Arval - Car

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The aim of this guide

The aim of the BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Guide is, firstly, to provide information to customers about looking after a leased vehicle so that end of lease charges can be avoided and, secondly, to provide an industry-wide, accepted standard that defines fair wear and tear on passenger cars when they are returned at the end of a lease contract or finance agreement. This guide covers all passenger vehicles, including multiple passenger vehicles with up to eight seats. Separate Fair Wear & Tear Guides are available for light commercial vehicles, and for commercial vehicles and minibuses.

Fair wear and tear occurs when normal usage causes acceptable deterioration to a vehicle. When BVRLA members review deterioration in the vehicle’s condition at the end of a contract or finance agreement, they consider the age, mileage and whether the vehicle has been looked after sufficiently.

Fair wear and tear should not be confused with damage, which occurs as a result of a specific event or series of events, such as an impact, inappropriate stowing of items, harsh treatment, negligent acts or omissions.

This Fair Wear & Tear Guide is produced by the British Vehicle Rental & Leasing Association (BVRLA) with the assistance of a specialist working group drawn from BVRLA members and independent market experts.

What does the BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Guide contain?

What does the Fair Wear & Tear Guide contain?

It contains advice and guidance that customers can use throughout the period of the vehicle contract. For example, tips on looking after the vehicle, information customers should know at the start of the lease, tips on appraising the vehicle’s condition at the end of the lease, and what to expect on the day the vehicle is returned. It also shows how to complain if things go wrong.

The guide also contains the BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Standard, which defines the industry standard at return for every aspect of the vehicle’s condition. For ease of reference, the condition of the vehicle is considered under the following headings:

› General appearance, road safety, documentation and keys

› Paintwork, vehicle body, bumpers and trim

› Windows, glass, door mirrors and lights

› Tyres and wheels

› Mechanical condition

› Vehicle interior

› Equipment and controls

The person named on the contract (referred to herein as the ‘customer’) should be clear at the outset of the lease or finance agreement about their obligations to ensure that the vehicle is appropriately looked after and returned in the required condition.

If a company car, the employer may outline preventative vehicle maintenance and road safety measures that need to be undertaken on a daily or weekly basis.

Those personally leasing the vehicle and responsible for its maintenance and upkeep should consult the leasing company or service provider for advice and ensure that the advice is followed.

Advice for customers during the term of the vehicle lease

Advice for customers during the term of the vehicle lease

Advice about looking after the leased vehicle can be obtained from a number of sources, including the vehicle’s handbook. The leasing provider will take care of routine servicing and maintenance if the vehicle is on a maintenance-inclusive contract or a fleet-managed arrangement. Leasing providers may provide advice and guidance to help customers look after their vehicle if asked to do so.

The lease provider should:

› at the start of the contract, supply information on the return standards required by the leasing company.

The customer should:

› use, maintain and look after the vehicle in accordance with the vehicle manufacturer’s guidelines;

› follow the advice provided to keep the vehicle in good condition, help maintain its performance, and preserve its safety features and emissions standards. Looking after the vehicle appropriately will minimise any potential charges at the end of contract;

› follow the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding fuel and fuel blends, additives such as Adblue, lubricants and battery recharging (if an electric or hybrid vehicle), because the vehicle’s warranty may be invalidated, and long-term damage caused, through inappropriate use of fuels, additives, lubricants and battery usage;

Advice for customers during the term of the vehicle lease (continued)

Advice for customers during the term of the vehicle lease (continued)

› report any suspected manufacturer’s faults identified on any part of the vehicle, its bodywork or trim, to the leasing company as soon as possible to get the issue resolved;

› be aware that adjusting or blocking the vehicle’s odometer (‘mileage clock’) before return is not permitted.

Personal number plates

Customers should liaise with the leasing company 10 to 12 weeks before the end of lease to ensure that any personal number plate is transferred from the lease vehicle to a new one.

