Social Welfare at Berkeley - Spring 2019

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Social Welfare at Berkeley THE MAGAZINE FOR ALUMNI AND FRIENDS spring 2019

Seven Years of Leadership Looking Back at Dean Jeffrey Edleson’s Tenure




table of contents

spring 2019



















Meet new field faculty

Erin Kerrison and Jennifer Skeem’s work at the intersection of data and the criminal justice system

Student Spotlight: Begonia Herbert-Ramirez (BA ‘19) Alumni Profiles: Ella Callow (BA ‘97), UC Berkeley’s 504 compliance officer, on the ongoing work of inclusion Greg Evans (MSW ‘86) on practicing law in the service of social welfare

Berkeley Social Welfare during Dean Jeff Edleson’s tenure; new spaces and new programs including Berkeley Connect, the Latinx Center of Excellence, and the upcoming FlexMSW

Honoring Berkeley Social Welfare’s most dedicated donors

Welcoming new Dean’s Office and CalSWEC staff

Faculty, field consultant, staff and student notes; faculty books.

Superpowers + Karaoke Songs of Haviland Hall

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Editor Jennifer Monahan Contributors Mary Flegler Jennifer Monahan Design + Photography Alli Yates Cover photo by Keegan Houser © 2019 by the Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

a letter from the dean Dear friends and colleagues: I have been so fortunate to serve as dean of Berkeley Social Welfare for the past seven years. This year marks the end of my term as dean and 45 years since I graduated from our Bachelors program. My education and the mentoring I received here launched me on a long career in social welfare research, teaching, and public service. Every achievement, change, or improvement attributed to me has really been a collaborative effort of many in Haviland Hall and among our School’s supporters. I look forward to continuing these collaborations in my role as a professor in our ranks. Social work in criminal justice and legal systems has long been an area of practice for our graduates, and our faculty is gaining strength in this domain. The stories in this issue of the magazine focus on this area of practice and scholarship and are tied to one of our profession’s Grand Challenges, titled From Mass Incarceration to Smart Decarceration. For example, Assistant Professor Erin Kerrison’s work examines the effects of the legal system on the physical and emotional health of those involved with it and Professor Jennifer Skeem’s work uses data science to measure the effectiveness and fairness of risk assessment algorithms. Both of the alumni profiled in this issue have also used their degrees in conjunction with law degrees to increase protections for marginalized communities. Greg Hinojosa Evans (MSW ‘86) sees his legal practice as a tool to advance the social welfare values he learned in his MSW program and Ella Callow (BA ‘97) is responsible for leading Cal to become a more accessible and inclusive campus for those who are differently abled. Both exemplify Cal’s dual emphasis on excellence and access. Our new graduates continue in their well-established tradition of doing good in the world and earning Berkeley its global reputation for excellence. Begonia Herbert-Ramirez (BA ‘19) brings the insights gained in Haviland Hall — and her own personal experience — to her work for youth who have experienced trauma. I hope you enjoy the stories in this issue and I look forward to connecting with each of you as I step back into the privileged role of professor. Sincerely,

Jeffrey Edleson, PhD Dean and Harry and Riva Specht Chair in Publicly Supported Social Services

NEW FIELD FACULTY Isela Garcia White

Field Consultant and Lecturer Isela Garcia White is a field consultant and lecturer at the School of Social Welfare. She works closely with students focused on children and community mental health. For the last 15 years, she has provided child and adolescent mental health services in a wide variety of settings, including the Oakland and Mt. Diablo Unified School Districts, John Muir Behavioral Health’s Adolescent Outpatient Program, the City of Berkeley’s Mental Health Department and Stanford University’s Counseling and Psychological Services. While at Mt. Diablo Unified School District, she served as a field instructor and training coordinator. She also served as a field seminar leader and field liaison for California State University East Bay’s MSW program. A bilingual and bicultural social worker, Garcia White is dedicated to providing high-quality, effective, and culturally responsive mental health services to children and families from diverse communities. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and earned her BA from UC Berkeley and her MSW and Pupil and Personnel Services Credential from the University of Southern California. What interested you in the position at UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare? I loved my own experience in graduate school, and deeply enjoyed supporting MSW students when I served as a field instructor — so this position tapped into both of those joys. I also believe in creating strong learning communities that hold high standards, while also being inclusive and affirming. This position gives me an opportunity to be student-centered and put that into practice in my own way. Joining the faculty here is also giving me the opportunity to utilize my knowledge and experience in Social Work in a new way. As a UCB alumna, I was also excited about the chance to return to campus in a professional capacity. What have you enjoyed most about working with Berkeley Social Welfare students? Our students are highly motivated and passionate about this work — it shows in their developing practice, in their selfreflection, in their critical thinking and classroom discussions, and in their support of one another. I’ve enjoyed getting to know students, learning about their areas of interest, and supporting their overall experience in Field. It has felt rewarding to help students make real-world connections between theory and practice.



Denicia Carlay

Field Consultant and Lecturer Denicia Carlay (MSW ‘08) is a field consultant and lecturer at the School of Social Welfare. She works closely with the MSW Title IV-E students. Prior to joining the faculty in Fall 2018, Carlay served foster and juvenile probation youth as a social worker and social worker supervisor in the field of child welfare for 10 years. While employed with San Mateo County, Carlay received service awards for her leadership and creative programming and engagement efforts with Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC). She also served as a trainer and curriculum developer for the Bay Area Training Academy. Carlay remains dedicated to fostering hope and resiliency in ways that promote more equitable education outcomes for children with trauma backgrounds. She is is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and is currently pursuing a doctorate in Educational Leadership with an emphasis in Social Justice at San Francisco State University. Carlay earned her BA from the University of Southern California before coming to Berkeley for her MSW. When did you know you wanted to pursue a career in social welfare? Was there a formative experience, or a mentor who inspired you? What influenced me to pursue social welfare was my personal experiences with the foster care system. The uplifting of the voices of those experiencing the foster care system tend to be overshadowed by the compliance and mandates placed on the social workers charged with their oversight. I wanted to dismantle deficit-based narratives about foster youth and work towards changing public child welfare to truly team with and value families and their culture. That wasn’t happening in child welfare when I started this professional journey 15 years ago. Berkeley’s Title IV-E program, coupled with the blessing of a GSR (Graduate Student Researcher) appointment for Dr. Jill Duerr Berrick, provided the financial support that made it possible for me to pursue an MSW within the concentration of Public Child Welfare. Once I started working in public child welfare, I ended up there for ten years and likely would not have left if not for the opportunity to return to Cal to teach the next generation of emerging child welfare workers. I’m grateful to have the opportunities that I have been afforded and don’t take any of them lightly. What interested you in the position at UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare? I have a huge passion to nurture future generations of social workers, and water the seeds of culturally responsive leadership and advocacy to tackle systems of oppression that are creating increasingly inequitable outcomes for folks of color. Many of our students also have their own trauma backgrounds around discrimination, oppression, incarceration, and abuse. It’s important for their voices to not only be heard, but supported and validated within our classroom spaces as well. Being a support for those students and creating spaces of healing-centered engagement are what interest me most about my position at Cal. What have you enjoyed most about working with Berkeley Social Welfare students? So many things: their diversity, tenacity, and charge for social justice to name a few! And their critical lens. Our students don’t let anything get past them without evaluating it from every angle. I really admire and am encouraged by their hunger for change. It feels really good to know that this is the next generation of social workers going into the field and serving populations that interface with child welfare.

developments in RESEARCH

A Complex Equation Erin Kerrison and Jennifer Skeem explore the intersection of public health, public safety, equitable treatment, and the criminal justice system




The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. In 2016, over 6.6 million adults were under correctional supervision, and an additional 975,000 youths under 18 had cases pass through the juvenile court system. The impacts of justice system involvement are disproportionately felt by lowincome families and communities of color. The economic and human costs of this crisis have led the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare to identify smart decarceration as one of the Grand Challenges for social work. Berkeley Social Welfare faculty members Erin Kerrison and Jennifer Skeem examine the impact of the criminal justice system on vulnerable populations. Assistant Professor Erin Kerrison looks at the criminal justice system through the lens of legal epidemiology, the scientific study of how laws affect public health. The field has a broad reach, encompassing those who are accused of crimes, those who are convicted of crimes, those who are victims of crimes, and also those working within the system such as police, correctional officers, and attorneys. Health impacts can be physical (high blood pressure, asthma...) mental (anxiety, PTSD), and behavioral (substance abuse). Fatalities during police / citizen interactions or within the carceral system are one highly visible type of poor health outcome, but the repercussions of those events throughout communities have their own health impacts as well. Kerrison highlights the fundamentally interdisciplinary nature of her work: “My approach to these issues draws from anthropology, sociology, criminology, philosophy — because it raises questions about citizenship, othering, and who merits well-being — as well as social work and social welfare.” In “The Mismeasure of Terry Stops: Assessing the Psychological and Emotional Harms of Stop and Frisk to Individuals and Communities,” Kerrison and her co-authors examine the cumulative impact of stop-and-frisk policies on individuals and communities. In its 1968 decision in Terry v. Ohio, the Supreme Court ruled that a pat-down by law enforcement does not violate an individual’s rights. But while Terry v. Ohio examined the impact of a single search, it did not address the cumulative impact of stop-and frisk or the effect of repeated searches. “The Mismeasure of Terry Stops” maintains that whatever an individual’s experience of a single pat-down may be, that impact is greatly magnified when stop-and-search is

