BettGrowl April 2015

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TR NO MEANS NO M Bettendorf High School

Vol. 51 Issue 5

Friday, April 10, 2015

he reality behind ape culture by Rachel Griggs Staff Reporter


UPCOMING EVENTS by Melissa Weinstein Staff Reporter

APRIL Spring Musical: April 9-11 (7 p.m.) and April 12 (1 p.m.) Orchestra Solo/Ensemble Fest: Saturday, April 18 Vocal Solo/Ensemble Fest: Tuesday, April 21 MS/HS Jazz Night: Monday, April 27 (7-8 p.m.)

MAY Prom: Saturday, May 2 (8:30-11 p.m.) Blood Drive: Tuesday, May 5 (11 a.m.-3 p.m.) National Honor Society Induction: Thursday, May 7 (7:30 p.m.)

EANS NO NO ME EANS NO MEANS In honor of April being Sexual Assault

Awareness Month, let’s talk about rape. More specifically, consent and rape culture. This taboo topic is something that people are all too often afraid to talk about. “Rape culture” is a term coined by feminists in the 1970s. According to the Women Against Violence Against Women Rape Crisis Center, the term was designed to show the different ways that society blames the victims of sexual assault and male sexual violence. The thing is, we need to notice this stuff. We need to talk about this uncomfortable topic. Share our experiences. Be mad. Outraged. All of these things help us become aware of reality, the sad reality being, that the less and less we are aware of rape and sexual violence, the less we can be aware of what is going on. Staying aware of rape and sexual violence is painful and hard work, but it is not something we can turn a blind eye to anymore. So if you are in the dark still, lets just take a minute to make things more clear. Rape culture in layman’s terms is a culture where sexual violence and assault are considered the norm. Rape culture doesn’t just refer to the actual act of rape but rather sexual violence in general. It refers to the idea of so-called “gray rape” and the notion that “no” can also mean”yes,” slut shaming, street harassment, anti-rapewear, the myth of preventing rape, rape jokes, fear of reporting, and false rape accusations. Rape culture even touches on the lack of attention to minority communities and male rape, as well. Rape culture has forced FBI’s Uniform Crime Report to redefine rape to reflect that not just women

can be raped. It is now legally defined as, “The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part, object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” This legal distinction is important because even though male rape is less common, it most certainly happens. Male rape survivors face a whole different story than females. It is a whole different kind of stigma than that of a female survivor. Oftentimes, they lack the support and resources to work through the problem because of the culture that we have created in relation. A male student at BHS, who is a survivor of sexual assault, said, “It’s not just females that are victims, and a lot of times that’s ignored. Anything that you see about it is usually about females. I mean it’s understandable because it happens more often to females than it does to males, but it still happens to males. Excluding a minority because it’s a minority is still excluding a minority,” the anonymous source said. “It’s hard because as a guy, if someone finds out then that instantly makes you gay, which has a whole different stigma.” Sophomore Adejoke Mason said, “It’s difficult to speak out about because it [sexual assault] has a stigma that you are tainted when really it should be the person who raped you is tainted. We need to talk about the fact that just because you’re a sexual being doesn’t give you the right to not control yourself. You always have the ability to control yourself.” Mason is right. A person shouldn’t be afraid to come out about being a victim of sexual assault for fear of what other people will think of them.

Rape culture is the complex set of beliefs that encourage male sexual aggression and supports violence against women. The idea of rape culture is a very sick part of today’s society; shaming the victims of rape and making them feel worthless is not how society should treat men and women alike. Jenn Campbell said, “Being raped is terrible but coming out about it is even worse because then everyone just thinks that you’re lying or that you asked for it or you’re a slut.” Oftentimes, so many cases of rape go unreported because the victims are either threatened with further harm, the victim is scared that he or she will be hurt more if they are to tell anyone, or may feel that the police are incapable of apprehending the perpetrator. Today’s society needs to relearn and grasp the ideal of treating the opposite sex with due respect. Frankie Ballard said, “If someone’s drunk at a party, you drive them home and you put them in their bed. You do nothing else.” When it comes to giving consent, it is widely misconceived that it’s always the victim’s fault. There should be no gray area when it comes to the word “No.”” No” means “no”, even if the person is drunk or otherwise incapable of giving consent. Chris Jerson said, “If you’re driving someone home who’s drunk or otherwise incapable of helping themselves from anywhere, not just parties, do not use that to take advantage of them. Do what is morally right and do not scar them for the rest of their life.”

IHS Musical Association Large Group Contest: May 8-9 Senior Awards Ceremony: Friday, May 8 (8:30 a.m.) Choir Concert: Monday, May 11 (7-8 p.m.) Ice Cream Social Band/Orchestra Concert: Tuesday, May 12 (7-8 p.m.) 5th-12th Grade Chamber Orchestra Spring Showcase: Wednesday, May 13 (7 p.m.) Fine Arts Banquet: Thursday, May 14 (6-7 p.m.) Variety Show: Friday, May 15 (7 p.m.) ISTA Honor Orchestra: Saturday, May 16 Graduation Rehearsal: Wednesday, May 20 Seniors’ Last Day/Luncheon: Wednesday, May 20 (11:30 a.m.) Final Exams/Early Release: May 2122 (11:30 a.m.) Graduation: Sunday, May 24 (1 p.m.) Last Day of School: Tuesday, May 26

02 Opinion

Should school start Bettendorf pushes for later? early-start waiver

April 10, 2015

The Growl Editorial





the 2015-2016 school year, school districts in Iowa will not be allowed to have a starting date earlier than the weekend of Sept. 1, according to a letter sent to school leaders from Iowa’s Department of Education. This letter stated, “effective immediately, the department will no longer automatically grant waivers for the school start date requested for the 20152016 school year.” This change in school starting dates evolved because of multiple complaints from the tourism industry and parents alike. The tourism industry arguing that because Iowa starts school as early as it does, it gets in the way of teenage employment and tourism during the Iowa State fair. Being debated as to whether or not school start dates should be a local issue or not, school districts must now provide an argument as to why they wish to start earlier than Sept. 1 and be approved by the department.

