Bethlehem Fully Alive Newsletter April 2015

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Easter Egg Hunt Children’s Ministry Easter Breakfast Sermon Series Family Mission Trip Chapel Garage Sale Stephen Ministry LWML/Mary Martha Women’s Event LifeLight Prayer Shawl Primetimers Student Life Bobcat Boogie Summer Camp April Calendar

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APRIL 2015

Join us for Holy Week and Easter services: Maundy Thursday 10am & 6:30pm in the sanctuary Good Friday 12:00 noon & 6:30pm in the sanctuary Easter Sunday 8am in the sanctuary and chapel 9:30 & 11:00 in the sanctuary No 11:00 chapel service that morning



Saturday, April 4 Bethlehem Lutheran Church and School 10:00-11:30 am Children ages 2 to 7 are invited to participate Appropriate Age Groups We’ll start in the gym with coloring an Easter bag to hold the eggs you’ve collected, MAKE YOUR OWN EASTER STORY BOOK, hunt for eggs rain or shine and back to the gym for a refreshment. Jesus Lives! Let’s Celebrate! The EASTER BUNNY will be making an appearance! Cameras welcome! No basket needed we’ll have one for you!


Children`s Ministry By Marva Tonniges

HIS SON, GOD’S GIFT OF LOVE “He is risen; He is not here.” Mark 16:6 Praise the Lord and have a Blessed Easter! From the Sunday School STAFF NO Sunday School Easter Sunday





New Sermon Series Focuses on How to Live a Home Run Life Our April Faith in Focus message series Home Run Life runs April 12-May 3. This 4-week series is centered on how to get on base for a home run life with God. We all strive for success in our career and finances, and we want strong relationships in our marriage and with our friends and family. We want it all, and yet we also aspire to honor God’s will for our lives. Home Run Life is about how we’re running the bases in life. Sometimes we try to cheat them, and we may even be running them backwards. This series is focused on how to win—with ourselves, with others and with God. Join us as we talk about how to win life by God’s game plan in a world that challenges us at every turn. Visit the Faith in Focus web page at for advance weekly text readings, links to videos and more as available. Select the Sermons & Teachings drop down menu, and click on Faith in Focus to find these resources.


Family Mission Trip Update By Sarah Ross

Thank you for your support of our Family Mission Trip to Jamaica! Cookie Dough will arrive around April 12th - please watch for details!

Mother Daughter Event

Trivia Night

A fun afternoon involving a fashion show, tea, and memories with your family. All mothers and daughters are invited. Registration will begin April 19.

April 17 at 6:30 pm Cost: Pre-register by April 15: $20 per person or $150 for a table of 8 / At the Door: $25 per person or $175 for a table of 8 Get a team together and join us for a fun evening. The winning team not only gets bragging rights, but also $200! The more people that are there, the more fun it is, so invite your friends and neighbors to join us. There will also be an auction, other games and concessions available. Childcare will be available for children age 5 and under.

May 9 from 1:00-3:00 pm

Movie Night May 15 - doors open at 6:30, movie starts at 7. This is an indoor drive-in movie. We will show a family friendly movie, and we invite you to bring a cardboard car along to sit in. Small prizes will be awarded in several categories for the cars, so get creative!



Chapel Garage Sale and Spring Spruce Up — April 12 We are getting rid of many items that were replaced or not needed when we moved into our new building and letting go of items in our chapel areas. So, we will have a GARAGE SALE on April 12 from 10 am – 2 pm in Woodridge. Our lease is up at the end of April so everything will need to go! Items are available for a donation. Also, we would love your help in doing a few projects – some inside and some outside. Our SPRING SPRUCE UP day is April 12 from 12 – 3pm. Bring your work clothes to church or come back at 12:00 noon to help. We’ll have lunch for you! Please contact Dean von Holdt if you can help that day. ===========================================================================================================

Stephen Ministry Corner By Sharon Brown

DIVORCE OR SEPARATION Valentine’s Day has passed us by for another year. Many received flowers, candy, or other enjoyable gifts. However, there are many that felt pain on this day of love. Those people are suffering because they may be in the process of a separation or a divorce from their spouse. It hurts when you think that no one loves you anymore. You may feel like a failure. It’s frightening when you realize that you may have to be the head of the household. You have invested so many years into your marriage. How could my spouse do this to me? Family and friends have given you so much advice that you don’t know which way to turn. Or, you are too embarrassed to tell anyone. No one realizes that family and friends are experiencing pain as well. Divorce is an enormously painful experience – many say it is as difficult as when a loved one dies. It is even more difficult because the other person does not go away; divorce is an open wound. There are so many aspects of a divorce that one

never thinks about. People may judge you. You may judge yourself or feel that the church and God is judging you. Family and friends may become angry and judgmental. There is a workable solution. There is someone who will be non-judgmental, will accept your problem, and will be sensitive to your needs. A Stephen Minister is available to listen to you and will be your confidant as you take this walk. Did you know that there are stages of a divorce just as there as stages of grief? A Stephen Minister will be sensitive to all of these stages and help you through them. You will not be alone through this long and painful journey. Contact the church office at 303.238.7676 or Martha Rowley at 303.425.6971 for a referral.



