Live Love and Eat

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Live Love and Eat

ISSUE 95 JANUARY 2024/ ISSN 2689-7741

Heal t h | Wellbeing| Nutrition

HOW TO BUILD MORE CONFIDENCE IN 2024 Setting Boundaries for Self-Love and Empowerment

Maternal Health Time for a change

EMBRACING THE NEW YEAR WITH GRACE: A JOURNEY OF RENEWAL AND RESILENCE Ring in 2024 with Jenn’s top 3 tips for lifestyle change Three Tools to Help you Stay in Possibility and Hope the New Year

Welcoming the New Year what our Horoscopes reveal about New Beginnings

Women and Protein: The Importance of Protein in your diet

Monthly Inspiration for 2024

What to do if you’re physically recovered but not mentally recovered?




















EDITOR’S NOTE NEW STORIES, NEW WRITERS As we step into January, it's with a sense of renewed energy and anticipation for the possibilities that the new year holds. The past year has been a journey of resilience, growth, and collective strength, and we're excited to embark on a fresh chapter together. In this edition, we're focusing on themes that resonate with the spirit of new beginnings. From health and wellness tips to cultivating a positive mindset, our goal is to inspire and empower you as you navigate the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. As we dive into 2024, let's embrace the potential for transformation and self-discovery. This is a time to set intentions, foster meaningful connections, and pursue the activities that bring us joy and fulfillment. We invite you to explore the articles, features, and insights we've curated for you this month. From expert advice on well-being to stories of triumph and resilience, our content is designed to support and uplift you on your journey. Thank you for being a valued part of our community. Your engagement, feedback, and shared stories make Live Love and Eat a vibrant and enriching space. Here's to a January filled with purpose, positivity, and the pursuit of our best selves. Wishing you a wonderful start to the year!

Bernadine Otto


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4497 Wyndtree Drive , West Chester 45069 513 275 8081 |

Bernadine Otto

Jace Jacobs

Managing Editor Weight loss coach

Author/Happy Mindset Poet

Judy Brown

Victoria Kleinsman

Health and Wellness coach

Food Freedom Body Love Coach

Kim Klein

Dr. Danielle Litoff

Life Coach, Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, and author.

Doctor of Physical Therapy and Health Coach

Sherry Parks

Linda Watson

Money Mindset Coach

Astrologer & Soul Guide

Jennifer Millard-Schmitz MS, LPC

Ingrid Harm-Ernandes

Mental Health Therapist & Empowerment Expert

Pelvic physical therapist/Author

Copyright © 2024 Bernadine Otto. All rights reserved. Published by Live Love and Eat

NEW YEAR New Year’s Eve is when all the fun and festive are. We see out the old year and ring in the new. Enjoy everything about New Year’s .. it only comes once a year.

NATIONAL SPAGHETTI DAY On the 4th of January is national spaghetti Day. Grab a big bowl. fill it with spaghetti, top it with a generous helping of your favorite sauce, and dig in. Don't forget the meatballs and parmesan cheese!

CUDDLE UP DAY It is an opportunity to snuggle up to someone on a cold winter's day or night. Chances are it is cold outside, so cozy up to a special someone and enjoy the warmth and love. This day is enjoyed by both young and old.


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HEALTH AND WELLNESS TIPS Revitalize Your Well-being: Health and Wellness Tips for the New Year

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, there's no better time to prioritize your health and well-being. Embrace the opportunity for a fresh start, a chance to cultivate habits that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Here are some tips to guide you on your journey to a healthier, happier you in the coming year: Prioritize Sleep: Quality sleep is the foundation of good health. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to allow your body and mind to rejuvenate. Establish a calming bedtime routine and create a sleep-conducive environment for a restful night's sleep. Hydrate Mindfully: Stay hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day. Opt for herbal teas or infused water to make hydration more enjoyable. Proper hydration supports digestion, skin health, and overall vitality. Nourish Your Body: Fuel your body with nutrient-dense, whole foods. Incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your meals. Consider trying new recipes to keep your meals exciting and satisfying.

Move Every Day: Physical activity is key to maintaining a healthy body and mind. Find activities you enjoy, whether it's a brisk walk, yoga, cycling, or dancing. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. Practice Mindful Eating: Pay attention to what and how you eat. Slow down, savor each bite, and listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Mindful eating promotes healthier food choices and can prevent overeating.

Manage Stress: Prioritize stress management techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness. Consider activities like reading, listening to music, or spending time in nature to help alleviate stress. Cultivate Healthy Habits: Set realistic and achievable health goals. Whether it's drinking more water, incorporating daily stretching, or reducing screen time before bed, small, consistent changes can lead to long-term improvements.

Prioritize Mental Health: Give your mental health the attention it deserves. Connect with loved ones, seek support when needed, and practice self-compassion. Taking care of your mental well-being is an integral part of overall health. Schedule Regular Check-ups: Don't neglect preventive health measures. Schedule regular check-ups, screenings, and vaccinations. Early detection and preventive care are crucial for maintaining longterm health. Disconnect to Reconnect: Set boundaries for screen time and take regular breaks from technology. Use this time to connect with loved ones face-to-face, engage in hobbies, or simply enjoy the present moment. Remember, the journey to better health is a gradual process. Be patient with yourself, celebrate your successes, and stay committed to your well-being. Here's to a healthier and happier new year filled with positive habits and renewed vitality! Wishing you wellness and joy in the coming year,

Setting Boundaries for SelfLove and Empowerment Written By Kim Klein

I didn’t know what boundaries were when I was younger. I never had them. Boundaries were an unfamiliar territory for me. I did what I thought others expected of me, or what would make them happy. I wanted to please them, even to my displeasure. That was what I knew to do — be kind, smile, be polite, and go along with the plan if you don’t have anything nice to say — don’t say anything at all, be happy with what you’ve got, don’t rock the boat, wear some makeup (you want to look pretty, don’t you?) follow the rules. I could continue this list ad infinitum — but I think you get the idea. The revelation that boundaries serve to articulate how I wish to be treated and to define my life was a game-changer. However, implementing them proved to be a bit of a challenge. We often don't set boundaries because we're afraid of losing the love or approval of others. We don't want them to dislike us or think less of us if we say no, ask for something different, or assert ourselves more than usual. We don’t like conflict; we don’t like confrontation. But without boundaries, we can feel depleted, taken advantage of, taken for granted or intruded upon. Poor boundaries may lead to resentment, hurt, anger, and burnout. Then, I stumbled upon a quote that really stuck with me: "The only people who get upset when you set boundaries are those who benefit from you having none." This profound statement was like having ice water splashed on my face and served as a wakeup call, making me reconsider whether those individuals truly had my best interests at heart. I realized that setting boundaries was a form of selflove, a necessary part of my self-care.