Bettendorf School Board had already set next year’s starting date for Aug. 11, for the academic calendar when the letter was sent out this previous December. Bettendorf must now re-apply for an early start waiver, along with providing sufficient data to back up the request that supports an earlier start date. However, the Iowa House Education Committee pushed for a bill that would allow school districts to start no earlier than Aug. 23, along with a bill in the Senate allowing local educators to plan their own school calendars. Both bills are being sent to the floor to be debated, as of this past February. These bills would allow Bettendorf to have a great control over its school academic calendars. According to the Quad-City Times, “Five school districts from across the state, including Bettendorf, have applied for early start waivers…” and last year, all but two of Iowa’s 338 school districts received a waiver to start school early.

This new push for school districts to begin their school start date after Labor Day weekend derives from complaints that school is intruding on student’s summers and the Iowa State Fair. The Iowa State fair, occurring annually in Des Moines, is scheduled for Aug. 1323, this year. Last year, 99 school districts in Iowa started before the Iowa State Fair ended. In a recent article by the Quad City Times, junior Kendall Shaw said about the Iowa State Fair, “It’s too far away, (and) no one wants to go.” Bettendorf is fighting against this new start date, that was urged by Gov. Terry Branstad, in hopes of creating a better school calendar that benefits the students academic needs. With AP testing in early May, starting in early August would allow more time for AP students to study. With later start dates, potentially weeks of material will be lost. The argument, therefore being, is a lack of honors education worth a little extra time for family vacation. In an interview with the Quad-City Times,

Bettendorf senior Archie Weindruch said, “The benefits of having a stronger education system will outweigh gains of a few weeks of tourism in August.” This being true, an earlier start date allows for teachers to take college courses over the summer and for high school academic calendars to be about the same starting and end date as their college counterparts. Therefore, making it easier for families with kids in both high school and college to plan a vacation. The negatives to an earlier start date includes, overheating of students in nonair conditioned schools, reduction of tourism in Iowa during the state fair, and less time for employers to keep school students for summer jobs. Hopefully, Bettendorf will be granted the early start waiver that will allow Bettendorf to start before Labor Day, in hopes of benefitting the student’s education, especially students planning on taking AP level courses.

8 ‘Promposals’ for guys “Five more minutes” by Brett Gaydos Staff Reporter

by Olivia Teach Staff Reporter


1. “Can you picture us at Prom?”: If you been together a while, this is the perfect choice for you. You get her parents’ permission to set up in her room, first. Then you would collect and print pictures of you and your girl and then post them at the bottom of the strings on the balloons, and spell out “PROM?” on her bed. 2. Get candles and spell out Prom: pick an outdoor place right outside her window and arrange the candle so it says “PROM?” And then light them all when it is dark out. 3. Paper lanterns: Buy or order paper lanterns online some time in advance before asking her with the lanterns. After you have the lanterns, take one and write “prom?” on the outside, then put it in your trunk, take her to an open field and tell her you are going to star gaze, so maybe bring a blanket to sit on. While she is sitting, tell her to wait a minute, so you can go get the lantern and then when you come back have her close her eyes while you light the lantern. When you’ve done this successfully, have her open her eyes and show her it says “Prom?” She’ll let it sail into the sky if she says yes. 4. Fortune cookie: take a fortune cookie and write prom on a slip of paper and put it inside. While you two are out for Chinese have her open it. 5. Scavenger hunt: take five posters; on four of them write P, R, O, M, then hide them in places around her home or outside, with permission from parents. Then have her start to find the pieces. When she does you’ll have the last poster that says “Now that you’ve found all the pieces, will you go to _ _ _ _ with me? She, then, takes the letters she found to spell prom.

Wade Webster asks Cate Spencer to the upcoming Prom. 6. Playing and singing: this idea is a little advanced because you’ll have to write, play and sing a song asking her to prom, but don’t let this deter you because you’ll melt her heart, and you have an even better chance of her saying yes. 7. Balloons with “Up”: paint a mural of the house from “Up” with the saying “will you fly up to prom with me?” and post it on the girl’s wall of her room and fill her room with balloons. 8. For girls: ask with life alert. First you get a tri-board and in the middle write, “I’ve fallen on my way to ask you something, PROM?” And on the left side, write “Yes? Help me up.” On the right it will say, “No? Contact Life Alert.” When you go to his house make sure you dress up in an old woman’s wig and glasses. You will knock on his door, run to the grass where the poster is and pretend like you’ve fallen. Hopefully he helps you up. Some of the suggestions were inspired by Twitter posts.