LWML By Ann Nord

At our March meeting we enjoyed fellowship while we put together 84 Easter bags for Mean Street Ministry. They will deliver these to children as they minister to the families they interact with. A new project for our society is supporting the students at the University Lutheran Chapel in Boulder. We will be taking and serving dinner to them twice this spring. After the Sunday evening dinner we will worship with them. Our meetings are the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:30 am in the Commons. We encourage any interested women to visit. ============================================================================================================

Mary Martha By Martha Rowley

In March, the ladies of the Mary-Martha Society stuffed a special cup with teabags, coffee bags, hot chocolate bag and a cookie to distribute to our wonderful staff in appreciation for their involvement in The Next Door Project. We had such fun making the craft and distributing it to the members of our church staff and our school staff. In April, we will have Pastor Langewisch lead our devotion and our speaker will be from the Family Tree Association.

Please join us at 9am on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. We would love to have you. We meet in our beautiful new Commons.


The Women’s Ministry Team and the Mary Martha Society present From Saddle Shoes to Flip Flops “In Step with the Generations”

This special event for women and girls focuses on the differences and similarities between the generations. Our presenter, Vera Velk, is a Speaker Consultant and is on the Board of Directors of Stonecroft Ministries. Vera has spoken throughout the United States, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. A highlight for her was addressing the officer’s wives at the Military Academy at West Point. Professionally, Vera was co-owner of a management consulting firm with clients such as John Hopkins, Memorial Sloan Kettering, the Department of Justice, and the C.I.A. When she lived in Hawaii, Vera was Director of the Spouses Program at the University of Hawaii’s Asia Pacific Center for Executive Development. When: Saturday, May 2, 2015 from 12:00- 2:00 pm Who: Women from ages 10 – 100 Where: Bethlehem Lutheran Church (in the new Commons) Cost: $10.00 (includes lunch, a special feature, and the speaker) This is a fundraiser for the Mary Martha Warming Kitchen. Tickets will go on sale in the Commons on Sunday mornings three weeks prior to the event. For more information, contact Margaret Wahl at 303.238.3465.


Fully Alive Bethlehem Lutheran Church & School 2100 N. Wadsworth Blvd. Lakewood, CO 80214 Church office: 303-238-7676 School office: 303-233-0401 Visit us online at E-mail KLTT 670 Radio Broadcast 11:00 AM Sundays David J. Langewisch, Pastor Dr e w Ros s , P a s t or J or da n T om e s c h V i c a r ( S t u de nt P a s t or ) T i m W e n de l i n Vicar M i c he l l e Fi s c he r , P r i n c i p a l S a n d y W e nd e l i n, Di r e c t or o f C on ne c t i o ns S c o t t B u bk e , Di r e c t or o f O pe r a ti on s Do u g B u t te , I T Di r e c to r Ad a m W i nt e r ho f, D i r e c t or , S tu d e n t Li fe M i ni s tr y S uk e G na g y, P r e s c ho ol D i r e c to r T i mi S c hu e s s l e r , M e l i s s a M e uz e l a a r Cor ne r s to ne C o un s e l i ng , 3 0 3 -2 3 8 -7 6 7 6 , e x t. 3 1 5


Once Broken - Now Beautiful By Sherri Wells

A couple of years ago my husband Randy and I started designing and making jewelry. During our trip to California last year, we spent some time on the beach. As we walked along the sea shore, Randy began picking up pieces of broken glass. Thinking that was a little strange, as I was looking for sea shells myself, I asked him why broken glass? He told me he had been reading about beach glass, also known as sea glass, in one of his jewelry-making magazines. Sea glass is varied bits of colored glass that are actually pieces of broken glass bottles, etc. left on the beach. These pieces are tossed among the waves and the sand, and over time, their jagged edges are ground down and eventually smoothed away and rounded off. The result is something beautiful. This jewel-like sea glass has found new life, and a new purpose, becoming very valuable to jewelry makers and collectors alike. I started thinking how similar we are to broken sea glass. God’s purpose for mankind began in a garden of perfection, where man would live in peace and harmony with Him, taking care of the perfect world that He created. That world was broken and shattered when sin entered it, and Adam and Eve became instantly aware of their imperfections. But God loved the world so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to take that sin upon himself. Only by the shedding of Jesus’ blood on the cross can our brokenness be made beautiful; just as the ocean’s waves and sand make broken glass into something beautiful. There’s no better news that we can share than this tremendous love of God for us through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. Easter is a celebration of His love and it reminds us that we are never too broken to be made beautiful. We don’t have to be perfect, we just have to be present to receive this wonderful gift. What a blessing it is to be a child of God in a broken and imperfect world! LifeLight will begin again in the fall. Check the web site for registration information at and click on LifeGroups and then LifeLight. Have a great summer!

