Fund-O-Meter - How to Use Fund-O-Meter Complete Guide

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Invest Yadnya

Fund-O-Meter - How to Use Fund-O-Meter Complete Guide Mutual fund analysis normally includes a basic examination of a fund's objective (growth or value), average market capitalization, rolling returns, variance, and maybe a dissection of its holdings by industry, location, and so on. Investors sometimes accept statistics findings without interrogating the underlying causes of those outcomes, which might reveal information that could lead to increased profits.

Fund-O-Meter is a knowledge repository in which we have performed the most transparent and complete study of numerous Mutual Funds. We evaluate each fund based on 20 characteristics and assign a Green, Yellow, or Red star to each one. This provides comprehensive insight into where the fund excels and where it falls short. Fund-O-Meter is for you if you engage in Mutual Funds or plan to do so. Mutual funds are long-term investments, and it is critical that when you invest in one, you do it with caution and ensure that it is the greatest fit for you. Also, after you've decided, it's critical to monitor its performance on a frequent basis to ensure it's still the best option for you. If you have any of the following questions, you require Fund-OMeter. It assists you in resolving these and other financial issues.

This investigation reveals the fund's susceptibility to market changes for both up - and - down markets. If all else is equal, the fund with a greater ascending-market capture ratio and a smaller descending capture ratio will be more appealing than others. Many analysts employ this basic computation in their overall evaluations of specific investment managers. In some instances, an investor may choose over another.When the market rises, a fund with a strong up-market ratio will be more appealing than a fund with a low up-market ratio. This may be achieved by investing in higher beta companies, superior stock selecting, leverage, or a mix of tactics that beat the market while the marketplace is rising.

Mutual funds having high up-capture ratios frequently have high downcapture rates, resulting in increased volatility of returns. A skilled mutual fund manager, on the other hand, may be protective amid market downturns and conserve capital by not taking a large share of the market loss.

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