The Clarion | Issue 07 | May 2022

Page 28

24 hours at Bethel

Photo by Makenzi Johnson

Photo by Ella Roberts

Photo by Caden Christiansen

Photo by Makenzi Johnson

Photo by Soraya Keiser

Highlights from ENW120 Digital News Studio’s 24-hour search for on-campus action.

Photo by Makenzi Johnson

12 AM Sophomore psychology major Kaylee Fenner spends every Tuesday and Thursday night in the Robertson Center Gym for a game of intramural volleyball. Her team, ironically named “We Suck at Volleyball,” played at 11:15 p.m. and scrimmaged past midnight. “Normally I have a strict bedtime of 10:25 p.m. and currently it’s 12:07 a.m. I’m dying,” Fenner said with a laugh. “But I do it for volleyball because I love it.”

1 AM Sophomore biology major Emma Nelson sits in a chair in her dimly lit living room at 1:11 a.m. shifting through printed notes and articles so she can write an Introduction to Bible paper due that morning — her other five roommates have gone to bed already. Nelson stays up doing homework until 2 or 3 a.m. every night. On a good day, she gets five hours of sleep.

3 AM Senior English education major Morgan Day finishes up work for her internship at Beaver’s Pond Press in the 3900 Grill at 3:44 a.m. She’s ending her 22nd birthday — filled with a trip to the Como Conservatory, receiving five bouquets of flowers and a plush bunny and avoiding homework — with yet another all-nighter.

9 AM Senior media production major Josh Sanchelli meets with two of his friends for a study session in the 3900 Grill. They eat a pre-lunch snack, drink coffee and discuss their classes. Sanchelli, frustrated with an assignment, smacks his textbook on the table and points out his irritation to his friends.

10 AM Junior communications major Grace Pust sits at the front desk in the Department of Communications Studies. As the receptionist, her job consists of completing Teaching Assistant work for professors and doing bizarre tasks. “I had to clean out a closet once and it had so much weird stuff in it – Christmas decorations, tri-fold posters and hundreds of little trophies,” Pust said. “I had to contact the art department to collect the trophies. I think they melted them down or something.”

1 PM Senior organizational communications major Gina Miller enjoys a quick meal in the Monson Dining Center. Most days Miller gets stir fry, but she always gets a fortune cookie. Her fortune for the day reads: Be adventurous and try a new look. “Does that mean I should cut my hair?” Miller asked. “I was thinking about it.”

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