 Dr. Stanley Bernstein, RC’53 Susan A. Bernstein, RC’75 * Willard Bernstein, CLAW’67 E. William Bernzweig, RC’50 Melvin D. Bernzweig, RC’49 Charles A. Berry, AG’68 Marjorie Berry, DC’52 Judy Berryann William W. Berth, NCAS’51 Barry M. Bertiger, RC’75, GSM’76 Eileen A. Bertram, CCAS’83, SBC’83 Charles P. Besecky, CCAS’74, CLAW’77 Elizabeth R. Besen, GSNB’92 Pearly G. Besman, UCNB’96 Godfrey C. Best, NCAS’96, NKSM’96 Julie S. Best, RC’81 Richard V.N. Best, RC’50 C. Kim Betancourt, NCAS’81, GSN’84 * Aya Betensky Dr. Leonard L. Bethel, GSED’75 Judith Bethelmy Gerard G. and Jane Betz Jacob Bevash, RC’44 Eric K. Beyrich, RC’88 Marilyn Bezpa Mohan A. and Rasila M. Bhalodia, ENG’78 Dr. K. Ramachandra Bhat, GSNB’74 Tarlochan and Inderpal Bhathal Stan L. Bialick Czeslaw Bialoglowy Thomas and Stella Bianculli Paul E. Bibelheimer, MGSA’95 Maurice and Joan Bick John H. Bicking, ENG’71 Roy D. Bieberberg, ENG’77 * Russell J., Jr., NCAS’78, and Cathy Ellen Biegel, NCAS’77 Martin Alan Bierbaum, NCAS’67, NLAW’75, GSNB’80 George J. Biernesser, GSNB’79 * Dr. Joseph A. Biesinger, GSNB’72 William J. Bigham, CLAW’74 Mary A. Bigley, CNUR’70 Thomas C. Bigosinski, LC’90 Charles Bihler, RC’59, GSED’69 Peter J. Bilby, COOK’77 Christina H. Bilinski Arthur H. Bill, RC’63 Lewis and Noreen Billet Frank R. Billington, RC’43 Harold Y. Bills, GSED’51 John E. Billus, RC’69, GSNB’71 Herbert I. Bilus, RC’42 Dr. Robert R. Binder, RC’48 Richard P. Bingham, GSNB’83 Gary Binner, LC’91 Irene M. and Robert D. Binz IV Matthew A. Biondi, PHAR’91 Barbara Anne Birchenough Jane Hooban Bird, GSM’85 Charles Birkenhagen, ENG’67 Dr. Walter K. Birkenhagen, Jr., RC’65 Laura Jean Birkmeyer, RC’81 Robert M. Birnbaum, NCAS’86 Susan Mills Birnbaum, SSW’69 Edward and Jane Birnn Carol Bishop, UCNB’72 Jeffrey F. Bishop, RC’78 Shirley M. Bishop, GSNB’79 Dr. Stephen I. Bistner, AG’61 William E. Bixler, UCN’83, GSM’84 * Dr. Patricia Bizzell, GSNB’74, GSNB’75

Nicholas P. Black, CCAS’72 Robert Bradley Blackman, NCAS’65 June G. Blackwelder Catherine Blackwell * Sandra P. Blackwood, SCILS’93 George F. Blades, UCN’64 Paul A. Blaine, CLAW’73 Dale Wasserman Blair Kenneth Blair, ENG’69, GSNB’71 Mary B. Blair, SCILS’97 Steven Blair Richard W. Blaisdell, RC’51 Paul J. Blake, UCC’85 William J. Blake, RC’90 Patricia W. Blakely Bruce E. Blanco, NLAW’83 * Kenneth R. Blane, RC’66 Marvin F. and Mary Ann Blanford Robert C. Blank Sharon P. Blase Michael G. Blasi, ENG’68 Leonard J. Blaska, NCAS’71 Brian H. Blatter, RC’75 Norma Saulino Blatto, RC’80 Mr. and Mrs. Alan A. Blatz * Dr. Philip A. Blaustein, RC’83 Norma S. Blecker Ronald Bleich Werner and Julie Bleickardt * Dr. Larry P. Bleier, NCAS’70 Dorothy A. Bley, NCAS’86 Saul Blinder, GSNB’63 * Michael A. Blishak, RC’78 Gilbert and Beatric Bloch Paula Block, NLAW’90 Ralph A. Block, SB’57 * Dr. Robert Block, RC’70 Denise L. Bloise, RC’87 * Adaline Bloom, DC’41 Alan Bloom George G. Bloom, GSM’84 George J. Bloom, UCN’57 Randye E. Bloom, RC’76 Robert I. Bloom, RC’67 William N. Bloom, CCAS’55 Claude B. Blum, NCAS’72, GSM’79 * Miriam E. Blum, RC’85 Sue D. Blumenfeld, CLAW’77 Bruce Blumenthal, GSNB’79 Dr. Herman T. Blumenthal, RC’34 John and Sheila Blunt Patrick J. Boag, COOK’89 Dr. Thomas J., GSNB’66, GSNB’68, and Eileen C. Boardman, GSNB’68 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boast Dr. Mitchell C. Bober, COOK’79 Rita Croce Boccabella, UCN’68 * Justine A. Boccanera, RC’82 * Dr. Douglas P. Bode, RC’77 Howard and Beth Bodenstein Candace Boderck Jeffrey Bodholt Matthew V. Bodino, ENG’91 Dr. Anna S. Bodnar, CCAS’63 Dr. Catherine M. Bodnar, DC’78 David J. Bodnar, RC’85 John Bodnar Seth M. Bodner, RC’59 Dr. Jeffrey T. Bodycomb, ENG’89, GSNB’91, GSNB’93 Laurie Boehm, SSW’76 William and Catherine E, Boerner Frank A. Boffa, RC’74, GSM’78 Richard C. Bogatko, COOK’79 Harold Bogatz, RC’60 Dr. Robin Humcke Bogner, PHAR’81, GSNB’90 Paul J. Bogosian, CLAW’79 Bruce Dawson Bohlen, RC’65 Richard and Dorothy Bohn Regina Bohnsack, SCILS’94 Dr. Robert S. Boikess Randall A. Bokesch, AG’71 Frank A. * and Carol P. Bolden Robert K. Bole, ENG’31 Lawrence J. and Diana M. Bolick, GSM’91 Das Bolikal Thomas and Linda Bolin Charles G. * and Margaretta Bollinger Dr. Harry N. Boltin, RC’59 Thomas A. Boltzer, UCNB’74 Ralph A. Bonadies, NCAS’85 Carmella Bonanno Jeffrey N. Bonapfel, ENG’95 Robert D. Bonardi, RC’56 Dr. Hermann Bonasch, AG’52 Elwood and Marilyn Bond Catherine Bondi, UCNB’86 * Rosa Bonilla Gilbert C. Bonin, ENG’50 * Dr. Robert P. Bonja, AG’58, GSNB’75 Beatrice Bonner Dr. Marianne W. Bonner, GSNB’69, GSNB’78 William J. Bonner, CLAW’80 Joseph J. Bono Lisa Smith Bonsall, DC’83, NLAW’88 Rick Bonsall, ENG’70, GSNB’71 * Dr. Victor H. Boogdanian Dr. E. Kathleen Booher, GSED’88 D. Randolph Booken, GSNB’84 Loretta Booker * Barbara Booth Kathleen Bolter Booth, DC’82 Marie A. Borbely, DC’45 William A. Borbely, NCAS’75 * Margaret Emily Borden, SCILS’59 John C. Bordon, Jr. Dr. Benjamin Borenstein, RC’50, GSNB’52, GSNB’54 Robert A. Boresta, RC’79 Travis S. Borgenicht, RC’35 Doris E. Borger Melanie K. Borger, RC’98 Allan A. Borghard, ENG’51 William A. Borghard, COOK’84, GSNB’94

Natalie Borisovets, DC’72, SCILS’74, GSNB’78 Anthony Borisow, COOK’96 * Janice Bornemann, PHAR’74 Dr. Leonard Bornstein, GSED’77 Ralph Bornstein, PHAR’51 * Frances K. Boronski Robert F. Borowsky, RC’81 Dr. Nicholas J. Borrello, AG’59 Cecil Ane Borri, GSED’68 Lillian C. Borrone Kelly G. Borseth, LC’89 * Nancy M. Borsuk, CNUR’70 Athena K. Borzeka, LC’93, GSED’96 Robert J. Bosch, RC’93 Gerald J. Bose, LC’76, ENG’76 Henry C. Bosenberg, AG’39 Kenneth T. Bosies, UCN’54 * Jacqueline Anne Boss, SCILS’88 Dr. John A. Bostrom, RC’57 David J. Boswell, NCAS’50 John A. Boswick, GSM’85 Arend-Jan Both Daniel E. Botoff, RC’95 Paul A. Bottea Harry H. Boublitz, SCILS’59 Frances V. Bouchoux, RC’78, NLAW’87 Steve Boudalis, NCAS’77 Rita M. Boulieris Hilliard Boulware, GSED’71 David W. Bourassa, GSNB’84 * Beth Anne Bourbon, RC’77 Ward C. Bourn, SB’52 Jean Bourne, SSW’57 Frank R. Boutillette, NCAS’83 Anthony J. Bove, UCNB’82 * Francis J. Bove, CCAS’68, CLAW’71 Constantine F. Bowblis, RC’57 George V. Bowden, PHAR’50 Robert C. Bowden, RC’75 Helene Bowen K. Susan Bower, DC’63 Linda B. Bowker Scott W. Bowker, RC’80 * Dr. Suzanne Geissler Bowles, GSNB’72 Ernest H. Bowman, Jr., RC’73 Dr. Peter J. Bowman, UCNB’70, GSED’89 Woodrow F. Bowman, UCN’77 Leo Bowski, ENG’70, GSNB’72 * Dr. Robert A. Boxer, RC’68 Charles D. Boxill, GSNB’97 Lavinia Boxill Steven G. Boy, RC’79 Frances A. Boyan George A. Boyan, Jr., RC’79 Janice Boyce Dr. Susie B. Boyce, GSED’71 Jerrold W. Boychuk, UCNB’87 Edward S. Boyd, ENG’38 Carol Boyden Robert L. Boyer, GSM’72 Thomas C. Boyer, RC’51 William E. Boyes, RC’67 Richard C. Boylan, AG’52 Phyllis Boyle Robert L. Boysen, ENG’63 Dr. Richard Charles Bozian, PHAR’39 Kenneth C. Bradford, Jr., COOK’75 Phillip G. Bradford, RC’86 David S. Bradin, CLAW’95 Dr. George L. Bradley, CCAS’64 Valerie J. Bradley, GSNB’66 Robert W. Bradshaw, ENG’67, GSNB’68 * Terri A. Bradshaw Willis R. Bradwell, Jr., RC’75 Donald R. and Sharon Brady James Evitt Brady, UCN’87 Jane Z. Brady Bruce J. Brafman, RC’71, CLAW’75 William B. Brahms, RC’89, SCILS’93 Barry Braitt Dr. Martin J. Braker, RC’60 Denise Bramble Patricia Brancato David Brand Dan S. Brandenburg, ENG’72 Dr. Jay J. Brandinger, GSNB’62, GSNB’68 Neil J. Brandmaier, ENG’80 Gregory L. Brandt, ENG’90 * Sydney Brandwein Joanne M. Braniff, NCAS’71 William Braniff, NLAW’69 Judith Branin James Brantley, CLAW’85 Andrea R. Brassard, GSN’83 Paul W. Bratach, COOK’85 * Joseph N. Bratek * Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bratton Ann D. Braude Robert K. Braulik, GSNB’83 Frederick A. Braun, AG’52, GSED’57 Karen B. Braun, COOK’94 Walter W., ENG’82, and Janet A. Braun, RC’82 Alfred F. Brauns, RC’31 Mollie E. Braverman, CCAS’69 John Bravo, ENG’67 Walter L. Braxton III, LC’73, GSM’74 James Brebner Dr. Carl Everett Bredlau, RC’65, GSNB’67, GSNB’72 Julian H. Breen, RC’64 Lisa M. Breen, RC’82 * Herman L. Breitkopf, RC’46 Dr. Clark J. Brekke, COOK’66 Edward F. Breniak, ENG’51 Dr. Ben S. Brennan, RC’87 Douglas K., RC’77, ENG’77, NLAW’85, and Frances M. Brennan, RC’77, ENG’77, GSM’85 Edward L. and Linda Brennan * John A. Brennan, RC’65 Margaret F. Brennan, UCNB’94

Dr. Alan S. Brenner, NCAS’64 David E. Brenner, RC’82 Dr. Dori Ilene Brenner, RC’77 Felicia and Bruce Brenner John F. Brenner Michael Y. Brenner, RC’90 Terrill M. and Adelaide M. Brenner Paula Brereton-Boss, RC’79 Joseph L. Brescher, Jr., RC’59 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Breslin, Jr. Martin J. Bressler, RC’70 Michael E. Breton Dr. Mary Lee Bretz Sydnee A. Breuer, RC’89 James N.S. Brewster, RC’53 Wayne S. Breyer, ENG’79, NLAW’91 Fred K. Briard, SSW’73 Dr. Ivan E. Brick Robert Bridgeman Arnold Brief, GSM’72 Una M. Brienza, NCAS’59 Donna T. Briggs Samuel A. Briggs, Jr., RC’41 Linda Jackson Bright, UCNB’91, SBNB’91 * Antony A. Brilakis, RC’53 Bernard M. Brill, RC’44 Peter A. Brill, RC’69 Mary L. Brink, SCILS’73 Samuel F. Brink, UCN’51 Marlene Ann Brinker, NCAS’75 Dr. Ralph Lawrence Brinster, AG’53 Michael Britton, CLAW’92 Donald G. and Linda G. Broadbent Travis L. Broadbent, COOK’93 Carol Marie Broccoli, COOK’83, GSNB’86 Herman L. Brockman, PHAR’55 William S. Brockman, RC’72, SCILS’77 David F. Broderick, COOK’80 Dennis Brodkin, RC’65, NLAW’81 Donna M. Brodo, RC’79 Robert J. Brodrecht, ENG’96 Russ Brodsky Arthur Brody Jane Brody Peter J. Broege, NLAW’82 James John Broeker, ENG’79 Robert F. Brogan, RC’91, CLAW’94 Robert S. Brogus, ENG’91 Susan L. Broihier-Shaffer, RC’82 Dr. Larry B. Broisman, RC’73 William E. Brokhahne, UCP’54 Ellen Brook, CNUR’78 * Hilary James Brook, LC’77 * Robert J. Brookes, RC’71 Jane R. Brooks, SCILS’83 * Dr. Walter Brooks, NCAS’70 James E. Broomell, Jr., SBC’91 * David S. Bross, RC’76, CLAW’81 Dr. Edward A. Brotak, AG’70, GSNB’72 Kathleen Brough, NCAS’72, GSM’75 Alan G. Brown, RC’67 Bernard B. and Shirley M. Brown Chester A. Brown, ENG’62 * Connie Brown Crystal E. Brown, RC’86, GSM’89 * Donald A. and Ann W. Brown Donald T. Brown, RC’85 * Elwood M. and Penelope G. Brown Grace L. Brown, SSW’71 * J. Edward Brown III, RC’54 James E. Brown, AG’71, GSNB’78 Joanne O. Brown, CCAS’68 John L. Brown, ENG’66 John W. Brown, Jr., RC’93 Lars M. Brown, ENG’98 Lillie Mosby Brown, SSW’67 Marlene G. Brown, NLAW’89 Melvin L. Brown, AG’69 Raymond S. Brown, UCNB’78 * Richard L. Brown, UCNB’77 Robert E. Brown, RC’67 Rosemary K. Brown, GSED’71 Roy W. Brown, Jr., ENG’43 * Sarah Brown John W. Browning, ENG’69, GSM’74 Steven C. Bruchey, GSNB’92 Sylvia Brucker Michael J. Bruckner, ENG’90 Warren B. Brumel, CLAW’80 Michael T. Brundage, ENG’82 Dr. Lillian F. Brunell, GSAPP’76 Angela M. Brunelli, UCNB’80 * Georgette G. Bruno, NCAS’87 Kevin J. Bruno, NCAS’80, NLAW’83 Robert L. Bruno, GSM’73, GSNB’90 Eileen Bruns, SCILS’98 * Dr. Cavan Brunsden Dr. Philip H. Brunstetter, RC’42 David Bruskin, LC’76 Frank Bruton Donald I. Bryan, CLAW’71 Robert J. Bryan, RC’75 Diane Bryski John M. Bucci, COOK’80 Michael T. Bucci, ENG’71, GSM’73 John Bucciarelli, RC’86 Thomas Buchanan, RC’97 Patricia Buchbinder Barry J. Buchowski, COOK’85 Peter A. Buchsbaum Charlotte M. Buckles Daniel F. Buckley Joseph E. Buckley, UCNB’72, NLAW’75 Joseph Edward Buckley, Sr., UCNB’77 Lauren Buckley, COOK’01 Lisa K. Buckser-Schulz, RC’86 H. George Buckwald, RC’44 Gary D. Buczek, COOK’87 Elizabeth E. Budell, SCILS’60 Laurence J. Budney, GSN’71 Patricia Farrell Bueb, GSM’72 Larry R. Bugal, COOK’79 * David H. Bugen, RC’70, GSM’72 Woo and Jung Buhr Dr. Amar S. Bukhari, RC’87


Dr. Elsie Bull, SCILS’68 Lydia A. Bullock, NCAS’99 Diane M. Bumgarner Charlotte Bunch George P. and Elizabeth Bunch Mary L. Bundy Jeffrey H. Bunin, GSM’76 Federico F. Buonanno, PHAR’53 Maria Buonanno Jill M. Buono, RC’87 Dr. Irwin L. Burack, AG’44 Dr. Shirley F. Burd, CNUR’56, GSNB’58 Robert W. Burden, RC’58 Trudy Burdman, DC’66, GSED’71 Dr. Joanna Burger Kristina M. Burger, DC’89 Michael N. Burgess, AG’71 Dr. Eileen M. Burke, GSED’57, GSED’63 Holly Burke, CLAW’66 Dr. Jordan D. and June Burke M. Linda Burke Marie H. Burke, NCAS’79, GSN’81 Keith Burkert, NCAS’93 Roger Edgar Burkert, RC’65, GSNB’74 Bradford C. Burkett, RC’82, CLAW’85 Catherine M. Burkett, COOK’82 Jean Burkus Robert H. Burnett, Jr., SSW’92 Theresa L. Burnett, GSNB’87, CLAW’87 Richard H. Burnon, RC’59 Brian P. Burns, ENG’97 * Dr. Camille F. Burns, GSN’78 John J. and Joan Burns Paula M. Burns William D. Burns, UCN’98 Dr. Daniel E. Burnstein, GSNB’92 Myron W. Burr, RC’56 Reginald C. Burroughs, RC’33 Elsa B. Burrowes, SCILS’66 * Robert E. Burrowes, RC’46 * Thomas I. Burrows, UCN’57 * Marcus Burstein, RC’93 Earl H. Burton Dr. Glenn W. Burton, GSNB’33, GSNB’36 Dr. John F. Burton, Jr. Louise Burton Martin J. and Frances Burton Neil T. Burton, ENG’53 Pat Burton Randall J. Burton, RC’72 Stephen D. Burton Barbara T. Busch Carol Feinstein Busch, DC’60 Frances J. Busch Warren J. Busch, UCN’53 John E. Bush, Jr., RC’70 Marie Bush Irene Povenski Busher, DC’50 Roderick P. Bushnell, RC’66 Joseph E. Butchko, ENG’67 * Eleanor Buthmann, SCILS’67 Richard Butka Andre and Elaine Butkewitsch Dr. Elise A. Butkiewicz, RC’90 Gregg Richard Butler, ENG’79 James C. Butler, CCAS’84 James S. Butler, RC’75 Susan Butler Dr. Carol A. Butler-Henry Edgar W. Butterline * Dr. George M. Butterstein, GSNB’71 George M. Buttle, AG’39 Andrew J. Butula Nathan J. Buurma, CLAW’88 * Dr. Martin N. Buxton, RC’66 Leonard J. Buys, ENG’88 Gyorgy Buzsaki Gary D. Byrd, RC’67 James A. Byrne, RC’55 Kathryn M. Byrne, CCAS’83, SBC’83 Dr. Kevin Michael Byrne, GSNB’76 * Mary Ellen Byrne Richard J. Byrne, Jr., LC’87 Francis Jack Byrnes, NCAS’65, GSM’66 Dr. Vera W. Byrnes, RC’81, GSNB’88 John I. Cabrita, Jr., NCAS’80 Anne Cacagno Dr. Raphael Caccese, Jr., CCAS’83 Natalie Cadena, COOK’97 David L. Cadigan, CCAS’81 Anthony M. Caffarello, Jr., UCNB’81 William J., RC’71, and Rosalyn Cahill, DC’71 Menny Caiano Joseph R. Cairone, COOK’74 Joseph and Joanna Calabrese Bruce and MaryAnn Calabro Joseph and Carol Calamoneri Nicholas A. Calamusa, GSED’79 Charles G. Calderaro, RC’51 Peter J. Calderone, RC’70, NLAW’74 Barbara Caldwell Jerome Calia Peter A. Calicchio, NCAS’98, NKSM’98 Dr. Patrick J. Calie, NCAS’75 John J. Callaghan, RC’66 Damien M. Callahan, CCAS’99 Michael J. Callahan, RC’64 Neil V. Callahan, COOK’76, GSNB’82 Dr. Keith D. Calligaro, RC’78 Franco Callocchia, RC’75 * Marjorie H. Calvert, SCILS’70 Robert J. Calviello, UCNB’97 * Dr. Nancy P. Camacho, GSN’88, GSN’91 Thomas L. Cambria, SB’58 * Janice T. Cambron, GSC’83, SBC’83 Jack D. Cameron, GSM’69 Mary Emily Cameron Kathleen McLeod Caminiti, RC’84


Michele M. Camisa, LC’92 John S. Cammalleri, NCAS’74, UCN’78, GSM’88 * Peter F. Cammarano, LC’87 Rocco Cammarere, NCAS’87 Mark P. Campanella Dr. Bruce R. Campbell, GSED’77 Dr. Carla C. Campbell, LC’80 David O. Campbell, RC’72, GSM’74 * Dr. Donn V. Campbell, GSNB’62, GSNB’79 E. Everett Campbell, Jr., PHAR’50 James D. and Susan E. Campbell John Campbell * Kathlyn R. Campbell Dr. Leo J. Campbell, GSED’81 Patrick J. Campbell, RC’94 Richard J. and Kathleen M. Campbell Robert R. Campbell, ENG’64 Sally L. Campbell, SSW’80 Samuel G. Campbell, CCAS’53 Margaret M. Campbell-Rapa, CCAS’65 Lorena W. Campher, CCAS’86 Thomas F. Campion Elizabethann Campisi Ruth A. Campo, NLAW’99 Anthony V. Camporeale, UCN’72 Krystal R. Canady, DC’85 Dr. John W. Canal, RC’58 Clarissa C. Canares Robert V. Cancro, RC’73, GSED’78 Ruth Candeub Nancy N. Cane, SSW’80 Edward H. Canis, UCNB’60 * Zenaida B. Cano John F. Cantaluppi, PHAR’70 Conrad G. Cantell, CCAS’75 Michael D. Cantone Dr. Dorothy W. Cantor, GSAPP’76 Dr. Howard D. Cantwell, RC’61 Jordan Angela Cantwell Richard J. Canty Francis A. and Rosemary J. Canuso, GSED’84 Alma Geist Cap, DC’38 Michael B. Caparelli, UCN’82 Frank M. Capezzera, RC’70 Richard G. Capik, RC’57 * Thurber Cappell Jean F. Cappello, NCAS’88, GSNB’90, GSNB’94 Anthony Cappo, CCAS’88, CLAW’92 Frank J. Capraro, ED’52, GSED’67 Dr. Jerilyn M. Caprio, GSED’85 Maria Caraballo Elizabeth Carabillo, NCAS’58, SCILS’64 Elizabeth B. Carabuena, SSW’92 Kristeen M. Caravela, RC’91 James H. Carberry III, NCAS’73, GSM’75 H. Bryan Card, RC’72 Dominick A. Cardace, RC’64 Jorge L. Cardenas, GSM’96 * Dr. Brian J. Cardillo, LC’80 Claire A. Cardina, SCILS’70 Dr. Dorothy Weissert Carey, ED’52, GSED’66 Frank V. Carfagno, CCAS’69 Steven P. Cariati, RC’64 John J. and Joyce Cariddi Vincent M. Carini, GSM’62 * Karen Carl James B. Carlaw, AG’44 Lawrence K. Carlbon, RC’52 John H. Carley, RC’62 Leo J. Carling III, ENG’59 Donald A. Carll, RC’82 * Kenneth D. Carlson Kevin S. Carlson, GSNB’95 Dr. Robert S. Carlson, GSAPP’94 Dr. Robert J. Carlsson, RC’60, GSNB’64 John H. Carman III, ENG’66 Linda Kyle Carman Thomas S., COOK’94, and Meredith A. Carman Jon A. Carnegie, RC’88, GSNB’92 Patrick J. Carney, CLAW’73 Robert E. Carney, RC’74 Karen Carola John A. Carolan, LC’89 * Dr. Robert L. Carovillano, NCAS’54 John A. Carpenter Sean P. Carpenter, NCAS’90 Arthur H. Carr, GSBC’80 Herman Y. Carr Ronald H. Carr, UCP’68 * Ronald J. Carr, Jr., ENG’87 * Thomas R. Carr, RC’74 Max Carratura, RC’97, SBNB’97 Warren M. Carretta, NCAS’73 Dr. Mary A. Carrington, GSED’82 Walter W. Carrington, ENG’88 Charles M. Carroll, RC’70 Florence Carroll James and Vilma Carroll * John C., RC’86, GSM’94, and Kimberly L. Carroll, RC’87 Mary Ellen C. Carroll, CNUR’80 Russellyn S. Carruth Andrew Stephen Carten, GSNB’83 Bruce W. Carter, LC’73, GSN’81 Dr. Harry Robert Carter, GSN’79 Kathryn M. Carter, GSNB’85 Dr. Michael L. Carter, PHAR’74 Dr. Virginia M. Carter, GSED’78, GSED’92 Robert M. Carthage, COOK’91 Edward S. Cartier, RC’72 * Peter B. Cartmell, RC’73 Angelo A. Caruso Loretta Casalaina Redentor J. Casanova, RC’98 Edward J. Casapulla, PHAR’72 Stephen J. Casarella, RC’80 Charlotte Ferris Casey, PHAR’50 Ann Mohan Caspermeyer William Casperson, NCAS’85 Edward R. Cass Marilyn Cass

Jason A. Cassaday, ENG’99 John and Pamela A. Casserly, RC’76 Dr. Mary Frances Casserly, GSNB’84 John James Cassese, RC’64 Karen J. Cassidy, UCNB’73 J. Christopher Cassino Thomas J. Castano, RC’94, NLAW’97 William G. Castellano, GSNB’96 Michael A. Castenaro, SBC’00 Bruce W. Castka, RC’68 Nicholas S. Castoro, NLAW’41 Sara Castro Angelo J. and Cecilia Cataldo Michael F. Catania, LC’73, GSNB’75, CLAW’81 Helen Catelanos Joseph J. Catino Christine Cavacas, RC’97, GSED’98 David V. Cavagnero, GSM’75 Anthony Cavalli Dr. Chester J. Cavallito, RC’36 Robert F. Cavanaugh, UCN’84 Lisa A. Cawley, UCNB’94 Robert C. Cebrick, AG’71, GSNB’74 Peter M. Cecchini, UCNB’81 Jeff S. Cecconi, UCNB’95, SCILS’95 Bernard Cedar David M. Cedar, CLAW’92 John and Lynn Celentano Rudolph J. Celigoi, ED’54 Anthony Cella, COOK’84 Jesus I. and Surina Cepero * John Ceraso Lisa Cerbone Bonnie H. Ceres, CNUR’00 Mr. and Mrs. Saverio Cereste James R. Cerone, ED’54 Lucy Cerpa-Martinez, NLAW’81 * Christine and Anthony Cerrato Dominick and Mary Cerrato John K. Cerutti, PHAR’58 Keith M. Cervine, ENG’99 Michele Grace Cerwin, NCAS’89 Dr. Carol A. Cesarano-Delacruz, GSED’85 Anthony R. Cestare, UCNB’75 Patricia M. Cestone, ENG’85 Michael J. Cetro, UCN’71 Donna L. Cettei, CLAW’77 Elizabeth M. Chachis, CLAW’91 Eric B. Chaikin, CLAW’71 Dr. Jeffrey L. Chait, RC’70 Dr. Richard P. Chait, RC’66 Robert J. Chalfin, NLAW’81 Sharon E. Chamard, SCJ’97 Gilbert D. Chamberlin, NLAW’33 Suzanne Q. Chamberlin, COOK’84 Dr. Pamela C. Champe, GSNB’74 Robert Chan, RC’75, ENG’77 Rosetta Chan David Chandler James H. Chandler, Jr., RC’43 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Van D. Chandler Teresa Chando Alex Tae-Ho Chang, CCAS’95 * Dr. Che-Yi Chang Dr. George K. Chang, GSNB’65 Janet Chang Jennifer Chang, RC’00 * Seto Chice Chang Tai Chang Whey-Tsen Chang Jeffrey C. Chanin, RC’87 Dr. Chan Chanyavanich, GSNB’73, GSNB’83 Joanne W. Chao, RC’84 Li Chun Chao Raymond H. Chao, RC’95 Shu Hung Chao C. Edward Chaplin, RC’78 Matthew K. Charatan, PHAR’80 Eugene G. Charney, RC’85 Jeffrey D. Charney, GSED’95 Robert J. Chartier, GSED’60 Carolyn Chase, GSM’86 * Dr. Richard W. Chase, GSNB’60, GSNB’62 Marvin B. Chasek, ENG’52, GSNB’55 A. Bruce Chashin, RC’58 H. Richard Chattman, NLAW’75 Apurva D. Chaudhari, ENG’92, GSNB’95 Kassim Chaudry, RC’88 Elise Chauvin Albert and Helen Chavooshian Louis G. Chazen, AG’66 * Dr. Chung Shin and Madeleine Chee Sandra Cheesman-Cattafesta, UCC’91 Anna Chen Chuanyu Chen Dr. Daniel David Chen, ENG’71, GSNB’83 Emerson and Ann Chen Ernest S. Chen, COOK’82 James N. Chen, GSNB’76 * Jason Chen, RC’93, RC’93, SBNB’93 John D. Chen, RC’96 Lee-Yeh and Chii-Shu Chen Margaret H. Chen, LC’77 Mark Chen * Dr. Nan-Hung Chen, GSNB’78 Tracey Chen * Charmian Cheng, SCILS’83 Dr. Hsiung Cheng, GSNB’72 Jeffrey A. Cherchia, GSM’86 Dr. Robert B. Cherenson, COOK’80 George M. Cherepon, RC’73 Jack Chernick Fred B. Chernoff, CCAS’73 Dr. Verna M. Cherry, GSED’78 Michael and Meryl Chertoff Thomas M. Chervenak, ENG’68 Alvin M. Cheslow, CLAW’77 Anthony M. Chetnik, Jr., COOK’77

Dr. Nim Kwan and Joanna K. Louie Cheung, PHAR’74 Shiann-Chen and Sue Chia Joan Chiacchiero * Bin Chiang Erick Chiang, RC’72 Dr. Horng-Long Chiang, GSNB’81, GSNB’87 Dr. Yi-Ling F. Chiang, GSNB’81 Mr. and Mrs. Shih Chang Chiao Joseph Chicco, CLAW’69 JoAnne V. Chichetti, CNUR’93 Geoffrey Chick Joseph R. Chiesa, SB’60 Ernest E. Chilberg, Jr., RC’65, ENG’65 * Pamela A. Childs, DC’84 Alan Chimacoff Donald J. Chin, RC’82, ENG’82 * Goeffrey Y. Chin Dr. Kathleen L. Chin, PHAR’91 Nancy Eng Chin, SSW’77 Phillip Chin Charles Ching Samuel Ching, RC’82, GSM’92 Paul H. Chipok, RC’80 Judith C. Chirlin, GSNB’70 Joanne W. Chislett Dean V. Chlebowski, AG’69 Dr. Peter N. Chletsos, RC’70, GSED’72, GSED’88 Bernard and Soonja Cho Hanah Cho, RC’00 Hyun Cho Lawrence Hsien-Chun Cho, RC’84, NLAW’87 Young Cho Min Choe Benjamin B. Choi, LC’92, NLAW’99 Jung-Eun Choi, RC’92, SBNB’92 Birva A. Chokshi, RC’99 Sid and Shera Choksi Wai-Kwok Chong, PHAR’99 * Kyung and Kwang Choo Stephen B. and Mary Ann Chopey Frances S. Chow, RC’98, SBNB’98 Dr. Geraldine H. Chrein, GSED’82 Sally K. Chrisman, RC’78 Duane M. Christ, GSNB’98 * Frederick O. Christ, COOK’49 Gary E. Christ, RC’67 S. Robert Christensen, RC’42 * John and Karin Christiaens * Joseph A. Christiano, LC’77 * William J. Christman, ENG’92 Harold Christoffersen, ENG’56 Constantine and Androulla Christolias Raluca Christou, SBC’01 Gary W. Chropuvka, RC’93 Lisa Chu-DeSeve, RC’79 Barbara Chudkowski David T. Chudoba, GSM’89 Dr. Talso C. Chui, GSNB’81 Soonok and Yoon Ho Chun Dr. Chan Il Chung, GSNB’69 Soo-Kyung Chung, PHAR’00 Joseph W. Chupein, CLAW’82 David L. Churchill, RC’52 Florina Chuy, PHAR’75 William A. Ciaburri, LC’76 Peter M. Ciano, PHAR’91, GSM’96 Dr. Anthony D. Ciardella, PHAR’70 Ralph J. Cicchelli, RC’73 Rod Ciccone, NCAS’77, GSM’79 Dr. Vincent J. Ciccone, GSNB’72 George P. Cichon, LC’90 Marilyn D. Cichowski, SCJ’92 Annette T. Cieplensky Dr. Talat Ciftci, GSNB’78, GSNB’81 Walter, PHAR’96, and Dawn Cifuentes Marlene H. Ciklamini, DC’56 Robert J. Cimato, UCNB’76 * Wendy Cinnamon Lisa B. Cintron, GSM’96 Dolores Ciraulo Dr. Vincent J. Cirillo, GSNB’99 * Santo Cirri Carol S. Citron, RC’82 Millicent F. Citron Jolie A. Cizewski James A. Claffey, ENG’86, GSNB’90, GSNB’94 Cecilia B. Claflen, DC’43 Dr. Lawrence Claman, RC’49 Barry Philip Clark, AG’61 Ellen W. Clark, GSNB’71 Elwood C. Clark, UCNB’51 Joanna Clark Keith A. Clark, RC’67 Marilyn C. Clark, NLAW’75 Marilyn Reilly Clark, DC’85 Robert J. Clark, CLAW’75 Susan E. Clark, SCILS’87 Terry A. Clark, ENG’65, GSNB’73 * William M. Clark, AG’63 Gary J. Clarke, GSNB’72 Thomas F. Clauss, NLAW’80 James E. Clayton, RC’64 James J. Cleary, RC’65 Peggy E. Cleary, UCNB’80 F. Richard Clemente Joanne Clemente, PHAR’79 Theodore Clemente, Jr., PHAR’79 A. Maral Clemments, NCAS’83, SSW’88 Lori A. Cline Arthur F. Clough, UCNB’58 * James R. Clovis, Jr., UCNB’52 Andrew W. Clurman, RC’83 Nathaniel R.S. Clymer, RC’74 James D. Clyne, NLAW’71 Kevin J. Coakley, NLAW’72 Rachel B. Coan, NLAW’84 Joann M. Coates, CCAS’85 Dr. John C. Cobb, GSNB’84, GSNB’85, GSNB’91 Richard Joel Cobin, UCNB’77 * Denise Tremmel Cobos, RC’85 George J. Coburn, Jr., RC’41 Lynda M. Coburn Brian M. Cochilla, RC’95 John M. Cochran, AG’52 J. Barry Cocoziello, NLAW’76

David V. Cocuzza, RC’90 Dr. Radu and Michela Codel Kerry Cody-Roller, DC’91 Bruce G. and Barbara W. Coe Donna L. Coffee Dr. Anne R. Coffey, GSAPP’95 Ellen and Vincent Coffey Robert D. Coffey, RC’72 Monica E. Cofield, RC’91 Elizabeth Rose Cofone, RC’78 Richard W. Cogan, RC’56 Alan M. Cohen, GSNB’76, NLAW’79 Allan Martin Cohen, PHAR’61 Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cohen Barry A. Cohen, RC’64 Bertram M. Cohen, UCN’65 Dr. Brad J. Cohen, GSM’98 Chester Cohen, RC’40 Daniel Cohen David N. Cohen, RC’84 Dr. Elaine R.S. Cohen, GSED’88 Dr. Frederick B. Cohen, RC’49 Gilbert Cohen, SCILS’59 Janet D. Cohen John J. Cohen, RC’75 * Laurence W. and Randi Robinson Cohen Lena Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cohen Marvin J. and Amy K. Cohen Max I. and Eleonore K. Cohen, NLAW’85 Dr. Michael B. Cohen, RC’71 Noal and Ann Cohen * Pamela M. Cohen, UCNB’96 Philip J. Cohen, SSW’60 Robert B. Cohen, ENG’77 Sanford M. Cohen, NLAW’79 Stasha G. Cohen, NLAW’86 Steven J. Cohen, CCAS’77 Wendie Cohick Martin B. Cohn Dr. Steven R. Cohn * Ann Baynes Coiro Jennifer L. Coker, RC’92 Frank and Jill Colandrea Sara J. Colandrea, RC’98 Robert F. Colandro, RC’95 Joseph J. Colaneri, GSED’73, GSED’76 John C. Colao, RC’85 Dr. Paul G. Colavita, RC’75 Daniel W., NCAS’48 and Norma Colburn, DC’64 Christopher, ENG’92 and Tracy A. Cole Colette M. Cole, GSNB’78 Paul H. Cole, RC’74, CNUR’78 John J. Coleman, SCJ’98 Piers Coleman * Timothy A. Coleman, NCAS’80 Dr. Umberto Coletta, RC’76 Robert P. Colin, SB’52 Gabriel and Mercedes Coll Charles E. Collard, RC’67 George F. Collard, UCNB’86 Kristine L. Collazo, RC’95 Dr. John C. Collier, CCAS’72, GSNB’94 Christopher Collins, ENG’88 David W. Collins, ENG’92 Dr. Gary Scott Collins, RC’66, GSNB’76 Mr. and Mrs. William Lee Collins William S. Collinson, RC’38 Sarah B. Colmer, ENG’94 Dr. Daniel J. and Letitia Colombi Jaye C. Colon Edward N. Colonna, RC’72 Barbara Colonna Joseph P., LC’82, and Isabel W. Colonna C.F. Colville, AG’51, AG’52 Jeffrey D. Colvin, RC’65 Thomas M. Comer, CLAW’87 Linda R. Comerci, COOK’79 Oliver K. Compton III, RC’72 Herbert C. and Eva C. Conaway Antonio J. and Filomena Conceicao Celia A. Concepcion Cynthia Ellen Condon, SCILS’76 * David W. Conklin, RC’70 Donald J. Conklin, ENG’72 * Dwight E. Conklin, ED’58, GSED’64 Kathleen Conklin Louise S. Conklin, GSNB’76 Randall J. Conklin, RC’43 Betty J. Conley Ryan E. Conley, RC’94 Graham Conlin, RC’48 Robert Connell Kathryn Toth Connelly, COOK’82 Maurice H. Connelly Otis T. Conner, Jr., UCN’72 Harold R. Conners, RC’44 Thomas F. Connery Jr., CLAW’39 Janet M. Connery, NLAW’89 Dr. Donald P. Connola, Jr., RC’70, GSM’73 Dr. John D., Jr., ENG’73, GSNB’77, GSNB’79 and Elizabeth A. Connolly, ENG’79 Barbara J. Connor, NCAS’80 Geoffrey W. Connor Curtiss L. and Jane B. Conrad William Conroy Henry J. Conry, RC’69 Dr. John A. Consalvo, RC’75 Jason B. Consorti, RC’94 Dr. A. Constantinides Lorraine F. Conte, UCN’95 Steven J. Conte, RC’76 Ann Marie Contorno, UCNB’88 Jamie K. Convery, UCNB’00 Samuel V. Convery, Jr. Anthony J. Conway, Jr., RC’48 Frank P. Conway, ENG’89 Hugh T. Conway, GSM’74 * Michael Conway, UCNB’84 Albert E. Cook, Jr., GSM’93 Donald B. Cook, ENG’58 Harold F. Cook III, ENG’70

James A. and Maryetta Cook, CCAS’86, SBC’86 M. Flory Cook, NCAS’83 Martha A. Cook, RC’78 Susan N. Cook William Cook Bruce W. Cooke, RC’69, GSM’72 Colette A. Coolbaugh, NLAW’68 Jean M. Cooley, RC’79 Dr. B. Franklin Cooling, RC’61 John M. and Nancy E. Cooney Maureen A. Cooney, LC’92 * Ashley S. Cooper, RC’98 Charles G. Cooper, ENG’54 Charles R. Cooper, RC’59 Cheryl L. Cooper, CLAW’95 Douglas E. Cooper, UCNB’71, GSM’75 * Elaine L. Cooper Garry D. Cooper, SB’59 Howard S. Cooper, RC’53 John H. Cooper, ENG’50 Leslie V.W. Cooper * Linda Cooper Dr. Nancy A. Cooper Norman C. Cooper, RC’36 Ronald C. Cooper, AG’56 * Rosalie B. Cooper, DC’52, NLAW’53 Thomas Z. Cooper, ENG’70 Douglass P. Cooperson, CCAS’95 Gale G. Cooperstein, COOK’90 V. William Copcutt, ENG’41 Ian C. Copeland, RC’86, ENG’86 Laura J. Coppola, RC’93, SBNB’93 Peter C. Coppola, AG’52 David Corcoran * Janna N. Cordeiro Winifred L. Cordiano, UCNB’69, GSED’72 Javier R. Cordova, CLAW’98 Dr. Richard H. Cordts, Jr., AG’56, GSNB’61, GSNB’64 * Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Corey Gladys D. Cornfeld Peter John Cornish, RC’87 Violet Ketels Cornish Scot J. Cornwall, SCILS’69 Frank L. Corrado, CLAW’83 William Corrington Paul B. Cors, SCILS’59 Melanie J. Cortese, RC’97 Seymour Corwin, RC’37 Frederic Cosandey August Cosentino, RC’75 Sharon and Albert N. Cosentino, Jr. Carolyn M. Costello, UCNB’79 * Dr. Edward J. Costello, AG’54 Kevin J. Costello, COOK’86 Michael G. Costello, RC’70 Richard A. Costello, SBC’92 Stanley E. Costley, UCN’77 John Cottone Richard Coughlin, CLAW’81 Douglas F. Coull, UCN’40 * Jeremy D. Countess, CCAS’70, CLAW’78 Joyce L. Countess, CCAS’72, GSBC’78 * Mary G. Courtney, RC’78, CLAW’83 Philippa Holman Cowan, DC’81 Nicholas R. Cowenhoven, Sr., RC’47, GSNB’53 Martha L. Cowles, GSM’95 * Thomas S. Cowles Edwin C. and Sharon T. Cox Edwin H. Cox, ENG’49 James J. Cox Joseph J. Cox Raymond J. Cox, CCAS’82, SBC’82 Richard V. Cox, ENG’70 Stuart T. Cox, Jr. Denise L. Coyle, LC’82 Denise M. Coyle, CLAW’84 Joseph P. Coyle, RC’74 * Marianne Coyle Thomas Coyne, RC’99 Elna L. Craft Dr. Ralph Harry Craft, GSNB’77 Fitzgerald and Carole Craige William C. Craine, GSM’84 Amy L. Crake, PHAR’84 Connie S. Cramer, UCC’84, SBC’84, GSBC’89 Michael and Jenilynn Cramer Cecelia O’Malley Crane, NCAS’87 Ernest J. Crane, Jr., PHAR’61 Marjorie Crane Dr. Susan Crane Gregory A. Crawford, GSNB’95 James E. Crawford, ENG’98 Janet J. Crawford, UCNB’86 Dr. Norman C. Crawford, Jr., ED’51, GSED’57 Sara H. Crawford * Warren D. Crawford, NLAW’75 Ayn H. Crawley Raymond D. Cray, RC’60 Dr. John A. Creager, RC’43 Raymond Creamer Gerald L. Creighton, Jr., UCNB’95 Elizabeth Crespo, NCAS’98 Aldo Cresti, UCNB’67, GSNB’74 * Edwin E. Creter, NCAS’73 * Diane Crino Patrick S. Crisafulli, RC’70 John A. Criscuolo, COOK’83 Dominick D. Critelli Marcia R. Crnoevich, NLAW’93 Clinton C. Crocker Ann E. Cromarty, UCNB’98 Eugene J. Cromwell John E. Croot, Jr., RC’83 Dr. Sam Crosby, ED’59, GSED’65, GSED’72 Carl J. Crosetto, RC’71 William and Sally Cross Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Crosta, Sr. Anna Maria Crosta Kathleen E. Crotty, NCAS’66 Drew E. Croucher, RC’76 Dr. Barry W. Crouse, AG’67 John J., UCN’76, * and Joan E. Crout

Margaret F. Crowe Mary and Patrick Crowe Richard M. and Joan A. Crowley Terrance L. Crowley, RC’84 Paul H. Crowther, PHAR’74 David J. Crozier, RC’88 Patricia Crudele Jonathan J. Cruel, ENG’97 Javier Cruz-Gonzalez, UCN’01 Samuel Crystal, AG’37 John R. Csatlos, NCAS’89 Dr. Robert S. Csere, RC’72 Steve L. Csontos, ENG’70 Dr. Stephen J. Csubak, PHAR’68, GSNB’75, GSNB’83 Carl A. Cucchiara, RC’74 Abbie B. Cuellar, NLAW’95 Christine Carpenter Cullen, GSM’86 H. David Culley, GSNB’61 Joseph A. Cullin, RC’99 Dr. John J. Culliney, COOK’77, GSNB’81 Dr. Walter M. Cummins, RC’57 David K. Cuneo, CLAW’84 Mary Ellen Cuneo, RC’87 Raymond Cuneo, UCNB’78, GSM’85 * Virginia E. Cunningham, NCAS’70 Kathleen M. Cupano Michael T. Cupo, RC’79 Vincent F. Curcio, Jr., ENG’47 Marion Najim Curka, UCNB’65, SSW’67 Ann L., GSNB’96, and W. Edward Curley III, GSNB’78 Elizabeth Curley Annabella Curran * James M. Curran, COOK’81 Ericka D. Currie, NCAS’99 Park S. Curry, GSM’83 Tracy L. Curry, UCNB’98, SBNB’98 John A. Curtis Kathleen Curvy William Cusack Debbie Cusick * Dr. Joseph P. Cusker, GSNB’68, GSNB’90 Arthur J. Cutillo, ENG’99 * John Cutillo Peter C. Cutler, ENG’79 * John C. Cutting, AG’68 Robert E. Cyphers, ED’50, GSED’55 Ann M. Cyrana, LC’88 Teresa Czarnecka Stefan Czarnecki Cynthia C. Czesak, SCILS’79 Andrzej Czop Robert D’Augustine, GSM’82, NLAW’96 Dr. Edmund A. Dabagian, NCAS’51 Leonard N. Dabundo, ENG’44 Maryanne Dacey, NCAS’82 * Marie M. D’Achino, ENG’81 Gregory N. D’Adamo, CCAS’78 Ralph N. Daggan III, CCAS’82 Maria I. Dahbura, ENG’84 David J. Dahl, GSNB’83 Karen E. Dakin, GSED’70 * Joseph J. Daku, Jr., RC’65, GSED’78 Ann Marie Dale, GSNB’72 Donna Dalelio Anne V. Dalesandro, CLAW’75, SCILS’77 Dr. Philip A. D’Alesandro, RC’52, GSNB’54 Gene V. D’Alessandro, RC’56 James P. D’Alessandro, RC’71 Angelo A. D’Alessio, NCAS’67 David D’Alessio, SB’50, GSM’54 * Eugene J. Daley Linda Ann D’Alisera, PHAR’75 Thomas G. Dallessio, RC’82, GSNB’83, GSNB’84 Robert Daly, RC’72 Chi Kien Dam, LC’78 Dr. Fariborz Damanpour Joseph Damante, NCAS’89 Grace D’Amico, UCN’82 * James A. Damico, SCILS’61 Michael F. D’Amico, GSM’66 Tony L. D’Amico, ENG’81 Joseph C. D’Amore, GSNB’92 Nancy K. D’Andrade, UCNB’74 Nancy D’Andrea Anthony Danella Jewel N. Daney, SSW’82 David C. D’Angelo, GSNB’80 * Dr. Carter A. Daniel, GSM’74 Judith A. Daniele, CNUR’76 Stuart L. Daniels, RC’69, UCNB’75 Wesley P. Daniels, AG’51, GSED’56 Robin M. D’Anna, COOK’85 Lynne M. D’Annunzio, ENG’84 Nicola F. D’Annunzio, RC’73 Edmondo Danon Dr. Stephen A. Dantzig, RC’83, GSAPP’91 Michael F. Danylchuk, ENG’71 Peter James DaPuzzo, UCN’66 Kathleen M. Dara, GSC’96 Robert E. Darby, RC’70 Roy E. Darby, Jr., RC’41 Judith D. D’Arcy, GSNB’77 Patricia A. Darcy, GSNB’93 Steven M. Darien, RC’63 Michael S. D’Aries, AG’59 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Darlington, Jr. Charles A. Darocy, RC’49 Alvin C. Darwent, RC’27 Sidney and Natalie Darwin Dr. Timothy J. Dasey, GSNB’91 Rao Dasika Manuel DaSilva Alan Dater Edward J. Dauber, RC’66 Robert and Patricia Dauer Carolyn P. Daurio, GSNB’70 Joseph S. Daurio, GSM’76 * Frank J. D’Aurizio, Jr., UCN’77 John F. Daut, ENG’57 Robert R. Davey, RC’70, GSED’80

Bernadette Fallows Davidson, CCAS’87, CLAW’90 Dr. Daniel G. Davidson, RC’68 Mary E. Davidson Patricia Kronman Davidson, GSNB’81 * Andrew J. Davis, MGSA’90 Angela D. Davis, NCAS’96 Ann L. Davis, RC’93, SBNB’93, GSM’95 Arthur I. Davis Barbara M. Davis Bonnie B. Davis, CNUR’80, GSED’87, GSN’92 Charles B. Davis, RC’66 Christy E. Davis, NLAW’89 David R. Davis, RC’51, GSNB’56 Donald W. Davis, RC’59 Jacqueline Davis, UCNB’00 Janet M. Davis, GSM’72 * Joy Lent Davis, CNUR’62, CNUR’63 Kwame Davis, UCN’89 * Marjory H. Davis Mark A. Davis, CCAS’95 Marvin Davis Patricia Davis Suzanne L. Davis, SCILS’73 Virgil L. Davis, CCAS’76 Dr. William R. Davis, Jr., RC’65 Kyle J. Davis-Becker, COOK’79, GSM’91 Jill R. Davis-Blake, COOK’85 Duane O. Davison Donald C. Dawkins, RC’47 Dr. Jeffrey L. Dawson, GSNB’74 Patricia H. Dawson, SCILS’96 Gina A. Day, COOK’86 Osborne H. Day, ED’42 Dr. Peter R. Day Walter Marcus Day, LC’79 Arnold De Angelis, ENG’48 Miguel de la Guardia, COOK’78 Joseph J. * and Mary D. De Meo Peter J. De Meo, ENG’96 Dr. Marc C. De Solminihac, RC’77 Nancy C. De Vera Frances De Vita Timothy A. Deacon, COOK’75 Laura Deaimeida Brian P. Deam, GSBC’92 John A. DeAmicis, COOK’76 John Deamus, RC’70 George A. and Jane K. Dean John D. Dean, RC’86, GSNB’91 Lois A. Dean, GSED’63 Mary Anne F. DeAndrea, CCAS’71 William L. and Helen Deane Arthur Deangelis Patricia H. Deans, GSM’84 * Salvador Deauna Dickinson R. Debevoise Glenn A. DeBlock, NCAS’71, GSM’72 Leo D. DeBlois, AG’51, GSNB’60 Joan A. DeBoer, COOK’84 Silvio J. DeCarli, NLAW’83 David M. Decarlo, COOK’98 Carol M. Decker, NCAS’71 June B. Decker, GSM’86 Alan D. DeFalco, RC’74 Dr. Lawrence J. DeFeo, GSED’79 Jeannine A. Defoe, RC’97 Francis DeFontes, RC’83 Kenneth DeGennaro, COOK’93 Sheryl DeGenring, DC’73 Philip G. DeGeorge, RC’87 John J. Degirolamo, RC’94, SBNB’94 Anthony DeGregorio, RC’79 * Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeGuzman James M. Deichert, RC’69 William A. Deile, UCN’53 Raymond E. Deiss, ED’60 Dr. Jeffrey S. Deitch, RC’79 Michael N. Deitch, RC’89 Morton Deitz, NLAW’55 Richard H. DeJong, ENG’70 Barry Dekis Richard P. Del Bueno, ENG’60 Dr. Jorge Del Castillo, RC’70 Edward Del Russo Maria Theresa Manalo Del Valle Dr. Philip Del Vecchio, Jr., NCAS’55 Ursula B. Del Vecchio, CNUR’56 Dr. James L. Delahanty, GSED’85 George H. Delanoy, RC’54 Mary M. DeLeo, UCNB’73 Kathleen G. DelGuercio, UCNB’91 * Dr. Anthony A. D’Elia, Jr., GSED’78 Dr. Joseph J. Delmonico, RC’82 Warren J. DeLouise, AG’48 Rose DeMaio Anthony M. Demarco * Joseph Demarco Richard J. and Vivian J. DeMarco John J. DeMassi, NCAS’71, NLAW’74 Maryann Dembinski, DC’82 Joseph R. DeMeo, CCAS’67 Stephen E. DeMeritt, AG’58, GSED’62, GSED’71 Dr. William DeMeritt, RC’60, GSNB’66, GSNB’70 Joe and Janice M. Demetrio Nicholas M. Demetro, NLAW’90 Kristi A. D’Emidio, CLAW’00 Raymond C. Deming, UCN’51 Harold W. Demone, Jr. Kevin Dempsey, COOK’75 Janet Dengel Robert G. and Regina M. Dengel Robert M. DeNicola, RC’81 * Deke A. Dening, GSM’78 Dr. Stephen J. Denis, AG’62, GSNB’64 Paul A. Denk, NCAS’70 * Clifford M. Denker, GSM’93 * Juliette Friedman Denkin, NLAW’82 Elaine T. DeNoon David Anthony DePasquale, NCAS’89 Dr. Carl J. DePaula, RC’65 Mary Jo DePena

Dr. Karin I. Derfuss, COOK’82 Raymond B. DeRidder, NLAW’61 Brenda A. DeRienzo, RC’86 * Lisbeth Dermody Peter and Katherine DeRobertis Dr. David H. Dershewitz, RC’68 Kiran and Bharti Desai Sunil B. Desai, RC’95 Joseph M. DeSalvo, ENG’52 Salvatore A. DeSalvo, RC’58 Dr. Charles M. DeSantis, GSNB’79 Patricia M. DeSantis Ralph A. DeSantis, NCAS’53 Thomas J. DeSanto, NCAS’64 Patricia D. DeShields, CCAS’99, SSW’00 Pratibha and Serge Deshmukh Richard M. Deska, Jr., NCAS’87 Steven DeSpirito, RC’90 Carol A. Deutsch, SCILS’79 Richard B. DeVany, RC’59 Kenneth L. Deveney, RC’57, GSED’69 Sharon M. Dever, UCNB’76 Patricia Daley Devereux, COOK’79 * Eric C. DeVincenzo, UCNB’00 James J. Devine, GSM’59 John E. Devine, RC’64 William G. Devine, UCP’63 Annette Devitt Paul F. DeVivo, PHAR’68 Donald A. Devlin, CCAS’79, SBC’79 Karen Nina Devlin, RC’81 Natalie C. Devlin, UCNB’80, GSM’89 Anonymous Anonymous Carl and Hyacinth Devonish Marjorie C. Dewey, SCILS’70 Linda J. DeWitt, GSM’86 Stephen P. Dey, COOK’82 Mark and Elizabeth DeYoung Robert J. DeYoung, ENG’65 Manpreet S. Dhanjal, RC’96 Babulal Dhulesia Douglas Di Chiara Dr. Frank E. Di Gangi, PHAR’40 Vincent J. Di Pano, RC’70 Dr. George and Joan Diament Arthur M. Diamond, RC’74 Robert Diamond, CLAW’55 Louis C. Diani, UCN’75, GSM’79 Cesar Diaz, Sr. Nelson A. Diaz, ENG’79 William A. Diaz, GSM’00 Mohammad Dibaee Crystal A. DiBetta, SCILS’90 Joseph A. DiCara, RC’56 Joanne Dichiara Marilyn DiCiano John A. DiCiurcio, Jr., ENG’79 Kenneth W. Dick, GSM’81 Dr. Paul M. Dicker, RC’88 Norman Dickerman, RC’51 James H. Dickerson, RC’44 Carol M. Dickey, RC’79 William K. Dickey, CLAW’44 Joseph M. Dickler, RC’51 * Anthony G. Dickson, RC’70, CLAW’73 John Didik Lidia and Leonid Didok Frank Didomenico William M. Diedrich, RC’50 Renee L. Dietrich, SCILS’66 Daniel A. DiFilippo, NCAS’83 Judith E. DiFonzo, RC’81 Charles M. DiFuccio Linda R. DiGasper, COOK’95 John and Joan Dighton Leonard J. DiGiacomo, RC’77, NLAW’80 Beverly A. Digiore, NCAS’70 Frank R. DiGiovanni, NLAW’76 Olimpio DiGiovanni, AG’51 Rosalie L. DiGiovanni, SSW’85 Anne E. Diglio Keith DiGrazio Dr. George M. Diken, ENG’72, GSNB’75, GSNB’78 * Dr. Robert H. Dilks, RC’70 Ellis H. and Cleone J. Dill Maud M. Dillingham, MGSA’91 Tonia M. Dillon, DC’82 Anthony J. DiLorenzo, NCAS’68, GSM’74 William R. Dilts, RC’68 Richard DiLullo, UCC’83, SBC’83 Dr. Robert L. DiMarco, RC’78, GSNB’85 Joseph S. DiMaria Patricia A. Dimino, GMLR’96 Anastasia Dimitrion Jerome Dintenfass, ENG’51 * Dr. Dominick DiNunzio, GSED’60 Charles R. and Barbara DiPalma Patricia D. DiPano, DC’70 Dr. Arthur J. DiPatri, Jr., RC’85 R. Gordon Dippel David P. DiSavino, RC’76 John D. DiSciorio, LC’86 William DiSisto, RC’54 Nancy DiTomaso Mary K. DiTore, PHAR’82 Kathleen A. Dittrick, CNUR’73 Joanne Zotos Diver, ENG’89, GSM’94 * Joanne A. Dix, SSW’77 Robert T. Dobies, NCAS’72, UCN’92 H. Gary Docherty, ENG’57 Patricia A. Dock Ernest W. Docs, RC’57 Roy S. Doctofsky, PHAR’51 John F. Dodwell, RC’50 James Jacob Doele, UCN’72, SCILS’74 Michael M. Doelger, GSED’73 John H. and Mary Doeringer Allyson A. Doherty, COOK’91 Anthony Doino, RC’80 Steven Dola, ENG’55 Joyce Bradshaw Dolan, RC’76

Michael J. Dolan, UCNB’93 Milita B. Dolan Elwyn Haydn Dolecek, GSNB’71, GSNB’75 John P. Dolin, RC’70, NLAW’73 Marvin G. Dolin, RC’84 * Dr. Larissa A. Dolinsky Dr. Lawrence A. Dolkart, RC’73 Loretta Doll Patricia Dolphin, LC’92 Richard * and Mary J. Domanski Allan W. Dombrowski, NCAS’73 * Garrett J. Dombrowski, NCAS’71 Linda T. Dombrowski Joseph A., CCAS’80, SBC’80, and Carol E. Domenico, CCAS’80, SBC’80 Vincent P. Domeraski, RC’66, GSED’74 Florence and Sol Domeshek Dr. Abel M. Dominguez, PHAR’51 Dr. Frank Don Diego, Jr., NCAS’72 Daniel J. Donaghy, ENG’82 Ellen T. Donahay, DC’42, GSED’58 Noelle A. Donahoe, UCNB’77 * Gina Donahue Jonathan J. Donahue, RC’89 * Joseph E. Donato, LC’00 Thomas Donato Jim and Catherine Dondero Peter J. Donegan, ENG’74 William T. Donegan, Jr., ENG’69 * Joseph P. Donlan, GSM’70 Scarlet Donnarumma Deirdre Donnelly McMurtry, RC’87 Lillian J. Donnelly, SCILS’93 Nancy S. Donnelly, GSN’76 Colleen Grace Donofrio, RC’82, ENG’82, CLAW’86 Michael A. Donofrio, LC’96 Michael J. Donoghue, RC’70 * Charles T. Donovan, ENG’79 Judith A. Donovan, NCAS’65 * Dr. Oliver M. Donovan, GSNB’67, GSNB’72 Joseph R. Doren, NCAS’81 Miriam Dorman Thomas B. Dorman, GSM’94 Dr. Keith Dorschner Bruce D. Dorsey, RC’82 * James B. Dorsey, Jr., ENG’97 * William R. * and Mary T. Dougher George Dougherty, NLAW’68 Wayne G. Douglas, COOK’81, GSNB’85 Leonidas P. Doumas, NCAS’64 Irene Elaine Dowdy, CLAW’78 Pamela A. Dower, RC’80 Edward J. Dowling, RC’66 Eugenia J. Dowling, GSN’80 Richard H. Downes, RC’50, NLAW’60 Bernard F. Downey Michael Downey, LC’82 William R. Downey, Jr., RC’79, GSM’83 Gertrude G. Downs, GSNB’97 * Andrew L. Doyle, GSNB’80, GSNB’90 Dennis C. Doyle, UCN’72 * Donald L. Doyle, GSN’78 * Joseph E. Doyle Rani B. Doyle, RC’89 Rose Marie Drabich Christina Drabik, PHAR’89 Matthew M. Drag Everett N. Drake, Jr., ED’58 James M. Drake Mr. and Mrs. William Draper Judith Drasin, CLAW’82 Donald C. Dreier, RC’54, GSM’58 David C. Dreifuss, NLAW’77 Ruth Anne Dreisbach, RC’85 Howard J. Dreskin, GSNB’78 Jerome Lawrence Dreskin Willard J. Dreslin, Jr., RC’63 Klaus Drewes Carl H. Dreyer, RC’52 Rose Dreyer Richard H. Dreyfuss, NLAW’91 Dr. Jeffrey S. Driben, RC’87 William Dries, RC’73, GSM’74 Donald S. Driggers, CLAW’69 David A. Drinkwater Dorothy Driscoll, NCAS’81 Kenneth and Joyce Driscoll Paul R. Driscoll, RC’57 Dr. Margarete K. Driver, GSNB’63, GSNB’80 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Drown * Carole Anne Drucis, CCAS’66 Dennis M. Drucker, NLAW’79 Dr. Barry Druesne, RC’64, GSED’69, GSED’74 Mark R. Drummond, UCN’61 * J. Creighton Drury, RC’92 John P. Drury Anna D. Drusdow, UCC’84 * Adolf and Irene D’Silva Dominick J. D’Stefan, UCN’61 * Deborah J. Du Bois, LC’73 Kenneth J. Duane, NLAW’68 Joseph Anthony Dubanowich, RC’56 Dr. Daniel W. Dubner, RC’69 David R. DuBois, ENG’69 Michael J. DuBois, PHAR’69, GSM’76 Thomas and Lesley A. Duca Paul Y. Dudak, RC’57 John M. Dudas, RC’73, GSNB’74 Boguslaw and Dorothy Dudek Roy H. Duesterdick, RC’51 Robin J. Duffey, RC’82 Deborah S. Duffield, DC’75 Karen Zaborowski Duffy, LC’76 Kevin W. Duffy, GSM’81 Mary Grace Duffy Mary H. Duffy John T. Dufleid, PHAR’61 Mindy Duitz J. David Dukehart * Cheryl L. Dukes, RC’87, GSED’91

Maria A. D’Ulisse-Cupo, RC’77, GSNB’81 Susan E. Dunbar-Bey, UCC’83, SBC’83 * Edwin L. Dunbaugh Douglas S. Duncan, GSNB’91 Dr. Thomas A. Dunder, GSNB’86 * Marilyn Dundon Janet Duni, CNUR’80 Herbert W. Dunmeyer, AG’54 Ching-Lien H. Dunn Dr. James A. Dunn, Jr. Robert E. Dunn, UCP’53, GSM’55 Sherrie Lynn Dunne, RC’83 Beverly N. Dunston-Scott, GSNB’70 Thomas P. and Natalie C. Dunton Laura Dupont, RC’92 Paul F. Duquette, GSNB’83 * David E. Durant, RC’86 Danamarie Durante, UCC’99 Raymond E. Durborow, Sr., UCN’60 * John C. D’Urso, RC’83, GSM’85 * Scott L. Durstewitz, COOK’83 * Maria A. Dutkiewicz, PHAR’93 Lisa A. D’Uva, NCAS’96, NKSM’96 * Dr. Gary S. Dworkin, RC’78 Ernest W. Dworschak, RC’59 John J. Dyckmans, PHAR’43 Norman M. Dykes, Jr., UCN’50 Paul and Julia Dzikowski Stuart Eadie, RC’50 * Jennifer D. Eaglesham, NLAW’00 Leslie H. Eames, NLAW’47 Edward P. Eardley, ENG’60, GSNB’63 Thomas H. Earle, CLAW’91 S. Lorraine Earley, UCC’68 Alan F. Earnhart, CCAS’69 Dr. Carolyn B. Eastman, GSED’75, GSAPP’84 Donald A. Easton, AG’50 Guy M. Ebel, NCAS’87 Dr. Alieta R. Eck, PHAR’74 Dr. John M. Eck, PHAR’74 Thomas M. Eckert, ENG’71 Barry M. Edelman, GSM’91 Richard J. Edelmann, Sr., SB’53 * Darryl M. Edelstein, RC’90, SBNB’90 Mark and Patricia Ann Edelstein Lowell and Susan T. Edmunds Joseph William Edvy, UCNB’74, UCNB’75 Morgan N. Edwards Patricia Edwards Wallace Edwards, UCN’85 * Yolanda Edwards, NCAS’98, NKSM’98 Patrick J. Egan, UCN’74 Ruth C. Egan Thomas J. Egan, UCNB’83, GSN’88 * Tracy L. Egan, COOK’96 Valerie L. Egar, CLAW’80 Donald M. and Margard Egeland Dr. Elwood B. Ehrle, AG’54 * Dr. Harold B. Ehrlich, UCNB’50, GSNB’51, GSNB’56 Roger M. Eichel, NLAW’73 Joseph R. Eichhorn, COOK’83 Nancy Einstein Dr. Norman Z. Einstein, RC’69 L. Michael Eisenberg, RC’64, UCNB’74 Lewis C. Eisenberg, RC’71 Andrea L. Eisenson, RC’87 * Kenneth B. Eisler, RC’77 Robert J. Eisner Dr. Ruth Burt Ekstrom, GSED’67 Charles Elder, RC’74 Robert and Kathryn Elguicze Rodolfo S. Elias, Jr., NCAS’91 Michael J. Ellery, COOK’90 Edward C. and Patricia Ellingham Jay P. Elliot Edward and Mary Elliott Sally Marie Elliott, COOK’86 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott Donald C. Ellis, CLAW’79 H. Reed Ellis Dr. John F. Ellis, GSNB’61, GSNB’64 Dr. Katherine Ellis Michael D. Ellis, ENG’80 Maria Guttadauria and Herman Ellman Paul T. Elwood, RC’85 Dr. Harold W. Emery, RC’51 Dr. Kevin J. Emery, LC’82 Sara K., NCAS’59, GSED’70, and Kenneth M. Emmer Louis E. Enderle, RC’56 Ching Shang Eng Kim Eng Marla S. Engel, RC’82 Kenneth M. Engemann, NCAS’81 Richard M. Engle Inkyung K. Englehart, GSM’94 Michelle D. English, SBC’94 Lawrence P. Engrissei, CLAW’78 Gerard J. Ennis, RC’52 Dr. Thomas A. Enos, RC’74 Joan M. Enright Joseph A. Ens, Jr., RC’58 Joyce Ens * Dr. William L. Enslin, GSED’76, GSED’80 Alfred J. Ensminger, Jr., AG’50 Jean F. Epler John C. Epler Harry N. Epple, SB’51 Dr. Arnold I. Epstein, GSNB’57, GSNB’60 * Barnet H. Epstein, NLAW’47 David R. Epstein, PHAR’84 Dr. Eileen A. Epstein, SSW’83 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Epstein Dr. Joel J. Epstein, GSNB’66 Martin J. Epstein, SB’49 Dr. John W. Erdman, Jr., AG’68, GSNB’74, GSNB’75 Robert D. Erikson, RC’71

Bari A. Erlichson C. Stuart Ernest, RC’74 Dr. Samuel J. Errera, ENG’49 Diane Errickson Walter E. Ershow, AG’48 Maureen A. Erwin, GSM’86 * Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Escanlar Robert T. Escheman, COOK’76 Donald G. and Eleonor Espeseth Gwendolyn J. Essinger, CNUR’66 Gloria and Stanley Esterline Norka Estevez, UCNB’83 Royden F. Estoppey, ENG’36 Dr. Miguel A. Estremera, GSED’82, GSED’93 Linda H. Etheridge, CCAS’64 Agu R. Ets, ENG’68 Dr. Keivan Ettefagh, RC’80 Leonardo I. Eucaliptus, UCNB’88 Avram S. Eule, NCAS’68 Scott R. Eustace, CCAS’98 Adele and Glen Evans Jamie Evans, RC’82 Mary Paul Even Richard T. Everett, UCN’77 Dr. Sally Everson-Bates, CNUR’68 Tracy Ann Evert, RC’87 Reid H. Ewing Robert F. Eydt, GSM’78 Nathan G. Ezzo, RC’98 Joel Faber, RC’62 Morris S. Fabian, AG’59, GSNB’61, GSED’76 Thomas W. Fabish Julius Fabos, AG’61 Nancy Fabrizio John M. Fabry, GSNB’98 Stephen J. Fabula, GSED’67 Maria Facini * Arthur and Jane Factor William P. Factor, RC’78 William H. Faetz, UCJ’65, UCN’68, GSM’77 Robert H. and Maryann R. Fagan Anne M. Fagundus, SCILS’88 Monica Tilton Fahrer, DC’91 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Faiella Thomas F. Faimali, NCAS’69, GSM’71 Susan S. Fainstein Andrew Fairbairn James C. Fajardo, ENG’92, GSNB’94 Marilyn and John Fakla Saverio C. Falco, RC’71 Linda M. Falcone, SSW’95 Marcia Falcone Amanda A. Falk Dr. Arthur J. Falk, RC’66, GSM’90 Dr. Diane Falk, GSNB’85 Madonna F. Falk, SSW’85 Robert L. Falker, RC’58 Gary L. Falkin, RC’67, CLAW’70 Kenneth G. Fall, RC’93 Charles E. Faller, Jr., PHAR’72 * Edward M. Fallon Thomas A. Fallon, ED’63 Alvin D. Falso John M. Falvey * Dr. Hong Fan, GSNB’89, GSNB’92 * David S. Fanale, RC’79 Dr. Angela S. Fanelli, GSED’97 Jiazhu Fang Julie A. Fannon, SBC’98 James D. Fantarella, LC’85 Kathleen A. Fanton, CCAS’77 Bernard, PHAR’49, and Florence Farber Joan Farber Harold I. Farin * Robert A. Farin, RC’89 * Dr. Andrew A. Farkas, RC’75 Clement Farley, NLAW’94 William R. Farquharson, Jr., ED’58 Audrey Farrell David M. and Laurie C. Farrell Deanne P. Farrell, CCAS’95 Edmund F. Farrell Christine Farrington, NLAW’77 Mary C. Farrington, NLAW’84 Amy H. Farris, CLAW’96 Russell E. Farris, Jr. Anthony P. and Deborah L. Farrisi Raquel J. Fasciani * David M. Fass, CCAS’92 Dr. Robert Erwin Fast, Sr., GSED’59, GSED’67 David I. Fatlowitz, RC’83 Richard T. Faughnan, RC’80 Nancy J. Faulk, UCC’85, SBC’85 Frederic L. Faulkner, ENG’37 Carma C. Fauntleroy, GSM’92 William H. Fauver, Jr., CCAS’53 Dr. John R. Favetta, PHAR’69 Robert C. Fay, RC’64 Wheeler Fazenbaker, CCAS’85 John L. Fearey, NLAW’80 Gary T. Fech, GSNB’88 * Paul L. Fechhelm, RC’81 * Andrew T. Fede, NLAW’82 James R. and Kathleen L. Federici Robert L. Fedon, RC’58 * Richard K. Fedosh, RC’82 * Michael Fedyna Thomas A. Fee, RC’77, NLAW’84 Paul J. Fego, COOK’80 Philip L. Feidelseit, RC’63 Ralph R. Feigelson, NLAW’29 Dr. Abraham S. Feigenbaum, RC’51, GSNB’59, GSNB’62 Larry S. Feigenbaum, COOK’80 * Dr. Lloyd J. Feigenbaum, RC’68 Dr. Gerald A. Feigin, RC’77 Dr. Leslie C. Feigin, RC’69 Antonio C. Feijoo, PHAR’91 Dr. Arthur Feinberg, RC’62 Edward A. Feinberg, RC’70, CLAW’74 Henry J. Feinberg, AG’73 Ira M. Feinberg, RC’68 Mark A. Feinberg, RC’73, GSM’75 Paul H. Feinberg, LC’73 Sheldon Feinberg, SB’47, NLAW’53


Phyllis Schulte Feinblum, NCAS’64 Peter S. Feinerman, RC’83 Dr. Lawrence S. Feinsod, GSED’80 Robert A. Feinstein, RC’59 Nancy J. Felch, DC’62 * Richard J. and Ann C. Feldhann Caren S. Feldman, DC’84 Frederick Z. Feldman, RC’42 Dr. Joseph L. Feldman, GSNB’62, GSNB’66 Josh A. Feldman, RC’97, SBNB’97 Judith A. Feldman, SSW’94 Mark I. Feldman, PHAR’77 Martin and Carmen Feldman Matthew P. Feldman, ENG’78 Deborah H. Sapin Feldstein, NCAS’82 Dr. Leonard S. Feldt, ED’50, GSED’51 Heather M. Felix, LC’96 William Y. Fellenberg, GSM’90 Lori E. Feller-Lonczak, PHAR’81, GSM’89 Jill Felsenstein Anna Forsythe Felten, UCP’60 W. Raymond Felton, RC’78, NLAW’81 Mary Femino, UCNB’49 * Robert J. Fendell, RC’46 Christopher R. Fenimore, RC’93, GSM’93 Drewry F. Fennell, CLAW’97 Albert E. Fenstemacher, AG’71 Allan W. Fenster * Steven J. Fenster, RC’87 * Dr. Janet Fenstermacher, GSNB’85 Robert J. Fenstermaker, RC’60, GSED’62 Dr. Robert Fenton, RC’60 Elisabete M. Ferandes, NCAS’00 Juliet J. Feravolo, SB’43 Edward P. Ferber, RC’79, ENG’79 Thaddeus E., NCAS’76, and Grace E. Ferfecki James C. Ferguson, LC’95 John H. Ferguson, UCNB’54 Paul M. Ferguson, COOK’76 Robert A. Ferguson, AG’51, GSNB’52 * Thomas G. Ferguson, Sr. John Ferinde, PHAR’63 Dominick J. Ferrara, GSNB’97 Elizabeth M. Ferrara, DC’85 Robert F. Ferraro, COOK’83 * Lynn D. Ferrell, GSNB’74 Dominick J. Ferrelli, CLAW’50 Benjamin P. Ferrer, CCAS’00 John C. Ferriday, AG’51 Dr. Donna Marie Ferriero, NCAS’71, GSNB’73 Douglas J. and Suzanne Ferrigno R. William Ferris, GSM’76 Emmanuel L. Ferrito, RC’43 Vanessa Ferro Donald W. Ferry, RC’52 Anthony A. Festa, NCAS’97, NKSM’97 * Mary K. Fetzer-Hinsenkamp, SCILS’69, GSNB’78 Mark R. Feuerbach, RC’81 Thomas J. Feury, COOK’82 Mark D. Ficke, COOK’82 Mikhail and Henrietta Fidler H. Bruce Fielding, UCN’69 Evelyn McPartland Fields, ENG’79 Gail Fields Susan F. Fields, NLAW’70 Wayne F. Fiene, LC’79 Dr. Victor E. Figlar, Jr., RC’65 Evelyn B. Finck, DC’48 William A. Finelli, NCAS’79 Marci C. Fineman, COOK’83 * Marie A. Fingerhut, COOK’83 Valerie and Mark Finkel Joseph S. Finkelstein, RC’73 Steven M. Finkelstein, RC’77 Lester G. Finkle, RC’90 Michael W. Finley, CCAS’77 Raymond A. Finley, Jr., ENG’43 Ronald N. Finn, RC’64 Dr. Richard J. Finneran, GSED’90 Virginia Finnie, GSED’72 Raymond Finocchiaro, RC’65 * Donald Fiore Dr. John V. Fiore, NCAS’33, NLAW’35 Katherine Fiore, GSNB’96 Linda J. Fiore, GSNB’70 Susan M. Fiore, CCAS’84, SBC’84, GSN’97 William J. Fiore, NLAW’77 Dr. Nancy L. Fiorentino, SSW’74, GSNB’95 Robert E. Fiorentino, RC’85 Clement L. Fiori, RC’65 Dr. Anthony T. Fiory, GSNB’68 * John A. and Maryann F. Firlings * L. Firmian Steven Firsichbaum, NCAS’73 Dr. Arthur P. Fisch, RC’65 Charles P. Fischbach, GSNB’62 Dr. Brenda A. Fischbein Dr. Robert M Fischbein Sam Fischel Benjamin L. Fish, Jr., AG’55 Herbert G. Fish, RC’54 Russell Fish Wayne T. Fish, RC’57 Dr. Deborah M. Fisher, RC’76, GSAPP’80 Edwin W. Fisher, RC’51 * Elliot Fisher, AG’72 * Emery J. Fisher, PHAR’66 Jean R. Fisher, CNUR’59 Michael J. Fisher, ED’57 Dr. Robert W. Fisher, GSNB’79, GSNB’80, GSNB’82 Ronald J. Fisher, CLAW’91 Stephen F. Fisher, LC’86 Walter Fisher, Jr., RC’52 * Arnold N. Fishman, CLAW’65 Paul A. Fisk, ENG’74 George A. Fitchett, RC’68 Edward and Wendie Fitzgerald


