beyond profit - issue 1

Page 47

MEDIA HUB India – Design Like You Give A Damn Frontline World, PBS, 2008 The power of design for comfort, practicality and aesthetics can make incredible contributions to community development in the developing world. In fact, those who live in developing countries who are closely tied to community life are more vulnerable to natural calamities, as well as effects of environmental degradation. As a result, they need well-designed architecture more than most. This story is about architects who unleash their untapped creativity for poor communities, pursuing personal meaning and satisfaction in their profession. The drawings and prototypes of innovative architectural designs will leave the viewer thinking entrepreneurial thoughts: “How can I use my skills for social good?”

Watch it:

The Play Pump: Turning Water into Child’s Play Frontline World, PBS, 2005

Trevor Field, a retired advertising executive, has embarked on a new adventure that has brought about colorful smiles to millions of children and adults in South Africa. Having seen a number of African women burning up their time just fetching water everyday, and innumerable deaths caused by a lack of access to clean drinking water, his “Play Pump Water Project” invented a children’s merry-go-round which pumps up underground drinking water as kids spin. The fusion of his corporate expertise and his passion to create a bright future for these African children demonstrates the essence of social entrepreneurship. It’s all very inspiring even if you already know about the concept of play pumps.

Watch it:

Running the Sahara

Director: James Moll, LivePlanet and Allentown Production, 2008 One morning a few hours before sunrise in a coastal town in Senegal, three professional runners set out for an unprecedented journey which resulted in extremely rigorous but life-changing 111 days. The chronicle of this quest, narrated by Academy award actor, Matt Damon, takes you through the ups and downs, fatigue, solitude, joy and unique rewards that three sturdy men encounter during the run. Born out of this project is an interesting initiative called H2O Africa Foundation. One of it’s goals is to build wells for drinking water along the route they ran. Entrepreneurial spirit is the backbone of this synergy which is driving the partnership between an expedition, a feature film and an integrated charitable trust.

Watch it: DVD available for purchase at


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