10 Psalms For the Soul - At Christmas

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Content 1. I Speak the Name of Jesus 2. I Pray for You 3. The Power of Silence 4. A Cry of Contrition 5. I Wait on You (2) (adapted from Psalm 40) 6. At the End of Myself 7. Hallowed Be Your Name 8. May you Know God Photos and Psalms (C) bk 2023 All rights reserved

Do not fear

for I am with you


I Speak the Name of Jesus

Carry your dignity with colourful elegance; with the faith and assurance in a God who promises never to leave you. He never promised a life without heartache but he did promise to be with you always. If you look - really look - you will see him in every crevice of your life; in your pain - in your hurt. Step beyond the doorway of fear and hear the breeze calling your name. I speak the name of Jesus over your pain I pray for a miracle over your impossibilities Divine intervention in your depression Joy in your despair Faith in your futility A song in your soiled hope. I call for healing in your sickness Friendship in your lonely hours. The balm of Gilead over your broken soul. I speak hope in the name of Jesus. Joy and peace.

Do not be afraid


I Pray for You

I pray in the name of Jesus I pray that whatever you put your hand to shall prosper. I pray for favour from a sovereign God. That your bread-tins will always be full and your cupboards lack for nothing. That your heart will be turned towards a God who knows what’s best for you. Gifts will flow from your mouth and hands. I pray that God’s presence will captivate your soul and paralyse fear and disbelief. A God who loves you with an everlasting love. A God who makes all things beautiful in it’s time. I pray for grace to envelop everything that concerns you. I pray for the gift of wisdom and understanding; The gift of gratitude that draws blessing. I pray heavens defence over your life and your loved ones. That your children and children’s children will know God as their Saviour and Redeemer. That peace will steal their hearts and love will be ever visible in their deeds. I pray for you. In the name of Jesus.

I will strengthen you


The Power of Silence

I love you more than you’ll know. I cherish your presence. Your solace and no judgement. You speak without sound. I hear every word as it washes away the debris of gossip. Naysayers. False prophecies. You soothe the aching places And make sense of the chaos that surrounds me. When you hold me I can hear my heart beat again. With silence I can face the world with hope.


A Cry of Contrition

I am not a waif. I am the daughter of The Most High God; in His presence I may present myself with boldness; with courage. My deliverance was wrought by blood, my soul bought at a great price. I am His workmanship His prized possession. If I am this, why then do I stagger into His courts and sink into a crumbled heap at His feet I know; my brokenness and disregard is ever before me. my value is not contained within this withering self. I cannot boast of my greatness for it is only at God’s feet that I am truly free and at my best. courage and purpose clasps my heart only then; in his presence

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

I am your God


I Wait on You What an awesome Father you are, the God of all Gods. The Host of Heaven You beckon me to come closer YOU allow me to speak my heart Grace, mercy - there can be no other love undefined unlimited unfathomable. Now Lord, I am at my wits end. I sit with my head in my hands. Sometimes this life makes no sense Yet I know my carnality is my greatest enemy. Oh Lord, I humbly implore allow me to speak please, I’ve preached you to the whole congregation, I’ve kept back nothing, God—you know that. I didn’t keep the news of your ways a secret, didn’t keep it to myself. I told it all, how dependable you are, how thorough. I didn’t hold back pieces of love and truth for myself alone. I told it all, let the congregation know the whole story. Now God, don’t hold out on me, don’t hold back your passion. Your love and truth are all that keeps me together. When troubles ganged up on me, a mob of sins past counting, I was so swamped by guilt I couldn’t see my way clear. More guilt in my heart than hair on my head, so heavy the guilt that my heart gave out.

I Wait on You (2) Soften up, God, and intervene; hurry and get me some help, So those who are trying to kidnap my soul will be embarrassed and lose face, so anyone who gets a kick out of making me miserable will be heckled and disgraced, those who pray for my ruin will be booed and jeered without mercy. But all who are seeking you; for you— oh, let them sing and be happy. Let those who know what you’re all about tell the world you’re great and won’t give up on us. I’m a mess though Lord. I’m nothing and have nothing Oh Lord, make something of me. Build my life Renew it You can do it; You are all powerful but God, please don’t put it off. I need you. That you allow me to speak is indescribable Incomprehensible I have been heard. you see me. Thank you