Patrick H. and Suzanne B. Fitzgerald Thomas Fitzgerald Arthur G. Fitzpatrick, RC’50 Dr. George Fitzpatrick, GSNB’75 John Fitzpatrick, NLAW’73 Robert J. Fitzpatrick, RC’89, GSNB’90 Thomas J. Fivek, RC’57 Stephen B. Fiverson, NLAW’68 Don Fjelstad, RC’53 Joseph R. Flaherty, AG’64 William P. Flahive, RC’86, CLAW’92 Dr. Karl A. Flanzer, RC’65 Daniel Flanzig, LC’90 Dr. David C. Flaspohler, GSNB’71 Johanna Flattery, DC’95 Heather K. Fleck, GSNB’00 Heidi A. Fleischer, GSM’90 * Jerome B. Fleischman, RC’53 Dr. William E. Fleischman, RC’60 Fritz Fleischmann Ralph Fleischmann, ENG’51 Constance L. Fleming, CCAS’70 John V. and Joan E. Fleming Richard A. and Veronica Fleming Richard H. Flicker, RC’48 Dr. Charley Bee Flint, GSNB’72, GSNB’81 Marcha P. Flint, GSAPP’97 Elizabeth Flomerfelt, DC’40 * Raymond F. Flood, RC’67 Linda Flores, NLAW’77 Christina Florez, LC’00, SBNB’00 Frederick Florschutz, SB’51 Edward E. Flower, Jr., RC’58 Judy L. Flower, UCN’95 Robert A. Flower, ED’63 Kerry Brian Flowers Thorleif H. Floystad, UCN’65 * Michael J. Fluss, NCAS’64 Augusta E. Flyer Bernard M. Flynn, CLAW’86 Dr. Gordon L. Flynn, PHAR’60 J. Daniel Flynn, GSNB’89 John F. Flynn Karen P. Flynn, DC’77, CLAW’80 * Nancy Sayle Flynn, COOK’78 Robert J. Flynn Dr. Dennis D. Focht, AG’63 Joseph and Diane Fodero Steven Fodor, NCAS’86 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foglietta Patrick J., RC’85, and Mary Jane Foley, RC’84 Thomas J. Foley, COOK’90 Michael R. Folio, RC’78 Michael S. Folkman, RC’72 Susan M. Follari Joseph C. Follayttar, RC’62 David B. Follender, NLAW’52 George C. Follmer, Jr., RC’51 David Fonseca, RC’88 Holly Joy Ford, CLAW’82 James F. Ford, GSNB’97, CLAW’98 Madeline A. Ford, SCILS’93 Robin Cincotta Ford, DC’93, GSNB’96 Sean P. Ford, LC’98 William Ford, NCAS’83 Joseph R. Forgash, ENG’54 James P. Forker, PHAR’67 Patrick D. Forker, LC’78 * Catherine A. Forlenza, PHAR’62 Elizabeth M. Forman, RC’88, CLAW’91 Michael H. Forman, RC’68, NLAW’72 Spencer Forman Roland R. Formidoni, NLAW’68 Robin M. Fornarotto, NCAS’98, NKSM’98 Donald G. Fornoff, RC’69 * James J. Forrest, CCAS’67 Kevin T. Forster, RC’93 Conrad W. Forys, NLAW’70 Richard F. Fosko, PHAR’88, EJBG’00 Donald C. Fostel, SCILS’71 Baird C. Foster, Jr., RC’60 Constance B. Foster, CLAW’75 Henry T. Foster, Jr., RC’68 William C. Foster, CLAW’70 David Fothergill-Quinlan, UCC’86 Albert K. Fowler, ENG’50 Catherine M. Fowler Glenn S. and Patricia M. Fowler Sue Fowler Thad Fowler, COOK’76 Barbara S. Fox, NLAW’78 Dr. Garry A. Fox, RC’74 Howard A. Fox, UCNB’01 Kim E. Fox Matthew I. Fox, Jr., RC’56 Robert S. Fox, RC’76 Shirley H. Fox, NCAS’56 Charles R. Foy, RC’76 Kevin M. Foy, RC’79 Patricia Frammigen Dr. Marguerite L. Franca-Terceira, RC’77, GSED’80, GSAPP’91 Gregory P., ENG’79, and Patricia A. Francfort, RC’80 Gillian D. Francis, RC’94 Robert E., CLAW’67, and Margaret K. Francis Theresa Francis Nenita Francisco Frederick W. Francke, ED’53 Dr. Charles D. Franco, RC’74 Marilyn Weitzer Francus, DC’83 Dr. Martin J. Frank, RC’66 Neil A. Frankenfield, RC’76 Brian R. Franklin, GSNB’82 * David R. Franklin, CCAS’85 Malcolm G. Franklin, CLAW’72 Dr. Kathleen A. Frankovic, GSNB’74 Debbie A. Franson, COOK’91 * Jennifer L. Frantz, RC’98 Dr. David R. Franz, GSNB’63, GSNB’66 Dr. George W. Franz, GSNB’65, GSNB’74 Lester S. Franz, NCAS’65

John J. Franzini, CCAS’73, CLAW’82 Jean A. Franzoi, RC’60 Mary Franzwa-Ryan, UCNB’81 Douglass H. Frapwell III, GSNB’77 Dr. John D. Frattarola, NCAS’72 Julie N. Frattarola, CNUR’80 Pierce G. Frauenheim, ED’63 Joanne Frawley, PHAR’87 Evelyn Frazee, CLAW’78 Elaine Frazier, UCN’75, GSN’81 Michael J. Freda, RC’83, ENG’83 Kathryn L. Fredell, GSM’87 Charles J. Frederick, Jr., AG’70 Christian F. Frederick, RC’53 Ferne O. Fredrickson Carol Freedman, GSED’76 Jacquelyn Freedman, GSM’92 Jane Freedman Paul Freedman, RC’73 Roberta Bach Freedman, LC’73 Henry, NLAW’53, and Tirza R. Freeman, NCAS’77 * Joan Freeman Michael O. Freeman, RC’70 Robert P. Freeman, UCN’55, GSM’58 Eric J. Freer, COOK’95 Edward F. Frees, ENG’68 Dr. Susan J. Freiband, GSNB’73 Albert G. Freideman, CCAS’77, SBC’77 Dr. Philip Freidenreich, RC’69 Sheldon Freidenreich, RC’72, GSNB’74 * Howard B. Freilich, RC’64 Peter Frelinghuysen Peter H.B. Frelinghuysen Dr. James C. and Mary B. French Janet Fiedler French, GSM’93 Richard H. Frenkiel, GSNB’65 * Henry and Karen Freudenberger Dr. Peter M. Freundlich, RC’77 George L. Fricke, RC’50 John W. Fried, RC’68 Harold G. Friedel, ED’49 Dr. David S. Friedenberg, GSNB’76 Kenneth H. Frieder, ENG’68 Cathy J. Friedlander-Cole, LC’75 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Friedman David M. Friedman, NCAS’67, NCAS’69 Dr. Glenn Friedman, LC’77 Gregg A. Friedman, RC’84 Dr. Howard J. Friedman, RC’70, GSNB’74, GSNB’78 Dr. Judith B. Friedman, GSED’75, GSED’76 Lillian M. Friedman, NLAW’36 Linda Friedman Dr. Marilyn Birnbaum Friedman, GSED’84, GSED’90 Dr. Richard A. Friedman, PHAR’62 Richard L. Friedman, RC’64 Steven S. Friedman, RC’67 Theodor H. Friedman, RC’48 Charles H. Friedrich, NLAW’74 Deborah Ann Friend, PHAR’67, GSNB’71 Michele Friezo, COOK’84 Harry B. Friggle, GSM’81 * Robert M. Frisch, Jr., RC’78 George M. Fritts * Alan W. Fritz, RC’71 Allan J. Fritz, RC’63 Rose Frola Jay N. Fromkin, RC’72 Egon Fromm, SB’52 Richard B. Frost, GSM’61 Edward Fry Henry P. Fryczynski, RC’78 May Ping Fu Wendy N. Fuess, RC’77 Dr. Sally C. Fullman, GSNB’68, GSNB’76 * Theresa M. Fullmer, CCAS’70 Janie S. Fultz, UCNB’98 Dominick Fulvio Yuk-Kiu Fung, NCAS’77 Amos H. and Esta E. Funk Todd M. Furbee, RC’90 Gary J. Furda, COOK’85 James A. Furmato, ENG’80 Louis A. Fusilli, COOK’89 Thomas V. Fusillo, COOK’75, GSNB’77 Douglas W. Gabel, ENG’86 Daniel J. Gaboda, RC’72 William G. Gaboda, RC’67 Mary Ann Gabriele Dr. Jon C. Gabry, GSNB’81, GSNB’84 Geoffrey P. Gaebe, Sr., GSM’77 Andrew J. Gaebele, LC’95 Dr. Michael T. Gaffney, GSNB’74 * Nick Gaffney Dr. Paul J. Gaglio, RC’84 Robert A. Gagnon, UCNB’61 Dr. Edward E. Gahres, RC’50 James J. Gajewski, NCAS’70, GSM’71 Todd M. Galante, NCAS’83 Richard E. Galasso, CCAS’76 Dr. Linda S. Galate, GSNB’87 Dennis Gale Dr. Ian A. Gale, RC’66 Milton J. Gale, RC’39 Ziva Galili David Gorta Galkin, RC’72 Natalie M. Gall, RC’91 * Amy P. Gallagher, NCAS’88 * Barbara J. Gallagher, UCNB’85 * Jerome F. Gallagher, NLAW’83 Steven P. and Julie A. Gallagher Dr. Milton Gallant, NCAS’57 Anne Galli, GSNB’74 Steven N. Gallicchio, CCAS’82 * Carole Ann Gallo Francis T. Galovic, ENG’72, GSM’73 William Galperin Lionel Galstaun Arthur T. Galya, ENG’62 Gregory P. Gamache, RC’74

John Jerome Gamba, UCN’91 Rosemary Gambardella, RC’76, NLAW’79 Aileen Gamboa, RC’99 Gerald A. Gamlin, ENG’70 Dipak Gandhi Willard E. Gandy, CLAW’80 Dr. Martin E. Ganek, RC’67 Dr. Joann S. Ganim, RC’87 Herbert M. Gannet, NLAW’51 Donald L. Gantz, COOK’67 Harold and Sara Gantz Gary and Lucy Garabedian Sidney and Nora Garai * Charles J. Garay, UCN’69 Dr. Gustav J. Garay, GSNB’62, GSNB’64 Linda Garbaccio, SB’64 Dr. Morris W. Garber, PHAR’52, GSNB’58, GSNB’68 Benjamin J. Garbowski, ENG’72, GSM’76 * Early Garcia * Luis and Anna Garcia Martin J. Garcia, ENG’93, GSNB’97 * Wanda I. Garcia, CCAS’84, SSW’92 Lourdes Garcia-Whiteman * John C. Garde Craig Gardner, RC’65 Glen B. Gardner, COOK’92 Judith E. Gardner Thomas E. Gardner, ENG’79 Dr. Marvin S. Garfinkel, GSNB’55, GSNB’57 Sunil K. Garg, NLAW’86 Marie Louise Garibaldi Ronald Garibaldi, UCNB’80 * Robert E. Garin, ED’50, GSED’54 Elizabeth Sheehan Garlatti, GSNB’82 Edwin John Garling, Jr., RC’61 Dr. Robert S. Garofalo, RC’76 Allen M. Garrett Melissa Jo Garrett Daniel E. Garrick, RC’67 Leonard J. Garrison, RC’86 * Jeffrey and Cheryl A. Garside Robyn L. Garside, RC’80 Matthew Garson, RC’00, SBNB’00 Mr. and Mrs. David M. Garth Janet Garth Anne E. Garty, SCILS’76 Ronald J. Garutti, Jr., LC’95, SBNB’95 * George G. Garvin, RC’81, RC’82 Harold B. Garwin, CLAW’72 Dean W. Garwood, RC’53 Gloria M. Gary, SCILS’63 Paul R. Gascoyne, AG’51 Dr. Marc S. Gaswirth, GSED’77 Albert S. Gates, GSNB’99 Jeffrey A. Gaudet, SSW’90 Elizabeth W. Gaudreau, UCNB’91, SBNB’91 Geoffrey and Ellen Gaulkin William A. Gauntt, AG’51 Eugene J. Gavaletz, COOK’88 Esther M. Gavin Irene Gebhard Gavin, COOK’76, GSED’83 Dr. Robert T. Gavin, ED’56, GSED’59, GSED’76 Dr. Stephen J. Gawarecki, RC’51, GSNB’52 Gary R. Gawreluk, AG’71 Chad A. Gawronski, CCAS’98 Michael and Anne Marie Gazdik George M. and Helen M. Gazo Kodzo Gbewonyo, GSM’96 * Robert E. Gearing, RC’79 Adam George Gebauer, GSM’63 Dr. Louis A. Gebhard, Jr., GSNB’65 Evelyn Geddes Peter W. Gehnrich, RC’69 Norman E. and Nancy Caryl Geiger Klaus W. Geipel, RC’69, NLAW’72 Shirley Cooperman, DC’65, SSW’79, and Ludwig L. Geismar Melvin L. Gelade, RC’64, NLAW’69 David S. Gelb, RC’75 Todd J. Gelb, RC’79 Nancy L. Geller Dr. Toby A., RC’71, and Phyllis R. Geller, LC’73 Ronald S. Gellert, RC’93, CLAW’97 Carl Gelman, NLAW’36 George B. Gelman, RC’48 Sheldon A. Gelman, RC’67, NLAW’73 James F. Gemza Antonius Genakos, SCJ’76 * Dr. Lina Genovesi, GSNB’84, GSNB’89 Linda M. Geoghegan, RC’96 Donald George, UCNB’65 Peter F. George, GSN’88 George and Angela Georgiadis Paul A. Georgiou, AG’67 Speros A. Georgiou, RC’61 Manuel R. Geraldo, NLAW’77 Robert Aiken Gerber, CLAW’82 Dr. William H. Gerdes, GSNB’61 * Dr. Peter F. Gerhardt, RC’82, GSED’89, GSED’97 Carol E. Gerhart, GSNB’80, UCNB’88 John S. Gerhart, COOK’77 Mark K. Germann, COOK’85 Robert B. Gero, AG’51 Gary W. Gerold, PHAR’78 Eugene Gershburg Dr. David I. Gerstein, RC’63 Mark S. Gertel, RC’71, CLAW’74 Dr. John L., GSNB’56, and Anne S. Gerwig, GSED’69 Deborah L. Gerzoff Louis H. Geser, LC’84 Judy Gesser Louise Gessman Dr. Robert V. Gessner, COOK’70 Dr. Lawrence Gettleman, RC’62 Charles R. Getty, Jr., RC’74

Dr. Robert S. Getz, GSNB’60, GSNB’63 Robert O. Ghigiarelli, ENG’89, GSNB’91 Ronnie J. Gholson, UCN’98 William and Juleanna Giaconia Andrew J. Giampetro, LC’91 Robert Giancaterino, RC’77 Karen Ann Giannelli, NLAW’79 Thomas F. Giardina, PHAR’50 Arthur E. Giardino, GSBC’96 * Thomas F. Giarratana, NCAS’66, GSM’67 James A. Gibb, RC’80 James R. Gibbons, RC’70 Dr. Mary W. Gibbons, GSNB’84 Matthew J. Gibbons, RC’99 Joel E. Giddens, GSNB’50 Dr. August W. Giebelhaus, RC’64, GSNB’70 Raymond F. and Frances Giegerich Ronan A. Giehl, NCAS’71 Carolyn DeSwarte Gifford Gunta Biernis Giga, DC’78 Carol Gigante Bettie Gigantone * Dr. Allan S. Gilbert, RC’70 Andrew P. Gilbert, NLAW’93 Kathleen M. Gilbert, DC’82 Kenneth C. Gilbert, AG’43 Lee Thomas Gilbert, GSM’84 * Ronald E. Gilbert, RC’72, GSM’94 Seymour G. Gilbert, AG’35, GSNB’38, GSNB’41 Lisa Giles-Klein, CLAW’85 William Gilfillan, CCAS’58 Dr. Robert J. Gill, GSED’82 Judy A. Gillam, GSNB’77 * William S. Gillam, RC’40 Carol T. Gillen, SCILS’92 Stephen A. Gillen Lavonda Gail Gillespie, SCILS’84 Eleanor M. Gilliam, SSW’95 G. Bruce Gillie, GSM’79 * Lawrence E. Gilligan, RC’91 William F. Gilligan, UCN’70 * Eileen F. Gillis Hubler Gerard Gillon Thomas L. Gilman, CLAW’78 Thomas Q. Gilson, RC’63, GSM’67 Dr. Edna P. Gilvary, GSNB’79, GSNB’88 Frank A. Gimpel, ENG’49 Ronald Gingold, RC’55 * Frank and Audrey J. Ginolfi Elisa Koff Ginsborg, GSNB’90 Jessica A. Ginsburg, GSNB’84 Adam J. Ginther, RC’81, ENG’81 Jacquelin P. Gioioso, NLAW’81 Diane C. Giordano, UCC’83, SBC’83 Jack J. Giordano, GSM’76 * Mary M. Giordano, RC’82, GSM’87 Dr. Thomas J. Giordano, GSNB’89 Nancy Giotis * Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Gips, Jr. Dr. Joan S. Girgus Mary H. Giro, COOK’89 Carolyn D. Gishlick, SCILS’65 Iris P. Gittelman Heather Gittens Donna M. Gizzi, CNUR’69 Robert Glacken, Jr., ENG’64 David D. Gladfelter, CLAW’75 Joastrid Glading, CLAW’97 Earl C. Gladue, GSNB’84 Ronald G. Glaessgen, GSM’93 Ronald and Gina Glantz Craig R. Glaser, NCAS’72 Richard S. Glaser George H. Glasser, RC’74, GSNB’78 Robert J. Glassett, RC’87 Edwin G. Glasspool Dr. Cary D. Glastein, RC’75 Harold H. Glazer, RC’87 Dr. Hilda R. Glazer, GSED’72, GSED’76 Dr. P. David Gleaner, RC’82 Mary Chesney Gleeson, RC’81 * John B. Glenfield, UCNB’55 Anthony W. and Joyce E. Glennon Solomon and Freda Glick Rose Ellen Glickman, NCAS’71 Adam R. Glinn, RC’86 John Glita, Jr., RC’73 Dr. Barbara M. Glitzer, GSED’73, GSED’79 * Donna S. Gloeckner, SCILS’77 Frank M. Glowacky, NCAS’83 George M. Glynn, ENG’96 Dr. Irene E. Gnarra, GSNB’66, GSNB’83, GSNB’86 Anthony J. Gnoffo, Jr., LC’78 Gary Goceia Michael Gochfeld Sandra and John H. Goddard, Jr., RC’69 Dr. James E. Godderz, RC’58 * William John Godfrey, Jr., AG’40 Vesta M. Godwin, LC’81 Lawrence R. Goebel, RC’67 Dr. Ted G. Goertzel Harold B. Goetschius, ED’33 Thelma Goetz Kenneth B. Goff, RC’73 Rona Goffen Estella Spear Gold, CLAW’81 Harold R. Gold, RC’61 Harvey I. Gold, ENG’72 * Kenneth C. Gold, COOK’83 Maxine Gold Dr. Rachelle Gold, GSAPP’86 Emil B.A. Goldbeck, RC’44 Bella Ziegler Goldberg, NCAS’74 Carol Goldberg Dr. David A. Goldberg, COOK’75 David J. Goldberg, RC’52 Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Goldberg Frederic M. Goldberg, GSNB’76 * Harriet L. Goldberg, NLAW’79 Judith Goldberg Marvin Goldberg Morton M. Goldberg, SB’42

Dr. Robert B. Goldberg, RC’73 Steven C. Goldberg, RC’71, CLAW’74 Steven S. Goldberg John A. Golden, Jr., RC’82 Dr. Stephen M. Golden, GSM’89 Harry A. Goldenberg, RC’60 Lisa S. Goldey, RC’93 Cynthia J.W. Goldfaden, PHAR’76 Dr. Jay E. Goldfeather, RC’69 David A. Goldfinger, ED’57 Alvin R. Goldman, RC’75 Doris K. Goldman, PHAR’42 Kenneth H. Goldman, RC’79 Richard E. Goldman, RC’72 Dr. Richard Jay Goldman, RC’57 Sally J. Goldman, SSW’92 Alan and Ellen Goldner Steven J. Goldschmidt, UCNB’85 Lewis Goldshore Dr. Josephine S. Goldsmith-Phillips, GSED’70, GSED’75 Bernard D. Goldstein Bruce I. Goldstein, RC’64 Evelyn M. Goldstein Dr. Glen M. Goldstein, RC’83 Herbert H. Goldstein Howard A. Goldstein, RC’69 Judyth L. Goldstein, SSW’68 Robert A. Goldstein, RC’80 Robert A. Goldstein, RC’61 Sanford A. Goldstein, RC’78 Dr. Claudia F. Golenda, GSNB’84 Hugo L. Golin, UCNB’58 Margery S. Golin, GSED’70, NLAW’79 Dr. Severin T. Golojuch, RC’45 Bertram P. Goltz, NLAW’70 Jerome Golub, ENG’61 Harvey L. Golubock, GSM’68 Antonio and Aida R. Gomes Manuel and Olegaria Gomez Raymond A. Gomez, RC’82 * Richard Gomez Gerri N. Gomperts, NLAW’77 Meryl A.G. Gonchar, RC’78, NLAW’81 Henry J. Gonzalez, ENG’87 Joseph E. Gonzalez, Jr., GSNB’59 Nilsa Gonzalez Ramon M. Gonzalez, NCAS’82 Warren Goode Fern Walter Goodhart Dr. M. Elspeth Goodin, GSNB’87 Dr. Vera H. Goodkin, GSED’82 Dr. Alan P. Goodman, RC’71 Anne Finn Goodman, CNUR’82 Frank F. Goodman Jerome A. Goodman, RC’67 Sallie B. Goodman Steven T. Goodman, COOK’76 Vera S. Goodman, DC’60 Joseph B. Goodnough III, RC’52 David Goodrich, GSM’68 Rita B. Goodrich, NCAS’66 Sherry B. Goodrum, CLAW’97 Henry E. Gooss, RC’63 Nadejda Gorbounova Alan G. Gordon, SB’53 Bernard M. Gordon, GSM’81 Fannie L. Gordon, GSED’98 Dr. Felice Dosik Gordon, GSED’71, GSNB’75, GSNB’82 Janet Gordon, DC’60 Kelly Gordon, NLAW’94 Morris J. Gordon, ENG’51 Myrna Gordon Shirley F. Gordon Jerry Gorelick, RC’54 Judith K. Gorelick, UCNB’78 John S. Gorman, RC’84, GSM’90 Jane Gorman-Mendez Brian P., ENG’84, and Beth M. Gorry, COOK’85 Maxwell P. Gorson, RC’49 John H. Gotberg, RC’44 Latisha S. Gotell, NLAW’99 Rita Gotfried, GSM’80 Michael L. Gothelf, RC’73 Jerome W. and Paula Gottesman Andrew D. Gottfried, CLAW’74 Jason P. Gottlieb, RC’94 Phyllis Gottlieb, GSNB’78, GSNB’79 Mark W. Goudreau, ENG’88 * Paul N. and Jane Goudreau Eugene C. Gough, UCN’52, GSM’54 Robert J. Gough, RC’69 Alan and Patricia Gould Gerald B. Gould, RC’53 Diana L. Gowe, SCILS’90 Lawrence A. Grab, Jr., COOK’88 Richard D. Grabowski, COOK’78 Bob and Ann Grace Scott P. Grader, CLAW’80 Howard Graff, NLAW’73 Deseree A. Graham, NCAS’94 James S. Graham, COOK’98 * John Kent Graham, NLAW’76 * Harold W. Grahn, Jr., RC’50 Edward A., CLAW’88, and Elizabeth A. Gramigna, CLAW’88 Howard Gran, NLAW’56 Sidney Granetz, ENG’48 Joseph F. Granger, Jr. Brian S. Grant, RC’56 Claire and David Grant Jane Grant * Dr. Velma Fudge Grant, GSED’74 Dr. Carol S. Grasz, GSED’77 John J. Grater, Jr., NCAS’86 Judith Grauer, SCILS’90 Joseph L. Grauwiler, NCAS’70 Dr. Robert B. Gravani, AG’67 Russell D. Gravener, RC’38 Jac Van Dorne Graves, UCJ’70 Mary W. Graves, GSED’94 Philip W. Graves, UCNB’88 * Frederick H. Gray, Jr., SSW’70 J. Allen Gray Lavan A., PHAR’93, and Heather M. Gray, PHAR’95 Lillian Schmidt Gray, DC’53 Nicole C. Gray, RC’92 *

David Norman Grayson, RC’58 James H. Grayson, RC’66 Peter J. Graziano, RC’65 Ronald A. Graziano, CLAW’73 Gordon H. Greacen, RC’52 * Leo J. Greaney, Jr., CCAS’83 Eleanor B. Greco, GSED’67 Robert J. Greco, PHAR’83 Diane M. Greeley, PHAR’74 Daniel Green, RC’54 * Jack D. and Shirley L. Green James Green Jesse D. and Nancy S. Green Leslie Green Leslie H. Green, UCC’73, SBC’73 Lois S. Green, NCAS’60 Monica Green Richard E. Green, ENG’72 Tyron Green, RC’86 Harold S. Greenbaum, UCN’54 Adam S. Greenberg, LC’91 Carol N. Greenberg Dorianne S. Greenberg, RC’76 * Evan R. Greenberg, RC’89 Richard S. Greenberg, CLAW’74 Stephen M. Greenberg, RC’73, ENG’73 Stuart R. Greenberg, COOK’82 Gary W. Greendale, NCAS’86, GSM’88 Barbara Lee Greene, CCAS’66, GSED’80 Charles B. and Lois Greene * Nancy E. Greene, CNUR’61 Richard and Sandra Greene * Ronald Dennis Greene, RC’65 Alan Greenfield Dr. Donald A. Greenfield, NCAS’62, GSNB’64 Dr. Julian B. Greengold, RC’69 Lawrence J. Greenhall, COOK’81 Dr. Victor A. Greenhut, GSNB’70 Jane C. Greenspan, CLAW’73 Albert W. Greenspoon, ENG’60 Linda Greenstein Dr. Michael Greenstein, RC’67, GSNB’71, GSNB’73 * Barbara M. Greer, GSNB’77, NLAW’78 James and Regina Greer Dr. Roger C. Greer, SCILS’56, GSNB’64 Lisa Grega, GSNB’96 Dr. Santa A. Gregory, NCAS’67 Vicki L. Gregory, GSNB’87 Arnon C. Greif, AG’51 Mary Elizabeth Greipp, GSED’87 David L. Grever, RC’76 * Sidney Gribetz Michael D. Gribin, LC’93, SBNB’93 Stephan P., CLAW’80, and Eleanor Gribok Dr. James V. Griepenburg, RC’61 Anthony P. Grifa, Jr., RC’58 Dr. Thomas C. Grifa, ED’60, GSED’67 Dr. Gary F. Griffin, GSNB’62, GSNB’65 Jane Bortnick Griffith, GSNB’70 Loree J. Griffith, RC’83 Rosemary Fortunato Griffith, DC’65 * David S. Griffiths, NLAW’78 John R. Griffiths, RC’72 Lloyd P. Griffiths, RC’54 Kathleen A. Grimshaw-Haven, SCILS’97 Harvey Grimsley, ED’50 Dr. Ricardo Grippaldi, GSED’71, GSED’77 Dorothy K. Grobelmy, CCAS’69 Roslyn Grobman Edward and Eileen Grochowski Anita Grochulski, COOK’99 Dr. David L. Grodberg, RC’53 Thomas S. Groenfeldt, GSN’95 Steven Grof Eric L. Grogan, NLAW’92 Timothy Grogan, COOK’80 Donald Lee Gross, RC’59 Dr. Maria Grossi-Masciandaro, GSAPP’81 Alan C. Grossman, CLAW’89 Daniel L., NLAW’74, and Sandra Shapiro Grossman, NLAW’79 Goldye F. Grossman, NCAS’63 Jack Grossman, RC’66 Jane Grossman, NCAS’67 Dr. Jay S. Grossman, RC’67 Neil D. Grossman, NLAW’95 Sandy D. Grossman, RC’91 Dr. Steven Grossman Edward Groth, Jr., RC’48 Louis W. and Sandra B. Grotta Martin J. Grozinski, Jr. Donna Grozuczak, NLAW’83 Dr. Peter Gruen, RC’65 Dr. Jerome A. Grunt, RC’47 Dr. Stephen T. Grybowski, RC’75 Paul A. Grygiel, RC’94 Rosemary E. Grygo, GSED’76 Dr. Dennis C. Grygotis, PHAR’65 David A. Grzyb * Alexander and Sofia Guberman Mark Guberman, NCAS’77 Charles W. Guenzel, ENG’74 Lloyd S. Guerci, CLAW’73 Dr. Jerry G. Guerrera, GSNB’62, GSNB’74 Ann H. Guess, GSC’82 Darryl E. Gugig, NLAW’89 Dr. Gwen E. Guglielmi, COOK’79 Nicholas Gugliuzza Michele K. Guhl Nancy E. Guiffre, UCNB’84, GSM’88 Robert E. Guijarro, GSM’69 Eric J. Gulotta, GSM’92 Arthur L. Gulovsen, ENG’58 Dr. C. Steven Gulrich, RC’70 Paul A. Gumagay, NLAW’99 Dr. Gary G. Gundersen, GSNB’75 Dr. Richard F. Gundy Jo Ann W. Gunter Gordon C. Gunzelman

Myron Gural, RC’54, GSM’59 Sheppard A. Guryan, RC’64 Amy Gutman Harvey M. Gutman, NCAS’68 Joseph F. Gutowski, Jr., UCNB’62 John B. Guttenberger, ENG’75 * Phyllis Gutwetter, NCAS’55 David Guzman, NCAS’87 * Dr. Edwin R. Guzman, RC’75 David Lee Gwalthney, CCAS’71, GSNB’76 Nancy R. Haag, SCILS’82 Robert G. Haag, UCN’60 Dr. Norman F. Haard, AG’63 Bruce M. Haas, RC’71 Peter C. Haas, Jr., GSM’84 * Helen L. Haase, UCNB’78 Lynne Z. Haberkern Steven W. Hackett, RC’80, GSM’81 * Kathleen Hadfield, UCNB’90 Patricia G. Hadley-Miller, UCC’95 John and Helen Hadzitheodorou Richard B. Haft, NCAS’51 Lee S. Haftel, RC’77 * James P. Hagan, RC’71 Dr. Curt H. Hagedorn, RC’72 Charles C. Hager, RC’79 Elizabeth C. Hager, GSNB’61 Samuel P. Hagerman, Jr., RC’48 * Doreen C. Hagerty, DC’57, ENG’57 James F. Haggerty, RC’68, GSM’72 Dr. Do Won and Myung Yun Hahn Rita A. Hahn, GSNB’93 Moritz J. Hahner, Jr., UCN’66 * Bruce S. Haines, CLAW’82 Dr. Daniel W. Haines, ENG’59 Thomas R. Haines, RC’66 Pamela A. Hajcak, GSNB’92 Joseph Halada, ENG’85 * Juliana A. Halatin Sanford I. Halberstadter, RC’52 Dr. Barbara Andrews Hale, GSAPP’86 Charles M. Haley, Jr., RC’82 Michael J. Haley, RC’73 Michael T. Halkias, CLAW’86 Dr. Angela L. Hall, GSAPP’91 C. Ernest Hall, ENG’60 * Gordon T. Hall, RC’49 James W. Hall, CCAS’94 Katherine P. Hall, NCAS’58 Deborah D. and E. Bruce Hallett III George V. Hallman, CLAW’82 William B. Halloran, RC’68 Arthur H. Halper, CCAS’70 Jerome A. Halperin, PHAR’58 Dr. Barry R. Halpern, RC’49 Bernard M. Halpern Jeanne Carter Halpern Leonard B. Halpern, CLAW’80 * Ruth D.H. Hamann, SCILS’68 * Dr. Max Ira Hamburger, RC’69 Robert Hamer Samuel M. Hamill, Jr. Ellen Rempe Hamilton, COOK’78 Kathleen T. Hamilton, NCAS’85 * Neal Hamilton, UCNB’62 Polly A. Hamilton, RC’80 Richard F. Hamilton, RC’67 Valerie A. Hamilton, DC’92, CLAW’95 William J. Hamilton, RC’54 Albert V. Hamm III, GSNB’79 Thomas B. Hamm, AG’50 Phyllis E., RC’77, and Michael H. Hammer, RC’76 Susan B. Hammer, NCAS’70 Marcy Hammerschlag Rosalyn Hamm-Hall, SCJ’85 Phoebe T. Hammonds, RC’99 * Robert E. Hampson, UCN’51 John A. Hamshar, ENG’71, GSNB’75 Charles Hance Pamela R. Hance Harold G. Handel, RC’69 Dr. Jeffrey J. Handel, RC’72 Janice Handler, DC’67, NLAW’70, NLAW’81 Dr. Jeffrey A. Handler, COOK’82 Thomas J. Handza, ENG’74 Lester V. Hankes, Jr., NCAS’78 John L. Hanks, ENG’66, NLAW’68 Ida May Cleveland Hanna, CNUR’86 Robert G. Hanna, Jr., RC’63 John W. Hannan, ENG’68, GSM’72 Dr. Mary C. Hannigan, GSNB’81 Susan Hannon Wilmer M. Hannum, Jr., AG’51 Roy Hanover Alan P. Hans, Jr., CCAS’86 Kathleen J. Hansa, NLAW’90 Aimee I. Hansen, GSC’89 Cecilia Hansen Douglas W. Hansen, RC’66 Gerald T. Hansen, GSED’66 Herbert R. Hansen, Jr., UCNB’74, GSM’75 Russell A. Hansen, Jr., UCC’68, SBC’68 * Stanley J. and Barbara Hansen Doris G. Hanson, UCNB’73 Jeffrey B. and Sarah Hanson William A. Hanson Lydia Hao, SCILS’63 Zeeshan Haque, ENG’97, GSM’00 Thomas Harabin, RC’71 Dr. Alan B. Haratz, RC’75 Nicholas C. Harbist, CLAW’81 Ralph A. Harder, AG’50 Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Harding, Jr. Fred R. Harding, RC’65, GSM’72 Dr. Homer R. Harding, GSNB’59 Michael A. Harding, RC’95 Philip G. Harding, RC’54 Catherine Altadonna Hardister, ENG’82 Christina D. Hardman, NLAW’98 Dr. G. Robert Hardy, RC’39 Henry W. Hardy, RC’63

Dr. R. Leslie Hargrove, RC’57 Doris S. Harlan, NCAS’35 Joseph B. Harley, RC’81 Joyce W. Harley Marianna Harmath Stanley A. Harmon, CLAW’69 Jean S. Harmsen, GSED’72 * Elon D. Harpaz, NLAW’89 Carole Kubik Harper, CNUR’61, CNUR’63 Douglas J. Harper, NLAW’66 Elisabeth W. Harpham, GSNB’77, NLAW’77 Carolyn Harrington Dr. James A. Harrington Cynthia Ann Harris, NCAS’81 Dr. Don N. Harris, GSNB’59, GSNB’63 * Dorothy L. Harris, SSW’78 Edward S. Harris, RC’82 Frank Leonard Harris, UCC’68 Frederick A. Harris, RC’63 Glenn A. Harris, CLAW’87 Harold D. Harris, RC’33 Hugh A. Harris, UCN’72, GSNB’76 Jack S. Harris, GSM’70 James J. Harris, ENG’70 Kevin W. Harris Marilyn J. Harris, CCAS’68 Dr. Robert L. Harris Sharon Harris, CCAS’00 Valerie E. Harris, GSM’65 William C. Harris, RC’84 Dr. Gwendolyn S. Harris-Gale, GSED’92 Glenn Harrison, CLAW’83 James A. Harrison, LC’74 Malcolm R. Harrison, AG’41 Dr. Russell S. Harrison, Jr. William H. Harrison, Jr., ENG’80 Donald F. Harrity, UCNB’72, UCNB’76 Richard B. Harsell, RC’83 Benjamin Hart, Jr., AG’43 Charles M. Hart, CLAW’95 Daniel Hart Dr. Ellen R. Hart, GSN’88 John Hart, RC’43 Dr. Marilyn McGuire Hart, GSED’64, GSED’75 Sarah J. Hart, SSW’87 Thomas E. Hart, ENG’79, GSNB’84 * Jeffrey S. and Laurie Hartke Dr. William J. and Carolyn Hartko Barry G. Hartman, UCNB’74 Edwin M. Hartman Dr. Guy J. Hartman, COOK’80, GSNB’82, GSNB’84 Dr. Jean Marie Hartman Karen A. Hartman, SCILS’94 Dr. Mary S. Hartman Evelyn M. Hartmann, NLAW’83 Janice Janka Hartmann, RC’76 Georgia Howell Hartnett, NLAW’73 Michael T. Hartsough, CLAW’79 Sidney R. Hartstein, RC’35 Janice Harvey Paul E. Harvey, COOK’76 Richard L. Harvey, ENG’74, GSNB’81 Thomas Biddle Harvey Craig S. Harwood, GSNB’80 Jacqueline W. Harwood, GSNB’86 Margaret DePodwin Harwood, GSM’80 Randal L. Hasbrouck, RC’77 Noriko Hasegawa * Patricia Anne Haslach, ENG’79 Barbara Hassert Mark A. Hassert, ENG’73 Dr. Matthew J. Hassett, GSNB’64, GSNB’66 Robert I. Hassol, RC’59 Iraj W. Hastings, RC’94 Anonymous Natasha A. Hatcher, CCAS’97 Edward T. Hatton, ENG’64, GSNB’72 Elna M. Hauck, NCAS’65 Roger W. Haudek, NLAW’70 John G. Haug, ENG’70 Nancy Menice Haugh, RC’82 H. Ronald Hauptman, NCAS’53, NLAW’59 Harvey J. Hauptman, RC’51 Dona L. Haura, SCILS’88 * Mr. and Mrs. Paul Z. Haus, Jr. * Roger A. Hauser Bernadette Hausheer-Meehan, GSN’97 Robert S. Hausmann, RC’69 Carolyn and Wayne E. Haussler William A. Havanki, Jr., ENG’95 * John M. Havas, GSNB’60 Eugenie A. Havemeyer William E. Havemeyer, RC’66 James M. Havey, NLAW’64 Albert Hawes, PHAR’33 Eleanor D. Hawk, GSED’49 Barry T. Hawkins, ENG’73 Lisa N. Hawkins, CCAS’88 Carl F. Hawkinson, RC’66 Richard C. Hawkinson, RC’93 Ernest Hawksworth, Jr., AG’57, GSNB’58 Rollin and Mary Hawley Catherine M. Hawn, DC’85 Mark J. Hawryluk, NCAS’90 Dr. James J. Hayden, GSED’78, GSED’93 Kelly Anne Hayden, RC’99 Bettine J. Hayes * Dr. James W. Hayes, AG’69 Reggie D. Hayes, ENG’91 * Thomas R. and Gretchen Hayes Valerie W. Haynes, CLAW’84 * Beverly G. Hays, SSW’82 * Dr. Suzanne E. Hays, GSED’81 George J. Haytko, NCAS’67, GSM’68 Peter N., NCAS’65 and Cecelia Haytko * Dr. and Mrs. Marshall A. Hayward

Robert and Frances Hazen William Hazmuka, UCN’40 Daumants Hazners, ENG’62, GSNB’64 Dr. James Kipp Heacock, RC’71 Charles W. Head, Jr., CCAS’73 * Floyd and Lydia Head Frank J. Headley III, RC’68, GSM’77 Dr. Mary G. Heagler, COOK’84, GSNB’86, GSNB’91 Carolyn Y. Healey Jeremiah F. Healy III, RC’70 Mary Hearn Robert E. Hearn, RC’70, GSED’72 Thomas E. Heaslip, ENG’84, GSM’93 * Judith Heaton, RC’88, SBNB’88 Richard S., LC’74, and Judy Ann Hebble, LC’78 Martin and Margo Hecht * Maynard Heckel, AG’49 Elsie M. Hedden Ann Hedges, GSC’98 Jennifer C. Hedges, RC’92, GSNB’00 Robert D. Heeren, COOK’54 Leonora W. Hefelle Christopher M. Heffernan, LC’85 Raymond P. Heffernan, RC’76 Richard D. Heffner Marian D. Heher Judy L. Heiland, RC’89 * Thomas G. Heim, CLAW’71 Ralph S. Heiman, NCAS’67, GSM’68 Kurt A. Heinkele, ENG’84 Janice L. Heinold, CLAW’97 Marsel A. Heisel, GSED’83 Barbara Heiser William J. Heisler, CCAS’76, CLAW’80 Neal J. Heiss, CCAS’79 * Stuart Helfgott, RC’77 Dr. Barry Helfmann, GSAPP’76 Dr. Rita R. Heller, GSNB’86 Charles A. Hellings, RC’81 Marcel and Karine Lenders Hellings William N. Helmer, ENG’67 Dr. Zane Helsel Kenzo Hemmi Clifford J. Hemphill, RC’66, GSM’75 Alberta L. Hemsley, AG’67 Richard C. Hendee, Jr., ENG’73 Arne H. Hendela, UCN’53, GSM’56 * Paul H. Henderson, RC’42 Robert D. Hendler, RC’70 William D. Hendrick, RC’70, GSM’74 William A. Hendricks, UCN’76 George and Connie Henkel Glenn A. Henkel, CLAW’85 Isaac Henkoff, RC’51 Nathan Henn, UCNB’59 * Laura M. Henne, RC’91, COOK’95 Suzanne M. Hennerty, RC’87 Bernard M. Hennessy, NCAS’68, GSNB’71 * Richard J. Henning, COOK’79, GSNB’82 Leslie Marie Hennion, ENG’94 * Gerald and Marie Henry Katherine C. Henry, GSC’90 Linda M. Henry, DC’75 Peter Evans Henry, NLAW’68 Robert H. Henry, ENG’69 William G. Henry, GSED’68 Sandra Henry-Soltau, GSM’96 * Warren J. Henseler, RC’47 Charles H. Henshaw, RC’69 * Louis V. Henston Dieter A. Hentschel, RC’63 Gilbert B. Henyon, GSNB’67 * Colleen T. Herbert, ENG’94 Michael J. Herbert, GSNB’63 Raymond J. Herbert, LC’78 David M. Herbst, AG’70 James B. Herder, RC’54, GSNB’58 Earl D. Hergert, RC’90 Harold M. Heritage, AG’48 Suzanne C. and John O. Heritage, Jr., GSED’77 Dr. Harris W. Herman, RC’66 Michelle L. Herman, COOK’92 Peter R. and Katherine M. Herman Steven C. Herman * Steven J. Herman, SCILS’64 Susan and Stephen P. Herman, NCAS’64 Peter C. Hermann, ENG’69 Dr. Malcolm H. Hermele, RC’66 Carma L. Hermes, UCNB’91 Evelyn Hernandez, NLAW’95 Melba Hernandez, NCAS’85, GSN’89 * Fred M. Herndon John P. Herndon, GSM’73 Marilyn R. Herr, NLAW’67 Dr. Christina A. Herrick, RC’86 Nancy Lee Herron Alvin D. Hersh, RC’54, NLAW’56 Herbert H. Hersh, RC’54 Dr. Frank A. Herting, Jr., GSED’68 Erich H. Herz, GSM’77 Dr. Robert A. Herzlinger, RC’65 Dr. Dennis P. Herzo, RC’62 Peter Herzog, GSNB’92 Samuel A. Herzog, GSM’61 Scott R. Heseltine, COOK’93 David and Linda Heslington Dr. Charles E. Hess, AG’53 Dr. Gloria A. Hesse, NCAS’71, GSNB’73, GSNB’88 Thomas Hessert, CLAW’52 Laurel F. Hessing, LC’78 Dr. Kenneth L. Hetrick, GSNB’79 Robert L. Heugle, Jr. Suyling Heurich David D. Heyman, RC’99, SBNB’99 Sharyn Gibau Heyman, NCAS’85 Debra A. Heyn Peter C. Hibbard, AG’70, GSNB’81 Simon D.J. Hibberson, GSM’84 *

John P. Hickey, CLAW’93 Michele Hickey, NCAS’85 Victoria A. Hickey, NCAS’90 Frances E. Hicks, UCC’73, SBC’73 Karen J. Hicks, SCILS’98 John J. Hiel, RC’88 * James E. Higginbotham, NCAS’61 Brian P. Higgins, LC’94, SCILS’97 Joseph T. Higgins, RC’69, GSNB’74, GSM’82 Kieran P. Higgins, ENG’93 Maureen Higgins, RC’93, SBNB’93 Sharon Higgins William Hildebrand, NLAW’38 Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Hildick-Smith Dr. Robert E. Hileman, RC’56 * Dr. Darryl A. Hill, LC’91 David Hill Fred Hill, Jr. Jerry R. Hill, UCN’66 * John P. Hill, CLAW’95 Kenneth A. Hill, UCP’72 Lynn Hillebrecht, RC’77 Bernard Hiller Frederick E. Hiller, SB’62 Herbert L. Hiller Ralph O. Hilmer, RC’52 Arthur T. Hilson, NLAW’84 Mr. and Mrs. Gary John Hilton, Sr. Donald Hindle Bessie Hinds Mary Ann and George Hine Herbert D. Hinkle, CLAW’74 Maureen Hinman Beth A. Hinsdale Edward Hirsch Gregory and Julie Hirsch * Guliet D. Hirsch, LC’75, GSNB’78, NLAW’79 Harold S. Hirsch, ENG’66 Mark J. Hirschhorn, UCNB’86, GSM’87 Carole Hirschmann, GSNB’66 Michele S. Hirshman, RC’80 Dr. Stanley P. Hirshson, RC’50 Dr. Stephen B. Hitchner, AG’39 Thomas R. Hlawatsch, RC’72, CLAW’75 Raymond F. Hlubik, COOK’74 Dwight Hlustick, ENG’68 Wing-Nin and Wendy Ho Don Q. Hoang, COOK’97 Addison S. Hobbs, GSED’71 Burnham Hobbs David M. Hobbs, ENG’90, GSNB’95, GSNB’97 * Bernard and Ruth Hoberman Laura Hoblitzelle Brian S. Hochstadt, RC’75 William J. Hockenjos, UCNB’61 Robert F. Hoctor, RC’52 Dr. Gordon R. Hodas, RC’69 Susan Hodes W. William Hodes, NLAW’69 Dr. Ralph J. Hodosh, RC’72 * Michael G. Hodulik, ENG’83 Anton J. Hoeflinger, RC’64 Helen E. Hoens John G. Hoermann, UCN’76 Bruce H. Hoff, GSNB’77 David P. Hoff, SSW’94 Arnold G. and Judith M. Hoffman Gene R. Hoffman Harold L. Hoffman, NLAW’65 Judith A. Hoffman, DC’88 L. Richard Hoffman Lawrence M. Hoffman, RC’72 * Maria L. Hoffman, ENG’88 * Marvin K. Hoffman, RC’67 Lawrence and Marianne Hoffmann James N. Hogan, CCAS’72 Patrick M. Hogan, ENG’71 * Robert R. Hogan, ED’62 Suzanne Hogan, UCC’84, SBC’84 Francis E. Hoh, GSM’61 * Paula K. Hoholick, GSNB’00 Dr. Carole W. Holden, GSNB’80 Randall G. Holden, RC’66 David and Elizabeth W. Holdsworth Dr. Winfried T. Holfeld, GSNB’57 Philip K. Holl, RC’71, CLAW’75 Chad Holland, LC’99 James G. Holland, RC’91 Irwin and Eve Hollander * Joan Hollander, NCAS’69 * Joseph E. Hollander, GSNB’84 Dean D. Hollenbach, AG’40 Dr. Thomas D. Hollmann, RC’66 Margaret Buttner Holloway, RC’79 Jeffrey A. Hollowniczky, LC’90, SBNB’90 Russell R. Holly, ENG’91 Beverly Scaccia Holm, CNUR’62 Dr. Ralph T. Holman, GSNB’41 Tamyra L. Holman, ENG’98 Barry Holmes, NCAS’78 Elizabeth D. Holmes, NLAW’85 Dr. Ivory H. Holmes, NCAS’57, SSW’61 John M. Holmes, Jr., ENG’70 * Dr. Theodore W. Holmsen, AG’57, GSNB’58 * John D. Holodak Mary Ellen Holodak John E. Holowczak, ENG’86, GSNB’89 * Charles D. Holsey, Jr. Robert G. Holston, CLAW’69 Christina Holstrom, GSNB’85 Frederick A. Holt, UCNB’68, GSM’70 * Jessie L. Holt, Jr., NCAS’78, GSN’83 Alex Holzman, RC’72 Cathy J. Holzmann, COOK’98 * Malcolm L. Homan, RC’51 * Charles J. Honara, NLAW’77 Anna H. Hong, LC’00 Elsa L. Honma, GSM’92 * R. Scott and Diane Hood Sarah Hoogheem, DC’53 John W. and Joan M. Hooker Harry E. Hooley, Jr., SB’50 Spencer M. Hoos, ENG’66

Roger Keith Hoover, RC’61, NLAW’64 * Kevin P. Hopkins, RC’81 Leo N. Hopkins, Jr., ENG’39 Patrick W. Hopkins, RC’87 Philip H. Hopkins, RC’70, CLAW’73 E. Robert Hoppe, RC’42 William F. Hoppe, GSN’75 Richard and Gail Hoppenstedt Kevin E. Horahan, Jr., UCNB’98 Richard H. Horlick, RC’83 Bob and Elizabeth K. Horn Stephen A. Horn, ENG’68 Jerome Hornblass Kevin C. Horne, LC’87, SBNB’87 * James C. Horner, ED’61 William R. Horner, RC’87 Dr. Paul L.C. Horng, GSNB’84 Alan D. Hornstein, NLAW’70 Daniel Horodysky, RC’56, GSNB’61 Theodore Horoschak, GSM’69 Roman D. Horoszewski, RC’63 Andrea M. Horowitz, RC’78 Daniel A. Horowitz, ENG’99, RC’99 Joel I. Horowitz, RC’74 * Dr. Martin I. Horowitz, RC’59 Theodore G. Horton, ENG’99 * William D. Horton III, CCAS’96 Dr. Donald J. Horvath, AG’51, GSNB’54 Michael J. Horvath, Jr., UCNB’74 Dr. Allan V. Horwitz Daniela R. Hott, RC’98 Dr. Eileen D. Hotte, GSNB’75, GSNB’78 * Madelyn Chan Hou, ENG’95, RC’95, GSM’99 Richard D. Houghton, RC’72 Joseph D. Houle, ENG’79 Ross C. Houser, RC’72, GSED’75 Dr. Richard V. Houska, RC’68, GSNB’72 Margaret W. Houston, SSW’65 Jack H. Houyoux, RC’39 Leila N. Hover, SCILS’78 * Angela F. Howard H. Kent Howard, GSNB’63 Leo Howard, RC’30 Muriel Lu Howard William A. Howe, SB’62 Monroe Howell, ENG’50 * Brian L. Howes, RC’74 Dr. Frank L. Howland, ENG’50 Dr. Allyn C. Howlett, GSNB’76 Bernice E. Howling, SCILS’71 Dr. C. Alexander Hoyt, RC’71, GSNB’78 Vincent and Joan Hozeny Ted E. Hruzd, RC’78, GSNB’82 George R. Hryvniak, GSED’79 Yaroslav Hrywna, COOK’93 * Pa Ho Hsu Dr. Yen-Hwa L. Hsu, GSNB’78 Yuen T. Hsu, GSM’73 * Shing-Fu Hsueh, GSNB’72, GSNB’75 Shih-Yao Barry Hu, GSNB’94 Donna Huang Dr. Robert P. Huben, RC’72 J. Parker Huber Steven E. Huber, COOK’82, GSNB’88, GSM’99 * William H. Huber, RC’44 David P. Hubner, RC’62 Dee-Ann Hudak, CCAS’84 Dr. Maureen J. Hudak, GSAPP’88 Anthony W. Hudson, RC’59 Billie Hudson, Jr., UCN’75 Lee H. Hudson, Sr., CCAS’52 Marianne Hudson, GSNB’84 John F. and Marilyn Hudziak D. Eric Huenneke, MGSA’81 David W. Huettig, ENG’78 J. Schuyler Huff, NLAW’48 Everett J. Hughes, Jr., RC’52 * Herman Hughes James C. Hughes, RC’55 Dr. John P. Hughes, RC’53 Dr. Kenneth Hughes, RC’62, GSNB’67 Dr. Marilyn G. Hughes, GSNB’94 Sharon M. Hughes, LC’79 Dr. Stuart W. Hughes, AG’55 William J. Hughes, RC’55, CLAW’58 Mary Joan Hulsart, DC’64 George C. Hulse, AG’56 James R. Hulsmann, RC’98, SBNB’98 Dr. John L. Humes, GSN’74 * Michele W. Hummel, GSED’87 David G. Humphrey, RC’51 Olga Hunczak, NCAS’73 Taras Hunczak Peggy E. Hunt, GSED’70 Suzanne Mahn Hunt, GSED’82 Wayne R. Hunt, Sr., GSN’93 Dr. Barbara J. Hunter, GSNB’88 John and Jacqueline B. Hunter John G. Hunter, COOK’80, GSNB’84, GSNB’99 Scott W. Hunter, RC’89 Theresa Hupp, UCNB’72 * Richard T., COOK’83, ENG’83, GSNB’86, and Lisa E. Hurban, COOK’83, ENG’83 Susan G. Hurd, CNUR’87 Harold G. Hurff, Jr., AG’57, GSM’70 James G. Hurley, ENG’83, GSM’91 Joseph F. Hurley III, RC’72, GSM’87 Robert and Anne Hurley Richard J. Husar, UCN’77 David Hutchinson, ENG’91 Frank G. Hutchinson * John C. Hutchinson, AG’30 Robert L. Huthman, COOK’76 Jennifer A. Huynh, SBC’99 Zhih-Li Hwa, GSNB’84 * Yung Hwang Robert Hyde, ENG’48, GSNB’50 * James F. Hyland, Jr., COOK’77 Richard Hyland Thomas G. Hyland, COOK’84 * Eric J. Hyman, GSNB’76, GSNB’84


James Hyman, UCN’75 Jeffrey M. Hyman, RC’66 Herbert J. Hymanson, SB’56 Mitchell I. Hymowitz, RC’78 Dr. Norman Hymowitz, GSNB’71 Patricia Hynes, DC’73, MGSA’75 Walter E. Hynoski, RC’79 Dr. Jae Min Hyun, GSNB’73 Nancy Anderson Iacono, RC’79 Laura A. Iandiorio, RC’87, SCILS’92 Albert L. Ichel, NCAS’50, NLAW’53 Johanna Idelberger, NCAS’93 Martin B. Idler, GSN’82 John and Irene Ignaczak Theodore J. Ignall, RC’30 Debra L. Iler Theodore A. Imbach, RC’58 Charles M. Inderwies, ENG’95 * Richard F. Indyk, ENG’79, GSNB’81 * John E. Ingeholm, UCN’61 * Danielle L. Ingenito, COOK’98 Joanne Wassum Ingersoll, RC’77 Anne Marie L. Inglis, RC’87 * Robert Inglis, Jr., COOK’43 Edna D. Ingold * Dr. Albert E. Internoscia, RC’81 Dr. and Mrs. Lucian J. Introcaso Helen Ioannidis Ernest J. Iocca, NCAS’91 Susan Ronca Iocco Joseph V. Ippolito, CLAW’70 * Michele Ippolito Muhammad Iqbal Monford M. Irvin Linda L. Irvine, GSN’86 Roxanne Irving Davida G. Isaacson, GSM’81 Dr. Robert J. Isaacson, RC’53, GSNB’54 Barry M. Isenberg, RC’63, GSNB’64 Donald M. Isenburg, RC’78 * Dr. David L. Isralowitz, NCAS’71 Cathy J. Itnyre, GSNB’88 Maureen McElroy Ivers, PHAR’78 * Ann Helene Iversen, RC’92, GSNB’95 Judith K. Iversen, CNUR’75 Joseph S. Iwanski, RC’85 Uma Dasika Iyengar, ENG’83 Jerry Izenberg, NCAS’52 Mitchell W. Izenberg, RC’67 Dr. Henry J. Izzo, AG’58, GSNB’61, GSNB’62 Arnold Eli Jabin, ENG’66 Suzanne Jacangelo William Jack, CCAS’72 Frederick D. Jackes, NCAS’66 Andrew P. Jacknain, NCAS’69 * Barbara J. Jackson Barbara L. Jackson, CCAS’90 Catherine Paley Jackson, UCNB’56 Gregory E. Jackson, RC’73, NLAW’78 JoAnne G. Jackson Lawrence J. Jackson, UCNB’81 Lugene D. Jackson, LC’99, SCILS’99 Marnee Jackson, CCAS’00 Peter W. Jackson, COOK’76 Harvey J. Jacob, CLAW’95 Judith R. Jacobi, GSED’75 * Dr. Dana B. Jacobs, GSNB’80 Donald P. Jacobs, CLAW’81 Dr. Fred M. Jacobs, NLAW’90 Howard and Margaret Jacobs Kirk J. Jacobs, RC’79, ENG’79 Marlene G. Jacobs, GSC’87 Mildred A. Jacobs, SSW’69 Rosalind Jacobs Victoria and Jeffrey Jacobs Lothar Jacobsen, SB’52 * Cynthia Jacobson John S. and Carolyn Jacoby Rosemary L. Jacques, NCAS’62, GSED’70 Joanne J. Jacques-Doll, RC’79 Dr. Richard F. Jaeger, ENG’67, GSNB’72 Dr. Thomas J. Jaeger, RC’79 Dr. Erwin A. Jaffe, RC’49, GSNB’58, GSNB’61 Dr. Gerald M. Jaffe * Jerry J. Jaffe, RC’68 Sheldon E. Jaffe, NCAS’68 Tajammal Jafri Richard A. Jagen, NCAS’63 Richard A. Jagen, RC’94 William M. Jaglowski, LC’76 John M. Jago, UCN’83 Margaret A. Jahn, ENG’83 John C. Jakobsen, RC’69 * Robert J. Jakubowski, LC’92 Theodore Jakubowski Mahip K. Jalan Harinder B.S. Jalli, GSNB’74, GSNB’75 Ellen Zweifel James, COOK’87 Howard T. Jameson Wayne A. Jameson, PHAR’76 Josiane E. Jameux-Joyce, GSNB’72 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Jamieson, Jr. Charles C. Jamison, Jr., NCAS’54 John J. Janasie, NLAW’73 James F. Janetzko, RC’89 * Roger T. Janezic, ENG’85 * Richard J. Janish, RC’62 Edwin J. Janka, Jr., CCAS’79, SBC’79 Cynthia J. Jankech, UCNB’92, SBNB’92 * Steven L. Jankoski, COOK’77 Francis J. and Marilyn J. Jankowski Gail K. Jannicelli * Jeffrey E. Janofsky, RC’89 Dr. Vilma Karina Jansons, GSNB’67 Ronald C. Jantz, SCILS’97 * Thomas G. Janus, ENG’69 Jonathan R. Japka, ENG’80 Michael Jaron, RC’78 Donald B. Jarvis, RC’49 Dale K. Jasaitis, COOK’81, GSNB’84, CNUR’91 Nilukshi R. Jayasuriya, DC’98


Ken Jayson Sybil Jayson Antonio R. and Minerva Jean Myriam Jean-Laurent, RC’97 Dr. Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, GSNB’66 Samuel E. Jefferis, Jr., ED’62 Dr. John B. Jeffers, COOK’54 Verna M. Jeffries Clifford J. Jeger, SB’50 C. David Jenkins, Sr., ED’51, GSED’52 George W. Jenkins, NCAS’62 Martha Illuzzi Jenkins, LC’81 Donna Marie Jennings, RC’86 Harold Jennings, UCC’68, SBC’68, UCC’70 Susan Mary Jennings, COOK’80 Aimee M. Jensen, COOK’86 William S. Jeremiah Dr. and Mrs. W. Davis Jerome Gordana Jerosimic Dennis S. Jesielowski, COOK’86 Karsten Krogh Jespersen Ansley W. Jessup, Jr., GSNB’79 Betty Jean Jesuncosky Fan Jiang, GSNB’91 * Moon Ja Jo, PHAR’82 Gregory P. Job, GSED’91 Harry W. Joel, RC’68 Brenda M. Jogan, GSNB’76 Dr. George A. Johannessen, AG’41 Josephine L. Johansen, CCAS’75 Bruce S. Johnson, SCILS’78 Casynthia D. Johnson, SBC’92 Clifford A. Johnson, NLAW’28 D. Eric Johnson, RC’77 David A. Johnson, AG’51 David C. Johnson, RC’78 Donald E. Johnson, ENG’50 Elizabeth Napolitano Johnson, COOK’74, GSNB’77 Eric A. Johnson, COOK’84 Dr. George W. Johnson, ED’54, GSED’62, GSED’71 Harold and Jeanne Johnson Dr. James B. Johnson, GSNB’82, GSNB’88 Dr. James T. Johnson John E. Johnson, SB’50 John J. Johnson, COOK’54 Kenneth L. Johnson, NLAW’89 Kenneth R. Johnson, ENG’67 * Marshall M. Johnson, RC’51 Max Johnson Nathan B. Johnson, NCAS’96, NKSM’96 Nathaniel Johnson, Jr., NCAS’70, GSM’75 Oliver S. Johnson, Jr., ENG’66 Philip S. Johnson, RC’50 Ralph Walter Johnson, SCILS’58 Shanda Johnson, CNUR’97 Dr. Theodore B. Johnson, GSED’76 Dr. William Johnson, GSNB’68 Linda West Johnston, GSNB’69 * Nancy C. Johnston, UCN’91 * Robert C. Johnston * Dr. William C.H. Joiner, RC’57, GSNB’62 Kenneth J. Jonczak Barry O. Jones, GSNB’70 Charles G. Jones, RC’50 Deborah A. Jones, LC’81 * Dennis J. Jones, UCN’70 * Dr. Donna Lee Jones, DC’75 * Iris Jones, UCN’74 Jean Y. Jones, CCAS’70 John R. Jones Kenneth and Judith Jones Kenneth E. Jones, RC’71 Landon and Sarah Jones Linwood A. Jones, NLAW’77 Mark P. Jones, UCNB’93 Patricia E. Jones, CCAS’94 Terry H. Jones, RC’72 William J. Jones, ENG’67 Elizabeth L. Jordan James C. Jordane George N. Jorgensen, ENG’52 Marie Jose Joann Joseph, RC’99 J. Peter Jost, NLAW’71 Richard L. Joswick, ENG’80, GSNB’85 Sheila Joyce, RC’79 * Warren C. Joyce, RC’57 John E. Joyner, COOK’77 Martin D. Judd, GSN’79 Theresa S. Judge, RC’74 Robert W. Judkins, ENG’29 Anthony J. Juestrich, AG’55 Shirley Julio Sanford F. Juman, RC’60, NLAW’64 Frederick E. Junker, ENG’37 * James W. Jurewicz Dr. Lee Jussim Richard M. Juzwiak, PHAR’75 Mary Ellen Kaas, SCILS’86 Ashok B. Kabadi, ENG’78, GSNB’80 * Eugene C. Kabana, ENG’78 Joseph A. Kabara Frederic L. Kadey, Jr., RC’41 Nancy L. Kaemmer, RC’83 William W. Kaenzig, Jr., COOK’75 John H. Kahle, ED’50 Dr. Barry N. Kahn, RC’64 Debra Amper Kahn, GSNB’76 Dr. Donald L. Kahn, CCAS’63 Dudley L. Kahn, ED’38 Florence Kahn Herbert Kahn, Jr., AG’51 Judy C. Kahn, COOK’74 Dr. Merle S. Kahn, GSNB’75, GSNB’76, GSNB’78 Philip Arnold Kahn, NLAW’72 W. Richard Kahn, NLAW’64 Rohit Kaila, GSNB’94 Daniel A. Kaiser, ENG’85 James G. Kaiser, NLAW’78 Kenneth M. Kaiser, RC’41 Tal Kaissar, SBNB’94, UCNB’94 * Dr. John Kalafat John Kalamar *

Richard G. Kalbian, NCAS’58 Subhash S. Kale, GSNB’96 William H. Kale, RC’66 Michael Kalena, Jr. Brett R. Kalesky, RC’90, SBNB’90 Dr. Donald I. Kalfus, NCAS’61 Paul J. Kalina, RC’53 Saul Kalish, PHAR’43 Sanghamitr Kalita, RC’98, SCILS’98 Robert B. Kallaur, ENG’73, GSNB’77 Cheryl M. Kallem, GSM’77 David P. Kalm, RC’90 Arne J. Kalma, RC’26 Dr. Lloyd, GSED’75, and Elaine Kalugin * Cedric Chu Ing Kam, GSNB’70 Francine B. Kamen, GSNB’76, SCILS’77 Susan T. Kamens, RC’90 Manya L. Kamerling, CLAW’77 Dr. Lewis J. Kampel, RC’64 William J. Kampo, NLAW’71 Edward Kanazawa, ENG’56 Nancy A. Kandoian, SCILS’77 Donna and George Kandrach James A. Kane, GSNB’97 Dr. Seth O. Kane, RC’69 Choon Kang Wan-Mo Kang, CLAW’96 Dr. Peter A. Kangos Dr. Lawrence T. Kanner, GSED’74 Lawrence Kantor, CLAW’68 Richard T. Kao, ENG’92 Arnold R. Kaplan, RC’68, NLAW’71 Carol Kaplan, GSM’84 Howard Kaplan, RC’55 Leonard Kaplan, ENG’67 Dr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Kaplan * Robert Marc Kaplan, RC’77, CLAW’80 Temma Kaplan Lucy A. Kaprelian Dr. Peter P. Kapsales, GSNB’97 * Linda J. Karabinchak, UCNB’00 Ronald J. Karak, ENG’84 Witalij Karakulko, ENG’59 Elizabeth A. Karcher, GSNB’88 Dr. Stephen A. Kardos, RC’64 Martin and Karin Karel Mary Lynn Kargman, PHAR’83 Dr. Robert A. Karlin, GSNB’74 Iris A. Karnas, GSED’00 Richard C. Karney, RC’72 Dr. and Mrs. Martin L. Karno Ruben H. Karol, ENG’44, GSNB’49 Donald Mathew Karp Frieda Karp Joan G. Karp Michele Kartschoke, PHAR’92 Thomas D. Kasher, PHAR’54 Raj Kashyap Kenneth Kasica, PHAR’87, GSM’92 Anna Kasimis, RC’99 Jean Kasman Janet R. Kasparian, GSNB’75 Mark Kass Michael J. Kassel, CLAW’82 Bonnie Kass-Viola, RC’79 Anthony Kastanas, UCN’71 * Paul F. Kasulis, COOK’81 Gary and Christy Katana Kenneth S. Katen, PHAR’50 David Kates Marian B. Kathein, DC’50 Sarah P. Katowitz, CLAW’86 Lola Katsanos Beverly I. Katz, NLAW’74 Dr. Carl Steven Katz, RC’73 Debra V. Katz, CCAS’96 Harriet N. Katz Dr. James and Susan Katz Murray J. and Elizabeth J. Katz * Robert S. Katz, RC’64 Rochelle Katz, CCAS’60 Dr. Ruth M. Katz, SCILS’65, GSNB’75 Dr. Saul W. Katz, GSED’85 Seymour Katz, SB’48 Stanley N. Katz Steven Katz Terrie S. Katz, SCILS’96 Trudy Katz Lois Nash Kauder, NLAW’72 Ella S. Kauffman Alan M. Kaufman, RC’72 Debra Rae Kaufman, SCILS’75 Dr. and Mrs. Harold A. Kaufman * Phillip M. Kaufman, GSED’83 * Simon L. Kaufman, RC’72, GSED’76 Beena E. Kavalam, DC’98 * David Wayne Kayajan, GSNB’71 Yelena Kaydanov Dr. Sterling S. Kaye, RC’62 Diane Kayser Scott A. Kazanowsky, LC’94, SBNB’94 Dennis Kearney, LC’80 John C. Keator, COOK’77 Frank X. Keegan, Jr. Dr. Gail W. Keenan, CNUR’77 Paul A. Keenan, RC’89 Juri Keerdoja, GSM’73 James M. Keevins, RC’80 * Joseph F. Keiffer, UCNB’73 * William F. Keigher M. Robin Keil, UCNB’84 Stuart R. Keil, PHAR’60 Iris and John O. Keim, Jr. * William D. Keith, RC’72 Douglas K. Kelban, SSW’75 Janet P. Kelleher, SBC’91 Kevin M. Kelleher, GSM’81 Dr. Barnes D. and Jacqueline Keller Lara A. Keller, ENG’93 * Dr. Leonard S. Keller, RC’65 Lenora Kelley * Charles F. Kellner, RC’35 * John W. Kellogg, GSNB’74 Christopher G. Kelly, LC’89 Edward Kelly Edward V. Kelly, UCC’75, SBC’75 * Elisabeth, COOK’79, GSM’88, and Kevin B. Kelly, COOK’78

George Kelly Gerald Kelly, SBC’94 Dr. John J. Kelly, RC’73 John T. Kelly Kevin and Justine Kelly * Dr. Kevin T. Kelly, RC’79 Mark H. Kelly, RC’79 Mary C. Kelly Patricia A. Kelly, UCN’75 * Paul E. Kelly, RC’53 Dr. Robert F. Kelly, GSNB’75, GSNB’79 Thomas J. Kelly, GSM’88 * Van E. Kelly, GSNB’85 William T. Kelly, CCAS’58 Patricia Kelly-Hatfield Dr. Richard M. Kelner, RC’66 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kelsky Jon D. Kelton, SCILS’59 Patricia J. Kemble, PHAR’89 Gloria B. Kempf Andrew W. Kendall, RC’52 * John F. Kenfield Dian M. Keng, GSNB’77 * John Walter Kennedy, GSNB’73 Kevin E. Kennedy, RC’87 Dr. Margaret Pavone Kennedy, GSAPP’83 William H. Kennedy III, CCAS’78, SBC’78 Jane Hartman Kenney, CCAS’80 Dr. Michael J. Kennish, CCAS’72, GSNB’74, GSNB’77 John J. Kenny, NLAW’92 Richard F. Kenny, Jr., LC’91, SBNB’91, GSM’98 * Linda Kennyhertz, UCNB’97 Barbara N. Kent, SSW’72 Richard G. Kent, RC’72 Henry L. Kent-Smith, CLAW’88 Frederic V. Kenyon John R. Kenyon, Jr., LC’73 * Kevin J. Keppler, RC’71 Margaret A. Kerber Georgia Keresty, GSM’92, GSN’98 Lewis Kerman, NLAW’77, GSM’82 Dawn M. Kern, RC’93, SBNB’93 Michael Francis X. Kernan, CCAS’79 James P. Kerns, RC’69 * John W. Kersey, RC’75 Norma Kershaw Jerald Keselman, COOK’78 Elizabeth H. Keshish, GSM’86, GSED’96 Donna Kessler Dr. Michael A. Kessler, RC’68 Sheila Kessler, CCAS’89 Rhoda Kestenbaum Barbara A. Ketterer, GSNB’75, SCILS’93 C. Everett Key, ED’32 Dr. Alan S. Kezis, COOK’72, GSNB’74 Mr. and Mrs. Armen G. Khachaturyan Manish J. Khadepau, GSM’96 Sanaullah Khan Yasmin Khokar Eloise Khoury George P. Kief, Sr., UCP’53 James M. Kiefer, Jr., GSM’80 David W. Kiehl Karen Casiano Kiernan, RC’77, GSNB’79 Kevin Kiernan, GSED’96 Patrick B. Kiernan, RC’76 Mary A. Kietzman, SCILS’96 Kevin M. Kilcullen, COOK’77, NLAW’80 Nancy Horst Kilgallen, DC’79 Eileen M. Killeen, RC’91 Judith Chapman Killion, NCAS’69 Howard H. Kim, ENG’80, GSNB’82 Mr. and Mrs. Joh Won Kim Jueun Kim Dr. Ki-Ho Kim, GSNB’79 Kun-Kil and Yong-Chae Kim Soohwan Kim, RC’99 Dr. You Song Kim, GSNB’61 Young Yee Kim John Kimak, ED’63 John G. Kimberlin III, RC’76, GSM’77 Dr. Dennis P. Kimbleton, RC’71 Rosalind J. Kimmich, SCILS’67 James T. Kindle, ENG’64 John J. Kinelski Charles H. King III, RC’48 Douglas King, GSED’51 Harold K. King, RC’72, GSNB’74 * Jeffrey A. King, ENG’95 * John S. King, CLAW’84 Laurel King, COOK’80 * Robert C. King, GSM’59 * Mr. and Mrs. Shang-Ying King W. Alan King, RC’54 John F. Kingfield, NLAW’62 Joseph L. Kingston, RC’52 * Mary Jane Kinkade, COOK’88 * Timothy F. Kinsella, GSNB’85 John F. Kinsey Dr. George Kipel, RC’80 Barry Kipnis * Douglas Kirby James A. Kirby, RC’67 Mark E. Kirby, RC’89 Edward M. Kirchgessner, GSM’89 Dr. Arthur F. Kirk, Jr., GSED’84 Marilyn Nowalk Kirk, RC’89 Helen R. Kirkwood Roger H. Kirschen, RC’65 Liza Michelle Kirschenbaum, LC’87 William Kirschner, SB’52, GSM’58 Alan R. Kirshner, RC’82 * Philip Kirstein Stanley and Betty Ann Kirtman Scott Lawrence Kisch Donald Owen Kiser, ENG’52 Dr. Paul B. Kissinger, GSNB’61 Elizabeth Kistulinec, UCNB’82 * Marcea Kjervik, GSNB’75 Raymond R. Klacik, Jr., GSM’80 Barbara Ann Klag, ENG’81 * Andrew F. Klase, UCN’50 *

Dara W. Klassel, NLAW’78 Bennett Klausner, RC’60 Herman I. Klayman, SB’48 Frances A. Kleeman Dr. Andrew I. Kleiman, RC’77 Dr. Michael Alan Kleiman, RC’74 Allen H. Klein David Klein, RC’66 Fred J. Klein, LC’75 Gregg M. Klein, RC’96, GSM’98 Dr. Ira M. Klein, PHAR’87, GSM’00 Jeanne H. Klein * Jeffrey D. Klein, LC’80 Kathy Simpson Klein, DC’68 Leon Klein, RC’48 Lisa C. Klein M. Michael Klein, RC’53 Michael A. Klein, RC’63, GSM’64 Samuel Klein, SB’40 Stephen L. Klein, RC’66 Hyman Felix Kleinman, RC’59 Michael M. Kleinman, RC’64, RC’65 Anna Kleinschmit-Kubasek Dr. Peter P. Klemchuk, GSNB’55, GSNB’57 Todd Klenk-Theroux, GSM’97 David J. Kline, RC’71, CLAW’74 David R. Kling, LC’91 Lidia A. Klingler, NLAW’85 Jon I. Klippel, GSM’78 Jennifer M. Klose, CCAS’95 Kenneth D. Klose, RC’98 Jacqueline F. Klotz, NCAS’92 * Daniel Kluchinski, COOK’85 Robert W. Klumpp, UCN’68 Michael L. Kmetz, RC’89 Ruth E. Knapp, CCAS’89 Frank and Susan Kneller Kenneth D. Knezick, RC’74 Edward R. Knight Henry S. Knight, PHAR’55 Priscilla Knight, SSW’65 Warren M. Knight, RC’68, GSM’69 Dr. Fred W. Knobloch, RC’51 Mark C. Knops, NCAS’65 Roberta B. Knowlton, SSW’80 Dr. Daniel Andrew Kobal, RC’61 Julian Kobler, CLAW’52 Scott Kobler Martha A. Koblish, LC’75, GSED’86 A. Robert Koch, AG’53 Dr. Barbl A. Koch, UCN’81, GSM’82, GSN’92 Dorothy H. Koch, LC’84 Paul F. Koch, ENG’59 Stanley A. Kochanek, RC’56, GSNB’57 Dr. Rose R. Kocinski, GSED’84 Jill E. Kocmond, RC’93 Jennifer R. Kocornik-Long, COOK’80 Dr. John F. Kocsis, RC’83, GSNB’85, GSNB’93 * Frank E. Koehl, Jr., GSM’81 Anne Koehler Paul and Debra Koehler Daniel V. Koellhoffer, RC’79 Donald R. Koenen, UCN’67 Herbert K. Koenig, RC’82 John M. Koester, RC’78, GSNB’80 Bernard W. Koft, RC’43 Edward Kohler, ENG’58 Kenneth and Jill Kohn Melvin J. Kohn, ENG’49 Robert E. and Sondra Kern Kohn, DC’59 Aryl D. Kohrs, RC’83 Stephen M. Kokoska, RC’92 Douglas S. Kokoskie, COOK’89 Stanley M. Kokoszka Linda M. Kolar, RC’76 Janet Woodruff Kolb, UCNB’82 * Peter M. Kolben, RC’62 Joy L. Kole, UCNB’71 * Matthew B. Koll, RC’74 Kent S. Kollmer, RC’69 Jeffry L. Kolo, RC’84, UCNB’87 Chris N. Kolos, RC’81, CLAW’84 Jeanne M. Kolva, DC’96 Elizabeth Komurek Flavio L. Komuves, RC’93 John P. and Shirley Konczyk Chester and Elaine Kondracki Dr. and Mrs. Ah-Ng Tony Kong See Y. and Annie Kong * Lola S. Koniuszy, UCNB’99 * Jack J. Konner, RC’49 Jil and Alan Konopacki Gilbert D. Konowitch, ENG’51 David L. Kook, COOK’83 Victor Koong, CLAW’96 William H. Kooser, RC’59 Michael D. Kopack, COOK’74 Henry Kopacki, SB’41 Stanley L. Kopczynski, RC’51 Dennis J. and Anita L. Kopec Jill and David W. Kopelman Justin A. Koplin Dr. Richard W. Kopp, RC’60 Alan W. Koppes, GSM’58 * Richard and Marcia Kops Stephen Kormeluk, RC’76 Howard L. Korn, NCAS’53 Dr. Lloyd B. Kornblatt, AG’44 Mary C. Kornegay, UCN’81 Wendy Lynn Kornreich, RC’86 * Patricia H. Korotky, RC’76 Dr. Steven K. Korotky, RC’75 David I. Korsh, RC’78 Keith G. Korsun, RC’97 James C. Kort, GSM’86 Timothy J. Korzun, RC’76, NLAW’80 Oscar and Leona Kosh John M. Koshoffer, ENG’64 Antoni A. Kosinski Michelle D. Koss Edward K. Kossack, AG’50 Richard A. Kosson, RC’54 Roger A. Kosson, GSNB’96 Arnold L. Koster, NLAW’62 Albert J. Kosup, LC’78 Lawrence H. Kotacska, ENG’73 *

