Magick 101

Page 277

The Hebrew letter "Tzaddi" (symbolising the phoneme of soft C) was meant to symbolise a fish-hook. The Egyptian hieroglyph of the fish-hook was a two-legged, upside-down Ankh, that is, a five-pointed figure with a loop for one point. This Atu aligned with the zodiac sign Aquarius, significant also of the water element.

The Star Atu of the Golden Dawn Tarot deck shows seven smaller, eight-point stars around a single larger one. Below these sits a bird in a tree in the distance behind a blonde woman pouring water from two small jars, one onto water and one onto land. She kneals with one foot on the surface of the pond. Due to a peculiar quote from an Egyptian stele transposed by Aleister Crowley, he made much fuss in arrangeing his system of Tarot trumps so as to render the "Star" Atu subjective epistemologically, yet seems to have forgotten the entirety of the modern Hebrew alephbet is no more so set in stone than his juxtaposition of "Tzaddi" for "Cheth." The image is of a bathing blue woman pouring two cups. Beyond the horizon is a planet with a 7-point pole below a star with 7-points.

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