I am the Lord and I will help you

6. At the End of Myself I groveled in a murky pit of despair, wrapped in inconsolable sorrow, fear scurried about like a frenzied rat. And so fierce was my terror that I cowered in that grove where tears turn to blood. My shrieks unrecognisable even to my own ears. “No God, not me, that cannot be me”! Who is this aged woman I see with soured pallor and skin as burnt wood. Slumped, slipping and sliding in our own mess across the bathroom floor. Oh, how intimately God knows us. How he loves us and how fully acquainted he is with everything that concerns us; our innermost workings, even our distorted vanity. How utterly beautiful truth is at our bloodiest moments. How liberating our frailty when God holds who and what we are and loves us evermore. Jesus says, “I will never leave you”. Even at the crushing of your bones. I was right there in your pain; walking through your wilted rose garden. It is I who upheld you in your disappointment and mourned the ruins of your picket fence. I felt all your pain”. Something happens when we see our own nakedness before God. Our hearts are forever transformed when we acknowledge that we’ve come to the end of ourselves.

7. Hallowed Be Your Name When you’re battered when your enemies rise against you bow your knees in surrender to God. Exalt him before those who wish to take your life. Oh God we declare that your name is mighty. Your very nature is just. You defend the righteous and hold our lives in the very palm of your hand. Who is like you oh God, who can compare to your glory. who can command the oceans to still; the sun to rise and set? Look upon us your children, shower us with mercy sing over our pain with great grace, and fill our hearts with hope. May your name be exalted, your presence known, your will be done on earth according to your sovereign will. AMEN

Do not be dismayed

May you Know 8. God May your desires be realised. May all you ask of God be granted. May the Saviour born to redeem man from sin be revealed to you. May you know EMMANUEL, God with us. Jesus Christ, Master, Redeemer, Saviour of the world. May you know the joy he promises and the peace he offers. May you know the gift of his presence.




We all need a quiet resting place. A moment to feel the suns rays on our face. To count the footprints in the sand next to our own. What are we that you are mindful of us dear God. What would we be if we cannot express gratitude for refreshing streams? Waters that wash over the past we wish we could forget; stories we embrace with gentle surrender to the God who makes our tomorrows more than we deserve. A love that graciously clothes our hearts in knowing whose we are. Walking steadily; crowned in righteous assurance that you know us.

Sing Hallelujah, Glory to our Saviour


Dear God

Praised be your name. The earth cries out for you. It mourns for mans demise; Worldly kingdoms try to usurp your throne but you are from everlasting to everlasting. What are we without you? Who can we be but lone empty vessels. We have no value without you. Our words are like chaff in the wind. Our plans without you are laughable; your favour means more than human approval. We implore your blessing when our enemies watch us sleep at night. In our dream state please destroy their plans. Encase them In your anger and grant the repentant mercy. Guide our hearts and minds. Teach us your truths so that we may walk in it. Hold our destinies by the power of your love; May your words ignite a fire in our hearts to serve only you; to please only you.

Dear God (2) Calm our distress at human failure Give us assurance in the midst of disappointment; In the throes of bloodshed and strife. Be happy with us Lord. We need your power Your strength Your mercy. We are nothing without you. Our attempts at success a dismal failure. Please do not leave us to fight this battle alone. You are the true God. The only wise God. Our trust is in you alone. In your promise to never leave our side. Help us to be love; To be instruments of peace. We need contentment. We must have your presence or we will surely wither and die. So then Lord, arise and make our sunrise a delight, fill our sunsets with hope. and our souls with gratitude.

About the author Beulah Kleinveldt is a South African Author; Poetic Memoirist and soul nurturer. A Socio-Spiritual Wellness Facilitator who studied classical voice. She has a history in the arts and culture sector and Christian ministry that spans over forty (40) years in various leadership capacities. An easy communicator, and speaker whose community work amongst (though not exclusively) South African Burn Survivors was applauded by research Scientist Nancy Horner and research psychologist Roxanne Jacobs of the Medical Research Council of South Africa (MRCSA). Beulah is particularly passionate about showing youth and women the pathway to healing through spoken word and storytelling; introducing them to God’s loving kindness and mercy.

Seasons Greetings May we, at this time in commemorating the birth of our Saviour reflect on the choices we have made and will make; to strive for Gods approval only. to please his heart in how we serve his son, Jesus Christ - our Redeemer. God bless you and your family. I wish you beautiful memories and moments this festive season. Beulah Kleinveldt

Emmanuel God with us.

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