Dr. Srinivas Kothandaraman, GSNB’93, GSNB’97 Richard L. Kotler, RC’67 Theodore J. Kotz, ENG’77 George and Karen G. Kouchakdjian Kenneth J. Koury, GSNB’76 * William J. Kouser, Jr., CCAS’87, SBC’87 Joseph Kovacs Tiberiu and Olia Kovacs James A. Koval, RC’76 Richard W. Kovarsky, ENG’75 William S. Kover, RC’66 Aileen Kowal, RC’95 Lesley T. Kowalski, GSNB’90 Thomas Kozakiewicz Susan Jane Somers Kozinski, NCAS’76 Leslie A. Kozler, RC’92 Suzanne Kozloskie Edward G. Kozlowski, RC’66 Deborah Krabbendam, CLAW’84 William C. Kraemer, RC’52 Christopher D. Kraft, ENG’88 Randall W. Kraker, GSNB’77, NLAW’77 Arthur R. and Nancy E. Kramer Daniel R. Kramer, RC’72 Julian S., NCAS’41, and Ruth Kramer, NCAS’43 Larry I. Kramer, RC’85 Laurence W. Kramer, GSM’61 Lois Weintraub Kramer, NCAS’56 Dr. Melvin N. Kramer, RC’73 Dr. Michael J. Kramer, RC’80 Michael Lee Kramer Sarah Kramer Talbot B. Kramer, RC’56 * Vincent R. Kramer, RC’41 Robert Krane, RC’79 Leah Zindel Kranzler, PHAR’79 Lois J. Kraus, RC’84, GSM’92 * William M. Krause, UCN’77 * Alan G. Kraut Robert E. Kraut Martin E. Kravarik, RC’58 Walter Kreczkevich Anne G. Krell, CLAW’80 David E. Krell, CLAW’77 Robert P. Krenkowitz, RC’66, NLAW’73 Paul Krentar Dr. Alan J. Kresch, GSNB’61 Harry Kresky Howard L. Kress, CCAS’82 Dorothy Kretchmer Richard L. Krewson, RC’54 Robert R. Krick, RC’85 Sylvia Krieger Gordon A. Kriney, RC’58 Linda Ann Kritzberger-McGill, LC’84 Roger F., UCNB’79, and Tourrahn Kriz Steven R. Krog, COOK’74 Dr. David A. Krohn, ENG’65 Peter H. Kromayer, ENG’50 Dr. Kent E. Kronowski, RC’78 Annette Killian Kropp, DC’84 * Elizabeth Kros Albert J. Krouse, LC’89 Jerome Krueger, NLAW’48 Dr. Anne L. Kruger, GSNB’76, GSNB’77, GSNB’81 Dr. Andrejs Krumins, RC’60 Sydney Krupnick, AG’48 Margaret F. Kruse Gerald Krygier Karen Krygier Dr. William L. Kubasek Daniel J. Kubek, ENG’68 Linda J. Kuchner, DC’70 * Victor Kuchynsky, GSNB’92 Thomas Stanley Kucinski, GSNB’87 William M. Kuehn, Jr., RC’64 Dr. Gerard Kugel, LC’76 Sandra Williams Kugler, CLAW’79 Charles T. and Joyce E. Kuhar * Fred E. Kuhmichel, RC’49 John F. Kuhn, RC’79 Lionel H. Kuhner, UCNB’82 Myrle R. Kuhns, SCILS’64 Edward William Kukalski, UCP’73, UCN’77 Peter Kuker, RC’51 Theresa J. Kulaga, SBNB’89, UCNB’89 * Deborah Lewin Kull, PHAR’75 Lawrence W. Kull, GSM’74 Fred H. Kumpf, RC’65, NLAW’68 Robert H. Kundin, UCN’63 Daniel C. Kunz David M. Kunz, COOK’98 Elizabeth Ham Kunz, UCNB’72 Dr. Shyh-Shiaw Kuo, GSNB’90, GSNB’91 * Dr. Eugene J. Kupchik, RC’51, GSNB’59 Dr. Eric E. Kupersmith, COOK’91 Douglas and Jean Kupfer Mutsuo Kuramoto, RC’52 James Baker Kurdek, UCN’79 Syndie M. Kureczko, COOK’98 Joseph F. Kursar, ED’50, GSED’56 Brian P. Kurtz, RC’80 William J. Kurtzer, RC’77 * Hilary Kurzer, RC’89, SBNB’89 Jeffrey R. Kuschner, LC’75, NLAW’79 H. Richard Kush Kerry L. Kushinka, SCILS’76 Dr. Gary J. Kushner, RC’74 Arnold P. Kushnick, GSNB’86 * Thomas Kusterer Stephen P. Kutno, LC’90 Ronald W. Kutyla Marek A. Kuzdra, GSM’99 Richard and Susan Kwapniewski Patricia A. Kwasniewski Dr. Barbara H. Kwasnik, GSNB’89 Kenneth L., ENG’81, and Cynthia Marie Kwik, ENG’81 Kenneth L. Kyte, ENG’68, GSN’90 Robert J. La Tourette, RC’62 Edward R. Laase, AG’70 *

Dr. Robert J. Labaczewski, CCAS’69 Dr. Patricia H. Labalme Richard S. LaBar, Jr., COOK’91 Naomi R. LaBastille, NLAW’71 G.G. Labelle Dennis Labo, RC’72 Dr. Erich W. Labouvie Sarah Laboy-Almodovar, UCNB’91 Ralph Joseph LaCanna, Jr., NCAS’84 George W. Lachenmayer Dr. Irwin M. Lachman, ENG’52 John and Janice P. Lacki Dr. Jeffrey M. Lackner, GSAPP’92 Thomas J. LaConte, NLAW’74 Christine Gale Lacy, COOK’86 Dr. Ellen Ann Lacy, GSAPP’76 John J. Lacy, ENG’69 Walter Lacz, Jr., GSM’73 * Jonas Ladao, RC’00 Dr. Gregory J. Ladas, RC’63 Gladys Goldstein Laden, DC’56 Herbert W. Laden Daniel J. Ladik, UCC’84, SBC’84 * Robert G. Lage, ENG’85 Juan C. Lagos, ENG’99 Karen and Charles Lagos Anthony LaGrippo James J. Lagrosa Hon-ling Lai Dr. Scott P. Laird, GSNB’88, GSNB’91 * Bruce & Roberta Lake Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lake, Jr. * Madeleine Lallo Joseph E. LaMantia, RC’73 Fernanda Lamb * George A. Lamb, AG’66 * Lawrence Lambelet, Jr., RC’65, GSNB’98 * David T. Lamm, ENG’79 Steven C. Lamond, UCC’87 Wendy W. LaMotte, CNUR’98 Richard J. and Susan M. Lampen Donna Lancaster Dr. Stephen M. Land, COOK’81 Elizabeth P. Landau, LC’94 Iris Landau-Fisher, PHAR’78 * Robert W. Landley, GSM’86 * Benjamin Z. Landman, GSNB’88 Marvin D. Lando, SB’64 Christine M. Landwehrle, RC’98, GSED’99 Bruce C. Lane, ENG’48 * Dr. I. William Lane, GSNB’50 James D. Lane, SCILS’80 Lee R. and Susan G. Lane Richard E. Lane, ENG’57 Shari L. Lanes, DC’83 * Beth Ann Lang, PHAR’90, GSNB’98 Larry R. Lang, RC’69 Pauline M. Lang, SCILS’91 Dr. Richard W. Lang, RC’44 Maxine G. Langbein Maureen and Charles Lange Dr. George Langer, RC’68 Paul R. Langevin, Jr., COOK’74 Catherine M. Langlois, NLAW’80 Noshir A. Langrana Jay H. Lanin, RC’52 Lois B. Laning, GSED’96 Dr. Stephen H. Laning, GSNB’47 * Richard A. Lanken, NCAS’65 Sandra H. Lanman, DC’72 Joann Lannon * Joan H. Lanphear, SCILS’81 * George W. Lansdowne, Jr., RC’69 George Lao Vincent J. LaPaglia, RC’73 Maria C. LaPella, CCAS’77 Dr. Robert L. Lapinski Thomas L. LaPorte, ENG’84 * Dr. Lewis R. Lapow, RC’68 Floyd Lapp Denise N. Laratta, NCAS’69 * Frank M. Lario, Jr., CLAW’62 John Larkin, LC’99 Patrick R. Larkin, LC’91 William M. Larkin, LC’76 * Arthur T. Larned, RC’49 * Robert J. LaRocca, NLAW’77 Daniel T. LaRosa, Jr., RC’77 * Joseph I. LaRosa, NCAS’80 Paul P. LaRosa, RC’70 Jeffrey Larris Henry S. Larsen, UCNB’54 Dr. Phillip Larsen, CCAS’57 Dr. Richard J. Larsen, GSNB’66, GSNB’70 William A. Larsen Robert Bruce Larson, RC’68 * Jeannine Larue Walter Las Eugene R. and Dorothy LaSala * Linda Lashbrook, NLAW’81 Dr. Jeffrey I. Lasker, RC’71 Dori Laskin, CCAS’81, SBC’81 * Sheldon H. Laskin, RC’73, CLAW’76 John O. and Nancy B. Lasser Dr. Phillip J. LaStella, NCAS’72 Linda H. Latimer, DC’71 * Joseph M. LaTona, RC’71 Joseph E. Latoof, RC’75, CLAW’92 Rose Marie and Anthony LaTorre Patricia Latyn, UCNB’84 * Paulette M. Laubsch, GSN’89 John Albert Laucius, ENG’81 * Anthony and Grace Laudato Kathleen W. Laughery Leighton Laughlin Laura S. Laurence, NLAW’94 Bruce Gordon Laurie, RC’65 Thomas C. Lausman, GSNB’75 * Carl H. Lautenberger, COOK’79 Cheryl Lauziere Arthur A. and Mary A. LaValle Salvatore A. Lavecchia, UCNB’97 Nancy L. LaVerda, RC’80 William M. Laveroni Peter J. Laves, RC’94

Rosalie Lavinthal, RC’75 Susan J. Laviolette Dr. Alton D. Law, GSNB’68 Timothy P. Law, GSNB’92, CLAW’95 Victor J. Law, ENG’91 Joseph J. Lawler, RC’89 William T. Lawler, UCN’55 Leslie J. Lawley, RC’84 Margaret P. Lawliss Donald W. Lawrence, UCN’72, UCN’78 Frank C. Lawrence, RC’51 Janet S. Lawrence, CLAW’77 Douglas J. Lawrie, RC’61 Dr. Steven F. Lawson Harry S. Layton Robert J. Lazarczyk, RC’78 Edward A. Lazaro, Jr. Dr. Clifford N. Lazarus, RC’84, GSNB’87, GSNB’89 Jennifer Lazor, NLAW’98 Dennis James Leader, CLAW’77 Eliot Lear, RC’88 Robert M. Lear, SB’63, GSM’72 * T.J. Jackson Lears Robert C. and Lynda Learsch Rosemary Leath Irene M. Leatherow, UCNB’86 * Richard F. Leaver, GSM’70 * Eric P. Leboeuf, GSNB’98 Dr. Martin Lebofsky, RC’68 Louis Lebowitz, NLAW’29 Kenneth J. Lebrato, RC’75 Marla Lecin, RC’83 Steven M. Leder, RC’72 Arthur W. Lederer, Jr., RC’38 * Dr. Howard C. Lederman, COOK’78 Richard and Rose Ledoux Carole Y.K. Lee, PHAR’95 Dr. Daniel J. Lee, PHAR’85 Donald M. Lee, RC’90, GSM’92 Felix Lee John C. Lee, GSNB’72 Judy Marie Lee, RC’77 Karen Tobias Lee, SCILS’77 Kenneth R. Lee, RC’64 Lynne Lee Min J. Lee, RC’93 Odell Lee, Jr., GSM’73 Ping Lee, NLAW’76 Robert S. Lee, CLAW’75 Sally S. Lee, LC’74, GSNB’80 Theo Lee Thomas William Lee, ENG’69 Walter A. Lee, Jr., ED’50, GSED’53 William Y. Lee, PHAR’91, CLAW’96 * Adele Conley Leeds, NCAS’78 Byron J. Leeds Gilbert S. Leeds, NLAW’78 Dr. Audrey V. Leef, GSED’76 Ralph N. and Donna Leek Louis Henry LeFevre, GSC’83, SBC’83 Albert F. Leff, AG’61 Daniel Leffel, NCAS’99, NKSM’99 John and Arja Lefgren Wendy Leggett, NLAW’96 Dr. Richard L. Lehman, ENG’72, GSNB’75, GSNB’76 Richard Lehmann, RC’64 Timothy John Lehnert, RC’61 Jeffrey K. Lehrer, RC’93 Robert Z. Lehrer, NCAS’56 Richard S. Lehrich, RC’66 Dr. Maria Troncone Leibfried, PHAR’93 Donald S. Leibowitz, CLAW’80 * Rochelle Leibowitz, GSNB’74, GSNB’78 Ivy S. Leight, GSNB’79 George H. Leistensnider, ENG’55 * Frances B. Leitch David Lejfer, GSM’77 Barbara Ann Lemanski, GSNB’80, NLAW’98 Elizabeth Lemesevski, DC’90, SBNB’90 Wayne Lemme Joseph M. Lemond, RC’87 * Mario C. Lemos, NCAS’92 Joseph F. Lencewicz, RC’67 Lisa Lenches-Marrero, RC’81, GSNB’83 Raymond C. Lender, SB’54 Donald J. Lenner, RC’70 Dr. Michael and Dr. Stacey Lent Andrew T. Lenton, GSNB’84 Dr. George H. Lenz, RC’61, GSNB’63, GSNB’67 Linda Lenz Roberta V. Lenz, RC’76 Hugh M. Leonard Judith C. Leondar, SCILS’60 Elizabeth R. Leong, CLAW’97 Dr. Philip C. Leong, GSED’80 Dr. Roland Leong, GSM’00 John Henry Leonhard, AG’59 R. Douglas Leonhard, ENG’57 Dr. Milton Leontiades Elenora C. Leopold, GSED’55 Austin E. Lepine, RC’37, GSED’48 Dr. John V. Lepore, GSNB’87, GSNB’89, GSNB’90 * Arthur A. LePori, ED’34 Eugene P. Leporiere, SB’62, GSM’66 Wolfgang Lerch, NCAS’75 Eileen R. Lerman, NLAW’72 Paul Lerman Alan C. Lerner Ari Lerner, ENG’00 Emanuel David Lerner, ENG’87 Henry Hyam Lerner, GSNB’71 * Dr. Morris W. Lerner, GSNB’55 Philip and Ruth Lerner Nancy and Ralph Lerro Amy C. Lesch, GSNB’94 * Richard L. and Agnews M. Lesher Marie J. Leslie Dr. Dolores E. Lesnick, GSED’72, GSED’80

Randy Kevin Lesperance, COOK’83 Nancy A. Lessner, GSN’85 Daniel M. Lettic, Jr. Charles H. Leu, LC’78 Dr. Yuen Po Leung, GSNB’62, GSNB’66 * Robert H. Levan, RC’52 Saul Levenson, RC’60 * Dr. Stephen M. Leveson, LC’84 Arnold B. Levin, RC’61 Bruce R. Levin, GSM’95 * Dean Axel Levin, GSNB’86 Seth I. Levin, RC’87 Vivian Levin Alan H. Levine, SB’58 Andrew S. Levine, NLAW’84 Bernard Max Levine, RC’72 Dr. George L. Levine H. Jory Levine Hugh A. Levine, RC’68 Jay Talbert Levine, NCAS’67 Dr. Michael A. Levine, RC’72 Noel D. Levine, RC’56 Dr. Richard S. Levine, RC’76 Robert A. Levine, LC’78 * Dr. Seymour Levine, RC’64 Steven H. Levine, RC’70 Dr. Paul F. Levinsky, Jr., RC’72 Dr. Charles Levinson, GSNB’64 Judith S. Levinson Richard J. Levinson Carol Levison, NLAW’95 * Lawrence D. Levit, GSNB’78 Dr. Gloria Levitas, GSNB’80 Dr. David A. Levitsky, RC’64, GSNB’66, GSNB’68 Dorothy A. Levorse, RC’85 * Berna Levy Edward and Florence Levy * Kenneth A. Levy, NLAW’75 * Kim L. Levy, COOK’83 Leonard E. Levy, AG’55 Linda Rosenwald Levy, DC’67, GSNB’70 Dr. Mark R. Levy, GSNB’65 Paul G. Levy Peter Kent Levy, LC’82 Richard and Maxine Levy Stephen M. Lewen, NCAS’70 Albert M. Lewis, UCNB’78 * Alonzo L. Lewis, NCAS’73, GSNB’82 Bernard A. Lewis Brian M. Lewis, RC’99 Dr. David L. Lewis Dr. Edward D. Lewis, RC’74 Dr. James E. Lewis, RC’73 John Robert Lewis, RC’42 Martin E. Lewis, GSM’83 Robert F. Lewis, GSM’71 * William Lewis, RC’42 Joel A. Leyner, NCAS’52, NLAW’55 Cheung-man S. Li Lawrence E. Li, ENG’97 * Qian Li, GSNB’92 Dr. Hsien-Hsing Liao, GSNB’93 Frances Libasci, UCNB’77, GSNB’80 Vincenzo Liberatore, GSNB’94, GSNB’98 Carolyn J. Liberti Stephen M. and Nancy J. Libro Dr. Sharon Lichtenberg, GSNB’74, GSNB’77 Dr. Roy Licklider Stacy M. Licor, PHAR’95 Linda Duberstein Lidor, GSNB’75 * Howard Lidz Dr. Herbert E. and Elaine Lieb Ellen D. Lieber, RC’82 Barry Louis Lieberman, CLAW’77 Irving Lieberman Maury L. Lieberman, SSW’66 Judith E. Liebeskind, GSNB’74 Dr. Stuart E. Lieblich, RC’77 Deborah Anne Liebman, CLAW’82 Sheldon Liebowitz Alfred A. Lierman, RC’81 Dennis M. Lies, RC’70 * Carmine Lifrieri, ENG’00 Richard D. Ligertwood, UCN’68 * George R. Liggett, RC’83 * Barry A. Liimakka, UCC’99 George B. Lilley, Jr., UCC’69, SBC’69 * Moon S. and Myung H. Lim Dorothy Davis Limbach, DC’39 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lin Shwu L. Lin, GSNB’82 Shakira L. Lincoln, LC’95, SBNB’95 * Barbara Lincoln-McPherson John W. Lindacher, PHAR’90 Linda A. Lindacher, RC’89 Cathleen F. Lindamood, DC’77 Devora L. Lindeman, NLAW’95 * Dr. Marilee Lindemann, GSNB’83, GSNB’91 Cecilia M. Lindenfelser, NLAW’91 Robert Linder, RC’55 Regina M. Lindner, DC’89 * Eric E. Lindquist, RC’60, UCN’75 * Doris Hastings Lindsay, DC’45 James S. Lindsay, ENG’48 John J. Lindsay, CLAW’53 Carolyn N. Lineback Robert A. Linett, RC’76 Leslie F. Link, ENG’80 Keriann Glanzman Linton, UCNB’93 Ruth M. Linz, NCAS’60 Raymond C. Liotta, COOK’76 Mary Jean Yonone Lioy, AG’72, GSNB’86 Dr. Paul James Lioy, GSNB’73, GSNB’75 Dr. Bonnie J. Lipeles, GSAPP’86 Stacey Friedman Lipkin, LC’87, SBNB’87 Jeffrey Lipman Dr. Jill A. Lipoti, COOK’77, GSNB’83, GSNB’85

Leon S. Lipp, AG’52 Barry Lippard Sharon L. Lippett, NLAW’94 Donald E. Lippincott, RC’51 Kirk and Connie Lippincott William Reeves Lippincott, RC’62 Allan Lipson Clare S. Liptak, GSNB’76 Joseph J. Lis, ENG’82 Anthony Lisante Americo R. Lisboano, NCAS’91 Lloyd L. Lisk, RC’84 * Dr. Stephen A. Lisman, RC’71, GSNB’72 Tina A. Liss * Lawrence Harold List, AG’67 * Alfred I. Litman, NLAW’72 Mark E. Litowitz, NCAS’51, NLAW’53 Joseph S. Littenberg, ENG’60 Craig J. Little, GSM’78 Patricia S. Little, NCAS’75 Dr. Robert W. Little, RC’37 * Susan I. Littman, NLAW’75 Yefim Litvan Dr. Steven Litz Alice Y.C. Liu Kathy Liu Barbara LiVecchi Richard A. Lloret, CCAS’79, CLAW’82 Gorason Lloyd * Raymond W. Lloyd, AG’35 Thomas Lloyd, GSNB’79 William Channing Lloyd, RC’70 * Joy I. Lo Bamijoko Virginia Lo Castro, DC’67 Joseph M. Lo Porto, ENG’81 Paul F. Lo Presto William K. Lo * C. Paul Loane, CCAS’70, GSED’81 Judith Hurst Loane, CCAS’78 Carl D. Lobell, NCAS’59 John L. Lobsitz, RC’72 Carey F. Loch Richard W., GSM’81, and Maureen M. Locke, GSM’81 Margaret J. Lockhart, NLAW’86 Melville Lockwood, AG’49 Michael Locurcio, RC’93 Dominick L. Lodato, SCJ’81 Roswell T. Loden, RC’49 Gilda B. Loeb Milton S. Loeb Dr. Peter D. Loeb, NCAS’67, GSNB’70, GSNB’73 David R. and Catherine Parks Loevner Jay H. Loevy, RC’52 * William R. Loew, RC’72, ENG’72, CLAW’75 Frances J. Loewensteiner, NCAS’73 Michael S. Loewenthal, RC’67 Norman Loewenthal Peter H. Loewy, NLAW’79 Jennifer C. Loftus, RC’94, SBNB’94 Robert D. Logan * Charles P. Logg, Jr., AG’53 Dr. Gary R. Login, RC’79 Gerard and Deborah Logue Thomas Loikith, NLAW’78 Volodar A. Lojko, RC’99 Dr. N. John Lombardi, GSAPP’79 Leon Lonczak, LC’81 Raymond S. Londa, NLAW’64 Andrea Londensky, SCILS’96 J. Donald London Thomas W. Long, GSED’57 Garry L. and Mary M. Longenecker Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Longhitano * Joann M. Longinetti, ENG’86 Joseph M. Longo, UCN’73 Richard Longo * Robert J. Longo, ENG’75 Stephanie C. Longo, DC’70, SSW’87 Kevin S. Loog, LC’89 Preeti K. Loomba, PHAR’98 George Lopac, Jr. * Dr. Joseph L. Lopes, NCAS’77 Anthony Lopez, LC’92 * Barrington G. Lopez, NLAW’99 Gurza Lopez Rollie and Praxie Lopez Kimberly M. Lordi, RC’93 William H. Lorentz, NCAS’62, NLAW’65 Nicholas D. Lorusso, RC’52 Vic Losick, RC’65 Alfred E. Losiewicz, RC’58, GSED’62 Donald J. Lott, AG’72 Jacalyn L. Lott, NCAS’70 Dr. John A. Lott, PHAR’59, GSNB’62, GSNB’65 Larry S. Loubet, RC’76 Judy Louie, RC’77 Geoffrey and Eva Love Edward R. Loveland, Jr., ENG’65 Susan Richter Lovell, DC’70 Joseph R. Loverdi, SBC’92, CLAW’96 Rosemary J. Loverdi, SBC’90, CLAW’93 James L. and Cheryl A. Lowden Timothy J. Lowe, SSW’99 David C. and Elizabeth Lowenstein Robert L. Lowenstein, RC’44 Jay Lowenthal, RC’73 Dr. Mark S. Lowenthal, GSAPP’88 Willard H. Lowther, UCC’59, SBC’59 Judith L. Loy, RC’83, GSM’86 * Lambert R. Lozier, RC’41 Harry Lubansky, RC’43, GSNB’58 * Philip D. Luberoff, RC’84 Daniel I. Lubetkin, NCAS’52, NLAW’54 Robert A. Lubin, RC’71 Todd W. Lubin, RC’78 Dr. Irvin Gordon Lubis, RC’61 Dr. Richard M. Lubow, RC’65 Fernando and Julia Lucas

Mariann E. Lucas, SCILS’97 * Dr. Michael J. Lucas, RC’92 Gene and Joyce Luciani Brian V. Lucianna, CLAW’84 Paul J. Luciano, COOK’97 Steven A. Luciano, COOK’92 Beverly V. Luck, SCILS’88 Arthur M. Lucker, RC’73 Daina Marija Lucs, SCILS’69 Lynn Luczkowski, COOK’84 William R., NCAS’76, GSN’80, and Mary E. Ludeking, GSM’83 Richard D. Ludescher Robert A. Ludolph, ENG’75, GSNB’78 Elliott M. Ludwin, RC’72 * Walter M. Luers, RC’96 Frank Luerssen, AG’51 Judith M. Luger, GSED’85 George J. Lukac, RC’58 Dr. Ayalew A. Lulseged Peter J. Lumia, ED’53, NLAW’59 * Daniel J. Luna, SB’61, GSED’85 Dr. Robert E. Luna, ENG’60 Mark S. Lunardoni, NCAS’74 Elizabeth M. Lund, CCAS’54 Dr. Jane M. Lund Robert B. Lundberg, ENG’60 Norman C. and Carol Lunde * Dr. Eleanor Brown Lundeen, CNUR’62, CNUR’64 Kathy J. Lundgren, RC’77 Viet A. Luong, ENG’95 Louis R. Luongo, RC’51 Raymond J. Lupo, ENG’64 Dr. Martin J. Luria, RC’67 James M. Lurie, CLAW’77 Janet B. Lurie, NLAW’88 Sylvia H.K. Lustberg, RC’76 Tobias A. Lustig, GSM’65 Robert K. Lutey, RC’78 Carl R. Luthman, RC’65, GSM’88 John H. Luttman John Robson Lutz, GSM’76 Paul P. and Maryann Lutz * Gerhard A. Lux, Jr., ENG’88 Ralph K. Lydman, AG’55, GSNB’65 Lawrence D. Lyford, CCAS’58 * Carmin E. Lynch, UCC’70, SBC’70 Christopher P. Lynch, ENG’78, GSNB’80 * James P. Lynch, NCAS’80, NLAW’91 Gerald F. Lyness, COOK’77 Catherine Lynham, UCNB’97 Frederick A. Lynk III, GSM’74 * Bonnie Aaltizio, COOK’96, and Jarrett A. Lynn, COOK’96 John William Lynskey, CCAS’68 Carl K. Lyon, RC’99 Fred C. Lyon, RC’57 Robert R. and Catherine Lyon Samuel Lyon Dennis C. Lyons, UCN’83 * Robert T. and Catherine Lyons Rabe I. Maaddi, CCAS’96 Margot Maatsch, GSNB’85 Arthur N. Mabbett, GSNB’70 Margaret K. Macali, GSN’94 Camille M. Macchio, UCNB’96 * John A. Macchione, NCAS’98, NKSM’98 Robert A. and Carol MacConnell George E. MacDonald, RC’71 Stanley N. MacDonald, Jr., CCAS’69, GSNB’74 Richard G. MacDonnell, Jr. Dr. John A. MacDougall, RC’72 Santa Maceri, NCAS’98, NKSM’98 * Dr. William S. MacGrath, Jr., AG’62, GSNB’65, GSNB’68 William V. Machaver, GSED’49 Kathleen L. Machuzak, COOK’80, GSM’83 Richard J. Maciag, PHAR’90 Blair B. MacInnes Anthony C. Mack, NLAW’95 Kenneth H. Mack, RC’68 Lorna Carey Mack Kelvin L. and Marion F. MacKavanagh Kimberly Banks MacKay, NLAW’95 Dr. Carl R. Mackerer, NCAS’63 James Arnaud Mackey, RC’99 Joan G. MacKinnon, UCNB’73, SCILS’75 Norman MacKinnon, ENG’53 Donald G.A. MacLeod, GSNB’64 Dr. Heather A. Macleod, GSED’94 Lawrence J. MacLeod, AG’63 Thomas W. Maclin, RC’58 Dr. Paul C. MacMillan, GSNB’69 Brian J. Macminn, CCAS’94 Daniel A. MacMullan, CLAW’86 Earl G. MacPherson, ED’41 Dr. Brandon A. Macy, RC’76 Michele M. Maddalena, UCNB’82 Edward F. Madden, CCAS’71 John R. Madden, RC’66, NLAW’72 Michael P. Madden, CLAW’72 Eliza M. Maddux, UCN’78 James E. Maderski, ENG’90 Frank and June Ann Madia Mark J. Madonia, UCNB’92 Richard and Erlyn Madonia Michael Andrew Madura, PHAR’41 Bridget M. Maehr, COOK’90 Marilynn Maggi-Miceli, RC’80, GMLR’99 * Vita A. Maggio, NCAS’72, GSN’77 Robert L. Magielnicki, RC’67 Howard N. Magill, RC’82 Brian K. Maginness, ENG’63 James Magliano, NCAS’69, GSNB’75 Frank A. Magnotta, UCP’51 Nancy Maguire, CCAS’88 Patricia T. Maguire, RC’82 * Dr. Randall F. Maguire, RC’71 Richard A. Magurno, ENG’71 * Dr. Michael Mahan Benita Maharam Ann B. Maher, CNUR’68, GSN’79 Daniel W. Maher, COOK’92

Walter Joseph Maher, NCAS’76 John C. Mahn, Jr. Christopher J. Mahon, RC’83 Dennis J. Mahon, ENG’70, GSNB’75 * James V. Mahon, NLAW’96 Edward P. Mahoney, ENG’51 Ann L. Maiara, SCILS’76 Melinda B. Maidens, NLAW’85 Robert W. Maidt, Jr., GSM’81 Mary Rosetta Maimone, UCNB’80 F. Michael Maiolo, RC’86 Joel Mair, RC’63 John P. Majane, CCAS’78 Elsie J. Majerski, CNUR’84 Sandhya Majmudar Chester J. Major, Jr., UCN’52 Ralph Makar, PHAR’83 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Maki Raymond E. Makul, GSM’73, NLAW’76 Grace F. Malacrida, RC’85 Therese Malafronte Michael J. Malaspina, ENG’72 * Nihar H. Malaviya, RC’94 Arthur E. Malcarney, GSM’69 Ronald L. Malcarney, CLAW’73 John P. Malczynski, UCN’55 Dr. Joseph A. Male, ENG’70, GSNB’73, GSNB’77 * Dayton R. Males, Jr., ENG’68 Dr. Harish and Mahamaya Malhotra Carmen A. Malignaggi, CLAW’83 Fran and Robert Malina Gary S. Malinoski, RC’80 Maria S. Malinverni, SSW’82 Carl J. Malisheski, GSNB’63 Bryan A. Malkiewicz, COOK’78 James J. Malkiewicz, RC’80 Luis Nicolas Mallea, Jr., COOK’87 Patrice G. Malleus, ENG’76 Sherrill Mallinson, RC’90 Karen M. Mallo, COOK’93 * C. Thomas Mallos, RC’57 William Malloy, RC’56 Ella J. Malone Veronica M. Malone, UCNB’70, GSED’81 W. Geoffrey Malone, RC’64, GSNB’65 Eileen M. Maloney, GSED’87 John K. Maloney, CLAW’98 Dr. Aniello L. Malvetti, RC’68 William Bruce Maly, RC’67 Christine Malzone Marion Mammana Anthony J. and Barbara J. Mammano Bhairav Mamudar Donna M. Mancino, RC’89 Vincent J. Mancino, ENG’51 Charles J. Mandel, ENG’39 Dr. Matthew A. Mandel, AG’64 Charles H. Mandell, RC’66, CLAW’69 Rosemary Mandella, GSNB’92 Maureen M. Mandeville, LC’88, GSM’98 * Gerald J. Mangano, UCC’70, SBC’70 Karamjeet Mangat, GSNB’75, GSM’81 * John A. Manger, RC’38 Ganpat Mani, GSM’73 * Sheila S. Manischewitz, GSNB’80 Anthony M. Mankus, GSM’73 * Joseph P. Manley Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Mann Anthony J. Manna, NCAS’59 Raymond and Karen Manner Melissa D. Manness, COOK’90 * James T. Manning, RC’85 Russ, PHAR’37, and Vivian J. Mannino, PHAR’40 Dr. Joseph A. Manno III, RC’66 Aaron Mansbach, COOK’79 Dr. Richard Mansfield, RC’40 William J. Mansmann, AG’71 W. Gilbert Manson, RC’31, NLAW’34 Karen Mansue Akil M. Mansuri, LC’94 * Ann Sebor Mantell, RC’81, GSM’87 Dr. Nancy Mantell Carol W. Manuel, UCNB’93 Adrian O. Mapp, UCNB’91, SBNB’91 * Darren Marabello, RC’99 Joseph E. Marakovits, NCAS’79 Ara and Carmen Marangosian Diane Marano, CLAW’78 Joan M. Marasciulo, CNUR’80 Charles R. Maratea, CLAW’74 Jon D. Marbaise, ENG’85 Renee Pezzano Marchand, LC’93 * Theodore Marchese, Jr., RC’61 Thomas Marciniak Carol Posnock Marcus, NLAW’69 Michele Schiffman Marcus, NLAW’87 Yvonne Marcuse Michael J. Mardy, GSM’76 Dr. Gary R. Marecek, PHAR’78 Mario Marghella Peter H. Margiloff, GSNB’86 * Gary S. Margiotta, CLAW’86 * Harry A. Margolis, NLAW’53 Lance E. Margolis, RC’71 Richard P. Margolius, RC’71 Elizabeth Margosches, GSNB’74 Rocco A. Mariano, Jr., RC’75 * William D. and Janet Marietti George O. Marinich, COOK’80 * Nicholas Mariniello, Jr., RC’82 James A. Marino John A. and Irene Marino * Linda A. Marino, NCAS’70 Nicholas D. Marino, SBC’97 Stephen A. Marino, UCC’74 James C. Marion Stephanie J. Marion, GSED’96 Aleksandra Marjanovic, RC’94 Josefina S. Mark, GSED’74


Lance A. Markbreiter, ENG’84 Dr. Bonnie Markham, GSAPP’86 George J. Markos, RC’71 Lewis M. Markowitz, RC’63 Ed Markowski Thomas and Barbara Markowski Gloria June Marks, SSW’00 Mary Summers Marks, CNUR’77 Michele Marks, NLAW’94 William C. Marks Dr. Frank I. Marlowe, PHAR’57 Ronald G. Marmo, NCAS’64 Abraham H., AG’37, and Pearl T. Marmon Stephen J. Maroda, RC’50 * Dr. Arthur Maron, RC’54 Dr. Irving Maron, ENG’49 * Nicholas G. Marotta, LC’81 Harry Maroulakos Joseph Marovich Leonard A. Marowitz, RC’69 Ralph J. Marra, Jr., RC’75 D. Lynne Trombley Marsh, DC’60 Dr. Albert H. Marshall, GSNB’78 Dennis R. Marshall, RC’65 Jerome Francis Marshall Margaret A. Marshall, CNUR’56, GSNB’58 Dr. Robert J. Marshall, RC’50 Andrew Marshie Kenneth J. Martchek, GSNB’75 Saturnino Marte Peter F. Martens, Jr., AG’48 David P. Martin, RC’61 Douglas Scott Martin, AG’67 Edwin L. Martin James R. Martin, RC’59 Jeffrey K. Martin, CLAW’81 Jennifer M. Martin, COOK’76 Kimberly R. Martin Anonymous Anne C. Martindell Jean M. Martinetti Eugenia Martinez Jane Alice Martinez, SCILS’73 * Johanna L. Martinez, ENG’75, GSNB’77 John J. Martinez, Jr., RC’70 Dr. Wilfred A. Martinez, ENG’75, GSNB’77, GSNB’79 Iris M. Martinez-Campbell, LC’75, SSW’81 Michele Martinovic, ENG’96 Thomas M. Martinsen, RC’66 Ralph K. Martinson, RC’52, GSM’60 Sheryl Martz Sally M. Maruca Joseph Marucci Gloria Marvin, UCC’73 Robert G. Marvinney, COOK’78 Cary N. Marzinsky, CCAS’79 * Joseph S. Masaryk, ENG’67 Norine Hutka Maschin, CNUR’74 Paula D. Masciulli Steven M. Maslow, CCAS’75 Henry F., and Joyce M. Maso, GSED’76 Charles H. Mason, RC’68 John and Joyce Mason Marianne Mason, UCNB’76, GSNB’79 Peter C. Massa, Jr., UCN’76, GSN’79 Vito Massa, Jr., GSNB’79 Eleanor Nelson Massey, DC’52 Mercedes Massey Dr. Neil A. Massoth, NCAS’62 Paula Mastrangelo, PHAR’83 Maria Muth Mastrolia, LC’88, SBNB’88 Pasquale Mastrolia Dr. Alfredo S. Masullo, RC’71 Mary C. Mate, NCAS’86 Maria Brancato Matera, DC’70 Milan A. Matey, RC’70 Aaron L. Mathis, ED’55 Nitin N. Mathur, RC’99 Dr. Susan Matiejunas, GSED’67, GSED’69 Tad A. Matley, RC’80, ENG’80 * Karen and Richard Matri Sandra L. Matsen Fumio Matsumura Mary G. Matter Lorraine Mattes Ralph Mattes Jeffrey and Linda Matthews N. Ross Matthews, RC’51, GSNB’52 Marvin T. Mattingly Carol E., NLAW’95, and Richard A. Matula * David and Irene Maturi Dr. Robert J. Matusow, RC’44 Patricia M. Matzek, NCAS’69 Dr. Carol K. Mauermeyer, GSED’80, GSED’88 Clifford J. Maurer, Jr., UCNB’74, SCJ’76 Robert C. Maurer, Jr., NCAS’83 Dr. David A. Mauriello, GSNB’76 John K. Maurus, RC’70 William C. Maute, Jr. John J. Mautone, GSN’83 David T. May, RC’99 * Patricia A. May Brian R., ENG’96, GSM’97, and Susan C. Mayer, ENG’97, RC’97 Frederick W. Mayer, RC’61 Paul Gary Mayerowitz, AG’68 Dr. Israel Mayk, RC’70 Linda Maynard, RC’93, SBNB’93 Joseph A. Mayrwalter, RC’76 John Anthony Mayshura, RC’88 James C. Maywalt, Jr., UCNB’99, SCILS’99 George J. Mazin, NLAW’81 David A. Mazujian, RC’82 Dr. Murray H. Mazur, GSNB’51 Dr. Peter Mazurak, UCNB’50, GSED’69, GSED’76 Michael Mazurkiewicz, AG’61, GSNB’64 Dominick A. Mazzagetti, NCAS’69 Franco and Lucia Mazzella Raymond J. McAlarnen, Jr., AG’69


Margaret M. McAlary, COOK’84, GSNB’88 Christopher T. McAlindin, RC’91 Palmyra E. McAllan, UCNB’87 Anne K. McAllister Dr. Claude W. McAllister, AG’66 Stephen R. McAllister, ENG’75, GSM’82 Dr. William J. McAvoy, Jr., GSNB’70, GSNB’73 * Donald L. McCabe Donna Joan McCabe, ENG’87 Eleonore B. McCabe, GSM’80 Grace McCabe John R. McCabe, RC’70, GSED’71 Peter G. McCabe, ENG’88 Thomas McCaffery Steven T. McCallum, UCN’96 James R. McCann, NLAW’69 Dr. Margaret M. McCann, GSAPP’84 Patrick J. McCann III, GSN’87 Robert S. McCarroll, GSNB’72 Eugene J. McCarron, Jr., GSNB’51 Diane McCarthy Frederick W. McCarthy, GSED’79 Jacqueline V. and William A. McCarthy, Jr. John J. McCarthy Paul J. and Theresa McCarthy Robyn H. McCarthy, COOK’94 Nancy J. McCauley, CLAW’81 Ronald A. McCauley Thomas J. McCauley, GSNB’65 R. Valery McClay, CCAS’84 Kenneth J. McCleaster, RC’75, ENG’75 James W. McClellan, ENG’79 A. Colin and Margo McClung Katherine H. McClure, GMGA’88 Stephen C. McCluski Cindy Leigh McCollum, RC’83 Christopher C. McConnell, RC’83 Douglas C. McConnell * Nancy Hayden McConville, UCNB’87, SCILS’94 * Dan McCormack, GSNB’64 Daniel B. McCormack, CLAW’81 John and Noreen McCormack Brian J. McCormick, CLAW’97 Jeffrey F. McCormick, NCAS’81 * Kathryn M. McCormick, CCAS’76 Bruce W. McCoy, NLAW’98 James F. McCoy, SCILS’56 Kathryn McCoy-O’Neill, UCNB’00 Kathleen McCracken Johnny McCray Katherine A. McCrea, LC’73 Kenneth T. McCrea, RC’47 Matthew R. McCrink, CCAS’69, CLAW’72 Steven D. McCulloch, GSNB’89 Ernest L. McDaniel, UCC’67 * Arthur A. McDermott, RC’62 Joseph and Mary McDermott Lorraine McDonald, RC’86 Nancy C. McDonald, NLAW’89 Richard F. McDonald Thomas H. and Iris D. McDonald * Anne M. McDonnell, CCAS’72, CLAW’75 Dennis P. McDonough, AG’73 James P. McDonough, CLAW’69 Alfred J. McDowell, RC’34 James Joseph McEntee, CLAW’82 David F. McFadden, CCAS’98 James P. McFadden, RC’84 Kathleen A. McFadden, NCAS’99 Michael F., RC’83, and Jean C. McFadden, RC’84 Brendan M. McGann, RC’84 Robert J. McGarvey, RC’70 James E. McGeary, CCAS’64, CLAW’67 Sandra Mcgee Frank J. McGeoy, Jr., RC’59 Dr. Dennis L. McGill, RC’80 Katherine B. McGivern, SCILS’93 Carol Villanueva McGotty, CNUR’64 Charles S. McGovern, Jr. James M. McGovern, Jr. Dr. Mark E. McGovern John W. McGowan, NLAW’78, GSM’79 Timothy A., COOK’80, and Leslie P. McGowan, COOK’79 Alison Ann McGrath, RC’87, SBNB’87 James M. McGrath, GSM’73 * Patricia A. McGraw, UCP’71 * Rosanne L. McGraw, GSM’82 Dr. Eugene T. McGuinness, GSNB’61 Karen Van Varick McGuire Patricia E. McGuire Sarah Blake McHam Brian S. Mcintyre, ENG’98 * Cora Lee McIntyre Vonda N. McIntyre James and Robin F. McJury * Joyce T. and Thomas McKale, Jr. Michael V. McKay Brian J. McKee, NCAS’73 Mark A. McKee, GSNB’95 Thomas R. McKee, NCAS’38 * Richard E. McKeeby, ED’57 George J. and Marilyn McKenna Marilyn McKenna Mary N. McKenna, CNUR’78 Wayne R. McKenna, RC’71 Elizabeth C. McKenzie, GSNB’78 Mary A. McKeown Joseph F. McKernan, Jr. Barbara A. McKinney, UCNB’77 Donald J. McKissock, ED’55 David A. Mclaughlin, RC’97 John W., GSNB’68, GSNB’72, and Mary Ann R. McLaughlin, UCNB’90 * Richard McLaughlin, NLAW’72 Florence A. McLean, GSM’90 * Emanons McLeod Frank J. McMahon, RC’59, ENG’59

Maureen McMahon, SSW’74 Frederick E. McMane, RC’62 * James M. McMaster, CLAW’77 Mark T. McMenamy, NLAW’80 Mary Jane McNally, SCILS’74 Maureen E. McNally, UCNB’84 * Patrick J. McNamara, RC’81, GSNB’85, CLAW’87 Dr. Stephen J., CCAS’73, and Christine Barbera McNamee, CCAS’73 Frances Senkowsky McNeal, DC’43 Peggy D. McNeill, GSNB’75 Mary Ellen McNerney John S. McNulty, COOK’79 Thomas J. McNulty, CLAW’76 Carol Helen McQuaid, UCN’70 J. Patrick McShane, CLAW’78 Christina R. McShane-Zajac, GSBC’88 Donald J. McSherry, RC’85 Rose C. McTiernan, UCNB’93 Donald F. McVaugh, ENG’39 Carolyn S. Mealing, GSNB’89 Allison B. Mearns, ENG’51 Omotayo F. Mebude, NLAW’99 Joseph L. Mecca, Jr., RC’83 Mauro L. Mecca, ENG’58 Major L. Medley, CCAS’80 Lindsley D. Medlin, Jr., RC’86, GSM’88 John K. Medoff Patricia A. Meehan, GSN’79 James R. Meeker, RC’78 Dr. Sujata K. Mehta, GSNB’92 Leonard J. Meinhold, SCILS’67 Michael S. Meisel Jules Murray Meisler, PHAR’60 Michael R. Mekenian, AG’59, GSNB’75 Barbara A. Melchionne, NCAS’80 William E. Mele III, UCNB’72 Octavia Melendez, CLAW’79 Tanya M. Melich Dominick R. Mellace, AG’71 * Gregory S. Melnik, RC’70 Louis R. Meloni, CCAS’68, CLAW’72 Helen B. Mencke, UCNB’86 * Paul and Marion Mendes Julio L. Mendez, CLAW’81 Saul Mendlovitz Ernesto and Zenaita Mendoza Mark S. Mendoza Ronald E. Mendoza, RC’98, SBNB’98 Jane Krampf Menegus, RC’78, SSW’80 Catherine F. Menendez, GSN’89 * Thomas E. Menendez, LC’72, GSNB’77 William H. Menges, CLAW’75 Evelyn L. Meningall, SCILS’79 Joseph Menker, SB’62 Hermann J. Menninghaus, RC’42 Joseph Mennite, CLAW’47 Gail Johnson Menyuk, NLAW’82 Charles T. Menz, Jr., ENG’47 Dr. Barbara J. Menzel, GSAPP’86 Vinod N. Merai, ENG’97 David J. Meraner, ENG’47 * Richard C. Meravi, NCAS’71 Judith and Richard Merbaum Lawrence J. Merboth, ENG’79 * Carmen Garcia Mercado Javier Mercado William Merdinger, UCN’70 Dorothy Meriwether, UCNB’54 Dr. Michael P. Merkel, ENG’80 Vincent V. Merlo Helen Merolla William H. Merring III, ENG’76 Annette Merritt, NCAS’98 Hubert B. Merritt, UCN’71 Hubert Mertes * Miles M. Merwin, RC’63 Stacey Merz, ENG’99 * Dr. Alvin Mesnikoff, RC’48 Donna and Stanley Messer Jonathan Messeri, RC’81 Dr. Michael A. Messig, GSNB’90 * Paul J. Messineo, UCNB’57 Nancy K. Mest, DC’81, CLAW’84 Audrey S. Mesulam, GSNB’76 John S. Metallo, LC’82 Hillary Paige Metz Clarence L. Metzgar III, RC’57, GSM’63 Betty Rogers Metzger, UCNB’75 Carmel F. Meyer, GSNB’86 Douglas L. Meyer, RC’79 * Gail A. Meyer Dr. John E. Meyer, Jr., ENG’61, GSNB’72 Marilyn C. Meyer, NCAS’69 Ted M. Meyer Tracey A. Meyer, RC’85 Leonid Meyerguz, RC’99 Dr. Alan A. Meyerhoff, ENG’46, GSNB’47, GSNB’74 Benjamin Meyerowitz, PHAR’65 Gregory S. Meyers, SBC’94 * Janet J. Meyers Dr. Linda I. Meyers, UCNB’77, GSAPP’82 Roy H. Meyers, RC’79, GSM’81 Jeffrey Meyerson, RC’84 Frank Micale, UCNB’51 Joseph J. and Jean M. Micalizzi Richard J. Micchelli, NCAS’59 Dr. Joseph A. Miceli, RC’80, GSED’84, GSED’95 * Dr. Robert J. Miceli, GSNB’84 Peter L.G.M. Micera, LC’86 Anthony Michael, COOK’98 Jay I. Michael, RC’55 Fred C. Michaeli, RC’57 Ann H. Michels Martha Reed Michelsen, GSM’82 Gerald Michelson, RC’50 Stanley Michelson, RC’47 Carol Ann Michna, DC’87 Edward D. Michna, PHAR’82

Charles Mickett, Jr., RC’47 Phyllis A. Micketti Vivian C. Mickey, GSED’74 Marcia S. Midler, GSNB’79, GSNB’80 * Marjorie Mierzejewski, UCN’89 Natalie Migliaro Thomas C. Miglin, ENG’89 Dr. Diane M. Mihalow, RC’77 Elizabeth B. Mihan, CNUR’00 Joseph S. Mika, UCNB’57 Pamela J. Mikle Carolyn D. Mikolajczyk * Frank A. Mikorski, SB’55, GSM’60 Stephanie Miko-Rydzaj, NCAS’91 Richard M. Mikulak, RC’69 Mark C. Milbank, UCN’86 * Arthur H. Milch, CLAW’74 Siobhan Steven Miles Dr. Gail G. Milgram, GSED’65, GSED’69 Debra Lea Milita, CCAS’85, GSNB’93 Alyson B. Miller Andrea Tunis Miller, GSM’82 * Barbara G. Miller, UCC’79 Charles R. Miller, RC’65 * Christine G. Miller David F. Miller, SB’62 Debra J. Miller, LC’81 Donna A. Miller, UCC’85, SBC’85 * Donna E. Miller, RC’77 * Elijah L. Miller, Jr., RC’68, NLAW’71 Eric J. Miller, ENG’97 Gerald J. Miller Jane E. Miller Janet Brownlee Miller, CLAW’81 Jeffrey A. Miller, RC’84 John M. Miller, GSNB’77 Karle L. Miller Laurence M. Miller, RC’68, NLAW’71 Lawrence E. Miller, AG’71 Les Miller Mark Miller, ENG’87 Martin Miller, RC’48 Muriel Elizabeth Miller, DC’78, GSNB’82 * Norman R. Miller, GSED’96 * Paul A. Miller * Philip R. Miller, ENG’65 Raymond L. Miller, RC’51 Richard L. Miller, COOK’86 Richard S. Miller, NCAS’55, NLAW’58 Scott M. Miller, RC’67, GSM’73 Steven D. Miller, GSM’86 * Susan Baron Miller Thomas J. Miller, ENG’68, GSNB’75 * Thomas James Miller, NCAS’71, GSN’76 Stacy A. Millman, RC’93 Doris Ann Mills, ED’60, GSED’63 Michael C. Mills, ENG’97 R. Gerald Mills, ENG’51, GSNB’54 Robert M. Mills, ENG’72 Anthony R. Miloscia, UCN’70 Gary T. Miloscia, RC’92, SBNB’92 Joanne S. Milot, RC’80 Dr. Harold J. Milstein, RC’71 Mary Jane Milton, GSM’85 Theresa Marie Minaya, RC’86 * Edwin L. Minch, ENG’48 Douglas M. Minck, GSNB’89 Karen Miner Richard Miners William P. Minervini, COOK’75 Christine and Kenneth Minett Dr. John Kent Minford, RC’74 Arnold H. Miniman, RC’68 Michael Mink, GSNB’92 William T. Minkoff, Jr., RC’72 * Eric and Shelley Mintz Janice M. Mintz Dr. Susan M. Miovech Jean Miraglia Arnel L. Miravalles, RC’99 Salvatore F. Mirra, NCAS’84 Arnold A. Mirsky, SB’39 David Paul Misiura, NCAS’86 Dr. Alvin Richard Miskoff, RC’63 Daniel D. Mistichelli, GSM’81 Patricia Misurell Raymond L. Mitch, RC’41 Alan Mitchell Charlotte and John Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mitchell Louis A. Mitchell Rebecca R. Mitchell, LC’74 Dr. Roger D. Mitchell, GSED’71 William R. Mitchell, UCN’74 Eugene L. Mittelgluck, SCILS’60 Lynn Mittelstaedt John P. Mixner, AG’36, GSNB’38 William Mockler III, LC’98 Donald W. Mocksfield, AG’52 Boris Moczula, RC’78 Dr. Lawrence Marc Model, RC’73 Mark Model Mildred Model Phyllis G. Moditz Dr. Henry W. Moeller, GSNB’65, GSNB’69 James and Tamerra Moeller Fred R. Moench, Jr., ENG’67 * James R. Moesch, RC’94 Louis R. Moffa, Jr. Harold Moffat Thomas W. Moffett, RC’55 John W. Mogielnicki, RC’73 Alan S. Mohl, CLAW’97 Richard H. Mohlenhoff, RC’84, ENG’84 Robert A. Mohn, ENG’59 Donald M. Mohr, AG’51 Carole Molchan Jack Molenaar Dudley B. Molina, ENG’80 Javier Molina, RC’98 Samuel C. Molinari, NCAS’96 Dr. Mark M. Mollick, GSAPP’94 Jeanne M. Molloy, UCNB’72 David T. Molowa, GSM’94 Ellen Molte

Zareh Momjian, RC’51 * Margaret Monaghan, RC’84 * James E. Monahan, ED’53 John J. Monahan, RC’70 Mary Monahan David M. Monfried, RC’67 * Mr. and Mrs. Cosmo A. Mongiello Marissa L. Mongiello, RC’99 Dr. Nobuo Monji, RC’71, GSNB’75 Clyde Monma Brian S. Montag, CLAW’90 Norma J. Montagnino-Gemza John J. Montana, RC’66 Michael A. Montana, GSNB’77 * Matthew Montanari, UCNB’91, SBNB’91 * Robert W. Monte, COOK’87 Amy L. Montemarano, CLAW’94 Monica Montesano, RC’00, SBNB’00 Monte D. Montgomery, RC’56 Dr. Diane K. Monticone, GSNB’80 Anita S. Monyek, NCAS’51 * Dr. Charles R. Moog, RC’38 Linda A. Moon, RC’77 * Susan W. Moon Alison T. Moore Allan H. Moore, GSN’88 Ann M. Moore Cairon A. Moore Christine A. Moore, RC’97 Gary M. and Jean Moore Malcolm Moore Robert E. Moore, COOK’80 Robert J. Moore, RC’74, GSNB’76 Dr. Roger V. Moore, GSNB’81, GSNB’85 Steven T. Moore, GSNB’81 Thomas C. Moore, RC’54 Timothy P. Moore, RC’61 Evan J. Moorhead, RC’96 Cecelia Morales Felix Morales Barry A. Moraller, RC’95 Eugene T. and Lorraine M. Moran John Vincent Moran, COOK’74 Dr. Louis J. Moran, RC’72 Dr. Richard A. Moran, RC’72 * Robert T. Moran Thomas C. Mordowanec, GSNB’85 * Dr. Carmel O’Donovan Moreau, PHAR’90, GPHR’92 * Jeffrey H. Morehouse, ENG’65 Peter F. Morehouse, NCAS’64 Corinne Schneider Moreno, DC’77 Dr. Hadassah Brooks Morgan John P.R. and Meredith M. Morgan Thomas B. Morgan Dr. Richard L. Morganstein, NCAS’80 Sidney and Debra Morgenbesser Kathryn E. Moriarty, RC’99, SBNB’99 * Christopher Morley, RC’78, GSM’93 * John P. Moroze, AG’65 Christopher O. Morris Clark F. Morris, Jr., RC’61 Helen M. Morris, SSW’63, SCILS’89 James R. Morris, RC’72 John and Lynn Morris Lester J. Morris, NLAW’38 Linda Van Zandt Morris, RC’79 Alan W. Morrison, Jr., AG’58 * Carberta Ann Morrison, CCAS’78, SBC’78 Jeffrey and Irene Morrison * Patricia R. Morrison, SSW’83 Dr. Susan Hagen Morrison, NCAS’76 Jill L. Morrow, LC’89 Dr. Paul R. Mort III, GSNB’91, GSNB’93 * Raymond J. Mortensen, RC’44 Robert J. Morton, UCN’62 Louis Mosesof, ED’42, GSM’56 Dr. David S. Moshman, GSNB’75, GSNB’77 Robert C. Moskin David H. Moskowitz, UCNB’95 Martin Moskowitz, NCAS’66 Theodore D. and Sandra Moskowitz David R. Moss, ENG’48 Kevin A. Moss, UCNB’79 * Simeon F. Moss, ED’41 Dr. Stewart R. Moss, RC’49 Asok Kumar Motayed, GSNB’74 Mr. and Mrs. Nitin S. Motiwala Walter O. Motz, GSED’64 * James J. Mount, GSM’00 Lorri B. Mountainland Dr. Seyed-Ali and Nahid Mousavi Gary Wm. Moylen Martin A. Mozzo, Jr., ENG’65 John J. Mracek, UCNB’65 Douglas M. Mrotek, ENG’92, GSNB’94, GSNB’98 Howard Mucha, RC’79, GSM’86 * Susan L. Muckelmann Denise Mudrak Dr. John D. Mudrock, RC’74 Rose A. Muehlbauer, COOK’78, GSNB’81 James J. Mueller, RC’74 Dr. Sonja T. Mueser, GSAPP’76 * William F. Muhlenfeld, GSNB’69 Eugenia Okoshi Mukai Madhuri Mukherjee, GSNB’94, GSNB’00 Megan E. Mulcahy James W. Mulder, ENG’49, GSNB’51 Ernest R. Mulhall, UCN’70 * Dr. John A. Mulhern, GSNB’67, GSED’84 Anne M. Mullan, CLAW’88 Rachel B. Mullen, GSNB’86 Bruce A. Muller, RC’66 Loretta F. Muller Dr. Michael R. Muller Dr. Susan J. Muller, RC’86, GSNB’92

Francis J. Mulligan, RC’54 Dr. Robert M. Mulligan, RC’73, GSNB’76, GSNB’80 Shawn and Lora Mulligan James L. Mullin, GSM’78 James J. Mullowney, ENG’80 William L. Mullowney, ENG’72 Michael P. Mulqueen Elizabeth Schmidt Mulshine, DC’89 Scott Munch Christine Muniz, NCAS’93 Robert F. Munoz W. Keith Munsell, ENG’69 Bettina E. Munson, NLAW’92 William E. Munther, GSNB’78 David Munyak, COOK’85 Michael J. Mupo, RC’81 Paul J. Murdy, CLAW’85 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Mure Michelle G. Murillo, NCAS’73 Robert M. Murin, RC’59 Arthur B. Murphy, RC’39 Barbara S. Murphy, CCAS’88 Barry J. Murphy, ED’63 Carolynne E. Murphy, CNUR’79 Dennis T. Murphy, RC’95 Glenn T. Murphy, GSM’94 * James H. Murphy, GSM’98 * John A. Murphy, RC’58 Michael P. Murphy, CLAW’79 Nelson and Sandra Murphy P. Michael Murphy Raymond L. Murphy, RC’70 Rory M. Murphy, CNUR’89 Stephen E. Murphy, RC’61 Victoria De Rosa Murphy, DC’71 William P. Murphy, RC’83 * Yolanda M. Murphy, UCN’87 * James D. Murray, LC’79 Jean A. Murray, GSN’83 Kevin J. Murray, RC’74 Lisa Ann Murray, CNUR’82 Marilyn M. Murray, GSM’80 * Martin G. Murray, RC’78 Dr. Michael S. Murray, GSED’77 Stephen P. Murray, RC’60 W. Wallace Murray, GSM’81 * Mr. and Mrs. John M. Murrin Mary R. Murrin, SCILS’75 Daniel and Barbara Murtha Anita K. Murthy, PHAR’97, GPHR’97 Mr. and Mrs. Kuchi S. Murthy Parvathi Murthy * Soma S. Murthy * Mike Muscatello Daniel Muschalik, UCN’58 Christine Elizabeth Musial, CNUR’75 Esther Muskopf Mary Anne Muslovski, GSM’78 Philip J. Musso, ENG’51 * Dirk J. Muyskens, RC’50, GSM’63 Doris Dixon Myers, EDI’36 Marty and Helene Myers Mary E. Myers, COOK’87, GSNB’92 Shirley Myers * Victoria B. Myers, SCILS’80 Willis F. Myers, RC’38 Arnold K. Mytelka Rosalind Mytelka Kevin Myung, GSNB’85 * Joanne Paula Nacucchio, CCAS’72 Carol Nadell Dr. Scott F., RC’86, and Jodi Nadler Dr. Philip Nagel, RC’70 Brian C. Nagle, ENG’71 Bruce D. Nagle, AG’61 Harvey P. Nagler, RC’66 Robert K. Naguszewski, RC’80 Rodger W. Nagy, RC’70 * Tavit O. Najarian Kayo Asari Nakatani, GSNB’84 Peter and Deborah Nalbach David R. Nalven, GSNB’72 * Laura Merkler Nanda, RC’83 A. Mae Napier, UCNB’49 William T. and Susan Napier * John Naples Michael J. Naples, RC’59 Mark A. Napoleon, RC’82 * Andrew and Maria Nappa * Allan I. Nappen, CLAW’97 Ilene S. Nappen, RC’94, SBNB’94 * Dr. Uma Narayan, RC’79 Robert J. Nardi, LC’75, GSNB’78 Deepak K. Narisety, ENG’98 David Michael Narrow, RC’69 Patricia Ann Nasie, UCC’71 Robert J. Naso, ED’59, GSED’65 Patrick C. Natale, RC’92 Dr. Bernard F. Natelson, GSAPP’79 Christina Miller Nater, DC’82 * Barbara W. Nathan Kurt Nathan, ENG’55 Marthy L. Natsis, GSM’90 * Dr. Michael Naumoff, NCAS’69, GSN’75, GSN’83 Dr. Jose Manuel and Maryanne Navarro Nader Nawar, ENG’00 John Peter Nawyn, RC’72 Dr. Joseph P. Nazzaro, ED’62, GSED’69 Louis J. Nazzaro, UCN’73 William P. and Bonnie W. Neacy Joseph A. Neal, RC’55 Lester Nebenzahl Lester J. Nebenzahl, GSNB’75 Mark F. Nebus, RC’79 Abraham H. Nechemie, UCN’50 Carolyn Needham Emanuel Needle, SB’53, NLAW’57 Dr. Howard L. Needleman, RC’68 Kathleen Parker Negreann Kenneth G. Negus Mitchell Neider, CLAW’83 John M. Neidhart, ED’51 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Albin Neil Mary Beth Neilson, CLAW’83 Harry W. Neinstedt, Jr., GSM’83 Arlene M. Neivert, GSM’71 Leslie H. Nelken, COOK’77 Richard C. Nell, NCAS’66 *

Donald J. Nellis, GSM’64 Nancy E. Nellis * Dr. Aaron P. Nelson, RC’73 Dr. Allan Nelson, NCAS’54 Dr. Andrew L. Nelson, NCAS’92 Arthur Nelson, RC’70 Catherine B. Nelson, COOK’88 Christopher R. and Annette J. Nelson Dr. Deborah S. Nelson, GSAPP’89 Gloria and Stephen Nelson Herbert T. Nelson, SB’50 James R. Nelson, CCAS’69, GSNB’71, CLAW’74 Keith J. Nelson, RC’69 Marianne B. Nelson, NLAW’73 Michael U. Nelson, RC’57, GSED’68 Pamela G. Nelson, COOK’99 * Pamela S. Nelson, SCILS’90 Richard Nelson Dr. Richard A. Nelson, GSNB’84 Richard L. Nelson, RC’43 Ron Nelson Sherry A. Nelson, UCC’97 Mr. and Mrs. William Nemeth Dorothy J. Nemetz, NLAW’84 * Bruce I. Nemirow, RC’69 W. Noel Neral, UCNB’60 Thomas J. Nerger, ENG’84 Marie Nersesian Russ Nesevich, RC’96 Wagdy W. and Laila A. Nessim Douglas B. Nessle, SSW’60 Richard J. Neubauer, RC’74 Arthur I. Neufeld, ENG’83 * William J. Neugroschel, RC’77 Thomas E. Neuviller, RC’51 Leslie A. Neve, SBNB’88, UCNB’88 Raymond G. Neveil, UCN’56 O’Celia Ragland Nevels, SCILS’61 Andrew Nevolis Alan R. Newell, PHAR’76 Richard Newell, Jr., ENG’88 Nicoletta Newkirk Dr. Andrew Newman, CLAW’87 Dr. Edward M. Newman, CCAS’71 Irving Newman, SB’43 Jeffrey A. and Eileen Newman Richard Newman Thomas R. Newman, GSM’74 Dr. Emanuel Newmark, PHAR’59 Francine M. Newsome, RC’95 Lynne Fritzke Newton, LC’75 Marion S. Newton * Ronalds S. Newton, RC’70 Margaret E. Ney, CCAS’69 Tam H. Nguyen, ENG’94 Richard Nichols, AG’54, UCN’68 Victoria L. Nichols William R. Nicholson, AG’50 Carol E. Nick, NCAS’64 Erik Nicolaysen III, RC’55 Pat G. Nicolette, NCAS’63 Dr. James W. Nicoletti, RC’77 Jean M. Nicoletti, RC’80 Meghan B. Nicoletti John R. Nicolle, RC’53 Jay M. Niederman, NLAW’72 Florence M. Niel Henits, UCNB’86 * Carolus L., UCC’76, and Beverly L. Nieman, CCAS’74 Dr. Aaron G. Nierenberg, GSED’63, GSED’72 Richard M. Nierenberg James, COOK’85, and Nancy L. Nieuwenhuis, COOK’85 Alyson J. Nikulicz, DC’94, SCILS’95 John R. Nilson, RC’51 Joseph Nimoy, GSNB’66 George H. Nishimura, ENG’51 Michele Sparta Nisula, RC’77 Dennis N. and Margaret Nitka Francis Nittil-Fran George Nittil-Fran Dr. David Niven, LC’92 Diane L. Nixa Robert H. Nobel, RC’75 George P. Noble, Jr. Dr. Steven J. Noble, RC’68 Donald R. Nociolo, ENG’84 Dr. Nel Noddings, GSED’64 Sarah E. Noddings, DC’65, SSW’68 * Dolores A. Nolan, UCNB’93, SBNB’93 * Leon A. Nolting, GSN’95 Nestor R. Nonato, COOK’99 * Charles A. Noon III, RC’67 Diane Rohland Noonan, NCAS’65 Gertrude P. Noonan, NCAS’71 * James C. Noorigian, RC’65 Sambath and Quirina Nop Dr. John C. Norcross, CCAS’80 Marcia L. Nordgren, NLAW’87 Gary K. Norgaard, RC’70 Eugene P. Noris, UCNB’55 Charles M. Norkis, ENG’72 Debra L. Norman William J. Norris, ENG’81, GSM’87 Svenn A. Norstrom, ENG’54 * Anne North, COOK’95 Elizabeth Northrop James A. Norton, RC’68 James P. Norton, NCAS’72 * Marvin L. Norton, ENG’57 Robert C. Norton, RC’65 Anne L. Noss, SCILS’96 Gianni Notaro, RC’00 Rita J. Nothaft, UCN’77 Esther Novak Kenneth M. Novell, RC’64 Leonard E. Novelli, RC’70 Martin H. Nover, RC’73 Jacqueline M. Novin Robert F. Novins, NLAW’48 Judith Norulak Nowinski, NCAS’68 James P. and Audray C. Noyes George Nudell Carroll J. Nugent, SCILS’73 William C. Nugent, CLAW’87 Dr. Robert R. Nunn, RC’51 Edward Nusbaum, NLAW’73 Lloyd T. Nussbaum, RC’56

Gary N., COOK’89, and Patricia Nussenbaum, COOK’89 * Michael A. Nussman, NCAS’64 David G. Nutt, RC’88 Timothy N. Nwako, PHAR’94 Michael U. Nwosu Rebecca F. Nyahay, LC’99 Herbert A. Obarski, Jr., UCC’61, SBC’61 William R. Oberholtzer, AG’51 Fredrik M. Oberkehr, LC’88 Anthony, COOK’76, and Hollisann O’Brien, COOK’78 Cathy J. O’Brien, NCAS’81 Christine R. O’Brien Donald K. O’Brien, GSM’89 Dorothy Ann O’Brien, RC’86 * John T. O’Brien, CLAW’95 Kevin O’Brien Martin C. O’Brien, RC’89 Rosalie McKernan O’Brien, RC’90 Stephen M. O’Brien, GSM’96 William O’Brien III, GSM’70 Stanley J. Obryk, COOK’94 Michael C. Obuch, PHAR’63 Michael J. Obus, RC’70 Christine M. Ochman, CCAS’73 Philip John Ochs, PHAR’62 Scott C. O’Connell, LC’90, SBNB’90 Gary S. O’Connor, ENG’75 Mary Ann O’Connor, CNUR’83 Mary Casey O’Connor, DC’76, SSW’79 Maureen A. O’Connor, UCNB’71 Michele E. O’Connor, ENG’87 Patrick and Alice O’Connor Robert P. and Beth O’Connor * Rose Murtagh O’Connor, GSN’86 Stacy Navarro O’Connor, CLAW’97 Dr. David J. Odde, GSNB’92, GSNB’95 Adele H. Odegard, CLAW’78 Barry J., RC’86, and Cynthia A. O’Donnell, RC’87, SBNB’87 Stewart and Terri O’Farrell David Offenberg John A., UCN’60 *, and Beverly G. O’Grady, GSM’84 * Joongho Oh, ENG’85 James M. O’Halloran, RC’77 Dr. Christian U. Oheari, GSM’00 James I. Ohern John J. Ohnemus, AG’56 Donna C. Ohye Patricia Ojea Michael V. O’Kane, CCAS’74 * Kathleen O’Keefe, NLAW’94 Virginia L. Okell, SCILS’70 Denise J. Oken, RC’81 * John A. Okulski, RC’66 Mr. and Mrs. David P. Okum Dr. Nicole L. Okun, GSED’83 Michael Olan, NLAW’68 Robert Olan Nili L. Olay, GSM’78 Robert J. Oldt, Jr., RC’74 Gertrude S. O’Leary, CNUR’60 Dr. Virginia S. O’Leary, GSNB’73 Dr. Thomas J. Olenik, GSNB’74 Dr. Paul T. Olenyn, RC’70 Arlene Gail Olephant, RC’78, GSM’80 William J. Olesinski, RC’83, GSED’94 Michael J. Olesky, ENG’74 Karrie Lynn Olick, RC’77 * Peter W., ENG’78, GSNB’80, and Nina M. Olieman, RC’79 Carla M. Oliveira, NCAS’00, NKSM’00 George E. Oliver, RC’52 William T. Oliver, Jr., GSM’69 * Dr. Joseph M. Olivetti, RC’69 Karen Louise Ollivierre, UCNB’88 Ann C. Olsen, NCAS’79 Arthur G. Olsen, RC’74 George W. Olsen George W. Olsen, Jr., GSM’97, LC’97 Mary A. Olsen, NLAW’89 Dr. Robert C. Olsen, RC’42 Susan Olsen Walter B. Olsen, RC’69 Bruce A. Olson, ENG’68, GSNB’73 Cynthia A. Olson Dr. Gerald Wayne Olson, GSNB’73 Clarissa Najera Olszewski, RC’83 Henry Olszewski, Jr. Roger D. On, RC’91 Dennis R. Ondrof, ENG’81 * Dr. Arthur J. O’Neal, Jr., RC’53, GSNB’59, GSNB’67 Claire O’Neil * Hugh and Marlene O’Neill James and Janice O’Neill Michael O’Neill Richard O’Neill John Jay Ong, SB’64 * Dr. H. Russell Onishi, GSNB’80 * Dr. Janet C. Onishi, GSNB’80 * Dr. Mary H. Magee Onofrietto, GSNB’77, GSNB’92 Alice Oppenheimer Cheryl Petrill Oram, GSED’83 G. Steven Orban, ENG’57 Craig Neil Oren Joseph M. Oriolo, CLAW’83 Robert D. Orlandi, ENG’73 Terry H. Orlansky * John C. Orlick, GSED’66 Mary J. Orloff, RC’88 Holly L. Orlowski, UCNB’83 * Dr. Raphael M. Ornaf, GSNB’84 Richard Orosz Gerard P. O’Rourke, UCN’65 James A. O’Rourke, GSM’85 Lori A. Orr, RC’88 Richard Morgan Orr, CLAW’82 Angel L. Ortiz, RC’90 * Douglas S. Ortiz, PHAR’99 Frank M. Ortiz, RC’83 Bruce A. Ortwine, NLAW’81 Ronald J. Orzechowski, UCN’74 Anne Todd Osborn

Dr. John R. Osborne, COOK’74 Kimberly A. Osborne, RC’92, SBNB’92 * Richard G. Osborne, RC’51, NLAW’53 Tony Osborne, RC’87 * Christopher and Mary Heller Osgood George T. O’Shaughnessy, Jr., GSM’80 * Joseph M. O’Shea, ENG’74 Dr. Jack W. Osman, ENG’61, GSNB’63, GSNB’66 Florence Mazanoski Ostapko, DC’69 * George A. Ostergren, RC’56, GSED’68 Stephen Ostergren, ENG’88 Donald M. Ostrander, RC’79 Loretta Ostroman Nona L. Ostrove, NLAW’79 John Ostrowski Richard Ostuw, RC’68 Berit Seiple Osworth, CCAS’80, SBC’80 Richard Z. Osworth, AG’65 Victor Charles Otley, NLAW’60 Elaine O’Toole Alice Boles Ott, SSW’79 Howard Berkeley Ott, ENG’81 Dr. Walter R. Ott, GSNB’69 Cheryl A. Otten, SCILS’00 John J. Otterbein III, COOK’76 Laura Otterbourg Carol A. Overcash, GSM’91 Richard J. Owens, UCN’73 William W. Owens, Jr. Robin A. Oxenford, RC’49 Sanford R. Oxfeld, NLAW’73 Richard T. Ozimek, NCAS’51 Richard A., ENG’67, and Diane Zitnak Pabst, DC’69 * Mary G.B. Pace, GSNB’78 Zaida Pacheco, COOK’86, GSM’88 Richard F. Pachucki, PHAR’69 Jeffrey A. Packard, CCAS’80, SBC’80 Charles Padalick * Christine A. Padavano, UCNB’93 * Dr. Gabriel E. Padawer, ENG’62 Joel Padin, ENG’95 Michael W. Pado, COOK’78, GSM’94 Guiseppe and Brigida Padovano C. Richard Paduch, GMLR’99 Chan Eai, MGSA’70, and Kook D. Pae Kenneth A. Pagach, ED’63 Dr. Antoinette Messina Pagano, NCAS’54, GSED’79 April P. Pagano, UCNB’95 Dr. Michael S. Pagano, GSM’97, GSN’99 Ronald B. Pagaoa, COOK’90 Charles H. Page Penny B. Page, LC’77, SCILS’78 Robert Christopher, RC’87, and Stacey Roberts Page, RC’87 Robert W. Page, CLAW’60 Theodore L. Page, CCAS’61 Brian J. Paich, RC’73 Robert A. Paino, PHAR’73 Dwain E. Painter, ED’64, GSED’66 Mary K. Pakan, ENG’90 Francis Paladino, UCC’68, CLAW’73 Anthony J. Palazzini, RC’70 * Nancy A. Palazzolo, SSW’68 Karen M. Palesky, RC’88 Joseph J. Palestino, ENG’51 Michael Palis Michael J. Palko, RC’76 Eileen M. Pall, RC’78, SCILS’84 * Dr. Katharine T. Palla, RC’89 Joseph Pallitto, RC’00, SBNB’00 Oscar R. Palma, NCAS’00 Bruce Palmer Mark J. Palmer, CLAW’82 Patricia A. Palmer, UCNB’85 * Edmund A. Palmieri, NCAS’77 Steven D. Palmisano, RC’81 Teresa Hadnagy, RC’89, and Anthony Palmisano, Jr., RC’87 Donald M. Palombi, RC’76, CLAW’79 Chi-Ying Pan, GSNB’90 Jack Pan, RC’98, SBNB’98 Mark Pan Anne B. Panagakos, NCAS’66 * Stanley Panasewicz, Jr., UCNB’83 Nalin Panchal Oakley Pandick, ED’50, GSED’56 Robert M. Pandos, UCN’74 * Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pane IV Anna Pane-Billings, SBC’92 * Joseph J. Panepinto, GSED’85 Peter G. Pangis, RC’88 * John A. Pannucci, Jr., RC’75 * Victor and Terese Pantaleo Richard J. and Cynthia Panzarasa Robert A. Paoli, RC’59, GSNB’66 James and Lorraine Paone George N. Papadakis, NCAS’91 Michael J. Paparella, CCAS’97 Dr. Ellen T. Paparozzi, COOK’76 Edward Papazian Arthur J. Papetti, COOK’86 Philip B. Papier, RC’51, SB’52, NLAW’53 Michael Joseph Pappa, UCN’69 * David J. Pappalardo, RC’85 * Anshumat Parasar, NLAW’98 Michael L. Parascando III, LC’92 Steven Allen Pardes, RC’70 Janette M. Pardo, NCAS’92 Harish C. Parekh, GSM’72 Dr. Dennis L. Parenti, PHAR’73 * Donna, CCAS’70, and Charles H. Parfitt, Jr., CCAS’69 Lawrence E. Pargot, NCAS’57 Dr. George C. Parides, COOK’78 Barbara L. Parisi Alexis Park, PHAR’00 Chong Hee Park