Boundaries can be considered our non-negotiables, determining how we allow others to treat us, speak to us, care for us, and act around us and others. For example, Maya Angelou set a boundary that she would not allow anyone to speak negatively about anyone else in her home. And if anything rude, cruel, or hateful was said, she would tell them “Take it all out of my house!” And they would. In essence, boundaries define both who we are and who we are not. But what can happen, is that in our desire to be accepted and loved, we sometimes compromise our boundaries, drawing them with chalk lines instead of permanent markers. And when you have chalk lines, they can be easy to erase whenever we feel uncomfortable, pressured, or those old fears set in. And here’s another problem: when we don't stick to our own boundaries, we end up putting up with things that go against our true selves, our values, and what we stand for. Then, the resentment kicks in, not towards the person or situation we bent our boundaries for, but towards ourselves. We let someone else take the reins, and we didn’t stand up for what we knew was right.

When you look back at moments when you were feeling off, mad at yourself, or resentful, a lot of the time you will see it was because your boundaries were not enforced, or they were compromised.

Perhaps we failed to speak our minds, allowed someone to speak poorly, acted out of character, did something against our inner convictions, or felt exploited by friends, family, or colleagues. These scenarios indicate that we need boundary setting.

But how do we begin the process of setting boundaries? Start by saying no to something minor, but something that still matters to you. Don't give in to the pressure. Whether declining an invitation to an event, refusing a favor or errand when your time or energy is limited, or rejecting a task you know you'll later resent, these small steps build confidence and empower you to establish boundaries where they are most needed. While it’s easy to worry about others' opinions, let me again share the wisdom of this quote with you: "The only people who get upset when you set boundaries are those who benefit from you having none." Once you understand that setting boundaries has nothing to do with them, and everything to do with you, your well-being, and autonomy, boundaries become easier to embrace.

Kim Klein is a Life Coach, Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, and author. She is the founder of Kim Klein Life Coaching and Wabi-Sabi Women and is the author of Damn, the Pusherman ~ Sugar, The Legal Drug that is Keeping You Sick and Fat, and Nine Degrees North, a young adult fiction novel.


Happy New Year! This is usually the time we think about resolutions and strive for an optimistic attitude about how we are going to make this year better than the last. My suggestion is to look forward with anticipation and list the ways in which we can manifest positive changes and abundance in our lives.

Happy New Year! This is usually the time we think about resolutions and strive for an optimistic attitude about how we are going to make this year better than the last. My suggestion is to look forward with anticipation and list the ways in which we can manifest positive changes and abundance in our lives. On January 11, 2024, the first New Moon of the year will appear in the sign of Capricorn. A New Moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon are in complete alignment with each other in the same sign. It is always an indicator of a new cycle and where you will begin some type of new development in your life. The New Moon is letting us know that it is time for new beginnings and for planting the seeds for our future dreams. We envision what we would like our life to look like by creating unique possibilities and prospects to work towards. There is a strong desire for fresh ideas and opportunities so that we can start all over in a different way. This Capricorn New Moon wants us to make a plan of action. Capricorn provides us with structure, ambition and perseverance to be able to attain any goal that we set our sights on. He gives us the skills to survive and the stamina to march through any challenges, trusting in our own abilities to do what we must to prepare and not give up. This is where we begin to lay the groundwork for the future. The key to being successful with this energy is awareness and being completely clear about your intentions. Once you have harnessed what is important, incorporate those plans and objectives into your life. Sometimes what comes through in your horoscope is something that you may not have thought of yet, but triggers new thoughts and ideas for moving forward. Remember this New Moon will maximize the ability to manifest your intentions over the next 12 months. You may find it helpful to read the information for both your sun sign and your rising sign. Linda Watson is the owner and creator of Soul Guide Astrology providing birth chart and solar return (birthday/yearly) chart consultations. An astrology reading can provide you with a truer sense of who you are and what you need, helping you to navigate both challenges and opportunities and feel more empowered to live life to the fullest. She also offers coaching sessions in combination with what is learned in the birth or yearly charts to help guide you in developing realistic goals and life plans to get you moving toward your best life. Linda is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers and is a Board Certified Holistic Health Coach. Schedule your consultation by visiting her website at, or contacting her at You can find her on Instagram at @soulguideastrology.

JANUARY 2024 NEW MOON HOROSCOPE ARIES - March 21 – April 19 This is an important New Moon for you. It is highlighting your professional aspirations, your status, and your leadership. Your soul is asking how it can leave its mark on the world. This energy has you planning and reflecting on the changes you want to make in this area. It is a year to achieve advancement and recognition in your career. So focus on your future and shine your light on your professional path. Speak up and get acknowledged for the work you’ve been doing, perform to the best of your abilities, and use and showcase your talents to get noticed.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20 This New Moon is providing you with a strong sense of your own personal beliefs and ethics. This is a time to share your philosophies and wisdom with others, using your teaching abilities to help others refine their own inner visions. You will want to expand beyond your regular experiences and see things from a new perspective. Broaden your mind to initiate new projects that encourage you to stretch beyond the comfortable routines you have previously been relaxing in.

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20 You will be approaching the year in a more powerful manner in terms of selfempowerment. There will be an emphasis on issues of intimacy and what you need physically and emotionally in terms of partnership, as well as a deep awareness of your own psychological motivations and the motivations of others. This will be the time when you begin the process of coming to terms with past insecurities and wounds and channeling your feelings and creativity in a new direction.

JANUARY 2024 NEW MOON HOROSCOPE CANCER – JUNE 21 – JULY 22 This year starts out with new beginnings in relationships. Working on relationships or partnerships that are mutually supportive is a focus for you this year. This is usually about personal relationships, but also includes all one-to-one relationships: marriage, business partnerships, contracts, cooperative relationships. Use this New Moon to take your relationships to the next level or improve on them in some way. Begin by asking yourself what your needs are in this regard, and how you can team up with others and get to know yourself through your interactions by creating a mutual give-and-take.

LEO – July 23 – August 22 With the New Moon moving through your 6th house, the emphasis this year will be on your lifestyle, your health, your daily responsibilities and duties, your job and work environment. The key questions you may ask yourself are how you can improve on your daily life by creating more satisfying schedules that include changes to your health and wellness routines, by making changes in your work environment to increase efficiency, or how you can better serve others. This may even include a new working situation, new work environment, or new work colleagues.

VIRGO – August 23 – September 22 This New Moon is shining a light on your creative self-expression. Make more time for things that light you up. Give yourself full permission to break from your routine and pursue what brings you joy. Focus on a hobby you haven’t had time for, incorporate items from your “bucket list” into your life, try your hand at writing or painting or any activity that takes you out of your comfort zone and infuses new artistic possibilities into your life.

