The Clarion - Issue 6

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bethel university

Bethel's Permanent Art Collection Pages 10 -11

the clarion EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Nicole Nettleton MANAGING EDITOR Kate Beecken NEWS EDITOR Chelsey Falzone

COPY EDITOR Samantha Allgood samantha-allgood@bethel. edu Genna Bock

VIEWS EDITOR Alex Kempston

WEB EDITOR Caleb Woodford





PHOTO EDITOR Jared Johnson STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Alexis Besser SENIOR LAYOUT DESIGNER Leah Sands ASSISTANT LAYOUT DESIGNER Shara Leininger LAYOUT EDITOR Katherine Kirby katherine-kirby@bethel. edu


of The Clarion Staff

Students who pay with cash or debit card at 3900 Grill or Royal Grounds usually experience the cashier pausing a moment at the end of the order. They press a few buttons, and the new subtotal is a few cents more. The reason for this is that they are adding a tax charge to the sale. When someone pays with flex dollars, the charge is left off. Why is this? Bob Schuchardt, General Manager of Sodexo at Bethel, addressed the question first by saying that “all meal plans are non-taxable, so it is to your benefit to sign up for meal plans.” According to Schuchardt, Minnesota law changed about four years ago, and Sodexo is now required to charge tax for dining services not included in meal plans. At the time, Bethel’s legal department “had to do a lot of in-

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B y S ara R assler

PRINTER Northstar Media, Inc. Cambridge, Minn.

vestigating,” Schuchardt said, to figure out which services had to be taxed and which did not. Bethel’s catering service was also included in that law and is now required to charge tax for its services.

Have a question that you want us to explore? Email us at or tweet it to @TheBUClarion with a hashtag: #Goodquestion

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MISSION STATEMENT The Clarion is a student newspaper for the Bethel University community. The views expressed are not necessarily those of Bethel University. The Clarion provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas. Through truthful reporting, it functions as a resource and voice for the body it represents. The Clarion is published biweekly. All material herein is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the written consent of the editor and Bethel University.

Why does the Grill cost more when you pay with cash?

All non-assigned material to be printed must include the author’s name and be submitted one week before the next date of publication.

Disagree with something you see here?

Write a letter to the editor. Send submissions no longer than 400 words to Anonymous letters will not be considered. 2 • THE CLARION • NOVEMBER 10, 2011

Gadkin: reliving the childhood crush

■ Super heroes, animal crackers and bumper cars part of this year’s Gadkin B y K ate B eecken

of The Clarion Staff

Throwback to elementary school is the theme for Gadkin this weekend. At the Gadkin movie on Monday, Nov. 7, the BSA Traditions committee introduced the theme, explained the events and demonstrated the Ask. “Princess Bride” was spoofed in the movie as Wes Mouri taught a freshman about Gadkin through the story of Peter, the Freshman Commoner. After a disc golf duel in North Village and a battle of wits with a philosophy major over coffee and cooler, the student got up his courage to ask a girl to Gadkin. If you didn’t catch the elementary school theme in the movie, it is obvi-

ous in the Ask. Guys dress up as their favorite childhood superhero and give their favorite snack to the girl. The last line in their poem is, “Would you be my bus buddy and sit by me?” Girls have a poem to respond “yes,” or they can deliver the bad news nicely with, “I forgot to bring my permission slip.” When Austin Sinclair asked Rachael Clark, he rapped the poem and added his own two stanzas. “If you could join me that’d be great/ We’ll probably stay up real late/ Cool vibes we will create/ It’s crazy this could be fate.” Sinclair wore a Batman shirt and gave Clark a bunch of candy. Clark agreed, and they will join 250 other Bethel couples at Grand Slam on Friday, Nov. 11. The event relives old birthday party memories with unlim-

ited laser tag, miniature golf and bumper cars. On Saturday, students have a pass to Sea Life Minnesota Aquarium (formerly Underwater World) at the Mall of America. When finished with the fish, students walk across the mall to Nickelodeon Universe. The unlimited three-hour wrist band gives access to everything from the carousel to the roller coasters. Buses leave Bethel at five times, beginning at 12 p.m., and the mall closes at 9:30 p.m. Katie Lundstrom, the president of BU Traditions, said that the total cost for all three activities is $25 per couple. This saves cash-strapped college students $99 over what the regular price would be for Grand Slam, Sea Life Aquarium and Nickelodeon Universe.

News Justice for Michael Jackson

Asteroid set to make history

Mexico's corrupt prison

June 25, 2009, is a day marked in history by the death of Michael Jackson. Two years later, a jury of seven men and five women in Los Angeles found Jackson’s doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray, guilty of involuntary manslaughter. It took the jury two days of deliberation to reach this verdict. Murray will remain in custody without bail until Nov. 29, 2011, the day set for Murray to receive his sentence. He could receive a maximum prison term of four years, along with the possibility of losing his license to practice medicine.

Earth is in no danger, and the 1,300-foot-wide asteroid will be invisible to the naked eye as it passes by Earth on Tuesday. Asteroid 2005 YU55 will be closer to Earth than it has been in 200 years, at a distance of 202,000 miles. This asteroid will be the largest to fly by Earth since 1976 and will likely hold that record until 2028. This close encounter gives astronomers a rare opportunity to study this asteroid in detail. Experts estimate the asteroid will be the size of an aircraft carrier, measuring approximately one quarter-mile-wide.

One hundred plasma televisions, 100 cockerels, 19 prostitutes, two peacocks and two sacks of marijuana were found in a prison in Acapulco, Mexico. This surprise inspection came when police arrived to prepare for the transfer of inmates to a maximum-security jail. Mexican jails are notorious for overcrowding, corruption and rioting; Hipolito Lugo Cortes, an inspector from the State Commission for the Defense of Human Rights said that inmates were “running affairs at these penitentiaries according to their own laws and customs, with little or no control by prison authorities.”

Voting made easy via iPads

Eye color changing

Boxer Smokin' Joe dies

In a five-county pilot program, disabled residents in parts of Oregon will be able to cast their votes via the iPad. Residents will not officially vote on the iPad itself, but rather election workers will provide the counties with iPads and portable printers, enabling residents to use software that will be printed out and mailed back to the state. The benefit of the iPad is that voters with poor vision may adjust the font size and screen colors, or even have the candidate names read off. To make it a statewide program, Oregon will need at least 72 iPads, according to the state elections director.

Dr. Gregg Homer claims his laser eye treatment can change brown eyes to blue in just 20 seconds. For the treatment, a laser agitates the pigment on the iris’ surface so the body identifies it as damaged tissue. From there, the pigment cells do not regenerate and the new color is permanent. Eye experts have expressed concern over the procedure, stating how pigment is there for a reason and the loss of pigment can cause problems like glare and double vision. Seventeen people have been treated so far, all of whom were very shortsighted and were offered lens transplants in return for participating.