etting up for school on a Monday morning can be one of the most challenging tasks of the week. Most of that time in the morning is spent figuring out how many minutes you can lay in bed before getting up. As teenagers, sleep is a very important part of our lives. How should school come in the way of what we need? According to nationalsleepfoundation. org, sleep is a major part of how a teen functions, handles stress, and overall well being. It is suggested that we get around eight to 10 hours of sleep to be most productive, but only a reported 15 percent of teens said they did. Even if we wanted too, how could everyone get enough sleep? With all the electronic devices at our fingertips, staying up late and being entertained is not hard at all. Cell phones keep everyone connected 24/7 and TVs and laptops can keep users occupied for hours and hours at a time. One more show on Netflix at 2 a.m. can quickly turn into three episodes and now it’s 4 a.m. Even while laying in bed with

a cell phone, Twitter could quickly spark a DM conversation or Twitter drama. When the alarm hits to be at school by 8:15, 85 percent of you are not ready for the day yet. Why do students need to be at school so early? Showing up late for school could be one of the worst feelings ever. It all starts when you walk in. Having to walk all the way around to the front could be a hassle, especially if it is very cold. Arriving over five minutes late for the class will result in not receiving full credit for the day. What’s the point of even going? The start time of school could be the problem. Students would benefit greatly with a hour or so late start every day. Students learn best around 10 a.m and can solve problems easier. When students arrive at school and class starts in the morning, there is at least an hour and 45 minutes in which students are not at the highest level. This could impact grades of the morning classes greatly, causing lower grades. With only a few weeks of the school year left, make sure that sleep and getting to class on time are a priority. Doing so will not only help raise grades but make everyone healthier, happier, and more focused.

Growl Staff

Editors: Brett Gaydos, Alex Connor Reporters and Photographers: Melissa Weinstein, Fritzy Swearingen, Damaris Stroker, Annette Schneider, Olivia Teach, Rachel Griggs. Adviser: Connie King. Mascot: Newsie

The Growl is a member of the Iowa High School Press Association (IHSPA) and the Journalism Education Association. Visit us at “Like” us on Facebook (bettmedia).

The Growl accepts all signed Letters to the Editor by the student body. Letters may be edited for length, grammar, and clarity. Letters may be dropped off in D100, journalism lab or emailed to

Use your smart phone or iPad to visit our website!

April 10, 2015



Possible candidates running by Fritzy Swearingen Staff Reporter

REPUBLICANS Ted Cruz Ted Cruz is the first Cuban American from Texas to serve as senator. Cruz attended Princeton and Harvard University where he won semi-finalist and champion at several renowned debate tournaments. Cruz, a leader of the Tea Party movement, champions a flat tax, abolishing the IRS, and auditing the Federal Reserve. He has also led the criticism on the Affordable Care Act. Cruz went far enough to read “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss in a filibuster speaking out against Obamacare. Ted Cruz has also said that his foreign policy is “somewhere in between” isolationism and active interventionist. Senator Cruz’s main supporters are predominantly grassroots activists and Tea Party supporters; however, he has also attracted much conservative and moderate attention. Marco Rubio Marco Rubio, a current Cuban-American Florida senator and both Speaker of the House of Florida Representatives graduated from Miami University and began his political career in 2000. Marco Rubio has been very adamant on continuing the Cuban embargo and fighting ISIL with strong measures. Rubio is also a proponent of school choice for parents and tax incentives for alternative energy

companies. Rubio has proposed legislation with both Democrats and Republicans which would grant residency to illegal aliens who graduate from high school. The senator has also been a critic on climate change policy and does not believe humans have played a role in global warming. Even though Rubio has not proclaimed his running, a bid for president is very likely in the year of 2016.

Rand Paul Son of 1988 Libertarian and 2008 and 2012 Republican presidential candidate, Ron Paul, Rand Paul is a freshman Libertarian-Republican senator from Kentucky. After dropping out of Baylor University, Paul went to Duke Medical School and got an M.D. in ophthalmology. After practicing as an eye doctor, Paul was elected in 2010. Since being elected, Paul has proposed a great deal of legislation to audit the Federal Reserve, reducing the United States military role in the Middle East, and relieving criminals from jail time for nonviolent drug offenses. He has been an outspoken critic on the drug war and the constitutionality of drone use. Like other Republicans, Paul supports a drastically reduced, simpler tax code. As the winner of the CPAC residential straw poll and a leader of expanding the base of the Republican party, Paul is expected to announce his candidacy April 7 and campaign in five other states immediately. Scott Walker Scott Walker, the governor of Wisconsin,

is also most likely to seek a bid for president. An attendee of Marquette University, Walker dropped out and began his career in state politics at the age of 22. Walker has been governor since 2011 as a supporter for school choice, boots on the ground in Syria, and less bargaining power of government employees. However, Walker proclaims himself as a politician who focuses on mainly fiscal issues. For him, that means repealing Obamacare and balancing the federal budget. Walker has also made it clear that he wants an easier path for citizenship for illegal immigrants. Walker came in at a close second in the 2015 CPAC presidential straw poll. With this momentum as a runner up, Walker is expected to have a very elaborate and dedicated presidential campaign for the 2016 election. Jeb Bush Jeb Bush is the former governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007. Younger brother of George Bush and son of George H.W. Bush, Jeb Bush has been traveling battleground states trying to gain support from moderate Republicans like himself. Bush made lots of buzz by requiring rigorous standards, testing, and grading in Florida schools. While governor of Florida, Bush reduced taxes by $19 million and increased the state’s reserves from $1.3 to 9.8 billion. Bush also spoke out in December against the end of the Cuban embargo. He has been recorded saying he is an advocate for strengthened NATO and Israel relations. On top of that, he supports troops in the

Youth and politics: by Amanda Kane Staff Reporter

Why younger generations should vote


lthough spring is just around the corner, campaigning for the 2016 presidential election is already in the works. Voters of all ages flock to the booths… or do they? Young voters in America are the least likely to vote of any age group. According to, only about 21 percent of young Americans voted in the last presidential election. That number is shocking compared to the rate of 61 percent of older Americans that vote (according to If we want to create a progressive nation that represents the needs of our generation, we need to help create a higher youth voting rate.


