05_Berry Magazine - Winter 2010-2011

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BERRY Winter 2010-11

a magazine for alumni and friends of Berry College

Target: typhus Researcher David O. Wood (68A, 72C) takes aim at deadly disease

Spurring success Billy Blanchard (93C) blazes unique trail to bank presidency

Pathways to Berry Beverly Philpot Smith (69C) shares her passion for education

VOL. 97, NO. 2

WINTER 2010-11

BERRY Features 9

Living legacy Classmates honor memory of Jimmy Fletcher (64A, 68C)


Target: typhus Researcher David O. Wood (68A, 72C) takes aim at deadly disease



Spurring success Billy Blanchard (93C) blazes unique trail to bank presidency


Pathways to Berry Beverly Philpot Smith (69C) shares her passion for education


Departments 2

Noteworthy News • Campus renovations: Student stonemasons make lasting impression • Udderly Cool: Berry cheese takes off • Freshman class sets high bar • Honor Roll of Donors available online • Familiar face highlights Roosevelt Days • Leading the way: Spotlighting excellence



President’s Essay College or university: What’s in a name?



Learn. Live. Give. • Student work position endowed: Bob Webb/John Hamrick CEO position for genetics enterprise • Annual Fund goes digital • Their stories: Lindsay Tutt finds a way • Cathy Anderson (77C) inspires generosity 21


Class Notes


Memory and Honor Gifts

Snow adorns a holly branch outside the Ford Buildings in February 2010. Photo by Alan Storey. Cover photo by Walter Beckham, Public Relations, College of Medicine, University of South Alabama


BERRY magazine

Published three times per year for alumni and friends of Berry College Editor Karilon L. Rogers

Student stonemasons Clay Henry and Nicole Pearre.

Managing Editor Rick Woodall (93C) Contributing Writer Debbie Rasure Design and Production Shannon Biggers (81C) Photography Paul O’Mara and Alan Storey Class Notes and Gifts Listings Justin Karch (01C, 10G) and Rose Nix Contact Information Class Notes and Change of Address: alumni@berry.edu; 706-236-2256; 800-782-0130; or Berry Alumni Office, P.O. Box 495018, Mount Berry, GA 30149. Editorial: rwoodall@berry.edu; 706-378-2870; or Berry magazine, P.O. Box 490069, Mount Berry, GA 30149. Berry Alumni Association President: Barbara Pickle McCollum (79C) Vice Presidents: Alumni Events, Haron W. Wise (57H); Berry Heritage, Allyson Chambers (80C, 84G); Financial Support, Larry Eidson (57C); Young Alumni and Student Relations, Jeff Palmer (09C); Alumni Awards, Clara McRae (60C) Parliamentarian: Bart Cox (92C) Secretary: Kimberly Terrell (04C, 06G, FS) Chaplain: Dr. David Fite (51H) Director of Alumni Relations Chris Watters (89C) Assistant Vice President for Public Relations and Marketing Jeanne Mathews Vice President for Advancement Bettyann O’Neill President Stephen R. Briggs



Set in stone Campus renovations


walking surface that has improved handicap access yet HAS HAD A LASTING IMPACT ON retains the beauty of the original THE LIVES OF STUDENTS. stone. The walkways feel solid Sometimes it has an equal effect and permanent to those who on the campus itself. And when walk them and to those who both results merge, something restored them. really special happens. “Everything that I’m building Just ask college stonemason is tangible,” said junior sociology Jamie Swan and his student major Jesse Burnette. “It’ll be workers, who set to work two here in 80 years. I can bring my years ago grandkids and refurbishing tell them, the stone ‘Yeah, I built walkways in this back in the courtyard 2010.’ surrounding “Before I the Ford came to Berry, Reflecting I met this guy Pool. Starting who helped at Ford Dining – Jesse Burnette, build the first Hall, they sociology major and Gate of worked their student stonemason Opportunity, way down the and he was sidewalks to the auditorium. The talking about how proud he was result is a much smoother that he got to be a part of that. I WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM

I can bring my grandkids and tell them, ‘Yeah, I built this back in 2010.’

think that’s how I’m going to feel about this.” This fall, Swan and his student masons started another project at the House o’ Dreams, but they will eventually return to Ford to refurbish the walkways outside the main entrance to Clara and the Office of Admissions. They are also painting and repairing all the agriculture fences visible to the public. Work crews have been busy in other areas of campus in recent months as well. Completed projects include the renovation of West Dana and Clara halls as well as the locker rooms in the basement of Ford Gymnasium. Landscaping and irrigation at the front entrance to the college have been improved, and a structure has been refurbished at the Gunby Equine Center that now provides housing for up to 12 students.


Olympic challenge Berry Half-Marathon welcomes Jeff Galloway OFFERING INCOMPARABLE NATURAL BEAUTY AND A CHOICE OF THREE DISTINCT RACE DISTANCES, the Berry Half-

History renewed ALREADY RATED A “STAR


ATTRACTION” BY AAA and a “Must Do” by the Georgia Destination Guide, The Martha Berry Museum recently underwent extensive renovations designed to make it even more welcoming to those interested in the story of Martha Berry and her schools. Work completed this summer included new paint and flooring, updated restrooms, and additional furniture. Changes were made to the exhibits as well. Artifacts from Berry’s past that have never been seen by the public are now on display, including pieces from Italian Prince Enrico dei Principi Ruspoli, husband of Martha Berry’s sister. “We wanted to make it open and vibrant,” explained Patrice Shannon (08C), interim director of the facility. “Sometimes we are all people see of Berry, and that is very important to us.”

Marathon has quickly become a destination of choice for serious and recreational runners alike. A record number of participants flocked to the 2010 race, and the fourth-annual event – scheduled for March 5, 2011 – will welcome 1972 Olympian Jeff Galloway as one of its featured participants. Galloway, a renowned expert Former Olympian on his sport and past winner of Atlanta’s Jeff Galloway will teach a running Peachtree Road Race, will host a running seminar as part of seminar two days prior to the 2011 Berry the 2011 Berry Halfraces (March 3 in Krannert Center). He also Marathon. will speak at a special runners’ retreat to be held the weekend of the event. Separate registration is required for both the seminar and the retreat, and space is limited. Visit www.berryhalfmarathon.com for more details about these events, as well as online registration for the half-marathon, 10K, 5K and 1-mile fun run. Proceeds benefit Berry College Elementary and Middle School.

THANK YOU! Donors thanked via online Honor Roll of Donors IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE THOUSANDS OF ALUMNI AND FRIENDS WHO SUPPORTED BERRY with a financial contribution in the 2009-10 year (July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010), you’ll find your name – and heartfelt thanks from Berry and Berry students – on the Honor Roll of Donors at www.berry.edu/ honorroll. In fact, everyone is invited to visit the site to learn about the year in giving at Berry and to view the names of Berry supporters. And if you want to make sure your name is listed next year, please visit www.berry.edu/gift or consider using the Annual Fund envelope enclosed in this issue of Berry magazine.


Still a page turner – even online! WE’LL ALWAYS BELIEVE BERRY MAGAZINE IS BEST experienced from the comfort of your favorite chair, but if you prefer an online experience, we’re happy to offer that too. Visit www.berry.edu/magazine to access our newly enhanced online archive. Simple tools make it possible for you to select the issue of your choice, magnify the text and even turn the pages, all with a mouse click. Nothing could be better (outside of that comfy chair, of course). BERRY MAGAZINE • WINTER 2010-11


purpose, the Office of Alumni Relations is eager to provide a specific set of services to help you get started. All services are designed to encourage and support networking and interaction among Berry alumni (graduate, non-graduate, associate and honorary alumni of Berry high

Countdown to class reunions! A GREAT TIME IS SURE TO BE HAD BY ALL when Berry warmly welcomes the classes of 51C, 51H, 56C, 56H, 61C, 61H, 66C and 66A for reunions during Alumni Weekend, May 20-22, 2011. The Berry community is looking forward to having you all back on campus for this very special set of reunions. Particular congratulations go out to the classes of 61C and 61H, who will celebrate their 50th anniversaries. It will be a golden time to visit your alma mater; the red carpet will be rolled out for you as you are inducted into Berry’s honorary Golden Guard. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime celebration of your days at Berry. If you want more information about any upcoming class reunion, please contact the alumni office at 800-782-0130, 706-236-2256 or alumni@berry.edu.




TWO RENOWNED NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS HAVE SELECTED BERRY faculty members as their leaders. Dr. Mary C. Clement, professor of teacher education, is president-elect of Kappa Delta Pi, an international honor society for educators with more than 46,000 members worldwide, and will assume the presidency in 2012. Dr. Krishna S. Dhir, Henry Gund professor of management, has been elected president of the Decision Sciences Institute, an international organization with members in nine global regions. He will serve over the next three years as president-elect, president and immediate past president.

MARK KOZERA (79C) has returned to Berry as a senior advancement officer in the Office of Advancement. He brings more than 25 years of corporate experience to the position, most recently serving as a director at Crawford and Company, the world’s largest provider of claims management services for the insurance industry. CHRIS REINOLDS KOZELLE has joined Berry’s public relations and marketing staff as director of news and editorial services. A former metro news reporter with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, she most recently served as a freelance writer, editor and media consultant working for a variety of clients, including nonprofits, Fortune 500 companies and startups. During her career, she has won awards from the Society of Professional Journalists, Arkansas Associated Press Managing Editors and Arkansas Press Association. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Kansas.


PURSUIT, activity, bond or

Hail to the chief(s)!



who might be interested in joining; hosting a group page on the Berry alumni website; and listing the group’s scheduled activities, meetings or events on the Berry alumni website and on the Alumni Accent e-newsletter’s calendar of events. Two groups are already active (the Berry Breakfast Club of high school/academy alumni and the Sunshine Room, a weaving group). Complete information on forming “interest groups” is available at www.berry.edu/ alumni. You can also reach the alumni office at 800-782-0130, 706-236-2256 or via e-mail at alumni@berry.edu. If you are already part of an existing group of Berry alumni who get together frequently, please let us know!

[Berry People]


schools or college) via selfformed and self-managed “interest groups.” So if you are interested in taking the Viking by the horns and organizing an “interest group” of your own to socialize, perform volunteer services, help Berry students, or enjoy a sport or other activity – now’s a great time! Services provided by your alumni relations staff include an announcement of the group to an appropriate set of alumni



Interested in interest groups? IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN



Calling all alumni:



Did someone say


Fromage blanc and Monterrey jack were the crowd favorites, YEARS, MILK FROM BERRY’S according to DiPietro, but the JERSEY COWS IS BEING MADE large blocks of early cheddar INTO CHEESE – and it’s selling sold out first. Cheese lovers can almost as fast as newly released look forward to aged gouda in computer gadgets from Apple Inc. the future. Students from The Berry DiPietro, who plans to be a Farms Jersey Milk enterprise, dairy veterinarian, has learned a one of 11 student enterprises on lot about running a business campus, sold 300 pounds of since she helped start The Berry cheese in less than six hours Farms Jersey Milk enterprise in when the product debuted at the 2009 as part of Berry’s new Berry Farmers Market in July. student enterprises initiative, They had equal success at the including how to work with fall farmers market, once again other businesses to produce a selling all 300 pounds worth of product. their products before the market This past summer she formed closed. a partnership with Berry alumnus “The crowd seemed to love Jeff Greene (87C), owner and the cheese and reacted very well operator of Udderly Cool Dairy to the samples. It was a great in Roopville, Ga. Each week, success,” declared Rachel Greene comes to campus to pick DiPietro, a senior majoring in up raw Jersey milk that he uses animal science and CEO of The to make the delicious cheeses Berry Farms Jersey Milk. that DiPietro and her fellow At the market, cheese students sold at the farmers aficionados could savor the likes markets. Currently, the cheeses of queso blanco, fromage blanc, are marketed under the Udderly early cheddar and Monterrey Cool Dairy label. jack cheeses, all made from rich, As perfect as DiPietro says creamy Berry Jersey milk. this partnership is, she has even ALAN STOREY bigger dreams for The Berry Farms Jersey Milk enterprise. DiPietro is currently developing a label for Berry’s own line of cheeses and is Packaged by researching the Udderly Cool possibility of Dairy, Berry producing cheese additional debuted at products, such as the Berry yogurt and ice Farmers cream, in the Market, with future. more than 300 pounds selling in six hours.



meaningful. Building on a record number of applications, Berry welcomed the largest incoming class in its history for the 2010-11 academic year, including 694 freshmen and transfers. Total enrollment is now 2,087, including 1,928 undergraduates. “This is an intentional, sustained effort,” explained Berry President Steve Briggs. “We’re very pleased that our emphasis on relevant on-campus work experiences, coupled with strong academics and a focus on community service, continues to resonate with prospective students and their parents.” For the fall 2011 term, the college will use a smaller working admissions goal that, combined with improvements in retention, will lead to an eventual undergraduate population of 2,100 students. According to Briggs, this measured approach will ensure that Berry sustains a high level of quality as it carefully grows the size of the student body. Representing more than 20 different states and nine foreign countries, the current new class boasts impressive academic accomplishments (including 21 valedictorians and 12 salutatorians), and a strong commitment to work and service – both key components of Berry’s enduring educational philosophy. “This is a very promising group, and we expect them to mesh well with the many talented upperclassmen returning to Berry this fall,” Briggs said. “We are encouraged by the size of the new class, but enrollment is not a measure of success. Ultimately, our success will be judged by the opportunities we provide to these students and the personal growth they experience as a result.”








with a one-of-a-kind celebration Oct. 15-16 that embodied the spirit and vitality of the Rough Rider himself. The star attraction was Joe Wiegand, a noted impersonator whose spot-on delivery and uncanny physical resemblance have delighted audiences from New York City to the East Room of the White House. History came to life during a reenactment of Roosevelt’s Oct. 8, 1910, address to the Berry Schools. Dressed in period clothing and standing in front of the cabin that now bears “his” name, Wiegand apologized for taking so long between visits and made sure to comment on the magnificent fall weather – a marked contrast to the rain that fell throughout Roosevelt’s original visit. Earlier, Wiegand greeted 1,000 local schoolchildren in attendance at a trio of special presentations in the Cage Center. He also delighted some 150 state and national leaders of the Daughters of the American Revolution who were on campus for their triennial tour of schools.

photography by Alan Storey



During the celebration, guests had the opportunity to tour Roosevelt Cabin and learn about the continuing restoration of the historic site. Recently completed projects include the restoration and reinstallation of all the windows and doors on the east side of the building, as well as reconstruction on the west chimney’s log veneer. Additional support beams have been installed for the back porch, and the two porches on the east side of the building have been reconstructed by alumni volunteers. Whenever possible, crews are making use of historic materials such as window panes, floorboards and paneling from old Fairfield Cottage (demolished in 2008). Pending additional funding, future projects include restoration of the remaining doors and windows and installation of foundation grillwork and a new roof. If you would like to support restoration of Roosevelt Cabin, please call 877-461-0039 or visit www.berry.edu/gift. Be sure to direct your gift to “Roosevelt Cabin Preservation.”