After being diagnosed with liver cancer several weeks ago, former world heavyweight boxing champion Joe Frazier died Monday. The first man to beat Muhammad Ali in 1971, the 67-year-old Frazier held the world title from 1970-1973. He defeated Jimmy Ellis to win the heavyweight title in 1970, then lost the title to George Foreman three years later. Frazier retired in 1976 after another loss to Foreman and later made an unsuccessful comeback in 1981. Frazier was receiving hospice care in Philadelphia. On Saturday, his manager admitted that doctors were doing everything they could for Frazier.

B y A bbey V illwock for The Clarion



From the Senate desk: Fall semester activities ■ BSA Senate has made several big decisions this fall with your activity fee money B y C hris S ahr

Junior Senator

The mission of the Bethel Student Association is to develop Godgiven gifts and inspire students to use them in kingdom-building ways by connecting them with events, opportunities and solutions, within Bethel and beyond. The student body elects senators each year as representatives for their classes. Each week bills (allocation of funds) and resolutions (action not

requiring funds) are presented to the Senate on behalf of the student body. These bills and resolutions are assigned to two people to research pros and cons for further investigation into appropriate allocation and action. At the following meeting, the Senate votes on the bills and resolutions. Meetings are held 7:30-9:30 p.m. on Monday nights in BC468 and are open to all. We encourage students to learn more and get involved, because one idea can better the student body.

Bills/Resolutions passed (Beginning of Semester – Present) Bill 53-1 (BSA 2011-12 Budget): $370,000 to BSA departments Bill 53-2 (Club Funding 2011-12): $40,750 to BSA sponsored clubs. Resolution 53-3 (Dorms Committee Creation & Spending Reform) As opposed to previous practice in which a bill was presented to the entire Senate requesting the use of dorm funds, Resolution 53-3 states that a funding request be filled out and signed by the specific dorm’s senator and RD and submitted to the newly formed Dorm Funds Committee in hopes of specialized research and increased efficiency. Bill 53-5 (Disc Golf Tournament): $250 to Dr. Jim Beilby for the Bethel Fall Open Disc Golf Tournament.

Upcoming events Blitz (Nov. 29, 6:00 p.m.): Senators will be coming to you in the Brushaber Commons...get ready to share your ideas!

In progress • Increase transportation through Bethel shuttle stops and bike racks on buses

How you can get involved • Submit a suggestion in the suggestion box in the Loft • Contact a senator or learn more at • Attend a Senate meeting (Monday nights at 7:30 p.m. in BC468)

Benediction • On Nov. 8, Student Senate put on the Fall Blood Drive in the Underground. We would like to extend a thank you on behalf of the Red Cross to those of you who donated! 4 • THE CLARION • NOVEMBER 10, 2011


Reviving the Tent of Meeting

■ The tent returns and houses 24-hour prayer for forty days B y H annah B itker for The Clarion

Although it is small, a lot is happening in the white tent in Kresge Courtyard. The Tent of Meeting is the response to the campus call for 40 days of nonstop prayer. The tent was assembled Oct. 12 and will remain until Nov. 21. The activity that takes place inside is as varied as the people who visit it. People can be found sitting in silence, praying aloud, singing or playing guitar throughout the day and night. Katie Hayden, one of the tent’s organizers, said, “It provides freedom for people to worship or communicate with their Heavenly Father however they like.” The tent includes art supplies, Bibles, journals and an iDoc to accommodate as many worship styles as possible. The Tent of Meeting first made its appearance on Bethel’s campus last fall, implemented by Jay Quick and Chris Dirks. They graduated in the spring of 2011, and they left the tools and details of the tent with Lenea Olson, the

BSA Executive Director for Campus Ministries. Olson reached out to several people to see if there was an interest in bringing the tent back to campus. Matt Klutz, Kaity Top and Katie Hayden all felt called to respond and took over the responsibilities of bringing the Tent of Meeting back for 2011. According to Hayden, Quick and Dirks were students who wanted more prayer for the campus and believed that through constant prayer, people would fall in love with the Lord and become people who wanted to follow Him. Klutz, Top and Hayden wanted to see the tent put up again this year because they believed the work God started last year through the tent was not finished. Last year, Hayden participated by spending time in the tent, and her interest in becoming involved with the revival of the tent this year derived from her role as a freshman Resident Assistant. She said, “As I was praying for the floor, the prayer tent came to mind. I started thinking how it would be a sweet ministry

tool. There is something beautiful about spending time in prayer with people you care about.” Klutz said, “I got involved with the Tent of Meeting this year because God was pulling at my heart. God has blessed me with a passion to see our campus changed.” The overall goal of the Tent of Meeting is long-lasting change. Hayden said, “Our heart for the tent is to see restoration among the people of this campus. We're so easily distracted and caught up in the materialism and demands of this world.” The tent provides an opportunity to step away from those worldly things and into God’s presence. Klutz said his hope is that “after the 40 days have passed, that a community of believers would rise up to keep prayer going for our school, our city, our country and this world that God has blessed us to live on.” They want to see people changed, reawakened to their individual passions and to obedience to God and be inspired to make changes in the rest of the world.


Got any guys? Men sign up for missions ■ The Campus Ministries "He-cruiting" campaign successfully targeted men to go on Spring Break mission trips B y A manda A hlm for The Clarion

A shortage of men going on mission trips led to an innovative campaign with big results. The Office of Campus Ministries has been urging students to forgo their spring break plans of sunbathing on a beach and N instead take the initiative to make a difference. It is organizing seven mission trips that span from St. Paul to Honduras. Each trip entails different types of service work depending on the - needs of the location. r

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While recruiting for these trips, Campus Ministries experienced great difficulty finding male applicants. Associate Campus Pastor Matt Runion noticed in early October that more men were needed in order to create gender-balanced teams. Campus Ministries Student Coordinator Karen Johnson, who has been on two Bethel-led spring break mission trips, said that gender balance is helpful, and especially in situations involving youth, it’s important to show them positive male and female role models.