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According to Pew Research Data from October of 2014, the younger age group was the least likely to be contacted. This means that outreach programs were not seeking out the youth and encouraging them to vote. Programs in other years were shown to not have drastic effects on turnout, but the lack of attention given to this age group further reinforces its lack of participation. The attention is focused on older generations that already vote. We need to show the future leaders of America that we are interested in who is running our country, and that the young vote matters. Another issue that arises with young voters is the concept of political efficacy. Political efficacy relates to one’s feeling of being able to affect politics. Many people have the mind set that “my vote can’t affect it that much, I’ll leave it to someone else,” but this is all too common among the youth population. Young voters tend to be dissociated from most politics, therefore don’t believe that they can make a substantial impact. This is not true, however. Our vote can greatly affect the entire outcome of the election. If more young voters went to the polling booths, we would have leaders that more

greatly represent the interests of the entire country, not just the interests of a select few groups that decide to vote. If you want world leaders to enact bills and laws that you care about, you have to take a stand and get involved in politics. Others are deterred from politics deeming it stressful or complicated. Registering to vote is easier than ever: you simply sign for it when you receive your driver’s license. It is easy to look up candidates and what they stand for by turning to the Internet or simply catching specials that run consistently on TV throughout the campaigning process. By staying informed, it is easier to not feel overwhelmed and to have a better grasp of what is going on in our country and how it is run. For seniors, as many of us are turning 18, it is crucial that you keep voting in mind. It is up to us to elect officials that represent our nation in its entirety. Political activism isn’t restricted solely to voters, however. If you are not yet able to vote, there are countless clubs and organizations that you can join in order to get your voice heard. Politics are all about participation, and it is up to us as the younger generation to get involved and demand change.

Middle East and believes there should be a stronger United States presence where ISIS occupies. Even though he got eight percent of the CPAC straw vote, his message is still resonating with both moderate and establishment supporters.

DEMOCRATS Hillary Clinton Perhaps the most likely to run for president, Hillary Rodham Clinton is a former first lady, senator, and secretary of state. Wife of Bill Clinton, Clinton has scoped out the presidency in the past such as the 2008 election where she held a fairly close race against Barack Obama for the Democrat Party nomination. Similar to most modern day Republicans, Clinton is a supporter of military action in places like the Middle East and Islamic State help territories. However, Clinton’s domestic policy consists on heavy support for the death penalty, public education, health care, and banning of assault weapons. Clinton has been a critic of both Republicans and Democrats during her terms of service as senator and secretary of state and has support from progressives and moderates. For the election of 2016, people can definitely expect a run from Hillary Clinton for president of the United States. Joe Biden Joe Biden, a long time senator from Delaware and the current vice president, may also be running for president. This Delaware and Syracuse graduate, in the past years, has been a large supporter of the bank and automobile bailouts. He also supports keeping marijuana illegal and spreading free trade to 3rd World countries. Biden has also been a big speaker for the Affordable Healthcare Act or “Obamacare,” claiming that its built on the best of the private insurance system. Biden also speaks in support of a progressive tax: taxing higher income earners more than lower income earners. Even having voted for the Iraq War, in June 2012, Biden has preached to keep ground troops out but keep drones in to fight Al Qaeda. Biden can be expected to possibly challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination in 2016. Bernie Sanders As a former Vermont representative for the U.S. House and a current serving senator, Bernie Sanders is another possible Democratic candidate for the next upcoming election. Perhaps, one of the biggest advocates for freedom of speech, Sanders has co-sponsored and voted for hundreds of laws to protect it. Sanders also sports a very noninterventionist voting record, having voted against military action in Kosovo with Republicans during Clinton’s administration and in Iraq with Democrats during Bush’s. A supporter of marijuana legalization, Sanders has also supported laws to help end the drug war and regulate legal drugs like tobacco. Sanders, like most Democrats, is passionate on a progressive tax system and has voted strongly for taxes to be increased on those who earn more than $1 million a year. In 2016, Sanders may provide a strong candidate for very strong liberals, progressives, and Green Party supporters.

