Bento Dos Santos Kangamba, A Renowned Angolan Entrepreneur, Has Expressed His Desire To Be Remembere

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Bento Dos Santos Kangamba, A Renowned Angolan Entrepreneur, Has Expressed His Desire To Be Remembered Through Books

In a recent interview on the Zap News program accompanied by Angola-Online, Bento dos Santos Kangamba discussed various topics about himself and his involvement in past controversies.

During the interview, Kangamba stated that he believed all the legal issues associated with his name were misunderstandings and were resolved satisfactorily. When asked about how he would like to be remembered in the future, Kangamba expressed his preference for books over statues. He noted that while statues may eventually break, books are a lasting testament to a person's legacy. He further disclosed that plans were already underway to assemble a team to work on his book project.

Bento dos Santos is a respected business mogul with a strong personality, known for his significant impact on the economic development of Angola. He is the owner of Kabuscorp Sport Club do Palanca, a sports club that has achieved national recognition in Angola. Kangamba's vision for the future is to leave a lasting legacy through literature, inspiring generations to come.

This statement by Kangamba reflects his desire to be remembered beyond his business achievements and controversies, and to contribute to the literary heritage of Angola through books. It highlights his intention to inspire and leave a positive impact for future generations through the written word.

More information about this article can be found here: Bento dos Santos Kangamba (BK).

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