THE STORY OF TEDDY ROOSEVELT’S 1910 VISIT TO BERRY IS A TRIBUTE TO THE TENACITY OF COLLEGE FOUNDER MARTHA BERRY. It was recounted by Dr. Ouida Word Dickey (50C, FFS) and Dr. Doyle Mathis (58C, FFS) in chapter three of their book, Berry College: A History.

“Soon after the boarding school for boys opened, [Martha] Berry began efforts to meet with President Theodore Roosevelt. He planned a southern trip in 1905 but advised Berry that he could not visit her school at that time. She then sent him pictures of the school. In early 1907, Berry traveled to Washington, D.C., where she requested an appointment with First Lady Edith Roosevelt, who declined because her son was ill but said that perhaps the two women could meet on Berry’s next trip to the city. Later that year, Berry invited the president to attend the end-of-school-year activities, but he again declined. In the fall of 1907, however, Edith Roosevelt sent Berry a letter and a fifty-dollar donation, and when Berry was in Washington the following April, she was invited to have lunch at the White House. President Roosevelt received Martha Berry on April 21. She told him the story of her school, so impressing him that he arranged a dinner for her with him and some of his wealthy and influential friends, although he also expressed regret that she did not also have a school for girls. He subsequently wrote to Berry that he would come see her school following a trip to Africa after leaving the presidency. He made good on his promise, visiting on October 8, 1910, delivering a speech to the students, and having a meal in the Cabin, subsequently known as the Roosevelt Cabin.” Editor’s Note: Martha Berry opened her school for girls on Thanksgiving Day 1909.





Sustainable beauty IN JUNE, BERRY’S AUDREY B. MORGAN AND DEERFIELD RESIDENCE HALLS became the first buildings on campus to earn certification for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) when they achieved Gold certification status. Soon after, Cooper Carry Inc. – the architectural firm that designed Berry’s newest student residences – claimed a Silver Citation for Residence Halls/Lounges in American School & University’s Educational Interiors Showcase. Judges lauded Morgan Hall’s 2,300-square-foot, glass-encased common area. Established by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and verified by the Green Building Certification Institute, LEED is the nation’s preeminent program for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings. Gold is the second highest LEED rating available. According to the Georgia Chapter of USGBC, fewer than 100 projects statewide have been certified Gold or higher.

of only 12 scientists and engineers nationwide selected in 2010 for a Jefferson Science Fellowship and, as part of the program, is spending this academic year in Washington, D.C., in an advisory role with the State Department. The Jefferson Science program is designed to engage tenured scientists and engineers from American academic institutions in the formulation and implementation of U.S. foreign policy; all must obtain official U.S. government security clearance before their awards are confirmed. Dr. Conn will remain in a consulting position with the State Department for five years after returning to Berry in the fall of 2011.



Ring the bell! MARTHA BERRY’S GREAT-NEPHEW RANDY BERRY (back row, center) was all smiles July 22 as representatives of Peoples Federal Bancshares Inc. rang the NASDAQ closing bell in New York City in celebration of the company’s initial public stock offering. Berry, a Berry College trustee, is a member of the board of directors for the Boston-based corporation.



placing eighth at the National Reining Horse Association’s Collegiate Reining Championships in Oklahoma City. The junior from Cambridge, England, qualified for the competition with a second-place showing at the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) national championships in May. Jones’ success helped Berry log a sixthplace finish in western team competition at the IHSA championship.

Good SOUP THE AFRICAN SOUP (SPONSORSHIP OF ORPHANS IN UGANDA PROJECT), a studentinitiated effort to assist Ugandan orphans, brought national recognition to Berry when selected for a Jenzabar Foundation Student Leadership Award. Other institutions among this year’s winners were Brigham Young University and the University of Southern California. Honorees receive a $5,000 grant to support their future efforts. The project (http://the africansoup.org) was founded by student Brin Enterkin in response to the tremendous need she witnessed in rural Uganda while teaching microfinance in the country on a Berry College International Programs summer grant.

Head of the class BERRY’S WOMEN’S SWIMMING AND DIVING TEAM capped its inaugural (2009-10) season with Scholar All-American Team honors, while seven members of the men’s basketball team claimed a spot on the National Association of Basketball Coaches Honors Court. The scholar-hoopsters included recent graduates Will Blackwell (10C), Matt Mixer (10C) and Bentley Sparks (10C), as well as four returning players: Kendall Gadie, David Holloman, Tim Miles and Michael Schulte.


Classmates rally to preserve the memory of a courageous alumnus



As a child, the oldest son of Berry postmaster Horace Fletcher (33H, 37C) defied his withered right arm by playing tackle football with his brothers, Lamar (66A) and Julian (66A). Later, the 1964 valedictorian of Berry Academy taught himself Greek and Latin so he could read original translations of the Bible, as well as other classic works. “Never in my life did I hear him ask, ‘Why me?’” Lamar stated. “He never really questioned the condition he was in. He just took the opportunity to be as normal as he possibly could be and to do whatever he could do.” Cancer finally did what cerebral palsy could not, claiming Jimmy’s life in February 2010. His memory lives on, however, preserved by a special scholarship endowed by friends and former classmates that is designated specifically for a student with a permanent physical disability. The idea for the Jimmy R. Fletcher Memorial Endowed Scholarship and a $10,000 leadership gift were provided by Ernie Chou (66A), whose generosity resonated from his home in China to classmates halfway around the world. By the end of the summer, more than $40,000 in gifts and pledges had been received, easily exceeding the $25,000 minimum requirement to endow a named scholarship. “Jimmy believed that there was no greater handicap than a lack of education,” Chou said. “And I believed that there was no better way to honor him than to make a scholarship available to someone who shared his character and ideals. I learned to look beyond a person’s physical limitations because of Jimmy, and the scholarship seemed to be the best way to assure that others would do the same.”

Jimmy’s education started at Possum Trot, the “cradle” of the Berry Schools. He later attended Glenwood Primary School, where his mother, Rosa (31H, 35C), was a teacher, before returning to Berry for high school and college. His physical condition presented numerous challenges, but no one ever questioned the power of his intellect. “I’ve never encountered anyone with greater intellectual curiosity, or a fresher and more resilient sense of humor, or greater courage, or deeper faith,” said lifelong friend Tom Bertrand, son of the late Berry President John R. Bertrand. “Though his body often kept him frustratingly off-balance, Jim was an exquisitely balanced human being in the only truly important way to be balanced: to keep a stoically cheerful attitude toward whatever life throws at you, and to care for others more than you do for yourself.” Those words, part of a eulogy written by Bertrand that was delivered at Jimmy’s funeral Mass, echoed the thoughts of others fortunate enough to cross his path. Four friends from his Berry days – Chou, John Shahan (64A, 69C), Bob Williams (62H) and Dale Cummings (66A) – served on the committee that spearheaded fundraising efforts for the scholarship fund. Recalling his friend, Chou described a “gentleman” who was also “a scholar, a sports nut and a team supporter.” “He had a quick mind and even quicker wit,” Chou remembered. “He was always happy and fiercely independent. He had an incredible work ethic and an unquenchable

by Rick Woodall

thirst for knowledge that we all admired. He never complained, never felt sorry for himself and was never unkind. He never told us how to live our lives; he taught us simply by living his life and allowing us to watch.” These qualities allowed Jimmy to lead a Top: Jimmy fruitful life despite his Fletcher, at age physical condition. His 5, with brothers accomplishments includLamar (left) and ed a master’s degree from Julian. Inset: West Georgia College Jimmy (left), in his final months, and a long career at with lifelong Northwest Georgia friend Tom Regional Hospital, Bertrand. where he served as librarian and, later, worked in the hospital therapy center. He was an avid traveler, active in his church and community, and a charter appointee to a state advisory panel responsible for advocating on behalf of those with disabilities. Throughout his life, Jimmy’s love for his alma mater never wavered. He “bled Berry blue,” according to Lamar, and was a familiar face at alumni events and other college functions. “He gained our respect, each and every day,” Shahan said. “He was a practical example of life’s endurance. Most of us have problems, but they’re somewhat petty and small compared to the physical problems that he had to endure.” (Contributions to Jimmy’s scholarship can be made at www.berry.edu/gift or by mailing a check to P.O. Box 490069, Mount Berry, GA 30149. Please be sure to designate your gift to the “Jimmy R. Fletcher Scholarship.” Contact Stacey Spillers at 706-368-6774 or sspillers@berry.edu for details.) B




Dr. Stephen R. Briggs





Sometimes the question is posed in terms of whether Berry is qualified to be a university. These inquiries reflect honest confusion about what it means to be a university or a college. The simple truth is that institutions today are more or less free to choose their own label. The choice is one that relates to core identity. Historically, there are two differentiating factors between colleges and universities: the emphasis on undergraduate teaching versus advanced research and the importance of a residential learning community. America’s earliest colleges were founded as residential colleges in the model of England’s Oxford and Cambridge universities. Thus, New College (now Harvard University), the College of William and Mary, and the Collegiate School (now Yale University) began as small learning communities in which students were housed and fed and instructed by residential tutors. Other residential colleges gradually emerged throughout the colonies. Over time, some of these institutions added doctoral and professional programs as they evolved into more complex institutions. Harvard was officially recognized as a university in 1780 at about the time it opened a medical school. In 1876, however, a more radical change occurred when The



Johns Hopkins University was founded in the model of a Germanic university with a focus on research specializations and the scientific discovery of new knowledge. Johns Hopkins became the first university to teach through seminars rather than lectures and to offer undergraduate majors rather than a purely liberal arts curriculum. Many research universities now emphasize graduate education more than undergraduate education. This focus is true even for an institution such as Harvard; only one-third of its current students are undergraduates – the other two-thirds are pursuing graduate or professional degrees. Today, we can point to superb examples of both types of institutions. U.S. News and World Report provides separate categories and rankings for national research universities and national liberal arts colleges. One model is not superior to the other; these two models of excellence have distinctive purposes and emphases. The prototypical research university focuses on doctoral and professional programs and is often a large, dispersed, decentralized enterprise, whether state-supported or independent. The prototypical liberal arts college emphasizes undergraduate education in the context of a small, focused, residential learning community. Although these two models can be distinguished in their purest forms, the

reality is that many institutions combine elements of both: There are small research institutions with a strong residential and undergraduate focus, and there are comprehensive teaching institutions that are decentralized and largely non-residential. The matter is further complicated by additional models, including community colleges, technical schools and for-profit institutions. As a result, college and university have become interchangeable terms in many ways. Berry could choose to adopt the label of university at any time. We have accredited graduate programs and separate schools for business and education, so we could do so quite legitimately. Across the country, other less established schools use the university label, presumably because they believe it positions them beneficially. Berry’s identity, however, is defined in large part by its residential nature and setting. We date our founding to 1902 when Martha Berry deeded over part of her inheritance to create a residential campus that superseded her day schools. She made this high-risk, “all in” decision because she recognized the power of a residential learning community. Berry’s exceptional campus with its multiple residential settings reflects the value we have long placed on the living-learning experience.


