Evaluation of the self-employment for Gecekondu women project

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Middle to low income women with better

meetings and during credit disbursement

education and income levels than those in

and collection.

absolute poverty also became eligible for microcredit since it was felt that they have


and in May the number of women who

motivated to start their own businesses.

obtained credit had reached 90.

The Self employment for Gecekondu the other existing activities of the

microentrepreneurs was finalised. A proposal

Foundation, and meetings were organised

was submitted to UNDP for funds for

with women who benefit from the



The media’s interest in the Project and

natural food centre, the handcrafts centre,

in FSWW has continued, with the benefit

the toy making and sewing courses. The

of creating public awareness on

number of applicants increased as a result

self-employment and microcredit. The

of these meetings.

Project has appeared many times on public and private TV and radio channels,

Meetings continued to be organised with

and in magazines which has resulted in an

the private sector in order to identify the

increase in applications for credit inside

services and goods they demand in order

and outside Istanbul.

about the market.


Documents continued to be collected, and the outline of The handbook for women

to provide women with more information



women Project became well connected to

childcare centres, the women’s rooms, the


More than 200 women applied for credit,

clearer business ideas and are more

Gecekondu children Project through the




Meetings were held with governmental agencies and projects in order to increase

Stalls in the neighbourhood markets were

the credit fund of the Project and the

acquired in order to increase marketing

possibility of implementing the Project

facilities for the women.

outside Istanbul.

The previous year’s draft training programme


For the continuation of the Project a search

was improved with the inclusion of new

for funds started, and new project proposals

issues demanded by the women.

based on the experiences of the pilot project, were submitted to the EU and UNDP. As a

Training activities and exchange of

result, FSWW was among four NGOs selected

information and experience between the

to implement the UNDP’s Micro-Start

participants continued through monthly

Programme in Turkey.

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