In the past, Bethel has had all-female teams go on trips. They did well, but it had a different dynamic, according to Runion. “We decided we needed to get creative to get the attention of men,” said Runion. The solution was to offer a $10 gift card to any person, male or female, who recruited a man to apply to go on one of the trips. This campaign became known as “He-cruiting.” Although there were some initial reservations because it was a gender-specific campaign,

Runion wanted it to be clear that “it was not a dig on men, and we passed no judgment on men.” Though “He-cruiting” did get questioned by some students and faculty, Campus Ministries has received no negative feedback, said Runion. Johnson explained that recruiting by word of mouth can be “more powerful” than a sign or a table, because often close friends can see potential in a person that they cannot see in themselves. She also stated that the “Hecruiting” posters let the Bethel

student body know about a need for male applicants that they would not have known about otherwise. “When the students don’t know there is a need, how can they be a force to help change it?” asked Johnson. According to Johnson, after the posters went up, “there was a plethora of male applications.” She said that they were still receiving responses from male applicants up to half an hour before the deadline on Nov. 1. Men now make up anywhere from one-third to onehalf of each team.



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News Mega Rally features Superchick in Benson

■ Bethel partners with Twin Cities churches and Pastor Jason Strand to advance the Gospel at the Mega Rally


S ara R assler

of The Clarion Staff

On Nov. 6, Bethel hosted a high-energy music event in Benson Great Hall called a Mega Rally. Bethel plans two of these every year to “bring together junior high and senior high students from the Twin Cities for an exciting Christ-centered event to clearly present the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” said Ralph Gustafson, Vice President for Constituent Relations. Mega Rallies have been encouraging and challenging young Christ-followers for about 25 years. Bethel typically tries to bring in on-the-rise groups that high school students are listening to. This year, Bethel’s Office of Campus Ministries and the group of youth leaders who plan the Mega Rally wanted to invite a bigger name band than they’ve had in the past. While they try to keep the events as affordable as possible, this fall the price doubled from $4 to $8 per student to accommodate the Christian alternative pop rock band Superchick. Despite the price increase, Gustafson still anticipated Benson being filled. A fairly large crowd showed up to see Superchick; about 900 youths filled the main floor seats in Benson Great Hall with a few in the balcony to save their ears. “We have a disclaimer that says if you can’t afford to bring your group, let us know. There are always a few groups who ask and we work with them.” The second part to each Mega Rally is a “dynamic youth speaker who knows what is going on with youth,” said Gustafson.


Christian alternative pop rock band Superchick performed in Benson Great Hall Sunday, Nov. 6 for the Mega Rally.

Alumnus Jason Strand, a teaching pastor at Eagle Brook Church known for communicating biblical content in applicable and humorous ways, returned to share the Gospel with attendees. While Bethel only markets directly to youth groups in the area, some groups come from Iowa and Wisconsin to participate in the rallies. Over 100 churches attend either the fall or spring Mega Rally each year. Every year, between the two


events, there are about 100 students who accept Christ. The primary purpose of a Mega Rally is evangelism and discipleship, but a secondary purpose is “to give students a positive Bethel experience and to show them that the Christian faith is central to who we are,” said Gustafson. A number of students who apply to Bethel have expressed that they were first exposed to the university when invited to a Mega Rally.


Superchick lead singer Tricia Brock invites the crowd to sing along.


The Master Plan: Possibilities for Bethel's future ■ Performa, a group of expert consultants in higher education, helps Bethel identify campus needs and potential expansion plans By Chelsey Falzone of The Clarion Staff

Last spring, President Jay Barnes declared the beginning of a long process of revamping and renewing our campus. Based on a 10-year timeline, the Campus Master Plan is being discussed and decided by faculty, staff, administration, students

and community members. However, Barnes’ appointed planning team members will have the final say in campus decisions. The Campus Master Plan team and others have brainstormed possible ideas for campus additions and renovations. It is important to note, however, that the only building plan that is finalized is the Fitness Center

more ways for students to intersect throughout the day. Although legal restrictions prohibit the construction of structures within 150 feet of Lake Valentine, the planning team is striving to effectively utilize the space on campus while best maintaining the urban-yet-rural feel of the property. The organizational themes the

Campus Master Plan team wishes to accomplish are an integrated and organized campus, quality education environments and identity and intentionality. The team plans to meet the needs of students and staff, by creating elbow room, integrating and activating the north and south ends of campus and balancing intentional strategies.

Potential additions/renovations proposed by Performa: Library:


1. Expand the library on both north and south sides. Glass addition to south (back) side of the library to make the library identifiable from Kresge Courtyard.

Seminary: 2. Options include: completely relocate the Seminary closer to Lissner. 3. Build a tunnel from the Seminary to the Brushaber Commons Seminary currently has a lot of unused space. The goal is to put quality space to use. Science Department: 4. Severely needs renovation and likely relocation due to space needs. (Possible site: Seminary) Legal guidelines such as ceiling heights and bay sizes limit the options for effective remodeling or relocation. (16 feet is needed for duct work and that is not possible in the current locations)

2 11



Facilities Management: 8. Build a Facilities Management building in the Upper East lot.

10. 11.




Coaches offices and locker rooms in a building in between the SRC and football field. A new gym for varsity sports added to the SRC. RC Fitness Center – multi-story facility, focuses on wellness. Health Services would be moved here (only plan that is absolutely final). Construction tentatively begins in late spring 2012. Artificial turf field behind football field, for soccer games. (Ona Orth soccer field for recreational field sports.) Stadium lights added to football field.


According to Performa, the classrooms on campus are too small and as a whole, there are not enough. Many of the campus renovations and additions are proposed in order to free up space. Daycare Facility: Bethel's recent Ramsey County Library purchase could serve as a new daycare facility, since the lot is part of residential zoning.



Outdoor Activity Space:


7. Build a more recognizable exterior to the RC building to make it stand out more.



Athletic Facilities:

RC Building:




The grassy contours outside of Benson Great Hall are not enough for an entire college campus. There is an expressed need for more outdoor activity space. Convenience Store: Adding a convenience store on campus, where students can quickly purchase frozen pizza, Mountain Dew and other typical college on-the- go needs. Location is unknown. Parking: Bethel parking meets code, however planning figures suggest a need for approximately 300-500 additional spots. The proposal is to build a parking garage in the Upper East parking lot.

Residence Halls:

5. New residence hall behind Lissner, options include a building almost identical to Lissner or several townhouses instead. 6. Renovate the exteriors of Bodien and Edgren, this N is almost a must.


that will extend from the RC complex into Kresge Courtyard. All other ideas are merely ideas and not yet final. The ultimate goal of the team is to integrate the north and south sides of campus. Possible ways of doing so are to build buildings that students must go to on both ends of campus, in hopes of creating


9 10

Fountain Terrace: Performa recommends that Bethel brings CAS students living in Fountain Terrace back on campus.

The group suggests Bethel either sells the property or houses CAPS/GS students there.