In this regard, Berry is akin to the nation’s top liberal arts institutions. These institutions are deliberately residential because they understand that the most powerful forms of undergraduate learning occur when students are immersed in an experience. Such opportunities might involve a research tutorial with a professor in a laboratory, a leadership experience with a campus organization or a study abroad experience living with a family in an unfamiliar culture. In-depth learning has little to do with sitting in a lecture hall; it has much to do with investing fully in a project and making it one’s own. Among the nation’s top 50 liberal arts institutions (including Williams College, Amherst College and Davidson College), more than 80 percent use the term college to signify their commitment to excellence in undergraduate education. In the case of those using the university label, several have professional programs that complement their undergraduate emphasis: for example, Washington and Lee University (law) and Sewanee – The University of the South (theology). Interestingly, several nationally ranked doctoral-granting institutions have retained the name college, presumably to convey the lasting importance of undergraduate education at these institutions, including the College of William and Mary, Dartmouth College and Boston College (which was chartered as a university). Berry chooses to be called a college, thereby affirming our core identity and committing ourselves to excellence in residential undergraduate education. The idea of a learning community is critical to Berry in that it provides the context (the living laboratory) for a firsthand education. Campus life is integral to, not separate from, the educational experience. The livinglearning community provides lessons not only for the head, but also equally for the hands and heart. Consider three ways in which this livinglearning community promotes engagement and service. First, when students enter the college community together, they form class bonds as they learn from and with one

another. As they live in close proximity – sharing rooms and bathrooms and meals – students adapt and bend and understand. For a good number of our students, it is the first time they have had to share a bedroom. Given a choice, many of them would probably prefer not to share, but the life lessons learned and friendships that emerge would not be the same without this close proximity. Living together tests their capacity to be civil and courteous, to work through differences and disagreements, and to act on behalf of someone else’s needs. Second, students come to lead the community over time, helping shape and define it. New students benefit from and enjoy the warmth and generosity of a community that is created for them. As seniors, these same students are responsible to and for this community – they have the privilege and opportunity to create anew a warm and welcoming environment for entering students. Seniors sometimes yearn to be independent; they appropriately want to take on more of their own affairs. Yet, this desire for increased independence can also be fundamentally self-centered and disengaging. An important lesson of the heart is to recognize our responsibility to sustain and improve the community in which we live. Engaging in one’s community as a leader, whether informally or formally, is a great lesson for life and one that can be learned practically in the senior year. Finally, Berry’s residential community provides the context for its extraordinary Work Experience Program. In its early years, Berry operated as a self-sustaining community as much as possible. Although the world has changed in the ensuing century, there remains something attractive and ambitious about this model. Thus, Berry once again is highlighting ways in which students can contribute directly and meaningfully to the operations of the college, including opportunities to use the college’s extensive campus assets to generate funds that will support the educational enterprise. The robustness of the Work Experience Program is rooted in Berry being a livinglearning community.

Berry’s choice to be a residential college has several practical implications. It points in part to things we are not likely to pursue strategically as an institution: extensive parttime undergraduate programs, distancelearning programs or multiple “branch” campuses. It points also to the kinds of things we are likely to emphasize strategically and through resource allocation. Thus, in recent years, we have invested in continuing improvements to the residential character of the campus: the Cage Athletic and Recreation Center; residence hall renovations and the addition of Morgan and Deerfield halls; the expansion of the Krannert dining and event spaces; improvement of campus walkways and bikeways; and the creation of gathering spots such as Kilpatrick Commons and the hammock zones. Our goal is to ensure that Berry is a wonderful home, a place that is as inspiring today and tomorrow as it was 80 years ago when the Ford Complex and the Normandy barns were constructed. In the last four years, Berry has increased its residential capacity from 76 percent to 86 percent. We are now in the process of determining whether to increase this goal to 95 percent, a target that is consistent with other top liberal arts colleges. The president’s cabinet recently visited three other highly regarded colleges to review their residential master plans. Given continued strong enrollment patterns, we will need to decide in the coming year whether to add additional residential facilities, especially for our senioryear students. We are actively studying options relating to the type and location of these residential units. Residential colleges offer the pinnacle of undergraduate education in the nation. Berry represents this tradition in the state of Georgia and for students in this region of the country who seek a national-caliber education. Berry’s residential nature is part of what sets us apart. We expect students to be active participants in the life of the college, and we are committed to a residential community that facilitates that expectation. Make no mistake, we are proud to be called Berry College. B



Target: typhus by Karilon L. Rogers

It is said that more humans have lost their lives to epidemic typhus than to all the wars in history. This highly infectious disease, caused by the Rickettsia prowazekii (R. prowazekii) parasitic bacterium and transmitted to humans primarily by body lice, is at its infectious best when living conditions are at their worst – overcrowded and unsanitary with few opportunities for bathing or changing clothes. The scourge of ancient armies, epidemic typhus caused millions of deaths among soldiers and civilians alike during World War I and struck the Nazi prison and concentration camps with vicious force during World War II. Today, its most likely victims are refugees of war and natural disasters: In 1997, more than 45,000 cases of epidemic typhus were documented in the refugee camps of the civil-war ravaged African nation of Burundi. While effective antibiotic therapy exists for the disease, which initially mimics the flu, a fully safe vaccine has not yet been developed. And without timely, appropriate treatment, up to 60 percent of those who contract typhus die, a figure that puts R. prowazekii on the Centers for Disease Control’s Category B list of potential bioterrorism agents. A Berry graduate is at the forefront of efforts to put an end to epidemic typhus’ centuries-long siege on human health. His well funded, oft-published research into R. prowazekii just might unearth the moleculargenetic key.



Photos by Walter Beckham, Public Relations, College of Medicine, University of South Alabama


hen Dr. David O. Wood (68A, 72C) gets up every morning, one thought propels him to work in his laboratory at the University Left: of South Alabama (USA) Dr. David O. College of Medicine in Wood examines a Mobile: “What are we polyacrylamide gel that allows going to learn today?” him to separate The distinguished and visualize university professor and rickettsial chair of microbiology and proteins. immunology has dedicated Above: his career to the study of Fluorescentlythe typhus-causing R. stained cells prowazekii bacterium, show, in bright including a 10-year green, a light investigation into the infection of organism’s genetic basis Rickettsia funded by the National prowazekii. Institutes of Health (NIH). Doing what’s never been done in his corner of medical research has spurred his work and piqued his interest since he stumbled upon microbiology at Berry College nearly 40 years ago. Elimination of typhus is the ultimate goal. But as a basic medical sciences researcher, Wood’s interest is triggered most intensely by the still unknown intricacies of how the Rickettsia bacterium makes its way into a human cell and what genes and products enable it to survive and cause disease. His lab is working with the bacterium’s 835 individual protein-coding genes, hoping to develop a mutant in one of the genes that can “turn off” the organism’s diseaseinducing properties. Success could lead to a live vaccine capable of invoking a good immune reaction in humans without causing potentially fatal illness. Wood’s laboratory currently is focused on a strain of R. prowazekii that is less potent – a strain that once was used in Eastern Europe as a vaccine. “The Madrid E strain is effective as a vaccine,” Wood explained. “But unfortunately, it can revert to virulence and actually cause typhus in some individuals – not a good trait for a safe vaccine that you may want to give to many people. My lab is attempting to genetically alter this strain so

that it cannot revert to virulence and cause disease.” RESEARCH RECOGNITION Wood’s research into the how, what and why of R. prowazekii – and the research of the entire microbiology and immunology faculty at the USA College of Medicine – will soon get an exceptional boost: Wood and his team have landed a $14.5 million NIH grant that will fund construction of a new state-ofthe-art infectious disease research facility on USA’s main campus. The award is the largest competitive grant in the history of the university; Wood is the lead researcher. Construction is anticipated to begin before the start of 2011. Wood and his team have built upon research initiated by Dr. Herbert Winkler more than 30 years ago to establish a productive “Select Agent Program” centered on Rickettsia. (Within the last two years, Burkholderia, another infectious bacterium, has been added to the program.) “Select agents” are pathogens or biological toxins that have the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety, as identified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The new research facility will provide extensive biosafety and biosecurity features to protect the safety of the researchers and the public at large. Separate Biosafety Level 2 and 3 labs under one roof will simplify and accelerate the pace of research and encourage collaboration among scientists. Level 3 space – accessed through five levels of security and covered by extensive precautionary practices – is required for the study of potential agents of bioterrorism. (Agents of untreatable disease require a Level 4 biosafety facility.) THE START OF SOMETHING BIG There was never a doubt in Wood’s mind that his future lay in science – medical science, in particular. He majored in chemistry at Berry, with minors in biology and math. “My goal was to be an M.D.,” he said, “but I didn’t get into medical school initially. When I needed another course, I took

Microbiology for Nursing over the summer – it was me and a room full of nurses. And I fell in love with it. The course pulled everything together for me.” After graduation, Wood entered the master’s program in microbiology at the Medical College of Georgia, still planning to attend medical school in the future. But then he met Dr. George Brownell, a mentor who introduced him to original research – to doing what has never been done. “In working with Dr. Brownell on Neisseria, bacteria that cause gonorrhea and meningitis, I realized I could do something that no one had ever done,” Wood said. “That was very appealing to me. When it came time to reapply to medical school, I’d done enough research to know I’d found my niche in microbiology. I applied to the Ph.D. program with Dr. Brownell. To think it all started with that one ‘micro’ course.” It was during his postdoctoral study of Pseudomonas, a bacterium that causes lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients, at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Medical College of Virginia that Wood met the scientist who would eventually steer his career toward R. prowazekii and a safe vaccine for typhus. “I worked on a project with two mentors, Frank Macrina and Paul Phibbs, and learned so much,” Wood explained about his postdoctoral experience. “Paul had done a sabbatical at USA and knew Herbert Winkler’s work with Rickettsia. When I finished my post doc and was looking for a real job, Winkler and the former chair of the department, Joe Coggin, were looking for some young scientists. Paul suggested that they hire me. “I worked with Pseudomonas for a while and then went to a presentation by Winkler about Rickettsia and got really excited about it. I wanted to apply my experience with Pseudomonas to Rickettsia. It had never been done before.” That was in 1979. In the years that have ensued, Wood has developed into a mentor and teacher himself, as well as a productive researcher. He teaches genetics to graduate students and medical microbiology and immunology to second-year medical students. He particularly values having



My most rewarding work is with the students, seeing them grow into scientists.

graduate students in his laboratory. “My most rewarding work is with the students, seeing them grow into scientists,” he said. “As a young scientist, you always reach a point when you surpass your mentor in the work you are doing, and they have. And they let me know it!” Wood has served as president of the American Society of Rickettsiology and as a member of the Bacteriology and Mycology Study Section of the NIH, a peer-review body that determines which scientific grants

receive funding. He also has served as president of the Southeastern Branch of the American Society for Microbiology. A NOBLE QUEST Although outbreaks of epidemic typhus now are rare, the potential for mass fatalities remains very real in any part of the world where infrastructure crumbles and populations are forced to live in close, unhygienic quarters without ready access to the right antibiotics. Hans Zinsser (1878-

1940), an American bacteriologist and immunologist who was an international authority on typhus, long ago described why the work of Wood and other R. prowazekii researchers remains so important today. Zinsser published Rats, Lice and History in 1935, a time when typhus already had become a significantly smaller threat than it had been throughout history. In his book, Zinsser declared that typhus is not dead and warned that it could emerge “whenever human stupidity and brutality give it a chance.” B


through and through




MORE CONNECTION TO HIS UNDERGRADUATE ALMA MATER THAN MOST. “When I say Berry, it means home to me,” he declared. Born in Rome, Wood and his family moved to Pine Lodge on the Mountain Campus when he was in the second grade. His father, Richard, had taken a position with what was then the Mount Berry School for Boys as steward at Hill Dining Hall. His mother, Jean, always worked by his father’s side. Wood and younger sister Donna had lots of places to play on the world’s largest campus and enjoyed growing up with the children of other Berry employees – the Geraldsons, Bowens, Lovedays and others – who, according to Wood, were “all Berry,” just like his parents. The younger kids always looked up to the high school boys.



“They were all my heroes,” he remembered. “I always considered them to be adults.” When the time came, Wood attended Berry Academy himself and was assigned to work on the cleaning crew. “As a child, I always wanted to work with my dad in the dining hall,” he remembered. “But Mr. Loveday, the headmaster, was a smart person and realized I needed experience outside of my father’s circle.” Eventually, Wood got his wish and was assigned to Hill Dining Hall. And then as a college student, he spent his student work hours in the Ford and Blackstone dining halls, as well as in Krannert Center’s Valhalla Grill and cooking and serving for banquets. By this time, his father had become director of food services for Berry, a position he enjoyed until his death in 1993. “As I look back, my biggest impression about Berry is how much the staff had to do with the experience of the students

there,” Wood stated. “Everyone was dedicated to the students’ growth and learning, including the staff members.” His parents’ lives are testimony to his own experience. “My Mom and Dad were Berry through and through,” Wood said, “and one achievement that my Dad was most proud of was a named scholarship that was started by a former high school student. I think you see this often at Berry where staff members had such an impact on students.” [The Richard Wood Scholarship was established in 1977 by Jerry Bowen (60H). It is an expendable scholarship that has continued to be supported by the Wood family and friends.] David O. Wood has more than a personalized high school and undergraduate education to credit Berry for, however. First, there is his name. “There was another David Wood – David H. Wood, son of Hoyt Wood, who ran the waterworks,” he explained. “We

were in the same class from the first grade and into college. That’s why I always use the “O” in my name. I was always ‘David O.” And then there is his family. “I met my wife at Berry – that changed things too!” he laughed. Wood first sighted the former Alta Breeden (70C) when both were serving food at a Mountain Day picnic and boldly asked the upperclasswoman to the dance that evening. All these years later, their Mountain Day romance lives on. The couple has two sons, Richard (33) and Andrew (28). Alta is retired from teaching chemistry and the physical sciences to 8th graders. Wood’s mother, Jean, now resides in Mobile.

Parents Richard and Jean Wood


SUCCESS by Rick Woodall


quick peek into

Billy Blanchard’s background reveals everything you might expect of a bank president: a strong family pedigree, 15 years of hands-on experience, a degree in business administration from Berry and, of course, two years riding the range out West.

WAIT A MINUTE! What was that last qualification again? BERRY MAGAZINE • WINTER 2010-11


Blanchard sat high in the saddle as a ranch hand before turning his attention to banking.