Appraisal tips for customers before returning a lease vehicle

Appraisal tips for customers before returning a lease vehicle

› Carry out an appraisal of the vehicle 10 to 12 weeks before the vehicle is due for return. This will allow you to arrange to have any damage rectified and missing items replaced.

› Before appraising the vehicle, make sure that it has been washed and is thoroughly clean, but remember to allow time for it to dry. Water on the paintwork can mask faults.

› Choose a time and place with good light. This is how the leasing company will examine your vehicle. Appraisals carried out in poor light invariably miss some faults.

› Check the terms of your contract for information on the return standard required and consult with your leasing company or finance house if you are in any doubt.

› Check the tyres (including spare) for damage. Check that the wear on the tread across each tyre is even.

› Walk all the way around the vehicle and examine closely each panel, including the roof, bonnet, doors and body, for significant damage.

Observe where the light is reflected differently from any dents and scratches.

› Crouch or kneel down at the front and rear of the vehicle and look along each side. This will help you see scratches and dents that may otherwise be difficult to spot.

› Inspect lamps, lenses, windows and mirrors for chips, cracks and holes.

› Inspect wheels, wheel rims and wheel hubs, and spokes, for scratches, rust and corrosion.

› Check upholstered areas for odours, tears, burns, stains and wear.

› Inspect all controls, including audio equipment and accessories – they should be present and fully functional.

› Clean and valet the interior.

› It is important to appraise the vehicle as honestly as you can – be objective. Ask a friend or colleague to help you.

› Check your vehicle against the BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Standard.

› Arrange to repair areas of damage and replace missing equipment and accessories before the vehicle is returned, ensuring that any work carried out is done to a professional standard by a repairer who can provide a transferable warranty for the work.

Of course, you may decide you want to keep the vehicle because you know its history. Contact your leasing company – it may offer this vehicle, or others like it, at very attractive prices.

Advice for customers on the day the vehicle is returned

Advice for customers on the day the vehicle is returned

› On the day the vehicle is returned, it must be in a safe and roadworthy condition with all keys, equipment, accessories and documentation present.

› The leasing company will arrange collection of the vehicle at the end of contract. All readily apparent damage and wear, including that deemed normal wear and tear, will be documented when the vehicle is collected. The customer will be given the opportunity to agree with the condition of the vehicle at the point of collection. The leasing company will then be able to carry out a final assessment of the vehicle to calculate what end of lease charges, if any, are payable.

› Point out any unrepaired wear or damage to avoid problems later.

› If you cannot be present during the collection of the vehicle, or if other conditions, eg poor weather, prevent the vehicle from being inspected, the leasing company will issue a written condition report of the vehicle and advise of any charges that may subsequently become due, together with summary details of those charges, including repair method/ type, along with photographic evidence.

› Ensure all personal belongings are removed from the vehicle, eg sunglasses, SD cards, music CDs. Don’t forget to remove any item, including paperwork and other correspondence, that could reveal personal data about you, your family or friends.

› Remove personal keys from the vehicle’s key fob. Delete any personal information from the vehicle’s on-board systems using the ‘factory re-set’ facility. Ask the leasing company for advice if you experience any difficulties.

› Discs for satellite navigation should be left in the vehicle.

› The vehicle’s number plate should be intact and as per the standard set out in the Road Vehicles (Display of Registration Marks) Regulations.

End of lease charges

Customers must be advised what to expect when the vehicle is collected. Some leasing companies arrange a full vehicle inspection and condition report upon collection. Other leasing companies will collect the vehicle, make a note of its condition by recording all readily apparent damage and missing equipment and complete the final inspection later at the leasing company’s nominated site.

Customers can expect to be treated fairly.

It is recommended that the customer (or a nominated representative) is present when the vehicle is collected.

If the vehicle is not sufficiently clean to allow a detailed inspection, the collection process may need to be aborted and a charge may be applied. Customers will be asked to agree to postpone the inspection and to sign the condition report to that effect.

If the BVRLA member intends to apply any charges, for example for excess mileage, damage or missing equipment, the customer must

be advised no later than four weeks after the vehicle is collected or returned. The customer may be advised at the time the vehicle is collected or returned.