Don’t hide Fido under the bed ■Keeping pets on campus is a bad idea for poor and busy college students By Amanda Ahlm for The Clarion Smelly dorm rooms, littered halls and broke students could all be repercussions if the current Bethel pet policy changed. The maintenance statement for on-campus housing says, “Pets, with the exception of fish, are not allowed in any college residence.” Many students fight the current pet policy and say that having animals on campus would be an addition to

the Bethel community. But the fantasy of a campus full of clean, happy animals living in harmony with every student and other animal is unlikely. Domesticated animals all require an amount of care that a student, who is in class most of the day, cannot provide. “Students have enough responsibilities as it is,” said junior Katie Hayden. If the pets did not receive proper care, the room and possibly the whole hall could suffer odor and uncleanliness.


In addition to care, cost must be considered. Most college students say something along the lines of “I am so broke” almost daily. The added expense of a pet would put unnecessary pressure on students’ tight budgets. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals website, the average yearly cost for a small mammal, such as a rabbit or guinea pig, is $555. The average annual cost of a large mammal, such as a dog or cat, is $705.

“It’s costly and I think college students make such rash decisions that I think they would buy one and regret it,” said Hayden. One senior at Bethel, who covertly owned a gerbil during his sophomore year, chose to give the animal away at the end of the semester after realizing that neither he nor his roommates wanted to continue to care for the animal after that year. “We loved him, but he smelled and made tons of noise,” said the senior. When students have a hard

time keeping their own rooms and things organized, it’s hard to imagine a clean and healthy environment for their pets in the midst of the mess. True animal lovers must admit that owning a pet on campus would be detrimental not only to the student but to the pet as well. In addition to the practical reasons, such as health, the pets would not get the love and attention that they need in the hands of students who barely have time for the things they need to do for themselves.

Views Rising body counts and more trouble ahead ■ Nearly a year after the Arab Spring, early optimism has soured amid continuing riots and democracy’s inability to take hold By Kate Beecken of The Clarion Staff

fruit from their carts. Nearly 11 months after the human torch, optimism has faded and unfortunate realities have settled in. Libya’s civil war finally ended with the death of Muammar Gaddafi on Oct. 20, but the country is broken from the fighting and the long road to rebuilding looms dismally ahead. Tunisia successfully held their first election on Oct. 23 and put the Islamist Ennahda party in charge of writing a constitution and structuring a new government. Following the election results, violent protests rocked Bouazizi’s hometown, showing how far the country has yet to go. High hopes about Egypt have been dashed as the military has taken control, and in October, they opened fire on a group of Coptic

years. The U.S. had the advantages of a relatively clean slate that allowed strong leaders to establish Curly-haired Mohamed the country from the ground up. Bouazizi was a 26-year-old fruit The Arab world has long, scarred vendor in Tunisia who made just histories of imperialism, factions, enough money to take care of his dictators and class warfare. They mother and siblings and who liked struggle with broken economies, to play cards in his spare time. On high poverty rates, and enemies— Dec. 17, Bouazizi covered himself not an ocean away—but lurking in paint thinner and set himself next door. on fire after a government official A republic is a beautiful thing, tried to fine him and slapped him protecting the right to life, liberty in the face. and the pursuit of happiness. But This spark of revolution against it is fragile enough to be thwartoppressive dictators and corrupt ed and powerful enough to be government spread throughout abused. Outside influences and Africa and the Middle East, in what inner corruption can squeeze a became known as the Arab Spring. democracy to death before it can Bouazizi died, but similarly pastake root. If a radical group gets in sionate men rose up to oust the power, it turns democracy against president of Tunisia, Zine El-Abidine itself, and the country is in worse Ben Ali. Egyptian protests fueled by off than it was to begin with. young people and soJeane Kirkpatrick, cial media overthrew a former U.S. ambasAll people should have the opportunity to sador to the United Hosni Mubarak on Feb. 11, ending his 30-year live freely, worship openly, climb the ecoNations, said, “Dereign. Demonstrations nomic ladder, vote for their leaders and mocracy not only rippled through nearby requires equality sell fruit from their carts. countries, including but also an unshakOman, Jordan, Bahrain, able conviction in the Saudi Arabia and Lebanon, resulting Christians, killing 25. The Muslim value of each person, who is then in varying degrees of government Brotherhood is gaining promi- equal.” In Islamic cultures, people reaction. nence, but their extreme views are not understood to have unMany patriotic American hearts could threaten individual rights alienable rights. The U.S. Constithumped sympathetically with the and harm American interests in tution is based on rights that we protesters throughout the summer the Middle East. receive from our Creator, and the months. The sweet smell of democSo what went wrong? If democ- government is established to proracy and freedom was a soothing racy truly is the best form of gov- tect these rights. If the cultural balm to our own troubled political ernment, why does it seem to be contexts of other countries lack climate. We cheered for Bouazizi failing in these other countries? this basic foundation, democracy and those who followed as the brave Cracking open the history doesn’t have a leg to stand on. underdogs, overthrowing evil and books, the American Revolution Over 3,000 people have been fighting for liberty. All people should was also long and deadly. Yet out brutally killed in Syria so far. Presihave the opportunity to live freely, of the ashes the U.S. built a phe- dent Bashar al-Assad is a cruel and worship openly, climb the economic nomenal republic that has thrived deadly leader who should be overladder, vote for their leaders and sell for over two hundred and thirty thrown, but many more people

Death Toll Tunisia - 300 MMM


Egypt - 800 MMMMMMMM


American Revolution (1775-1783) - 4,435 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM M= 100 people may be slaughtered in the process. Even if they succeed, what does the future hold? Establishing a republic means not only a change in government, but a cultural change in how they understand themselves and each other. It means overcoming a long list of obstacles, including poor education, high mortality, a failing

economy and a lack of infrastructure. It means standing up against the line of power-hungry dictators who could be just as bad as Assad, or even worse. The Arab Spring ignited excitement about democracy, but the ugly results are a foretaste of even more challenges ahead.



Bethel's Permanent

Art Collection Dale Johnson Grass Improvisations (three panels) Oil on Canvas, 1978

Dale Johnson’s "Grass Improvisations" series was inspired by the Bible’s use of grass and grain fields as metaphors for human life. In the first panel displayed here, the grass is young and full of potential; in the second, it blooms and is then burned, revealing its transitory nature (Matthew 6:30), while on the final panel, the heads of grain are white and ready for harvest (John 4:35). Johnson follows a Picasso-like approach in showing multiple views of the same subject within a single image.