“My approach to these issues draws from anthropology, sociology, criminology, philosophy — because it raises questions about citizenship, othering, and who merits well-being — as well as social work and social welfare.” an established policing practice. Some residents in certain neighborhoods in New York have reported being stopped 50 or more times in a year. “Can you imagine if that was just part of your repertoire? Going to the grocery store, going to basketball practice, picking up your sibling from school, and there’s a pretty good chance that one day in seven you’re going to be stopped by an officer?” asks Kerrison. Moreover, she explains, stop-and-frisk can entail much more than a brief pat-down of outer clothing; complaints of assault are not uncommon. The impacts are particularly acute for children (teens are frequently subjected to Terry stops) and members of hyper-marginalized communities. Kerrison and her co-authors argue that the overall effect is “more than the sum of its parts,” and that the Supreme Court’s opinion that a Terry stop is a mere inconvenience does not reflect the experience of feeling repeatedly targeted. More broadly, in addition to causing a wide range of emotional and psychological harms, stop-and-frisk policies can erode trust within a community in ways that potentially

interfere with the ability of law enforcement to prevent and investigate crime. In another recent article with the unforgettable title of “Your Pants Won’t Save You,” Kerrison and her co-authors examine generational differences within Baltimore’s Black community in attitudes towards interactions with law enforcement personnel in the aftermath of Freddie Gray’s death. Their study found universal agreement that Freddie Gray’s treatment while in custody was utterly unacceptable. However, questions around why Freddie Gray was detained in the first place revealed a deep fissure between the perceptions of personal responsibility as espoused by baby boomer generations and as espoused by millennials. Older respondents tended to adhere to Black respectability politics — lessons around avoidance, deference, and the notion of “keep[ing] your nose clean and your head down.” Black millennials, meanwhile, questioned the premise of their elders that hostility toward Black youth is a function of personal irresponsibility rather than structural injustice. They described getting harassed while walking home from school in navy blue plaid uniforms, and asserted their right to come home safe whether or not they were adhering to the expectations of mainstream white society. Kerrison paraphrases their viewpoint as, “it doesn’t matter what photo: Commemorative mural for Freddie Gray on Mount and Presbury Streets, near where Gray was arrested, in Baltimore. The mural was painted by activist J.C. Faulk and street artists Justin Nethercut aka Nether. Photo by Derek Green

I’m wearing; if I’m walking around in a Black body I’m going to lose.” To Kerrison’s knowledge, this was the first time this generational difference in attitudes towards legal cynicism (or a lack of trust in the legal authority that police officers hold) has been addressed in research literature. Kerrison’s approach is holistic, recognizing that policing tactics have an impact on all those involved, including law enforcement officers. She examines the unique stressors of the job — “other people run away from gunshots; police run towards them” — and the compounding effects of a climate where the actions of police are routinely mistrusted. In her work with one police department, Kerrison studied officers’ use of body-worn cameras and their attitudes towards them. Ambivalent attitudes towards body-worn cameras are not uncommon among

on de-escalation techniques to get everybody home safely. Camera footage isn’t typically used in that way, and a lot of officers who participated in my study have cited that as a need.” Camera footage also affords unique opportunities to look at the impacts of officers’ experiences on their health. By reviewing footage with officers and asking them what was running through their minds in the moment, Kerrison can compile qualitative data on the health detriments of police work. She also recognizes that stressors for law enforcement personnel have an impact on communities, and advocates for the implementation of reforms in a way that incorporates their perspectives: “Data-driven policing reform involves looking at the experiences of the officers and examining how their lives are informed by these policies.” Kerrison just finished a year as Vice President of Research at the Center for Policing Equity, housed at the CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice. She

“You don’t film cardiac surgeons and tell them what they should do differently when someone dies. I don’t know whether that should be the case, but the point is, it isn’t.” police; their use can be perceived as exposing officers to criticism of decisions from people who have no experience of their lived reality. Moreover, police officers’ work is subject to a level of public scrutiny that simply doesn’t apply to many other professions where decisions can have life-or-death consequences. “You don’t film cardiac surgeons and tell them what they should do differently when someone dies. I don’t know whether that should be the case, but the point is, it isn’t.” While the current focus on using bodycam footage to uncover misconduct is important, Kerrison maintains, its potential as a teaching tool is underutilized. “Camera footage can provide examples of real-life interactions that officers have with civilians — who are, for example, selling drugs in an open-air market or wielding a gun — and it can provide an opportunity to examine the ways that officers rely

has now returned to her full-time role in the School of Social Welfare.

• The work of Mack Distinguished Professor Jennifer Skeem is designed to inform efforts to prevent violence and other criminal behavior — and to improve the lives of people at risk. Her current work uses data science to measure the effectiveness and fairness of risk assessment algorithms — and examines innovative behavioral intervention options for people involved in the justice system. Her work stands to measure the impact of risk assessment on racial disparities in sentencing, and to connect individuals with services that will improve outcomes for them and for the communities they live in.



How do we accurately and fairly assess the likelihood that an individual will reoffend? Risk assessment may be a powerful tool for reducing mass incarceration without compromising public safety, but it is a complex equation — literally. Risk assessment instruments have been used for decades. But now, with the ready availability of administrative data and predictive algorithms, there is great capacity to expand the reach of risk assessment. One concern is that widespread use of risk assessment will exacerbate existing socioeconomic and racial disparities in sentencing. Risk assessment instruments

or white. Despite this lack of predictive bias, Black people obtained somewhat higher risk scores than white people on average — which raises concerns about disparate impact for some applications of the instrument. Skeem stresses the need for studies to directly examine the effect of risk assessment on existing racial and socioeconomic disparities in incarceration. She has begun to do so, in vignettebased studies of real judges. She anticipates that the impact of allowing judges to consider risk assessment rather than rely solely on their professional judgment may vary by region and potentially by jurisdiction.

“The real question is ‘compared to what?’ And the answer to that question probably varies as a function of what sentencing practices are being replaced. If risk assessment is introduced in a jurisdiction where historically there have been pronounced disparities by race, it could be that risk assessment would have more of a gap-narrowing effect than it would in a jurisdiction with fewer sentencing disparities.” factor in criminal history, which predicts future offending, but may also reflect biases in arrest and conviction. In addition, risk assessment tools also include other factors that predict future offending. Employment, educational attainment, anti-social attitudes, criminal peers, etc. may be included, even though some of these factors have nothing to do with how blameworthy somebody is for a particular offense. There is concern that some of those factors can be associated with race and socioeconomic status. In an article published in Criminology, Skeem and her colleague Chris Lowenkamp found that a risk assessment instrument used in the federal system was free of predictive bias by race — a score on that instrument translated to the same probability of rearrest for a violent crime, regardless of whether a person was Black



“The real question is “compared to what?” And the answer to that question probably varies as a function of what sentencing practices are being replaced. If risk assessment is introduced in a jurisdiction where historically there have been pronounced disparities by race, it could be that risk assessment would have more of a gap-narrowing effect than it would in a jurisdiction with fewer sentencing disparities.” Moreover, replacing individual judgement with formalized assessment will bring increased transparency to sentencing, making discrepancies easier to identify and address. Skeem and her Risk Resilience research lab also examine “what works” to reduce justice involvement among people with serious mental illness. Diagnoses of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other major mental disorders are three times as prevalent among

photo: from left to right - Erin Kerrison, Jennifer Skeem

justice-involved adults than among the general population. However, her work provides little evidence that symptoms of mental illness directly cause justice involvement. “We have found that people with mental illness involved in the justice system share most major risk factors for recidivism with their non-mentally-ill counterparts. So they are as likely or more likely to have substance abuse problems, criminal peers, emotion regulation problems.... many common risk factors you see in the general correctional population. That’s probably one of the reasons that it rarely works to just link people with psychiatric treatment and then expect that they won’t come to the attention of the police again.” Under the direct leadership of Dr. Sharon Farrell, Skeem’s lab is currently conducting randomized controlled trials to determine the value of adding a cognitive-behavioral treatment group that focuses on common risk factors for offending (e.g. anger management) to traditional psychiatric treatment in preventing recidivism for this group. Their work relies on evidence-based treatment and case management approaches valued in social work as it aims to determine a more nuanced answer to the question of what works for people with mental illness in the justice system, and which approaches best serve individuals’ and communities’ interests. Skeem’s prior work with Lina Montoya (in Biostatistics) indicates that people with serious mental illness and their communities can benefit substantially from appropriate correctional services. In a quasi-experiment published in JAMA-Psychiatry, they found that specialty mental health probation greatly reduced people’s likelihood of re-arrest compared to traditional probation. This was also a cost-effective use of resources: specialty mental health probation resulted in a net cost savings of 51% compared to traditional probation. Skeem and the Risk Resilience lab are also examining trends in “debt-free justice,” an emerging area that

reflects a larger shift from punitive to rehabilitative mindsets in the justice system. Historically, many jurisdictions have charged fees to caregivers to offset the costs of their children’s legal representation, detention, and probation. Like cash bail, these fees may have a disproportionate impact on lower-income segments of the population. In the case of juvenile justice, the financial burden of these fees falls on parents and guardians, but there has been relatively little study of the impact of fees on family debt, stress, and other factors that could impact recidivism. In 2018, California repealed counties’ authority to charge fees to caregivers for juveniles’ detention, supervision, or defense. With doctoral student Jaclyn Chambers, Skeem and her colleagues are collaborating with two counties to examine the impact of fee repeal on families’ financial health, youths’ risk of recidivism, and youths’ length of probation. Both Skeem’s and Kerrison’s research highlights the toll that current practices take on individuals and on communities. As Skeem puts it, “in recent years there has been increasing recognition of the fiscal, moral and human costs of incarceration. Policies in the United States have favored mass incarceration and mass supervision; but there’s not much evidence that’s making us safer. We have now entered an exciting period of interest in “evidencebased” justice reform.” Kerrison’s and Skeem’s research takes promising steps towards more effective and equitable approaches to justice. •

student PROFILE

FINDING A HOME in Haviland Hall Begonia Herbert-Ramirez (BA ‘19) beats the odds and makes her mark on Berkeley’s campus

The journey to success is rarely a smooth and linear path. For UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare undergraduate Begonia Herbert-Ramirez, the path to becoming a University Medal nominee with a 4.0 GPA was particularly trying. Through the ups and downs, however, were two things that kept her going. The first was her intellectual curiosity. “I always felt connected to education,” says Herbert-Ramirez. Her passion for learning was so strong that she enrolled at Berkeley Community College — despite being homeless, and ill. Herbert-Ramirez became homeless when she was 18. Although not originally from Berkeley, she eventually found herself here. She lived on the streets for two years. The next steps would be difficult. It took Herbert-Ramirez a couple of years to regain her health and self-esteem, and a few more to complete the coursework at BCC necessary to transfer to UC Berkeley, after dropping out two or three times. “It’s hard to talk about,” she confesses. “I didn’t really have a good life… that’s probably the best way to put it.” What is easy for Herbert-Ramirez to talk about nearly a



decade later (and equally thrilling to listen to) is her exciting transition to UCB, and her subsequent academic interests. “I took a health psychology class as part of the Transfer Edge program, and I just remember sitting in the Life Sciences building in one of those old classrooms. It had this amazing historical feel and I thought, ‘what crazy-smart people have sat in this seat before me?’ A lot of transfer students described this ‘not-fitting-in’ feeling, but I felt the opposite. I felt like for the first time, I really fit in somewhere. While Herbert-Ramirez was enjoying the feeling of fitting in, she stood out to others, particularly to Professor Jill Berrick. “Begonia participated in SW 110 last year where she quickly stood out among a group of 50 students as one of the strongest. She was mild-mannered in my class and relatively quiet, but when she engaged in the discussion at hand the other students paid close attention. Her critical analysis of the issues was so very sophisticated, and her understanding of the complexity of social problems (and the path to their amelioration) was nuanced.”