If charges are being applied, the BVRLA member should provide a summary breakdown of the charges, including the repair method/type of repair. Customers should also be provided with photographic/video or other documentary evidence to help justify or support the charges made.

Customers should also be advised of their right to query any end of lease charges.

End of lease charges (continued)

End of lease charges (continued)

Why do we have end of lease charges?

End of lease charges are applied when the vehicle, its equipment and accessories are not used, maintained or looked after as originally agreed at the start of the lease. These charges compensate the leasing company for the cost of rectifying damage and replacing missing items, such as keys, parcel shelves, etc.

Customers can expect to incur end of lease charges if there is no evidence that the vehicle has been serviced and maintained according to the vehicle manufacturer’s guidelines.

Charges can still be applied at end of lease in cases where the leasing company decides for commercial reasons not to repair damage or to replace missing equipment before the vehicle is sold.

Customers are not charged at end of lease for any refurbishment that arises from normal wear and tear.

Customers can arrange to repair any damage that is outside the agreed return standard before returning the vehicle, provided the repairs are carried out to a professional standard by a reputable repairer who can provide a full transferable warranty on their work.

What BVRLA members must do

On entering the lease agreement, BVRLA members must clearly explain:

› their end of lease vehicle return standard;

› the required condition of the vehicle;

› the presence and condition of any vehicle keys and accessories;

› how they require you to look after the vehicle (eg servicing and maintenance) during the term of the contract.

BVRLA Code of Conduct

BVRLA members are obliged under the BVRLA Code of Conduct to trade fairly and responsibly in all dealings with their customers. The BVRLA promotes ethical trading, clear pricing, transparent terms and conditions and the provision of high-quality vehicles and customer service. The Code of Conduct sets out the standards that BVRLA members must comply with regarding pre- and post-contract procedures, level of customer support during the contract period, and how customer complaints should be handled.

In case of a dispute

In the event of a dispute about the condition or damage to the vehicle, customers have the right to pay for a review of the documents and photographic evidence by an independent qualified engineer, eg an engineer who is unrelated to the original inspection and agreed by both parties. The engineer’s decision will be binding on both the customer and the BVRLA member.

If the engineer finds in the customer’s favour, the BVRLA member will refund the reasonable cost of the examination.

BVRLA dispute resolution process

The BVRLA is approved by Government as a Consumer ADR body under the Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities and Information) Regulations 2015.

Those who are unhappy with the service received by a leasing company should in the first instance inform the company of the issue to give them a chance to resolve the matter. Contact them in writing, explaining the issue and how you would like them to put things right.

If an issue remains unresolved and the final response from the leasing company is deemed unsatisfactory, the customer can escalate a complaint to the BVRLA Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service as long as the leasing company is a BVRLA member.

Customers of BVRLA members have access to the ADR at no cost. The ADR is a restorative justice service, not a compensatory scheme.

Further information on the ADR service is available here:

The BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Standard

General appearance and road safety

All electronic safety features and advanced driver assistance systems that help the driver, eg parking sensors, cruise controls, lane departure and collision warnings, must be in working order.

There must be no rust or corrosion on any part of the bodywork,trim of the vehicle, or on the alloy wheels.

The vehicle must be roadworthy, and no warning lights should be illuminated.

There must be sufficient fuel (fuel warning light must not be illuminated) or full charge in the battery, if an electric vehicle, to bring about the vehicle collection or return.

Maintenance, servicing and repairs

The vehicle must have been serviced and looked after according to the manufacturer’s servicing/ maintenance schedule.

The service book, if originally supplied with the vehicle, must be present and date-stamped by the repairer or workshop as evidence that the services have taken place. If the service record is kept electronically, the customer must produce evidence that the vehicle has been serviced and maintained according to the

vehicle manufacturer’s service and maintenance schedule. Appropriate evidence would include hard copies of the service record or invoice clearly showing the date, vehicle mileage reading and the repairer/ service agent’s stamp. Customers must remove any sensitive personal information from such documents.