That’s right. Before Blanchard (93C) started his career at CB&T in his hometown of Columbus, Ga., he joined Berry classmate Mike Worlow (93C) for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure working at Colorado’s Lost Valley Ranch. “It was totally out of left field,” Blanchard recounted. “I had been to Colorado snow skiing but had never worked on a ranch. I didn’t know a lot about horses or ranching. It just kind of happened.” For nearly two years, Blanchard tended to cattle, led horseback rides and interacted with guests who – like Billy Crystal and friends in the movie City Slickers – were seeking temporary escape from the trials and tribulations of everyday life. Listening to others talk about their difficulties with work and marriage helped Blanchard crystallize in his own mind what he wanted out of life. “There’s so much that I learned and gained out there in addition to just enjoying the mountains and that type of work,” he



stated. “It was an incredible experience.” Today, as a bank president, civic leader, husband and father of three, Blanchard is far removed from his ranching days. Still, there are times when he can’t help but reminisce about a much simpler period of his life. “I do think about it a lot, especially when times get particularly difficult,” he said. “I sit back and daydream about those experiences and those mountains.” BORN TO LEAD

While he likes to recall his days as a ranch hand, Blanchard draws greater satisfaction from the life he has built in Columbus with his wife, Olivia, and their three children: Russell, Betsy and Walter. He credits Olivia with helping him keep his priorities in line as he has worked his way through the company. “I’ve got an incredible wife who is very supportive of what I’m doing,” he said. “She’s a good check and balance on where

my priorities are and where my mind is.” Family is a major priority for Blanchard, as is his Christian faith. He has drawn strength from both while working his way up from a management associate position at CB&T to recognition as one of the state’s leading young professionals; he was appointed bank president at the age of 38. Although he is only the 10th person to hold that title since the bank first opened its doors in 1888, he is the third member of his family to do so. His father, James H. Blanchard, is a former Berry College trustee who spent 12 years as CB&T president, from 1971 to 1983, and later served as chairman and CEO of Synovus Corp. (the parent company for CB&T and numerous other affiliate banks across the Southeast). His grandfather, the late James W. Blanchard, also spent 12 years as CB&T president, from 1957 to 1969. “My grandfather’s and my dad’s portraits are on the wall in our boardroom, and I’ve

I think I learned how to work hard at Berry.


Pictured with former First Lady Laura Bush and his wife, Olivia, Blanchard was a presenter at the 2010 Jim Blanchard Leadership Forum, held at Columbus State University’s Cunningham Center for Leadership Development.

been sitting under their watchful eyes for 15 years,” Blanchard told the Columbus LedgerEnquirer at the time of his 2009 appointment. “My grandfather died two years before I was born. I never knew him. So what I do know of him I know because I have worked at the bank and met people who knew him, and just to be able to follow him and follow my dad is very special.” Blanchard maintains a close relationship with his father, now retired, and credits his parents for instilling a strong set of core values in their sons but never pressuring them “to be or to do any certain thing.” The counsel provided by his father has proven especially valuable in recent years as Blanchard and his colleagues grapple with an economic downturn unmatched since the Great Depression. “He’s always available and willing to share and to help,” the younger Blanchard stated. “The times we’re living in today in the banking industry are a new experience, even

for him. He and his contemporaries have gone through recessions, but obviously, nobody has seen this. In a way, we’re experiencing some things for the first time together. I’m able to pick up on the principles and core values he gained over his years in this business and learn a lot through the challenges we’re now going through.” Early in his career, Blanchard put a great deal of pressure on himself “to be perfect, because I assumed that dad was.” Today, he looks back on that “immature notion” from the perspective of a successful professional who is his own man. “I know that my father has some amazing gifts and talents that I don’t have,” Blanchard said. “I also know that I have some that he’s not as good at. I need to be me. I’ve gotten more comfortable with that fact and with not trying to be somebody I’m not. That’s a fun place to be.” While his industry has faced many challenges in recent years, Blanchard’s belief in the value of community banks remains unshaken, and he feels privileged and honored to be part of the CB&T team. “I have not been tempted to lose faith in bankers or banks,” he said. “The world leading up to this recession got really out of kilter. It wasn’t any one thing. It was dozens of things that all worked together through a long period of time that helped us get to that crisis. And we’ve all learned from it and grown from it.” INVESTING IN OTHERS

Blanchard delights in playing an active role in civic affairs, and his role at the bank affords him many opportunities to do so. He has contributed his time and talents to numerous organizations, including the Development Authority of Columbus, the Greater Columbus Chamber of Commerce and the United Way. He finds efforts that contribute to the long-term economic health of Columbus and the surrounding community to be particularly meaningful and points to the work being done by the local development authority to facilitate job creation.

“You do so much for society when you are part of helping somebody have a job,” he stated. “When you are part of that process, you give people the ability to earn a living, to have a sense of worth, to provide for their family and to educate their children. It creates a better environment for the entire community.” BLANCHARD ON BERRY

Long before he was a bank president – or a cowboy, for that matter – Blanchard developed an appreciation for getting his hands dirty, literally, as a groundskeeper on Berry’s Mountain Campus. Whether he was mowing grass or pulling weeds, he still remembers the sense of accomplishment he felt whenever he completed a project. “You can see the result of your work immediately,” he explained. “You can look back on it and say, ‘Yeah, I did that, and it looks good.’ That’s one thing that’s hard in the business world. There’s not necessarily a physical result. Sometimes it’s hard to look down and say, ‘This is what I just did.’” Blanchard had already been accepted to the University of Georgia when he first visited Berry with his father. The beauty of the campus was impossible to ignore, especially for someone possessing a strong love of nature and the outdoors, and he wound up attending Berry as a participant in the WinShape Program. “I think I learned how to work hard at Berry,” he stated. “It wasn’t so much the work program – that made a big difference in my resume and the way people looked at me after college – but having to work to be successful in school and commit the time and energy to study and be prepared, even if I wanted to be doing something else.” Today, as a member of the Board of Visitors, Blanchard is committed to helping current and future students develop similar skills. “Berry is an incredible place,” he said. “It provides and offers so much for so many young people, just like it did for me. The fact that anybody up there would want me to stay connected and be involved is an honor, and it’s a lot of fun.” B





Pathwa s Ber y to

The year was 1965. The Sound of Music was in theaters. Gasoline cost 31 cents a gallon. The Voting Rights Act guaranteeing blacks the right to vote became law. And 17-year-old Beverly Philpot Smith (69C), who longed for the excitement of Atlanta and the promise of friends that Spelman College, Morris Brown College and Clark-Atlanta University offered, reluctantly began her freshman year as a minority student at Berry College. Forty-five years later Smith has once again

by Debbie Rasure photography by Alan Storey

started the school year at Berry, but this time she did so with joy in her heart and a strong sense of purpose – just as she has each of the last two years. After a lifelong career as an educator and administrator in public school systems, Smith bypassed retirement two years ago to serve as director of Pathways to Teaching, a Berry program designed to help minority students prepare for careers in education. It’s a post that seems tailor-made for her – in more ways than one. AN INAUSPICIOUS BEGINNING

“When I came to Berry as a student, it was eye-opening,” Smith recalled. “The Vietnam War was going on. There were race riots. People at Berry were not like my family; they had different ideas about things. I had led a sheltered life growing up in Rockmart, and by making me come to Berry, I thought my parents were throwing me to the wolves.” It is not surprising that she felt that way, quickly finding herself unprepared for the

rigors of academic life at Berry and uncomfortable in a totally unfamiliar setting. “I knew I was not skilled in most of my classes,” she said. “I had never written papers using any kind of writing format. My high school science labs were archaic compared to those at Berry. And the library was a huge gulf of knowledge that I didn’t know how to maneuver. Valhalla and the student center were two of the most intimidating places for me to go to. I didn’t have a clue about how to use Berry’s resources or how to engage with people.” Although Smith felt ill-prepared, discouraged and out of place at first, people soon emerged from within the college community to help nurture and empower her. Her bright smile, happy disposition and friendliness won her many friends and made her years here memorable. She especially enjoyed dorm life and her roommates. “There was so much camaraderie back then,” she recalled with a smile. “I lived in Clara and Mary. We would stay up late at



Setting the example “I admire Beverly for her tenacity during racially turbulent times in education. She never let go of the expectation that all children can learn. We try to teach young teachers persistence, to instill in them the conviction that all children can learn and that classrooms must be inclusive and welcoming places. Beverly shows us all how to do that.” – Dr. Jackie McDowell Dean, Charter School of Education and Human Sciences

night talking and playing cards. My family would come every other Sunday to bring food and supplies, and my roommates loved to see them because my grandma could cook.” Many things stand out in Smith’s memory – Victory Lake in all its beauty, wearing a “pink outfit” that she hated during Mountain Day, a teacher who made literature come alive, watching light filter through the chapel windows on reverent Sunday mornings, working with the Ford cleaning crew, and the lesson that “You don’t have a problem with race and ethnicity, others do.” As graduation drew near, Smith was offered a job at Berry, but staying was not part of her plan. “Dan Biggers [then director of counseling and a placement officer] told me that there are all kinds of avenues set before you in life, and you have to choose what seems right for you at the time. I didn’t want to stay in Georgia. I knew there was a world out there, and I wanted freedom.” Smith bought a one-way bus ticket to New York City, and the die was cast. Little did she know that she would launch a career path that would lead her back to Berry. A NATURAL-BORN TEACHER

Soon after arriving in the Big Apple, Smith – who had majored in English – applied for a job as a typist at Saks Fifth Avenue, but the employment agent saw something more in her. “She told me, ‘I think you can teach,’ and sent me to apply for a position with the Baldridge Reading and Study Skills Program,” Smith explained. She interviewed for the job, was hired on the spot and spent the next 18 months teaching the program’s curriculum in



seminars across the country. At a stop in Ohio, she met the man who would become her husband, Marvin Smith, and her days as a traveling teacher came to an end. But her desire to teach lingered on. In 1971, she took a job with the Ohio Youth Commission and spent seven years teaching English to troubled children. Over the next 10 years, she taught at schools in Florida and back home in Georgia, all the while working toward her master’s degree in supervision and administration. She also served in the U.S. Army National Guard for six of those years. In 1988, she became assistant principal of instruction at Model High School in Rome and two years later took the helm of McHenry Elementary School as principal. In 1993, she joined the Floyd County School System where she served as curriculum director and director of teacher instructional support while earning a doctorate in educational leadership from Argosy University in Florida. TEACHING THE TEACHERS

Smith was on the verge of retirement when Dr. Jackie McDowell, dean of Berry’s Charter School of Education and Human Sciences, called and made her an offer she couldn’t refuse. “Beverly has had such an impact on education,” McDowell said. “She has lived the model for 30 years and has been increasingly successful in school districts where she was a minority. She has a sense of professionalism, and she sees teaching as a calling. When I heard that she might be available, I knew that she would be an inspiration to our minority students who want to become teachers.”

McDowell’s instinct was on target. “Whenever Dr. Smith is engaged with the students, she has a warm smile, and you can tell that she wants to be there,” said Marissa Archie, a Berry senior and Pathways program participant who has assisted Smith with a freshman orientation class. “The room just brightens up when she walks in, and you can see the students settling down and getting ready to learn. When they raise their hands to say something, she really listens. And if someone’s down, she is there to encourage them to keep going.” In addition to her part-time role as Pathways program director, Smith teaches Orientation to Teaching as well as Berry’s orientation class for all freshmen. She also supervises a student teacher, advises students, and meets with students and their parents. Archie said the most important thing Smith has taught her is to be positive about life and to bring that attitude into the classroom. “It’s wonderful to see that she loves what she does and that she puts her whole heart into her work,” Archie said. “She’s taught me to do what I’m passionate about.” THE RIGHT PLACE

When McDowell first contacted Smith about taking a position at Berry in lieu of retirement, she hesitated. Then she asked herself what good she could do if she retired. “You never know what seeds you’re planting,” Smith said about her later-in-life teaching mission. “I love sharing my experiences with students who have the passion and desire to be teachers. Coming back wasn’t hard. I realized that Berry is the right place for me to be.” B





lots of them. Webb appreciates the atmosphere of support for students today. He loves, respects and completely trusts Berry President Steve Briggs. He feels “heard” about giving today’s students the opportunity to work their way through school like he did. And he knows that Berry changed his life, just as it will change the lives of all the young women and men who experience its unique educational program firsthand. Webb has been a Berry benefactor before. Recently, however, he and good friend John Hamrick (43H, 47c) put Webb’s most outstanding contribution to work for Berry students – literally. Through a combined gift of cash and a planned gift that will come to Berry upon his passing, Webb has endowed the Bob Webb/John Hamrick CEO position for The Berry Farms Genetics Enterprise. It is the first student work position for which full funding has been committed. The student in the Webb/ Hamrick position each year will head up Berry’s genetics enterprise, one of about a dozen student-run businesses already operating under the auspices of Berry’s Student Enterprises

initiative. Through this program, students have the opportunity to conceive, plan for, launch and operate real Berry businesses. Additional enterprises operating under the Berry Farms label include Jersey Milk, Jersey Beef, Angus Beef, Season’s Harvest and Martha’s Herbs. Other student enterprises include a bike repair and maintenance service and The Cottages at Berry; more are on the drawing board. Many students in enterprise leadership positions will hold Gate of Opportunity scholarships, which offer students the chance to work their way through college. WEBB’S FIRSTHAND EXPERIENCE

Webb is fully convinced that if it hadn’t been for Berry, he’d be in jail or the cemetery. “When I went to Berry, I didn’t need an education,” he declared with a chuckle, “because I already knew everything!” It was his mother who insisted he leave his hometown of Buena Vista in South Georgia for the Berry campus. “And when my mother said, ‘You will do it,’ you’d better get ready, because you’re going to do it,” he recalled. John Hamrick’s father – the late Grady Hamrick (12H), superintendent of the Mount Berry School for Boys – had a significant positive effect on Webb’s life. “If I liked you, I was as sweet

by Karilon L. Rogers


Webb at work for work

as can be,” Webb declared. “If not, I was as mean as a snake. I got in fights all the time. Mr. Hamrick called me in a halfdozen times to lay down the law. I always talked myself out of trouble, and Mr. Hamrick started to tell me how smart I was and how if I’d just use my smarts the right way, I’d be an ‘A’ student.” It was in the summer of 1942 – when Webb was drafted into the service and went back to Berry to pick up his belongings before heading into World War II – that the elder Hamrick had his most profound impact. “He took me to the bus station and told me how much he loved me and all the boys at the school,” Webb recalled. “I almost cried then. I’m almost

Bob Webb, second from left, examines a Berry Jersey bull that will be used for breeding purposes in Texas. Joining him, from left, are friend Rod Aide, Berry dairy supervisor Ben Wilson, and student workers Olivia Matthews and Tanner Barham.

crying now. I wrote to him while in the Army. He always answered. He always answered all the boys who were drafted and wrote to him.” Webb returned to Berry after the war to graduate from high school in 1947. He went on to much success in life, with careers ranging from installing Otis elevators to establishing a worm farm that sold millions of



Nothing compares to hands-on experience. Nothing.