“There’s a social worker who helped me get off the streets and find housing and go back to school. [...] At that point, there was no one who had looked at me and stuck with me through hard things, who saw so much potential in me, and really helped me to see how much power I had. I think a lot of people would have given up on me, and to see all that I have become because someone wanted to help me — I think that’s a very powerful thing.”

Herbert-Ramirez has benefited from Berrick’s mentorship, and cites her as a vital factor in her professional achievements. “Jill is so incredibly kind and warm and you know, without her encouragement, I wouldn’t have even applied for the University Medal.” The University Medal is the award given each year to the graduating senior who best embodies the highest ideals of UC Berkeley. One of the reasons Berrick encouraged Herbert-Ramirez to apply for the University Medal lies in how she allows her personal experiences to inform her understanding of complex social problems without letting it overshadow her perspective; her process for building her structure of knowledge remains fluid and open. “Having experienced her own personal turbulence with family and community during her adolescent years, you might think her view of social problems would be one-dimensional. ‘I experienced this, so everyone who experiences this deserves a strong social response.’ But no. Begonia’s views were multidimensional as she attempted to tease out the meaning of what we refer to as social problems, and the importance of what we mean by a social response. What does it mean to be deserving? What are the limits of eligibility? What are the responsibilities of individuals, families, and communities, and what is the responsibility of the state?” It’s this determination to understand every angle of any given social situation that led Herbert-Ramirez to her newest passions: neuroscience and psychology, close and relevant cousins of social work. She gushes about her human emotions course: “The brain is the most complex organ — it’s just so intricate. I was listening to one of my lecturers, Dr. Dacher Keltner, in my human emotion class, and we’re talking about how oxytocin works, and the amygdala. This is stuff I’ve learned about before, but I still couldn’t tear myself away.” The second thing that kept Herbert-Ramirez fighting? The same thing that brought her to the School of Social Welfare in the first place: a compassionate and effective social worker. “There’s a social worker who helped me get off the streets and find housing and go back to school. I had PTSD and she helped me work through the trauma. And she was just amazing. At that point, there was no one who had looked at me and stuck with me through hard things, who saw so much potential in me, and really helped me to see how much power I had. I think a lot of people would have given up on me, and to see all that I have become because someone wanted to help me — I think that’s a very powerful thing.”

Herbert-Ramirez’s involvement in the psychology department with Dr. Sheri Johnson as a research assistant has aligned well with her social welfare coursework in moving her toward her professional goals. One of her recent projects, for example, involved taking the lead on conducting analyses of participants’ daily mood fluctuations. The participants were primarily homeless youth and other populations who were struggling with self-harm, suicide and aggression. Participant data was collected via wrist monitor, which measures skin conductance, an indicator of physiological arousal. The wrist monitor allowed the research team to observe participants in their authentic environment. The ultimate purpose of the study was to see if researchers could observe physiological changes occurring as participants made progress in the treatment; in other words, to see if the arousal data matched self-reported improvement. This allows researchers to help identify and target mechanisms of change. “I like having a social welfare background, because I think it encourages me to focus on populations that might not be studied, such as the homeless, and to remember that everything is happening in someone’s environment.” Herbert-Ramirez’s hope is to land a program coordinator position, gain exposure presenting research, and pursue a PhD studying neurocognitive mechanisms related to trauma and mood regulation. In the meantime, Herbert-Ramirez is busy finishing her coursework, preparing for graduation, and applying to conferences and jobs. Still, she finds the time to feel gratitude and awe for the educational institution which has helped foster her academic and real-world pursuits. “I still walk around the campus every day and think, ‘wow, this is such a beautiful campus and it feels so cool to be here.’ I walked past people today hanging out on the Memorial Glade lawn, enjoying the sunshine. I’m twenty-seven, so we might assume that I’m over the college scene. But I love it. There’s nothing like it.” Berrick, meanwhile, is grateful for the intellectual diversity that students like Herbert-Ramirez bring to Berkeley’s campus. “I always smiled when Begonia raised her hand in class. It meant that she was going to take my idea to the next level and draw the other students along with her. It meant that I would invariably learn something along the way, too. That is the essence of a university classroom experience. That is Berkeley at its finest.” •

alumni profile



IS NEVER DONE Ella Callow (BA ‘97)

Ella Callow, this year’s commencement speaker for Berkeley Social Welfare, has spent her career tackling one of the central questions of inclusion. “How do barriers impact the well-being of individuals with disabilities? And how can the system better serve these families so that we’re being true to our mandates as an inclusive society, and also so that we have the benefit of the contributions of these individuals and families?” In her role as UC Berkeley’s ADA/Section 504 Compliance Officer, she is responsible for ensuring campus compliance with federal and state regulations as well as university policies pertaining to access and inclusion for people with disabilities. But when she assumed this role in Fall 2018, it was the continuation of a story that began in Haviland Hall. As an undergrad at Cal, Callow had a double major in Native



American Studies and Social Welfare, and Mary Ann Mason’s child-centric approach to social welfare inspired her to combine those two interests. With the encouragement of Mary Ann Mason and another faculty mentor in Native American Studies, Patricia Penn-Hilden, she applied to Berkeley Law in order to bring a legal perspective to her work on child welfare. Not long after earning her JD, she went to work at Through the Looking Glass, a Berkeley-based nonprofit that supports families where either the parent or the child has a disability. Through the Looking Glass had long been a resource for questions about adaptive baby equipment — like using a desk as a wheelchair-accessible changing table. With federal funding, TLG became the first National Center for Parents With Disabilities and Their Families. As their Legal Director, Ella provided the expertise that allowed them to address the

heartbreaking calls that they received from parents who had become involved with the child welfare system solely because of a presumption that their disability was detrimental to their child. “People would call and say ‘I’m blind and they’ve taken my baby,’” explains Callow. “Or ‘I have cerebral palsy and someone called Child Welfare on me and they’ve taken my kids away.’” Often, dependency statutes allowed a court to reach the determination that a parent was unfit on the basis of disability. Sometimes there were allegations of abuse or neglect, but in many cases a parental disability was the sole reason for a family’s involvement with the Child Welfare system. In some instances, parents were unable to comply with court mandates because of accessibility issues: blind parents might be required to watch parenting videos, or a wheelchair user might miss a court hearing or an appointment because it was on an upper floor in a building with a broken elevator.

In 2017, Callow was hired as Disability Services Specialist for the City of Berkeley. As an early adopter of accessibility practices, the city had a long-standing dedication to accessibility and inclusion, but practices that had been pioneering for their time now need to be updated for 21st-century norms like digital communications. Callow found satisfaction in laying the groundwork to create a new transition plan: “it was a really rewarding process to prepare them to be leaders going forward in the next century.” Like the City of Berkeley, UC Berkeley was at the forefront of the independent living movement. Callow often notes the almost 100-year tradition of UC Berkeley producing brilliant disabled public intellectuals like Jacobus ten Broek, Ed Roberts, Judith Huemann, and Victor Pineda. And like the city, the campus faces challenges in modernizing an aging physical infrastructure, continuing to keep pace with technology, and moving beyond physical accessibility towards an equitable

“Making sure that we’re serving everyone is a challenge to rise up to, but it’s also a positive development in the ongoing story of disability and Berkeley.” Instances of discrimination were even more common if the parent had an intellectual or psychiatric disability. Ella was able to provide guidance about parents’ legal rights and effective legal strategies under these circumstances. Given the national scope of these issues, she also became a litigation consultant for the Disability Rights Section of the Civil Rights Division in the U.S. Department of Justice. She was a primary author of the National Council on Disability’s 2012 report “Rocking the Cradle: Ensuring the Rights of Parents with Disabilities and their Families,” which outlined the pervasive bias against parents with disabilities and made recommendations for legislative changes. Partly as a result of this report, in 2015 the Department of Justice issued guidelines that specified that the ADA applies within the context of the Child Welfare system, and parents have a right to reasonable services and accommodations at every step of the way. Callow describes her work with the Department of Justice as a rewarding opportunity to enact change on a structural level. “When the federal government has already identified that a state system — whether it’s a child welfare system or a court system — is struggling to meet the minimum requirements of the law, then we can look strategically at how they can change policies, practices, and protocols around training, staffing, service delivery and what services they’re building into their communities through funding.”

campus experience for individuals with disabilities. The definition of accessibility has evolved considerably since the independent living movement began here 50 years ago, and there is an ongoing need for more resources and more support. Says Callow, “we continue to work on removing physical access barriers, and we’re also working to remove barriers in programming — not just the academic programming, but programming for staff, faculty, and nonaffiliates. How do we make their participation most possible? And how do we make sure that we’re benefiting from all they have to contribute?” While the work of inclusion is never done, Callow highlights how much ground has already been covered: “Today’s UC Berkeley is something Ed Roberts and his cohort could only dream of in the 1960s: that 3000 [students] with disabilities across a broad spectrum would be on this campus doing what they wanted to do, getting an education and being part of a larger academic community and a local community. And so making sure that we’re serving everyone is a challenge, but it’s also an opportunity to be part of the incredible, ongoing story of disability and Berkeley.” We are proud to welcome Ella Callow back to campus, and honored to have her as commencement speaker in Spring 2019. •

alumni profile

In Service to the

PUBLIC GOOD Greg Evans (MSW ‘86)