Ladd Forsline, Untitled #8, Plywood, 1986

10 • THE CLARION • NOVEMBER 10, 2011

Eugene Johnson, Winged Amphora Stoneware, ca. 1970s

Aunrico Gatson, Untitled, Wood, 1989

Stewart Luckman, Birth and Death Carved Marble, 1999


a. “In choosing Calder as a subject for this portfolio, I wanted to acknowledge the transmission of artistic gifts from mother and father to son, just as Calder's father and grandfather were both sculptors. I made more than a dozen etchings as possible prints for this portfolio. They were all done on deeply etched zinc plates that had been printed at an earlier time in my life and then partially "erased" for this project.” —Artist Donald Forsythe

b. Bowden used the title "Shirah," which means “to sing” in Hebrew. The overall theme of music is magnified in Bowden’s piece by the embossing or raised design. “The right section of the print contains a Hebrew passage from several of the early Psalms,” according to Bowden. The rhythm of the embossing echoes the calligraphic rhythm of the Hebrew text, which is the visual equivalent of the cantors’ song.

Eugene Johnson Winged Avenger Metal

CIVA Silver : Codex VI


c. “Art is a net of sorts, catching morsels of inspiration from the ocean of culture and experiences,” said Makoto Fujimura. The net, an essential tool that provides life for the fisherman, catches fish to sustain the body. Just as Jesus called Peter and Andrew, we too are called to cast out our nets and be fishers of men. Reflecting on Peter and Andrew, Fujimura said, “I am once again reminded of our call to cast our net of Christ’s love into the world.” a. Sandra Bowden, Shirah, Collagraph and Embossing c. Makoto Fujimura, Nets, Digital Image Lithograph

d. Chase referenced [Jan Vermeer’s work] by creating a grid diagram of "Woman with a Balance." But the diagram also references the pages of an accountant’s ledger sheet, which is how we measure our wealth today. Closer examination, however, reveals that this is no ordinary balance sheet. Its columns follow some other logic, just as grace follows a divine logic that is happier than strict addition and subtraction. Indeed, tucked away into the lower right corner is a tiny happy face for recipients of Christ’s grace. b. Donald J. Forsythe, Variation on Triple Gong, Intaglio d. Guy Chase, Balance Sheet, Intaglio with Relief Roll

An aggressive, vaguely birdlike figure is caught in mid-flight as it carries out its mission of vengeance. The energetic, angular forms, rough texture and sense of motion in this piece explode off the monumental, tapering base. During Johnson’s time at Bethel University, "The Avenger," a bronze sculpture by the German Expressionist Ernst Barlach, was acquired by the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Both works express the idea of a powerful force sweeping across time in an act of judgment.

B y N athan C ornelius , D ana M orrison , and M ichelle T urner for The Clarion


NOVEMBER 10, 2011 • THE CLARION • 11


Bethel students establish new tradition: 'Man Food'

■■A late-night hunger fix has turned into a Saturday night tradition for one group of Bethel students out in Wessman By Jon Westmark for The Clarion Many Bethel students have experienced it. Last year, it struck Josh Ortmann at 2 a.m. With his stomach grumbling and longing to be satiated, he asked his roommate David Pogin for ideas on food he could make. What they came up with would become more than a late-night hunger fix; it would become a tradition. Together they went through what they had in their Wessman apartment: rice, black beans, chips, cheese, guacamole and Spam. Putting the unrelated assortment of ingredients together, they came up with a hodgepodge they called Man Food.

“The reason we called it Man Food was because we had no idea what we were doing,” Pogin said. “We were just like, ‘That sounds good, this looks good, let’s throw that in there.’ ” They were surprised by the result. “It might be because it is two in the morning, but this is really delicious,” Pogin remembered commenting. “We decided that we would try it again another time when we were awake and could logically think about what we were eating.” Since then, they have made it a weekly meal and have expanded and improved their process during this school year. “It’s deviated quite a bit from its original roots,” Pogin said. “We wound up switching over

12 • THE CLARION • NOVEMBER 10, 2011

to chicken eventually. I think now we kind of have it down to a science.” Others have had mixed reactions to their meal. “Last winter over Christmas break, I made it for my family,” Pogin said. “My mom commented that it was not low calorie at all. When my dad tried it, he said he fully supported me dropping out of Bethel and going to a culinary college instead. My whole family enjoyed eating it, even though they all kind of looked like, ‘that was really weird -- really strange.’ ” The unlikely meal has grown into a weekend tradition. The dish now fills a 13-by-9-inch and an 8-by-8-inch casserole dish and feeds up to nine people. According to Josiah Nagel, a regular attendant of Man Food,


The traditional "Man Food" dish contains a hodgepodge of ingredients.

the real appeal of the tradition goes beyond the obscure dish itself. “I think the thing I like about it most is just the atmosphere of everyone in the kitchen cooking a different part, and we’re all just helping out.” Pogin agrees that the

community aspect is what helps keep the tradition going. “This is just something that our group does on the weekend,” he said. “Usually once we’re done cooking it and we’re eating it, we’ll put something on the TV and hang out.”


Embarrassing moments revealed by students & faculty By Emma Theis for The Clarion

“I didn’t know there was a pen sticking out of my backpack and it was writing on my butt as I was walking around school.” -Reannan Gardner

“First day here, I stood up on a desk to get out of a classroom. The desk tipped over and I fell, causing three other desks to fall as well!” –Anastasia De Nio “I fell going up those stairs in Brushaber Commons on the way up to the DC. I dropped my phone and it broke into three pieces. It was the most awkward moment of my life.” –Katherine Anderson

“I was walking down a stairway and a bunch of people came, so I had to move out of the way, but I tripped and fell head first down the stairs!” -Raquel Schaper

“I wrote on a chalkboard with my dry erase marker.” -Professor Janelle Groeneweg

“Singing a song in voice studio that is out of my range.” -Daniel Sandberg

“I was in a big lecture class and the professor asked, ‘What are the other gospels?’ I was confused and blurted out, ‘The gospel of Judas!’ ” -Daniel Rimmereid

A Day in the Life: BSA President Tyler Sura

■■Leading the Bethel Student Association is no easy task, but this pre-med major has found a way to balance it all By Kristina Busch for The Clarion Tyler Sura keeps busy with the daily demands of life in college as well as serving as president of the Bethel Student Association, an organization that is completely run by students, for students. Sura has a long history with BSA and has taken on different leadership roles leading up to his presidency. He jumped right in as a freshman and started off as a member of Student Activities, which ignited his passion for BSA. Sura worked his way up the ladder and served as a director of Student Activities. It was through this position that he was able to see the importance and execution of leadership for BSA. As president of BSA, Sura oversees all elements and facets of BSA and serves as a liaison between BSA and