– Anthony Bonazza, recipient of the Bob Webb/John Hamrick CEO position for The Berry Farms Genetics Enterprise

“good fishing worms.” His friendship with the younger Hamrick has spanned decades – their time together ebbing and flowing with life changes. Now they check on each other weekly from their homes at opposite ends of the state. It is often said that if you see one on the Berry campus, you will see the other. Their friendship is strong and very important to both of them. LAUNCHING FUTURES

The Webb/Hamrick student work position is already supporting Berry students and changing lives – just as Webb’s life was changed at Berry. Senior Anthony Bonazza currently holds the position and knows what a rare gift he has been given. “I could not be more grateful for having a position like this,”

Bonazza said. “Nothing compares to hands-on experience. Nothing.” Berry has long boasted one of the top Jersey herds in the nation; now the student genetics team is working to further enhance the herd and spread the word about its quality. The student enterprise focuses on breeding for better genetics, flushing embryos for sale, and selling high quality cows and bulls. Last spring, the enterprise went international when it sold 50 Jersey embryos to Jamaican dairies. More recently, the team sold two young bulls with exceptional genetics to a reproductive technologies firm. Last year, Bonazza, a business major, headed up the Jersey Beef student enterprise. An internship at a dairy farm over the summer, however, cemented his interest in reproductive technology, encouraging him to take over the Webb/ Hamrick position when it became open. Bonazza plans to pursue a master’s degree in reproductive genetics and then go into agribusiness. ALAN STOREY

Work comes naturally to good friends Bob Webb (above) and John Hamrick, who have supported Alumni Work Week as well as student work at Berry.




“I can’t even tell you in words how this experience will help me in the future,” Bonazza said. “I feel like I’ve been in a cannon that shot me so far ahead of where I ever thought I’d be right now. If you’d have asked me as a freshman if I’d have been CEO of a genetics

enterprise, I would never have believed it.” Thanks to Webb and Hamrick, Bonazza has an opportunity he never dreamed possible. And thanks to the endowed position that bears their names, many students in the future will too. B

Giving to the Annual Fund: When only digital will do



digital doable, two new technologies have your name on them: mobile giving and recurring giving. Both allow you to support student work and scholarships at Berry via your technology of choice. Through the Mobile Giving Foundation, you can now use the same cutting-edge technology that let you vote for an American Idol contestant or text a donation in response to the earthquake devastation in Haiti to make a gift to Berry College. To make a one-time $10 donation to the Annual Fund simply text the word Berry, followed by your first and last name, to 20222. All charges are billed by and payable to your service provider (messaging and data rates may apply). Some of the youngest members of our alumni community requested the ability to schedule small monthly giving installments in order to maximize their ability to support Berry. They spoke; we listened. And now a secure and flexible recurring giving system is available online. You can choose the amount you want to give each month, and you can change or cancel your pledge at any time. Just visit www.berry.edu/givingmethods to sign up. Every gift in support of the Berry Annual Fund is important. By uniting the individual gifts of thousands of alumni and friends (whether mailed, texted, made online or hand-delivered), the Annual Fund makes a real difference in the lives of real students. Thanks for participating before June 30, 2011. (And if digital is not your thing, please feel free to use the Annual Fund envelope included in this issue of Berry magazine!)


Donors make the difference E



Whether you choose to support the Work Experience Program, endow or contribute to a scholarship, give consistently to the Annual Fund in support of scholarships and work, or support a building project like the Cage Center, you become part of making an important difference in the lives of Berry students. Thank you! It is our privilege to recognize all Berry supporters on our online 2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors (www.berry.edu/honorroll). We hope you’ll take a look. In the meantime, please review the following list of gifts and new pledges of $10,000 or more that were made from May 1 to Aug. 31, 2010. Anonymous, $25,000 addition to the Betty Anne Rouse Bell Endowed Scholarship and to support student scholarships Anonymous, $75,000 for the placement of oak trees along the Road of Remembrance and Memorial Drive D. Randolph and Nancy Berry, $25,000 for the Berry Information Technology Students (B.I.T.S.) program Steven J. Cage (74C), $10,000 for the general fund

Alton H. (61C) and Becky (61C) Christopher, $10,000 to support the 1961C Gate of Opportunity Endowed Scholarship in honor of their 50th class reunion Earl DeVane (45C), $50,000, including $25,000 for the Earl and Karleen Douglas DeVane Endowed Scholarship and an additional $25,000 charitable gift annuity that will one day go to the scholarship Ellen Dierenfeld, $10,000 in-kind gift of science equipment Lamar Fletcher (66A), $10,000 for the Jimmy R. Fletcher Memorial Endowed Scholarship Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, $20,000 to support the Steven J. Cage Athletic and Recreation Center Georgia Foundation for Independent Colleges, $15,399 for the general fund Hubert Judd Charitable Trust, $15,450 for the general fund Judy Lane Gilbert Memorial Foundation, $11,515 gift for the Judy Lane Gilbert Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Roger (79C) and Candy (82C) Lusby, $10,000, including $9,850 for the general fund and $150 for the Class of 2010 gift fund

Tibbals/Zellars Gate of Opportunity Scholarship BEQUESTS The estate of James Fletcher to establish the Jimmy R. Fletcher Memorial Endowed Scholarship The estate of Earl Mackery for the Steven J. Cage Athletic and Recreation Center

The William B. Stokely Jr. Foundation, $10,000 for the William B. Stokely Jr. Scholarship C.B. “Buster” Wright (73C), $10,000 addition to the Janice Wright Endowed Scholarship The John Zellars Jr. Foundation, $10,000 to support the

Donors loyal in good times … and bad



the qualities Berry supporters demonstrated dramatically during the 2009-10 fiscal year (July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010). At a time when giving in support of education was down 3.6 percent nationally, the Berry Annual Fund was up 9.4 percent, and alumni giving overall grew to its second highest total in the last 10 years. Support for scholarships, the Work Experience Program and the Cage Center led the way in donor preference. Planned giving – making preparations now for a future gift to Berry – was very popular. One of the most heartwarming stories came in the form of support from the Berry “family.” Every member of the Berry College Board of Trustees made a gift to Berry in 2009-10, while 98 percent of both the Alumni Council and the faculty/staff gave Berry a vote of confidence through giving. The Board of Visitors increased participation by 36 percent, and the senior class blew the roof off, tripling participation in giving compared to the year before. “There is no doubt that our alumni and friends believe strongly in the Berry mission and want to help today’s students come to Berry and have a world-class educational experience,” said Bettyann O’Neill, vice president for advancement. “Support is critical as we work to build the premier student Work Experience Program in the nation and to meet expanding need for student scholarships. We know times are tough economically and are grateful for every single gift. Thank you!”









Total raised as of Oct. 31, 2010: $30.33 million




their stories:


Students’ lives shaped by scholarships

Determined to succeed Lindsay Tutt grateful for donors’ generosity



You just know, for example, that you’ll be wearing your older siblings’ hand-me-downs, and you just know that someone is always going to be standing at the bathroom door saying, “Hurry up.” And unless your last name is Gates, Buffett or Walton, you just know that you’re probably going to have to find a way to pay for college yourself. That’s exactly what Lindsay Tutt did – with the help of several generous Berry donors. “With such a big family, my parents had been able to save only a little money for me to go to college,” said Tutt, a senior biology major from Rome. “So during my senior year in high school, I worked really hard to find as many scholarships as I could so I could come to Berry.” Tutt’s diligence paid off when she was awarded two very special scholarships – one from members of the Berry College family, the A. Milton and Jo Ann Chambers Endowed Scholarship, and one from a long-time friend of the college, the Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Scholarship. “Their support has made a world of difference for me,” she said. “My parents helped all they could, but without those scholarships, I wouldn’t be here.” Tutt added that knowing others were investing in her education made her even more dedicated to studying and doing well in her classes. When she graduates, Tutt will be the first person in her family to earn a bachelor’s degree. Her two younger sisters now want to follow in her footsteps and go to college. Tutt, who describes herself as ambitious, driven and confident even before coming to Berry, said the college has molded her into a different person. “I wasn’t shy before, but at Berry I have gained even more selfconfidence,” she said, citing her student work experience as a major source of personal growth. She has participated in the Work Experience Program since she was a freshman, advancing to a student supervisor’s position. She is responsible for training and supervising 11 students in the financial aid office and



overseeing a team of seven student callers in the Firsthand Foner Program (an admissions outreach initiative). She knows she has developed skills that will prove invaluable in her career. “My student work job has taught me time management and how to communicate and ALAN STOREY work with a variety of personalities,” Tutt said. “I feel like I’ve built the skills I need to run my own company some day.” Tutt dreams of becoming an orthodontist or pediatric dentist and is convinced that successfully navigating Berry’s challenging academic program has prepared her well for the rigors of dental school. She has worked hard for the bright future she sees ahead, and she is quick to acknowledge those who made her education possible. “What these donors have done means the world to me,” she said. “I am eternally grateful. It takes having a big heart to share your success and to give like that. They’ve made a great investment in me, and it makes me want to succeed so I can give someone else the opportunity to get a great education.”

“ ” My parents helped all they could, but without those scholarships, I wouldn’t be here.

by Debbie Rasure


Inspiring generosity W



to Berry College equestrian team member Madison Harris, she wanted to encourage and support the young horsewoman. Instead, with a little help from Harris, she ended up encouraging and supporting the whole team. The pair met when Harris took Anderson and several of her friends on a tour of Oak Hill and The Martha Berry Museum, where Harris, a sophomore animal science major, was a student worker during the summer. The women began chatting, and talk soon turned to a shared passion – horses. “She was such an enthusiastic young lady and so excited about her equestrian team,” said Anderson. “It brought back a lot of memories of my days taking riding lessons at Berry. I was

me. You just don’t see that kind of selflessness very often.” And yet, Harris is showing that same selflessness. Not only is she sharing the saddle with her teammates now, but she also intends to give the saddle to the equestrian team after she graduates. What does Anderson think of Harris’ plan? “It’s obvious that I selected the right

happy to know that the school I attended was continuing to offer this great sport.” Anderson’s passion for horses continued throughout the years, inspiring her late husband, Woody Anderson, to give her a beautiful thoroughbred quarter horse and the Stübben saddle one year for her birthday. Because she has less time these days to enjoy riding – as owner of Woody Anderson Ford in Huntsville, Ala. – Anderson had begun to look for someone who shared her passion for horses and riding to pass the saddle on to. When she met Harris, she knew right away that she was “the one.” Her generosity took Harris by surprise. “I just stared at her for a moment. I was speechless,” Harris said. “This is the greatest thing anyone has ever done for

person to have that saddle because she wants to share it with others so they can enjoy it too,” Anderson said. “That’s the Berry way.” In addition to the saddle, this summer Anderson also provided the college a cobalt blue 2011 Ford Fiesta, complete with the Berry College Student Enterprises logo, for R PHE GRA OTO use by the H P T T RET DEN STU AH GAR students and staff SAR on the enterprises team. B

Powerful first impression



Equestrian team member Madison Harris and her horse, Sassy, show off the Stübben saddle donated by fellow equine enthusiast Cathy Anderson (77C).


BERRY COLLEGE, but that was more than enough to create a bond that will last much longer than two lifetimes. Income from a charitable remainder trust the couple established many years ago has now passed to their final named beneficiary: Berry College. The trust is currently valued at nearly $1.5 million. The Drapers first visited Berry in the 1950s when Tom was working on a film project. Decades later, Tom sent a letter to Berry requesting bequest information. “My wife and I visited Mount Berry some years ago and were impressed with what you are doing,” he wrote. The Delaware couple’s second and final visit came in 1977. Afterward, they once again expressed appreciation for all they had experienced. “It was a deep satisfaction to see the additions at Mt. Berry since our last visit,” Florinda wrote in a letter to the late Inez Henry, then emerita assistant to the Berry president. “Truly, the Berry Schools are an inspiration to all educators.” The couple’s trust has provided income for family beneficiaries since Tom passed away in 1986 (Florinda preceded him in death a year earlier). These beneficiaries have now passed away, and future income from the trust is now being directed to Berry. Thanks to the Drapers’ long-sighted generosity, their funds will benefit Berry students in perpetuity.




are they now? 1960s Willard Ferguson (65C) was voted chairman of the Habersham County (Ga.) Water and Sewer Authority. He is continuing work on gaining a permit from EPD to begin construction of a countywide water system as well as to help strengthen local community wastewater programs. Jeanie Slatton Crain (69C) is a professor at Missouri Western State University and has written and published the book Reading the Bible as Literature.

