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cars are guided out automatically by remote-control and soldiers unload the confused occupants. They are taken through a barbed-wire turnstile into an enourmous hangar-bay. At the platform a terrible laser-beam, appearing to come from the sky above the descending ship, fries the people who are on the descending elevator out around as far as where the purple flame had arisen. At the hangar-bay, a terrible laser-beam, apparently from the sky above the camp, fries the people inside the camp. Those who escape down the elevator shaft from the platform, and those who have already been processed through the hangar-bay, find themselves in a strange, huge, underground military installation. Those who survive on the surface can only seek shelter as the alien invasion continues. To those in the underground bases, they find all the ammenities of home, including private quarters with beds and tv sets that are broadcasting news "from the surface" about the on-going alien invasion. To those who survive on the surface, they roam in tribes with whatever weapons they can gather. They are attacked and strafed by the saucer-shaped ships and by the military jets alike. The month of January, 2013. As the alien invasion continues for weeks, it becomes apparent to the survivors above ground there never were any real aliens. Some groups find saucer-shaped ships to actually only be advanced US military jets using a cloaking device. From time to time laser-beams from the sky continue to demolish larger cities. For those surviving in underground bases, they soon find the president has escaped into the underground as well. He announces that he was "shocked" to discover the development of these underground bases when he came to office, and reveals they were originally built as bomb-shelters during the cold war. As the weeks continue, the television continues to bring news from above ground that the aliens have taken over the majority of the surface. The month of February, 2013. The survivors above ground are shocked to see the day-star, Apophis, has not only diminshed in size, but has almost disappeared into the night sky. Small pockets of resistance begin to form, track the bomber-planes to the underground shelters, which also use a cloaking device to appear as abandoned FEMA camps, and begin to bomb them. Below ground, in a terrifying "alien raid," Obama makes the decision to nuke his own location, as well as that of the remaining US political leaders. Left under military control, the survivors' lives in the underground bases is reduced to a prison. Trains connect the underground bases all around the world. The citizens are ocassionally rushed from one to another to avoid a similar "alien raid." Otherwise, they remain confined to quarters.

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