10 signs that you are heading towards a divorce

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10 Signs That You Are Heading Towards A Divorce

1. Absence of Communication And Affection

Undoubtedly, communication and affection play an important role. Life becomes a hell-ride when “I love you� turns into reproach and strife. If partners are not communicating with each other, but with others about each other; this is the first and foremost sign that the relationship is in danger.

2. No or Low Self-Esteem Practically, a powerful man and a helpless man can never be friends. Be it a partnership or relationship, if partners are not taking a stand for each other, and one of them feels weak and powerless; there is no use of such relationship. If you are always surrounded with doubts and keep on compromising your self-esteem in hope that one-day things will be better; it is better to untie the knot and set yourself free.

3. No Time For Each Other

You should not spend all your time with your partner, but at least most of it. If you are no way connected to each other and have no time for each other, there is no fun of pretending as a couple. You need to understand that you have already separated your ways and now, there is no use of trying things.

4. No More Friends

A relationship is not only about two people, but two social circles. If you are not happy with getting social with each other and no longer enjoy as a couple anymore, it is better to sign-off.

5. No Fun And No Sex

Couples do all kinds of things including sex. Any relationship that is only about sex or without sex, cannot survive. Should you see these things missing, consider it as an alarm. If you guys have no list of fun activities, you should exclude yourself from each others life.

6. Spying and playing James Bond

A relationship is not a football game where you tell your partner it’s his turn to cook because it was you behind the kitchen apron. It is neither about spying your partner; where is he, what is he doing, with whom he is, why is he late, whom he is talking to, and so on. Any relationship is all about having trust. And, distrust is a byproduct of mistakes. In case your partner is always behind you with binoculars and that too for no reason, it is a time to quit.

7. Are You Playing A One-Sided Game Is that only you using all the energy for making things better and not your partner? My friend! You are playing a one-sided match. What is the use of chasing a cricket ball whole day, when you know there is not batting for you, but only fielding? A relationship should grow and evolve. If you think you are the one trying, you might need to get out of that relationship.

8. Same Song Every Time

Are you guys always arguing for the same reason that was never solved or something that neither of you can find a solution for? Trust me, every time you argue for the same question without answering the problem, is going to heat up the misunderstandings. And, that vicious cycle is never going to end. So, it is a clear alarm; quit it.

9. You Are Trying To Be A Nobody

You are treating yourself like you do not exist. Are you serious? Is that you the one say sorry all the time? Is that you behind the culprit box? Trust me, things are not going to sort. And, you will never be happy with the person next to you.

10. No Favors, But Duty To support your partner is not a choice or you are not doing any favor. It is a necessity and your duty as well. If you do not feel encouraged to things for your spouse, it is time to assess your relationship. To appreciate the people around you for the way they look is not a bad thing, but when looking for affection from anybody other than your partner, it is clear that the relationship no longer makes sense.


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