1970s Lee Wayne Rich (73C) and Connie Krohne Rich (75c) have both retired from long careers in education. Wayne worked for the Clayton Public School System for 37 years in posts that included principal of Lovejoy High School and director of the Career Academy and Dual Enrollment programs. Connie was a kindergarten teacher for Clayton County Schools. She also served the Community Christian School as a third-, fourth- and fifth-grade teacher and as a certified teacher for the National Institute for Learning Disabilities. The couple has two adult sons and one granddaughter. In retirement, Wayne plans to work as chairman of the board for Connecting Clayton Inc., while Connie will pursue flower gardening. The couple hopes to travel. Scott D. Purswell (77C) and Cathy McFerrin Purswell (76C) were married Dec. 27, 2009, in Kennesaw, Ga. Scott is the owner of Dovetailed Kitchens in Portsmouth, N.H., and Cathy is the owner of Atlanta Home Brokers in Kennesaw. Roger W. Lusby III (79C) is the managing partner of the new Alpharetta office for Frazier & Deeter LLC, which was ranked this summer by the Atlanta Business



Chronicle as Atlanta’s eighth largest CPA firm and the fastest growing CPA firm by revenue over the past five years.

1980s Deidre Mercer Martin (85C) was executive producer for the documentary Edgewood: Stage of Southern History about a historic house in Aiken, S.C., now known as the Pickens-Salley House. In the documentary, the house tells the stories of the people who lived, worked and visited there. Deidre is vice chancellor for university advancement at the University of South Carolina Aiken, where the house is located. Stephanie Lynn Carlyle (86C) participated in the British Universities summer school program through the English Speaking Union. Lynn studied in the history, politics and society program at Oxford University. Andrew Birkhead Craddock (89C) and Sharon Ostack Craddock (90C) were married Sept. 5, 2009, in Frost Chapel with the Rev. Billy Craddock officiating. The couple resides in Suwanee, Ga. Together, they share seven children.

1990s Shannon Moore Dunn (92C) was elected to the Sumner County (Tenn.) school board. Sumner County has more than 25,000 students and an annual budget of more than $175 million. She and husband John Darrell Dunn (92C) reside in Goodlettsville, Tenn. Lori Mathis Deal (93C) holds a master’s degree in physical therapy from Pacific University and works in the health ergonomics field. She currently is operations manager for the Northwest Region of PreCare, a leading national provider of on-site injury prevention and physical therapy services. Lori resides in Oregon City, Ore., with husband Tod and son Jacob (4). David Lathen Grindle (93C) has been appointed executive director of the United States Institute for Theatre Technology. He and his family will be relocating to the organization’s headquarters in Syracuse, N.Y.

CLASS YEARS are followed by an uppercase or lowercase letter

that indicates the following status: C College graduate G Graduate school alumna/us A Academy graduate H High school graduate c, g Anticipated year of graduation from Berry College a Anticipated year of graduation from academy h Anticipated year of graduation from high school FFS Former faculty and staff FS Current faculty and staff



Daniel K. Murphy Jr. (56H) graduated in May from Liberty University, Lynchburg, Va., with a Bachelor of Science degree in multidisciplinary studies and a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology with a minor in biblical studies.

SEND ALL CLASS NOTES TO: alumni@berry.edu or Alumni Office, P.O. Box 495018, Mount Berry, GA 30149-5018 All class notes are subject to editing due to space limitations. Class notes and death notices in this issue include those received through Aug. 31, 2010.

Colin Thomas William (93C) and Jennifer Marston William (92C) announce the March 27, 2010, birth of son Kai Marston, who joined brother Aidan at the family home in West Lafayette, Ind. Elizabeth Knoerle Barger (94C) and husband John announce the June 18, 2009, birth of daughter Liliya Sakura. The family resides in London, England. James “Josh” Marshall Tucker (95C), an athletic trainer at Shorter University, Rome, was named the Southern States Athletic Conference Athletic Trainer of the Year. Breanna Tison Mead (96C) and husband Mason announce the Aug. 13, 2009, birth of son Andrew Harrison, who joined twin siblings Benjamin and Mary Kathryn (2) at the family home in Rome. Marcus Ray Whitfield (96C) has redeployed to Iraq as the battalion executive officer for 2nd Squadron, 14th U.S. Cavalry Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition Battalion of the 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. Kenna Grant Hart (97C) and husband Eric announce the Aug. 12, 2010, birth of son Mason Sanner, who joined brother Grant (4) and sister Amelia (2) at the family residence in Seattle, Wash. Clifford Allen Lipscomb (98C) and wife Amelia announce the July

29, 2010, birth of daughter Hadassah Frances, who joined brother Thoreau at the family home in Cartersville, Ga. Cliff is director of economic research and runs the Atlanta office for Greenfield Advisors, a Seattle-based real estate consulting firm.

2000s Kelly Barney Blain (00C) and husband Michael announce the March 13, 2010, birth of son Brayden Scott. The family resides in Roxboro, N.C. Jennifer Lynn Elmer (01C) earned a Master of Education degree in English in May 2010 from Georgia State University. She is an English educator for the international baccalaureate program at Campbell High School in Smyrna, Ga. Heather Maddox Hutchins (01C) has been promoted to manager of analysis for Georgia-Pacific LLC, supporting the Dixie manufacturing team both in Atlanta and in the field by providing financial analysis. Justin Christopher Karch (01C, 10G) received a Master of Education degree in middle grades math/social studies from Berry College in May. He works in the Berry College advancement office and is organist for St. Andrew’s Anglican Church and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, both in Rome.

Ryan Dale Thompson (01C) received a Doctor of Psychology degree from George Fox University in April 2010. Lori Pope Todd (01C) and husband Michael announce the April 22, 2010, birth of daughter Peyton Nicole, who joined brother Tyler (3) in the family’s Brunswick, Ga., home. Lori received a master’s degree in secondary education and is teaching science in Brunswick. Joshua Thomas H. Brackett (02C) and Lindsey Payne Brackett (02C) announce the Feb. 19, 2010, birth of daughter Amelia Hope, who joined sisters Madelynne Grace (5) and Annabelle Faith (4) at the family home in Clarkesville, Ga. Lindsey teaches middle school, and Joshua works for Habersham Bancorp. Zachry Adam Caudell (02C) and Dawn Ekema Caudell (03C)

announce the June 27, 2010, birth of son Lincoln Nash, weighing 7 pounds, 14 ounces and measuring 20.5 inches long. Lincoln joined brother Parker at the family home in Grayson, Ga. Matthew Paul Grisham (02C) and Kelly Daly Grisham (03C) announce the July 27, 2010, birth of son Garrett Daly, weighing 7 pounds, 12 ounces. Matthew is a pediatrician, and Kelly is a veterinarian. The family resides in Greenville, S.C. Daniela Bouldin Peele (02C) was recently promoted to proposal manager for InfoPro Corp., a federal and state contractor headquartered in Huntsville, Ala. Canaan George Stevens (02C) and husband Travis announce the June 11, 2010, birth of daughter Georgia Vaill at Flagler Hospital in



As a Ralph George Scholar in Berry’s psychology program, Gillespie experienced the research process firsthand, from developing a project to presenting her results at professional conferences. That experience won her a merit-based graduate assistantship at Middle Tennessee State University and helped her land a job with one of the largest car manufacturers in the world. This May, after completing an internship at Nissan North America, Gillespie was hired as a talent management analyst and is working to help increase employee retention and create training and leadership development programs to support the overall initiatives of Nissan in both North and South America. “My work as a George Scholar directly helped me get into a great grad school, which helped me get my job with Nissan – something that wouldn’t have been possible without a good Berry education,” she declared.

St. Augustine, Fla. Georgia weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. Georgia joined siblings Riley, Luke and Galilee at the family residence in Elkton, Fla. Alison Suzanne Karch (03C) graduated magna cum laude in May 2010 with a juris doctorate from the University of Baltimore School of Law. She is working as a law clerk for the Worcester County Circuit Court in Snow Hill, Md. Nicole Hunter Smith (03C) and husband Matt announce the March 12, 2010, birth of son Owen Draper weighing 8 pounds, 5 ounces and measuring 21 inches long. Owen joined brother Logan Hunter (19 months) at the family home in Mount Pleasant, S.C. Daniel Paul Greear (04C) and Jessica Thompson Greear (02C) announce the July 25, 2010, birth of daughter Annalee Hope weighing 6 pounds, 10 ounces and measuring 18.25 inches long. Annalee joined sister Alison (2) at the family home in McDonough, Ga. Jessica is a teacher with Georgia Cyber Academy, and Daniel is a sales and marketing manager with Carroll Tire Co. Evan Conlon Hopkins (05C) and husband Stephen announce the Aug. 10, 2009, birth of triplets Andrew Helton, Bradley Conlon and Charlotte Nicole. The family resides in Douglasville, Ga. Melanie Blanchard Morris (05C) and Rodney A. Morris were married Aug. 7, 2010, in Alexandria, Va., where they now reside. Melanie works as an independent collections management specialist for the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. Theodore Adriel Goshorn (06C) and Dana Mire Goshorn (07C) announce the May 24, 2010, birth of son Jackson Paul weighing 7 pounds, 15 ounces and measuring 21 inches long. The family resides in Macon, Ga. Frank Robert Petruzielo Jr. (06C) and Robin Smith, both Ph.D. students in physics at Cornell

University, were married July 11, 2010, at Paoli Presbyterian Church near Philadelphia; their reception was held at Brantwyn Estate in Wilmington, Del. Berry alumni in attendance included Andrew David Landis (06C) and best man John Michael Boyea (08C). The couple is planning a honeymoon cruise this winter to escape the cold weather in Ithaca, N.Y. Jessica Garger Presley (06C, 09G) and Shane Presley were married June 26, 2010, in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., and reside in Rome. Shane is enrolled in the radiologic technology program at Georgia Northwestern Tech, and Jessi is a fourth-grade teacher at West Central Elementary School in Rome. Ryan Jackson Simmons (07C) and Helen Thomson Simmons (07C) were married March 13, 2010, in the Berry College Chapel and now reside in Rome. The wedding party included Scrap Sutton Ladson (07C), David Michael Bayne (06C), Kelli Nicole Gay (07C) and Katharine Wright Ladson (07C). Ryan and Helen met in their freshmen seminar class at Berry. They are traveling to Africa this year to film a documentary on the need for clean water. Jonathan David Webster (07C) and Kipling Hopkins Webster (09C) were married Jan. 9, 2010, in Montevallo, Ala. Zachary David Darling (09C) and Shawn Carroll Darling (09C) announce the May 28, 2010, birth of son Aidan Christopher. Zachary is the junior varsity basketball coach at Dunwoody High School in Atlanta, and Shawn is the varsity volleyball coach at Heritage High School in Conyers. The family resides in Decatur. Lindsey Carolyn Mangham (09C) announces the Dec. 12, 2009, birth of son William Nathaniel Hutton weighing 7 pounds, 9 ounces and measuring 18.5 inches long. The family resides in Gray, Ga.



✁ send us your

class notes

Name __________________________________________________Class Year (high school/academy or college) _______________ ( ) E-Mail Address__________________________________________________Phone Number __________________________________

News (marriage, birth, job, retirement, achievements, awards, honors, etc.)_________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To have your news included in Berry magazine, mail to Berry College Alumni Office, P.O. Box 495018, Mount Berry, GA 30149 or submit via e-mail to alumni@berry.edu.



Berry College extends sincere condolences to family and friends of the following alumni and former faculty/staff members. This list includes notices received through Aug. 31, 2010.

Dorothy Hamilton Bell (40c) of Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 26, 2007. Rose Whitten Griffis (40H) of Jefferson, Ga., March 31, 2009. Wilma Threadgill Jones (40C) of Grand Island, Fla., April 16, 2010. Helen Thompson Kirkland (40c) of Dawsonville, Fla., Feb. 17, 2008. Kathryn Robarts Mashburn (40C) of Cumming, Ga., Nov. 13, 2008. James J. Fletcher (41H) of Centennial, Colo., July 11, 2010. Joseph L. Gandy (41H) of Pleasant Grove, Ala., May 25, 2009. Reuel Stafford Clark (42C) of LaGrange, Ga., Aug. 2, 2010. Paul T. Dietz (42H, 46c) of Duluth, Ga., April 24, 2010. Dorothy Aldred Johnson (42C) of Lincoln, R.I., July 15, 2010. Weyman L. Kinney (42H) of Cumming, Ga., June 27, 2009. Thad Pirkle (42C) of Covington, Ga., March 11, 2010. Wynelle Adkins Ward (42H, 46c) of Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 14, 2010. Loyce Daniel Whitson (42C) of Double Springs, Ala., June 21, 2010. John B. Williams (42H) of Locust Grove, Ga., May 13, 2010. Maurine McCauley Adkins (43C) of Snellville, Ga., Feb. 19, 2010. Josephine Martin Brendle (43c) of Kings Mountain, N.C., June 2, 2010. Sara Evelyn Stovall Bullock (44C) of Marietta, Ga., April 13, 2010. Laura McCullough Floyd (44c) of Soddy Daisy, Tenn., April 25, 2010.

1920s Bernice Bice Ross (29H) of Brookville, Ill., Nov. 27, 2009.