Meeting Greg Evans (MSW ‘86) in the high-rise office of the McGuireWoods law firm in downtown San Francisco, you wouldn’t guess that he opened his first law office in a homeless shelter. As a law student in South Bend, Indiana, he had worked with the school’s Dean and the community to open a shelter in an abandoned department store using federal McKinney Act funding, and he ran the South Bend Legal Clinic for the Homeless in the shelter. Evans had already worked with homeless populations during his first-year MSW field placement at the Larkin Street Youth Center in San Francisco’s Tenderloin, and knew that access to housing was the foundation on which other supportive services could be added. His first trial represented a woman who was being evicted from public housing because she didn’t pay rent on time. Evans remembers the initial call: “I said, ‘Well, where are you?’ and she said, ‘I’m at my section 8 housing in Mishawaka, Indiana and the sheriff has just served us and I don’t have anywhere to go with my children.’ I said ‘Stay put, I’m on my way.’” The case eventually went to trial, and the family was able to stay in their home. Throughout his career, he has consistently used the law as a tool to advance the social welfare values he learned at



Cal, ensuring the setting and implementation of policy that enables the day-to-day work of direct service. His focus on helping others emerged early on. Growing up in a lower-income neighborhood in Los Angeles, he saw his mother — the daughter of immigrants — consistently volunteering in the community. “My mother taught us by example the importance of helping others even though you may be of very limited means. That’s when I first became interested in working in the area of social welfare and social policy.” Evans was in the process of applying to law schools when he learned about the MSW program at UC Berkeley. “Dean Specht, was, I think, the best recruiter that the university could have had for the School of Social Welfare. You got the feeling when you met Dean Specht that you had this tremendous talent and he had confidence you were going to be able to devote your energy in the right areas.” These days, Evans is a litigator with McGuireWoods, a law firm with offices around the country and internationally. His legal career has been informed by his time in Haviland Hall: he is quick to point out that the creation of policy goes hand-in-hand with the provision of services, and the practice

photo: Greg Evans at UC Berkeley 1986 MSW Graduation

“My mother taught us by example the importance of helping others even though you may be of very limited means. That’s when I first became interested in working in the area of social welfare and social policy.”

of law can make incremental changes in policies impacting children, families, and communities. “It was the experience that I had at UC Berkeley that helped me to understand that as a lawyer you could actually improve social welfare program implementation, and where necessary help to redesign and redirect social welfare programs that may be headed in the wrong direction, or may be unconstitutional, or unfair, or disproportionately administered.” His application of the law in the service of the social welfare marked his early career — he worked with the National Coalition for the Homeless — and is particularly visible in his pro bono work. Working for the Legal Defense Fund of the NAACP (founded by Thurgood Marshall), Evans represented a class of justice-involved youth in a lawsuit brought by the Black Probation Officers Association of Los Angeles County. Even though South Los Angeles was home to a significant number of juveniles involved with the probation system, resources were disproportionately allocated to other areas of the county. Evans knew from his second-year field placement with San Francisco’s Youth Guidance Center how high the stakes were for these youth, and knew the potential impact of them receiving appropriate resources. The Black Probation Officers Association was joined in the lawsuit by a number of South Los Angeles churches, and Evans successfully litigated for a more equitable distribution of resources. In another civil rights case, Evans brought a lawsuit under the Fair Housing Act in an area called Nobles Ranch in the Coachella Valley. When the expansion of a local mall was approved and the local government began efforts to purchase homes, Evans made the case that the proposed expansion would disproportionately displace residents of Black neighborhoods, depriving them of housing in an unconstitutional violation of civil rights. The case was eventually settled under a federal consent decree. This work on behalf of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund

eventually earned him a place on their board — an honor he shares with President Barack Obama and former Attorney General Eric Holder. Like Evans, President Barack Obama was a cooperating attorney for LDF. He also serves on the board of the Constitutional Rights Foundation, the YMCA of San Francisco, Catholic Charities of Los Angeles and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund Property Management Board, among other organizations. While pro bono work is an important part of his practice, Evans also approaches other aspects of his practice with an eye towards the public good. One of his recent cases involved a Superfund site in Montana, where he helped a copper mining company recoup a portion of its environmental cleanup costs from a prior owner of the site. Evans contends that “environmental laws are very much about the social welfare: the setting of levels for lead, arsenic, cadmium, and other harmful substances is important to the social welfare because it affects our health... If a kid is drinking water that’s got lead that exceeds the maximum contaminant levels by tenfold, no matter how much you do for the kid in school, there are going to be cognitive issues created by the exposure to those harmful contaminants.” Greg is not the only member of his family with an MSW. Once he and his brother had completed their educations, it was time for them to help put their mom through school. After a 30-year career with the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, she got a bachelor’s degree, then earned her MSW at UCLA, then went on to become an LCSW working in pediatric oncology at Kaiser. This coming year, Greg Evans will be adding another board affiliation: he will join the Dean’s Advisory Board at Berkeley Social Welfare. His expertise and perspective will be an asset to the School. •

cover story


Looking back at Dean Jeffrey Edleson’s tenure When Jeff Edleson began his tenure as Dean at Berkeley Social Welfare in August 2012, he brought over 30 years of expertise to the role, along with a knowledge of UC Berkeley and Haviland Hall shaped by his years as an undergraduate here. Seven years later as he steps into the role of professor, he leaves the School on a solid footing, poised to meet the demands of a changing field.

Dean Edleson presided over a significant changing of the guard among the faculty due to retirements and prior vacancies. Hiring trends for both Senate and Field faculty demonstrate a commitment to bringing diverse voices and perspectives into Social Welfare classrooms. Since 2012, the overwhelming majority — over 90% — of Senate faculty and Field faculty hires have been faculty of color (11 of 12) and female (12 of 12). Currently, 57% of Senate faculty members in Social Welfare are female and 29% are from underrepresented groups — a substantial increase under Dean Edleson’s leadership. (Campus averages are 31% and 9%, respectively.) New faculty have also brought a diversity of research interests, and new research centers have been established on risk assessment, reproductive justice, health disparities, and prevention. Dean Edleson’s tenure has also been characterized by an increase in external funding and faculty grant awards. The average faculty grant award has more than doubled from $327,730 in 2011–12 to $761,376 in 2017–18, and total external funding saw a 42% increase in the same time period.



photo elena zuchova

I am particularly proud of the fact that Provost George Breslauer and I were able to bring Jeff Edleson here to Berkeley from the University of Minnesota in 2012 as the Dean of Social Welfare. Because of his leadership, the School of Social Welfare at Berkeley is well positioned to continue to play its historic leadership role well into the future. – Chancellor Emeritus Robert Birgeneau

The strength of the School has been reflected in consistently high rankings for the Berkeley Social Welfare. Despite the School’s small size, the MSW program has been ranked third in the nation by US News & World Report for the last four consecutive years. In the first-ever national rankings of undergraduate social work majors, USA Today ranked Berkeley the #1 undergraduate college for social work in the country. Moreover, our Senate faculty continue to be ranked among the top group of scholars in social welfare. The last seven years have also brought important transformations to Haviland Hall. As of Summer 2018, the School of Social Welfare is the only occupant of Haviland Hall for the first time in its history. (See p. 23.) Dean Edleson and his staff also oversaw other upgrades to Haviland to make it a more functional, welcoming space for students. In 2013, an office and a classroom were transformed into Haviland Commons, a lounge where students can work or just recharge their batteries — literally and figuratively — in a comfortable, welcoming environment. In the same year, a forlorn patch of dirt just north of Haviland Hall became the Nathan Grove, with picnic tables and outdoor seating offering a welcoming spot for students to gather. Under Dean Edleson’s leadership, the School has made great efforts to expand research opportunities and financial support for doctoral students so



that each student receives a commitment of four years of full support to complete their studies. The percentage of doctoral students receiving departmental awards has doubled, from 32% in 2012 to 67% in 2017. Social Welfare is one of the most generous departments on campus for PhD funding, second only to Engineering. This support has been made possible in part by the generosity of Social Welfare donors, many of whom have established endowed funds for student support. Berkeley Social Welfare has also adapted programs to better support students. The BASW, MSW and PhD curricula have all been renewed in the last six years. Two new graduate certificates were added, one focused on social work with Latinx communities and the other in aging services. Social Welfare’s participation in Berkeley Connect has become a model for the rest of campus. (See p.24.) Thanks to a federal grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Latinx Center of Excellence was created to promote mental health careers among Latinx students by providing mentoring as well as enhanced training and educational opportunities. (See p.25.) The school is currently looking into funding options for a similar program to increase enrollments and improve student experience among Black students, with the end goal of addressing the shortage of mental-health social workers and scholars working in Black communities.



# Throughout his tenure as Dean, Edleson has also remained active as a scholar. He was named one of the dozen highest impact scholars in the field of social work in a 2016 study in Research on Social Work Practice. He and his co-author Taryn Lindhorst were awarded the 2015 Society for Social Work and Research Book Award for Best Scholarly Book for Battered Women, Their Children and International Law: The Unintended Consequences of the Hague Child Abduction Convention. His 2016 article “The Relationship Between Child Maltreatment, Intimate Partner Violence Exposure, and Academic Performance” (co-authored with Lisa Kiesel and Kristine Piescher) was recognized as the Best Article of 2016 by the Journal of Public Child Welfare. His work on domestic violence prevention has continued to garner international press coverage, particularly with regards to the Hague Convention, which addresses cases of international child abduction but is unevenly applied when a parent is fleeing domestic violence. Dean Edleson also has a strong record of service, most notably for his work as the founding co-chair for the Campus Coordinated Review Team on Sexual Misconduct. His efforts and expertise in this area were valuable for the campus as it evaluated and updated practices to increase accountability and transparency as well support for students and staff. Edleson has been appreciated both by his peers and by campus leadership. Henry Brady, Dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy, says “Jeff Edleson has transformed the School of Social Welfare during a period when the campus faced severe fiscal challenges... Dean Edleson has provided thoughtful and wise leadership, and he has been a leader among professional school deans. He has also been a campus leader who has provided sage and judicious counsel on many difficult issues. He leaves behind a stronger School of Social Welfare and a stronger UC Berkeley.”