Eunhee Park, NCAS’96, NKSM’96 Mr. and Mrs. Jung Ho Park Anthony J. Parker, Jr., UCN’77 Deborah L. Parker, NLAW’87 Farris J. Parker, SCILS’95 Lonnie E. Parker, CCAS’85, SBC’85 Melvin Parker, RC’71 Shayne L. Parker, RC’88, GSNB’92 * Ruth Parker-Bey, UCC’93 Richard G. Parkhurst, RC’52 * Joan C. Parks Robert H. Parks, ENG’49 Stephen M. Parks Timothy and Mary Parola * Alicia D. Parr, RC’81 Michael R. Parrish, ENG’94 * Summer Parrish, GSM’89 Alice Partridge Kimberly A. Pascal, CCAS’93 Arlene Pashman Claire B. Passantino, GSED’97 Eric P. Passman, ENG’99 Marshall Passman, AG’52 Donna Gallucio Passno, RC’77 Donald S. Pasternak, ENG’59 Robert J. Pastor, Jr., COOK’86 Robert S. Pastor, RC’84 Joseph M., PHAR’74, and Maryann Pastorello * Matthew Paszamant Sanford Patchefsky, UCC’74 Anil and Shardaben Patel Ashok Patel Gita Patel Hemlata Patel Jitesh Patel, ENG’95 Narendra R. and Sarala N. Patel Neha H. Patel, PHAR’94 Tarun S. Patel, COOK’93 Vinod Patel Adolf Paterson, ENG’50 Rarmanaresh Pathak Robert W. Patrick, RC’95 Carolyn L. Patroni Jodi Lynn Patterson Joseph M. Patterson, RC’58 Jane Ryan Pattwell, NLAW’85 James P. Patuto, RC’68, NLAW’71 David Michael Paul, RC’73 Thomas Ben Paule, RC’85 John P. Paulich, Sr., UCN’58 Ilmars and Dzintra Paupe Joann T. Paupe, UCNB’83 Barry J. Pavelec, RC’62 Mark W. Paviluk, RC’81 Michael Pavol, RC’56 Helen S. Paxton Dwight L. Payne, LC’91 Martha Mary Peach, RC’84 Dr. Patricia A. Peacock, GSED’86 Christopher S. Peake, LC’92 John J. Pearce, Jr., RC’47, GSNB’48 Dr. Samuel N. Pearl, RC’71 Louis H. Pearlman, ENG’51 Stephen B. Pearlman Jacob L. Peck, RC’70 Henrik Pedersen William S. Pegnato, RC’76 Judy Pegos Dr. Maryann C. Peifly, GSED’81 Ernest T. Pelikan, UCNB’72, UCNB’75 Ellen Pell Ralph Pellecchia Connie Pellegrino Clarice H. Pellettier, GSNB’70 Leona D. Pellot Edward A. Penberthy, RC’63, CLAW’66 Norbert R. Pendergast III, AG’53 James C. and Susan Pendleton Julia F. Peng Dr. O. Jack Penhall, RC’69 Richard H. Peniston, AG’47 Mark W. Pensiero, GSBC’90 Dr. Mayer J. Penstein, GSED’66 Leslie M. Peoples, COOK’83 Carol L. Pepe, CCAS’54 Faith L. Pepe Judith M. Pepper, GSNB’63 Thomas, RC’80, and Donna A. Perch, RC’81 Robert Percopo, AG’69, GSNB’74 Paulo A. Pereira, RC’89 * Steven J. Perenic, ENG’71 Dr. Jovencio A. Perez Manuel A. and Nancy Rivera Perez, DC’80 Rafael Perez, RC’81 Robert C. Pergolizzi, GSNB’87 Temple Perham Satyanarayana M. Peri, GSM’91 Kathy Perkins Walter W. Perkins, ENG’41 * Dr. William C. Perkins, GSNB’83 Dr. Frederick L. Perl, RC’47 Harold S. Perl, RC’48 Connie C.M. Perla, GSM’84 * Terry L. Perlet, NLAW’70 Dr. Michael C. Perlmutter, LC’92, PHAR’99 Mildred Perlow Richard Perna, Jr., LC’93, SBNB’93 * Richard J., RC’91, CLAW’94, and Cindy M. Raganelli Perr, DC’91, CLAW’94 Serena Perretti, NLAW’54 Fernanda H. Perrone, SCILS’95 Dr. Santle L. Perrotto, RC’54 Albie E. Perry, ENG’76 Guy Perry, ENG’95 Janice E. Perry, CCAS’82, SBC’82 Joanne E. Perry, RC’78 Joseph L. Perry, Jr., UCNB’52 Mary Daley Perry, GSED’64 Nadya A. Perry, GSM’79 Stephen R. Perry, NCAS’74 William Perry Yolanda Perry Judith M. Persichilli, CNUR’76 Flora W. Perskie, SCILS’77 Wayne S. Person, RC’74 Michael H. Persons, CCAS’75 Alfred J. Perugini, PHAR’70

Alvin Pesachowitz, ENG’68 * Marshall Pesciotta, PHAR’57 * Charles and Donna Pestcoe Ray I. Pestle, Jr., GSNB’45 Eric A. Peter Russell N. Peter, ENG’70 Dr. Phylis J. Peterman, SSW’70 Anthony J. Peters, COOK’77 Bertram A. Peters, COOK’79 Carl E. Peters, ENG’72 Robin M. Peters Robert H. Petersen, GSM’92 Arlene C. Peterson, SCILS’69 * C. DeWitt and Jo Anne M. Peterson Clifford Peterson, RC’63 Donald W. Peterson, UCNB’97 Frank Peterson Marie Therese Petgrave, PHAR’47 Mihail and Donna M. Petinos Joseph P. Petito, LC’78 Angelo R. Petoletti, PHAR’49, RC’51 Paul J.R. Petrell, RC’64 Daniel C. Petri, ENG’70 James G. Petrie, NLAW’89 Dr. William D. Petrino, GSED’87 Monica Petroff, PHAR’97 Sophia Petrou, GSM’83 Alan M. Petrov, RC’71 John J. Petrowski, Jr., RC’86 Susan Sidi Pettinelli, ENG’81 Edmund F. Petty Lawrence Petzing, GSM’81 Richard R. Peyrek, AG’51 David A. Pezzutti, GSM’80 Dr. Willis G. Pfaff, AG’68 Mary L. Pfann, SCILS’73 Joseph and Lya Pfeifer Anne K. Pfister, UCC’85, SBC’85 Kenneth E. Pfitzenmayer, RC’52 Kathleen J. Pfleger, LC’77 Walter R. Pfluger, Jr., ENG’43 Frances Pharo Beatrice Phear Effie Philippakos, COOK’96 Steven H. Philips, RC’70 Carolyn Dennis Phillips Elaine D. Phillips, RC’87 Frank H. Phillips, AG’62 Howard M. Phillips, ED’61 Dr. James E. Phillips, RC’71, GSNB’85 Lawrence J. Phillips, ENG’93 Steven R. Phillips, UCNB’76, GSNB’81 * Stanley and Pearline E. Phinn Raymond E. Phipps, UCN’54 Cynthia M. Piana, RC’79 Frank E. and Patricia M. Piazza Perry A. Piazza, UCN’73 Charles M. and Deborah Piccinnini Martin L. Piccoli, ENG’83, GSM’91 Louis A. Piccolo III, RC’64 Lewis R. Pichinson, RC’73 Noel C. Pick, GSM’89 Fred Picker Jan Davis Picker, DC’69 * Kenneth E. Pickering, AG’73 Linda J. Pickering, NLAW’85 Maureen Pickering, DC’86, SCILS’96 Kenneth E. Pickett Victoria R. Picott, LC’92 Edward C. Piech, RC’49 * Dr. G. Kurt Piehler, GSNB’85, GSNB’90 Joseph P. Pieroni, GSM’75 Carol J. Pierzynski, SBC’92 Bernard M. Pietrucha, GSNB’86 * Ludwig P. Pietz, GSM’69 * Donald Chase Pike, RC’64 Susan S. Pike, SCILS’76 Gregory A. Pikul, COOK’78, GSM’84 Glenn J. Pilato, ENG’93 William H. Pillsbury, RC’96 Eugene Pilotte Renee and Mark Piltingsrud David S. Piltzer, NLAW’50, UCN’60 Robert Pimienta Pamela J. Pinali, ENG’81 Michael H. Pinchak, RC’73 William F. Pine, COOK’80 Frederick J. Pinkney, SB’49 Lon Jay Pinkowitz, RC’67 Frank J. Pinon, GSM’94 David Pinsker, RC’48 Marie Pirelli * Carol E. Pirrotta, DC’70 Brian J. Piscopo Ray Pistone Elizabeth A. Pitale, CCAS’79, SBC’79 Albert D. Pittis, GSM’62 Deborah L. Pitts * George S. Plaganes, RC’51 Antonia Plaza George A. Plenty, RC’37 Gary J. Plewak, RC’69, GSM’77 Edward T. Plitt, RC’83 Krystyna M. Plonski, COOK’95 Barbara Plumeri, UCNB’69 James I. Plummer, RC’73, SSW’86 Judith E. Plump, RC’78 Charles F. Plungis, ENG’52 Charles F. Plungis, Jr., RC’73 Dr. Guy D. Plunkett, RC’51 Thomas A. Pluta, AG’64, GSNB’76 Ann Marie E. Pocklembo, MGSA’91 Kurt A. Pocsi, RC’62 Martin Poethke, GSNB’90 David Pogash Andre M. Poignonnec * Dr. James H. Poivan, NCAS’50, GSNB’58, GSNB’68 Steven B. and Nancy F. Pokotilow Joseph A., UCNB’91, and Laurie Polaski Andrew J. Polasky, RC’62 Anthony Polifronio, COOK’90 * Ruth R. Polifronio, CNUR’82 Aaron S. Polinsky, ED’42 David B. Polinsky, NLAW’76 *

Steven S. and Eveline Traeger Polinsky Alison Reitman Politziner David E. Politziner, RC’69 Norman J., GSM’66, and Dorothy Strauss Politziner, DC’68, SSW’87 Michael A. Polizzi, ENG’92 * Dr. Irwin Pollack Janine Pollack, RC’86 Lester and Arlene Pollack John Pollak, Jr., RC’58 Phyllis G. Pollak, DC’87 George E. Pollard, RC’67, NLAW’70 David P. Pollison, ENG’59 Peter Polow Henk A. Pols, UCN’69 Drs. Marlene M., GSED’64, GSED’83, and Gerald M. Pomper Joseph R. Pond, UCNB’53 * Dr. Peter T. Pons, NCAS’72 John C. Ponticello, GSM’83 Ann Poole Thomas M. Pooley, RC’78 Dawn K. Popadines, RC’98 William C. Popjoy, CLAW’87 Michael C. Popovich, RC’70 Richard and Maria Popowski Michael Edward, NCAS’59, GSED’63, and Julia V. Popp, NCAS’56, SCILS’67 Kenneth J. Popson, RC’67 * Luisa Porcella, SCILS’71 Marcy Benoff Porman, RC’79 Leslie Berger Port, DC’73 Richard L. Porter, GSNB’62, GSNB’81 Dr. W. Thomas Porter, ED’54 Kent E. Portney, CCAS’73 Anthony B. Portuese, RC’76 Dr. Aaron S. Posner, RC’41 Gerald Poss, RC’62, NLAW’65 Dr. Robert Poss, RC’58 Nicholas D. Possumato, RC’55 Dr. John E. Post, AG’51 Linda S. Post, PHAR’92 Dr. Joseph A. and Janet Potenza Deena Pothen Dr. Stanley E. Potkay, RC’49 Edward Potosna III, RC’96, GSED’99 Douglas S. Potter, NCAS’65, GSNB’71 Murray and Elise Pottick Bill and Jackie Potts Derrick E. Potts, UCN’99 Alice Poulton Donald A. Powell, CLAW’77 Eileen Alt Powell John K. Powell, RC’48 Thomas K. Powell, RC’48 Robert J. Powelson Gail L. Powers, CCAS’78, SBC’78 Joseph P. Powers Mary A. Powers, SCILS’65 Pamela H. Powers, UCNB’86, GSNB’93 * Edward J. Poynton, Jr., ED’51 David Pramer, AG’48, GSNB’52 Robert A. Praskach A. Donald Pray, RC’69 John A. Pregnolato, ENG’61 Sidney Prejean, CLAW’96 William B. Prescott, GSNB’56 Jeffrey K. Pressman, RC’94 Julie Presti, PHAR’74 Mary T. Previte Arthur W. Price, AG’45 Cynthia Shuman Price, PHAR’80 Eric A. Price, RC’99 Judith A. Price, RC’82, SCILS’87 * William E. Price * Charles Prickitt, RC’65 Ana M. Prieto, COOK’82 * Michael L. Prigoff Anna Zavlina Prilutski, ENG’93, GSNB’95 * Timothy M. Prime, CLAW’75 Dr. Allan B. Prince, AG’46, GSNB’50 Nancy C. Prince, COOK’78 Michael T. Pringle, RC’71 Nancy Lynn Procovic, GSN’78 Gordon A. Proctor, RC’54 Joseph A. Profeta, RC’82 Richard Progulske Peter S. Proll, ENG’61 Bernard E. Prudhomme, SCILS’63 Edward R. Pruitt, GSC’85, SBC’85 Vineet Pruthi, GSM’81 James J. Pryor, LC’87 Dr. Cynthia Taylor Psaras, GSNB’86 Patricia A. Ptaszek, DC’97 Patricia A. Puchalik, CNUR’69 Faye R. Puddington, NLAW’82 Catherine R. Puglisi Thomas Joseph Puleo, PHAR’76 Dr. John M. Pulliam, Jr., RC’41 Thomas J. Pullizzi, COOK’76 Dr. Robert W. Pulsinelli, GSNB’74 Carol A. Purcell, CNUR’67, GSM’88 Matthew R. Purcell, GSM’89 Nancy Lou Purcell, CNUR’57 Anjana S. Pursnani, DC’90 * Kenneth Pushko, GSM’79 Onerva K. Puskas, GSNB’78 * James V. Pustai, RC’79 Vasu Putcha George Putvinski, UCNB’76 * James E. Puzio, UCN’91 * Alice Pyle Dr. Di Qu, GSNB’92 Robert T. Quackenboss, RC’53, NLAW’58 Robert B. Quackenbush, UCNB’85 Joseph H. Quade, RC’47 * William and Cynthia Quail Dr. William G. Quast, GSNB’63, GSED’68 Joan M. Quigley, GSN’79 Robert K. Quinby, RC’60 * Dr. Robert J. Quinet, RC’70 Edward M. Quinlan, COOK’77 Mark T. Quinlan, CCAS’83, SBC’83


Camilla Kuhn Quinn Charles Quinn, RC’78 Charles V. Quinn, RC’83 Denis P. Quinn, COOK’82 Rosemary Quinn, CLAW’79 Dr. William E. Quinn, UCNB’80 Rose A. Quinn-Haberman, ENG’90 James B. Quirin, GSM’69 Raymond and Anna W. Quon Marsha Raab Stephen G. Raab, LC’76 * Dr. Paul F. Rabideau, GSNB’81, GSNB’87 Jamshid Rabii Dr. Monroe S. Rabin, GSNB’64, GSNB’67 Dr. Stephen C. Rabin, RC’70 Audrey Rabinowitz, GSED’68 Michael E. Rachlin Donna M. Rachuba, CLAW’98 Frank F. Raciti, ENG’41 Robert W. Rack, ENG’76, GSNB’81 William A. Rack, UCN’67 * B. Radhakrishnan Matthew Radom * Lee Radsch Richard Radsch Karen and Daniel Radu Sharlene E. Raduka, ENG’74, GSM’79 Clifford J. Radziewicz, ENG’77, GSM’79 Patricia A. Radziewicz, RC’77 Antonia C. Raebiger, RC’94 John C. Ragone, ED’42, GSED’50 Mary Lucille Ragoza, RC’84 Richard E. Rahmun, COOK’74 Charles W. Rahner, Jr., GSM’56 Erwin F. Rahner, AG’48 Beverly D. Railsback, SCILS’69, GSNB’80 Daniel Raimondi, RC’86 Nancy Valvano Raimondi, RC’86 John M. and Camille Rainiero J. Lawrence L. Rak, RC’65, ENG’65 Jesse Rambo Herbert Lloyd Ramo, AG’50 Maria Ramos Tara Rana, RC’95 Harry Randall, NLAW’53 Tiny Condrillo Randazzo, RC’78 Dr. Paul F. Randel, AG’58, GSNB’60 Glenn, GSNB’77, and Nancy Mae Randers-Pehrson, UCNB’77 Barbara Randolph-Anderson, RC’77 Balaji Rangaswamy, GSM’00 Jeffrey M. Ranney, RC’75 Dwight P. Ransom, RC’78, CLAW’81 Gururajan R. Rao, GSN’00, GSM’00 Maria T. Rao Sheila Y. Rao, RC’90 Dr. Robert A. Rapaport, COOK’75, GSNB’77 * Michael J. Raport, CCAS’73 Joseph A. Raposo Cynthia A. Rappaport, UCNB’78 Dr. Howard P. Rappoport, NCAS’58 Dr. Andrew M. Rashkow, RC’73 Karen T. Raskasky, CCAS’68 Christine Rasmuson Joan Marie and Keith D. Rasmussen, RC’75 Richard M. Rastelli, ENG’73, GSM’75 Lloyd S. Rath Ram N. and Uma Rathore * Allen H. Rau, ENG’79 Alan F. and Linda Raughley Joseph and Dorothy Ravener David N. Ravin, NLAW’51 Dr. Albert L. Ray, COOK’66 Dr. Nitya G. Ray, GSNB’81, GSNB’82, GSNB’85 Thomas O. Rayner, RC’77 Charles T. Raynolds, RC’75 Neil Raynor Robert S. Rayve, LC’81 James J. Raywood, NLAW’77 G.W. Stephen Read, RC’70 * Jeannette Rea-Keywood, COOK’87 Robert A. Reamer, NCAS’73, GSN’77 * Nancy F. Reardon William F. Reardon, Jr., RC’67 George A. Rears, RC’89, GSM’95 Barbara Ann Reaves, UCNB’75 Roderick Reber, Jr., GSM’93 Dr. Rose Marie J. Reber, NCAS’62 Peter S. Rebovich, GSED’67 Santo P. Recchia, GSM’83 Dr. Joel R. Recht, RC’90 * Deborah A. Recker Francis J. Reda, LC’83 Gail Webber Redd, GSNB’83 Clarence J. and Mildred C. Redrup Alan L. Reed, Jr. Dr. Benjamin D. Reese, Jr., GSAPP’78 Edward F. Reese, Jr., ENG’57 Hallie J. Reese, CCAS’87, SBC’87 Annelisa Reeves Dr. George W. Reeves, GSED’66 Robert A. Reffelt, ENG’65, GSNB’67 Frank M. Rega, RC’65 Rosemarie O. Regala, ENG’99 Edmund Paul Regan, RC’70 Jeannette R. Regan, CCAS’70 Kathryn M. Regan, RC’86 Dr. David William Reger, GSNB’67, GSNB’70 Karl M. Rego, ENG’99 Lawrence J. Rehm, GSM’81 * Richard M. Reich, ENG’68 Regina L. Reichman Ronald Reichstein, RC’54, NLAW’56 Marcia Reid Timothy P. Reid, COOK’94 K. William Reighter, GSNB’79 Mary Ann Reigle, UCNB’70 * Marlene M. Reil, UCNB’93 Beatrice A. Reilley, UCNB’89 Charles V. Reilly, CLAW’72


Colin J. Reilly, RC’93 Douglas C. Reilly, GSM’64 James A. Reilly, NLAW’51 Richard C. Reilly, GSM’72 Robert T. Reilly, GSM’69 Virginia M. Reilly, COOK’74 * Norman C. Reimer, RC’59 Joseph and Deborah Rein * Dr. Susan C. Reinhard, GSNB’91 * Morton Reinhart, RC’55, GSED’62 Ruppert Reinstadler, RC’73 Doug Reinstein, GSM’90 * Warren A. Reintzel, GSNB’68 * Dr. Philip Reisberg, GSNB’65, GSNB’72 * Dr. Martin Reisman, RC’51 Dr. Milton J., RC’64, and Ellen Reitman, DC’66 Dr. Marjorie J. Rekant Ellen Relkin, NLAW’84 Jose L. Relvas Douglas E. Remer, RC’71 * Gordon I. Remer, RC’82 James H. Remer, ENG’72 Edward Remmers James N. Remsen Kristin A. Renaldi, RC’97 Robert C. Renkas Hans Renner, ENG’52 Barbara G. Rennie, UCNB’80 David Rennie, RC’87 J. Paul and Shirley L. Rennon * Glenn W. Renollet George Djordjo Repic, NCAS’95, NKSM’95 Cynthia L. Repsher, GSED’81 George and Karen N. Resetar Dr. Mark Reshkin, NCAS’55 Gary J. Resnick, RC’74, GSM’77 * Joan and Howard Resnick Sanford Resnik, PHAR’55 Barry R. Ress, LC’71 David G. Ressler, RC’60 Charles Rest, ENG’67 Dr. Frederick A. Restaino, GSNB’59 * Pat A. Restaino, ED’49, GSED’53 Franklin A. Reusch, RC’63 Jacqueline Revolinsky Michael K. Reyburn, GSM’77 * Charles H. Reynolds, ENG’49, GSNB’52 David A. Reynolds, GSM’63 * John D. Reynolds, NLAW’79 Philip N. Reynolds, NLAW’80 * Dr. Richard C. Reynolds, RC’49 William W. Reynolds, Jr. Ann Kane Rheault, RC’79 Joseph Rhoads, Jr., SCILS’63 Robert J. Rhodes, RC’78 Edward N. Rianhard, ENG’87 * Teresa Ribadeneyra, RC’76 Dr. Michael P. Riccards, NCAS’66, GSNB’70 Louis A. Riccio, NCAS’75, GSN’77 Jay J., RC’74, NLAW’77, and Ellen Lewis Rice, DC’73, NLAW’77 Timothy A. Rice, GSNB’77 David A. Rich Ernest J. Rich, Jr., RC’57 Herbert Rich, SB’52 Jason S. Rich, RC’95, SBNB’95 Joseph A. Rich, UCN’72 Lester Rich, RC’81 Robert D. Rich, RC’52 * Dave Richard Harris M. Richard, RC’60, SCILS’65 Susan Richards, COOK’92 Thomas C. Richards, Jr., UCN’58 William Richards, RC’65 Charles and Nancy Richardson David A. Richardson, GSM’98 John F. Richardson, RC’85 Peggy Jane Richardson, CNUR’59 Stuart Richardson, AG’67 Wayne M. Richardson Merle U. Richey, NLAW’76 William B. Richko, RC’68 George M. Richmond, RC’65 Stuart S. Richter, GSC’83, SBC’83 Paul Eric Rickershauser, RC’80, GSNB’86 Paul J. Rickerson, UCNB’89 Sharon D. Rickman, GSED’85 Jeanne C. Ridgway, CCAS’73 * Kenneth D. Ridinger, LC’96 Steven J. Riecker, GSM’88 Eric R. Riedel, RC’66 Dana M. Rieger Charles H. Riemenschneider, COOK’74 Dr. Peter N. Riesenberg, RC’47 Dr. Vincent A. Rifici, GSNB’78, GSNB’81 Peter D. and Mary M. Rigney Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Rigolosi Carl and Bridgit Riley Lillian S. Riley Dr. Mark R. Riley, GSNB’94, GSNB’95 Peter J. Riley, GSNB’80 Dr. Robert C. Riley, GSNB’64 Shawn C. Riley, PHAR’94 Dr. Richard E. Riman, ENG’80 Dorothy M. Rinaldi, UCNB’90 David J. Rinehimer, AG’73, GSNB’75 Saul I. Ring, SB’47 Elfriede J. Rinkens, UCNB’74 Evalynne Bronell Rinsky, SSW’73 Dr. David M. Rinzler, RC’67 Carol Zlotkin Rippetoe, DC’66 Dr. David Ririe, GSNB’51 Gregory B. Rishel, COOK’99 Donald R. Risi, GSNB’83 * Steven D. Riskin, NLAW’73 Richard M. Risoldi, LC’79 Dr. Patricia Devitt Risse, PHAR’85, GPHR’93 Dr. David M. Ritchie, CCAS’72 * Graham M. Ritchie, UCNB’69 Richard Ritorto, NLAW’87 Berda S. Rittenhouse, GSED’82

Fred L. Ritter, ED’50 Lawrence A. Ritter, LC’91 Virginia R. Ritter, GSM’78 Patricia L. Ritterson, DC’71 Janice L. Ritz, COOK’79 Ralph Rivera, RC’98 Peggy A. Rivers, COOK’74 Charles A. Rizzi, CLAW’73 Deborah L. Rizzi, RC’77 Charles A. Rizzo, NCAS’73 * Dr. Jasper J. Rizzo, RC’81 Barry P. Rizzolo, RC’82 Dr. Lawrence J. Rizzolo, RC’73 Joseph P. Rizzuto, COOK’80, GSM’90 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Roach III Ted and Linda Robak J. Theodore Robb, ENG’66 Craig A. Robbins, NCAS’79 James A. Robbins, RC’74 Virginia C. Robbins, NCAS’71, NLAW’86 Peter M. Robertiello, NCAS’91, NCAS’96, NKSM’96 Adrian Roberts Annalise G. Roberts, RC’78 Daniel P. Roberts, CCAS’70, SBC’70 * Donald E. Roberts, RC’65 Dr. Elizabeth, GSM’91, and Randall R. Roberts * Dr. Harrell B. Roberts, GSNB’76, GSNB’83 Jack A. Roberts, CCAS’52 Nancy L. Roberts, CNUR’73 Patricia Maher Roberts, DC’48 William L. Roberts, RC’66 Frank J. Robertson, CCAS’79, SBC’79 Robert M. Robertson, Jr., SSW’83 Mr. and Mrs. Burton Stanley Robins Henriann Robins, SCILS’73 Martin Robins Nancy H. Robins Anthony R. and Kathleen C. Robinson Daniel L. Robinson, RC’71, GSED’73, SCILS’77 Dr. Donald W. Robinson, GSED’83 Ephraim Robinson, AG’41 Gary Robinson Gregory C. Robinson, GSM’78 J.B. and Betty Robinson * John Allen Robinson, AG’71 Lawrence D. Robinson Mitchell S. Robinson, RC’76 Patricia S. Robinson, GSNB’80, NLAW’86 Richard H. Robinson, RC’58 Dr. Sandra A. Robinson Tracy L. Robinson, UCNB’95, SCILS’95 William R. Robinson, ENG’69 Robert and Eileen Robison * Dr. Mark G. Robson, COOK’77, GSNB’79, GSNB’88, GSNB’95 Patrick L. Rocco, RC’85, NLAW’88 Debra J. Roche, RC’81 James W. Rochford Dr. Joel J. Rock, GSM’96 Dr. Burton W. Rockliff, RC’42 Linda H. Rockmaker, RC’90 Alan A. Rockoff, RC’54, NLAW’60 Irma Rockoff Ralph J. Rodak, RC’76 Elba C. Rodburg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Roddenbery Audrey B. Roderman, DC’79 Coleman F. Rodgers, UCN’64 Frank J. Rodgers, ENG’49 Susan M. Rodgers, NCAS’97, NKSM’97 Judith E. Rodner, NLAW’70 Catherine C. Rodricks, CNUR’63, CNUR’65 Al Rodriguez Antonio R. Rodriguez, UCNB’76 * Gabriel Rodriguez, RC’96, SBNB’96 * Mario M. and Maria E. Rodriguez Paul Rodriguez, NLAW’00 Robert A. Rodriguez Michael A. Roe, RC’85 Robert D. Roe, AG’72, GSN’88 Alfred H. Roesch, RC’57 Frederick A. Roessle, GSM’58 Meredith R. Roessner, ENG’98, COOK’98 James D. Rogers, UCP’66 Dr. Laura S. Rogers, GSED’84 Oliver J. Rogers, LC’92 Deborah B. Rogut, RC’88 * Michael D. Rohr Jeffrey A. Rokicki, LC’94, SBNB’94 Thomas E. Rollins, GSM’90 Dr. Jerome Rolnick Jean E. Roma, RC’89 Alejandro Roman, RC’94 * Frank and Jean Romano Raquel Romero, NCAS’78 Amber R. Romine, RC’94 * John Ronafalvy * Gilbert E. and Elizabeth M. Ronca Lloyd C. Ronchetti, UCC’72, SBC’72 Bradley E. Ronco, RC’68 Erich R. Roneree, ENG’95 Sigmond L. Ronis, CCAS’53 Kenneth C. Ronkowitz, RC’75 Dr. Wanda Ronner, CCAS’74 Sean M. Roome, UCNB’94 John E. Rooney, UCN’74 Marlene Roque Norma Rosa Leaslie Rosado, ENG’00 * Arthur Rose, RC’51 Brian Rose, ENG’83 Carol and Michael Rose, Jr. * Elizabeth L. Rose Eric P. Rose, RC’84 Paula M. Rose, UCN’95 Beth Rosen Cecilia Rosen, CCAS’65

Dorothy Rosen Irwin M. Rosen, RC’77 Lisa Jane Rosen, CCAS’69 * Dr. Neil C. Rosen, RC’87 Robert Rosen, RC’63 Sally A. Rosen, GSM’96 Neal A. Rosenbaum, RC’73 Robert C. Rosenbaum, CCAS’53 Robert I. Rosenbaum, NCAS’78 Elizabeth Rosenberg, CNUR’55 Estelle Holiner Rosenberg, DC’38 Gary Dunay Rosenberg, RC’66 Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg, RC’67 Dr. Morton M. Rosenberg, AG’38 Neal G. Rosenberg * Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rosenberg Sheldon and Betty Rosenberg * Stuart D. Rosenberg, COOK’78, GSNB’87 Oliver Rosenbladt, RC’92 Peter A. and Bettina Rosenbladt Max S. Rosenblatt, GSM’73 Dr. Samuel M. Rosenblatt, GSNB’52, GSNB’60 Theodore M. and Rhoda L. Rosenblatt * Paul Rosenfeld Michael Rosenstark, RC’91 Bernard Rosenstein, RC’69 Leonard Rosenstein, RC’49 Joshua Rosenstock, RC’00 David L. Rosenthal, ENG’83 Ellis Rosenthal Manfred and Erica Rosenthal * Meyer L. Rosenthal, RC’66, NLAW’69 Richard C. Rosenthal, PHAR’69 William E. Rosenthal, PHAR’76 David Rosenzweig, RC’61 * Gloria Rosenzweig Joseph Roser Richard E. Rosfjord, ENG’66 * Beth Ross Donna L. Ross Philip T. Ross, COOK’82 * Steven W. Ross, RC’68, GSED’72 Thomas and Joan Ross Victoria Ross Dr. John Rosser, GSED’60 Anthony M. Rossetti, ENG’68 Leonard R. Rossetti, Sr., CCAS’58 Anthony Rossi Dr. Anthony G. Rossi, NCAS’72 Dr. Daniel Rossi, COOK’71, GSNB’73 Florry A. Rossi Louise T. Rossi, GSM’97 Thomas G. Rossi, UCN’54 Eugene P. Rossler Eugene F. Rostkowski, RC’69 Dr. John R. Rostkowski, RC’65 Dr. Donald W. Rostow, RC’70 Richard E. Roszkowski, NCAS’73 * Mark J. Rotariu, GSM’97 Carmen J. Rotella Sally A. Rotella Steven P. Rotella, RC’76 Fred Roth Jeffrey S., RC’77, and Patti E. Roth, RC’78 Kenneth D. Roth, CLAW’73 Dr. Michael D. Roth, RC’76 Robert A. Roth, GSM’85 * Samuel H. Rothbart, RC’63 Howard A. Rothenberg, COOK’80 Marc S. Rothenberg, RC’73 Howard V. Rothman, GSM’87 Fred and Lilo Rothschild Vivian A. Rothschild Walter S. Rothschild, NCAS’48 Laurence I. Rothstein, RC’88 Frank J. Rotunda, RC’67 Patricia Rourke Hannah Rowan, LC’75 Elizabeth C. Rowe Kenneth E. Rowe, SCILS’70 Paul A. Rowe Jan Rower Mark W. Rowland, ENG’82 * David L. Roy, AG’52 Melinda Luz Royall, RC’95, SBNB’95 Carolyn S. Royce, SCILS’67 Carolyn Roymer Walter A. Rozdilsky, RC’80 * Mark Rozewski, NCAS’77, GSNB’80 Miriam Rozo, DC’77 * Dennis and Gliceria Ruanova Richard John Ruban, SB’63 Laurence P. Rubel, RC’68 Dr. Brent D. Ruben Alexander J. Rubens, UCN’88 Joel Rubin Dr. Ronald Rubin, PHAR’58 Sanford S. Rubin, PHAR’63 Steven A. Rubin, RC’85 Dr. Stuart J. Rubin Dr. William Rubin, RC’32 Jeanmarie Ruch, SCILS’93 Jane Ruddell, CLAW’77 Kenneth S. Rudnick Dr. Richard N. Rudnicki, NCAS’82 Ann H. Rudolph, SSW’82 Marie M. Rudolph, COOK’78 John C. Ruebush, GSM’94 Louisa S. Ruffine, RC’88 Denise H. Ruffini, CNUR’73 Gerard B. Rugg, NCAS’54 William J. Ruggero, RC’79 Gloria C. Ruggiero, NCAS’54 Celina M. Ruivo, RC’89 Pedro Ruiz Richard G. Rumery, UCN’52 Elizabeth A. Reuter Runge, NCAS’82 Wilbur M. Runk Mary M. Runnells, NLAW’75 Dr. Harry L. Runyan, ENG’39 Jan Marie Rushforth, RC’76 Inars Rusins, RC’55 * Melvyn B. Ruskin, RC’61 Dr. Emily W., GSNB’74, GSNB’79, and Dr. Frederick Russell Jason C. Russell, RC’94

Kenneth A. Russell, ENG’65 Lillie Y. Russell, NCAS’83 William C. Russell, ENG’62 * Cynthia G. Russo, NLAW’85 Daniel M. Russo, RC’61 Dr. Joseph A. Russo, Jr., GSN’94 Dr. Mark F. Russo, ENG’84, GSNB’87, GSNB’88, GSNB’89 * Herman J. Russomanno, NCAS’71 Julie A. Ruth Tiina K. Ruubas, SSW’93 Mary F. Ruzicka Charles Francis Ryan, NLAW’74 Christopher R. Ryan, GSM’79 Daniel and Susan Ryan Donna M. Ryan, SBC’98 Ellen-Sue Ryan, RC’84 James R. Ryan, ENG’71, GSM’75 * James T. Ryan, Jr., RC’76, GSM’77 * M. Frances Ryan, LC’80 Stephen Edward Ryan, UCC’79, SBC’79 Trudi E. Ryan, RC’77 Victoria Ryan-Lybeck, UCNB’98, SCILS’98 Herbert K. Ryder, RC’94, NLAW’99 Albert D. Rylak, RC’66, NLAW’69 Richard C. Rynearson, RC’61 Michael F. Rzigalinski, RC’80 Abdo Y. Saad, GSNB’88 * Kenneth E. Saam, Jr., NCAS’68 * Ludmila K. Sabatiuk, SCILS’65 * Alvin O. Sabo, ENG’65 Barbara A. Sabo, UCNB’85 * Ronald P. Sabo, RC’58 Nicholas J. Sacco, NCAS’68 William F. Sacco, Jr., ENG’40 Lynne Sacher Martin H. Sachs, RC’69 Ekkehart and Buford Sachtler J. Erica Sack, NLAW’86 Jonathan D. Sackett, LC’00 Michael and Sheila Sackler * Dr. Marc L. Sackman, RC’75, GMGA’91, GMGA’93 Michael J. Sacks, RC’94 Junelynn Sadlowski Marianne and Wayne A. Sadowski, COOK’76 Jay and Judy Sadowsky Dr. Deborah A. Saez-Lacy, RC’82 Dr. Lowell Saferstein, NCAS’62, GSNB’67 * Dr. Allen I. Safianow, RC’66 Frank B. Sagarese, Jr., RC’68, GSNB’73 Robert L. Sager, RC’72 James G. Sahagian, RC’93, SBNB’93, GSM’98 Dr. Anthony I. Sahar, NCAS’56 Dr. J. Harold Sahm, GSNB’73, GSED’83 Stella A. Sahonchik Arthur H. Saiewitz, NLAW’87 * Robert Saiewitz, PHAR’60 Dr. Edward Saiff, NCAS’64, GSNB’73 Ivan Saiff, PHAR’56 Joshua M. Saiff, ENG’97 John R. Sailer, RC’39, NLAW’48 Marc Lawrence Saiontz Miriam P. Salas Algis V. Salciunas, GSBC’95 Diego A. Saldarriaga, NCAS’98 * Anthony W. Salerno, GSNB’68 Joseph F. Salerno, NLAW’96 Mary Beth Salerno, GSNB’76 * Linda Salinger Warren R. Salkeld, AG’67 Daniel D. Salkovitz, GSNB’83 Dr. William D. Salmon, UCNB’72 Robert M. Salovitch, PHAR’58 Steven J. Salowe, RC’76, GSM’80 Michael T. Salpas, COOK’99 J.K. Salter Carol Saltzman Ralph and Muriel Saltzman Frank and Frances Salubro Hanna Rogalski Salvatore, RC’79 * Nicholas M. Salvia, CLAW’98 Nancy Gurwitz Sambul, NLAW’76 Kenneth S. Samoil, COOK’82 * Timothy R. Samolewicz, COOK’97 Raymond C. Samori, RC’85 Barbara Ann Sampieri, CCAS’80 Samuel R. Sample, Jr., RC’53 Joan R. Sampson, UCNB’85 * Richard L. Samsel, NCAS’72 Douglas G. Samson, COOK’78 Rosanna L. Samson, COOK’89 * George Samuel Mariamma Samuel Stephanie G. Samuels, SSW’96 Victor M. Sanchez Russell H. Sandblom, Jr., AG’70 Bernard Sanders, ENG’49 David Sanderson Dr. David M. Sandford, GSNB’72, GSNB’79 Linda G. Sandoli, CLAW’96 * Joseph M. Sandone, RC’62, CLAW’66 Thomas E. Sandor, ENG’95 * Richard S. Sandoval, UCC’93 Dorothy Sands Eileen and Frank Sanford Dr. Surendra A. Sangekar, GSNB’65 Jose Sananes Sangros George D. Sangwin Dr. William R. Sansalone, COOK’53, GSNB’61 Alice C. Santamarina Damaris Santana, NCAS’98, NKSM’98 James R. Santo, RC’66 * Anthony G. Santora, UCN’75 Dr. Michael D. Santoro, GSM’98 Reynold A. Santoro, COOK’79 * Sari P. Santoro, RC’76 Steven H. Santoro, ENG’75 Dorothea Santos, CNUR’58, CNUR’60

Isabelle Santos-Boye, NCAS’86 Nicholas L. Santowasso, RC’57, NLAW’60 William B. Saporetti, Jr., ENG’73 W. Daniel Saragnese, Jr., RC’72 Rose Marie J. Sardo, NCAS’75, NLAW’78 Barry G. Saretsky, NLAW’73 Richard H. Sargavy, UCN’58 Linda C. Sargent, NLAW’89 Dorothy L. Sarnecky, PHAR’82 Linda and Edward J. Sarnoski Raffaele Sarracino Anita Sarro, NCAS’68 D.G. Peter Sarsfield, RC’84 Dante J. Sarubbi, CCAS’64 Vincent P. Sarubbi, CCAS’82, SBC’82 Harold A. Sarvetnick Setara Moeen Sarwani Louis J. and Florence E. Sas Dr. Douglas A. Saslow, RC’71 Ronald A. Sassi, ED’62, GSED’69 Frances A. Sasso George and Karen Satran James J. Sattur, Sr., ED’51 Paul C. Sauerland, Jr., UCNB’57 Dr. Ronald R. Sauers Robert Allen Saul, RC’63 Eric Don Saunders, RC’64 Robert M. Saunders, LC’88, SBNB’88 Thomas Saunders Vincent and Michelle Quinby Saunders Michael Robert Sautner, COOK’80 Zenobia Sautner, COOK’00 Walter N. and Valerie Sautter Gregory A. Savad, RC’92 Bonnie Lu Savage George P. Savidge, RC’66 Dr. William Savin, GSNB’68 Dr. Lawrence B. Savitsky, RC’64 Donald H. Saxton, ENG’38 * June Sayben Dr. Edward G. Scagliotta, ED’51, GSED’54 Chris P. Scala, COOK’87 * Victoria Scalera, RC’79 Robert G. Scalise John J. Scally, Jr. John V. Scanlon Patrick J. Scanlon, CLAW’74 Dr. Joseph A. Scarola, RC’69 * Dr. Carol N. Scelza James L. Scepansky David Schaaf, RC’71 Ella Schaap Robert and Lana Schachtel John and Katherine A. Schack Richard H. Schaefer, AG’57, GSNB’59 Pembroke C. Schaeffer, ENG’64 * Susan B. Schaeffer, CLAW’82 Henry Schafer John P. Schaffer, RC’67 Robert A. Schall, NCAS’67 Joel Schaller Dr. Liviu Schapira Bernard M. Schapiro, RC’52 Edward A.J. Scharer, AG’64 Dr. Kathleen M. Scharer, CNUR’65, CNUR’67 Malcolm Scharf, RC’43 Monroe B. and Edwina Scharff Michael Schatz, Jr., ED’52 * Naomi H. Schatz, RC’78, GSNB’86 Elizabeth Schaub-DeBlock, GSN’91 Barney Schauble Dr. Richard L. Schauer, AG’59, GSNB’61 Dr. Neil S. Schaul, RC’62 Ann McGovern Scheiner David K. Schempp John C. Schenck, RC’51 Dr. Henry H. Schenker, GSNB’53 Arnold Leonard Scher, RC’61 Everett M. Scherer, NLAW’26 Gary E. Schetelich, COOK’76 Robert W. Schewior, RC’73, GSNB’85 Harry B. Schick, RC’75 Richard E. Schiesswohl, RC’67 * Raymond I. Schiff, ED’49 Dr. Peter H. Schild, GSED’66, GSED’76 Brian J. Schilling, COOK’92, GSNB’94 Ned W. Schillow, GSNB’74 Donald Schindel Felix and Jeanette Schirripa Marvin O., ENG’69, and Eva L. Schlanger, NCAS’69 Donald and Kathleen Schleef Lawrence C. Schlegel, GSM’73 Judith P. Schleicher Dr. Stephen M. Schleicher, RC’72 Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Schlesinger Marcia Schlesinger * Mildred Schlimbach Dr. Dennis M. Schmatz, COOK’78, GSNB’83, GSNB’85 * Richard T. Schmeling, UCNB’73 Frederick C. Schmelz, RC’40 David Schmerler, RC’60 Susan P. Schmerler, GSNB’70, NLAW’95 Joseph H. Schmid Rudolf O. Schmid, RC’58 * Werner H. Schmid, RC’51 Arthur J. Schmidt, GSM’94 Barbara K. Schmidt Bernard J. Schmidt, UCNB’72 Dr. Charles F. and Brenda Schmidt Christian J. Schmidt, RC’45 Dr. James W. Schmidt, RC’69 Jean C.H. Schmidt, CLAW’82 Mary A. Schmidt, DC’78 Sherri A. Schmidt, PHAR’94 Wilhelm M. and Lieselotte K. Schmidt * Inge Schnee, SSW’75 Dr. Allen Schneider, RC’68 Ellen M. Schneider, SCILS’65

Frederick C. Schneider III, GSM’65 Marguerite A. Schneider, GSN’98 Maxwell M. Schneider, PHAR’41 Paula B. Schneider, DC’75 William H. Schneidewind, Jr., ED’51 * Edwin J. Schnell, Jr., GSM’74 Laura Svenson Schnell, DC’56 Philip G. Schnell, AG’67 Erwin C. Schnitzer, RC’61 Robert M. Schnitzer, RC’39 Alan I. Schnoll, RC’68 Jack Schocklin, RC’70 Richard J. Schoener, NCAS’60 William Schoenhut, Jr., GSM’72 Heinrich M. Schoening, GSM’71 * Linda Ann Schofel, NLAW’92 Barbara Schofield Alf D. Schonbach, RC’70 Dr. Carl L. Schopfer, CCAS’72 Michael Schottland, NLAW’65 Alan T. Schreck, GSNB’00 Sandra D. Schregenberger, ENG’83 David C. Schreiber, NCAS’60 Alan G. Schreihofer, RC’59 Emery B. Schroeder, RC’60 Walter K. Schubert, RC’66 Dr. Doris E. Schueler Dr. Harvey J. Schugar William F., CCAS’60, and Edith Schuhl, CCAS’60, SCILS’76 Herbert M. Schulkind, RC’40 Dr. Joel Schulman, RC’68 Aylon M. Schulte, RC’92 Elizabeth M. Schulte Dr. David E. Schultheiss, RC’68 Dr. Allen F. Schultz, RC’67 Dr. Charles M. Schultz, RC’65 Robert L. Schultz, RC’72 * Robert S. Schultz, RC’66 Sheldon G. Schultz, RC’62 Charlotte M. Schultze, CCAS’60 Carl A. Schulz III, GSM’91 Edward D. Schulz, ENG’79 * Ernest F. Schulz, ENG’47 Anton F. Schulzki, GSN’75 Alan M. Schuman, RC’77 John C. Schumann, RC’72 Pamela K. Schundler, GSM’90 John K. Schupner, GSNB’88 John D. and Linda K. Schupper Robert E. Schutzki, COOK’76, GSNB’79 Dr. Gisela J. Schwab, GSNB’87 Stephen J., LC’86, and Rosanne C. Schwab, RC’86 Sandra F. Schwaighofer, DC’74 * Barry and Mary Schwartz Cathy Schwartz Edwin J. Schwartz, RC’55 Jay J. Schwartz, ENG’52 Jeffrey B., RC’77, CLAW’80, and Marcia A. Schwartz, RC’77 Leonard S. Schwartz, SB’54 Richard J. Schwartz, NLAW’69 Robert J. Schwartz, GSNB’92 * Roberta H. Schwartz, SSW’95 Dr. Stanley A. Schwartz, RC’63, GSNB’65 Stephan M. Schwartz, NLAW’69 Stephine K. Schwartz, RC’90 Steven H. Schwartz, RC’68, CLAW’71 * Joan and Nathan Schwartzman Diane and James A. Schwarz William J. Schwarz, RC’67 LeRoy Carl Schwarzkopf, SCILS’67 Joseph G. Schweighardt, Jr., RC’55 Jeffrey Schweikert Dr. Laurence R. Schweitzer, RC’59 Albert E. Schweizer, Jr., GSNB’68 * Kristin Schweizer Mark G. Schwendeman, RC’75 William D. Schwenke Frank X. Schwindinger, RC’54, SCILS’73 * Frank E. Scillieri, LC’76 Victoria A. Sciuk, RC’76, SCILS’90 Paul A. Scopac, RC’70 Scott and Patricia Soffen, RC’84 Arnold D. Scott, NLAW’67 James C. Scott, RC’76, GSM’82 James M Scott, Jr. Renee V. Scott, NCAS’90 * Robert A. Scott, CLAW’84 Shelah K. Scott Tanya Fletcher Scott, ENG’94 Dr. Diane Scott-Dorsett, CNUR’60 Sharon Lee G. Scotti, LC’86 Robert C. Scrivani, RC’68 Arthur M. Scutro, Jr., GSM’65 Willie and Laura Seabrooks Mary Lee Seale Lloyd S. Seaman, ED’59, GSED’62, GSED’68 Tracey A. Sears, RC’89 Dr. Kenneth F. Sebastian, LC’73 Dr. Mark Sebastian, RC’80, GSNB’85 Jon M. Seddon, COOK’86 Bahira Sedhom Michael Sedor, RC’67 Madeline Luria Seeman, DC’63 Philip and Ophelia Seeto Dr. Harvey R. Segal, RC’67, GSNB’70, GSNB’74 * Nathan Segal, GSED’62 Peter Justin Segal, AG’62 Vincent D. Segal, CLAW’71 Grace Segalini Joel A. Segall Karl E. Seib, NLAW’70 Gerald P. Seid, NLAW’63 Stephen L. Seid, RC’71 Joseph S. Seidel, RC’50, NLAW’56 Richard R. Seidel, RC’59, SCILS’65 Milton F. Seiden, ED’41 Peter R. Seiden, RC’66 Rita Seiden Cathie P. Seidman Dr. Oliver G. Seidman, RC’32 Howard B. Seigelman, RC’71, GSM’76 Gary S. Seigle, RC’72

Bernadette T. Seigler, RC’84 Joel Seiler Fred J. Sekley, PHAR’65 Geraldine Seldar Richard H. Selders, RC’68, GSNB’78 * Gary N. Selecky, RC’75 Dr. Jerome Selinger, RC’45 Dr. Lawrence R. Selinger, NCAS’56 Dr. James C. Selover, RC’50 George L. Seltzer, CLAW’67 Robert D. Seltzer, RC’81, ENG’81, GSNB’89 Dr. Martin B. Selzer, GSM’82, GSN’92 Edward Joseph Seman, PHAR’58 Gregory P. Sembrat, AG’69 Kenneth D. Semel, COOK’77 * Dr. Vicki Granet Semel, GSNB’74, GSAPP’80 Francis C. Seminski, UCNB’82 Dr. F. Fred Senatore, GSNB’83 * Dr. Dorothy M. Sendelbach, ENG’78 Selim and Cecile Senel F. Thomas Senior, NCAS’63 Mary Lynn Senior, COOK’81 Dr. Judith J. Senkevitch, GSNB’89 Dr. Bernard Z. Senkowski, NCAS’51, GSNB’60, GSNB’65 Michael J. Sepanic Richard E. Sepcic, UCNB’92 * John G. Sepple, RC’63 Raymond D. Servis, RC’51 A. Raymond Sestokas, NCAS’74, GSM’77 George S. Sevilis, RC’77 Nicholas F. Sewitch Sidney Sewitch, RC’43 Carol Flomerfelt Seymour, DC’53 Allan G. Seywert, RC’51 Hannibal G. Shabo, RC’89, SBNB’89 * Glenn D. Shaffer, GSM’72 Kulin A. Shah, RC’94 Rajat P. Shah, RC’98, SBNB’98 * Rich J. Shah Sagar S. Shah, ENG’98 Yogesh D. Shah Leonor and Syed Shahid Dr. Khushroobanu I. Shaikh, GSNB’66 * Joel W. Shane, UCNB’68 * Dr. Daniel J. Shanefield, RC’56, GSNB’62 Jacqueline P. Shanes Cynthia D. Shannon, DC’90 Joseph C. Shannon, RC’87, GSNB’92 Dr. Yi-Shi Shao, GSNB’92 John A. Shapanus, GSM’81 Dr. Bernard H. Shapiro, GSNB’70 Danielle A. Shapiro, SCILS’97 Deborah Shapiro Harold B. Shapiro, NLAW’74 Leonard Shapiro Lewis S. Shapiro Randie Shapiro Dr. Stephen J. Shapiro, RC’63 Ved and Manju Sharma Soliman Sharmokh Melvin J. Sharp III, COOK’76 Mitchell Sharpe, RC’77, GSM’78 Elizabeth S. Shashoua, UCNB’93, SSW’98 Robert M. Shavick, NLAW’51 Hassana Q. Shaw Nelson Shaw, SB’51 Robert A. and Susan K. Shaw Alice Rome Shea, CLAW’77 Dr. Dennis G. Shea, GSNB’87, GSNB’90 Roy W. Shear, GSM’67 * Francine H. Shebell, COOK’76 George H. Shechtman, RC’64 Frank R. Sheed, NLAW’92 Patricia Q. Sheehan * Robert Sheehan, LC’80, GSNB’83 Thomas P. Sheehy, Jr., NCAS’74 Maryanne Sheerin, GSN’87 William J. Sheerin, LC’89 William C. Sheffield, CLAW’94 Dr. Neil Sheflin, GSNB’75, GSNB’78, GSNB’79 Adam N. Sheiner, RC’88, SBNB’88 Roxanna Mei Hwang Shek William L. Shelden, CLAW’82 Scott J. Sheldon, NCAS’78, CLAW’82 * Martin and Rose Shelengian Larry J. Shelestak, RC’75, ENG’75 * William P. Shelley, RC’76, CLAW’79 Barbara A. Shelton, CCAS’97, SSW’99 James E. Shepard, RC’80 Dr. Richard C. Shepherd, RC’50 Annamay T. Sheppard, NLAW’58 Oscar Sheppard * Roy B. Sheppard, UCP’67 James F. Sheridan, RC’85 John P. Sheridan, NLAW’67 Robert E. Sheridan, RC’62 Shannon M. Sheridan, RC’99, SBNB’99 * David M. Sherman, COOK’82 Dr. Herbert Sherman Joan B. Sherman, NLAW’64 John E. Sherman, RC’54 Dr. Nathan Sherman, RC’72 Richard and Betty Ann Sherman Dr. Robert Sherman, ED’50, GSED’52, GSED’60 Dr. Robert R. Sherman, GSED’68 Ruth S. Sherman, NLAW’77 Richard H. Sherrer, Jr., CCAS’82 Mark J. Sherwin, RC’69, CLAW’72 Delores Sherwood Geetha Shetty Ramesh Shetty James Paul Shew, UCC’76, SBC’76 Ilene Shewitz, RC’82 * David A. Shible, LC’88 Jimmy and Wei Li Shieh Dr. Bruce P., GSNB’64, GSNB’70, and Carolyn L. Shields, GSED’65

Claire Leslie Shields, RC’85 Oved Shifriss Austin C. and Katherine C. Shih Anne L. Shin * Dr. William A. Shine, GSED’57, GSED’64, GSNB’82 Dr. William L. Shinefield, RC’78, GSAPP’89 Frank C. Shirk, RC’39 James T. Shirley, CLAW’81 James A. Shissias, ENG’59 * Glenn H. Shiveler, ENG’83 A. Whitney Shoemaker, RC’40 Martha O. Shoemaker, NLAW’80 Mitsue Shoji-Gazsy, DC’99 David M. Shotwell, CLAW’91 English Showalter, Jr. Dr. Peter Shubiak, GSNB’76 Dr. Ho-Jane Shue, GSN’84 Dr. Audrey T. Shulman Jerry Shulman, AG’48 Lillian Sherman Shulman, DC’46 Guy and Donna Shultz Yum-Pui Shum Arnold G. Shurkin, NLAW’63 Dr. Radhe Shyam, GSNB’74 Joe Siano Roger Siara Clarence W. Sickles, RC’45 Nancy R. Sickles Richard W. Sickles, ENG’35 John P. Sidebottom, GSM’86 * Angela M. Sidoti, PHAR’91 Victoria L. Sidrow, GSN’83 Michael D. Sidun, ENG’99, RC’99 * Paul A. Sieczka, LC’85 James A., COOK’95, and Sharon Siedliski, COOK’94 Alan R. Siegel, RC’61, GSM’62 David H. Siegel, RC’68 Nancy Siegel, RC’76 Peter M. Siegel, NLAW’65 Dr. Ronald D. Siegel, GSAPP’83 Thomas L. Siegel, RC’61 Dr. Richard Siegler, RC’51 Dr. Alberta Albrecht Siemiatkoski, GSNB’61 Dr. Gary O. Siemons, LC’73 Ted and Frances Sienicki Walter Sierotko Julian M. Sierpowski, UCN’78 * Wayne S. Siet Sophia Sifonios, PHAR’97 Roberta Sigel Ernest Sigeti, RC’51 Susan Jane Siggelakis, RC’79 Dr. Anthony S. Signorelli, UCN’68 Ann C. Sikora Joseph G. Sikora, RC’74 * Francis Sikorskas, RC’68, GSM’72 * Ellen Silberberg Dr. Herman Silbiger Canio S. Sileo, UCP’59 Geoffrey M. Sill John F. Silton, SB’53 Leah Bassan Silver, DC’71 * Robert Silver, RC’51, NLAW’53 Arnold H. Silverman, RC’51 David J. Silverman, RC’93 Hilda Silverman, NCAS’65, SSW’70 * Irving P. and Janet Silverman Joan Silverman * Keith B. Silverman * Michael Silverman Phillip B. Silverman, CLAW’67 Richard S. Silverman, RC’65, NLAW’68 Arnold and Sonia M. Silverstein, DC’70, CLAW’85 Gerald Silverstein, RC’57, SSW’74 Martin J. Silverstein, RC’76 Melvin W. Silverstein, RC’59 Dr. Richard D. Silverstein, RC’69 William J. Sim, LC’98 Patrick J. Sime, NCAS’86 Fred G. Simmen, ENG’50 James Q. Simmons, RC’48 Joseph F. Simmons, PHAR’59, RC’62 * Lynn J. Simms, GSNB’83 Frederick A. Simon, RC’65 William E. Simon, RC’63 Joseph L. Simonetti, RC’76, ENG’76 Steven P. Simonfay, LC’92 Herman C. Simonse, RC’57 * Dr. Andrew C. Simonson, NCAS’82 Dr. Herbert M. Simonson, RC’38 Jon D. Simonson, GSC’87, SBC’87 Leslie J. Simonson, RC’76, GSM’79 Dr. Marc H. Simonson Neal T. Simonson, RC’58 Robert Simonson, ED’51 Bradford L. Simpkins Andrew R. Simpson, ED’60 James E. Simpson, ENG’50 Dr. James H. Simpson, Jr., RC’51, GSNB’58 John Harold Simpson, RC’64 Dr. Joyce L. Simpson, GSED’88 Marvin Simson, UCN’49 Frank M. Sinatra, ED’52, GSED’58, GSED’62 Allan B. Sinclair, ENG’64 Lois Jean Singer, PHAR’80 Nancy O’Brien Singer, PHAR’82 Norman S. Singer, AG’61 Genevieve Singh, PHAR’63 Rookmin P. Singh, NCAS’92 Anjani K. Sinha, RC’84 Stephen P. Sinisi, CLAW’72 Bruce H. Sinkey, UCNB’54 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sinnott Amy Sinsimer Paul Sionas, COOK’75 Michael J. Sipos, RC’80 * Marcel Sirois Virginia B. Sisco, AG’52, GSNB’55 Alan N. Siskin, AG’70 Phyllis B. Sisolak, NCAS’79 Perry K. Sit, PHAR’77 Dr. Andrew Sivak, RC’52, GSNB’57, GSNB’60 Mark W. Skerbetz, EJBG’95

Edward M. Skiba, GSNB’78 * Sandra J. Skinner, COOK’80 Timothy F. Skinner, RC’81 Aldonna T. Skislak, UCNB’83 Franz J. Skok, RC’63, NLAW’69 Alexander Skorupsky, SB’50 Barry I. Skoultchi, ENG’84, GSNB’88 Dr. Mark and Elizabeth Skrzypczak Edward and Donna Slaby Michael L. Slade, RC’66 * Russell S. Slade, AG’48 William M. Slade, ENG’95 Dr. Marc E. Slaff, GSNB’76, GSNB’80 Thomas W. Slahetka, RC’51 Jann Slapin Alan Slater, RC’66 Dr. C. Stewart Slater, ENG’79, GSNB’82, GSNB’83 David N. Slater, COOK’86, GSM’88 * Joseph P. Slater, RC’96, SCILS’96 Thomas E. Slater, COOK’90 * Peter M. Slaugh Sylvia Slavitt Allison M. Sleeman, SCILS’67 Gregory M. Sleet, CLAW’76 Geoffrey Slifer Carolyn T. Slivinski, ENG’82 Bonnie Sliwinski Ruth Chantler Sloan, SCILS’68 Victor T. Sloan, RC’81 Stanley M., SB’52, and Gail Slobodien, GSM’81 * Thomas R. Slome, CLAW’83 Walter M. Slomienski, RC’66 Richard M. Slotkin, NLAW’80 Dr. Edward A. Slotnick, RC’61 Fay D. Slotnick, CLAW’77 * Dr. Donald J. Slowinski, ED’57, GSED’63 Aaron Small, AG’40 Julius Small, AG’44 Theodore W. Smalletz, NCAS’68 Jacqueline K. Smalley, UCC’83 Ellen M. Smiga-Klein, COOK’83 Clarence Earl Smith, UCP’71 Danielle J. Smith, ENG’71 * Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Smith Ellen W. Smith, NLAW’83 Geralynn Basile Smith, PHAR’65 Dr. Grace Tholin Smith, GSAPP’78 Harvey Smith Howard L. Smith, RC’54 Irwin Stuart Smith, RC’64 James B. Smith, RC’64, NLAW’67 Janine H. Smith, UCNB’91, SBNB’91 * Jay Andrew Smith, RC’85 Joan T. Smith Joseph Edward Smith, RC’61 Kathryn M. Smith, NLAW’78 Lawrence D. Smith, NLAW’67 Lee M. Smith, NLAW’68 * Mark K. Smith, RC’85, CLAW’88 Martha M. Smith, GSN’85 Mary Hynes Smith, GSED’72 Nancy Reid Smith, SCILS’85 Neva Smith, NCAS’75 Paul A. Smith Dr. Peter F. Smith, COOK’64, GSNB’66 Peter J.A. Smith, RC’51 Peter J. Smith, NLAW’81 Raymond T. Smith, NCAS’49 Robert C. Smith, RC’46 * Ruth M. Smith, GSN’81 Seymour A. Smith, RC’45 Shirley Smith Thomas B. Smith, RC’82 Tom Smith W. Kenneth Smith, RC’40 Treva D. Smith-White, CNUR’77 Jennifer L. Smock, DC’81 David E. Smoke, ENG’79 * Paul J. Smoke, GSNB’80 Dr. Larry J. Smotroff, NCAS’74 Stanley C. and Marjorie Smoyer Robert Osgood Smyth, UCNB’79 Dr. Ronald D. Snee, GSNB’65, GSNB’67 Richard M., AG’43, and Mary Elizabeth Snethen, DC’43 Jenny Snider Mary Jane Snider Dr. Frank C. Snope, NCAS’54 George Allan Snow, GSED’62 Arthur L. Snyder, RC’51 David W. Snyder, ENG’85 * Ed Snyder, RC’72, GSM’81 Eric K. Snyder, GSNB’79 Gary C. Snyder, UCC’63, SBC’63 Gerald Snyder, ENG’67 Jack S. and Regina Snyder * Janet Grala Snyder, RC’86, ENG’86 John S. Snyder, RC’54, GSED’73, GSED’80 John W. Snyder, AG’54 Chi C. So, LC’00 Tai Pae Soang, GSNB’80 Sylvia Soares Joseph B. Sobala, PHAR’76 Esther D. Sobel, SCILS’65 Kenneth Sobieraj, RC’75 Alexander J. and Nancy S. Sobieski * Richard J. and Joan Soboloski Robert J. and Mary C. Sobon * Bruce A. Socha, UCP’73, UCN’76 * Robert A. Sochor, SB’61 Ajit Sodhi Bhupinder K. Sodhi Mark R. Soffing, GSNB’93 Salvatore A. Sofia, UCN’69 Louis H. Sofin, RC’33 Dr. Arthur Sohler, GSNB’57 John E. Sokol, ENG’87 * Julie S. Solberg * Rona Solberg Patricia A. Solimene Collins, LC’91 Howard N. Solomon Sandi L. Bernstein Solomon, RC’90, SBNB’90, GSM’92 Dr. Steven L. Solomon, RC’71

Donna Soltys Mr. and Mrs. Kwang-Ho Son Dr. Husein Sonara Chang Sook Sean, GMLR’96 Anne C. Soos, GSED’69 Giorgio and Shelley Sorani Dr. Louis A. Sordahl, NCAS’58, GSNB’61, GSNB’64 Geoffrey D. Soriano Jack J. Soriano, NLAW’47 Paul Soriano, RC’77 Dr. Mark S. Sorin, RC’72 Barbara Z. Sorkin, CNUR’00 Paul D. Sorkin, ENG’82 * Stanley Sorkin, RC’66 Alexander Sosik, Jr., GSNB’79, GSC’84, SBC’84 * Robert W. Sosinski, ENG’70 Michael W. Sostak, LC’92 Kenneth S. Soto, COOK’92 Barbara Sottilaro, SCILS’92 Thomas E. Southard, AG’71, GSM’79 William W. Southworth, RC’64 Fred A. Sowick, RC’50 Julianne Flach Sowinski, NLAW’83 Joanne P. Spadoro, DC’80 * Nicholas Spagnoletti, NCAS’65 Ronald Spagnuolo, NCAS’80 Jeffrey D. Spalt, ENG’91 Peter J. Spann, Jr., NCAS’79 Frank J. Sparacio, ENG’56 Virginia Lee Sparber, SCILS’71 Evangelia Spartalis, ENG’99 * Paul J. and Bonnie L. Spaventa W. Jack Spears, Jr., PHAR’76 Dr. William T. Speck, RC’63 Jeffrey H. Spector, GSAPP’90 Stephen R. Spector, RC’65 Louise E. Spencer Sonya Berry Spencer, RC’96, SBNB’96 Richard S. Spengler, RC’83 Susan M. Sperling, RC’78 * Michael A. Spero, RC’71 David Gardner Sperry, RC’73 Dr. Chester W. Spicer, Jr., RC’68 Willa and Michael Spicer Bennett L. Spiegel, RC’80 Dr. Linda Korman Spiegel, LC’73 Daniel T. Spillett, RC’95 Norman W. Spindel, ENG’70 Mitchell H. Spingarn, RC’65 Dr. Walter John Spink, GSNB’63, GSNB’67 Ronald A. Spinner, RC’89, GSNB’91 Nathan and Nena M. Spirt * Matthew T. Spong, COOK’77 John W. Spooner, ENG’66 Richard F. Sprano, RC’72 John K. Spring, Jr., RC’71 David S. Springer, RC’71 * Jonathan Springer Wesley F. Springhorn, Jr., RC’52 Martin A. Spritzer, RC’48 Carol V. Sproul, RC’81 Dr. Venkataramaniah Srinivasa, GSNB’71, GSNB’72, GSNB’75 * Paul A. and Mary Jane St. Amour Paul S. St. Amour, ENG’90 * Teresa L. St. Angelo, UCNB’86 Harry P. St. Clair, RC’48 Christine D. St. John Marietta St. John Richard D. Stabile, RC’63 Marc R. Staenberg, NLAW’73 Warren K. Staff, RC’65 John R. Stafford James E. Stahl, RC’67, NLAW’72 Dr. Theodore J. Stahl, RC’53 Langdon B. Stallard, ENG’56 * Bruce J. Staloff, LC’73 David A. Stamberg, RC’85 Laurence C. Stamelman, RC’49 Glenn L. Stampler, RC’77 Claire Lehmann Stang, DC’53 * Joseph C. Stangert, PHAR’77 John B. Stanicki, RC’92, SSW’94 Dr. Judith M. Stankiewicz, COOK’78, GSNB’80 Kevin M. Stankowitz, RC’93, SBNB’93 Dr. Noel R. Stanton, RC’60 Robert G. Staples III, CCAS’55 * Joyce Zayatz Stapleton, UCNB’89 * Amel Stark, NLAW’38 Charles B. Stark, Jr., RC’59 Harry F., GSNB’58, and Vera K. Stark, GSED’54 Arnold Starr, RC’51 Dr. Barbara S. Starr, GSED’67, GSED’75 Cynthia H. Starr, PHAR’79 Thomas J. Stasik, RC’73 Isaac R. States, UCN’81 Dr. Herbert W. Staub, GSNB’57, GSNB’60 Patrice Stavely William S. Stavely Christine A. Stearns, DC’91, CLAW’96, GSNB’96 Charles L. Stebbins, Jr., RC’91 Robert B. Steck, RC’49 Douglas E. Steele, COOK’79 George C. Steele, RC’39 Thomas W. Steele, ENG’42 * Dr. Patti A. Stefanick, RC’79 Dr. Gerald A. Stefanski, GSED’68, GSED’78 Emil R. Steffen Grace Steffen Robert A. Steffen, GSED’74 Michael R. Steffener, ENG’78 * Doron Steger, GSNB’70, GSNB’72 Fred H. Steiger * Frederick C. Steiger, Jr. * Robert B. Stein, ED’57 Shelley Birnbaum Stein, DC’77 * Thomas F. Stein, RC’61 Ellen C. Steinberg Dr. Gerald G., RC’65, and Margaret C. Steinberg Jane Steinberg Julie D. Steinberg, RC’93 Dr. Lois Rabinowitz Steinberg, DC’59

Anthony W. Steiner, RC’32 Joan M. Steiner, CNUR’63 * Peter N. Steiner, RC’72 Ashley Steinhart Dr. Harry G. Steinman, GSNB’36 Susan M. Stelmach, RC’84, GSNB’95 John K. Stemmler, LC’89 Mark I. Stempa, NCAS’67 Amy F. Stempler John A. Stemwedel, GSN’82 * John H. Sten, RC’59 William L. Stenger, Jr., SB’48, GSM’56 Carolyn Starr Stephen, GSNB’69 Jeanne Stires, DC’53, and John F. Stephenson, Jr., COOK’52 Paul M. Sterbenz, ENG’83 Irina Sterlin Dr. Joel R. Stern, RC’43 Kaia Stern Morris Stern, NLAW’65 Dr. Gerald P. Sternberg, RC’63 Robert A. Sternhell, GSM’91 Gary S. Stetz, NCAS’84 Dr. John H. Stevens, Jr., GSAPP’85 Romer Stevens, Jr., RC’51 Roy A. Stevens, NLAW’89 JoAnne S. Stevenson Dr. Philip E. Stevenson, GSM’86 Powell T. Stevenson, UCC’65, UCC’71, SBC’71 Terence A. Stevick, GSM’94 Kenneth M. Stevko, RC’86 Dr. Concetta M. Stewart, RC’77, GSNB’89 Daniel F. Stewart, COOK’78 Mary W. Stewart, SSW’93 Phyllis K. Stewart, DC’63 Dr. Richard A. Stewart, RC’83 Ruth Ann Stewart Michael Stickle A. Craig and Linda Stickler Robert J. Stickles, NLAW’80 Donald W. Stieh, RC’73 Frederick F. Stiehl, RC’67 Richard F. Stier, AG’74 Dr. Russell J. Stier, Jr., GSED’65, GSED’77 Frank L. Stifelman, SB’58, NLAW’61 Sandra D. Still, CCAS’90 Myra M. Stillman Leon E. Stillwagon, ENG’68 Thomas L. Stillwagon, ENG’76 Hazel F. Stix Constance Z. Stober, SSW’83 Michael Stocker, GSM’83 Roger E. Stockman, UCC’72, SBC’72 Stephen Stoddard Annemarie K. Stoeckel, RC’80 Gordon W. Stoff, RC’51 Theresa M. Stoken, CCAS’83 Laurel Trow Stokes, DC’71 Sybil L. Stokes Dr. George F. Stoll, RC’35 Dr. Victor Stollar Dr. William K. Stoms, Jr., RC’66, GSED’82 Anne C. Stone Irwin S., GSNB’69, and Phyllis D. Stoolmacher, GSNB’69 Kenneth E. Stoops, CCAS’88, SBC’88 * George Storgion Katherine Hobbie Storms, SCILS’71 Robert and Sharon Storrier David A. Stout, RC’65, GSED’82 Russell E. Stout, UCNB’61 William T. Stout, RC’74 Joseph P. Stowasky, PHAR’73 Sheila A. Strait, RC’88 William and Constance S. Strand Dr. Elizabeth D. Strange, GSNB’93 Heather Strange Francis J. Strapp, RC’36, NLAW’43 Abraham W. Strasser, LC’00 Frederick W. Strasser, RC’98 Douglas A. Stratton, ENG’65 Roger W. Straus, Jr. George and Marilyn Strauss, SCILS’69 Jesse H. Strauss, RC’70, NLAW’73 Richard F.W. Strauss, SCILS’68 Robert and Anita Straussberg Dr. William E. Strawderman, GSNB’67, GSNB’69 Nancy A. Streeter Paul S. Strelick, Jr., RC’64 Marilyn Pierce Strickler, RC’82 Nancy Strimel Dr. James H. Strimple, RC’44, GSNB’55, GSNB’57 Charles Stringer David Stringer, RC’96 Joseph Stringer, RC’66, GSNB’67 H.C. Stringfield, ENG’35 Frank Strobl, ENG’53 * Alfred R. Strohmayer, RC’56 Jeffrey P. Stroin, ENG’79 * Stuart and Rita Stromfeld Robert L. Strong, RC’36 Alan R. and Karen A. Stroud Cynthia Drongoski Strouse, PHAR’81 Alan M. and Caroline S. Strout Marjorie C. Strozeski, SBC’92 Robert C. and Beverly J. Stuart William E. Stuckey, GSNB’85 Glenn M. Sturchio, COOK’82, GSNB’87 * Caren V. Sturges Richard Stutchfield, ENG’72 Louisa Suarez Dawn M. Sudano, RC’88 * Eric Victor Sudano, RC’72 * Victor Sufalko Stephen J. Sugar, AG’55 Barry R. Sugarman, NLAW’91 Russell B. Sugarmon, RC’50 Dr. Teruo Sugihara, GSNB’81 James and Laura Sugrue Beth Sullebarger, LC’75 Frank Sullebarger, RC’50 Francis J. Sullivan, UCNB’76


Dr. John J. Sullivan, AG’57, GSNB’62 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sullivan * John W. Sullivan, PHAR’62, GSNB’67 * John W. Sullivan, RC’74 Katherine A. Sullivan, RC’92 Kenneth Sullivan, NCAS’88 * Kerri L. Sullivan, RC’99 Kevin P. Sullivan, GSM’96 Margaret M. Sullivan, NCAS’72 Marianne E. Sullivan, CCAS’85, SBC’85 Michele Sullivan Michele N. Sullivan, ENG’93 Raymond B. Sullivan, ENG’93 Deborah L. Sultemeier, GSNB’87 John A. Summers, UCNB’00 Henry E. Sumner, RC’51 Alan and Susan R. Sumutka Jon G. Sundelof, RC’66, UCNB’76 * Joan B. Sundheim * William S. Sunheim * Charles J. Supko, GSM’74 Hye Kung and Sea Kwang Sur Diane Kavaliunas Suran, LC’73 * Ronald Steven Suss, RC’69 Barry S. Sussman, UCN’93 Annye Kennedy Sussmann Hector J. Sussmann Beverly Susswein William H. Suter, AG’43 Dr. Sandra Sutphen, DC’61, GSNB’62, GSNB’72 Peter E. Suttmeier, ENG’84 Bruce W. Sutton, PHAR’63, GSNB’69 * Eileen Sutton, CLAW’89 Tom Sutton Terren Suydam, ENG’96 Edwin and Dorothy Sved Albert A. Sviderskis, RC’71, GSED’74 Nina S. Swankie, LC’92 * Barbara Swann, NLAW’92 Dr. Donald Roland, GSNB’65, and Willa Gray Swanson, GSNB’60 Dr. Joel A. Swanson, RC’75 Andrew J. Swartz, RC’83 * Lisa M. Swayhoover, RC’90 Mary Kellington Swedish, RC’85 * Thomas P. Sweeney, RC’80 Lynne W. Sweezo, ENG’83 John S. Swenson * Dr. Edward T. Swibinski, RC’72 Sarah and Jerry Swindell John Swindlehurst, ENG’53 Joan Sylvester David A. Szabo, UCNB’83 * Dr. Steve S. Szabo, AG’52 Barry D. Szaferman, CLAW’73 Stephen L. Szemenyei, PHAR’93 George S. Szetela, RC’73, NLAW’76 Dr. Michael Szkolnik, AG’43 Stephen Szmuriga, UCNB’67 * Mark A. Szuba, PHAR’78 Margaret E. Szypiotko, SSW’95 Frank P. Szyskowski, UCN’58, GSED’63 Joseph A. Tabako Adrienne G. Taber, COOK’86, COOK’94, GSNB’97 Dr. Laura E. Tabili, GSNB’88 Dr. Sivakumara Tadikonda, GSNB’86, GSNB’89 Uri H. Taenzer, CCAS’60, CLAW’62 Robert C. Taffae, RC’44 Earl J. Taft Jose, PHAR’85, and Nancy S. Tages, PHAR’85 John J. Tahan, ENG’98 * Kimberly A. Tahan, ENG’94 Dr. Peter Z. Takacs, RC’69 Robert Emery Takash, UCNB’67 * Dr. Marvin L. Talansky, RC’68 Allan R. Talbot, CCAS’59, GSNB’60 Susan R. Tamaru Raymond V. Tamasi, RC’63 Lisa J. Tambone, PHAR’90 Dr. Guang-Wen Tang, GSNB’89 Anne Tannenbaum, NLAW’74 Arnold Tanner, RC’39 Robert B. Tanner, ENG’64 * Robert J. Tannhauser, ENG’74, GSM’85 * Michael Allen Tanoff, ENG’81 John M. Tarbell, ENG’69 Robert J. Tarcza, RC’55 Steven A. Tardy, ENG’90 Mary Easley Tarpley, SCILS’63 Irving and Arlene Tashlick Evelyn M. Task, LC’87 Simon J. Tasker, RC’90 Constance A. Tate Dr. Frieda B. Taub, NCAS’55, GSNB’57, GSNB’59 Joshua S. Taub, LC’80 Lawrence D., RC’69, ENG’69, and Joan Goodkind Taub, DC’70 Bruce K. Taylor, RC’69 Bruce W. Taylor, CCAS’69 Christopher A. Taylor, RC’86 Dorothy Rhett Taylor, UCP’68 Douglas P. Taylor, GSED’83 Dr. Edward F. Taylor, NCAS’59 Eugene S. Taylor, AG’55 Gertrude M. Taylor, SCILS’64 Heather C. Mason Taylor, RC’89, SBNB’89 Herbert A. Taylor, Jr., RC’71 Dr. Horton G. Taylor, Jr., RC’62 Jesse I. Taylor, Jr., ED’52 Joan R. Taylor, GSNB’70 Terry Taylor Bernard I. Tchorni, ED’43 Joseph Tedeschi Mario P. Tedeschi, AG’71 Brenda L. Teed, SSW’93 Patricia D. Teevan Carl, NCAS’74, GSNB’76, and Bergia Telesford Merril D. Teller, AG’73


Milton Teltser, SB’40 Dr. Aaron Temkin, RC’51 Samuel B. Temple, RC’35 James E. Templeton, UCN’77 Kathryn A. Tennar, CCAS’81 Carmen C. Termen, ENG’98 John J. Ternyila, RC’51 Patricia M. Terpanick Lynn R. Terrelonge, NLAW’80 Mariana A. Terrezza, RC’91 Myra Terry Harry Tessler, RC’72 James A. Testa, RC’75 Mary Louise Testa, GSED’83 Lauro D. and Asuncion G. Teung * Peter M. Tevebaugh, GSM’90 * Thomas J. and Carolyn Tevlin Kamlesh Tewary, NLAW’89 Nikhil A. Thakur, ENG’98 Robert B. Thaler Patrick W. Thaller, RC’66 Lewis E. Thayne, RC’71, GSNB’77 Donald Theune Irene Theresa Theurer, CCAS’73 Jessica M. Thiebaud, RC’98 Alan C. Thomas, NLAW’87 David J. Thomas Donald and Mary Thomas Donna Nilson Thomas, COOK’84 Edward and Millicent Thomas Gary A. Thomas, RC’84 George C. Thomas III Kevin J. Thomas, ENG’75 M. Patricia Thomas, CNUR’65 Dr. Richard H. Thomas, GSNB’63, GSNB’67 Segun Thomas, LC’85 Dr. Kai E. Thomenius, ENG’68, GSNB’70, GSNB’78 Anne E. Thompson Arthur J. Thompson, RC’73, GSNB’75 Craig Thompson David N. Thompson, GSM’76 Richard E. Thompson, GSM’66 Dr. Roger M. Thompson, RC’78 Sean Christopher Thompson, RC’88 William M. Thompson, ENG’52 Judith Ogden Thomson Dr. Kenneth Stryker Thomson, RC’47 Cindy A. Thornton, DC’79 William L. Threlkeld III, GSC’92 J. Richard Thren, UCNB’82 William S. Throckmorton, NLAW’49 Lesley Walder Throup, RC’80 Glenn A. Thur, LC’93 David L. Tibbals, RC’69, GSM’77 Suzanne N. Tiemann, GSN’82 * James E. Tierney, RC’78 William D. Tighe, ED’54, GSED’58 Margo Tikijian Nancy B. Till, SSW’89 Karen I. Tilley, SBC’95 * Susan W. Tillis, GSED’63 Darshan M. Timbadia, ENG’95 Robert D. Timberlake, ENG’60, GSNB’62 Robert S. and Patricia Timko Harold A. Tindall, RC’52 F. Bruce Tingley, RC’74, ENG’76 Carin A. Tinney, LC’96 Gary P. Tinney, RC’71 Carl H. Tippenreiter, UCNB’70 Maria I. Tirpak, COOK’76 Francine Tirri Frederick S. Title, NLAW’74 James L. Toal, Jr., UCN’77, GSM’82 * Julia C. Tobey, NLAW’77 Brenda N. Tobias Dr. Norman Tobias, RC’59, GSNB’65, GSNB’69 John R. Tobinski Emil L. Tobler, RC’52 Dr. Barbara A. Tocco, GSED’96 Joan Marie Todd, SCILS’67 Elaine J. Togneri, UCNB’85 * Theresa Ann Toigo, PHAR’79, GSM’83 Susan J. Toland, SCILS’00 Maria Tolchinsky, ENG’94, GSM’00 Joseph J. Toleno, ED’52 Leticia Tolentino Mary Toliver Lawrence J. Tolomay, GSED’74 David G. Tolwinski, ENG’73 Michael H. Tomasco, COOK’96 Frank P. Tomasella, NCAS’79, GSN’82, GSM’97 Anthony and Carol Tomasello Sherman L. Tomasino Dr. David Tomaszewicz, RC’77 Michael George Tomko, MGSA’76 Gerald A. and Alexis Tomlinson * Howard Tomlinson Julie M. Tomlinson, RC’76 Matthew E. Tomlinson Craig J. Tomsky, COOK’86 Bernadette M. Toner, RC’92 Vitaly Tonkonog, RC’92 Noel S. Tonneman, NLAW’84 Lisa LaMorte Tonrey, PHAR’80 Kenneth Roy Toole, RC’62 Robert G. Tooley, ENG’75 Ruth Toor, SCILS’72 Hugo and Kathy Toranzo Wally Torian, RC’73, SSW’76 Elaine M. Tormey, CNUR’72, GSN’94 Patricia Sexton Tormey, DC’45 Joanne S. Tornow, RC’79 Charles R. Torpy, RC’61 Mary Ann Torra Lillian Torres Linda Pope Torres, DC’68, NLAW’80 Margarita L. Torres, NLAW’79 Sandra Betances Torres Victor Abel Torrini, RC’94 Elizabeth F. Tortorella, SSW’97 * Dominic C. Tortoreto, CCAS’73

