Bethel UMC 150th Homecoming Memory Book

Page 26


A Collection of Memories from Years at Bethel (in no particular order)

From Ardyth Bankston:

come back for the celebration, and we used to eat outside back then.

Bethel has been a large part of my life. I have many memories here.

When the New Sanctuary was being built, I climbed the scaffolding to the top. It is an incredible view from the top.

I started attending Bethel in the early 70’s just as my family moved to Henry County. We were an Easter/Christmas kind of family. As I got older, my friends would ask me to come. We had our own group, The Fairview Fun Factory. There was no UMYF at Bethel at that time, much less a youth director. So us kids were on our own. We had bonfires, hayrides, swim parties, bowling, and just plain Christian fellowship. Occasionally the pastor would round us up for discussions. One of which led to a confirmation class that led to my baptism and joining the church.

I have served on numerous committees through the years, played with the youth, sang cantatas, played bells, and led Disciple classes. I even pitched at one of the softball games. I am not at all athletically inclined. I am very thankful for this church and for the many friendships that have influenced me and my family’s life.

From Pat Pritchett:

As I grew older, I met my husband here at Bethel. Gene and I were married in the “old” sanctuary in August, 1981. My sister and one of my brothers were also married here. Gene and I have two children that were born and raised here, attended Mother’s Morning Out and Preschool. My children have enjoyed many Vacation Bible Schools here over the years.

I remember the Bible drills we had and that’s how I learned the books of the Bible.

I can remember weekend retreats, baptisms at Camp Glisson (being dunked by John Giglio, a previous pastor, in the waterfall), shaving cream fights by the older adults, and just downright fun. I remember polishing the silver elements for communion, baking the wafers and filling the tiny ”glass” cups with grape juice that had to be washed by hand. One time we ran out of juice and had to switch to Fanta grape. I remember the Homecomings of years past when the old members would

Our parents went with us to church and Sunday School and often the preacher and his family came home to eat Sunday lunch. I don’t know how they managed to have a good lunch ready and get us all off to Sunday School and church but they managed. I had a wonderful childhood. We were poor monetary-


Kathryne Mitchell and I love the old marble-topped Communion Table. We both remember my sister, Barbara Sanders Bialik, and I sitting on the floor polishing this little table’s intricately carved legs.

August 1, 2010

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