1930s Edith Jarrell Vanlandingham (30JC) of Soperton, Ga., Jan. 22, 2010. Margaret Word Lynch (31c) of Winter Haven, Fla., July 10, 2010. Juanita Cohn Logan (33H) of Prattville, Fla., Nov. 7, 2009. Leth Griner Revell (33H) of Tallahassee, Fla., June 30, 2009. Thelma East Page (34H) of Aynor, S.C., July 24, 2009. Crawford A. Phillips (34H, 38C) of Daytona Beach, Fla., Feb. 5, 2010. Sadie Williams Barnes (35H) of Marietta, Ga., April 2, 2010. Margaret Ford Jones (36H) of Lithia Springs, Ga., Jan. 31, 2009. Ralph D. Mosley (37H) of Friendswood, Texas, April 23, 2010. C. Wallace Hawkins (38C) of Dublin, Ga., March 24, 2009. Anne England Kintigh (38H) of Greenwood, S.C., May 18, 2010. Joseph M. Lee (38c) of Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 5, 2010.



Frances Bray Lamb (44C) of Newnan, Ga., July 4, 2010. Dewey E. Large (44c) of Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. 13, 2010. James F. Levie (44H) of San Francisco, Calif., Jan. 8, 2010. Lawrence W. Bandy Sr. (45c) of Armuchee, Ga., July 24, 2010. Harlan A. Beasley (45c) of Las Cruces, N.M., Oct. 25, 2009. Margaret Tison Cummings (45C) of Jacksonville, Fla., May 27, 2010. Katie Barrett Helton (45C) of Murfreesboro, Tenn., Oct. 28, 2009. Norman D. Burkett (46c) of Dalton, Ga., June 17, 2010. Willie Johnson Cooper (47c) of Athens, Ga., Feb. 25, 2010. Beatrice Cloud Freeman (47c) of Norcross, Ga., Dec. 26, 2009. Evelyn Allen Durant (48c) of Lexington, S.C., Feb. 3, 2008. James W. Paul (48H, 52C) of Wrens, Ga., May 17, 2010. Nena Wells Whitley (49H, 53c) of Monroe, Ga., May 22, 2010.

1950s W.O. Hamilton (52C) of LaGrange, Ga., May 13, 2010. Jurell McLean Beal (53C) of Suwanee, Ga., April 13, 2010. Hilton J. Allen (56H) of Helena, Ga., May 7, 2010. Larry I. Chestnut (59C) of Daytona Beach, Fla., Aug. 10, 2010.

1960s Carolyn Gillis Jones (61C) of Soperton, Ga., May 23, 2010. George M. Sharpe (61H) of Lincolnton, N.C., Aug. 11, 2010.

Walter Wayne Peacock (62C) of Eastman, Ga., Aug. 4, 2010. Martha Sue Smith Guiler (63C) of Newnan, Ga., Aug. 8, 2010. John Clayton Nicholson (65C) of Chattanooga, Tenn., Feb. 22, 2010. F. Marie Plunkett (65c) of Summerville, Ga., Jan. 21, 2009. Eugenia Strickland Bryant (68C) of Gainesville, Ga., July 20, 2010. Evelyn Smith White (68C) of Rome, June 14, 2010.

1970s Betty Leachman Shrouder (70c) of Broxton, Ga., Aug. 26, 2010. Peter Marshall Jordan (75A, 85C) of Rome, July 14, 2010. Ann Elisabeth Murray (75A) of Armuchee, Ga., Aug. 22, 2010.

1980s Carl R. Rhinehart (85C) of Rome, Jan. 15, 2010.

Faculty/Staff Thomas J. Boylan (FFS) of Silver Creek, Ga., Aug. 6, 2010.

In Memoriam Mr. Raymond J. Bowen (46H, 50C) died June 21. Bowen served Berry – high school and college – for 38 years and retired in 1990 as assistant professor of industrial technology emeritus. He is survived by wife Ann Smith Bowen, two stepchildren, and three children who attended Berry: Carol Bowen Hatch (76c), Leigh Bowen Kosater (76A, 80c) and Perry Bowen (74A, 81C). His first wife, Betty, died in 2001.

So we’ve heard... From the editors of Berry magazine: Highlights about Berry alumni sometimes come to our attention via the news media – especially when a Berry affiliation is mentioned. When we can, we want to share what we’ve heard with you: The following tidbits came our way over the summer. See any names you know?

“Fork-lorist” Joseph Dabney (49C) was described as the “grand old man of Southern food writing” in an Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) article about his appearance at the Decatur (Ga.) Book Festival. Dabney has followed up his award-winning cookbook, Smokehouse Ham, Spoon Bread, and Scuppernong Wine, with The Food, Folklore, and Art of Lowcountry Cooking. The AJC also reported that former Berry All-American golfer Samuel del Val (10C) used a putting tip from former teammate Jarod Trammell (08C) to card a wire-to-wire victory – with four rounds in the 60s – at the Ziplocal Georgia Open. The appearance of another former Viking – baseball outfielder Palmer Karr (07C) – in the American Association All-Star Game was announced on RomeNewswire.com (among other media outlets). Palmer plays for the Shreveport-Bossier Captains and assisted the South Division in its 12-3 All-Star victory over the North. Leigh Patterson (86C) is the first woman to be named District Attorney of the Year in Georgia. According to the Rome NewsTribune, one of her outstanding accomplishments was winning a murder case without a body; another was successfully prosecuting a man and woman for the grisly murder of the woman’s husband. Patterson has been district attorney in Floyd County since 2003. Debbie Rivituso Brilling’s (81C) appointment to the State Board of Hearing Aid Dealers and Dispensers was announced by Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue. Brilling is CEO of Auditory-Verbal Center Inc. and also serves as a member of the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Stakeholders Committee of the Georgia Department of Community Health. Gov. Perdue also announced the appointment of Alice P. Clements (05G) to the Professional Standards Commission, which oversees ethical issues involving the state’s public school teachers. Clements is a third-grade teacher at Darlington School in Rome. The chattanoogan.com website listed Thomas R. Pope (04C) as a new assistant professor of political science in the Lee University Department of History and Political Science, while the Macon Telegraph reported that Willis Jones (80C) is the new principal of Bonaire Elementary School in Macon, Ga. Coosavalleynews.com

announced Jim Williams’ (71C) appointment as head of the new women’s basketball program at Georgia Northwestern Technical College. Other alumni career moves in the news include the naming of Jesse Demonbreun (08C) as the new Cedartown (Ga.) Unit Director for the Boys and Girl Clubs of Northwest Georgia, as reported by the Cedartown Standard, and the appointment of Tina Culver Kinsey (92C) as the director of marketing and public relations for the Asheville (N.C.) Regional Airport Authority, which was announced in the Asheville Citizen-Times. Last but not least, the Times-Journal (DeKalb County, Ga.) heralded the induction of former Marietta High School boys’ basketball head coach Charlie Hood (69C) into the Georgia Athletic Coaches Association Hall of Fame.

AlumniAuthors Berry magazine has been notified about the following new alumni-authored books since our last listing. Congratulations!

■ Wayne Hunt (67C), Zack’s Turnips Lessons: Ideally Positive, Xlibris Corp., 2009, www.waynehunt.us.

■ Dr. Mary Ellen Pethel (01G) and Berry Chair of Fine Arts Dr. Stan Pethel, Piano Hymns for Dummies, Hal Leonard Corp., July 2010, www.halleonard.com. If you have a newly published book (2009-10) you’d like us to include, please send your name and class year, book title, publisher, publication date, and a Web address for a synopsis and/or order information to krogers@berry.edu with a subject line of “Berry Alumni Authors.”



Mounta all ages



all fun

all out

in Day a good time was had

by all...

And we do mean ALL – at Berry’s 96th Mountain Day celebration. The focal point of the event, the Oct. 2 picnic and Grand March, drew the largest crowd in its history, with more than 7,000 alumni, students, parents and friends gathering on the slopes of Lavender Mountain. More than 450 others “tuned in” remotely thanks to Virtual Mountain Day, a special website featuring streaming video of the Grand March as well as a live chat. Another record crowd – more than 3,000 – turned out that night for the sixth-annual Marthapalooza carnival in the Clara Bowl. Other highlights of the weekend included convocation remarks by Callie McGinnis Starnes (07C), now a news anchor for the NBC affiliate in Chattanooga, and the third-annual Mega Reunion, which drew approximately 250 guests representing 10 different academy and college classes to the grounds at Oak Hill. Visit www.berry.edu/AroundBerry/oct52010/ for more

photography by Alan Storey and student Kayla Sanner

photos and video of this year’s event, and don’t forget to mark your calendars for the next observance of the most unique homecoming celebration in America – Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 2011.

all Berry BERRY MAGAZINE • WINTER 2010-11




MEMORY AND HONOR GIFTS Special thanks go out for the following gifts to Berry, which were specifically designated in memory or honor of an individual. Honor and memory gifts can be made by noting your intentions and the name of the person recognized at the time you make the gift. Note: Memory gifts have been designated to scholarship funds named for the honoree unless otherwise specified by the donor. MEMORY GIFTS April 1, 2010 – Aug. 31, 2010

Mr. Hilton J. Allen Mrs. Barbara Pickle McCollum Mr. Lindsey C. Altman Mrs. Faye H. Fron Mrs. Betty Brown Madden Mr. Charles J. Arnold Mr. H. Wayne Stevenson Mr. G.W. Barton Dr. Mary Elizabeth Outlaw Mrs. Lois Faison Boyette Mr. and Mrs. James H. Faison Mr. Thomas J. Boylan Ms. Starr Wright Boylan Mr. and Mrs. L. Pete Sailors Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Trammell Mr. and Mrs. Ranford R. Wright Mrs. Virginia Boylan Mr. and Mrs. Dan U. Biggers Mrs. Louise Paul Brown Dr. Horace D. Brown Mr. R. Stafford Clark Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ray Traynham Mr. Rembert L. Cornelison Mrs. Virginia Allen Cornelison Dr. Garland M. Dickey Mr. Charles W. Harris Sr. Mrs. Evelyn Allen Durant Ms. Donna D. Suhrstedt Mr. James R. Fletcher Mr. Timothy R. Howard Mrs. Sandra Gresham Frost Mr. W. Leon Frost Dr. Thomas W. Gandy Mrs. Theodora Nettles Gandy Ms. Ruth Lois Glover Dr. Jeanette Justice Fleming Mr. Thomas C. Glover Dr. Jeanette Justice Fleming Dr. Larry A. Green Mrs. Susan Lee Hauser Mr. Hugh Eugene Harkness Ms. Eileen H. Barber Mr. L. Johnson Head Mr. Maurice B. Thompson Mr. Jimmy E. Hinton Mrs. Velma Mitchell Hinton Mr. Ellis K. Hite Mrs. Jessie Hamrick Hite-Harkins Mr. Jake Ivey Mr. Peter N. Henriksen Mrs. Carolyn Gillis Jones Mr. and Mrs. Cecil M. Carney Mr. Dewey E. Large Mrs. Frances Denney Barnett Dr. Ouida W. Dickey Mr. William A. Legant Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerry Noles Mr. Reese M. Ripatti Ms. Mary Catherine Surface Lt. Cmdr. Jack C. Tarwater Mrs. Lenore Wyatt Lipscomb Mr. Maurice B. Thompson Mr. Marvin Madden Mrs. Betty Brown Madden Mr. Kenneth L. Parker Sr. Mrs. Allison Parker Hill Mr. Walter Wayne Peacock Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm W. Quick Dr. and Mrs. Walter O. Pendley Mrs. Emma Fears O’Neal



Mr. Charles R. Poe Mr. Billy R. Blocker Sr. Mrs. Mildred Moore Pringle Mr. Timothy R. Howard Mr. Bryan A. Rainey Dr. Roger Clinton Tutterow Mrs. Catherine Masters Rexin Ms. Janet Lorraine Jerkins Integration Technologies Group Inc. King’s Jewelry Mr. Herschel V. Shirley Jr. Dr. Joan F. Clark Ms. Kathryn S. Swink Mrs. Thelma York Morris Mrs. Grace Lipscomb Thompson Mr. Maurice B. Thompson Mrs. Elbia K. Tutterow Dr. Roger Clinton Tutterow Mrs. Lila Gladin Underwood Mr. Carroll C. Underwood Mrs. Doris Waters Dr. and Mrs. David L. Downing Mr. Earl W. Williams Mr. Richard C. Williams Mr. Paul Renee Willis Mr. Jack Burks Allen

HONOR GIFTS April 1, 2010 – Aug. 31, 2010 Dr. Earnest Dwight Adams Mr. Jack A. Jones and Mrs. Katherine Armitage Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Adams Ms. Margie A. Adams Dr. Quincey L. Baird Mr. Jack A. Jones and Mrs. Katherine Armitage Ms. Julie A. Bumpus Mr. Bryan Clay McGonagill Dr. and Mrs. N. Gordon Carper Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Riley Mrs. Glenda York Cook Mrs. Thelma York Morris Mr. and Mrs. W. Lamar Cook Mrs. Thelma York Morris Dr. C. Dewey Cooper Mr. Jack A. Jones and Mrs. Katherine Armitage Ms. Wendy Erin Dahlgren Dr. Thomas W. Carver Dr. Ouida W. Dickey Mr. Charles W. Harris Sr. Mrs. Carolyn York Grantham Mrs. Thelma York Morris Mr. and Mrs. William L. Grantham Mrs. Thelma York Morris Mr. Ryan Lee Harrison Dr. Thomas W. Carver Mrs. Jordan Nicole Hassell Dr. Thomas W. Carver Mr. Peter N. Henriksen Mr. Jack A. Jones and Mrs. Katherine Armitage Mr. Walter Buford Jennings Mr. Jack A. Jones and Mrs. Katherine Armitage Mr. Brett Everett Kennedy Dr. Thomas W. Carver Dr. Peter A. Lawler Mr. Jeffrey Douglas Horn Mr. Brandon Shantelle Lay Dr. Thomas W. Carver

Mr. John R. Lipscomb Mr. Maurice B. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. J. Herndon Martin Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Patterson Mrs. Laura Barbarito Miller Dr. Thomas W. Carver Mr. Mark Payne Mr. Jack A. Jones and Mrs. Katherine Armitage Dr. James R. Scoggins Mr. Jack A. Jones and Mrs. Katherine Armitage Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Seeger Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Martin McElyea Mr. Timothy H. Tarpley Dr. Thomas W. Carver Mr. J. Ronald Thornton Mr. Jack A. Jones and Mrs. Katherine Armitage Mr. Matthew Ira Warren Dr. Thomas W. Carver Ms. Allison M. Watts Dr. Thomas W. Carver Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Whaley Mr. Roger J. Sundy

NAMED SCHOLARSHIPS April 1, 2010 – Aug. 31, 2010 Frank and Kathryn Adams Endowed Scholarship Dr. Christina G. Bucher Dr. Sandra L. Meek Mr. Michael F. Mejia Dr. James H. Watkins Dr. Lara B. Whelan African-American Alumni Chapter Expendable Scholarship Mrs. Stacey Jones Spillers Mrs. Chrystal Murray Robinson Agriculture Alumni Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. William N. Clackum Pat Alderman Scholarship Mrs. Pat Alderman Leo W. Anglin Memorial Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Wade A. Carpenter Mrs. Kathy R. Gann Dr. Karen A. Kurz Dr. Jacqueline Macy McDowell Perry Anthony Memorial Scholarship Mrs. Emily Anthony Mullis Bank of America GFIC Scholarship Georgia Foundation for Independent Colleges Inc. Baxter Family Expendable Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wayne Baxter Sr. Betty Ann Rouse Bell Endowed Scholarship Anonymous Berry College Class of 1958 Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hunt Mr. Walter Buford Jennings Mr. Edward Swartz Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ray Traynham Norfolk Southern Foundation John R. and Annabel Hodges Bertrand Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. David M. Williams Dan Biggers Distinguished Actor Award Shannon W. Biggers W.S. Black Conservation Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Owen L. Riley Sr.