Bethel Administration. It is his job to also ensure accountability among the members of BSA. Sura meets with individual members of the executive team, provides updates and works closely with Vice President Amber Oslin. Sura spends an average of 20 to 25 hours each week carrying out the duties that his title requires. It is not an easy task committing to the needs of a student community. “It’s been crazy, you know, since I’ve been applying to medical schools,” said Sura. “The toughest thing for me overall is just time management.” Sura also has organized a Sodexo Focus Group, which meets once a month. The group addresses specific dietary needs that students may have and opens up lines of communication to make specific changes. An additional role that Sura has taken on as BSA president has been to

serve on the Campus Master Planning Team, which is a group that views and plans the various stages of new buildings in progress at Bethel. The team is responsible for gathering input from across the community and making decisions that reflect Bethel’s strategic priorities as well as build on the original vision and design for the campus. Though he spends time speaking at different events at Bethel and attends meetings with other BSA officers and administration, he is called to be, as BSA values, “foremost a student.” The biochemistry (pre-med) major in his senior year has a lot on his plate. Sura’s advice for Bethel students is, “Just get involved; there are so many opportunities at Bethel.” The different PHOTO FOR THE CLARION BY JARED JOHNSON facets of BSA exist for students to get involved in an area that they are pas- Senior Tyler Sura is in his second year as the Bethel Student Association sionate about. president and works closely with Vice President Amber Oslin.

NOVEMBER 10, 2011 • THE CLARION • 13


A skill that does not exist

encouraging reconciliation By Chelsey Falzone of The Clarion Staff

■■The myth surrounding the efficiency of multitasking and why it does not work B y A lex K empston

of The Clarion Staff

Several years ago, our generation was hailed as the future of the modern world because of our ability to perform many tasks at once. The skill was affectionately dubbed “multitasking,” and the concept was adopted across the world. Excited researchers released study after study showing how the modern generation would grow up to be more productive than any generation has ever been. The world waited for that day to come. Unfortunately, we are still waiting, and those same researchers, who proclaimed children future innovators, are shaking their heads. The Kaiser Family Foundation reported that the normal kid can pack 11 hours of activities into about seven and a half hours, thus leading scientists to believe that people are able to do many tasks at a faster rate. Sadly, this was a wild misunderstanding. As studies have continued to develop, it has been discovered that people are not able to do things simultaneously. In fact, according to a document released by NPR, what we think of as multitasking is actually shifting our attention back and forth to different things really fast. The bad news does not end there. The Kaiser Family Foundation reported that the “tasks”

that children were supposedly performing simultaneously consisted of texting, listening to music and watching TV – things that do not fit most job descriptions. Even worse, the motivation behind multitasking is not to increase productivity but to keep one’s appetite for entertainment at a desired level. Everyone has met someone who boasts that they are the best multitasker ever. Sadly for them, this skill they claim to possess does not even exist. The skill that was supposed to reserve our spot in the history books as the most productive generation of all time is a myth. Neuroscientist Earl Miller, in an interview with NPR, explained the truth about people who talk on the phone and email at the same time. “You cannot focus on one while doing the other. That’s because of what’s called interference between the two tasks. They both involve communicating via speech.” But it is not all bad news. People who are able to switch back and forth between tasks can get a lot done if they practice. It is a discipline, and though it may take away from the quality of work, it gets things done in crunch time. Although multitasking has officially been ruled out as a special skill, it will not stop people from texting, talking and everything else we all do seemingly at the same time.

14 • THE CLARION • NOVEMBER 10, 2011


Diversity and reconciling the student body to build communion and oneness remain top priorities at Bethel University. One of Bethel’s main goals is to be a university that reconciles, according to Dr. Leon Rodrigues, special assistant to the president and chief diversity officer. “Reconciliation is the process of breaking down the division of people who are diverse. We rebuild those relationships between us and God firstly, then between us and those who were created between us and God,” said Rodrigues. There is often confusion surrounding the distinction between reconciliation and diversity. Rodrigues stressed the notion of reconciliation as a process, while Dr. Angela Shannon, assistant professor of English, said reconciliation is a system. Together, Rodrigues and Shannon, along with Carol Chang, associate dean for international student programs and services, pour out their hearts to reconcile this campus. Originally from Oklahoma, Shannon moved to Florida when she was 8 years old, later moved to Chicago and eventually resided in Minneapolis. “I am multicultural just by nature, but what I think people don’t realize is the value, and just having a diverse community,” Shannon said. “You grow and learn from being a part of a diverse community. There’s a lot to be gained from it.” Shannon, Rodrigues and Chang all see diversity as positive in any situation and feel it is something that must not be avoided. As a Chinese woman, Chang was hired by Bethel in 1990 to work with multicultural

and international students. She has seen many students struggle with racial issues and feels called to bring a voice to the silent. “Reconciliation starts with ourselves,” Chang said. “It’s really important that we reconcile with ourselves so that we know who we are, then to reconcile our relationship with God. Then, look at people in Jesus’ eyes and you will have more compassion.” In 2005, Bethel became one of the only schools in the country to offer a bachelor’s degree in reconciliation studies. Rodrigues said, “The process [of reconciliation] means breaking down some of the things such as the lack of Shalom, which is the meaning of prevalence, justice, freedom, well-being, safety and security.” Rodrigues added, “When we know that someone is without those, it is our duty to break down or to transform those things which divide us or which prevent people from having justice, freedom, safety and trust.” Shannon suggested that reconciliation begins with questioning oneself and asking what one can do in order to reconcile. Shannon said, “I believe everyone has a calling and some callings lead to reconcile on different levels…taking personal steps is also very important.” Shannon, Chang and Rodrigues are three parts of an enormous puzzle. They are trying to give reconciliation a presence on this campus. They strive to represent Jesus Christ by breaking down the barriers between races. Rodrigues said, “Jesus died to reconcile us to the Father. God, in His passion, wanted to save us from eternal damnation, and that was the greatest act of reconciliation. We need to do the same sort of sacrificial love like Jesus did.”


The feeding of the 3,000

■■Sodexo combines big-business efficiency with personal connection B y M att K elley