(USA Today)





(Smith, Jacobs, Osteen & Carter)

(US News)

Total External Funding

Average Faculty Grant Award


photo: Jeffrey Edleson, Ellen Ginsburg, and Lew Polsky, 1973

Chancellor Emeritus Robert Birgeneau had similar praise. “One of the pleasures in serving in senior administration is that one is able to attract outstanding leaders to our campus. I am particularly proud of the fact that Provost George Breslauer and I were able to bring Jeff Edleson here to Berkeley from the University of Minnesota in 2012 as the Dean of Social Welfare. This was a propitious time in the history of our outstanding School of Social Welfare because a number of faculty positions were opening up. Here, Jeff has truly excelled, appointing outstanding, diverse faculty to the School. Further, Dean Edleson has acted as a caring mentor for each

photo: Professor Neil Gilbert, one of Dean Edleson’s mentors as an undergraduate, leads a send-off toast in Edleson’s honor at the Dean’s Circle Dinner on May 10, 2019.

of our new faculty. Because of his leadership, the School of Social Welfare at Berkeley is well positioned to continue to play its historic leadership role well into the future. Jeff is well known for his affability and accessibility as well as being a forceful advocate for his faculty. This accessibility has extended to the students whom he meets with regularly. Finally, I know from firsthand experience that Jeff has worked particularly well with the Social Welfare donor community. He will be greatly missed.” What’s next? A sabbatical year, and then a return to Haviland Hall in Fall 2020 to continue as professor in the School of Social Welfare. Forty-five years after he graduated from Berkeley with a BASW in 1974, Edleson leaves an impressive legacy as Dean, and we look forward to his future contributions as a scholar and teacher.

DEVELOPMENTS IN THE EDLESON YEARS Explore a selection of milestones from Dean Jeffrey Edleson’s tenure as dean of the School of Social Welfare.

HAVILAND HALL EXPANSION For the first time in its history, the School of Social Welfare is the only occupant of Haviland Hall. In summer 2018, the Epidemiology division of the School of Public Health moved into the Berkeley Way West building, and Berkeley Social Welfare gained access to all 51,000 square feet of Haviland Hall. Their former office suite, 101 Haviland, became Social Welfare’s new Student Services office. Under the old layout, students waited in a hallway and held conversations in offices shared among several advisers. Now students have a comfortable, welcoming waiting area and individual meeting rooms for their conversations with advisers; the new arrangement enhances confidentiality and overall student experience. Additional space was made available for the Latinx Center of Excellence. The LCOE is now located next to the Student Services office, making it easier for students to connect with resources and mentoring.

“This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity.” — Dean Edleson Research units that had previously shared space downstairs in the Center for Social Services Research were able to expand into larger, more private spaces upstairs. In December, the California Social Work Education Center (CalSWEC) moved into the former CSSR space and other Haviland Hall offices, bringing all of the programs run under the auspices of the School of Social Welfare under one roof. For the School of Social Welfare to be the only program in Haviland Hall is an important milestone, but the real accomplishment is the increased opportunity for student support and collaboration made possible by these changes. Our next challenge? Bringing Haviland Hall fully into the 21st century.




BERKELEY CONNECT With the motto of “You Belong Here,” Berkeley Connect was launched in 2014 with the goal of combining the intellectual strength of UC Berkeley with the supportive community of a small liberal arts college. Graduate students mentor undergraduates, both one-on-one and in small groups, under the direction of a senior faculty member. One of 10 participating departments on campus, the School of Social Welfare’s Berkeley Connect program is rated by students as the best on campus. Approximately 100 students per year participate in Berkeley Connect through Social Welfare, an impressive number given that 160 undergrads are majoring in Social Welfare at any given time. (The program is open to all undergraduates, but the small-group discussions focus on themes that are specific to organizing departments.) One reason for this success? Social Welfare’s Berkeley Connect program is generously supported thanks to endowed funding from the family foundation of Catherine Hutto Gordon (BASW ‘73). While any undergraduate at a large university can benefit from building connections with peers and mentors, that experience can be particularly valuable for transfers and first-generation students as they navigate complex and sometimes impersonal campus systems. As Berkeley Connect expands across campus, Social Welfare’s program will no doubt continue to be a model.



“Berkeley Connect makes a big campus feel small, and gives students an opportunity to take risks exploring new ideas about social solutions to society’s most vexing problems – all in the company of friends.” — Professor Jill Duerr Berrick, Faculty Director

LATINX CENTER OF EXCELLENCE Established in 2017 with grant funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Latinx Center of Excellence aims to address the shortage of Latinx students in mental health and to promote success among Latinx social work students through enhanced training and educational opportunities in behavioral health. The LCOE has connected dozens of students with mentors. Undergraduates are paired with Latinx MSW students who can share their experiences and can provide support and encouragement for reaching academic goals. MSW students, meanwhile, are matched with alumni and local professionals for career advice and perspectives. The LCOE also provides writing and resource support to students.

“For Latinx students committed to serving their community, the LCOE provides financial support, undergraduate through postdoctoral pipeline mentoring, a Mexico summer immersion opportunity, and community building within the School of Social Welfare.” — Professor Kurt Organista

In just two years, the LCOE has provided over $450,000 in stipends to 60 MSW students, including 20 participants in the summer “Sin Fronteras” program in Oaxaca. By helping recipients graduate with a lower debt burden, the stipends have the potential to open up broader career possibilities within Latinx-serving organizations. The LCOE has also enabled new options for field placements with Latinx-serving agencies, and more new partnerships are anticipated as the LCOE’s reputation grows in the Bay Area. Of course, the need for culturally competent social workers goes well beyond the Latinx community. Based on the success of the LCOE, a similar effort is under way to increase enrollment among African-American students. The model for this program is still under development; look for more details in future magazine issues!

FLEXMSW Berkeley Social Welfare is excited to announce a new MSW degree program option: the FlexMSW, designed for audiences not previously reached through our traditional MSW program. Beginning in Fall 2020, entering students will be able to choose between a traditional two-year MSW, a three-year Extended MSW, and a one-year Advanced Standing MSW for students who have received a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree from an accredited program. This new program aims to address a critical and growing shortage of professional social workers, in California and nationwide, by expanding the size of our graduate student population and making our programs more accessible to working professionals. Almost all schools of social work in the U.S. offer both a one-year advanced standing plan and a part-time MSW degree plan in addition to offering a traditional two-year MSW. The new FlexMSW will bring Berkeley Social Welfare’s programs into alignment with peers nationwide. The one-year Advanced Standing MSW degree program will enroll qualified students who have received a baccalaureate professional degree in social work (BSW) degree from a program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Pursuing the MSW degree with Advanced Standing status allows students with accredited BSW degrees to bypass the foundational components of the MSW curriculum (given their prior exposure to social work foundational content in BSW programs), and enter the second year of the program directly. This reduces the units required for degree completion, allowing students to finish in two semesters and a summer. Students can enroll on a part-time basis and complete the required foundational, specialized, and field education components over a longer period of time. Students in all three tracks benefit from the faculty, curriculum, and network of field placements that have helped make Berkeley Social Welfare one of the top-ranked MSW programs in the nation. •

an inside look at the

Haviland So



ociety Dinner Berkeley Social Welfare’s inaugural Haviland Society dinner took place in January 2019. Hosted by Dean Edleson and his wife Sudha Shetty at their home in the Berkeley hills, the dinner recognized the School’s most committed and generous donors. Guests heard from Professor Jill Duerr Berrick, who spoke about her recent book The Impossible Imperative: Navigating the Competing Principles of Child Protection. The Haviland Society, created in 2017, honors those who have cumulatively given or pledged $10,000 or more to Berkeley Social Welfare over the course of their lifetimes. Members include both those whose finances allow them to make substantial one-time gifts as well as those whose consistent giving, year after year, has added up to have a lasting impact on Berkeley Social Welfare programs and students.

For more information on becoming a member of the Haviland Society, please contact Director of External Relations Veronica Alexander at

NEW FACES Veronica Alexander

Director of External Relations Prior to her role as Director of External Relations, Veronica Alexander served as Director of Development and Founding Director of Financial Aid at UC Irvine School of Law and the UCLA School of Law, respectively. Veronica developed and grew external fundraising and donor relations from the ground up for Irvine, the youngest public law school in California. Veronica holds a BA in Social Ecology from UC Irvine and just completed an MA in Criminology, Law and Society. In her spare time, she enjoys live theater and going to concerts with her husband, Cedric.

Cassandra Castillo Student Services Advisor Cassandra Castillo comes to the School of Social Welfare from Campus Shared Services, where she worked as an HR Generalist. A Berkeley Social Welfare alumna, she is excited to return to Haviland. She provides academic support to prospective graduate applicants and manages course scheduling, as well as ASE/ GSR appointments and award entry. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, taking Buzzfeed quizzes (because who doesn’t want to know what flavor potato chip they are?), puns, and long romantic walks to the fridge.

Rebecca Dorman Integrated Behavioral Health Project Manager Rebecca Dorman manages day-to-day activities for all Integrated Behavioral Health projects, including the MHSA Stipend Program, the San Francisco Bay Area Integrated Behavioral Health MSW Training Program, the Northern California Substance Use Disorder Treatment MSW Training Program, and evaluation activities for Berkeley Social Welfare’s Latinx Center of Excellence. Previously, she managed monitoring- and evaluation-related projects in the social sector. She earned both her BA in psychology and anthropology and her MPH at UCLA.



Gabriela Fischer

Program and Policy Analyst, Title IV-E Stipend Program Gabriela Fischer researches local, state, and federal developments in public child welfare social work policy, education, and workforce development trends, and implements program improvements and updates accordingly. She works in collaboration with statewide child welfare social work partners to develop the CalSWEC Curriculum Competencies for Public Child Welfare and evaluates their implementation at participating CalSWEC Title IV-E schools. Prior to joining CalSWEC, she was Title IV-E Project Coordinator for the School of Social Work at SFSU. She earned an MSW, a BA in psychology, and a BA in Latin American Studies at UC Berkeley. When not at work, she loves to cook, knit, and travel.

