Foods High in Antioxidants

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Foods High in Antioxidants Unfortunately, many of these fruits and vegetables do not withstand the high temperature manufacturing process - which robs them of most of their health benefits before we even eat them. Fruit and vegetable juices - Determination of soluble solids content using the refractometric method; 2000. The study showed a clear effect of the method of juice extraction on TPC and AA. The highest TPC was obtained in juice obtained with the piston press from crushed fruits subjected to enzymatic treatment at 45°C. Similarly, lower AA was observed after application of the enzymatic treatment of Piłat and Zadernowski 28 when extracting juice from cranberries. The highest AA value was found in juices from whole fruits subjected to enzymatic treatment at 25°C and the lowest AA value was found in juices from shredded fruits subjected to enzymatic treatment at 45°C. Fig. 7. total phenol content (TPC) in pasteurised and non-pasteurised juice obtained with the piston press from enzymatically treated fruit. The results regarding the positive effect of enzymatic treatment on the increased polyphenol content in juices are in line with the results of other studies. Phenolic substances contained in the fruit are mainly found in the fruit peel and its immediate surroundings; therefore, the higher concentration of solid substances in the juice, mainly from the peel, may be reflected in a higher content of phenolic substances. Therefore, the primary objective of the present study of ​antioxidant foods​ was to determine the influence of process conditions on extraction efficiency, total amount of released polyphenols and antioxidant activity (AA).

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