John L. Tosato, COOK’81, GSED’97 Lawrence J. Toscano, NLAW’69 Thomas Toscano, RC’65 Barbara I. Toth, NCAS’73 Dr. Elizabeth Toth, UCNB’70 Ronald D. Toth, ENG’97 John H. Totman Christopher J. Towle, RC’79 Robert V. Towler Nancy Ernst Towner, RC’82, GSM’88 Gloria M. Townley Linda B. Townsend, ENG’82 Albert D. Trabilsy, RC’73 James Trabilsy Stephen G. Tracey, RC’78 Andrew G. Trackenberg, GSM’96 * Edelle S. Tracy, SSW’79 * Marie Tracy Victor S. Traeger, GSM’78 Vivian Traendly Dr. William Trager, RC’30 Mary Ann L. Trail, SCILS’73, GSC’91 Francesco B. Trama Dr. Edmund C. Tramont, AG’61 James Tramontana, NLAW’90 * George F. Trampler, UCNB’84 Dr. Jose G. Traslosheros, GSNB’88, GSNB’91 William W. Travis, PHAR’95, GPHR’95 Steven W. Treble, UCNB’81 Stacy David Treiman Dr. Paul L. Trickett, GSAPP’81 Robert M. Trier, NCAS’67 John C. Trimble, GSM’71 * Tu Trinh, COOK’00 Frederick R. Tripp, Jr., RC’75 Steven J. Tripp Joseph Trippanera Herbert Tritremmel, GSNB’75 Donald R. Trojan, RC’70 Jack F. Trope, RC’77 Robert Trotta Gerald A. Trotter, RC’59 James J. Trotter, COOK’88, GSM’90 Joseph J. Troyanovich, RC’74 Mary-Lou Troychak, UCNB’87 Christine M. Truhe, GSAPP’97 Elizabeth A. Truly, NLAW’76 Peter A. Trump, CLAW’81 David S. Trush, COOK’92 Paula S. Tsarides, SSW’63 Dr. Kosta M. Tsipis, ENG’58, GSNB’60 Dr. Edward Tsou, RC’63 Natalie Tublitz, NCAS’78 Eugene Tuch, SB’61 Margaret U. Tuchman, NCAS’65 William P. Tuchrello, SCILS’74 Donald E. Tucker, UCC’61, SBC’61 Dr. H. Allen Tucker, GSNB’60, GSNB’63 Harold G. Tucker, RC’42 Lawrence Tucker, RC’73 Michael J. Tucker, RC’71, GSM’72 Dr. Steven B. Tucker, RC’68 Dr. Mercedes Aguirre Tudela, NCAS’70 Frank P. Tuhy, Jr., ENG’65 Alan G. Tulenko, RC’56 * Russell Tumsuden Gaylene R. Tunison, SCILS’96 W.M. Bud Tunison, AG’60 William P. Tuohy, UCN’67 Joseph R. Turchyn Jeffrey Tureck, NLAW’69 Blaise J. Turi, NCAS’80 Richard J. Turick, NCAS’66 Daniel A. Turner, RC’94 Stuart Ira Turner, RC’61, GSNB’65 Kenneth Turp Edward R. Turro, ENG’51 Dr. Harry E. Turse, RC’65 Glenn R. Turtletaub, CLAW’78 John E. Turton, GSM’58 Richard F. Tushingham, GSN’75 * Thomas A. Tuskowski, ENG’71 Dr. George P. Tuszynski, CCAS’68 James J., RC’72, and Kathleen Tutak Herbert Tuteur, SB’43 Dr. Coleen McDonnell Tutton, RC’84 Dorothea F. Tutwiler, SCILS’72 James C. and Linda C. Tuyay * Catherine M. Twanmoh, GSM’80 Joseph and Valerie Twanmoh Peter S. Twombly Richard C. Tyler, RC’62 Samuel J. Uberman, CLAW’76 Robert F. Ubersax, RC’66 Marla R. Ucelli, GSN’94 Tamaki Uchida, GSM’92 Gary C. Udell, RC’66 Chester and Joan Uhlik Keith A. Uklist Thomas F. Ulan, RC’71 Raymond W. Uliase, CLAW’56 Stephen M. Ulin, NCAS’66 Dr. Jamie S. Ullman, RC’85 Owen Ullmann, RC’69 Kenneth Ulrich Maureen Ulrich Stephen E. Ulrich, RC’41 Dr. Valentin Ulrich, NCAS’53, GSNB’60 John and Susan Umbach Rudolph G. Unczowsky, NCAS’77 Bruce M. Underwald Dr. Donald P. Underwood, CCAS’70 John D. Unger, PHAR’88 Thomas A. Unger, RC’76 Shirley M. Unley, UCC’76 Dr. Richard F. Unz, GSNB’65 Paul N. Upchurch, ENG’71, NLAW’75 Frederick Upshall, RC’70, CLAW’74 Dr. Walter J. Urba, RC’74 Dr. Frank L. Urbano, COOK’90 Arthur S. Uscher, NLAW’57 Dr. Henry M. Ushay, RC’77

Richard A. Usher, Jr., GSM’77 Ralph W. Uster, AG’51 William J. Utrera, ENG’66 Kumar Utukuri * Frederick and Penelope Uythoven George A. Vaccaro, NLAW’52 Lynn Vachon Neelay B. Vaidya, ENG’90 * John A. Vaill, RC’41 Ernest L. Vajda George A. Vaka, COOK’79 Dr. Richard Valdesuso, PHAR’82 Joseph C. Valenti Anthony F. Valentine, COOK’95 Dr. Nancy M. Valentine, CNUR’69 Ruth Z. Valentine, SSW’70 Joseph G. Valentino, PHAR’62, NLAW’66 Dominique Valera, RC’88, SBNB’88, GSM’95 * Dr. Kirti Valia, GSNB’84 Genare A. Valiant, RC’84, GSM’91 Robyn A. Valle, NLAW’95 Brenda L. Vallecilla, CLAW’92 Jorge E. Vallejo, COOK’89 Dr. Veronique N. Valliere, GSAPP’93 Patrice Raymond Van Acker, COOK’86 Fred D. Van Aken, ENG’50 Nancy M. Van Allen, UCNB’90 * Rufin Van Bossuyt, Jr., AG’60 H. Kenneth Van Brunt, UCN’55 William W. Van Derveer, ENG’32 * Ferdinand W. Van Deursen, RC’54 M. Lloyd Van Doren, AG’39 Beverly C. Van Duyne, RC’75 Fred H. Van Dyk, NCAS’82 Carter Van Dyke, RC’70 James H. Van Dyke, AG’64, GSM’75 Joseph Gary Owen Van Dyke, RC’61 Laura Van Dyke, NCAS’89 Kevin A. Van Hise, LC’93 Vernon L. Van Hise, RC’72 Laurel A. Van Leer, COOK’82 Ellen M. Van Riper, NLAW’87 Richard V. Van Riper, ENG’62 * John T. Van Schaften, NCAS’71 * Natalie Trehubets Van Tyne, DC’76, ENG’76 David J. Van Vechten Wayne J. Vandergrift, ENG’47 * Christine F. Vanderhoof, UCN’65 Greg R. Vanderhoof, RC’81 Mark Vandetty, CCAS’82 Wayne and Frances Vaneyk James A., RC’82, and Roseann VanNest, RC’83 Ann L. Vano, NLAW’89 Virginia Vanover, PHAR’76 Suzanne K. VanSplinter, LC’91 John P. Varachi, Jr. * Gina Maria Varady, DC’75 Amir Vardi, GSM’89 Kathleen R. Varga, GSNB’75 * John F. and Ruth B. Varley * Eugene H. Varney Arpad Vas, ED’50, GSED’52 Dr. Aurea C. Vasconcelos Dr. George W. Vasios, GSNB’78, GSNB’86 Raymond P. Vasquez, NCAS’98 Dr. and Mrs. Asbed Vassilian Margaret M. Noonan Vasu, CNUR’83 Clement A. Vath, ENG’58 Richard J. Vatter, AG’49 Helen M. Vaughn, CNUR’81 Martha H. Vaughn Daniel E. Vazquez, RC’00 Manuel Vazquez, NCAS’78 Peter J. Vazquez, RC’70 Lawrence M. Vecchio, CCAS’68 Ramu Veerappan, COOK’95 Margarita C. Vega Sonia E. Velez Dr. Enrico P. Veltri, RC’75 Joseph C. Venerus, ENG’52 Donald R. Venezia Mr. and Mrs. G. Venkataramu Venkat Venkatasamy Patricia Venner Dr. Alan Paul Venook, RC’76 Frank and Patricia Vento Cathy Ventrell-Monsees, RC’80 Dominick A. Ventura, RC’75 Susan J. Vercheak, NLAW’79 William D. Verderese, NCAS’71 * Alexandra Verdieck, RC’92 Rafael Vergara, NLAW’99 Jeffrey D. Vernam, RC’73 * Ella May Vernon, UCC’60, GSED’65 Donna Marie Vero, CNUR’69 Ross R. Versaggi, ENG’45 Samuel G. Verzella, ENG’83 Elizabeth A. Verzella-Cooper, CCAS’86 * Frank S. Vetere, GSNB’73 Karl R. Vetter, COOK’83 Mildred Vichiconti Alfred and Gladys Vicisko David M. Victor, RC’66 Eduardo P. and Emily Vidal Jasmin A. Vida-Raab, NCAS’96 Dr. Carmela Pane Videtti, GSNB’79 Michael J. Viera, GSM’88 * Michael F. and Susan Kirkwood Vigil, DC’61 Scott and Victoria L. Vigil Dr. Gary J. Vigilante, RC’77 Charles J. Villa, ENG’87 * Agatha Villalon, PHAR’00 Oscar Villarreal Lydia Villarson Ramon and Mayra Villoslada Joseph E. Vincze, UCNB’72 Dr. Robert K. Vinson, RC’68 Michael P. Viola, PHAR’67 Mujtaba Virani George R. Vircik, ENG’69

Dr. Patricia H. Virga, GSNB’81 Richard T., NCAS’77, and Ximena V. Virgin, NCAS’77 Joseph M. Vislocky, GSM’89 Thomas J. Visone, NLAW’84 * Andrew A. Vitale, NCAS’79 Lawrence C. Vitale, RC’66 Nellie R. Vitale, SSW’74 Richard W. Vitaris, CLAW’80 Frank T. Viverito, RC’76 Eugene I. Voelker, RC’29 James D. Vogel, ENG’83 * Kenneth G. Vogel, COOK’86, GSM’89 Robert L. Vogel, CCAS’67 * Sanford C. Vogel, RC’53, NLAW’59 Christine Nazarow Vogt, CNUR’74 Raymond A. Vohden, RC’52 Neil A. Volaski, LC’95 Kenneth and Esther Volet Carol Volkland, GSED’80 Thomas E. and Margaret B. Vollmer, SCILS’95 Albert R. Vollmers, UCNB’79 * Dr. Thomas A. Vollmuth, COOK’78 * John M. Volpe, ENG’98 Joseph Volpe, NLAW’39 Charles F. Volz, CLAW’77 George Von Duerring, RC’68 Dr. Manfred Von Fricken, CCAS’71 Peter F. Von Kaufmann, RC’73 Dr. Barbara S. Von Klemperer, GSED’80 Philip H. VonNeida, NCAS’86 * Helena M. VonVille, SCILS’89 Benedikt and Anna Voordeckers Karen Voorhees Donald T. Vose, Jr., RC’51 Richard J. Voss, Jr., RC’89 John C. Vredenburgh, RC’36 Charles Vuotto Diane S. Wachman, RC’79 Debra M. Wachspress, DC’88, GSNB’89 Dr. Gregory L. Wade, CCAS’70, GSNB’90 Norman J. Waecker, COOK’74 George and Valerie Wagenhoffer Carolyn N. Wagenseller, MGSA’93 John and Barbara Wagle Rhoda Wagman David G. Wagner, LC’92 Marcia Wagner * Roger Ward Wagner, UCC’71, GSED’74 Sonia G. Wagner, RC’75, NLAW’78 Stephen G. Wagner, ENG’76, GSNB’93 Anthony G. Wahl, RC’64, NLAW’67 David A. Waks, RC’63 Glenn R. and Karen Walbert * Doreen Wald Charles J. Waldecker, CLAW’78 Alfred and Jenifer Walden * Dr. Peter J., RC’77, and Ellen Mintzer Waldman, RC’78 Martin Waldron Robert and Alice Walinski Barry Walker, RC’00 David G. Walker III, ENG’88 Edward G. Walker, RC’74 George F. Walker, UCNB’75 Kevin Walker, CCAS’82, CLAW’85 Marc David Walker, RC’78 Sylvia Schoeffler Walker, DC’77, GSNB’79 John J. Walklet, Jr., RC’43 Wilbur and Rosa M. Walkoe * Doris A. Wall * Michael A. Wall, RC’58 * Dr. Muriel F. Wall, SCILS’69 Christiane Wallace Michael A. Wallace, UCN’00 P. Woodbridge Wallace Robert K. Wallace, RC’57 Stuart J. Wallack * Dr. Mark C. Wallen, RC’71 David J. Waller, ENG’88, GSNB’91 * Donna Waller James P. and Nancy Waller, RC’73 Dr. Julius M. Wallner, RC’31 Francis X. Walsh, PHAR’50 Kenneth Walsh, RC’83, GSM’89 Scott Walsman, RC’99 * Agnes T. Walter * Charles J. Walter III * David E. Walter, Jr., UCNB’88, SCILS’90 Glenn S. Walter, LC’92 Janet W. Walter Dr. Mark K. Walter, AG’71 Frederick C. Walters III, COOK’77 Dr. James Carter Walters, GSNB’74, GSNB’75 Dr. S. George Walters Dr. Duncan E. Walton Joan H. Walton Joyce Lenore Walzer, SCILS’71 Christopher Wambach, RC’80 Bill K. Wan, ENG’91 Charles S. Wan, GSM’89 Kim Wan Brian Stanley Wanat, RC’88, SBNB’88, GSM’92 Chung-Shih Wang Daniel Wang, RC’99 Joe T. Wang Dr. Kuo-Chiang Wang, GSNB’85 Arthur B. Ward III, GSNB’60 Dr. John T. Ward, COOK’75 Mark R. Ward, GSM’75 * Harvey I. Wardell, UCN’52 John M. Wardell Frederick P. Warner, CLAW’88 Florence L. Warnick, GSED’79 Scott J. Warnock, CCAS’91, GSC’95 Christopher J. Warren, GSNB’74 Douglas Alan Warren, RC’73 Carolyn J. Warrick, CLAW’89 James A. Warrington, ENG’57 Edward Warsetsky, RC’50 Paul J. Washart, COOK’96 George T. Washburn, GSM’67 * Robert Marc Washburn, CCAS’66

Stanley J. Wasilewski, UCN’58 Raymond Wasilko, ENG’72 Jacqueline Wasniewski, RC’81 Richard J. Wasowski, ENG’64 * Barry Wasser, RC’69 * Dr. Jeffrey S. Wasser, RC’69 Dr. David R. Wasserman, NCAS’66 Dr. Michael S. Wasserman, RC’67, GSNB’70, GSNB’75 * Zelda R. Wasserman, GSNB’65 Terence J. Wassum, GSM’97 * Dr. Harvey L. and Judith Waterman Sara H. Waters, GSM’86 Brian B. Watkins, MGSA’68 Dolores V. Watkins Clarissa T. Watson, SCILS’66 Dawn Jerzewski Watson, ENG’95 * George Watt, Jr., RC’46 Dr. Terence L. Watts Barbara P., CLAW’78, and Alexander P. Waugh, Jr., NLAW’75 David B. Waugh, RC’77 Dr. Richard L. Wayne, RC’81 Dr. Herbert A. Weakliem, RC’53 Dr. Lorraine L. Wearley, GSNB’89 * Christopher Weaver James D. Weaver Gerald E. Webb, RC’60 Kathleen L. Webb, NCAS’76 Nancy L. Webb, COOK’81 Richard R. Webb Janet and Richard Webekind Donald P. Weber, RC’64, GSM’65 Dr. E. Thomas Weber, ENG’60, GSNB’64 Gail Weber Garth F. Weber, RC’67, NLAW’72 Jacob F. Weber, RC’84 Richard E. Weber, RC’49 Valentine Weber, Jr., AG’37 Frank J. Weckerly, CCAS’82 Walter J. Wedzielewski, UCC’83, SBC’83 Linda Weeden Renee J. Weeks, NLAW’73 Dr. Gene R. Wefer, COOK’78 Robert L. Wegner, ED’49 Robert Wehner Sally A. Wehr, SCILS’72 Iping King Wei, SCILS’70 Madison E. Weidner, UCNB’46 Fred M. Weil, PHAR’57, GSM’72 Jessica Weil, RC’86 Laurie J. Weimer, RC’93 Lawrence D. Weimer, NCAS’77 * Marvin A. Weinar, RC’66 Loretta S. Weinberg Seymour S. Weinblatt, NLAW’50 Aronsohn Weiner Estelle M. Weiner Gina Ingoglia Weiner, COOK’87 Roberta L. Weiner, SSW’98 Marc Jay Weingard, RC’87, SBNB’87 Elizabeth Weinreb, UCNB’78, GSM’84 Marion F. Weinreb, LC’76 Judith Louise Weinstein, SCILS’73 Dr. Melvin P. Weinstein, RC’66 Myron C. Weinstein, RC’62, NLAW’65 Philip Weinstein, SB’55 Sidney M. Weinstein Steven and Sharon Weinstein Alan M. Weinstock, ENG’89 * Marc Weintraub, RC’78, GSM’79 Joyce M. Weis, GSNB’76 Tinky Weisblat Thomas L. Weisenbeck, CLAW’73 Nathan E. Weisman, GSNB’92 * Matthew J. Weismantel, COOK’85, GSNB’90 Carol A. Weiss, CNUR’68 David S. Weiss, RC’88 Elizabeth Desmond Weiss, CNUR’74, GSN’79 Jonathan P. Weiss, LC’94 Dr. Justin L. Weiss, RC’42 Dr. Lowell M. Weiss, PHAR’57 Dr. Mary Jane Weiss, GSNB’87, GSNB’90 Stephen G. Weiss, RC’59, NLAW’62 Yvette Weiss, NLAW’76 Michael A. Weisser, RC’67 Deborah T. Weissman-Jacobs, CCAS’85, SBC’85 Richard A. Weisz, RC’66 Dr. William A. Weitz William F. Weitze, ENG’82 * Murray J. Weitzer, UCNB’60 Robert L. Weitzner, RC’79 James H. Welch, GSNB’77 * William A. Welcher, GSM’76 Richard and Marcia Welcome Dr. Stanley M. Welland, GSM’75 Andrew S. Wells, NCAS’65 Eugene I. Wells, RC’80 Dr. Karen D. Wells, GSED’81, GSAPP’85 Robert W. Wells, ENG’55 Kenneth and Kathie Welsh Patrick G. Welsh, RC’51 Philip Welsh * Douglas T. Wen, GSNB’79 Martin Wendel, UCN’74 Andrea B. Wendler, RC’87 Richard and Mary Ellen Wennersten Ethan P. Wenstrom, SBC’00 John J. and Claudia Wenta Larry A. Wentz, RC’71 Alan G. Werner, SB’51 Pamela E. Werner, COOK’81 Ronald G. Werner, RC’82, NLAW’85 * Donald J. Wernik, PHAR’50 Robin T. Wernik, NLAW’90 Stephen Wertheimer, RC’57, GSNB’63 Roger W. Wessels, RC’64 Karin M. West, CCAS’97 Kathryn A. West, RC’86 Lawrence R. West, NLAW’73

Neville D. West, UCN’00, NKSM’00 Richard F. West, AG’40 Rolf G. Wetjen, RC’63, GSM’71 Calvin G. Wettstein, AG’48, GSNB’50 Elizabeth Smedley Wettstein,DC’49 William R. Wetzel, ENG’66 Raymond J. Wey, RC’98 * Jane A. Whalen, CCAS’79 Robert F. Whalen, LC’96 Joseph A. Whaley, CCAS’84, SBC’84 David W. Whealan, NLAW’94 Perry L. Wheaton, GSM’64 John N. Whelihan, RC’66 G. Warren Whitaker III, RC’72 David W. Whitbeck, SSW’73 Laura A. Whitbeck, DC’83 Caroline Joyce Whitby Frank J. Whitby, RC’41 * Benjamin J. White, ENG’81 * John T. White, RC’51 Keith C. White, GSNB’95 Leland I. White, RC’68 Dr. Martin P. White, Jr., GSED’86 Mary H. White Richard A. White, GSM’96 Dr. Richard L. White Rodney J. White Sandra Kreseski White, RC’79 Scott E. White, RC’95, GSM’95 Richard D. Whitehead, SB’55 Ward A. Whitehorne, RC’51 Chia W. Whitehouse, SCILS’00 Dr. Marcia Whiteley, COOK’78 Dr. Barbara Breasted Whitesides, GSNB’70 Robert B. Whitestone, RC’70, GSM’75 Melvin S. Whitken, RC’59 Edward and Theresa Whitman Robert Whitman Robert T. Whitman, RC’65 Sybil Whitman Virginia P. Whitney, SCILS’62 Ellen M. Whitt, GSED’00 Clarence E. Whittaker, CLAW’96 Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wickard Dr. Richard Ernest Widmer, AG’43, GSNB’49 Frederick W. Wieboldt, ED’48, GSED’51 Rosemary Wiegartner, SSW’79 Richard Wierbiel Ann P. Wiesbrock, GSN’93 Brian D. Wiese, ENG’95 Bess Wiesenfeld Dr. Nathaniel H. Wiesenfeld, RC’68 Robin L. Wiessmann, CLAW’78 John E., Jr., and Joanne C. Wiessner Allen J. and Claire B. Wilcox Laura S. Wilczek, CLAW’89 Ernest D. Wildenhain, RC’67 Robert David Wilder, NCAS’70 Rosamond L. Wilen, SCILS’84 Barbara S. Wiley, SSW’75 John Wilhelm Edmund and Regina Wilkinson Richard D. Wilkinson, RC’74, NLAW’77 Thurland T. Wilkinson, GSM’74 Andrew A. Wilkomirski, UCN’61 P. Spencer Willard, RC’75 Eileen M. Willenborg, NLAW’84 Leonard J. Willey, RC’90 Maurice J. Willey, ED’59 Arnold and Yolanda Williams Brian R. Williams, CLAW’75 Carolyn Williams Elbert E. Williams, RC’79 * Jack M. Williams, RC’43 John Bryant Williams, Jr., GSNB’70 * Dr. John R. Williams, RC’41 Joyce Travis Williams Leon Williams, Jr., LC’86 Dr. Llewellyn R. Williams, GSNB’71 Marshall B. Williams, UCNB’75 Richard J. and Tanna Williams Robert G.W. Williams, Jr., RC’43 Richard Willinger, RC’73, GSNB’91 Robert K. Willmot, Jr., ENG’67, GSNB’70 John P. Willms Robert A. Wills, UCNB’79 Melinda Snyder Willson, RC’88 Daniel C. Willwerth, ENG’95 David Wilson, COOK’84 Elisabeth Wilson, RC’98 Francis W. Wilson, CLAW’75 George F. Wilson, Jr., RC’58 H. Channing Wilson, AG’51 James L. Wilson, CLAW’50 James S. Wilson, Jr., NCAS’54 John Kerr Wilson, RC’61, NLAW’66 Mary B. and John A. Wilson III Matthew L. Wilson, RC’84, GSNB’84, CLAW’87 Pamela M. Wilson Penelope Wilson Philip J. and Jane M. Wilson Richard D. Wilson, GSM’80 Dr. Richard W. Wilson Warren C. Wilson, UCNB’72 Craig Winans, RC’68 David R. Winans, GSNB’80 David Winarsky, AG’39 Dr. Janice Kim Winch, GSNB’93 Alfred S. Windeler, RC’30 Edith Windsor Dennis E. and Alida Wine Thomas Winfield, RC’64, NLAW’67 William W., LC’76, and Marilyn L. Winkel, LC’76 Henry R. and Beatrice Winkler Phoebe Ruiz-Valera Winkler, SCILS’74 William L. Winstanley, ENG’51 Harold J. Winston C. Norman Winter, ED’59 Gary P. Winter, RC’75 Gerald A. Winter, RC’66 Dr. Howard J. Winter, RC’71 Roland A. Winter, RC’45, NLAW’50

Frederick G. Winters, RC’69 Jo Ann L. Winters * Rollyn P. Winters, AG’35 Mary M. Wirth Dr. William O. Wirtz, RC’59 Carl C. Wischmann, NCAS’82 David Wise John J. and Rosemary Wise Neil Wise, CLAW’75 * Andrew S. Wishart, RC’68 Max J. and Helene Wisotsky * Raymond R. Wiss, RC’73 Evelyn Witkin Dr. Gary B. Witman, RC’71 Dr. Michael N. Witman, RC’80 Mary E. Witt, GSNB’94 Dr. Philip H. Witt, RC’71 Christopher S. Witte, RC’86, ENG’86 * Joseph and Patricia Wittig Donald C. Wittmann, RC’56 John R. Wittpenn, RC’51 Jay L. Witzling, ENG’70 * Justin Wobbekind, RC’00 Juliana Woda, RC’96 Dr. Virgil O. Wodicka, GSNB’56 Francis X. Woglom, NCAS’78 Bennet I., PHAR’54, and Toube M. Wohl, PHAR’55 David W. Wohlfarth, GSM’74 * William H. Wohnus Dr. Robert A. Wojciak, RC’71 John M. Wojcik III, NCAS’78 * Stanley Wojculewski Lauren Wojtowicz, GSM’96 * Dr. Peter J. Wojtowicz, RC’53 Walter Wolak, RC’78 Richard W. Wold, RC’82 Andrew R. Wolf, NLAW’95 Bert Wolf, ENG’51 David Wolf, ENG’65 G. Edward Wolf, RC’40 Lary S. Wolf, RC’68, NLAW’72 Dr. Richard C. Wolf, GSNB’54 Sheila Wolf Arthur R. Wolfe, COOK’82 Robert J. Wolfe William F. Wolfe, UCNB’80 * Dr. George T. Wolff, GSNB’74 Sherri M. Wolfinger Max N. Wolford, Jr., RC’72 Lisa M. Wolfsen, UCNB’96 Daniel B. Wolfson and Diana Gonzalez Gandolfi Anita H. Wolfson, DC’43, GSED’61 Pearl S. Wolfson, PHAR’49 Dr. Saul D. Wolfson, RC’61 Irene H. Wolgamot Otto F. Wolke, PHAR’56 Charles and Lorraine E. Wollick Scott G. Wolman, RC’86, SBNB’86 Irwin and Carol Wolosky Richard S. Wolowicz, COOK’75 * Barry D. Wolven, ED’64 Paul G. Wolyn, COOK’83 Patricia K. Womack, NCAS’83 Young C. and Karen Won Bill and Shu Wong George L. Wong, NLAW’81 Jerome Wong, PHAR’00 Kenneth W. Wong, ENG’98 Shuk Yin Wong, NCAS’95 Marie Gallagher Wonsiewicz, CNUR’80 Eric L. Woo, NCAS’92 Jae Sang Woo, ENG’96 Frank Wood Jeffrey M. Wood, RC’73 John W. Wood, ENG’68 Leonard A. Wood, RC’62 Richard B. Wood, RC’72 Thomas H. and Linda Mayer Wood Paul A. Woodford, RC’72 Hope B. Woodhouse Bradford P. Woods George T. Woods, RC’56 Patricia E. Woods, SBC’90 Thomas J. Woods, GSM’95 Michael M. Woodward, UCNB’93 Thomas L. Woodward, GSM’87 * Dr. Louis R. Worden, RC’72, GSED’75, GSED’91 Charles A. Worischeck, ENG’50 Ruth P. Workman, GSED’74 * Dr. Gregory D. Worosila, GSNB’85 Peter J. Wosh, RC’76 Dr. Morey Wosnitzer, RC’51, GSNB’52 Gerald Woulfin John and RoseMary Wozencroft Annabel Wright Dr. Barbara A. Wright, GSAPP’88 Barbara W. Wright, GSED’69 Dennis F. Wright, RC’72 Joyce F. Wright, CNUR’78 Terence P. Wright, RC’73 William G. Wright, CLAW’80 Christine Wroblewski, SCILS’70 William M. Wrocklage, GSM’80 Angela L. Wu, LC’82 Anita Wu, PHAR’00, GPHR’00 Dr. Chuan-Hsier Timothy Wu, ENG’74 Eleanor S. Wu, RC’81 Wendy Wu Shahla Wunderlich Althea A. Wurmbrand, LC’79, GSED’93 Peter C. Wyatt, RC’79 John A. Wyda, UCNB’73 Patricia A. Wyer, RC’85 * Dr. Roger E. Wyman, RC’62 Sharon L. Wynn, CLAW’78 John T. Wynne Ron and Janet Wysocki Anne Dweck, LC’81, and Jack Wysoker Peter A. Yacko, UCNB’72 Naomi Yager James I. and Mie Yahata Rebeca F. Yaker, CLAW’93 Joseph Yakubik, PHAR’38 Toshio Yamato, GSED’65

Teresa Yan Dr. Garret H. Yanagi, RC’51 Hosik Yang John and Alice Yang Rui Tao Yang, LC’95 Sue Pai Yang, NLAW’84 John Yaniero Dr. Samuel L. Yankell, GSNB’57, GSNB’60 Vincent J. Yannuzzi, GSM’85 Louise J. Yanoff, GSNB’68 John M. Yanoschak, PHAR’82 Columbus Yaquinto Dr. Allan S. Yard, PHAR’52 Ursula Maier Yarmoska, RC’76, GSED’83 Dr. Raymond Yaros, Jr., ENG’70 Ellen C. Yaroshefsky, DC’69, NLAW’75 Melvin H. Yasner, PHAR’62 * Daniel L. Yee, RC’82 * Vivian Yee, RC’00, SBNB’00 Chin Chang Yeh Kung Ching Yeh, ENG’96 Wilhelmena H. Yeldell, GSNB’89 Diane Rintzler Yen, ENG’93 * Gary L. Yenser, COOK’83 Dennis B. Yersak, RC’78 * Anthony J. Yim, GSM’92 Kin Man Yip Randall J. Yokoyama, LC’90 John W. Yolton AnneMarie R.D. Youlio, PHAR’87 David Young IV, GSM’67 Eleanor Culver Young, GSED’62 John E. Young, Jr., NCAS’66 * Katherine Young, GSNB’94 * Maria C. Young Dr. Patricia Young, LC’91 Randall L. Young, GSNB’68 Gordon L. Youngs, Jr., GSNB’90 Chi-Sou Yu, ENG’83 Kai Jung Yu, PHAR’00, GPHR’00 Tim Pay Yu, ENG’73 Diane K. Yudkowitz Karen A. Yuen, RC’00 Perry A. Yuen, RC’77 Helena A. Yuhas, RC’75 James Yuhas, ENG’87 Marjorie E. Yuschak, UCNB’84 Edwin Zabransky, ENG’51 Edward P. and Diane Zaccardi James A. and Susan F. Zachary * William Zachok, RC’90 Alvin Zack, SB’49 Angelos and Kaliope Zafirelis * Adoula Zafiriou Lewis Zager, RC’73 Max Zagoreen, PHAR’51 Samuel D. Zagoria, RC’41 Faizyab and Yasmin Zaidi Jerry M. Zakrzewski, NCAS’77 Irene Zalan, UCNB’90 Ilana Zalika, RC’96 Alexander Zaliznyak, RC’98, SBNB’98 Isadore M. Zamost, RC’35, NLAW’37 Alfred E. and Jaclyn Zampella Anna Zampella Rudolph Zamula, RC’49 Judith W. Zander * Erik D. Zane, CCAS’94 John Zanin Dr. Paul Zanowiak, PHAR’54, GSNB’57 Robert R. Zanzalari, GSED’58 Rex Zapanta Dr. Rex A. Zapanta Harold Zapolsky Alan N. Zar Arsen Zartarian, RC’87 Philip M. Zaslower, RC’56 Donald E. Zdanowicz, SSW’61 Linda-Jane Zdepski, ENG’81 Glen R. Zdroik, RC’89 * Patricia, UCNB’87, and Daniel J. Zdroik * Matthew C. Zebrowski, NCAS’67 Dr. Stanley Zebrowski, RC’76 Douglas and Patricia Zee John E. Zeevalk, NCAS’72 Mary D. Zeil, SSW’91 Viviana A. Zelizer, NCAS’71 Michael J. and Donna R. Zeller E. Walton Zelley, Jr., SSW’91 Edward and Margaret Zeman Raymond S. Zenere, GSED’68 Edwina H. Zengerle, CNUR’55 Dr. Lawrence Zerolnick, NCAS’68 Mr. and Mrs. Cristian Zervos Scott A. Zettell, RC’91 Mei Zhang, RC’00, SBNB’00 Carol L. Zicklin, GSED’76 Jon S. Ziefert, NLAW’94 Barbara Lawson Zieger, CCAS’86 Frank J. Ziegler, COOK’82 George N. Ziegler, NLAW’54 Joseph E. Ziegler, RC’75 Dr. Richard W. Ziegler, RC’47 Carol and Ralph Zielinski Robert A. Zielinski, RC’67 Robert E. Ziemba, Jr., GSM’93 * Stanley J. and Judith A. Ziemski Bernard B. Zients, SB’33 Edward Zigrand, RC’68 Regina E. Zilinski, RC’77 Hyman J. Zimmerberg Fred H. and Dorothy J. Zimmerli Dr. Robert D. Zimmerman, RC’68 John H. Zimmermann, RC’53 * Sidney J. Zimmy, SB’42, NLAW’48 Thomas A. Zink Adele Zins Caroline Zinsser Dr. Janet K. Zinter J.M. Zinter Dr. David M. Zirl, ENG’86, GSNB’89, GSNB’91 Donald J., CCAS’67, and Jo Ann Zirpoli, CCAS’68 Franco D. Zisa, NCAS’99 Suzanne Zishock, LC’88 * Joseph P. Zitelli, Jr., ENG’79, GSNB’82

Robert Zitelli Franco R. Zito, RC’91, SBNB’91 * Dr. Gustave L. Zoecklein, GSM’52 * Michael J. Zolfo, ENG’95 Dr. David L. Zonderman, PHAR’66 Gerard D. Zopfi, CLAW’81 Yu Zou, GSNB’95 William F. Zrebiec, Jr., COOK’91 Natalie B. Zuccarello, DC’85 * Jan L. Zucco Morry and Susan Zucker David and Andrea Zugale Dr. Nathan Zukerberg, RC’36, RC’41 Joseph M. Zukowski, ENG’92 Margaret Zullinger, DC’49, GSED’60 Peter Zurawiecki, RC’80 Dr. John V. Zurlo, COOK’91 Bennet D. Zurofsky, RC’73, NLAW’79 Dr. James A. Zwiebel, RC’71, GSNB’73 Dr. Alan S. Zwillinger, ENG’75 Warren A. Zwirn, RC’92 Stanley C. Zybort, ED’51 Peter F. Zych, RC’71 Jeffrey L. Zyontz, GSNB’77 * Corporate matching gift included

Douglass College Associate Alumnae The continuing generosity of Douglass alumnae and friends plays a major role in strengthening and enriching the educational experience offered to undergraduate women at Douglass College. Gifts to the Douglass Annual Fund provide funding for academic program support, scholarships, fellowships, special opportunity grants, research stipends, and enrichment activities that complement and expand the education offered in the classroom. The method of giftgiving varies; the most common forms of gifts include cash, securities, real estate, gifts-in-kind, annuities, charitable remainder/ charitable lead trusts, and bequests. The total number of funds raised through the Associate Alumnae in 2000–2001 set a new record at $5,497,068. Names of donors who made gifts of $100 or more are listed below. Gifts to the Douglass Annual Fund and gifts to the Douglass Fund in the form of bequests, charitable gift annuities, and other planned and major gifts are included. The students who benefit from the generosity of Douglass alumnae and friends are most grateful for the support they receive. In time, many of them, in turn, will “give back” to the future. The cycle of generosity and support continues through the years. Douglass President's Council ($10,000+) Joyce Kovatch Albers-Schonberg, DC’65 * Anonymous Barbara Ann Busch, DC’62 Dorothy Parson Frank, DC’69 Sidney Goff, AG’42, GSNB’49 Regina Best Heldrich, DC’42 Edward L. Hennessy, Jr., and Ruth Schilling Hennessy, DC’50 * Juliette Mittendorf Hill, DC’42 Sidney Hofing Sharon Matlofsky Karmazin, DC’67, SCILS’69 Ruth Morgan Kurtz, DC’45, GSED’53 *

Kathryn Luttgens, DC’48 Janet Ramsay Patterson, DC’36 * Herald L. and Linda S. Ritch Dr. Norman and Ruth Feller Rosenberg, DC'37 * Jeanne Weiss Rothstein, DC’42 Louise M. Rovner, DC’34 Leonard Schwartz * Corinne Abramson Semon, DC’42 Anonymous Barbara Eck Sorini, DC’56, GSED’60 Doris Larson Wechsler, DC’37 Oliver Wilcox * Catherine Douglas Wright, DC’40 Douglass Trustees Club ($5,000-$9,999) Mary Addy Richard Hardwick Addy, AG’57 Thomas E. Addy, Jr., RC’51 William Addy Anonymous Lorraine La Tourette Blanding, DC’40 * Harold Borkan, ENG’50, GSNB’54 Ronald E. and Linda E. Borkan Patricia Booye Bristow, DC’51 Julia May Brown, DC’51 Dorothea Garber Cracas, DC’51 * Marion Zeller Cronheim, DC’51 Wayne L. Feakes Sharon Ann Fordham, DC’75 Desiree H. Galley Yana and Leonard E. Goldfine, RC’67 Dr. Susan L. Goldfine, DC’63 Barbara Strauss, DC’51 and Albert Goldstein, RC’51 Kenneth C. Gsell, RC’51 Margot Perona Judge, DC’51 * Marion Allen Keller, DC’49 * Mary Solomon, DC’37, and Rudolph Klein, ED’39 * Claire A. Krucher, DC’55 Maurice DuPont Lee, Jr. Adrian and Rosemarie Flynn LeRoy Virginia Charnosky Loch, DC’51 Lillian Rodig Maxwell, DC’53 * Armine Khachadoorian Meghrouni, DC’51 M. Louise Morris, DC’43 * Judith Sonin Hirsch Nebenzahl, DC’65 Carol Thomas Nied, DC’64, GSNB’77, GSM’82 * Dr. Norman Reitman, RC’32 Frederick S. and Annmarie Previte Sabb, DC’64, GSNB’74 * Amy Levine Samuels * Dr. Barbara A. Shailor and Harry Blair Barbara M. Smith, DC’46 Anonymous Thomas E. and Roberta Boulgarides Van Note, DC’55 Robert Stirling Warner, RC’28 Thomas Weber Hilda Dornyak Weinberg, DC’38 Douglass Founders Club ($2,500–$4,999) Jeanne Kelly Andrews, DC’68, GSNB’71, GSED’93 * Donald J. and Dr. Lillian Hinckley Bauder, DC’61 * Janet Kennedy Blair, DC’46 Alice Ryan Bower Helen and Floyd H. Bragg, RC’36 Marguerite Robins Brice, DC’41 Mary Zimmerman Chyb, DC’71, GSED’73 * Sarah Bates Clark, DC’71 Loretta Traub Congress, DC’58 Sara E. Douglass, DC’72 Mary Lou Fenili, DC’67 Nancy Ball Fogg, DC’48 Jeanne M. Fox, DC’75, CLAW’79 Dr. Naomi Lawrence and Gerard M. Franz Patricia Sloane Friedberg, DC’44 * Lisa Dawn Glover, DC’82 * Tina B. Gordon, DC’72 * Sheila Kelly Hampton, DC’70 Barbara Kerner Hart, DC’45 * Marion Kulley Harvey, DC’83, SSW’86 * Mary Shelly Henry, DC’70, SCILS’74 * Nancy Punchatz Hines, DC’61 * Gail Phillips Houlihan, DC’58 Lilian Chiang Hsu, DC’70 Jean Forrest Hyde, DC’50 * Drs. Robert and Carole M. Shaffer Koros, DC’63 E. Marjorie Kramer, DC’40, NLAW’43 Barbara Paulsen Kraushaar, DC’55 Barbara Krumsiek Leonard, DC’74 Erika Gritman Long, DC’91 Gladys Pfannen Maxwell, DC’46 * Elizabeth Roberts McCullough, DC’39 Lauren M. McIntyre, DC’91 Roxanne E. Parker, DC’75 * Janet L. Pegg, DC’78 Eugenia Filbert Phelps, DC’39 Geraldine Rosen Prince, DC’51 Barbara Collishaw Ross, DC’51 Sandra Leslie Simpson, DC’78 * Nelle K. Smither Florence Glover Swink, DC’39 Mary Anne Talle, DC’73, GSNB’76 * Ann Vreeland Trout, DC’50 Bernice Proctor Venable, DC’62, GSNB’67, GSED’83 Mabel Smith Douglass Associates ($1,000–$2,499) Janet Stettbacher Anderson, DC’57 Lillian Kunz Anderson, DC’53

Jeanne Kelly Andrews, DC’68 Keiko Bonk Aogaichi, DC’73 Midori Aogaichi, DC’71 Nancy Horn Arnold, DC’50 Nan Marie Astone, DC’78 Catherine Atwood, DC’51 Robin A. Bagby, DC’92 Dorothy Hamilton Balliet, DC’44 * Leslie Heyburn Baskin, DC’68 Elizabeth Joeck Bassford, DC’40 * Beatrice Neidorf Beck, DC’43 Judith Dolin Bentkover, DC’70 Evelyn Leonard Bergstrom, DC’54 Elizabeth Trocolli Boris, DC’64, GSNB’68, GSNB’75 Bradley and Anne Borkan Martha Borkan Neriman Botas, DC’79 * Janet Eddy Boyd-Deutsch, DC’50 Barbara Little Britt, DC’65 Debra Green Brodsky, DC’82 Dorothy Heilman Budd, DC’48 Jeanne Butler Burke, DC’46 * Janice C. Buys Phyllis Friedman Caroff, DC’44 Karen Praisner Cheek, DC’82 Irene Echelman Cifelli, DC’46 Rose Musumeci Cipriano, DC’49 Laura Bielecki Cisar, DC’74, GSNB’93 * Janet Hillers Clausi, DC’52, GSED’90 * Lillian Zeisel Cohen, DC’59 * Anonymous Flora Buchbinder Cowen, DC’59 Karen Crennan, DC’75 * Eleanor Meer Dallal, DC’62 * Susan Kinsley Darien, DC’64, SSW’66 * Alice Davenport, DC’80 * Louise Hendy Dean, DC’48 Jean Sesee DeAngelis, DC’48 Sandra Denarski, DC’73 * Christine and Robert Devereaux Maureen Dewan, DC’69 Kathleen O'Loughlin Dias, DC’91 Julie Ann Domonkos, DC’83 Denise Lauren Downey, DC’83 Isabel Goll Drzewiecki, DC’61 Ethel McCroddan Dunbar, DC’51 Jane E. Ehrgott, DC’75 * Ann Seeler Eldridge, DC’72 * Kathleen Hall Elmore, DC’70, SCILS’72 Ruth A. Farb, DC’60 Gloria Ortenberg Farber, DC’57 Elizabeth Taylor Fernald, DC’44 Teresa Dell'Olio Ferretti, DC’77 Margaret Laird Ficken, DC’41 Evelyn Sermons Field, DC’49, GSED’65, SCILS’75 Dorothy Schmidt Fields, DC’67, GSNB’70, GSNB’71 * Marian Shapiro Filan, DC’80 Janice Devine Flitcraft, DC’51 Margery S. Foster * Gail Wompierski Fredericks, DC’63 Lois Robertson Fritsche, DC’60 * Alexandra Lawson Frye, DC’59 Joan Donaghy Garland, DC’48 Sheila Gerzoff Margaret A. Gillis, DC’75, GSM’79 Nancy Petersen Godfrey, DC’44 * Irene Dale Goldfarb, DC’50 Linda Marie Goldstein, DC’86 * Ruth Eichenbaum Goodman, DC’45 JoAnn Prelich Goodspeed, DC’74 * Patricia A. Griffin, DC’77 Jane Lion Gross, DC’50 * Janet Abramson Gross, DC’77 Margaret Dawson Gross, DC’57, GSED’88 Letitia Dragonette Hargens, DC’83 Janet Biermann Harris, DC’50 M. Wilma Harris, DC’66 * Helen Frances Hatala, DC’54, GSED’64 Nancy Alden Hatton, DC’51 Karen Sumner Hausmann, DC’71 Linda M. Hennessey, DC’82 * Rolanne Henry, DC’64, NLAW’78 Betty Ruth Grodberg Hollander, DC’51 Charlene Cunningham Holtz, DC’70 B. Elizabeth Horner, DC’38 Marvine Howe, DC’50 * John E. and Susan Nachtigal Hume, DC’74, GSM’76 * Kathryn Moore Jacobus, DC’28 Eileen Ross Johnson, DC’30 Evelyn J. Junge, DC’66 Helen Craig Kaffitz, DC’42 Dr. Roberta Shulman Kanarick, DC’64, GSED’92 * Marion Elizabeth Kaposztas, DC’74 Carol Lowenstein Kaufman, DC’56 Melinda Raso Kirstein, DC’77 * Dorothy Ann Kmetz, DC’75 * Zieva Dauber Konvisser, DC’64 * Iris Bonier Koshar, DC’71, SCILS’73 Mildred Kranzler Janet Arnold Kunze-Kirk, DC’78, SSW’80 Ruth Fimbel Laubach, DC’38 Stephanie E. Laucius, DC’36 Anonymous Eleanor Sheppard Lawrence, DC’30 Ruth Ginsberg Legow, DC’57, GSED’63 Elyse Joan Brauch Lehman, DC’62 Renee S. Lerche, DC’68 Doris LeStourgeon, DC’51 Selma Kornhauser Levine, DC’43 Sidney and Sylvia Lieberman Anne Spiegel Lipner, DC’62 Anita Evans Loveland, DC’81, GSM’88 Jane Bang MacIntyre, DC’50


Janet Goodkind Mahony, DC’70, GSNB’73 * John A. Manger, RC’38 Yolanda Jones Mapp, DC’53 Carmela G. Marranca, DC’39 Joseph N. Marranca Elizabeth Napier Martin, DC’81 * Margaret Elizabeth Mc Diarmid, DC’46 * Isabelle Armstrong McCabe, DC’46 * Dianne Mills McKay, DC’69 Diane Ciccone McMenamin, DC’79 Virginia Ann Meade, DC’65 * Faith H. Metcalf, DC’44 Joel E. and Irene Anne Miller, UCNB’84 Dorothy Allen Mills, DC’43 Dr. Mary Elizabeth Moore, DC’52, GSNB’60 Dr. Sarah E. Moore, DC’63 Diane Bauer Moskal, DC’74, GSED’79 * Irene Giorloff Nebiker, DC’51 Peggy Wooge Nelson, DC’49 Sylvia Goldberg Nisenoff, DC’51 Linda Eulhardt Nixon, DC’63 Glenn Lafe Noland, RC’70 Carole Goldstein Noveck, DC’66 Rita A. Novitt, DC’42 * Carol Wallace Orr, DC’66 Mary Hance Owen, DC’41 Lawrence Paffendorf, AG’55 * Lucille P. Paras, DC’73, SCILS’74 * Elizabeth Robinson Porter, DC’54 Janice Disario Ralph, DC’61, SCILS’68 * Joan James Rapp, DC’58 * Dana Ann Rappe, DC’79 Susan E. Reale, DC’96, SCILS’96 Judith Brinkmann Rolke, DC’64 * Nanette Rosenbaum, DC’78 * Jane Hunter Rosenthal, DC’51 * Dr. Carole Sampson-Landers, DC’69, GSNB’74 * Edith Kravet Schapiro, DC’51 Mary Jo Erdmann Schenck, DC’51 Barbara Glatt Schenkel, DC’64 Lois Johnston Schermerhorn, DC’49 Barbara MacWhinney Schneidewind, DC’51 * Barbara Mesco Schubauer, DC’56 Lois Brenner Schwartz, DC’78 Zelda Segal Judith E. Shapiro, DC’65 Jean Wilson Sidar, DC’43, GSNB’59, GSNB’79 Sondra Liebman Siegel, DC’58 Brenda Bright Snyder, DC’73 * Beverly Franklin Solomon, DC’50 * Mary Ann Fishbough Stangil, DC’64 Helen Strang Stapley, DC’50 * Marilyn Marolda Steiner, DC’65, GSNB’78 Eleanor King Stewart, DC’51 Sarah Lord Stillwell, DC’65 * Alfred C., RC’43, and Margaret Blake Storer, DC’74 Anna Walters Stott, DC’38 Maureen E. Strazdon, DC’70, SCILS’71 * Barbara Anne Sutphin, DC’51 Janice V. Swenson, DC’47 Nancy Jeanne Taylor, DC’71 Marilou Terpenning, DC’71 Annlinnea Lindgren Terranova, DC’73 * Anne Moreau Thomas Melanie Ann Thomas, DC’88 Karen McLane Torian, DC’73, SCILS’74 Eileen Witte Treash, DC’49 Barbara Henry Trought, DC’56 * Barbara Garrity Venerus, DC’55 William J. Wagner * Dr. Pamela C. Walders, DC’72 Ellen Hart Wales, DC’52 Audrey Brown Walton, DC’38 * Margaret Harriet Waugh, DC’44 * Shirley Friedlander Weiss, DC’42 June Sicknick Whetstone, DC’41 Suzanne Wieme Whitlock, DC’66, GSNB’70 * Mildred Elaine Williams, DC’81 Amelia Murchio Willson, DC’72 * Nancy Gertrude Witzel, DC’65 * Jean Clum Wojtowicz, DC’56 * Jeannette Mc Ewen Wolff, DC’52 * Jeanette Whitner Woodruff, DC’41 * Sharon Gant Yorlano, DC’79, GSM’83 Betty Glazer Young, DC’49 Adelaide Marcus Zagoren, DC’40 Douglass Dean's Cabinet ($500–$999) Ruth Marie Adams Patricia Bowling Albrittain, DC’50 Carole Taylor Allen, DC’55, SSW’57 Patricia Brokaw Apgar, DC’50 Carol Spence Auletta, DC’64 Suzanne Campbell Ayres, DC’47 Dorothy Jessee Bachman, DC’49 Marjorie G. Baier, DC’36 Xenia Pimonov Balabkins, DC’68, GSM’77 Janice Donelon Ballou, DC’66, GSNB’77 Joanne Gallitano Barrett, DC’64 * Clare Lucidi Barsotti, DC’45 Jane Helen Bartik, DC’81 Joan and Raymond Bateman * Richard C. Bean, Jr. Roberta Anne Bell, DC’65 * Judith Tenzer Benn, DC’65 Mary Grace Bennett, DC’73, GSED’78


Sheree Starrett Bennett, DC’69 Francesca Benson * Lawrence Berstein Michelle Laifer Bobrow, DC’64 Linda Blakney Bodenmann, DC’78 Leslie Wolff Borak, DC’75 Martha R. Boughner, DC’71, GSED’86 Barbara Wendeborn Brandom, DC’72 Elizabeth Brasefield, DC’26 Louise Bolanz Breitfeller, DC’49 Eileen G. Brennan, DC’44, GSNB’46, GSNB’76 Karen Cecile Bresnahan, DC’82 Shirley Magaw Buono, DC’51 Dr. Mary Lupton Buzby, DC’71, GSNB’75, GSNB’80 * Nancy Schumann Cahill, DC’67 Claire L. Calandra, DC’72, NLAW’76 * Doreen Wright Calder, DC’83 * Patricia Smith Campbell, DC’63 Alice Hirmann Carey, DC’42 Donald Chait Mildred Clapp Chamberlin, DC’29, SCILS’65 Maryalice Cheney, DC’76 Janet Johnston Chorbajian, DC’64 * Elizabeth Hughes Clark, DC’45, GSNB’66 * Louise Cucinello Clifford, DC’59 Cynthia Tomlinson Coan, DC’50 * William J. Cofone Jean Raff, DC’45, and Dr. Jay E. Comeforo, ENG’44, GSNB’46 Carol Lawson Cooper, DC’51, SCILS’76 Lorraine L. Copperthwaite, DC’51 Alice Le Borgne Corven, DC’54 Claire Dusek Cory, DC’51 F. Richard Cramton Ann Maglione Crome, DC’70 Susan Niehaus Curtis, DC’69, GSNB’73 Margaret L. Cushing, DC’57, SCILS’64 Patricia Swain Cushman, DC’48, GSED’58 Judith Harris Cutting, DC’61 Ann Ella Darby, DC’77 * Eunice De Clark Davidson, DC’31 Margaret Mc Leod Davis, DC’40 Rosemary Davis, DC’80 * Kathryn A. DeAngelo, DC’75 June Boyd DeHoff, DC’54 Patricia Ann Deignan, DC’83 Pamela Callahan Dejneka, DC’90, SBNB’90 * Helen Delpar, DC’57 Lynne Anken Deming, DC’58 Isabel Atwood Dodd, DC’51 Janet Wright Dolan, DC’53 Kathleen Hogan Douglas, DC’79 Elaine Virtue Douglass, DC’51 Joan M. Duckenfield, DC’76 * Diane Swiontkowski Dudka, DC’67 Susan Easton, DC’75 Susan Holly Edelman, DC’72 * Rita Kneller Edelston, DC’54 Elaine M. Ehlers, DC’75, GSM’82 Susan Hunn Emerson, DC’48 * Lois Brown Ennis, DC’57 Beret Rae Erway, DC’72 Chenia Yvonne Eubanks, DC’93 John and Dr. Helen Lehotzky Eves, DC’54 Norman Farber * Lorene Sittel Feehan, DC’75, GSM’81 Adele Perselay Feibel, DC’40 * Dr. Renee G. Feinblatt, DC’76 Linda Helen Fekete, DC’66, GSED’80 Michael Finnerty, GSNB’74 Linda Pullman Fish, DC’59, GSNB’77, NLAW’83 Bernard and Lillian Fishbein Phyllis Moskowitz Frakt, DC’67, GSNB’69, GSNB’74 Brenda Sherman Freitag, DC’72 Karyn L. Frey, DC’80 * Terri Spiegelman Friedman, DC’85 * Barbara J. Frost, DC’37 Eileen Skevin Fusco, DC’77, NLAW’80, GSM’83 Helen Jordan Galt, DC’69, GSNB’70 Barbara Drummond Garand, DC’77 Florence Tarcz Garay, DC’48 Elizabeth Humphreys Gardner, DC’52 June Leffler Garelick, DC’51, SSW’68 Rachel G. Gerzoff Patricia Goins Gibson, DC’74 Muriel Katz Glaser, DC’38, GSNB’68 * Dorothy Rubin Glasser, DC’51 Margery Jane Gluck, DC’67 Mona Bengelsdorf Goffman, DC’50 * Irene Etkin Goldman, DC’65 Jane Updike Goodnow, DC’46, CCAS’87 Alex and Grace Gottesman James A. Gormle, CCAS’69 Ruth Schenck Grant, DC’69 Stephanie Servis Gray, DC’46 * Everett and Suzanne Griggs, CCAS’77 Susan Frymire Gross, DC’74, CLAW’79 Janis Hertz Grover, DC’79 Loris Kienzle Grunow, DC’50 Alice Hatkin Gunther, DC’71 * Grace Willoughby Hall, DC’59 Helen Murphy Hammes, DC’69 Carol Knoderer Hammitt, DC’49 Arlene E. Handschuch, DC’71 Antonia Bruno Hanley, DC’71 Judith Hogrelius Hardardt, DC’73, GSED’79

Ruth Kirsch Hart, DC’55 * Judith Maude Hatfield, DC’79 * Felice Swersky Hauptman, DC’51 Kathryn Griggs Heacock, DC’41 Joan Reid Hemenway, DC’57 David Hendlin, GSNB’49 Linda Peterson Henry, DC’63 Dorothy Baum Henschel, DC’61 Alice B. Herman, DC’70 Barbara Lee Herrman, DC’79 * Geraldine Marks Hoffman, DC’37 Sharon Abrams Hurwich, DC’74 Susan Humphrey Jackson, DC’64, GSED’77 Annette Bronkesh Jaffe, DC’68 Ann Cooper Johanson, DC’53, SCILS’70 Carol Summers Johnson, DC’73 * Cynthia and Robert Johnson * Dorothy Eadie Johnson, DC’51, SCILS’57 Janet B. Johnson * Leah Armstrong Johnson, DC’47 Janice Lehrer Karesh, DC’45 Nancy Newman Kattermann, DC’51 * Helen Grinwis Kattwinkel, DC’51 Jeanne Hann Kavanaugh, DC’53 Barbara Brumbaugh Keck, DC’68 Sylvia Reiter Kestler, DC’71 * Olive Muir Kile, DC’51 Lois Fink Kirby, DC’50 Harriet Farber Klein, DC’70, NLAW’73 Dawn Kleinfield, DC’71, GSNB’83 * Gina Simon Koppel, DC’69 * Josephine Carver Kreutzer, DC’43 * Astrid B. Kromayer, DC’49, GSNB’78 Robin Riddle Kucharczyk, DC’85 Elizabeth Szancer Kujawski, DC’72 Carole Kurzawa Kurtz, DC’59, GSED’75 Gabrielle and Leopold Laitem * Gail Wilson Langenus, DC’70 * Ann Priory Laraja, DC’46 Louisa Hofstetter Lavelle, DC’50 Cora Jane Cragwall Lawton, DC’44 Virginia Murray Lennon, DC’62 Martha F. Leonard, DC’36 Patti J. Levenduski, DC’86, GSNB’90 Linda Haines Lewis, DC’76, SCILS’82 * Paige L'and Elizabeth W. L'Hommedieu Rosemary Bodo Linowski, DC’71 * Kristin R. Long, DC’78 Bertha Taylor Lordi, DC’58, GSNB’62 Kathleen D. Love, DC’75 Adelaide Celli Luers, DC’70 Maureen Branagan Luna, DC’61 Mary Borghi Luther, DC’65 Maija Merzinsky Lutz, DC’61 * Diana Levine Madaras, DC’76 May Gimbert Magee, DC’39 Patricia Murawski Malicher, DC’72 * Bruce Ernest Marich, RC’63, GSNB’65 Jacquelyn Flagg Marich, DC’66 Earnestine Clark Martens, DC’36 Maria Marucci, DC’34 Vera Cerstvik Matthews, DC’50 Natalie Salzberg Mauskopf, DC’66 * Linda Nagy McClester, DC’71 * Angela Sibilia McCoy, DC’50 * Ruth Elizabeth McFarlane, DC’42 Mary L. McKibben, DC’52 Marie Buttler McLure, DC’40 Marilyn Ayres McMillan, DC’67 Ann C. McNeal, DC’74, DC’75 Susan Shapiro Mechura, DC’66 Colleen Mehegan, DC’81 Marion Kuebler Mench, DC’61 Alice C. Merrill, DC’42 Rosalyn A. Metzger, UCNB’89 Irma Marks Meyer, DC’53 Janice Resnick Meyerson, DC’55 * Barbara Anne Mitchell, DC’61 Joy Kaiser Moll, DC’51, GSNB’75 Nancy Lasher Moore, DC’49 Gilda M. Morales, DC’96 Doris Richter Morris, DC’51 Janet Hickman Mosbacher, DC’46 * Lois Muraro, DC’66 * Karen Leibowitz Nagel, DC’71 Dr. Janet M. Neigel, DC’76 Joan Louderback Newman, DC’53 Libby Newman Katherine Melick Niemiec, DC’44 * Janice Jacobsen North, DC’51 Janet Lippe Norwood, DC’45 Gladys Palmer O'Brien, DC’44, SCILS’63 Joan Seng Ochs, DC’53 Kathleen Spray Offermann, DC’69 Gene, UCN’62, and Lorna O'Hara Margery Kerr Oleskie, DC’42, SCILS’66 Roberta Ann Letts Orth, DC’67 Helen Martin Paranicas, DC’73 Kerry Cathcart Pardoll, DC’86 * Carol Della Peruti Parkus, DC’67 Lynne Alexandra Pendergast, DC’82 Dolores M. Petrone, DC’74 Doris Ann Petty, DC’57 Carol Fenton Phillips, DC’54 Stephanie Lichtblau Pinson, DC’73, GSNB’77 * Rose M. Piscitelli, DC’77 Helen M. Polak, DC’34 Elaine Auslander Pollack, DC’72 * Katherine Davis Potts, DC’45 Jane Siegfried Preston, DC’63 * Renee Goldstaub Price, DC’51 Robin Putzrath, DC’69 Cristina Martin Redlus, DC’94 Phyllis Johnson Reger, DC’69

Jean Lederer Rich, DC’55, GSNB’70, GSNB’74 Ellen Riemschneider, DC’70, GSNB’73 Sylvia Barkan Rimm, DC’57 M. Edythe Bull Risberg, DC’51 Eugenie Patten Rives, DC’42 Arthur A. Roberts Dennis M. Romain * Phyllis Boorstein Romm, DC’58 Christine Gluchoski Rotgers, DC’68 Martha Kampfe Rumsey, DC’43 Camille Grande Rusinow, DC’51 Barbara Shaw Sadowsky, DC’72 Susan Salvesen, DC’77 Sandra Sobel Samuels, DC’61, GSED’64 Marianne Pollard Santo, DC’84 Carol Prentice Savage, DC’74 John C. Savino * Janice Capaccio Scheer, DC’55, GSAPP’82 Susan Ann Schmaeling, DC’83 * Jeanne Cooper Scott, DC’50 Jo An Smyth Segal, DC’51 Michele A. Senko, DC’73 * Eva Lambiase Shapiro, DC’55, GSM’84 Judith Shapiro, DC’67, GSNB’72 Jeanne Sherburne, DC’51 Selma Patt Shure, DC’44, SSW’67 Shifra Wise Siegel, DC’51 Grace Winterling Signaigo, DC’43 * Paul J. Simonson, RC’31 Patricia Lang Skibbee, DC’72 Carolyn Reim Smith, DC’62, GSED’65 Doris A. Smith, DC’56 Patricia Knapp Smith, DC’51 Alice Quinn Sprenger, DC’75 Mildred Fiske Sprow, DC’44 Elaine Johnson Sprower, DC’59 * Mildred Woodward Stackhouse, DC’41 Cassandra Hydrean Stern, DC’73, GSNB’76 Marian Zamost Stern, DC’75 Jo Ann Cacavio Stevenson, DC’64 Alice Strampp, DC’59, GSNB’68 * Elizabeth Garman Strattan, DC’42 Abraham and Leila Strull Anita Isenberg Sturm, DC’74 * Phyllis Page Tabrisky, DC’52 Mary Manzi Tassini, DC’74, GSNB’76 Jean Barnett Taylor, DC’62 Kathleen C. Taylor, DC’64 Janet Sugden Thomas, DC’71 Jean Collins Thomas, DC’48 * Patricia Albers Thomas, DC’62 Janet L. Tice, DC’90 Dr. Louise Audino Tilly, DC’52 Edith Helen Titsworth, DC’37 * Kathleen Cooksey Tomaino, DC’69 Elizabeth Bieber Toth, DC’63 Ingeborg Williams Uhlir, DC’53 Marilyn Kullaf Urso, DC’69 Beverly E. Peterson Van Winkle, DC’56 Janet Letson Vanderweil, DC’35 Judith Ann Waidlich, DC’83, GSNB’85 Ruth Ergood Waller, DC’50 Nancy Ficchi Walsh, DC’75 Patricia Landmann Walsh, DC’74 * Maxine Katz Ward, DC’69 * Nancy Nairn Warr, DC’55 Ruth Melee Waugaman, DC’44 Pamela Glynn Webb, DC’90 * Susan Mary Weber-Pendrys, DC’73 Hadassah Ruth Weiner, DC’68 * Evelyn Coghlan Weintraub, DC’76 Anita Fass Wellen, DC’68 Maureen Page Westcott, DC’50 Nancy Jordan Whitson, DC’51 Evelyn Atkinson Williams, DC’51 * Marie Graf Wilson, DC’51 Linda J. Wolosz, DC’75 Elena Worrall, DC’67 Christine Yuhas, DC’68 David L. Yunich Douglass Corwin Circle ($300–$499) Linda Walley Abrams, DC’68 * Ann Pollak Adelman, DC’55 Cindy Ann Swirsky Aden, DC’78 Eleanor M. Ahsler, DC’63, GSED’67, GSED’77 Margaret R. Alagia, DC’54 Wilhelmina Albanese, DC’75 * Roger Albenice Sharon Aldouby, DC’83 Elmira Roberts Alexander, DC’49 Phyllis Thomson Alexander, DC’64, GSED’71 * Bernadette Borkowski Alley, DC’71, GSNB’72 Deborah Lutz Anderson, DC’77 Edith Kohout Anderson, DC’28 Wilma Vander May Archibald, DC’46 Diamond Ascani, DC’49 Maureen P. Kane Ausura, DC’77, GSC’82, SBC’82 Lois Buruchian Babcock, DC’72 Nadia M. Baio, DC’93 * Lilia Ann Balsamo, DC’69 Vicky Banach, DC’69 * Janet Bankovich, DC’63 Sheila Rubin Barkow, DC’61 Nettie Philipchuk Baser, DC’42 Barbara Moreno Bauer, DC’46 Linda Susan Belkowski, DC’79 Rose Furman Bell, DC’74 * Barbara Starr Bender, DC’65 Laura Geczik Benedetto, DC’82 * Helen Zagneetko Bennett, DC’48, NLAW’54 Barbara Herrick Benson, DC’77

Linda Kaufmann Berger, DC’75 Wilma Grundmann Bernabei, DC’56 Florence Mensorio Bernard, DC’59, GSNB’64 Ann Sherman Bernstein, DC’59 Anne Kathleen Berry, DC’67, GSNB’70, GSED’84 G. Reginald Bishop Virginia Boardman, DC’41 Miriam Lavoie Bosak, DC’46 Elise Boulding, DC’40 Lillie Boyce Richard Boyle Marjory Lockie Bradshaw, DC’57 Florence Miller Brady, DC’56 Joan E. Braly, DC’49, GSED’64 Frances Griffith Brann, DC’64 * Elizabeth E. Brohmer, DC’42 * Harriet Cox Brown, DC’45 Rosalie Silverman Brownstein, DC’58 * Barbara Scotch Brunnquell, DC’54 Holly Elissa Bruno, DC’67 Phylis I. Burman, DC’70 * Ruth Ann Shea, DC’67, GSNB’75, and Carl W. Burns, RC’64, GSM’73 Mary Lou Norton Busch, DC’45, DC’82 G. Sandra Byer-Lubin, DC’76, GSNB’83 Karen Stone Byington, DC’95 * Ann E. Byron, DC’70 Arlie Cabrales Kathleen Augsdorfer Canavan, DC’86 * Roger and Carol Cantoni Lorie Weidner Carkhuff, DC’71 Lisa Robin Carnegie, DC’86 * Mavis Bowler Carroll, DC’38 * Charlotte Stopper Carson, DC’33 Mary DiGirolamo Casella, DC’46 Janet Kapsol Cashion, DC’70 * Catherine C. Cavender, DC’79 R. Ann Cecil, DC’62, GSNB’66 Minsuk Cha Lisa A. Chapland, DC’94 Susan G. Charron, DC’75 * Christine Werner Christensen, DC’61, GSED’92 Mariann and Michael Cicchino Regina Mary Cirincion, DC’87 Jane Kiernan Cobb, DC’67 * Alan R. and Jennifer Cohen Elyse Anne Cohen, DC’82 * Nancy Inserra Cohen, DC’77, SCILS’79 Phyllis Mevoglioni Colin, DC’53 Betsy A. Collard Lois Olson Collett, DC’34 Mary Jo Blewett Collins, DC’78 Nancy Boehm Collins, DC’52 Maureen Lilly Conlon, DC’85 * Arlene Kabara Cooke, DC’73 Carol Olson Coote, DC’78 Debra Leichtnam Copeland, DC’84 Holly W. Cornell, DC’97 * Donna C. Coulson, DC’77, GSNB’81 Dr. Eloise Courter, DC’37 Erika Cowan, DC’73 * Audrey Krastin Dabagian, DC’47 Mary Ellen Lewis Daggett, DC’41 Livio C. Dalto, RC’40 Despina O. Danos, DC’64 Ana A. and Leonard Dantzler Elizabeth Wake D'Aversa, DC’60 Denise Marie Davis, DC’79 Lynne Ann De Pietro, DC’88 * Larry A. and Victoria Buletza Dean, DC’67 Caryn Ostergard Deevy, DC’72 Carolyn Lynch Della-Rodolfa, DC’63 * Merril S. Delon, DC’71 Carol Witte DeLong, DC’52 Therese K. DeLorenzo Ann Berkman Diamond, DC’72 Alice Russhon Dickerson, DC’42 Carleton C. Dilatush, AG’40 Barbara H. Dildine, DC’71 Laurel Dunne Dobalo, DC’73 Patricia Donly, DC’56 Patricia Douglas Frederick Drescher Carol Nemecek Dunlop, DC’62 * Virginia Bogan Dykes, DC’46 Ruth Zemel Easley, DC’57 Paula Schwalje Eaton, DC’70 Ann Valega Edison, DC’80, GSNB’87 * Edna Diaz Nancy Decker Ehrle, DC’56 * Julie Kour Eisdorfer, DC’77 Davina Sands Embler, DC’43, GSED’59 Linda S. Ershow-Levenberg, DC’77, NLAW’84 Ellen Ehrmann Everett, DC’58 * Irene Rankell Farkas, DC’69 * Filomena De Marzo Farley, DC’44 * Herbert and Julia Feller Feist, DC’35 Marcia M. Ringel Feldheim, DC’56 * Deborah F. Fernhoff, DC’68 Dr. Paul Martin Fernhoff, RC’67 Eileen Robinson Ferrara, DC’73 Marianne R. Ficarra, DC’88, GSNB’94 Juanita P. Fieseler, DC’56 Eloise Degenring Finardi, DC’42 Josephine M. Finnegan, DC’78 * Malory Haas Fischer, DC’71, MGSA’80 * Jeanette Eng Flannery, DC’71, GSNB’76 Janet Mary Foster, DC’80 Dee-Ann Roth Fox, DC’67 * Nancy Suzanne Fox, DC’78 Joan Zawatski Fronapfel, DC’71 Dorothy Rigby Gallaher, DC’49

Alison Galway, DC’69 Adrienne Casatelli Gerken, DC’81 * Joan Giambusso, DC’76 Jacqueline Hediger Gigoux, DC’58 Barbara Gamble Gilbert, DC’72, GSNB’73 * Dorothy Marvin Glackin, DC’47 Nancy Finlay Glennon, DC’59 Ellen Goldfein, DC’71, NLAW’80 Judith Relles Goodhue, DC’56 * Pauline Lewis Goodkind, DC’41 Marion Klein Goodyear, DC’48 * Madeline Takash Grabowski, DC’67 Felicia I. Granberg, DC’95, SBNB’95 * Elizabeth C.L. Gray, DC’89 Thea Martinides Gray, DC’58 * Fred and Linda Greenberg Jean Coghlan Griswold, DC’52, GSED’56 Mary Martone Gross, DC’74 Margaret Grove, DC’71 Esther Elizabeth Guerin, DC’53, GSNB’57 Karen Kothe Gustavsen, DC’71 Katherine Kiriakis Hadjiyannis, DC’63 * Ruth Eisenberg Hague, DC’64, SSW’79 * Margaret Traina Hall, DC’54 Elizabeth Anne Hallowell, DC’80 Doris Cohen Halprin, DC’53 Lynne Whitford Hansen, DC’52 Carol Hansmann Hamlin, DC’61, GSNB’65 Yasmin Christina Haque, DC’82 Lovy Melick Harrington, DC’44 Alison Hartman, DC’79 * Michele Mishkin Havens, DC’73 Ruth Elsaesser Hawkins, DC’44 Ellen Neary Hazy, DC’81 Jane Bolmer Heidtmann, DC’49 * Mary Mitchell Heilman, DC’44 Margaret Errichetti Helms, DC’74 * Jean Rosser Hetherington, DC’42 Marion Thomas Hickman, DC’49 * Jacqueline Hilsky-Allen, DC’88 * Jane C. Hoerig, DC’72 Virginia Greenwood Hogan, DC’46 Nancy Bell Hohnstine, DC’67 Elizabeth Jackson Holland-George, DC’56, GSNB’58 Karen Lee Hollberg, DC’81 Margaret B. and Samuel B. Holt * Carol Anne Hopkins, DC’85 * Susan Willette Hopper, DC’58 Jean Campbell Horn, DC’54 Frieda Obermaier Howling, DC’42 Joan Sidor Huggler, DC’52 Sonya Stein Hulbert, DC’50 Amy Bassford Hunter, DC’40 * Mary Crow Hunter, DC’40 Gloria Hoffmann Ilic, DC’50 Miriam Tindell Irwin, DC’28 * Francia Ehrlich Isakoff, DC’63 Aleece M. Isoldi, DC’92 * Amy R. Wieselman Jacobson, DC’82 Monica R. Jacobson, DC’73, NLAW’76 Nancy Deinstein Jacobson, DC’63 Susan E. Jacques, DC’94 * Yvette L. Jefferies, DC’90 Laurel Messinger Jones, DC’68 Dorothy Nicoll Jordan, DC’46 Teresa and John Kafentzis Margaret Gerardis Kahn, DC’45 Lola Fuchs Kamp, DC’56 * Bernice C. Karg, DC’70, NLAW’79 Diane Marie Karvelas, DC’76 Ruth Kastelansky, DC’34, GSED’52 Fredda Beth Kaufman, DC’63 * Elaine Keane, DC’70 Fred and Loretta Keimel Dorothy Simpson King, GSM’80 Barbara King-Shaver, DC’68, GSED’72, GSED’79 Laura A. Klein, DC’95, SCILS’95 Karen Mindlin Kohn, DC’75 Renate Blumenfeld Kosinski, DC’75 Patricia L. Kraft, DC’72 Ruth Silverstein Kram, DC’50, GSM’82 Brenda Neri Ladewig, DC’61 Charles Ralph Landback, Jr., ENG’40 * Mr. and Mrs. H. Leslie LaNieve III * Evelyn E. Leary, DC’36 * Anne Turner Leckie, DC’74 Ellen Kanowith Legow, DC’57 Carol Swain Lehman, DC’78 Kathleen Bilbao Lehr, DC’70, GSNB’78 * Sandra Lewis Leibrick, DC’80 * Susan Lee Lennox, DC’70 Marie Di Francesco Leppert, DC’48 Barbara Holtz Levine, DC’72 Priscilla Reinhart Levine, DC’61, GSNB’80 Renee Greene Levitt, DC’71, GSNB’76 Dante P. Liberti Deborah Milton Lindner, DC’60 Leah Shneyer Lipton, DC’49 Janette Veronica Heinert Logan, DC’84 * Santo and Rose Lombardo Natalie Gerdt Lotier, DC’87 * Ruth Sandra Loughlin, DC’58 Katherine Lander Lucadamo, DC’32 Dr. Maria T. Lymberis, DC’60 Nancy Lynott Rose DeMarco Macaluso, DC’72 Gretchen Ehrmann MacLachlan, DC’58 Elizabeth Skwara MacNamee, DC’76 Jane F. Maliszewski, DC’79 Elaine Modarelli Mandracchia, DC’52 Susan Gordan Marchand, DC’61, GSED’74, GSNB’83 *