Any repairs made to the vehicle before its return must be to a professional standard by repairers who can provide full warranty

on their work. Sustainable repair initiatives, such as green parts can be used provide they are Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) green parts and the repairer provides a full warranty on their work.

Unauthorised odometer changes and mileage blockers are not acceptable. Any odometer malfunctions must have been reported to the leasing company. The customer fully warrants that the mileage reading at the time the vehicle was collected is correct.

The BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Standard (continued)


All vehicle documentation must be intact and present in the vehicle when it is returned including:

› the V5C vehicle registration document (where appropriate)

› MOT receipt (where appropriate)

› operation manual (where supplied)

› service record booklet (where supplied)

› any other documents relating to the vehicle and its equipment, eg certificate of recalibration, details of the audio equipment and any security codes


The vehicle’s exterior must be sufficiently clean, and allow sufficient space around the vehicle (2 metre space at least) to allow a detailed inspection.

The inside should have been valeted and must be cleared of rubbish. If the vehicle contained a smoker’s pack, the ashtrays must be emptied and the cigarette lighter present.

Vehicle keys

A full set of keys, including the spares and locking wheel-nut keys, should be returned if originally supplied.

The BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Standard (continued)

Paintwork, vehicle body, bumpers and trim

There must be no rust, corrosion or discolouration on any painted area, including painted bumpers, body mouldings and mirrors.

Repaired chips, scratches and dents are acceptable provided the work is completed to a professional standard by repairers who can provide full warranty on their work.

Obvious evidence of poor repair, such as flaking paint, preparation marks, paint contamination, rippled finish or poorly matched paint, is not acceptable.


Chips of 3mm or less in diameter are acceptable provided they are not rusted. A maximum of four chips on any panel, six chips per door edge and eight chips on any forward-facing panel is permitted.


Dents of 15mm or less in diameter are acceptable provided there are no more than two per panel and the paint surface is not broken.

Chips within dents are not acceptable.

Dents on the roof or on the swage line of any panel are not acceptable.


Surface scratches of 25mm or less where the primer or bare metal is not showing are acceptable provided they can be polished out. A maximum of four surface scratches on one panel is acceptable.

Measuring chips, dents and scratches

The BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Standard (continued)

The BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Standard (continued)

Paintwork, vehicle body, bumpers and trim (continued)

Unpainted mouldings and wheel arch trim

Scuffs and scratches of 25mm or less are acceptable provided the moulding or trim is not broken, cracked or deformed.

Badges, emblems and labels

Badges, emblems, labels, logos, advertising livery and wrapping applied by the customer to the bodywork or glass of the vehicle should be removed before returning the vehicle. Removing badges, emblems, labels, logos, advertising livery and wrapping must be done professionally and the vehicle returned to its original colour and condition unless otherwise agreed in writing with the vehicle leasing company.

Any damage caused by fitting or removing badges, emblems, labels, logos, advertising livery and wrapping, including faded paintwork, is not acceptable.

Soft and hard top convertibles

Convertible roofs must be fully operative and free from damage, rips and tears. The rear window must not be cracked or creased. Accessories originally supplied, eg wind deflectors, must be present and in good condition.

Tow bars

Tow bars must only be fitted with approval from the leasing company. If fitted, a tow bar must be in good, rust-free condition, with electrical connections that work properly.

A ball cover must be in place.

After-market accessories

After-market accessories such as bonnet louvres, spoilers or body kits must only be fitted with approval from the leasing company.

The BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Standard (continued)

Windows, glass, door mirrors and lamps

Panoramic roofs

The roof must be fully functioning, with no chips, cracks or holes. Surface scratches of 40mm or less are acceptable provided they can be polished out.

Inner blinds must be returned in working order, if originally supplied.


Windows/windscreens must be in a condition capable of passing an MOT.

Light scratching is acceptable provided it does not interfere with the driver’s line of sight and the heating elements and the ADAS (automated driver assistance systems) still work properly.

