Bert Peters Portfolio

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Kneukelstraat 9, 8730 Oedelem

WHO I AM A short depiction of my education, proďŹ le, experience and personal interests.

INDUSTRIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING “IDE” At the core of the IDE education is “Design Thinking”, a skill that allows us to come up with innovative, long-term solutions to a wide variety of problems. Design thinking can be seen as a combination of concept design, system design and prototyping. Our education is unique in the sense that we are familiar with a lot of the different fields and have learned how to combine different aspects of each to come to the most optimal, innovative solution. We have been trained to think beyond industry standards and come up with disrupting alternatives.

Bert Peters









Concept Design

System Design




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System Design



As a design engineer I am most familiar with the first phases of a project: analysing the problem, generating possible solutions and constructing concepts. I operate best in a well structured environment with the freedom of thinking ‘outside the box’. For me teamwork is necessary and motivating, nevertheless being able to work independetly is also one of my strong suits.

Siemens NX Solidworks Adobe Illustrator AFAS (Erp + CRM) Adobe (Ps, Id, Lr, Pr,...) Keyshot (Rendering) 3DS Max Mindmapping Arduino/Processing



I try to be interested in and inspired by everything I come across. As a result I am fascinated by architecture, interior design, product design, movie and videogame concept design, car design, storytelling, etc.



At Procept I worked as a technical designer and production assistant in a company that is active in niche research market. This unique combination made for an interesting experience which broadend my view on the application possibilities of design engineering. Being my ďŹ rst real work experience it also conďŹ rmed the need of design engineers.

During my time at Kinetura I gained a lot of experience. I learned the opportunities and struggles of a fast growing startup company, the transition from small to medium and to large scale production, the importance of quality control when working with such a high end product, and much more. I also experienced the importance of team work while yet being able to work independetly.

WHAT I DO This is a chapter that shows how I can be of value to your company. It shows what I can do, what my process is and what the results are.

SKILLS A T-model can be used to provide an overview of someones skills. The horizontal axis depicts the different skills while the vertical axis show how in-depth a skill is mastered. The three major skills I have acquired in school are concept design, prototyping and business development, with concept design being the prominent one. I also included some of my secondary skills to complete the overview

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Chick’in is a conceptual start up company with a vision to design and sell unique chicken coops. Each coop would be designed to fit the needs of specific environments.

The SBP project was a real ‘start from scratch’ expierence. We developped a business idea as a team starting from a product concept. Once we decided on the product we had to work out a business strategy, business model, production, marketing, sales and so on.

The first product, “Chick’in Modular”, is a chicken coop which is hung from a wall. This makes it possible for people to have chickens in urban environments. It‘s a good-looking, qualitative and easy to use product.






Chick’In Modular has a couple of interesting features. The first one is that it’s very easy to manufacture, only one operation is needed: milling. This makes for an easy and cost effective production process and leaves room for personalisation of the product.

The focus of this course was to create a startup company that sells the product we designed. So it wasn’t just about making a decent product, it also had to be viable as a bussiness concept. We were able to set up a company that would reach break-even after barely one year of operation and generate a profit from then on. All this with our own, local production unit and a fair customer price.




(Thousands of € )

The coop is also very easy to assemble since it uses only 1 fastening tool, a strap. Combined with the ease of use (easy egg access and cleaning) this makes for a very user friendly product.


Turnover Cost

2900 Units Sold/Year


EXPERIENCE Chick’In has been about a lot more than just an assignment. Our team was selected to enter the regional selection rounds of the VLAJO competition. We had to present our project before different judges and compete against fellow student projects. We managed to reach the ďŹ nals of the Flemish competition and win it. This earned us a ticket for the european competition organised by JA-YE. The event, taking place in Lisbon, was a very fun and educational experience. We met a lot of like minded people, were suprised by their ideas and gained an unforgettable experience.

Remora Summary


The ‘Remora’ is the result of an animal transfer design exercise. Animal transfer design is a technique where animal traits are used to redesign or improve existing products or functions.

The Animal Transfer Design excercise was mainly one to improve our concept design skills. Since a prototype was not required, our modelling and rendering skills were also called upon.