JANUARY 2024 NEW MOON HOROSCOPE LIBRA – September 23 – October 22 This New Moon has you putting your energy into your home and family. You are being called to build stronger foundations in your life and to pay attention to what makes you feel safe and secure and figure out how you need to be supported. This year can begin a new chapter in familial relationships and focusing on your emotional needs. This would be a great time to restore your home with new energy. You may be thinking of moving to a new home, or you may just need to clear things out, move belongings around, and redecorate to create a more comfortable and cozier haven for yourself and your family.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21 Have you been speaking your truth? Are you getting your messages across in an easy to understand way? This is the beginning of a new manner in which to express yourself, including how you learn, how you gather and share information, and how you effectively communicate and present your ideas to others. It is all about learning how to integrate your feelings with your thoughts, thereby communicating in a more effective manner. A great way to begin would be to learn how to enhance your self-expression and organize your thoughts through writing or journaling, or even taking classes in new areas of interest.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21 Financial management is your focus during this New Moon. It is time to take a realistic look at your values and to determine what is of worth to you. Sagittarians seldom worry about finances and possessions – however this is a year to begin reviewing your finances in regard to spending practices, savings and investments. Establish a budget plan and perhaps even look for new opportunities to increase your income. This is a time to start fresh in terms of how you arrange your life in order to feel financially stable and secure.

JANUARY 2024 NEW MOON HOROSCOPE CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19 This is your opportunity to change the way others see you. It’s time for selfimprovement and self-development. Reinvent yourself in a personal way. What parts of yourself are you ready to leave behind and how do you want to start showing up in the world? This is your personal New Moon for the year, so take advantage of it and make it work for you through intentional ways of improving your image. If you have ever had a vision of how you wanted to be noticed, this is your time to become the very best version of yourself. Move forward with confidence and believe in yourself.

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18 This New Moon is encouraging some soul-searching and recharging your spiritual consciousness. There is a need for solitude and a focus on your inner life. The part of yourself being triggered is that secret side that you don’t reveal to others. Your imagination, dreams, and intuition will be activated during this period. It is a great time to journal your dreams, begin a meditation practice or initiate another spiritual practice to liberate yourself from the memories or bad habits that have kept you stuck. This is a time of reflection and deep healing to enable you to move forward on a new journey

PISCES – February 19 – March 20 The New Moon is moving through your 11th house, highlighting your personal dreams and aspirations, as well as broadening your network of friends, professional organizations, and your social circle. By being more social in both a personal and business way, you will be able to form new alliances and friendships that offer up new opportunities. It can create a greater sense of belonging when you can connect with other individuals who are similar to you. This is a wonderful placement where others really do wish you well and want to help you manifest your dreams. You will benefit greatly from the friendship and encouragement you receive from your friends and associates. This house is all about envisioning the future, often with a group of like-minded people. *Want to go deeper and understand yourself, your challenges, and opportunities? Would you like to find out where the eclipses and transits are affecting you in your personal chart? Visit and schedule a one-on-one reading with Linda. When you sign up for her newsletter, you will receive a complimentary Moon Phase Guide to help you plan your monthly activities.


Wr i t t e n By J e nn Mi l l ar d- Sc hmi t z

2024 is here! I am guessing at this point you have pondered or taken action toward a new year’s resolution? The ideas are big and they are a flowin’! The energy is there and the desire to act is on point! Let’s take a ponder back in time to years prior. Did you start the year off comin’ in hot with big ideas, big energy, and big goals only to find that progress toward your resolution fizzled as the months went by? Did you fall into a trap that required you to spend lots of money and little personal investment? That fizzle is as real as a fire without oxygen. How can we expect to stay in a goal without personal investment and small rewards along the way fueling us? In the age of quick fixes and social media influence, consumers are led to believe that in just 8 short weeks the model in front of you has transformed her life with only a single pill, or a single workout, or removing one particular food group. As consumers, we are gaslit to believe that long-term goals can be achieved through very short-term actions that are one size fits all. When did we lose inquisition and start believing that 100calorie snacks were the ticket to the future? When did we stop listening to our body and start trusting the idea that low fat means it must be healthy?

Resolutions are courses of action, methods, and procedures that take time. One-size-all approaches, shiny marketing, and quick fixes without fuel will fizzle. So how do you tackle the fizzled fire phenomenon and stay with a resolution that offers personal fulfillment, lifestyle change, and overall happiness?

Slow down your sloth mode........................ take time to identify a specific long-term goal for the year. Just one, not seven. Stop overwhelming yourself. Identify short-term goals within your long-term goal. Make sure each short-term goal has a time frame established that is reasonable and attainable. Yes, you need a time frame that is personalized just for you! For each short-term goal make sure that you reward yourself. Rewarding yourself is key as it will lead to positive feelings and a sense of mastery which encourages behavior change. Each short-term goal gets a treat! Sound a little cliché? Remember the continued rewarding you did with your child when potty training? Be inquisitive and follow your gut. If something seems too good to be true, it is. Ask questions, demand personalization, and be invested in the process. Make 2024 a year of fire and not fizzle! Jenn Millard-Schmitz is a Licensed Professional Counselor specializing in Empowerment, the art of confronting and living beyond pain points that take away our power. Her practice has been in the business of making things happen for over a decade. Jenn is an EMDR-trained Trauma Therapist and Certified Dialectical Behavior Therapist. She is an expert in treating anxiety, depression, trauma, personality disorders, and co-occurring disorders. Jenn brings a holistic twist as a Nationally Certified NeuroHealth Coach into therapy focusing on physical wellness, nutrition, and mindfulness. Jenn’s mantra: It’s time to stop managing, and start living! Interested in connecting with Therapist Jenn? You can find her on any of these socials!

Three Tools to Help you Stay in Possibility and Hope the New Year Written By Sherry Parks

Happy New Year! It’s that time when we all turn the page to a new chapter of our lives. It’s full of possibility, curiosity, and hope for the future. This is an important part of the human experience. And really, we get one of these opportunities, every quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute, etc. Every single new moment is an opportunity. It’s full of possibility. What would happen if we could all shift into that feeling more often? What would happen if we lived there more than once a year? I recently went to Costa Rica for a retreat. One of the practices we did daily while there was something Byron Katie teaches called a Morning Walk. This was a really slowed-down walk, almost slower than a stroll, where you observe the world around you. Instead of placing judgment on the things you see, you revert back to first-generation words – tree, rock, water; rather than tall tree, gray rock, cold water, etc. The first thing I found challenging about this walk was the pace. Let’s face it, we all live in a fast-paced world where we go, go go - get things done as quickly as possible so we can check things off our lists. With this walk, it’s all about slow. Like a turtle. Happy New Year! It’s that time when we all turn the page to a new chapter of our lives. It’s full of possibility, curiosity, and hope for the future. This is an important part of the human experience. And really, we get one of these opportunities, every quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute, etc. Every single new moment is an opportunity. It’s full of possibility. What would happen if we could all shift into that feeling more often? What would happen if we lived there more than once a year? I recently went to Costa Rica for a retreat. One of the practices we did daily while there was something Byron Katie teaches called a Morning Walk. This was a really slowed-down walk, almost slower than a stroll, where you observe the world around you. Instead of placing judgment on the things you see, you revert back to first-generation words – tree, rock, water; rather than tall tree, gray rock, cold water, etc. The first thing I found challenging about this walk was the pace. Let’s face it, we all live in a fast-paced world where we go, go go - get things done as quickly as possible so we can check things off our list. With this walk, it’s all about slow. Like a turtle.