B 04 Features April 10, 2015

y the bottle Underage alcohol use at BHS by Alex Connor Newspaper Co-Editor



reported binge drinking



of 8th graders and


of 12th graders had tried alcohol, and

rode with a driver who had been drinking alcohol

of 8th graders and



drank some amount of alcohol and by age 18


of teens will have had a drink


of 12th graders drank during the past month


of youth aged 12 to 20 years drink alcohol

*names have been changed to protect the identity of those interviewed According niaaa.nih. gov, by age 18, more than 70 percent of teenagers will have had at least one drink in their lifetime. Drinking less frequently than adults, when teenagers do drink alcohol, it is predicted by niaaa.nih. gov that they have more drinks, and 5,000 people under the legal drinking age will die from alcohol related deaths, including auto accidents, homicide, suicide, alcohol poisoning and other injuries each year. Under the influence of alcohol, teenagers are more likely to be involved with risky behaviors, are more likely to carry out or be the victim of a sexual assault, and have an increased risk of brain development problems. So, why, if these are all the possible outcomes, is drinking so popular with America’s youth? Is it because the thrill of not legally being able to outweighs the pros more than cons, or because it is just plain fun? In the 1980s when the drinking age changed from 18 to 21, it was done, in hopes, to reduce traffic deaths among young drivers. Since then, however, the youth still and will continue to drink. Drinking among teenagers is seen as a right of passage. Whether stealing from a parent’s liquor cabinets or purchasing a fake I.D., drinking is something that students see as “coming of age,” or their true transition to adulthood. About his first drink, senior John Doe*, 18 said, “It was the beginning of my junior year, I was 16. It was with a group of friends and we wanted to see what it was like.” Doe recalls bringing the alcohol to a party that had turned out to be busted and then going back to his place. Doe stated that he and his friends had all gotten intoxicated but remained safe by staying at his place overnight. Doe drinks occasionally now, once a month or every few weeks, and always make sure that he is in a safe environment or has a designated driver. The same goes for senior, Mark Smith*, 17. Smith had his first drink around 13 or 14 with a few of his family members and now only drinks rarely, if at all. Recalling his worst experience, Smith said that when he decided to drink over the summer while fighting a sickness, he had thrown up a lot. Luckily, however, Smith says that while drinking, he doesn’t believe that he’s ever been in a dangerous situation. Annually, 38 percent of the 5,000 deaths due to drinking are related to motor vehicles. Both Smith and Doe stated that they had never been a passenger in a car with a drunk driver or had been the driver themselves. “I’m conscious about that [drunk driving.] Never drink to where someone is at risk and always have a designated driver,” Doe said. About where they get their alcohol, Doe and Smith said that they get it from older friends, older co-workers, and/ or from a party. Mary Jane*, 18, also drinks recreationally. Her first time drinking, Jane did it for fun. “Damage is done,” Jane said. “My parents are going to hate me regardless.” Jane recalls the experience of drinking to always be different, and said jokingly to underclassmen, “don’t start partying until junior year.” In an article published by, “Scientists believe that this lengthy developmental period may help explain some of the behavior which is characteristic of adolescence—such as their propensity to seek out new and potentially dangerous situations. For some teens, thrill-seeking might include experimenting with alcohol. Developmental changes also offer a possible physiological explanation for why teens act so impulsively, often not recognizing that their actions—such as drinking—have consequences.” The same article also says, “An adolescent who expects drinking to be a pleasurable experience is more likely to drink than one who does not.” Meaning, that youth introduced to alcohol earlier in life are more likely to appeal to it in their teenage years. So, even though alcohol is illegal until the age of 21, teenagers aren’t going to stop trying to drink it. It’s become a norm to high schoolers, a gateway into the rest of their life. The difference is, knowing how not to abuse it and put themselves and others in a dangerous situation. “Don’t drink and drive kids, also, don’t drink and text and know your limits,” Doe said.

Students travel to Features 05 England over break ISIS creates fear in the U.S. April 10, 2015

“It seemed so much different from the rest of the trip, it was like walking into a different world almost,” Schirm said. Every culture is different, but students who attended the trip said that the biggest differences between America and England are age and openness. “Everything is a lot older. Everything here is new, Christine Vincent, Maddie Albracht and Jenn Campbell on the but they have plane going to England. old buildings, and they’re not eginning Thursday, March 12, allowed to renovate them, they have to and going through Friday, March 20, 11 leave them how they are,” junior Lauren students embarked on a trip to England, Ross said. “I’d say that the Midwest is definitely led by English teacher Elizabeth Woolley Students were given the opportunity to more friendly and open, and they’re visit many of northern England’s finest more to themselves, but once you get to tourist attractions, including going to York know them, then they’re really nice and and Minster Abbey, castle tours such as welcoming,” Albracht said. Overall, the students had a spring break Alnwick Castle, where various Harry Potter scenes were filmed, going to London, and full of new and memorable experiences Cramlington Learning Village, a school the and can’t wait to get back and connect with their friends across the pond. students were able to visit. “You meet all these different people with “Their school is interesting because it’s not one big school like we have, it’s all these different experiences, and we still probably a series of five different buildings, keep in contact with some of the Brits that but it’s all part of one school. They run came to America, so we just miss them. We our middle school-age kids and our high already talked about how we want to have school-age kids in the same campus. a reunion trip,” Schirm said. The experience was also great for We spent a lot of the time in sixth form, and sixth form is basically equivalent to Woolley, who has had the opportunity to our juniors and seniors. It’s students that study abroad as well. “I studied abroad when I was in college, are preparing to go to university and are getting ready to take their exams, so they and I felt that experiencing another culture was a huge part of what shaped can get into university,” Woolley said Although many places were visited, my ability to understand how important junior Maddie Albracht and senior Mandi cultural diversity is. I loved the thought of being able to help high school students Schirm enjoyed their visit to Scotland. “There was a castle there that we got to also experience that cultural difference,” go inside that was like a thousand years Woolley said. old, and that was really cool,” Albracht said. by Haidyn Hank Staff Reporter