Mary Fleger Community and Events Associate Mary hails from the Midwest and has the excessively solicitous mannerisms to prove it. A former teacher with an MS in Education and experience in community outreach, Mary considers classrooms of all kinds to be her natural habitat, and relishes her role in showcasing the School of Social Welfare’s exciting research to the broader public. Outside the office, she keeps a blog centered on mindfulness, fosters many sad-looking houseplants, makes tasty messes in the kitchen, and watches nature documentaries.

Athena Georganas Database Analyst Athena Georganas manages and maintains CalSWEC databases for both the Title IV-E Stipend and MHSA Stipend Programs. Using these databases, she provides data reports and analysis to support program operation and evaluation efforts. Athena earned a BA in studio art at Humboldt State University, where she was an administrative support coordinator in the Department of Social Work. She loves hiking and landscape photography.

Sheela Jhaveri Research Administrator Sheela Jhaveri supports and oversees post-award administration of some of CalSWEC’s grants. A UC Berkeley veteran, she has also worked at various nonprofits in the Bay Area, most recently Destiny Arts Center as Development Administrator. Sheela earned a Master of International Affairs degree at Columbia University and a BA in anthropology at UC Berkeley. Her creative side finds expression in concocting healing remedies from plant medicine for friends and family, creating jewelry for customers through her Etsy shop, and spending time in her garden.

NEW FACES Jennifer Monahan

Communications Manager Jennifer Monahan joined the School of Social Welfare from UC Berkeley’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. She has 15 years’ experience in education communications, having overseen multiple website redesigns, numerous print publications, and countless email campaigns. Jennifer holds a PhD in French from UC Berkeley. In her spare time, you can find her spending time with family, riding a bicycle, or volunteering with the Berkeley Parents Network.

Karen Orlando Field Education Support Coordinator Karen Orlando’s extensive experience in the field of social work began with a field placement for her MSW degree at a labor union in Alameda County, where she utilized popular education and participatory research to support the empowerment of In-Home Supportive Services workers, seniors, and people with disabilities. She joins the Field Education team from UC Berkeley’s Labor Center where she ran a summer internship program for UC students. Most recently, she organized a retreat for women leaders in the labor movement employing language justice. Karen is an avid mahjong player and also a believer in the healing powers of non-violent (compassionate) communication.

Suhel Pathan Salesforce Administrator/Developer Suhel Pathan is involved in the ongoing build and maintenance of the CSIS (CalSWEC Student Information System) Salesforce platform. As a Salesforce Certified Administrator, Certified Advanced Administrator, and Certified Developer, he has been working in the Salesforce ecosystem for about eight years, including for such companies as, Oracle, T-Mobile, and NetApp. Suhel earned a BS in business management and psychology at Palo Alto University. A spiritual person for whom his family always comes first, Suhel also enjoys an active lifestyle. He was a national-level cricket player and was drafted to play in the Under-19 Cricket World Cup in 2001.



Michelle Perez-Robles Office and Events Manager Michelle Perez-Robles supports CalSWEC by managing office operations and events. Prior to joining CalSWEC, she was Events and Engagement Coordinator for CENIC in Berkeley and Office Manager and Project Coordinator for NC-SARA in Boulder, Colorado. Michelle earned an MA in strategic communication and a BA in organizational development at Regis University. When not at work, she enjoys spending time with her family, exploring the Bay Area, and doing anything fitness-related.

Melissa Portal Administrative Coordinator Melissa has spent the past few years as the manager and business partner in her successful local business, where she oversaw all aspects of the business operations including customer service, marketing, finance, and HR. She has over 10 years of experience working in client services and previously worked for a direct service non-profit. When Melissa is not at work, she enjoys spending her time with her two daughters and husband and spends a great deal of it as a “synchronized swimming mom” at her youngest daughter’s competitions and club events. She is originally from Lima, Peru, is fluent in Spanish, and also enjoys hiking and traveling.

Chavon Rosenthal Finance and Database Support Specialist Chavon Rosenthal joins the School of Social Welfare from UC Berkeley’s Department of Physics and ChaMPS Region. She has 10 years’ experience in higher education administration including finance, research administration, and development. Chavon holds an MBA from Mills College. In her spare time, you can find Chavon training for endurance events, or in the kitchen cooking her way through a cookbook while trying to prevent her two cats from jumping onto the kitchen table.

HAVILAND BRIEFS faculty appointments We are proud to announce our faculty promotions and appointments with tenure. Adrian Aguilera Associate Professor

Paul R. Sterzing Associate Professor

Valerie Shapiro

Associate Professor

Susan Stone

Professor Catherine Mary and Eileen Clare Hutto Chair of Social Services in Public Education

FACULTY NOTES Associate Professor Adrian Aguilera was a visiting scholar in Mexico City at the Mexican National Institute of Psychiatry. He presented a talk entitled “Design Considerations for mHealth Interventions with Low Income, Ethnic Minority Patients” at the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions in Auckland, NZ in February, and published two papers with colleagues: “Effectiveness of a Multimodal Digital Psychotherapy Platform for Adult Depression: A Naturalistic Feasibility Study” in JMIR Mhealth Uhealth and “A Seat at the Table: Strategic Engagement in Service Activities for Early Career Faculty From Underrepresented Groups in the Academy” in Academic Medicine. Professor Jill Duerr Berrick’s book The Impossible Imperative: Navigating the Competing Principles of Child Protection has received an honorable mention for the 2019 Outstanding Social Work Book Award, conferred by the Society for Social Work and Research. She has given numerous book talks, including at the University of Tampere (Finland), the EUSARF conference in Porto (Portugal), the University of Washington School of Social Work, and the Mississippi State Child Welfare Conference. Professor Berrick was also selected to participate in the UC Women’s Initiative, a systemwide program of professional development for University staff and faculty, as well as the Chancellor’s Strategic Initiative Working Group on Inequality and Opportunity. Assistant Professor Yu-Ling Chang received the 2019 W.E. Upjohn Institute Early Career Research Award to carry out her new research project, “The Gendered Effects of Unemployment Insurance Modernization on Benefit Receipt and Employment Patterns among Unemployed Workers.” Professor Julian Chow received the 2018 Model Alumni Award from the Alumni Association of Tunghai University in Taiwan. The award recognizes alumni with records of accomplishments and contributions made to the social good.



Dean Jeff Edleson and PhD student Laura Brignone had their article titled “The Dating and Domestic Violence App Rubric: Synthesizing Clinical Best Practices and Digital Health App Standards for Relationship Violence Prevention Smartphone Apps” accepted for publication in the International Journal of HumanComputer Interaction. Dean Edleson participated on a panel with other deans on hiring and retaining Latinx faculty at the National Association of Deans and Directors (NADD) of Social Work Programs at its Spring meeting in San Diego in April. Last fall, Dean Edleson was interviewed for a series of radio segments and articles exploring the Hague Convention on child abduction as it relates to cases involving domestic violence and New Zealand courts. Professor of the Graduate School Eileen Gambrill’s latest book, Critical Thinking and the Process of Evidence-based Practice, was published by Oxford University Press. Two additional publications, “The Promotion of Avoidable Ignorance in the British Journal of Social Work” and “Criticism and its Critics: Reply to Holloway and Golightley,” appeared in Research in Social Work Practice. Professor Neil Gilbert presented his report “Towards Family Sensitive Social Protection,” at the 57th Session of the UN Commission for Social Development in New York City. In addition to co-chairing the Fifth Annual Meeting of the International Network for Social Policy Teaching and Research in Bergen, Norway, Gilbert gave lectures in Norway as well as France, Italy, Qatar, and Spain. Assistant Professor Anu Manchkanti Gómez published an article entitled “The Misclassification of Ambivalence in Pregnancy Intentions: A Mixed-Methods Analysis,” and her research was cited in a California Health Report article, “Pharmacists Can Now Prescribe Birth Control, but Few Do.” Another Kind of Madness: A Journey through the Stigma and Hope of Mental Illness, affiliated faculty member Stephen Hinshaw’s account of his family’s experience with his father’s bipolar disorder, won the American Book Fest’s 2018 award for best autobiography or memoir. Assistant Professor Erin Kerrison spent a year on leave as the Vice President of Research at the Center for Policing Equity (CPE) housed at the CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice, where she led an interdisciplinary team of social scientists, legal scholars, and data technicians. Kerrison’s featured commentary, “Prison Drug Treatment Programs are Failing People of Color,” was published in the Center for American Progress project TalkPoverty, and she has also published three forthcoming peer-reviewed articles: “On Creating Ethical, Productive, and Durable Action Research Partnerships with Police Officers and Their Departments: A Case Study of the National Justice Database” (Police Practice and Research: An International Journal); “The Mismeasure of Terry Stops: Assessing the Psychological and Emotional Harms of Stop and Frisk to Individuals and Communities” (Behavioral Sciences & the Law); and “When Policing Causes Crime: The Criminogenic Effects of Police Stops on Adolescent Black and Latino Boys” (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America).

Professor of the Graduate School Jim Midgley gave the keynote address — entitled “Developmental Social Work: Principles and Practice”— to the International Conference on Developmental Social Work at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in May 2018. The December 2018 issue of the Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare was a special issue in Jim Midgley’s honor, containing papers presented at a Berkeley symposium organized in his honor prior to his retirement.


Black MSW Alumni Reunion Wakanda forever! Black students, alumni, staff, and faculty gathered at the home of Roger Daniels (MSW ‘95) and Director of Field Education Greg Merrill.

In recognition of exemplary research that focuses on psychosocial problems within the Chicano and Latino communities, Professor Kurt C. Organista was selected for the Chancellor’s Public Scholar Faculty Fellowship for 2018 - 2019. He was also invited to join the new Chancellor’s Undocumented Community Council. In early January, he participated in the UCSF Department of Psychiatry’s Grand Rounds lecture series for clinical professionals; his talk was entitled “A Structural Environmental Approach to Problem Drinking and HIV Risk in Latino Migrant Day Laborers.” Assistant Professor Tina Sacks was interviewed by Berkeley News about her book, Invisible Visits: Black Middle-Class Women in the American Healthcare System. An op-ed published on the Oxford University Press blog, “The Ongoing Significance of Racism in American Medicine,” looks at the issue of racism in American healthcare in the context of the infamous Tuskegee Syphilis Study and its impact on the families and descendants of those involved. Professor of the Graduate School Steven Segal’s articles include “Contributors to Screening Positive for Mental Illness in Lebanon’s Shatila Palestinian Refugee Camp,” with Khoury, Salah, and Ghannam, in Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease; “Wellbeing and Growth among Syrian Refugees in Jordan” with Rizkalla in Journal of Traumatic Stress; and “The Utility of Outpatient Commitment: Acute Medical Care Access and Protecting Health” with Hayes and Rimes in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.