When we want something different for ourselves, it could be because we feel like we don’t have what someone else has, or what we do have isn’t enough. Those things come from a lack mentality.

On the other hand, if we were to suspend judgment and if we were to slow down, we might just be able to accept ourselves and our lives more fully just as they are. If we stop judging our lives, our bodies, and bank accounts, we might just find that we are enough, our lives are perfect and the money we have is abundant. And we might feel the liberation that brings – i.e. living in that place of possibility, that place of curiosity and hope.

Rather than setting a big goal that stems from lack, what if you start the new year with the possibility that you have it all already? Here are a few ideas to get you started. Care for What You Have. One of the things I teach my clients is to be grateful for what they already have. For me, the best way to do that is to take care of it. Pay attention to it. That could be taking actions like: Look at your bank account – with gratitude instead of regret, Clean your house yourself – give it some loving gratitude rather than wishing it were different, or Move your body – from a place of gratitude, not pushing. You get the picture. Attention is key, and gratitude brings magic. And for me, it always brings me back to what I already have rather than what I don’t. Look Inside Yourself for Answers. This one is another important part of this process. If we are constantly looking at what others have or do, we expand our sense of lack. So, I think it’s time we all let some of that go and tune in to our own inner wisdom for the answers. This requires you to give yourself space and time that is away from the noise of life. That might look like: Taking a social media break. Limiting your phone time (google, texts, calls, social media, all of it), or Spending some time alone in nature (maybe that slowed down the walk I mentioned above). It doesn’t matter what you do here, the important thing is to stop looking for answers outside yourself. Give yourself quiet and space to see the possibility that already exists in your life. And let that guide you to your next step.

Shift Your Energy. So often when we get into a place of lack and stop seeing the possibility for our lives, we are in one of the lower emotions. One of my favorite business mentors, Dana Wilde, always says to “feel good first, then take action”. This is exactly what I mean. If you can shift into feeling good, then you can stay in possibility and hope much easier – and that makes taking action easier too! Here are a few of my favorite things to help me with that. Listen to your favorite music. There is nothing like music to move me through an emotion. Pet a furry friend (or find one to pet if you don’t have one). Have a 2-minute dance party. Simply moving your body can shift your mood fast. There are so many ways to shift your energy. Just do what works for you. This new year is a gift! What better way to embrace it than seeing your life for the perfect, possibility that it is? I encourage you to try one or all of these and see if you can keep that possibility and hope going longer than any failed resolution. And no matter what you do, you have all you need inside, trust that.

Sherry Parks, CPA, is a Life and money Mindset Coach who helps women escape feeling trapped by their finances. She is passionate about helping women change their mindset, emotions, and actions regarding money so that they learn to keep what they have and generate more. Check out her 5 Steps to a Better Money Story workbook or join her women-only Facebook group More Than Enough Money Sisterhood.

Maternal Health-Time for a change WRITTEN BY INGRID-HARM-ERNANDES

Pregnancy and the post-partum/fourth-trimester phase of life can be exciting, scary, wonderful, and fraught with decisions all rolled into one. For each individual, it means something different. In honor of Maternal Health Awareness Day on January 23rd, we will address maternal needs. There should always be the focus on the baby’s health but we can equally address the mother’s health without detriment to the baby. This includes pregnancy, the birthing process, and the fourth trimester. This is far beyond the post-partum period that we all have heard about.

The fourth trimester is more accurate for the time frame after giving birth. It can last for a few weeks or for years depending on what has occurred during the pregnancy, the mother’s health mentally and physically, the birthing process itself, and the mother’s support system. The more informed someone can be regarding pregnancy and after, the better the outcomes can be for everyone. There are many decisions that need to be made during pregnancy. One major decision is vaginal versus cesarean delivery (C-section). Although vaginal deliveries usually have a greater impact on the pelvic floor, both vaginal deliveries and C-sections can change the ability of the pelvic floor to function over a short term (a few weeks) or over a longer term (weeks to lifetime). Proper care of the pelvic floor and pelvis during pregnancy, during birth, and afterwards can dramatically reduce any negative effects. The other choice, C-sections, has evolved over time. The first C -C-section was believed to have been performed in Switzerland in around 1580. The first successful C-section performed in the US occurred in 1794. C-sections were not performed routinely until the 1900s when safer methods were introduced. Even in the 1970s C-section rates were low, around 7 % of births. C-section rates around the world were only 9% around 1990. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) from the time period of 2016-2019 C-Sections in the US have increased to 32% of live births and around the world are around 14 %. In some countries, almost 50% -- or half of all births -- are now performed by Csection!

There are many reasons for the dramatic rise in C-sections and the rate of C-sections has continued to increase over the years. For some, it has been life-saving. For others, the decision is based on poor or no information provided to the birthing parents, and for others, it can be a result of coercion. As with everything in life, you can make better decisions when you are better informed. Knowledge of what actually occurs in a C-section, what the benefits and drawbacks are, and whether the risks are worth undergoing a C-section, are all part of good education that will lead to better decisions. C-sections can protect the baby and the mother when emergencies occur for either one.

Sudden changes in blood pressure, failure of the birthing process to progress, the baby in distress, difficulty with the umbilical cord, and the baby being in an unusual position are all reasons for a C-section. On the other hand, someone may choose to have a C-section because of poor information, or a medical practitioner is pushing the mother to do so. As much as C-sections can be lifesaving, they do carry risks just as all other surgeries do. It does not necessarily preserve the pelvic floor and it has a longer recovery rate following the delivery. Abdominal muscle fascia as well as the uterus must all recover from the incision. Infections and scar tissue can become an issue for some. Realistic expectations are necessary when someone is making a decision regarding having a C-section. Always ask your provider what the different choices are and how they will impact you and your family.