Student Spotlight: Dustin King by Annette Schneider Staff Reporter

Dustin King


ow do you spell your first and last name? Dustin King What grade are you in? I am a senior. What is your favorite subject? Why? My favorite subject is industrial technology because I enjoy being hands on and building from scratch and turning it into something. What are you involved in? I used to be in car club. Who is your biggest inspiration? My teachers and my mom, when she was four

she got a disease and became deaf, and my dad who works at the arsenal. When did you first learn to speak? I learned English at Paul Norton elementary school, but I went to a sign language school three years before going to elementary. How was it growing up with two deaf parents? It can get depressing, knowing they will never hear your voice, but it became the normal for me. It can get really loud because they do not know they are making noise and when you have to get their attention you stomp really loudly so they can feel the vibrations on the floor. Do you have any siblings? Yes, I have on older sister, Amanda King, and she can only hear in one ear. What do you want to be when you grow up? An aeromechanic, a person who works on planes; my uncle is and he wants me to be, too. What is your favorite childhood memory? I was asked to do an open house here for STEM by Mr. Drexler. What is your favorite sign? I love all of them. Anything else? My sister and I learned how to speak without moving our lips, so my mom cannot tell when we are arguing because she can read lips.

by Fritzy Swearingen Staff Reporter


n the past few months, the Internet has become a haven for beheading, recruiting, and hostage videos for ISIL or ISIS. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, otherwise known as ISIL, is an Islamic militant group that occupies areas of Syria, Iraq, and north and west Africa. The group has gained most of their prominence defeating Iraqi forces after the United States had overthrown Saddam Hussein who had left the country in a struggle for stability. Another factor that further caused the growth of the militant group was the fact that American weapons had gotten in ISIL hands after arming the Free Syrian Army rebels to overthrow Bashar Assad. There had been lots of debate on the senate floor on whether or not the United States should have armed the rebels that were fighting side by side with Al-Qaeda and ISIS militants. Others argued that it had to be done in order to execute a coup on Syrian leader, Assad. This has caused much controversy within the world’s governments on whether to become involved or not. Throughout the

conflict, the United States has denied both Syria and Iran the right to use military force to fight ISIL. Instead, the United States is looking to arm, train, and assist the Kurdish and Iraqi armies in order to drive the Islamic State out of Iraq. As the Kurds were able to maintain their culture for the entirety of Saddam Hussein’s reign in Iraq, many political leaders want to give weapon support to them so they can defeat ISIS Nations such as Jordan, France, United Kingdom, and Canada have formed a coalition to help execute airstrikes with the United States to help the Kurdish forces advance. Currently, ISIS forces are holding just over 50 percent of Syrian territory and roughly 20 percent of Iraqi territory. In the midst of being attacked by the coalition’s airstrikes, Boko Haram, is an additional Islamic militant group who recently pledged their allegiance to the Islamic State. From now on, only time will tell what United States forces do to counter the recent African participation in Islamic State groups and what Arab nations will do with the permission of the United States to solve what is seen as a crisis in the Middle East.

Teacher Spotlight: Matt Nagovan by Olivia Teach Staff Reporter What is your first and last name? Matt Nagovan What inspired you to be a teacher, more specifically a math teacher? I did not like high school at all until I had a good teacher senior year, named Mr. Boudro, who made the day enjoyable, so my outlook went from good to bad and inspired me to became a math teacher because I’m good at math and wanted to do the same thing for other students. How long have you worked at Bettendorf? Two years.

Where else have you worked? A Happy Joe’s/Rudys and Von Maur selling suits. Where did you go to school? For high school I attended Alleman High School and for college I went to St. Ambrose. Best high school memory? When my friends and I got our license and drove to the Warped Tour in Tinley Park close to Chicago. What is your favorite hobby? I like traveling internationally or nationally. What do you do in your spare time? Hang with my cats, Khloé Kardashian and Jerry Seinfeld and watch the Cubs play baseball.

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06 Features April 10, 2015


‘Mary Poppins’ considered ‘popping!’ by Rachel Griggs Staff Reporter Featured are Ellie Stamper, Ali Girsch, Nathan Hutchinson and Alex Packard as they promote the production of “Mary Poppins: The Broadway Musical,” at the Rock Island Arsenal. Photo credit: Erin Fleming.


ith the opening night of the spring musical “Mary Poppins” this weekend, the cast has been getting more and more excited for opening day. The musical, which has been in print, film and theatre will be opening at BHS for the first time ever. In fact, it will be the first high school ever to gain the rights to perform “Mary Poppins.” As opening night approaches, students from all roles in the play are excited, but also nervous. Ali Girsch said, “I’m nervous as it gets closer, but it always comes together nicely.” Lead rolls for the production includes Eleanor Stamper as Mary Poppins,Alex Packard as Burt, Max Robnett as George and Emily Tinsman as Winifred. As for the kids Ali Girsch will be Jane and Nathan Hutchinson will be Michael. Diligently working night after night, the cast of “Mary Poppins” is ready for opening night. While those in “Mary Poppins” used to get out of rehearsals at 5 p.m., they are looking to get out at times more like 6 or 7 p.m. now. On how the show is coming so far, Eleanor Stamper said, “I think its coming together nicely, every day people are making progress, and it’s nice to see all the characters grow with whoever is playing them.” “I’d like to encourage more people to come and at least try out for a play, musical, or one-act. Even if you don’t get in, it’s a fun experience, and you can always play in pit orchestra, help build at tech, or usher for shows, which are all appreciated,” Max Robnett said.

“I’ve been in theater for a long time; this is where I definitely belong,” Ali Girsch said. “I’d like to thank everyone in the cast, crew and pit for all their hardwork. And especially the Howards!” Alex Packard said.