Harriet Zimmerman Marcus, DC’64, GSED’78 Bernadette Marie Martin, DC’83 * Drs. Charles E. and Diana W. Martin Gay Pfeifer Martin, DC’67, GSED’71 Terrese Williams Martin, DC’69 Linda Martinez Barbara Helfrich Mason, DC’67 Betty Hanna McCarthy, DC’35 Paula Ross McClure, DC’58 Frances Murray McCollum, DC’56 Karen Zink McCullough, DC’73 Doris Stewart McDaniel, DC’53 Maryann Schneller McGuire, DC’81 Catherine Mary Quane McTigue, DC’87, SBNB’87 * Kathleen A. Meier, DC’68 Jean Lindsay Mervine, DC’71 Alice Marshall Meyer, DC’41 Sheryl Preston Meyer, DC’76 Donna Rubin Miller, DC’65 * Fred Misthal Harriett Field Modemann, DC’47 Rosemary Brady Monagan, DC’46 Susan Wolfbein Morris, DC’65 Kathleen Morrisey Lillian Morrison, DC’38 Marjorie W. Munson Ann Manning Murphy, DC’52 Judith Sara Musicant, DC’70, NLAW’73 Claire Waller Nagle, DC’46 Christine Hull Napolitano, DC’71 * Mary-Elizabeth Neary, DC’71 Thomas W. Nelson * Janet Goldstein Nestor, DC’69 Edna M. Newby, DC’31 Chris T. Nicholas, RC’62 * Lillian Nicolich, DC’75 Susan Dayan Norton, DC’79 Marilyn Corn Nottenburg, DC’43 Miriam Berenberg Null, DC’46 Carol Petersen Oakes, DC’52, GSED’68 * Jane Susan O'Grady, DC’56 Reiko Fukuyama Ohye, DC’56 Lois Ornstein Adriana Ricci O'Toole, DC’54 * Judy and Stuart Ours Kathleen Ann Smith Page, DC’73, GSM’86 Patricia Dein Page, DC’76 Rita Signorelli Pappas, DC’67, GSNB’71 Ellen Tillson Parker, DC’88 Victoria Sonshine Pasher, DC’90 * Laura Ann Patrignani, DC’85 * Ruth Marcus Patt, DC’40 Paul Moul Edward and Barbara Pawlick Jennifer Hand Percival, DC’82 Rama Dasika Peri, DC’75 Nancy Yusko Peters, DC’69 Christina Bula Petruska, DC’70 * Margaret Taylor Pfirrmann, DC’52 * Aurora Rodriguez Pipeling, DC’73 Diane B. Pirkey Theresa Baranik Pisauro, DC’88, GSNB’90 * Meridy B. Pockell, DC’71 Eileen L. Poiani, DC’65, GSNB’67, GSNB’71 Gayle Sassi Porter, DC’58 * D. Barbra Post, DC’62 Penelope Bragg Pray, DC’70 Susanne Cherami Price, DC’69 * Miriam Turitz Prince, DC’40 Margaret M. Pryor, DC’64 * Lillian Menges Pubols, DC’61 Kathleen Corkery Quaid, DC’67 Alicia Rose Quinn Sankar, DC’88 Elizabeth Post, DC’50, and Dr. Robert Austin Ragotzkie, RC’46, GSNB’50 Mary Cunliffe Rapaport, DC’45 Cynthia Fager Rawling, DC’77 * Bettie Ware Ray, DC’46 Virginia H. Reed, DC’73 * Carol Murray Reich, DC’44 * Tina Leifer Rettig, DC’84 Margaret E. Reuter, DC’79 Victoria Reynoso Margaret Price Riesz, DC’52 Hannegret C. Riewe, DC’74 Nancy Marie Rigassio, DC’82, CLAW’87 * Marie C. Rita, DC’60 Elizabeth Middleton Rizzotti, DC’89, SCILS’91 Donald Roger, RC’54 Nancy Smickle Romain, DC’69 * Victoria S. Rossetti, DC’83 * Susan Geddes Roth, DC’67 Susan Panagos Russon, DC’79 * Dr. Jo-Ellyn M. Ryall, DC’71 Gertrude Rubin Sadinoff, DC’67 Nola J. Safro, DC’64 * Catherine Law Salas, DC’38 Margaret Spritzer Salfi, DC’64, GSNB’66 * Lynda Sandersen, DC’87 Carol McClure Sanzalone, DC’69 Susan M. Sarlo, DC’92, SBNB’92 * Charel Young Schaub, DC’53 Susan Wainer Scheer, DC’74 Victoria Dabrowski Schmidt, DC’42 Carolyn Balas Schwartz, DC’65, SCILS’68 Michael Schwartz Cynthia K. Scott, DC’74, GSNB’80, GSNB’82 * Carolyn Sindlinger Sebolt, DC’54 Elinor Glaser Seifried, DC’51 Barbara Cohn Shepard, DC’77, GSM’83 * Mariko Shimomura, DC’61 Lourdes Rodriguez Shoaf, DC’84 * Henry & Krystyna Siemienowski Donna Krongold Silverman, DC’73, CLAW’87 Shirley Schwartz Silverstein, DC’44

Belle Weissman Siskind, DC’40 Sarah Africa Skillings, DC’46 Elizabeth Ford Slater, DC’78 Christine Reinhardt Slotznick, DC’73 * Susan Rollison Smart, DC’69, GMLR’00 * Katherine Bohi Smith, DC’56 Annette Teta Snape, DC’70 Carol Golden Snyder, DC’77 Jane Conlin Snyder, DC’49 * Lillian Westenberg Solomon, DC’69 Enid Rachel Sorkowitz, DC’89, GSNB’92 * Sherry Weissberg Spiezle, DC’58 Susan Rusoff Spurr, DC’65 Ruth Amerman Stadler, DC’46 * Linda Lautenschlaeger Stamato, DC’62, GSNB’77 Dominick Stanzione Laura Steelman-Callahan, DC’87 Dolores Wash Stein, DC’39 Marjorie E. Steinberg, DC’57 Janet Berkshire Steinmetz, DC’54 Bernice Goldblatt Stern, DC’50 Elizabeth Fogas Storms, DC’65 Beverly Liddicote Stott, DC’82 Carol Betlejewski Stox, DC’85 * Ingrid Persano Strange, DC’60 * Arlene Dale Berger Stratton, DC’54, GSNB’62 Valerie Newby Stratton, DC’67 Judith Southcomb Sullivan, DC’61 * Karen Ritchick Sweet, DC’71 Lois Veltre Tar, DC’67 Doris C. Teplitz Hilary Teplitz Vigdor Teplitz Pearl Paterson Thompson, DC’41 Janice Papendick Tighe, DC’45 Charlotte C. Toke Priscilla Masavage Travis, DC’63 Eileen and John Trotta Maria Tuchapskaya Dorothy Ullman Turner, DC’47 Karen Umminger, DC’73 Virginia Lee Urban, DC’71 * Dorothy Greene Van Decker, DC’81 Ruth Coleman Van Leer, DC’43 Karen M. VanNote, DC’74 Betty Glaser Vaughan, DC’63 Jane and Albert E. Walker, RC’77 Albina Deluca Warbrick, DC’51 Melinda Lash Weber, DC’65 * Jean Patrice West, DC’92 * Ellen Tyson White, DC’57 * Lorna Z. Whitehorne, DC’43 Lois Vanderbilt Wiehl, DC’46 Judith Carol Wilber, DC’68, GSNB’76, GSNB’77 * Joan Tarte Wilde, DC’67 Sandra Sims Williams, DC’75 Rita Cominsky Wolf, DC’53 Donna R. Wood, DC’75 * Carol and Norman Wright Harriet Murray Wrigley, DC’42 Gabriel F. Wyzga * Regina Chen Yang, DC’73 Fernanda Giusti Yannopoulos, DC’79 Janet E. Yocum Naomi Nishiyama Yoshioka, DC’71 Carol Szpiech Young, DC’69 Norma Nicholson Zabel, DC’53 Carolyn M. Zangara, DC’80 * Shelley Lynne Zemel, DC’70 Barbara Zimmer, DC’63 Ann Marie Zolandz, DC’81, GSNB’84 Dorothy Zolandz, DC’86 Kathleen A. Zupcic, DC’85 Pacesetters ($100–$299) Amy Jean Aaroe, DC’92 * Gail Aaron, DC’81 Janet Abanese-Puzo, DC’86 Daisy Kinstein Aberlin, DC’34 Sharon Duchan Abrams, DC’77 Ingrid Celia Bedoya Accardi, DC’87 Esther Houck Ackerman, DC’48 Elizabeth Fenton Adams, DC’49 Lisbeth Yates Adams, DC’50 Polly Beth Adams, DC’46 Gytha Rupp Addy, DC’51 Mary LaMoree Coombe Addy, DC’24 Ellen Anne Adesso, DC’76 Sandra Adickes, DC’54 Judith Roberts Adler, DC’68 Florence Alberghini Africano, DC’53 Alice Aberlin Ageloff, DC’68 Bernice Croshaw Ahlquist, DC’41 Barbara Caproff Albenberg, DC’60 Susan Berkowitz Albert, DC’75 * Becky Hayes Albrecht, DC’59 Barbara Albu-Lehman, DC’72, GSNB’83 Janice Wohltmann Aldag, DC’69 Laura Kern Aldrighetti, DC’72 Joan Archer Aldrin, DC’51 Mary A. Alessi, NCAS’75 Patricia Field Alfano, DC’75 Mariann and Mariano Alicea Doris Ruehe Allen, DC’35 Elizabeth Foote Allen, DC’45, GSED’69 * Mary Grace Petrozzello Allenchey, DC’70 * Yvette Marie Allen-Lomaro, DC’88, GSED’95 Janice Ann Aloi, GSNB’76 Beverly M. Alston, DC’76 Judith Applebaum Altman, DC’65 Toby Beck Altman, DC’64 Amparo Alvarez, DC’99 Grace E. Sweeny Alznauer, DC’56 Irene Kaplan Amarel, DC’56, NLAW’75 Jane Waldron Ambler Lauren Ambrose, DC’94 Maryann K. Ambrose, DC’68 Patricia Kurtz Ameling, DC’58

Maureen L. Ames, DC’53 L. Kathleen Amon, DC’79 Helene Kronberg Amster, DC’70 Esther Andaya Aileen Bauch Anderson, DC’54 Catherine McElligott Anderson, DC’59, GSNB’60 Cheryl Ann Anderson, DC’91 * Jane Zink Anderson, DC’41 Lynne Ragone Anderson, DC’72 Margaret Hilgendorff Anderson, DC’38 MaryAnne Anderson, DC’69 Karen M. Andrews, DC’76 Geraldine Anglum Anonymous-Douglass Donor Virginia Matosian Apelian, DC’75 Florence A. Appel, DC’71 Jo Anne Evans Appel, DC’67 Sharon B. Aptaker, DC’73, GSED’75 Patricia Ard, DC’77 Mary Coles Arena, DC’58 Muriel Groubert Arenberg, DC’48 Joan Arias, DC’62 * Alice and George Armbruster * Maureen Witte Armour, DC’53 Arlene Selbert Arnold, DC’65 * Elizabeth Armstrong Arnold, DC’75, SCILS’90 * Jay Aronowitz Harriet J. Aronson, DC’51 Tamar Karakashian Arslanian, DC’90 Ellen Nemeth Ashcraft, DC’71 Rose Kahn Ashin, DC’30 Carol Asman, DC’85 * Lauren Pier Asselta, DC’75 Julie Ternyik Athenson, DC’86 Laura Marie Audino, DC’55, GSED’60 Regina Aumente, DC’68 Betty Elsaesser Axamethy, DC’44 Lauretta Taylor Ayers, DC’79 Carol Davis Bacchetti, DC’57 Mary McDanolds Backus, DC’58 Thelma Hornbaker Baechtold, DC’59 Bette Loebel Baer, DC’59 Debra Ann Seymour Bahr, DC’85 Rayanna Baines, DC’49 * Joyce Burtis Baisden, DC’48 Catherine Palmer Ballantine, DC’45 Tracey A. Ballard, DC’88, SBNB’88 Blossom Friedman Balshan, DC’59 Adele Baluk, DC’67, GSED’81 Susan Leonard Baly, DC’70 Maria Martinez Balzano, DC’72 John Banda Manuel and Emilia Bandeira Joan Neild Banes, DC’51, GSNB’53 Mary Fitzpatrick Banta, DC’49 Diane Holmes Barbour, DC’63, GSM’75 Karen Rose Barke, DC’87 * Ellin Fennessy Barker, DC’53 Ruth Cosine Barks, DC’60 Margaret Barlow, DC’65 Nancy Hazlett Barnes, DC’51 Patricia Collins Barnhart, DC’70 Deborah Borowsky Baron, DC’82 John and Evelyn Baron Maria L. Baron, DC’92 Jory Horst Barone, DC’73, SCILS’78 Anne Reed Barry, DC’69 * Gail Hopson Barry, DC’62 Lucy Davis Baruch, DC’84 Leslie Curt Bass, DC’66 Barbara Feller Bassano, DC’70 Amrita Basu, DC’98 Camille Daley Batchis, DC’65, SSW’69 Gwen and Ralph Bates Eileen Bator, DC’74 Claire Buckman Bauman, DC’46 Rita Kaufman Bauman, DC’40 Mildred Foerter Bauries, DC’42 M. Henrietta Baylor, DC’49 Nina M. Baynosa, DC’93 * Rebekah Bostrom Bayram, DC’91 * Barbara Lynne Beacham, DC’79 Cheri Lynn Beasley, DC’88 Stacy Monn Becker, DC’77 Marlene J. Bednarczyk, DC’98 Marguerite Regenhard Beissert, DC’35 Susan E. Belding, DC’79 Margaret E. Bell * Kathleen Marie Belloff, DC’91 Regina Belowsky Aida Sara Ben-Asher Nesselroth, DC’48, GSED’72 Nancy A. Benigno, DC’82 Anna S. Benjamin Karen M. Kwan Bennett, DC’92 * Alice B. Benson, DC’81 Florence Monaco Bentivegna, DC’50 Marilyn Wahlberg Benton, DC’53 Diane S. Berger, DC’68 * Janice Jay Berger, DC’64 Karen Ziegenfuss Berger, DC’77 * Stefanie A. Bergey, DC’71 Merrie Bergmann, DC’72 Maureen R. Berman, DC’70 Joanne Dickey Berry, DC’86 Marjorie Young Berry, DC’52 Barbara I. Berschler, DC’68 Dr. Joan Semel Berson, DC’65 Pauline Li Calsi Bertone, DC’50 Elizabeth Low Bessmer, DC’30 Lucille Ann Bielawski, DC’74 Christina H. Bilinski Carol Barbaz Binkowski, DC’69 * Eleanor Hofmann Bishop, DC’45 Michel Bitritto, DC’69 Muriel Albers Bittel, DC’39 Margaret F. Black, DC’73, NLAW’76 Audrey Peyton Blackburn, DC’61, CLAW’74 Catherine Blackwell *

Virginia Field Blahut, DC’54 Marian Byers Blair, DC’77 Mary Ellen Marden Blair, DC’43 Cecelia Hodgson Blalock, DC’67 Evalyn Sklarew Blane, DC’69 Elyse Marie Blankley, DC’73 Christine Yakaski Blanos, DC’94 Margel Brown Blauvelt, DC’48 Anne Blazakis, DC’50 Carol Einbeck Blesse, DC’51 * Judith Mac Dougall Bloeser, DC’66 Kathryn Appleby Blonsky, DC’49 Adaline Glasser Bloom, DC’41 Shelley Costa Bloomfield, DC’73 Janet Horowitz Blue, DC’69 Frances Montauk Blum, DC’51 Harriet Roth Blum, DC’54 Joan E. Blume, DC’53 Helen Blumenthal, DC’63 Joyce H. Blumenthal, DC’98 Phyllis Slone Bochner, DC’59 Dr. Catherine M. Bodnar, DC’78 Janet Malovany Bodner, DC’59 Meryl Silver Bodner, DC’65 * Deborah Boehm-Davis, DC’75 Linda L. Boentgen, DC’72, GSM’76, CLAW’76 Christine Clark Boesz, DC’66, GSNB’67 Joel Vollmer Bogdan, DC’65 Priscilla Boggia-Toronto, DC’78 Jean Marie Bogle, DC’77 Elizabeth A. Bohannon, DC’57 * Sandra Simon Bohn, DC’87 Margery Irwin Boilesen, DC’61 Sharon Bolger Barbara and Francis Bolton Inez Sarao Bonanno, DC’48 Ellen Miller Boone, DC’58 * Constance M. Boorer, DC’43 Shirley Schlicht Booth, DC’51 Arthur and Priscilla Borchert Judith Anne Bornemann, DC’57 Gladys Crenning Bornmann, DC’36, GSED’49 Yvonne Janicki Borowska, DC’59 Constance McCullough Borum, DC’54 Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bossard Judith Adamoff Botwin, DC’67 Michele Meola Bowden, DC’86 Helen Coffin Bowen, DC’44 Mildred Blum Boxer, DC’81 Joan Hojecki Boyle, DC’69 Jodi B. Boyle, DC’96 Mary Flanagan Boyle, DC’64 Linda P. Brady, DC’69, GSNB’70 Alyce Weber Brandman, DC’64 Lois Watters Brasher, DC’35 Karen B. Braun, COOK’94 Lynda Traina Braun, DC’68 Grace Breen, DC’42 Susan Clohossey Brennan, DC’75 Florence Hoffman Brenner, DC’51 Zelda Stark Brenner, DC’59 * Martha Darling Brennesholtz, DC’37 Evelyn Ann Brenzel, DC’66 Sara Bowers Brescher, DC’63 Teresa Stern Bressler, DC’51 Patricia J. Brewerton, DC’76 Jocelyn Davida Briddell, DC’81 Carolyn Juenemann Brigham, DC’43 Leonie Milhomme Brinkema, DC’66, SCILS’70 Carole Mac Nicky Britton, DC’65 Claire Smith Broadbent, DC’50 Jessie Head Broadfoot, DC’43 Barbara Mitchell Brock, DC’59 Barbara Velinsky Brody, DC’83 Joshua Bromberg Glynis J. Brookens, DC’82, SCILS’94 Constance Antonakos Brookes, DC’72 Jeanine Michele Brooks, DC’78 Elaine Sugar Brotman, DC’64 Anne Curry Brower, DC’54 Millicent Brauer Brower, DC’44 Alice Donnelly Brown, DC’35 Alice Smith Brown, DC’32 Brian Brown Leanore Purnell Brown, DC’42 Lois Engel Brown, DC’69 Dr. Marilyn A. Brown, DC’71 Olive Schulte Brown, DC’48 Pam E. Lapidus Brown, DC’77 Sally Brown, DC’49, GSED’60 Susan Rosenzweig Brown, DC’59 Carole Bialecki Bruchman, DC’69 Katharine Jones Bruno, DC’51 Nancy Barlow Bruns, DC’53 Patricia Conover Brush, DC’45 Barbara Shakin Bruskin, DC’54 Kathleen Carroll Brutomesso, DC’89 Julie Herskowitz Bu, DC’87 Arleen E. Buchanan, DC’74 Helen Evans Buchholz, DC’48 Helen Klein Budd, DC’38 Carolyn Handville Buell, DC’54 Joyce Crecelius Buell, DC’60 Dorothy Richardson Buermann, DC’64 Judith Buff Patricia Hoffman Buhl, DC’52 Suzanne Duke Bujara, DC’88 Victoria Wishneski Buklad, DC’42 Laura E. Bulle, DC’73 Christine Waring Bumiller, DC’81 Jane Bowden Bundy, DC’42 Catherine Anne Bunk, DC’85 * Trudy Feidelseit Burdman, DC’66, GSED’71 Dorothea M. Burge, DC’70 Patricia Dougherty Burman, DC’66 Glynis Wragg Burnham, DC’74 Beth L. Burns, DC’68, GSC’84, SBC’84 Angela Poggi Burstyn, DC’50 Anna Demou Burton, DC’77, GSM’87 * Mary Alma Parker Bushong, DC’34 Harriet Robinson Bussel, DC’61

Lisa R. Bussell, DC’88 * Clara Walker Butler, DC’49, DC’50 Deborah A. Butz, DC’95 Mary Rooney Byrne, DC’53 * Stacey and William Byrne Margo N. Cabillonar, DC’63 Eva L. Cadmus, DC’47 Rosalyn Fitzgerald Cahill, DC’71 Cornelia Ursillo Calderone, DC’70 Pamela Merlin Calderone, DC’88 Patricia Caldwell-Wilson, DC’71, GSED’76 Vilma Csipo Calhoun, DC’50 Linda Gallone Callahan, DC’80 Rosemary Vaccarella Calman, DC’73 Jennifer M. Campanelli, DC’95 Lynette E. Campbell, DC’75 Margaret A. Campbell, DC’73 Melissa Drake Campbell, DC’91 Patricia R. Campbell, DC’62 Krystal Rene Canady, DC’85 Adele Bloom Cannie, DC’74, GSNB’79 * Linda Walsh Cantwell, DC’60 Alma Geist Cap, DC’38 Kathleen McGrory Cardelia, DC’61 Mary Cardinale, DC’59, UCNB’72 Patricia Goldschmidt Carey, DC’71, GSED’87 Suellen Carfin, DC’86 * Kathleen Weir Carlin, DC’72 Carol Gordon Carlson, DC’69 Robin Liseth Carmody, DC’86 * Emma Van Winkle Carnes, DC’59 Emily Paskow Carone, DC’70 Jane Ferris Carpender, DC’51 Joyce A. Carpenter, DC’84 Margaret Carroll, DC’61 * Marion Kramer Carroll, DC’75 Barbara Aarflot Carter, DC’54 Patricia A. Carty, DC’64 Diana Polston Caruso, DC’70 * Carol Boswell Casabonne, DC’66 Faye Gottlieb Cascio, DC’71 Diane Fromm Casella, DC’68 * Carolyn Mae Skrabak Casey, DC’82 * Susan Bieber Casey, DC’74 Susan Stein Cassel, DC’71 Jacquelyn Disbrow Casselberry, DC’51 Kathleen B. Cassidy-Belbruno, DC’77 Michele Wade Castaline, DC’84 William S. Castle, COOK’66 Nicole Olivier Ceccato, DC’67 Patricia Ann Centurione, DC’67 Gwen Steiding Cerasoli, DC’71, GSED’74 Patricia Sovinee Cerefice, DC’67 Elizabeth A. Chabot, DC’77 Gina Chan, DC’88 Harriet Chapas Wilson, DC’64 Jane Apple Chapman, DC’38 Kim Allott Chappell, DC’69 Sylvia Silverstein Chasens, DC’61, GSED’63 Margaret Gilman Checkur, DC’51 Mary M. Cheh, DC’72, NLAW’75 Alicia T. Chen, DC’95 Drusilla Cherry, DC’63 Barbara Anish Chertoff, DC’59 Evelyn Rauch Chesnutt, DC’55 Dorothy Seibert Chidester, DC’50 Margaret Hunt Childs, DC’48 Pamela Ann Childs, DC’84 Gaetana Pisciotta Chilla, DC’70 Dorothy Saunders Chinery, DC’47 * Dr. Frances Steeble Choper, DC’55 Carol Tecla Christ, DC’66 Nancy Squire Christensen, DC’44 * Andrea Sobel Christian, DC’80 Marjorie Hearns Christie, DC’65, GSNB’69, GSNB’78 Evelyn Grippi Chrol, DC’66 Patricia Shertel Chubak, DC’75 Mak D. Chung Barbara Kuryan Churilla, DC’79, MGSA’83 Mary Anne Perry Ciancia, DC’71 Margaret Collins Cibes, DC’67 Michelle A. Cicchini, DC’91, SBNB’91 Audra M. Ciccione, DC’99 Joan DelVecchio Cichalski, DC’70 Marlene H. Ciklamini, DC’56 Rosaria Giovanna Cilia-Wheatley, DC’78 Dr. Shari Lynn Cills-Hyder, DC’83 Rosemarie Cipparulo, DC’96, NLAW’99 Julie Sumpf Ciulla, DC’68 Cecilia Blundell Claflen, DC’43 Jane Murray Clark, DC’43 Linda Pat Clark, DC’70, GSED’75 Mary Ellen Clark, DC’77 Sharon De Leeuw Clark, DC’63 Isabel Van Slyke Clarke, DC’35 Susan Tonkonogy Clarke, DC’70 Virginia Class-Matthews, DC’74, NLAW’77 Catherine Holzman Clawson, DC’74 Laurie Ann Clayton, DC’83 Susan Williamson Cleveland, DC’68, SCILS’69 Doris Johnson Clevenger, DC’56 Diane Nobile Clossey, DC’75 Dorothy Cobb, DC’52 Nancy Bardo Cobb, DC’75 Diana Coblenz, DC’58 Cynthia E. Cocchiola, DC’98 Joanne Cocchiola, DC’80 Sharon L. Cocuzza Michela and Radu Codel Sharon Greelish Cody, DC’85 Kathryn E. Coffey Cynthia Sanner Cohan, DC’62 * Alison Cohen, DC’84 Gertrude Schiller Cohen, DC’51, SCILS’69 Joanne Shteir Cohen, DC’58, GSED’74

Linda M. Cohen, DC’66 Madelyn Korman Cohen, DC’65 Robin Flumenbaum Cohen, DC’84 Rona Michaelson Cohen, UCN’70 Joan Steiner Colasante, DC’53 Rose Collado Patricia Luna Collard, DC’67 Joan Marie Collier, DC’90 Colleen Pisarcik Collins, DC’76 Jean Cox Collins, DC’51 Mary Davies Collins, DC’45 Gloria Buonanno Colton, DC’65 Ellen Caddoo Columbus, DC’68, SCILS’93 Ethel Sweeten Combs, DC’49 Elisabeth Rasmussen Conboy, DC’78 * Georgette Fitamant Concilio, DC’55, GSNB’58 Debra Confortini Ann Rosner Constad, DC’76 Phyllis Hutchinson Conway, DC’48, GSED’73 Claire Kehrwald Cook, DC’48 Ethel Schwarzler Cook, DC’41 Naima A. Cook, DC’98 Roseann Tagnani Cook, DC’79 Melverne Stickles Cooke, DC’83 Lynn Schwarz Cooper, DC’58 Margaret Cramer Cooper, DC’53 Martha J. Malcolm Cooper, DC’74 Sandra Filin Coran, DC’59 Marion Johnson Cornelia, DC’46 Amy Susan Cornell, DC’89 Gladys D. Cornfeld Jean Corradi, DC’76 * Mary Bernadette Corrigan, DC’83 Frieda Endert Cortese, DC’60 Dorothy Quackenboss Cost, DC’29 Susan Van Allen Costas, DC’73 Jodie A. Cottrell, DC’78 * A. Louise Coursen, DC’45 Eleanor Doremus Courter, DC’50 Dale R. Covati, DC’77 Ellen Perry Coviello, DC’56 Jane Schwanwede Cowan, DC’67 Pauline Sklarin Cowdery, DC’49 Edythe Bauer Shedden Cowgill, DC’43 Gloria Puskas Cowherd, DC’45 Dr. Rosemary E. Cowler, DC’46 Janet and Joseph P. Coyle, RC’74 Elsie Oettle Coyne, DC’34 Karen Keller Craft, DC’69 Christine G. Crafton, DC’72 Elizabeth Finan Craig, DC’91, GMLR’96 Ruth Weiler Craig, DC’49 Grace Dougherty Crane, DC’50 Alice Sutherland Crans, DC’79 Renee Calm Crauder, DC’50 Carol Susan Crawford, DC’74 Gisele M. Crawford, DC’90 Mary Walsh Crevi, DC’73 Cathy E. Crimmins, DC’76 Elizabeth Wirrer Croll, DC’64 Jeanne Rossi Cronin, DC’70 Anna Marie Crosta Norman F. Croteau Maureen E. Crowley, DC’78 Nancy Sanders Crowther, DC’66 * Marie Crawford Cryan, DC’63 * Eva Hazen Csabay, DC’73 Katharine Dougherty Csubak, DC’68 Cheryl Murphy Cuddihy, DC’91 Timothy J. Cuddihy, RC’89, GSM’98 Christine Dyer Cullin, DC’99 Judith V. Cummins, DC’81 Christa J. Cuneo, DC’97 Amalia Cunha, DC’72 Elsie M. Cunningham, DC’47 Delores Gervers Curran, DC’46 Maria D. Curran, DC’95 Nancy Thoren Curriden, DC’70 Ellen K. Curtin, DC’81 Dr. Anne B. Curtis, DC’75 Elizabeth Wilberscheid Curtis, DC’66 Peter Curtis Cheryl E. Cuttito, DC’73 Teresa Czarnecka Stefan Czarnecki Gwendolyn Kohut Daisy, DC’64 Bernice Gregg Dalton, DC’38 Marion Lee Daly, DC’67 Joan Nork Dambach, DC’63 Robin Schenck Dameon, DC’74 Arleen Relles Danford, DC’61 Evelyn Creamer Daniels, DC’47 Hope M. Daniels, DC’70 Leah Shear Daniels, DC’69 Lucia Danna Ruth Dannefelser, DC’39 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Darlington Dr. Margaret H. Darrow, DC’72, GSNB’81 Rao Daskia Patricia and Robert Dauer Rupa B. Dave, DC’95, SBNB’95 * Dr. Deborah Morgan Davenport, DC’71 Frances Secco Davidson, DC’71, GSED’78 Patricia Winter Davidson, DC’64 Dorothy Beal Davis, DC’51 Barbara Selick Dawson, DC’68 Diane Dawson Constance Olson Dayton, DC’50 Barbara Bennett Dazzo, DC’76, SSW’78, GSNB’83 Lois Ann De Julio, DC’69, NLAW’73 Heather M. De Meo, DC’98 Hope Marie DeBlasis, DC’72 * Carolyn Popiolek DeCarbo, DC’64, GSNB’66 Kathie Knabe DeChirico, DC’76 Greta Decker, DC’75 S. Agnes Decker, DC’33 Janice Gregory Deiss, DC’61


Angela Torchia Deitch, DC’61, GSED’63 Nancy Lynn DeJonge, DC’93, SBNB’93 Francine Parietti Demarie, DC’63 Rose Maucione DeMatte, DC’68 Maryann Dembinski, DC’82 Barbara Brey DeMeritt, DC’60 Carol Jenkins DeMeritt, DC’61, GSNB’71 Geraldine Letinski DeNicola, DC’68 Elaine T. DeNoon David Dent Anita Christoffersen Denton, DC’40 Sandra L. DePoalo, DC’88 Janice Stange DeSando, DC’68 Doris Blatherwick DeSarno, DC’49 Mildred Kaltman DeScherer, DC’41 Audrey Basso DeSimone, DC’91 * Joan E. DeStaebler Virginia Cliver Detrick, DC’45 Gloria Hubka Deucher, DC’77 Emma Costantini DeVersterre, DC’52 Constance Lodge Dey, DC’34 Beatrice L. Di Francesco, DC’55, GSED’58 Marlene Susskind Diamond, DC’54 * Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Diaz Nikki Didomenico, DC’71 Marilyn J. Dietrich, DC’96 Judith Nallin DiGiandomenico, DC’70, NLAW’73 Maureen Kenney Dillon, DC’54 * Michele J. Dimaira, DC’86 Donna Dimichele Maria C. Dimitriou, DC’99 Carrie DeBerry Dingle, CCAS’78, CLAW’82 Jerome Dintenfass, ENG’51 * Marion Lipson Dintenfass, DC’50 * Patricia Dugan DiPano, DC’70 Mary A. DiStanislao, DC’73 Denise M. Dittmar, DC’76 Carol Clark D'Lugo, DC’65 Elizabeth O'Connor Doering, DC’54 Margaret Dolan, DC’78, GSED’88, GSED’92 Gina R. Donahue Margaret Weeks Doolittle, DC’32 Judith Anne Dorn, DC’85 Douglass Class Of 1950 Margaret Reish Downing, DC’70 Patricia Doyle Oliver, DC’56 Eloise Hohorst Doyle, DC’51 Marianne Wilkes Drake, DC’71 Sandra Hollander Dreier, DC’60, GSED’63 Luer and Janet Drewes Barbara L. Drinkwater, DC’48 Katherine Pearson Drisko, DC’57 Jennifer M. Dudeck, DC’99 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Dudeck, Jr. * Deborah Skerchak Duffield, DC’75 Agnes Adamy Duisberg, DC’40 Ruth Chegwidden Duncan, DC’51 Jane Lloyd Dungan, DC’50 Judith Egolf Dunham, DC’63 Ingeborg Wolf Dunn, DC’71 Jennifer E. Dunne, DC’96, SCILS’99 Joan Gerhard Durfee, DC’73 * Inez Phillips Durham, DC’57, SSW’61, GSAPP’83 Helen Ewing Duschatko, DC’51 Louise Duus Rhoda Schwartzstein Dwight, DC’66 Anne Wierenga Dykstra, DC’78, GSED’79 * Patricia G. Eagan, DC’72 Valerie Kluska Eagan, DC’69 Karen DiGangi Earl, DC’80 Grace Lakin Ebbe, DC’42 * Susan R. Kushner Edelstein, DC’84 Linda Leshko Edgar, DC’78 Helen Burgi Edmonds, DC’55 Claudia Nelson Edwards, DC’32, GSED’50 Eileen E. Edwards, DC’73 * Karen Potter Edwards, DC’75 Beverley Hopkins Ehrenfeld, DC’39 Patricia Wismar Ehresmann, DC’61 Edith Freundlich Eichenbaum, DC’54 * Robert P. Eichert, RC’78 Sharon Rogoff Eichert, RC’78 Phyllis Sokalner Eisner, DC’59 Sandra Nadel Elber, DC’61 Margaret Smith Elder, DC’45 * Ingrid Folvig Eldridge, DC’54, GSNB’63 Nancy B. Elkind, DC’67 Patricia Andreoni Elko, DC’75 Helen Elliot, DC’43 Phyllis Smalzried Elliott, DC’48 Eleanor Alexander Ellis, DC’38 Gloria Burrow Ellis, DC’51 Mary Gussis Ellis, DC’66 Sharon Sapir Ellis, DC’64 Ursula Pandur Ellis, DC’76 Auline M. Ello-Platt, DC’89 Edna Schnitzler Elms, DC’32 Beverly Hahn Elsner, DC’47, GSED’63, GSED’70 Lisa DelFavero Elwood, DC’86 Carolyn Seaman Emerson, DC’63 Marianne Ruby Emmett, DC’71 Elizabeth Paulson Eppig, DC’42 * Alice Hopper Epstein, DC’48 Miriam Feinsod Epstein, DC’29 John Wilson Erdman, Jr., AG’68, GSNB’74, GSNB’75 Donna DeBouter Erhard, DC’78, GSED’84 Jean Wyciskala Erickson, DC’83 Alma Allis Eriksen, DC’34 Nancy Michalsky Ernst, DC’87 Marcia Solkoff Eskin, DC’70


Alina Roca Esquivel, DC’68 Arlene Williams Estelle, DC’48 * Suzanne E. Estler, DC’66 Jane O'Brian Ettelson, DC’74 Carole Crobaugh Evans, DC’60 Miriam Schutt Evans, DC’33 Winifred Bentley Evans, DC’71 Mary Purnell Evenson, DC’38 Debra Zinn Fagans, DC’67 Edward A. Fagen Joan Libby Fahringer, DC’54 Evelyn Meyer Fales, DC’68, SCILS’71 * Lydia Ann Falk, DC’82 Helen Wolverton Falkenau, DC’43 Susan Eppinger Falkowitz, DC’87 Helene Vaccaro Fall, DC’82 Jean Mc Nierney Fantini, DC’49 Joy Brothers Farber, DC’82 Kathy Farrell * Carma c. Fauntlery, GSM’92 F. Miriam Fawcett, DC’24 Barbara Fay, DC’63, SCILS’65 Hope Morrison Fead, DC’47 Lynda Kennedy Feder, DC’75 Rose Silkowitz Feder, DC’57 * Marilyn Sexton Federico, DC’92 Lynda R. Fegley, DC’69, SCILS’70, GSNB’82, GSNB’98 Nancy Jahier Felch, DC’62 * Caren S. Feldman, DC’84 Denise Flaccavento Feldman, DC’64 Mrs. E. Jane Feldman Pamela Kurland Feldman, DC’64, SSW’78 Beth Hind Fellows, DC’69 Jeanne Tompkins Fellows, DC’45 Judith Feltman, DC’51 Angeline Maruca Fenton, DC’45 Anita Raitano Fenton, DC’66 Elizabeth Cromie Ferges, DC’72, GSED’76 Diane Tiedeman Ferguson, DC’52 * Susan C. Ferris, DC’72 Susan N. Ferschmann, DC’73, CLAW’76 Jacqueline A. Fesq, DC’74, GSED’80, GSED’95 Pamela Mari Fessler, DC’75 Lisa Ann Festa, DC’90, GSNB’96 Elizabeth Fetcho, DC’34 * Christine Fethes-Connolly, DC’77 Bernice Fishman Feuer, DC’63, GSNB’79 * Kathleen Kluender Fidler, DC’68 Dorothy Maslin Field, DC’46 Gail Fields Wilma Langheinz Fielding, DC’52 Glen Filippone, DC’79 Gloria Ricciardi Filippone, DC’52 Joan Filippone Kenneth T. Finc, LC’73 * Isabel Lenner Fine, DC’68 Steven Fineblum Barbara Finkelstein, DC’75 Karen Ann Finn * Patricia Strader Fire, DC’71 Alice D. Firgau, DC’59 Ellen P. Fischer, DC’67 Linda Ballai Fischer, DC’74 Stephanie J. Fischer, DC’67 Anonymous Carol R. Fishberg, DC’63 Alice J. Fisher, DC’46 Bonnie F. Fisher, DC’64 Marjorie Green Fishkin, DC’50 Jean G. Fishman, DC’75 * Lois Jackson Fiske, DC’46 Judith Jobbins Fitchett, DC’68 Catherine Szot Fitts, DC’66 Rosemary Fitzgerald, DC’92 Anne Catherine Baglivo Fitzpatrick, DC’86 Elaine Barbieri Fitzpatrick, DC’79 Ellen Dillon Flanagan, DC’88, GSED’90 Margaret Carleton Fleming, DC’35 Sondra Rosenblatt Flite, DC’84 Elizabeth Hurlbut Flomerfelt, DC’40 * Judith Choate Flower, DC’59 Karen P. Flynn, DC’77, CLAW’80 * Maureen A. Flynn Susan Jane Flynn-Hollander, DC’76 Maria Luisa Decastro Foden, DC’71 Constance Mary Foley, DC’83 Claudia Weinstein Folkman, DC’72 Renate P. Fong, DC’90 Bethell E. Forbes, DC’92 Bonnie Brier Ford, DC’70, GSNB’77 Mary Cunningham Ford, DC’44 Marcia Wasserman Forman, DC’45 R. Doris Forman Karen Kalcich Fornaro, DC’75 Nancy Fornarotto, DC’69 Dr. Susan A. Forster, DC’80 Sally Brainen Fortunato, DC’66 Ruth Eisemann Fost, DC’60 Sue Fowler Gladys M. Francis, DC’29 Helen Clark Francis, DC’51, SCILS’55 Elizabeth Rowland Franck, DC’77 Jane Kulsar Francke, DC’53 Marilyn Weitzer Francus, DC’83 Emily Dobek Frank, DC’79 * Malissa Blake Franke, DC’68 Jessica M. Fratterolo, DC’96, SCILS’96 * Ilene Sourifman Freedman, DC’70 Katharyn Hopper Freeman, DC’25 Vida Hoskins Freeman, DC’60 Barbara Zagorin Freidenreich, DC’72, GSNB’75 * Barbara Davis Frey, DC’59 Marion Von Hof Frey, DC’38 Gloria Mancuso Fried, DC’69 Iris Friedlieb James Friedlieb Gail Saltz Friedman, DC’73 Ingelore R. Fritsch, DC’73 * Doris Ginsburg Froehlich, DC’42

Jennifer A. Frohlich, DC’89 Joan Bear Fromm, DC’55 Joan Zawatski Fronapfel, DC’71 * Dorothy Voorhis Fronefield, DC’47 Heide Schneider Fuchs, DC’70 * Carol C. Funking, DC’56 Maureen Gavin Furlong, DC’77 Dr. Faith Schectman Gabelnick, DC’64 Alicia Glynn Gabrielski, DC’78 Barbara Lundy Gaffney, DC’66, GSNB’70 Judith Kosakoff Gafner, DC’65 Diane A. Gallo, DC’67 Judy Galorenzo, DC’79 Catherine Macaoay Galya, DC’62 Sue Ann Gambaccini, DC’83, NLAW’91 JoAnne Dreyer Ganek, DC’70 * Bertha Garbarini, DC’46 * Phyllis Gruber Garber, DC’57 Arlene Gardner, DC’72 Elizabeth Moore Gardner, DC’40 Cecelia Valeri Garfinkel, DC’55 Stephanie Jean Gargiulo, DC’79 Sylvia Finkelstein Garland, DC’59 Joyce Sepenuk Garson, DC’65 Marjorie Eich Garwig, DC’64, SCILS’65 Linda Gross Garza, DC’86 * Joan L. Gavaghan, DC’83 * Dolores Arlotto Gavin, DC’54 Virginia Atkinson Gaynor, DC’39 Elmira McCabe Gearhart, DC’47 Shirley Cooperman Geismar, DC’65, SSW’79 Lois Brodsky Gelade, DC’69 Sondra Shapiro Gelfond, DC’54 Eileen Krantz Gellert, DC’90 Emma Gergely, DC’54, SCILS’57 Diane Gerofsky, DC’67 Judy Gesser Sheila Cuba Gewirtzman, DC’71 Lisa Biamonte Giambattista, DC’85 Jeanne Harris Gibbons, DC’49 Kathi L. Gilbert, DC’73 Kathleen Mary Gilbert, DC’82 Shaldine Henoch Gillman, DC’57 Claudine I. Gillooly, DC’91 Hilary Susan Gilyard, DC’83 * Margaret Loretta Gimello, DC’47 Ann Eisenstadt Ginsberg, DC’60 Kathleen Davis Gladis, DC’79 Annette Glance, DC’78, GSNB’90 * Penina Migdal Glazer, DC’60, GSNB’61, GSNB’70 Gabriella Giuliani Glenn, DC’86, NLAW’89 Robin Sharenow Gline, DC’73 Helen Briggs Glover, DC’35 Jennifer A. Glynn, DC’93 Cynthia L. Glynos, DC’87 Joan Gntzmacher Jane Lyman Goedecke, DC’42 Therese E. Goetz, DC’72 * Barbara and Howard Goldberg Judith Sandler Goldberg, DC’60, GSED’64 Marcia Zeisel Goldberg, DC’62 Raquel Totaro Goldberg, DC’62 Vicki Shapiro Goldenberg, DC’66 Suzanne Kimmel Goldenson, DC’66 David A. Goldfarb Sheila Fox Goldshine, DC’56 * Gertrude Hirsch Goldstein, DC’35 Susan Kirchmeier Goldstein, DC’68 Suzanne Bresler Goldstein, DC’85, GSNB’91 V. Katherine Burton Golla, DC’42 Dianna Knapp Gomez, DC’80 * Moises Gomez Marie Otken Gons, DC’57, GSED’74 Virginia Tanis Gonzalez, DC’66, GSNB’73 Alexandra E. Goodman, DC’61, SSW’70 Elinor Brownstein Goodman, DC’52 Evelyn Tepperman Goodstein, DC’28 Nicole Sevack Goodstein, DC’86 * Melissa Barricella Gordeuk, DC’80, GSED’86 Barbara Murray Gordon, DC’53 Bernice Rubinstein Gordon, DC’50 Janet Rosenblatt Gordon, DC’60 Judith Potash Gordon, DC’61 Susan Neumann Gordon, DC’72 Corinne Shakin Gorelick, DC’54 Judith Carol Gottfried, DC’73 * Paula B. Gottlieb, DC’71 Marie Monastra Gower, DC’48 * Joan Combs Grace, DC’54 Barbara Vogel Graham, DC’80 Floretta Ann Graham, DC’59, GSNB’82 Thomas and Georgene Granholm * Sharon Benner Granetz, DC’50, GSED’84 Eleanor Rubin Granoff, DC’51 Dianne Gravatt Jennifer L. Gray, DC’88, NLAW’92 Nancy Zegzula Gray, DC’67 Gina R. Grazio, DC’94, GSED’95 Ann Buchberg Green, DC’62 Nancy Walker Greenaway, DC’70, GSED’74 Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum, DC’74 Lillian Dorothy Greenberg, DC’63 Linda Bernstein Greenberg, DC’79 Vivian Garfing Greenberg, DC’53 Doris Withers Greendyke, DC’52 Ellin Peterson Greene, DC’53, SCILS’57, GSED’79 Laurie Sills Greene, DC’71 Alice Handforth Greenlaw, DC’39 Julie Greenman, DC’95 Lucia Witkowski Greenough, DC’77 Brenda S. Gregory, DC’53 Denise Kollmar Greller, DC’72 Jill Fatzler Griff, DC’79 Rosemary Fortunato Griffith, DC’65 *

Jacalyn and David Griffiths MaryAnn Erhard Griffiths, DC’54 Karen Fried Grimm, DC’76 Linda C. Casparian Grinewicz, DC’72 Joan Edith Gritzmacher, DC’58 Sheila Taylor Grodsky, DC’54 Susan Eileen Groh, DC’74 Cari Tobias Gross, DC’77 Herbert Gross Nancy Klein Gross, DC’69, SCILS’71 Vivian Veis Grossman, DC’70 Wendy Lynn Grossman, DC’86 Cynthia R. Grosso, DC’77 Jessie Grote, DC’66 Diane Elizabeth Grotz, DC’88 * Kris Klapperstuck Grove, DC’95 Margaret Crooke Grubbs, DC’48 Michelle Tevelow Grybowski, DC’76, SSW’81 Richard Guay Shirley Sheldon Guice, DC’51 Kathleen Meaney Guindon, DC’71 Cynthia Gerweck Gulka, DC’77 Joan Porch Gulovsen, DC’59 Meredith L. Gutowski, DC’95 Dana E. Guyet, DC’94 Myrtha S. Gwynne, DC’89, GSED’94 Gail Rothschild Haar, DC’68 * Ruth Helmlinger Haas, DC’47 Marianne Bolanz Hadjin, DC’52 * Doreen Cook Hagerty, DC’57, ENG’57 Elizabeth Rodgers Hahn, DC’65 * Harriet Mordecai Hahn, DC’66, GSNB’69 Phyllis Hailes Sheridan Lee Haines, DC’80 Michele Karpack Hakes, DC’91 Gina-Rose Garella Halasnik, DC’89, SBNB’89 Barbara Lane Halasz, DC’75 Jacqueline Duberson Hale, DC’54 Sharon Hallanan, DC’83 Virginia Homberger Hallock, DC’71, GSNB’73 Joyce Baida Halper, DC’73 Pauline Anklowitz Halpern, DC’56 Dorothy Marcus Hamelsky, DC’36 Bette Feldman Hanauer, DC’59 Barbara A. Hanawalt, DC’63 Cindy Lee Handler, DC’82 Janice Handler, DC’67, NLAW’70, NLAW’81 Sally A. Handley, DC’73 Virginia E. Hanger, DC’78 Monique Elaine Hanis, DC’83 Eleanor Bradway Hanna, DC’65 Helen Latshaw Hannan, DC’70, SCILS’76 Susan Frances Hannan, DC’71, GSED’72 Marcia Murchio Hannigan, DC’77 Janet Bedell Hansen, DC’36 Karen F. Hansen, DC’65, GSNB’70 Patricia M. Hansen, DC’93 Patricia Janowski Haraburda, DC’83 Wendy Sender Harding, DC’75, GSNB’82 Mildred Schenck Hardman, DC’66 Vivien Cole Hardy, DC’62 Leslie Young Harmony, DC’62 Barbara Hunzinger Harnett, DC’72 Ruth Ruemmler Harniman, DC’44 Helen Nygaard Harper, DC’65 Sandra J. Harrigan, DC’69 Barbara Elcome Harris, DC’63 Jennifer Mary Harris, DC’51 Lillian Abood Harris, DC’49 Sondra Gottlieb Harris, DC’56 Linda Dalziel Harrity, DC’72 Marjorie Lasher Hart, DC’55 Florence Sherman Hartenstein, DC’45 Amber Bovik Harter, DC’67 Dr. Mary S. Hartman Ruth Simpson Hartman, DC’41 G. Inge Harttmann, DC’63 Janice Harvey Gretchen Saalbach Hastings, DC’66 Kathleen Wilk Hathaway, DC’67 Joan Hudack Hauck, DC’50 Patricia Elder Haughey, DC’59 Elizabeth Bohsen Haupin, DC’51 Maureen Donnelly Havas, DC’78 * Joanne Epstein Haver, DC’50 Nancy Lee Keil Havran, DC’79 Helen Kahny Haydon, DC’49 Susan R. Hayes, DC’84, SSW’93 Nancy Hays, DC’72, SSW’74 Peggy Freer Hayward, DC’61 Nancy Perry Healey, DC’73 Valerie Lynne Hearns, DC’80 Theresa E. Hefferan, DC’78 Diana Heflich Ruth Johnston Heinrich, DC’38 Miriam Yaskin Heins, DC’35 Barbara Lynn Helmich, DC’73 Margaret Throckmorton Hembling, DC’41 Anna Warrin Henderson, DC’45 Diane Klein Henderson, DC’65 Marguerite Hawke Henderson, DC’50 * Stella Longhi Hennigan, DC’57 Kathryn Pusey Henry, DC’68, SCILS’73 Linda M. Henry, DC’75 Lois E. Henry, DC’88 Cynthia Kichula Henyon, DC’67 * Lenna Wong Herlihy, DC’72 * Clara Mazaleski Herman, DC’41 Marilyn Clunn Herrmann, DC’68 Pamela Joan Hersh, DC’67, SCILS’73 Evelyn Marie Hershey, DC’84, GSNB’88 Mary Anne Hess, DC’70 Ruth Hall Hesson, DC’33 Judy M. Hibrandt-Robin, DC’74

William T. Hiering, Jr. Mary Ellen Platt Higgins, DC’52 Karen Stark Hild, DC’77, GSN’99 Margaret W. Hilgartner Carolyn Barbara Hill, DC’85 Debra Womack Hill, DC’76 James Scott Hill Mary Ellen LaDow Hill, DC’50 * Serena S. Hilsinger, DC’59 Michele Carchman Hincks, DC’88, GSM’94 Marsha Hines, DC’83 * Carla N. Hinton, DC’80 Ellen Puhl Hoag, DC’57 Frances Ryder Hobbie, DC’46, GSED’71, GSED’76 Norma Marston Hockenjos, DC’53 Dolores Zeitler Hoctor, DC’55 Elizabeth Hodgins-Schiesswohl, DC’67 Judith Anderson Hoehler, DC’53 John A. Hoffman Judith Shafrawski Hoffman, DC’88 Laura Rau Hofing, DC’58 Lois Bernstein Hofmann, DC’66 Sara Holiner, DC’67, NLAW’76 Judith T. Hollander Laura Bogert Hollingshead, DC’52 Jean Polk Holman, DC’48 Claire Caka Holmsen, DC’52 * Susan Holt Jean-Ann Rakowski Holzenthaler, DC’66 * Claudia Gorbacevich Homoki, DC’61, SCILS’78 Phyllis Levine Honig, DC’60 Miriam Lehrer Hood, DC’39 * Sarah Alexander Hoogheem, DC’53 Virginia Flessner Hoos, DC’41 Eileen M. Hopkins, DC’88 Jane Daggett Hopkins, DC’38 Marion Crews Hopper, DC’53 Barbara Murray Horl, DC’85 Jill Newirth Horn, DC’63 Mary Hornstein * Norbert G. Hornstein * Ellen Shopowich Horowitz, DC’75 Irene Nancy Gorran Horowitz, DC’63 Mary Elizabeth Horsley, DC’86 Jacqueline Rose Hott, DC’46 Marilyn Houpt, DC’50 Deborah A. Howard, LC’84 John and Mary Howard Vivian Henry Howarth, DC’38 Joan Simonson Howe, DC’51 Cheryl Linda Howitt, DC’68 Mary Clark Howland, DC’55 Marjorie Jackman Hoyler, DC’38 Sandra Sadlon Hrin, DC’74 * Jane Schoonmaker Huck, DC’63 Alice Sara Hudson, DC’79 * Julie Ann Huebsch, DC’91, GSM’92 Janice Lynn Hulik, DC’88 Ezekiel and Elizabeth Hull Mary Joan Hulsart, DC’64 Heather Lynn Humphrey, DC’79 Joan Budz Humphreys, DC’60 Mercedes Hunt Michael Hunt Rebecca Pollitt Hunt, DC’48 Mary Ann Parson Hunter, DC’65 Evelyn Cameron Hunziker, DC’45 Geraldine Fogg Hurff, DC’58 Ellen Erickson Huston, DC’67 Barbara Silver Hutcheon, DC’76 Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Hutting Jill Marie Hyland, DC’89 * Lisa Ann Iannini, DC’83 Sylvia Dreskin Ichel, DC’51, UCNB’79 Beverly Hoffman Ignatovicz, DC’71 Robert G. & Debra L. Iler Jane Mitchell Imbesi, DC’78 * Josy Weintraub Ingersoll, DC’63 Betty Reeve Inglis, DC’48 Janice Ware Irwin, DC’42 * Ghouse M. Ismail Heera Ismail Ida Breckenridge Ivan, DC’42 Rosanne Gray Izzo, DC’83 Denise Williams Jackson, DC’86 Linda D. Jackson, DC’74 Rhonda J. Jackson, DC’97, GSED’98 Elaine Haselkorn Jacob, DC’55 Susan Elizabeth Jacobi, DC’78 Katherine Jacobs, DC’65 Laurie Jacobs, DC’78 Mary Ann Connor Jacobsen, DC’50 June Fisher Jaffe, DC’65 Marianne Hirsch Jaffe, DC’54 Eleanor Farnham James, DC’54 Lisanne Armstrong James, DC’58 Marion Lackas James, DC’41 Elizabeth Mathis James-Duke, DC’58 Ellen Holsten Jamison, DC’67 Theresa A. Janasie, DC’99 Mary Anne Morriale Janish, DC’62 Jane Cochrane Jatinen, DC’64 Nilukshi R. Jayasuriya, DC’98 Louisa C. Jefferys, DC’61 Barbara Bonnefond Jenkins, DC’63, GSAPP’82 Dorte Jensen, DC’78 Hilda Decker Jensen, DC’59 Naomi Dickson Jensen, DC’48 Paulette M. Jereb, DC’67 Linda Mines Jerrow, DC’63 Linda A. Jiorle-Nagy, DC’71 Alison Coatsworth Johansson, DC’49 Edith Vallo Johnsen, DC’58 Dorothy Merritt Johnson, DC’83 Golden E. Johnson, DC’65, NLAW’71 Karen S. Johnson, DC’73 Linnea Gunnarson Johnson, DC’57, SCILS’73 Lynda Page Johnson, DC’70, GSED’74 * Margaret Patricia Johnson, DC’85

Sandra Long Johnson, DC’71 Sandra Rae Johnson, DC’65 Valerie L. Johnson, DC’75, GSNB’85 Marjorie Johnston, DC’38 Alice Williamson Jones, DC’45 Barbara Buerle Jones, DC’59 Barbara Evelyn Jones, DC’78 Bernice R. Jones, DC’53 Christine Felker Jones, DC’51 Donna Lee Iozia Jones, DC’75 * Dorothy Cahoon Jones, DC’47, SCILS’60 Margaret Lloyd Jones, DC’38 Phyllis Abrams Jones, DC’76 Mary Schayer Jude, DC’68 Nadine Galli Juestrich, DC’58 Joan Semple Jump, DC’54, GSED’60 Charles A., ENG’31, and Ann C. Jurgensen Carol H. Kaffenberger, DC’67 Claire Goldflies Kahane, DC’70 Anne Brener Kahn, DC’67 Rita Truitt Kaiser, DC’51 Joyce Ware Kalbach, DC’59 Joyce Kour Kalika, DC’55 Shirley Zassler Kalikow, DC’51 Fern Rosenblum Kamine, DC’50 Lynne Bauer Kandall, DC’63 Nancy Armen Kandoian, SCILS’77 George and Donna Kandrach Jeanmarie H. Kantor, DC’78, SCILS’80 Maureen Quap Kaplan, DC’80 Maury Baker Kaplan, DC’66 * Susan Snepar Kaplan, DC’72 Sylvia Goldstein Kaplan, DC’51 Wendy Ellen Kaplan, DC’88 Renee Strickland Kapp, DC’44 Joan Otis Kardel, DC’51 Vicky Jene Kasper, DC’87 Marian Brill Kathein, DC’50 Sophie Gyllenborg Kastner, DC’71 James and Susan Katz Wendy Ebert Katz, DC’66 Elaine W. Kaufman, DC’73 Sherryl Widowsky Kaufman, DC’72, CLAW’75 * Beena E. Kavalam, DC’98 * Adrienne Siegel Kaye, DC’72 Rosalee Morgenstern Keech, DC’73 * Sandra Burns Keefe, DC’68 Barbara Keeler-Jakobsen, DC’65 Anne Schneider Keenan, DC’53 Paula M. Kelberman, DC’73, GSED’75, GSED’88 Virginia Shrope Kelcec, DC’45 Lisa Vlkovic Keller, DC’80, GSM’87 * Geraldwyn Kufel Kelly, DC’79 Jeanne Clarke Kelly, DC’45 Marybeth Lyhne Kelman, CNUR’64, DC’77, GSNB’88 Susan Eldridge Kempe, DC’79 Ann Reiter Kendall, DC’45 Joan E. Kennedy, DC’46 Jean Keppler, DC’50 Loretta Smith Kerns, DC’45 Arlyn Meisner Kerr, DC’66 Hope Power Kerr, DC’68 Louise H. Kerr, DC’40 Bernice Scarr Kessler, DC’44 Gladys Hekimian Keuhnelian, DC’46 Jane Thatcher Keyser, DC’47 Najma and Majid Khan Sanaullah Khan Diane Rose Kiesel, DC’75 Bertha Duval Kievit, DC’47 Elizabeth Kihm, DC’72 Eleanor Marcello Kiley, DC’59 Nancy Horst Kilgallen, DC’79 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Killingsworth Marion Kim, DC’51 Moonja Park Kim, DC’70, GSNB’73, GSNB’77 Hildegarde Koehler Kimmons, DC’44 Joann Jenusaitis King, DC’77, GSM’79 Sheridan Quarless Kingsberry, DC’79, SSW’83 Virginia Fiske Kingston, DC’46 Beverley K. Kinney, DC’61 Maria Lana Saporito Kinney, DC’91 Ruth Sefton Kirk, DC’40 Dr. Susan Ellen Kirk, DC’83 Elisabeth Wyckoff Kirkbright, DC’81 * Amy Leibowitz Kirsch, DC’83 Barbara Kirsh, DC’69, GSNB’81 Joan Margison Kissling, DC’54 Adrienne Gostin Kivelson, DC’60 Clarice Kjerulff, DC’69 Florence Schmitt Klancer, DC’62, GSNB’71, UCNB’93 * E. Valerie Klaus, DC’60 * Rose Marie Klaus, DC’64 Carol A. Klaver, DC’93 June Rieur Kleban, DC’46 * Carol Sue Klein, DC’69 Charlotte Barchet Klein, DC’72 Kathleen Simpson Klein, DC’68 Olivia Huguenin Klein, DC’68 Maureen Catherine Kleissler, DC’99 Molly Arouh Klemes, DC’56 Ruth B. Klemm, DC’54 Barbara Larsen Klett, DC’56 Caroline M. Kley, DC’89, GSED’93, GSED’99 Judith Huus Klitgaard Phyllis Schlain Kluger, DC’59 Richard and Evelyn Klumb Helene Lis Knapp, DC’51 Mary Bellerjeau Knauer, DC’46 Rose A. Evans Knieling, DC’71 Jane Brown Knight, DC’52 Dr. Anne Jan-Tausch Knisely, DC’44 Susan Jane Knispel, DC’76, CLAW’79 Jill Muchler Knowles, DC’66 Betty Baur Knox, DC’33

Patricia Mate Knox, DC’57 Jane Wibiralske Knudsen, DC’41 Kirsten Hinrichsen Koch, DC’47 * Pauline Didamo Koch, DC’59 Harriet Peterson Kodama, DC’41 Joan Smeal Koenig, DC’56 * Betty Ward Koft, DC’44 Susan R. Kohn, DC’90 Susan Glassner Kolben, DC’63 Marie Cooley Koller, DC’68 Jeanne Schmidt Kollmer, DC’72 Wendy Joy Wright Koltnow, DC’86 Jeanne M. Kolva, DC’96 Barbara Mackin Kondras, DC’63 Bernice Berzof Koplin, DC’65 Janet Cottrell Korach, DC’70 Lorelei C. Koran, DC’75, GSM’91 Karen Marie Kordek, DC’79 Gaye Rothfuss Korley, DC’77, GSM’86 * Susan Iseicz Korosec, DC’83 Ann Von Minden Kosberg, DC’51 Rita Marie Kosch, DC’71 * Marion Schiefer Kosiak, DC’87 Elaine Wishy Koss, DC’52 Lynn Kotula, DC’68 Linda Lewendon Kovach, DC’66 Suzanne Kozloskie Ellen Gershan Kozlov, DC’74 Ellen V. Kozlowski, DC’66 Barbara Myers Kramer, DC’58 Cynthia Krams Kramer, DC’50 Deidre A. Kramer Doris Abel Kramer, DC’53 * Doris Silk Kramer, DC’72, GSNB’73 Zenda Cohen Krasney, DC’73, GSNB’77 Paula Sue Krauser, DC’69 Joan Brendel Krauszer, DC’49 Sharon Perlman Krefetz, DC’67 Sheila Levin Kremer, DC’63 Patricia Wolf Krewson, DC’55 Carol Lynn Krieger, DC’83 Carolyn Kristal, DC’64 Miriam Krol, DC’70 Annette Killian Kropp, DC’84 * Alice Churchill Kros, DC’61 Jeannette Brandriss Kruger, DC’31 Donna F. Kuchinski, DC’81 Linda Johns Kuchner, DC’70 * Joan Kochy Kulp, DC’54 Clara Louise Van Nuis Kumler, DC’47 Barbara April Kuntz, DC’53, GSED’71 Frances Heerich Kunz, DC’52 Denise Mauler Kurish, DC’70 M. Elaine Layton Kurtz, DC’54 Lynne Weiss Kurzweil, DC’75 Helena Kuziemska Barbara K. LaBar, DC’57, SCILS’58 Vincent Labbate Annette Fuhro Labriola, DC’68 * Gladys Goldstein Laden, DC’56 Patricia LaDuca, DC’75 * Matina W. Lagakos, DC’73 Carol Howard Laibstain, DC’57 Angela Y. Laird, DC’96 Frances Evans Lake, DC’47 Sharon Mendelson Lakind, DC’70 Gail S. Landis, DC’77 Eleanor Williams Landsman, DC’39 Rosa Lane, DC’75 Eve Pesco Langer, DC’68 Nancy D'Agostino Langmaid, DC’51 Nancy Smith Lankas, DC’66 Beth Weisel Lankenau, DC’80 Sandra Hahn Lanman, DC’72 Wendy Nan Lapidus-Saltz, DC’79 Susan LaPlaca-Halas, DC’86 * Barbara A. Larsen, DC’78 Doris Clegg Larsen, DC’42 Margaret Hogan Larson, DC’51 Marjory Clark Larson, DC’54 Zelda M. Laskowsky, DC’67 Eileen Johnson Laszlo, DC’85 Linda Hack Latimer, DC’71 * Diane Giaquinto Lattanzio, DC’77 Marilyn Laufer, DC’76 Irene Messner Laureyns, DC’58 Marijean Lauzier, DC’81 Phyllis Davidson Lavitt, DC’45 Margaret Moore Law, DC’45 Eleanor Sklaw Lazarus, DC’60 Susan Lazorchak, DC’90 Marilyn Pruce Le Cerff, DC’75 * Olga Specht Leafgreen, DC’36 Elizabeth Van Duyne Learmont, DC’38 Phyllis Crenshaw Learned, DC’50 Phyllis Atkinson LeBourveau, DC’46 Anita Compton Lee, DC’69 Lillian Lee Robyn Bellek Lee, DC’73 Carol Greenspon Lefelt, DC’64, GSED’75 Donna Rumpeltin Legan, DC’78 Jane Sharkey Lehmann, DC’54 Anonymous Elizabeth Hill Lehrer, DC’76 Anita Weishaupl Leighton, DC’66 Elizabeth E. Leitereg, DC’79 Miriam E. Lemerman, DC’61 Elizabeth Lemesevski, DC’90, SBNB’90 Katherine Lenetti-Lynch, DC’86 Deborah M. Lentine, DC’71 Ellen Turow Lenz, DC’61 Cathy Ann Leonard, DC’83, GSM’87 Cora Wakefield Leonard, DC’30 Ida A. Leone, DC’44 Zena Weinstein Lerman, DC’52 Arthur M. Lerner, ENG’50, GSNB’54 Carol Gould Lerner, DC’50 Joan Hardy Lesniewski, DC’81 * Sara Dintiman Leuallen, DC’43 Lisa Ann Levetsanos, DC’85 * Denise Imbriglio Levin, DC’78 Susan Bass Levin Shari Levine Spector, DC’94

Felice Ascher Levine, DC’75 Harriet Katzman Levine, DC’54 Harvey Jory Levine Helen Groveman Levine, DC’75 Susan Levinson, DC’81 Theda Densky Levitt, DC’67 Suzanne M. Levy, DC’77 Betsy Dumbroff Lewinson, DC’57 Doris Cohn Lewinson, DC’30 Wendy Rappaport Lewis, DC’74 Cynthia Marie Lewis-Diaz, DC’83 Elizabeth McAuley Ley, DC’53 Shirley Atchison Liakos, DC’75 Regina Lichtsztral Ina Bloomenstein Liddell, DC’70 * Dr. Michael Jay Lieb, RC’62, GSNB’64 Roslyn Corenzwit Lieb, DC’64 Karen Sundermier Lieberman, DC’70 Judith Rosenthal Lief, DC’72 Rebecca J. Lifchus, DC’97 Colleen Liggett, DC’76 Reina Silverman Lightdale, DC’64, GSNB’65 Marissa A. Liguori, DC’99, SCILS’99 Dorothy Davis Limbach, DC’39 Cathleen Frey Lindamood, DC’77 Joan Levy Linderman, DC’68 Mary Gibson Lindgren, DC’35 Doris Hastings Lindsay, DC’45 Marcia J. Lipetz, DC’69 Connie and Kirk Lippincott Melissa Mary Liptak, DC’90 Miriam Segal Lipton, DC’41 Belle Pretter Liss, DC’75 Kay Budres Lister, DC’86 Judith Melnik Litchman, DC’52 Rosemary Allen Little, DC’60, SCILS’61 Cindy Y. Liu, DC’96, SBNB’96 Lenore Marcus Livingston, DC’59 Virginia Lo Castro, DC’67 Jo Anne S. Lo Sapio, DC’80 Carol Crowder Lochbaum, DC’58 * Phyllis Talluto Logie, DC’60 Agnes Lombardo-Lener, DC’72 Joan Bradley Lonergan, DC’61 E.Judith Baulch Long, DC’58 Stephanie Carolyn Longo, DC’70, SSW’87 Greta Gustafson Loomis, DC’60 Bonnie Quinn LoPiccolo, DC’85 Viola S. Lordi, DC’72, NLAW’84 Dawn Lospaluto, DC’64 Alicia A. Louttit, DC’93 Susan Richter Lovell, DC’70 Violet Molinell Low, DC’39 Gail Cohoon Lowden, DC’60 * Betsy Bullock Loxterman, DC’65 Susan Peng-Yu Lu, DC’77, GSM’82 Adelaide Wishnow Luber, DC’49 Jane Marie Lucciano, DC’84, GSNB’88 Diane Jarotski Lucianin, DC’77 Faithe and Roger Ludlow Kathleen Whitehead Ludwig, DC’75 Virginia Nutting Lumis, DC’45 Merle Lundy, DC’68 Linda Lupro, DC’71, SCILS’74 Donna Buonanno Luttrell, DC’67 Jessie G. Lutz Bernice Adler Luxemburg, DC’41 Lynn Allan Telfer Lyle, DC’80 * Debra Lynch, DC’79 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lynch * Margery Dowd Maas, DC’51 Helen Timcoe MacAllister, DC’37, GSNB’39 B. Eleanor MacDonald, DC’51 Sheila J. MacDonald, DC’80 Ruth Raynor Mace, DC’44 Marjorie Inscho MacFarland, DC’50 * Diane Blew MacGregor, DC’54, SSW’57 Victoria M. Macholtz, DC’63 Helen Rotkewicz MacKenzie, DC’47 Paula Vanderbeek Mackintosh, DC’68 Lydia Agnoli MacMillan, DC’66 Nicole Macri, DC’94 Myra Greenberg Madnick, DC’63 Farrah C. Maffai, DC’97, SCILS’97 Phyllis Pollock Magat, DC’44 Charlotte A. Mager, DC’65 Justine Sterner Magsig, DC’42 Linda Cox Maguire, DC’70 Sally Ward Maguire, DC’49 Mary Sullivan Mahony, DC’71 Claudia Pilato Maietta, DC’77 Catherine Maiorisi, DC’60 Mary Ellen Grace Malague, DC’53, SCILS’89 * Janet May Malcolm, DC’45 Carol O'Neill Malehorn, DC’53 Dale Dorsky Malesko, DC’74 Gertrude Wilt Mallamo, DC’43 Linda Reid Malleck, DC’75 Joyce Hill Mallery, DC’46 * Lynne Joiner Malley, DC’67 Teresa Hanneken Malley, DC’60 Mary Ann Schwarzkopf Malloy, DC’54, SCILS’56 Judith Mozzo Malsbury, DC’68 Barbara Bainbridge Mamchur, DC’64 Anthony J. and Barbara J. Mammano Ruth Happel Mamunes, DC’64 Janet Cohen Mandel, DC’71 Esther Mandelay, DC’70 Susan Rosenthal Mandell, DC’64 Nikki Mangione, DC’99 Benigno Manibo Kathleen Connolly Mankowich, DC’81 Donna Rosemarie Manradge, DC’87 Judith Salsky Mansbach, DC’79 Susan Mansfield, DC’72, GSED’77, GSED’85

Anastasia Celia Mantia, DC’50 Linda Frances Marchant, DC’73, GSNB’78, GSNB’81 Maureen Mc Donnell Marchetta, DC’72, GSNB’78 Joan Spurling Marcus, DC’62 Priscilla A. Marek, DC’49 Gayle Breslow Marger, DC’65 Judith Marcus Margolis, DC’67 Sharon Wells Marra, DC’75 D. Lynne Trombley Marsh, DC’60 David J. Marsh Lilian Carncross Marsh, DC’53 * Katherine Finnegan Martin, DC’75 Maureen Ann Martin, DC’83 Sharon Lee Martin, DC’83 Carolyn Martus, DC’95 Regina Johnson Marulli, DC’78 Debra-Rose Danesi Marx, DC’78 Joanne Testa Masingill, DC’68 John D. Maso Lynne Milia Mason, DC’69 Dianna G. Masto, DC’77 Maria Mastrangelo, COOK’78 Antoinet Mastro, DC’98 Maria C. Mastrobuono, DC’73 * Arlene Mastrocola, DC’77 Rosemarie Sorrentino Mastropoalo, DC’68 Maria Brancato Matera, DC’70 Monica Mathern, DC’79 Alyse Elias Matsil, DC’80 Therese MacDonald Matthews, DC’82 Alice Del Tufo Mattia, DC’45 Helen Eldridge Maulsby, DC’41 Beatrice M. May, DC’49 Linda L. Mayro, DC’70 Shirley Cohen Maze, DC’39 Patricia Bontempo Mc Clellan Ethel Welti Mc Ewan, DC’41 Kathleen A. McAdam, DC’57 * Susan McAndrew, DC’69 Laura Louise McAuliffe, DC’69 Joan Turton McBee, DC’64 Judy Dechert McBride, DC’64 Lois Doeler McBride, DC’55 Jane McCarthy, DC’68 Doris Lackey McCloskey, DC’45 Doris Brogelmann McCluskey, DC’45 Bonnie Amerman McCoy, DC’57 Leonora Smith McCoy, DC’63 Katherine Michel McCrea, DC’48 Dorothy Ann McCue, DC’56, GSED’64 Lydia Moss McDonald, DC’42 Judith Owen McDonnell, DC’64 Valerie K. McDonough, DC’71 Lynn Blessing McDougall, DC’84, CLAW’92 Kathryn McEwen, DC’49 Cheryl Steggall McFarland, DC’82 Diane Cocchia McGee, DC’85 Deborah McGinn, DC’73 Joanne McGrath, DC’69 Ceda Watts McGrew, DC’59 Jayne Charlot McGuigan, DC’80 Gloria Arsove McGuire, DC’44 Michele Ann McHugh Mazzatta, DC’87 Deborah Frances McIlroy, DC’76 Thomas McKay III, RC’69 Trudi Holden McKeeby, DC’62 Sheila Cooper McKenna, DC’89 Barbara Stephen McLaren, DC’50, GSED’64 Dorlyn Law McLaughlin, DC’87 Mary Ellen McCabe McLean, DC’74 * Sheila M. Mclean, DC’97 Emanons McLeod June A. McMahon Margaret Strebinger McMahon, DC’41 Frances Senkowsky McNeal, DC’43 Wanda Lacy McNeill, DC’82 * Mary Ann Poggi McRae, DC’63 Barbara Pearce McWilliams, DC’76 Theresa Cimino Means, DC’61 Eleanor Columbo Meardon, DC’77 Marian Brown Mearns, DC’53 Margaret Quay Mebus, DC’55 Patricia Shovan Megalos, DC’79 Judith Agin Megibow, DC’65 Norma Wilthew Melick, DC’50 Jill Kamp Melton, DC’67 Diane F. Menditto, DC’70 Carolyn Hillers Menges, DC’54 Helen McChesney Mennitto, DC’40 Suzanne Strusiak Mercorelli, DC’77 * Pamela Van Benthuysen Mercurio, DC’77 * James and Dianne Mero Keith Merrill Janice Sanner Merriman, DC’64 Joann Choi Messina, DC’95, NLAW’99 Mary Ball Messina, DC’79 * Dorothy Tilton Messineo, DC’47 Joan Schultz Metrione, DC’53 Betty Jane Meulenbroek, DC’63, SCILS’64 Eleanor Grimes Meyer, DC’54 * Jeanette S. Meyer, DC’77 Annette Brafman Meyers, DC’55 Carol De Lisle Meyers, DC’58 * Joann Mezzacappa Helene R. Michaels Mary Cunningham Mickus, DC’67 June Brenneis Middleton, DC’67 Marie Kahnberg Mielbrecht, DC’59 Annie Piskorowski Miele, DC’54, GSED’60 Pamela J. Mikle Susan Ball Mikorski, DC’75, GSED’81 Katherine E. Milan, DC’75 Barbara Battaglia Millar, DC’73 Anne Boardman Miller, DC’75 Barbara Hansen Miller, DC’44 Bruce P. Miller Carol Poh Miller, DC’72

Diane Miller Evelyn Friedman Miller, DC’58 Gladys M. Miller, DC’47 Harriet Kuryk Miller, DC’70, NLAW’73 Janet Pearsall Miller, DC’43 Janice Miller, DC’79 Lenore Shapiro Miller, DC’52 Lucille Frenzke Miller, DC’50 M. Elizabeth Miller, DC’78, GSNB’82 * Sarah Johnson Miller, DC’57 Sylvia Lundy Miller, DC’68 Winifred Malloy Miller, DC’50 Julane W. Miller-Armbrister, DC’74, SSW’79 Doris Ann Mills, ED’60 Grace Wilson Millspaugh, DC’52 Vivian Kaufman Milstone, DC’33 Priscilla Wilson Milton, DC’72 Barbara Wolf Mintz, DC’73 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mintz Alice Dennery Mitchell, DC’44 Helen Henderson Mitchell, DC’57 Karin Rasmussen Mitchell, DC’77, GSNB’84 Fumiko Miyoshi Janel M. Modoski, DC’99 Cynthia Schultz Moeller, DC’76 Kathleen Low Mogensen, DC’68 Kristen M. Mogensen, DC’92 Carol Molinari, DC’53, GSED’62 Helen A. Mollick, DC’75 Donna Addicott Molnar, DC’57 Bartholemew and Cynthia Mondino * Carol Ann Monroe, DC’86, GSM’91 Jacqueline Y. Montgomery, DC’73, GSED’75 Susan Fenton Mooney, DC’68 * Ruth Bromby Moore, DC’65 Susan E. Moore, DC’74 Theresa Carver Moore, DC’70, GSED’76 Maggie M. Moran, DC’96 Maria H. Moran, DC’94 Tao S. Moran, DC’92 Corinne Ellen Schneider Moreno, DC’77 Aileen Rodgers Morgan, DC’47 E. Joyce Morgan Karen Lynn Morgan, DC’79, CNUR’83 Louise Morgan, DC’61, GSNB’79 Mrs. Mary Lohr Morgan, DC’64, SCILS’65 Alexia Morrison, DC’69 Carol Lattimore Morrison, DC’63 Eve Coombs Morrison, DC’46 Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Morrison Lydia Djambinov Moschkin, DC’75 Linda Kopf Moses, DC’63 Rhoda Appel Mosesof, DC’40, GSED’49 Robert C. Moskin Deanne Moskowitz, DC’67 Helaine Berse Moss, DC’77 Virginia Craig Mountain, DC’75 Nancy Kirk Mountford, DC’71 Ellen Jane Mowbray, DC’79 Marian Kranzler Moyer, DC’57 * Bonnie Post Mozda, DC’76 Diane Tausta Mozzo, DC’68 Ellen Jacobs Mugmon, DC’71 Masood Muhammad Elizabeth S. Muller, DC’65, GSNB’71 Holly B. Muller, DC’98, GSNB’99 Grace A. Mumoli, DC’98 Donna Marie Murasko, DC’72 Marcia Roche Murday, DC’61 Jeanne McKee Murdock, DC’50 Anne Milewski Murphy, DC’75 Laura Groves Murphy, DC’79 Ramona Murphy Victoria De Rosa Murphy, DC’71 Elizabeth Kelley Murray, DC’42 Kathleen A. Murray, DC’71 Rita R. Murrell, DC’86 Kathy Chapman Musumeci, DC’78 Marybeth Musumeci, DC’96 Jo Anne Myers, DC’63 * Mary DeHaven Myers, DC’71 Rita Myers, DC’69 Lynn K. Mytelka, DC’64 Sheila Leavitt Nagar, DC’61, GSNB’68 Judith M. Nagata, DC’92, SCILS’98 Susan Morris Nagler, DC’69 Lawrence P. Nahay * Grace Donkersloot Napier, DC’44 Christina Miller Nater, DC’82 * Helen Meurich Nathan, DC’48 Emilie D. Nawrock, DC’67 * Jane Claire Nehila, DC’83 Kathleen Scanlon Neidhart, DC’52, SCILS’69 Gail Bergoffen Neldon, DC’64 Barbara Hutchins Nelson, DC’60 Dr. Cynthia L. Nelson, DC’72 Claire Eckberg Nemesi, DC’51 Marie Kozesnik Nemeth, DC’31 Joan Klapp Nemirow, DC’69 Jeanne Dura Nenninger, DC’51 Linda Nesheiwat, DC’72 Mary Patricia Nespoli-Fralick, DC’85 Susan P. Ness, DC’70 Andrea Marie Neumann, DC’79, GSNB’82 Judith Dare Newberg, DC’82 Dorian Zelinka Newill, DC’68 Diane Darivoff Newman, DC’77 Dona Pennington Newman, DC’84 Frances Perry Newton, DC’51, SCILS’74 Barbara Gray Nicholson, DC’50 Robin Bonner Nicol, DC’73 Susan B. Niefield, DC’74, GSNB’78 Christine Espeland Niemann, DC’68 Naomi Fuchs Nierenberg, DC’58 Roslyn Holtzman Nierenberg, DC’50