In this case I came up with the combination of a remora fish and a handheld vacuum cleaner. The symbiotic nature of the fish inspired me to find a new user context for the handheld vacuum cleaner, the interior of a car.



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[1] [2] [3] [4]

Vacuum Cleaner ON/OFF Heated Ice Scraper ON/OFF Induction Charging Port Flashlights

Animal Transfer Design A remora fish lives in symbiosis with sharks, turtles, and other sea creatures. The fish attaches itself to the skin of said animals with its suction cup and cleans their skin. In return it has an unlimited supply of food and transportation. The analogy here is that the vacuum cleaner needs electricity to work and the car needs to have a clean interior. So the ‘Remora’ is imbedded in the interior so it can constantly be recharged. In the meantime, the Remora can be used to clean the interior of the car.

The Bigger Picture Here you can see the Remora integrated into the interior of a BMW 4 Series. BMW’s design language is inspired by sharks, which was a nice ďŹ t for the analogy of the symbiotic remora - shark relation.

Arduino Nano + Bluetooth LED Indicator

EL Wire


Gyroscope + Accelerometer

Dunk It Summary


Dunk’It is the result of our mechatronics course. It’s a basketball variant that incorporates the players movement and participation and the audience’s vote into a score which influences the game. The players participation is measured with a SmartShoe and the audience can vote using a smartphone. The resulting score can grant advantages or disadvantages to certain players to make the game more interesting. For this course the app and SmartShoe were prototyped.

The Dunk’It project really pushed our coding, soldering and electronics skills. We wrote an app for a smartphone that could communicate through ‘Bluetooth’ with our SmartShoe. The SmartShoe collected data from an accelerometer and gyroscope. The onboard processor used that information to calculate the score for the specific player and relayed that information back to the phone. We coded, composed and soldered the whole system from scratch using arduino and processing.

Smart Sleeve Summary


The Smart Sleeve project was my master thesis. Its premise was to develop a product concept for an excercising aid that relays the users hydration level in order to guarantee an optimal performance.

My master thesis focussed on the iterative design proces, validating a concept through prototyping and testing.

First of all the user case for this concept was conďŹ rmed, thereafter a concept was proposed and tested. This concept was then redesigned, retested, and so on to eventually result in the Smart Sleeve.



During the project I made several prototypes, each with a different purpose. Some to test effectiveness of the user interface, some to test the functionality and others to test the comfort. All these partial prototypes could then be combined in one final prototype.

To asses the functionality and comfortability of the product, a user test was designed. The test exists out of 3 steps, each of the steps returns a bit more information. After completing the 3 steps a new generation of the product can be designed and tested using the same procedure. This process is called iterative design.

This way of working allowed me to quickly make decisions on partial problems without yet having all the information. This technique is often called WOZ (Wizard of Oz) and proved to be very useful.

Using the data gathered with the user tests allowed me to compare the different iterations to eachother and to select the best aspects of each prototype.

PHASE 02 20’ Familiarization

PHASE 01 5’ Introduction

PHASE 03 1-2H In-Depth



Pupiter SUMMARY A local Big Band was looking for a practical and ‘soulful’ lectern. They needed a way to ’declutter’ the stage, keep their sheet music in reach and readable at all times while still being able to set a certain mood on stage. We opted for copper as a primary material combined with matte black details to set an intimate retro vibe. The lectern has built-in instrument holders, an adjustable stand and a lamp.

COMPETENCES Prototyping played a major role in this assignment as well as ‘user centered design’. Determining the needs of the users as well as the invisioned experience for the spectators and translating that information into a representative prototype.

WHAT I STRIVE FOR This chapter summarizes the things that I am looking for in a job.



Mainly I am looking for experience. Continous learning is one of the most important things for me. Being able to expand my set of skills, my knowledge of different industries, production techniques, business strategies and so on all contribute to my effectiveness as a design engineer.

Creativity feeds on random impulses, ideas come from unexpected corners. This is why it is imported to keep things interesting and to change focus on a regular basis. Doing more than one project at a time is a desirable way to keep things diverse enough.

FREELANCE As long as my primary job allows it, I am also available to do some freelance work. This way I can take on smaller projects and explore some more. This will allow me to have enough variaty and the added experience will beneďŹ t my primary job.







Kneukelstraat 9, 8730 Oedelem

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