“‘Mary Poppins’ has been a really rewarding experience. Every year it amazes me watching every show fall into place and this production is no exception. There is something really magical about being in a production this big and seeing the pit grow and all of the actors grow and the technical aspects come together. The show has really stretched me as a performer. I think that everyone has worked so hard, and it’s really paid off. I think the show really teaches the value of friendship and family and I hope the audience takes that away from the show,” Ellie Stamper said.

Ellie Stamper plays the lead role of Mary Poppins.

Sports 07 Show choir season ends on ‘good note’ All eyes on Drake April 10, 2015

by Rachel Griggs Staff Reporter


o you ever get tired of dancing? Try singing at the same time. That is what “Surround Sound” does as they rehearse and practice for different competitions. For the 204- 2015 school year, “Surround Sound” has greatly improved. Junior Sam Hall said, “Bettendorf ‘Surround Sound’ doesn’t always make it to finals, so it was exciting to see us as a group improve to enough to make it to the finals.”

by Brett Gaydos Newspaper Co-Editor

Finals are when every group performs and the top six are chosen to perform again for rewards. “Surround Sound” was able to make it to finals about half the time. “Surround Sound” still manages to improve each year, along with having a good time. James Bennett said, “ It was a good chance to meet new people and make new friends. It was a lot of fun and a lot of hours but then again it was definitely worth it.”

Making memories through game by Annette Schneider Staff Reporter


veryone should do golf because it is really fun, but please don’t because I don’t want to lose my spot,” sophomore Megan Mequillen said. Mequillen is starting her second year golfing with coach Robbie Furne. The first meet is in April, and the whole team is looking forward to it. “I did golf because I wanted to meet new people, and I like how it is laid back,” Mequillen said. Sophomore Sophie Muckenfuss is

also on her second year of golfing. When Muckenfuss started last year she fell in love with the sport. Muckenfuss is looking forward to be able to start golfing again. “It’s an individual sport, and it is something you can carry on even when you are older. Golf is most enjoyable when you don’t have to compete and just have fun with it,” Muckenfuss said. Madeline VanderVinne is looking forward to her senior year of golf. She has been in golf since her junior year and likes that everyone on the team gets along and supports one another. “Start your freshman year because then you will grow, as a golfer, and be able to go further in the sport,” VanderVinne said.

Social media ends career by Alex Connor Newspaper Co-Editor


he result of a video shot in Cancun, Mexico, by senior Jonathan Russell, 18, shattered his hopes of participating in the final soccer season of his high school career. The video, containing drinking, partying, and other seniors having a good time, was posted to Youtube and shared through Russell’s private twitter account. This video, however, would find its way to the administration, and Bettendorf’s good conduct policy, which is enforced for athletes, drama and debate students, prohibits students from such actions, even if legal in other countries. The good conduct policy states, “a possession, use or purchase of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, or illegal drugs or unauthorized possession, use or purchase of otherwise lawful drugs…” could lead to “disciplinary measures.” Consequently, Russell was dropped from the soccer team for violating the good conduct policy. He said, “The video was supposed to be of our experience in Mexico and be a way to really solidify some of our memories.” However, the use of social media in modern day society can be beneficial for student athletes, if used properly. Sports writer for the Quad-City Times, Matt Coss said, “If used correctly, social media can be a great tool to give athletes recognition, game updates and results. For athletes, it can be a great way to praise teammates, celebrate victories and thank your supporters. I think most high school athletes use good judgment. There are some who cross the line. Before you click the ‘tweet’ button, ask yourself if ‘what I’m posting is appropriate’.”


time is here for the highly anticipated track season. This year the boys and girls teams look to improve on last season’s successes. For this year’s team, it is all about getting better at whatever event the athlete is taking part in. Getting better starts with hard work in practice and dedication in the weight room. “We always start with a warm up,” senior Parker Hill said. “The workout is either a long run, intervals, speed work, strength training, or something similar. Then a cool down with a lot of stretching and core workouts.” Each person on the team has a goal for the season. Everyone wants to get better and improve. With the big events being the main focus all year, most of the team’s goals are about winning them. “Win MAC and to qualify as many events as we can at state and Drake so we can score points and do well there too,” senior Hope Christensen said. “It is fun to be a part of because everyone is encouraging and pushes each other to do their best.” Many of the practices can be long and

grueling. With all the running and working out, it can take a toll on athletes’ bodies. Runners often feel sick or have to drink plenty of water to perform at the highest level. Being with the team through these hard workouts makes the team a tight knit group. “Naturally there’s fun times and really bad times like hard races and workouts where I feel like I’m going to pass out,” Hill said. “But overall, it is a great experience, it brings out a sense of accomplishment. I would not still be on the team if I did not enjoy myself.” One of the biggest meets of the year besides state is the Drake relays. Hundreds of participants and spectators gather at Drake University in Des Moines for a large track meet of the best athletes in the Midwest. Each group takes part in their event, and a champion is crowned. “There are tons of people there, and it’s cool to get to watch professionals and high schoolers run at the same event,” senior Lauren Young said. Both teams are in action tonight at Pleasant Valley at 4 p.m.