Fully Alive is published monthly for t he m e m b e r s a n d fr i e n ds o f Bethlehem Lutheran. It focuses on news within the congregation and activities in the church each month. Articles may be submitted to the church office by the 15th of each month for the next month’s issue. e-mail to:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16



Prayer Shawl LifeGroup By Debbie Haywood

The Prayer Shawl LifeGroup is celebrating its fifth anniversary! This LifeGroup meets regularly to knit or crochet Prayer Shawls for distribution as gifts of healing and comfort and to celebrate meaningful events. Prayer Shawls are a tangible example of God's love and care. The shawl is made of soft yarn so the recipient can wrap it around them and feel God's presence. Before and during the making of a Prayer Shawl, prayers are said to bless the recipient. Once a shawl is completed, it is prayed over and blessed by the members of the Prayer Shawl LifeGroup. The group's ministry is to minister to those in need of strength while undergoing medical procedures; comfort after a loss; peace and patience during an illness or recovery; celebrating a graduation, marriage, or birth of a child. There are endless possibilities! Prayer Shawls will be on display in the Sanctuary on April 19th. The shawls will be blessed during the services and will be available for you to take after each service for a friend or loved one. If you would like to be involved in this ministry, consider the following:

 Bless the ministry by keeping the LifeGroup in your prayers.  Donations of yarn are gladly accepted.  Join the group to knit or crochet the Prayer Shawls. We will teach you how! This is an exciting, growing group that meets on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month from 8:30-10:30am in the conference room on the second floor. Join us and be a part of this exciting group! Contact Debbie Haywood for more information at 720.227.2799 or ============================================================================================================

PrimeTimers` Activities By Lorraine Clark

Tuesday, April 8 at 10:00am

Bible Study in the Commons

Sunday, April 19 at 12:30pm

Potluck in the Commons Ham furnished - bring a dish to share

Tuesday, April 21 at 10:00am

Bible Study in the Commons Out to lunch following Bible Study at Eliot Street Station (2650 Eliot Street - sign up for reservations)

Monday, April 27 at 1:00pm

Bunco in the Commons



Student Ministry Update By Autumn Lawrence

Annual recruitment season for Student Life Ministry is open. Going forward, each year from March through May, the ministry will be filling open positions for the following school year. This will allow the people who commit time to prepare for the coming year. This will also allow us to regularly rotate people through the ministry into different areas of service. We want to ensure that a commitment to Student Life Ministry lasts 1-2 years, and then people can feel free to consider other ministry areas.

to commit to other support roles, such as missions coordinators, event coordinators, fundraisers, and prayer coordinators. If you have any interest in joining this exciting and growing ministry, please come to the informational meeting to be held April 15, 2015 at 6:30pm in the chapel. We look forward to seeing you there! If you would like more information, please call or email Autumn Lawrence (Recruitment Team Lead) at 720.855.0598 or

The Wednesday night ministry for Middle and High School aged students at Bethlehem is off to a great start! The group of mentors, small group leaders, and support staff in place are an amazing group of people for whom we are so thankful. In addition to preparing to grow the Wednesday night ministry (we can always use more people for the Hospitality Team), we will be looking for people


STUDENTS: JOIN US ON WEDNESDAY NIGHTS! Middle School meets in the Commons from 6:15-7:30. High School meets in Nees Hall from 7:30-8:45pm.


Bobcat Boogie The 2015 Bobcat Boogie is coming up on Saturday, April 11th. This PTLsponsored event takes place at Community College Open Space Park 3645 West 112th Avenue in Westminster. It’s a gorgeous 5K course and a Bolder Boulder qualifier! The Race Day schedule is as follows: 8:45-9:30am

Registration/Packet pick up


Timed 5KRun/Walk


Awards Ceremony

10:15am 10:30am

Post-Race Celebration Family Fun Run

5K Run/Walk Registration

Family 5K Run/Walk*

Fox Trot 1M Fun Run

$35 - March 1 - April 8, 2015 $40 - April 9, 2015 - April 11 Race Day

$30 - March 1 - April 8, 2015 $35 - April 9, 2015 - April 11 Race Day

$25 - March 1 - April 8, 2015 $30 - April 9, 2015 - April 11 Race Day

*Family Entries are for registering 4 or more members at one time, prices are per person. All Entries include: Race Tech-T, goodie bag, and post-race celebration party. Register TODAY at - entry forms are also available at Bethlehem! This is a great family event for all agents that benefits Bethlehem Lutheran School. Plan to spend the morning with your Bethlehem family on Saturday, April 11th!

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Happy Easter!

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