Dalida Rizk Nigro, DC’89, DC’92 Helen Greenwood Nims, DC’36 Carol Gottlieb Noble, DC’68 Sarah Ellen Noddings, DC’65, SSW’68 * Nancy Weber Noe, DC’51 Zoe Lehmann Nonemaker, DC’57 Ruth Koehler Nordhausen, DC’50 Betsey S. Norland, DC’98 Carol Rotatori Norris, DC’66 Mary Ann Nothdurft, DC’76, GSNB’84 Susan Montegna Novak, DC’70, SCILS’72 Sarah Mytton Nunamaker, DC’33 Jill Marie Obertubbesing, DC’76 Roberta Forman Obler, DC’71 Ruth Ann Bure O'Brien, DC’48 * Virginia Molony O'Brien, DC’40 Stefan and Marguerite Ochs Zoe Thiffault O'Connell, DC’42 Diana Powers O'Connor, DC’60 Mary Casey O'Connor, DC’76, SSW’79 Rochelle M. Ohring, DC’78, GSM’83 * Leslie O'Keefe-Conlon, DC’72, GSNB’75 Suzanne Grossman Okun, DC’51 Dora Vazquez Older, DC’69 Arthur Olin Ferris R. Olin, DC’70, SCILS’72, GSNB’75, GSNB’98 Carla Dragan Olinger, DC’75 Charlotte Nudge Oliva, DC’52 June E. Olkowski, DC’82 Debra Ann Olszewski, DC’80 Sandra C. Olters, DC’77 Mary Nallin Omstead, DC’74, GSNB’77 Katherine Sunder O'Neill, DC’33 Gerda Schumm Orem, DC’56 Robin Elbaum Oremland, DC’83, GSM’90 * Josephine Guttman Orenstein, DC’58, SCILS’60 Nancy Gail Orland, DC’83 Rose Cohn Oroshnik, DC’39 Catherine Michalski Ortenburger, DC’68 Florence Mazanoski Ostapko, DC’69 * Roberta Ostrow, DC’66 Matilda L. Ottenberg, DC’86 Amy K. Owen, DC’96 Elinor Hankins Owens, DC’43 Patricia H. Oye, DC’71 Diane Zitnak Pabst, DC’69 * Linda Marie Pace, DC’84 Christina L. Pagano, DC’69 Mary Susan Page, DC’81, SCILS’83 Colleen O'Connor Paige, DC’76 Lois Ferguson Paige, DC’35 Kaye Bard Paletz, DC’72 Anita Marlais Palihnich, DC’56 Millicent Lott Palmer, DC’53 Nancy Stoop Palmer, DC’65 Shirley See-Nay Pang, DC’71 Lynne Toft Parets, DC’42 Barbara Cooper Pargot, DC’65 Kimberly Ann Parke, DC’91 Joyce Graves Parker, DC’49 Myrita Milligan Parker, DC’43 Sandra Weber Parker-Shively, DC’61 Leanne Joseph Parks, DC’66 Pamela Taylor Parris, DC’69 Dorothy Hargreaves Parsons, DC’39 Noreen Nolan Parsons, DC’61 Carol Pampalone Patrick, DC’63 Carolyn L. Patroni Janice Hahn Pattberg, DC’34 Christine Pattee, DC’63 Patricia Decker Patterson, DC’60 Laure Sheitelman Paul, DC’68 Debra S. Pawa, DC’75 Evelyn Clements Pearce, DC’48 Margaret Hospidor Pearlson, DC’60 Lauren Jeanne Oakley Peavler, DC’85 Cheryl Evans Pedersen, DC’69, GSM’92 Virginia Matko Pelizzoni, DC’73 Lori Wilma Pencek, DC’85 Joan Maffee Penhall, DC’69 Marie Piergrossi Percopo, DC’70 Eileen Snyder Pereira, DC’68 Ruth Waldman Perlstein, DC’59, GSED’67 Rose Perone, DC’51 Elsie Wildanger Perry, DC’38 Lynne Gallagher Perry, DC’59 Ruth Weckesser Perry, DC’50 Lucy A. Pesce, DC’95 Barbara Kedersha Pesciotta, DC’57 * Doris Freiman Peskin, DC’40, GSED’76 Lorena Reith Peter, DC’69 Barbara Helen Peterman, DC’77 Dorothy Coyle Peters, DC’48 Jacqueline Weinstein Petersen, DC’81 Margaret Scott Pettingell, DC’68, GSED’78 Lynne Archibald Peverley, DC’67 * Barbara Griffith Pfitzenmayer, DC’53 Carol Ann Pharis, DC’62 Marian Miceli Phillips, DC’73 * Barbara Mosch Piaget, DC’52 Angela Bly Pichichero, DC’72 Jan Davis Picker, DC’69 * Darci Beavers Pickering, DC’74 Sandra Piech, DC’69 Jeanne McCullough Pinney, DC’83 Tina Marie Pitarresi, DC’83 Lois Speri Pitetti, DC’63 Elizabeth Lynch Pitt, DC’69 Lynn Giorgi Planer, DC’82 Joan Maris Hecker Plasner, DC’69

James and Rae Plick Bettyann Sinnigen Plishker, DC’61 Alice Merrill Plutchok, DC’66 Lucille Bourath Pogue, DC’33 Barbara Bystrek Polgar, DC’70 Jane Freed Polgar, DC’63 Glennis Pavloff Politziner, DC’64 Norman Jay, GSM’66, and Dorothy Strauss Politziner, DC’68 Trista Lanette Pollard, DC’90 Sybil Holtz Pollet, DC’63 Sylvia Lazan Ponemon, DC’40 Theresa Quaranta Pontrelli, DC’48 Margaret Ann Poole, DC’79, GSNB’83, GSNB’86 Christine F. Pootjes, DC’49, GSNB’63 Georgene Poplaski, DC’79 Mindy Abrams Porcelan, DC’77 Janet Jamieson Porcelli, DC’69 Rhona Wang Porter, DC’66, SSW’86 Margaret Morley Porteus, DC’51 Mary Kiser Post, DC’44 Helen Hunter Potter, DC’65 Rachel Jaqueline Potter, DC’68, GSNB’73 Diane M. Bilhardt Potts, DC’74, GSM’80 * Ruth-Alice Cunningham Potts, DC’48 Josephine R. Potuto, DC’67, NLAW’74 Loretta Guastella Povlich, DC’71 Elaine Nochumson Powell, DC’57 Marilyn Forman Powell, DC’59 * Marilyn Judith Raitano Praisner, DC’63 Rhoda Lifschutz Pramer, DC’48 Joyce Kuchar Pratt, DC’47 * Diana L. Prechter, DC’76 Sandra Weinstein Preis, DC’57 Anna M. Prentice, DC’95 Patricia Radley Pribish, DC’83 Nancy Jane Priff, DC’75 Leslie Printz, DC’80 * Linda Lopresti Proulx, DC’81 Thelma Preminger Prussack, DC’51 Laura A. Pugliese Ralph Pugliese Marie Farinella Puleo, DC’51 Louise Gartner Pullman, DC’41 Linda Ritter Pulsinelli, DC’65 Leslie Goldman Pumphrey, DC’66 Anjana S. Pursnani, DC’90 * Linda Carol Purtell, DC’81 Susan Azzaretti Puskar, DC’91 Janet Thompson Putney, DC’36 Francine M. Quaglio, DC’67 Jacqueline P. Quigley, DC’85 Florence Quimoyog Robert James Quinet, M.D., RC’70 Mildred Smith Quinlan, DC’52 Jacqueline Quinn, DC’48 Joanne Santore Quinn, DC’71 Marie T. Quinn, DC’78, NLAW’85 Randi Raaen, DC’70 Carol Gelles Rabinowitz, DC’68 Michele Backlar Rabinowitz, DC’69, GSNB’74 * Rita Tubertini Radke, DC’70 Suzanne Leischker Rafter, DC’69 Denise Ragland, DC’93 Cecilia Avon Rahner, DC’49 Elsa Borghaus Rairden, DC’46 Joanne Gallos Rake, DC’70 Shelley Cohen Ramsey, DC’75 Linda Vallone Randall, DC’73 Margaret Farley Randall, DC’50 Miriam Whintrop Rappaport, DC’42 Randa Paul Ratazzi, DC’63 Jeanne Helm Ratti, DC’47 Helen Seldon Rattray, DC’56 Dorothy and Joseph Ravener Elaine Dworkin Ravich, DC’50 Rosemary Karcher Reavey, DC’61, NLAW’64 Annamarie Cavanagh Reckwerdt, DC’91, SBNB’91 Charles R. Redmond, RC’50 Elizabeth Fabula Redmond, DC’51 Gertrude Scholl Reed, DC’49, SCILS’57 Patricia M. Reed, DC’75 Maureen O'Donnell Rees, DC’86, SCILS’88 Sarah Hassell Reese, DC’30 Nancy Vandersea Rehberg, DC’59 Anna Haas Reiher, DC’48 Mildred Winifred Reilly, DC’37 Wendy B. Reilly, DC’97, NLAW’00 Deborah and Joseph Rein * Zelda Zelnick Reinhart, DC’57, SCILS’93 * Ellen Wasser Reitman, DC’66 Syril Strauss Reitman, DC’34 Phyllis Lieberman Remolador, DC’72, GSM’85 * Barbara Dodd Remsen, DC’51 Marsha Elizabeth Renwanz, DC’73 Jeanne Thomason Reock, DC’53 Ellen Blitzer Ress, DC’67 Jennifer Ann Rethore Ellis, DC’91 Phyllis Cryan Reynolds, DC’50 Elizabeth Grieder Ricci, DC’63 Kathleen Elizabeth Ricci, DC’83 Elizabeth Wood Richardson, DC’48 Sarah Hocking Richardson, DC’67 Lorraine Riesenbach Marvin S. Riesenbach, GSM’54 Elaine Wickham Rifkin, DC’64 Rita Skurzynski Rigalinski, DC’55 Lucy Fuller Riley, DC’34 Lucille Ringel, DC’39 Susan La Croix Rinker, DC’69 Helen Wolf Ripak, DC’66 Carol Zlotkin Rippetoe, DC’66 Miriam Steinberg Riskin, DC’42 Francine Greenberg Rissman, DC’49 Deborah Ritter, DC’74 Patricia Ritterson, DC’71 Christine Marie Robak, DC’81 Catherine J. Robbins, DC’76


Lynne Rosenblum Roberts, DC’65, GSNB’67 Patricia Maher Roberts, DC’48 Ruth Sowter Robeson, DC’42 Helena Tenenbaum Robinson, DC’77 Linda J. Robinson, DC’68, NLAW’80 Mildred Pyenson Robinson, DC’68 Tara Glass Robinson, DC’65 Alfred H. Roesch, RC’57 Kathryn Mills Roettger, DC’70, NLAW’76 Maira Stam Rogers, DC’87 Edythe Herbell Rohrbach, DC’30 Vicie Rolling-Washington, DC’71 Julia Bogdan Rollo, DC’89 Marjorie Backus Romano, DC’54 La Verne Schlegel Roncalli, DC’58 * Maria Roodal Nina Roscher Jane Nagy Roseff, DC’81 Adelaide Greenberg Rosen, DC’53 James Nathan Rosenau Gayle Lynn Rosenbach, DC’72 Naomi Kopstein Rosenbach, DC’42 Aileen Potter Rosenberg, DC’61 Estelle Holiner Rosenberg, DC’38 Susan Browne Rosenberg, DC’79 Amy J. Rosenberg-Roy, DC’90, GMLR’95 Enid Utal Rosenblatt, DC’48 * Esther Laufer Rosenblum, DC’54, GSNB’67 June Oxley Rosenfeld, DC’48 Judith Womer Rosenstein, DC’66 Linda Lederman Rosenstein, DC’67 Ethel Preminger Rosenthal, DC’49 Eileen Loeb Rosfjord, DC’66 Joan Mulhern Rosner, DC’39 Joy Fox Rosner, DC’62 Cynthia Seaman Ross, DC’71 Leslie Alrich Roster, DC’65, GSED’67 Linda Rothman, DC’76 * Ruth Gruman Rothman, DC’57 Frances Silber Rothschild, DC’66 Patricia Feeley Roush, DC’66 * Constance Mazzella Rowan, DC’67 * Linda Rathgeber Rowse, DC’69 Janine Laurencot Roy, DC’84 Jean Zellers Roy, DC’51, GSED’58 Louise Miller Rozansky, DC’82 Donna Chilkotowsky Rozek, DC’79 * Miriam Rozo, DC’77 * Mildred Venafro Ruane, DC’75 Beverly Rubin Holly-Dee Corn Rubin, DC’81 Lois Aaron Rubin, DC’46, GSED’70 Sonya Sondak Rubin, DC’50 Susan Waks Rubinoff, DC’74 Lisa Dorio Ruch, DC’89 Marcia Grossman Rudoff, DC’52 Susan Hart Rudy, DC’81 Brenda M. Ruetschi, DC’96 Nancy A. Ruggiero, DC’76 Patricia Frohling Runyon, DC’51 Marilyn Nelson Russell, DC’51 Julie Dettling Russo, DC’87 * Teresa M. Abatmarco Russo, DC’84 Elaine Glickman Rutman, DC’62 Kathleen Licwinko Rutter, DC’74 Daniel and Susan Ryand Evelyn Nemeth Ryan, DC’69 * Maureen Donlan Ryan, DC’93 Mildred Sullivan Ryan, DC’29, GSNB’32 Marilyn Padgursky Sabo, DC’58, GSNB’76 Ruth Lechter Sabo, DC’65 Mary Catharine Sabol, DC’70, SCILS’73 Fredda Klein Sacharow, DC’71 Jeannee Patricia Sacken, DC’75 Junelynn Sadlowski Elizabeth Glasser Sadwith, DC’60 Maria D. Sakowitz, DC’91 Margaret Prichard Salsberg, DC’55 * Jennifer M. Salt, DC’96 Ellen Willis Salvione, DC’67 Bettijean Abbott Sanders, DC’77, GSM’82 Betty Truncer Sanders, DC’43 Dora Cargille Sanders, DC’49 Maryellen Gardocki Sandor, DC’97 * Frank and Eileen Sanford Phyllis Litwin Santamarina, DC’51 Maura Santangelo, DC’71 Carol Judis Saperstein, DC’59 Estelle Gottesman Saplicki, DC’47 Ellen Gutwill Saraisky, DC’60 Lois Manger Sarles, DC’59 Elizabeth Schomp Sauerland, DC’58 Loretta Joos Saunderson, DC’61 Eve Savastano Beverly Mithen Savidge, DC’38, GSED’59, GSED’68 Ellen M. Saxon, DC’78 Laurie Chafetz Scala, DC’75 John A. and Terry Scardino Audrey Onufer Scarpa, DC’63 * Judith Spano Scarpone, DC’63 Geraldine Lawrence Schaaf, DC’46 * Doris Teichmeister Schaefer, DC’56 Arlene Guenzel Schalich, DC’56 Robert F. Schanker Barbara Rembis Scharf, DC’73 Ruth Silberberg Schatzman, DC’33 Amy Blumenau Schechner, DC’80 * Debra Youngerman Schein, DC’69 Donna Schenk, DC’68 * Donna Cohen Scher, DC’62, GSED’67 Margaret Kraemer Schieck, DC’66 Ellen R. Schiereck, DC’69


Roberta Lipton Schiffer, DC’66 Ruth Goodman Schiffman, DC’46 Marjorie Zepp Schindelar, DC’54 Eva Bloom Schlachter, DC’79 Gloria Grush Schlaepfer, DC’54 Denise Bergeron Schleckser, DC’85 Nycha Schlegel Judith Davidson Schleimer, DC’65 Alice Donner Schlein, DC’61 Mildred Schlimbach Barbara J. Schloss, DC’62 Nancy Baier Schmehl, DC’64 * Betty Lou Parr Schmidt, DC’56 Carol Jackman Schmidt, DC’43 Elvira Steward Schmidt, DC’43 Kathryn Ullmann Schmidt, DC’80 Mary A. Schmidt, DC’78 Mary McClafferty Schmidt, DC’46 Rhoda Schmulowitz Elaine Hoffman Schneider, DC’85 Freda Rosenberg Schneider, DC’45 Anne Matus Schnuriger, DC’92 Janice Petzold Schocklin, DC’72 Hazel Pimm Schoenberg, DC’58 Felice Bruckner Schrager, DC’70, GSNB’74 Bonnie Zirkin Schreiber, DC’79 Sandra McBride Schroeder, DC’81 Isabelle Shrope Schuessler, DC’42 Sandra Fritz Schwaighofer, DC’74 * Diane Gottlieb Schwartz, DC’63 Eileen Wilner Schwartz, DC’64 Esther and Howard Schwartz Judith Greene Schwartz, DC’63 Harriet Schwarzber Lynn Hardtke Schwenzer, DC’81 Else Theurer Schweppe, DC’42 Susan Kauder Schwirck, DC’71 Valerie Kneale Schwolow, DC’65 Theresa M. Sciacchetano, DC’98 Wendy Kirsch Sclight, DC’70 * Betty Ann Scott, DC’81 David R. Scott Kathleen Scaler Scott, DC’91 Anne Bacchini Scragg, DC’54 J. Marie Olsen Seavy, DC’47 Eleanor Hanoka Seel, DC’70, SSW’76 Madeline Luria Seeman, DC’63 Diane Seessel, DC’81 Rhoda Luber Segal, DC’55 Joal A. and Kathy Segall Linda Abeles Seigelman, DC’72, GSED’78 Joan Capezzuto Selbo, DC’70, GSNB’80 * Rita Turkel Selesner, DC’67 Mary Truppo Selover, DC’54 Deborah Coogan Seltzer, DC’85 Paula Seltzer, DC’96 Marilyn Gruber Semer, DC’66 Maria E. Semple, DC’85 * Christine Neumark Senoski, DC’67 Peter and Christine Sepelya Joyce Serido, DC’75 Rita Susan Serotkin, DC’68 Edvige Virginia Serra, DC’49 * Christina Cerce Setzkorn, DC’80 Carol Flomerfelt Seymour, DC’53 Carol Hemecker Shacknai, DC’85 Barbara L. Shanley, DC’78 Sharon Gertner Shapiro, DC’67 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Shapiro William and Evelyn Shea Deborah Bialek Shedrow, DC’75 Jean O'Grady Sheehan, DC’43 Dr. Fadlou Shehadi Elizabeth Underwood Sheld, DC’45 Theresa H. Shelley, DC’48 Elisabeth Ruth Kilthau Shepard, DC’48 Mary Theresa Sherrer, DC’85 Kathryn B. Sherrod, DC’68 Harriet and William Shih Judith Keller Shilstone, DC’64 * Nancy Schopp Shimmel, DC’72 Harvey B. and Mary R. Singer Donald Shipley Kathleen Kramer Shipley, DC’70 * Annette Mc Coy Shipp, DC’67 Betty Annis Shoemaker, DC’49 Helen Reiter Shoemaker, DC’45 Linda Lazarus Shoobe, DC’61 Ellen McRoberts Shornack, DC’57, SSW’62 Dr. Bettie Frank Shrensel, DC’76 Janice Hack Shure, DC’65 Diana Schmidt Sicar, DC’88, SBNB’88 Margaret Ann Siegel, DC’69 Steven and Joan Siegel Annice Blumberg Silberberg, DC’42 Muriel Hecht Silberner, DC’43 Joan P. Silbiger, DC’80 * Dr. Sheryl Lederman Silfen, DC’71 * Dr. Diane Solomon Silver, DC’65 Leah Bassan Silver, DC’71 * Miriam Goodman Silver, DC’51 Steven A. Silverman Evelyn Glatt Silverstein, DC’62 * Nadine Feiler Silverstein, DC’70 Lynne Masto Silvestro, DC’64 Helen Slingerland Sim, DC’33 Janice Gast Simkin, DC’48, SCILS’64 Theodore T. Simkin Doreen Reinhard Simko, DC’58 Marion Keppler Simmons, DC’55 Rhoda Tapper Simon, DC’41 Carole Fine Simonse, DC’56 Jeannette Edith Simpson, DC’36 Susan Joseph Singer, DC’70 Mary Leonide Sipski, DC’72 Helen Messeka Siry, DC’52, GSED’57 Lucille Walters Sisson, DC’36 Karen Sitarski

Susan M. Skelly, DC’77 Patricia L. Skuder, DC’92 * Judith Roemer Slade, DC’63, GSED’66 * Ruth Dimond Slater, DC’28 Iva Newton Sleeper, DC’45 Muriel Hoch Slevin, DC’66 Sally Slobodien, DC’72 Juli Mandel Sloves, DC’90 Loretta Rothman Slovin, DC’63 Elizabeth A. Sluzis, DC’72, GSNB’74, GSNB’89 Geraldine Koepke Small, DC’53 Marilyn Cohen Smilowitz, DC’64 Denise Dickison Smith, DC’83 Eileen McGowan Smith, DC’83, GSM’91 Geraldine Formanek Smith, DC’53 Jean Freas Smith, DC’50 Jessica M. Smith, DC’92 John Smith Loraine Ann Smith, DC’83 Lorna Christ Smith, DC’36 Louise Mundy Smith, DC’45 Margarett Tinner Smith, DC’28 Margerie A. Smith, DC’71 * Marie Droge Smith, DC’63 Marjorie Fricke Smith, DC’35 * MaryAnn Wright Smith, DC’62 Viola Dastice Smith, DC’50 Wanda F. Smith, DC’94, SBNB’94 Sybil James Smith-Darlington, DC’70, GSED’77 Jennifer Lynne Smock, DC’81 Anita Smyle Smolik, DC’69 * Mary Burroughs Snedeker, DC’51 Lorna Tregoning Sniegoski, DC’55 Shirley Coates Snyder, DC’67 Rosalind Bissell Sobol, DC’60 Marguerite Mathias Socher, DC’42 Alice Talbot Sofin, DC’38 Danielle DeMichele Sofocli, DC’89 Karen S. Solitaire, DC’70 Howard N. Soloman Rachel Leff Sommer, DC’64, NLAW’67 Maureen Daly Soter, DC’74, GSNB’93 Annette Catherine Sowa, DC’61, GSED’68 Inovelia Tamargo Sowder, DC’71 Elizabeth Walsh Sowney, DC’56 Joanne P. Spadoro, DC’80 * Mary Ellen Scott Spears, DC’75 Phoebe Bozonelis Speck, DC’63 Judith A. Spence, DC’72, GSNB’78 Tracy Lorraine Spence, DC’84 Dorothy Groenendale Spencer, DC’49 Dianne de Quintal Speronello, DC’73 Dorothy Mills Sphatt, DC’73 Liljana Josevski Spidle, DC’88 Roger and Sun Spittler Ellen Ring Spurling, DC’63 Carole Frandsen St. Mark, DC’65 Miriam Lisankie Stachow, DC’71 Jane R. Stafford, DC’68 Dr. Eva Bamberger Stahl, DC’54 Claire Lehmann Stang, DC’53 * Alice Gander Stanton, DC’50 Rosamond L. Stanton, DC’85 Nancy Staples, DC’69 Shirley Moore Starkweather, DC’53 Marie Rega Staruch, DC’65, GSNB’73 * Barbara Castellana Stasiak, DC’68 Danielle D. Staten, DC’93 * Crissy A. Statuto, DC’95 * Holly Gray Stearns, DC’94 Patricia Gheer Stedge, DC’47 Joyce Kayser Steele, DC’51 Alice Denny Stehlik, DC’36 Florence S. Stein Rosalyn Geller Stein, DC’68 Shelly Birnbaum Stein, DC’77 Sheryl Ellen Stein, DC’87, GSNB’89 Jeanne Geiselman Steinberg, DC’48 Lois Rabinowitz Steinberg, DC’59 Mara Chertoff Steinberg, DC’66 Jose Steinbock, DC’55 Sandla Capuano Steinkopf, DC’81 Esther Volk Stellwagen, DC’48 Dorothy Lawrence Stephens, DC’46 Jeanne Stires Stephenson, DC’53 Frances Mintz Stern, DC’60 Julie Wynne Stern, DC’89 Rhoda Stern, DC’62 Elizabeth Ross Steudel, DC’55 Donna Osman Stevens, DC’71 Marjorie Stevens Carol Hodor Stewart, DC’81 Harriet Bauck Stewart, DC’53 Joanne Peabody Stewart, DC’45 Pamela Lawrence Stewart, DC’71 Patricia Roemer Stewart, DC’60 Phyllis Kaufler Stewart, DC’63 Jeanne Morrow Stiehl, DC’68 Carol Starkman Still, DC’65 Doris Falk Stillman Alice C. Stockton, DC’74 Laurel Trow Stokes, DC’71 Victor Stollar Arlene Singer Stone, DC’67 Marian Crouse Stone, DC’43 Hannah Havens Stotz, DC’69 Kathleen Warnsdorfer Stout, DC’53 Miriam Headlee Stover, DC’34 Stephanie Lynne Straffi, DC’79 Diane Feidelseit Straub, DC’74 Elaine Greenbaum Strauss, DC’50, GSNB’55 Frances Simon Strauss, DC’46 Rita Linsenbaum Stringer, DC’71, GSNB’78 Agnes Lang Strobl, DC’49 Meryl Strome-Cohen

Moira O'Shaugnnessy Strong, DC’52, SCILS’72 Elisabeth Thomas Stuart, DC’38 Lucile Russell Stuart, DC’37 Virginia Kriegsmann Stuart, DC’53 Judith C. Stubbs, DC’70, GSAPP’83 Eileen Stukane, DC’66 Karen Solberg Stumpf, DC’70 * Angela Bonanno Such, DC’75, GSM’76 Jeanne Barbara Suffill, DC’77 Laura and James Sugrue Andrea Paterson Suhaka, DC’70 Rose Skurat Suits, DC’44 Eleanor Paul Sulfrian, DC’39 Nancy Chistine Sullivan, DC’85 Ruth Orchard Summers, DC’48 Carol Bialczak Suplee, DC’68, GSNB’76 Jacquelyn Greco Supple, DC’72 Sandra Sutphen, DC’61, GSNB’62, GSNB’72 Edwin and Dorothy Sved Brenda Lou Swann-Douglas, DC’74, SSW’87 * Idette Johnson Swetye, DC’69 Barbara Bernstein Swift, DC’69 Lisa Richardson Szanto, DC’85 * Theresa J. Szathmary, DC’90 Sandra Lupo Szejner, DC’70 Lilly Hancock Taaffe, DC’48 Annette Kranzdorf Taback, DC’53 Heidi Lore Steinhauff Taber, DC’87 June Abbott Tablak, DC’43 Sandra Talarico, DC’82 * Jennifer A. Talke-Munyak, DC’83 Maria Arnaboldi Tanis, DC’75 Judith Tannenbaum, DC’66 Linda A. Tappin, DC’70, GSNB’74, GSNB’82, GSNB’89 Elsie Mihaly Tarcza, DC’54 Janet Ziskind Tarino, DC’61 Janet A. Tariska, DC’72 Joan Goodkind Taub, DC’70 A. Jean Tollefson Taylor, DC’49 Sharon Herrgen Taylor, DC’69 Irene Behrens Teeling, DC’51 John Teitjen Tacy Cook Telego, DC’68 Dorothy Hoehler Teller, DC’52 Linda E. Terhune, DC’72 Anthony and Marian Terregino Anne Teshima, DC’77, GSM’79 Jean Oakley Teske, DC’47 Sharlette D. Testa, DC’74 Louise H. Theurer, DC’39, GSED’62 Francine Cohen Thomas, DC’77 Ilse K. Thomas, DC’72 Joan Miglin Thomas, DC’62 Kimo S. Thomas, DC’95 Miranda Lynch Thomas, DC’95, GSNB’96 Tini Thomas, DC’95, NLAW’99 Dorothea Mosley Thompson, DC’50 Hayley Galatan Thompson, DC’85 Rosalie Kafel Thompson, DC’73 Anna Natella Thomson, DC’58 Mary Guzo Thomson, DC’88 Barbara Felton Thorne, DC’68 Cindy Ann Thornton, DC’79 Elizabeth Berry Thornton, DC’30 Nancy Ann Thorpe, DC’86 Ernestine Kattermann Thwaites, DC’47 Melissa Buck Tice, DC’82 * Karen L. Tichenor Willitts, DC’93, NLAW’98 Christine M. Tiritilli, DC’92 Cynthia L. Tiritilli, DC’95 Annette L. Tiso, DC’95 Joyce Pommer Tobenkin, DC’52 John R. Tobinski Robin C. Tolvin, DC’72 Nakia T. Tomlinson, DC’96 Lynne Kivitz Tomsho, DC’78 Susan Barber Torborg, DC’63 Patricia Sexton Tormey, DC’45 Candy M. Torres, DC’76 Lidice Torres, DC’98 Barbara Collins Totten, DC’57 Jessica R. Towne, DC’82 Bobbie and Philip Travaline Marjorie Trayes Helen Cupryk Tremblay, DC’74 Mary Katherine Trenzeluk, DC’89, GSNB’99 Linda Klebe Trevino, DC’71, SCILS’73 Nancy S. Pries Tripod, DC’55, GSED’71 Jeanne Hamilton Troast, DC’89 Rhea Chotkin Troffkin, DC’62 Alison Dyer Trofimov, DC’70, NLAW’90 Karen Fox Tross, DC’70 Frances Schantz Trott, DC’60 Dolores Mata Trumpovicz, DC’50 Elizabeth Latshaw Trundle, DC’68 Jean Herrmann Trygg, DC’53 Ann Naoko Tsubota, DC’67, MGSA’74 Miriam Gold Tucker, DC’45 Beverly Klein Turchin, DC’71, GSNB’73 Dorothy Jackson Turek, DC’80 Dr. William Thomas Turek Eugenia Turitzin, DC’81 Holly Henschel Turner, DC’77 Jacqueline E. Turner, DC’77, NLAW’82 Mary Theresa Wojnar Turner, DC’77 Constance Howell Tuthill, DC’47, GSNB’50 Sangeeta Kamath Tyerech, DC’88 Elizabeth Bolland Uptegrove, DC’69 Peggy R. Urso-Savarese, DC’69 Gina A. Valeri, DC’93

Jane Nelson Van Dellen, DC’82 Dorothy Drosdick Van Dyke, DC’46, SSW’67 Anna Louise Van Gilder, DC’67, SCILS’91 Angelina DiGiorgio Van Hise, DC’67 Beatrice Lehmann Van Poznak, DC’51 Victoria Mueller Van Wert, DC’50 Marilyn Vanderhoof-Young, DC’66 Helena Gempf Vanderoef, DC’68, SCILS’76 Mary Gooden Vargas, DC’95 Costandina E. Vassiliou, DC’97 Christine L. Vaughn, DC’72 Mary Madiraca Vazquez-Amaral, DC’59, GSNB’60, GSNB’70 Marianne L. Velcamp, DC’86 Carmela Crocamo Venezia, DC’48 Joan Du Souchet Vernick, DC’46 Joann Mary Verrier, DC’80 Jeanette Ackerman Vincent-Rapp, DC’42 Judith Stahl Viorst, DC’52, NCAS’52 Luciano and Marjorie Virgili Naomi McNair Vliet, DC’90, SSW’93 Alane Alberghini Vogel, DC’70 Andrianni Vollas, DC’97, SCILS’00 Laurie Schenfele Volpe, DC’82 Ralph W., ED’48, and Barbara B. Voorhees Marilyn Saunders Voorhies, DC’52 Duane Dubois Voss, DC’64 * Alexandra E. Vugrek, DC’96 * Debra Milecofsky Wachspress, DC’88, GSNB’89 Susan Sabo Wachtell, DC’75 Joyce Smith Wadlington, DC’64, GSED’72 Barbara and John Wagle Adele Ruth Wagner, DC’66 Maureen P. Waitt, DC’97 Linda Buck Wald, DC’64 Aaron Waldman Patricia Romanowski Waldron, DC’83 Francine Freedman Walker, DC’66 Jeanette F. Walker, DC’77, SCILS’85 Laura M. Walker, GSED’00, DC’00 Ruth Rasmussen Walker, DC’61 Helen Mackay Walkinshaw, DC’52, GSNB’56 * Nancy Bartus Wall, DC’65 Anna Darpinian Wallis, DC’51 Robert B. Walton, RC’48, GSNB’53 Sara Diamond Wane, DC’55 Cynthia Ward, DC’50 Maureen Boyan Ward, DC’75 Honora Rolfe Warren, DC’44 Lorraine A. Warren, DC’86 Melody Merrill Warrener, DC’84 Patricia Lloyd Washburn, DC’54 Enid Wassner Steven Wassner Marion Giannini Watlington, DC’67 Bernice Burke Watson, DC’56 Beth Coe Watson, DC’67 Muriel Duff Waugh, DC’38, SSW’72 Genevieve De Vito Way, DC’53 Ruth Treier Wayman, DC’51 Marianne K. Waysek, DC’67 James D. Weaver Margaret Anderson Weaver, DC’64 Anne Bailey Webb, DC’77 Violet Dodd Webb, DC’43 Karen Joy Weber, DC’85 Nancy Carol Weber, DC’69 * Sally Jo Weber, DC’67, GSNB’81, GSNB’85 Gail R. Wechsler, DC’78 Charlotte Norton Wehrtfritz, DC’40, GSNB’59 Maureen Ann Weil, DC’89, GSM’91 Susan L. Weill, DC’78 * Nancy Weingart, DC’78 Hans E. Weinrich * Elayne Ballow Weinstein, DC’54 Linda Rito Weinstein, DC’72 * Beverly Lucas Weinstock, DC’49 Lenore Cain Weinstock, DC’81 Catherine Dorn Weisberg, DC’68 Donald Weiss, PHAR’49 Gretel Doernberg Weiss, DC’70, GSNB’73, GSNB’78 Herbert and Vera Weller Dorothy Salkin Welles, DC’41 Carol Welsch, DC’76, CLAW’81 Elizabeth Anne Welsh, DC’80 Carol Henke Wenman, DC’52 Christine Schwab Werner, DC’78 Barbara Morgen Wertheimer, DC’73 June Rosener Wessel, DC’53 Robert M. Wessel Donna M. West, DC’89 Lois Traub West, DC’74 * Patricia Kell West, DC’54 Susan Bradin West, DC’65 * Jean Westcott, DC’64 Johanna Witteveld Westergard, DC’30 Patricia Gueritey Weston, DC’57 Elizabeth Smedley Wettstein, DC’49 Lois Griskowitz Weyer, DC’68 * Jean Clendinning Wheaton, DC’46 Elizabeth S. Whinfrey, DC’87 Laura Biery Whipple, DC’57, SCILS’75 * Doris Kamp White, DC’64 Miriam Geiger White, DC’49 Winifred Lincoln White, DC’46 Jean Vogt Whitehead, DC’49 * Pamella Morrison Whitham, DC’62 Maryann Pakenham Whitman, DC’75

Barbara Cummins Wichansky, DC’66, SSW’68 Rosemary Lubinski Wick, DC’69 Elizabeth Peter Wicks, DC’55 Barbara Davis Widem, DC’48 Muriel Weinberger Widmer, DC’47 Voy Jew Wiederhold, DC’57 Liz Schneidewind Wiedersheim, DC’46 Frances M. Wiegand, DC’34 Jean Buckley Wiegand, DC’54 Gail Burkart Wiemann, DC’69, SCILS’70 Nancy Ann Harper Wiencek, DC’83 Kathleen Arch Wilber, DC’73 * Patricia P. Wilber, DC’70 Sharon Heite Wildstein, DC’65 Janice E. Wilk, DC’72 Frieda Eichler Willey, DC’59 Joan Hasney Willey, DC’52 Emma Burch Williams, DC’45 Leslie Salm Williams, DC’80 Marcellous Williams Caren Bloch Willis, DC’72 John Willms Christine M. Wilson * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Wilson, Jr. Karen Jean Wilson, DC’69 Laura Ann Castellano Wilson, DC’85 Margaret Haynes Winant, DC’32 Nancy Carlo Winant, DC’71, GSM’82 Sherrie Loomis Winkworth, DC’58 Denise L. Winland, DC’73 Virginia Dubpernell Winstanley, DC’68 James and Ellen Winter Diane Pecca Wisniewski, DC’80 Eleanor Harkiewicz Wisniewski, DC’46 Pamela Peacock Wiss, DC’73 * Lucy Moreland Wistreich, DC’56 Deborah Brookmeyer Witham, DC’73 Matilda Mendelson Witkin, DC’44 Judith Herskovits Wizmur, DC’71, CLAW’74 Phyllis Woestemeyer, DC’69 Joan Hendricks Wohlman, DC’51 Anita Hahn Wolfson, DC’43, GSED’61 Annmarie Williams Wolochuk, DC’90 Dominique Bruzzano Won, DC’77 Ann Wong, DC’72, GSM’75 Jenny Ng Wong, DC’75 Suzanne M. Wong, DC’95 Carol Powers Wood, DC’62 Charmaine J. Wood, DC’77 Ellen Kay Wood, DC’69 * Eunice Marjorie Wood, DC’48 Jean Edythe Woodman, DC’86 Margaret Godwin Worthington, DC’66 Audrey Jensen Wreszin, DC’71 Bernice Rivera Wright, DC’76 Charlotte Cross Wright, DC’35 Eugenia Bajster Wright, DC’54 Mary Ellen Murray Wright, DC’47 Grace Gilliand Wyckoff, DC’30 Charlene Y. Yates, DC’80 Joanne Goldberg Yatvin, DC’52, GSNB’62 Karen L. Yeats, DC’85 Arlene Schoenberg Yegelwel, DC’77 Beatrice Marie Yetman, DC’69, GSED’82 Vivian Sheldon Yettru, DC’52 Mona M. Younes, DC’98 Debbie Nutkis Young, DC’78 Eleanor G. Young, DC’93, SBNB’93 * Jennifer R. Young, DC’97, SCILS’97 Myrna Resnick Young, DC’56 Nicole Dunster Young, DC’92 Shona Stolar Young, DC’57 Susanne Honig Young, DC’70 Joan Ware Younger, DC’52 Mary Rose Detaranto Younghouse, DC’71 Dolly Clyman Zagoreen, DC’52 Susan Mc Cahill Zahorbenski, DC’78 Arlyne Piltz Zalaznick, DC’64, GSM’77 Kathleen F. Zalenski, DC’71 Evelyn Malanga Zamula, DC’46 Mary E. Zanetti, DC’45 * Maureen Shelton Zausner, DC’74 Marilyn Barbisch Zawoyski, DC’64 * Barbara Light Zelnik, DC’51, SCILS’58 Mary Elizabeth Zeman, DC’82 Michele Vars Zett, DC’66 Catherine A. Ziel, DC’71 E. Joyce Zimmerman, DC’60, GSNB’65, GSED’85 Ellen Kessler Zimmerman, DC’69 Diane F. Zimmermann, DC’54 Patricia Ponton Zimmermann, DC’61 Corinne Johnson Zinader, DC’55 Halchen Mohn Zingg, DC’28 Margaret Zipp, DC’39 Marelynn Weiss Zipser, DC’58 Kathleen Brady Zito, DC’92 * Marie Schrick Zofrea, DC’52 Beth Vanovitch Zubatkin, DC’78 Natalie Barbella Zuccarello, DC’85 * Donna Weitzman Zucker, DC’71 Margaret Maranca Zullinger, DC’49, GSED’60 * Corporate matching gift included


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the private sector


The generosity of corporations, foundations, and other organizations in the private sector allows Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, to support students, conduct groundbreaking research, and provide important outreach services to our communities. They are essential partners as we progress toward making our strategic vision a reality, and we are very grateful for their support.

Corporations 2001: $58,352,150 2000: $21,252,115 1999: $17,780,730 Contributions to the university from corporations more than doubled in the past year, a tribute to the growing partnerships between Rutgers and the business world. The Rutgers University Foundation is indebted to the following corporations for their generous support in the 2000–2001 fiscal year. 3M Canada Co. 40 Winks, Inc. A Cut Above the Rest A. Vandelay Industries, Inc. Aaron & Co. Abazia & Gizinski, L.L.C. Aberco, Inc. Aberdeen Psychotherapy Service Aberdeen Veterinary Clinic Accountants on Call ACCU-Personnel, Inc. Accuratus Corp. Acrondanse Theatre, Inc. Acrow Corporation of America Active Materials, Inc. ACW Corp. Adams, Cassese & Papp, L.L.P. Adorno & Zeder, P.A. ADP, Inc. Advanced Business Automation, Inc. Advanced Clinical Trials, Inc. Advanced Technology Concepts, Inc. Affordable Health Lab AFS Corp. Agency Cellular, Inc. AgraQuest, Inc. Agri-Dynamics Consulting AGS System Forms, Inc. A.I.M. Co. Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. Ajay North America, L.L.C. Alampi and Associates Management Corp. Alan Lovitch Design Alantra Biotech Services, Inc. Albertson's, Inc. Alcoa Foundation Alexander Hoyt Associates Alfred Simon, C.P.A. Aljira, Inc. Alloy, Silverstein, Shapiro, Adams, Mulford & Co. Al's Bootery Alternative Research, Inc. Alum & Ferrer Aluminum Shapes Alvarado Nursery A&M Farm Market, Inc. Amaranth Communications AMBAC Assurance Corp. Ambos Co. Amboy Associates, Inc. American Business Counselors American Capital Financial Services, Inc. American Carpet Care American Chemical Society, Philadelphia Section American Cyanamid Co. American Defense International, Inc. American Express Co. American Thermocraft Corp. Americapital Corp. AmeriChoice Corp. Andersen Andersons, Inc. Apteka, Inc. Aqua Air International, Inc. Aqua Energy Resources ARC Marketing Group, Inc. Archaeological Tours Archer & Greiner Argus Control Systems, Ltd. Arizona Kidney Disease & Hypertension Center Armand Corp.

Associated Building Specialties Associated Dental Technicians Associated General Contractors of New Jersey Associates in Otolaryngology of New Jersey, P.A. AstraZeneca, L.P. Athletic Balance II, Inc. Atlantic City Showboat, Inc. Atrion Corp. AT&T AT&T Foundation AT&T Labs Automated Solutions, Inc. Auxein Corp. A.V. Baglivo Public Relations Avaya Communication Avenel Pharmacy Aventis CropScience Aventis Environmental Science Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Axxon Corp. Ayco Charitable Foundation B & R Floor Covering, Inc. B. Happie Entertainment B.L. Hunter, Inc. BAJ Medical Associates Balchem Corp. Ballen & Gertel Bally's Park Place Casino & Hotel Banic Contracting Co. Banisch Associates, Inc. The Bank of New York Banknet Mortgage Services Barry Murphy & Associates Barry R. Halpern, M.D., Associates Barton Nursery, Inc. BASF, Aktiengesellschaft BASF Corp. Bay Equity Real Estate Acquisitions Bayer Corp. Bayside Electrical Testing, Inc. BD BEA Systems, Inc. Bell Atlantic Bella Construction Bells Healthcare Enterprises Benedict and Altman Benjamin Moore & Co. Benner Valuation Services Berkshire Group Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. Sanford C. Bernstein & Co., Inc. Bernstein's Fashions, Ltd. Bessemer Trust Co. Bestfoods Bike & Fitness Co., Inc. Bill Bocchino Advertising Bimark, Inc. Biocure, Inc. Biotepp, Inc. Bioworks, Inc. Bittersweet Cottage Crafts Blank, Rome, Cominsky & McCauley Blinds To Go (U.S.), Inc. Blue Amber Motel, Inc. BMH, Inc. Bob Ride Realty BOC Group, Inc. Boise's Business Interiors, L.L.C. Bollinger Insurance Bonamici Co., P.A. Bongiorno & Associates Bonomo, Ravitz & Walsh Bon-Ton WallCoverings, Inc. Boro Hall Pharmacy Borrus, Goldin, Foley, Vignuolo, Hyman, Stahl & Clarkin Brach Eichler Foundation Brach, Eichler, Rosenberg, Silver, Bernstein Bradford Mechanical, Inc. Branchburg OB/GYN, P.A. Brandywine Senior Care Management, Inc. Bray, Chiocca, Rappaport & Rothstadt Breslin & McNerney Brickell Bay Tower, Ltd. Bridger Clinic, Inc. Bridgewater Medical Group Brief Therapy Center Briefly Stated Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Brockman's Pharmacy Brooks Promotions Brookside Friendly Service, Inc. Brother Industries, Ltd. Brown's Professional Services Bruno's Nursery Bruschi Engineering Sales Co. Buckeye BlueGrass Farms, Inc. Budd, Larner, Gross, Rosenbaum, Greenberg & Sade Buffalo News-Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. Building Elements Bunbury Co., Inc. Burgis Associates, Inc. Burr Roofing and Siding Co. Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

Caldwell Megna Calhoun's Garage Cal's Sport Shop, L.L.P. Cambridge Scientific, Inc. Camden School of Musical Arts, Inc. Campanella Remodeling Campbell Soup Foundation Campus Marketing Services, Inc. Canon Financial Services Capehart & Scatchard, P.A. Capital Growth Partners, L.L.C. Capitol Associates Capitol Decorators, Inc. Caravan Products Co., Inc. Carol Realty and Development Carpenter, Bennett & Morrissey Michael A. Carrera, Ltd. Caucus Educational Corp., Inc. Cavalier, Inc. Celtic Technologies Center for Family Services, Inc. Central Jersey Spinal Cord Assn. Central Jersey Surgical Specialists, P.A. Central Pasco Weight Loss Center Century Small Business Solutions Ceramare Corp. Ceramic Magnetics, Inc. Chadwil Associates Chalfin Group, Inc. Chappell Studio, Inc. Chase & Chase Chase Manhattan Bank Chase Manhattan Foundation Chauncey Group International Chela Financial Chemicon International, Inc. Cingular Interactive, L.P. Cisco Systems, Inc. CIT Group Citigroup, Inc. City Connections, L.L.C. Clairton Financial, Inc. Clarfield Tolvin Consulting, Inc. Clorox Co. CMS Companies Coastal Development Co., L.L.C. Coastal States Management Corp. Coca-Cola Company Cohen Dufour & Associates Cole, Schotz, Meisel, Forman & Leonard, P.C. Colgate-Palmolive Company Colon & Rectal Surgical Associates of South Jersey, P.A. Colonial Health Pharmacy Colorado Management Services, Inc. C.O.M. Work Room Comcast Financial Agency Corp. Commerce Bank Commerce National Insurance CommonHealth, L.P. Community Action, Inc. Community Investment Strategies, Inc. Complete Personnel Services, Inc. Computer Inventory Applications, Inc. Condo Pharmacy Conectiv Consumers Mortgage Corp. Convery & Convery, P.C. Cook Area Health Services, Inc. Coopers Ferry Development Assn. Core Tech Solutions, Inc. Corhart Refractories Corp. Corning, Inc., Foundation Corning, Inc. Corporate Tax Publishers, Inc. Cosgrove, Eisenberg and Kiley, P.C. Coster's Frame Gallery Counseling & Critical Incident Debriefing Center, L.L.C. Cozy Cat Creamridge Consulting, Inc. Creative Ventures Consulting, Inc. Credit Commercial De France Crown Travel Service, Inc. Cultural Resource Consulting Group Cuneo & Hensler Current Drugs, Ltd. Curtis W. McGraw Foundation Cutler, Simeone & Townsend, L.L.C. CVS Corp. Dab Studio, L.L.C. Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, Ltd. Daimler Chrysler Corp. Daller Greenberg Dietrich D.A.L.S., Inc. Dance Express Datatrade, Inc. Dave Kapulsky Insurance David Friedman & Associates David Masur, Inc. David Michael & Co., Inc. David Morey Group, Inc. David Reed Landscape Architects Davis, Saperstein & Salomon, P.C. DBA Career Development and Training Service

Deborah A. Rose, P.C. Decisive Business Systems Deighan Associates, Inc. Delaware & Raritan Greenway, Inc. Delilah's Den of Philadelphia, Inc. Delman Educational Communications Deloitte & Touche Delta Dental Demetro & Congett DeMont & Breyer, L.L.C. DeRose Trucking Design Logistics Dewling Associates, Inc. DFS Communications, Inc. Diagnostics & Devices, Inc. Dialysis Clinic, Inc. Diamond Center for Learning Diane Gingold & Associates Diciano Trucking Co., Inc. Dime Savings Bank of New Jersey Direct Systems Solutions, Inc. Diversified Financial Group, Inc. Diversified Rehabilitation & Consulting, Inc. Dixie Chemical Co., Inc. D.L.M. of Bayonne, Inc. DMC-2, L.P. Document Doctor Dolan and Dolan Don J. Urie Associates Donahue, Braun, Hagan, Klein & Newsome Donald A. Devlin & Associates Donald B. Cook & Associates Dopak, Inc. Dow AgroSciences Dow Chemical Company Foundation Dow Chemical U.S.A. Downtown Printing Center, Inc. Drew Consulting, Ltd. DuBois, Sheehan, Hamilton & Levin Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. DuPont Pharmaceuticals Company Durel Corp. Durkin & Boggia Dynaflair East Coast Power, L.L.C. Eastern Insurance Agency, Inc. Eastern Perishable Products Assn., Inc. Eastman Kodak Co. EBH, Inc. E.C. Advantage Eckerd Corp. Eco Soil Systems, Inc. Economic Opportunity Program, Inc. Ecoshelf Group, Inc. ECS, Inc. Eden Bioscience Corp. Edgewood Properties, Inc. Edison Diner Edison International Education, Training & Enterprise Center, Inc. Educational Ventures, Inc. Edwards & Angell, L.L.P. EFB Associates E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company El Centro Comunal Borincano Day Care, Inc. Elangy Corp. Elberon Development Co. Eli Lilly & Co. Emelar Farms Enable, Inc. Encore Technologies, Inc. Engelhard Corp. Engineering Design Associates Engineering 'N Sales Co. Enslow Publishers, Inc. Entek Corp. EPA Financial Services Corp. Equine Veterinary Care, P.C. Equity National Bank Ericsson, Inc. Ernst & Young Foundation Ernst & Young Espoma Co. Esposito Trading, Inc. Essex Court Realty Co. Every Woman's Place, Inc. Excel Hobby Blades Corp. ExxonMobil Corporation ExxonMobil Foundation ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Co. Faber Law Offices FAJ, Inc. Federal Contracts Consultants, Inc. Felice Schrager Associates Ferro Electronic Materials Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Finnegan & Barth Finnerty, LaRocca & Sherwood, P.C. Finocchi & Associates Fire Professional Associates, Inc.

First Union Foundation Fischer Weisinger Caliguire & Porter Fitzgerald Mollica Agency Fiume Consulting FLA Associates, Inc. Flaster Greenberg, P.C. FMC Corp. FMH, Inc. Folexco, Inc. Foster & Mazzie Four Twenty Five Greenwood, Inc. Fox and Fox, L.L.P. Fox, Rothschild, O'Brien & Frankel Fraser CPA, Inc. Frazer, Evangelista & Co. French & Parrello Associates Freund Bros. Frill's of New York Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc. Fundacao Luso-Americana Future Generation FWMCM, Inc. GAB Robins North America, Inc. Galloway Real Estate, Inc. Gannett Foundation Garban Broking Services, L.L.C. Garden State Advertising Garden State Fine Arts, Inc. Garden State Legal Services Corp. Garden State Pharmacy Owners, Inc. Garrison Architects Gary L. Wood & Associates Gawarecki Art Associates Gaydos and Marinello G.D. Searle & Co. Gelman and Gelman Gemini Restoration, Inc. General Electric Company General Electric Fund General Health Services, Inc. General Insurance Agency General Mills, Inc. General Motors Co. George's Place Gerontology Institute of New Jersey Gerstein Grayson, L.L.P. Gerweck Associates Giaconia Life Associates Giannotti Studios Gibbons, Del Deo, Dolan, Griffinger & Vecchione G.I.E. Star Fruits GKR Consulting, Inc. Glassmacher Woodworks Glen Magnetics, Inc. Glenmede Trust Co. Glenn Long & Associates Glitzer Associates Goldman & Co. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Goshow Architects, L.L.P. Gowan Co. Grant Thornton Grassi Realtors & Appraisers Great A&P Tea Co. Green Rabbit Botanicals, L.L.C. Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith, Ravin, Davis & Himmel Greenberg Rarrow Architecture Engineering Development Griffin, L.L.C. Grotta, Glassman & Hoffman, P.A. GROW Gryphon Advisors II, L.L.C. GS Management Services, L.L.C. Guardian Life Insurance Co. Gutfleish, Davis, Digirolamo & Fittipaldi H & A Consulting, Inc. H & M Electric Service, Inc. HHF Enterprises, Inc. H2L2 Hamilton Gymnastics Hanan, Inc. Harbor Pediatric Medical Group Harborchem Harlow's Sugar House Harrah's Harris Pharmacy Harris Trust & Savings Bank Harwood Lloyd, L.L.C. Hayward Garden Design Hazel I, Inc. Heffler, Radetich & Saitta, L.L.P. Helena Chemical Co. Hellring, Lindeman, Goldstein & Siegal Hering, Dupignac & Stanzione, P.C. Heritage Licenses, Inc. Heritage's Dairy Stores, Inc. Herman Miller, Inc. Herten, Burstein, Sheridan, Cevasco, Bottinelli & Litt Hewlett-Packard Company H.F. Holding H.H. Harkins & Co., Inc. Hidden Lakes Pharmacy, Inc. Hidden Valley Nursery, Inc. Hilb, Rogal and Hamilton Co. Hill International, Inc. Hilliard Farber & Co., Inc.

Hitachi Medical Corp. Hitops, Inc. Hoffmann-La Roche Foundation Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. Holiday Beauty Salon Holly Ridge Nursery Hollywood Wrap, Inc. Home Depot USA Homeguard Alarm Systems, Inc. Homes and Land Homexl, Inc. Honeywell International, Inc. Honeywell International Foundation, Inc. House of Rugs and Draperies, Inc. Howard Beach Animal Clinic, P.C. Howmedica Osteonics Hudson United Bank Hughes-Plumer & Associates Human Genome Sciences, Inc. Human Services Consultants Hutt & Shimanowitz ICO Worldwide, Inc. Ideas Workshop, Inc. IDT Corp. Image Pro, L.L.C. Impact Realty Associates, Inc. Independence Blue Cross Infineum USA, L.P. Information Security, Inc. Innovative Ceramic Technologies, Inc. Innovative Sweeteners, Inc. Institute of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Instron Corp. Integrated Communications Corp. Intel Corporation Intelligen, Inc. International Centre for Diffraction Data International Fine Particle Research Institute, Inc. International Gymnastics School Camp, Inc. International Reading Assn. International Specialty Products Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ISK Biosciences Corp. I.S.P. & Co. ITT Corp. Ivory Cleaners Ivy Acres, Inc. J & S Food Store, Inc. J.A. McGrane & Associates J.G. Milne Builders J.W. Enterprises Jabbo, Inc. Jack Krupnick & Associates Jacobs Levy Equity Management, Inc. James W. Higgins Associates Jan's Boutique, Inc. Jersey Asparagus Farms, Inc. J.F. Lencewicz & Associates J.F. Partners JID Consulting, L.L.C. J.I.L. Associates, Inc. J.J. Brennan, Inc. JM Golf Co. JMZ Marketing, Inc. Joan Nemirow Designs, L.L.C. Joanne Rile Artists Management, Inc. John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. John Scherzo and Co. Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Johnson Agency, Inc. Joleigh Group, Inc. Joseph R. Burns and Associates J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Meredith, Inc. J Real Estate Agency J.R.G. Apartments JS Engineering Services Judbar Construction JWS Financial K. Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. Kaplan and Freedman, P.A. Kellogg Co. Kennametal, Inc. Kenneth W. Lampert, Inc. Kids Luv Books Kimberly-Clark Corp. Kim's World Travel, Inc. King, King & Goldsack Kiplinger Foundation Knickerbocker & Stevens, Inc. Knoll Pharmaceutical Co. Kohn & Needle KOS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Kothare & Kornicki, L.L.C. KPMG Peat Marwick KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation Kraft Foods, Inc. Krevitt & Chernin Kuhrt & Femia Kwasnik, Rodio, Cohen & Pikunis Kyle's Keep L.H. Garlin & Associates Labchem, Inc.


Lacrosse Fundamentals, L.L.C. Lacy Communications Lakota Investment Group, Inc. Lambra Co. LaMura Construction, Inc. LanDesign, Inc. Landscape Architectural Services Dr. R.G. Lanfranchi, P.C. Lanza Billiard Co. Latchis Brothers Laub & Franchino, L.L.C. Law Firm of Herbert M. Gannet Law Office of Erwin C. Schnitzer Law Office of Herbert D. Hinkle Law Offices of Barrie N. Levine Law Offices of David M. Brandwein Law Offices of Gordon I. Remer Law Offices of Holly J. Ford Law Offices of James C. Mescall Law Offices of Sue Pai Yang Law Offices of Wecker-Hunko Law Offices of William Braniff LAW.COM Holdings, Inc. Susan Lazar & Associates LDP Associates LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae Lee Brothers, Inc. Leib, Kraus, Grispin & Roth Lenaz, Mueller & Associates Lenox, Socey, Wilgus, Formidoni & Casey Leslie Riggs Real Estate Levinson, Axelrod Levy & Levy Lewen, Reich & Interdonati Library Bindery, Inc. Licata & Tyrrell, P.C. Life Care Center at South Mountain Lifecell Corp. Lippincott and Kriegel LJL Associates Lobeck Management Locandro Motors, Inc. Lockheed Martin Corporation Lorenzo Electrical Contractors Louis Berger & Associates Louis, Roe & Wolf Lowe & Son, Inc. Lowenstein Sandler, P.C. LPG Services LRD Realty LSR Delivery Service, Inc. Lucas and Cavalier, L.L.C. Lucent Technologies Lucent Technologies Foundation Lucianna & Lucianna Lux Industries, Inc. Maria T. Lymberis Lynch-Martin Lyons Lavey Nickel Swift, Inc. MJ Distribution Corp. MacEvoy Real Estate Co. Mack-Cali Realty Corp. Madura Pharmacy Maiden Lane Corp. Management and Evaluation Associates Marand Enterprises, Inc. Market Vision, Inc. Marketing Labs Co., Inc. Marsh USA, Inc. Martayan Lan, Inc. Maryland Association of Counties, Inc. Massachusetts General Hospital Matt Blatt Auto Sales Mattel, Inc. May Department Stores Co. Foundation Maycher, Bartzos & Associates McCarter & English McCoy Training and Development Resources McCrink, Nelson & Kehler McDonnell and Whitaker McNeil Consumer Healthcare M.E. Ginevan & Associates Measurement Specialties, Inc. Medical Education Technologies, Inc. Medvin & Elberg Mendel Biotechnology, Inc. Merck & Co., Inc. Merck Company Foundation Merck Institute for Science Education Meredith Building Co. Meridian Hospitals Corp. Merlinsoft, Inc. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Mesa Films, Inc. Metam Sodium Task Force Metam Task Force Metavante Corp. MFG Systems Corp. Michael Mendelson Michael Sedor & Associates Micro Flo Co. MicroBio, Ltd. Microfarm Pottery Microsoft Corporation Microtech Zone, Inc. Midfield Associates Midway Enterprises Midwest Manufacturing Solutions Milberg Factors, Inc. Miller's Rentals, Inc. Mintz & Geftic MJR Enterprises-San Vito Pizza M.K. Binkley Construction M.L. Energia, Inc. M.M. Sharkey Associates M&M-Mars, Inc. Monmouth Foot & Ankle Center Monroe B. Scharff & Co. Monsanto Co. Monterey Fund, Inc. Moon Machinery Co. Morning Glory Press, Inc. Morrison & Co., P.A. Mothers Off Duty, Inc. Motorola Foundation Motorola, Inc. Mountain Design Group Mountainview Counseling & Psychological Services


Mulligan & Mulligan Multi Link Technology Corp. Museum of Africian American History Mycogen Seeds Mycotech Corp. Nancy H. Becker Associates Nashel, Kates, Nussman, Rapone, Ellis & Traum Nat Clymer Photography, L.L.C. National Conference for Community and Justice, Inc. National Starch & Chemical Co. National Starch & Chemical Foundation, Inc. Native Plant Society of New Jersey, Inc. Naturtek, L.L.C. Neal A. Jacobs & Associates NEC Research Institute, Inc. Neigel Center, P.A. Nelson & Fromer Nephrology Associates of Westchester & Putnam Net Consulting New England Bio Labs Foundation New England Laboratories New Jersey Christmas Tree Growers Assn. New Jersey Folk Festival, Inc. New Jersey Institute for Social Justice New Jersey Law Journal New Jersey Nets Foundation, Inc. New Jersey Special Investigators Assn. New Jersey-American Water Co. New Wave Consultants New York Life Insurance Co. New York Times Company Foundation Newark Group, Inc. NewBank Services, Inc. News 12 New Jersey Newwit Electric Co., Inc. Niagara Woodland Campground Nieuwenhuis, Inc. Nihon Nohyaku America, Inc. Niklor Chemical Co., Inc. Norman, Spencer & McKernan Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus North American Mixing Forum North Brunswick Pharmacy, Inc. Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management Northern Trust Co. Norton Company Foundation Nothing Flat Productions Nouvel PR Group Novartis Crop Protection, Inc. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Novartis U.S. Foundation Novocargo U.S.A., Inc. Nusbaum & Parrino, P.C. NutrEcology, Inc. Nuz Enterprises Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. Office of William Pollack Old York Kennel OLI Systems, Inc. Olney Theatre Corp. Olson Economic Research, Inc. Oracle Corporation Organon, Inc.-Akzo Nobel Orloff, Lowenbach, Stifelman & Siegel Orlovsky, Moody, Schaaff and Gabrysiak, P.C. Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc. Orthopaedic Institute of Sports Medicine, P.A. Osborne Associates Otterbein Landscaping, Inc. Our Lady of Lourdes Health Foundation, Inc. Oury & Mizdol, P.C. Oxford University Press Pall Corp. Palm One, Ltd. Paparone Housing Co., Inc. Paper Shipping Sack Manufacturers Assn. Paramus Moving, Inc. Para-Plus Translations, Inc. Park Dental Group Parmalat Welsh Farms, Inc. Parsekian & Solomon Parsons Consultants, Inc. Partners Health Care System Partners-in-Health Pascack Emergency Services Pathmark Stores, Inc. Patterson, Belknap, Webb & Tyler P.B.G. Capital, Inc. pbi/Gordon Corp. Peal Corp. Peckar & Abramson Penny Page, LCSW, & Associates Perinatal Services of Northern N.J. Periodontics of Parsippany, P.A. Pfizer, Inc. PG Financial Advisory Services, Inc. Pharmacia Corporation Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc. Philip Morris Co. Phillips, Lerner & Lauzon, L.L.P. Phoenix Designs Phoenix Environmental Management, Inc. Phones & More Phytomedics, Inc. Piano Studio Piltzer & Piltzer Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Pitney, Hardin, Kipp & Szuch P.J. Brill Consulting, Inc. PJD Enterprises, Inc. PL Custom Body Plainsboro Dental Care Plaslok Corp. Point Hardware, Inc. Pollet & Pollet PolyEd

Polymicro Technologies, Inc. Poplar & Eastlack Potato Association of America Potomac, Inc. Powell Building Corp. Power Magne-Tech Corp. Preferred Steaks Prentice Hall Prickett Nursery Primapharm, Inc. Princeton Electronic Systems, Inc. Princeton Public Affairs Group, Inc. Procacci Financial Planning, Inc. Procter & Gamble Co. Professional Bi-Cultural Development Assn., Inc. PRSoft, Inc. Prudential Financial Prudential Foundation Prudential Merged Retirement Plan Public Service Electric & Gas Co. Purdue Pharma Co. Pyro-Technical Investigations, Inc. Qualcomm, Inc. Quality Botanical Ingredients, Inc. Quality Tire & Muffler Quantum Enterprises, Inc. Queller & Fisher Quest Diagnostics, Inc. Rack Design Group Racquet Buffs, Inc. Rahway Group, Ltd. Raposo Associates Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Rathblott and Levin Ravin, Greenberg & Marks R.E. Sweeney Co., Inc. Real Estate Media Really Red Recmix of PA, Inc. Recruiter Net Reed Smith Regal Agency Insurance Reitman Parsonnet, P.C. Remee Products Corp. Renaissance Research Corp. Resource Technology Solutions, Inc. Rheumatology Associates of Long Island Rhodia, Inc. Ricardo Barros Photographs Rice King Foods, Inc. Rice Real Estate Co., Inc. Richard Heffner Associates Richard Levy Media, Inc. Richard Samaha Excavating, Inc. Richards & Summers, Inc. Riker, Danzig, Scherer, Hyland & Perretti Rinkers Communications Rite Aid Corp. Ritz Hotel Rivendell Nursery Riverdale Chemical Co. R.J. Ackaway and Associates RKW Designs Robert H. Burd Insurance, Inc. Robert Moskovits, P.A. Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Robins' Nest, Inc. Robinson & Geraldo Roche Bioscience Roche Laboratories, Inc. Roche Vitamins, Inc. Rohm & Haas Company Rose and Rose Rose Petal Bed & Breakfast Rosedale Nurseries, Inc. Rothbart Associates Russo & Russo R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute S & S Consulting S & S Home Improvement Sa & Sons Construction Co., Inc. Saiber, Schlesinger, Satz & Goldstein Saint-Gobain Advanced Materials Corp. Saint-Gobain Industrial Ceramics Samson Landscape Construction, Inc. Sandwich King Sankyo Parke Davis Santarpio Financial Group Sanyour Associates SAP America, Inc. Sapiro & Gottlieb Sarubbi & Sarubbi Sauer and Fitzpatrick Sawyer Research Products SBC Technology Resources, Inc. SBK Corp Schepisi & McLaughlin, P.A. Schering Corp. Schering Sales Corporation Schering-Plough Corporation Schering-Plough Research Institute Schiffman, Berger, Abraham & Kaufman, P.C. Scott D. Sherwood, P.C. Scotts Co. Second Opinion Seeds West, Inc. Seeman Brothers Co./The Market Place Seismic Micro-Technolgy, Inc. Semandex Networks, Inc. Semanoff, Ormsby, Greenberg & Torchia, L.L.C. Seman-Tov, Inc. Sensor Kinetics, Inc. Sermach, Inc. Sesaco Corp. Shamrock Enterprises, Ltd. Shapiro & Croland Shapiro Family Eyecare Sharpe, Kawam, Carmosino & Co., L.L.C. Sheila Heller Investments Sherid, Inc. Shire Labatories, Inc.

Shore & Zahn, P.C. Shore Orthopaedic Group Shuster Holding Corp. Sills, Cummis, Radin, Tischman, Epstein & Gross, P.A. Simonfay Landscape Services, Inc. J. Simoni Farms Sinisi & Sproviero Sionas Architecture, P.C. Sitzler and Riley Six Flags Great Adventure Skoloff & Wolfe Skulogix, Inc. SLACK, Inc. Sloan Valve Co. Smalley & Smalley Smart 2, Inc. Smith & Nephew, Inc. Sobala Enterprises, Inc. Society of Cosmetic Chemists Sokol, Behot and Fiorenzo Soldier Hill South Jersey Gas Co. Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, Inc. Sprint Corp. Spunk Fund, Inc. The Star-Ledger Statek Corp. Steiber & Veloric Steinberg Family Fund, Inc. Stempco Stephen H. Rosen & Associates Sterling Law Group, L.L.C. Steven Katz & Associates, Inc. Steven Kudatzky, Chartered Stoffels Associates Stoldt, Horan & Kowal, P.A. Stoller Enterprises, Inc. Stor Tractor Co. Strategic Counsel, L.L.C. Strober Haddonfield Group Strumph Pharmacy Stuart Turner & Associates Sum It Tax & Accounting Resource, Inc. Sumitomo Corp. Summit Bank Sun Bancorp, Inc. Sun Microsystems, Inc. Swampy Vale Farm Swedes Sports & Hobby Shop Sybron Chemicals, Inc. Syngenta Crop Protection,Inc. Syngenta Seeds, Inc. Synopsys, Inc. System's Three, Inc. Systemsthink, L.L.C. T. & C. Enterprises/North Taico, L.L.C. Talent Alliance Institute Tamerline Books TAP Holdings, Inc. Taranto & Associates Target Stores Tascon's Express, Inc. Taughinbaugh Podiatry Corp. TDK Group, Ltd. Teatom, Inc. Technirvana, Inc. Technolog, Inc. Technology Sciences Group, Inc. Telcordia Technologies, Inc. Terhune Orchards Texaco, Inc. Therics, Inc. Thermo Trilogy Corp. Thom-Mist Tile & Stone, Inc. Time Magazine Time-Life, Inc. TKL Research, Inc. TLM Management, Inc. T-Netix, Inc. Tobias Brothers, Inc. Tomen Agro, Inc. Toshiba Research & Development Center Town & Country Developers, Inc. Towne Barber Shop T.R. Winston & Co., Inc. Tree-Tech Triangle Manufacturing Co., Inc. TriCal, Inc. Triple J Excavation & Bioremediation Tropicana Casino & Resort Tru-Kay Manufacturing Co. Tucker Anthony, Inc. Turbo Sportswear, Inc. Turfnet Associates Twenty Two Woodland Corp. Two Family Pictures, L.L.C. Tyco Plastics Agricultural Films Uliase & Uliase UM Holdings, Ltd. Unifax Corp. Unilever Research Laboratorium Unilever Research U.S., Inc. Union Carbide Corp. Union Miniere USA, Inc. Uniroyal Chemical Co., Inc. Unisys Corporation Unit Structures, L.L.C. United Agri Products United National Bank United Phosphorus, Inc. United Way of Central Jersey, Inc. University Orthopaedic Associates University Otolaryngology Associates Uscher, Quiat, Uscher and Russo, P.C. V & J Translations Valent Bio Sciences Corp. Valent U.S.A. Corp. ValueClick Van Wingerden Greenhouse Co. Vander Sterre Brothers Construction Vanderbilt & Siegel Vanderstar Enterprises, Inc. Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

VB-H, The Office of Vera BacwynHolowinsky Vectron International Ventantonio & Wildenhain Ventura's Fuel Oil Verizon Communications, Inc. Verizon Foundation Verizon Network Integration, Inc. Verizon Wireless, Inc. Vermont Toy Chest Veronica, Meloni & Vecchio Veronis, Suhler & Assoc., Inc. Vision Pro Sports Visionary Management Strategies, Inc. W & K International, Inc. W.A. Cleary Corp. W.B. Contractors, Inc. W.T. Johnson & Co., Inc. Wachman Chiropractic, Inc. Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz Wakefern Food Corp. Walder, Sondak, & Brogan Walgreen Co. Walgreens Wal-Mart Foundation Warner-Lambert Co. Warren A. Schneider & Associates Wasserman Grubin & Rogers, L.L.P. Wave Rider, Inc. We Secure It, Inc. Webster Construction Webster, Fredrickson & Brackshaw Weinberg & Ustas Weinstein Snyder Lindermann WellGen, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Wells, Jaworski, Liebman & Paton Wendy Drug, Inc. West Orange Pharmacy, Inc. Westbridge Agricultural Products Western Maine Internal Medicine Westhampton Software Works White Associates Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer William Mitchell Landscape Services Willis North America, Inc. Willmann, Meyer, Shelton & Hiller Withum, Smith & Brown Wm. J. Palatucci & Associates W.N. Garbarini & Associates Woodbine Pharmacy, Inc. Work & Family Issues, Inc. W.V. Griffin Nurseries, Inc. Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals Wyeth-Ayerst Research Xerox Corporation Yarlton, Inc. Young's Nurseries, Inc. Youth Communication/NY Center Zeneca, Inc. Zink & Triest Co., Inc.

Corporate Matching Gifts Contributions from alumni, parents, and friends often are matched by their employers. The matches can double, triple, or even quintuple the value of gifts. Rutgers is grateful to the companies and organizations listed below, which made matching gifts during the 2000–2001 fiscal year. 3M Abbott Laboratories ABN AMRO Accenture Foundation, Inc. ACE USA Foundation ADP, Inc. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Advanta Foundation Aetna Life & Casualty Insurance Co. Agilent Technologies, Inc. Aid Association for Lutherans Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. Akzo Nobel, Inc. Alcoa Corp. Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. Allegheny Teledyne, Inc. Allfirst Financial, Inc. Alliance Capital Management Corp. Allmerica Financial Charitable Foundation, Inc. Allstate Insurance Companies Alpharma, Inc. AMBAC, Inc. Amerada Hess Corp. American Electric Power Service Corp. American Express Co. American General Corp. American Home Products Corp. American Honda Motor Co., Inc. American International Group, Inc. American Re-Insurance Co. American Standard, Inc. Ameritech Corp. Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Inc. Amgen, Inc. AMP, Inc. Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc.

AON Corp. ARCO Armstrong World Industries, Inc. Arrow Electronics, Inc. Arthur Andersen, L.L.P. Ashland, Inc. Astra Merck AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, L.P. Atlantic Bank of New York Atofina Chemicals Inc. Foundation AT&T Aventis CropScience North America Aventis Pasteur Aventis Pharmaceuticals AXA Foundation Ball Corp. Bank Julius Baer & Co., Ltd. Bank of America Foundation The Bank of New York Barclays Bank Charitable Trust Barclays Capital BASF Corp. Baxter Allegiance Foundation BD Benjamin Moore & Co. Bestfoods BOC Group, Inc. Boeing Co. Borden, Inc. BP Amoco Corp. Bracco Research USA Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. Brown-Forman Corp. Bryce Office Systems, L.L.C. Business Men's Assurance Co. Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Calvin Klein Cosmetics Co. Campbell Soup Co. Canon Financial Services, Inc. Capital Group Companies, Inc. Carolina Power & Light Co. Carter-Wallace, Inc. Catalina Marketing Charitable Foundation Caterpillar, Inc. CBS, Inc. Celanese Americas Foundation, Inc. CGU Insurance Co. Champion International Corp. Charles Schwab Corporate Foundation Chase Manhattan Bank Chevron Corp. Chubb & Son, Inc. Church & Dwight Co., Inc. Ciba Specialty Chemicals CIENA Communications, Inc. CIGNA Corp. Cisco Systems, Inc. CIT Foundation/CIT Group CITGO Petroleum Corp. CK Witco Corp. Claneil Enterprises, Inc. Clariant Corp. Clark Construction Group, Inc. CNA Insurance Companies Coca-Cola Co. Colgate-Palmolive Co. ComED Commodities Corp., L.L.C. Compaq Computer Corp. Computer Associates International, Inc. Conoco, Inc. Consolidated Edison Co. Cooper Industries Corn Products International Corning, Inc. C.R. Bard, Inc. Crum & Forster, Inc. Cummins Engine Foundation C.W. Bollinger Co. DaimlerChrysler Corp. Dean Witter Deloitte & Touche Delta Air Lines, Inc. Delta Dental Demag Delaval Turbomachinery Corp. Deutsche Bank Americas Diebold Foundation Dow Chemical U.S.A. Dow Corning Corp. Dow Jones & Co., Inc. DPIC Companies Dresser Rand Co. Duke Energy Duke Power Co. Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. Eaton Corp. Eckerd Corp. EcoLab, Inc. Eli Lilly & Co. Emerson Electric Co. Engelhard Corp. Entergy Services Equifax, Inc. Equistar Chemicals, L.P. Equiva Services, L.L.C. Ernst & Young ExxonMobil Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal National Mortgage Assn. Federated Department Stores, Inc. Ferro Corp. Fidelity Investments Co. Fireman's Fund Foundation First Data Corp. First Union Corp. Fleet Bank FM Global Foundation FMC Corp. Ford Motor Co. Foster Wheeler Corp. Fox News Network, L.L.C. Frederic W. Cook & Co., Inc. Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. Fuji Bank, Ltd. Gannett Foundation Gartner Group Charitable Fund

General Dynamics Corp. General Electric Co. General Mills, Inc. General Motors General Public Utilities Corp. Geon Co. Georgia Gulf Corp. Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, Inc. Gillette Co. GlaxoSmithKline Glenmede Corp. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Grant Thornton, L.L.P. GTE Corp. Guard Insurance Group Guardian Life Insurance Co. Hale and Dorr, L.L.P. Halliburton Foundation, Inc. Harcourt General, Inc. Harleysville Insurance Companies Harte-Hanks Communications, Inc. Hartford Insurance Group Hasbro Charitable Trust Heller Financial, Inc. Hercules, Inc. Hershey Foods Corp. Hewitt Associates Hewlett-Packard Co. Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc. H.J. Heinz Co. Hoechst Marion Roussel, Inc. Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. Home Depot Honeywell, Inc. Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New Jersey Houghton Mifflin Co. Household International, Inc. HSBC Bank USA IBM Corp. ICI Americas, Inc. Illinois Tool Works, Inc. IMS Health Ingersoll-Rand Co. Intel Corp. International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. International Paper ITT Corp. ITT Industries, Inc. J. Walter Thompson Co. Jefferson-Pilot Financial J.M. Huber Corp. John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Johns Manville Fund Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc. Kellogg Co. Kemper Insurance Companies Key Foundation Kingworld Productions, Inc. Kiplinger Washington Editors Knight-Ridder, Inc. KPMG Peat Marwick LADD Furniture, Inc. Lafayette Life LandAmerica Financial Group Leather Products, Inc. Lehman Brothers, Inc. Lenox, Inc. Lexmark International, Inc. Lincoln National Corp. Liz Claiborne Foundation Lockheed Martin Corp. Lucent Technologies Lyondell Petrochemical Co. Mannington Mills, Inc. Marsh & McLennan Co. Masco Corp. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. MasterCard International, Inc. May Department Stores Company Foundation McCormick & Co., Inc. McGraw-Hill, Inc. McKesson HBOC, Inc. McMaster-Carr Supply Co. Mellon Bank Corp. Mercedes-Benz N.A., Inc. Merck & Co., Inc. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Metris Foundation Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Microsoft Corp. Minerals Technologies, Inc. Mitsui USA Foundation Mobil Oil Corp. Moen, Inc. Monsanto Co. Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads MONY Foundation Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corp. Motorola, Inc. Mutual of America Nalco Chemical Co. National City Bank National Exchange Carrier Assn. National Grid National Starch & Chemical Co. National Utility Investors Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co NCCI NCR Corp. NEC Research Institute, Inc. Neiman Marcus Group New England Business Services, Inc. New England Financial New Jersey Natural Gas Co. New York Community Trust New York Life Insurance Co. New York Times Co. Nielsen Media Research

Nissan Motor Corporation U.S.A. Nitta Casings, Inc. Nomura Holding America, Inc. Nortel Networks NorthEast Utilities Northern Telecom, Inc. Norton Co. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. Ocean Energy, Inc. Organon, Inc. Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp. Pearson Education Penn Mutual Life Insurance Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. PepsiCo, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Pharmacia Phelps Dodge Corp. Philip Morris Co., Inc. Philips Electronics North American Corp. Phillips Petroleum Co. Phoenix Home Life Mutual Insurance Co. Pitney Bowes, Inc. PNC Financial Corp. PPG Industries, Inc. PQ Corp. PricewaterhouseCoopers, L.L.P. Procter & Gamble Co. Proskauer Rose, L.L.P. Providian Corp. Prudential Public Service Electric & Gas Co. Quaker Oats Co. Quest Diagnostics, Inc. Raytheon Co. Reader's Digest Assn., Inc. Reckitt Benckiser, Inc. The Record Reebok Foundation Retirement Research Foundation Reuters America, Inc. Revlon, Inc. REXAM Beverage Can, Inc. Rhodia, Inc. RJR Nabisco, Inc. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Rockefeller Financial Services, Inc. Rockwell International Corp. Rohm & Haas Co. RohMax USA, Inc. Royal & SunAlliance Insurance R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. Saint-Gobain Containers Sanofi-Synthelabo, Inc. Sara Lee Foundation SBC Communications, Inc. S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. Schein Pharmaceutical, Inc. Schering-Plough Corp. Schroder Investment Management Science Applications International Corp. Sealed Air Corp. Sempra Energy Shell Oil Co. Sherwin-Williams Co. Sibson & Co. Siemens Corp. Siemens Medical Systems, Inc. Sills, Cummis, Radin, Tischman, Epstein & Gross Skillman Foundation SmithKline Beecham Corp. Sony Music Entertainment, Inc. Sony U.S.A., Inc. Sprint Foundation SPS Technologies, Inc. St. Paul Companies State Farm Insurance Co. Structural Integrity Associates, Inc. Student Loan Marketing Assn. Subaru of America Summit Bancorp Sun Microsystems Foundation, Inc. SunTrust Bank Telcordia Technologies Temple-Inland Foundation Tenet Healthcare Corp. TENNANT Texaco, Inc. Textron, Inc. Thomson Financial Time Warner, Inc. Times Mirror Toa Reinsurance Company of America Tokai Bank, Ltd. Towers Perrin Toys 'R' Us TRW, Inc. Tyco Submarine Systems, Ltd. TyCom UBS Unilever U.S., Inc. Union Tank Car Co. United Parcel Service United States Tobacco Co. United Technologies Corp. UNUM Corp. U.S. Trust Co. US West, Inc. USA Networks Foundation, Inc. USAA Group USG Corp. USX Corp. Valero Energy Corp. Vanguard Group, Inc. Verizon Volvo Cars of North America, Inc. Wal-Mart Foundation Walt Disney Company Foundation Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. West Co. Western-Southern Enterprise Westvaco Corp. Weyerhaeuser Co. Whirlpool Corp. Williams Companies Xerox Corp. Young & Rubicam, Inc. Zeneca, Inc. Zurich Reinsurance (North America), Inc.