The vehicle’s ADAS (automated driver assistance systems) must have been recalibrated according to the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations if any component part, including windscreen(s) have been replaced.

Damage in excess of 10mm in the driver’s line of vision (a vertical strip 290mm wide centred on the steering wheel), or in excess of 40mm elsewhere in the area swept by the vehicle’s wiper blades, is not acceptable (See diagram on page 18.)

Repaired damage is acceptable provided repairs are to a professional standard, repairs do not interfere with vision, and the work is warrantied.

Windscreen wipers must be present, secure and in good condition so that they can clear the windscreen and give the driver a clear view of the road ahead.

The washer reservoir must have sufficient liquid to clear the windscreen when working in conjunction with the windscreen wiper blades.

Tinting of windows/windscreen must only be carried out with approval from the leasing company. Excessive tinting is not acceptable.

The BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Standard (continued)

Tyres and wheels

Tyre wear and damage

All tyres, including any spare, must meet minimum UK legal requirements and comply with the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations of tyre type, class*, size and speed rating for the vehicle. Any replacement tyres must be to the same specification as those originally supplied on the vehicle.

Tyre Labelling Regulations describe the performance of a vehicle’s tyres according to three factors:

FUEL EFFICIENCY (the tyre’s rolling resistance),

VEHICLE SAFETY (the tyre’s wet grip) and

EXTERNAL ROLLING NOISE (expressed in decibels).

Replacement tyres should be in the same class as those which are sold on the new vehicle.

There must be no damage to sidewalls or tread, or any cracking.

Evidence of uneven wear due to under- or over-inflation or incorrect steering geometry is not acceptable. The following are typical examples of what happens to tyres if the above has occurred:

› Over-inflation = centre of tyre excessively worn

› Under-inflation = both outer edges of tyre unevenly worn

› Incorrect steering geometry = the inner or the outer edge of the tyre unevenly worn.

Wheels and wheel trims

Dents on wheel rims and wheel trims are not acceptable.

Scuffs up to 50mm on the total circumference of the wheel rim

and on alloy wheels/wheel hubs are acceptable.

Any damage to the wheel spokes, wheel fascia, or hub of the wheel/ alloy is not acceptable. There must be no rust or corrosion on the alloy wheels/wheel hubs.

The spare wheel, including ‘spacesaver’ jack and other tools, must be intact, stowed properly and in good working order.

The emergency tyre inflation kit, if supplied when new, should be in full working order, serviceable and ready for use.

A canister that has been partially or fully discharged must be replaced.

The BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Standard (continued)

Mechanical condition

The vehicle should be returned in a safe, legal and reliable mechanical condition, capable of passing an MOT test.

The vehicle’s engine and brake management system should not be displaying any warning light, eg diesel particulate filter (DPF), tyre pressure system (TPS), or oil pressure. If a warning light is illuminated, the vehicle may not be driveable and the collection process abandoned, in which case a fee may be charged. Advisory illuminated alerts are acceptable, eg countdowns to the vehicle’s next service.

Fluid leaks such as oil, coolant and brake fluid are not acceptable.

The following items are not acceptable fair wear and tear, because the customer has neglected

to service the vehicle and/or failed to action warning messages from the vehicle management system:

› brakes: eg grooved brake discs or drums caused by excessive wear or metal to metal contact from worn out disc pads;

› engine: eg seized or damaged due to running vehicle with insufficient coolant or oil, or with broken internal components;

› manual transmission: eg clutch slipping, noisy clutch or gearbox, or excessively worn or ineffective synchromesh;

› automatic transmission: eg noisy gearbox or torque converter, abrupt gear changes, or loose gear linkage.

Performance modifications

Performance modifications must only be carried out with approval from the leasing company.

Vehicle underside

Any impact damage to the vehicle’s underside is not acceptable. Catalytic converters not working because of obvious abuse or damage are not acceptable.

The BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Standard (continued)

Vehicle interior

Passenger area, seats, headrests and trim

The interior upholstery and trim must be clean and odourless with no burns, scratches, tears, dents or staining.

Carpets should not have holes. All seats and headrests originally supplied must be present.

Interior fittings such as seat belts, rear view mirrors, courtesy lights, sun visors, door bins, etc, must be present, intact and free of damage.

Door aperture, boot, boot liner and luggage area

Scratches on treads, sills and seals that reflect normal use are acceptable.

Torn or split floor coverings and damaged surrounding trim panels are not acceptable.

Accessories such as parcel shelves, load covers, boot liners, restraining straps and nets must be returned with the vehicle.

Measuring chips, dents, scratches and scuffs

The BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear Standard (continued)

Equipment and controls

In-car entertainment equipment, telephones, navigation systems and battery charging leads

All original equipment, accessories and controls must be present and operate correctly (including satellite navigation discs, Secure Digital (SD) cards and remote units, headphones, battery charging leads, Bluetooth and other integrated systems).

Damage to electric vehicle battery charging leads, plugs and sockets is not acceptable. If originally supplied, both fast and slow charging leads must be present.

All personal data such as home address, credit card details etc. should be removed from satellite navigation systems and on-board computers. A factory reset should be performed to ensure that personal data is not passed on to future vehicle owners.

If accessories or non-standard equipment have been wired-in or mounted on the dashboard, any holes or other damage must be neatly repaired when they are removed.

Aerials must be left in place or the hole must be neatly repaired.

Fuel caps and covers and fuel flaps must be present and intact if originally supplied.

Driver safety equipment

All original fitted electrical equipment, including reversing cameras, indirect vision cameras/camera mirror systems, adaptive speed controls, speed limiters and lamps, should be present and fully functioning. Any replacements fitted must be of a similar standard and specification to that originally supplied.



Alternative Dispute Resolution. The BVRLA’s service is approved under the Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities and Information) Regulations 2015.

Code of Conduct

BVRLA rental and leasing members adhere to a mandatory Code of Conduct. This provides customers with the reassurance that the company they are dealing with is committed to delivering the highest industry standards of professionalism and best-practice. Full details can be found on the BVRLA website.


Removal of the surface material (glass or paintwork) in a concise area.


Deformation of the surface structure, usually caused by impact damage.


A mark or score with raised edges in the surface material glass or paintwork.


Light scraping of top surface not penetrating base material.

Smart Repair

Small and medium area repair technique; a cost-effective way of repairing chips, dents and scratches.

Space-saver Wheel

Space-saver wheels are designed for temporary use, to get the driver to a place of repair.

Swage Line

Folded edge on a panel of the vehicle.


A written promise to repair or replace a component or to do a piece of work again if it is not satisfactory.

About the BVRLA

Established in 1967, the British Vehicle Rental & Leasing Association (BVRLA) is the UK trade body for companies engaged in vehicle rental, leasing and fleet management.

The BVRLA represents over 1000 companies engaged in vehicle rental, leasing and fleet management. Our membership is responsible for a combined fleet of four million cars, vans and trucks – one-in-ten of all vehicles on UK roads.

BVRLA members represent the demand-side of the automotive industry, buying around 50% of new vehicles, including over 80% of those manufactured and sold in the UK. In doing so, they support almost 500,000 jobs, add £7.6bn in tax revenues and contribute £49bn to the UK economy each year.

Together with our members, the association works with policymakers, public sector agencies, regulators, and other key stakeholders to ensure

that road transport delivers environmental, social and economic benefits to everyone.

BVRLA membership provides customers with the reassurance that the company they are dealing with adheres to the highest standards of professionalism and fairness.

The association achieves this by reinforcing industry standards and regulatory compliance via its mandatory Codes of Conduct, inspection regime, government-approved Alternative Dispute Resolution service and an extensive range of learning and development programmes.



Bri sh Vehicle Rental & Leasing Associa on River Lodge Badminton Cour t Amersham Buckinghamshire HP7 0DD

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