Knowledge of treatment options for improving health, reducing injury, and options for assistance with mental health are all part of better outcomes for both the mother and the baby. All of this should be taken into consideration during and after birth in order to improve healing and the ability of the mother to take care of herself and her child. During pregnancy, there are many options for maternal care that can improve the health of mother and baby alike. Pelvic physical therapy can address back pain, hip pain, pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, constipation, and more. In pelvic rehab treatment focus is on improving the mother’s ability to achieve daily tasks through improved core function (including her pelvic floor), teaching behavioral changes (like proper body mechanics), and performing manual techniques that reduce pain. Pelvic physical therapists utilize hands-on techniques that can improve the birthing process. Examples would be improving hip mobility and pelvic floor flexibility. In addition, birthing plans can be developed that reduce the stress on the pelvic floor and the entire body. Learning and applying these skills can reduce anxiety and stress that is associated with the birthing process for many people. Teaching a partner how to assist the person delivering the baby, both physically as well as emotionally, can be a big benefit to everyone as well. The treatments performed throughout the pregnancy can reduce symptoms and issues not only during the pregnancy but also during the birth process into the fourth trimester and over the person’s lifetime. All of the skills and exercises learned during this time will improve the fourth-trimester phase whether they have a C-section or a vaginal birth.

C-sections add another dimension to the healing time following pregnancy. For most abdominal surgeries physical therapy is ordered so that the patient can recover more quickly and more comfortably. Although C-sections are indeed an abdominal surgery physical therapy is frequently NOT prescribed. Imagine having a major abdominal surgery, and then having to care for a newborn child, dealing with hormonal changes, and then not receiving the physical therapy care that most people who have abdominal surgeries receive.

These women have pain, limitations in motion, difficulty performing many daily tasks, and have the additional requirement of taking care of a newborn. When a patient who has had a C-section receives a referral for physical therapy the therapist will instruct the new mom on how to better utilize her body to reduce stress and pain while promoting healing. Instruction on how to properly lift the baby, how to transfer her own body in and out of bed, transfer in and out of her car, and perform basic daily tasks with the baby are all part of the treatment. The patient will be instructed on how to: take care of her scar tissue, protect the incision, improve her strength and/or reduce muscle tension, and reduce pain. Pelvic physical therapists can often recognize other medical issues such as high blood pressure or depression symptoms early on because they are treating and observing the patient on a more regular basis. This leads to early referral to medical care and avoiding complications.

Fourth-trimester therapy care is a continuation of instruction and care for those who have received therapy prior to giving birth. For those who have not, it may be the first time that someone has addressed proper body care and self-care for the mother. This is vital during this time period. Self-care is as important for the mother as it is for the baby. If the mother cannot take care of herself, she will have far more difficulty taking care of the baby. Issues such as pain with daily tasks, pain with return to intercourse, urinary and fecal incontinence, and constipation are all common conditions that occur following giving birth. This is for both those who have had a C-section and for those who have had a vaginal birth. Pelvic physical therapy programs will focus on whatever the major symptoms are and address issues that the patient can tolerate. For some patients, we may focus on pelvic floor relaxation and reduction of pain. For other patients, we may focus on pelvic floor strengthening and eliminating urinary or fecal incontinence. The patient’s goals are addressed and dictated by the patient’s abilities while taking into consideration the demands of being a new parent. As each of the goals are achieved there is always an eye on the future and preventing the development of issues down the road. If we can achieve good pelvic floor strength early on, we may be able to reduce or eliminate prolapse later in life. If we can strengthen the core, we may prevent back pain or difficulty in subsequent pregnancies.

Understanding that pelvic care is available is the first step to changing the entire scope of how someone is treated during pregnancy, during the birthing process, and afterward. Knowing that pelvic therapy exists means that a new Mom and her family can ask their medical practitioner for pelvic therapy if they have not been offered it.

Speak to your practitioner early in pregnancy and discuss how it can benefit you. That it can eliminate pain in the back, hips, abdominal region, pelvis, and legs. That it can reduce and even eliminate pain with intercourse. It can reduce symptoms associated with prolapse. That it can improve and eliminate urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence and constipation. Pelvic therapy can show you how to use your body better so that you significantly reduce or eliminate the risk of developing these conditions if you don’t presently have them. No one should have to live with any of these conditions. If you are pregnant, wish to get pregnant, have a loved one or a friend who is pregnant, or you or someone you know is in their fourth trimester, advocate for yourself or for them. Eventually, we can change how we look at this amazing time frame in our lives differently and find that health outcomes improve for everyone. When Mama is happy, so is everyone else.

Ingrid Harm-Ernandes is a pelvic physical therapist. She was the Co-Director and a mentor for the Duke Women’s Health Physical Therapy Residency Program, a mentor for new pelvic PTs, and participated in PFDN research projects. She is board-certified in Women’s Health (WCS) and Pelvic floor Biofeedback and served on committees for both the APTA and AUGS. She enjoys presenting the importance of recognizing and assessing the pelvic musculoskeletal system. She published “Assessment of the Pelvic Floor and Associated Musculoskeletal System”, in the FPMRS journal in December 2021. In 2021 she published her book, “The Musculoskeletal Mystery: How to solve your pelvic floor symptoms”. She has been a guest on national and international podcasts and webinars and is “The Pelvic Detective on YouTube. Her goal is to provide individuals with the knowledge they need to get proper pelvic care and for everyone to realize that pelvic conditions are common but not normal.

Mo n

Written By Judy Brown

4 02

a r i t i p on fo s n I y r l 2 h t

It is a fresh new year. New beginnings and new opportunities. We don’t necessarily need to wipe the slate clean, but a new year gives us a chance to re-evaluate and start fresh. It can be a time of cleansing and renewal. I am a big fan of affirmations and prompts. I like new ideas to inspire me. Food for thought can nourish our intellect and our emotions or feelings. I came up with 12 words, one for each month of 2024 to inspire you! Take each month to ponder the specific word and what it means to you. Absorb it and connect with it. Read the idea from all different angles. Start and finish your day with the word and see what surfaces for you. Let it be healthy food for thought.

Judy Brown has a BA in Biology from Connecticut College and is a Certified Holistic Health Coach trained by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She coaches women in their midlife years who want to reclaim their health and discover a more balanced and vibrant lifestyle. Judy provides individual and group coaching, workshops, smoothie demos, and guided meditations for groups. She has a blog and several published works. She has two grown children. Judy loves to read, write, walk in the woods, sail, have afternoon tea, and explore the world with her husband. Also in her spare time, Judy makes and sells cards and photo art from her photography.

I came up with 12 words, one for each month of 2024 to inspire you! Take each month to ponder the specific word and what it means to you. Absorb it and connect with it. Read the idea from all different angles. Start and finish your day with the word and see what surfaces for you. Let it be healthy food for thought.



Regenerative. What is regenerative in your life. What is new and lights you up. What gives you hope. Where can you add more positivity in your life.

Connection. How do you connect with family and friends. How do you connect with yourself. What does connection mean to you in your day to day life.



Beauty. What is beautiful in your life. How do you define beauty and how does it uplift you. Where can you add more beauty from the inside.

Stillness. How can you add more moments of stillness in your day or week. When you are still what feelings surface. Does stillness feel restorative.



Generosity. How are you generous with your time. Who is generous with you. How do acts of generosity make you feel. Does generosity prompt gratitude.