eals m 000year , 8 0 5 r over erved pe s the numbers

gal. of eggs over 120

over 3,500 servings of fries per week in Monson alone



burgers per week

700+ pounds of pasta per week

“It’s your favorite lunch today,” Frenchy states matter-offactly as she swipes the ID card. After a giggle, the young woman responds by asking, “And what is my favorite?” The answer was a chicken patty sandwich, and it probably wasn’t the answer she was looking for – her favorite. But Frenchy makes familiar conversations with strangers for a living, and she has become one of the most recognizable figures on campus. It’s easy to forget that Frenchy is the greeter for a mealproducing machine that Bethel’s students, faculty and staff rely on and often take for granted. From nonfat lattes to orange chicken, Sodexo food services keep the campus running. Serving over half a million meals per year, it is the lifeblood of Bethel. What’s most remarkable about Sodexo, though, is how individualized and cozy the process seems to an average student despite the grand scale of feeding and caffeinating so many people while maintaining variety and quality. Sodexo, Inc. is a very large company, employing about 120,000 people in North America alone. Companies of that size typically operate at the efficiency that Bethel students see daily, but it’s rare for such a big operation to interact in such a personable and individual manner. Bob Schuchardt, Sodexo general manager at Bethel, believes that each individual employee creates this intimate feel amid such a daunting operation. Sodexo provides services across the Twin Cities area, and its employees can choose where to work, so anyone who works here wants to be here. There are many reasons why Sodexo employees choose to work at Bethel. “Bethel has a great reputation in the community,” Schuchardt said. Working at Bethel also offers seasonal vacations as a result of the academic calendar and a great workgroup environment where employees often build friendships with each other. But the single best reason why Sodexo’s finest want to work at Bethel is the community. “Working with the students is number one,” Schuchardt said. “They really get connected to that.” There is a unique connection between students and those who serve and prepare their meals. Yet behind those familyrestaurant interactions, there’s a catering operation of staggering scale. So while the assembly line frantically feeds a hungry campus, Frenchy will continue cheerfully declaring false favorites and complimenting students who take the time to dress well.

per week

for The Clarion


NOVEMBER 10, 2011 • THE CLARION • 15

Sports See it. Dream it. Live it!

Boots on the ground, ■ sneakers on the court ■Bethel ■ men's basketball will rely on a blend of senior leadership and young height in 2011-12 B y M att K elley for The Clarion

1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Award-Winning Townhome & Apartment Community

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16 • THE CLARION • NOVEMBER 10, 2011

◦ Business center w/internet ◦ Fully equipped fitness center ◦ Cyber Lounge with WiFi ◦ DVD lending library ◦ OD Pool - indoor whirlpool ◦ Garage included 2755 Lexington Ave. No. Roseville, MN 55113 651-483-1392 A Highland Community

Jeff Westlund doesn’t mince words when asked about his way of thinking. “My philosophy is that every single day you want to do the very best you can to be the very best you can be.” Westlund, head coach of the men’s basketball team, emphasizes this attitude with his team every year. What could make this season special, however, is that the seniors on the team have fully embraced a daily commitment to hard work and have passed it on to the younger players. Daniel Baah, Eric Hildebrandt and Kellan Dahlquist will be the most veteran players on a 2011-12 team that has only improved since last season, returning four starters from last year’s young and talented squad. Baah, an explosive guard who can generate his own shot, was Bethel’s secondleading scorer a year ago, scoring 12.8 points per game. His contributions will be crucial to a successful season. Key returner Taylor Hall, a multifaceted forward, led last year’s team in points (14.8 per game), rebounds (5.1) and assists (2.3). Hall will be the focal point of the team’s attack again this year, but his coach believes some key additions could ease the burden on the do-it-all junior. “I think that we have more ways to score this year,” said Westlund, “which is going to take some of the pressure off Taylor to play perfectly every night.” One new wrinkle will be having more size down low. Hall was also the team’s tallest player last year, standing 6 feet 8 inches tall. His versatile skill set, however, meant that he was often, on the perime-

ter, leaving the Royals smaller in the post. Kyle Keck and Joe Zorn are 6-foot-8 freshmen who feel most comfortable around the rim, and the added size should help Bethel match up with any MIAC team. With a more balanced roster under his direction, Westlund feels comfortable playing a variety of styles to suit any matchup. “Our personnel will lend itself to us playing up-tempo as well as poundit-inside, half-court stuff,” he said. As much as change is reason for optimism, the team knows that a successful season can only be achieved by sticking to its steady, lunch-pail approach. “We’ve talked with our guys about having both feet in,” said Westlund. “Our theme this year is ‘boots on the ground.’”


Senior guard Eric Hildebrandt will be one of the Royals' veterans on the squad.


Men's hockey hopes to rebound from tough season

■■After going 4-17-4 last season, the team will rely on a strong core of returners along with a large and talented freshman class


Senior forward Chaz Gerads also returns to form a solid offensive threat for the Royals men's hockey team this season.


Senior Jake Kogler looks to lead the Royals offense alongside senior Chris Fiala and junior Jack Paul. B y Z ack M c G ough for The Clarion

The Bethel men’s hockey team opened up the 2011-12 season on Oct. 28 and 29 playing games against Augsburg and Hamline at Fogarty Ice Arena in the 2011 MIAC Hockey Showcase. Both contests, Friday night against Augsburg and Saturday against Hamline, resulted in 3-2 losses for the Royals. Despite the two hard-fought exibition games, costly penalties hindered the Royals in both cases. Heading into this season, the Royals look to rebound after a tough 2010-11 season. The team finished with an overall record of 4-17-4 and a conference record of 3-9-4, being outscored by their opponents 109-79. A positive for the team this year is that they only

lost 13 goals and 52 points worth of production due to players graduating or other factors. This season the Royals will look to upperclassman leadership to set an example and lead the way for the rest of the team. Returning forwards who will be relied upon to produce offensively will be seniors Jake Kogler and Chris Fiala and junior Jack Paul. Both Kogler and Fiala made a large contribution to the offense of last year’s team, and for the team to be successful this season they will need to have a repeat performance. Kogler has wasted no time in continuing last year’s success, scoring twice in the opening weekend at the showcase. Paul will also be an important part of this season’s potential success. Last season Paul posted an im-

pressive 35 points in 25 games, including 22 goals, which ranked third in the MIAC last season. Paul accounted for nearly 28 percent of the Royals scoring last season and has one goal already this season. When it comes to defense, the Royals will be led by a core of seniors Austin Hatch and Mason Swenson and junior Jon Crouse. These upperclassmen will look to lead the way and set an example for the freshman and sophomore defensemen on the team. Crouse had an impressive plus-four rating last season on a team that only had four players with a positive plus/minus. He also contributed to the offense with five goals as well as 18 assists, totaling 23 points on the season. Both Hatch and Swenson also provided solid defense on the blue line and hope to continue

to do so this season as well. Hatch totaled 11 points last season, and Swenson totaled seven in only 11 games last year. The team welcomes a large freshman class this season that includes two goaltenders who will be relied on to keep the puck out of the net. Both Robby Brown and Luke Palmquist will be put to the test and will be forced to adapt to the new level of play quickly. The team this season has many attributes that should help them be successful. The first is the chemistry that has been developed in the locker room thus far. “We have a really tight-knit group of guys that are committed to each other and our systems,” said senior forward Chaz Gerads. Junior forward Corey Grandner voiced a similar sentiment. “The culture of the team is better than it has been in years past.” he said. “We are a tight-knit group who truly believes in each other.” Aside from the chemistry of the team, Kogler believes that another strength may have the most impact. “Possibly our biggest

strength is our attitudes,” he said. “Everyone comes to the rink ready to improve and ready to compete. There is no shortage of hardworking attitudes this year.” As with any team, there will always be room for improvement, and the Royals will look to improve upon their discipline. In their opening weekend, the team took penalties that wound up costing them games. The team had a total of 43 penalty minutes in two games. “As a team, we have stressed that coming into this weekend and the rest of the season we need to cut down on the amount of penalties we take,” said Gerads. Grandner added, “As a team if we can be more disciplined, we should be successful.” The team has set the goal to be a top team in the MIAC and hopes to make the program's first playoff appearance in four years. The team has two more non-conference games before they begin their conference schedule against Gustavus Adolphus College on Nov. 11 and 12.