Scientist-Practitioner Award by the International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology. In a new paper accepted for publication in Psychological Assessment, Dr. Perman Gochyyev and Professor Skeem present an efficient measure of the quality of relationships between professionals and clients when treatment is mandated. Additionally, Dr. Skeem’s article with lead author Ellicott Matthay, “Exposure to Community Violence and Self-Harm in California: A Multi-Level Population-Based Case-Control Study,” was published in Epidemiology, and she presented on “Race, Risk, and Recidivism” as part of a national panel held at the Vanderbilt Law School on “Big Data and Criminal Justice: Equity and Fairness.”

Associate Professor Valerie Shapiro co-authored “Seven Action Steps to Unleash the Power of Prevention” and (with doctoral student Juyeon Lee) “Multilevel structural equation modeling for social work researchers: An introduction and an application to healthy youth development” in the Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.

Professor Skeem’s work on psychopathic personality disorder was featured in a recent article in Psychology Today titled “What We Get Wrong About Psychopaths.” Professor Skeem was also featured in a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio documentary titled “Creating Conscience: A History of Treating the Psychopath.”

Shapiro was selected as a Top Ten Finalist for the 2019 William T. Grant Scholars Program to Study the Use of Research Evidence. She was selected as a UC Women’s Initiative Program Facilitator for UC’s Women’s Leadership Development Program and was also appointed to the Board of Directors for the National Prevention Science Coalition. Shapiro also published with co-author Kelly Ziemer a paper entitled “Efficient Implementation Monitoring in Routine Prevention Practice: A Grand Challenge for Schools” in the Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, and guest-edited with Kimberly Bender a special issue of the Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research entitled “Ensuring Healthy Development for All Youth Through the Power of Prevention.” Shapiro was an invited speaker at the 2018 International Summit on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma Across the Lifespan.


Professor Jennifer Skeem was awarded the Edwin L. Megargee

Field Consultant Andrea Dubrow was named a 2018 Honored Instructor by UC Berkeley Extension in recognition of her teaching excellence and for personifying a professional commitment to lifelong learning. She is the coordinator of BASSC’s Executive Development Program at UC Extension, a leadership training program that targets mid-level managers of county social service program. Child Welfare Scholars Project Coordinator/Lecturer Christina Feliciana made a presentation about ethical considerations in adoption at the LGBTQ Foster-Adoption Mini Conference sponsored by the Our Family Coalition. At the CalSWEC Title IV-E Summit in April 2018, she co-facilitated a workshop entitled, “#Hairbeads: Unpacking

the racial binary,” focusing on the role of individual use of self and implicit bias among child welfare practitioners. Field Consultant Susana Fong, Director of Field Education Greg Merrill, and CalSWEC Mental Health Program Director Maxwell Davis co-instructed a course in interprofessional collaboration as part of the San Francisco Bay Area’s Integrated Behavioral Health Stipend Program led by Dr. Davis. The course involved a simulation with actors playing an elder care scenario that requires health disciplines to collaborate to meet the family’s emerging needs.

STUDENT NOTES Brita A. Bookser presented her paper “Alternative Schools and the Occupation of the Expulsion-Prison Nexus” at the Prison University Project’s conference Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reform: 21st Century Solutions to 20th Century Problems at San Quentin State Prison in October 2018. She subsequently spoke about the connections between education and recidivism at a Teachers’ Forum event at San Quentin in February. Jaclyn Chambers was selected to receive the California Professional Society on the Abuse of Children’s (CAPSAC) Paul Crissey Award for 2019. The award recognizes outstanding research by a graduate student in the field of child maltreatment. Maggie Downey was selected by the National Association of Social Work Foundation to receive the 2018-19 Jane B. Aron Health Care Education and Leadership Scholars (HEALS) Doctoral Fellowship. Rachel Gartner accepted a position of Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work; her dissertation is entitled “From Gender Microaggressions to Sexual Assault: Measure Development and Preliminary Trends Among Undergraduate Women.” Walter Gómez co-authored an article titled “Randomized Controlled Trial of a Positive Affect Intervention for Methamphetamine Users” and published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence. He presented a number of conference papers, including “How Academic Social Workers Negotiate their Practice and Research Selves in the Field” at the European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry in Edinburgh, Scotland, “Qualitative Research as a Means to Sustain Social Work’s Identity” at the SSWR in San Francisco, and “(Re)positioning Sexual Health among Populations Underserved by PrEP: An Institutional Case Study” at the Social Work and Sexualities Conference in Montreal; this paper was co-authored by faculty members Anu Manchikanti Gomez and Kurt Organista, as well as Sheilalyn Solis (MSW ‘18). Woojin Jung accepted a job as Assistant Professor at Rutgers University. In 2018, she was awarded an InFEWS travel grant funded by the National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Program (NRT); she used the grant to collect data for her research on the spatial distribution of community development projects in Myanmar in collaboration with the World Bank.



Juyeon Lee published a paper entitled “South Korean Children’s Academic Achievement and Subjective Well-Being: The Mediation of Academic Stress and the Moderation of Perceived Fairness of Parents and Teachers” in Children and Youth Services Review. This paper was also presented at the SSWR conference. Briana Mcgeough accepted a position of Assistant Professor at the University of Kansas School of Social Welfare; her dissertation is entitled “Understanding Co-Occurring Depression Symptoms and Alcohol Use Symptoms Among Sexual Minority Women.” Katie Savin was named a 2018-19 Mentored Research Fellow, and her research proposal, “How SSI and SSDI Beneficiaries Work Around and Within Current Labor Incentive Programs,” was approved for funding by the Social Security Administration’s Analyzing Relationships between Disability, Rehabilitation and Work (ARDRAW) Small Grant Program. Valentin Sierra received the Brandon Harrison Award for Youth Leadership and Youth Advocacy from the Sierra Health Foundation and UC Davis. Matthew Smith, Lead Outreach Peer Adviser at the Cal Veteran Services Center, testified before the UC Board of Regents to advocate in favor of improved coordination between the Veterans Health Administration and the UC campuses. He also joined the board of the Veterans Accession House, which provides housing for homeless and at-risk student veterans.

CENTER NOTES As part of their work with the Guizhou Berkeley Big Data Innovation Research Center (GBIC-Berkeley), Professor Julian Chow, Professor Susan Stone and Dr. Marla Stuart traveled to Guiyang, China in December 2018 to present at the 2018 Berkeley Livelihood Big Data “Digital Valley and Silicon Valley” Workshop. In January, Chow, Professor Andrew Scharlach, Stone and Stuart were panelists in a symposium entitled “Testing the Feasibility of Harnessing Big Data for Social Good: Experiences of the Guizhou Berkeley Big Data Innovation Research Center” at the SSWR Conference in San Francisco. In February, Chow, Stone, and Stuart gave presentations during the visit from the Korean Research Center for Guardianship and Trusts (KCGAT) delegation to the School of Social Welfare, and Stuart gave a presentation during the visit from the Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University. The Latinx Center of Excellence hosted Terapia Solidaria: Narrative Therapy Practice in solidarity with Latinx Communities with presenters marcela polanco and Luna Calderon. Offered in Spanish, the workshop provided an overview of narrative therapy practice concepts and of marcela polanco’s terapia solidaria.

STAFF NOTES On December 14, Faculty Support Coordinator Loretta Morales celebrated 40 years of keeping things running smoothly in Haviland Hall!

FACULTY BOOKS Mike Austin and Mack Center Research Director Sarah Carnochan

Public Child Welfare: A Casebook for Teaching and Learning. Framed within the context of relevant national and state policy and practices, the cases address complex child welfare issues including neglect and abuse, substance abuse, domestic violence, criminal justice involvement, mental health, reunification and adoption, and more. Co-authors include Lisa Molinar, Joanne Brown, Lisa Botzler, Karen Gunderson and Colleen Henry.

Jill Duerr Berrick

The Impossible Imperative: Navigating the Competing Principles of Child Protection The Impossible Imperative (Oxford University Press) lays out a framework for conducting principled child welfare practice, arguing that the field is shaped by competing ideas that force child welfare professionals to make choices that are both contested and contentious. Although the principles serve to animate child welfare practice and policy, they are fraught with contradiction when placed in a real-world context. Joined by 15 co-authors who are former Berkeley students and who have served as child welfare professionals across California, these writers share their stories about working on the front lines of child protection.

Eileen Gambrill

Critical Thinking and the Process of Evidence-Based Practice (Oxford University Press). Gambrill’s newest book provides a detailed description of the process of evidence-based practice. Ethical obligations to involve clients as informed participants are emphasized, including attention to the close connection between evidentiary and ethical issues. The text discusses the origins of the process as well as related controversies and implementation obstacles, and serves as a valuable resource to professionals and students in the helping professions.

Tina Sacks

Invisible Visits: Black Middle-Class Women in the American Healthcare System (Oxford University Press). Although the United States spends almost onefifth of all its resources funding healthcare, the American system continues to be dogged by persistent inequities in the treatment of racial and ethnic minorities and women. Based on original research, Invisible Visits analyzes how middle-class Black women navigate the complexities of dealing with doctors in this environment. It challenges the idea that race and gender discrimination in healthcare settings is a thing of the past, and questions the persistent myth that discrimination only affects poor racial minorities.

honor roll

DEAN’S LEADERSHIP CIRCLE The Dean’s Leadership Circle is comprised of distinguished donors who have made an annual leadership gift of $500 or more between January 1, 2018 and March 21, 2019 in support of the dean’s vision of access and excellence in social work education.