Nature. What role does nature play in your life. How does it feel to be outdoors with fresh air and sunshine. Have you ever hugged a tree or taken the time to watch a butterfly.

July Rest. Do you get enough rest. When you do, how does it impact your day. How can you add more rest to your health regime.



Letting go. What old thoughts and habits can you let go of. What is cluttering your mind and space that can be gently released. What routines no longer serve you.

Smiles. How often do you smile. When someone smiles at you, how does it make you feel. How can you share more random smiles when you are out and about. Have you tried smiling at yourself in the mirror.

October Stretching. How often do you stretch. Do you ever stretch and look up at the sky. Do you take work breaks and stretch your legs and fingers and toes. Does stretching make you feel more at ease.

November Listening. Do you really listen when someone is speaking to you. Do you stop and listen. Do others listen to you. Does listening inspire you.

December Joy. What fills you up. What makes you smile. How can you get more feelings of joy. Does the sensation of joy give you hope.

I hope these prompts inspire you! Best wishes for a beautiful year!


“I’d love to know how to navigate the feeling of being stuck. You spoke about it recently in a podcast. You said, “Your body will change but your mind won’t.” So essentially that looks like gaining weight yet not finding mental and emotional freedom. Every single time I feel full after eating, eat something other than lettuce and chicken, or see my body in the mirror I’m thrown back into the emotional mental turmoil. Yes my body is “weight restored” and then some as that usually goes, but my mind is not. I try to convince myself otherwise throughout the day but the negative voice is louder because it’s had more power for 20 years…. Just a hard spot to be in. I was curious when knowing the difference between permission to eat and overeating. Also when the guilt from eating anything other than lettuce should subside? The line between eating and eating too much is hair-thin. Plus not knowing if I’m making an excuse to allow myself to eat is healthy or unhealthy. Like do I need to allow to eat more than comfortable even though my body has overshot the set point…. When do I stop allowing that? Why do I ALWAYS cycle from anorexia, wanting to get better, bulimia, bingeing trying not to purge, gaining weight, and then start sliding back into restriction and back into the cycle…?”

I’m going to write each part separately to give as much detail and value as possible… How to navigate the feeling of being stuck With absolute love and understanding, you are NOT stuck. You may FEEL stuck and THINK you are stuck but you are NEVER stuck. There is ALWAYS a way out. I’m going to give you the way out during this episode and bear in mind that there’s no shortcut. But I know you can do it because you can do hard things, after all, you’ve lived with anorexia for however many years and THAT shit is hard.

Emotional mental turmoil

Weight restored

“Every single time I feel full after eating, eat something other than lettuce and chicken, or see my body in the mirror I’m thrown back into the emotional mental turmoil.”

“Yes my body is “weight restored” and then some as that usually goes, but my mind is not.“ How do you know that your body is weight restored?

That’s because you haven’t done the inner work to; Rewire your brain so that it’s not afraid of weight gain and feeling full. Understood, healed, and released past trauma which would have been why you developed an eating disorder in the first place. Body image work. Self-love work. I’d love to know more details about your emotional and mental turmoil. What’s going on inside? I assume it is fear of weight gain, fear of failing, fear of doing something wrong, etc… Why is chicken and lettuce safe, yet anything else isn’t?

From what I’m hearing you say from your question, you’re deciding you’re weight restored because you’ve perhaps gained weight since you started your recovery. Maybe you’re in a “healthy BMI” which means shit. The only way you know you’re weight restored is when you have been and are still eating unrestrictedly and your weight has stabilized for around 3-6 months. If you’re not eating unrestrictedly (which you are not from the sounds of it), you most definitely will not be weight restored. The only possibility that you are is if you are regularly bingeing alongside eating chicken and lettuce. “I try to convince myself otherwise throughout the day but the negative voice is louder because it’s had more power for 20 years….“ Convincing yourself that your brain doesn’t have an eating disorder when you feel emotional distress around food and your body doesn’t work (as you know!) You need to be willing to dive deep into what’s underneath your fears. (I assume your fears will include, not being good enough, not being loved, failing, being undesired, feeling shame etc).

We need to look at why your eating disorder was developed in the first place and how it has been serving you (it will be linked to childhood). Then we need to address the fears that come up with letting go of the eating disorder which has been your coping mechanism for however many years. Then we need to work on unlearning limiting beliefs, body image, and self-love. Alongside all of this, we need to be working on rewiring your fear of weight gain and going against the eating disorders rules. As you embark on this journey with the right support if possible, you will be able to truly live in food freedom, mentally and emotionally. And then your physical body will fully recover too and land at its natural set point weight. And what I will say is that even if you’ve been living with an eating disorder for 50 years, it’s still possible to recover, I’ve had a few clients who have had an eating disorder for over 40 years and fully recovered. The process of recovery is similar regardless of how long you’ve been in it and how much trauma you’ve experienced. Everyone is different of course and so the length of time it takes to fully recover will differ from person to person. Overeating “I was curious when knowing the difference between permission to eat and overeating. The line between eating and eating too much is hair-thin. The very problem is that you HAVE a line that states this amount is okay and this amount is not. This is the very thing that is keeping you trapped in the cycle. You are in recovery from a restrictive eating disorder, there really is no such thing as too much food. (Your eating disorder brain will disagree with me here of course.) The fact that you judge yourself when you think you are eating “too much” is the problem. “Plus not knowing if I’m making an excuse to allow myself to eat is healthy or unhealthy. Like do I need to allow to eat more than comfortable even though my body has overshot the set point…. When do I stop allowing that?“ What is healthy is following your mental and physical hunger and giving yourself full permission to eat without any restrictions. And again, how do you know that your body has overshot its set point? You never stop allowing unrestricted eating, even when you are fully recovered. The difference is when you are fully recovered (like me), you won’t have any desire or drive to eat past what your body needs because you will not be in a state of malnourishment or food obsession. Food obsession comes from being afraid of actual restriction or impending restriction. Impending restriction can look like judging yourself for eating a certain way and wanting to do “better”. Or saying to yourself you’ll start restricting again tomorrow to make up for it or you’ll do a purging behavior to clean it out.