Foundations and Associations 2001: $26,551,563 2000: $23,751,711 1999: $18,090,879 Support from foundations, associations, and other organizations has increased greatly over the past three years. The Rutgers community thanks each of these organizations for its gifts during the 2000–2001 fiscal year. Alavi Foundation Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Alliance for Young Families Alma Foundation Almond Board of California Alpha School/New Hope Guild American Association for Cancer Research American Association of Retired Persons American Association of University Women-NJ Division American Cancer Society American Chemical Society American Chemistry Council American Diabetes Assn. American Distance Education Consortium American Floral Endowment American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education American Heart Assn. American Institute for Cancer Research American Institute of Chemical Engineers-NJ Section American Lung Association of New Jersey American Planning Assn.-NJ Chapter Amshel Charitable Foundation Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn. Andrews for Congress Committee Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation Annie E. Casey Foundation Area VII Physicians Review Organization Ashforth Warburg Assn. Asian American Heritage Council of New Jersey Office of Assemblywoman Nilsa Cruz-Perez Association of Racing Commissioners International Associated Press Employees Associated Students of the Newark Colleges of Rutgers Association of Latin American Law Students Association of Mathematics Teachers of New Jersey Atlantic County Board of Agriculture Auxiliary of the New Jersey Pharmaceutical Assn. Avenir Foundation Baird Family Fund Barbara Lee Family Foundation Barbara Lubin Goldsmith Foundation Basking Ridge Garden Club Bay Foundation Bean Family Foundation Bell Family Foundation Belle Mead Counseling Center Ben and Evelyn Wilson Foundation Bergen County Bar Assn. Bergen County Police Chiefs Assn. Bernard and Audre Rapoport Foundation Beta Phi Mu-Omicron Chapter Big East Football Conference Bishop's School Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation Bloch Family Foundation Bodman Foundation Boeing Charitable Trust Bonnie and Bruce Feinberg Family Foundation Brightman Hill Charitable Foundation Brothers of the Sacred Heart Brown Family Fund Bruinooge & Associates Brush Foundation Bryce Thompson Foundation Builders Association of New Jersey Building Contractors Association of New Jersey Burroughs Wellcome Fund Byrne Foundation California Community Foundation California Fig Advisory Board Camden Baseball Camden County Bar Foundation Cape Branch Foundation Career Center of North Central Massachusetts Carnegie Corporation of New York Anonymous CEC International Partners Center for Forensic Economic Studies

Center for Professional Advancement Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation Charles A. Dana Foundation Charles and Lynn Kramer Family Foundation Charles Edison Fund Charles T. & Marion M. Thompson Foundation Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation Chester Garden Club Chloropicrin Manufacturers' Task Force Christian and Teresa Dingler Foundation Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation Claire Phillips Barnet Foundation Clarence and Anne Dillon Dunwalke Trust Class of 2001-Camden Law School Clayman Family Foundation Clearbrook Condo Assn. #15 Commonwealth Fund Communities in Schools-Central Texas Community Foundation for National Capital Region Community Foundation for Palm Beach & Martin Counties Community Foundation for South East Michigan Community Foundation of Louisville Community Foundation of New Jersey Community Foundation of Rochester Area Compton Foundation Concordia Parish School Board Congregation Beth Israel Congregation Beth Ohr Cook College Parents Assn. Cooperative Extension Association of Chemung County Copeland Auction Co. Corella and Bertram F. Bonner Foundation County of Middlesex, NJ Cranberry Institute Cream Ridge Golf Club Crowley-Carter Foundation Culbertson Family Foundation Dahlgren Sharks Daroth Foundation David and Carol Myers Foundation David and Elizabeth Franco Foundation David and Lucile Packard Foundation David and Mildred Morse Charitable Trust Day Family Foundation Defense Logistics Federal Credit Union De'Gater Foundation Dexter and Carol Earle Foundation Dodge Charitable Trust Don and Linda Carter Foundation Don L. and Carol G. Taylor Family Foundation Doris and Mortimer Grossman Fund Douglass Class of 1935 Draper Foundation E.J. Grassmann Trust Earl Reed Silvers Foundation Eastern Star Charity Foundation of New Jersey Edison Garden Club Educational Foundation of America Edward H. Mank Foundation Edward L. and Ruth S. Hennessy Foundation Election Fund of Annette Castiglione-Degan Elizabeth Ellis Foundation Ellen and Peter Klein Foundation Elmer R. Deaver Foundation EMD RP Woman's Club Emerald Foundation Emerson Charitable Trust Employees Charitable Campaign Endowment Foundation Eppley Foundation for Research Ernest Christian Klipstein Foundation Essex County Bar Assn. Executive Women of New Jersey Familian/Levinson Foundation Fannie E. Rippel Foundation Fannie Mae Foundation Farris Charitable Trust Federated Department Stores Foundation Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Anonymous First Presbyterian Church of Haddonfield Flizur Hair Salon Florence Gould Foundation Florida Nurserymen and Growers Assn. Football Fan-ees The Ford Foundation Foundation for Enterprise Development Foundation for Financial Planning Foundation for New Jersey Public Broadcasting Foundation for the Center for Hispanic Policy Research Fran and Ray Stark Foundation Friends of Joe Roberts Friends of Rutgers Crew Friends of Rutgers Gymnastics Friends of the Spinal Cord Injury Project Friends of Women's Golf Friends of Women's Lacrosse Fund for New Jersey

Gabriella and Paul Rosenbaum Foundation Gallo for Freeholder Garden Club of Essex Fells Garden Club of New Jersey Garden Club of Watchung Garden Club R.F.D. Garden State Wine Growers Assn. Gardeners of Somerset Valley Gardeners of Watchung Hills GCSANJ Charitable, Education & Scientific Research Foundation Geiger Foundation Geist Foundation General Service Foundation George Gund Foundation George Link Jr. Foundation Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation G.G.M. Trust Giaconia Family Foundation Giarratana Family Foundation Gibson Family Foundation Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Glenn and Barbara Britt Foundation Glenn N. Howatt Foundation Gloucester County Board of Agriculture Goldberg Family Foundation Goldstein Family Foundation Golf Course Superintendents Assn. Graduate School of Education Alumni Assn. Granovsky Family Foundation Grant-Riverside Methodist Hospitals Great Falls Foot & Ankle Center Grobman Foundation Grotta Foundation for Senior Care Grove Foundation H. Herbert Myers Foundation Haddon Fortnightly Hall Schultz Foundation Hankin Foundation Harbourton Foundation Harold K. Raisler Foundation Harold Wetterberg Foundation Harris School of Business Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey Helen and Harold Schwartz Foundation Helping Out PDD Education Henfield Foundation Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation Henry Luce Foundation Henschel Family Foundation Herbert J. and Dianne J. Lerner Foundation Herbert Smilowitz Foundation Hereditary Disease Foundation Herma Family Foundation Hollander Foundation Holstrom-Kineke Foundation Homemakers Council of Nassau County Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Horizon Health Center Horticulture Research Institute Howard Hughes Medical Institute H.R.H. Memorial Committee Huber Foundation Hudson River Foundation H.W. Wilson Foundation Hyde and Watson Foundation, Inc. Industrial Relations Council on G.O.A.L.S. Institute for Aegean Prehistory Institute for Civil Society International Arabian Horse Assn. International Council of Shopping Centers Education Foundation International Glutamate Technical Committee IOLTA Fund of the Bar of New Jersey Irene Herbert Ross & Harper Grant Ross Foundation Irrigation Association of New Jersey Israel Binational Science Foundation IUE, AFL-CIO J. Seward Johnson Sr. 1963 Charitable Trust Jack and Katherine Bevash Family Trust Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation Jadami Foundation J.A.L. Foundation for the Advancement of Women James E. and Diane W. Burke Foundation James S. McDonnell Foundation Jane Chu Foundation Jaqua Foundation Jay Chiat Foundation J.C. Kellogg Foundation Jersey City Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Assn. Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation Jewish Communal Fund Jewish Community Foundation Jewish Community Foundation of MetroWest Jewish Federation of Cincinnati Jewish Federation of Fort Worth & Tarrant County Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County Jewish Federation of North Jersey John A. and Ruth Davis Manger Foundation John and Claire Graf Family Foundation John and Prudence Cutillo Foundation John and Rosemary Brown Family Foundation John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

Ju Tang & Wu Ping Chu Foundation June & Ira Kapp Foundation Albert B. Kahn Foundation Karma Foundation Kawasaki Good Times Foundation Ken Boxley Foundation Kenneth M. Schmidt Family Foundation Kershaw Family Trust Kids Fund Kleinman Foundation Kohnken Family Foundation KPMG Foundation Krieger Charitable Trust Kuniholm School L. Family Foundation Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity Laura Barber Foundation Lawrence Family Trust Leakey Foundation Leon Lowenstein Foundation Lester M. & Sally Entin Foundation Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Leukemia Research Foundation Levin Family Foundation Linda M. and Peter M. Musumeci Jr. Foundation Lipkin Family Foundation Liss Foundation Livingston Alumni Assn. Local 195, IFPTE, AFL-CIO Lois G. and Julian A. Brodsky Foundation Anonymous L.V.H. Foundation Margaret A. and William A. Maloney Family Foundation Maneely Fund Maplewood Garden Club March of Dimes Marin Community Foundation Marquand Park Foundation Marvel S. Platoff Foundation Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic Master Gardeners of Union County Material Handling Society New Jersey McCrane Foundation Melanoma Research Foundation Mellon Financial Corporation Foundation Mental Health Association of Montgomery Metuchen Rotary Scholarship Foundation MGGA, Eastern Shore Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Middlesex County Fair Assn. Mid-Jersey Chapter-HFTP Milano Foundation Miles Lerman Family Foundation Minerva Research Foundation Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Foundation Montclair Art Museum Moorestown Rotary Charities Moriah Fund Moriarty Family Charitable Foundation Trust Morris and Helen Messing Foundation Morris Animal Foundation Morris Land Conservancy Mortgage Bankers Association of New Jersey Morton Cure Paralysis Fund Mulligan Family Foundation NARSAD Research Institute National Academy of Education National Academy of Sciences National Alternatives International National Association of Chain Drug Stores Educational Foundation National Association of Home Builders National Bureau of Economic Research National Geographic Society National Paralysis Foundation National Thoroughbred Racing Assn. National Trust for the Humanities National Turfgrass Federation Neshanic Garden Club New Brunswick Board of Education New Brunswick Rowing Club New Jersey-ACHCA New Jersey Blueberry & Cranberry Research Council New Jersey Builders Assn. New Jersey Business & Industry Assn. New Jersey City University New Jersey Club Foundation New Jersey Committee of the Garden Club of America New Jersey Cooperative Extension New Jersey Council for the Humanities New Jersey Education Assn. New Jersey Farm Bureau New Jersey Farmer's Direct Marketing Assn. New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education New Jersey Landscape Contractors Assn. New Jersey Law Firm Group New Jersey Mycological Assn. New Jersey Peach Council New Jersey Performing Arts Center New Jersey Pharmaceutical Quality Control Assn. New Jersey Planning Officials New Jersey Pro Foundation New Jersey Society for Adolescent Medicine New Jersey State Bar Foundation New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs New Jersey State Golf Assn. New Jersey State Horticultural Society


New Jersey Technology Council New Jersey Turfgrass Assn. New Jersey Turfgrass Foundation New Jersey Urban Counties Community Development Assn. New York Community Trust New York Eye and Ear Infirmary New York Farmers Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Newark College of Arts & Sciences Alumni Assn. Nicholas Martini Foundation Norma B. Bartman Foundation North American Equine Ranching Information Council North Atlantic Treaty Organization Oak Hill Academy Ocean County 4-H Horse Leaders Assn. Ocean County Board of Agriculture Ocean County Federation of Republican Women Ohio Children's Foundation Open Society Institute Overbrook High School Paralyzed Veterans of America Patrina Foundation Paul and Gloria Boorujy Foundation Paulsboro Club Pennsylvania State University Pennsylvania Vegetable Marketing Program Performance Enhancement Institute Peterson Family Charitable Trust Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America Pharmacy Governing Council Phi Sigma Iota-Sigma Sigma Chapter Philanthropic Fund Philip and Janice Levin Foundation Phyllis and Irving Smith Foundation Phyllis Fox and George Sternlieb Foundation Plangere Foundation Planned Parenthood-Heart of Illinois Planned Parenthood of Central Pennsylvania Planned Parenthood of Hudson Peconic Planned Parenthood of Palm Beach Plymouth Rock Foundation Pollack Family Foundation Pomona Family Practice Presser Foundation Primack Living Trust Princeton Area Community Foundation Princeton Area Douglass Alumnae Club Princeton Ballet Society Priority Children/GCAPPP Public Welfare Foundation Rappahannock Area Ropes & Initiative Course Raritan Valley Branch of AAUW Red Door Clinic, Youth Intervention Project Reduce Adolescent Pregnancy Project of Kalmath Falls Refrigeration Research and Education Foundation Eusebio Reyes Memorial Foundation Right to Choose Education Fund River Branch Foundation Robert and Majorie Alpern Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation The Rockefeller Foundation Rocky Brook Garden Club Roger and Joyce Nussbaum Foundation William G. Rohrer Charitable Foundation Ron Bloom Charitable Foundation Ronald L. and Cinda S. Roudebush Foundation Roxiticus Fund Rushville Consolidated High School Russell Sage Foundation Rutgers '40 Fund Rutgers Alumni Assn. Rutgers Alumni Club of South Carolina Rutgers Club of Greater Philadelphia Rutgers Club of Southern California Rutgers College of Pharmacy Alumni Assoc. Rutgers College Parents Assn. Rutgers College Student Fund Rutgers Council of A.A.U.P. Chapters Rutgers Daily Targum Alumni Assn. Rutgers Golf Assn. Rutgers' GSAPP Alumni Organization Rutgers Preparatory School Rutgers School of BusinessManagement Alumni Assoc. Rutgers Touchdown Club Rutgers University Alumni Federation Rutgers University Board of Trustees Rutgers' University College–Newark Alumni Assn. Rutgers University Press Rutgers Upward Bound Parents' Council Sadinoff Family Foundation Sagner Family Foundation Samuel and Helen Soref Foundation Samuel and Mildred Klein Foundation San Francisco Foundation Scaife Family Foundation Schenk Family Foundation Scherman Foundation Eva & Marvin Schlanger Family Foundation Schonfeld Family Trust


School of Management and Labor Relations Alumni Assn. School of Social Work Alumni Assn. Schuh Family Foundation Schumann Fund for New Jersey Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Sci-Project Scotland Run Golf Club Seiden Family Foundation Senior Class of Women's Crew S.H. and Helen R. Scheuer Family Foundation Shaler Adams Foundation Sheila F. and Myron W. Kronisch Foundation Short Hills Home Garden Club Sisters of Charity Slim Fast Nutrition Institute Smith Family Benevolent Fund Smith Richardson Foundation Smithtown Elementary Employees Club So Charitable Trust Society of American Florists Society of Women Geographers Somerset Hills Branch of AAUW Sophia Organization South Bergen Jointure Commission Education Assn. South Central Family Health Center Southern Arizona Aids Foundation Spencer Foundation Spinal Injury Tournament St. Matthew A.M.E. Church Staff of Corner House Counseling Center Stainrook Foundation State of Maine State of Ohio State of Oregon Sterling Hill Mining Museum Sudler Family Charitable Trust Summit Area Public Foundation Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Tabak Family Foundation Taiwanese Assn. Tampa Bay Rutgers Club Tau Delta Phi Foundation Temple Shaari Emeth Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel Temple University Texas Vegetable Assn. Thenen Foundation Tides Foundation Tomlinson Family Foundation Traffic Club of Newark Tri-State Turf Research Foundation Trowel Club Trustees of Mount Holyoke College Tulsa Community Foundation Turrell Fund UCGIS Ullman Family Fund United Food & Commercial Workers, Local 1776 United Senior Alliance of NJ United States Golf Association Foundation United Way of Bergen County United Way of Burlington County United Way of Delaware United Way of Essex and West Hudson United Way of Greater Rochester United Way of King County United Way of Southeastern New England United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania United Way of Tri-State University College–New Brunswick Alumni Assn. University of Massachusetts Vegetable Growers Association of New Jersey Vermont Community Foundation Victoria Foundation Vincent Cestone Foundation Anonymous Waksman Foundation for Microbiology Walter and Adi Blum Foundation Walter Henry Freygang Foundation Warren/Conner Development Coalition Werblin Foundation W.H. Brady Foundation The Whitaker Foundation Wilf Family Foundation William and Flora Hewlett Foundation William G. Wellhofer Scholarship Foundation William Paterson University The William Penn Foundation William T. Grant Foundation Willowwood Foundation Anonymous W.K. Kellogg Foundation W.M. Keck Foundation Wodicka Family Trust Joseph & Phoebe Wofchuck Family Foundation Woman's Literary Club of Bound Brook Women in Leadership at Lucent Technologies Women's League of Rutgers University Women's National Farm & Garden Assn. Woodbridge Garden Club Woodbury Dance Foundation Woodhill Foundation Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation YWCA of El Paso Del Norte Region YWCA of Minneapolis Zephyr Trust Zonta Club of the Tri-County Area

In Memory Of A gift in memory of a loved one or colleague is a respectful way of remembering that special person. Listed below are the names of individuals in whose memory gifts were received during the 2000–2001 fiscal year. Norman Abels Mary C. Addy Adeline Perrotty Alexander Dorothy Wurm Allcorn Clifford Kent Allen Irene Alm Naomi Altman The Filly Music Amarante Kathryn Schaberg Arone Katherine Collyer Asher Frederick J. Aspinall Robert S. Aubry, Sr. Renie Babcock Wayne Backes Jean Lahn Balinky Jules Balogh Marguerite Barberian Richard L. Barbour Marie Long Bargerstock Joe Basile John Bateman Florence McKnight Bean Edward C. Becht Aaron Beck Thomas J. Beetel David Belford Raymond M. Bennett Adrienne Mamelian Berenson Kathleen Wright Bersch Anthony N. Betances Elizabeth Gordon Bickel Lewis A. Bilancio Elizabeth Harvey Birdsall Alice Elgin Bishop Mahlon Bluebond Elizabeth A. Bohannon Francine Bonis-Fast Melvin Boone William S. Borden Jean Sarvetnick Borkan Eugenia Jennings Brewerton Arthur W. Brinkmann Patricia Booye Bristow Linda Keller Brown William H. Brucker Scott Bruskin Thea Bry Murray Buell Mary Bunting-Smith George Otto Burger John Burkus Mildred Mindlin Burstein Henry Busch Mary Pearle Button Grace Cabillonar Isadore Candeub Ilona Caparros John A. Carpenter Gary M. Castaline Florence Voorhees Cejka Margaret O. Cekada Lillian Cerstvik B. Budd Chavooshian June Mullins Coffey Francine Milling Cofone Libby Cohen Ms. Cohen Lena Colaizzi Barbara Wright Compton Randolph I. Conn Jonathan Cooper Angie Cornett Roger Cornish Eileen M. Corrigan Natalie Smith Cramton Phyllis Pfarrer Cunningham Thomas Daggett Margaret M. Dahm Martin Dale Leah Kinstlinger Dalto Dorothy Bode Davis Evan Baird Davis Vivian Davis Jerome and Suzanne Deady Frances Elizabeth Dean Ralph DeFalco Evelyn McMinn DeFilippis Nancy Rexford Degenhardt Virginia DeMeritt Nicholas A. DiDomenico John J. Dinovi Lowell C. Doak Eileen Dorman Diana Garber Dosik Anne David Dreyer Paul J. Duffy Gerald E. Duguay Andrew C. Dundon James B. Durand Helen Fox Dutcher Marie C. Hoagland Eddy R. Royle W. Eddy Phyllis C. Eisenberg Mildred Bennet Elder Herbert M. Ellend Benjamin Epstein Beryl Williams Epstein Barbara W. Errett Daniel E. Esposito George Esposito Margery Kohl Fagen Russell N. Fairbanks

Helen Wolverton Falkenau John Richard Fargo Glenn F. Farley Samuel D. Faust Christine Feenstra Mark Richard Feller Paul Edward Feller Charles H. Ficken Meagan W. Figlio Robert Fingon Bernard Fink Mildred Washburn Fisher Pauline Mindlin Forman Thomas Foster Thomas D. Foster William E. Fowler Jean D. Fredrickson Freda K. Friedman Lawrence S. Fromkin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Fronefield Audrey Spellman Furgatch Patricia N. Gerow Shirley Weinstein Gerzoff Elsa Freda Giardina Dorothy Giles Hazel B. Gillespie Morton Gittelman Ruth R. Glantz Bernice Piper Gold Herman Goldfine Jeanne B. Goldfine Daniel Gorenstein Westervelt Griffin Jerome D. Gross Margery G. Grove Marmaduke V. Grove Elaine Alicki Guay Anthony Guiliano Kathryn L. Gulick Anthony J. Gulotta Rose DeMarzo Hacker Dorothy Pearson Hammond Frances Thomson Hansen Norman Hardwick Mary C. Hartman Margaret Hastings Alfreda Hays Frances P. Healy C. Willard Heckel Veronique Henriksen Susan Edwin Herbert Lee W. Herrick, Jr. Micheline W. Herz Ruth Hirschman Karen Smoyak Hoffman Amelia Hoffmann Walter Hoffmann Molly Gluckowsky Holtz Nathalie Hucko Helen G. Hurd Beatrice Halpern Hyman Cora Williams Horn Ingram Eva Jakub Arthur Jenkins Robert K. Kalas Robert Kaplan Julian Karp Norton A. Karp Jeffrey Katcher Annette Katz Marilyn Levine Kaye Sandra Bosoy Kearton Andria Keer Jack Kelly Paul M. Kelly Eugenia Keremedjiev Hilda Kinkead John Patton Kirkwood Elaine Klein Dick H. Kleyn Stanley R. Klion Beatrice R. Kosch James J. Kosch Andrew R. Kovatch Reina E. Krakower Mildred Leibowitz Kranztohr Ruth Yucht Kroll Emily J. Kroog Helen C. Kurzawa Irwin Lach M. Elizabeth Lackey Joseph E. Laggini Leland H. Langbein Dolores Leib Janice H. Levin Edward I. Levy Bonnie Kestenbaum Lifchus Dorothea Burroughs Lillie Wynona M. Lipman Raymond B. Lippincott Margaret Liptak Susan Tadd Little Mary Lo Guidice Alfred M. Loewenthal Eleanor Loewenthal Barbara Long Charles V. Longo Harold G. Lundberg Frances G. Lundy Robert G. Lusardi Tess Magsaysay Myrtle Bedford Manser John and Elizabeth Marolda Mary Frances Marvin Teresa Bozza Mastrangelo Betty Jo Matson Jesse Matthews Caryn Mazlen Carol Weaver McCracken Malcolm G. McLaren IV Thomas W. McMahon, Jr. Grace Wood McWilliams Laura Troyanovich Meierhans Anna Marie Menges Barbara M. Metzger Herman Michaels Leslie A. Miller Susan Miller Samuel Butch Mitchell Gloria H. Moffatt William H. Moncrief Beatrice Moretti Carole Peterson Moss Ruth Murdock Abraham and Lillian Muskat Bertha Musumeci

Susan Matties Nadel Eric R. Neisser Katherine K. Neuberger Kwong Yee Ng Nancy Dougherty Niemi Gloria Molino Obertubbesing Annette O'Flaherty Phyllis O'Grady Julia D. O'Hara Lillian Ordas Martha Shapiro Orkand Margaret Hansen Ostergaard Diane Hearn Paffendorf Karen Brooks Page Josephine B. Pane Remigio U. Pane Cyrus R. Pangborn Adrienne Rommer Parker Morris Pashman Donald Paszamant David Pavlovsky Howard Peacemen Paul Guy Pearson Louise Koppenaal Pegg Harold S. Perl Richard J. Peterson Joan Kurtz Pine Frances Pingeon Roberta Lieberman Platt Deborah L. Plick Hugo Poiani Brandon M. Poli Herbert C. Pollock John J. Powers William F. Prentice Janet Howell Quadt William C. Quinn Henry Raimondo Harold K. Raisler Ida Raitano Elizabeth Hunt Rath Juliana Maria Ratych Adelaide Rawson Vito Recine Hyman Regen May Carson Reinhardt Syril Strauss Reitman Catherine Grimm Reuter Anna C. Richards Pamela S. Richards Frances E. Riche Mildred C. Riley Rosemary Puglia Ritvo Albert R. Robbins Christine DiMarino Roberts Bertha Rochford Anna Horling Rodig Oscar R. Rodig, Jr. Alexander F. Ronca Felice C. Ronca Goldie and Elias Ronis Florence Anderson Rood Laura Rosenfield Reave Mendelsohn Rosenthal Kathleen Berrue Roser Dana Eve Roth Halina Rodzko Rusak Edna P. Rust Mary Coakley Sachs Kenneth R. Sailer Manuel Salas Harry O. Sampson, Sr. Liga L. Sams Henry G. Sanders Leonardo Santamarina Lucia Scarcella Harold Schank Margaret Schatz Beatrice Weiss Schein Beverly Schell Edward J. Schermerhorn Madeleine Schetty Henry Schlachter Joyce Kotler Schwartz Henry Schwartzman Bartley Sciarrone George Sekol Esther Seligmann Marsha Senz Anthony Sesta Joshua Shane Helen Shapiro Helen D. Shaw Illysa Shorten Rochelle Shulman Edward L. Shustak Nicholas A. Sigalas Enid Willstadter Silverton Patricia Quinn Simmons Norman Slovik Eleanor Kahn Smith Winnie Sogan Marie Rodig Sommer Emiliano Sorini Otto R. Stach John B. Stagg Grace Russoniello Stango Morton Stavis Sylvia Singer Steinberg Barbara Ann Stempler Nancy B. Stiles William H. Strimel, Jr. Robert Joseph Strobel Lillian Strohlein James H. Stubblebine Myron J. Suseck Milton B. Sussman Norma Sutera Martin D. Sutphin Roger S. Sweet Irena Szancer Sakae Takahashi John P. Tergis Elsie Mae Trygg Thomas Dorothy E. Thornton Florence Shea Tochilin Frank P. Travisano Frances H. Tremmel Jennie Marranca Triarsi Mr. Trutt Nina Epstein Urdang Maria Valgoczy George W. Van Der Noot William J. Vichiconti Joseph Victorio Ann Lochbaum Vierow

Margaret Mary Vreeland Irene Carole Wallen F. Austin Walter Robert M. Walter Bruce P. Wasserman Richard T. Weidner Abraham M. Weisblat Beverly Weiss Arthur L. Weissman Benjamin M. Weissman Jean Wells Marsha Wenk Anne Plechner Wheeler Rosalie Yeskoff White Theodore Whitlock, Jr. Mary Whyard Edward Kelsey Wilcox Frances Bickelhaupt Wilcox Robert N. Wilentz Georgette Taylor Winters Barnet Wolf Kenneth G. Wolfson Albert Wolohojian Hedwig Golebiewski Wyzga Paul Yager John P. Zawadsky Arlene F. Zelnick

In Honor Of A gift in honor of a loved one or colleague is a wonderful way to recognize that person for what she or he has accomplished. It is also a special way to remember a particular event or milestone in that person’s life. Listed below are the names of those individuals or couples in whose honor gifts were made during the 2000– 2001 fiscal year. Ruth Marie Adams Naomi Adler Esther Barcun Elliot Bartner Eileen Becker Karl G. Bergman Allen I. Bildner Joan L. Bildner Judith Mac Dougall Bloeser Vincent Brand Alicia Brelsford Aaron and Joan Britvan Bunny Brooks Charlotte Bunch David Carmel Joseph J. Chambliss Ann Marie Chandlee Susan Krueger Chasnoff Marlene Hiedewohl Ciklamini Thomas Clough Lillian Zeisel Cohen Nancy A. Cooper Margaret M. Dahm Eunice DeClark Davidson Christopher M. Davis Elizabeth R. DeBeer Angelo DelGrande Elizabeth A. DeMauro Marion Lipson Dintenfass Roy S. Doctofsky Douglass Class of 1965 Anne David Dreyer Nancy B. Elkind John H. Emmons M.T. "Tony" Eudene David Michael Fallat Julius A. Feinberg Sylvia Feinberg Ben Feisenberg Frieda Finklestein Feller Frederick J. Ferrari Ruth Fisher Roxanne Ford Thomas V. Fortunato Margery S. Foster Gloria Mancuso Fried John W. Fried Matthew Fried Meredith Fried Jesse Meyer Gaynor Angelo J. Genova Patricia L. Glaser Sara Holtzman Glick Sue Gonia Mike Green Bernice Greenberg Sandy D. Grossman Avi Grumet Kurt Guterman Karen F. Hansen Cary R. Hardy Vivien Cole Hardy Eugene Haring Sandra Lee Harris Christine M. Haska Mary C. Henderson Frederick J. Hill Barnett E. Hoffman Laura Rau Hofing Carleton A. Holstrom Barbara Murray Horl Sima K. Jelin Donald E. Johnson Gary Katcher Rita Katcher

Ruth Kennedy Herbert C. Klein Frank Kobesky Eric Krebs Claire A. Krucher Fela Kupferstein Francis L. Lawrence Ilse and Ralph Leeser Sylvia Lehrich Walter L. Leib Milton Leontiades Matthew A. Leveton Suzanne Sosna Levine Sidney Lieberman Sylvia Lieberman Ben Lippincott Diana L. Livingston Donald M. Lomurro Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Maizel Ruth B. Mandel Aubey Marcus Marcia Marcus N. Ross Matthews Dianne Mills McKay Sandra Moskowitz Theodore D. Moskowitz Edward G. Nawy Edna M. Newby Irving Newman Nancy D. Niemi Katherine Melick Niemiec Sarah E. Noddings Robert O'Donnell Naomi Olin Martha Shapiro Orkand Ruth Marcus Patt Brian Penn Brian Pinkow Jeffrey Pinkow Patricia A. Pugliese Francine M. Quaglio Regina K. Raykovitz Stanley J. Raykovitz Norman and Syril Reitman Miriam Steinberg Riskin Alvin J. Rockoff Naomi Kopstein Rosenbach Norman Rosenberg Ruth Feller Rosenberg Dr. and Mrs. Jack D. Rubin Alan Sagner Laura Schaff Shirley Scharf Everett M. Scherer Lily Schrager Bill Scudder R. William Selden Barbara A. Shailor Allen J. Simonson Adlai J.J. Small Nelle K. Smither Mark S. Snyder Myron Solberg Rona Solberg Alice Daggett Stull John Stull Sharyn V. Suarez Frank Sullebarger Joanne A. Sullebarger Aline Tambor Paul Trilling Audrey Brown Walton Robert B. Walton Wendy Watson Ruth Melee Waugaman Robert D. Weitz Juanita Wade Wilson Mashariki K. Wilson Adelaide Marcus Zagoren

Gifts from Trusts and Estates Making a gift through a bequest or trust is a thoughtful and farsighted way to provide financial assistance for students or support to a program, department, or college. A total of $10,652,373 was received in the 2000–2001 fiscal year from the trusts and estates of the following individuals. Alton Adler Araxie Anjoorian Robert S. Aubry, Sr. Jean Lahn Balinky Thomas J. Beetel Margaret Burnett Sahloff Beldon David T. Bender Kenneth W. Bergen Doris Dow Boustead Edith B. Bowles Margaret Brogley Eugene Brussel Barbara M. Busch Charles Busch Margaret Cafiero Mary L. Carll Raymond J. Clark Rose Y. Cohn Anthony Conway, Jr. Frederick Deile Malcolm Dodd

George C. Driscoll, Jr. John C. Enk Mary S. Enk Irene Fuhlbruegge Alma Fuhrman Gainfort Evangeline Mundy Galas Thomas C. Galligan, Sr. Frank A. Golbey Kathryn E. Gourlay Paul B. Greetin, Jr. Michael P. Harasimik Ann M. Harrahill Gertrude M. Higgins Helen G. Hurd Lillian Jacobs William G. Jenkinson Jeannette Ketcham Katherine Knolmeyer Bruce G. Laureyns Frances Bradley L’Hommedieu Norma McKaig Lovell Jacqueline Malesky David T. Mason John W. McGeehan, Jr. Howard McKinney John W. Mettler Leona G. Meyerson Thomas C. Murray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Musicant Dorothy B. O’Leary John J. Powers Lois V. Pratt Nathaniel Ratner Arthur Reich Loretta Siegel Reisch Philip Riskin Mary K. Sanford John A. Sellon Helen Dickman Shaw Sidney Simon Frederick Valergakis William Van Dyck Bruce J. Walter F. Austin Walter Robert M. Walter Thomas E. Weinstock Elizabeth C. White Mary Whyard

Colonel Henry Rutgers Society The Colonel Henry Rutgers Society was established in 1985 to recognize those caring and generous graduates and friends who have provided for Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, in their estate plans. Members receive a certificate welcoming them into the society and are invited to several special events each year. Daisy K. Aberlin Roger G. Ackerman Paul Actor Ruthe Actor Hawley Ades Kathy Agh Lynne Agress Donald E. Agthe Waino F. Akkala Ruth W. Alampi Barbara Albu-Lehman Elizabeth F. Allen Patricia K. Ameling Sidney E. Amster Richard T. Anderson Robert W. Anderson, Jr. Margaret Hilgendorff Anderson Marsha K. Anderson Rosemary Honecker Anderson Jeanne Kelly Andrews Wilson J. Andrews, Jr. Michael M. Andrulis Michael J. Angelides Helen C. Angiuoli Sylvia S. Appel Yetta H. Appel Patricia O. Applegate Marjorie K. Arp * Diamond Ascani Jerome L. Aumente * Elaine Axel Selden B. Aylsworth * Catherine Rettger Azzone Charles P. Bacha * George M. Badoyannis Angelo V. Baglivo Magdalene S. Baglivo Irvin Baker Latasha Baker Ruth Anne Ball * Mary E. Barengo Alexander C. Baret Charles A. Barker, Jr. Ellin Fennessy Barker Murl G. Barker Norman Barofski Betsy Barofski Matilda Cogan Barron Elliot Bartner * Joseph Bartonek Lucy D. Baruch Susan A. Basow * Edward F. Bauer, Jr. Edward F. Baumer *

Felix M. Beck William G. Becker * Adrian J. Beill Eleanora C. Bell Alexander M. Bell * Margaret Bell Wayne L. Bell Adrian Benjamin * Doris J. Bennett Walter H. Berger * Merrie Bergmann Leonard E. Berkley Margaret V. Berkley Stuart D. Berkowitz Richard Berkowitz Paul B. Bertram * James A. Bess * Earl S. Bessmer Elizabeth L. Bessmer Albert A. Best James W. Betts Barbara S. Betts Jacob Bevash Lucille A. Bielawski Kenneth Gordon Bishop Susan Bishop Janet K. Blair Edward Blanchett Lowell Blankfort Gertrude Blasberg * Oscar A. Bloustein Jeanne Bloustein Frances M. Blum Eric H. Boehm Werner Boehm Alice Boehret Arthur R. Bohus Constance Boorer John F. Borchers * Jean Borkan Edward Borow Maxwell Borow Matilda Bosshardt Ward C. Bourn Marie Boutillier Beryl Bove Charles W. Bower Howard L. Bradford Lucille N. Bradford Mabel T. Bradford Adeline Tallau-Brady Alfred V. Brady Floyd H. Bragg * Helen Bragg Elizabeth Brasefield Myrna I. Brauer Olive K. Bray Julian H. Breen Bernard Bressler Marguerite R. Brice Cooper B. Bright * Michael A. Brill Lewis D. Brounell * Omer F. Brown II Joanne Bruno Harold M. Bruskin Bernice Bruskin Walter R. Bruyere III Emilie H.R. Buck * DeWitt T. Budd Dorothy H. Budd Jeffrey H. Bunin Jaroslav M. Burian Ardath W. Burks Barbara Ann Busch Mary Lou Norton Busch Mary T. Butcher Wilbert E. Butt David A. Cairns John Calasibetta Gina Calogero Robert J. Campel Joan N. Campel M. Leon Canick Howard Canning Joan Canning Alma G. Cap Elizabeth H. Carabillo William J. Caracci Patricia A. Carty Robert Cavalier David A. Cayer Lucy D. Chang Lillian S. Chasnoff Dana Chavkin Ellen G. Chenaux Isadore Chertoff * Frederick Childs Margaret Hunt Childs Kewal Chopra Richard B. Church David L. Churchill Janet Churchill George L. Claflen Keith Allen Clark David G. Clough Norman Cogliati * Amy Cohen-Corwin Arthur S. Cohen Harvey M. Cohen Richard M. Cohn Lois Collett Helen D. Collins * Kevin J. Collins * Tom H. Collins Kenneth D. Common * Geoffrey Connor Donald B. Cook Ethel S. Cook Dorothy M. Cooper * Robert N. Cooper Gloria Copleman Susan V. Costas Michael A. Costello Michael G. Costello Donna C. Coulson David L. Cowen Charlotte M. Craig Thomas R. Craig John F. Crane Peter D. Crane * Brian Crockett Whitney Crowell Phyllis L. Cummins Thomas J. Curry Doris J. Dabrowski

Philip A. D’Alesandro Charles A. Darocy George A. Daum * Junella M. Daum * Frank N. Dauster Helen T. Dauster Eunice DeClark Davidson J. Herbert Davidson * Rees E. Davies Emily M. Davis Spencer H. Davis Denise M. Davis Robert W. Davis Ray F. Dawson Herbert M. Day Guy K. Dean III Dagmar S. Dearborn Matthew DeMaria Nancy S. Denburg Sheldon Denburg William W. Derbyshire Michael V. DeSanctis * Constance DeSieghardt Frederick O. DeSieghardt Ralph E. DeTurk III * Laura DeWitt * Ivah C. Dickerson Mary H. Dickson Carleton C. Dilatush * Louis M.J. DiLeo Zale Dillon Carol Dooley Paul A. Dorko Domitilia Dos Santos William B. Downes David Drukaroff Israel Drukaroff Arline R. DuBrow Elizabeth J. Dunlap Eleanor Dunning William E. Durell Elizabeth W. Durham * Alice V.J. Dymerski Elmer C. Easton Joseph N. Eckert * George J. Eckhardt Darlene M. Eddy Nathan J. Edelstein * Edith Eichenbaum Stanford Eisenberg * Robert H. Elkes * Maxine Ellend Clifford L. Elling * Elizabeth B. Ellis Ann Elwood George Elwood Curt Elsner Mildred Elsner Bessie B. Engel Samuel Errera Philip I. Evertz * Carl Faith W. Elliott Falconer Ladislas Feher Toby S. Feinberg John A. Feist Daniel G. Feldberg * St. Elmo Ferrara * Rocco A. Ferraro * Lillian Fertig Daniel Fertonani Robert R. Fick Dorothy M. Field Nicholas W. Filippone Irene Filippone Richard O. Fimmel Eloise Degenring Finardi Enzo Finardi Muriel W. Johnson Fischer H. Kenneth Fish Alice R. Fisher Linda A. Fisher Robert G. Fisher Constance S. Fisher Laura M. Flachs Brian G. Flanagan * Bonnie Flocco Franklin Flower Herman Flynn Edward T. Fogg Nancy B. Fogg Norbert L. Foglietta Margaret Foglietta Mary Ann Foote Matthew I. Fox Stephanie Fox Lia J. Fraenkel Sigmund Freedman Ann M. French Charles H. Frick Robert M. Frisch, Jr. Anna C. Fritts George M. Fritts C. Reed Funk * Ralph L. Fusco David H. Gaither Dorothy R. Gallaher Elizabeth H. Gardner Nancy Ann Gare E. Warren Geigel Ruth S. Geigel Joseph J. Geller Samuel Geltman Gary J. Gerber * Charles R. Getty John A. Gianakaris John J. Giannotti Pradeep G. Gidwani Eleanore M. Gies Richard C. Gies Muriel K. Glaser Michael Glass Lucille M. Goff Sidney Goff Alan H. Gold Jason M. Gold Eleanor Gold Louis Jay Goldenberg Samuel Goldfarb Irene D. Goldfarb David A. Goldfinger * Connie Goldman Mark Goldman Richard E. Goldman Linda Goldstein Jose L. Gomez *

Michael N. Goodkind * Alfred M. Goodman Steven T. Goodman Marion Klein Goodyear Seth A. Gopin Irwin Gordon Lawrence Gordon Kenneth P. Gorelick Eva Gottscho Sandra Gottesman Wallace R. Grant Debra Greenberg Lewis M. Greenberg Marvin Greenberg William H. Greenberg Ellin P. Greene Audrey Gross Jay Gross Joseph M. Guida Clark J. Gutman * Mary S. Haines Reece E. Haines Richard M. Hale Robert Hall Elizabeth A. Hallowell Carol H. Hamlin Kevin W. Hanft Donna R. Hanft Karen F. Hansen Lynne W.B. Hansen Valerie E. Harris Elizabeth Cavanna Harrison Denise M.K. Hart Sidney Hartstein Harold G. Hartwick * O. Peter Haslestad Theodora N. Haslestad Alfred A. Hatab Robert D. Hecklau Stanley I. Hegg * Mary M. Heilman George T. Heinemann Janet Von Kempe Heinemann Erwin H. Heinz Anna Gulick Henderson Edward L. Hennessy Ruth S. Hennessy Raymond D. Henry Rolanne Henry Nancy L. Herman Malcolm H. Hermele Lee W. Herrick Ruth C. Herrick Marcella Darling Heyd Peter F. Hibbard * Juliette M. Hill Walter W. Hoehler Rosemary Hoehler Gladys F. Hogan Joan Hollander Irving L. Horowitz Linda M. Horowitz Louis J. Horvath Burton L. Hotaling Louise Requa Hough Marjorie Hoyler Everett J. Hughes, Jr. James D. Humsey Theodore J. Ignall * Robert Inglis, Jr. Henry R. Irons Carol G. Isselian Elaine Jacob Alden F. Jacobs Arlene Jacobs Mary Ann C. Jacobsen Murray B. Jacobson Arthur W. Jacoby Barbara B. Jacoby Harold F. Jaeger Helen Montgomery Jenkins Paul B. Jennings * Elyce Jennings * Denis G. Johnson Hilda M. Johnson Eileen R. Johnson Bernice R. Jones J. Craig Jurgensen Charles A. Jurgensen * Ann C. Jurgensen * Ray Kaden Richard C. Kaempfer Herbert Kahn, Jr. * Carol Kahn Anastasia Kangos Frances R. Kaplan Amanda R. Karkus Lewis H. Karpf Edward Karpoff Bella Karpoff Fleurette Katz Garry Katz Seymour Katz Sidney A. Katz Virginia S. Kelcec Marion A. Keller Herbert R. Kells Charles F. Kenny, Jr. Richard G. Kent Thomas Kindre Marie M. Kinney William T. Kinsella Max Kirkland * Mary M. Kirkwood Robert Kirkwood Dick Kisluk Joan M. Kissling John G. Kissling Arthur S. Kleimer Mary S. Klein Walter J. Knox Robert K. Koehler Elaine Koehler Bernice F. Kogan Gilbert D. Konowitch J. Walter Koper Freda Kopp Stanley Kosensky * Ruth J. Kosensky * William H. Kough Ann F. Kough Ruth S. Kram E. Marjorie Kramer Harry Kranz Shirley Kranz Robert H. Kraus

Astrid B. Kromayer Claire A. Krucher Eleanor S. Kuebler Solomon D. Kugler * Christopher P. Kunkel * Maria Lewis Kussmaul Barbara K. LaBar * Barbara Silber Lamont Everett J. Landers Joshua M. Landish Nancy L. Lane Maxine G. Langbein Ann Priory Laraja Robert G. Latimer Ruth E. Latimer Arnold Lau Stephen A. Law Solomon Leader Elvera Leader Olga Specht Leafgreen Evelyn E. Leary Diane LeBow Joel Lebowitz Percy M. Lee Walter Leib June LeLong Susan L. Lennox Martha F. Leonard Edward J. Leppert Arthur M. Lerner Carol G. Lerner Herbert J. Lerner Joseph G. Lerner Burton R. Lester * Charles H. Leu Helen Levine Jane Massey Licata Edward Licker James T. Liddle, Jr. David Lilien * Edward J. Linky Rosemary Linowski Gladys G. Lippincott David L. Lipton Mildred C. Lipton Rosemary A. Little Elizabeth L. Livingston C. Paul Loane Lois A. Lockfeld Robert V. Loeb Gilda Loeb Ira Lomench Madonna Lomench Kristin R. Long Alan V. Lowenstein George J. Lukac Anne M. Lyding Sharon Kiziu Lydon Grace V. Macaluso Gordon J. Macdonald Muriel L. Macfarland Marlin V. MacLaughlin, Jr. Beverly Maddalone Phyllis P. Magat May L. Magee Steven R. Magidson Cynthia S. Magidson Donald L. Mahan Lorraine Maitland Neilia Makadok Stanley Makadok Donald Malpass Allan Marain Susan G. Marchand * Carl M. Marchetti * Set Mardirosian Francis A. Margalotti Richard D. Marshall Harold H. Martin Joanne S. Martin * Anne C. Martindell * Robert E. Martini Ralph K. Martinson * Carl H. Marxsen * Marian Matticole Bonnie J. McCay Jean V. McCloughan Robert H. McCloughan Richard P. McCormick Katheryne McCormick Helen K. McDonnell * Roger H. McDonough * James H. McGordy * Richard A. McIntyre Kate Bucklin McKnight Philip McLaughlin Ruth L. McLaughlin David L. Menci Lisa Menci Richard J. Mercer Muriel Mercer Leland G. Merrill, Jr. Virginia G. Merrill Richard H. Merritt Antoinette J. Messina-Pagano Ethelyn Meyer * Harry Meyers Frederick C. Mezey Gerald Michelson Edward Miller Janet P. Miller Michael P. Miller Miriam T. Miller David Miniman Barbara J. Mitchell Grace E. Mitcheltree Harriett Field Modemann Rosemary B. Monagan Paul S. Monroe Judith Ann Mooney Fred W. Moore, Jr. * James A. Moore Theresa Carver Moore William Moore III Joseph J. Moravek M. Louise Morris * William Morris * Camie Morrison Mildred H. Morse Clifford J. Mosbacher Janet L. Mosbacher Rhoda A. Mosesof Robert F. Moss Kent Mountford * Matthew Mulhern Karen Mulhern


Douglas A. Mullaney V. Thomas Murray Septima P. Murray Veny Musum Nancy S. Nadaskay Barbara W. Nathan Mary Elizabeth Neary Marcia Nehemiah Herbert T. Nelson * Peggy Nelson Anton E. Nemeth Erna Neuse Arlene R. Newby Edna M. Newby Bonny Newman-Pancza Bruce Nicholas Herbert C. Nikola Paul A. Nolle Heather M. Nolle Zoe L. Nonemaker John Noon Gertrude Nora Rita A. Novitt Ruth Obeid James J. O'Brien * Jay P. O'Brien Phyllis L. O'Connell Gene O’Hara Leslie A. O'Keefe-Conlon Robert C. Olsen Dorothy A. Olson Marion B. Osborne * Allen Osterling Mary Osterling Donald M. Ostrander Mary Hance Owen Robert I. Owen Jerry G. Padula Dorothy K. Padula Phillip L. Paley Herbert E. Pappky Maryanthy Pastore Janice L. Pattberg Larry L. Paxson * John Joseph Paxton Julius R. Pearson Ursula S. Pearson Ernest T. Pelikan Arlene Peller Melvin A. Peller Anna S. Perry E. Leslie Peter Nancy Yusko Peters Earle N. Peterson * Doris H. Petit Isabella W. Pfeil Eugenia F. Phelps Raymond Edward Phipps Hubert L. Pierson Neal Pike Joan Pike George S. Plaganes Catherine J. Plocinik Lucille Pogue Louis L. Pokorny Ruth K. Pokorny Walter G. Poland * Emma Poland * Louis J. Polskin Ruth-Alice C. Potts David A. Pressler Bessie T. Proctor Lillian Pubols David Pysher Herbert L. Ramo Harold T. Redding Lewis T. Rege Carol Murray Reich Norman Reitman * Calvin R. Renaud, Jr. David L. Rhody George Riabov Robert J. Ribeiro Amalia S. Ricciardi * Jeanne B. Rich David Richards Alberta L. Richards Charles H. Richardson Theodore Ridgway Ralph Riehle Margaret Price Riesz Alexander J. Rinaldi Lillian Ringel Emily Ten Eyck Rising Albert R. Robbins Patricia M. Roberts Alvin J. Rockoff * Leon Root Paul W. Rork * Allan S. Rosen Stanley Rosen Martin H. Ross Spencer Ross John G. Rosta Christine Rotgers Brian S. Rothman Cheryl Kramer Rothman Jeanne E. Rothstein Mark J. Rothstein * Joanne Rothstein * Gayton Rotunda Mark W. Rowland Maxine G. Rubin * Ronald Rubin * Bertha Rudd Martha K. Rumsey Nicholas G. Rutgers IV Charles W. Ryan Dolores R. Ryan John R. Ryan * Allen I. Safianow Joseph B. Saldarini Lita B. Saldarini Thomas J. Salerno Martha M. Salmon Robert Salvin Felix Sanchez Emily Sanders Dorothy Sands Alice C. Santamarina Beatrice Sauter * Carol Prentice Savage James C. Savage William B. Scatchard, Jr.


Franklin H. Schaefer Richard Schatzman Richard F. Schaub Charel Y. Schaub Dorothy Schein Philip S. Schein Joseph Schenkel Lois J. Schermerhorn Katherine Schick Victoria D. Schmidt Florette Schoen Charles M. Schoman, Jr. Lily Schrager Adrian H. Schreiber * Eileen Schreiber Helmut Schwab Gustave Schwarz Elizabeth Schwarz Alexander Seaman Ellen V. Seaman Herman H. Seddig Baruch S. Seidman * Michael S. Seiferth Corinne Semon Thomas T. Semon Donald A. Serpico Margaret A. Serpico Judith E. Shapiro Robert B. Sharp Thomas Shebell, Jr. William J. Shepherd * Kenzo Shiomi English Showalter Martin Siegel Neil A. Sieminski Allen J. Simonson Marion Kuebler Simplicio Peter W. Singer Bonita N. Singlevich Thomas E. Singlevich Sivasorupee Sinnathamby Kathleen M. Slayton Barbara M. Smith Elizabeth W. Smith Robert C. Smith Ann Smithcors J. Frederick Smithcors Shirley A. Smoyak George H. Snell Philip R. Snow Denise E. Snow Cynthia So Harold J. Soehl * Rona M. Solberg Edward Solow Virginia L. Spaar-Rauch * Louise E. Spencer * Dorothy G. Spencer Eric W. Springer Elsie M. Stalker * Carol Stalker William Stalker Linda L. Stamato * Barbara Condos Stanton Robert G. Staples III * Edward Stapley Helen Strang Stapley David Star Rita Star Jeanne G. Steinberg Carl Steindler Gertrude A. Steiner Barbara J. Stephen Alexina L. Stine Marietta St. John Pamela Stockham Alfred C. Storer Margaret B. Storer Mabel Street J. Edward Stricker Frank N. Strumfa Elmer R. Struyk Anita Isenberg Sturm Frank Sullebarger Joanne Sullebarger Arthur Sullivan William H. Suter Ruby Suter Robert Suval Kathleen P. Sweeney Janice Swenson Florence G. Swink Arlene Tashlick Irving Tashlick Michael Taussig Jesse E. Tegethoff Nina B. Tegethoff Ute Tellini Charles B. Thayer Arthur M. Thomas Jean C. Thomas John A. Thomas Jan N. Thompson Helene Tischhauser Edith H. Titsworth Jackson Toby Robin Tolvin Ruth Toor Jeffrey A. Torborg Susan Torborg Peter A. Toth Louis A. Trapp, Jr. George W. Triblehorn, Jr. Paul Trilling Allan R. Trimmer Ann V. Trout Bert Tryon * Madelyn Tunner * Margery J. Turner * Leslie H. Unger Janet S. Unger Frederick E. Upshall Fred D. Van Aken William G. Van Allen * Edgar D. Van Wagoner * Beatrice H. Van Winkle * John Vander Veer Albert Veliky Walter E. Volkomer Charles Vollherbst Joyce Vollherbst Jean L. Volz * Alan M. Voorhees Barbara B. Voorhees

Ralph W. Voorhees Barbara E. Vroom Frank W. Wagenknight Harold V.A. Wait Nancy B. Wait Julie R. Wald Martin Waldron Helen M. Walkinshaw Audrey Walker Warfield Robert K. Wallace * Audrey B. Walton Robert B. Walton Ralph L. Ward Zelda C. Webb Thomas Weber Irene T. Weber Richard E. Weber Madison E. Weidner Hilda D. Weinberg Arthur Weinblatt Solomon Weiss Rae B. Weissman Evelyn Weitzer * Murray J. Weitzer * Dorothy Salkin Welles Melvin J. Welles Roger Wells P. Richard Wexler * Helen S. Wexler * A. Virginia Wharton Nancy M. Wheeler Duncan Whyte, Jr. Lewis N. White * Lillian White-Stevens * Sidney A. Wilchins Oliver Wilcox Leslie D. Wilding James J. Wilhelm Michael Wilk Henry G. Wilke Marilyn G. Wilke Marjean Willett Christine M. Wilson Dorothy D. Windeler Louis A. Winters Hugo E. Wistreich Lucy Wistreich George C. Witte, Jr. Elmer Wolf Bert Wolf Rita Wolf Miriam Lukacs Wolin Charles L. Wood * Richard L. Wood H. Boyd Woodruff Jeanette W. Woodruff George T. Woods Howard L. Woodward Chrystene Wyluda Clara M. Yagian Richard L. Yoken Ruth Youngblood * Adelaide Zagoren Mildred K. Zahn * Stanford Zeisel Allan Zelnick Robert J. Zimmerman John G. Zinn Ruth Ziotkowski Margaret Zipp Charles Zukaukas Leonora Zukaukas David B. Zurav * Charter member

Volunteer Leaders Class Agents Rutgers Alumni Association Walter H. Seward, ’17 Julius F. Muller, ’22 John E. Bebout, ’23 Julius Robinson, ’28 P. Richard Wexler, ’30 Norman Reitman, ’32 Robert K. Petry, ’33 Leonard A. Frank, ’35 John G. Rosta, ’36 David Lilien, ’37 Earl Reed Silvers, ’39 Carl R. Woodward, Jr., ’40 Herbert H. Newton, ’41 Samuel E. Blum, ’42 Elliot Bartner, ’43 Crandon F. Clark, ’44 Alfred V. Brady, ’45 Joseph B. Saldarini, ’46 James L. Essig, ’48 Walter S. Talan, ’49 Robert D. Hubbard, ’50 Bert Wolf, ’51 Bruce G. Freeman, ’52 Frederick E. Gruninger, ’53 Frank X. Schwindinger, ’54 Gordon J. Macdonald, ’55 Maurice Meyer III, ’56 Charles J. Mooney, ’57 James P. Drago, ’58 Donald S. Pasternak, ’59 William L. Bauer, ’60 Sidney A. Wilchins, ’61 Roger E. Wyman, ’62 Robert A. Laudicina, ’63 John Emanuel Pappas, ’64 Craig G. Matthews, ’65 Stanley Sorkin, ’66 Gary B. Baker, ’67 Garry Katz, ’68 James J. Cuviello, ’69 Gregg R. Anderson, ’70

James C. Savage, ’71 Andrew C. Marinucci, ’72 Robert V. Cancro, ’73 Sari Preston-Santoro, ’76 Michael Kowalyk, ’77 Diana Marie Dloughy, ’78 Charles C. Hager, ’79 Joseph S. Petrino, ’80 Daniel T. Deas, ’81 Mike S. Shenberg, ’82 Paul E. VanFleet, Jr., ’83 John D. Avedian, ’84 Heather Jacobs-Perlmutter, ’86 Leslie C. Solomon, ’87 Len H. Niedermeyer, ’88 George A. Rears, ’89 Stuart J. Heiser, ’90 Benjamin D. Mamola, ’91 Elia A. Pelios, ’92 Herb K. Ryder, ’94 Dori L. Mansur, ’95 Edward Potosnak III, ’96 Raj S. Marok, ’98 Ajay Chandramouly, ’99 Maria Raineri, ’00 Raj Patel, ’01

Douglass Associate Alumnae Elizabeth Wyckoff Durham, ’22 Mary Coombe Addy, ’24 Ruth Powell Anderson, ’25 Anna Seng Perry, ’26 Fromah Shapiro Davidson, ’28 Agnes McDede Murray, ’30 Lois Olson Collett, ’34 Elizabeth Taber Stephens, ’35 Gertrude Solomon Robinovitz, ’37 Ruth Schenck Grant, ’38 Beverley Hopkins Ehrenfeld, ’39 J. Genevieve Toohey Kemper, ’40 Helen Rubine Lappe, ’41 Alice Russhon Dickerson, ’42 Ida A. Leone, ’44 Betty Mc Diarmid, ’46 Betty Reeve Inglis, ’48 Pauline Li Calsi Bertone, ’50 Mary Lou Farry Van Iderstine, ’51 Marie Schrick Zofrea, ’52 Barbara Griffith Pfitzenmayer, ’53 Adelaide Greenberg Rosen, ’53 Patricia Lloyd Washburn, ’54 Betty Di Francesco, ’55 Lorna Tregoning Sniegoski, ’55 Felice Borenstein Feldman, ’56 Margaret Dawson Gross, ’57 Joan James Rapp, ’58 Phyllis Sokalner Eisner, ’59 Susan Gordan Marchand, ’61 Carol Spence Auletta, ’64 Joyce Kovatch AlbersSchonberg, ’65 Miriam Lox, ’66 Nancy Bell Hohnstine, ’67 Janice Monk Haigis, ’68 Dianne Mills McKay, ’69 Martha Reed Boughner, ’71 Barbara Albu-Lehman, ’72 Kathi L. Gilbert, ’73 Carol Prentice Savage, ’74 Patricia LaDuca, ’75 Helen Pluciennik, ’76 Amy Mills Ipp, ’77 Susan Mc Cahill Zahorbenski, ’78 Elaine Pick Farkas, ’79 Jocelyn Briddell, ’81 Helene Vaccaro Fall, ’82 Susan Smithies-Schwartz, ’83 Nancy Crosta Landale, ’84 Amy Cecere Wheatley, ’85 Patricia Piersimoni, ’86 Elizabeth J. Fusca, ’87 Amelia Luongo, ’87 Regina Molloy Lindner, ’89 Pamela Glynn Webb, ’90 Tara Raleigh Blando, ’91 Jennifer A. Meszaros, ’91 Christina Niziolek, ’92 Nanciann Holland Boldizar, ’93 Nicole M. Torella, ’93 Wanda F. Smith, ’94 Amy E. Kirner, ’95 Peryn A. Coady, ’96 Jodi B. Boyle, ’96 Theresa M. Sciacchetano, ’98 Jennifer Dudeck, ’99

Corporate Agents Michael J. Carey National Chair, Corporate Agent Program Corporate Vice President, Human Resources Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Christopher J. Rotante Manager Accenture Foundation, Inc. Katherine Bagin President of Web Enablement AT&T Dean J. Paranicas Vice President, Investor Relations and Public Affairs BD William N. Britton Senior Vice President J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Hector I. Erezuma Vice President, International Tax Colgate-Palmolive Co. Stephen J. Petruska Procurement Services Advisor ExxonMobil Corp. John J. Greene District Manager Hewlett-Packard Co.

Kenneth L. Gentner Manager, Global Industries Solutions IBM Corp. Mark Maselli Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers, L.L.C. Anne M. Markovski Vice President, Quality Assurance Prudential Insurance Co. of America Michael R. Tuosto General Manager, Public Affairs Public Service Enterprise Group Anthony J. Yorlano Director of Pharmaceutical Operations Finance Schering-Plough Corp. Daniel J. Phelan Senior Vice President, Human Resources GlaxoSmithKline Peter W. Jewell Principal Solutions Architect Telcordia Technologies Douglas H. Place Vice President, Technology Development, Deployment, and Operations Verizon Michael C. MacDonald Senior Vice President Xerox Corp. Richard S. Parr Senior Patent Attorney Merck & Co., Inc.

Committees President’s Council Executive Committee Ronald W. Giaconia, Chair Floyd H. Bragg Kevin J. Collins Richard M. Hale John J. Heldrich Peter J. Hendricks Robert A. Hering Paul B. Jennings Sharon E. Karmazin Herbert C. Klein Patrick Morris Gene O’Hara Norman Reitman Nicholas G. Rutgers IV Kenneth M. Schmidt Kathleen P. Sweeney Ralph W. Voorhees Benjamin S. Wolfe Scarlet R Executive Advisory Committee Mark P. Hershhorn, Chair Floyd H. Bragg Michael W. Carroll Kevin J. Collins Brian Crockett Ronald W. Giaconia Alan Goldberg Walter L. Leib Robert E. Mulcahy III Ralph W. Voorhees Annual Fund Campaign Chairs Mark P. Hershhorn, Rutgers Annual Fund and Scarlet R Club Nicholas G. Rutgers IV, International Alumni Dr. Arthur and Karen Birnkrant, Rutgers Parents Fund George and Frances Massey, Scarlet R Club Parents Ann Clemency-Kohler and Frank Dominquez, Eagleton Alumni Fellows Ruth Mandel, Eagleton Institute of Politics William N. Britton, Rutgers University Libraries Allan Maitlin, Zimmerli Art Museum Roger R. Locandro, Cook College Jon A. Carnegie, Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy Gregory Bender, School of Engineering Stephen J. Kovary, College of Pharmacy Michael Harrison, Rutgers College Walter Hazard, University College– New Brunswick Dr. Philip S. Schein, Faculty of Arts and Sciences–New Brunswick Molly Stranahan, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology Michael Beachem, Graduate School of Education Baruch S. Seidman, Graduate School-New Brunswick John Hurley, School of Communication, Information and Library Studies Carolyn N. Wagenseller, Mason Gross School of the Arts Patricia Lee, School of Management and Labor Relations Lillian Ringel, School of Social Work Irwin Lerner, Rutgers Business Edward E. Johnson, Jr., Livingston College Robert Koehler, Newark College of Arts and Sciences and University College-Newark Kimberly Banks MacKay, School of Law–Newark Daniel J. McIntyre, Graduate School–Newark

Sharon Chamard, School of Criminal Justice Judith Caruso, College of Nursing Richard L. Aregood, Camden College of Arts and Sciences Louis A. Schopfer, Jr., Graduate School–Camden Michael J. Torchia, School of LawCamden Dorothy Stanaitis, University College–Camden Albert E. Smith, School of Business– Camden Steven Diner, Faculty/Staff–Newark Marianne Gaunt, Faculty/Staff– New Brunswick Rory P. Maradonna, Faculty/Staff– Camden Todd Hunt, Retired Faculty/Staff William C. Chapleau, 10th Anniversary Campaign Ralph W. Voorhees, RU Loyal Society Robert Mortensen, Glee Club Lana Deutsch Sternberg, Rutgers Club of Southern California Sekayi Mushonga, Scholarship Funds

Douglass Annual Fund Sheila Kelly Hampton, ’70, Vice President for Development and Public Relations Carol Ann Monroe, ’86, Chair

Special Purpose Campaign Committees Campaign for RAA Class of 1946 55th Anniversary Joseph B. Saldarini, Campaign Chair Rodney J. Bates Michael A. Colacello Elmer Wolf Campaign for RAA Class of 1951 50th Anniversary Herbert C. Klein, Campaign Chair Walter L. Leib, Co-Chair Charles V. Adrian Jerome Aresty Charles A. Barker, Jr. Raymond D. Bodnar Frank J. Brennan, Jr. Wallace C. Brixner Norman C. Crawford, Jr. Fred C. Gabriel Herbert Gandel Walter J. Gasior Robert B. Gero Albert Goldstein Wallace R. Grant Franklin Hannoch, Jr. Harvey J. Hauptman Samuel P. Hekemian Herbert Monheit Seymour Reitman Leon Root Gordon C. Sands William H. Schneidewind, Jr. Richard S. Seclow William N. Sharp Joseph J. Soporowski, Class President Alan S. Stull Louis A. Trapp, Jr. Raymond R. Trombadore Milton Viorst Bert Wolf, Class Agent Campaign for RAA Class of 1966 35th Anniversary Marc E. Berson, Campaign Co-Chair Eric Krebs, Campaign Co-Chair David A. Feigley III Theo F. Hardies, Reunion Chair Harris W. Herman Robert H. Hotz Raymond J. Kaden, Jr. Walter H. Orth, Jr. Stanley Sorkin Edward C. Thiele Senior Class Campaign ’01 Campaign Chair Jason Dukes Cook College David J. Singer Erin Sciacchetano Amy B. Lancaster Alison Corrigan Jolene Mirenna

College of Pharmacy Mirla Diaz Mason Gross School of the Arts Cecilia B. Howard

Rutgers College Jason Dukes Carla Shalaby Seth Dembowitz Kien J. Shimabukuro Jeffrey Cohen Livingston College Cheryll Abuedo Nicole Crane Mark Anthony Hunter Roxanne Grant Terry D. Johnson Nakia Pritchett Sujin Ahn Jeff Amendo Jamillah N. Kasule Chris Trainor Camden College of Arts and Sciences University College–Camden Erich A. Grace School of Business–Camden Terron Simons

National Steering Committee The Rutgers Campaign: Creating the Future Today James G. Cullen, Chair Francis L. Lawrence, President, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Roger G. Ackerman Allen Bildner Joan Bildner Floyd H. Bragg Michael W. Carroll Jay Chiat Kevin J. Collins Robert A. Druskin Albert R. Gamper, Jr. Keiko T. Harvey Gretchen Wittenborn Johnson James P. Kelly Kevin J. Kennedy Raymond J. Lucas Duncan L. MacMillan Patricia Nachtigal Gene O’Hara Greg Papadopoulos Dean J. Paranicas Brian D. Perkins Clement A. Price Thomas A. Renyi Barry Schuler David J. Stern Anne M. Thomas Ralph W. Voorhees

Executive Kevin J. Collins, Chair Shirley Aidekman-Kaye Felix M. Beck Ken Boxley Floyd H. Bragg Michael W. Carroll Albert R. Gamper, Jr. Ronald W. Giaconia John J. Heldrich Mark P. Hershhorn Bruce A. Hubbard JoAnne G. Jackson Duncan L. MacMillan Gene O’Hara Dean J. Paranicas Norman Reitman Thomas A. Renyi Alvin J. Rockoff Kenneth M. Schmidt Anne M. Thomas Ralph W. Voorhees Ronald D. Wilson George R. Zoffinger Christopher P. Zraly Investment Kenneth M. Schmidt, Chair Michael W. Carroll Kevin J. Collins Robert A. Druskin Dudley A. Eppel Ruth Schilling Hennessy Robert A. Hering Bruce A. Hubbard JoAnne G. Jackson Gerald H. Lipkin Duncan L. MacMillan Ralph W. Voorhees Nominating Felix M. Beck, Chair Mary L. Baglivo Joan L. Bildner Michael W. Carroll Kevin J. Collins Ronald W. Giaconia Walter L. Leib Norman Reitman Bernice P. Venable Ralph W. Voorhees Elnardo J. Webster Ronald D. Wilson


Board of Overseers Kevin J. Collins Chair Mark P. Hershhorn Vice Chair Kenneth M. Schmidt Vice Chair Michael W. Carroll Ex Officio Richard D. Arnold Vice President JoAnne G. Jackson Treasurer Christopher P. Zraly Assistant Treasurer Norman Reitman Secretary Arlene Rosol Assistant Secretary

Committees Audit George R. Zoffinger, Chair Steven B. Boehm Michael W. Carroll Kevin J. Collins Leslie E. Goodman Eva Gottscho JoAnne G. Jackson Sharon E. Karmazin Barry H. Ostrowsky Anne M. Thomas Martin J. Yudkovitz Budget Dean J. Paranicas, Chair Floyd H. Bragg Michael W. Carroll Kevin J. Collins Louis T. DiFazio Barry Hamerling JoAnne G. Jackson Sima Jelin Glenn L. Noland Gene O’Hara Alvin J. Rockoff Richard W. Roper Michael R. Tuosto

Roger G. Ackerman Chairman and CEO Corning, Inc. (Retired) Shirley Aidekman-Kaye President Amio, Inc. Richard A. Alaimo President Richard A. Alaimo Associates Michael J. Angelides Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Stonington Institute Jerome J. Aresty Vice President Alfred Dunner, Inc. Mary L. Baglivo President Panoramic Communications Felix M. Beck Chairman Emeritus Chase Manhattan Mortgage Marc E. Berson Chairman The Fidelco Group Joan L. Bildner President S.M.E. Co., Inc. Steven B. Boehm, Esq. Partner Sutherland Asbill & Brennan, L.L.P. Ken Boxley Director Ken Boxley Foundation Floyd H. Bragg Prudential Insurance Company of America (Retired) Michael W. Carroll Executive Director Rutgers University Foundation Raymond G. Chambers Chairman Amelior Foundation

Robert A. Druskin Chief Operations and Technology Officer Citigroup, Inc. Dudley A. Eppel Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (Retired) Peter H.B. Frelinghuysen * Albert R. Gamper, Jr. President and Chief Executive Officer Tyco Capital

Harold H. Martin * New Jersey State Assemblyman (Retired) Patricia A. Nagle Bruce S. Nicholas IBM (Retired) Glenn L. Noland Managing Partner The New England Financial Group

Ronald W. Giaconia President Giaconia Life Associates, Inc.

Gene O’Hara Prudential Insurance Company of America (Retired)

Alan Goldberg Chairman of the Board American Baby, Inc. (Retired)

Barry H. Ostrowsky, Esq. Executive Vice President and General Counsel St. Barnabas Medical Center

Leslie E. Goodman The Eagle Group

Dean J. Paranicas, Esq. Vice President, Investor Relations and Public Affairs BD

Eva Gottscho Chair and Chief Executive Officer Adolph Gottscho, Inc. Richard M. Hale * Barry Hamerling Managing Partner Premium Ice Cream of America, Inc. John J. Heldrich Johnson & Johnson (Retired) Ruth Schilling Hennessy Robert A. Hering Managing Director Whitehall Asset Management, Inc. Mark P. Hershhorn Chairman and Chief Executive Director CKS & Associates

Brian D. Perkins Worldwide Chairman, Consumer Pharmaceuticals and Nutritionals Group Johnson & Johnson Jules L. Plangere, Jr. New Jersey Press, Inc. (Retired) Norman Reitman, M.D. Cardiology Associates (Retired) Thomas A. Renyi Chairman and Chief Executive Officer The Bank of New York Co.

Foundation Staff Michael W. Carroll Executive Director Richard D. Arnold Vice President Kathryn A. Blackstone Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations Kwi Nam P. Brennan Director of Annual Giving Therese M. Callaghan Director of Information Technology Linda Barone Corcoran Associate Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations Jeanette M. Corris Senior Associate Director of Annual Giving Brian Crockett Executive Director of Scarlet R Barbara Dawson Director of Development Writing James J. Dawson Director of Gift Planning Arlene Charles Erinjogunola Manager of Accounting Marilyn R. Franz Associate Director of Development Programs Lisa Gonzalez Assistant Director of Scarlet R Andre Granadeiro Assistant Director of Information Technology

Alvin J. Rockoff President Rockoff-Bear Associates

Chris S. Groff Associate Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations

Bruce A. Hubbard, Esq.

Richard W. Roper Principal The Roper Group

Linda M. Hennessey Executive Director of the Associate Alumnae of Douglass College

JoAnne G. Jackson Senior Vice President and Treasurer Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Nicholas G. Rutgers IV Publisher Tahiti Bulletin (Retired)

Dawn M. Kanaan Director of Regional Campaign

Sima Jelin Vice President The Kislak Company, Inc.

Philip S. Schein, M.D.

Carleton A. Holstrom * President The Holstrom Family Foundation

Paul B. Jennings, M.D. St. Peter’s University Hospital (Retired) Gretchen Wittenborn Johnson Sharon E. Karmazin Director East Brunswick Public Library (Retired) Richard S. Kleiman, M.D. Senior Orthopedic Surgeon Orthopaedic Associates/USA Herbert C. Klein, Esq. Nowell Amoroso Klein & Bierman, P.A. Alex Kroll Chairman Emeritus Young & Rubicam Francis L. Lawrence President Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Walter L. Leib, Esq. Senior Partner Leib, Kraus, Grispin & Roth Brian R. Lenker, Esq. Partner Brach, Eichler, Rosenberg, Silver, Bernstein, Hammer & Gladstone Gerald H. Lipkin Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer Valley National Bancorp Michael C. MacDonald President, North American Solutions Group Xerox Corp. Duncan L. MacMillan Bloomberg, L.P.

Kevin J. Collins, Esq.

Allan Maitlin, Esq. * Feuerstein, Sachs, Maitlin & Fleming, Esqs.

Louis T. DiFazio Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. (Retired)

Ernest Mario Chairman Apothogen, Inc.

This report lists the names of individuals, corporations, and foundations that made contributions to the Rutgers University Foundation, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, or the Associate Alumnae of Douglass College between July 1, 2000, and June 30, 2001. The report includes gifts only, not pledges. Matching gifts are included if they were received at the university within the 2000–2001 fiscal year. If the matching gift was received after June 30, 2001, it will be reflected in the donor’s record for the following year. The compilers have carefully reviewed the names that are listed. However, errors and omissions may appear. If your name has been misspelled, omitted, or listed incorrectly, please accept our apologies and bring the mistake to the attention of the Department of Donor Relations, Rutgers University Foundation, 7 College Avenue, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1261 so that we may correct our records. Contributors to Douglass College should write to the Executive Director, Associate Alumnae of Douglass College, 181 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick,

Kenneth M. Schmidt Dillon, Read & Co., Inc. (Retired) Edwin J. Slotkin * Former Owner HR&I, Inc. David J. Stern Commissioner National Basketball Association Anne M. Thomas Chairman of the Board Hunterdon County Democrat Michael R. Tuosto General Manager, Public Affairs Public Service Enterprise Group Bernice P. Venable Vice President and Owner Alphagraphics Ralph W. Voorhees PaineWebber, Inc. (Retired) Elnardo J. Webster, Esq. Associate Sills, Cummis, Radin, Tischman, Epstein & Gross Maurice M. Weill Chairman and CEO Murray Construction Company Ronald D. Wilson President and Chief Operating Officer Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Martin J. Yudkovitz President NBC Digital Media Executive Vice President NBC George R. Zoffinger President and Chief Executive Officer Constellation Capital Corp. * Overseer Emeritus

Candace Knaus Assistant Director of Information Technology Victoria B. Leyton Development Writer Keith Norton Assistant Director of Scarlet R John D. Pearson Director of Leadership Gifts Joseph W. Purka Director of Campaign Communications Glenn Sandberg Manager of Gift Processing and Alumni Records Windy Smith Associate Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations Arline M. Stephan Director of Development Programs Melanie Towne Associate Director of Regional Campaign Alina Lopez Vitone Manager of Development Research Christopher P. Zraly Controller and Director of Operations

Directors of Development Joan C. Barry Director of Development, Cook College and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Jacqueline M. Bartley Director of Development, College of Nursing Sharon Beales Director of Development, Camden College of Arts and Sciences, University College–Camden, Graduate School–Camden, and Provost’s Initiatives

Lavinia M. Boxill Director of Development, Faculty of Arts and Sciences–Newark, Graduate School–Newark, and Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Judith Brooke Director of Development, Graduate School–New Brunswick, and Associate Director of Development, Faculty of Arts and Sciences–New Brunswick E. Rose Cofone Director of Development, Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum David C. Condliffe Director of Development, School of Law–Newark Carolyn Dennis-Phillips Director of Development, Livingston College, and Associate Director of Development, Faculty of Arts and Sciences-New Brunswick Darrin T. Garrison Director of Development, College of Pharmacy Lisa Hetfield Director of Development, Institute for Women’s Leadership Mary Hirsch-Jones Director of Development, School of Engineering Amy E. Kirner Senior Associate Director of Development, Faculty of Arts and Sciences–Newark, Graduate School–Newark, and Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Jason Kroll Associate Director of Development, Rutgers College and Faculty of Arts and Sciences–New Brunswick JoAnn M. Kulikowski Director of Development, University College–New Brunswick, and Associate Director of Development, Faculty of Arts and Sciences–New Brunswick Paul I. Kuznekoff Director of Development, Rutgers College and Faculty of Arts and Sciences–New Brunswick Jeff S. Lipkin Director of Development, Allen and Joan Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life Emily Lyssikatos Director of Development, School of Communication, Information and Library Studies Denise P. McCallum Director of Development, Douglass College and Faculty of Arts and Sciences–New Brunswick Judith A. Mooney Director of Development, School of Management and Labor Relations Hyona Revere Director of Development, Faculty of Management Scott B. Schaffer Director of Development, School of Law-Camden Peter A. Sobel Director of Development, Graduate School of Education Joseph Stampe Senior Director of Development, Arts and Sciences–New Brunswick Kristin R. Walker Director of Development, School of Business–Camden Donna Weber Director of Development, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy Julia Zapcic Director of Development, Rutgers University Libraries

New Jersey 08901-8557 or email: Please phone 732-932-7777 or email with general inquiries about contributing to the university. You may make online gifts to all colleges and schools of the university by visiting the web site of The Rutgers Campaign: Creating the Future Today at or the web site of the Rutgers University Foundation at Produced by University Relations, in cooperation with the Rutgers University Foundation. Photography: Dennis Connors, inside front cover (Alvin J. Rockoff), page 4, 6; John Emerson, inside front cover (Francis L. Lawrence); Deborah Feingold, page 8; Steve Goodman, page 7; Nick Romanenko, page 9. Illustrations: Bruce Hanson. B16-02-27M


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