If you would like more information or to donate, please contact Director of External Relations Veronica Alexander at


Anne-Therese Ageson BA ‘67 and John Hadreas BA ‘77 Mildred Alvarez MSW ‘79 and Walter Alvarez Lucy Ascoli MSW ‘72 and Peter Ascoli PhD ‘71 Michael Austin BA ‘64, MSW ‘66 Claude Unselt Babcock BA ‘52, MSW ‘80 Richard Barth MSW ‘79, DSW ‘82 and Nancy Dickinson Anne Benker BA ‘05 and George Benker MSW ‘89 Benjamin Berres Jill Duerr Berrick MSW ‘87, PhD ‘90 and Kenneth Berrick Clara Berridge PhD ‘14 Douglas Brooks Madeline Burnell MSW ‘84 and A. John Burnell Scott Carney MSW ‘98 and Laurie Carney Janelle Cavanagh MSW ‘96 and Dominic Walshe Susana Chan Fong BA ‘85, MSW ‘88 Heidi Chu BA ‘04 Sabina Crocette BA ‘91 Diana Dea Crook BA ‘70 and Peter Crook BA ‘70 Lynn Jones Crook BA ‘68, C.Esing ‘69 and Christopher Crook BA ‘68, JD ‘71 Kathleen Day-Seiter MSW ‘86 and Thomas Seiter Ruth Dunkle Jeffrey Edleson BA ‘74 and Sudha Shetty Leslee Feinstein BA ‘71 and Wayne Feinstein Norma Fong BA ‘75, MSW ‘79 Michael Frazier BA ‘94 and Shelley Smith Phyllis Koshland Friedman BA ‘44, MSW ‘71 Eileen Gambrill and Gail Bigelow MSW ‘87 Jewelle Taylor Gibbs MSW ‘70, MA ‘76, PhD ‘80 and James Gibbs Jr. Marissa Kalan Gillette BA ‘03 and Matthew Gillette BS ‘03 Shaaron Gilson Nancy Giunta MSW ‘02, PhD ‘07 Mary Ann Hamamura-Clark BA ‘68 and William Clark Cynthia Hecker C.EPP ‘05, MSW ‘05 and Peter Hecker JD ‘73 Virginia Hernandez Ernest Hirose MSW ‘59 and Sylvia Hirose Art Hom BA ‘69, MSW ‘72 and Edna Hom Randolph Hudson MSW ‘01 Sung-Dong Hwang PhD ‘91 and Jung-Wha Hwang Kristen Ikenberg and Daniel Ikenberg


David Kears BA ‘68, MSW ‘70 and Muriel Kears Ralph Kramer BA ‘42, Cred/Cert ‘43, MSW ‘46, DSW ‘64 Darrick Lam MSW ‘90 William Langelier Seymour Lapporte Stephen Paul Lazzareschi Jr. and Linda Lazzareschi BA ‘79 Carrie Graham Lee MSW ‘96, MPH ‘97 and John Lee BA ‘90 Laura Liesem MSW ‘09 Linda and Paul Liesem Anna Lynch MSW ‘16 Jack Maslow MSW ‘68 Mary Ann Mason and Paul Ekman Barbara McCann BA ‘74 Ransford McCourt MS ‘79 and Kathy McCourt Valerie McFarlane-Smyth BA ‘87 and Edward Smyth Ursula Moore BA ‘42, Cred/Cert ‘44, MSW ‘49 Lorena Naseyowma MSW ‘83 Abigail Nichols DSW ‘77 Kurt and Pamela Organista Ramon Rodriguez MSW ‘84 Jessica Romm BA ‘65 Sarah Rowen MSW ‘86, C.EPP ‘87 and Lawrence Rowen Raquel Ruiz Cred/Cert ‘78, MSW ‘78 and Stephen Haber William Runyan Mildred Sheehan Luis Shein MA ‘72 and Miriam Shein Alan Sherman MA ‘85, MSW ‘90 and Kimberly Sherman Gail Splaver MPH ‘80, DSW ‘84 Charles Springfield MSW ‘72 Susan Jennings Stangeland BA ‘62, MSW ‘68 and Bruce Stangeland PhD ‘67 Heidi Stein MSW ‘13 Norma Stein P ‘10 and Arthur Stein P ‘10 Susan Chu Sung BA ‘69, MSW ‘72, DSW ‘77 and Oscar Sung BArch ‘69, MCP ‘72 Grace Telcs MSW ‘05 and Scott Siera PhD ‘08, JD ‘11 Lindsey Whiteway Anne Wilson MSW ‘79 and Richard Cohn Beclee Newcomer Wilson MSW ‘90, P ‘89 and John Wilson Lina Woo BA ‘79


$25,000 to $99,999

Catherine Hutto Gordon BA ‘73 and Daniel Baker Marguerite Leach Johnson BA ‘60 and S. Allan Johnson BS ‘59, MBA ‘69 Beclee Newcomer Wilson MSW ‘90 and John Wilson

$100,000 to $999,999 Jeanette Close-Cibull BA ‘54, MSW ‘69 and Robert Cibull BS ‘54, MOpt. ‘57 Phyllis Koshland Friedman BA ‘44, MSW ‘71 Kristen and Daniel Ikenberg Diane Scarritt MSW ‘73 Tony Tripodi BA ‘54, MSW ‘58 William Zellerbach

$25,000 to $99,999 Jean Allgeyer MSW ‘51 Sandra Auerback BA ‘67 Barbara Bradner Cornet BA ‘67, MSW ‘85, MPH ‘86 Diana Dea Crook BA ‘70 and Peter Crook BA ‘70 Lynn Jones Crook BA ‘68, C.Esing ‘69 and Christopher S. Crook BA ‘68, JD ‘71 Rudolf Greulich MSW ‘67 Ralph Kramer BA ‘42, Cred/Cert ‘43, MSW ‘46, DSW ‘64 Gyongy Laky BA ‘70, MA ‘71 and Thomas Layton James and Khadija Midgley Leona Wong Miu BA ‘54 Jonathan Pannor BA ‘84, MSW ‘87 Toni and Arthur Rock Alan Sherman MA ‘85, MSW ‘90 and Kimberly Sherman Kathryn Stenberg Renee Winge MSW ‘85 Anne-Therese Ageson BA ‘67 and John Hadreas BA ‘77 Michael Austin BA ‘64, MSW ‘66 James Bancroft BA ‘40, MS ‘41 Richard Barth MSW ‘79, DSW. ‘82 and Nancy Dickinson Jill Duerr Berrick MSW ‘87, PhD ‘90 and Kenneth Berrick Robert Birgeneau and Mary Catherine Birgeneau Venetta Campbell BA ‘78, MSW ‘80 and Antonio Campbell BA ‘82 Julian Chow and Kitty Ho

Jeffrey Edleson BA ‘74 and Sudha Shetty Leslee Feinstein BA ‘71 and Wayne Feinstein Wilmer Fong BA ‘49 Michael Frazier BA ‘94 and Shelley Smith Eileen Gambrill and Gail Bigelow MSW ‘87 Shaaron Gilson Harry and Ann Gin Meridith Greenbaum MSW ‘99 and Doron Greenbaum Cynthia Hecker C.EPP ‘05, MSW ‘05 and Peter Hecker JD ‘73 Art Hom BA ‘69, MSW ‘72 and Edna Hom Patricia Levy BA ‘52 Linda and Paul Liesem Virginia Lindberg BA ‘38, Cred/Cert ‘39, MSW ‘59 and John Lindberg BS ‘38, Cred/Cert ‘39, MSW ‘55

$10,000 to $24,999 Kent Macdonald BA ‘75, MArch ‘83 Mary Ann Mason and Paul Ekman Lorraine Midanik and Stephen Blum MA ‘69, PhD ‘73 Aron Murai BS ‘57 Abigail Nichols DSW ‘77 Luella Noles and Jeung Hyun Phyllis Johnson O’Shea BA ‘49 Catharine Ralph Cred/Cert ‘77, MSW ‘77 and Norbert Ralph BA ‘69, MPH ‘80 Andrew Scharlach BA ‘72 and Ilene Conison Scharlach BA ‘71, MA ‘73, C.EPP ‘74, PhD ‘79 Mildred Sheehan Irene Solis Eliot Specht BA ‘81 Susan Jennings Stangeland BA ‘62, MSW ‘68 and Bruce Stangeland PhD ‘67 Nadine Tang MSW ‘75 and Bruce Smith BA ‘68 Patricia Patterson Williams BA ‘66, MSW ‘93 and Raymond Williams BS ‘66 Note: This list des not include donors who joined the Haviland Society through a realized bequest.

GIVING at a GLANCE total giving:


Berkeley Social Welfare gratefully acknowledges the Haviland Society, a group of especially generous individual donors whose commitment to the School of Social Welfare, its students and faculty will be felt for years to come. Individuals who join the Haviland Society have pledged or given $10,000 or more over their lifetime as of December 2018.

546 162 number of gifts

number of new donors


SUPERPOWERS O F H AVIL AND HALL WHAT’S YOUR SUPERPOWER? Falling and staying asleep anywhere. Like, literally anywhere

Converting tragedy to comedy at world record speed


Worth It

5th Harmony

GREG MERRILL Director of Field Education

I’ll be Loving You Always Stevie Wonder

ERIN KERRISON Assistant Professor

Mind reading

Don’t Stop Believing Journey

WENDY WIEGMANN Project Director, California Child Welfare Indicators Project

(CCWIP) 38


Deciphering the language of babies

Imagine John Lennon

JILL DUERR BERRICK Zellerbach Family Foundation Professo



We polled faculty, lecturers, and researchers on their superpowers and favorite karaoke songs because it’s important. Some of our favorite results can be found below.

Maximizing travel bookings with points and miles

Cheering at softball games

Cat whisperer

Sweet Child of Mine Guns and Roses when in English & Tu Carcel Los Bukis when in Spanish

Touch Me in the Morning

Sixteen Tons

ADRIAN AGUILERA Associate Professor

Diana Ross

CHRISTINA FELICIANA Field Consultant, Lecturer and Title IV-E Project Coordinator

Tennessee Ernie Ford


Berkeley Social Welfare 120 Haviland Hall, #7400 University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-7400

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