You will arrive at your setpoint when you have a healed relationship with food and your body. A healed relationship with food looks like eating unrestrictedly and listing in your body. A healed relationship with your body looks like accepting the way you are and not trying to manipulate your body’s size or shape in any way. I know that all of this may sound so far away or impossible but I PROMISE you, it’s possible for you. It’s been possible for me and my clients too. No matter what the eating disorder tells you, you’re not the only one that recovery won’t work for. That’s impossible because you’re human. If you’re human, you can fully recover if you want Food guilt “Also when the guilt from eating anything other than lettuce should subside?” The guilt will subside when you decide that your health, freedom, and happiness are more important to you than what the eating disorder gives you. When you are doing the inner work to rewire your brain and create new neuropathways via self-talk, reframing, and taking actions that are in alignment with recovery with repetition and consistency, the guilt will drop away. Guilt comes from thinking you’ve done something wrong. What is it you’ve done wrong exactly if you eat something other than lettuce? Am I wrong because I’ve just eaten yogurt, chocolate granola, and blueberries? Why or why not? Then we dive into emotional and nervous system work. Mindset work is one thing but you cannot mindset your way out of a trauma response. Again this takes courage to dig deep and to FEEL what you don’t want to feel. But you gotta feel it to heal it. And feeling difficult and painful emotions is actually easier and less painful than pushing them away and running from them… trust me! Being uncomfortable the last part of your question; “Why do I ALWAYS cycle from anorexia, wanting to get better, bulimia, bingeing trying not to purge, gaining weight, and then start sliding back into restriction and back into the cycle…?” You have literally just described the pattern I was in for 15 years! Anorexia is usually developed due to childhood trauma (trauma isn’t just acute physical events with a before and after) as a way to cope. Or by unintended weight loss which triggers the migration response (anorexia) to be switched on genetically. Bulimia is an attempt to compensate for the food eaten whilst bingeing so it’s still from a place of restriction. The bingeing is happening because you’re either actually starving or malnourished or your body fears an impending restriction coming which is severely stressful to your body if you’ve restricted before. Starving and malnourishment are chronic trauma to the body. Bingeing is your body’s way of saving your ass. Your body doesn’t care about abs or being as small as possible, it cares about survival.

You do that because; You haven’t rewired your fear of weight gain and looked at what is underneath that and so the fear of and resistance to weight gain triggers you back into anorexia. “If I’m still going to be obsessed with food, I may as well be doing it in a smaller body.” Lack of knowledge and not getting the right support. You haven’t been doing the things you need to be doing in order to fully recover. You’ve only been focusing on the behaviors and using willpower to try to convince yourself that it’s okay to eat more. You haven’t gone deep enough to address the root cause and root fears of letting go of the eating disorder. My REAL recovery roadmap encompasses everything you need in order to fully recover. You could be “addicted” to failing at recovery. I know that’s a lot but you CAN fully recover. One of the biggest lessons I learned during recovery (especially at the start) was that no matter what, you cannot avoid anxiety, fear, and uncomfortable feelings if you want to recover. You have to walk or run toward the fear (within your window of tolerance). You have to eat the things the eating disorder is screaming at you not to eat, even if you’re crying whilst doing so. You have to face your fear of weight gain and work through that with embodiment work, body image work, and inner child work. You have to be willing to FEEL emotions that you’ve most likely been avoiding your entire life. Recovery isn’t pretty but it is 1 zillion % worth it I can promise you that. You already know what it feels like to live with an eating disorder. To try to recover and then keep falling back. You know what that feels like. Don’t you want to know what it feels like to be truly free? Mentally and emotionally? If so, buckle up, and let’s do this! It’s a journey for sure which will be messy and magnificent but oh-so worth it. Victoria is a Certified Transformational Life Coach specializing in helping high-achieving women to heal their relationship with food & and their body. She is a coach, mentor, speaker, and writer; working with women from all around the globe, speaking at worldwide events, and is a writer for Live Love And Eat Magazine. Victoria has lived with eating disorders and body hate for over 20 years. (she was diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa in her early teens and then Binge Eating Disorder and Bulimia in her early twenties). Through her own personal experiences, education, certification, and countless hours spent on personal development, she holds the skills, knowledge, and empathy to guide and support you to food freedom whilst building a loving relationship with yourself and your body. Victoria has profoundly helped many women around the world to transform their lives and she knows the importance and value of constantly investing in and improving herself in order to serve her clients powerfully. Her goal is to positively impact millions of women from all around the world. Podcast: “Victoria’s Secrets To Health & Happiness” on any podcast platform Youtube:


Wr i t t e n By Dr . Dani el l e Li t of f

Women need to be eating more protein. Culturally in the U.S., women have been taught to eat salads and veggies and to restrict calories to lose or maintain weight, especially as we get older. Women have also been taught that building muscle will make you look “bulky”, when in fact, it makes you strong and prevents diseases like osteoporosis as we hit perimenopause and menopause. Protein and amino acids are the building blocks of muscles, and women, across the board, are not getting enough protein. So, let’s change that! Don’t be Afraid of Getting Strong Women tend to get less protein because they are afraid of building muscle. If you were born in the 70s and 80s, it has been drilled into you that being “small”, “willowy”, or “lean” is the goal. And more likely than not, you have been eating less, rather than eating correctly for most of your adulthood. Thankfully, younger women are kicking this stereotype to the curb and are proud to be muscular and strong, but if you are in the former age group, it’s time to change your relationship with strength and protein.

We have to stop looking at the number on the scale as the measure of success or failure. Especially if we are building muscle, because muscle is smaller but heavier.

Think of it this way: if you have cotton balls in a bag, and then you put beads that are the equivalent weight of those cotton balls in another bag, those beads take up a lot less space but weigh the same. Building muscle does not make you bulky. It helps your body lean out and become stronger. And this can mean you weigh more. You can consume more energy (good food) but take up less space. We build muscle with protein and fat in our diets. You cannot build muscle if you’re hungry. Hunger is a sign that your body wants more fuel, so let’s talk about what that protein-packed fuel should look like. How to Get More Protein in Your Diet By far, the best bang for your buck when it comes to getting good protein is animal sources. Animal sources are very bioavailable for us, meaning our bodies recognize them and know how to properly break them down into fuel to build muscle and strength. Amino acids and protein are the sources of muscle and without consuming these nutrients, we cannot build muscle. The more variety the better. That said, be thoughtful about your animal protein choices – a beef hotdog is not a good choice, but grass-fed, pasture raised steak is. Look for good quality meat that identifies the source and is pasture-raised, grass-fed so you know it had good nutrition and was able to move around. This ensures you are getting a quality product to consume. And diversify your choices – consider all different types of foul, pork, beef, bison, lamb, and wildcaught fish and seafood.

In addition to animal protein, you can also get protein in foods like high-fat Greek yogurt that unflavored and hard-boiled eggs. Be aware of dairy that is low fat because these usually have a higher glycemic index and can really spike blood sugar. You can eat things like nuts and seeds, but these should be in moderation because you would have to eat so many of them to get and absorb the protein you actually need. Beans also have protein, but again, the quantity you would need to eat to get the equivalent protein in a chicken breast could mess with your digestion and cause gas and bloating. Strength Prevents Diseases and Balances Hormone as We Age We don’t like to talk about perimenopause and menopause because it means we are aging and that is scary for women. As our hormones decrease, protein actually helps keep testosterone and estrogen up and protein helps maintain metabolism by building muscle. Strength training uses up the fuel in the body and we need protein to be that fuel to build muscles. If you don’t have strength and muscle, your metabolism slows way down.