Jonathan Russell Almost any athlete, actor, or student has a Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. It is a way for people to connect and share what they have learned, done, or a simple look into their daily lives. There are people out there, however, athletes included, who use it to bully other teams, bash other coaches, and attack other athletes, which can create a poor image of the social media user in the public’s mind. “Often, it reveals a lot about the individual’s character,” Coss said. “So if you’re an athlete pursuing a college scholarship, I’d be particularly cautious about what you put out on social media. Is one 140-character tweet worth risking a $100,000 scholarship?” “The school principal may declare a student ineligible for extra-curricular activities if that student displays conduct that is inappropriate as a citizen and/or student of the school and the community,” the good conduct policy states. Athletic Director Kevin Skillett encourages everyone to be a part of the social media world but cautions users to be mindful of what is posted. “At the high school level, student athletes are very recognizable to the public because they see them or read about them in the paper,” Skillett said. “Just being nice and positive is what we try to emphasize to all of our student athletes.”

Pop quiz for all Bettendorf Schools students, parents and alumni—the Bettendorf Community Schools Foundation (BCSF) is hosting a

starting now! Tell us who is or was a favorite Bettendorf Schools educator and why in 100 words or fewer. A top favorite will be selected by an alumni committee and announced at the back to school breakfast. The winner will have a $500 grant created in his/her name, which will be awarded to that educator’s current/former department/school. Submissions can be made through the BCSF Facebook page or paper copy delivered to any Bettendorf School office or the BCSF office in the district administration center by May 26th. If you’d like to donate to the BCSF, please access this link: Teacher’s Name: ______________________________________________ Teacher’s School: _____________________________________________ Why This Teacher is a Favorite: __________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Submitted by: Student’s Name: ____________________________________ Grade and School: __________________________________


Students reflect Burrito perfection pursuit during Lent April 10, 2015

Features/ Opinion

by Damaris Stroker Staff Reporter


urritos are an important part of life. Looking to fill up at lunch before getting back to a long, daunting day at school? Get a burrito. Looking for a quick and easy way to get rid of a rumbly stomach? Look no further than a burrito. There are so many burritos, from breakfast burritos to dessert burritos; the options are endless. Deciding what kind of burrito you want to devour is difficult, and a question often pondered on by countless of people stands: Pancheros or Chipotle burritos? Every burrito has its pros and cons; and so far the perfect burrito has yet to be made. Therefore, the only thing to do is debate between two close-to-perfect choices. Pancheros and Chipotle burritos are similar, but their few differences make a huge impact. The strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla flavors of Neapolitan ice cream is supposed to be clearly separated. The ingredients of a burrito should not. Burrito ingredients need to be intermingled with each other. Biting into a burrito should not be biting into straight guacamole, and Chipotle does not understand this. I do not want to get a mouthful of beans without a mouthful of guacamole, steak, rice, and other ingredients. Pancheros, on the other hand, has perfected an angelic, mouthwatering combination of all the ingredients. In the case of combining ingredients, Pancheros wins. The combination of ingredients is crucial, but the quality of ingredients is

even more important. No one wants to chomp on mushy vegetables, flavorless meat, or watery guacamole. The quality of what goes in the burrito can make a mediocre burrito turn into a disgusting or delicious burrito. Crisp, fresh ingredients are abundant at Chipotle. Vegetables have a certain crunch to them. Guacamole has the perfect consistency. Rice is full of flavor. Everything at Chipotle is fresh and up to par, until you get to that tortilla. Stale, thin, and easily breakable, like the heart of teenagers, Chipotle tortillas are not consistent with the rest of their ingredients. Pancheros, on the other hand, has mediocre ingredients, with a banging tortilla. When it comes to quality ingredients, Chipotle takes the cake. It is a tie so far, but there is one thing that will choose the winner: queso. A creamy, delicious goodness of a sauce, everyone has had a dream of diving into a waterfall of queso. Burritos are going on a trip in their favorite rocket ship, soaring through the sky; they have to thank not the Little Einsteins, but queso. What burrito place has the option of queso on their burrito? Chipotle is not the correct answer. The decider of the great debate, queso chooses the winner: Pancheros. Until the perfect burrito is found, Pancheros will have to take the gold medal of burritos. Pancheros can be found at 4888 Utica Ridge Rd, Davenport, IA 52807. Chipotle can be found at Shoppes At 53rd & Elmore, 5270 Elmore Avenue #3, Davenport, IA 52807.

by Annette Schneider Staff Reporter

"Lent is forty days that represent

when Jesus was in the desert being tempted by the devil and waiting for his resurrection. To symbolize Jesus resisting the temptations, people now fast, give up something, or focus on something," Katie Byrne said. Byrne is a sophomore who goes to St. John Vianney and has been giving up things since fifth grade. The hardest thing she has ever given up has been soda, and this year she is just listening to Christian music on the radio. "Lent is a really good time to reflect on where you are with your faith and prepping for an exciting time in the church," Byrne said. Lent does not just consist of Easter. Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday are all days that have to do with Jesus Christ's death and resurrection. "It is cool to be able to relate to Jesus on a human level and refrain from something you want by having self-discipline," Byrne said.

Ryan Schade goes to St. John Vianney and started giving up things in kindergarten. Schade is focusing on being nice and helping others this year for Lent, but the hardest thing he has ever given up is ice cream. "For Lent I am trying to be a nicer person and show more respect towards other people. I also try to help people out who might need it. It has been hard to show respect all the time because there may be an argument or something that makes you mad, but it is good to try and overlook that and still show respect towards others," Schade said. Maddy Carroll is a sophomore who goes to St. Paul Lutheran and has been giving up things since sixth grade. The hardest thing she has given up is lemonade, and this year she gave up all drinks besides milk and water. “There are definitely temptations, and it is hard to say no to things you really want, but when you make it to Easter you feel accomplished,� Carroll said. Lent ends on Easter, which was Sunday, April 3.

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