NOVEMBER 10, 2011 • THE CLARION • 17

Sports Women’s basketball puts defense as priority ■■After a successful 2010-11 campaign, the Royals look to build on last year's success and return to postseason for the fourth time in the last seven years

B y B rock B uesing

said. “He is very meticulous and believes that if we can do all the small things right, then the game will come together on its own and we will win games.” Herbrechtsmeyer is entering his eighth season directing the women's basketball program. He has led the Royals to four straight seasons with 11 wins or more. He wants the players to strive to be a defensive-minded team. They strive to be excellent on the defensive side of the ball, and it's what they want their strength to be. Kiah Dahlquist and Lindy Parker will be responsible for replacing a strong and reliable scoring center in All-Confer-

of The Clarion Staff

After suffering a close loss last year to Gustavus in the MIAC quarterfinals, the Royals plan to get back and make some noise. While going 15-11 (13-9 in MIAC), the Royals’ postseason appearance was their third in the last six years. Senior guard Taylor Sheley, who earned MIAC All-Conference honors last year, credits the team's success to head coach Jon Herbrechtsmeyer's dedication to the game plan and hard work. “Herbie is very passionate about the game, and he studies and analyzes it more than anyone I know,” Sheley

ence Honorable Mention Scotti Moats. Their size will help the Royals’ defensive strategy by giving the team much-needed blocking capability. Herbrechtsmeyer needs to deal with these kinds of things all the time. After losing players, Herbrechtsmeyer changes practice and game plans to fit his coaching style. “With certain teams he has had to tone down his intensity,” Sheley said “and with others he is allowed to push the envelope a little more.” The Royals’ first home conference game is on Dec. 5 against Augsburg. After the new year, nine of their next 11 games are at home. Fittingly, the Royals will end their regular season at Gustavus, Feb. 18, 2012.


All-MIAC senior Taylor Sheley returns to lead the squad as they hope to return to postseason play.

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18 • THE CLARION • NOVEMBER 10, 2011


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Instead of lining up outdoors on a grass surface, the Bethel Royals will head to the Metrodome this Saturday to take on the Augsburg Auggies. The game starts at 1 p.m.

Football team prepares for Dome match-up ■■The Royals will avoid the outdoor elements as the team heads indoors to take on the 6-3 Auggies Saturday

B y R ob L e M ay

of The Clarion Staff

The Metrodome has been home to many great sporting events, including two NCAA basketball Final Fours, Super Bowl XXVI and two World Series championships by the Twins; it was even home to Timberwolves basketball for one season. The Metrodome has been the punch line of many late-night talk show jokes after the 2010 roof collapse. Amid all the Viking stadium talks, the Royals will be facing Augsburg on Saturday in the Metrodome. Two things can be assured—that the roof will not collapse on Saturday and that the Royals will come out to play. With

a potential playoff berth on the line, Bethel will try to impress the NCAA selection committee and put the stamp on another successful regular season. This is not the first time playing in the Metrodome for many Royal players. The last time the Auggies hosted the Royals in the Metrodome was during the 2008 season, thus making seniors on this year’s team freshmen at the time. Captains Josh Aakre and Billy Morgan have come a long way since Bethel’s last game in the Metrodome. In the 2008 game, linebacker Billy Morgan led the team in tackles, and now, as a senior, he is leading the MIAC with 11.3 tackles per game. Quarterback Josh Aakre had 109 rushing yards and two

rushing touchdowns as a freshman in the Augsburg game. Now Aakre is third in the MIAC in rushing touchdowns while leading the conference in passing efficiency for the second time in his career. In addition to the seniors on this year’s squad, many players played in the Metrodome in high school because that is where the Minnesota State High School League football tournament is held. Carson King, a junior offensive lineman for the Royals, was on the 2008 AAAAA state champion team while playing for Wayzata. King recalled, “It was an incredible honor to play in the Metrodome, and I liked playing there.” The Auggies have played most opponents very close; five of their

nine games played have been decided by one possession. Augsburg is now 6-3 overall and 4-3 in MIAC play, with their only losses coming to St. Thomas, St. Olaf and Concordia. The Auggies lead the MIAC in passing yards per game, averaging 240.8 yards per contest. They will have a tall task Saturday because Bethel owns the second stingiest pass defense in the MIAC, only giving up 153.1 yards per game. Augsburg's defense has proven to be inconsistent, as they held St. Thomas to a season-low 17 points but have conceded 25.1 points per game to all other opponents. The Royals hope to fare better than the Vikings in the Metrodome, as the Vikings are a meager 1-3 at home this season. The Roy-

als have been very successful in games played in the Metrodome in past years. Bethel has defeated Augsburg 13 consecutive years, including three meetings in the Metrodome. When the Vikings play on Sundays, the stadium is filled to its capacity of just over 64,000. That is quite a bit more when compared to Royal Stadium, which can seat about 4,000. The crowd noise will definitely be a factor in the game. “I prefer playing at home because of how the student section is pushed right up against the bench,” said King. Despite the neutral field, the team hopes to have thousands of screaming fans under the Dome's new roof Saturday.

NOVEMBER 10, 2011 • THE CLARION • 19

The Clarionion - Bethel's own slice of "The Onion" If we were in charge...

Top 10 Bethel Additions 6 6 10

7 3 9



1 4


1- Water treatment facility to clean up the disgusting filth that lies at the bottom of Lake Valentine..... 2- ICBM Silo hidden in CLC circle..... 3- Connect the creek behind HC to Lake Valentine to form a defensive moat around Benson Great Hall..... 4- Convert Heritage fourth floor and roof to a water park..... 5- Skyways connecting Freshman Hill dorms..... 6- Petting zoo in North Village..... 7- Observatory on the AC roof..... 8- Parking ramp in the commuter lot..... 9- Jetskis available for rent.... 10- Monorail track running from North Village to the academic buildings. 20 • THE CLARION • NOVEMBER 10, 2011

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