Wild at Heart JUL/16 by Superhot

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tabela de medidas size chart

Os modelos da Superhot são desenhados para valorizar o corpo feminino e permitir a pratica de atividades esportivas com conforto e estilo. The superhot models are designed to valorise the female body and allow the practice of sports with comfort and style.



BR 36/42

US: 4 ~10 / UK: 10~16

B U S T O Passe a fita métrica pela parte mais larga de suas costas e sobre a parte mais cheia de seu busto. C I N T U R A Envolva o abdómem com a fita métrica logo acima do osso do quadril. (Se você inclinar o corpo para o lado, o vinco que se formar é sua cintura natural). Deixe-a justa ao corpo mas não a ponto de comprimir sua pele. Q U A D R I L A fita deve envolver o maior ponto sobre a região glútea, com a fita mantida em plano horizontal, sem pressionar a pele. Pode ser dificil nivelar corretamente a fita, por isso, tente tirar a medida em frente a um espelho.

B U S T Place one end of the tape measure at the fullest part of your bust, wrap it around (under your armpits, around your shoulder blades, and back to the front) to get the measurement. W A I S T Use the tape to circle your waist (sort of like a belt would) at your natural waistline, which is located above your belly button and below your rib cage. (If you bend to the side, the crease that forms is your natural waistline.) Don’t suck in your stomach, or you’ll get a false measurement. If you generally wear your clothes below your waist, take that measurement as well. H I P S Start at one hip and wrap the tape measure around your rear, around the other hip, and back to where you started. Make sure the tape is over the largest part of your buttocks. Because making sure the tape is level back there can be hard, try to do it in front of a mirror.

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