Bonner Scholars Program Endowment NSDAR Raymond J. Bowen Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Dan U. Biggers Mr. and Mrs. A. Milton Chambers Ms. Susan A. Chambers Dr. Ouida W. Dickey Mr. and Mrs. Norris Gamble Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Hauser Dr. and Mrs. Dwight Kinzer Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Kosater Mrs. Rose E. Kosater Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Brindsley McCann Mr. and Mrs. James A. Owens Mr. and Mrs. H. Haskell Perry Mr. William D. Sparks Mrs. Jo Ellen Foss Strain James Madison Institute 707th AAA Gun Battalion Joshua Bradshaw-Whittemore Memorial Mr. Richard N. Bass Mr. and Mrs. Robert Honeycutt Wanda Lou Bumpus Endowed Scholarship Ms. Julie A. Bumpus David R. Burnette Agriculture Scholarship Ms. Sandra Beck Allen Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Fite Mr. J. Lewis Hamrick Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Kelly Mr. John C. Kemp Mr. Leach Delano Richards Sr. Mrs. Dorothy Woodard Sills Mrs. Jean W. Stroud Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sumner Mr. Jerry L. Swilling Dr. N. Gordon Carper Endowed Scholarship Dr. Jonathan M. Atkins Mr. Todd Warren Carper Mr. and Mrs. G. Bert Clark Jr. Microsoft Corp. A. Milton and Jo Ann Chambers Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. William M. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. William Ebbert Evans Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Seeger Cathy and Bert Clark Endowed Study Abroad Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. G. Bert Clark Jr. Gene B. and Jean E. Clark Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Jean Etherton Clark Class of 1936C Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Catherine M. McDonald Class of 1943C Scholarship Mrs. Myrtle Joiner Lawhon Class of 1948C Endowed Scholarship Ms. Sue Day The Hon. Paul E. Smith Class of 1950C Reunion Fund Mrs. Laura Pollard Babb Mrs. Dorothy Knight Brooke Dr. Perry L. Little Mrs. Louise Fouts Maxwell Mrs. Faye Hardy McLeroy Chevron Corp. Class of 1951C Memorial Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Elizabeth Williams Selman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nathan Smelley Mrs. Sybil Pyle Still

Class of 1954C Endowed Scholarship Mr. B. Leon Elder Class of 1957C Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Larry Eidson Mrs. Sharlene Kinser Stephens Class of 1960C Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Mr. Cecil T. Brinkley Mrs. Joanne Chance Calub Mr. Lewis R. Copeland Mr. and Mrs. LeBron J. Holden Mr. and Mrs. R. Lamar Pless Mrs. Ann Nichols Pope Mr. and Mrs. W. Cleveland Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sowell AGL Resources Inc. Class of 1961 Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Alton H. Christopher Mrs. Nancy Jones Cyr Mrs. Marlene Cloud Free Mrs. Elaine Overman Harris Class of 1965C Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Drs. J. Stanley and Wanda Aldridge Mr. and Mrs. William H. Banks Mr. Jimmy F. Finney Mrs. Kay West Horner Dr. and Mrs. E. Jackson Riner Mrs. Janelle Cato Sabourin Mrs. Patsy Kirkland Savage Mrs. Helen Harrison Whitfield Class of 1985C Reunion Fund Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee Jennings Class of 1995C Reunion Fund Francine Quigley Hett Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Tate Class of 1953H in Memory of StaleyLoveday Mr. C.F. Green Mr. James Harold Stamey Mr. Roger J. Sundy George W. Cofield Memorial Scholarship Fund Ms. Patricia Almeida Ms. Karen E. Amedeo Ms. Jean Aronson Ms. Ann M. Cofield Ms. Shannon L. Cofield Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Paul Defrancesco Ms. Mary Drake Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Susan Cofield Horn Jr. Ms. Margaret A. Otzel Mr. and Mrs. Keith T. Romano Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sasso Mr. and Mrs. Pawel Skudlarski Ms. Theresa A. Strack Mr. and Mrs. Michael Teixeira Mr. and Mrs. David C. Whitmore Jr. Equicare LLC Pfizer Inc. Hetty McEwen Coleman Scholarship Warren Coleman Fund Richard V. and Nancy Concilio Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Richard V. Concilio Christa de Berdt International Programs Scholarship Mrs. Jennifer Cook Trudrung De Berdt-Naidenko Award Mr. and Mrs. G. Bert Clark Jr. Earl H. and Karleen Douglas DeVane Scholarship Mr. Earl H. DeVane Edward Gray and Doris Cook Dickey Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Anne Cook Neal Garland Dickey Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Jessie L. Nolen Jessiruth Smith Doss Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. William Ebbert Evans

B. Leon Elder Endowed Scholarship Mr. B. Leon Elder J. Mitchell and Cleone Elrod Expendable Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell Elrod Jr. Ralph E. Farmer Accounting Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerry Noles Ray F. Faulkenberry Expendable Scholarship Mrs. Roslyn Glosson Faulkenberry Ruby and Clifton Fite Endowed Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. J. David Fite Dr. and Mrs. John Donald Fite Mr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Whitmire Jimmy R. Fletcher Memorial Endowed Scholarship Anonymous Mr. Larry B. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Anderson Mr. Franklin Thomas Butler Mr. Robert T. Campbell Mr. William L. Cooper Mr. Dale D. Cummings Mrs. Susan Beckham Daniel Mr. Charles P. Downey Mr. Lamar W. Fletcher The Estate of James R. Fletcher Mr. Dean Fryer Mr. Roger W. Harris Mr. William L. Harrison Master Sgt. Marvin L. Holeyfield Mr. Millard G. Laney Mr. Don R. Leachman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Senger Mr. Roark Summerford Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Whyte Whitaker IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Williams Dr. and Mrs. David O. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mark Woody George Gaddie Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Cherrie D. Shaw Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Ms. N. Helen Baker Mr. John L. Brock Mr. and Mrs. James E. Campbell Mrs. Johnnie Mae Smith Curry Mrs. Rebecca Underwood Sewell Georgia DAR Student Teaching Award NSDAR Judy Lane Gilbert Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Judy Lane Gilbert Memorial Foundation Ed and Gayle Graviett Gmyrek Scholarship Mrs. Gayle Graviett Gmyrek Jorge and Ondina Gonzalez Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Ondina Santos Gonzalez Larry A. Green Memorial Scholarship Dr. Janna S. Johnson Lyn Gresham Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Fite Mr. Larry H. Osborn Mr. Larry Bernarr Webb Hamrick Family/Aunt Martha Freeman Scholarship Dr. Karen A. Kurz Heneisen Service Award Ms. Mary Elizabeth Tyler Ms. Cathleen Ann Henriksen Memorial Scholarship Dr. Emmaline Beard Henriksen Dr. Peter Henriksen History Scholarship Dr. Jonathan M. Atkins Mr. Todd Warren Carper Microsoft Corp. Lewis A. Hopkins Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hawkins Becky Musser Hosea Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Musser

Indonesian Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Ted A. Owens Emily T. Ingram Endowed Scholarship Emily Thomason Ingram H.I. Jones Endowed Agriculture Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. William Ebbert Evans Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerry Noles Amy Jo Johnson Scholarship Mr. Richard Allen Lester Joseph R. Jones Endowed Spanish Scholarship Dr. Lucia I. Llorente Kappa Delta Pi Endowed Award Dr. Mary C. Clement Dr. Mary Elizabeth Outlaw Clay Kenemer Memorial Scholarship Carpet Capital Alumni Chapter Peter A. Lawler Endowed Scholarship Ms. Carol S. LaBarre Mrs. Diane M. Land Dr. Peter A. Lawler Dr. Michael B. Papazian Fred H. Loveday Endowed Scholarship Anonymous Mr. Hollis Clayton Anglin Mr. Robert Lance Hutchins Georgia Power Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Lusby III Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Lusby III Frazier & Deeter Foundation Ross Magoulas Endowed Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Harlan Chapman Ms. Cleo M. Collins Mr. Ross A. Magoulas Mr. and Mrs. George J. Moskos Sr. Ms. Cecily J. Nall Mr. Wiley C. Owen Dekle Appliance Edith and Harold McDaniel Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. A. Milton Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Durant Gray Eagles Association Mew Fellowship in Painting Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mew III Linda Mills Memorial Endowed Scholarship Ms. Ronda Lynn Mills Mrs. Reagan Lynice Mills-Biwott Graden Mullis Endowed Education Scholarship Mrs. Donna Gaylor Mr. Barry D. Mullis Mrs. Emily Anthony Mullis Bank of America Foundation – Charlotte, N.C. Music Scholarship Mrs. Ruth P. Baker Mr. Everette L. Bass Dr. John E. Davis Dr. Glenn Rafael Garrido Mary and Al Nadassy English Scholarship Dr. Christina G. Bucher Dr. Sandra L. Meek Mr. Michael F. Mejia Dr. James H. Watkins Dr. Lara B. Whelan National Philanthropic Trust AfricanAmerican Scholarship National Philanthropic Trust NSDAR Scholarship NSDAR Sleeping Ute Mountain Chapter DAR James L. Paul Jr. Memorial Scholarship Mrs. Violet Paul Dr. Bob Pearson Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Neal Bernard and Doris Rowland Expendable Scholarship Mrs. Doris Rowland Dr. R. Melvin and Sarah E. Rozar Endowed Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. R. Melvin Rozar

Ann Russell Memorial Scholarship Mrs. Kathleen Robinson Ray Vesta Salmon Service Scholarship Mrs. Angela P. Reynolds Gordon and Mattie Schneider Endowed Scholarship Miss Marlene S. Schneider Michele Norman Sims Endowed Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daniel Price Hamilton/Smith Scholarship Ms. Evelyn L. Hamilton Ms. Debbie E. Heida Ms. Juanita Scurry Mrs. Beverly Ann Smith Mary Alta Sproull Endowed Math Scholarship Mrs. Jim Ann Stewart Robert Earl Stafford Scholarship Myra Stafford Pryor Charitable Trust Sara E. Stafford Scholarship Myra Stafford Pryor Charitable Trust Stephens-Riley Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Owen L. Riley Sr. William B. Stokely Jr. Scholarship The William B. Stokely Jr. Foundation Student Scholarships Anonymous Mr. Derek Shawn Anderson Ms. Brandy Shalaine Cannon Ms. Kristen Alise Cole Mr. James Edward Colvin Mrs. Amanda Castleberry Deming Mrs. Louise Jennings Fair Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Alan Hodges Mrs. Carey D. Hunter Dr. Christine J. Jennings Mr. Timothy Eaves Margrave Mr. Aubrine A. Nichols Mrs. Amanda Mullis White Mr. David Nicholas Yohan British Motor Car Club Fred J. Tharpe Endowed Scholarship Mr. Fred J. Tharpe Time Warner Inc. Michael and Elizabeth Thompson Expendable Scholarship Mr. Michael Willis Thompson Rex Thompson/Rufus Baird Scholarship Dr. Quincey L. Baird Tibbals/Zellars Gate of Opportunity Expendable Scholarship John Zellars Jr. Foundation Troy/Gardner Endowed Award – Art History Dr. Virginia G. Troy Walstad Gate of Opportunity Scholarship Mrs. Marti Walstad Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholarship Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Jeff Wingo Memorial Scholarship Mrs. Elizabeth Collins Earnst Dr. Janna S. Johnson Mrs. Kathryn M. Wingo Clarence and Marie Witt Expendable Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Edward Witt Craig Allen Wofford Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Elaine Sexton Foster Janice Bracken Wright Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Virginia C. Barron Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Wright III Yoda Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Koji Yoda




B ERRY magazine P.O. Box 495018 Mount Berry, GA 30149-5018

Firsthand or First Fin? Students taking Coral Reef Ecology with Dr. Bill Davin take their education to new heights (or is that depths?) in Roatan, Honduras. BILL DAVIN

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