Decreases in estrogen during menopause contribute to bone loss. Muscles are attached to the bones and the more we create good stress by lifting weights, plyometrics, jumping, etc. the more stable our bones are. Building muscle prevents osteoporosis and promotes bone growth as we age. This process, known as bone remodeling, enhances bone density and strength, reducing the risk of fractures associated with osteoporosis. Also, strong muscles provide better support for the skeletal system, reducing the risk of falls and subsequent fractures. And if you have a fall, that extra strength and padding from increased muscle mass makes it less likely that you suffer a fracture. Engaging in regular weight-bearing exercises, such as lifting weights, not only helps women build and maintain muscle mass but also serves as a proactive measure against osteoporosis, promoting overall musculoskeletal health as we age.

Dr. Danielle Litoff DPT is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Health Coach at Battle Born Health in Reno, NV. Her practice focuses on the principles of modern, proven medicine, delivered with an old-fashioned commitment to patient care and one-onone relationships. For more wellness tips, visit her blog where she writes about various topics of nutrition, health, and physical therapy."

Embracing the New Year with Grace: A Journey of Renewal and Resilience Written By Bernadine Otto

As the calendar turns its final page, we find ourselves standing on the cusp of a new year—a blank canvas waiting to be painted with the hues of our experiences, aspirations, and growth. The journey ahead may be uncertain, but the way we navigate it can be guided by a powerful force: grace. Embracing the new year with grace is more than just a sentiment; it's a conscious choice to approach life with an open heart and a spirit of acceptance. It's about acknowledging the ebb and flow of our existence, understanding that change is the only constant, and choosing to respond with poise and resilience. Reflecting on the Past: Before we venture into the unknown, taking a moment to reflect on the year gone by can be profoundly enlightening. Recognize the challenges faced, the lessons learned, and the personal growth achieved. Each experience, whether triumphant or challenging, has shaped us into the individuals we are today. Cultivating a Grateful Heart: Grace often finds its roots in gratitude. In the rush of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the blessings that surround us. As we step into the new year, let's cultivate a grateful heart, appreciating the beauty in both the ordinary and the extraordinary. Gratitude has a way of shifting our perspective, allowing us to approach life's complexities with a sense of grace.

Navigating Change with Poise: Change is inevitable, and the new year is a reminder that it brings both challenges and opportunities. Embracing change with grace involves acknowledging the discomfort it may bring while trusting in our ability to adapt. It's a dance with the unknown, a journey where each step forward is taken with purpose and poise. Setting Intentions, Not Resolutions: Instead of crafting rigid resolutions, consider setting intentions for the new year. Intentions are like guiding stars, offering direction without the weight of unrealistic expectations. They allow for flexibility and self-compassion, creating a path for personal and spiritual growth. Embracing Self-Compassion: In the pursuit of our goals and aspirations, it's essential to embrace selfcompassion. Life is a series of ebbs and flows, and not every moment will be a triumph. By treating ourselves with kindness and understanding, we can navigate challenges with a grace that transcends perfectionism.

Looking Ahead with Hope: As we usher in the new year, let's do so with hope as our compass. Hope is a beacon that lights our way through the darkest of times. It's a reminder that, no matter what challenges lie ahead, we have the strength and resilience to face them with grace. In the coming months, this blog will be a space to explore the art of embracing the new year with grace—a journey of renewal, self-discovery, and the celebration of life's beautiful imperfections. Here's to stepping into the new year with open hearts, resilient spirits, and an abundance of grace. May the year ahead be filled with grace, growth, and moments that take our breath away. Bernadine Otto is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach & an EFT Practitioner and the Managing editor of The Live, Love, and Eat Magazine. She helps women to make peace with food, cravings, and emotional eating by using a technique called The EFT Tapping Method for Weight Loss and Cravings. She also works with women who are tired of dieting, and women who have a negative body image. My approach is not to focus on calories or the scale but to find the root cause so my clients can have the happy, healthy life that they deserve.

How to Build More Confidence in 2024 Written By Jace Jacobs

Would you like to have more confidence in your life? It can be as simple as getting out of your head and just taking a few steps forward. The key word is experience. It's a new year and a new you. 2023 is in the books, and it brought a wealth of experience whether you realize it or not. The cool thing about experience is that it creates evidence. That evidence breeds increased confidence and self-love. So the more you stick your toe in the water of a new experience...the more you are further creating evidence of your awesomeness, and your confidence and self-love will grow as a result. Consider looking back on your 2023 and breaking down where you received more experience. I bet your confidence in that area grew as a result. The more experience you build the more confidence you will have. It's that simple. So go ask that person out on a date, make that new recipe, or take on that new challenge at work. Cheers to experiencing your best and most confident 2024. Much appreciation, love, and light. Namaste, Jace Jacobs Appreciate Everything ~ Love Fully ~ Need Nothing

I Now Know I love how you appreciate And the way you shine your light Still chasing those dreams Every day and every night Yesterday brought experience Things didn't always go my way I realized what I was attracting Enjoying better results today So as I look in the mirror And smile at what I see One breath at a time I'm becoming a better version of me I'm not finished on my journey I'm excited to learn and grow What was once my weakness Self-love I now know

Namaste Jace Jacobs Appreciate Everything ~ Love Fully ~ Need Nothing

Meet Jace Jacobs! Jace Jacobs is a Happy Mindset Poet, Performer, and Creator @ Jace is an author and spoken word poetry performer. His Happy Mindset Poetry books are available on Amazon or via Jace enjoys helping cool souls raise their vibrational state so they can experience more confidence and clarity in their life.Appreciate Everything ~ Love Fully ~ Need Nothing#HappyMindsetPoetryVisit the social media links below for video performances of spoken word rhyming happy mindset poetry.


Slow-Cooker Chicken Soup (or broth) 2 servings

45 minutes

INGREDIENTS leftover chicken bones 2 cups carrots, chopped 3 celery stalks, chopped 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 1 tsp thyme 3 bay leaves 4 dashes salt & pepper 2 cups spinach

DIRECTIONS 1. Place all ingredients, except spinach in the slow cooker. Add 6 cups of hot water. 2. Cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours. A half-hour before serving add spinach and turn to high. 3. Remove bones and serve as soup, or strain and serve as broth. Enjoy!

NOTES Enjoy with a fresh baguette

Avocado & Egg Toast 1 serving

15 minutes

INGREDIENTS 1 piece of bread, glutenfree or whole wheat ½ avocado 1 tsp coconut oil 1 egg, fried 1 dash salt & pepper

DIRECTIONS 1. Toast slice of bread. 2. Smash avocado and spread on bread. 3. Fry egg in coconut oil and place on top with a dash of salt &pepper.

NOTES This is a great recipe for breakfast and even lunch

"Wishing you a year filled with new hopes, new dreams, and new beginnings. Happy New Year 2024!" - unknown

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