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The Cook & Chef Institute Foundation undertakes to comply with the legal regime related to the economic management and activity of the Foundation, as well as to comply with the legally established obligations regarding the action, accounting and auditing plan established in Law 50/2002, of 26th December, on Foundations and their Regulations; and Law 49/2002, of 23rd December, on the Tax Regime of Non-Profit Entities and Tax Incentives for Patronage and its Regulations. On this basis:

The Cook & Chef Institute Foundation keeps orderly accounts which are appropriate to its activity, allowing the operations carried out to be followed chronologically. For this purpose, it has a journal, an inventory ledger and annual accounts comprising the balance sheet, the profit and loss account and the notes to the financial statements.


There is an obligation to have the annual accounts externally audited. Where business activities are carried out, the accounts shall be kept in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Code and the assets and liabilities assigned to the business activities shall be disclosed in the notes to the accounts.

The annual accounts and the action plan, reflecting the objectives and activities to be carried out during the following financial year, shall be communicated to the Sole Protectorate of Foundations of State Competence.

In light of the above:

The organisation’s records must be complete, orderly and easily understandable.

In cases where documentation or instructions have accounting relevance, they must be supported by complete and correct documentation and recorded in legally established books

The accounting records and related documents should fully and accurately reflect all business transactions and should give a true and accurate view of the Foundation’s records.

Grants shall be justified through the submission of the corresponding supporting documents relating to the expenses and payments made in the execution of the programmes and actions subject to the agreement being referred to. The obligations required of the beneficiary entities in the terms and conditions of each grant shall be complied with at all times.

Individuals employed by the Foundation who are required to submit economic and financial information for the annual accounts and financial reports shall be responsible for ensuring that this information is complete and correct.

All staff are obliged to cooperate and provide the Foundation’s financial, accounting and tax information when required to do so by external audits, courts or tribunals, whenever requested to do so as part of a judicial or administrative procedure initiated for this purpose.

Employees who receive instructions on financial or accounting matters and have doubts about their compliance or believe that they may constitute a criminal liability for the Foundation should immediately notify the Legal Department.

The Cook & Chef Institute Foundation considers it a priority that the working conditions of our team are fair, equal, based on respect and free from discrimination on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religious beliefs, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.

In particular, in its actions, the Cook&Chef Institute Foundation defends and implements the principle of equal opportunities between men and women, seeking to overcome the gender biases which may lead to discrimination and rejecting all forms of direct and indirect discrimination.

In this sense, we believe that a work team based on equality and respect, without any discrimination of its members, will produce better and higher quality results, with a favourable impact on the health of the workforce.

To this end, the Foundation carries out actions to protect against and prevent discrimination and harassment of any employee, both in the workplace and in contact with external parties.


We consider the protection of the physical or moral integrity of the people attended to in any of our centres and/or programmes to be a priority. For this reason, the Foundation forbids any legal and professional conduct which could result in injury to or degrading treatment of the people it cares for. In order to avoid these situations and to intervene in the event of their occurrence, the organisation has established the appropriate means of prevention and control among its staff.

In this regard, our team must comply with all applicable laws relating to the protection of the individual, especially children or persons who are in a situation of dependency due to their age or physical or mental illness.

Employees who have any doubts in this respect should contact the Legal Department for clarification or interpretation of the applicable regulations.

Environmental Protection

The Foundation gives first priority to the preservation of the environment by promoting measures which combat climate change and respect biodiversity.

The Foundation ensures the protection of the environment, complying with current legislation and the internal rules of the organisation.

The Foundation works with its suppliers to ensure that they have preventive and corrective measures in place to promote environmental responsibility and sustainability, with effective systems to identify, control and address the environmental impacts of the activities.

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